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Chem Lec Prelim

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LAB SAFETY MEASURES • Make sure everything is safe before you leave

things unattended
What are the general hazards in a laboratory? • A tidy laboratory saves everyone from accidents
• Fire
• Breakage of glassware Emergency
• Sharps • For ALL chemical splashes, wash with plenty of
• Spillages water for 10 minutes
• Pressure equipment & gas cylinders • Control bleeding with direct pressure, avoiding
• Extremes of heat & cold any foreign bodies such as glass splinters
• Chemical hazards • Report all accidents to your teacher or lab
• Biological hazards personnel
• Radiation
• And many more! Waste
• Solvents and oils must be segregated into the
Laboratory Hygiene correct waste bottle or drum.
• Never eat, drink or smoke in a laboratory • Organic solvents should be collected in a
• Never apply cosmetics container with a tight-fitting lid and labeled as
• Never suck pens or chew pencils hazardous waste.
• Always wash your hands before you leave and • Corrosive liquids, such as strong acids and bases,
especially before eating should be disposed of as hazardous waste.
• Do not put materials down the drain or in with
Protecting Yourself normal waste unless authorized to do so
• Wear the clothing and protective wear identified in • The best approach to laboratory waste is
your risk assessment preventing its generation.
• Laboratory coats must be kept fastened
• Do not wear sandals or open shoes When in doubt – ASK!!!
• Long hair must be tied back • A new or unfamiliar procedure can only be
• There are many different types of protective carried out after you have been fully trained how to
gloves. conduct the lab procedures informed well of the
Use the correct ones for the task you will be doing. precautions necessary for a safe lab work
• Select chemical protection gloves according to the
materials and/or substances you will be working. Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment
• Remove your gloves before using a
gadget/phone, and leaving the laboratory. Beakers hold solids or liquids that will not release
gasses when reacted or are unlikely to splatter if
Glassware stirred or heated.
• Use correct techniques for the insertion of tubing
onto glassware Conical Flask or Erlenmeyer Flask hold solids or
• Never use glassware under pressure or vacuum liquids that may release gasses during a reaction or
unless it is designed for the job and suitably that are likely to splatter if stirred or heated.
• Always dispose of broken glass in a glass bin or Florence Flask - for the mixing of chemicals. The
sharps bin and not in a general waste bin narrow neck prevents splash exposure.
• Examine glassware before use
• Never handle broken glass with bare hands. Volumetric Flasks - to know precisely and
• Do not immerse hot glassware in cold water. accurately the volume of the solution that is being
• Clean up spillage promptly Graduated Cylinder - used to measure volumes of
• You must know how to do this as part of your risk liquids
• Dispose any hazardous material as toxic waste Separatory Funnel - for liquid-liquid extractions
that separates the components of a mixture into 2
Electrical Equipment solvent phases of different densities The higher
• Always do a visual check on electrical equipment density liquid sinks to the bottom and can be
before use, looking for obvious wear or defects drained from a valve, leaving the less dense liquid
• All portable electrical equipment must have a in the funnel.
current Portable Appliance Testing “PAT test”
sticker. Test Tubes to hold, mix, or heat small quantities of
• NEVER use defective equipment solid or liquid chemicals

General Tidiness Test Tube Racks - for holding and organizing test
• Keep your workplace tidy. Clear up waste, deal tubes After washing, flip the test tube over on the
with washing up and put things away when done. rack to dry.
Medicine Dropper - to transfer a small volume of
liquid (less than one mL) On top of a medicine Wash Bottle - used to deliver a washing solution to
dropper is a “rubber bulb” a specific area. Wash bottles must only contain
distilled water.
Spatula/Scoopula - used primarily in chemistry lab
settings to transfer solids: to a weigh paper for Weighing Boats weigh solids that will be
weighing, to a cover slip to measure melting point, transferred to another vessel
or a graduated cylinder, or to a watch glass from a
flask or beaker through scraping Digital Balance or Triple Beam Balance

Mohr Pipet to measure and deliver exact volumes Bunsen Burner - for the heating of nonvolatile
of liquids liquids and solids

Thistle Tubes - consists of a shaft of tube, with a Strikers to light Bunsen burners. The flints on
reservoir and funnel-like section at the top. It is strikers are expensive. Do not operate the striker
typically used by chemists to add liquid to an repeatedly just to see the sparks
existing system or apparatus. Thistle funnels are
used to add small volumes of liquids to an exact Water Bath to incubate samples at a constant
position. temperature over a long period of time. Water bath
is a preferred heat source for heating flammable
Funnel to aid in the transfer of liquid from one chemicals instead of an open flame to prevent
vessel to another ignition.

