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Srapes || sca Classification of ae MEL cronlaiayss es — eyrerees= ~ = Be) * solidification processes, in which the starting material is a heated liquid or semifluid that cools and solidifies to " particulate processing, in which the starting material is a powder, and the powders are formed and heated into the desired geometry; S h 6) p in Is p eee) = deformation processes, in which the starting material is ‘a ductile solid (commonly metal) that is deformed to shape the part; = material removal processes, in which the starting material is a solid (ductile or brittle), from which material is removed so that the resulting part has the desired geometry. Beowabenae aaa t ‘Sanat ‘nar cag rm Casing tm | ‘asia ‘leseworn | Classification of = Solidification see H[ eion mang rowsara ‘ihe noing cymes na PCS ose Spec poses ‘er ue Casting is a process in which molten metal flows by gravity or other force into a mold where it solidifies in the shape of the mold cavity. Note: Casting is the name ms oe for plastics. = The principle of casting : melt the metal, pour it into a mold, and let it cool and solidify Casting process = Two types: casting of ingots and the casting of shapes © Ingots: describes a large casting that is simple in shape and intended for subsequent reshaping by processes such as rolling or forging. © Shape casting: involves the production of more complex geometries that are much closer to the final desired shape of the part or product Casting process Advanages of casting Pouteg ‘ele Moto mes | Sore annener L Jr teroatarmesy 4 | Para /—Solidcasing SA, is @ Casting and molding processes start with a work material heated to a fluid or semifluid state. The process consists of: (1) pouring the fluid into a mold cavity and (2) allowing the fluid to solidify, after which the solid. part is removed from the mold. * Casting can be used to create complex part geometries, including both external and internal shapes. = Some casting processes are capable of producing parts to net shape. No further manufacturing operations are required to achieve the required geometry and dimensions of the parts, Other casting processes are near net shape, for which some additional shape processing is required (usually machining) in order to achieve accurate dimensions and details, = Casting can be used to produce very large parts. Castings weighing more than 100 tons have been made. " The casting process can be performed on any metal that can be heated to the liquid state. = Some casting methods are quite suited to mass production. Disadvantages of casting Parts that can be made by casting " limitations on mechanical properties, porosity, poor dimensional accuracy and surface finish for some casting processes, safety hazards to humans when processing hot molten metals, and environmental, problems. Parts made by casting processes range in size from small components weighing only a few ounces up to very large products weighing tons. The list of parts includes dental crowns, jewelry, statues, wood-burning stoves, engine blocks and heads for automotive vehicles, machine frames, railway wheels, frying pans, pipes, and pump housings. All varieties of metals can be cast, ferrous and nonferrous. basic steps of casting basic steps of casting 1. To accomplish a casting operation, the metal is first heated to a temperature high enough to completely transform it into a liquid state. 2, Itis then poured, or otherwise directed, into the cavity of the mold. In an open mold, Figure 2(a), the liquid metal is simply poured until it fills the open cavity. Ina closed mold, Figure 2(b), a passageway, called the gating system, is provided to permit the molten metal to flow from outside the mold into the cavity. The closed mold is by far the more important category in production casting operations. 3. As soon as the molten metal is in the mold, it begins to cool. When the temperature drops sufficiently (e.g.,to the freezing point for a pure metal), solidification begins. Solidification involves a change of phase of the metal. o ° FIGURE 2 Two forms of mold: (a) open mold, simply a container in the shape of the desired part; and (b) closed mold, in which the mold geometry is more complex and requires a gating system (passageway) leading into the cavity. Six basic steps of casting Casting (eqlKaolg(os} 5, Mold removal ‘The casting is removed from the mold Single-use molds are broken away from the casting Permanent molds must be designed so that removal does not damage the part 6. Cleaning, finishing, and inspection operations Excess material along parting lines may have to be machined = Casting processes divide into two broad categories, according to type of mold used: expendable-mold casting and permanent-mold casting, = An expendable mold means that the mold in which the molten metal solidifies must be destroyed in order to remove the casting. ‘These molds are made out of sand, plaster, or similar materials, whose form is maintained by using binders of various kinds. Sand casting is the most prominent example of the expendable-mold processes, In sand casting, the liquid metal is poured into a mold made of sand, After the metal hardens, the mold must be sacrificed in order to recover the casting. = A permanent mold is one that can be used over and over to produce many castings. It is made of metal (or, less commonly, a ceramic refractory material) that can withstand the high temperatures of the casting operation. In permanent-mold casting, the mold consists of two (or more) sections that can be opened to permit removal of the finished part. Die casting is the most familiar process in this group. Cross section of amold and ixclaaali are Oa (Cxexcs-enle anol amold and terminology Serve Runner Mowery The mold consists of two halves: cope and drag. The Ops is the upper half of the mold, and the MG is the bottom half. These two mold parts are contained in a box, called a flask.The two halves of the mold separate at the Pattern: In sand casting (and other expendable-mold processes) the mold cavity is formed by means of a which is made of wood, metal, plastic, or other material and has the shape of the part to be cast Core: is a form placed inside the mold cavity to define the interior geometry of the part. In sand casting, cores are generally