based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD), which will replace all conventional air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs). The B-
missiles and ground launch control facilities. It plans to 52 bombers can also deliver a wide range of conventional
acquire 642 missiles to support testing and the deployment arms, and are currently receiving numerous upgrades to
of a force of 400 missiles. The Air Force expects the their communications and electronics systems. The Air
program to reach its initial operational capacity, with 9 Force is also acquiring a new B-21 bomber, for both
missiles on alert, by 2029; it expects to complete the conventional and nuclear missions. It hopes to field
deployment, with 400 missiles on alert, in 2036. The Biden between 80 and 100 of the new bombers, with the first to
Administration has included $3.6 billion for the program in enter service around 2025. The Air Force has included $5
its FY2023 budget request. billion for this bomber in its FY2023 budget request.
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), a According to unclassified estimates, the United States has
semi-autonomous agency in the Department of Energy, is
around 475 B61 and B83 bombs. Several variants of the
working on a new warhead—known as the W87-1—that
B61 bomb are undergoing a life extension program (LEP),
will deploy on the new GBSD missile. to enhance the bomb’s safety, security, and use control
features. This program will produce a single variant, known
as the B61-12, which will deploy with a new tail kit. This
The United States currently has 14 Trident (Ohio-class) will replace the parachute currently used to slow the
ballistic missile submarines, with 2 in overhaul and 12 in
bomb’s descent and will improve its accuracy. NNSA
the operational fleet. Under New START, each submarine
estimates that the B61 LEP will cost nearly $9 billion, with
carries only 20, rather than the original 24, missiles. Using an additional $1-$2 billion in Air Force funding for the new
treaty counting rules, the 14 submarines count as a total of
tailkit. The new model is expected to begin to enter the
280 deployed and nondeployed launchers, with a maximum
force in 2022. NNSA had planned to retire the B83, the
of 240 deployed launchers and around 1,000 warheads largest bomb remaining in the U.S. arsenal, around 2025,
counting on the 12 operational submarines. The Navy
after the completion of the B61 LEP. The 2018 NPR
operates two bases for these submarines—one in Bangor,
supported plans to retain the B83, but the 2022 NPR also
WA, and one in Kings Bay, GA.
announces retirement of the weapon.
The Navy plans to begin retiring Ohio-class submarines in The Air Force is planning to replace the aging air-launched
2027, with the new Columbia-class submarine expected to cruise missiles carried by B-52 bombers with a new
begin entering the fleet in 2031. The Navy has recently advanced Long Range Standoff (LRSO) cruise missile.
indicated that the fleet of 12 new submarines will cost $139 According to the Air Force, the existing ALCM has been
billion. It has requested $6.3 billion for the Columbia-class through several life extension programs and is beginning to
submarine in its FY2023 budget. show reliability problems. Reports indicate that the Air
Force plans to buy a total of 1,000-1,100 LRSO missiles, at
The Navy purchased over 530 D-5 missiles to support the a cost of around $10.8 billion. It has included $1 billion for
Trident fleet. It has pursued a life-extension program for the the missile in its FY2023 budget request. NNSA is also
missiles, funded at about $1 billion per year, so that they conducting a life-extension program on the W80 warhead to
will remain capable and reliable into the deployment of a provide a warhead for the new LRSO.
new, Columbia-class submarine. It has also initiated a
second life extension program for these missiles, known as
the D5LE II, and has included $173 million in its budget CRS Products
request for FY2023. CRS Report R41219, The New START Treaty: Central Limits and
Key Provisions, by Amy F. Woolf
NNSA is also working to extend the life of the warheads
carried by U.S. SLBMs. It has conducted a life extension CRS Report RL33640, U.S. Strategic Nuclear Forces: Background,
program (LEP) for the W76 warhead, which is carried by Developments, and Issues, by Amy F. Woolf
most Trident missiles, and provided a small number of low-
yield warheads, known as the W76-2, to the Navy in late
2019. NNSA is also altering the W88 warhead, which is
carried by a portion of the fleet, to address concerns with its Other Resources
safety and reliability. In particular, the program will replace DOD. Nuclear Posture Review Report. April 2010.
the aging arming, fuzing, and firing components. It has also
initiated work on the W93 warhead, which will eventually State Department. New START Treaty. April 2010.
deploy on D-5 missiles.
Heavy Bombers
This In Focus was originally authored by Amy F. Woolf,
The Air Force has 20 B-2 bombers, based at Whiteman
Specialist in Nuclear Weapons Policy.
AFB in Missouri. The B-2 bomber can carry both B61 and
B83 nuclear bombs, but it is not equipped to carry cruise
missiles. It can also carry conventional weapons and has Paul K. Kerr, Specialist in Nonproliferation
participated in U.S. military campaigns from Bosnia to Iraq.
The Air Force maintains 76 B-52H bombers at two bases,
Barksdale, LA, and Minot, ND. The B-52 bomber, which
first entered service in 1961, is equipped to carry nuclear or
Defense Primer: Strategic Nuclear Forces
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