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In the name of Allah, the loving and merciful. The greatest gratitude goes to Allah
SWT, for his blessing so that I could finish writing this assignment. I would like to give
my gratitude, respect, and appreciation to all people whose support, advice, and help
gave me a great spirit to finish this assignment:

 Our beloved family,

 All ourfriends and lecturer, always give spirit for doing this assignment.

For those people above and those I cannot mention their names, may Allah bless and
reward them. Finally, this assignment is not the perfect one but I hope it would be
benefical to those who interested in this field of study.




CHAPTER I...............................................................................................................................2


A. Background Of Study.......................................................................................................2

B. Problame Formula............................................................................................................3

C. Direction...........................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER II EXPLANATION................................................................................................4

A. The Definition Of Culture...............................................................................................4

B. Concept Of Culture..........................................................................................................5

C. The Elements Of Culture..............................................................................................6

D. Cultural Function...........................................................................................................6

CHAPTER III CLOSING.........................................................................................................7





A. Background Of Study
Culture is the holistic combination of learned and shared beliefs, values, and
practices that create cohesion in a group and is the core concept within which
anthropologists work. It is dynamic, evolving based on the needs of the people
within it and as one culture comes into contact with another. A culture represents the
beliefs and practices of a group, while society represents the people who share those
beliefs and practices. Neither society nor culture could exist without the other.

Edward B. Tylor coined the term in 1871 calling it, "that complex whole which
includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and
habits acquired by man as a member of society." Today's definition has expanded to
include women and various nuances that lead to multiple definitions of culture with
some centrally unifying principles.

B. Problame Formula
 What is The Issue In CCU Between Indonesia And US ?

C. Direction
 To know more abpot the Issue In CCU Between Indonesia And US



A. The Issue In CCU VS Indonesia And US

Culture is creativity in the form of creativity and taste, while culture is the result of
the creation of taste, intention, and taste from Koentjaraningrat (1976: 28). Culture
is owned by every nation, therefore the culture of each nation is different from each
other. Even though sometimes there are good similarities family and race. As for the
discussion, how can we create a positive impression from people with different
cultures from ours, of course we must first understand their culture so that there is
no cultural clash between our culture and theirs. A person's standard is his own
culture. The more other people's culture, behavior, language, and beliefs deviate
from it, the more they are labeled "other". This affects the understanding of the
message and can lead to hostility.
If Indonesians go to the US and vice versa if US people go to Indonesia, when they
do not have a cultural understanding of the place they are visiting, it is feared that
there will be misunderstandings between the two different cultures. The following
are examples of cultural differences between the US and Indonesia:

- The Americans use eye contact and handshaking in their introduction with all
people. They assume that eye contact is the polite side if talking to someone.
Besides that when shaking hands, they shake firmly and briefly. They do not like
making the prolonged handshaking.
Different from Indonesians, in introductions, they have some styles of
handshaking and eye contact. It depends of the age and the gender. If someone
meet another one who same gendre and age, make handshaking and eye contact
is common and polite. Different way if a man wants to know a girl, he has to
care full, because there is a girl who doesn’t do handshaking. It based on the
religion. Eye contact doesn’t need if they are talking to elder people whom they
have to kiss the elders’ hands. It is impolite in Indonesia. Talking about using of
titles in introductions.

- In America using the title in the name is based on the status or age. The people
of lower status and age have to call Mr, Prof, Dr, or Mdm with the second, last
or the family name. In out of the office or classroom, they prefer to call their
professor with the nick name or the first name. It is commonly in informal
It is very different from Indonesia. Either formal or informal situations the
students must call their teacher with the title. It is so impolite if they call their
teacher’s name without title Mr or Mdm. Small talk in Americans’ intoductions
are about the general informations. It is like asking “What do you do?”, “Are
you a student in here?”, and exactra. It is impolite and not customary if asking
about personal identity, such as “Are you single?” or “Have you have a
The Indonesians do the opposite of those. They always give personal questions
after introduction. The questions contain asking about statue, address, until
number of mobile phone. It is very common.
- In aditional, the Americans always greet each other (although they do not know
each other) at a glance even make us feel have a fellow human being. Say hello,
chat briefly about the weather or the child is still the custom in the middle of the
more individualistic American society. The Indonesians never done something
like that because of another reasons. The first is because they do not now each
other. The second is because of arroganisme attitude. The last is because just
that the Indonesian’s culture.
- One of the most significant differences between American and Indonesian
culture is individualism. Americans tend to be very individualistic, whereas
Indonesians tend to be group and family-based oriented. Most American adults
leave their homes and want to be independent when they turn 18, whereas so
many Indonesians live with their parents even after they have married and have
kids. Indonesian families stick together to ensure each member of the family
internalizes the same values.







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