Watch Glass to hold a small amount of solid, such Evaporating Dish for the heating of table solid
as the product of a reaction compounds and elements

Thermometer is used to measure temperature - A Crucible and Cover for heating certain solids
thermometer has two important elements: a particularly metals, to very high temperatures
temperature sensor that detects changes in
temperature; and some means of converting the Clay Triangle - a support for porcelain crucibles
change into a numerical value. when being heated over a Bunsen burner

Burette - graduated glass tube with a tap at one Crucible Tongs to hold hot crucibles and to pick up
end, for delivering volumes of a liquid especially in other hot objects. NOT to be used for picking up
titrations It has a stopcock at its lower end and a beakers!
tapered capillary tube at the stopcock's outlet. The
flow of liquid from the tube to the burette tip is Ringstand supports the iron ring when heating
controlled by the stopcock valve. substances or mixtures

Test Tube Holder for holding a test tube which is Utility Clamps to secure test tubes, distillation
too hot to handle columns, and burettes to the ring stand

Beaker tongs to move beakers containing hot Iron Rings connect to a ringstand and provide a
liquids stable, elevated platform for the reaction.

Spot Plate used when conducting many small Wire Gauze sits on an iron ring to provide a place
scale reactions at one time to stand a beaker.

Glass Rod/Stirring Rod to manually stir solutions - Triangular File to primarily cut glass rod
It can also be used to transfer a single drop of a
solution Mortar and Pestle pestle is a tool used to crush,
mash or grind materials in a mortar
Corks or Rubber Stoppers are used to close
containers to avoid spillage or contamination. MEASUREMENT
Containers must never be heated when there is a
stopper in place. Physical Quantity - a property of a material or
system that can be obtained and quantified by
Distillation Apparatus - the most commonly used measurement indicating the appropriate base and
method for the extraction of essential oils. Two unit. It can be expressed as a value consists of
techniques of distillation: water and steam. numerical magnitude and the unit in which it is
measured: 3.9 grams, 50.0 dL, 19.3 g/cm3
Reagent Bottle are containers topped by special
caps or stoppers They are intended to contain
chemicals in liquid or powder form for laboratories.
Measurement - An operation by which an unknown Density: how much matter is in something (mass),
physical quantity is compared with a known compared to the amount of space it takes up
quantity based on standard (volume).
Temperature: a measure of the kinetic energy of
Fundamental Quantities & Units the atoms in an object. At 0 Kelvin no more heat
mass - kilogram can be removed from an object (Absolute Zero
length - meter Temp = -273.15 °C)
time - second
temperature - Kelvin The specific gravity of a substance is the density
of this substance divided by the density of water,
Derived Quantities which is 1.00 g/mL.
Density - kg/L - g/cm3 Specific gravity = 1 water
Volume - L - mL or cm3 > 1 Sinks in water
Pressure - Pa - mmHg < 1 Floats in water
Force/Weight - N - kg.m/s2
It is postulated that at absolute 0 there is no motion
Estimation is using your idea of something similar and therefore, no KE. The temperature must be
in size or amount to determine the size of the new “absolute 0.”
Density - an intensive property that depends only
Precision and Accuracy - It is necessary to make on the composition of a substance, not the size of
good, reliable measurements in the lab the sample. Because of differences in density,
Accuracy – how close a measurement is to the liquids separate into layers.
true value
Precision – how close the measurements are to Matter: Classification and Phases
each other (reproducibility)
Matter - is anything that occupies space and has
Accepted value – the correct value based on mass. It can be invisible and may appear to be
reliable references or the physical quantities with continuous and unbroken (but actually
fixed values discontinuous; since it is made up of tiny particles).
Experimental value – the value obtained in lab It can be classified based on the physical state, or
experimentations based on the chemical state or composition

The International System of Units - after the Pure Substance - A particular kind of matter that
French name, Le Système International d’Unités is has a fixed composition and distinct properties.
a revised version of the metric system. It was They can either be elements or compounds.
adopted by international agreement in 1960.
Mixture - matter that contains two or more
Measurements in SI units are easily understood substances in variable amounts. They are variable
by all Scientists and are easier to convert than the in composition. They can either be homogeneous
English system. There are 7 SI base units. or heterogeneous.

