Solution Manual For Social Media Marketing, 3rd Edition, Tracy L. Tuten, Michael R. Solomon, ISBN-10: 1526423871, ISBN-13: 9781526423870
Solution Manual For Social Media Marketing, 3rd Edition, Tracy L. Tuten, Michael R. Solomon, ISBN-10: 1526423871, ISBN-13: 9781526423870
Solution Manual For Social Media Marketing, 3rd Edition, Tracy L. Tuten, Michael R. Solomon, ISBN-10: 1526423871, ISBN-13: 9781526423870
Instructor Manual
Part I: Overview of Instructor Resources
1. Philosophy Behind the Social Media Marketing Course
2. Text Use for Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
3. Importance of Social Media Marketing Cases
4. Assurance of Learning Exercises
5. Description of the Online Instructor Resources for the Third Edition
• Instructor’s Manual
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Test Item File
“Andrew Ross.
“To Sir David Brewster.”
Fig. 4.
As the hole h is supposed to be so small as to receive only one
ray from every point of the object, the images of the object, viz., br,
b′r′, b″r″, will be very faint. By widening the hole h, so as to admit
more rays from each luminous point of rb, the images would
become brighter, but they would become at the same time indistinct,
as the rays from one point of the object would mix with those from
adjacent points, and at the boundaries of the colours r, y, and b, the
one colour would obliterate the other. In order, therefore, to obtain
sufficiently bright images of visible objects we must use lenses,
which have the property of forming distinct images behind them, at a
point called their focus. If we widen the hole h, and place in it a lens
whose focus is at y, for an object at the same distance, hy, it will
form a bright and distinct image, br, of the same size as the object
rb. If we remove the lens, and place another in h, whose focus is at
y′, for a distance hy, an image, b′r′, half of the size of rb, will be
formed at that point; and if we substitute for this lens another, whose
focus is at y″, a distinct image, b″r″, twice the size of the object, will
be formed, the size of the image being always to that of the object as
their respective distances from the hole or lens at h.
With the aid of these results, which any person may confirm by
making the experiments, we shall easily understand how we see
external objects by means of the images formed in the eye. The
human eye, a section and a front view of which is shewn in Fig. 5, a,
is almost a sphere. Its outer membrane, abcde, or mno, Fig. 5, b,
consists of a tough substance, and is called the sclerotic coat, which
forms the white of the eye, a, seen in the front view. The front part of
the eyeball, cxd, which resembles a small watch-glass, is perfectly
transparent, and is called the cornea. Behind it is the iris, cabe, or c
in the front view, which is a circular disc, with a hole, ab, in its centre,
called the pupil, or black of the eye. It is, as it were, the window of
the eye, through which all the light from visible objects must pass.
The iris has different colours in different persons, black, blue, or
grey; and the pupil, ab, or h, has the power of contracting or
enlarging its size according as the light which enters it is more or
less bright. In sunlight it is very small, and in twilight its size is
considerable. Behind the iris, and close to it, is a doubly convex lens,
df, or ll in Fig. 5, b, called the crystalline lens. It is more convex or
round on the inner side, and it is suspended by the ciliary processes
at lc, lc′, by which it is supposed to be moved towards and from h,
in order to accommodate the eye to different distances, or obtain
distinct vision at these distances. At the back of the eye is a thin
pulpy transparent membrane, rr o rr, or vvv, called the retina, which,
like the ground-glass of a camera obscura, receives the images of
visible objects. This membrane is an expansion of the optic nerve o,
or a in Fig. 5, a, which passes to the brain, and, by a process of
which we are ignorant, gives us vision of the objects whose images
are formed on its expanded surface. The globular form of the eye is
maintained by two fluids which fill it,—the aqueous humour, which
lies between the crystalline lens and the cornea, and the vitreous
humour, zz, which fills the back of the eye.
Fig. 5, A.
Fig. 5, B.
