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Second Quarter Reviewer Rangasa STEM 12-Feynman



Trademark - any brand or part of a brand that
BRANDING provides legal protection to the seller (words,
Process of creating a distinct identity, qualities letter, symbols, numbers, pictorial design)
and personality for your target audience and Service Mark is the same as trademark except
the general population. that it refers to a service offering.
Means the use of a name, term, symbol, or Labels carry the descriptive information about a
design to identify a product. product.
- Informative label furnishes data on the care,
use and preparation of the product.
Is a word, letter, or a group of words or letters.
- Descriptive label lists the important attributes
It provides identification (knowing the source of
Note: Branding is also about the emotions and
perceptions people have about your business.
It make consumers' shopping easier (it speeds
up shopping)
It helps branders too (the brander is protected TOPIC: 4M’s
against competition from other firms)
1. Manpower: refers to the workforce or human
Consistent Visual Identity (Logo)
resources available to a business.
Compelling Brand Story (Promotion)
2. Method: the processes and procedures used to
Unique Value Proposition (Marketing Strategy)
transform raw materials and labor into finished
Memorable Brand Messaging (Tagline)
products or services.
BRAND FAMILIARITY 3. Machine: the equipment, tools, and technology
Means how well the customers recognize and used in the production process.
accept a company's brand. 4. Materials: the raw materials, components, and
FIVE LEVELS OF BRAND FAMILIARITY supplies necessary for the production process.
(1) Brand Rejection - potential customers will not
buy a brand unless its image is changed. TOPIC: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
(2) Brand Non-recognition - final consumer do
not recognize a brand at all. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
(3) Brand Recognition means that customers Marketing copy that explains what a product is
remember the brand. and why it’s worth purchasing.
(4) Brand Preference - the target customers The purpose of a product description is to
usually choose the brand over other brands. supply customers about the features and
(5) Brand Insistence - customers insist on a benefits of the product.
firm's branded product and are willing to search May be created or updated in the Stage
for it. Boundary process.


(1) Family Brand - the same brand name for Understand the purpose of the product and its
several products, or individual brands for each function.
product. Define how and who will use the product.
(2) Licensed Brand - a well-known brand that Identify the level of Quality required of the
sellers pay a fee to use. product so the product will be usable.
(3) Manufacturer's Brand - a brand created and Define the skills required to produce, to review
owned by the producer of a product or service. and approve the product.
(4) Private Brands - a brand created and owned
by reseller of a product or service.
(5) Individual Brands - separate brand names for
each product.
Second Quarter Reviewer

WRITING EFFECTIVE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1. Market Research - survey and interviews,

Written for each product in “Product Breakdown analyzation of data.
Structure” if required; 2. Communication Skills - marketing strategy.
3. Analytical Skills - interpret the customer
1. Know your target audience. feedback and improve the service.
2. Focus on the product benefits. SELECT POTENTIAL SUPPLIERS
3. Tell the full story.
1. Supply Chain Management - raw materials to
4. Use natural language and tone.
final product; potential suppliers.
5. Use Power Words that sell.
2. Negotiation Skills - negotiation with potential
6. Make it easy to scan.
suppliers; supplier contracts.
3. Risk Management - potential risks with each
TOPIC: TESTING THE PRODUCT PROTOTYPE supplier; contigency plan.
1. Strategic Thinking - overall strategy goals;
Is a very important part of the design and
onboarding artisans to order fulfillment and
manufacturing process.
customer service.
IMPORTANCE OF TESTING PRODUCT PROTOTYPE 2. Collaboration - effective communication with
It confirms if the product will work, or if it needs business partners.
refinement. 3. Continuous Improvement - evaluate key
It allows the designer and client to assess the performance indicators (KPI); implement
viability of a design. improvements.
It identify potential faults that can help for
1. Human Resources Management - recruitment
PLACE 2. Leadership - interview and assess applicants;
Allow the client/customer or a focus group to welcome new team member and introduc
view the prototype and to give his/her views. company culture.
Safety issues are sometimes identified. 3. Talent Acquisition - implement training
Allows the production costs to be assessed and program.
Component failure is often identified. TOPIC: Operations and strategic
Allows the designer to plan an efficient and
cost-effective manufacturing production line.
Guarantees customer satisfaction.
Allows ‘concept’ designs to be evaluated fully.
1. Primary Activities
This is sometimes called ‘proof of concept’.
- Inbound Logistics: warehousing materials.
Helps ensure a full and relevant evaluation of a
- Operations: actual production and delivery.
prototype is carried out. This should be carried
- Outbound Logistics: packaging materials.
out during the entire development process.
- Marketing and Sales: strategies to sell.
Allows specialists to offer opinions and suggest
- Service: customer support & maintenance.
critical improvements for a more successful
2. Support Activities
- Firm Infrastructure: management functions.
- Human Resource Management: recruitment.
TOPIC: 4 COMPETENCIES (IGP) - Technology Developmet: innovation.
- Procurement: sourcing and purchasing good.
POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS - Efficient management adds value to the
product or service.
- Optimized steps leads to customer
Semester 01 Rangasa STEM 12-Feynman
Second Quarter Reviewer

