DBMS Project Report Edited 2
DBMS Project Report Edited 2
DBMS Project Report Edited 2
Event Management
Third Year
B a c h e l o r o f Te c h n o l o g y
Tal.Mangaon,Dist-Raigad(MS) INDIA
Apart from our own, the success of this report depends largely on the encouragement and
guidelines of many others. We are especially grateful to our Prof. Tejas Bhaise and also Prof.
A.Kiwlekar the Head of Computer Engineering Department, DBATU who has provided
guidance, expertise and encouragement. We are thankful to the staff of Computer Engineering
Department for their cooperation and support.
We would like to put forward our heartfelt acknowledgement to all our classmates, friends and all
those who have directly or indirectly provided their overwhelming support during our project
work and the development of this report.
C o n tents
1 Synopsis 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Pro ject Idea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3. Motivation of the Pro ject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
4.Ob jective of the Pro ject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.5 Module Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.6 F unctionalities provided by Pro ject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4 Research Methodology 8
4.1 Student’s Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2 Student’s Login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.3 Teacher’s Login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4. Add E vents and F und Provider Information . . . . . . . . . 8
5.View E vents and F und Provider Information . . . . . . . . . 8
4.6 Logout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5 Requirement Specification 9
5.1 Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.2 Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6 U M L D i a g ra m s 10
6.1 Use Case Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
6.2 Class Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
6.3 E R Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.4 Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.5 Data Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7 T ools 16
7.1 H T M L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7.2 C S S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.3 P H P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7.4 M y S Q L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
8 A b o u t X a m p p Server 23
9 Implementation 26
11 Conclusion 33
Bibliography 34
L i s t of Figur es
C h a pte r 1
1. I n t ro d u c t i o n
Event Diary is a site which will be used for maintaining records and up- gradation
of events taking placed in colleges and institutions. The purpose of Event Diary is to
automate the existing manual system by the help of computerized equipment’s, fulfilling
student requirement. So their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period
with easy accessing and manipulating. Event Diary can lead to error free, secure, reliable
and fast management system. It can assist the student to concentrate on their other
activities rather than to concentrate on the record keeping. It will help organization in
better utilization of resources.
2. P r o j e c t Id ea
The project idea is to develop a system which will useful for any in- formation
regarding particular event can easily access to the event staff coordinators, H O D ,
student coordinator and participants.
The motive behind the project is to develop an application which will dedicated for
the purpose, Event organizers create schedules for events us- ing website interface and
assign student coordinators at the time of creation of schedule. The students can register
on the application and some of them register as coordinators. Only events organizers and
coordinators can up- load event related information on the application. The participants
can view events on application.
4. O b j e c t i v e of the P r o j e c t
The aim of the Event Diary Process is identifying events and determining
corresponding control measures. There can be several updates or changes in a service or
configuration item. Some of these changes can be critical while some changes can be
minor without impacting other aspects of the I T services. The categorization of these
events and defining appropriate control measures for these different events is an objective
of the Event Diary Process. Event Diary Process is providing a basis for service
assurance, reporting and service improvement. I T service providers aim for service
improvement to improve the provided services consistently to increase the value provided
to the students. The Event Diary Process helps to increase this value delivered to the
5. Module Description
These changes will be reflected in the events module that is accessed by the end
users. The admin module is important to make overall changes to the events di-
rectly from the web application and is used by the students or faculties who are in
charge of organizing the events.
6. Functional i ti es provided b y P r o j e c t
• Provides the searching facilities based on various factors such as college, student,
registration, etc.
• Project also manages the service details online for registration, college, etc.
C h a pte r 2
Events are held in all colleges and institutions. But it’s Management and Maintenance is
quite burdensome. Following are the difficulties faced by the colleges and
• Maintaining the list of events took placed or to be organized, with all those notes
and papers.
• Records of the Winners of the competitions and events. Usage of funds particularly
on the things and other expenditures can’t be explained properly to other students.
• Obtaining a proper feedback and Reviews or other suggestions from students is also
2. S ol u ti on S tatemen t
Al l the problems and difficulties faced by colleges and committee members can be
resolved by using one site i.e Event Diary.
Event Diary site will help to maintain all the records regarding events, funds and other
things only at one place.
It will reduce the paper work so the problem of losing any kind of data will be reduced.
It will become easy for the teachers and committee members to organize and handle
the events.
3. S cop e of the P r o j e c t
1. The scope of the project is to build an Event Management System without any
issues that is designed to facilitate managing events without any trouble.
2. To assist the staff in capturing the efforts spent on their respective working areas.
6. Easy to operate.
8. Expandable.
Goal: The goal of this project is to deploy proposed project, that is Event
Management System successfully.
C h a pte r 3
• Regi s tra ti on :
The user must correctly fill the registration form. The website must allow users to
log into their account by entering their email address and password.
• Admin:
The admin must enter only the admin username and password to ac- cess the admin
module. Already Set Username and Password for Staff Members. Only the staff
members can edit or add Events and Funds Information.
• E v e n t Man agemen t :
Only admin should be able to make changes to the events. Users should only be able
to view the listed events that were added by the admin.
