Guide Test Strip Insert - 85125 - 09074937004 - WEB
Guide Test Strip Insert - 85125 - 09074937004 - WEB
Guide Test Strip Insert - 85125 - 09074937004 - WEB
Warning STEP 3 Performing a Blood Glucose Test is because your blood glucose level changes faster in your fingertip than in the
• Do not eat the test strips. They are only for use outside the body (in vitro). alternative sites. These differences may cause you to make the wrong therapeutic Warranty
• Choking hazard. Small parts. Keep away from children under the age of 3 years. You are now ready to test your blood glucose. Read the “Getting a good blood drop” decision, producing adverse health effects. Read the following section before you test
Roche warrants that your Accu‑Chek Guide test strips will be free from defects in
• Use of this device on multiple patients may lead to transmission of Human section of this package insert if you have problems or are new to testing. from alternative sites.
materials and workmanship until the product expiration date printed on the label if the
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), or Procedure IMPORTANT test strips are used and stored in the manner described in this package insert and in
other bloodborne pathogens. 1. Wash your hands with warm, soapy water and dry thoroughly. • Talk to your healthcare professional before you test from alternative sites. your Accu‑Chek blood glucose meter User’s Manual. If, prior to the expiration date of
2. Insert the metallic end of the test strip into the meter. The meter turns on. • Only fingertip samples should be used to calibrate a continuous glucose monitoring
Limitations On the Accu-Chek Guide and the Accu-Chek Guide Link meters, Preparing (CGM) device or to make insulin dosing calculations.
the test strips, there is a defect in materials or workmanship, Roche will replace the
test strips free of charge. Your sole and exclusive remedy with respect to the test strips
Test Strips • Do not use the meter at high hematocrit levels above 65 % or low hematocrit levels to test appears on the display. You may perform a test from the palm or upper arm: shall be replacement. Any warranty claim should be directed to the Accu‑Chek
FOR SINGLE PATIENT USE ONLY below 10 %. On the Accu-Chek Guide Me meter, a flashing drop appears on the display. • immediately before a meal. Customer Care Service Center at 1‑800‑858‑8072.
• Not for use in diagnosis or screening of diabetes mellitus. • while fasting.
Cat. No. 07453701 / 07453710 / 07453736 / 07453744 / 08053723 / 08256292 3. Check the Use By date on the test strip container. Do not use test strips past the THE ABOVE WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, AND ROCHE
• Not for neonatal use.
Use By date. You may NOT perform a test from the palm or upper arm: MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT
Important Information • Abnormally high concentrations (greater than 5 mg/dL) of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
4. Use the lancing device to get a blood drop. • up to 2 hours following a meal, when blood glucose values can rise quickly. LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A
may cause inaccurate results. High-dose vitamin C therapy that would result in
NOTE: In this package insert the term “blood glucose” is used when referring to 5. Touch the yellow edge of the test strip to the blood drop. Do not put blood on top • after injecting bolus insulin, when blood glucose values can decrease rapidly. PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL ROCHE BE LIABLE TO THE PURCHASER OR
abnormally high concentrations is typically prescribed by a healthcare professional.
“blood sugar.” of the test strip. • after exercise. ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR
If you are not sure if this applies to you, please check with your healthcare
On the Accu-Chek Guide and the Accu-Chek Guide Link meters, remove • if you are sick. PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PURCHASE
Intended Use for the Accu-Chek Guide Meter professional.
your finger from the test strip when Analyzing appears on the display. • if you think your blood glucose is low (hypoglycemia). OR USE OF THE TEST STRIPS. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR
The Accu-Chek Guide blood glucose monitoring system is comprised of the Accu-Chek • Do not use the meter system to measure blood glucose in people who are
On the Accu-Chek Guide Me meter, remove your finger from the test strip • if you sometimes do not notice when your blood glucose is low. A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IF ANY IS IMPLIED FOR THE SALE OF THE TEST STRIPS,
Guide meter and the Accu-Chek Guide test strips. experiencing cardiovascular collapse (severe shock) or decreased peripheral blood
when the flashing hourglass appears on the display. If your blood glucose result does not match how you feel, perform a fingertip test to SHALL EXTEND FOR A LONGER DURATION THAN THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THE TEST
The Accu‑Chek Guide blood glucose monitoring system is intended to quantitatively confirm your result. If the fingertip test result still does not match how you feel, contact STRIPS.
