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Rfe 2021

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Request for Empanelment of System

Integrators for Implementation of Electronic
Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas

RFE Reference –IHMCL/ETC/Empanelment/2021/01

Indian Highways Management Company Limited (IHMCL)

G – 5 & 6, NHAI HQ, Sector 10, Dwarka

Date: 28 October 2021

RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas


1. NOTICE INVITING APPLICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 2

2. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATION .................................................................................................... 4

3. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS ........................................................................................................ 7

4. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ............................................................................................................ 20

5. SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................................................. 21

6. FORMS AND ANNEXURES ................................................................................................................ 38

7. TOLL PLAZA EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................... 53


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RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas


1.1. Applications/Bids are invited by the Indian Highways Management Company Limited (IHMCL)
for the empanelment of System Integrator(s) for the implementation of Electronic Toll
Collection (ETC) System at Toll Plazas.

1.2. All eligible applicants are invited to participate in the empanelment process through this RFE.
This empanelment process shall supersede all previous empanelment of System
Integrator(s) by IHMCL. The existing empanelment of System Integrators shall remain
valid up to maximum 02 months from the date release of this RFE document. Therefore,
all interested existing empanelled system integrators are also required to participate in
this empanelment process.

1.3. The RFE document may be downloaded from https://rfesi-ihmcl.co.in (“RFE portal”) as
available on IHMCL website. The Applications shall be summarily rejected if not accompanied
by the requisite documents as indicated in this RFE document and RFE Portal. IHMCL shall
not be responsible for any technical glitches in submission of application on the portal. A brief
description on submission of Application and process is provided at Section 8 of this RFE,
which shall be updated from tine to time on the RFE Portal.

1.4. The process of Application for empanelment of the System Integrator shall be as per process
defined below:

a) Eligibility and qualification of the Applicant will be examined based on the details submitted
under Eligibility Criteria prescribed in this RFE document.
b) Applicants shall apply for empanelment by submitting the requisite documents in form of
bids as per Eligibility Criteria prescribed in this RFE document.
c) The Evaluation Committee shall open and evaluate the requisite documents.
d) Post evaluation of requisite document, IHMCL shall publish/update the list of empanelled
System Integrators (SI).
e) ONLY empanelled SIs shall be eligible for participating in subsequent limited
tenders/request for Quotations issued by IHMCL for selection of System Integrator for the
Implementation of ETC system and providing ETC O&M services at toll plazas.

1.5. IHMCL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Applications for the project before
issuance of letter for shortlisted/Empanelled System Integrator without thereby incurring any
financial or other liability to the affected Applicants.

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1.6. All official communication regarding this Application to be addressed to:

Chief Operating Officer

Indian Highways Management Company Limited
G 5 & 6, First Floor, National Highways Authority of India Building, Sector 10, Dwarka
New Delhi 110 075
Email - tenders@ihmcl.com
Link for submission of Applications - https://rfesi-ihmcl.co.in

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In this document, the following terms shall have respective meanings as mentioned below:

a) “Applicable Law” shall mean the laws, rules or regulations and any other instruments,
having the force of law in Republic of India, as in force from time to time.

b) “Authorized Representative” means any person/agency authorized by IHMCL.

c) “Applicant/Bidding Entity” means, an entity/company which participates in the Bid process

and submits its proposal/bid pursuant to this RFE document, including the Sole Applicant
and each member of the Consortium.

d) “Application/Bid” means the documents submitted by the Applicant in response to this RFE.

e) “Commencement date” means the date upon which the Service Provider receives the
notice to commence the work issued by IHMCL.

f) “Contract” shall mean & include RFE, Notice for Inviting Tender (NIT), the tender
documents and letter of acceptance thereof and the formal agreement, to be executed
between IHMCL and the Service Provider together with the complete documents referred
to therein including the conditions with appendices and any special conditions, the
specifications, designs, drawings, bill of quantities with rates and amounts. All these
documents taken together shall be deemed to form one Contract and shall be
complementary to each other

g) “IHMCL” means Indian Highways Management Company Ltd.

h) “Law" or "Legislation" - shall mean any Act, notification, by law, rules and regulations,
directive, ordinance, order or instruction having the force of law enacted or issued by the
Government of India or State Government or regulatory authority.

i) “Letter of Award (LOA)” means the issue of a signed letter by IHMCL to Service Provider
conveying its intention to accept the offer of Service Provider and awarding the work
mentioning the total Contract Value.

j) "Local Currency" means the Indian Rupees

k) “MoRTH” means Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

l) “NHAI” means National Highways Authority of India.

m) “Party” shall mean IHMCL or Applicant individually and “Parties” shall mean IHMCL and
Applicant collectively.

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n) "Personnel" means persons hired by the Service Provider as employees and assigned to
the performance of the Services or any part thereof.

o) “RFE” shall mean this Request for Empanelment dated 28-10-2021, including the written
clarifications & Corrigendum/Addendum issued by IHMCL in respect of the RFE from time
to time.

p) “Services” means requirements defined in this RFE including all additional services
associated thereto to be delivered by the Successful Applicant selected through
subsequent limited tenders issued by IHMCL.

q) “Service Provider” shall mean the empanelled System Integrator who have engaged to
implement ETC system and provide O&M services at toll plazas

r) “Empanelled Applicants” means the Applicant(s), who, after the complete evaluation
process, has been empanelled by IHMCL.

“Any other term(s), not defined herein above but defined elsewhere in this RFE document shall
have the meaning(s) ascribed to such term(s) therein and shall be deemed to have been included
in this Section.

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2.1. Abbreviations

ALB : Automatic Lane Exit Barrier

AVC : Automatic Vehicle Classifier
CCTV : Closed Circuit Television
NVR : Network Video Recorder
ETC : Electronic Toll Collection
ICD : Interface Control Document (specifications by IHMCL)
IHMCL : Indian Highways Management Company Limited
ISCU : Intercom Slave Communication Unit
LC : Lane Computer-Industrial PC
LGD : Load Gauge Detector
LoA : Letter of Award
LSDU : Lane Status Display Unit
MCBF : Mean Cycle Between Failures
MCU : Master Communication Unit
MLB : Manual Lane Entry Barrier
MTBF : Mean Time Between Failures
MTTR : Mean Time to Repair
NETC : National Electronic Toll Collection programme
NHAI : National Highways Authority of India
OHLS : Over Head Lane Sign
POS : Point of Sales
RAID : Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RFID : Radio Frequency Identification
RFE : Request for Empanelment
RPR : Receipt Printer
SFTP : Secure File Transfer Protocol
SI : System Integrators
Staff Id : Staff Identification
TCD : Toll Collector Display
TCT : Toll Collector's Terminal
TL : Traffic Light
TLC : Toll Lane Controller
UPS : Uninterrupted Power Supply

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3.1. Scope of Bid

3.1.1. IHMCL invites applications/bids from eligible entities having the requisite technical and
financial capabilities.

3.1.2. The Bids would be evaluated on the basis of the evaluation criteria set out in this Request
for Empanelment (RFE) document in order to identify the qualified System Integrators for
providing the services envisaged under this RFE.

3.1.3. Terms used in this RFE document which have not been defined herein shall have the
meaning recognized thereto in the draft Contract Conditions.

3.1.4. Pursuant to the release of this RFE document, IHMCL shall receive bids, prepared and
submitted in accordance with the terms set forth in this RFE document and other documents
provided by IHMCL pursuant to this RFE document including annexure/ Appendix hereto
(collectively referred to as the "Bid Documents"), as modified, altered, amended and
clarified from time to time by IHMCL.

3.1.5. This RFE document and all attached documents are and shall remain the property of IHMCL
and are transmitted to the Applicants solely for the purpose of preparation and the
submission of their respective bids in accordance herewith. Applicants shall not use it for
any purpose other than for preparation and submission of their bids.

3.1.6. The statements and explanations contained in this RFE document are intended to provide
an understanding to the Applicants about the subject matter of this RFE document and shall
not be construed or interpreted as limiting, in any way or manner whatsoever, the scope of
services, work and obligations of the Service Provider to be set forth in the RFE or IHMCL
right to amend, alter, change, supplement or clarify the scope of service and work, the
Contract conditions to be awarded pursuant to the RFE document including the terms
thereof, and this RFE document including terms herein contained. Consequently, any
omissions, conflicts or contradictions in the Bid document are to be noted, interpreted and
applied appropriately to give effect to this intent and no claim on that account shall be
entertained by IHMCL.

3.1.7. Applicants may note that IHMCL will not entertain any material deviations from the RFE
document at the time of submission of the Proposal or thereafter. The Proposal to be
submitted by the Applicants will be unconditional and the Applicants would be deemed to
have accepted the terms and conditions of the RFE document with all its contents. Any
conditional Proposal is liable for outright rejection.

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3.1.8. Conditional or incomplete proposals are liable to be treated as non-responsive and,

therefore may be rejected at the sole discretion of IHMCL

3.2. Eligibility Criteria/Eligibility to Apply

3.2.1. The eligibility/pre-qualification criteria for the Applicant shall be as listed in the table below.

SI # Requirement Eligibility Criteria Documentary Evidence

The Applicant can be either For Sole Applicant or the Lead
PQ-1 Legal entity
a) A business entity (“Sole Applicant”) Applicant and each Member of
incorporated under the Companies Act Consortium:
1956/2013 or Limited Liability Partnerships a) Copy of Certificate of
Act 2008. Incorporation / Registration
OR, under Companies Act,
b) A Consortium of business entities 1956/2013 or LLP Act 2008,
(“Consortium”), where each Member of the as applicable
Consortium shall be incorporated under b) Power of Attorney as per
the Companies Act 1956/2013 or Limited format enclosed at Annexure-
Liability Partnerships Act 2008, subject to 3 and Annexure-4
following points: c) In case of a Consortium,
i. members of the Consortium shall Memorandum of
nominate one member as the lead Understanding (MoU), as per
member (the “Lead Member”), who the format enclosed at
shall be responsible for all interactions Annexure-5
with IHMCL. d) GST Registration Certificate
ii. maximum number of members in the
Consortium shall be two (2), including
the Lead Member;
iii. the members in the Consortium shall
be jointly and severally liable;
iv. The Partners/ members of the
Consortium shall nominate one
Partner/ member to (a) lead the JV or
consortium as a lead Applicant and
also represent the partners/ members
jointly. The lead partner/ member shall
nominate an authorized signatory from
within the firm. The nomination(s) shall
be supported by a Power of Attorney
signed by all the members of the
v. Such authorized signatory shall be a
Director/ Partner/ Office bearer of the
entity, and his/ her power to sign
documents for and on behalf of the
entity shall be illustrated by a copy of

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SI # Requirement Eligibility Criteria Documentary Evidence

the Board resolution/ general Body
meeting that authorizes him or her to
do so, attested by the Company
Secretary or such other signatory
recognized in law. If such signatory is
not such an Office bearer, an office
bearer shall extend a Power of
Attorney to such signatory, along with
the copy of the Board resolution that
authorizes the office bearer to issue
such a Power of Attorney.
vi. any entity who has submitted Proposal
for this RFE in its individual capacity or
as part of a Consortium cannot
participate as a member of any other
vii. The members of the Consortium shall
enter into a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) for the purpose
of submission of the Proposal.
The Sole Applicant / all members in case of a
Consortium should be registered with GST in
a) The Sole Applicant or any member of the For Sole Applicant or the Lead
PQ-2 Annual
Consortium, individually or combined (in Applicant and each Member of
case of Consortium) should have an Consortium (including Startup
average annual turnover of minimum Rs. entity, if any):
40 crores during the three (03) financial
a) Relevant extracts of audited
years, i.e. FY 2017-18, FY 2018-19 and
financial statements for the
FY 2019-20
three financial years FY
2017-18, FY 2018-19 and FY
b) Relaxation for Startup – In case, the
Applicant (Sole Applicant or any member
of the Consortium, as applicable) is a
Startup registered with Department for
b) Certificate from the Statutory
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
Auditor/CA on turnover
(DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce &
details over the three (3)
Industry, GoI, the above criteria (a) shall
financial years FY 2017-18,
be relaxed such that the Applicant shall
FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20
be required to have average turnover of
as per format enclosed at
minimum Rs. 10 crores during the three
(03) financial years, i.e. FY 2017-18, FY
2018-19 and FY 2019-20.
In case of Startup entity
registered under DPIIT:

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SI # Requirement Eligibility Criteria Documentary Evidence

Important - For the purpose of this criterion,
annual turnover of only the bidding entity will be c) Valid certificate along with
considered. Annual turnover of any parent, registration ID issued by
subsidiary, associated or other related entity will DPIIT as documentary
not be considered. evidence shall have to be

The Sole Applicant or each member, in case of a For Sole Applicant or the Lead
PQ-3 Net Worth
Consortium must have positive Net worth in Applicant and all other
Indian Rupees as on 31 March 2020. Members of Consortium:

Important - For the purpose of this criterion, net- Certificate from the Statutory
worth of only the bidding entity will be Auditor /CA clearly specifying the
considered. Net-Worth of any parent, subsidiary, positive net worth of the firm as
associated or other related entity will not be on 31 March 2020 as per format
considered. enclosed at Annexure-2
The Sole Applicant or Lead Member in case For Sole Applicant or the Lead
PQ-4 Toll
of a Consortium should have developed its Applicant of Consortium:
proprietary own TMS software having “real-
time transaction processing” functionality a) A Certificate from Authorized
as on date of submission of Application. All IPR, Signatory of the Applicant as
source code etc. of the TMS should be owned per the format enclosed at
by the Sole Applicant or Lead Member in case Annexure-6
of a Consortium, as applicable.
For the purpose of evaluation, “real-time
transaction processing” shall mean as below – b) Brief write up on the TMS
 For projects under NETC (FASTag) with Screenshots of all
programme in India – Compliance to modules such as Lane
Interface Control Document (ICD) 2.5 or Application module, Plaza
latest specifications as set out by Module, etc.
IHMCL/NHAI with at least one NH toll plaza
Live with ICD 2.5 specification as on date of AND
submission of Application.
OR, c) Proof of “real-time
 For any other ETC projects (other than transaction processing”
FASTag programme) – The capability of functionality as below -
the TMS system to complete end-to-end - For FASTag programme –
process of reading/identification of an On- Proof of confirmation from
board Unit (OBU) or RFID tag at a toll plaza respective Acquirer Bank for
or a tolled stretch to sharing of Go-Live at any toll plaza on
acknowledgement/deduction of the ICD 2.5 or latest specs,
applicable toll amount/fee from the bank Or

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SI # Requirement Eligibility Criteria Documentary Evidence

account/wallet linked to the OBU or RFID - For any ETC project (other
tag, on a real-time basis. than FASTag programme) –
A certificate from client
stating the real time
transaction processing
a) The Sole Applicant or any Member(s) of the For Sole Applicant or the Lead
Consortium individually or combined (in Applicant and all other
case of Consortium) should have been Members of Consortium
awarded and implemented ETC projects in (including Startup entity, if
India for commercial operations during last any):
05 years as on the date of submission of a) Work order/ Contract clearly
Application. highlighting the relevant
For the purpose of criterion, ETC project scope of work, and contract
experience shall mean project experience value, year of execution.
for at least 100 ETC Lanes or 10 toll plazas
including supply, installation, and
b) Completion Certificate issued
commissioning and Operations &
& signed by the competent
Maintenance of following minimum
authority of the client on the
equipment/system -
entity’s letterhead
 Toll Management Software
 RFID reader OR,
 Toll Lane Controller b) Self-certificate from the
 Automatic Vehicle Classifier Applicant signed by
authorized signatory for this
 License Plate Image Capture
bid holding written special
power of attorney on stamp
 Incident Capture camera
paper along with the official
 Automatic Boom Barrier
contact details of the
The project(s) should have been either
competent authority of the
completed or ongoing. For an ongoing
client. The format of the self-
project the completion certificate by client/
certificate is enclosed at

b) Relaxation for Startup – In case, the IHMCL reserves the right to

Applicant (Sole Applicant or any member of contact the afore-mentioned
the Consortium, as applicable) is a Startup Competent Authority
registered with Department for Promotion of
Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry
of Commerce & Industry, GoI, the above
criteria (a) shall be, relaxed such that ETC
project experience shall mean project
experience for at least 50 ETC Lanes or 5
toll plazas.
Rest criteria in (a) shall remain same.

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SI # Requirement Eligibility Criteria Documentary Evidence

The Sole Applicant or the Lead Member, in case For Sole Applicant or the Lead
PQ-6 Certification
of a Consortium, should have a valid certificate Applicant, in case of
of any ONE of the following: Consortium:
 CMMi Level 3 or above
 ISO 20000 for IT Service Management Valid copy of relevant certificate
 ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security
Management System
The Sole Applicant or all members of the To be provided as per format
PQ-7 Undertaking
Consortium, in case of a Consortium, should not enclosed at Annexure-1
have been blacklisted by any State / Central
Government Department or Central /State
PSUs in India or Abroad as on date of
submission of Application.
The Sole Applicant or Lead Member in case For Sole Applicant or the Lead
PQ-8 Undertaking
of a Consortium should undertake that it shall Applicant and all other
for system
carry out a system audit of its TMS software Members of Consortium:
audit of TMS
through STQC/CERT-in empanelled vendors at An undertaking in the Cover
least once in a year as per directions of IHMCL Letter.
from time to time.

3.3. Power of Attorney

The Applicant should submit a notarized Power of Attorney in the format provided at Annexure-
3 (for sole Applicant and all members of Applicant) and Annexure-4 (Lead Applicant) or Letter
of Authorization authorizing the signatory of the Bid to sign the Bid and all related documents.
It is clarified that Applicants may submit equivalent documents (for example, delegation of
power, board resolution copy), in lieu of this document, as applicable.

3.4. Content of the Request for Empanelment

3.4.1. The RFE document should be read in conjunction with any addenda or clarifications issued
subsequent to publication of RFE.

3.4.2. Applicants are advised to study the RFE document carefully. Submission of the Application
will be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of all instructions,
eligibility norms, terms and requirement specifications in the RFE document with full
understanding of its implications. Applications not complying with all the stipulations and
requirements as set forth in this RFE document are liable to be rejected at the sole
discretion of IHMCL. Failure to furnish all information required in the RFE document or

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submission of an application not substantially responsive to the RFE document in all

respects will be at the Applicant’s risk and may result in the rejection of the Application.

3.4.3. Cost for Bidding

The Applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the
Application and IHMCL will in no case, be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless
of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

3.4.4. Non-Refundable Document Fee

a) A non-refundable document fee of Rs. 10,000 (incl. GST) should be deposited in IHMCL
bank account and proof of payment (receipt, UTR details etc.) shall be submitted on the
Portal. Proposals/Application received without Document fees shall be rejected.
b) IHMCL bank account details for deposit of Document Fee are as mentioned below:
 A/c Holder Name = Indian Highways Management Company Limited
 Bank Name = Canara Bank
 A/c No. = 8598201006217
 IFSC = CNRB0008598
 Branch = Delhi NHAI Dwarka Branch New Delhi-110075
3.4.5. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

a) The Applicant shall submit, along with their Proposals/Applications, an EMD of INR
1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) in the form of a Demand Draft OR Bankers Cheque
or NEFT/RTGS mode to IHMCL Bank Account (Bank details as provided in Clause 3.4.4
b) Demand Draft/Banker cheque drawn on any schedule bank: Payable at Indian Highways
Management Company Limited, New Delhi
c) The Original Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque shall be submitted to IHMCL Office within 07
days from the date of application submission on the Portal. Any delay in submission of
Original Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque within specified time may lead to rejection to the
d) Upon completion of processing of Applications, the EMD will be returned/refunded without
any interest to respective Applicants within 30 days.
e) Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Earnest Money Deposit shall be rejected by
IHMCL as non-responsive

3.4.6. Clarifications

a) Applicants may submit their queries with respect to the RFE document at
tenders@ihmcl.com in the following format (in excel ONLY) as below:

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RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas

Name of Applicant: _______________________________________

Ref to RFP
Sl # (Clause, Original Clause of RFE Clarification Sought
Page no.)

b) IHMCL shall endeavour to respond to the questions raised or clarifications sought by the
Applicants. However, IHMCL reserves the right not to respond to any question or provide
any clarification, in its sole discretion, and nothing in this Clause shall be taken or read
as compelling or requiring IHMCL to respond to any question or to provide any
c) To facilitate evaluation of Applications, IHMCL may, at its sole discretion, seek
clarifications from any Applicant regarding its Application. Such clarification(s) shall be
provided within the time specified by IHMCL for this purpose. Any request for
clarification(s) and all clarification(s) in response thereto shall be in writing.

3.4.7. Save and except as provided in this RFE document, IHMCL shall not entertain any
correspondence with any Applicant in relation to acceptance or rejection of any Application.

3.4.8. Applications shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after the Applications
are opened and until such time IHMCL makes official intimation of qualification or
disqualification to the Applicants. While the Applications are under consideration,
Applicants and/ or their representatives or other interested parties are advised to refrain,
save and except as required under this RFE, from approaching or contacting through any
means, IHMCL and/ or their employees/ representatives on matters related to the
Applications under consideration.

3.5. Language of Application

The Application prepared by the Applicant, as well as all correspondence and documents
relating to the Bid exchanged by the Applicant and IHMCL shall be written in English language

3.6. Preparation and submission of application

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3.6.1. Application/Bid must be submitted online only through RFE portal as mentioned in Section
1. Applicants are advised to go through the guidelines, instructions, manuals, etc.
as provided in the portal.

3.6.2. Applicants are required to upload all requisite document at RFE portal as mentioned in
Section 1.

3.6.3. Physical submission of the documents such as Power of Attorney or equivalent as specified
in the RFE document are required to be submitted at IHMCL office within 15 days from date
of application submitted at RFE portal as mentioned in Section 1. Failure to submit the
original document(s) as required in the RFE in physical form within 15 days shall lead to
rejection of the application.

3.6.4. If for any reason, any interested Applicant fails to complete any online stages during the
complete Application process/cycle, IHMCL shall not be responsible for that and any
grievance regarding that shall not be entertained.

