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Eur Respir J 1998; 11: 55–60 Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 1998

DOI: 10.1183/09031936.98.11010055 European Respiratory Journal

Printed in UK - all rights reserved ISSN 0903 - 1936

Quality of life in patients with chronic respiratory disease:

the Spanish version of the Chronic Respiratory
Questionnaire (CRQ)

R. Güell*, P. Casan*, M. Sangenís*, F. Morante*, J. Belda*, G.H. Guyatt**

Quality of life in patients with chronic respiratory disease: the Spanish version of the *Departament de Pneumologia, Hospital
Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ). R. Güell, P. Casan, M. Sangenís, F. de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau, Barcelona,
Morante, J. Belda, G.H. Guyatt. ERS Journals Ltd 1998. Spain. **McMaster University, Hamilton,
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to translate the Chronic Respiratory Ontario, Canada
Questionnaire (CRQ) into Spanish and to test its measurement properties. Correspondence: R. Güell
The study was performed in 60 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary Departament de Pneumologia
disease (forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) mean±SD 35±14% of ref- Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau
erence value). A rigorous process of forward and back translation and review pro- Av. Sant Antoni Ma Claret, 167
duced an easily comprehensible questionnaire, which was administered together 08025 Barcelona
with measures of pulmonary function and exercise capacity. The patients were Spain
randomly allocated to one of two groups: 30 received respiratory rehabilitation Fax: 00 34 3 2919266
and the other 30 received standard community care only.
Keywords: Chronic obstructive pulmonary
Weak to moderate statistically significant correlations (0.2–0.38) were found disease
between the domains of the CRQ and pulmonary function and exercise measures. health-related quality of life
For the three CRQ domains that measure differences between patients at a point pulmonary rehabilitation
in time, Crohnbach's alpha and intraclass correlation coefficients were: fatigue
0.80 and 0.80; emotional function 0.86 and 0.68; and mastery domains 0.84 and Received: June 20 1996
0.67, respectively. Scores remained stable in patients who were deemed clinically Accepted after revision May 28 1997
stable, and showed large statistically significant improvement (p<0.0001) in
patients in the rehabilitation programme. Only low correlations were found Supported by FISS 93/0875.
between the changes in CRQ and the changes in pulmonary function and exercise
capacity. The index of responsiveness was 0.92 for fatigue, and 0.91 for dyspnoea,
emotional function and mastery.
In conclusion, the Spanish translation of the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire
is likely to be useful for measuring differences between patients, and particularly
for measuring the effects of intervention on quality of life in chronic respiratory
Eur Respir J 1998; 11: 55–60.

In recent years, the concept of "health-related quality questionnaires have been translated and validated in
of life" has gained importance in the assessment of Spanish so far: the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP)
healthcare interventions. Health-related quality of life [12], the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) [13], and the
allows assessment of multiple domains in the experience Short Form (SF)-36 [14], the applicability of which has
of chronic illness [1, 2]. Different questionnaires have been demonstrated in numerous studies. Some of these
been developed, some with a general application [3–5] questionnaires have also been translated and adapted to
and others focusing on specific illnesses [6, 7], but al- other languages spoken in Spain, such as Catalan [15].
most all have been produced originally in English. In With respect to targeted or specific instruments valida-
order to use these questionnaires in other cultures, they ted in Spanish, only one questionnaire, the St George's
must be translated and adapted to the social and cul- Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) [16], has been trans-
tural circumstances in which they are used, or new lated into Spanish.
material must be developed. A variety of recommenda- The "Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire" (CRQ) [6,
tions have been published in recent years in relation to 17] was developed for application in patients with chro-
the translation, adaptation and validation of question- nic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and designed
naires in different languages and cultures [8–11]. to evaluate the impact of interventions, including respira-
The Spanish language is spoken by more than 300 tory rehabilitation. This instrument, when used in Eng-
million people throughout the world. It is the main lish, has proved useful in a variety of studies [18– 23].
language in Spain and most of South America, and an In res-ponse to the need for a Spanish language specif-
important second language in the USA. Three generic ic health-related quality-of-life measure for assessing
interventions in COPD, we translated the CRQ and assess-
For editorial comments see page 5–6 ed the measurement properties of the new questionnaire.
56 R . GÜELL ET AL .

