A Meta-Analysis of The Differences in Environmental Impacts Between Organic and Conventional Farming
A Meta-Analysis of The Differences in Environmental Impacts Between Organic and Conventional Farming
A Meta-Analysis of The Differences in Environmental Impacts Between Organic and Conventional Farming
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111,10 A meta-analysis of the differences
in environmental impacts
between organic and conventional
Koen Mondelaers, Joris Aertsens and Guido Van Huylenbroeck
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Downloaded by Brigham Young University At 01:59 18 November 2014 (PT)
Purpose – This paper aims to perform a meta-analysis of the literature comparing the environmental
impacts of organic and conventional farming and linking these to differences in management
practises. The studied environmental impacts are related to land use efficiency, organic matter content
in the soil, nitrate and phosphate leaching to the water system, greenhouse gas emissions and
Design/methodology/approach – The theoretic framework uses the driver-state-response
framework and literature data were analysed using meta-analysis methodology. Meta-analysis is
the statistical analysis of multiple study results. Data were obtained by screening peer reviewed
Findings – From the paper’s meta-analysis it can conclude that soils in organic farming systems
have on average a higher content of organic matter. It can also conclude that organic farming
contributes positively to agro-biodiversity (breeds used by the farmers) and natural biodiversity (wild
life). Concerning the impact of the organic farming system on nitrate and phosphorous leaching and
greenhouse gas emissions the result of the analysis is not that straightforward. When expressed per
production area organic farming scores better than conventional farming for these items. However,
given the lower land use efficiency of organic farming in developed countries, this positive effect
expressed per unit product is less pronounced or not present at all.
Original value – Given the recent growth of organic farming and the general perception that organic
farming is more environment friendly than its conventional counterpart, it is interesting to explore
whether it meets the alleged benefits. By combining several studies in one analysis, the technique of
meta-analysis is powerful and may allow the generation of more nuanced findings and the
generalisation of those findings.
Keywords Organic foods, Agriculture, Europe, Environmental management
Paper type Literature review
The influence of conventional agricultural production on ecosystems has been widely
documented (see for example the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment). In
Europe, especially since the 1950s, increase in use of external input factors, e.g.
fertilizers and pesticides, has resulted into significant increases in productivity, but
simultaneously in a higher environmental pressure. Organic agriculture tries to
respond to this challenge by limiting the use of external inputs and integrating several
British Food Journal practices, which are considered more environment friendly. The organic production
Vol. 111 No. 10, 2009
pp. 1098-1119 system strives at a minimal disruption of the natural equilibrium, and at the same time,
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
high-quality food production by banning residues harmful for human and animal
DOI 10.1108/00070700910992925 health. Therefore, the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified
organisms are prohibited. The organic principles of regulation also stimulate processes A meta-analysis
of recycling, closed loop systems, and the use of production techniques, which allow of differences
domestic animals to exhibit species-specific behavior. For countries in the EU the
regulation is stipulated in EEC regulation 2092/91 and subsequent. In recent years, a
lot of research has investigated whether the application of the organic farming
principles indeed results in differences with respect to environmental pressure. In this
article this literature is reviewed and statistically meta-analyzed for possible 1099
differences in the impact of organic and conventional farming on nitrate and
phosphorous leaching, biodiversity, organic soil content and greenhouse gas
emissions. The article is constructed as follows: first, a theoretical framework is
given, next the applied methodology is introduced, followed by the results and a
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Theoretical framework
The relation between the agricultural system and the environment is complex. Different
analytical frameworks have been constructed to simplify the description and
measurement of this relation. The Principles . Criteria . Indicators (PCI) framework
(Peeters et al., 2005) for example departs from hierarchical levels to facilitate the
definition of indicators enabling the evaluation of the sustainability of agriculture.
