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Group 4 Research HUMSS126 1

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University of the East-Caloocan

105 Samson Caloocan City

The Involvement of Mental Health

Issues to the Academic Performance of Grade 12 students

A Research Study presented to

Philosophy Humanities and Social Sciences Strand
UE Senior High School, Caloocan

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Course Requirements for the subject
HRE 111: Research in Daily Life 1 for Business

Submitted by:
Honey Lei A. Marabe
Jamiere Nizer D. Calica
Charles Emilio C. Fabe
Micah Jeena B. Dadizon
Yesha Mae Omnes
Maria Angelika Santuele

Submitted to:
Ms. Marvill Bautista, LPT
October 2020
First, we want to thank God for guiding us through the entire process on making
our research paper. He never fails in keeping us one until we finish this study and for
giving us the strength to successfully complete our research paper.

We also want to thank Ms. Marvill Bautista our research adviser for guiding us
and helping us to our research paper. We also want to thank the other students who
help us in our interview. Lastly we want to thank our family for the support.

Individual Mental health is essential. It includes emotional, physical, social well-
being, and also our every day lives. It needs to take care of personally. We choose this
very must and necessary topic not only for the student to be informed of but also for us
to help them to support every student like them to cheer up. Since these issues are
widespread to everyone. They need to remember that they're not fighting alone,
someone is willing to help them. All hands in one battle to win, there is no one be left
behind. The difficulty that they experiencing in their minds is not necessary for normal
people. It's hard to fight only on your own. That's the purpose of this research. For them,
for their future. Because everything in this world has a purpose, and we only need to
help them to find their purpose if they can't do it for themselves.

This study was conceived within the increasing numbers of students struggling with
mental health issues. This research examines the relationship and how to encourage
and accommodate students' involvement. This study also aims to provide a review of the
students who struggle with mental health problems such as depression, suicides, alcohol
abuse, and anxiety. It provides the groundwork for emerging interest in how the practice
of mindfulness can help the mental health of Senior High School students. Mental Health
issues are not as simple as you can say, and everyone needs someone to rely on. So
that they know that someone is willing to support them with the problem they are going

Cover Page……………………………………………………………………………...

CHAPTER 1 : The Problem and It’s Background

Statement of the Problem
Scope and Delimitation
Significance of the Study

CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies

Review of Related Literature
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Research Design
Research Method
Research Locale
Nature of the Subjects and Respondents
Data their Sources and Procedures
Research Instrument


Curriculum Vitae

List of Appendices

The Problem and It’s Background

A lot of students are experiencing mental health issues, especially now that we are
in this pandemic situation. The students are more stressed, pressured, and problematic
about their academics and online learning that can cause a huge impact on their mental
health. These students are dealing with their own battles, while overthinking to what will
be going to happen the next day. The pandemic forced students to face and shift into
this new mode of education that brings additional anxiety to them. This research study
aims to know the involvement of mental health issues of Gr. 12 students of University of
the East Caloocan to their academic performance.

Sutherland (2018). The examination center for this investigation, which is the way
psychological wellness administrations gave in secondary schools can improve young
adult emotional well-being and scholarly execution. It clarifies the utilization of the
postpositive research worldview in leading this investigation. Likewise offers a writing
survey on the subject of juvenile psychological wellness. The examination center is
investigating the conceivable effect when all individuals from the scholarly group
comprehend emotional wellness concerns experienced by youths.

Frued (2019). Mental Health is have huge part in every individual person’s life, Its
about our mentally, emotionally and, physically feelings. It can destroy your life and put
you to miserable situation. As the years passing by, this mental health issues cases
been still rising up and inevitable. The purpose of this study will possibly make a change
to future for those student whose suffering here. Since the mental health is connected to
academic performance of the students, and the academic performance is connected to
the future of students. The researchers conduct this study to be a useful source to
subsist the research problems on Mental health and academic performance.

Statement of the Problem
This research study attempts to find pieces of evidence to the involvement of
mental health issues in the academic performance of grade 12 students. These issues
are what the students currently facing.