But though we are ignorant of the manner in which the mind
takes cognizance through the brain of the images on the retina, and
may probably never know it, we can determine experimentally the
laws by which we obtain, through their images on the retina, a
knowledge of the direction, the position, and the form of external
If the eye mn consisted only of a hollow ball with a small aperture
h, an inverted image, ab, of any external object ab would be formed
on the retina ror, exactly as in Fig. 4. A ray of light from a passing
through h would strike the retina at a, and one from b would strike
the retina at b. If the hole h is very small the inverted image ab would
be very distinct, but very obscure. If the hole were the size of the
pupil the image would be sufficiently luminous, but very indistinct. To
remedy this the crystalline lens is placed behind the pupil, and gives
distinctness to the image ab formed in its focus. The image,
however, still remains inverted, a ray from the upper part a of the
object necessarily falling on the lower part a of the retina, and a ray
from the lower part b of the object upon the upper part b of the
retina. Now, it has been proved by accurate experiments that in
whatever direction a ray aha falls upon the retina, it gives us the
vision of the point a from which it proceeds, or causes us to see that
point, in a direction perpendicular to the retina at a, the point on
which it falls. It has also been proved that the human eye is nearly
spherical, and that a line drawn perpendicular to the retina from any
point a of the image ab will very nearly pass through the
corresponding point a of the object ab,[31] so that the point a is, in
virtue of this law, which is called the Law of visible direction, seen in
nearly its true direction.
When we look at any object, ab, for example, we see only one
point of it distinctly. In Fig. 5 the point d only is seen distinctly, and
every point from d to a, and from d to b, less distinctly. The point of
distinct vision on the retina is at d, corresponding with the point d of
the object which is seen distinctly. This point d is the centre of the
retina at the extremity of the line aha, called the optical axis of the
eye, passing through the centre of the lens lh, and the centre of the
pupil. The point of distinct vision d corresponds with a small hole in
the retina called the Foramen centrale, or central hole, from its being
in the centre of the membrane. When we wish to see the points a
and b, or any other point of the object, we turn the eye upon them,
so that their image may fall upon the central point d. This is done so
easily and quickly that every point of an object is seen distinctly in an
instant, and we obtain the most perfect knowledge of its form, colour,
and direction. The law of distinct vision may be thus expressed.
Vision is most distinct when it is performed by the central point of the
retina, and the distinctness decreases with the distance from the
central point. It is a curious fact, however, that the most distinct point
d is the least sensitive to light, and that the sensitiveness increases
with the distance from that point. This is proved by the remarkable
fact, that when an astronomer cannot see a very minute star by
looking at it directly along the optical axis dd, he can see it by
looking away from it, and bringing its image upon a more sensitive
part of the retina.
But though we see with one eye the direction in which any object
or point of an object is situated, we do not see its position, or the
distance from the eye at which it is placed. If a small luminous point
or flame is put into a dark room by another person, we cannot with
one eye form anything like a correct estimate of its distance. Even in
good light we cannot with one eye snuff a candle, or pour wine into a
small glass at arm’s length. In monocular vision, we learn from
experience to estimate all distances, but particularly great ones, by
various means, which are called the criteria of distance; but it is only
with both eyes that we can estimate with anything like accuracy the
distance of objects not far from us.
The criteria of distance, by which we are enabled with one eye to
form an approximate estimate of the distance of objects are five in
1. The interposition of numerous objects between the eye and the
object whose distance we are appreciating. A distance at sea
appears much shorter than the same distance on land, marked with
houses, trees, and other objects; and for the same reason, the sun
and moon appear more distant when rising or setting on the horizon
of a flat country, than when in the zenith, or at great altitudes.
2. The variation in the apparent magnitude of known objects,
such as man, animals, trees, doors and windows of houses. If one of
two men, placed at different distances from us, appears only half the
size of the other, we cannot be far wrong in believing that the
smallest in appearance is at twice the distance of the other. It is
possible that the one may be a dwarf, and the other of gigantic
stature, in which case our judgment would be erroneous, but even in
this case other criteria might enable us to correct it.
3. The degree of vivacity in the colours and tints of objects.
4. The degree of distinctness in the outline and minute parts of
5. To these criteria we may add the sensation of muscular action,
or rather effort, by which we close the pupil in accommodating the
eye to near distances, and produce the accommodation.
With all these means of estimating distances, it is only by
binocular vision, in which we converge the optical axes upon the
object, that we have the power of seeing distance within a limited
But this is the only point in which Monocular is inferior to
Binocular vision. In the following respects it is superior to it.