3.7. Examination and evaluation of applications

3.7.1. During the process of evaluation, IHMCL may seek for clarifications from any Applicants in
respect to the application id at RFE portal. Applicants are required to respond to the
clarifications sought by IHMCL within 15 days from date of clarification sought by IHMCL.
Failure of any Applicant to provide the required clarifications within 15 days may result in
rejection of its application, at the sole discretion of IHMCL.

3.7.2. Phase-1: Test of Responsiveness:

a) As part of the evaluation process, IHMCL shall first determine whether each
Application is responsive to the requirements of this RFE document.
b) An Application shall be considered responsive only if:
i. All requisite documents are received through RFE portal as per the format
required under this RFE document;
ii. Submission of physical document such as Power of Attorney or equivalent as
per the format required under this RFE document;
iii. Application contains all the information as required (complete in all respects).
iv. Application does not contain any condition or qualification.
v. Application is accompanied by Power of Attorney for Lead Member of
Consortium and the Joint Bidding Agreement as specified in RFE document
vi. it is not non-responsive in terms hereof

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c) IHMCL reserves the right to reject any Application which is non-responsive and no
request for alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained
by IHMCL in respect thereof.

3.7.3. Phase-2: Application/Bid Evaluation Process:

a) The requisite documents as specified in the RFE document submitted at RFE portal
will be evaluated by Evaluation Committee. The documents submitted RFE portal
will be scrutinized by the Evaluation Committee. The Applications that meet the
Eligibility Criteria shall be considered for empanelment.
b) Evaluation process by IHMCL shall not be questioned by any of the Applicants.
IHMCL may ask Applicant(s) for additional information.

3.8. Process confidentiality

Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of

Applications and recommendations for the award of a Contract shall not be disclosed to
Applicants or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award to
the Successful Applicant has been announced. Any attempt by an Applicant to influence
IHMCL’s processing of Applications or award decisions may result in the rejection of his

3.9. IHMCL’s right to reject any or all applications

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, IHMCL reserves the right to reject any Application,
and to annul the empanelment process and reject all Applications at any time before declaring
the list of empanelled System Integrators, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
Applicant(s) or any obligation to inform the affected Applicant(s) of the grounds for such

3.10. Confidentiality

3.10.1. The Applicant shall keep confidential any information related to this RFE with the same
degree of care as it would treat its own confidential information. The Applicants shall note
that the confidential information will be used only for the purposes of this tender and shall
not be disclosed to any third party for any reason whatsoever.

3.10.2. Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and recommendation for
the Applicants shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially concerned with the
process or is not a retained professional advisor advising IHMCL in relation to, or matters
arising out of, or concerning the bidding process. IHMCL will treat all information, submitted
as part of the Bid, in confidence and will require all those who have access to such material

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RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas

to treat the same in confidence. IHMCL may not divulge any such information unless it is
directed to do so by any statutory entity that has the power under law to require its
disclosure or as may be required by law or in connection with any legal process or such
information which would be available in public domain.

3.10.3. At all times during the performance of the Services, the Applicant shall abide by all
applicable IHMCL, NHAI/MoRTH’s security rules, policies, standards, guidelines and
procedures. The Applicant should note that before any of its employees or assignees is
given access to the Confidential Information, each such employee and assignees shall
agree to be bound by the term of this tender.

3.10.4. The Successful Applicant should not disclose to any other party and keep confidential the
terms and conditions of this Contract, any amendment hereof, and any Attachment or
Annexure hereof.

3.10.5. The obligations of confidentiality under this section shall survive termination of the Contract.

3.10.6. Applicants shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility or blacklisting for corrupt and
fraudulent practices by the Central Government, the State Government or any public
undertaking, autonomous body, authority by whatever name called under the Central or the
State Government.

3.11. Validity of the empanelment

The empanelment shall remain valid for a period 02 years with effect from date of empanelment
and may further be extended up to 1 year as per sole discretion of IHMCL.

3.12. Corrupt or Fraudulent practices

3.12.1. IHMCL will reject the application of the applicants, if it determines that the Applicant
recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for
the contract in question.

3.12.2. IHMCL will declare the Applicant ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time,
to be awarded a contract by IHMCL if it at any time determines that the Applicant has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract, or during execution.

3.12.3. “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to
influence the action of a public official or employee of IHMCL in the procurement process
or in Contract execution.

3.12.4. “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of IHMCL and includes
collusive practice among Applicants (prior to or after Application submission) designed to

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RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas

establish bid process at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive IHMCL of the
benefits of free and open competition.

3.13. Suspension from Empanelment

3.13.1. IHMCL reserves the right to suspend the empanelment of any empanelled System
Integrators till further notice under following conditions:

a) In case of non-performance or failure of carry out any obligation under Contract(s)

awarded by IHMCL or NHAI.
b) Repeated occurrence of breach of any SLA parameter
c) If the empanelled System Integrator has been found to be involved in corrupt or
fraudulent practices such as posting manual transactions to CCH at toll plazas
d) If upon award of award to any empanelled SI, the SI fails to deliver the project
deliverables / milestones within set timelines of the Contract on repeated occasions,
IHMCL reserves the right to suspend the empanelment of such SI for a period of 6
months or more. During suspension period, the SI shall be listed in the Abeyance List
of SI and published on IHMCL website and shall not be permitted for bidding in any
tendering process by IHMCL.
e) Failure in carrying out the system audit through CERT-in/ SQTC empanelled vendors
once in a year and submit with IHMCL.

Suspended SI shall not be eligible to participate in any limited tenders of IHMCL.

3.14. Miscellaneous

3.14.1. The Application Process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws
of India and the Courts at New Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes
arising under, pursuant to and/ or in connection with the Bidding Process.

3.14.2. IHMCL, in its sole discretion and without incurring any obligation or liability, reserves the
right, at any time, to;

a) Suspend and/ or cancel the Application Process and/ or amend and/ or supplement
the Bidding Process or modify the dates or other terms and conditions relating
b) Consult with any Applicant in order to receive clarification or further information;
c) Retain any information and/ or evidence submitted to IHMCL by, on behalf of, and/
or in relation to any Applicant; and/ or
d) Independently verify, disqualify, reject and/ or accept any or all submissions or other
information and/ or evidence submitted by or on behalf of any Applicant.

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3.14.3. It shall be deemed that by submitting the Application, the Applicant agrees and releases
IHMCL, its employees, agents and advisers, irrevocably, unconditionally, fully and
finally from any and all liability for claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses or liabilities in
any way related to or arising from the exercise of any rights and/ or performance of any
obligations hereunder, pursuant hereto and/ or in connection with the Bidding Process and
waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, any and all rights and/ or claims
it may have in this respect, whether actual or contingent, whether present or in future.

3.14.4. If the Applicant has committed a transgression under this RFE such as to put its reliability
or credibility into question, IHMCL shall be entitled to blacklist and debar such Applicant for
any future tenders/contract award process in its sole and absolute discretion.

3.14.5. Inclusion of MSMEs in Project Delivery - Applicants are encouraged to include Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the delivery of the project. Applicants should earmark
a minimum of 20 % of the total contract for procuring goods and services from MSMEs. The
MSME partner should be registered under the Micro Small Medium Enterprise Act, 2006.
The procurement through MSMEs should be in line with Order dated 23rd March 2012 or
any latest Order/Directions regarding procurement policy for Micro and Small Enterprises

3.14.6. Compliance shall be ensured w.r.t. Office Memorandum of Department of Expenditure,

dated 23 July 2020, and any related clarifications, subsequent guidelines issued by
Department of Expenditure, as applicable, regarding insertion of Rile 144 (xi) in the General
Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017. Applicant may visit website of Department of Expenditure
(https://doe.gov.in/) for more details on the said Office Memorandum.

3.14.7. Compliance shall be ensured w.r.t. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order
2017 – Notification of Telecom Products, Services or Works” (in short DoT PPP MII
notification, 2018) dated 29th August issued by Department of Telecommunications.
Applicant may visit website of Department of Telecom (https://dot.gov.in > Investment
Promotion > Telecom Equipment Manufacturing) for more details on the said notification.
com_products_in_government_procurement.PDF) and

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5.1. Background

In order to remove the bottlenecks associated with manual toll collection which includes non-
transparency in toll transaction data and ensure seamless movement of traffic and collection of toll
as per the notified rates, the Government of India had decided to introduce Electronic Toll
Collection (ETC) across National Highways in India.

IHMCL has decided to empanel System Integrator who are eligible for providing services of
Electronic Toll Collection system at existing operational toll plazas and for the implementation of
Electronic Toll Collection system at the toll plazas which are yet to be made operational with ETC
system, in future.

5.2. Objective:

To cater to the above requirement, IHMCL intends to empanel Service Provider(s) to undertake
the supply, installation, integration, testing, commissioning and configuration of all required
hardware & software systems & sub-systems for ETC System and Toll Management System at the
toll plazas in a time bound manner. Service provider is also expected to provide round the clock
maintenance with dedicated technical manpower for the same during the entire period of contract
such that the required services are available at the new toll plazas as per service level

5.3. Detailed Scope of Work:

The subsequent sections capture details regarding potential work that may be awarded to
shortlisted Applicants by IHMCL. IHMCL reserves the right to reduce/add details to the scope to
better satisfy the requirements.

5.3.1. Supply, Installation and Integration:

a) The service provider shall supply, install, integrate, test, commission and configure
all required hardware & software systems & sub-systems for ETC and Toll
Management System at the designated Toll Plazas upon instructions from IHMCL.
b) Service provider shall ensure to supply items as per BOQ items at toll plazas as per
direction from IHMCL and get them verified by IHMCL/PIU. Prior to Site Acceptance
Test, the responsibility of providing storage and security for supplied material shall
be in the scope of service provider.
c) Service Provider shall be fully responsible for the safety of equipment which shall
be delivered or installed at site before commencing SAT by IHMCL/respective PIU.
Prior to SAT, if any equipment/sub-equipment/consumable gets non-

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functional/damaged due to any reason whatsoever, excluding scenarios covered

under force majeure, then service provider will be liable for replacing of damaged
item without imposing any extra charges to IHMCL.
d) IHMCL shall invite bids from the empanelled Service Provider(s) to commence work
on the specified Toll Plazas as per instructions/timelines received from NHAI for
installation of ETC System and Toll Management System.
e) Service Provider shall complete the Installation, Integration, Commissioning of ETC
system and sub systems as specified in Annexure-A at the toll plazas within 60 days
of the receipt of notification from IHMCL/respective PIU. The service provider shall
be responsible for system integration so that the ETC System and Toll Management
System including the sub-system(s) work coherently and are able to exchange
data/information electronically, among themselves (if applicable), as well as with the
acquirer bank and central clearing house for ETC program without any financial
implication to Toll Operating Agency and IHMCL/NHAI.
f) Service Provider shall ensure to complete all pre-requisite minor civil works i.e., pole
foundation/ sensor foundation/ cabling chamber/lane to Lane Conduiting work,
plaza to Lane Conduiting work, etc. pertaining to ETC system and Toll Management
System. Major civil works i.e., PQC work, toll plaza canopy, permanent toll booth
structure, Plaza building, Median Extension, arrangement of Raw Power from
electricity board, Arrangement of DG set etc. are not in the scope of service
g) Service Provider shall provide and install valid antivirus and operating System
licenses, Firewall licenses, Database licenses at lanes as well as plaza level in the
system highlighted in BOQ items of this document throughout the Contract period.
The cost of the same shall be included in the cost of equipment, no additional cost
shall be paid by IHMCL/NHAI.
h) Service Provider shall provide requisite support for equipment integration in case
ETC/TMS system software is changed by IHMCL. The integration of equipment with
new TMS software shall be provided by Service Provider without any cost to
IHMCL/NHAI, whatsoever.
i) Service Provider shall be fully responsible in case of any rejection of ETC
transactions/non-uploading of ETC transactions to CCH at the toll plaza due to issue
in ETC system and internet services. All such losses to Toll Agency shall be borne
by Service Provider, IHMCL shall deduct the amount from payment of Service
Provider throughout the Contract Period for such loss to toll operating agency.

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j) Service Provider shall be responsible for repair/ replacement of the equipment

which gets faulty due to reasons like Short Circuit, Thundering/Lightening, Voltage
Fluctuation and equipment damaged by Pest for ensuring SLA parameters. Service
Provider shall take all preventive measures to upkeep the equipment from these
kinds of incidents.
k) Service Provider shall ensure to install Servo Stabilizer at each toll plaza to protect
equipment from power fluctuation, and post installation of Servo Stabilizer, the
safety of equipment from unstable voltage shall be under the liability of Service
Provider throughout the Contract Period.
l) Service Provider shall ensure to make all allocated toll plazas live with ICD 2.5
specification which includes provision of all certificates like SSL, firewall, domain etc
m) Service Provider shall ensure to provide two (02) broadband / lease line internet
connection with static IP of different Internet Service Provider. In addition to it,
Service Provider shall also ensure to provide internet connectivity through dongle
device as a backup solution and cost of the same shall be the part of quarterly O&M
n) The Service Provider shall provide 03 Site Engineers (03 shifts) at each fee plazas
to ensure 24*7 onsite support. The site engineer shall be at least Graduate or
Diploma in Engineering, preferably in Electrical/Electronic/IT/Computer Science or
equivalent. The relevant documents shall be required to be shared with respective
o) Service Provider shall provide full support in plaza handover to new Service
Provider engaged by IHMCL at the allocated toll plazas during the O&M period. The
Service Provider shall be involved in transition process till toll plaza take over by
new Service Provider.
p) The Service Provider shall arrange for all insurances pertaining to the scope of work
and it shall be deemed that any related costs are included in the price Application.
q) The scope of the service provider will also include providing earthing to all HETC
system, minimum civil & electrical work, networking works required to complete
installation/commissioning of ETC and Toll Management System and associated
peripherals on the plaza
r) The Service Provider shall adhere to the maintenance of ETC & TMS Equipment,
Periodic Preventive Maintenance of equipment, Timely Corrective Maintenance,
Software Maintenance, Remote Software support for the ETC & Toll System.

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s) The Service Provider shall take prior approval from respective PIU/IHMCL before
updating any version of Lane / Plaza application, for which, a software modification
request shall be submitted to PIU/ IHMCL for seeking approval.
t) The Service Provider shall take adequate measures to protect ETC system from
any Malware/Ransomware attack at fee plazas.
u) The Service Provider shall ensure to provide hardware firewall device to protect
against Malware entering the network
v) Service Provider shall be responsible for providing Pest Control services at the toll
plaza to prevent equipment for getting faulty. Service Provider shall be responsible
for repair/ replacement of equipment within the defined SLA which have got faulty
due to cable/equipment damaged by Rodent. The cost of the same is the part of
Total O&M Price.
w) In case of descoping of plaza/termination of Contract/Expiry of Contract Agreement,
Service Provide shall handover all equipment and data (entire contract duration)
with concerned PIU. Full and final shall not do unless handing over and taking over
process is not completed.
x) Any equipment which gets accidentally faulty/damaged during the Contract Period
shall be repaired/replaced by Service Provider in order to comply with the SLA. Any
accidental damage not attributable to Service Provider as per RFE shall be
repaired/replaced upon verification and duly recommendation by respective PIU.
After recommendation by respective PIU, Service Provider shall ensure to
repair/replace such equipment in order to comply with the SLA. The payment for
recommendation from respective PIU shall be made as follows: -
i. Replacement cost shall be as per unit rates discovered by IHMCL
ii. Repairing cost shall be made as per actual on case-to-case basis
y) Service Provider shall ensure for the integration of Weigh in Motion system and
Static Weigh Bridge system (of any make & model) with its ETC system software
as per requirement of IHMCL/NHAI.
z) IHMCL may verify the attendance of site engineers on daily basis through mobile
app or any other software.
aa) Service Provider/empanelled System Integrator shall ensure to provide requisite
support in sharing real time status of equipment for all critical equipment like RFID
reader, AVCC, TLCC, LPIC, ICS, ETC Server and internet connectivity of all NH fee
plazas with any authorised agency engaged by IHMCL/NHAI.

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bb) Service Provider/empanelled System Integrator shall provide data feed for all fee
plazas to the central Toll Monitoring & Control Centre (TMCC) at IHMCL HQ/IHMCL
for monitoring and remote viewing of all fee plazas.
cc) Service Provider shall ensure to maintain register for Equipment inward and
outward throughout the Contract period as per below format: -

Functional Equipment Details

Equipment Installation Equipment Equipment
S. No & Remarks
Name Date Sr. No Location

Damaged Equipment Details

Make Equipment Damaged Replaced
S. Equipment Equipment Equipment
& Damaged Equipment Equipment Remarks
No Name Sr. No Make and
Model Date Location Sr. No

5.4. Defect Liability Period (DLP)

5.4.1. DLP will commence from the date of Site Acceptance Test (SAT) request received from the
Service Provider and will run for a period of two years (24 month). If any material
deviation/specification deviation is found with any equipment during SAT process, then DLP
for such equipment will commence from actual delivery, installation, commissioning and
verification by IHMCL or concerned PIU for a period of two years (24 month).

5.4.2. Maintenance, repair and replacement of all hardware, software, peripherals and
subcomponents of all BOQ items (excluding scenario covers under Force Majeure) shall
be the responsibility of Service Provider without any cost to IHMCL/NHAI. Service Provider
shall ensure to resolve all faults of equipment/Sub-equipment/consumables which are

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linked to spare dependency within 24 hours from the time when the fault actual occurs and
for this as indicated through equipment downtime system generated report or intimated by
IHMCL/NHAI/Toll Operating Agency, adequate spare quantity to be maintained at site level
for critical items specially ETC equipment. If the time for rectification exceeds 24 hours, 1%
penalty on daily basis shall be imposed on service provider from the amount which shall be
reserved for completion of DLP/O&M service.

5.4.3. Corrective of all defective materials and workmanship in the installation will be carried out
as required within this period. All de-snagging will be expediently completed within this

5.4.4. Service provider shall adhere to the maintenance of ETC & TMS Equipment, Periodic
Preventive Maintenance of equipment, Timely Corrective Maintenance, Software
Maintenance, Remote Software support for the ETC & Toll System.

5.4.5. IHMCL/NHAI holds the right to ask Service Provider to replace any staff if found to be
unsuitable/ indulged in unwanted activities.

5.5. Operation and Maintenance

5.5.1. Service provider shall adhere to the maintenance of ETC & TMS Equipment, Periodic
Preventive Maintenance of equipment, Timely Corrective Maintenance, Software
Maintenance, Remote Software support for the ETC & Toll System.

5.5.2. In order to adhere the SLA parameters, Service Provider shall ensure for repair and
replacement of hardware, software, peripherals and subcomponents during the O&M period
part of Contract Agreement.

5.5.3. Service provider shall intimate PIU/Toll operating agency for any corrective action to be
taken on ground to resolve any major issue which takes more than 2 hours of lane closure.

5.5.4. Service Provider shall take prior approval from respective IHMCL/PIU before updating any
version of Lane / Plaza application, for which, a software modification request shall be
submitted to PIU for seeking approval.

5.5.5. IHMCL/NHAI holds the right to ask Service Provider to replace any staff if found and proved
unsuitable/ indulged in unwanted activities.

5.5.6. Any damage cause due to mishandling of equipment by the service provider employees
shall be borne by service provider.

5.6. Other activities

5.6.1. Toll Management System should be able to support all kind of Fare structures & Payment
methods including, but not limited to, Daily Pass, Return Pass, Monthly Pass, Discounted

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tariffs, Exemptions, Open / Closed fare schemes etc. and shall meet the Tolling System
requirements of the respective Concession Agreement, including subsequent regulation/
notification thereon by IHMCL/NHAI/MoRTH.

5.6.2. The BOQ (As defined under Annexure-A) by IHMCL/NHAI may increase/decrease
according to the further requirement at sites.

5.7. Service Level Requirements (SLA)

5.7.1. Plaza Building Equipment

a) The uptime availability of all Critical equipment of Plaza Building shall be 99% per
lane per month. The permissible downtime for all critical Equipment shall be 7 hours
per critical plaza equipment per month.
b) The downtime shall be calculated at a cumulative level when any of the critical plaza
equipment as mentioned below is non-operational for that specific lane:
i. ETC Server including software
ii. Network Video Recorder
iii. Master Intercom
iv. 24 Port Network Switch
v. Plaza UPS
vi. All Lanes communication down with ETC server
c) Scheduled downtime is defined as a period of time when system will remain
unavailable for conducting necessary preventive maintenance, urgent repairs etc.
The maximum scheduled downtime for any Site shall be 4 hours per lane per month.
d) For all other equipment of plaza building, the uptime availability shall be 98% per
lane per month.
e) The formula for calculation of plaza building system availability shall be as follows:

System Uptime = [1 – {A/(B – C)}*100], where

A = Time for which system is down per month basis scenarios in Hrs

B = Total time in a month

C = Scheduled downtime and Permissible downtime basis section 5.7.1(a) & (c)

f) The Service Provider shall maintain adequate inventory/spares to ensure the

service levels prescribed in clause 5.7.1(a) & (d) are adhered.
g) In case of non-adherence to service levels as defined in clause 5.7.1(a) & (d), the
penalty for deficiency of services beyond permissible downtime and scheduled
downtime shall be imposed as follows: -

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 Upto 1 hrs -1% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza

 Upto 1 to 2 hrs -2% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza
 Upto 2 hrs to 3 hrs- 3% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza
 Upto 3 hrs to 5 hrs- 5% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza
 Upto 5 hrs to 10 hrs- 10% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza
 Greater than 10 hrs- 25% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza

5.7.2. Lane Equipment

a) The uptime availability of all Critical equipment of ETC system shall be 99% per
lane per month. The permissible downtime for all critical Equipment shall be 7 hours
per lane per month.
b) The downtime for a toll lane shall be calculated at a cumulative level when any of
the critical equipment as mentioned below is non-operational for that specific lane:
 RFID Reader
 Toll Lane Controller System
 Automatic Vehicles Classification Controller and Sensor
 Automatic Barrier Gate
 License Plate Image Capture Camera
 Incident Capture Camera
 Lane Application
c) For all other lane equipment, the uptime availability shall be 98% per lane per
d) Scheduled downtime is defined as a period of time when system will remain
unavailable for conducting necessary preventive maintenance, urgent repairs etc.
The maximum scheduled downtime for any Site shall be 4 hours per lane per month.
e) The formula for calculation of ETC System availability shall be as follows:

System Uptime = [1 – {A/(B – C)}*100], where

A = Time for which system is down per month basis scenarios

B = Total time in a month

C = Scheduled downtime and Permissible downtime basis section 5.7.2(a) & (d)

f) The Service Provider shall maintain adequate inventory/spares to ensure the

service levels prescribed in clause 5.7.2(a) & (c) are adhered.