Specifically, the study also aims to answer the following sub-questions:

1. What are the experiences of students when they are having mental health issues?
2. What are the negative impact of mental health issues to the students’ academic
3. What are the common mental health issues of grade 12 students?
4. How to address mental health issues so as not to put at risk their academic

Scope and Delimitation
The aim of this research study is to explore the involvement of mental health
issues on the academic performance of grade 11 and 12 students. The study is
delimited only for the 12 students in the University of the East Caloocan. The main
purpose of our study is the mental health of the senior high school students. Mental
health and behavioral problems are common among students commencing university.
University life can be stressful and problems often exacerbate during their course of
study. The problem of the students is their involvement in mental health issues in their
academic performance. This study focuses on Grade 12 students of the University of the
East, the school year 2020-2021. Its main purpose is to identify the common problems
that they encounter and to propose possible solutions regarding the problem. This study
considers every aspect of students' personal information that has an impact on their
academic performances such as their personal problems.

Significance of the Study
Mental health issues are always been a problem for many students and schools
over a century. Student life can be stressful and for some students, it may cause mental
distress. According to the World Health Organization (2001), mental health as a state of
well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the
normal stresses of life can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a
contribution to her or his community. As stated by Maganga (2016) The students
success is measured by academic performance. If those students have an issue with
their mental health it can subdue their academic performance that can affect their energy
level, mental ability, dependability, performance, and concentration.

The generalization of this present study hopes to establish an understanding of the

involvement of mental health issues to the academic performance of grade 12 students
of the UE- Caloocan. The finding which this study will reveal, may benefit certain groups
and the benefits they may be able to gain are as follows:

Students They are the Grade 12 students of UE Caloocan. This study is designed for
some students to have guidance from suffering on their mental health issues, for them to
be self fully aware. The results will provide the students with some knowledge of the
involvement of mental health issues in academic performance. Through the help of this
study students’ will be able to know the reason why they are experiencing this kind of
mental health issue. It will also help them to perform well in class even if they are having
mental health issues. At the end of this study students’ would finally know how to deal
with these mental health issues so that this will not affect their energy level,
concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism, and hindering performance.
How their mental health issues will cause a huge impact on their academic performance
that affects their life and future. To enhance their living standards and expand their
existing knowledge.

Future researchers Lot of researchers continually studying and investigating on this

social issue, to help those students from suffering from their mental health issues.
Furthermore this study will help the researchers to explore more necessity of school

mental health services and how it impact to academic performances and can be a
source of information at the early days of mental health services in schools and how they
have evolved. This study will produce a good and accurate data and have a wider
implications to change the life of people in a positive manner.

Teachers The study of The Involvement of Mental Health Issues to the Academic
Performance of Grade 12 students, the teachers can help to identify and assess
themselves if they are effective teachers. This study can help to figure out the weakness
and strengths in this field. By them, it can identify, change, or make some appropriate
adjustments. Through this research, teachers may purposely discover or analyze how
academic performance affects the mental health of students.

Review of Related Literature and Studies
Review of Related Literature

On the authority of Sutherland (2018), An adolescent’s time in school isn't only

scholastic; they are growing socially, actually, and inwardly. Earlier exploration has
shown a connection between an understudy's helpless scholarly exhibition and his/her
requirement for passionate and psychological wellness uphold. This examination venture
tried to address the questions. Members for this investigation are 10 staff individuals
(counting educators, chairmen, guides, and others) of a secondary school in San Diego,
California. Subjective information as meetings was gathered for this examination, and
hence interpreted and dissected utilizing a "base up" approach. Aftereffects of this
investigation show young people have numerous difficulties to their enthusiastic
wellbeing during their secondary school years and staff have extraordinary admittance to
help youth in exploring these difficulties. The investigation depicts the requirement for
more psychological well-being experts to be accessible in schools. Suggestions for
miniature incorporate the requirement for more psychological well-being staff including
instructors and school social specialists and the suggestions for large scale practice
incorporate the need more staff and educator preparing on the most proficient method to
more readily uphold understudies.