Another possibility is the transition framework (Meul et al., 2007), in which sustainable
development is considered as a complex long-term process of change, defining different
actions to translate theoretical concepts into practical measures. These actions are in
succeeding order: vision development, strategy definition, action, and progress
monitoring. In this study, we opted for a third possibility, the Driver-State-Response
(DSR) framework developed by the OECD (1993) for policy analysis of the state of the
environment. The Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework, applied
by the European Environmental Agency (EEA, 1999), directly results from this
framework. As explained by Platteau et al. (2006), the DPSIR-frame shows the
cause-effect relation of agricultural activity on the environment. A certain societal
activity, in our case agriculture, is the “driving force” disturbing the environment.
Because agriculture makes use of the environment, it exercises a certain “pressure” on
the environment. Owing to this pressure, the environment is characterized by a certain
“state”, which, on its turn can influence (“impact”) the wellbeing of men, the ecosystem or
the economy. Finally, undesired levels of drivers, pressures, states or impacts might
trigger a “response” from the society. At each of these levels, indicators are defined. The
DSR and DPSIR framework have been applied a multifold times for the analysis of
agricultural systems, for example by COM (2000), Verhaegen et al. (2003), Wustenberghs
et al. (2005), Platteau et al. (2006) and Van Steertegem et al. (2006). Also for the specific
comparison of organic and conventional farming it has been a well-used guiding tool,
with most important studies by the Bichel Committee (1998), and Hansen et al. (2001).
As indicated, this paper aims at synthesizing current scientific findings regarding the
differences in environmental impact of the organic and conventional farming system.
A technique particularly suited to do so is meta-analysis, which is according to Hedges
and Olkin (1985) the quantitative synthesis, analysis, and summary of a collection of
studies. As Arnqvist and Wooster (1995) explain, meta-analysis refers to a specific set
BFJ of statistical quantitative methods that are designed to compare and synthesize the
results of multiple studies. In many ways, the procedures involved are analogous to
111,10 those of standard statistical methods, but the units of analysis are the results of
independent studies rather than the independent responses of individual subjects.
Current meta-analysis offers formal methods for most types of statistical inference
from a set of studies. Meta-analysis allows the following questions to be addressed:
1100 (1) What is the combined magnitude of the effect under study?
(2) Is this overall effect significantly different from zero?
(3) Do any characteristics of the studies influence the magnitude of the observed
Arnqvist and Wooster (1995) outline the procedure to be followed:
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Under the assumption that XE and XC are normally distributed, Li is approximately
normally distributed with mean the real log response ratio and variance given in 1101
equation (2).
ni ¼ þ ð2Þ
n :X2
E n :X2
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SD ¼ standard deviation of the experimental resp. control group.
n ¼ number of observations in the experimental resp. control group.
According to Hedges et al. (1999), there are two components of variance in the sample
log response ratios. One component is due to sampling variation in the estimate for
each experiment, the other is due to between experiment variation. Between
experimental variation quantifies the degree of true (nonsampling) variation in results
across experiments. The statistic Q can be used to test the statistical significance of
this second variance component. When this between experiment variance component
is significant, the metric denotes a random effect (contrary to a fixed effect), meaning a
combination of studies that differ from each other. In that case, caution with the
interpretation of the study results is necessary, as well as a correction of the weighting
factors (see Hardy and Thompson, 1998).
For our study we based ourselves on literature references fulfilling the following
three criteria:
(1) Peer reviewed.
(2) Studies dating from after 1992 (year of EEC regulation 2092/91).
(3) (Semi) paired samples, this means that organic and conventional data are
compared within the same study.
Weighting of the references is based on the possibility of deriving the standard error
(SE) from the references. Hereby, three cases are distinguished:
(1) The SE is reported in the study, hence the data point can enter the
(2) The SE is not reported, but multiple data points are available in the study,
enabling the calculation of a standard deviation based on the available data
which can be entered in the meta-analysis data base.
(3) No SE is reported, only a single observation is available.