Materials and methods Testing protocol

In addition to the CRQ, which was administered ac-

The Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire cording to published criteria by an interviewer [6, 17],
patients underwent a number of other tests. These inclu-
The CRQ [6, 17] includes 20 items divided into four ded: spirometry (forced vital capacity (FVC) and FEV1);
domains: dyspnoea (five items); fatigue (four items); static pulmonary volumes using a dilution technique
emotional function (seven items); and mastery, a domain with helium (functional residual capacity (FRC), resi-
which explores how patients cope with their chronic dual volume (RV), total lung capacity (TLC)); transfer
illness (four items). In the dyspnoea domain, items are factor of the lungs for carbon monoxide (TL,CO), and
"individualized": patients are asked to choose the five carbon monoxide transfer coefficient (KCO); arterial gas
day-to-day activities that are most important to them values at rest (pH, Pa,O2, Pa,CO2); maximum static respi-
and in which they experience exertional dyspnoea, and ratory pressures (maximum inspiratory pressure (PI,max)
also to specify the degree of dyspnoea in these items. and maximum expiratory pressure (PE,max)); and maxi-
To aid in their selection, patients are offered a list of mum voluntary ventilation (MVV).
26 activities. The structure of the other domains is All of the patients also carried out two exercise tests:
conventional, each patient being asked identical ques- the 6 min walking test (6MWT) following the method
tions. described by MCGAVIN et al. [25] and modified by
Respondents are asked to grade their function in each BUTLAND et al. [26], including measurement of oxygen
item using a seven-point scale. The total score for each saturation at the completion of the test; and a test of
domain is divided by the number of items, yielding a increasing effort limited by symptoms on the cycle
potential score of one to seven, with higher numbers ergometer (100 kilopondimeters (kpm)·min-1) using the
representing better function. The questionnaire has been method described by JONES and CAMPBELL [27], with con-
validated [6, 24] and proved useful in assessing a vari- tinuous monitoring of oxygen output (V 'O2), production
ety of medical interventions in COPD, including phar- of carbon dioxide (V 'CO2), cardiac frequency (fC); min-
macological [20–22] and rehabilitational [18, 19, 23] ute ventilation (V 'E); tidal volume (VT); respiratory fre-
interventions. quency (fR), arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation (Sa,O2),
and the patients' symptoms (thoracic discomfort, dysp-
noea and leg pain) evaluated according to the scale pro-
Spanish translation of the CRQ posed by BORG [28].
Sixty patients, judged to be clinically stable and not
The first translation from English to Spanish was a undergoing any changes in treatment, completed the
collaborative effort by a group of Spanish chest physi- CRQ twice with an interval of 3 months. Of these pati-
cians with varying fluency in English and a professional ents, 30 were randomly selected for participation in a
translator whose first language is English. A Spanish programme of respiratory rehabilitation consisting of 3
physician fully fluent in English conducted the inde- months of conventional physiotherapy in three weekly
pendent back-translation. The complete panel, aided by sessions, and 3 months of muscular training with a cycle
consultation with the investigator who led the original ergometer in five sessions of 30 min each week. The
development of the CRQ (GHG), then reviewed the CRQ was completed at baseline, and at 3 and 6 months.
original forward- and the back-translation, and modi- In this study, only the results of the first 3 months have
fied the initial translation to create a definitive Spanish been analysed.
questionnaire, which was subsequently tested. To ensure
adequate comprehension, the definitive CRQ was pre-
tested in five COPD patients not otherwise involved in
this study. Approach to instrument testing