made of sand, although other materials can be used, such as metals, plaster, and ceramics. Serve fee a BSFadditional void in the mold that provides additional metal to compensate for shrinkage (GaGRG SYSLERED notwork of channels that delivers the molten metal to the mold. the gating system typically consists of a downsprue (also called simply the sprue), through which the metal enters a runner that leads into the main cavity. At the top of the downsprue, a pouring cup is often used to minimize splash and turbulence as the metal flows into the downsprue. PORQUE ortion of the gating system that controls the delivery of the metal Cross section of amold and ixclaaali are Oa HEATING THE METAL a “nr ae a The riser: is a reservoir in the mold that serves as a source of liquid metal for the casting to compensate for shrinkage during solidification. Note: Shrinkage is an internal or external change in voluume that occurs ‘uring a phase change in a metals transition froma liquid state to a solid state at the exposed sur ‘RHEE! horizontal channels = The heat energy required is the sum of (1) the heat to raise the temperature to the melting point, (2) the heat of fusion (latent heat, no change in temperature) to convert it from solid to liquid, and (8) the heat to raise the molten metal to the desired temperature for pouring. This can be expressed: = pV {CAT Te) + Hy + CTp Ta) } (oy where H = total heat required to raise the temperature of the metal to the pouring Temperature, J (Btu) p= density, gjem®(Ibnvin'); C= weight specific heat for the solid metal, JgsC (Btwlbm-F): Tm = melting temperature of the metal, °C CF); 7, = starting temperature—usually ambient, °C (F); Hy = heat of fusion, Jig (Btwllbm); C= weight specificheat ofthe liquk meta, g-C (Btulbm-F); 7, pouring temperature,°C (CF); and V = volume of metal being heatod, em" Ga’) One cubic meter of a certain eutectic alloy is heated ina crucible from room temperature to 100°C above its melting point for casting, The alloy's density = 7.5 glcm’, melting point = 800°C, specific heat = 0.33 J/g°C in the solid state and 0.29 J/g°Cin the liquid state; and heat of fusion = 160 J/g. How much heat energy must be added to accomplish the heating, assuming no losses? Wena in and that the density of ihe and sl im = 10tem and Solution ‘sennng the propery aes ino By) web 11 = (75)(10(0.3(800 ~ 25) + 160 +029(100)} = 3835(104)3 POURING THE MOLTEN METAL ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF POURING " After heating, the metal is ready for pouring. Introduction of molten metal into the mold, including its flow through the gating system and into the cavity, is a critical step in the casting process. = The pouring temperature is the temperature of the molten metal as it is introduced into the mold, = Pouring rate refers to the volumetric rate at which the molten metal is poured into the mold. If the rate is too slow, the metal will chill and freeze before filling the cavity, ™ If the pouring rate is excessive, turbulence can become a serious problem. Turbulence in fluid flow is characterized by erratic variations in the magnitude and direction of the velocity throughout the fluid. There are several relationships that govern the flow of liquid metal through the gating systera and into the mold, An important relationship is Bernoulli’ theorem, which statos that the sum of the energies (head, pressure, kinetic, nd friction) at any two points in a lowing liquid are ‘equal. This can be written in the following form: 2 node 3 where his the head, is the head losses due to friction. Itwe ignore friction losses (to be sure, friction will affect the liquid flow through a sand mold), and assume thal the system remains at atmospheric pressure throughout, then the equation can be reduced to 8 nitem + 2g 2g Lotus detine point 1 at the top of the sprue and point 2 atts base. If point 2 is used as the reference plane, then the head at that point is zero (by = 0) and hy is the height (length) of te sprue. When the metal is poured into the pouring cup and overflows down the sprue, its initial velocity atthe top is, zero (v= 0). sic can be sled forthe fom vel: Energy per unit volume betore = Energy per unit volume ater RB Increased tid speed, iayediaecialale4 Analysis The often cited exampe ofthe Bernoul Equation or "Bernoul Effect is the reduction in pressure which accure when the fad speed inoroasos. ‘decreased intornal pressure Another relationship of importance during pouring is the continuity law, which states that the volume rate of flow remains constant throughout the liquid. The volume flow rate is equal to the velocity multiplied by the cross- sectional area of the flowing liquid. The continuity law can be expressed: Q=nAl=nAr The time required to fill a mold cavity of volume V as A mold sprue is 20cm long, and the cross-sectional area at its bases 2S em’."The sprue feeds a horizontal runner leading into a mold cavity whose volume is 1360 em Determine: (a) velocity of the molten metal atthe base ofthe spre, (H) volume rate of flow, and (e) time to fill the mold, Pou temper ii cooing Fete cored wears Frees temperate J Set cooing SOLIDIFICATION Len aya —— Cooling curve for a pure metal during casting. A pure metal solidifies at a constant temperature equal to its freezing point, which is the same as its melting point. = eee) lea AL eee : eh} t — : eas competes SOLIDIFICATION [iG Nes oa ola ley | | (@) Phase diagram for a copper—nickel alloy system and (b) associated cooling curve for a 50%Ni-80%Cu composition during casting. Solidification SOLIDIFICATION as + Due to chilling action of mold wall, a thin skin of solid metal is formed at the interface immediately after pouring + Skin thickness increases to form 2 shell around the molten metal as solidification progresses + Rate of freezing depends on heat transfer into mold, Characteristic gain structure ina casting as well as thermal properties ofa pure metal showing randomly oriented of the metal ‘rains of smal siz near the mold wal, SOE SN a ey she paige te eterno nts vs ro=04(t) whore 75 total solidification ime min; V volume ofthe casting, cm? (a). — surface tare ofthe cating (m:n isan exponent sual taken thay a value= 2:and Cus {he mold constant Given that” 2. the us of Cy ae mien (mila) ands valoe

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