Element and Compound

Quantity Base Unit Symbol
• Element - is a fundamental or elementary
Length meter m substance that cannot be broken down into simpler
substances by chemical means.
Mass kilogram kg • Compound - is a distinct substance that contains
Temp kelvin K two or more elements combined in a definite
proportion by weight.
Time second s
Compounds can be classified as molecular or
Amount of Substance mole mol ionic.
Luminous Intensity candela cd • Ionic compounds are held together by attractive
forces between their positive and negative charges.
Electric Current ampere A • Molecular compounds--held together by
covalent bonds.
Commonly Used Physical Quantities
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixtures
Length (meter): measures distance between points • Homogeneous Mixture or Solution consists of
Volume (litter): measures the amount of space two or more substances, but has one phase or
something takes up uniform appearance and properties all throughout.
Mass (gram): measures the amount of matter in an • Heterogeneous Mixture – with two or more
object physically distinct phases present
Homogeneous Mixture = Solution Properties: Chemical / Physical
solute + solvent = solution • Chemical properties are observed when a
material undergoes chemical change.
Solid Solution is a combination of metals or a nuclear/atomic stability, combustibility, ionization,
combination of one or more metals with and relative activity to other substances The
non-metallic elements substance chemically “reacts with” something else!
• Physical properties can be observed without
Bose-Einstein Condensate (5th State of Matter) changing the composition of the substance. mass,
It is a gas that is so close to absolute zero that it density, malleability, volatility, & color. No chemical
begins to display quantum effects on a larger scale. reactions allowed! Change in these physical
• group of atoms cooled within absolute zero properties is referred to as a physical change
• Atoms are hardly moving relative to each other -
have almost no free energy to do so, so the atoms Physical Change - reversible by physical means
begin to clump together, and enter the same energy 1. the solution process -- one substance is
states. They become identical, from a physical dissolved in another substance
point of view, and the whole group starts behaving 2. a phase change -- a substance goes from one
as though it’s a single atom. phase to another; solid, liquid, or gas by the
addition or removal of heat.
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
• Mixtures can be separated by physical means. Indicators of Physical Change
• Compounds can only be separated by chemical • All changes of state are called physical changes
means. because atoms and molecules within do not
• Elements are pure substances. change.
• When the subatomic particles of an element are • All physical changes are easily reversible. The
separated from its atom, it no longer retains the original state can be achieved by reversing the
properties of that element. change.
• The nature of the atoms and molecules involved
Properties of Substances in a physical change is not altered – chemically
they are the same.
• Property-- characteristic of a substance • A few physical changes, like dissolving certain
• Each substance has a set of properties that are solutes, may result in a temperature change, but
characteristic of that substance giving it a unique most physical changes do not have an energy
identity. change associated with them.

Properties of a Substance Chemical Change

• Intensive / Extensive • a substance undergoes a reaction and forms
• Intrinsic / Extrinsic products having different properties than the
• Chemical / Physical reactants
• occurs when the substance's composition is
Properties: Intensive / Extensive changed
• when bonds are broken and new ones are formed
Intensive properties
✓ are attributes that do not depend on the amount Indicators of Chemical Change
of matter • Change in Temperature
✓ exist at molecular level, inherent to chemical • Change in Color
composition • Noticeable Odor (after reaction has begun)
✓ the property is unchanged by altering the • Formation of a Precipitate
sample size • Formation of Bubbles

Extensive properties Change in Temperature

✓ are attributes that depend on the amount of • Endothermic – chemical reaction that involves
matter absorption of heat by the system from the
✓ constantly changing attributes, thus cannot be surrounding.
used for identification of certain object/matter • Exothermic – chemical reaction which involves
✓ as more matter is added to a system, both mass release of heat by the system to the
and volume changes surrounding