• Do not use during or soon after xylose absorption testing since xylose may cause Failure to move your finger away from the test strip could give inaccurate test
measure glucose in fresh capillary whole blood from the fingertip, palm, and upper arm inaccurate results. Xylose absorption testing is performed under the supervision of a your healthcare professional. For more information on testing from alternative sites, Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty will last or the
as an aid in monitoring the effectiveness of glucose control. healthcare professional. Ask your healthcare professional how long to wait after contact the Accu‑Chek Customer Care Service Center at 1‑800‑858‑8072. exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation and
The Accu‑Chek Guide blood glucose monitoring system is intended for in vitro 6. The test result appears on the display. exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, which
xylose testing before performing a blood glucose test.
diagnostic single patient use by people with diabetes at home. • Not for use on critically ill patients, patients in shock, dehydrated patients, or
7. Take the test strip out of the meter. Put the lancet and the test strip in a Performance Characteristics vary from state to state.
puncture‑proof container, such as a biohazard container.
The Accu‑Chek Guide blood glucose monitoring system is intended to be used by a patients in a hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar state, with or without ketosis.
single person and should not be shared. • This system has not been tested at altitudes higher than 10,150 feet.
8. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Test principle: The blood glucose monitoring systems are plasma calibrated to allow
easy comparison of results with laboratory methods. Blood from your fingertip reacts
Additional Information
Getting a good blood drop
This system is not for use in diagnosis or screening of diabetes mellitus, nor for with the chemicals in the test strip to create a harmless electrical current in the test The User’s Manual contains more information.
neonatal use.
Before You Start Testing If you have trouble getting a good blood drop, here are some tips: strip. The meter reads the current and gives you the blood glucose result. For questions, contact the Accu‑Chek Customer Care Service Center toll‑free at
Alternative site testing should be done only during steady-state times (when glucose is • Carefully read and follow all instructions in the package insert when testing your Fingertip testing Sample size: 0.6 μL 1‑800‑858‑8072. We offer assistance in many languages.
not changing rapidly). blood glucose. • Wash your hands with warm, soapy water, then rinse and dry thoroughly. (Warming
Test time: <4 seconds References
• The Accu‑Chek Guide test strips are for testing fresh capillary whole blood. your fingers can increase blood flow.)
The Accu-Chek Guide control solutions are for use with the Accu-Chek Guide blood System measuring range: 20–600 mg/dL 1. FDA Public Health Notification: “Use of Fingerstick Devices on More than One Person
• Your hematocrit should be between 10–65 %. Ask your healthcare professional if • If you use an alcohol wipe, make sure the testing site is dry before getting a blood
glucose monitoring system to check that the meters and test strips are working Poses Risk for Transmitting Bloodborne Pathogens: Initial Communication, (2010).
you do not know your hematocrit. drop. User performance study: In a study conducted at 2 sites with capillary blood
together properly and that the test is performing correctly. Update 11/29/2010.”
• If you have poor circulation, testing your own blood glucose may not be right for • Let your hand hang by your side. (This increases blood flow.) samples, the following results were obtained by untrained patients:
content.pdf. Accessed December 13, 2021.
Intended Use for the Accu-Chek Guide Link Meter you. Ask your healthcare professional. • Squeeze your finger at the knuckle for 3 seconds, then let go. Repeat.
Results for glucose concentrations less than 75 mg/dL 2. Klonoff DC. Improving the safety of blood glucose monitoring. J Diabetes Sci
The Accu‑Chek Guide Link blood glucose monitoring system is comprised of the • Prick your finger, and then squeeze at the knuckle to form a blood drop. Do not
Accu‑Chek Guide Link meter and the Accu‑Chek Guide test strips. Test Strip Storage and Handling squeeze too hard. within ±5 mg/dL within ±10 mg/dL within ±15 mg/dL
Technol. 2011 Nov 1;5(6):1307-11. doi: 10.1177/193229681100500601. PMID:
22226247; PMCID: PMC3262696.
