Material Today Proc
Material Today Proc
Material Today Proc
Materials Today: Proceedings 18 (2019) 4048–4057
This paper summarizes an experimental study on static and dynamic mechanical behaviour of PET-epoxy unidirectional
composites. Under static mechanical conditions, the behaviour of composites was studied under tensile, bending and impact
loads. The nature of fiber-matrix interface and fracture surfaces were examined through scanning electronic microscopy. Under
dynamic conditions, the behaviour of composites was studied with reference to the effect of temperature and frequency on
storage modulus, loss modulus and damping properties. From the overall analysis it was evident that the unique combination of
PET based epoxy composites have considerably superior impact resistance and dynamic mechanical behaviour than the Glass-
epoxy counterparts
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Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 9th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization, ICMPC-2019
With environmental issues like carbon emission and global warming getting serious over the years, current
researchers have dovetailed their research to counter world’s climatic change [1]. In a drift towards lightweight
technology, textile reinforced composites are well established in today’s transportation and constructional sectors
due to their high strength to weight ratio and energy efficiency [2]. These composites notably include carbon, glass
and aramid reinforced polymeric materials among which, glass reinforced composites are most widely used due to
their low cost with remarkable physical and mechanical assets [3-6]. Though being anti-corrosive, fire retardant,
impermeable and resistant to weathering, glass fibers do come with certain inadequacies [7,8]. For instance, glass
fibers are heavier than most of the textile fibers. Even being inert to the moisture, chemically glass fibers (E-glass)
are susceptible to chlorine attack making them unsuitable for marine applications [9,10]. Glass fibers have low
resistance to friction and abrasion which would amplify the complexity in handling the high density warp sheets
while weaving complex 3D fabrics [7, 11,12]. In addition to this, glass fibers are serious hazardous to health and can
cause intense irritation and itching if inhaled or repeatedly exposed [13].
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Currently, all the material researchers are in search of potential replacement, yet sustainable approach to uphold the
principle of lightweight construction. Attempts have been made to introduce natural fibers (like jute, hemp, sisal,
banana, kenaf, coir etc) based environment friendly composites in non-structural applications [1, 14, 15]. Poor
interfacial adhesion between the natural fiber and most of the polymeric matrices has been improved sufficiently
through physical and chemical treatments to fully exploit the mechanical capabilities of natural fibers. Nevertheless,
the lower mechanical endurance of natural fibers in comparison to glass fibers can be fairly compensated with their
lightweight, less health risk, bio-degradability and comparable stiffness properties. On the other hand, researchers
have also reported certain downbeats of the natural fibers; especially about their pitiable performance in the
transverse direction [4, 16-18]. Henceforth, a search for novel yet reliable structural materials is everlasting and in
this regard, materials having desirable properties in all perspectives to contend with glass fibers are generally
invited. Today, most of the plastic recycling industries are involved in reprocessing of waste or scrap plastics to
useful products like PET, HDPE, polystyrene etc which can be made abundantly available. It would be necessary to
provide a benchmark database to most of the manufacturing companies that utilizes these recycled plastic products
as raw materials. Among the range of final products, polyester (PET) based composites with the potential to replace
glass counterpart, can be a reliable choice of structural materials; especially when energy absorption property is of
prime requisite than the load bearing capabilities. It is a well-known fact that, Polyester (PET) yarns are generally
considered to have the best abrasion resistance than glass yarns [19, 20] and can be preferred for weaving complex
3D structures. Further, using polyester yarns which are lighter than glass fibers can reduce weight of the overall
structure [21]. In this work, a comparative study between the mechanical properties of polyester and glass reinforced
epoxy composites are carried out to explore their potential of using them as structural material. Moreover, it is well
known that the polyester is most versatile, abundantly available and easily process-able fibre compared to glass.
2. Experimental
2.1 Materials
In this study high tenacity fully drawn polyester yarns and E-glass yarns, both of 300 Tex linear densities were
selected and their properties were subsequently analysed in raw form and in reinforced composite form. Polyester
filament yarns and glass rovings were supplied by Reliance Industries Pvt. Ltd and Owens Corning respectively.
Further details of the reinforcement materials are listed below in the Table 1. Uni-directional (UD) composites were
prepared by using epoxy based Thermoset resin systems. The matrix used for the fabricating composite was the
mixture of epoxy resin (Grade LY 556) and hardener (Grade HY 917) mixed in the mass ration of 10:1.Epoxy Resin
and Hardener were supplied by Northern Polymers Pvt. Ltd as shown in below Table 1.