All chemical properties are intensive. But not all Nuclear Change occurs when the nuclei of atoms
intensive properties are chemical. are rearranged to form new atoms. It involves
changes in nuclear structure.
Intensive properties are determined by composition
and structure of matter. They never change!
Indicators of Change Dalton’s Atomic Theory
• All chemical changes are difficult to reverse. They 1. All matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles
occur as a result of a reaction between reactant called atoms.
chemicals to make new products. 2. All Atoms of the same element have the same
• reaction can be summarized by chemical equation chemical properties. Conversely, atoms of different
elements have different chemical properties.
5 main signs that a chemical reaction has taken 3. Compounds are formed by the chemical
place: combination of two or more different kinds of
1. Light release atoms.
2. Temperature change 4. A molecule is a tightly bound combination of
3. Production of a gas two or more atoms that act as a single unit.
4. Formation of a precipitate
5. Color change 1920’s Electron Cloud Model
• Discovered by Erwin Schrödinger and Werner
Exception to the Rule: Ambiguous Change Heisenberg.
• Some changes cannot easily be identified as a • Atom consists of a dense nucleus and many
physical change or a chemical change -- they show protons and neutrons and is surrounded by
signs of both. electrons, but they all have different energy levels,
• If the mixture is heated, the salt can be recovered. and different charges.
It has not changed chemically.
• An alloy has different physical properties from The Law of Conservation of Mass
both of its component metals. This might lead you Matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
to believe that making an alloy is a chemical • The total mass of matter at the end of the
change. However, the particles within the alloy experiment was exactly the same as that at the
have not been changed. beginning.
• Some chemical changes are reversible. The • Dalton’s theory explained: If all matter consist
production of ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen of indestructible atoms, then any chemical reaction
is an example. changes the attachments between atoms but does
not destroy the atoms themselves.
Phase changes typically occur when the CO + PbO —> CO2 + Pb
temperature or pressure of a system is altered.
• When temperature or pressure increases, Monoatomic , Diatomic and Polyatomic
molecules interact more with each other. Elements
• When pressure increases or temperature • Monoatomic elements
decreases, it's easier for atoms and molecules to Helium and Neon - have single atom
settle into a more rigid structure. • Diatomic elements
• When pressure is released, it's easier for particles gasses that exist in nature; each has 2 atoms
to move away from each other. joined together by chemical bond.
● Melting (Solid → Liquid) • Polyatomic elements
● Freezing (Liquid → Solid)
● Evaporation (Liquid → Gas) MASS NUMBER = number of protons + neutrons in
● Condensation (Gas → Liquid) the nucleus
● Sublimation (Solid → Gas) ATOMIC NUMBER = number of protons
● Deposition (Gas → Solid) Number of protons = number of electrons
● Ionization (Gas → Plasma)
Fact 1: Elements in the same group have the same
Atomic Structure number of electrons in the outer shell that
corresponds to their group number.
Democritus Fact 2: As you move down through the periods an
• Developed the idea of atoms extra electron shell is added
• pounded up materials in pestle and mortar until he Fact 3: Most of the elements are metals.
had reduced them to smaller particles - ‘Atomos’ Fact 4: (Most important) All elements in the same
group have similar PROPERTIES. This is called
Subatomic Particles

NEUTRON PROTON ELECTRON How are shells filled?

neutral positive negative • The first electron shell can only hold a maximum
same mass as same mass mass nearly of two electrons.
proton (“1”) as neutron nothing • The second electron shell can hold a maximum of
eight electrons.
• The third electron shell can also hold a maximum
of eight electrons.
• The fourth electron shell can also hold eighteen
ELECTRON CONFIGURATION Periodic Table of Elements

