Exam Poetry
Exam Poetry
Exam Poetry
Lesson 3
Dorothy Parker
Angela Manalang
I have outgrown them all,
And one by one,
These loves I took so mightily to
Before you came; the dolls that
My childhood hours and taught
me fairy act;
I books I ravished by censored
Music that like delirium
burned my days;
The golden calf I fashioned to
When lately I forsook the
golden phrase.
Activity 2. Instruction. Read or sing this song by Jose Mari Chan. Then do the activity below.
Jose Marie Chan
A. Give the literal meaning of the following words by choosing from the options given.
1. Outgrow a. overcome
b. grow too large for
c. get tired of
4. Censored a. suppressed
b. criticized
c. eliminated
8. Fickle a. steady
b. changeable
c. permanent
9. Bereft a. deprived
b. oppressed
c. prejudged
(From the Greek “poles – making or creating) is a form of art in which language is used
for its aesthetic and evocative qualities is additional to in lie because of ostensible meaning.
Poetry may be written independently, as decree poems, or may occur in conduction with
other arts, as in poetic drama, hymns or lyrics.
Poetry and discussions of its have a long history early attempts to define poetry such as
Aristotle’s poetic focused on the speech in enter, dram, song and comedy. After attempt
concentrated on features such as repetition and rhyme and aesthetics which distinguish poetry
has sometimes being more loosely defined as a fundamental creative act using language.
Poetry often uses particular forms and conventions to expand the utterly meaning of the
words, or to evoke emotional or essential responses. Desires used to achieve musical or
incantatory effects. Poets use of ambiguity, symbolism and other stylish elements of poetic
diction after leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations similarly metaphor and simile create
resonance between otherwise.
Some forms of poetry are specific to particular cultures and genres, responding to the
characteristics of the language in which the poet writes while readers accustomed to identifying
it’s being written in rhyming lines and regular meter, there are traditions such as those Dufu and
Beowulf if that use other approaches to achieve rhythm and euphony. In today globalized world,
poets often borrow styles, techniques and forms from diverse cultures and languages.
The term poetry has been defines differently according to different perceptive of various
- Poetry is the writing that formulate a concentrated, imaginative awareness of
experience chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through
its meaning sound and rhythm.
- Poetry is a literary genre in verse (line) form language more creatively and
artistically that other literary works.
Features of Poetry
• Very economical in language use i.e. poetry use few words to convey a lot of information.
• Poetry consists of musical features such as rhyme and rhythm.
• Poetry uses relatively more figures of speech than other genres of literature.
• The basic unit composing a poem is line.
• Poetry rarely involves characters with names normally poems use the persona /speaker.
• Poetry is arranged in lines and stanzas.
Poetic Devices
These are techniques or tools used in poetry which help improve the quality of poetry.
• Persona – refers to person who speaks in the poem. Sometime a poet may use the
pronoun “I” in his/her poem. This does not mean that it is the poet who is speaking rather
than the poet has put him/herself in someone’s shoes.
• Consonance – is the repetition of similar consonant sounds at the end of a word in
stressed syllable in a given verse.
• Ellipsis – is the intentionally omission of some words that the poet consider of less
important to be used in his/her work. Normally functional words such as propositions,
auxiliary verbs, conjunction and determines are the one that full victims of being omitted.
• Allusion – is the use of well known things as reference so as make readers understand the
concept(s) due to the fact the reference used is well know.
• Stanza – is a group of lines that stands as paragraphs. Stanzas are separated from each
other by space.
• Refrain – is a word or line that is repeated at the end of each stanza in a poem. It actually
as a chorus. This technique serves two great roles emphatic role, musical purposes.
• Poetic License – is the right assumed by poets to alter or invert standard syntax or depart
from common diction or pronunciation to comply with the metrical or tonal requirements
of their writing, or the privilege that poets have violate the rules of the grammar of the
language he/she is using to compos his/her work
Elements of Poetry
These sound effects are the products of organized repetitions. They are the following:
1. Rhyme repeats similar sounds in some apparent scheme.
is the similarity of ending sounds exist between two words. Or is the
similarity in sound at the end of consecutive lines or at the same interval in a
• Functions of Rhyme
1. The repetition of sounds at regular interrupts bring the reader a seasons gratification
meaning it makes the reader enjoy the repetition.
2. The recurrence of the rhyme at regular intervals helps to establish the form of stanza
3. The rhymes serve to unify and distinguish the divisions of the poem and therefore give a
unity to one stanza while marking it off from the others as separate. From such divisions
the rhyme creates a sense of movement to the poem as a whole.
• Types of Rhymes
The types of rhymes are classified according to two schemes.
These are most common rhymes and they occur at the end of the line.
1. Internal Rhymes
Sometimes called leonine rhyme occur at some place after the beginning but before the
end of the line.
2. The Beginning Rhyme
This occurs in the first syllable or syllables of the line.
• Rhyme Scheme: The sequence in which the rhyme occurs for example.
2. Trochaic meter – the reverse of Iambic meter. Each foot contains an accented
and unaccented syllable.
3. Spondaic - Two syllables, both of which are stressed. For example: ICE
4. Anapestic meter – contains each foot two unaccented syllables and one
5. Dactylic meter – opposite of anapaestic. It is slower and often is used to create
a strange mood.
English language poets often combine these feet in standard patterns, such as the following:
▪ Trochaic Tetrameter: Four metrical feet of two syllables each (for a total of eight
syllables) alternating between stressed and unstressed syllables. For example: “BY
the SHORES of GITche GUMee” (“The Song of Hiawatha” by Henry Wadsworth
▪ Iambic Pentameter: The most common meter in English language poetry, iambic
pentameter has five feet of two syllables each (for a total of ten syllables) alternating
between unstressed and stressed syllables. For example: “Shall I comPARE thee TO
a SUMmer’s DAY?”
(“Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare)
▪ Double Dactylic: Two metrical feet of three syllables each (for a total of six
syllables) alternating between one stressed syllable and two unstressed syllables. For
example: “HIGgledy PIGgledy, / BACon, lord CHANcellor.” (By Ian Lancashire)
▪ Anapestic Tetrameter: Four metrical feet of three syllables each (for a total of
twelve syllables) which alternates between two unstressed syllables and one stressed
syllable. For example: ’Twas the NIGHT before CHRISTmas, when ALL through
the HOUSE. (“A Visit From St. Nicholas” by Clement Clark Moore)
D. Imagery
- It is more than a visual detail includes sounds, textures, feel, odors, and
sometimes even tastes.
- Selection of concrete details is the poet’s way giving his reader a sensory image.
- By this, the poet makes reader think about the meaning of the poem.
E. Tone
- Reveals the attitude toward the subject and in some cases the attitude of the
persona or implied speaker of the poem as well.
- Examples of tone are: cheerful, sad, reflective, serious, angry, anxious, etc. there
are, however, many shades of tone and these clear-cut divisions can’t be easily
Here is a sonnet by William Shakespeare, which is measured as Iambic Pentameter. I want you to
measure this by foot, meter and write on the rhythmic patterns of each lines to show justification
if it’s really a Shakespearean. (LO6,LO7)
This lesson introduces poetry, it elements and everything that goes with
especially on the things to keep in mind on how to write one. It enables the
students to absorb the importance of poetry and its measurements and as well as
the entire elements that encompasses the said work of art.
III. References
• https://literaryterms.net/poetry/
• http://www.literarydevices.com/meter/#:~:text=For%20exam ple%3A
%20%E2%80%9CBY%20the%20SHORES,between%20uns tressed