Scholarly achievement can be viewed as a center measurement by which to

gauge the overall accomplishment of a young's adolescence as the aptitudes passed on
and estimated in school are, for example, to encourage positive long haul results. Along
these lines, all endeavors should be made towards empowering this accomplishment.
School achievement in any case, is a mind boggling wonder formed by a wide
assortment of variables and numerous Latino 3 youths are passing up on chances to
build up their maximum capacity in the United States instructive framework. The
objective of this undertaking was to introduce a point of view on understudies'
relationship to their scholarly results that accentuates the part of the emotional wellness
and self-adequacy of Latino youth towards their learning and scholastic achievement.
The current examination inspected the connection between understudies' wide

psychological wellness hazard, general self-viability, and accomplishment results. The
area wherein this investigation was directed has one of the least graduation rates in the
territory of New Jersey (under 60%) and perusing and math testing scores positioning
beneath the fifteenth percentile. The secondary school was involved 1397 understudies,
grades 9 through 12 of whom 485 met models for additional examination by
righteousness of being Latino, finishing the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) and the
General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) just as meeting other segment standards. The
aftereffects of this investigation showed that psychological well-being danger's effect on
scholastic accomplishment results are intervened by apparent general self-viability. This
finding shows up most essentially for the connection between disguising side effects and
last Language Arts grade just as GPA. In particular, the current investigation found that
when a young adult's self-announced disguising indications go up by 1, the backhanded,
intervened impact without anyone else viability is that last Language Arts grade goes
somewhere near .16 and GPA goes somewhere around .01. Comprehensively, the
impact sizes mirroring these discoveries are little, yet add to the field proposing that
scholarly self-adequacy is an indicator of school accomplishment for Latino
understudies. The discoveries here offer a significant likely territory for intercession that
can and should be investigated in assistance of the objective of empowering school
accomplishment in danger populaces (White, 2016).

As stated by Keong, P., Sern, C. et al. (2015) This paper targets auditing the
connection between the psychological well-being and the scholarly accomplishment for
college understudies. Emotional wellness prosperity helps an 4 individual understands
her/his actual possibilities, fit for dealing with weight and stress, and all the more
significantly, to play out the given assignments profitably. As a rule, the builds of
psychological wellness are made out of three components, in particular, sadness,
nervousness and stress. An abundance of examination discoveries demonstrate that
scholastic exhibition is influenced by the emotional well-being issues. So as to manage
this issue, the guardians just as the teachers assume a fundamental part in
guaranteeing the psychological wellness of the understudies is in supreme condition. In
particular, the conversation in this article places the concentration in the meaning of
psychological wellness, and connection between the components of emotional well-
being and scholarly accomplishment among college understudies in Malaysia.

Suldo, S., M., Gormley, M. et al. (2014). Essential spotlight on scholastic
learning what's more, markers of accomplishment, consideration regarding understudies
emotional well-being is justified to some extent on the grounds that psychological
wellbeing especially influences scholarly results and bad habit section. A double core
interest on psychological wellness and scholarly results is justified given their
detachability. Focuses on students who struggling on mental health but they also helping
them in this part. Mental health has a big impact to poor academic performance of the
students. Give attentions to students about their mental health affects their academic

Biscon, Katherine, H.(2017) Give them attention the students by addressing

their issues. Discussing their difficulties and give them support. Supporting them it
makes them overcome their issues. Connect them with resources so that will breathe
them peacefully.

According to Hughes, G., Panjwani, M., Tulcidas, P. et al. (2018) Academics

to students are the most frontline role and responsibility for their wellbeing. Here we
tackled about the academic purposes, responsibilities and also be a problem for those
students. The balance between studies and their 5 pastoral is difficult and nuanced that
cannot descript alone. Vagueness and ambiguity around the academic’s position in
connection to student mental health make building and sustaining limits deep. In some
situations, uncertainty around role lines was felt to be fundamental. Some members felt
that blurred edges were supported at an institutional level and that they were being
asked to perform inappropriate tasks, including evaluating student calls and triaging. In
interpreting responsibility, this must consider responsibility out of times, as many
academics called answering to students in distress in the evenings and weekends. The
modern lack of openness throughout responsibility affects time, effort, and emotion is
invested in protecting, defending actions and activities, and less effective care for

As stated by Suicide Prevention Resource Center. (2016). This literature is

about the consequences that the students facing right now because of their mental
health issues. From the academic achievement to the negative impacting relationship of
the students to their family can get affected if they didn't do anything about it. Also, these

issues can ruin everything and be a long term consequence for students, their future
employment, earning potential, and overall health. Mental health problems can influence
the energy level of students, their concentration, dependability, mental ability, and
optimism, hindering performance. In every study, they suggested that depression is
connected with students' GPA. Many mental health issues cases go to college students
due to their studies. Based to a College Health Association survey, college students
following mental health issues as negatively impacting their academic performance.

