Bronco Red Bull
Bronco Red Bull
Bronco Red Bull
RED BULL (RB) is a non-asbestos woven brake linings produced in rolls. The
basic weave consists of non–asbestos reinforced aramid and glass fiber which
is woven with brass filament. The aramid fibers have proven to be an effective
substitute for asbestos fibers in friction materials generally and have been
proven to replicate some of the wear qualities of asbestos. Kevlar is an aramid
RB is impregnated under heat and pressure with a special organic binder of phenolic resins and cashew oil. In addition, the phenolic binders carry
other modifiers designed to control and enhance the friction and wear properties properties. The impregnated materials are then cured in ovens at
controlled temperatures and time.
The RedBull non-asbestos woven block brake lining has been tested in the
field and by the leading laboratories. It has been qualified as an approved Second Fade
replacement for asbestos block lining on drawwork applications and has a long
extensive field history.
• Independant laboratories test classifies the RB material H/G (.571 N & .541 H) 1
2. The inner surface of the brake band should be free of paint, rust,
oil and grease. It should be clean and rough. Never paint the
inside of the band. Sandblasting is highly recommended if the BULL
surface is painted or rusty.
6. Ensure that the rig has an adequate water supply to
3. Carefully examine the band to make sure it is not kinked or keep the brakes cool. If heat glazing does occur due to
distorted from mishandling as it will not wrap evenly around heat buildup, it is suggested that a small amount of dry
the drum. This results in the blocks contacting the drum at only aluminum oxide, Carborundum® dust or Baroid’s Salt-Gel
a few points, greatly reducing friction efficiency and increasing (ZEOGEL®) be used between the brake blocks and rims to
the possibility of contact hot spots. Always ensure that the wear break the glaze. (Unlike glazed asbestos blocks, fuller’s
surface of the blocks are making full contact with the mating earth is not recommended for use with RED BULL non-
rim surface. asbestos brake blocks.)
4. Wiper Blocks – These are molded blocks which are mounted 7. Our RED BULL non-asbestos brake blocks should not be
at the dead end to scavenge metal particles from the rim, “burned in” as were asbestos blocks. This practice is not
preventing them from lodging in the other blocks and scorching necessary and can reduce friction efficiency due to glazing.
the rim.
Attaching the Blocks – Brake blocks can be attached to the bands 8. You can increase the service life of our RED BULL brake
with a variety of fasteners – standard brass flat-head screws, blocks by following these suggestions. Remember, select
or specially designed fillister-head screws with conventional the correct blocks, install them on properly maintained
hex nuts or lock nuts. Experience has shown that lock nuts are bands, keep the brakes adjusted, keep the support rollers
superior to conventional nuts in keeping brake blocks tight on or set screws adjusted, ensure that the cooling system is
the bands. Do not “over-torque” the nuts. Optimum torque is 12 functioning, and avoid abusing the braking system.
to 15 ft lb.
Brake Block Plugs – Once the blocks are mounted on the band, RED BULL brake blocks, the non-asbestos blocks most used
its good practice to fill the screw holes with plugs. These plugs in the oil field, are quality engineered to provide
prevent metal and foreign material from collecting in the holes, dependable and consistent braking for your drawworks.
and provide a uniform braking surface and increased friction Rotary drillers and well servicing operators worldwide
area. know and trust the sure feel of the brake lever with
RED BULL brake blocks on the bands.
5. To maintain adequate braking at all times, the brakes must be
adjusted on a regular basis. Make all necessary brake lever and
linkage adjustments to gain the best mechanical advantage. ®Registered
Registered trademark of Carborumdum Abrasives Co.
trademark of Baroid Technology, Ink.
The support rollers or set screws must have minimal clearance of
the band to maintain the correct wrap of the band and not allow
the top blocks to drag which leads to excessive heat buildup,
and possible glazing and/or loss of brake block efficiency.