SUPPLY CHAIN 1. Invest in Employee Development: highlights

1. Supplier Relationships: procurement of raw employee oportunities and attract top talents
materials; building strong relationships with that thrives for long-term career success.
suppliers. 2. Diversity and Inclusion: emphasized in hiring
2. Production: raw materials to finished goods; process; implement strategies to eliminate
efficient production process results to cost- biases.
effectiveness and quality. 3. Streamlined Onboarding Process: helps in
3. Distribution: factories to retailers or end- retaining qualified talents.
users; effective distribution results to 4. Continuous Feedback and Improvement: stay
satisfied customers. updated in industry trends and gather
4. Retail: final stage of supply chain; product opinions from hiring team and new hires for
reaches end consumers. improvement.
5. Utilize Technology: automation help manage
large amount of applicants and enhance
1. Synchronization: value and supply chain are
overall candidate experience.
closely intertwined, each step affects
6. Employee Referral Programs: encourage
another; seamless coordination is crucial.
existing employees to refer qualified
2. Technology’s Role: facilitates communication,
information and data analytics.
3. Customer-Cetric Approach: focuses on Note: Recruiting qualified people is a multifaceted
delivering value that aligns with customer process that requires a strategic and holistic
needs and satisfaction. approach.
1. Competitive Advantage: successful business DEVELOPING A BUSINESS MODEL
strategies gain competitive advantage. 1. Understand the Market: understanding the
2. Globalization: allows businesses to source target market and analyzing industry trends.
inputs and reach markets worldwide; 2. Value Proposition: unique value a produt or
introduces geopolitical risks ad supply chain service provides.
disruption. 3. Target Customer Segments: understand
specific customers to address their needs.
Note: Value chain focuses on the internal activities 4. Revenue Streams: product sales, subscription
that add value to a product or service. The supply model, etc.
chain emphasizes the external network of suppliers, 5. Cost Structure: fixed and viable costs;
producers, distributors, and retailers. optimize cost while ensuring quality products.
6. Channels: reach and interact with customers.
7. Key Activities: production, marketing, sales,
1. Define Job Requirement Clearly: define the customer support, and etc.
roles of the position and outline necessary 8. Key Resources: physical, intellectual, human,
qualifications or skills. financial resources.
2. Craft Compelling Job Descriptions: develop 9. Partnerships and Collaborations: strategic
well-written job descriptions; use company alliances, joint ventures, or supplier
language. partnerships.
3. Utilize Multiple Recruitment Channels: 10. Scalability: model that adapts and grow as
professional recruitment agencies and online business expands; can handle complexity and
job boards. demands.
4. Employer Branding: build a strong employer 11. Adaptability and Innovation: foster a culture
brand to attract top talents. of innovation; flexible model that adapts to
5. Effective Screening and Interviewing: changing circumstances.
develop a robust screening process; conduct 12. Feedback Loop: use feedback to continuously
through interviews for through assessment. improve business model.
6. Offer Competitive Compensation: offer
additional perks and benefits to stand out.

Semester 01 Rangasa STEM 12-Feynman

Second Quarter Reviewer

Note: A well-designed business model provides a Note: Revenue forecasting is a dynamic process
framework for sustained growth and resilience in that combines quantitative analysis, market
the dynamic business landscape. understanding, and strategic thinking.