The Accu‑Chek Guide Link blood glucose monitoring system is intended to • Use the test strips at temperatures between 43–113 °F. Alternative site testing – Rub the skin prior to lancing to increase blood flow. 8/12 (66.7 %) 12/12 (100 %) 12/12 (100 %) 3. Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. Report of
quantitatively measure glucose in fresh capillary whole blood from the fingertip, palm, • Use the test strips between 10–90 % relative humidity. Humidity is the amount of the expert committee on the diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus.
and upper arm as an aid in monitoring the effectiveness of glucose control. dampness in the air. Your Blood Glucose Results Results for glucose concentrations greater than or equal to 75 mg/dL Diabetes Care. 2003 Jan;26 Suppl 1:S5-20. doi: 10.2337/ diacare.26.2007.s5.
• Do not expose the test strips to heat, moisture, or humidity. Temperatures outside PMID: 12502614.
The Accu‑Chek Guide Link blood glucose monitoring system is intended for in vitro The normal fasting glucose level for a non-diabetic adult is below 100 mg/dL. The
the required range, as well as moisture and humidity, can damage the test strips within ±5 % within ±10 % within ±15 % within ±20 % 4. American Diabetes Association. 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes:
diagnostic single patient use by people with diabetes. normal glucose level for a non-diabetic adult 2 hours post 75 g Oral Glucose Tolerance
The Accu‑Chek Guide Link blood glucose monitoring system is intended to be used by
and may lead to inaccurate results.
Test (OGTT) is less than 140 mg/dL.3,4 For people with diabetes: Consult your 63/108 (58.3 %) 103/108 (95.4 %) 107/108 (99.1 %) 108/108 (100 %) Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2021. Diabetes Care. 2021 Jan;44(Suppl
• Use the test strip immediately after removing it from the container. 1):S15-S33.
a single person and should not be shared. healthcare professional for the blood glucose range appropriate for you. You should
• Discard the test strips if they are past the Use By date printed on the test strip
treat your low or high blood glucose as recommended by your healthcare professional. User performance study: In a study conducted at 1 site with palm AST samples, the
This system is not for use in diagnosis or screening of diabetes mellitus, nor for
neonatal use.
container. If the Use By date is missing or cannot be read, do not use the test strips.
These test strips deliver results that correspond to blood glucose concentrations in following results were obtained by untrained patients: Explanation of Symbols
• Store the test strip container at temperatures between 39–86 °F. Do not freeze the
test strips. Do not store the test strip container in rooms where the air is humid such plasma as per the recommendation of the International Federation of Clinical Results for glucose concentrations less than 75 mg/dL
Alternative site testing should be done only during steady-state times (when glucose is
Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC). Therefore, your meter displays blood
not changing rapidly).
The Accu‑Chek Guide control solutions are for use with the Accu‑Chek Guide Link
as the kitchen, laundry room, or bathroom.
• Store the test strips in their original container with the cap closed. Close the
container tightly immediately after removing a test strip to protect the test strips
glucose concentrations that refer to plasma although you always apply whole blood to
the test strip.
Alternative Site
within ±5 mg/dL
8/9 (88.9 %)
within ±10 mg/dL
9/9 (100 %)
within ±15 mg/dL
9/9 (100 %)
Q Global Trade Item Number
blood glucose monitoring system to check that the meters and test strips are working
from humidity. Symptoms of low or high blood glucose
together properly and that the test is performing correctly.
The Accu-Chek Guide Link blood glucose monitoring system is intended to be used to
• Store the test strip container between 10–90 % relative humidity. Being aware of the symptoms of low or high blood glucose can help you understand
your blood glucose results and decide what to do if they seem unusual.
Results for glucose concentrations greater than or equal to 75 mg/dL q Serial number
wirelessly transmit glucose values to the MiniMed™ 770G and MiniMed™ 780G STEP 1 Getting Ready to Test Alternative within ±5 % within ±10 % within ±15 % within ±20 %
systems with Bluetooth® wireless technology through the use of Bluetooth low energy
1. Get your supplies together. You need the meter, a test strip, a lancing device, and
a lancet.