Agnators, S., Barmark, M., & Sydsjo,G. (2020). Emotional wellness issues in
right on time youth and youthfulness increment the danger for helpless scholarly
execution, demonstrating the requirement for mindfulness and treatment to give
occasions to training. Mental health of the early adolescent will causes of poor academic
performance. Give them attention to not have risk of poor academic performance. Let
raise awareness for them so they will have 6 good education.

According to Jensen, P. S., E. Goldman et al. (2011). Most of youth who

need care don't get it. Boundaries to get to incorporate absence of or restricted medical
coverage for psychological well-being care, social disgrace, and absence of issue
acknowledgment by grown-ups, including educators and guardians. Under distinguishing
proof is of specific worry in schools and essential consideration settings two frameworks
with which practically all youngsters interface and where ID ought to be destined to
happen. Minority youth, specifically, are more averse to get required psychological well-
being care.

Based on Wyrwas, P . (2018). Mental health has been a huge taboo. It has
been disgusting to indicate you need the help of a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. It
has been the topic of fun more than a serious debate. Thankfully, we’re observing an
increased interest in the topic. Currently, mental health is getting more and more
recognition and the stigma around it is slowly disappearing. People manage to think of
mental disorders as something that happens to someone else - “It doesn’t affect me, I’m
not an insane person”. Young people usually decline to accept that they suffer from a
disorder or look for help, partly due to inadequate education, and partly because of
concern of negative reactions from their peer.

According to McLafferty M., Lapsley, C., Ennis E, Armour C, Murphy S, et al.
(2017). The examination gives significant data to colleges, strategy creators and
practice, on psychological well-being and prosperity in youngsters by and large however
especially for understudies starting college. The discoveries will aid the turn of events
and usage of assurance and anticipation systems in the college setting and past.
Emotional wellness and social issues are basic among understudies initiating college.
College life can be upsetting and issues regularly worsen during their course of study,
while others create messes unexpectedly. 7 In this literature shows that mental health
can affect the students energy level, concentration and more. Depression and anxiety
can be harmful for the students creativity and productivity. In this study also shows the
five percent of the students do not finish their education because of mental health issues
or due to psychiatric disorders. These issue can have the long-term consequences for
students, for affecting their future. American College Health Association. (2015).

According to Bewick et al. (2010).Side effects of sadness, nervousness, and

trouble are more normal in students contrasted with age-coordinated companions.
Mental weakness among understudies is related with hindered scholarly
accomplishment, more regrettable word related readiness, and lower future word related
execution. Examination on psychological well-being advancing and mental medical
affliction forestalling mediations has demonstrated promising momentary impacts,
however the manageability of intercession benefits merit nearer consideration.

Ribero, C., Boery., et al. (2018). This research seeks to found out and to
analyze, the scientific productions about stress of the students that studies in the other
big universities, The Purpose of this study is to explain the effects of to our health from a
stress. The methods of this study is a Systematic review that conducted on the scientific
production. This literature it establish the impact of academic outcomes to the mental
health of the students. Despite most of educators mainly focused on indicators of
achievement and academic learning affects the academic outcomes. So, in this literature
we draw attention to subgroup with chronic physical health conditions and who may not
receive adequate attention from educational and metal health professionals.

According to, Howell, A. J., Keyes, C. L. M., & Passmore, H. (2013). As

claimed by Huckins, E., Dasilva, A., Wang, W. et al. (2020). When 8 millions of individual

is affected with this disease, the local and the national government tell them to change
their behavioral way/pattern, The objective in this study is by mobile phone and the
mental health of the college students. The Methods is a Behaviors like the number of the
location, distance traveled, duration phone usage and etc.