The latter data point has not been retained for the meta-analysis, but is only used in the
BFJ Results and discussion
111,10 To assess the difference in environmental pressure between organic and conventional
agriculture we investigated the following indicators of the environmental state: land
use efficiency, organic matter content, nitrate and phosphorous leaching, biodiversity
and greenhouse gas emissions. Where relevant and possible, the differences found are
linked to differences in driving forces (management practices) between organic and
1102 conventional farming.
In the Appendix the analysed references are organized per investigated indicator.
The Appendix furthermore contains studies that are of interest for the topic under
study but did not meet our criteria for meta-analysis indicated previously.
Land use is an important indicator for natural resource consumption. The land use
efficiency indicator is informative because land (especially in densely populated
regions) is a scarce good and agriculture has to compete for it with other users
(housing, industry, nature reserves). Therefore, policy makers can take differences in
land use efficiency into account when they assess environmental impacts expressed
per unit area. Some ecologists do contest this approach as they have a more ecocentric
rather than a anthropocentric view on ecological problems, partly ignoring that total
consumption and production in the end determine the pressure on the ecosystem. For
more local problems, such as, e.g. nitrate leaching, the leaching per unit area is most
informative, however for more global problems, e.g. greenhouse gas emissions, the
pollution per kg food product is more informative.
Table I summarizes the results of the meta-analysis for land use efficiency.
Following references were retained: Korsaeth and Eltun (2000), Kirchmann and
Bergstrom (2001), Knudsen et al. (2006), Hansen et al. (2000), Sileika and Guzys (2003),
Haas et al. (2002), Torstensson et al. (2006), Taube et al. (2005), Mader et al. (2002),
Poudel et al. (2002) and Eltun (1995). Based on the general results of ten studies of
organic farming in developed countries, a random effect ratio of 0.83 is found, or in
other words a land use efficiency of 83 per cent for organic farming compared with
conventional farming. For cereal crops, the random effect indicates a land use
efficiency of 81 per cent for organic farming compared to conventional. When only
those studies are combined that report data for a full rotation, organic land use
efficiency is approximately 20 per cent lower than conventional. This latter case is a
fixed effect, thus the heterogeneity in the set of studies is no longer significant.
A recent extensive American meta-analysis by Badgley et al. (2007) collected return
ratios from 138 different sources. They report an average organic/conventional yield ratio
of 91 per cent for developed countries for all crops, which is thus higher than our estimate.
Table I.
Land use efficiency N n No weighting Fixed effect Q Random effect CI
Land use efficiency
differences between All sources 10 70 0.814 0.841 27.1 * (24.99) 0.827 0.76-0.90
organic and conventional Per rotation 4 47 0.802 0.806 8.6 (12.59) / 0.69-0.89
farming expressed as Cereal crops 5 64 0.777 0.828 11,SE.4 * (11.07) 0.809 0.70-0.93
response ratio (i.e. ratio of
organic and conventional Notes: () ¼ x 2df-1, a ¼ 0.05; N ¼ number of studies; n ¼ number of paired observations;
output per hectare) CI ¼ confidence interval. *Between study variability significant
They furthermore calculated an average organic/subsistence-farming ratio of 174 per cent A meta-analysis
for developing countries. Based on their calculations, organic farming would be able to of differences
feed the world without bringing extra farmland into use. Rosegrant et al. (2006) tested
different conversion scenarios on world scale level. In case of converting 50 per cent of the
European and North American agriculture to certified high input organic agriculture,
world production would decrease and prices increase (with approximately 10 per cent)
according to their calculations, which may eventually result in a slight increase in 1103
malnourished children in developing countries (0.3 to 0.7 per cent). When converting half
of the production in sub-Saharan Africa to non-certified low input organic farming world
production would slightly increase (due to the current large share of subsistence farming)
and world prices hardly decrease (1 to 2 per cent, given the limited share of Africa in
world market production). Because Africa’s world market dependency decreases in this
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scenario, the number of malnourished children will decrease (with 0.8 to 1 per cent). Of
course, such scenarios are highly dependent on the assumptions behind it such as, e.g.
comparing a semi-optimised system with a non-optimised subsistence system.
