Test 0016
Test 0016
Test 0016
Peter lives _ Santa Monica Blvd, now, but he lived b) occupied continuously the oldest
_ 110, Union Street _ 1980. c) the oldest occupied continuously
a) on at – in d) continuously the oldest occupied
b) in at – on
c) on at – on 9. They tried _ up the fence but they couldn’t.
d) at – on in a) putting
b) to put
2. That man over there is _ c) to putting
a) Bob and Tom’s father d) of putting
b) Bob’s and Tom’s father
c) Bob’s and Tom father 10. Remember to _ by the club regulations once you
d) the Bob and Tom’s father become its member.
a) comply
3. Everybody in this class _ done very well in the b) agree
exam. c) obey
a) have d) abide
b) are
c) has 11. She _ to enter this place. She’s too young.
d) is a) wouldn’t have been
b) could have
4. If we _ a letter at 8 o’clock yesterday, we _ on the c) could
same day. d) wouldn’t be able
a) got / started
b) had got / had started 12. I met her a _ time after the accident.
c) would get / had started a) short
d) had got / should have started e) should have got / b) few
had started c) little
d) small
5. Which of the boys _ in the yard is Jed?
a) play 13. He _ there first.
b) played a) gets always
c) plays b) always get
d) playing c) always gets
d) get always
6. I’m new to this city and I’m lost. _ tell me where
5th Street is? 14. I _ you for ages!
a) You a) was not seeing
b) Can you b) haven’t seen
c) You will c) hadn’t seen
d) May you d) didn’t see
8. Founded around 1075, the Acoma pueblo is 16. My grandmother _ the wool for a beautiful blanket
considered _ settlement in the United States. that she knitted. I still have it today.
a) the oldest continuously occupied a) weave
b) wove c) have much sleep
c) woven d) am very sleepy
d) weaves
24. This book in French is _ easy _ to read.
17. I was so tired that I would have slept _ a) too / for you
a) anywhere b) as / for you
b) somewhere c) for you / —
c) however d) too / you
d) in whatever place
25. She wishes her lawyer _ more time to review her
18. A lot of money has been _ the bank. deposition but he seems to be very busy.
a) stolen from a) will find
b) robbed at b) finds
c) stolen to c) found
d) robbed in d) has found
19. In timp ce vi se va pregati pranzul, masa va fi fost 26. “There were a lot of people.” means there were _
pusa in sufragerie. people.
a) As your lunch is prepared, the table will have been a) much
laid in the dining room. b) few
b) As your lunch will be prepared, the table will be c) big
lain in the dining room. d) many
c) As your lunch has been prepared, the table will be
laid in the dining room. 27. This morning you _ me about your father’s
d) As your lunch is going to be prepared, the table will
accident when we were interrupted. I’d like to hear the
have been lain in the dining room. rest of the story.
a) have told
20. Linda I don’t like the _ of that dark cloud over b) were telling
there. c) told
a) sight d) are telling
b) look
c) vision 28. The overwhelming majority of people who _ in the
d) sign rescue operations were volunteers.
a) they served
21. If you wait till tomorrow it will be _ late. b) did they serve
a) too c) serving
b) to d) served
c) two
d) tow 29. He was trying to eat healthier these days and
people noticed. When asked about whether he was
22. Several students said they _ anything because they dieting, he always replied, "An apple a day keeps the _
_ their lessons boring, away.
a) don’t learn / found a) doctor
b) didn’t learn / found b) problems
c) aren’t learning / find c) fat
d) aren’t learning / are finding d) devil
23. I’m going to bed, I _ 30. _ the rain stopped, it was too late to start the
a) have a lot of sleep match.
b) am very sleep a) As long as
b) Due to
c) Owing to
d) By the time