According to Torrano, H., Ibrayera, L., Lim, N. at al. (2020). This study the
literature on mental health and well-being to the Students of the Universities that uses
bibliometric procedures, aims to describe and explain on what is the available literature
for their mental health, The university entrance puts a period of transition for the
youth/young people. This transition the youth students can face a new challenges for
example, making a independent decisions about their lives and studies. In this literature
the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that in a world one in every four hour
suffer from mental health. During their later adolescents students spend most of their
time is schools and interact with peers, classmates and teachers. The students who
have low perceived quality of support are experiencing mental health difficulties.
Students with frequent feelings or internalized distress such as sadness, anxiety or
depression show the poor academic functioning. According to, Bulletin, M. (2013).

Behavioural Theory
Allport, G. W. (1985). To understand mental health issues to the Academic
performance of Grade 12 students. We need to identify the theories have been used to
easily understand and analyze of how the different approaches has influence the
interaction and how we response to the mental health issues about Academic
performance of Grade 12 students. Behavioral theories also known as behaviorism, is a
theory of learning based on all idea about behavior conditioning. This behavioral theories
is advocated by famous psychologists John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner, the behavioral
techniques. Behavior theory, it seeks to explain human behavior by analyzing and
understanding through observation.

The researchers believed that Behavioral Theory is related to this study and can
also be studied. By objectives through the things we see or the actions we notice, and
we also chose it because of mentalism, and thoughts are integrated analysis of
similarities and by examining one's own thoughts and feelings-a process called

Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms
Mental Health
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is “a condition of
well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a commitment
to their locale”

Academic Performance
Academic performance is the estimation of student accomplishment across different
scholarly subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure accomplishment
utilizing classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests.

A student is a person who is learning in a school or any teaching environment. They are
the Grade 12 of Humanities and Social Sciences in University of the East Caloocan.

An instructor who helps other people in learning new things. They are the teachers of
University of the East Caloocan who teaches Grade 12 students of Humanities and
Social Sciences.

The reality or state of being involved with or taking an interest in something.

An establishment for teaching students. The school is University of the East Caloocan.

The effect or feeling of an individual or thing on another.

Research Design & Methodology

This qualitative study indicates a phenomenology approach to gathering data. This

research is focused on the lived experience of a group of people. Particularly, this
interview is conducted with a group of individuals especially the Grade 12 students of
the University of the East- Caloocan. The researchers interviewed people who have
experienced a phenomena. This is a powerful approach for inquiry and to help the
researchers also by building a better understanding of nature to ensure the proper
alignment of research questions. The aim of this research is not only to generalize but
to understand and interpret the Involvement of Mental Health issues to Academic
Performance of grade 12 students of University of the East. The qualitative approach is
appropriate for this study because the data collected is focused on the participants'
experiences and the way on how they interpret.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in the Philippines. The respondents will be interviewed
at the 8th floor of Lucio C. Tan Building in the University of the East- Caloocan. The
researcher also gathered respondents who are Grade 12 HUMSS students. These
respondents will be interviewed face-to-face. The researcher needs information from the
students. The study will be conducted in the first semester of the academic year 2020-

Nature of the Subjects and Respondents

The respondents consisted of grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students in
University of the East Caloocan who suffers from Mental Health issues. A sample of 50
respondents was selected from grade 12 HUMSS students, they are 17-20 years old of
age. A beneficial sample consists of respondents Included in the study because
they happen to be in the right time and right place. The available subject will be entered
into the study until a sample size of 50 was reached and they took 3 days of conducting

an interview. The sample size of 50 students where the total who were willing to
participate in the research and who met the sampling criteria. In choosing our
respodents’, we use quota sampling method.

Data Sources and Procedures

The following are the steps that will be conducted by the researcher before the data

•The researchers contribute their own questions for the interview that they have been
preparing for distribution to some possible target respondents.

•The target respondents are grade 12 Students.

•They personally conducts the interview face to face at the University of the East 8th
floor, LCT Building.

•The researchers invite and formally ask for 50 possible respondents.

•They took 3 days for conducting an interview.

•They organize the information that they took to respondents and it will stay confidential.

Research Instrument

The research instrument used to conduct this research study is an interview to get
the necessary data. The participants are Grade 12 HUMSS students of the University of
the East Caloocan. We will use pen and paper so that we will not forget the information
obtained from that interview and also a laptop/cellphone to record the interview of the
participants for both parties' convenience.


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