Low blood glucose (hypoglycemia): Symptoms of hypoglycemia may include, but
are not limited to, anxiety, shakiness, sweating, headache, increased hunger,
dizziness, pale skin color, sudden change in mood or irritability, fatigue, difficulty
Palm 175/363 (48.2 %) 308/363 (84.8 %) 356/363 (98.1 %) 362/363 (99.7 %)
M Manufacturer
Intended Use for the Accu-Chek Guide Me Meter 2. Prepare the lancing device. concentrating, clumsiness, palpitations, and/or confusion. Problems or Questions?
The Accu-Chek Guide Me blood glucose monitoring system is comprised of the 3. Check the Use By date on the test strip container. Do not use test strips past the User performance study: In a study conducted at 1 site with upper arm AST samples,
High blood glucose (hyperglycemia): Symptoms of hyperglycemia may include, but For questions, contact the Accu‑Chek Customer Care Service Center toll‑free at
Accu-Chek Guide Me meter and the Accu-Chek Guide test strips. Use By date. the following results were obtained by untrained patients:
are not limited to, increased thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, drowsiness, and/ 1‑800‑858‑8072. We offer assistance in many languages.
The Accu-Chek Guide Me blood glucose monitoring system is intended to quantitatively
measure glucose in fresh capillary whole blood from the fingertip, palm, and upper arm
STEP 2 Performing a Control Test or unexplained weight loss. Results for glucose concentrations less than 75 mg/dL Manufactured in the U.S.A. using U.S. and imported materials.
If you are having any of these symptoms, test your blood glucose. If your blood Alternative Site within ±5 mg/dL within ±10 mg/dL within ±15 mg/dL
as an aid in monitoring the effectiveness of glucose control. What control solution to use glucose result is displayed as LO or HI, and you have symptoms of low or high blood
The Accu-Chek Guide Me blood glucose monitoring system is intended for in vitro Use the Accu‑Chek Guide control solutions. glucose, follow your healthcare professional’s instructions or contact your healthcare Upper Arm 7/10 (70 %) 10/10 (100 %) 10/10 (100 %)
diagnostic single patient use by people with diabetes. How the control solution works professional. For example, if your healthcare professional has advised you to
The Accu-Chek Guide Me blood glucose monitoring system is intended to be used by a immediately treat a low blood glucose result (such as by eating something), then do Results for glucose concentrations greater than or equal to 75 mg/dL
The control solution contains a known amount of glucose that acts like blood when you
single person and should not be shared. apply it to the test strip. Performing a control test lets you know that the meter and test so. Alternative within ±5 % within ±10 % within ±15 % within ±20 %
This system is not for use in diagnosis or screening of diabetes mellitus, nor for strips are working properly. Warning: Follow the advice of your healthcare professional before you Site
neonatal use. When to perform a control test change your therapy! Upper Arm 156/355 (43.9 %) 281/355 (79.2 %) 337/355 (94.9 %) 351/355 (98.9 %)
Alternative site testing should be done only during steady-state times (when glucose is • You open a new test strip box Unusual test results
not changing rapidly). • You left the test strip container open If LO is displayed on the meter, blood glucose may be below 20 mg/dL. Precision
The Accu-Chek Guide control solutions are for use with the Accu-Chek Guide Me blood • You think the test strips are damaged
If HI is displayed on the meter, blood glucose may be over 600 mg/dL. Precision studies using control solutions (day‑to‑day precision) and blood
glucose monitoring system to check that the meters and test strips are working • You want to check the meter and test strips
If your blood glucose result does not match the way you feel, follow these steps: (within‑system precision) are shown below:
together properly and that the test is performing correctly. • The test strips were stored in extreme temperatures, humidity, or both
• You dropped the meter 1. Perform a control test. Control solutions Low Mid High
Introduction • Your test result does not match how you feel 2. Review the test procedure and repeat the test with a new test strip.
Testing your blood glucose regularly may help you better manage your diabetes, which • You want to check if you are performing the test correctly 3. If your blood glucose result still does not match the way you feel, follow your N 300 300 300
can prevent or slow the development of diabetes complications. Your healthcare How to perform a control test healthcare professional’s instructions or contact your healthcare professional
mean [mg/dL] 44.9 116.6 297.4
professional can tell you what blood glucose range is appropriate for you. It is very immediately.