Table 1. Reinforcement material details
Sl No. Parameters Glass Polyester
The visual investigation of tensile fractured composites reveals that the fiber and matrix in both the specimen cases,
work as a single unit and fail altogether in a more or less a straight line. The SEM images of the glass and polyester
fractured composite ends are shown in the Figure 2 (a-b) with fiber breakages more prominently sighted in both the
cases. In addition, the shorter fiber pull-out length in case of polyester-epoxy composites authenticates the presence
of a strong interfacial bonding between the fiber and matrix. From these observations, the properties of polyester-
epoxy material combination are found to be in fair comparable limits of glass-epoxy material combination.
Figure 2. SEM micrographs of tensile fracture of (a) Glass-epoxy and (b) Polyester-epoxy composites
3.1.2 Flexural analysis
Figure 4. Flexural tested samples (a) Glass-epoxy and (b) Polyester-epoxy composites
The morphology of the fractures was observed from the macroscopic point of views in order to investigate the
failure mechanism of the composites. During 3-point bending test, the specimen facing the indenter experienced
compressive force while, the opposite side experienced the tensile force. The compressive force causes the surface
to kink and bulge sidewise while, the tensile force initiates the crack causing the fibers on the outer surface to fail
under tensile stress. The crack continues to propagate from tensile face to compressive face (through the thickness)
until complete failure of the sample. Figure 4(a-b) depicts the fracture photographs of three-point tested glass-epoxy
and polyester-epoxy composite samples in both the faces. The image of the fractured sections confirms the fiber
pull-out and brittle failure of the glass-epoxy composite and ductile behaviour of polyester-epoxy composites with
no fiber breakage (except few outer fibers due to extreme tensile stress at higher mid-span deflection). From the
above mentioned observations it can be concluded that, the polyester-epoxy combination encompass excellent
toughness (residual strength) properties which was in contrast to the typical brittle behaviour of glass-epoxy
3.1.3 Izod impact test
In Izod impact test method, the kinetic energy required to initiate a crack fracture and propagate it through a notched
sample is recorded. The average izod impact values measured for glass and polyester reinforced epoxy composites
were 11.917 J and 12.862 J respectively. Interestingly, polyester-epoxy showed better energy absorption than the
glass-epoxy composites. From the previous studies, it is evident that the yield strength, ductility and fracture
mechanism are the important factors that affect the izod impact energy of a specimen. With the increase in yield
strength, the material turns out to be more brittle causing the impact energy of the specimen to plunge. Brittle
materials are inclined to absorb lower impact energies due to their inability to undergo plastic deformation. This
could be main the reason for glass reinforced epoxy composite to demonstrate relatively low impact properties than
the polyester reinforced composites. The ductile properties in polyester dominantly assist in plastic deformation
during yielding of the specimen and subsequently improve its ability to withstand higher impact energies prior to
Manjunath R N et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 18 (2019) 4048–4057 4053
Figure 5. Fracture images of Izod impact failed samples (a) G-E and (b) P-E composites
From the Figure 5, the mode of fractures observed in glass-epoxy composites was much different from the
polyester-epoxy sample. When the sample of glass-epoxy composite was struck by the hammer, the strike force
caused the outer layer of fibers to fracture under tensile stress. The crack imitated at the notch was propagated
through the cross-section of the sample but not clearly perpendicular to the fibers. As the specimen continues to
bend further, subsequent adjacent layers were fractured in tension causing delamination in the fibers layers and
crack growth. But in the case of polyester-epoxy composite, the impact force causes extensive branching of the
fibers to the side, without giving any room for the crack to propagate. This property is largely attributed to the
ductile behaviour of the polyester material thereby showing better energy absorption capability than the glass-epoxy
3.2 Dynamic Mechanical properties
3.2.1 Effect of temperature on dynamic mechanical properties of the composites
Storage modulus (E’) measures the stiffness of a material which closely relates to its load bearing capacity and
analogous to its flexural modulus [22, 23]. While, loss modulus (E”) of a material is a measure of its energy
dissipated as heat per cycle under deformed conditions [24]. Figure 6 graphically enumerates the variation of
composite’s storage and loss modulus as a function of temperature and tested at a frequency of 10 Hz.