Table II.
No Fixed Random
Differences in organic
Organic matter content N n weighting effect Q effect CI
matter content between
Organic (%)/conventional (%) 7 77 1.058 1.064 15.77 (16.9) / 1.046-1.081 organic and conventional
Organic (%)/conventional (%) 9 103 1.128 1.091 152.71 (19.7) 1.118 1.052-1.189 farming expressed as
response ratio (i.e. ratio of
Notes: () ¼ x 2df-1, a ¼ 0,05; N ¼ number of studies; n ¼ number of paired observations; organic and conventional
CI ¼ confidence interval. * Between study variability not significant organic matter content)
BFJ studies were the absence of a standard deviation, no peer review, no paired
111,10 comparison, organic matter content monitored during conversion, study dating before
1992 or use of a different technique. Given that organic matter content is mainly
expressed as a percentage, the fixed effect value reported in Table III indicates that the
organic matter content on organically managed fields on average exceeds the
conventional value with 6.4 percent points. As the 95 per cent-confidence interval
1104 shows (the ratio is not encompassing 1), organic matter content on organic plots is
significantly higher than on conventional plots. When also accounting for the studies
of Pulleman et al. (2003) and Herencia et al. (2008), in which very high and significant
differences in organic matter are reported, a random effect of 1.12 is found, with CI
between 1.052 and 1.189. Herencia et al. (2008) report very low organic matter contents
prior to the experiment, which might explain the drastic changes in organic matter
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As main reasons (drivers) for the decrease in organic matter content in conventional
agriculture Platteau et al. (2006) and Mulier et al. (2006) refer to: the increase of the
plough depth; the lower input of stable organic matter by means of organic manure and
soil improvers; the decrease of the practice incorporating crop residues during
ploughing; the increase of conversion of grassland into arable land; more stringent
manure application rules and even a higher mineralization rate due to climate change.
Hodges (1991) identifies following practices that may explain the better performance of
organic farms: mixed farming systems and crop rotation; recycling of manure; use of
green manure and the addition of organic manure. Hansen et al. (2001) attribute the
better score of organic farming to the more generalised use of capture crops, the
recycling of crop residues, the use of organic instead of synthetic fertilizers and
relatively more permanent pastures.
Nitrate leaching
Nitrate leaching is one of the main negative externalities of intensive agricultural
production. There seems a positive correlation between the increase in productivity
and the increase in nitrate leaching (Kirchmann and Bergstrom, 2001). The EU
introduced regulation, which aims to protect water bodies against pollution induced by
nitrates from agricultural sources. Even today, a considerable part of European regions
have difficulties to comply. Platteau et al. (2006) report that nitrate concentrations in
surface water in Flemish agricultural zones exceed in 40 per cent of the measurement
points the limit of 50 mg NO-3/l water imposed by Europe (Nitrate Directive, EC, 1991
The calculations for mixed farming, with animal and plant production on the
same farm, show a wide confidence interval encompassing 1, thus for this farm type
we cannot conclude that organic farming performs significantly better. The same
conclusion holds for the simulation studies, which is interesting given that the
calculations show a fixed homogeneous effect. Two of the four simulation studies
are conducted by the same research group, which might explain the homogeneity.
Three studies expressing nitrate leaching in mg/l also find evidence in favor of
organic farming (Korsaeth and Eltun, 2000; Haas et al., 2001 and Torstensson et al.,
Besides studying the response ratio, which is a relative measure, it is interesting to
look at the absolute value of leaching in both systems and compare it with the EC’s
target value of 50 mg NO-3/l. Based on 12 studies the weighted average leaching of
nitrate is 8.93 kg/ha for organic farming and 20.85 kg/ha for conventional farming.