With electron configuration elements are Naturally Occurring Elements

represented numerically by the number of electrons • Native elements - appear in nature in pure form
in their shells and number of shells. noble gasses, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, gold,
silver, and copper
Electron Energy Levels • Naturally occurring but are found only in trace
These levels are made up of sublevels. Higher amounts
energy levels have more sublevels. The box • The 10 dark green-colored elements are found in
represents the orbital of a sublevel. This is where nature, but in small or trace amount
the electrons hang out. The 2nd energy level • Non-native elements found in nature as part of a
consists of “2p sublevel.” The 2p sublevel is made compound
up of 3 orbitals. Since two electrons can fit in each
orbital, the 2p sublevel is capable of holding a Elements - The elements, alone or in
maximum of 6 electrons: combinations, make up our bodies, our world, our
sun, and in fact, the entire universe.
The nucleus is positively charged due to the
protons in it. Is this positively charged nucleus that Periodic Table of Elements organizes the
holds the negatively charged electrons around it. elements in a particular way that helps one obtain
basic information about each of the 118 known
The 5th level and sublevels: 5s (1), 5p (3), 5d (5), elements. a great deal of information about an
5f (7) and 5g (9) element can be gathered from its position in the
4s (1), 4p (3), 4d (5), and 4f (7) periodic table. one can predict with reasonably
The number of orbitals is always a consecutive odd good accuracy the physical and chemical
number. The sublevels start to overlap. properties of the element. what other elements a
particular element will react with chemically
The 4s is actually a little lower than the 3d. This
overlap is important, and it becomes more The periodic table arranges all the elements in
extensive as we move to higher levels. groups according to their properties.

The 3rd level consists of 3 sublevels. Periodic Table of Elements - Elements are
3s sublevel - 1 orbital organized on the table according to their atomic
3p sublevel - 3 orbitals number, usually found near the top of the square.
3d sublevel - 5 orbitals
Atomic Number - No two elements have the same
The 2nd level has 2 sublevels. number of protons.
2s sublevel - contains just 1 orbital
2p sublevel - has 3 orbitals Atomic Mass - the “weight” of the atom. obtained
by adding the number of its protons and the
The 1st energy level is comprised of just 1 sublevel number of its neutrons
called 1s. It contains only one orbital.
Atomic Mass and Isotopes
Filling Rules for Electron Orbitals • While most atoms have the same number of
protons and neutrons, some don’t.
Aufbau Principle: Electrons are added one at a • Some atoms have more or less neutrons than
time to the lowest energy orbitals available until all protons. These are called isotopes.
the electrons of the atom have been accounted for. • An atomic mass number with a decimal is the total
of the number of protons plus the average number
Pauli Exclusion Principle: An orbital can hold a of neutrons.
maximum of two electrons. To occupy the same
orbital, two electrons must spin in opposite Valence Electrons
directions. • the electrons in the outer energy level of an atom
• the electrons (e-) that are transferred or shared
Hund’s Rule: Electrons occupy equal-energy when atoms bond together
orbitals so that a maximum number of unpaired
electrons results. Properties of Metals
• conductor of heat and electricity
*Aufbau is German for “building up” • shiny
• Ductile
Notation • Malleable
1. Box Diagram • A chemical property of metal is its reactivity with
2. Longhand Electron Configuration water which results in corrosion
3. Noble Gas Notation
Properties of Nonmetals •They have two valence electrons.
• poor conductors of heat and electricity •Alkaline earth metals include magnesium and
• neither ductile nor malleable calcium, among others.
• solid nonmetals are brittle and break easily
• dull appearance Transition Metals include those elements in the B
• many non-metals are gasses families. These are the metals you are probably
most familiar with: copper, tin, zinc, iron, nickel,
Properties of Metalloids gold, and silver. They are good conductors of heat
• have properties of both metals and nonmetals and electricity.
• solids that can be shiny or dull • The compounds of transition metals are usually
• conduct heat and electricity better than nonmetals brightly colored - often used to color paints
but not as efficient as metals • Transition elements have 1 or 2 valence
• ductile and malleable electrons, which they lose when they form bonds
with other atoms. Some transition elements can
Families and Periods lose electrons in their next-to- outermost level.
• have properties similar to one another and to
Each column of elements - group or family. other metals, but their properties do not fit in with
Elements in each family have similar but not those of any other family
identical properties. Example - lithium (Li), sodium • many transition metals combine chemically with
(Na), potassium (K), and other members of family oxygen to form compounds called oxides
IA are all soft, white, shiny metals. All elements in a
family have the same number of valence electrons. Boron Family
• named after the first element in the family
Each horizontal row of elements - period. The • atoms have 3 valence electrons
elements in a period are not alike in properties. • includes a metalloid (boron), and the rest are
Properties change greatly across in a given row. metals
The first element in a period is always an extremely • includes the most abundant metal in the earth’s
active solid. The last element in a period is always crust - aluminum
an inert or an inactive gas.
Carbon Family
Hydrogen sits atop Family AI, but not a member of • Atoms of this family have 4 valence electrons.
that family. It is in a class of its own. a gas at room • includes a nonmetal (carbon), metalloids, and
temperature. has 1 proton and 1 electron in its 1 metals
and only energy level. only needs 2 electrons to fill • The element carbon is called the “basis of life.”
up its valence shell. Organic Chemistry - an entire branch of chemistry
devoted to carbon compounds
Alkali Metals
•The alkali family is found in the 1st column of the Nitrogen Family
periodic table. • named after the element that makes up 78% of
•Atoms of the alkali metals have a single electron in our atmosphere
their outermost level - 1 valence electron. • nonmetals, metalloids, and metals
•They are shiny, have the consistency of clay, and • have 5 valence electrons
are easily cut with a knife. • tend to share electrons when they bond
•the most reactive metals. react violently with water. • Other elements - phosphorus, arsenic, antimony,
are never found as free elements in nature. are and bismuth
always bonded with another element
Oxygen Family
What does it mean to be reactive? • Atoms have 6 valence e-
reactive elements bond easily with other elements • Most elements of this family share e- when
to make compounds some elements are only found forming compounds
in nature bonded with other elements • Oxygen - most abundant element in the earth’s
crust, extremely active and combines with almost
What makes an element reactive? all elements
•An incomplete valence electron level
•Octet Rule: All atoms (except hydrogen) want to Halogen Family
have 8 electrons in their outermost energy level. • fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine
•Atoms bond until it completes its valence shell with • have 7 valence electrons - the most active
8 electrons and becomes stable. nonmetals
•Atoms with few valence electrons lose them during • only need 1 e- to fill their outermost energy level
bonding. Atoms with 6, 7, or 8 valence electrons • are never found free in nature
gain electrons during bonding. • react with alkali metals to form salts