The goals of measuring health-related quality of life

Patient population include differentiating between people who have a bet-
ter or worse quality of life (a discriminative instrument),
The translated questionnaire was administered to a and measuring the degree to which the quality of life
total of 65 male out-patients from the Pneumology De- has changed over time (an evaluative instrument).
partment of a General Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. The A satisfactory discriminative instrument will have a
inclusion criteria were: age ≤75 yrs; clinical diagnosis high ratio of signal (variability between patients) to
of COPD in stable condition (defined as at least 1 month noise (variability within patients) quantified by relia-
since the most recent hospitalization); forced expiratory bility. It will also be valid in that it will demonstrate
volume in one second (FEV1) ≤50% of predicted va- appropriate strength of correlation with related mea-
lue; arterial oxygen tension (Pa,O2) ≥8.0 kPa (60 mmHg) sures. The validity of a discriminative instrument may
and arterial carbon dioxide tension (Pa,CO2) ≤7 kPa (50 be further strengthened by a demonstration of a high
mmHg); and free of associated illnesses. degree of internal consistency within domains that are
Of the 65 patients, five participated only in the com- designed to measure a single aspect of health-related
prehension test in the questionnaire. The remaining 60 quality of life. Because the dyspnoea domain of the
patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups CRQ uses individualized items, it is not appropriate
of 30: half received respiratory rehabilitation and the for discriminating between COPD patients according
other half received standard community care only. to their underlying quality of life.