Whether this results in a nitrate concentration in surface waters above the EC
threshold is among others function of soil type, precipitation and temperature
(Wachendorf et al., 2004). For The Netherlands and Flanders for example, which are
two regions with high levels of nitrate leaching, the EC threshold limit is not exceeded
when leaching is lower than 34 kg NO3-N ha-1 year-1 (Hack-ten Broeke, 2000). Nitrate is
a typical local environmental problem, thus measurement in kg per hectare at farm
level or mg/l in the river system is appropriate.
In the introduction to this section, we mentioned the possible link between
productivity increase and nitrate leaching. Combining the six different studies that
also report yields, we again find a significantly smaller nitrate leaching per hectare
for organic farming (see Table IV). However, expressed per kg product, the
average fixed effect is nearly equal and from the confidence interval we cannot
conclude that there is a significant difference. It means that on the basis of this
limited set of studies we may conclude that both organic and conventional
We could only find a limited number of studies (Sileika and Guzys, 2003;
Torstensson et al., 2006 and Ekholm et al., 2005) that directly report differences in P
leaching (in kg/ha) between organic and conventional farming. The first two studies
are long term field trials with drainage pipes, the latter a simulation study. The three
studies are inconclusive whether organic or conventional farming performs better
(random effects and wide confidence interval containing the value 1). The reported
levels of leaching are also rather small, thus the relative measure is in this case
disinformative. Torstensson et al. (2006) and Sileika and Guzys (2003) find a difference
of 0.03 kg/ha and 0.04 kg/ha respectively, in favor of conventional farming.
Edwards and Withers (1998) concluded that the loss of P from agricultural land is
controlled by factors that are independent of the annual P surplus. Both Clark et al.
(1998) found a positive correlation between P balance and P leaching. Loes and Ogaard
(2001) and Hansen et al. (2001) used the P balance as an indicator for P availability. Van
Den Bossche et al. (2005) used available P as a proxy for P leaching, by calculating the
soil P saturation (Psat), i.e. the ratio between the amount of P in the soil and the P
absorption capacity of the soil. According to VLM (1997), regions with P leaching risk
have a P saturation between 30 to 40 per cent, while P saturated soils have a value
above 40 per cent. Van Den Bossche et al. (2005) found a Psat of 37 per cent for organic
parcels, which was slightly below the average for the East-Flemish region where the
study was conducted (Psat of 39 per cent). The study contained a high share of organic
horticulture sites, which receive an above average P input and also, some farms only
recently converted to organic farming. The study of Goulding et al. (2000) reports an
Olsen P index of 0 or 1, which is a P deficit for most crops, for 39 per cent of organically
managed soils versus 15 per cent for conventionally managed soils in the UK.
Haraldsen et al. (2000, Norway) also noticed a decline in available P after conversion to
organic farming. Similarly, Oberson et al. (1993) showed significantly lower levels of
available P in organic compared to conventional farming systems. Loes and Ogaard
(2001) came to the same conclusion during a long-term field trial on five organic farms.
They also showed that the P loss in the top layer could be approximated by use of P
Given the restricted number of studies directly measuring P leaching, we will also
use the P balance (i.e. P output – P input) as a proxy. Because this balance might be
negative, the log response ratio cannot be calculated. We will therefore use the Hedge’s
g, which is the weighted mean of the standardized difference between the control and
experimental group (see Hedges and Olkin, 1985). Both for the P input and the P A meta-analysis
balance, the measure seems to indicate a lower measure for organic farms, but the of differences
confidence intervals are too wide to conclude for a significant difference. The fixed
effect for P output indicates a significantly smaller P output for organic farms (see
Table V).