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g) In case of non-adherence to service levels as defined in clause 5.7.2(a) & (c), the
penalty for deficiency of services beyond permissible downtime and scheduled
downtime shall be imposed as follows: -
 Upto 1 hrs -1% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza
 Upto 1 to 2 hrs -2% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza
 Upto 2 hrs to 3 hrs- 3% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza
 Upto 3 hrs to 5 hrs- 5% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza
 Upto 5 hrs to 10 hrs- 10% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza
 Greater than 10 hrs- 25% of the monthly O&M charges per plaza

5.7.3. In case the Service level Requirements are violated repeatedly, IHMCL reserves the right
to terminate the whole Contract or descope a particular toll plaza by giving a written notice
of 30 days to the Service Provider.

5.7.4. AVC Accuracy

The Service Provider shall ensure to provide minimum 98% AVC accuracy for each lane
and if any non-conformity beyond the specified accuracy level is observed, following
penalties will be imposed on the Service Provider:

 98% and above each lane – Nil

 Below 98% upto 96 % -1% of the monthly O&M charges for that Lane
 Below 96% upto 94 % -2% of the monthly O&M charges for that Lane
 Below 94% upto 92 % -5% of the monthly O&M charges for that Lane
 Below 92% upto 90 % -10% of the monthly O&M charges for that Lane
 Below 90% - No monthly O&M charge will be paid for that lane

5.7.5. Manpower

The Service Provider shall ensure availability of manpower at the toll plazas 24*7. In case
of unavailability of manpower or shortfall in attendance (in shift) at site is brought to the
notice of IHMCL, penalty shall be imposed as under:

Absence of shortfall in attendance - Rs 1000/- per shift per fee plaza

(Day shall have 3 shifts of 8 hours each)

Day wise attendance sheet shall be submitted with IHMCL with a copy to respective PIU
and Toll Operating agency.

5.7.6. Double deduction/Overcharging in FASTag

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The Service Provider shall ensure for efficient functionality of RFID readers in lanes, a
single FASTag should not have two successful transactions within time difference (as latest
specified by IHMCL/NHAI). There should not be any case of double/multiple deduction of
FASTag account owing to multiple processing of transaction through RFID reader/ ETC
application to Acquirer Bank.

In case of any deviance, penalty shall be imposed as below –

 Up to 100 cases of double deduction/over-charging reported in a calendar month –

Rs 500 per case
 More than 100 cases of double deduction/over-charging reported in a calendar
month – Rs 1000 per case

In addition to above, Service Provider shall also be liable to pay for all the losses incurred
by the concessionaire/toll plaza operators.

5.7.7. Non-reading FASTag – Free Passage

Gazette GSR 427(E), dated 7 May 2018 provisions –

“Provided also that if a vehicle user with a valid, functional FASTag or any such device with
sufficient balance in the linked account crossing a fee plaza installed with Electronic Toll
Collection infrastructure, is not able to pay user fee through FASTag or any such device
owing to malfunctioning of Electronic Toll Collection infrastructure, the vehicle user shall be
permitted to pass the fee plaza without payment of any user fee. An appropriate zero
transaction receipt shall be issued mandatorily for all such transactions”.

The Service Provider shall ensure for proper functionality and alignment of Fixed RFID
readers in lanes, no case shall be found where a valid FASTag is not read by fixed RFID

In case of any deviance, penalty shall be imposed as below –

In cases where vehicle user has been permitted to pass the fee plazas without payment of
any user fee, the Service Provider shall be liable to pay for all the losses incurred by the
concessionaire/toll plaza operators on account of free passage of vehicle without payment
of any user fee.

5.7.8. The Service Provide shall ensure that all ETC transactions shall be uploaded and
downloaded as per ICD document (2.4, 2.5 or latest) and PG Guidelines. In case of any
deficiency in adherence of ICD document and PG Guidelines, the Service Provider shall be
fully responsible to provide settlement to the toll agencies for any rejection or non-uploading

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of ETC transaction. In case, settlement is not provided to toll agencies, IHMCL shall recover
the same amount from Quarterly O&M Charges.

5.7.9. The Service Provider along with the Toll Operating Agency shall ensure that all transaction
files of the ETC systems are uploaded as per the service levels defined in the NETC


The following table captures the key events related to implementation of ETC system at the toll
plaza and their associated timelines

Sl. Milestone Description Timelines

1. Submission of detailed report based on Within 10 days from the date of Issuance of Letter
site assessment survey of Award (LoA), or date of issuance of instruction
for commencement notice issued by IHMCL,
whichever earlier.
2. Submit schedule for work execution Within 5 days of submission of Site Survey Report
plan for each toll plaza

3. Supply, install and commission all the In case Site is FIT for Implementation: -
items including Go-Live with CCH Within 60 days* (inclusive of Sl. no. 1 & 2) from the
of date of Issuance of Letter of Award (LoA) or date
of issuance of instruction for commencement notice
issued by IHMCL, whichever is earlier. SI shall have
to carry out site survey and report site-readiness
status to IHMCL.

In case Site is not FIT for Implementation: -

Within 60 days* (inclusive of Sl. no. 1 & 2) from date
of intimation for site readiness by IHMCL/concerned
*Non-fulfilment of this requirement or delay in Assignment Timelines would attract penalties.


5.9.1. Failure of the service provider to adhere the timelines specified in this document shall attract
liquidated damages @ 0.1 % of the Total Price of the toll plaza (as per financial proposal
submitted by the Applicant) for each day of delay in implementation. The total levied
penalty, however, shall not exceed 10% of the assignment cost.

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5.9.2. In case IHMCL is of the view that the delay is due to reasons beyond the control of the
Service Provider, suitable extension of time may be granted to the Service Provider with or
without imposing any Damages on such Service Provider in the absolute discretion of

5.9.3. Damages shall be payable by the Service Provider within 5 days of imposition thereof by
IHMCL, failing which the same shall be deducted from the payments to be made to the
Service Provider or from the Performance Security as deemed appropriate by IHMCL.

5.9.4. The Damages payable, as set forth in this Contract, are mutually agreed genuine pre-
estimated loss and damage likely to be suffered and incurred by the Party entitled to receive
the same and are not by way of penalty (the “Damages”).

5.10. Type of maintenance work

The various classifications of maintenance and repair work and related services to be
performed by the equipment Service Provider shall include the following:

5.10.1. Preventive Maintenance

a) The work to be done consists of monthly inspection/cleaning and quarterly or bi-

annual checking, cleaning, and servicing of various system components and related
equipment. Minor deficiencies uncovered during the performance of preventive
maintenance shall be corrected immediately. Any problems which require further
attention or use of spare part(s) shall be recorded on the Fault Report Form.
b) The objective of electronic equipment maintenance shall be to ensure reliability, to
purpling/enhancing its economic life and to improve its efficiency.
c) Scheduled downtime / Routine maintenance is defined as a period of time when
system will remain unavailable for conducting necessary preventive maintenance,
urgent repairs etc. The maximum scheduled downtime for any site shall be 4 hours
per lane per month. The objective of electronic equipment maintenance shall be to
ensure reliability, to enhance its economic life and to improve its efficiency.
d) Routine maintenance consists of a fixed set of checks, measurements, cleaning and
calibration. These activities shall be based on Equipment Service Provider’s
specifications and general maintenance practices that include but not limited to:
e) Checking the condition of components, e.g., check connections for signs of
f) Check voltage levels: Power supply levels are crucial to the effective operation of
electronic equipment. Borderline levels could lead to intermittent faults and damage

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to components. Voltage level changes are caused by the deterioration of capacitors,

transformers and semiconductor components.
g) Certain measurements can also be performed to check the status of elements of
the system, i.e., impedance and isolation tests.
h) Mechanical components need routine cleaning and lubrication to ensure their
effective operations.
i) The equipment supplier shall ensure that software maintenance and upgrades are
possible during the maintenance period. Software test report of all service packs to
be applied on the live plaza system shall be submitted to the Concessionaire well
in advance. The service pack must be tested over the test rig in presence of the
Concessionaire before its application to the live plaza system.
j) The equipment supplier shall perform preventive maintenance of the software to be
provided under the Contract as part of the maintenance work. The Contract shall
exert the utmost care not to inadvertently damage the software and database and
cause erroneous or abnormal operation of the toll management system.
k) The items for software maintenance shall include but not be limited to the following:
 Monitoring of CPU, Memory and disk utilization
 Monitoring of system availability over TCP/IP
 Monitoring of antivirus and system security software operation
 Backup of system and restoration of the system when necessary
 Monitoring and review of system and event logs.
 Applying upgrade and patch of the software provided by third party including
operating system and database management.

5.10.2. Corrective Maintenance

a) The work to be done consists of correcting malfunctions resulting from any cause
including but not limited to defective design, defective manufacturing process,
equipment deterioration and failure under normal operating conditions, improper
handling and inadequate operation by the Employer’s staff, the equipment supplier’s
staff, or third party.
b) The work to be done consists of repairing damages to the equipment due to
accidents, vandalism, act of God, and pavement failures and includes clean-up of
debris, erecting necessary warning and safety devices, and hook-up of temporary
equipment if required to ensure the safety of the public.
c) The equipment supplier shall maintain a comprehensive record of all maintenance
and repair activities and spare parts consumptions. The records shall include as a

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minimum maintenance check list, fault reports, spare parts receiving and
consumption records, and work orders. The Service Provider share ensure to keep
all requisite equipment maintenance tool at the toll plaza to carry out the
maintenance activity.

5.10.3. Data Retention, Back-up and Restore Operations:

a) Data Retention:
i. Data for each plaza shall be retained for entire Agreement period in the Toll
Plaza Server. The backup devices and media as per current industry practice
shall also be provided.
ii. The Service provider shall ensure adequate security measure for safeguarding
of Toll Transaction data, by providing, off site Disaster recovery or Data Storage
iii. The service provider shall also be responsible to extract and provide data
/information based on requirement of law Enforcement Agencies of Govt. of
India/ State based on specific approvals on case-to-case basis.
iv. However, it will be limited to the data captured in ETC and Toll Management
Systems as per standard operations and the data being retained as per retention
b) Data Back-up & Restore:
i. Service provider shall also demonstrate the backup & restore procedure
successfully. The Service Provider shall prepare and implement a proper Data
Backup & Restore policy with IHMCL's approval, to ensure data safety and avoid
data loss, in case of any untoward incidents.
ii. Such policy shall ensure Back-up & Restore of Toll Transaction data at least
once in a week.
iii. Service Provider shall ensure to maintain the Data backup till Contract Expiry
and ensure to submit the data backup with IHMCL and concerned PIU after
expiry of Contract Agreement.
iv. Data shall be backed up onto a removable medium on a regular basis start from
plaza live date to end of Contract period.
v. IHMCL/NHAI as per requirement shall intimate Service Provider to restore the
data for a specific period.
vi. The data generated in the system shall be handed over to IHMCL in readable
format after the expiry of Contract Agreement. Following reports shall be
submitted with NHAI/IHMCL after expiry of Contract Agreement: -
 Raw data for transactions

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 Month wise transaction History report

 Month wise Traffic and Revenue report
 Class wise monthly traffic and Revenue report
 AVCC data for all lanes
c) Data Redundancy
i. All transaction and incident data shall be retained duplicated and stored within
the various levels of the toll collection system such that should any level or
component of that level suffer a partial or total failure, the data is not irretrievably
lost to the system. In addition, it shall be possible to reconstruct and restore the
data for the failed level form the stored data into its original format.
ii. Data retention times within the various levels shall be at least:
 Vehicle Processing at Lane Level in TLC: 6 months
 Plaza Level
o Detailed Data: For entire Contract period
o Summarised Data: For entire Contract period
o Archived Data on USB external HDD Storage: Entire Contract period to be
handed over to the IHMCL/NHAI after expiry of Contract period

5.11. Statutory and Others

5.11.1. IHMCL shall reserve the right to get the security / compliance audit of the ETC and Toll
Management Systems done at any time through any agency appointed for the purpose and
the service provide shall extend all support & cooperation for smooth conduct of said Audit.

5.11.2. The Service Provider shall abide by all statutory guidelines and comply with rules/
regulations/guidelines framed by NHAI/IHMCL and/or Ministry of Road Transport &
Highways from time to time; It shall be responsibility of the service provider to incorporate
such changes within the stipulated time frame into the Toll Management System.

5.11.3. The Service Provider shall comply with the guidelines and/ or Specifications and Standards
including the revisions thereof issued from time to time by Ministry of Road Transport &
Highways Govt. of India / IRC. In absence of which, the system and equipment provided by
the service provider shall meet relevant American or European/ British standards &

5.12. Technical Specifications & Standards

The minimum technical specifications & the standards to be adhered have been prescribed
under this document. The Service Provider shall ensure to provide the equipment meeting the
prescribed requirements.

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5.13. Acceptance Test and Approvals

5.13.1. After installation of ETC and Toll Management System at the toll plazas in the current scope
of work, a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) shall be carried out at these plazas to test the system
functionality and performance as per the format finalized by IHMCL.

5.13.2. Third Party Check: For Acceptance Testing, IHMCL reserves the right to appoint a third
party to carry out Acceptance Testing on behalf of IHMCL. The service provider shall have
no objection on the same & will cooperate with such appointed third party/ consultant.

5.13.3. Failure by the Service Provider to complete the Works and to have remedied all reported
defects in Site Acceptance Test (SAT), IHMCL shall not release the O&M services amount
to the Service Provider till all issues reported issues are resolved.

5.14. System Development Progress Reporting

The Service Provider shall note that they are obliged to provide hardware and software
progress reports, if any, as the works proceeds. These reports shall be in the English language
for project management purposes.

5.15. Other Works

5.15.1. Design and Drawing Responsibility

The Service Provider shall be required to produce engineering design drawings of all Toll
Management Systems components / system, electrical installation and computer & data
transmission network systems. It shall be the Service Provider’s responsibility to adhere to
the designs submitted during the implementation of ETC systems and Toll management
systems at the plazas. In case of any changes in the systems the service provider shall
modify and resubmit the designs. The design should be submitted by the service provider
within 7 days of receipt of notification of commencement of work.

5.15.2. Electricity Requirements

The Service Provider shall be required to submit the design of the electricity load
requirement for the Toll Management Systems / ETC Equipment, which shall include the
cabling, distribution boards, and clean earthing system, in regard to its suitability for the Toll
Management Systems and ETC components. Toll Management Systems equipment
earthing shall be separated from the toll plaza utility power earthing. Earthing for all
equipment shall be the responsibility of the Service Provider.

5.15.3. Cabling to UPS Loads

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The Service Provider shall supply, install, terminate and connect all cabling from the power
DB to the entire field and control room equipment. The cable shall be suitably sized and
earth PVC insulated and steel wire armoured copper cables. Wire armouring may be
omitted, if the cables are drawn through a conduit.

5.15.4. Cable tray

The Service Provider shall provide adequate perforated cable trays and/or cable support
wherever required, for all cabling required in Toll Lanes / Booths & Plaza Building.

5.15.5. Cable Numbering

All cables installed shall be numbered with ferules, in accordance with the universal cable
numbering system, in such a way that any person shall be able to understand & identify
cabling for specific equipment.

All cables shall be ISI marked, fire retardant type and shall be terminated with proper lugs
& joints as per best industry practices.

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Chief Operating Officer

Indian Highways Management Co. Ltd. (IHMCL)
NHAI HQ Building,
G-5&6, Sector 10, Dwarka,
New Delhi 110 075

Subject: Empanelment of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection

System at Toll Plazas on National Highways

Ref. No. RFE. No. ________________ dated ____________________________-

Dear Sir/Madam,

I/We, the undersigned, have carefully examined the contents of the document including
amendments/ addendums (if any) thereof and undertake to fully comply and abide by the terms
and conditions specified therein and hereby submit our application. Our application is unconditional
and unqualified.

I/We understand that:

i. this Bid/Proposal, if found incomplete in any respect and/ or if found with conditional
compliance or not accompanied with the supporting document shall be summarily rejected.
ii. if at any time, any averments made or information furnished as part of this application is
found incorrect, then the application will be rejected
iii. IHMCL is not bound to accept any/ all Bid (s) it will receive.
iv. Until a final Contract is prepared and executed between us, the Application together with
your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding
Contract between us.

I/We have not been declared ineligible by IHMCL, NHAI or Ministry of Road Transport &
Highways, Government of India or any other agency for indulging in corrupt or fraudulent practices.
I/We also confirm that I/We have not been declared as non-performing or debarred by NHAI or
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India.

I/We haven’t been blacklisted by a Central/ State Government institution/ Public Sector
Undertaking/ Autonomous body and there has been no litigation with any Government
Department/ PSU/ Autonomous body on account of similar services.

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We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above
Contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely
"Prevention of Corruption Act 1988" and other applicable law. We understand you are not bound
to accept any Proposal you receive.

Yours sincerely,

(Signature of the Authorized signatory):

Name and Designation of the Authorized signatory: Name and Address of Applicant:

Phone, Fax & E-Mail

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6.2. Annexure-1- UNDERTAKING

(To be submitted by all members of the Consortium, in case of a consortium)

Subject: Selection of Applicant for _____________________________

I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that all the statements made in the required attachments are
true and correct.

The undersigned also hereby certifies that neither our Company/firm

M/s_________________________________________________ have abandoned any work of
National Highways Authority of India/IHMCL nor any contract awarded to us for such works have
been rescinded, during last five years prior to the date of this bid.

The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) any bank, person, firm or corporation to
furnish pertinent information deemed necessary and requested by IHMCL to verify this statement
or regarding my (our) competence and general reputation.

The undersigned understands and agrees that IHMCL may ask for further qualifying information
and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of IHMCL.

I/We declare that Toll Management software proposed by us does not infringe any intellectual
property rights or any patent as per applicable laws and we shall duly carry out system audit of
proposed TMS software periodically once in every year through STQC/CERT-in empanelled
vendors. Further, we do understand and acknowledge that on event of any non-completion of
system audit within 3 months from the date of intimation by IHMCL, IHMCL reserves the right to
suspend our empanelment till further notice.

We confirm that we have not been blacklisted /debarred by any central/state Government
department/organization or Quasi Government agencies of PSU.

We confirm that no criminal proceeding is pending against our company/firm or any of its Directors/
Partners in any court of law.

We also confirm that we have not been convicted by any court of law for any of the offences under
any Indian laws


(Signed by an Authorized Officer of the Applicant)


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Title of Officer


Name of Applicant



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(To be submitted by all members of the Consortium, in case of a consortium)

RFE Ref__________ (Date)

From, To,

(Name & Address of the Applicant) Chief Operating Officer,

____________________________ Indian Highways Management Co. Ltd.

____________________________ G-5&6, Sector 10, Dwarka

New Delhi 110 075

Subject: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby certify that the average annual turnover of M/s. _________________ (name of the
Applicant) for the last three financial years (ending 31st March 2020) is as given below:

Annual Net worth for the last 3 Financial Years (FYs) in Indian Rupees (INR)
FY 2019-20 FY 2018-19 FY 2017-18 Positive /Negative as on 31st March 2020

Annual Turnover for the last 3 Financial Years (FYs) in Indian Rupees (INR)
FY 2019-20 FY 2018-19 FY 2017-18 Average

Yours Sincerely,

(Signature of Authorised Signatory)

Name of the Statutory Auditor/CA: Seal:

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6.4. Annexure-3 - Power of Attorney

(To be submitted by all members of the Consortium, in case of a consortium)

Know all men by these presents, we, M/s ......................................... (Name of Firm/ Company and
address of the registered office) do hereby constitute, nominate, appoint and authorize Mr./
Ms........................................ son/daughter/wife of……………………………….. and presently
residing at ........................................, who is presently employed with us and holding the position
of .................... as our true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Authorized Signatory
or Attorney”) to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things as are necessary
or required in connection with or incidental to submission of our bids for empanelment as the
agency for -----------------------, proposed by Indian Highways Management Co. Ltd., including but
not limited to signing and submission of all applications, proposals and other documents and
writings, and providing information/ responses to IHMCL, representing us in all matters before
IHMCL, signing and execution of all contracts and undertakings consequent to acceptance of our
proposal and generally dealing with IHMCL in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising
out of our proposal for the said assignment and/or upon award thereof to us.

AND we do hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things lawfully done or caused
to be done by our said Authorized Signatory or Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers
conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Authorized
Representative in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to
have been done by us.



POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THIS .................... DAY OF ...................., 2021

For .......................................

(Signature, name, designation and address)





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(Signature, name, designation and address of the Attorney)

Notes: -

The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if
any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants(s) and when it
is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required
procedure. The Power of Attorney should be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate
denomination and should be registered or duly notarized by a notary public.

Wherever required, the Applicant should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents
and other documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favour of the person executing this
Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Applicant.

For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalized
by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being
issued. However, Applicants from countries that have signed The Hague Legislation Convention
1961 need not get their Power of Attorney legalized by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming

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6.5. Annexure -4 - Power of Attorney for Lead member

(On Non – judicial stamp paper of appropriate value or such equivalent document duly attested by
notary public)

Whereas Indian Highways Management Company Ltd. (IHMCL), has invited Proposals for
Empanelment of System Integrator(s) for the implementation of ETC system on National Highways.