A satisfactory evaluative instrument will have a high ing of items. The initial agreement on optimal wording
ratio of signal (variability over time due to true change) was as follows: 100% in the domain of dyspnoea; 75%
to noise (variability within patients unrelated to true in the domain of fatigue; 86% in the emotional area;
change). The smaller the ratio of the within-person stan- and 50% in the area of mastery of the illness. The panel
dard deviation in stable subjects to the mean, the greater reviewed the items in which disagreement remained,
the responsiveness. A satisfactory evaluative instrument and ultimately attained a consensus. For example, the
will also be valid in that it will demonstrate appropri- panel initially disagreed on the optimal translation for
ate strength of correlation between changes in the ques- the concept of "energy" which was finally translated by
tionnaire being tested and changes in related measures. "strength"; "breathing problems" for "respiratory prob-
lems"; "illness" for "respiratory problems"; "mopping"
for "sweeping".
Statistical analysis The five patients who participated only in the pretest
found no difficulty in comprehending any item in the
The description of the variables under study was per- questionnaire. Following the suggestion of one patient,
formed by using the average value and its standard devi- "lovemaking" was added to the list of activities pro-
ation, accompanied by maximum and minimum values vided to help patients assess dyspnoea. The original
of distribution. The Wilcoxon test was used to evaluate administration of the questionnaire consistently took
the difference between average values, and for the cor- less than 30 min, and the follow-up consistently less than
relation between variables, due to their non-Gaussian 20 min. Both the comprehensibility of the CRQ and the
distribution, Spearman's rank correlation was used. In duration of administration were confirmed in later pati-
the reliability study, Crohnbach's alpha [29] was used ents in the study.
to measure the internal consistency of the CRQ, and the With respect to the validity of the CRQ as a dis-
intraclass correlation coefficient for the test-retest reli- criminative measure, the mean and standard deviation
ability. The data for Crohnbach's alpha came from all of fatigue, emotional function and mastery domains of
60 patients studied at baseline. Because reliability is the questionnaire were 4.47±1.22, 4.79±1.26 and 5.05±
best calculated in patients who have not changed, data 1.49, respectively. Table 1 shows the correlation of the
for the test-retest reliability came from the 30 pati- three domains with the pulmonary function and effort
ents receiving community care at baseline and for 3 variables. A number of the pulmonary function vari-
months. A value of 0.7 was considered acceptable both ables, as well as the exercise tests, showed statistically
for Crohnbach's alpha and the intraclass correlation significant weak-to-moderate correlations with the do-
coefficient. mains of the CRQ. The average values obtained for
The index of responsiveness was measured [30], both groups at baseline and at 3 months are presented
which relates the minimal important difference (MID) in table 2. Crohnbach's alpha for fatigue, emotional
[31] to the variability in stable subjects, as estimated by function and mastery domains were 0.80, 0.86 and 0.84,
the between-subject variability of the difference in the respectively. The intraclass correlations over the 3 months
score between baseline and three monthly visits. This were 0.80, 0.68 and 0.67, respectively.
estimate is represented by the square root of twice the With respect to the properties of the CRQ in their
mean square error, √(2×MSE). For calculating the requir- evaluative function, the responsiveness of the question-
ed sample size, we used standard formulae setting α= naire was very good. In the stable patients, none of the
0.05, β=0.10, ∆=MID (0.5), variability (δ) and √(2× four domains showed statistically significant differences
MSE) of the change from baseline to 3 months. The
MID for the CRQ was estimated as a change in score Table 1. – Spearman's rank correlation between the
of 0.5 per item. The null hypothesis that change over Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) and pul-
time was due to the play of chance was tested by paired monary function and exercise variables (n=60)
t-tests. All analyses were conducted using a Statistical Fatigue Emotional Mastery
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software pack- function
age for personal computers. FVC 0.12 0.12 0.22*
FEV1 0.26** 0.23* 0.27**
RV -0.31** -0.38*** -0.31**
Results TLC -0.18 -0.20 -0.14
PI,max 0.01 -0.21* -0.04
The mean±SD age of the 60 patients (excluding the PE,max 0.14 -0.17 0.02
five patients who participated only in the comprehen- Pa,O2 -0.09 0.26** -0.07
sion test) was 65±7 yrs (46–74 yrs). All were males and 6MWT 0.23* 0.07 0.21*
diagnosed as having COPD with a severe obstructive Wmax 0.23** 0.08 0.37***
disease: FVC mean±SD 63±15 (range 33–94) % pred; V 'O2,max 0.21* 0.05 0.31**
FEV1 35±14 (range 15–50) % pred; RV 179±45 (range V 'E,max 0.17 0.01 0.22*
Borg scale -0.14 -0.14 0.29**
95–278) % pred; TLC 112± 20 (range 82–190) % pred.
However, they were without respiratory insufficiency: FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume
Pa,O2 9.3±1.2 (8.1–10.7) kPa (70±9 (61–80) mmHg); in one second; RV: residual volume; TLC: total lung capaci-
ty; PI,max: maximum inspiratory pressure; PE,max: maximum
Pa,CO2 5.9±0.7 (5.1–6.5) kPa (44±5 (38–49) mmHg). expiratory pressure; Pa,O2: arterial oxygen tension; 6MWT: 6
In the process of forward- and back-translation, dif- min walking test; Wmax: maximum workload on the cycle
ferences in conceptualization arose. The panel which ergometer; V 'O2,max: maximum oxygen output; V 'E,max: maxi-
reviewed the forward- and back-translation addressed mum ventilation; Borg Scale: Borg's dyspnoea scale. *: p<0.05;
these issues and constructed a list of alternative word- **: p<0.01; ***: p<0.001.
58 R . GÜELL ET AL .

Table 2. – Pulmonary function variables (at rest and during exercise) and Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ)
in two groups of patients in basal conditions and at 3 months
Control group (n=30) Rehabilitation group (n=30)
Baseline 3 months p-value # Baseline 3 months p-value#
Pulmonary function
FVC % pred 64 (15) 66 (16) 0.130 62 (15) 69 (12) 0.021
FEV1 % pred 38 (15) 39 (14) 0.786 31 (12) 33 (12) 0.065
RV % pred 168 (46) 162 (45) 0.336 191 (42) 186 (35) 0.392
TLC % pred 108 (18) 109 (24) 0.629 117 (21) 117 (13) 0.954
Respiratory muscles
PI,max cmH2O 69 (19) 72 (20) 0.206 81 (23) 79 (22) 0.42
6MWT m 305 (54) 320 (61) 0.118 308 (60) 393 (52) 0.0001
Wmax % pred 54 (19) 56 (19) 0.260 61 (23) 61 (23) 0.972
Dyspnoea 3.2 (1.0) 3.2 (0.9) 0.860 3.1 (0.9) 4.1 (1.1) 0.00001
Fatigue 4.5 (1.4) 4.5 (1.2) 0.738 4.4 (0.9) 5.2 (0.9) 0.0001
Emotional function 5.1 (1.2) 5.2 (1.2) 0.492 4.5 (1.3) 5.3 (1.3) 0.0001
Mastery 5.2 (1.4) 5.3 (1.3) 0.327 4.9 (1.6) 5.8 (1.1) 0.00001
Values are presented as mean, and SD in parenthesis. : Wilcoxon test. % pred: percentage of predicted value. For further defi-
nitions see legend to table 1.

