Mste 001
Mste 001
Mste 001
answers : 5×2=10
APPLIED STATISTICS (PGDAST) (a) Decision-making in situations where
known as an art.
Note : (i) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(b) Courses of action are related to future
(ii) Attempt any four questions from
question nos. 2 to 7. outcomes, conditions or situations which
(iii)Use of scientific calculator (non- are not under the control of the decision
programmable) is allowed.
(iv) Formulae and Statistical Tables Booklet
for PGDAST is allowed. (c) In the cut set method, reliability of the
system is given by :
(v) Symbols have their usual meanings.
R s P (C1 C2 C3 ..... Ck )
P. T. O.
[3] MSTE-001 [4] MSTE-001
(d) Statistical process control means to control The bangle seller sells them at the rate of
` 20 per dozen. Assume that if he/she
the products in such a way that these are
accepts the offer, all the bangles are sold
free from defects. out. On the basis of this information :
(e) For N = 500, n = 20, p = 0.02 and pa = 0.94, (i) Identify the course of action.
(ii) Identify states of nature.
the AOQ will be 0.018.
(iii) Obtain the payoff table.
2. (a) A bangle seller gets the following offer : Also obtain the opportunity loss table. 5
(b) A vendor buys cards at the rate of ` 3 per
The cost of a pack of 10 dozen bangles is
card and sells at the rate of ` 4 per card.
` 150. Assume that a card which is not sold on
the same day goes to scrap and pays him
The bangle seller can either accept the
` 0.50 as regret value. The information for
offer or reject it. the past 200 days about the sale is shown
as :
Each pack of 10 dozen bangles may
Number of cards
Number of days
have 40%, 30%, 20% or 10% defective demanded
204 100
returned by the bangle seller. Thus,
206 40
defective bangles in a pack mean a
208 20
direct loss to the bangle seller.
P. T. O.
[5] MSTE-001 [6] MSTE-001
On the basis of this information, how many 4. (a) A system has three components connected
cards should be bought by the vendor so in series having reliabilities 0.40, 0.70,
that his profit is maximum ? 5 0.80 respectively, for mission of 400 hours.
3. (a) Using cut set method, evaluate the What is the percentage increase in the
reliability of the system having reliability reliability of the system in each of the
mission of 1000 hours. It is given that (i) Reliability of the first component is
components are independent and each increased by 0.1 and that of the second
component has reliability of 0.95 for a and third components remains the
P. T. O.
[7] MSTE-001 [8] MSTE-001
(b) Solve the two-person zero-sum game tubes are rejected. The results are shown
below :
having the following payoff matrix for
No. of Defective
player A : 5 Sample No.
Player B 1 8
B1 B2 B3 2 10
3 13
A1 1 2 7
4 9
Player A
A2 6 4 2 5 8
6 10
5. (a) A manufacturer of silicon chips produces
7 14
lots of 100 chips for shipment. A buyer uses
8 6
a double sampling plan with n1 5, c1 0,
P. T. O.
[9] MSTE-001 [ 10 ] MSTE-001
On the basis of information given above, 7. Construct a suitable control chart for average
prepare a suitable control chart to check and variability for the following data. Samples
the process of tubes manufacturing and of 5 being taken every hour. Comment on
state whether the process is under control ? whether the production seems to be under
Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5
6. (a) Suppose a shirt manufacture company
supplies shirts in lots of size 500 to the 1 42 65 75 78 87
P. T. O.