The different sources of evidence reported here, although inconclusive, seem to
indicate a tendency towards lower P leaching levels on organic farms. The most 1107
important driver is the lower fertilizer application in organic farming.
a more economic focus to the discussion. The three most important greenhouse gases
are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Each of these gases
contributes differently to climate change (1 ton N2O ¼ 310 ton CO2-equivalents and 1
ton CH4 ¼ 21 ton CO2--equivalents). According to IPCC (2007), agriculture’s share in
greenhouse gas emissions is approximately 13.5 per cent. These emissions mainly
originate from methane fermentation during animal digestion and slurry depots; from
nitrous oxide production during biological processes in the soil; from the combustion of
fossil fuels (CO2 and N2O emission) and CO2 emission due to reduction of the soil
organic matter content (see previous paragraph).
Dalgaard et al. (2006), Denmark, concluded that conventional farming realizes the
highest energy production, while organic farming has the highest energy efficiency. In
another publication (Dalgaard et al., 2006) they found a higher emission per unit area
for conventional farming. Wood et al. (2006, Australia) concluded based on a Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) that direct energy use, energy related emissions and greenhouse gas
emissions are higher for the organic sample, but indirect contributions are much lower,
resulting in an overall substantially higher impact of conventional farming. Leifeld and
Führer (2005, Switzerland) link the decrease of agricultural emissions in Switzerland to
the increased conversion towards integrated and organic farming. The results of Flessa
et al. (2002) indicate that conversion to organic farming reduces the emission per
hectare, and a status quo for the emissions per unit product. Olesen et al. (2006) found a
lower emission per hectare for organic farms, using a simulation model. Casey and
Holden (2006, Ireland) concluded based on their LCA of conventional and organic
farms that the evolution towards more extensive systems results into lower emissions
per unit product and simultaneously decreases production. Lotter (2003) in his review
of organic agriculture in the USA poses that greenhouse gas emissions are lower in
No Fixed Random
Phosphorous leaching N n weighting effect Q effect CI
Table V.
P input (response ratio) 12 66 0.882 0.980 79.6 * (7.81) 0.704 0.46-1.07 Ratio of organic and
P output (response ratio) 9 62 0.773 0.805 13.7 (15.50) / 0.70-0.92 conventional
P balance (Hedge’s g) 8 78 / 22.311 1.0 (18.30) / 2 4.93-0.30 phosphorous input and
output per hectare and
Notes: () ¼ x 2df-1. a ¼ 0.05; N ¼ number of studies; n ¼ number of paired observations; Hedge’s g for the P
CI ¼ confidence interval. * Between study variability significant balance
BFJ organic farming. Syvasalo et al. (2006), who compared N2O and CH4 emissions per
111,10 hectare on organically and conventionally managed parcels, could not find a difference
between both systems. de Boer (2003) compared the emission per liter milk calculated
in different LCA studies with own data, and warned for the difficulty to compare LCA’s
given the lack of international standardization. He furthermore remarks that, due to the
higher methane production per liter in organic farming, a reduction of the emission
1108 compared to conventional farming can only be reached by drastically decreasing
carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions. Haas et al. (2001, Germany) found in their
LCA per hectare a higher greenhouse gas emission potential for conventional farming,
while expressed per ton milk emissions were equal. In the LCA of Cederberg and
Mattson (2000, Sweden) emissions per liter were higher in the conventional system. In a
recent Dutch report greenhouse gas emissions were simulated with model farms. For
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dairy farms, they found a lower emission for organic farming both per hectare and per
liter milk. For arable farming, with soil type being determinative, emissions are lower
per unit area but higher per unit product. Gomiero et al. (2008) also focus on the issue of
CO2-emissions in their comparison of organic and conventional farming. As they
mainly cite Stölze et al., 2000, they report higher CO2-emissions in conventional
farming when expressed per hectare, while per production unit there is a mixed effect.
Stalenga and Kawalec (2008) compared the greenhouse gases emission (N2O and CH4)
per hectare of 20 organic farms in a Polish region with the average conventional
emission for that region. They found lower CH4 emissions (14 per cent lower) and much
lower N2O emissions (only one third of conventional emissions). Finally, Meisterling
et al. (2009) calculated the Global Warming Potential (GWP) expressed as g
CO2-equivalents per kg of bread for a conventional and an organic product life cycle. In
their streamlined LCA, the GWP impact of producing 0.67 kg of conventional wheat
flour (for a 1 kg bread loaf), not including product transport, is 190 g CO2-eq, while the
GWP of producing the wheat organically is 160 g CO2-eq.
