Gen 002 Sas#2
Gen 002 Sas#2
Gen 002 Sas#2
Direction: Fill each blank with the correct answer. Write your answer on the blank provided.
Direction: On the left side of the box below, please sketch a self-portrait that describes the social groups you
identify yourself with and around it, write its labels. These labels should be nouns such as “college student,”
“workers,” etc.
On the right side of the box, draw another portrait that represents how you believe others see you and write
labels around the portrait. This time you will use adjectives that you believe others would use to describe you.
These adjectives can be positive, negative, or whatever comes to mind.
1. Are there any noun labels that other people assume should be on your self-portrait but are not?
- Yes, there are noun labels that other people assume that should be on my self-portrait. I think it is all
about their first impression of me.
2. Are there any that are hidden from other people and what are the reasons that you keep it hidden from
- Yes, there are a lot of things that I have hidden from other people. I tend to hide almost everything in my
life since there is no need for other people to know my business.
3. Are there adjectives you wish were on the 2nd portrait? And Anything you wish were NOT there?
- Yes, a lot of people’s first impression of me is always rude, snob and intimidating which is not true. I
think it is because of my resting face that is why people tend to see me as that kind of person. But once
you will know me I am the complete opposite of your first impression.
ACTIVITY 5: Caselet
Direction: Read the situation very carefully and answer the question below. Your aim is solve the problem
being presented by applying the concepts or theories discussed above. Answers may vary.
Objective: To help teenagers understand the concept of the "Looking Glass Self" and develop self-awareness by
reflecting on how they think others see them.
Activity Steps:
1. Introduction:
Begin by explaining the concept of the "Looking Glass Self" briefly. Describe how individuals form their self-concept
based on their perception of how others view them.
2. Mirror Exercise:
Distribute small mirrors to each participant. Ask them to take a few moments to look at themselves in the mirrors and
think about how they perceive themselves physically. Encourage them to be honest and self-reflective.
3. Self-Perception Worksheet:
Provide a worksheet with questions such as:
- "How would you describe yourself physically?"
- "What qualities or characteristics do you think others see in you?"
4. Group Discussion:
Lead a group discussion where participants share their answers to the worksheet questions. Encourage them to
express how they perceive themselves and how they believe others perceive them.
By implementing this "Mirror of Self" activity, teenagers can gain a deeper understanding of how their self-concept is
shaped by social interactions and perceptions. It encourages self-awareness and constructive self-reflection, which can
be valuable for personal development and building healthy relationships.
ACTIVITY 6: What I know Chart, part 2
Now, it’s time for you to go back in the What I Know Chart from the 1st activity for you to monitor how your
knowledge has changed by reviewing the questions in the second column and write your answers to the
questions based on what you know now in the third column of the chart.
- Sociology is not just the development of human society but the study of social life, social change, and the
social causes and consequences of human behavior.
- Our feelings towards other people don't just transfer to one another; they are interconnected and can
influence our actions, affecting many people in a community.
- Involving ourselves in the community goes beyond building strong relationships; it helps the
environment grow and fosters positive emotions such as joy, hope, trust, and encouragement among
community members.
- I
- Me
- Language
- Play
- Games