Importance Importance
1. Strategic Planning: plan that provides clear 1. Budgeting and Resource Allocation: ensures
picture of expected income over specific business to operate with financial contraints
period. while meeting objectives.
2. Resource Allocation: revenue forecasts of 2. Financial Planning: anticipates cash flow
budgets, personnel, and capital investments. requirements and manage liquidity.
3. Risk Management: identify potential revenue 3. Profitability Analysis: enables business to
fluctuations and factors to develop identify areas where cost can be optimized.
contigency plans and mitigate risks. 4. Risk Management: proactive risk mitigation
4. Investor Confidence: realistic and well- strategies can be developed based on insights
supprted revenue increases investor gained.
confidence. Methods
Methods 1. Historical Data Analysis: baseline for
1. Historical Data Analysis: gives insights of past predicting future expenses; help identify
trends, seasonality and growth patterns; patterns and factors that influences cost.
baseline for predicting future revenue. 2. Cost Drivers and Variables: understanding
2. Market Research: enhances the accuracy of the relationship between these factors builds
revenue forcasts; understand customer more accurate cost forecasts.
preference and industry trends. 3. Activity-Based Costing (ABC): allocate costs
3. Sales Pipeline Analysis: helps estimate future based on specific activities or processes.
sales by assessing potential deals and its 4. Benchmarking: identify areas with higher
probability of closing. costs than the industry average; prompts
4. Customer Feedback and Surveys: provide opportunities to cost reduction.
valuable insights and is used to adjust 5. Technology and Data Analytics: analyze large
revenue forecasting based on customer datasets quickly and identify patterns.
needs. Challenges
5. Scenario Analysis: helps prepare for different 1. External Factors: economic conditions or
market conditions; allows business to plan for unforeseen events impact costs and are
uncertainty. challenging to predict.
Challenges 2. Market Dynamics: rapid changes in market
1. External Factors: economic conditions or conditions can influence costs unpredictably.
unforeseen events impacts revenue and are 3. Dependencies and Interconnections: costs
challenging to predict. are interrelated and canges in one area affect
2. Changing Market Dynamics: business needs the others.
to be agile and adjust forecasts in response to 4. Uncertain Future Events: unexpected events
evolving conditions. affect costs and are challenging to anticipate.
3. Data Accuracy: valid and updated data 5. Limited Historical Data: new businesses have
information improves the accuracy of difficulty on relying solely on historical trends
revenue predictions. fo forecasting.
4. Dependency on Assumptions: documenting
and revisiting assumptions refines forecasts Note: Cost forecasting is an ongoing process that
as conditions change. requires a combination of historical analysis,
5. Overlooking Leading Indicators: identifying understanding of cost drivers, and consideration of
leading indicators can provide more proactive external factors.
insights into future revenue trends.