• Logout:
The system provides the facility to logout from the site.
2. N o n - Fu n c t i o n a l Req u i reme n ts
• Operating System:
Website will be run on all Operating Systems like Windows 7, windows 10, and
• S ecu ri ty :
Secured Website. No one can use this website without registration. We will use the
facility secure database to store student information. It is recommended that you
update the plugins in the Internet agent before the program is launched.
• Availa b i l i ty :
The Event Management System should never be down and should al- ways be
• Accuracy:
The accuracy of the information published about the events in the ap- plication is
guaranteed, the admin or event organizers are responsible for it.
• Flexibility:
The Event Management System is flexible to develop new models and changes.
• Main ta i n a b i l i ty:
The Event Management System is easy to maintain and should be easy to fix bugs
in case any issues arise.
• Rel i a b i l i ty :
The application website guarantees the integrity of the data so it should be reliable.
• Observabil ity :
Only logging useful information and fixing errors as they are identified and
Implementing third-party monitoring services for crucial areas of the website.
• Perfo rman ce :
The website should be designed and built with an acceptable standard of
performance as a minimum.
• Acces s :
The website will be accessible everywhere through the internet.
• E n v i ro n me n t :
The environment includes external factors that impact how your system performs.
C h a pte r 4
Research Methodology
1. S tu d en t’s R e g i s t r a t i o n
To view events register on website. student’s registration details includes student name,
email, mobile number, department, year, P R N and password.
2. S tu d en t’s L o g i n
After registration login with your username that is email id and password.
3. Teacher ’s L o g i n
Teachers will login to their username and password that is already saved on the system.
4. A d d E v e n t s an d F u n d P ro v i d e r In f ormati on
Once logged in, teachers can manage event information and fund provider information.
They have the option to add new events and associated fund provider details where the
details, such as name, date, description, are en- tered into the system.
5. Vi e w E v e n t s an d F u n d P ro v i d e r In f ormati on
After logging in, the student will reach the dashboard on the student’s side. Options
include view events, view fund provider information, and logout.
6. Logout
On the teacher’s side, teachers can log out after adding event or fund provider
information. On the student side, students can log out after view- ing the event or fund
provider information.
C h a pte r 5
Requirement Specification
1. H a r d w a re Req u i reme n ts
• A Window P C
• Platform for Run the Project: Any Browser like Microsoft Edges, Chrome, Firefox.
• Available in Languages: H T M L , C S S .
• Back-end Language: P H P.
• Database: M yS Q L
C h a pte r 6
U M L Diagrams
1. Use Case Diagram
• Students
• Admin
6.2 C l a s s D i a g ra m
• Tea cher: Teachers have their own username and password. Teacher adds
information like events and fund providers information.
• Vi e w Info rma tion : Students will view event information and fund provider
• A d d Informa tion : Teacher will added event information and fund provider
6.3 E R D i a g ra m
E R Diagram Description:
6.4 F l o wchart
• Save Info rma ti on: After adding details, the details are added to the database
when the save button is clicked.
• S t u d e n t Regi strat i on : Register on the website first, to view the events.
The registration form has been added for security purposes.
• S t u d e n t L o g i n : The student will view events and fund provider infor- mation.
D F D Level - 0:
D F D Level - 1:
D F D Level - 2:
C h a pte r 7
T ools
• E l e men ts : H T M L elements are the building blocks of web pages. They define the
different parts of a document, such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, lists,
tables, forms, and more. Each element is represented by a tag, such as < h1 > for a
heading, < p > for a paragraph, < img > for an image, and so on.
• Ta gs : H T M L tags define the purpose and meaning of different parts of the content.
They can be used to format text, create headings, insert images, add links, create
lists, and more. Some common tags include
< h1 > to < h6 > for headings, < p > for paragraphs, < img > for
images, < a > for links, < ul > and < ol > for lists, etc.
• A t t r i b u t e s : H T M L elements can have attributes that provide addi- tional
information about them. Attributes are placed within the open- ing tag and consist
of a name and a value. For example, the < img > element has attributes like src
(specifying the image U R L ) and alt (pro- viding alternative text for the image).
• Fo r ms : H T M L provides form elements ( < f o r m > , < input > , < select
> , etc.) for creating interactive forms on web pages. Forms allow users to input
data and submit it to a server for processing. Var- ious types of input fields are
available, such as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, and
7.2 CSS
C S S (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation and visual appearance of H T M L and X M L documents. It
defines how elements should be displayed on a web page, including their layout, colors,
fonts, spacing, and other visual properties.
There are three main types of C S S :
2 . I n t e rn al C S S :Internal C S S is defined within the < style > tags in the <
head > section of an H T M L document. Styles defined here apply to the entire
document or specific sections of it. Internal C S S allows for more organization and
reusability than inline C S S , as multiple elements can share the same styles.
4 . B o x Mod el : The C S S box model describes how elements are rendered in terms of
their content, padding, borders, and margins. Each element is considered as a
rectangular box, and you can control the size and
spacing of these boxes using properties like width, height, padding, border, and
6 . C S S Prep rocessor s : C S S preprocessors like Sass and Less provide ad- ditional
functionality and features to enhance the C S S development pro- cess. They introduce
variables, mixins, nesting, and other programming- like constructs that make C S S
more powerful and maintainable.