1. When we look at oil paintings, the varnish on their surface
reflects to each eye the light which falls upon it from certain parts of
the room. By closing one eye we shut out the quantity of reflected
light which enters it. Pictures should always be viewed by the eye
farthest from windows or lights in the apartment, as light diminishes
the sensibility of the eye to the red rays.
2. When we view a picture with both eyes, we discover, from the
convergency of the optic axes, that the picture is on a plane surface,
every part of which is nearly equidistant from us. But when we shut
one eye, we do not make this discovery; and therefore the effect with
which the artist gives relief to the painting exercises its whole effect
in deceiving us, and hence, in monocular vision, the relievo of the
painting is much more complete.
This influence over our judgment is beautifully shewn in viewing,
with one eye, photographs either of persons, or landscapes, or solid
objects. After a little practice, the illusion is very perfect, and is aided
by the correct geometrical perspective and chiaroscuro of the
Daguerreotype or Talbotype. To this effect we may give the name of
Monocular Relief, which, as we shall see, is necessarily inferior to
Binocular Relief, when produced by the stereoscope.
3. As it very frequently happens that one eye has not exactly the
same focal length as the other, and that, when it has, the vision by
one eye is less perfect than that by the other, the picture formed by
uniting a perfect with a less perfect picture, or with one of a different
size, must be more imperfect than the single picture formed by one
Fig. 8.
Description of the Ocular Stereoscope.
A stereoscope upon the principle already described, in which the
eyes alone are the agent, was contrived, in 1834, by Mr. Elliot, as we
have already had occasion to state. He placed the binocular
pictures, described in Chapter I., at one end of a box, and without
the aid either of lenses or mirrors, he obtained a landscape in perfect
relief. I have examined this stereoscope, and have given, in Fig. 8,
an accurate though reduced drawing of the binocular pictures
executed and used by Mr. Elliot. I have also united the two original
pictures by the convergency of the optic axes beyond them, and
have thus seen the landscape in true relief. To delineate these
binocular pictures upon stereoscopic principles was a bold
undertaking, and establishes, beyond all controversy, Mr. Elliot’s
claim to the invention of the ocular stereoscope.
If we unite the two pictures in Fig. 8, by converging the optic axes
to a point nearer the eye than the pictures, we shall see distinctly the
stereoscopic relief, the moon being in the remote distance, the cross
in the middle distance, and the stump of a tree in the foreground.
If we place the two pictures as in Fig. 9, which is the position they
had in Mr. Elliot’s box, and unite them, by looking at a point beyond
them we shall also observe the stereoscopic relief. In this position
Mr. Elliot saw the relief without any effort, and even without being
conscious that he was not viewing the pictures under ordinary vision.
This tendency of the optic axes to a distant convergency is so rare
that I have met with it only in one person.
Fig. 9.
As the relief produced by the union of such imperfect pictures
was sufficient only to shew the correctness of the principle, the
friends to whom Mr. Elliot shewed the instrument thought it of little
interest, and he therefore neither prosecuted the subject, nor
published any account of his contrivance.
Mr. Wheatstone suggested a similar contrivance, without either
mirrors or lenses. In order to unite the pictures by converging the
optic axes to a point between them and the eye, he proposed to
place them in a box to hide the lateral image and assist in making
them unite with the naked eyes. In order to produce the union by
looking at a point beyond the picture, he suggested the use of “a pair
of tubes capable of being inclined to each other at various angles,”
the pictures being placed on a stand in front of the tubes. These
contrivances, however, though auxiliary to the use of the naked
eyes, were superseded by the Reflecting Stereoscope, which we
shall now describe.
Fig. 10.
“If the pictures are all drawn to be seen with the same inclination
of the optic axes the apparatus may be simplified by omitting the
screw rl, and fixing the upright boards d, d′ at the proper distance.
The sliding pannels may also be dispensed with, and the drawings
themselves be made to slide in the grooves.”
The figures to which Mr. Wheatstone applied this instrument were
pairs of outline representations of objects of three dimensions, such
as a cube, a cone, the frustum of a square pyramid, which is shewn
on one side of e, e′ in Fig. 10, and in other figures; and he employed
them, as he observes, “for the purpose of illustration, for had either
shading or colouring been introduced it might be supposed that the
effect was wholly or in part due to these circumstances, whereas, by
leaving them out of consideration, no room is left to doubt that the
entire effect of relief is owing to the simultaneous perception of the
two monocular projections, one on each retina.”