Semester 01 Rangasa STEM 12-Feynman

Second Quarter Reviewer

TOPIC: IMPLEMENTING IGP Step 2: Identify Revenue Sources

1. List all sources of revenue generated during the
1. Executive Summary: overview, objectives, and period.
expected outcomes of the IGP. Step 3: Calculate Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
2. 2. Introduction: background and rationale for 1. Determine the direct costs associated with
the IGP; objective and goals. producing goods or services.
3. Project Description: detailed description of the 2. COGS = Opening Inventory + Purchases − Closing
IGP, including products or services offered; Inventory
target market and customer base. Step 4: Calculate Gross Profit
4. SWOT Analysis: strengths, weaknesses, 1. This represents the profit generated after
opportunities, and threats related to the IGP. covering the direct costs of producing goods or
5. Market Research: analysis of the market, services.
including competitors and potential demand; 2. Gross Profit = Revenues − COGS
marketing strategy and positioning. Step 5: Identify Operating Expenses
6. Financial Plan: income statement projecting 1. List all operating expenses incurred during the
revenues and expenses. period.
7. Implementation Plan: detailed timeline for the Step 6: Calculate Operating Income
implementation of the IGP; responsibilities of 1. This represents the profit generated after
each team member. deducting all operating expenses.
8. Risk Management: identification of potential 2. Operating Income = Gross Profit − Operating
risks and mitigation strategies. Expenses
9. Documentation: record-keeping procedures for Step 7: Consider Other Income and Expenses
financial transactions, inventory, and other 1. Include any additional sources of income or
relevant data. expenses not covered in the operating income.
10. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: Key Step 8: Calculate Net Income
performance indicators (KPIs) and valuation 1. Net income represents the overall profit or loss
criteria for measuring the project's impact. for the specified period.
11. IGP Narrative and Reflection: reflective 2. Net Income = Operating Income + Other Income
narrative discussing the journey of the project. − Other Expenses
12. Income Statement: detailed income statement Step 9: Present the Information
showing revenues, costs, and profits; monthly or 1. Organize the calculated values into a clear and
quarterly breakdown. structured income statement. Use a table format
13. IGP Evaluation Results: results of the evaluation with columns for different categories (revenues,
and recommendations against predetermined COGS, gross profit, operating expenses,
criteria. operating income, other income, other expenses,
14. Sustainability Plan: long-term strategy for and net income).
maintaining and growing the IGP. Step 10: Review and Verify
15. Social Impact Assessment: assess the social 1. Review the income statement for accuracy and
benefits and impacts of the IGP on the completeness.
community. Step 11: Provide Context
16. Conclusion: summary of key points; future plans 1. Consider providing additional context or
and recommendations. commentary on significant changes, trends, or
17. Appendix: supporting documents, charts, factors that may have influenced the financial
graphs, and any additional information. results.
Step 12: Save and Distribute
TOPIC: CREATING AN INCOME STATEMENT 1. Save the income statement in an appropriate
format (e.g., PDF or spreadsheet). Distribute the
Step 1: Gather Financial Data statement to relevant stakeholders, such as
1. Collect all relevant financial information for the management, investors, or other interested
specified period. parties.

Semester 01 Rangasa STEM 12-Feynman

Second Quarter Reviewer


ensures that VAT on sales and input VAT on
Implement the Business Plan. expenses are properly recorded for VAT
involves putting the outlined strategies and
objectives into action.
Identify Where There Is a Profit or Loss for a
Identify the Reason for Keeping Business Records.
records provide a historical perspective and
analyzing financial statemets helps identify
aid in identifying trends and patterns.
whether a business is making a profit or
Perform Key Bookkeeping Tasks. incurring losses.
it ensures accurate financial reporting and is STEPS:
fundamental for decision-making. 1. Record of revenue from product sales: total
Recording Daily Sales
revenue (sales)
records all sales transactions throughout the
2. Calculate Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS): total
day, including details such as the date, time,
of direct cost of materials, labor,
itemized list of products/services, and the
manufacturing overhead, and etc.
total amount.
3. Determine Gross Profit: GP = Total Revenue -
Tracking Expenses
Raw Materials - tracks expenses related to
4. Include Operating Expenses: total of selling
raw materials, such as ingredients for dishes
expenses, administrative expenses, and etc.
and beverages.
5. Calcute Operating Profit or Loss: OP = Gross
Labor Costs - record keeping involves
Profit - Operating Expenses
documenting wages and salaries paid to
6. Consider other Income and Expenses: Net
Income = Other Income - Other Expenses
Overhead Costs - other operational
7. Calculate Net Profit or Loss: NP = Operating
expenses are recorded regularly.
Profit + Net Other Income
Managing Cash Flow
8. Assess Profitability: Profit Margin = (Net
Daily Cash Register Reconciliation - the
Profit/Total Revenue) * 100
cash register is reconciled to ensure that the
recorded sales match the actual cash
received. *ends here*
Petty Cash Management - maintain a petty
cash fund for small daily expenses,
Motivation ko 😫😫
transactions from this fund are recorded.
Bank Reconciliation - regular reconciliation
is performed between the restaurant's bank
statements and its recorded financial
Assessing Profitability
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Calculation - by
analyzing the expenses related to raw
materials and labor.
Revenue and Expense Comparison - the
total revenue generated is compared to the
total expenses to determine profit loss.
Profit Margin Analysis - assessed by
calculating profit margins, such as GPM (GP
/Revenue) and NPM (NP/Revenue).
Complying with Tax Requirements
Record of Sales for Tax Reporting - serve as
the basis for accurate tax reporting to the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) in the

Semester 01 Rangasa STEM 12-Feynman

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