Alkaline Earth Metals The Halogens

•They are never found uncombined in nature. • have 7 e- in their outer shell, so they’re found
in group 7 of the PT Periodic Properties And Trends
• are all colored • Atomic Radius - Is the distance from the nucleus
• form metal halides with group 1 metals of the atom to the outermost energy level (valence
• Fluorine, Chlorine, Iodine - highly effective electron)
component of disinfectants and antiseptics • Metallic Property - the ease of an atom to lose
• Bromine – pesticide an electron
• Silver bromide is used in photography • Ionization Energy - The energy needed by an
atom to lose an electron.
The Noble Gases • Electronegativity - The ability of the atom to
• colorless gasses that are extremely inert attract an electron to itself
• have full outer shells • Electron Affinity - The energy released by the
• found in group 8 of the periodic table atom when it accepts an electron.
• helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.

One strikingly common property of the noble gases

is their very low chemical reactivity. This tendency
is due to their valence shell – completely filled with
the required number of electrons (Octet Rule).
Because they do not readily react or combine with
other elements to form compounds, the noble
gases are called inert. All the noble gases are
found in small amounts in the earth's atmosphere.

Group 8 – Noble Gas

1) All of the noble gases have a full outer shell, so
they are very .
2) They all have low melting and boiling points.
3) They exist as single atoms rather than diatomic
4) Helium is lighter than air and is used in balloons
and airships (as well as for talking in a silly voice).
5) Argon is used in light bulbs (because it is so
unreactive). Argon, Krypton, and Neon are used in
fancy lights.

Rare Earth Elements

The 30 rare earth elements are basically from the
lanthanide and actinide series. Transuranium
elements (aka transuranic elements) have atomic
numbers > 92 (Uranium). All of these elements are
unstable and decay radioactively into other

In 1869, Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeléev created the

first accepted version of the periodic table. He
grouped elements according to their atomic mass,
and as he did, he found that the families had similar
chemical properties. Blank spaces were left open to
add the new elements he predicted would occur.

The Periodic Properties and Trends

The 4 most recent discoveries were officially

confirmed by the International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in December 2015.
• Nihonium (Nh) for Element 113
• Moscovium (Mc) for Element 115
• Tennessine (Ts) for Element 117
• Oganesson (Og) for Element 118

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