Summarizing, over the different studies, organic farming seems to score equal or
better when emissions are expressed per unit area. Per unit product no general
direction is noticeable. In Table VI, the results of a limited meta-analysis are reported,
as many studies only report single values and no standard deviation. These results
indicate a better score for organic farming when expressed per unit area, and no
difference when an output measure is used, which supports the qualitative conclusions.
What drives the different scores between both farming systems? Organic animal
farming has a lower animal-stocking rate per hectare, but a higher use of roughage feed
per cow, which will influence differences in methane emission. The higher concentrate
No Fixed Random
Response ratio N n weighting effect Q effect CI
Greenhouse gas (per ha) 5 112 0.608 0.572 42.5 * (21.03) 0.571 0.47-0.69
Greenhouse gas (per kg) 2 53 0.899 0.930 3.6 (16.9) / 0.76-1.13
Table VI. Methane (per ha) 3 21 0.600 0.662 0.3 (5.99) / 0.45-0.97
Ratio of organic and Nitrous oxide (per ha) 4 31 0.860 0.624 18.5 * (14.07) 0.610 0.48-0.78
conventional greenhouse
gas emission per hectare Notes: () ¼ x 2df-1. a ¼ 0.05; N ¼ number of studies; n ¼ number of paired observations;
and per unit product CI ¼ confidence interval. *Between study variability significant
use in conventional farming increases the carbon dioxide emission. Given the A meta-analysis
prohibition of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in organic farming, greenhouse gases of differences
generated during production of these inputs remain absent. More fuel combustion
during mechanical weeding counterweights this effect. In the study of Casey and
Holden (2006) regression analysis was used to show the relation between driving
factors and emission. They showed a positive correlation between total greenhouse gas
emissions per unit area and the feed concentrate dose, the stocking rate and the amount 1109
of synthetic fertilizers applied. The latter two also increase the emission per unit life
weight. They furthermore showed a very clear correlation between the emission per
hectare per year and the production (number of kg produced per hectare per year).
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and 25 with a mixed or no effect. The review of Stockdale et al. (2006) focuses on which
management practices influence which species.
A full meta-analysis is conducted by Bengtsson et al. (2005). They calculated the
Hedge’s g and response ratio for 63 paired studies in total. Their main conclusions are
generally a positive effect of organic farming on species richness, with on average 30
per cent more species compared to conventional fields, and a positive effect on
abundance within species (on average 50 per cent higher). They clearly warn for
significant heterogeneity between studies, with for example 16 per cent of the studies
indicating a negative effect of organic farming on species richness.
Hole et al. (2005) extensively described the possible influence of management
practices (drivers) on biodiversity. They identify three broad practices that are
strongly associated with organic farming as being of particular benefit to farmland
biodiversity in general:
prohibition/reduced use of chemical pesticides and inorganic fertilizers;
. sympathetic management of non-crop habitats and field margins; and
preservation of mixed farming.
Some recent studies add to the understanding of potential differences in biodiversity
impact. Belfrage et al. (2005) also find higher numbers of both bird diversity and bird
abundance on the organic farms than on the conventional farms. They however remark
that the largest difference in bird abundance and diversity was found when comparing
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Further reading
1118 Cooper, J., Niggli, U. and Leifert, C. (2007), Handbook of Organic Food Quality and Safety,
Woodhead Publishing, Abington, available at: sales@woodhead-publishing.com
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Figge, F. and Hahn, T. (2004b), “Value-oriented impact assessment: the economics of a new
approach to impact assessment”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,
Vol. 47 No. 6, pp. 921-41.
