Role of NGOs
Role of NGOs
Role of NGOs
Environmental protection is a pressing issue requiring everyone, organizations, and institutions to ensure pollution,
sustainable development, and conservation of natural resources and ecosystems.
• Innovation and experimenting in areas which are difficult for government agencies to make changes in
• Providing factual and reliable information with a network of professional expert staff
• Remaining independent while passing relevant information to the public and governmental bodies
• Working in collaboration with the government for capacity building and promotion of community participation in
environmental awareness and protection and
• Working out at the grass root level and reaching far – flung areas with or without the government invitation.
• The organization’s name is self-explanatory. Their programs include wildlife, food, water, and the environment.
• They protect the rarest and most endangered species in the nation through effort. Their goal includes changing lives
by offering programs for a living as well.
• Since 1997, WWF-Philippines has operated as a national affiliate of the WWF network.
• As the network’s 26th national organization, WWF-Philippines has been successfully carrying out numerous
conservation initiatives to help safeguard some of Asia’s most vital ecosystems.
• By developing climate change solutions, offering sustainable livelihood initiatives, and protecting the nation’s most
valuable marine and terrestrial environments, WWF-Philippines seeks to enhance the lives of Filipinos.
• Imagine if the country runs out of water; a drought would ensue, causing the food supply to decrease as well as
damage to the environment and crops.
• You might want to work with Waves for Water if the prospect of this makes you squirm. To supply communities both
domestically and overseas with clean, potable water, the organization collaborates with stakeholders and partners.
• The guiding principle of Waves For Water is to “do what you love and help along the way.” It’s about listening to our
hearts and fusing our passions with purpose.
• The aforementioned group promotes humanitarianism and charity work as a way of life rather than just a means to
“give back.”
• The mission of Waves for Water is to ensure that everyone who needs it has access to clean water. You can support
Waves for Water Philippines in many different ways.
• To mobilize a project for the aforementioned organization, you can either acquire a supply of water filters and
distribute them to a community, organize a fundraiser, or contribute to an ongoing one.
• The country of the Philippines is bordered by water. It only makes sense for us to safeguard them so that they can
safeguard us against potential damage.
• Promote community empowerment, environmental education, and shark protection as part of Save Philippine Seas’
advocacy. The organization also launches citizen-led initiatives to encourage Pinoys to adopt new behaviors.
• The Save Philippine Seas campaign encourages collective action and behavior modification among Filipinos to protect
the nation’s coastal and marine resources. In 2011, in reaction to a case involving illicit wildlife trade, it started as a
social media campaign.
• Shark protection, community empowerment, and environmental education are among their projects and activities.