Whereas the members of the Consortium are interested in bidding for the Project and implementing
the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Request for Empanelment (RFE)
Document and other connected documents in respect of the Project, and

Whereas, it is necessary under the RFE Document for the members of the Consortium to designate
the Lead Member with all necessary power and authority to do for and on behalf of the Consortium,
all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the Consortium’s bid for the
Project who, acting jointly, would have all necessary power and authority to do all acts, deeds and
things on behalf of the Consortium, as may be necessary in connection the Consortium’s bid for
the Project.


We, M/s. ……………… (Lead Member) and M/s ……………… (the respective names and
addresses of the registered office) do hereby designate M/s. ………………………………… being
one of the members of the Consortium, as the Lead Member of the Consortium, to do on behalf of
the Consortium, all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or incidental to the Consortium’s
bid for the Project, including submission of Proposal, participating in conferences/meetings,
responding to queries, submission of information/ documents and generally to represent the
Consortium in all its dealings with IHMCL, any other Government Agency or any person, in
connection with the Project until culmination of the process of bidding and thereafter till the
Agreement is entered into with IHMCL.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by Lead Member, our said
attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts deeds and things done by our aforesaid
attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us/ Consortium.

Dated this the ……Day of …….2021



(To be executed by all the members of the Consortium)

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The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if
any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is
so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required

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6.6. Annexure-5- Memorandum of Understanding



[On Non-judicial stamp paper of INR 100 duly attested by notary public]

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered into this day of [Date] [Month] 2021 at [Place]
among _______ ______ (hereinafter referred to as "_____") and having office at [Address], India,
as Party of the First Part and _______ ______ (hereinafter referred as "_____") and having office
at [Address], as Party of the Second Part and _______ ______ (hereinafter referred as "____”)
and having office at [Address], as Party of the Third Part.

The parties are individually referred to as Party and collectively as Parties.

WHEREAS, Indian Highways Management Company Limited (IHMCL) has issued a Request for
Empanelment dated [Date] (RFE) for Empanelment of System Integrator(s) for implementation of
ETC system at Toll Plazas on National Highways:

AND WHEREAS the Parties have had discussions for formation of a Consortium for bidding for the
said Project and have reached an understanding on the following points with respect to the Parties'
rights and obligations towards each other and their working relationship.



The purpose of this Agreement is to define the principles of collaboration among the Parties to:

Submit a response jointly to Bid for the “Request for Empanelment of System Integrator(s) for
implementation of ETC system at Toll Plazas on National Highways” as a Consortium.

Sign Contract in case of award.

Provide and perform the supplies and services which would be ordered by the Client pursuant to
the Contract.

This Agreement shall not be construed as establishing or giving effect to any legal entity such as,
but not limited to, a company, a partnership, etc. It shall relate solely towards the Applicant for
Qualification for Empanelment of System Integrator(s) for implementation of ETC system at Toll
Plazas on National Highways for and related execution works to be performed pursuant to the
Contract and shall not extend to any other activities.

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The Parties shall be jointly and severally responsible and bound towards the Purchaser for the
performance of the works in accordance with the terms and conditions of the BID document, and

------------------------------------ (Name of Party) shall act as Lead Partner of the Consortium. As such,
it shall act as the coordinator of the Party’s combined activities and shall carry out the following

To ensure the technical, commercial and administrative co-ordination of the work package

To lead the contract negotiations of the work package with IHMCL.

The Lead partner is authorized to receive instructions and incur liabilities for and on behalf of all

In case of an award, act as channel of communication between the Purchaser and the Parties to
execute the Contract

That the Parties shall carry out all responsibilities as Developer in terms of the Project Agreement.

That the broad roles and the responsibilities of each Party at each stage of the Bidding shall be as

Party A: ________________________________________________

Party B: ________________________________________________

That the Parties affirm that they shall implement the Project in good faith and shall take all
necessary steps to see the Project through expeditiously.

That this MoU shall be governed in accordance with the laws of India and courts in New Delhi shall
have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes arising from the terms herein.

In witness whereof the Parties affirm that the information provided is accurate and true and have
caused this MoU duly executed on the date and year above mentioned.

(Party of the first part) (Party of the second part)


_____ ____

_____ ____

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6.7. Annexure-6- Undertaking for Toll Management System Software

(In Bidding entity’s Letter head)

(To be submitted by Sole Applicant or Lead Member of the Consortium)

(Screenshots of the TMS module to be attached along with)

I/We, hereby certify and confirm that M/s.

…………………………………………………………………………, (the name and address of the
registered office of the Applicant have developed and implemented/integrated ETC system with
our own proprietary TMS software at the fee plazas.

We undertake that, at any point of time if we are found not using our proprietary TMS software at
our allocated fee plazas, IHMCL may suspend our empanelment with immediate effect.

Dated this ……………………..Day of …………………., 2021.

Name of the Applicant


Signature of the Authorised Signatory


Name of the Authorised Signatory

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6.8. Annexure 7: Self Certificate - Format for Project Citation by the Applicant
The details of projects executed by the Applicant (to be submitted for all Projects):

Name of the Project & Location

Client's Name,
Contract Details
Complete Address
Brief narrative description of
Project – highlighting relevant
scope of work such as
 Number of toll plaza
 Number of ETC Lanes,

Contract Value for the Project as

per work order (in INR)
In case of an ongoing project, the
value of work completed as per
payment released by Client (in
Date of Start of Project
Date of Completion of
Project/Status of Completion

Confirm for the implementation of

following minimum equipment/system -
 Toll Management Software
 RFID reader
 Toll Lane Controller
 Automatic Vehicle Classifier
 License Plate Image Capture
 Incident Capture camera
 Automatic Boom Barrier

Activities undertaken by Lead

Member or Consortium member

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6.9. Annexure-A

6.9.1. ETC equipment

The following table captures the list of equipment required at plaza and lanes. The minimum
standard expected of this equipment is captured in subsequent sections of this document, while
the number of equipment expected to be provided as part of project is as follows: -

Lane Level
S. No Equipment Description Unit Qty
1 RFID ETC transceiver near Pay-axis - mounted on canopy No 1
2 Electronics Enclosure No 1
3 Lane Controller with Industrial PC No 1
4 AVC including sensors and controller Set 1
5 User Fare Display with mounting pole Set 1
6 Automatic Barrier Gate No 1
7 Overhead Lane Status light (OHLS) No 1
8 Traffic light with mounting pole Set 1
9 Loops with detector Set 2
10 Incident Capture Camera with mounting pole Set 1
11 License Plate Image Capture Camera with mounting poles Set 1
12 TFT Monitor No 1
13 Customized industrial grade keyboard No 1
14 Thermal Receipt Printer No 1
Violation light & Alarm (on existing pole) and Foot switch in
15 No 1
16 Booth CCTV camera with voice recording No 1
17 Cabling/Networking/Installation/Commissioning (Lump sum) LS 1
18 Software – Lane Level No 1
19 Intercom Slave unit in booth No 1
20 Lane Level UPS No 1
Plaza Level
21 ETC Server (Plaza) No 1
Workstations for MIS, Cashup, Audit & LSDU System (in
22 No 4
control room)
23 24 Port Network switch (Layer 3) No 2
24 Software – Plaza level Job 1

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Broadband/Dedicated Internet Lease Line ( 01 Static IP)

25 Facility 2
with minimum 04 Mbps link for CCH connectivity
UPS system as required for complete ETC Toll Plaza system
26 No 2
(10 KVA or above)
Network Video Recorder (NVR) for CCTV recording along
27 No 1
with 21.5” LED Display
CCTV cameras for Plaza building surveillance (server room,
28 No 4
control room, cash room, admin)
29 Master Intercom System No 1
30 Servo Stabilizer (60 KVA -03 phase) No 1
31 Firewall Hardware No 1
Operation and Maintenance per Toll Plaza
32 Quarterly O&M Charges Quarter 1

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The subsequent sections capture the specifications of various equipment that may be required as
a part of this project. Please note that this is in exhaustive list of all ETC equipment, and the entire
set may not be required in the current phase. Applicants are requested to refer to the detailed BOQ
captured in the preceding sections of this Annexure. Also, the specifications are a minimum
standard, and the Service Provider may choose to include products with specifications that exceed
the standards, post approval from IHMCL.

7.1. RFID ETC Transceiver near pay axis (mounted on canopy)

7.1.1. General:

S. No Parameter Minimum Specifications

1 Frequency UHF 865 MHZ to 867 MHZ *
2 Communication Ethernet/ Serial communication (EIA standard RS 232 C / RS 485)
RF Power 1 W – transmitted & 4 W – EIRP (Equivalent Isotopically Radiated
3 Maximum Power) *
With the Transceiver mounted typically at a height of 6 m above
the road surface, the coverage of the antenna shall not exceed a
4 Reading distance diameter of 3.6m.
5 Antenna Circularly Polarized
EPC Gen 2, ISO 18000-6C and shall comply with the general
6 Protocol conformance requirements of the standard
The Transceiver shall have LED indicators for sense, transmit
Fault and Power which shall be visible clearly to the operator on
7 Visual Diagnostics ground while the system is operational.
is in the wireless license free band for RFID use in India. Typical existing product(s) for
‘RFID- based-ETC’ operates in the 865 MHz – 868 MHz band.

7.1.2. Environmental:

S. No Parameter Particular
Light weight enclosure for the RFID Transceiver and
1 Enclosure
circularly polarized antenna
2 Environmental IP 65 or better for outdoor units
3 Relative Humidity 95% Condensing
4 Operating Temperature -20°C to 55°C
5 Storage Temperature -40°C to 85°C

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7.1.3. Operating Characteristics

Sr. Parameter Particulars

1 Air Interface & Adaptive The Transceiver technology employed should have
Noise Features the capability to optimize read rates for the vehicle
identification application and adapt to instantaneous
noise and interference level
2 Application capability Should have read reliability exceeding 99.5% in the
distance range specified.
Diagnostic and Reporting Tools
3. Upgradeability The firmware should be upgradable to support future
4 Transaction Capability Reading of Tag & EPC memory for at least 2 Tags
per second for a moving vehicle with a speed limit of
40 kilometres/ hour.
5. Driver Software The transceiver driver software shall be provided
along with the transceiver that will interface to the
ETC client through socket interface and handle the
communication with ETC client. The packet
structures shall be as notified in the ETC client-
transceiver interface. The driver software shall
implement filtering using a range of EPC-codes
provided by set of bit pattern masks.

7.2. Electronics Enclosure

7.2.1. The Interface Electronics and all related peripheral/controllers should be enclosed in an
IP65 compliant cabinet.

7.2.2. Locking System: Enclosure shall have a unique key allowing access to the electronic.

7.2.3. Door monitoring: The cabinet door shall be monitored utilizing proximity switch. Door open
/ close events shall be recorded as incidents identified by time and Lane. The incidents are
to be displayed on the plaza software subsystem.

7.2.4. Cabling Layout: All external cables shall be protected against the effects of lightning and
shall comply with all requirements for the control of interference from EMI. All data cables
shall be screened and shall be properly separated and shielded from all power cables.

7.2.5. Ventilation and internal temperature: All equipment endorsed by the cabinet shall be kept
at a temperature consistent with manufacturers recommendations.

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7.2.6. Finishing: The cabinet surfaces shall be protected from the environment in which it shall be
used, and the Equipment Contractor shall specify the surface treatments to be applied.
Each cabinet shall be painted and numbered in a manner consistent with the toll lanes and
consistent with all equipment related functions (e.g., reporting to the plaza software

7.2.7. Cable dressing: All cables (power & signal) shall be properly routed and dressed with
suitable railings inside the enclosure and ties.

7.2.8. Cable numbering: The signal & power cable terminations shall be identified by proper
numbering. In addition to the termination at the controller end, this numbering shall also be
maintained at locations where the cables are exposed (like manholes, junctions) and at the
peripheral end. Further, all the individual component boards shall be properly identified by

7.2.9. Cable terminations: The signal & power cable (from the peripherals) terminations shall be
kept separated inside the cabinet. The cable routing inside the enclosures shall be done in
a proper manner, so that, aesthetics apart, the cable faults can be traced, and faulty cables
replaced, easily and less time consuming.

7.3. Lane Controller with Industrial PC

7.3.1. Functional Requirements

a) The Toll Lane Controller (TLC) is situated in the tunnel underneath the toll lane or
in the booth and has the principal task of controlling the toll collection function and
all the peripheral equipment, transmitting information and data on all lane activities
to a local ETC Server and receiving other control information and data from the ETC
server. It also has the function of controlling all the peripherals connected to it.
b) All hardware, software, TLC interface to peripherals and local ETC Server shall be
supplied by the equipment supplier.
c) The TLC software shall be developed to operate any type of toll lanes such as
dedicated ETC toll lanes, Normal Hybrid ETC toll lanes, Extra wide Hybrid ETC toll
lanes, Bike Lane etc. as is defined under earlier section of this document.
d) All lane operating data shall be stored in the local Solid-State drive in the lane.
Adequate RAM shall be provided to prevent “Thrashing” of the Solid-State drive.
The Solid-State Drive shall have enough memory to load and maintain all necessary
program tables (like ETC blacklist, whitelist, discount list etc.) and data in memory,
to optimize the toll collection functionality. Each transaction data collected from the
lane peripherals shall be stored in the Solid-State Drive of the TLC in a separate
encrypted file placed in a folder automatically created with the month’s name at the

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start of each month, before being transmitted to the master database in the local
ETC server. This data shall remain in the Solid-State Drive irrespective of
transmission to the local ETC server until a period of 1 month. At the start of the
7th month, the 1stweek’s data shall be deleted from the Solid-State Drive on the
basis of FIFO logic.
e) Further, there should be a mechanism for auditing the real time data transmission
(including incidents) over a predetermined time period (say 30 minutes) and
automatic data retrieval from the lane in case of data mismatch.
f) The TLC must be capable of storing the following minimum information:
i. 6 months of transaction data and at least 1 month of images associated with
ii. 500000 Blacklist and discount files of FASTag
iii. 5 Tariff Table (active and pending)
g) A transaction record shall contain all the necessary information to enable complete
control and auditing of the system.
h) The minimum required fields are as follows: -
 Transaction Sequence Number
 Date
 Time
 Plaza
 Lane
 Shift
 Collector Id
 Manual Vehicle Class
 Tag Vehicle Class (TVC)
 Automatic Vehicle Class (AVC)
 Supervisor Class
 Mapper Vehicle Class
 Method of Payment
 Image ID (in case of a violation transaction)
 Tag Id
 VRN no. (XXXXXXX in case of FASTag)
 Transaction Amount
i) The transaction time shall be the time when a Tag is detected at transaction area
or when the toll collector validates the MOP for manual transaction.

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j) The TLC shall be capable of interfacing with at least the following peripheral
 RFID Reader
 Toll Collector Display
 User Fare Display
 Vehicle guidance signals (Traffic Lights)
 Overhead Lane Sign
 Automatic Exit Barrier
 Exit Barrier Loop
 AVC system including AVC loop
 Electronic Toll Collection Equipment
 Incident Recording (CCTV) System
 License Plate Image Capture Camera
 Thermal Receipt Printer
 Barcode Reader
k) The TLC shall further allow for interfacing via three additional (spare) high-speed
serial devices. All components of toll lane controller (TLC) should be available in
open market including Digital I/O board of industrial grade, there should not be any
customise panel/card inside TLC.
l) The TLC shall be capable of communicating with the local ETC server.
Communication shall consist of data necessary to build a complete database in the
local ETC server, from which the required financial and operating reports and
statistics can be generated. The local ETC server shall also receive and log any
reportable incidents occurring in the lane, which shall be transmitted real-time to the
Incidents Computer (IC) for action by the toll supervision staff. In terms of incidents,
real-time shall mean the time from the occurrence of the incident to the storage of
the incident and the subsequent display of the incident on the IC; shall not be greater
than 2 seconds.
m) As described above, all data entries shall be sequentially numbered and referenced
to other related entities. The incidents that occur during a transaction shall refer to
that transaction. Transactions and incidents shall refer to the applicable financial
entity in which they occur.
n) An automatic / manual data validation process is required to check for data
continuity and missing/duplicate data. An audit trail of manual corrections is
required. The data validation process shall be linked to a “data not complete”

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message that will be indicated on reports if data is missing / pending validation /

o) Further, the TLC (via the AVC) shall monitor the lane at all times for any traffic
violation or incident; and for failure of any of the toll equipment. The level of incident
reported to plaza via the peripherals in the toll lane or reported to the LOCAL ETC
SERVER shall be a parameter setting in the software available at a definable level.
p) The TLC shall also be capable of receiving messages from the local ETC Server.
These messages will contain data on the Tariff tables, classification table, whitelist,
tag blacklists, ETC account balance, etc. Should the link between the TLC and the
LOCAL ETC SERVER fail, a system to download such information locally into either
end (TLC & LOCAL ETC SERVER) is to be made available.
q) The CCH maintains a vehicle class description that is generic to all toll plazas.
However, as the vehicle class description at each toll plaza for the same vehicle
may be different, the TLC shall maintain a mapping of the CCH Vehicle class to the
Plaza Vehicle class. The TLC generated transaction shall always refer to the Plaza
vehicle class.
r) Extended operation of the TLC in the Local Mode must be possible. The system
shall manage its data storage capacity to ensure adequate free space for the
operating system, application and data. The system shall provide warnings
regarding free space when the storage capacity reduces to predefined critical limits.
If the data storage on the TLC reaches this critical limit, it shall immediately instruct
the plaza to stop processing of transactions any further and inform the supervisory
staff to initiate a data extraction procedure. The data extraction shall be carried out
via a thumb drive or portable computer and restored in the LOCAL ETC SERVER.
s) The Equipment Supplier shall provide the details on the TLC data management
t) The TLC shall be capable of producing a printed report in the lane (mini shift) for
each period worked (each login to logout period). The system shall allow generation
of such reports only for certain predefined privilege levels. Time throughout the
entire toll collection system shall be synchronized with reference to the LOCAL ETC

7.3.2. TLC PC Specification:

The following minimum configuration requirements shall be met:

Descriptions Remarks
TYPE Industrial Grade Computer (IPC)

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Processor Board ATX / Micro ATX / Mini -ITX Industrial

Mother Board
Power Supply ATX 450 or as per need of Industrial
grade computer
Mains Input AC input from 200~240V, 50 Hz
Installation Method Mounting at Door inside the TLC Enclosure
Cables Power Cable, UTP cable
Colour Manufacturer’s Original Colour
Access for maintenance, Minimal maintenance, Commercially
modularity of construction off-the-shelf product
Environmental Considerations -30°C to 70°C Operating Temperature,
95% @ 40°C (non-condensing)
Processor: Intel Core i7- 6500 Processor
(Quad Core, 6 MB Cache, upto 3.20 Ghz
w/Turbo Boost) or better
RAM: 16 GB (2 X 8 GB) DDR4
Synchronous Dynamic RAM
Supports Dual channel (non-ECC)
DDR4 1866/2133 up to 32GB
Storage Drive: Based on estimated
storage requirement for 6 months TLC data
IPC Design Criteria (at least 500 GB Solid-State Drive-in
case estimated capacity is lesser)
Supports SATA3.02 x PCIe expansion Slot
Supports VGA and DVI display,
Minimum 01 PCIe expansion slots, 4 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB
2.0, 4 x COMs ports Serial port support,
RS-485 auto flow control
2 X Ethernet RJ-45 network port,
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet controller,
support Wake on LAN 8
Operating System: Linux or Windows latest or
Application Software: Lane Software, Antivirus
Overall MTBF: 30,000 hrs
Overall MTTR: 0.5 hrs – 1 hrs

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7.3.3. Enclosure Cabinet

The TLC and all related peripheral controllers should be enclosed in an IP55 compliant

a) Locking System: Cabinet shall have a unique key allowing access

b) Door monitoring: The cabinet door shall be monitored utilising proximity switch.
Door Open/ close events shall be recorded as incidents identified by time and Lane.
The incidents are to be displayed on the LSDU.
c) Cabling Layout: All external cables shall be protected against the effects of
lightning and shall comply with all requirements for the control of interference from
EMI. All data cables shall be screened and shall be properly separated and shielded
from all power cables.
d) Ventilation and internal temperature: All equipment endorsed by the cabinet shall
be kept at a temperature consistent with manufacturers recommendations.
e) Cable dressing: All cables (power & signal) shall be properly routed and dressed
with suitable railings inside the enclosure and ties.
f) Cable numbering: The signal & power cable terminations shall be identified by
proper numbering. In addition to the termination at the controller end, this numbering
shall also be maintained at locations where the cables are exposed (like manholes,
junctions) and at the peripheral end. Further, all the individual component boards
shall be properly identified by labelling.
g) Cable terminations: The signal & power cable (from the peripherals) terminations
shall be kept separated inside the cabinet. The cable routing inside the enclosures
shall be done in a proper manner, so that, aesthetics apart, the cable faults can be
traced, and faulty cables replaced, easily and less
h) Power Supply: The TLC shall receive UPS power from the UPS distribution panel.
Any special electrical protection / interface unit shall be provided by the Service
Provider, if required, based on the needs of the device. The power distribution to
the lane peripherals from the TLC shall be adequately protected with the help of
surge arresters, lightning protection, etc.
i) Protection: The TLC panel should have short circuit, overload, line filter & surge
protection devices for power & data. Each equipment which to be connected with
TLC should have separate circuit breaker & fuse. Beside this, TLC enclosure should
be IP 55 rated.

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7.4. AVC including Controller, sensors, loop and detector

7.4.1. Accuracy Level: The system shall be profiler based and 100% auditable, accuracy of
vehicle counting should be 100% and classification shall not be less than 98%. AVC
sensors range between Rx and Tx or transceiver must work at least 7.5 m.

7.4.2. Auditability: The AVC System shall comply with the following auditability criteria:

a) Each transaction recorded by the system shall be uniquely and sequentially

b) The AVC shall be able to provide information to a laptop or to a computer connected
to the same network as on AVC computer that shall be used for auditing the
classification of the AVC as well as the classification of the lane operator.
c) The audit function shall be done in the following manner. The auditor shall
d) connect to the AVC computer through network or RS-232 port of the AVC computer.
i. Start audit application/data extraction application
ii. Enter Plaza name, AVC number, User id and Password
iii. Enter the date and duration for the audit.
iv. Press enter to start data extraction (any time the auditor shall be able to cancel
current command to start with other specific duration).
e) Obtain output of the audit report in XLS format and it shall contain at least the
 Transaction sequence number
 Date & time of the transaction
 Lane ID
 Shift ID
 TLC class
 AVC class
 Incident type and details associated with the transaction, if any

7.4.3. The Service Provider shall provide a data extraction tool to the Authority, it shall be possible
to extract the AVC/TLC data for a user defined period in XLS format using that tool.