Refer to the control solution package insert or User’s Manual for instructions. If you SD [mg/dL] 1.4 2.8 6.8
important to stay in your target range. If your blood glucose is too low, you may Do not change your treatment because of just one result.
need control solutions, talk to your pharmacist or visit accu‑ to order online.
experience anxiety, shakiness, sweating, headache, increased hunger, dizziness, pale NEVER ignore symptoms of low or high blood glucose. CV [%] 3.1 2.4 2.3
skin color, sudden change in mood or irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, What the control results mean
Compare the control result to the range on the label of the test strip container. If the For detailed information on error codes, refer to the User’s Manual.
clumsiness, palpitations, and/or confusion. If your blood glucose is too high, you may
Blood 1 2 3 4 5
experience increased thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, drowsiness, and/or
unexplained weight loss.
control result is within the range, you know that the meter and test strips are working
properly. You can now test your blood glucose.
Testing from Alternative Sites with the Accu‑Chek
N 300 300 300 300 300
If the control result is not within the range… Guide, Accu‑Chek Guide Link, and Accu-Chek
Important Safety Information • Were the test strips or control solutions past the Use By or discard date? Guide Me Meters mean [mg/dL] 40.5 81.7 132.1 206.7 330.2
• During normal testing any blood glucose meter or lancing device may come in • Did you wipe the tip of the control solution bottle before use? SD [mg/dL] 1.4 2.0 2.8 5.4 8.6
contact with blood. All parts of the kit are considered biohazardous and can • Were the caps on the test strip container and the control solution bottle always Warning: Do not use alternative site testing to calibrate a continuous
CV [%] 3.5 2.4 2.1 2.6 2.6 Roche Diabetes Care, Inc.
potentially transmit infectious diseases from bloodborne pathogens, even after you closed tightly? glucose monitoring system or to make insulin dosing calculations.
9115 Hague Road
have performed cleaning and disinfecting.1,2 • Was the test strip used immediately after it was removed from the test strip Warning: Alternative site testing should be done only during steady-state Indianapolis, IN 46256, USA
• Meters and lancing devices should never be used by more than one person. Do not container? times (when blood glucose is not changing rapidly). Reagent composition†
share them with anyone, including other family members, due to the risk of infection • Were the test strips and control solutions stored in a cool, dry place?
Alternative site testing is ONLY approved for the Accu‑Chek Guide test strips when Mediator 6.6 % U.S. Pat.:
from bloodborne pathogens.1,2 Do not use on multiple patients! • Did you follow the directions?
used with the Accu‑Chek Guide, the Accu-Chek Guide Link, or the Accu-Chek FAD-GDH enzyme 21.3 %
• Clean and disinfect the meter and the lancing device before allowing anyone else to • Did you choose the correct control solution level, either 1 or 2, when you performed ACCU‑CHEK, ACCU‑CHEK GUIDE, and ACCU‑CHEK GUIDE ME are trademarks of Roche.
Guide Me meters.
handle them. Do not allow anyone else to test with the meter or lancing device. the control test? Buffer 22.6 % The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks
• It is important to keep the meter and lancing device clean and disinfected. Read and You have the option of obtaining a blood sample from other sites on your body besides
For more information, refer to the control solution package insert or User’s Manual. Stabilizer 2.3 % owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Roche
follow the meter and lancing device cleaning and disinfecting instructions found in the fingertip. Alternative sites include the palm and upper arm. Blood obtained from
For questions, contact the Accu‑Chek Customer Care Service Center toll‑free at Non-reactive ingredients 47.2 % is under license.
the meter User’s Manual. the fingertip can be used at any time to test blood glucose. If blood from an alternative
1‑800‑858‑8072. We offer assistance in many languages. site is used, there are certain times when testing is not appropriate (see below). This MiniMed is a registered trademark of Medtronic, Inc.
• Wash and dry hands thoroughly using soap and water before and after handling the †Minimum at time of manufacture
meter, lancing device, and test strips. © 2023 Roche Diabetes Care
diabetes. El personal sanitario que le atiende puede decirle cuál es el intervalo ideal de
glucemia adecuado para Ud. Es muy importante que sus valores de glucemia permanezcan
dentro del intervalo ideal. Si su nivel de glucemia es demasiado bajo, puede sufrir los
• las tiras reactivas hayan estado almacenadas a temperaturas extremas y/o en ambientes
• se le haya caído el medidor
atiende antes de modificar su tratamiento!
