Qe 1
Qe 1
Qe 1
Assuming most of you are using Linux machines. If you are using Windows machine, install Oracle
VirtualBox and have an Ubuntu virtual machine. https://www.osboxes.org/virtualbox-images/
Create a docker group (If it's already created then ignore): sudo groupadd
Add a user to docker group: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Activate the changes: newgrp docker
Docker hub is a hosted repository service provided by Docker for finding and sharing
container images with your team. (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-hub )
Create a login account at https://hub.docker.com/signup
Login into your Docker account from Docker host terminal: docker login
o Provide input to the following:
Username: your docker hub id
Password: Docker hub password
Pull an image from docker hub: docker pull ubuntu
Check the downloaded images in local repository: docker images
Run a simple ubuntu container, detachedmode (-d), -it runs interactively (so you get
a pseudo-TTY with STDIN) : docker run -dit -p 80:80 --name
<<yourname>> ubuntu
o <<yourname>> = please type your name
Get the bash shell of container with non-detached mode: docker exec -it
<container_name> sh
o Here you can start configuring your container: install packages, modify files,
etc. Alternatively, you can also run commands "outside" of the container
using docker exec, as we will do in next steps.
o Exit from the container: exit
Connect to container and update the apt repo: docker exec -dit
<container_name> apt-get update
Install http server: docker exec -it <container_name> apt-get install
Check the status of http server: docker exec -it <container_name>
service apache2 status
If not running, start the http server: docker exec -it <container_name>
service apache2 start
Check the webserver running container host machine : curl localhost:80
Check the ip address of the container: docker inspect <container_id> |
grep -i "IPAddress"
Commit the Docker container changes into Docker image docker commit -m
"added apache2 web server" -a "your_name" <container_id>
Check the newly created image using docker images
Host directory as a data volume: Here you are mounting a host directory in a
container and this is useful for testing the applications. For example, you store source
code in the host directory and mount in the container, the code changed in host
directory file can affect the application running in the container.
o Accessing a host file system on container with read only and read/write
Create directory with name test: mkdir test && cd test, Create a
file: touch <<yourname>>.txt
Run a container and -v parameter to mount the host directory to the
Read only: docker run -dit -v
/home/osboxes/satish/DDPC/ex_1/:/home/:ro --name
vol1 ubuntu
Access the file in a container in the path /home and try to create
a new file (you should see access denied) from container
docker exec -it vol1 sh, cd /home, ls, exit.
Read/write: docker run -dit -v
/home/osboxes/satish/DDPC/ex_1/:/home/:rw --name
vol2 ubuntu, docker exec -it vol2 sh, cd /home, ls,
Try to create some text files, exit.
You can see the created files in host machine: cd
/home/osboxes/satish/DDPC/ex_1, ls
Data volume containers: A popular practice with Docker data sharing is to create a
dedicated container that holds all of your persistent shareable data resources,
mounting the data inside of it into other containers once created and setup.
o Create a data volume container and share data between containers.
Create a data volume container docker run -dit -v /data --name
data-volume ubuntu, docker exec -it data-volume sh
Go to volume and create some files: cd /data && touch file1.txt
&& touch file2.txt
Exit the container exit
Run another container and mount the volume as earlier container:
docker run -dit --volumes-from data-volume --name data-
shared ubuntu, docker exec -it data-shared sh
Go to the data directory in the created container and list the files: cd
/data && ls
o NB! Take the screenshot here (1 point) docker ps
2. Configuring web application & installing software
We will now set up a simplistic Python web application on the local machine, setting up the
necessary software and dependencies. The application is built with the Flask micro web
framework. The app represents a messaging board that stores posted messages into a json-
structured text-file.
The task is to create your own docker image and try to run the same. More information about
Dockerfile (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/). A Dockerfile is a text
document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble
an image. Using docker build users can create an automated build that executes several
command-line instructions in succession.
The scenario is to create a docker image and deploy the flask application from Part 2 using
the Docker container. In this exercise, we are going to perform two tasks:
FROM python:slim-buster
WORKDIR /lab1app
COPY . .
Note: Clean your folder off the python env trials of part 2.
Build the container image using the following command docker build as docker build -t
<flask_task1_lastname> . inside the lab1app folder.
o Now, look at the output of the build command where a set of docker commands are
executed in the order you have written in Dockerfile.
o After a successful build, you should see your built image in the list of local images
when calling docker images
Now, run the container with the following options:
o port mapping : host(80) to container(5000)
o image name: <flask_task1_lastname>
o Name of container: <task1_your_lastname>
By now, you should see the application running at http://VM_IP:80
Stop and delete the container
NB! Take the screenshots here of both the terminal with commands and the browser (2
Deploy flask application container using the host directory as a volume (bind volumes) to
store messages in the host directory (data.json in flask application).
Copy the data.json file (inside the lab1app folder) into the ubuntu user home folder inside
the VM in the path (e.g. /home/ubuntu/data.json).
Now run the container with the following options:
o detached mode (-dit)
o Container image <flask_task1_lastname>
o Name of container <task2_your_lastname>
o port mapping host(80), container(5000)
o Volume (-v) /home/ubuntu/data.json:/lab1app/data.json
This will mount the file you previously created (inside the host file) into the
correct location inside the container.
By now, you should see the application running at http://VM_IP:80 and add few
Check the content of data.json cat /home/ubuntu/data.json, here you can see the
added messages.
Stop and remove the container
Run the container again and should see the data of previous container's application in
http://VM_IP:80 web page
NB! Take the screenshot of cat /home/ubuntu/data.json inside the VM and docker
exec -it <task2_your_lastname> cat /lab1app/data.json (2 points)
Stop and delete the container
1. Put a pdf file with your answers and screenshots for the questions and name it as your
2. The screenshots are meant to show that the work is done and by you. So, have enough
proofs in your answer sheet.
3. Note: Do not blindly copy the commands. Try to understand them. The provided commands
are to guide you with the initial process.
4. Do not copy code from internet. If you copy, please leave a comment with the URL on that
code/answer sheet
5. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and dealt through the formal channels of the university