7.4.4. For audit purposes, it shall be possible to enable all transactions as incidents in order to
grab LPIC images and ICS image for Supervisor / Auditor review per lane / direction / all

7.4.5. Description and Functions

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a) The automatic vehicle classification equipment shall be installed in the lane after
b) The purpose of the AVC is to sense the presence of a vehicle (differentiate it from
non-vehicular crossing), to measure and interpret certain physical characteristics of
the vehicle as it passes through the AVC.
c) The AVC shall be able to generate profile image which shall be used for auditing
d) The AVC shall be able to distinguish between classes as per the applicable
notifications of MORTH
e) This class information shall be stored locally at AVC level and communicated to the
TLC. Simultaneously a still image of the vehicle shall be captured / grabbed by the
Incident Capture System (ICS) Camera as the vehicle triggers the AVC sensors.
The TLC shall then check whether this AVC class matches the vehicle class (the
CCH Class mapped to the Toll Plaza class) as read from the tag. If there is a
discrepancy between the two classifications, the license plate image (captured
when the vehicle passed through the ETC exit) and the ICS camera image shall be
saved and stored with all transaction and incident information watermarked on
them. The images and discrepancy information shall be communicated to the Local
ETC server for further action and processing by the toll supervision staff.
f) The Equipment Service Provider shall submit details of the performance of existing
AVC systems duly validated by the existing operators of the systems.
g) The AVC shall be capable of detecting and reporting the following vehicle
movements and incidents in the lane to the TLC:
i. The AVC system must be able to count and distinguish two wheelers, autos and
four-wheelers separately.
ii. Vehicle Standing – the vehicle presence sensing equipment stays active for
longer than a preset time. The preset time shall be parameter settable.
iii. All AVC elements (loops, Profiler based sensor, cameras, etc.) shall be fully
weatherproof and installed in a location where vehicle damage by accident is
not possible.
iv. When the TLC is inoperative, or communication between the TLC and the AVC
is severed, the AVC shall record the last transaction number transmitted and
shall be able to independently count and record (store) vehicle classes passing
through or over it. A sequential vehicle counter at AVC level shall be
implemented to reconcile. The AVC shall have its own battery backup and data
extraction facility on to a CD or to a laptop computer.

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v. The AVC shall have its own battery backup at least 8 hours and data extraction
facility on to a CD or to a laptop computer
vi. The AVC shall be able to generate violation if the ETC lane is not logged- in and
a vehicle passes through it.
vii. In following cases, the AVC shall generate an alarm on the plaza level and send
record to incident control system for supervisory action apart from the incidents
 Degraded classification (in case of any single Transmit / Receive failure)
 Unable to classify
h) The accuracy of the AVC shall not be affected by temperature or any weather
/environmental conditions and shall be independent of vehicle speed / weight.

7.4.6. AVC System Design

a) Functional requirements:
i. The AVC shall be able to automatically classify the classes of vehicles as
indicated in the vehicle class table to an accuracy of 99.60% without manual
intervention and class correction or validation. Unless the above criteria are
achieved, the AVC shall never classify a vehicle to any defined category in the
Classification table; it shall be categorized as unable to classify so that it triggers
an incident and there is no chance for revenue loss. This can be used to fine
tune the AVC to improve the accuracy later.
ii. The functional specification for the AVC shall include the hardware, software
and operational requirements. The design requirements of the AVC are to be
seen as a system in which all failures, events and other events are logged,
stored and managed. The following design criteria shall be used in the AVC:
 AVC Classification Table
 AVC Configuration
 Vehicle Detection and Classification
 AVC Interfaces
 AVC Technical Requirements
 Data Storage
iii. All operating data shall be stored on the local Solid-State Drive of the AVC
computer. “Thrashing” of the Solid-State Drive shall be prevented. The AVC
shall have enough memory to load and maintain all necessary program tables
and data in memory. All other transaction data shall be stored on the local hard
drive of the AVC and a copy to be transmitted to the LOCAL ETC SERVER.
iv. The following minimum information is to be stored at AVC level:

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 Classification table
 AVC configuration
 Data of at least one year (transaction, event, AVC centric incident etc.)
v. Two separate streams of data, carrying vehicle classification information from
TLC and AVC shall be copied at LOCAL ETC SERVER level for comparison,
evaluation and audit purposes. There shall be provisions for drawing separate
reports for TLC and AVC classifications at LOCAL ETC SERVER level. An AVC
accuracy and reconciliation report shall be present in the toll system.
vi. The performance of the AVC shall form the basis for the accuracy checks,
functional tests, installation, commissioning and handover to achieve the
required accuracy and performance. All design and installation approvals shall
be obtained from IHMCL before installation and commissioning. The Contractor
shall submit a detailed list of vehicles with photographs and Indian RTO
authorized classification category of all models of vehicles found in India as part
of technical specifications delivery. The configuration of AVC classification table
into the system shall be done in the presence of the authorized representative
vii. The plaza lane area detailed AVC layout including the following items shall be
provided at the time of technical specifications delivery by the Contractor so that
the design process can be implemented at site. The Contractor shall ensure that
the equipment layout is in conformance with the Lane Design Drawings as
provided by the Authority.
viii. The system architecture shall provide the details of the equipment layouts and
the physical location of each component of the system in the ETC toll lane.
ix. The loop detector units/cards shall conform to the following minimum
x. The unit shall be easily removable and shall be fitted with at least two (2) loops
per card.
xi. The unit shall have a minimum of 4 separate adjustable sensitivity and
frequency levels.
xii. The unit shall have indicators for vehicle presence, loop on/off and failure.
xiii. The AVC Profiler shall comply with the following specification and are mounted
in a manner as to ensure that the following minimum specifications are adhered
to at all times.
 Ensure that no vehicle can pass through the AVC and miss axle counting.
 Number of Axles per vehicle is accurately counted for every vehicle passage

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 Ensure to generate profile image of each vehicle.

 Sensor replacement time shall not exceed 30 minutes.
xiv. It shall be noted that the equipment enclosures shall be mounted in the
tunnel/booth at the toll plaza, sufficient ventilation shall be provided by the
equipment Service Provider for this enclosure and the enclosure shall have IP65
xv. The AVC enclosure shall be mounted in the tunnel/booth. The AVC enclosure
shall be secured using suitable corrosion resistant fixtures, and all fixtures shall
be approved before the mounting of the AVC can take place.
xvi. The AVC enclosure shall be provided with a switch to detect that the AVC door
is open or closed, and the status shall be updated at plaza level in real time.
xvii. All mounting shall be done in a neat and professional manner and shall be
approved by the Authority.
xviii. All AVC cables that enter the enclosure shall be protected between the
enclosure and the sensors, using a suitable flexible steel re-enforced trunking /
cable tray / ducting as approved by the Authority to reduce the risk of tampering.
All the cable entries to the AVC enclosure shall be sealed properly with glands
/ sealant, as approved.
xix. The quality control procedure manual shall be provided with the proposal by the
equipment Contractor, which shall include a minimum of:
 AVC Installation Log Sheet
 Loop Resistance Testing and Loop Earth Testing Procedure
 Crosstalk Verification Process
 Loop Chatter (Bobbing) Verification Process
 Basis of classification logic of AVC

7.4.7. AVC Controller Configuration

The following minimum configuration requirements shall be met:

Descriptions Remarks
TYPE Industrial Grade Computer (IPC)
Processor Board ATX / Micro ATX / Mini -ITX Industrial Mother Board
Power Supply ATX 450 or as per need of Industrial grade computer
Mains Input AC input from 200~240V, 50 Hz
Cables Power Cable, UTP cable
Colour Manufacturer’s Original Colour
Access for maintenance, Minimal maintenance, Commercially

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modularity of construction off-the-shelf product

Environmental Considerations -20°C to 60°C Operating Temperature,

95% @ 40°C (non-condensing)
Processor: Intel Core i7- 6500 Processor
(Quad Core, 6 MB Cache, upto 3.20 Ghz
w/Turbo Boost) or better
RAM: 16 GB (2 X 8 GB) DDR4
Synchronous Dynamic RAM
Supports Dual channel (non-ECC)
DDR4 1866/2133 up to 32GB
Storage Drive: Based on estimated
storage requirement for 6 months TLC
IPC Design Criteria data (at least 500 GB Solid-State Drive-in
case estimated capacity is lesser)
Supports SATA3.02 x PCIe expansion
Supports VGA and DVI display,
6 x USB 2.0, 4 x COMs ports Serial
port support,
RS-485 auto flow control
2 X Ethernet RJ-45 network port,
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet controller,
support Wake on LAN 8
Operating System: Linux or Windows
latest or Embedded
Application Software: Lane
Software, Antivirus
Overall MTBF: 30,000 hrs
Overall MTTR: 0.5 hrs – 1 hr

7.4.8. AVC Enclosure

The AVC and all related peripheral controllers should be enclosed in an IP65 compliant

a) Locking System: Each cabinet shall have a unique key allowing access to the AVC.
b) Door monitoring: The cabinet door shall be monitored utilizing proximity / limit
switch. Door open / close events shall be recorded as incidents identified by time
and Lane identification. The incidents are to be displayed on the plaza level.

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c) Cabling Layout: All external cables shall be protected against the effects of lightning
and shall comply with all requirements for the control of interference from EMI. All
data cables shall be screened and shall be properly separated and shielded from
all power cables.
d) Ventilation and internal temperature: All equipment endorsed by the cabinet shall
be kept at a temperature consistent with manufacturers recommendations.
e) Finishing: The cabinet surfaces shall be protected from the environment in which it
shall be used, and the Equipment Contractor shall specify the surface treatments to
be applied. Each cabinet shall be painted and numbered in a manner consistent
with the toll lanes and consistent with all equipment related functions (e.g., reporting
to the plaza software subsystem).
f) Cable dressing: All cables (power & signal) shall be properly routed and dressed
with suitable railings inside the enclosure and ties.
g) Cable numbering: The signal & power cable terminations shall be identified by
proper numbering. In addition to the termination at the controller end, this
numbering shall also be maintained at locations where the cables are exposed (like
manholes, junctions) and at the peripheral end. Further, all the individual
component boards shall be properly identified by labelling.
h) Cable terminations: The signal & power cable (from the peripherals) terminations
shall be kept separated inside the cabinet. The cable routing inside the enclosures
shall be done in a proper manner, so that, aesthetics apart, the cable faults can be
traced, and faulty cables replaced, easily and less time consuming.

7.5. User Fare Display with mounting pole

7.5.1. Description and Function

a) The User Fare Display (UFD) shall be located in the toll lane in a position where it
is readily visible to and readable by Users from the pay point. The display has the
primary purpose of informing the User of the vehicle. It shall convey ETC balance
information & low balance warnings, public relations and seasonal messages.
b) The UFD shall be of variable message type and shall have high intensity LED or
similar Operator approved display of 16 characters per line in three lines with the
option of scrolling for displaying seasonal messages.
c) The UFD shall send status information to the TLC for interface with plaza

7.5.2. Specifications

The following minimum specifications shall be met:

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 Size : 750 X 450 mm

 Character per Line: At least 16 per line
 Luminous Intensity: >2000 mcd
 Display : Red LED
 Visibility Range : 10 m
 Enclosure : MS
 MTBF : 50,000 hours
 MTTR : less than 30 minutes

7.5.3. Power Source

The UFD shall receive UPS power from the TLC. Any special electrical protection /
interface unit shall be provided by the Contractor, if required based on the needs of the

7.5.4. Protection

The UFD shall be IP 65 rated or better.

7.6. Automatic Barrier Gate

7.6.1. Description and Functions – Automatic Barriers

a) The lane exit barrier shall be suitable for high- speed ETC transactions. One full
open-close cycle shall not take more than 1.2 seconds. The barriers are being used
in the ETC express lane; the barriers shall be capable of full lane open from a close
state in less than 0.6 seconds.
b) The housing and any mounting frame shall be fabricated from corrosion-resistant
materials. They shall be IP 55 rated. The barrier shall be driven electrically. The
motor shall not be damaged when the barrier is blocked in any position. Exit barriers
shall have presence detectors independent to the AVC system to prevent barrier
arms coming down on vehicles while passing. This shall be in the form of infrared
units and dedicated embedded loops. Apart from the barrier arm, the mechanism
may not have any moving protrusions that pose a risk to persons standing in close
proximity to the barrier.
c) The barrier arm shall be fabricated from a light, corrosion resistant material readily
and inexpensively available in India. The barrier arm shall further have a protective
mechanism whereby controlled fracture of the barrier arm occurs without damage
to the housing or motor in the event of frontal collision. Preference will be given to
non-destructive break-away mechanisms. Further, there shall be a protection

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mechanism to detect the presence of vehicles to avoid accidental hitting on the

vehicles, whenever the boom is triggered for closing.
d) Suitable power supply scheme shall be implemented by the Contractor to feed the
Exit barrier to protect the source from being damaged due to electrical surges /
spikes injected by the dynamic (inductive) load. Further, the drive shall be so
designed as to the damping factor is just sufficient for the drive to operate the booms
without any jerks during open / close to avoid freak hitting by the exiting vehicles.
e) Barrier arms shall have retro-reflective red stripes in accordance with the local traffic
sign standards.

7.6.2. Specifications

The following minimum specifications shall be met:

 Boom Length: 3 m or 3.5 m

 Boom Material: Aluminium

7.6.3. Power Source

The Automatic Barrier Gate shall receive power directly from dedicated online UPS.
Suitable protection shall be provided by the Contractor at the load end to protect the Boom
Barrier. The Contractor shall fulfil any specific earthing requirement.

7.6.4. Protection

The Automatic Barrier Gate shall be IP 55 rated.

7.7. Overhead Lane Status Sign (OHLS)

7.7.1. Description and Functions

a) The Overhead Lane Sign (OHLS) is located above the centre of the lane at the lane
entrance. The purpose of the OHLS is to indicate to the User whether the toll lane
is open for the processing of vehicle or closed. A red cross is used to signal that the
lane is closed, whilst a green arrow is used to indicate that the lane is open to traffic.
b) Signs must be sufficiently bright and directed to indicate to a motorist, approaching
the toll plaza, at a distance of 300 m on a bright cloud free day that the lane is
available for use. The OHLS status shall also be visible up to a peripheral view of
45 degrees from the travel axis.
c) At any situation, both RED and GREEN part shall not glow simultaneously. Under
failure conditions, only Red Cross shall be displayed until rectification.

7.7.2. Specifications

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The following minimum specifications shall be met:

 Size : 480 mm X 480 mm

 Display (Cross) : Red LED
 Display (Arrow) : Green LED
 LED : 5mm in diameter, 8000 mCd
 Visibility Range : 150 m (under extreme weather conditions) and 300 m under
normal ambient conditions
 Enclosure : MS with powder coating
 Environmental Protection : IP 65 or better grade

7.7.3. Power Source

The OHLS shall receive UPS power from the TLC.

7.7.4. Protection

The OHLS shall be IP 65 rated or better.

7.8. Traffic lights with mounting pole

7.8.1. Description and Functions

a) The Traffic Light (TL) shall be located in the toll lanes in a position where it is readily
visible to users of the toll road, usually on the side of the lane beyond the toll booth.
The traffic light shall consist of two traffic light heads mounted on a suitable pole. A
red signal is used to indicate that the user should stop whilst the green signal is
used to indicate that the user should proceed.
b) At any situation, both RED and GREEN part shall not glow simultaneously. Under
failure conditions, only RED arrow shall be displayed until rectification.

7.8.2. Specifications

The following minimum specifications shall be met:

 Size : 200 mm with sun visor

 Display (Stop) : Red LED
 Display (Start) : Green LED
 Visibility Range : 20 m (under normal visibility conditions)
 Enclosure : MS Housing
 Mounting : On Pole

7.8.3. Power Source

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The TL shall receive UPS power from the TLC. Any special electrical protection / interface
unit shall be provided by the Contractor, if required based on the needs of the device.

7.8.4. Protection

The TL shall be IP 65 rated or better.

7.9. Violation Light & Alarm

The siren operates in conjunction with a “violation” and acts as a warning device, The purpose
of the siren is to alert the plaza staff of a ‘run-through’ through the lane. Visual indication is via
a strobe light. It shall meet the following requirements:

Violation light: Minimum Specification

Technology Motor driven
Operating Voltage 230 VACS
Colour Amber
Dimension 142mm x 118mm

Violation Alarm
Volume 112 db at 1 meter
Hearing distance 500 meters
Protection IP 65

7.10. Loops with detector

Dimension as suggested by the Service Provider/System Integrator and detector

specification as per AVC specification chapter.

7.11. Incident Capture Camera with mounting Poles

7.11.1. The cameras shall be charge coupled device (CCD) colour cameras equipped with fixed
focal manual iris lenses and night vision capabilities. The CCTV systems shall have
adequate surge and lightning protection.

7.11.2. The model selected shall have image compensation capability to ignore stray lighting /
vehicle lighting so that ICS shall render meaningful output for verification. The camera
should be able to capture snapshots also.

7.11.3. Camera Location: The Equipment Service Provider shall determine the best mounting
positions for the cameras so that effects, such as, direct sunlight and stray lighting is
negated. The cameras shall also be protected from or be resistant to high winds and
moisture. Vibration shall be minimised such that the image quality is never compromised.
Each camera shall view and detect vehicle images for its lane. The cameras shall be

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located so that sidelong profile of the vehicle is obtained as it crosses the AVC, so that the
number of axles of the vehicle crossing the AVC shall be clearly visible when the vehicle is
exiting the lane. The camera shall have an automatic adjustment of brightness. The housing
shall be an IP-67 rated enclosure to withstand adverse weather conditions. The housing
shall be equipped with a hood to protect the camera under direct sunlight / canopy light.
The Incident Capture Camera is installed at a convenient location on the island to capture
images and video clips of the vehicles for the following incidents:

a) Class discrepancy between the classes detected by the AVC and that entered by
the fee collector
b) Exempt users
c) All transaction of vehicle with special events
d) Offending vehicles

7.11.4. The camera shall be installed inside the housing at the suitable height above the surface of
the lane on a pole to record the vehicle images and video clip for every transaction in the
lane. The vehicle images captured shall be of the front and right-side portion of the vehicle.

a) General Requirements: The housing will be equipped with a hood to protect the
camera under direct sunlight.
b) Protection: IP67
c) ONVIF supported

7.11.5. The stand of the lane camera shall be made of steel that shall not swing or twist under
gutter speed of strong wind. The stand will be protected from corrosive environmental

7.11.6. Specification: -

Description Specifications
Image Sensor 1/3", progressive scan CMOS
Minimum Resolution 4MP (2592×1520)
Lens Type Varifocal
Horizontal field of view: 105° to 35°
Field of View Vertical field of view: 56° to 20° Diagonal field of view: 126° to
Shutter Time 1/3 s to 1/100,000 sec. or better
Day/Night Removable IR-cut filter for day & night function
Colour: 0.005 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR
Minimum Illumination
Colour: 0.0068 Lux @ (F1.4, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR
IR Illuminators Built-in IR illuminators, effective up to 50 meters

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Description Specifications
Slot type: SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot
On-board Storage
Seamless Recording
Video Compression H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
30 fps
Maximum Frame Rate
In both compression modes
Maximum Streams 4 simultaneous streams
S/N Ratio 50 dB or better
Dynamic Range 95 dB or better
Video Streaming Adjustable resolution, quality and bitrate, Stream
Adjustable image size, quality and bit rate, Time stamp, text
overlay, flip & mirror, Configurable brightness, contrast,
saturation, sharpness, white balance, exposure control, gain,
Image Settings
backlight compensation, privacy masks, Scheduled profile
settings, 3D Noise Reduction, Video
Rotation, Defog, WDR, HLC
Image Enhancement BLC/3D DNR/HLC
Audio Capability Two-way audio (full duplex)
Audio Compression G.711/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCM
External microphone input
Audio output
Users Live viewing for up to 10 clients
Interface 10 Base-T/100 Base TX Ethernet (RJ-45)
ONVIF Supported
Video motion detection, manual trigger, digital input, periodical
trigger, system boot, recording notification, camera tampering
Alarm Triggers
audio detection
Event notification using digital output, HTTP, SMTP, FTP and
Alarm Events
server, SD Card
File upload via HTTP, SMTP, FTP, NAS server and SD card
Smart Focus System Fixed Focus
RJ-45 cable connector for Network/PoE connection
Audio input

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Description Specifications
Audio output
DC 12V power input
Digital input: 1, Digital output:1
LED Indicator System power and status indicator
Weather-proof IP66-rated housing
Vandal-proof IK10-rated metal housing (Casing Only)
Safety Certifications CE, LVD, FCC Class A, VCCI, C-Tick

Operating Temperature 10°C to 60°C

7.12. License Plate Image Capture Cameras

7.12.1. The cameras shall be charge coupled device (CCD) colour cameras equipped with fixed
focal manual iris lenses and night vision capabilities. The CCTV systems shall have
adequate surge and lightning protection.

7.12.2. The model selected shall have image compensation capability to ignore stray lighting /
vehicle lighting so that LPIC shall render meaningful output for verification. The camera
should be able to capture snapshots also.

7.12.3. Each camera shall view and capture vehicle images for its lane. The cameras shall be so
located so that the front license plate of the vehicle is clearly within the view of the camera,
so that the real time feed of this camera shall be displayed as a section in the TCD. The
camera shall have an automatic adjustment of brightness. The housing shall be an IP-67
rated enclosure to withstand adverse weather conditions. The housing shall be equipped
with a hood to protect the camera under direct sunlight / canopy light.