“Careful attention,” he adds, “would enable an artist to draw and
paint the two component pictures, so as to present to the mind of the
observer, in the resultant perception, perfect identity with the object
represented. Flowers, crystals, busts, vases, instruments of various
kinds, &c., might thus be represented, so as not to be distinguished
by sight from the real objects themselves.”
This expectation has never been realized, for it is obviously
beyond the reach of the highest art to draw two copies of a flower or
a bust with such accuracy of outline or colour as to produce “perfect
identity,” or anything approaching to it, “with the object represented.”
Photography alone can furnish us with such representations of
natural and artificial objects; and it is singular that neither Mr. Elliot
nor Mr. Wheatstone should have availed themselves of the well-
known photographic process of Mr. Wedgewood and Sir Humphry
Davy, which, as Mr. Wedgewood remarks, wanted only “a method of
preventing the unshaded parts of the delineation from being coloured
by exposure to the day, to render the process as useful as it is
elegant.” When the two dissimilar photographs were taken they
could have been used in the stereoscope in candle-light, or in faint
daylight, till they disappeared, or permanent outlines of them might
have been taken and coloured after nature.
Mr. Fox Talbot’s beautiful process of producing permanent
photographs was communicated to the Royal Society in January
1839, but no attempt was made till some years later to make it
available for the stereoscope.
In a chapter on binocular pictures, and the method of executing
them in order to reproduce, with perfect accuracy, the objects which
they represent, we shall recur to this branch of the subject.
Upon obtaining one of these reflecting stereoscopes as made by
the celebrated optician, Mr. Andrew Ross, I found it to be very ill
adapted for the purpose of uniting dissimilar pictures, and to be
imperfect in various respects. Its imperfections may be thus
1. It is a clumsy and unmanageable apparatus, rather than an
instrument for general use. The one constructed for me was 16½
inches long, 6 inches broad, and 8½ inches high.
2. The loss of light occasioned by reflection from the mirrors is
very great. In all optical instruments where images are to be formed,
and light is valuable, mirrors and specula have been discontinued.
Reflecting microscopes have ceased to be used, but large
telescopes, such as those of Sir W. and Sir John Herschel, Lord
Rosse, and Mr. Lassel, were necessarily made on the reflecting
principle, from the impossibility of obtaining plates of glass of
sufficient size.
3. In using glass mirrors, of which the reflecting stereoscope is
always made, we not only lose much more than half the light by the
reflections from the glass and the metallic surface, and the absorbing
power of the glass, but the images produced by reflection are made
indistinct by the oblique incidence of the rays, which separates the
image produced by the glass surface from the more brilliant image
produced by the metallic surface.
4. In all reflections, as Sir Isaac Newton states, the errors are
greater than in refraction. With glass mirrors in the stereoscope, we
have four refractions in each mirror, and the light transmitted through
twice the thickness of the glass, which lead to two sources of error.
5. Owing to the exposure of the eye and every part of the
apparatus to light, the eye itself is unfitted for distinct vision, and the
binocular pictures become indistinct, especially if they are
Daguerreotypes,[34] by reflecting the light incident from every part of
the room upon their glass or metallic surface.
6. The reflecting stereoscope is inapplicable to the beautiful
binocular slides which are now being taken for the lenticular
stereoscope in every part of the world, and even if we cut in two
those on paper and silver-plate, they would give, in the reflecting
instrument, converse pictures, the right-hand part of the picture
being placed on the left-hand side, and vice versa.
7. With transparent binocular slides cut in two, we could obtain
pictures by reflection that are not converse; but in using them, we
would require to have two lights, one opposite each of the pictures,
which can seldom be obtained in daylight, and which it is
inconvenient to have at night.
Owing to these and other causes, the reflecting stereoscope
never came into use, even after photography was capable of
supplying binocular pictures.
As a set-off against these disadvantages, it has been averred
that in the reflecting stereoscope we can use larger pictures, but this,
as we shall shew in a future chapter, is altogether an erroneous