Kleijn, D. and Sutherland, W.J. (2003), “How effective are agri-environment schemes in
maintaining and conserving biodiversity?”, Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol. 40, pp. 947-69.
Osenberg, C.W., Sarnelle, O., Cooper, S.D. and Holt, R.D. (1999), “Resolving ecological questions
through meta-analysis: goals, metrics, and models”, Ecology, Vol. 80 No. 4, pp. 1105-17.
Land use
First screening. Eltun (1995), Haas et al. (2002), Hansen et al. (2000), Kirchmann and Bergstrom
(2001), Knudsen et al. (2006), Korsaeth and Eltun (2000), Mader et al. (2002), Poudel et al. (2002),
Sileika and Guzys (2003), Taube et al. (2005), Torstensson et al. (2006).
Full rotation. Korsaeth and Eltun (2000), Kirchmann and Bergstrom (2001), Eltun (1995),
Sileika and Guzys (2003)
Cereals. Knudsen et al. (2006), Hansen et al. (2000), Torstensson et al. (2006), Mader et al. A meta-analysis
(2002), Poudel et al. (2002)
of differences
Organic matter
First screening. Bakken et al. (2006), Clark et al. (1998), Fließbach et al. (2007), Foereid and
Hogh-Jensen (2004), Girvan et al. (2003), Gosling and Shepherd (2005), Herencia et al. (2008),
Nguyen et al. (1995), Pulleman et al. (2003), Stalenga and Kawalec (2008).
Used in meta-analysis. Gosling and Shepherd (2005), Nguyen et al. (1995), Girvan et al. (2003), 1119
Fließbach et al. (2007), Clark et al. (1998), Pulleman et al. (2003)
Phosphorus leaching
First screening. Bengtsson et al. (2005), Clark et al. (1998), Condron et al. (2000), Ekholm et al.
(2005), Fagerberg et al. (1996), Gosling and Shepherd (2005), Gustafson et al. (2003), Haas et al.
Downloaded by Brigham Young University At 01:59 18 November 2014 (PT)
(2001)), Langmeier (2002), Liebig and Doran (1999), Loes and Ogaard (2001), Marinari et al. (2006),
Nguyen et al. (1995), Oberson et al. (1993), Reganold et al. (1993), Sileika and Guzys (2003),
Steinshamn et al. (2004), Torstensson et al. (2006), van Diepeningen et al. (2006), Watson et al.
P in. Torstensson et al. (2006), Ekholm et al. (2005), Nguyen et al. (1995), Marinari et al. (2006),
Clark et al. (1998), Bengtsson et al. (2003), Haas et al. (2001), Langmeier (2002).
P out. Torstensson et al. (2006), Ekholm et al. (2005), Nguyen et al. (1995), Marinari et al.
(2006), Clark et al. (1998), Bengtsson et al. (2003), Haas et al. (2001), Langmeier (2002).
P bal. Torstensson et al. (2006), Ekholm et al. (2005), Nguyen et al. (1995), Marinari et al. (2006),
Clark et al. (1998), Bengtsson et al. (2003), Haas et al. (2001), Langmeier (2002).
Greenhouse gases
First screening. Casey and Holden (2006), Dalgaard et al. (2006), de Boer (2003), Flessa et al.
(2002)), Haas et al. (2001), Kaltsas et al. (2007), Meisterling et al. (2009), Olesen et al. (2006),
Petersen et al. (2006), Syvasalo et al. (2006), Stalenga and Kawalec (2008), Wood et al. (2006).
Greenhouse Gases per ha. Haas et al. (2001), Dalgaard et al. (2006), Olesen et al. (2006), Casey
and Holden (2006), Kaltsas et al. (2007)
Greenhouse Gases per Life Weight. Dalgaard et al. (2006), Olesen et al. (2006), Petersen et al.
(2006), Syvasalo et al. (2006)
Corresponding author
Koen Mondelaers can be contacted at: koen.mondelaers@ugent.be
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