between baseline and follow-up 3 months later. In con- ferent from that for which the instrument was original-
trast, the 30 patients who followed a programme of 3 ly designed. It is important to remember that, as hap-
months of respiratory rehabilitation showed a significant pens in other languages, Spanish as used in Spain can
improvement in the four domains of the questionnaire be slightly different from that used in other Spanish-
(p<0.0001 for each) (table 2). In table 2, we present the speaking countries. Consequently, each questionnaire
magnitude of change in the CRQ in the patients under- should be adapted to the local culture. The rigorous
going the rehabilitation programme. We found no chan- process of forward-translation/back-translation that we
ges in pulmonary function, except for FVC % pred; but conducted increased the likelihood that our question-
there were some changes in the effort variables. The naire would work well in the new setting. The com-
CRQ proved as responsive or more responsive than prehension study, carried out on a group of patients not
the traditional measures (ventilatory and exercise ca- included in other parts of the study, confirmed (as was
pacity variables). The magnitude of the change in the later observed in the remaining patients) that there were
quality-of-life questionnaire represents a moderate treat- no difficulties in the understanding of words or con-
ment effect in agreement with previous work [19, 23]. cepts. Finally, our empirical testing of the measurement
The index of responsiveness was 0.91 for dyspnoea, emo- properties of the CRQ in Spanish suggests that its func-
tional function and mastery and 0.92 for fatigue. tion is similar to that of the original English version.
The correlations between changes in CRQ and pulmo- WIJKSTRA et al. [24] recently translated the CRQ into
nary function and effort variables were examined. The Dutch, and evaluated some of the measurement prop-
only statistically significant correlations found were bet- erties of their translation. Their results are very similar
ween change in TLC (L) and fatigue (r=0.37; p=0.043) to those of the present study. In both studies the corre-
and between change in Wmax (% pred) and mastery (r= lation coefficients were 0.2–0.45, which is very close
0.39; p=0.035). to the original study [6]. Furthermore, in the paper by
WIJKSTRA et al. [24], the internal consistency in the areas
of fatigue, emotional function and mastery was virtual-
Discussion ly identical to those of the present study. These find-
ings suggest that the CRQ can be adapted to a number
The results of this study suggest a satisfactory adap- of European cultures. However, looking at the discrim-
tation of the CRQ to our population. With respect to inative use of the CRQ, we anticipated a higher corre-
the ability of the questionnaire to obtain the same re- lation between pulmonary function (at rest and during
sults in independent repeated trials under the same con- exercise) and dyspnoea and fatigue areas, but found a
ditions in COPD patients, the reliability was high and higher correlation between pulmonary function and
the internal consistency was strong. The three domains emotional function and mastery areas. This raises ques-
that are appropriate to use for the discriminative func- tions about the usefulness or validity of separation of
tion of the questionnaire showed weak but statistically physical and emotional function in the Spanish version
significant correlations with measures of respiratory func- of CRQ. We also found lower correlation of change in
tion and exercise. The CRQ proved very responsive with CRQ domains with change in other measures than we
respect to measuring change over time, the function for had anticipated. These issues will require further explo-
which it was developed, showing a very strong response ration in subsequent studies.
to a rehabilitation intervention while demonstrating no The CRQ examines the functional and psychological
change in the control group. aspects of chronic respiratory disease. COPD patients
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