7.12.4. Specification: -

Description Specifications
Image Sensor 1/3", progressive scan CMOS
Minimum Resolution 4MP (2592×1520)
Lens Type Varifocal
Horizontal field of view: 105° to 35°
Field of View
Vertical field of view: 56° to 20° Diagonal field of view: 126° to 40.5°
Shutter Time 1/3 s to 1/100,000 sec. or better
Day/Night Removable IR-cut filter for day & night function
Color: 0.005 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR
Minimum Illumination
Color: 0.0068 Lux @ (F1.4, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR
IR Illuminators Built-in IR illuminators, effective up to 50 meters

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Description Specifications
Slot type: SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot
On-board Storage
Seamless Recording
Video Compression H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
30 fps
Maximum Frame Rate
In both compression modes
Maximum Streams 4 simultaneous streams
S/N Ratio 50 dB or better
Dynamic Range 95 dB or better
Video Streaming Adjustable resolution, quality and bitrate, Stream
Adjustable image size, quality and bit rate, Time stamp, text overlay,
flip & mirror, Configurable brightness, contrast, saturation,
sharpness, white balance, exposure control, gain, backlight
Image Settings
compensation, privacy masks, Scheduled profile settings, 3D Noise
Reduction, Video
Rotation, Defog, WDR, HLC
Image Enhancement BLC/3D DNR/HLC
Audio Capability Two-way audio (full duplex)
Audio Compression G.711/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCM
External microphone input
Audio output
Users Live viewing for up to 10 clients
Interface 10 Base-T/100 Base TX Ethernet (RJ-45)
ONVIF Supported
Video motion detection, manual trigger, digital input, periodical
trigger, system boot, recording notification, camera tampering
Alarm Triggers
audio detection
Event notification using digital output, HTTP, SMTP, FTP and NAS
Alarm Events server, SD Card
File upload via HTTP, SMTP, FTP, NAS server and SD card
Smart Focus System Fixed Focus
RJ-45 cable connector for Network/PoE connection
Audio input
Audio output
DC 12V power input

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Description Specifications
Digital input: 1, Digital output:1
LED Indicator System power and status indicator
Weather-proof IP66-rated housing
Vandal-proof IK10-rated metal housing (Casing Only)
Safety Certifications CE, LVD, FCC Class A, VCCI, C-Tick
10°C to 60°C

7.13. TFT Display

The TFT display/Fee Collector Display (FCD) shall be located on the fee collector’s desktop
and shall be screwed or bolted through the countertop, the position of the TFT shall be
finalized with the employer’s engineer at time of installation, suitable mounting brackets
manufactured from stainless steel shall be provided to fix the screen to the desktop. All nuts
and bolts are used to secure the TFT to the booth countertop shall be stainless steel. It
shall be the system’s interface to the fee collector, to display the status of transactions and
status of the lane peripherals.

Minimum Technical specifications for the TFT display shall be as follows:

Description Remarks
Display Type TFT with Diagonal Size of 18.5” Minimum
Cables Power Cable 1 x VGA/HDMI Cable (15- pin HD D –
Cable routes Power cable is terminated to the Lane Controller
distribution block via booth ducting. VGA/HDMI
Cable is terminated to the SVGA/HDMI Port at the
Lane Controller via booth ducting
Color Manufacturer’s Original Color
Voltage Requirement AC 230 V (50 / 60 Hz)
Power Consumption 28 W
IP Rating 66
Operating Temperature 0 degree C to 50 degree C
Relative Humidity 20 % to 80 %
Design Criteria - Min. Resolution: 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz
- Aspect Ratio: 4:3
- Number of Colours: 16.2 M, (6bit+FRC)

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- Video bandwidth: 70 MHz

- Viewable size: 18.5” Minimum
- MTBF: 50,000 hrs
- MTTR: 0.25 hrs

7.14. TOLL COLLECTOR TERMINAL (TCT) /Customized Keyboard

All keys (push buttons) used on the TCT shall be of positive displacement (click) type, of
rugged industrial grade construction and capable of lasting for at least 2 million cycles
before failure. The keyboard on the Fee Collector terminal for Registration of toll operations
shall be a programmable Industrial Grade keyboard. The TCT shall receive power from the
TLC. Any special electrical protection / interface unit shall be provided by the Supplier, if
required, based on the needs of the device. The TCT shall be IP 54 rated.

The industrial grade keyboard shall be fully programmable; this however must be approved
by the engineer before supply. These keys will be used to enter data of:

 Staff Id number
 Vehicle Classification
 Type of Transaction
 Accept/Cancel Transaction
 Method of payments Selection
 Operate OHLS
 Numeric Keypad with backspace button for numeric corrections
 Class Cancel
 Bleed-off button
 Violation Cancel/Accept Button
 Simulation Button (Only for use during Maintenance Mode)
 Alpha Numeric Keys in QWERTY format

Customized Programmable Keyboard Features and minimum Specification shall be as


 Shall have Powerful programming capability

 Programming under DOS and Windows, multiple pages, multiple level, whole range
key content, time delay, position sense answer back code, etc.
 True spill-resistant design
 Optional blank key, double key for alternative key group layout
 Optional MSR

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 70 programming keys + 6 position control key

 Key top size: 18 mm x 22 mm for single key
 Interface: PS/2 or USB
 Dimension (maximum): 340 mm (W) x 150 mm (D) x 58 mm (H) or vendor/OEM
 Weight: upto 1.2 kg
 Color: OEM Specific

7.15. Thermal Receipt Printer

7.15.1. The thermal receipt printer shall be located in the tollbooth and mounted in a position that
will allow the operator to easily reach the receipts printed on the printer. The thermal receipt
printer (RPR) shall be used to print receipts in the lanes. The printer shall be provided with
the automatic advance function of the paper after printing so that the space for the first line
of printing is aligned under the print head thus reducing the time taken to produce a receipt.
The print rate should be sufficiently fast to print the details of a receipt or of a transaction in
not more than 1 second.

7.15.2. For design purpose, it shall be assumed that receipts will be approximately 70mm in length.
The Employer (NHAI) and project/plaza information will occupy space on the top. The area
under this shall be used for particular printed data. The System Integrator shall take the
approval from the Employer for the format of the receipt. A “low paper / paper out” message
is to be sent to the TLC when there is low paper in the printer. Also, this is to be displayed
to the Toll Collector in the respective booth. The RP shall receive UPS power from the TLC.
Any special electrical protection / interface unit shall be provided by the Supplier, if required,
based on the needs of the device. The RP shall be IP 54 rated.

7.15.3. Minimum Technical specifications for the RPR shall be as follows:

Descriptions Remarks
Dimension Maximum up to 145mm (W) x 195mm (D) x 148 (H)
Weight Shall be less than 2 kg
Installation and Fixing Details Installed and fixed on the Fee Collector desk
- Power cable
- Serial RS232C/ Parallel /USB
Power cable is terminated to the TLC Termination Block via
Cable routes
booth ducting. Data cable is connected to the TLC
Color Cool White/Dark Grey
Power Supply Requirement 24 VDC + 7%

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Access for maintenance, The cover can be opened for maintenance. It also has paper
modularity of construction sensors. Off-the-shelf product
Operating Temperature 5 C to 50 C
Relative Humidity 5 % to 90 %
Print Speed: 47 LPS
Design Criteria Print font: 9x17/12x24
Print column capacity: 56/42 columns
Character size (mm): 0.99(W) x 2.4 (H) / 1.41 (W) x 3.4 (H)
Paper dimension (mm): 79.5 + 0.5 (W) x 83 (diameter)
Paper thickness: 0.06-0.07 mm
Auto cutter life: 2 million cuts
Real-time printer status: Auto status back (ASB) messages
MCBF: 52 million lines
MTBF: 360,000 hours, Overall MTTR: 0.25 hrs
Speed Min. 60 receipts/ minutes.

Power/Normal Operation Green LED

Paper Low Amber LED

Error LED Red

7.16. Intercom Slave Unit inside Booth

7.16.1. This specification lays down the general, functional and technical requirements of intercom
slave communication unit to be used as a sub-system in the Booth at the Plaza.

7.16.2. ISCU shall be used for communication between the Toll Collector at the lane and the
auditor/ supervisor at the Plaza building.

7.16.3. ISCU shall have the following functions:

 Voice communication installed in the booths shall provide hands free two-way
verbal communication between the supervision staff in the control room and the
Collectors. The Collector shall be able to attract the attention of the auditor in the
control room by pressing a single button on the intercom slave unit in the booth.
 The equipment shall also have the facility to allow the supervision staff to monitor
communication in the booth between the Collector and the user or between any
booth without alerting the Collector.
 The voice communication system shall operate independently of the Plaza Toll
management system.

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 Voice communication shall also be implemented in various rooms of the plaza

building and at building access points.
 Two-way communications shall be possible as soon as the auditor responds by
selecting the appropriate lane button on the Master Communication unit
 One-way communication shall be possible from the Control Room intercom to all
lanes simultaneously (broadcast)

7.16.4. ISCU shall meet the following minimum technical specifications:

Descriptions Minimum Specifications

Installation and Fixing Details Fixed in the booth. (wall/desktop mount)
Speech Method Hands-free
Wiring distance 120 meters with 0.202 mm diameter (33 AWG) cable,
300 meters with 1.024 mm diameter (18AWG) cable

Speaker 20 ohms
Power Consumption 6 W (max.)
Power Supply Requirement Power supply from Master System
Wiring 2 wires, non-twisted
Environmental Considerations Operating Temperature of 10OC to 50OC
Reliability 30,000 hrs

The System Integrator may also propose/ provide an IP based intercom system.

7.17. Master Communication Unit (MCU)

7.17.1. This specification lays down the general, functional and technical requirements of master
communication unit to be used as a sub-system in the Plaza.

7.17.2. The master communication unit MCU is a master communication system to control
communication between the Collector at the lane and the auditor at the Plaza building. The
unit will be located in the Control room and controlled by auditor/ supervisor.

7.17.3. Technical Specifications:

Descriptions Remarks
Power Source 24V DC
Current Consumption Max. 1A, 80mA in standby
Communication Push-to-talk at master station hands free at sub

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Calling LED and intermittent ringing tone at master until


Frequency Response 770 – 6800Hz

Total Harmonic Distortion 3% @ 1000Hz at 20 ohms
Mounting Wall or desk mount
Wiring 2 conductor per sub station
MTBF 30,000 hrs

7.18. Closed Circuit TV (CCTV)

7.18.1. General

a) This part of the RFE covers the equipment and services to be supplied under CCTV
equipment to be installed at the Plazas. The CCTV equipment shall be categorized
as two types, CCTV for lanes and CCTV for Plaza surveillance. Earthing of the
Camera equipment must be done with a resistance value of less than 3 Ohms. Earth
spikes with suitable cable shall be used for this purpose.
b) The CCTV for lanes shall be:
i. Booth CCTV cameras
c) The CCTV for Plaza surveillance are:
i. Network Video Recorder (NVR)
ii. Video Management Software (VMS)
iii. Plaza Building Security CCTV cameras
iv. Display (LED Monitor)
d) All the cameras shall be IP based and shall be connected to the Plaza Network
video recorder (NVR). The video management software (VMS) installed on NVR
shall provide the facility to control the cameras at the Supervision Control room at
the Plaza Buildings. The video recording of each camera shall be stored at for a
period of minimum 30 days.
e) The functionality of the CCTV cameras provided by the Applicant shall be described
as follows:
i. Booth CCTV cameras – These cameras shall be installed inside of the booth to
capture the activities of the Collector all the time and especially when doing the
transactions along with the view of the paying vehicle. The position of the booth
camera shall be decided accordingly. These cameras shall have inbuilt voice
recording and SD memory card of minimum 32GB for local storage of videos
and voice recordings.

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ii. Plaza Building Security CCTV cameras – These cameras shall be intended for
monitoring of security areas such as the plaza compound, general parking area,
Toll Control Room, cash room, plaza building lobby, Collector walkway, server
room, UPS room, tunnel, parking, staircase, cash van loading area, etc. The
bullet cameras installed outdoor shall be weatherproof enclosure.
iii. The design of the CCTV system for the plaza shall consider the following: -
 Provide effective supervision and control
 Easy to use
 Self-contained system
 Increase span of management
 Reduce unnecessary travel
 View / evaluate situations quickly
 Motion detection
 Savings on time and manpower
 Easy access to video information and quick playback
 Minimize the use of security guards
 Eliminate unnecessary responses to false alarms
 Provision for future scalability
f) Booth Level CCTV
i. The booth CCTV camera shall be an IP based fixed dome type colour cameras
installed inside the booth to capture the activities of the Fee Collector while
performing his operations. The camera also shall capture the view of the paying
vehicle while capturing the transaction video.
ii. These cameras shall have inbuilt voice recording and SD memory card of
minimum 32GB for local storage of videos and voice recordings.
iii. These cameras shall be connected to the NVR installed at the control/server
room at each Plaza building.
iv. The camera and NVMS shall be capable of triggering alarms in case of Video
motion detection, manual trigger, digital input, periodical trigger, system boot,
recording notification, camera tampering detection and audio detection. The
triggering alerts can be controlled by the control room operator.
v. Technical Specifications of the Booth Cameras shall be as follows:
vi. The technical specifications mentioned hereunder are minimum guidelines. The
Applicant shall not deviate materially from the specifications specified herein.

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Description Specifications
Image Sensor 1/2.8” Progressive CMOS
Min Resolution 4MP (2592×1520)
Lens Type Fixed Focal

Field of View 110° (Horizontal), 64° (Vertical) ,135° (Diagonal)

Shutter Time 1/5 sec. to 1/30,000 sec.

Day/Night Removable IR-cut filter for day & night function
0.08 Lux @ F1.8 (Color)
Minimum Illumination
0.001 Lux @ F1.8 (B/W)

Built-in IR illuminators, effective up to 25 meters or better

IR Illuminators

On-board Storage SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot

Compression H.264 & MJPEG

Maximum Frame Rate 30 fps in both compression modes

Maximum Streams 4 simultaneous streams

S/N Ratio Above 55dB

Dynamic Range 97dB or better

Video Streaming Adjustable resolution, quality and bitrate

Adjustable image size, quality and bit rate, time stamp, text
overlay, flip & mirror, configurable brightness, contrast, saturation,
sharpness, white balance, exposure control, gain, backlight
Image Settings
compensation, privacy masks, scheduled profile settings, seamless
recording, smart stream, 3D Noise Reduction,

Video Rotation

Audio Capability Audio input /output (full duplex)

Compression G.711, G.726

Interface External microphone input Audio output



QoS, SNMP, 802.1X, UDP, ICMP

Interface 10 Base-T/100 BaseTX Ethernet (RJ-45)
ONVIF Supported

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Description Specifications

Video motion detection, manual trigger, digital input, periodical

Alarm Triggers trigger, system boot, recording notification, camera tampering

detection, audio detection

Event notification using digital output, HTTP, SMTP, FTP and

Alarm Events
NAS server, SD Card, File upload via HTTP, SMTP, FTP, NAS
server and SD card

RJ-45 cable connector for Network/PoE connection Audio output

DC 12V power input Digital input*1
Digital output*1
LED Indicator System power and status indicator
Power Input Max. 9 W (PoE)

Safety Certifications CE, LVD, FCC Class B, VCCI, C-Tick

Starting Temperature: -10°C to 50°C (14°F~ 122°F)

g) Network Video Recorder (NVR)

i. H.265 Linux-based embedded standalone NVR shall be provided. Shall support
16-Channel /24-Channel / 32-Channel network cameras. The NVR shall be
ONVIF compliant and scalable configuration with features to help users to set
up and manage advanced IP surveillance systems with ease. The NVR shall
also support remote and mobile access, via web-based application, and app for
both iOS and Android devices.
ii. The NVR shall have minimum following technical features:
 H.265 Compression Technology
 Plug & Play One Button Auto Setup
 Intuitive, Intelligent and Interactive UI
 Live viewing, recording and Playback features
 Embedded Linux OS or OEM Specific
 Support RAID 0/1/5 Storage
 Up to 12MP Camera Live view & Playback
 Dual Lan Network Ports with Failover Function
 ONVIF Open Platform
 Storage capacity: min. 30 days with HD resolution @ 30fps

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Description Specifications
Video and Audio
IP Video Input 32-ch
Two-way audio
1-ch, RCA
Incoming bandwidth 320Mbps
Outgoing bandwidth 320 Mbps
Remote connection 128
Video/Audio Output
HDMI1/VGA: 1920x1080p /60Hz, 1920x1080p /50Hz, 1600x1200
/60Hz, 1280x1024 /60Hz, 1280x720 /60Hz, 1024x768 /60Hz
HDMI2: 4K (3840x2160) /60Hz, 4K (3840x2160) /30Hz,
/60Hz, 1920x1080p /50Hz, 1600x1200 /60Hz, 1280x1024 /60Hz,
1280x720 /60Hz, 1024x768 /60Hz
Audio Output 1-ch, RCA
Compression H.265 / H.264
Live view/Playback 8MP/6MP/5MP/4MP/3MP/1080p/960p/720p/D1/2CIF/CIF
Capability 4 x 4K@30, 8 x 4MP@20, 16 x 1080p@25, 32 x 720p@25
Hard Disk
SATA Minimum 4 SATA interface
Capacity Minimum 8TB for each disk
Disk Array
Array type RAID1, RAID5
External Interface
Network Interface 2 RJ-45 10M/100M/1000M self-adaptive Ethernet Interfaces
Network Function DNS, IP
Filter, PPPOE, DDNS, FTP, IP Server, P2P
Serial Interface 1 x RS-485
Front panel: 1 x USB2.0
USB Interface
Rear panel: 1 x USB2.0, 1 x USB3.0
Alarm In 16-ch

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Description Specifications
Alarm Out 4-ch
Power Supply 12V DC
(without HDD ≤ 12 W
and PoE)
-10°C ~ + 55°C (+14°F ~ +131°F )
Working Humidity 10% ~ 90%

h) CCTV cameras for Plaza Building surveillance (Server room, Control room,
Cash room, admin)
i. The system shall be connected to the NVR. The VMS installed on NVR shall
provide the facility to control the cameras at the Supervision Control room at the
Plaza Buildings.
ii. The cameras shall be for monitoring of security areas such as plaza compound,
security garage, Control Room, Change of Shift Room and Cash Counting
Room, Lobby, Hallway, Tunnel, Fee Collector Walkway, parking, staircase, DG
room, electrical room, server room, UPS room, Loading Bay, etc.
iii. These cameras shall be – Fixed lens Bullet CCTV night vision colour cameras.
The bullet cameras installed outdoor shall be weatherproof enclosure.
iv. Technical Specifications of the Plaza Surveillance Cameras shall be as stated
hereunder. The technical specifications mentioned hereunder are minimum
guidelines. The Applicant shall not deviate materially from the specification
specified while preparing the Technical Proposal of the Tender.

Description Specifications
Image Sensor 1/2.8" Progressive CMOS
Min Resolution 4MP (2592×1520)
Lens Type Fixed-focal
Field of View 83° (Horizontal), 53° (Vertical), 91° (Diagonal)
Shutter Time 1/5 sec. to 1/30,000 sec. or better
Day/Night Removable IR-cut filter for day & night function
0.06 Lux @ F2.1 (Color)
Minimum Illumination
0.001 Lux @ F2.1 (B/W)
IR Illuminators Built-in IR illuminators, effective up to 30 meters
On-board Storage Slot type: SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot

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Description Specifications
Seamless Recording
Compression H.265 & MJPEG
30 fps
Maximum Frame Rate
In both compression modes
Maximum Streams 4 simultaneous streams
S/N Ratio 50 dB or better
Dynamic Range 95 dB or better
Video Streaming Adjustable resolution, quality and bitrate, Stream
Adjustable image size, quality and bit rate, Time stamp, text
overlay, flip & mirror, Configurable brightness, contrast,
saturation, sharpness, white balance, exposure control, gain,
Image Settings
backlight compensation, privacy masks, Scheduled profile
settings, 3D Noise
Reduction, Video Rotation, Defog
Audio Capability Two-way audio (full duplex)
Compression G.711, G.726
External microphone input
Audio output
Users Live viewing for up to 10 clients
Interface 10 Base-T/100 BaseTX Ethernet (RJ-45)
ONVIF Supported
Video motion detection, manual trigger, digital input,
periodical trigger, system boot, recording notification,
Alarm Triggers
camera tampering
detection, audio detection
Event notification using digital output, HTTP, SMTP, FTP
and NAS
Alarm Events
server, SD Card
File upload via HTTP, SMTP, FTP, NAS server and SD card
Smart Focus System Fixed Focus
RJ-45 cable connector for Network/PoE connection
Audio input
Audio output
DC 12V power input

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Description Specifications
Digital input: 1, Digital output:1
LED Indicator System power and status indicator
Weather-proof IP66-rated housing
Vandal-proof IK10-rated metal housing (Casing Only)
Safety Certifications CE, LVD, FCC Class A, VCCI, C-Tick
Operating Temperature 10°C to 60°C

7.19. Network Switches (Layer 3)

7.19.1. General

The main switches which connect lane/booth system to main control building network shall
be managed by layer 3 type switch. The System Integrator shall supply and install network
equipment at each Plaza and each toll gate to connect Plaza building system with toll lane
systems. At the Plaza, the System Integrator shall supply and install all equipment, cables,
connectors, terminals and other miscellaneous materials necessary to establish a working
local area network connecting these two systems.

The network configuration shall be determined by the System Integrator. The cost of the
network devices and materials that is not explicitly listed in the BOQ of this Contract but
necessary for the system shall be deemed as included in the cost of appropriate items and
the Contract Price, and no separate payment shall be made.

7.19.2. 8-Port PoE industrial grade rugged managed switch with 2 fibre port

It shall be provided in each lane to connect all lane peripherals. No unmanaged switch shall
be provided in the lane. This 8-Port switch shall be installed inside the Electronic Enclosure
of the Lane Controller and the cost of the same shall be included in the cost of toll lane
controller. Manageable switch will ensure that the data transmission among lane equipment
is smooth and faster. This will also prevent data broadcasting from lanes which may result
in chocking of the entire network and slows the data transfer and efficiency of the lane

7.19.3. 24 Port Layer 3 Switch with 4 Fiber Port

it shall be provided in each direction of the lanes at the fee plaza to connect all lanes with
ETC Server. No unmanaged switch shall be provided in the lane. This 24-Port switch shall
be installed inside the network switch rack of minimum size 09 -12 U or as compatible.
Manageable switch will ensure that the data transmission between the lanes and ETC
server is smooth and faster.