3. PHP
• Dat ab as e In teracti on : P H P has extensive support for interacting with
databases, particularly M yS Q L. It provides functions and exten- sions that allow
you to establish database connections, execute queries, retrieve data, insert/ update/
delete records, and handle transactions. This capability enables the creation of
database-driven web applica- tions.
7.4 MySQL
• Re l a t i o n a l Da ta b a se M a n a g e me n t S y s te m: M y S Q L follows the relational
model, which means it organizes data into tables consisting of rows and columns. It
allows users to define relationships between tables using primary and foreign keys,
ensuring data integrity and enabling efficient data retrieval.
• A d m i n i s t r a t i o n and Man age men t : M yS Q L provides a range of tools for
database administration and management. These include command-line tools like
the M yS Q L shell, graphical user interfaces ( GU Is ) such as M yS Q L Workbench,
and web-based management tools for tasks like creating databases, managing users,
optimizing queries, and monitoring performance.
M yS Q L is widely used in various applications, ranging from small web- sites and
personal projects to large-scale enterprise systems. Its combination of performance,
scalability, ease of use, and community support has made it a popular choice for
developers and organizations seeking a reliable and powerful database management
C h a pte r 8
A b o u t X a m p p Server
settings, and manage the server environment easily.
1 . Dow n l oad X A M P P :
Visit the official X A M P P website (https :/ /www.apach ef ri en ds .org/ ) and
download the appropriate version of X A M P P for your operating system (Windows,
macOS, or Linux).
2 . R u n the Installer:
Once the download is complete, run the X A M P P installer file. You may be
prompted for administrator privileges if you’re installing on Windows or macOS.
3. Select C o mp o n e n t s :
The installer will display a list of components available for installation. By
default, Apache, M yS Q L, P H P, and phpMyAdmin are selected. You can choose to
install additional components if needed. Click ”Next” to proceed.
4 . C h o o s e Installation Folder:
Select the destination folder where you want to install X A M P P. The default
location is usually fine, but you can choose a different folder if desired. Click
”Next” to continue.
5 . S t a r t M e n u Folder:
Specify the folder name for the X A M P P shortcuts in your Start Menu. You can
keep the default name or choose a custom name. Click ”Next” to proceed.
6 . B i t n a m i for X A M P P :
The installer may ask if you want to install Bitnami for X A M P P, which provides
additional software applications. You can choose whether to install Bitnami or skip
it. Click ”Next” to continue.
7 . R e a d y to Install:
Review the installation settings you have chosen. If everything looks
correct, click ”Next” to start the installation process. The installer will copy the
necessary files to your computer.
8. Installation Progress :
Wait for the installation process to complete. This may take a few minutes.
9 . C o m p l e t e the Installation :
Once the installation is finished, you will see a screen indicating that X A M P P has
been successfully installed. Optionally, you can choose to start the X A M P P
Control Panel immediately. Click ”Finish” to exit the installer.
1 0 . S t a r t X A M P P C o n t ro l Pan el :
If you didn’t choose to start the Control Panel during the installation, you can find
it in the installation folder. Open the X A M P P Control Panel and start the Apache
and M yS Q L services by clicking the ”Start” button next to each.
1 1 . Ve r i f y Installation :
Open a web browser and visit h ttp :/ / l o cal h ost/ . You should see the X A M P P
default page if everything is set up correctly.
C h a pte r 9
Teacher ’s Lo gi n :
Teacher ’s Dashboard:
A d d Events:
Eve n t A d d e d Successfully:
D a t a stored in database:
D a t a stored in database:
Student ’s L o g i n Page:
Student ’s Dashboard:
V i e w Events:
C h a pte r 10
1. Ad van tages
• This system reduces manual efforts, and it saves time and lowers costs.
• It captures and stores event and fund-related data, such as name of the event, date
and description.
• It depends on costs such as licensing fees, maintenance fees, and addi- tional
charges for customization or advanced features.
C h a pte r 11
In conclusion, the event management system allows teachers to man- age and add
event and fund provider information, while students can view events. The system
provides a platform for teachers to organize events and collaborate with fund providers,
enabling seamless event planning and exe- cution. Meanwhile, students can stay informed
about upcoming events and access event details.
B y incorporating features such as teacher login, event creation, fund provider
management, and event viewing, the system facilitates efficient communication and
coordination between teachers and students. Teachers can easily add and update event
information, ensuring accurate and up- to-date details for students. Students, on the other
hand, can access the system to stay informed about various events, including event names,
dates, locations, and descriptions.
This event management system enhances the overall event management process by
streamlining event organization, improving accessibility to event information, and
promoting effective communication between teachers and students. With the ability to
manage events and fund provider information, as well as view events, the system provides
a comprehensive solution for effective event planning and execution within an educational
institution or any similar context.
3 Robin Nixon. “ M y S Q L Crash Course“, fifth addition, Oct 2018, 832 pg.
5 https://dev.mysql.com/doc/
6 https://stackoverflow.com/