Resultados de medición no esperados
Palma de la 175/363 (48.2 %) 308/363 (84.8 %) 356/363 (98.1 %) 362/363 (99.7 %)
q Número de serie
Cómo realizar un control del funcionamiento muestras de sangre del brazo (lugar alternativo) se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados con ¿Tiene algún problema o duda?
alto, puede sufrir los siguientes síntomas: más sed de lo normal, micción frecuente, visión Si su resultado de glucemia no coincide con cómo se siente, siga estos pasos:
Consulte las instrucciones en el prospecto de la solución de control o en las instrucciones de 1. Realice un control del funcionamiento. usuarios no profesionales: Si tiene preguntas, póngase en contacto con Accu‑Chek Customer Care Service Center en el
borrosa, somnolencia y/o pérdida de peso inexplicable.
uso. Si necesita soluciones de control, consulte al farmacéutico o visite para 2. Consulte de nuevo las instrucciones para realizar una medición de glucemia y repita la 1‑800‑858‑8072 (servicio gratuito). Ofrecemos asistencia en muchos idiomas.
Resultados con concentraciones de glucosa inferiores a 75 mg/dL
Información importante de seguridad hacer un pedido por internet. medición con una tira reactiva nueva.
Lugar alternativo dentro de dentro de dentro de
Fabricado en EE. UU. con materiales de EE. UU. e importados.
Qué significan los resultados de control 3. Si su resultado de glucemia aún no coincide con cómo se siente, siga las instrucciones
• Durante el uso normal para las mediciones, cualquier medidor de glucemia o dispositivo ±5 mg/dL ±10 mg/dL ±15 mg/dL
del personal sanitario que le atiende o póngase en contacto con él inmediatamente.
de punción puede entrar en contacto con sangre. Todas las piezas del kit representan un Compare el resultado de control con el rango indicado en la etiqueta del tubo de tiras
No modifique su tratamiento basándose en un único resultado de glucemia. Roche Diabetes Care, Inc.
peligro biológico y pueden transmitir enfermedades infecciosas a causa de patógenos reactivas. Si el resultado de control está dentro del rango, significa que el medidor y las tiras Brazo 7/10 (70 %) 10/10 (100 %) 10/10 (100 %)
9115 Hague Road
transmitidos por la sangre, incluso después de limpiarlas y desinfectarlas.1,2 reactivas funcionan correctamente. Ahora puede realizar una medición de glucemia. NUNCA ignore síntomas de un nivel de glucemia bajo o alto.
• Los medidores y dispositivos de punción nunca deben ser usados por más de una
Indianapolis, IN 46256, USA
Si el resultado de control está fuera del rango aceptable… Consulte las instrucciones de uso para información más detallada sobre los códigos de error. Resultados con concentraciones de glucosa superiores o iguales a 75 mg/dL
persona. No los comparta con nadie, ni siquiera con miembros de su familia, debido al
• ¿Ha pasado la fecha de caducidad (Use By) o la fecha de eliminación de las tiras Lugar dentro de ±5 % dentro de ±10 % dentro de ±15 % dentro de ±20 %
riesgo de infección a causa de patógenos transmitidos por la sangre.1,2 ¡No usar en varios reactivas o de las soluciones de control? Patentes en EE.UU.:
pacientes! alternativo ACCU-CHEK, ACCU-CHEK GUIDE y ACCU-CHEK GUIDE ME son marcas registradas de Roche.
• ¿Ha limpiado la punta del frasco de solución de control antes de usarlo?
• Limpie y desinfecte el medidor y el dispositivo de punción antes de permitir que otra • ¿El tubo de tiras reactivas y el frasco de solución de control han estado siempre cerrados Brazo 156/355 (43.9 %) 281/355 (79.2 %) 337/355 (94.9 %) 351/355 (98.9 %) La marca denominativa Bluetooth® así como sus logotipos son marcas
persona los manipule. No permita que nadie más realice mediciones con el medidor o el herméticamente? registradas propiedad de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. y todo uso de los mismos
dispositivo de punción. por Roche se ha realizado bajo licencia.
MiniMed es una marca registrada de Medtronic, Inc.
© 2023 Roche Diabetes Care