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7.19.4. Specification

 Switch should support port security, DHCP snooping, Dynamic ARP inspection, IP
Source guard, BPDU Guard, spanning tree root guard.
 Switch should be IPv6 Certified/IPv6 logo ready, and Switch / Switch’s Operating
System should be tested and certified or in process of certification for EAL 2/NDPP
or above under Common Criteria Certification.
 Switch should have 1:1 redundant internal power supply. Power supply modules,
fan modules and transceivers modules should be hot swappable.
 Should support IEEE Standards of Ethernet: IEEE 802.1D, 802.1s, 802.1w, 802.1x,
802.3ad, 802.3x, 802.1p, 802.1Q, 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3ab, 802.3z, 802.3az.
 Switch shall have minimum 24 nos. 10/100/1000 Base-T ports and additional 4 nos.
SFP uplink ports loaded with MMF modules with dedicated stacking ports
 Switch shall have wire rate performance and 128 Gbps of dedicated stacking

7.20. ETC Server (Plaza Server)

7.20.1. The local ETC server is responsible for the control, data storage, processing and
administration of the toll operation. It shall be the responsibility of toll management server
to synchronize all activities of toll collection process, data and time of all workstations.

7.20.2. There shall be a separate partition for Operating System. All Data files shall be stored in a
separate partition. Image files shall have a separate 3rd partition. This scheme is applicable
not only for the LOCAL ETC SERVER but in all levels of Toll System.

7.20.3. Storage sizing at each level shall be backed up with corresponding file size per transaction
/ record as part of technical specifications delivery. If required, the HDD finalized as part of
BOQ shall be revised to handle the data storage capacity requirement as per the
requirement without any additional cost to the IHMCL/NHAI.

7.20.4. General Requirements

a) The manufacturer of the server and workstations shall:

i. Be a well-known and established company worldwide in the field of Information
ii. Have an established and appointed representative or authorized agency in
project location.
b) The Service Provider shall ensure that the OEM of the server and workstations
shall: -

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i. Be a well-known and established IT hardware supply company in project

ii. Be a registered representative of the original equipment manufacturer in
project location.
iii. Be capable of supplying adequate after-sales service and support on 24X7

7.20.5. Platform

The server shall make use of minimum 64-bit platform.

7.20.6. Configuration

 Processor board: shall have the capacity to accept up to 4, 64-bit central

processor units.
 Central Processor Unit/s: shall be 64-bit, Xenon 3 GHz or superior latest
available speed at the time of delivery to the site.
 Number of Processors: 2
 RAM: 64 GB DDR4 8SFF (2.5inch) Hot Plug SAS/SATA SAS/SATA H240 Smart
HBA RAID 0/1/5
 RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks): shall use RAID5 with hardware
RAID controller.
 SCSI Controller: shall have a minimum of two channels
 HDD: hot swap disks of latest available speed; capacity shall be based on data
retention of all data for a period of 5 years but not less than 10 x 1.8TB 12G
SAS 15K 2.5 in SC ENT HDD or latest available RMP
 DVD R/W: latest available speed
 Network Devices: 3X10G (Gigabit) LAN NIC (Network Interface Card)
 Power Supply: shall have a dual hot swap power supply to provide redundancy
 Connectivity: Two (2) standard communications ports (D sub 9 pin), Four USB
(Universal Serial Bus) ports (High Speed USB 2.0), SVGA Screen port, PS2
Mouse port, PS2 keyboard port
 Light path diagnostic with external visible panel
 LCD display for server operational log (events)
 Integrated system management processor on board
 Redundant hot swap fans
 Optical scroll Mouse
 21.5” TFT monitor

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7.20.7. The server including all accessories listed above shall be installed in a 42U rack.

7.20.8. Software Compatibility

The server shall be capable of supporting the following software platforms:

7.20.9. Operating System:



LINUX (64bit platform) or compatible

7.20.10. Database:



Any other database as suggested by Service Provider to IHMCL/NHAI

The Service Provider shall be capable of providing an undertaking for a pre-determined

time period for ETC server. The Service Provider shall provide undertaking for extensive
support & maintenance actions on a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week basis and also shall ensure
that a four (4) hour response time and a two (2) hour repair time can be achieved.

7.20.11. Archive Storage Device (USB HDD Device minimum 2 TB)

This device shall be connected with the server through a USB port. This device shall contain
all the archived data for the entire Contract Agreement. It shall be possible to restore a
COPY of the archived data for selected period to the live database as and when required
and can be removed immediately after it serves its purpose. Since, this data is to be utilized
only for reporting purposes, all the transaction and related data shall be retained in the
Archive until the end of Concession period. The cost of the device shall be included in the
cost of ETC server. No extra cost shall be paid for this device.

7.20.12. Licensing

License for each server, workstation operating system, Database management system
software, database maintenance software (like TOAD, etc.) or any other software (MS-
OFFICE package, Adobe, GHOST etc.) used in toll system, which requires a license, shall
be provided by the Contractor in the name of the Authority without any additional cost to

7.20.13. Database Management System

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a) Database shall be a relational database management system.

b) Lane system shall not have any direct database access. Data from the lane going
to the database shall be through dedicated software that runs on database server.

7.20.14. Data Network

a) The data network shall be Ethernet format. The network shall use TCP/IP protocol
and the cabling shall be STP / MM OFC and it shall be compatible with all network
system and equipment.
b) Care shall be taken to ensure that the cable and the network switches used between
two equipment shall be able to cater to the speed of the higher NIC.

7.20.15. Remote Access

Remote access shall be through a safety system as a remote connection server or firewall
system. The Toll system network shall be compliant with the majority remote access
equipment and remote access system, and it shall be configured with any remote system
available at site.

7.20.16. Hardware and Software Control System

Hardware and Software fault logging system. This shall include all information regarding
faults, downtime and repair time, imported from the ETC Server.

7.20.17. Help Menu

An intuitive and interactive help system that can be activated from anywhere in the ETC

7.20.18. Security System

 A facility to allow for managing the users and their access levels.
 The plaza ETC system shall at its highest level determine access to the separate
modules by any employee. It shall have the facility to define the employee
according to an associated level or duty, and provide a mechanism, whereby
access is restricted.
 CD R/RW of workstation shall be disabled and except Administrator no one shall
have any right assigned to add, remove or modify any program on any of the
 Nothing other than toll collection and operations function shall be accessible to
any level of toll operation function. If need arises, then the user shall logout, exit
the application using administrator rights.

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 After this Logoff from the system the user shall login into Windows with
Administrator rights and perform any required action. This is applicable for all
levels of the Toll System.

7.20.19. Workstations Management

At any time, if the IHMCL/NHAI wants to add additional workstations and its peripheral
hardware from the system, shall be able to do so without any additional cost to the

7.20.20. Interfaces

The system shall be designed using Open interface architecture at all levels of hardware
used. In future, it shall be possible for the IHMCL/NHAI to change any make / model of any
hardware without dependency on the Service Provider.

7.20.21. Data Management and Integrity

 The basic need for data integrity is the account closing at the administrative level.
The closing process assumes that all data from the lanes has been introduced into
the database.
 This can be resumed to:
 Guarantee the data in database is complete
 Guarantee the data in database is correct
 This is accomplished with:
 Checksum: let detect errors in data
 Data type sequencing: let detect missing sequence
 Communication sequence: this is a periodic messaging to allow detection of
communication failure
 Since, the whole Toll Collection system is designed to detect and subsequently
prevent misuse in any manner and collect all collectible revenues, any transaction
/ operation performed in any level of the Plaza ETC system shall be recorded in
the system on detecting a definitive positive / negative confirmation only. Usage
of any other irrelevant keys under such conditions shall display a warning message
to use the correct keys.

7.20.22. Data Sequence

Each message / transaction shall have its own sequential number.

7.20.23. Missing Data Detection and Resolution

 The conditions to be sure all data is in the database in a given moment are:

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 All message sequences received were correct (no checksum errors)

 There were no jumps in message sequential number
 There were no jumps in message type sequential number
 The Communication sequence is being received with no gaps and small
permissible delays.
 The message sequence type counters into Communication sequence are in
accordance with the counters received in actual messages.
 The program used to insert lane messages into the database keeps making the
above checks. If any problem is detected, it is signalized to plaza level.
 If any of the conditions above fail, the system signals a problem with the data on
a connected workstation in graphical form i.e., for each lane by hour. The
resolution of the problem is:
 If there is a data error (message received with bad checksum or bad data fields)
the system automatically tries to read the TLC / AVC message again.
 If data is missing, the normal way to solve this will be to make an export from
TLC and import in Administrative System using lane data import function. If the
problem persists,
 The specific situation will have to be analysed by going in details like which kind
of data sequence is missing - revenue or non-revenue, the missing sequence
details shall be made available just by clicking on the failure block of the lane data
as represented by the lane data failure graphics.

7.20.24. Data Import / Export System

 Reports Information

To a Microsoft Excel, comma separated and MS Access compatible database file.

7.20.25. Data Transfer

No workstation / controller can be used as a router to send data to the server database; all
data shall be reported directly to the server.

7.21. Incident Management Workstation

7.21.1. This module provides facilities for the supervisor to acknowledge incidents and to correct
class discrepancies generated at lane level. Incident capture camera, vehicle profile and
License plate capture camera images shall help supervisor deciding the correct class of the
vehicle and other validation actions.

7.21.2. Incident Management

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a) The GUI shall be so designed that it shall be possible for the Supervisor to view at
least the following information corresponding to each incident:
 Plaza ID
 Lane ID
 User ID (of the user who was logged in lane at the time of incident generation)
 Username (corresponding to above User ID)
 Transaction Number
 Transaction Date & time
 TLC/TAG Class
 AVC Class
 Axle Count
 Processed by (User ID of the Supervisor who processed the incident)
 Supervisor Name (corresponding to Processed by User ID)
 Corrected Class
 Corrected VRN
 Supervisor Action
 TAG Media ID
 ICS image (with watermarked Date / Time stamp, transaction number, incident
type, etc.)
 LPIC image (with watermarked Date / Time stamp, transaction number, lane
VRN, etc.)
 AVC Output Graph
 Event details (events / anomalies associated with this transaction – each
transaction starts when Valid TAG Media is detected – for media-based
transactions / AVC Loop is triggered – for violations and ends when the vehicle
liberates the AVC loop)
b) For processing of incidents / review of processed incidents, the Supervisor can filter
the list of incidents based on the following:
 Plaza ID (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 Lane ID (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 User ID (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 Transaction Date & time duration – From & To (Default – Current
Date) User configurable

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 TLC Class (Default – All) Drop down menu form

 TLC MOP (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 AVC Class (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 Axle Count (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 Processed by (Default – All) Drop down menu form including blank which shall
be the case until incident is processed.
 Corrected Class (Default – All) Drop down menu form including blank which shall
be the case until incident is processed.
 Supervisor Action (Default – All) Drop down menu form including blank which
shall be the case until incident is processed.
 Event details (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 Processed Incidents / Not Processed Incidents
c) In addition to the above, it shall be possible for the Supervisor to search for a
particular record based on any / combination of the following search criteria:
 User ID
 Transaction Number
 TLC Class
 TLC / Media VRN
 Processed by
 Corrected Class
 Corrected VRN
 Supervisor Action
 TAG Media ID
d) Based on the MOPs defined in the system and the Incident configuration, it shall be
possible for the Supervisor to correct the class of the vehicle, Vehicle Registration
Number (VRN) and Confirm / Reject the Lane MOP selected by TC.
e) The incidents can normally be processed by Supervisor by performing selections /
feeding information on one and / or all of the below fields:
 Corrected Class
 Corrected VRN
 Comments (optional)
f) It shall be possible for the Supervisor to perform these actions only by double
clicking on a particular incident to view all information in detailed view before
processing the incident.

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g) It shall be possible at Plaza ETC system level to configure following on selection

menu basis in order to activate and deactivate by administrator level function:
 Capture of ICS image none, for selected type of incident, for all types of
incidents, for all transaction.
 Capture of LPIC image none, for selected type of incident, for all types of
incidents, for all transaction.
 Record and report incident transaction at incident management system, none,
for selected type of transaction, for all transaction.
h) Other functions
i. In addition to the above primary function of the Supervisor, the following
functions shall be performed by the Supervisor:
 Data Completeness
 Shift Consolidation
 Day Consolidation
 Month Closure
 Lists Transfer Status

The above functionalities are explained in detail below.

i) Data Completeness
i. The Supervisor can verify the status of data transfer between the lanes and
workstations on an hourly basis. Wherever, the data transfer status is not OK,
a separate process shall be available through which the Supervisor can re-
request data transfer to correct the status.
ii. The Data completeness procedure shall check at least the following minimum
 Transaction sequence jump
 Transaction sequence reset
 Gap in time (if regular data packets are not updated), etc.
j) The Data completeness procedure needs to be defined and a separate document
shall be provided by the TCE Supplier on how this feature is to be accomplished in
the system.

k) Day Closure
i. The Day Closure option is used by the Supervisor to close each Operational
day. When the Supervisor selects this option, the system shall display the
current status of Operation in terms of data exchange.

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ii. When, the supervisor closes the day, the following conditions shall be verified
by the system before generation of Day Closure Report:
 Data completeness
 Data transfer to CCH completeness
iii. If any of the above checks fail, the system shall display an alert (POP-UP) to the
Supervisor to perform these pending operations before day closure.
iv. This procedure shall ensure that no data generated is left unattended for review
/ reconciliation.
l) Month Closure
i. Month closure is performed on a monthly basis on a complete calendar month.
Once, this option is selected any day pending closure shall be brought to the
notice of the Supervisor. For ensuring that all data and all corrections are
complete and no deconsolidation whatsoever shall be required
ii. any further, the month closure for a particular month shall be performed on the
2nd day of the subsequent month (configurable).
iii. Once, this operation is performed, no changes whatsoever can be made through
the application to the transaction data of the corresponding month whatsoever.
Deconsolidation option shall not be available and all manual overrides with
respect to these transactions shall not be possible.
iv. Whenever, this operation is confirmed, system shall ensure that this operation
is performed after debt recovery. A warning message to this effect shall still
appear for the Supervisor to ensure and confirm that the debt recovery process
for the month for which month closure is being performed is already complete.
m) Lists Transfer Status
i. In addition to the transaction data, there can be various lists related to users,
media, classification, fare, configuration, parameters etc. which shall be
transferred between server and workstations / lanes.
ii. The status of all such lists shall be displayed on selection of this option. The
status shall include the following:
 Name of the list
 Version of current transfer
 Version of previous transfer
 Date & time
 Frequency of transfer (in HH:MM format)
 Transfer Status

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iii. It shall be possible for the supervisor to re-request / re-transfer any failed list
iv. Also, all lists shall be retained in the system along with date of activation and
date of expiry in addition to the version details.
v. All the above listed functionalities are the core responsibilities of the Supervisor
and only he / she can perform the above functions. Any user of a higher user-
group though can view the actions performed by the Supervisor / current status
but cannot modify anything unless explicitly so mentioned.
n) Fare table management

The following functions shall be performed by the Toll Manager:

 Fare table management (updation / revision subject to Project Manager

authorization in the system through his login)
 Whenever a new version of fare table is generated, the old fares and contracts
shall be picked up by default. It shall be possible for the user to further modify
these fares and set the date / time of activation.
o) Other Toll Manager Functions
i. Incident Management

The Plaza manager can view and access all features / options of this function.
However, he / she cannot perform any modifications / corrections.

ii. Data Completeness

On certain conditions when the Data completeness status cannot be corrected due
to false triggers, non-revenue data missing, revenue data missing, etc., an option
shall be available for the Plaza manager to manually override such statuses in order
to restore the operational flow.

p) Users Management
i. The following are the various user groups that shall be available in the system:

Operations Finance System

Project Manager Finance Manager Administrator

Toll Manager Cashier Maintenance


ii. When the user is created for the first time, all the information below is mandatory.
 Name
 Address

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 Date Of Birth
 Contact Person
 Contact Number
 Email ID (optional)
 User ID
 Activation date
 Valid upto
iii. The status of account and Date of creation shall be displayed against all the
existing users in the system. User account can never be deleted from the
system once created, as there can be operations / transactions performed by
the user that exists in the database and is required for reporting purposes.
q) Administrator Functions
i. In addition to the normal functions listed above, administrator can perform the
following operation.
 Lists Transfer Management

The administrator can manually copy the latest version of lists from the local ETC
Server and restore the same in all the lanes.

 Incident reporting levels

 The system will allow the assignment of a level of importance to each
incident and also define if the incident should be acknowledged by the
 The system has different levels of importance that can be assigned to
different types of incidents. They shall be colour coded to facilitate easy
visualization by the supervisor.
r) Incident Recording

ICS image capturing start from loop occupation to loop liberation and an additional
configurable time limit after loop liberation of that transaction. Image capturing shall
timeout after 30 seconds (configurable) after loop occupation irrespective of the above

s) System Configuration for Incident Management Workstation

One number of Incident management workstation with following configuration and

peripherals shall be supplied by the Contractor.

The following minimum configuration requirements shall be met:

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RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas

Description Specifications
Make Reputed Brand
Grade Business Desktop
HDD 1TB of latest RPM
RAM Slot 4 DDR4 memory slots
Processor Intel Core i7 (8th Gen) or Higher
Intel Core i7(6600 3.3 2133 4C CPU) or latest available in the
Processor speed
Optical drive DVD-writer
PCI Slot 4 Nos. Spare
USB Port 6 nos. (high speed)
10/100/1000 Mbps and Intel 8260 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac PCIe WLAN
RS232 port 2
LPT port 1
PS2 port (mouse) 1
PS2 port (Keyboard) 1
Monitor Colour 22''
Mouse Optical
Keyboard Standard


7.22.1. Physical Interfaces

 LAN ports: Four (4) 10/100/1000 Mbps auto-sensing, Auto Uplink RJ-45 ports Page
41 of 62
 WAN ports: Two (2) 10/100/1000 Mbps auto-sensing, Auto Uplink RJ-45 ports to
connect to any broadband modem, such as DSL or cable

7.22.2. Network Requirements

 Firewall should operate in Route mode and transparent mode.

 Traffic shaping/bandwidth management on a per policy basis for specific
network/IP/Interface/Zone (individual or shared) and should be able to define
guaranteed, burstable/maximum bandwidth per policy. Also, able to set different
level of priority.

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RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas

 Support DHCP server, DHCP client, DHCP relay, DNS client and NTP client. xix.
Support NAT (SNAT and DNAT) with following modes Static, Dynamic, PAT and
IPv6 to IPv4 (vice a versa).
 Support both IPv4 and IPv6
 The appliance should support Link aggregation (IEEE 802.3ad) technology to group
multiple physical links into a single logical link of higher bandwidth and link fail over
 Remote access VPN (client-to-site), site-to-site VPN
 IPsec NAT traversal (VPN pass-through)

7.22.3. Data Leak Prevention requirements: -

 Should have the ability to prevent data loss through SMTP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS &
 Should have built in pattern database

7.22.4. Support SSL VPN with following requirements: -

 Should support at least 20 SSL VPN users with at least 10 users from day 1.
 Should support two factor authentications with LDAP, Radius and using
 Support for clientless or client-based VPN in Full Tunnel and Split Tunnel mode.
 Should support HTTP/HTTPS proxy, FTP, RDP, SSH, VNC, SMB service access
provision through portal.
 Support on 32 bit and 64-bit OS.
 Certified by ICSA preferred.
 Support for all major browsers like Firefox/IE/Chrome etc. Java Script, Basic and
Advanced Network Extensions.
 Management over GUI using HTTPS or equivalent secure mechanism, SSH and
console access.
 Generate GUI based reports categorized on IP, user etc.
 The Firewall should support for TWO modes of SSL VPN
 Web-only mode: for thin remote clients equipped with a web browser only and
support web application such as: HTTP/HTTPS PROXY, FTP, SMB/CIFS, SSH,
 Tunnel mode, for remote computers that run a variety of client and server

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 The system shall provide SSL VPN tunnel mode that supports 32 and 64-bit
Windows operating systems
 The proposed solution shall allow administrators to create multiple bookmarks to
add to a group and make these bookmarks available for SSL-VPN users.

7.22.5. Support IPS with following requirements

 ICSA and NSS certified preferred.

 Anomaly detection and prevention up to layer 7 traffic including application type,
SSL/TLS and must be applicable on any firewall policy
 Should be able to respond to any unauthorized activity, Dos/Distributed Dos,
network missuses, pre-attack probes like various types of TCP/UDP scanners etc.
that originate from both inside and outside network.
 Management over GUI using HTTPS or equivalent secure mechanism, SSH and
console access.
 Generate GUI based reports categorized by alerts, attackers, severity wise, protocol

7.22.6. Web content filtering

 Support web content filtering up to layer 7 traffic like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DNS,
SMTP, IMAP, POP3 etc., with Application identification like IM, torrent etc.,
Allow/Deny traffic based on Src / Dst IP / Networks, Web URLs, Regular
expressions, Web plug-ins such as ActiveX , Java Applet & Cookies, Regular file
extensions, Spy wares, Ad wares, Time/Day.
 Should have URL database of 20 million or more for web content filtering based on
 Data leak prevention for up to layer 7 traffic.
 Should provide an option to send customized Access denied message to the end
 The proposed solution must block HTTP or HTTPS based anonymous proxy
request available on the Internet.
 Support for geographical based filtering like country level TLD etc.

7.22.7. Gateway Antivirus

 Should provide protection against viruses, worms or any other malicious content in
traffic like SMTP, POP3, IMAP, HTTP/S, FTP etc. and must be
configurable/applicable on specific firewall Policy.
 Should be able to scan the file either on the basis of flow or buffering.

