Cicm Part 1 Study
Cicm Part 1 Study
Cicm Part 1 Study
Describe the principles of measurement of glomerular filtration rate and renal blood flow.
Describe the utility of biochemical estimates of renal function (including but not limited to the
measurement of serum creatinine, cystatin C and estimates of Creatinine Clearance such as
Gross anatomy
Reabsorption or tubular reabsorption is the process by which the nephron removes water and solutes
from the tubular fluid and returns them to the circulating blood.
secretion is the process of adding substances from the kidbey into the renal tubule
The NHE3 antiporter imports one sodium ion into the cytosol of a tubule cell
as it ejects one hydrogen ion from the cell into the lumen of the proximal
o Lives in the PCT
The Na+/K+-ATPase enzyme is active (i.e. it uses energy
from ATP). For every ATP molecule that the pump uses, three
sodium ions are exported and two potassium ions are imported
ENaC activity is finely controlled through proteolytic activation, a process wherein specific
enzymes, or proteases, cleave ENaC subunits, resulting in channel activation and increased
sodium reabsorption