Figure 6. Effect of temperature on storage modulus, loss modulus and tan delta values of the composites
The E’ value was higher for the glass-epoxy composites, which is obvious due to the fact that the modulus of
elasticity of glass fibers is greater than that of polyester filament yarns. The E’ value was slightly lesser for
polyester-epoxy composites and the difference was approximately was 10%. In spite of having lower modulus when
4054 Manjunath R N et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 18 (2019) 4048–4057
compared to glass fibers, such admirable display of dynamic modulus in P-E composites can be attributed to its
excellent interfacial bonding and effective stress transfer taking place between the fiber and matrix. Previous works
have reported that storage modulus of the composites, increases with weight fraction of fibers [25, 26]. It is a well
known fact that density of polyester and fiberglass being 1.38 g/cm3 and 2.54 g/cm3 respectively, the number fibers
available per weight fraction is more in case of polyester. The increase in fiber content could also be one of the
reasons for the at par behavior of P-E composites. The loss of storage modulus is gradual at lower temperatures for
both the composites. However, the sharp fall in the modulus at the vicinity of glass-transition temperature (Tg)
indicates the material’s transition from solid to glassy/rubbery state. The loss in modulus at transition phase is higher
in the case of G-E composite which is clearly indicated by sharp vertical fall of the curve to a minimum level which
is considerably lower than P-E composites. With matrix material being the same in both the cases, the differences in
the Tg is purely dependant on the intrinsic properties of the reinforcement material. The Tg for P-E composites are
higher and broader than G-E composites clearly indicating the effect of semi-crystalline polymeric nature of
polyester filaments on composite’s behaviour during phase transition.
The curves of Loss modulus and tan δ followed similar trend as in the case of storage modulus, with G-E composites
competitively showing higher values. Tan δ basically defines dampness and can be easily related to the material’s
resistance towards impact loads. Higher the tan δ values of a material associated with glass transition temperature,
lower is their load bearing properties and vice versa [23]. The tan δ values for P-E composites were found to be
around 0.267 while, for G-E composites the value were 0.532. It is clear from these values that P-E composites have
better interfacial bonding and load bearing capacity especially at temperatures where G-E composites tend to lose
their properties [27]. Since the peak of E” and tan δ curves occurs in the region of glass transition, the Tg values
obtained from both the curves are tabulated in Table 2.
Table 2. Glass transition temperatures measured from loss modulus and tan delta curves
Composites Temperature (ºC)
The Tg obtained from the loss modulus cures are lower and more realistic than that of tan δ curves. Earlier studies
have reported the same [25]. Again, with the same matrix system in both the composites, the damping properties are
affected by the elastic nature of reinforcing fibers [28]. Therefore, it can be concluded that are mainly that the elastic
nature of the polyester fibers are is the main reason for such excellent damping behaviour in P-E composites
Previous studies have reported the effect of testing frequencies on the dynamic mechanical properties of Glass-
epoxy composites [29, 30]. The variation storage modulus, loss modulus and tan δ values as a function of frequency
are studied for P-E composites and the respective data are enumerated in the Figure 7.It was reported earlier that,
modulus measured at higher frequencies are higher than those measured at lower frequencies [28]. In our systems,
there was no much significant difference observed in the storage modulus however, increase of frequency has been
found to increase loss modulus values clearly depicting its direct impact on the dynamic modulus of the composites.
This change in dynamic properties with frequencies may be attributed to morphological rearrangement and
improved fiber-matrix interaction. With the increase in frequency, the tan δ peaks shifted to higher temperatures and
the Tg values recorded at three consecutive frequencies were found to be 124.99 ºC, 133.88 ºC and 136.87 ºC
respectively. The shift in tan δ peaks which is also an indicative of degree of cross-linking is due to the micro-
mechanical transition in a polymeric system.
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Figure 7. Effect of frequency on storage modulus, loss modulus and tan delta values of PET-epoxy composites
3.2.3 Cole-cole plots
The curves of loss modulus data plotted against storage modulus are referred as Cole-Cole plots. The nature and
shape of the Cole-Cole plots indicated the homogeneity of the material combination in the samples being tested.
Ideally, curve following the semi-circular path indicates that the polymeric material combination within the system
is homogeneous [31]. The deviation from the regular semi-circular shape to irregular shape of the curve signifies the
lack of homogeneity. Figure 8 shows the Cole-Cole plots for glass-epoxy and polyester epoxy material
combinations. It can be seen from the figure that the curves of both the composite samples are imperfectly semi-
circular following the polynomial equation of fourth order. Imperfect semi-circular shape of the curves indicates
that, there is heterogeneity in both the material combination which may be due to dissimilarity in the reinforcement
and matrix phase especially at lower temperatures. The extent of regularity in the shape observed at higher
temperatures (nearing glass transition and beyond) is mainly attributed to the transition of the material from solid
state to glassy/rubbery state. When compared with each other, the curves of P-E composites can be observed with
greater extent of irregularity from semi-circular shape. This difference is due to the fact that crystalline polymers
like PET are characterized with heterogeneous structures due to interspersed amorphous regions while amorphous
polymers like glass have homogeneous structure [32-34]. Similar analysis through Cole-Cole plots were made to
study the homogeneity in oil palm based epoxy composites [23, 28].
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