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 Should have option to respond to virus detection in several ways like

delete/quarantine the file and send notification via e-mail/SMS.
 Antivirus signature updates must be done automatically/schedule and should not
require reboot of the appliance.
 Management over GUI using HTTPS or equivalent secures mechanism, SSH and
console access.
 Support at least 1 million or more signatures
 The antivirus signature database of proposed solution should comprise of up-to-
date list of signatures of virus, malwares, spyware etc.
 Support on quarantined facility on the appliance or on a remote system. 
Allow/Block/quarantine file type extensions
 Generate GUI based reports categorized by virus signatures, host/user infected etc.

7.22.8. Logging and Reporting

 Have standard report templates

 Support scheduling of reports
 Support sending of reports by email at scheduled intervals
 Should provide standard dashboards
 Should be possible to offload logs from the logging and reporting appliance to other
external storage for long term retention.
 Logging up to layer 7 traffic details (firewall policy level, denied traffic details etc.)
 Should provide log report in Web/GUI /dashboard-based format with detailed
information categorized by IP/Application/Port/Protocol etc., able to forward logs to
syslog server and sending schedule reports and send via email.
 Log storing facility on a local disk or on to a remote system. Logs stored on the local
disk must be transferable over network(scheduled) to a remote system and must be
in a generic format like CSV, HTML, PDF, Excel(formats) or if proprietary, must
provide appropriate software/hardware to generate the report.
 Support configurable option for E-mail or SMS alerts (Via SMS gateway) in case of
any event trigger.
 Should provide information of real time data transfer/bandwidth utilization of
individual IP/Application/protocol/port/Interface/Zone.

7.23. Lane Status Display Unit (LSDU)

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7.23.1. The LSDU system shall provide a graphic display to the toll lane status and allow individual
and global control of toll lane peripherals and toll collector functions. LSDU shall function
independently even when the TMS server is unavailable.

7.23.2. LSDU has no menu. LSDU functions are accessed through clicking on desired area for
ease of operation.

7.23.3. In the event of TMS server failure, the LSDU shall keep a copy of all records received from
lanes, locally and as soon as the server goes online, it shall transfer these records to TMS.

7.23.4. In Addition to above, LSDU shall also have the status of FASTag related required file
synchronization status with Acquirer bank.

7.23.5. One LSDU machine with following configuration and peripherals shall be supplied by the

7.23.6. System Configuration

Description Specifications
Make Reputed Brand
Grade Business Desktop
HDD 1TB of latest RPM
RAM Slot 4 DDR4 memory slots
Processor Intel Core i7 (8th Gen) or Higher
Processor speed Intel Core i7(6600 3.3 2133 4C CPU) or latest available in the market
Optical drive DVD-writer
PCI Slot 4 Nos. Spare
USB Port 6 nos. (high speed)
NIC 10/100/1000 Mbps and Intel 8260 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac PCIe WLAN NIC
RS232 port 2
LPT port 1
PS2 port (mouse) 1
PS2 port (Keyboard) 1
Monitor Colour 22''
Mouse Optical
Keyboard Standard

7.23.7. Functionality

a) Graphical status indications:

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RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas

i. Schematic of all lanes.

ii. Overhead lane sign: indicating the status of the lane.
iii. Direction that the lane is opened.
iv. Lane mode selection and status: Idle; Open; Fault; or Maintenance.
v. Indication of whether lane is operating as FASTag lane
vi. Approximate traffic processed per hour shown for each lane and also for
the entire plaza
vii. Traffic count averages over user defined time spans per direction.
viii. Exit barrier mode: barriers in automatic or open mode.
ix. TLC & AVC network status: local mode or connected to the TMS.
x. TLC & AVC power supply: UPS or mains power.
xi. Downloaded table status for most recently implemented tariff table.
xii. Server Database status
xiii. All Other Lane peripheral status
xiv. Total traffic processed per hour shown for each lane and also for the entire
plaza (Lane traffic per calendar day Vs Direction traffic per calendar day
Vs Plaza Traffic per calendar day for current as well as previous calendar
b) On selecting particular traffic information, it shall be possible to see the class
wise / MOP wise traffic processed.
i. Toll collector control functions:
 Toll collector login and logout requests.
 Permission to open and close lanes.
 Open / Close lanes.
 Perform Special transactions (manual capture key, SIM key, Convoy
key, exempt, LTO, etc.)
 Reset lanes.
ii. LSDU operator functions:
 Operator login.
 Operator logout.
iii. Configuration:
 Incidents level configuration.
 Incident Capture System parameters configuration per lane.
 License plate image capture parameters configuration per lane.
 Boom Gate operation per lane.
 UFD messages per lane.

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 Transaction timeouts (timeout with AVC communication).

iv. Single Lane Status Display:

Shows the chosen lane onscreen with the following information:

 Schematic of the lane

 Overhead Lane Sign: Indicating Lane open / closed
 Direction open
 Lane mode selection and status: Idle; Open; Fault or Maintenance
 Indication of whether lane is operating as FASTag lane, Hybrid Lane
 Approximate traffic processed per hour shown for the lane, updated
 Traffic count averages over user defined time spans per direction
 Panic Alarm Status (also audio indication).
 Exit barrier mode: Barriers in automatic or open mode
 TLC & AVC network status: Local mode or connected to the CCS
 TLC & AVC Power supply: UPS or mains power
 Downloaded table status for most recently implemented tariff table
 Access door detection to TLC
 Access door detection to AVC
 AVC UPS status
 RFID reader health status
v. Incident Display and Acknowledgement:

This is a text window showing the last reported incidents. For each incident,
the information shown is:

 Lane number
 Date
 Time
 Message code
 Text description
 Associated data (in case of a transaction, vehicle information and Tag
 Level of the incident
 Acknowledgement status

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Incidents that must be acknowledged by the Supervisor must be

acknowledged individually. Bulk acknowledgement of incidents shall not be

vi. Equipment Fault Display and Reporting:

When a fault occurs in a lane, it shall be reflected on the LSDU screen by:

 A message in the Incident Display

 A change in the lane graphical status display
 All the lane and booth equipment are subject to fault detection.
vii. Traffic Count Displays:
 The Traffic Count Display presents a window with traffic count. The
operator can choose
 The base-time for traffic count, from 1 minute to 60 minutes.
 The type of count: one lane, one direction of operation or the entire
viii. UFD Message Handling:

This function allows the modification of the welcome message and the proceed
message showed on UFD by TLC. It is possible to set a message:

 for all lanes

 for lanes operating in one specific direction
 for one specific lane
 Each command affects only the lanes specified, so it is possible to set
one message for each lane and override it with the same message for
all lanes.
ix. Access Security and Logon Control:
 LSDU operates in two states: logged and not logged. Not logged mode
is the default mode after initialisation. In this state, only view functions
(basically the displays) are enabled. In logged mode, the command
functions (lane control functions and LSDU configuration functions) are
also enabled.
 The logon in operating system shall be automatic and gives the user only
enough access to run LSDU application. Only one LSDU shall be
allowed by the system to login at a time for one plaza.
x. Information Timeliness and Screen Refresh Cycle:

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 The information presented onscreen shall be updated as soon as LSDU

receives new information from the lanes. The screen refresh cycle will
change for each lane, depending directly on the rate of events generated
by them.
 LSDU Incidents

Date / hour change

Manual lane open
FASTag lane open
Hybrid ETC lane open
Lane closed
Request to open lane
Request to close lane
Request to pause lane
Confirmation to open lane
Confirmation to close lane
Confirmation to pause lane
Time expiration for lane open after confirmation
Time expiration for lane close after confirmation
Time expiration for lane pause after confirmation
Invalid toll collector
Lane into maintenance mode
Lane out of maintenance mode
Vehicle detected without collector classification
Vehicle discrepancy
Time exceeded for vehicle exit from lane
Classification cancelled [for toll collector, lane]
Vehicle reclassified
TLC enclosure opened [sound buzzer]
TLC enclosure closed
Low disk space warning on TLC
Low disk space warning on TMS
Low disk space warning on local drive
Insufficient memory warning on TMS
Communication with TMS server re-established
TLC data removed by disk
Change of TLC mode without permission
Equipment failure: RFID Reader
Equipment failure: TLC

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Equipment failure: Exit barrier

Equipment failure: AVC
Equipment failure: for all lane and booth equipment
Database corrupt [all database]
Foot Switch initiated
Shift opened
Shift closed
BLT file not updated in 20 min
Toll collector login
Toll collector logout
Run through violation
Class discrepancy – Over-classification
Class discrepancy – Under- classification
Loop failure/disconnected [sound buzzer]
AVC about to shutdown [sound buzzer]
AVC Main Power failure [sound buzzer]
Application restart – Manual
Application restart – Automatic
OS restart – Manual
OS restart – Automatic
DB restart – Manual
DB restart – Automatic

7.24. The specification of other 02 workstations shall remain same as of LSDU

7.25. Uninterruptible Power Supply Unit

7.25.1. Online UPS shall be capable of maintaining an uninterrupted power supply to the UPS loads
for a sustained period of at least 4 hours under full load conditions from a fully charged

7.25.2. It shall also be capable of continuously supplying power to the system under an intermittent
interruption cycle.

7.25.3. The UPS shall be capable of operating at input voltages of 210/380Volts±10% and 50 Hz
±2.5 Hz. The Service Provider shall issue a certificate to the IHMCL/NHAI that the
equipment has been tested for load capacity and insulation at the applicable rated voltages
and loads. The IHMCL/NHAI shall reserve the right to witness such tests or nominate a
representative to witness such tests.

7.25.4. Lane Status Display Unit (LSDU) workstation shall display the status of each such UPSs in
real time. The LSDU shall record every change in status (mains off, low battery, mains on,

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RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas

any change in input or output power of more than 3 volts, link failure, or any other failure)
of the UPSs as incident and shall require acknowledgement.

7.25.5. UPS along with its battery shall be compact and shall be housed in a wall mountable
enclosure with suitable ventilation arrangements. The design for the same shall be
submitted by TCE Supplier and approved by the Concessionaire.

7.25.6. Specification for Plaza Level UPS (Min 10 KVA or above as per site conditions)

Parameter Minimum Specification

UPS with Battery Online
Rating As per power requirement (125% of connected load)
Backup 8 Hours
Input Voltage 155-305 VAC
Input Frequency 50H z
Output Voltage 230 VAC
Output Waveform Sine Wave

7.25.7. Specification for Lane Level UPS (1 KVA):

Parameter Minimum Specification

UPS with Battery Online
Rating As per power requirement (125% of connected load)
Backup 4 Hours
Input Voltage 155-305 VAC
Input Frequency 50H z
Output Voltage 230 VAC
Output Waveform Sine Wave

7.26. Software – Lane level

As described under various sections of this document.

7.27. Software – Plaza level

As described under various section of this document.

7.28. ETC system Software Specifications

a) Functional Requirements
i. General Requirements
This functionality shall meet the lane operation described in the subsequent sections.

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ii. Transaction Data Format:

The following shall be the minimum data that make up an ETC transaction

 Transaction ID

 Tag ID (TID, EPC, and User Memory)

 Plaza and Lane ID

 Date and Time Stamp

 AVC Class

 Image of vehicle (AVC, License Plate and Incident Capture Camera)

The above may be modified during project execution in order to optimize the performance.

iii. Transaction Processing

The System shall:

 Have functionality to feed in transaction data through RFID ETC transceiver, Handheld
RFID Reader devices and manually entry of Registration no. of vehicles.

 Validate each transaction for completeness (e.g., possessing all the related information
like Tag ID, Vehicle class etc.)

 Check for duplicate transactions (e.g., the same tag cannot be used in the same direction
within a specified duration at the same plaza)

 Support generation of a wide variety of reports as given below but not limited to:

 Revenue reports (Lane Wise)

 Traffic reports (Lane wise all mode of traffic report)

 Penalty Collection report lane wise

 Daily / Weekly / monthly reconciliation reports

 Violation reports

 AVC Accuracy Report (Lane Wise/ Overall)

 Separate ETC report for Handheld reader

 Equipment uptime reports (RFID Reader, AVC, TLC, LPIC, ICS and Server)

iv. Security

 Login feature for accessing the System

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 Access the system based on roles definition, toll collector cannot minimize the lane
application and limited accessibility to work on workstation by toll staff.

 Storage of Sensitive data like password in an encrypted format

 Use of Complicated passwords: password should be more than 6 characters and should
have at least one numeric character.

 Automatic logging of every sensitive action in the system.

v. Scalability
The System / Servers shall be scalable to support increase in Tag Users / ETC transactions
in future. During the time of system commissioning each lane of the system shall be capable
to support 10 million tag users and 100,000 (One Lakh) transactions per day and at the end
of 5 years shall be capable enough to support 50 million tag users and 5,00,000 (Five Lakh)
transactions per day.

Automatic Lane closure

The ETC lane shall close automatically in case of detection of failure of critical equipment
like RFID Transceiver, Boom barrier, LPIC camera, AVC system. In such cases the OHLS
shall display that ETC lane is closed and the ETC exit barrier shall remain closed.

vi. Reports
The GUI shall be so designed that it shall be possible for the Supervisor to view at least
the following information corresponding to each incident:
 Plaza ID
 Lane ID
 User ID (of the user who was logged in lane at the time of incident generation)
 Username (corresponding to above User ID)
 Transaction Number
 Transaction Date & time
 TLC Class
 AVC Class
 Axle Count
 Processed by (User ID of the Supervisor who processed the incident)
 Supervisor Name (corresponding to Processed by User ID)
 Corrected Class
 Corrected VRN

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 Supervisor Action
 TAG Media ID
 ICS image (with watermarked Date / Time stamp, transaction number, incident type,
 LPIC image (with watermarked Date / Time stamp, transaction number, lane VRN,
 Event details (events / anomalies associated with this transaction – each transaction
starts when Valid TAG Media is detected – for media-based transactions / AVC
Loop is triggered – for violations and ends when the vehicle liberates the AVC loop)

For processing of incidents / review of processed incidents, the Supervisor can filter the
list of incidents based on the following:

 Plaza ID (Default – All) Drop down menu form

 Lane ID (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 User ID (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 Transaction Date & time duration – From & To (Default – Current Date) User
 TLC Class (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 TLC MOP (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 AVC Class (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 Axle Count (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 Processed by (Default – All) Drop down menu form including blank which shall be
the case until incident is processed.
 Corrected Class (Default – All) Drop down menu form including blank which shall be
the case until incident is processed.
 Supervisor Action (Default – All) Drop down menu form including blank which shall
be the case until incident is processed.
 Event details (Default – All) Drop down menu form
 Processed Incidents / Not Processed Incidents
In addition to the above, it shall be possible for the Supervisor to search for a particular
record based on any / combination of the following search criteria:
 User ID
 Transaction Number
 TLC Class
 TLC / Media VRN

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 Processed by
 Corrected Class
 Corrected VRN
 Supervisor Action
 TAG Media ID
 Based on the MOPs defined in the system and the Incident configuration, it shall be
possible for the Supervisor to correct the class of the vehicle, Vehicle Registration Number
(VRN) and confirm / Reject the Lane MOP.

 The incidents can normally be processed by Supervisor by performing selections / feeding

information on one and / or all of the below fields:
 Corrected Class
 Corrected VRN
 Comments (optional)
 It shall be possible for the Supervisor to perform these actions only by double clicking on
a particular incident to view all information in detailed view before processing the incident.
 It shall be possible at Plaza ETC system level to configure following on selection menu
basis in order to activate and deactivate by administrator level function:
 Capture of ICS image none, for selected type of incident, for all types of incidents,
for all transaction.
 Capture of LPIC image none, for selected type of incident, for all types of incidents,
for all transaction.
 Record and report incident transaction at incident management system, none, for
selected type of transaction, for all transaction.
 Other functions
 In addition to the above primary function of the Supervisor, the following functions
shall be performed by the Supervisor:
 Data Completeness
 Shift Consolidation
 Day Consolidation
 Month Closure
 Lists Transfer Status

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Step Activity
Registration Process
1. a) Applicant shall visit IHMCL website and click on Section/Tab “Empanelment
of System Integrator” which will redirect to web portal for empanelment or can
directly visit the website https://rfesi-ihmcl.co.in (RFE Portal)
b) Applicant will register themselves providing details as mentioned below:
• Name of the Entity
• Name of the Authorized Signatory
• Mobile Number
• Email ID
c) After entering above details, applicant shall click on option “LET’S VERIFY”
• A Verification Code shall be sent to Email Id provided by Applicant
• Applicant shall enter the Verification Code and click on “Submit”
• Applicant shall create their password and click on “Submit” button
d) Unique User ID will be sent to the Email ID provided by the Applicant
Application Process
2. Once, the registration process is completed, the Applicant can Login using the User ID
(received in email ID after successful registration) and Password (created by applicant
during registration) followed by a unique “Captcha”
3. a) Applicant shall click on option “Apply for Empanelment” to apply for the fresh
b) Applicant shall choose one (01) of option from the following two (02) options: -
• Sole Applicant
• Consortium, in case the entity is a Consortium as referred in RFE.
4. a) Applicant shall upload all requisite documents as per Eligibility Criteria
mentioned on web portal
b) After uploading all requisite documents, Applicant shall have following options
to proceed with: -
• Save and review the application
• Final Submission
Note: - Applicant cannot proceed for Final Submission unless all requisite mandatory
documents are uploaded in each field of requirement parameter.
View Submitted Application
5. a) Upon successful submission of Application, the applicant can log in on the
portal and view the details of their submitted application by using option “View
Application Details”.
b) The applicant needs to enter the application number to view the application
Check Application Status

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RFE of System Integrator(s) for Implementation of Electronic Toll Collection System at Toll Plazas

Step Activity
6. a) Upon successful submission of Application, the applicant can log in on to the
portal and track the status of their application through option “Check Application
b) Applicant needs to provide the Application number to get the Application status.
c) Applicant can get the status as per below:
• Accepted – Application has been approved by IHMCL
• Under Evaluation – Application is under evaluation
• Clarification sought – Clarification/query is sought by IHMCL for
their application.
• Rejected – Application has been rejected by IHMCL due to non-
fulfilling the Eligibility Criteria
Clarification Sought
7 a) Upon receipt of Clarification sought status, applicant needs to read the
clarification sought by IHMCL and provide the response to the clarification with
the option provided in the portal.
b) IHMCL shall seek for clarification of a particular application up to maximum 02
times. In case, the clarification provided in 02 attempt are not as per RFE
document, the application shall be rejected.
Rejected Application
8 In case of Rejection of its application, the Applicant shall have option to resubmit a fresh
application using existing login credential of the portal.

Important Note:

a) In case of any query/clarifications sought by IHMCL during bid evaluation on the RFE
Portal, the applicant shall be required to revert with clarification within 7 calendar days
on the web-portal only, beyond which the application shall be liable to be rejected.
b) Upon receipt of an application, IHMCL shall endeavour to complete the evaluation of the
application within 3 weeks’ time, subject to volume to applications and clarification
received from Applicant.
c) Any Applicant rejected shall not be permitted to apply within 3 months from the date of
rejection of the previous application.
d) IHMCL shall regularly publish the list of empanelled System Integrators as updated from
time to time.
e) If for any reason, any interested Applicant fails to submit application due to any technical
glitch, or any reasons, IHMCL shall not be responsible for that and any grievance regarding
that shall not be entertained.
f) The above online application process is subject to change from time to time, and
Applicants are advised to go through the instructions provided in the online portal
under tab “Application Process” and submit their application accordingly.

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Dated: 25.11.2021
Request for Empanelment of System Integrators for Implementation of Electronic Toll
Collection System at Toll Plazas

RFE Reference –IHMCL/ETC/Empanelment/2021/01, dated 28 October 2021

S. No Section Original Clause Updated Clause

a) The Sole Applicant or any member of the
Consortium, individually or combined (in
case of Consortium) should have an
average annual turnover of minimum Rs.
a) The Sole Applicant or any member of the 40 crores during the three (03) financial
Consortium, individually or combined (in years, i.e., FY 2017-18, FY 2018-19, FY
case of Consortium) should have an 2019-20 any three consecutive financial
average annual turnover of minimum Rs. years between 01 April 2017 to 31 March
40 crores during the three (03) financial 2021 (the specified period).
years, i.e. FY 2017-18, FY 2018-19 and b) Relaxation for Startup – In case, the
Clause 3.2, FY 2019-20 Applicant (Sole Applicant or any member
Page No. 09- of the Consortium, as applicable) is a
10, Eligibility b) Relaxation for Startup – In case, the Startup registered with Department for
1 Criteria/Eligibility Applicant (Sole Applicant or any member
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
to Apply, SI #- of the Consortium, as applicable) is a
PQ-2, Annual Startup registered with Department for (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce & Industry,
Turnover Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade GoI, the above criteria (a) shall be relaxed
(DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, such that the Applicant shall be required
GoI, the above criteria (a) shall be relaxed to have average turnover of minimum Rs.
such that the Applicant shall be required to 10 crores during the three (03) financial
have average turnover of minimum Rs. 10 years, i.e. FY 2017-18, FY 2018-19 and
crores during the three (03) financial
FY 2019-20 any three consecutive
years, i.e. FY 2017-18, FY 2018-19 and
FY 2019-20. financial years between 01 April 2017 to
31 March 2021 (the specified period)

P.S- Documentary Evidence on turnover

shall be submitted as applicable

The Sole Applicant or each member, in case

of a Consortium must have positive Net
The Sole Applicant or each member, in case worth in Indian Rupees as on 31 March 2020
Clause No. 3.2, of a Consortium must have positive Net or as on 31 March 2021.
Page No.10, worth in Indian Rupees as on 31 March 2020.
Eligibility Important - For the purpose of this criterion,
2 Important - For the purpose of this criterion, net-worth of only the bidding entity will be
to Apply, SI #- net-worth of only the bidding entity will be considered. Net-Worth of any parent,
PQ-3, Net Worth considered. Net-Worth of any parent, subsidiary, associated or other related entity
subsidiary, associated or other related entity will not be considered.
will not be considered.
P.S- Documentary Evidence on Net Worth
shall be submitted as applicable

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