Referensi Penting
Referensi Penting
Referensi Penting
a given culture, or other people who have learned the system or that culture to
sounds and vocal symbol where both of them can understand other. There are
many kinds of language who are the people used to interact with another people.
English is one of international language that almost all the countries used now
days. English is the easiest way to communicate with the people from other
countries in many aspects in human life such as social , technology, social, and
politic. English has been taught as foreign language in many schools in this
high schools, senior high school up to university level. The English curriculum
in primary school until senior higt school are using curriculum 2013 for
changing kurikulum satuan pendidikan (KTSP). There are four skills in teaching
Teaching Writing is process putting thought, ideas, opinion, event, and histories
like as writing letter and notes. The aim of teaching writing is to develop the
student writing skill to that the student can write in English language effectively.
The purpose of teaching writing is to help the students’ write to express their
idea. There are twelve genres in writing. They are Descriptive, Expository,
A narrative text is text which has function to amuse, entertain and deal with
something interesting that ever happen in the real life. It usually has problem or
conflict and the get the resolution in the end. To make students motivated and
enjoyable to write the text, they need to know the contents and the other aspects
become rules in writing narrative text. The five aspects are important and should
be applied in writing the text”. Students who know these aspects will produce the
good writing text. This reality is the basic problem for the students in Junior
Based on the writer’s experiences when she was teaching practice program
(PPL) in SMK BM Teladan Medan, the writer found out that many student can’t
write a text well especially narrative text. The student did not know how to
explor their idea, some of the students do not even have any idea. They were still
confused how to start writing and they can not arrange the sentence into good
paragraph. The teacher began to teach by asking the student about the material,
then the teacher only give an explanation and exercises. After that, he asked the
text that tells a story and, in doing so, entertains the audience. It has orientation,
Based on the explanation above, the writer will conduct the study An
1. Are the 8th grade student at SMP Swasta HKBP Sidorame able to write
narrative text?
2. How students ability in writing narrative text at SMP Swasta HKBP Sidorame?
1. To find out whether the 8th grade students at SMP Swasta HKBP
2. To find the ability in writing narrative text at SMP Swasta HKBP Sidorame.
1.4 The Scope of the Study
There are some genres in writing skills like description, narrative, recount,
analytical exposition, report, and etc.The writer focuses on writing narrative text.
In this study the writer focuses on students ability in writing narrative text eight
1.5.1 Theoretically
The result of this study can be used a news perspective in writing narrative.
1.5.2 Practically
b. For the English Teacher : Can Apply and teach in the class well
This chapter presents a review literature and explanation of the relate materials.
Some opinions are needed to explain some concepts or terms that applied in the
research concern. It is used to avoid misunderstanding between the writer and the
readers. The basic concept of the study should be clear from the beginning to give a
clear concept of what has been done to reach the goal of the research. It is used to
make the writer and the readers have the same perception of the research. So, In order
to strengthen the study, the following terms are needed in the study.
2.2 Language
understood and that is used everywhere. People talk, share, and express their feeling
others. Language is not only a study of language and culture, but ultimately on the
word of relations and influence. In daily life people can communicate by using
the ideas and knowledge. English in the world as the common, and teaching English
in Indonesia needed some basic skill they are listening, reading, speaking and writing.
2.3 English
country. It makes some authors defined English as the needs of the particular place.
Nunan (2003:138) state the English is a language that has been strongly affected by
other language.
common language) so that people from not English – speaking countries can
communicate with those who speak English. Knowing some English is becoming
Based on the explanations above, the writer can be conclude that English is
the worlds as the commons, and teaching English in Indonesia needed some basic
2.4 Ability
Mendenhall (2012 : 22) states that the most important characteristic of ability
is that it measures learning rather than time. Student progress by demonstrating their
ability, which means they proven that they have mastered the knowledge and skills
larger learning goal. The student is evaluated on the individual ability by doing a test
or other instrument, and only once they have mastered it they move on to other goal.
shown in action in a situation and context that might be different the next time a
would need to be able to interpret the situation in the context and to have a repertoire
of possible actions to take and have trained in the possible actions in the repertoire, if
this is relevant. Regardless of training, ability would grow through experience and the
extent of an individual to learn and adapt. Ability can help organizations align their
strategies, organizations can better recruit and select employees for their
distinguish superior from average or below average performance. The reason for this
skills used to define and assess job performance. In addition to recruitment and
selection, a well sound Competency Model will help with performance management,
2.5. Writing
Nunan. D (2003:88) says that “writing is the mental work of inventing ideas,
thinking about how to express these ideas, and organizing the words into statements
and paragraph that will be clear to a reader”.. Writer needs to express an idea in
certain ways and choose the best for types of writing. Writing also defines as process
of transferring idea into written. Holmes (2004: 11) shows that writing is simply a
which involves many skills. It includes deciding what one wants to write, how best to
say it and how to put these ideas into paper in a way that is intelligible to others.
permanent and it can be planned and changed before it emerges. Like talk it can be
used to entertain, persuade, express feelings, inform, request, report, express opinior
or ideas in written.
on writing is the nature of the composing process of writing. Written products are
often the result of thinking, drafting, and revising, procedures that require specialized
skills that focuses students on how to generate ideas, how to organize them
coherently, how to use discourse markers and rhetorical conventions to put them
cohesively into a written text, how to revise text for clearer meaning, how to edit text
Moreover, Nunan (2003:88) states thet writing is the physical act of committing
an email message typed into a computer. kress ( 2005:8) said writing is still the most
important to be learnest in learning language. Writing is letters or symbols written or
Stott and Avery (2002:235) state writing is one way of making meaning from
experiance for ourselves and for other. Good writing begins with understand haw to
construct and use effective sentence pharagraph. In addition, Longan (2001:335) says
one major theme in pedagogical research on writing is the nature of the composing
process of writing. Written products are often the result of thinking, drafting, and
revising, procedures that require specialized skills that focuses students on how to
generate ideas, how to organize them coherently, how to use discourse markers and
rhetorical conventions to put them cohesively into a written text, how to revise text
for clearer meaning, how to edit text for appropriate grammar, and how to produce a
final project.
Siahaan (2011: 1), there are 12 genres in writing, they are, spoof, recount,
1. Spoof
Spoof is the way of twisting some of the events in the process that used to
create a humor and create a tex. The punch line in the events is an unpredictable
2. Recount
related event. Theoretically, the technique to write a recount is similar to the way a
3. Narrative
Narrative is any written English text in which the writer wants to amuse, entertain
people, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in the different ways. It is tell
the stories, experiences, and actions which happen in the past. It uses simple past
tense. The elements of narrative paragraph are orientation, events, resolution and
4. Procedure
Procedure is any written English text in which the writer describes how
5. Hortatory Exposition
people that something should or should not be the case. It is also a text containing
6. Anecdote
Anecdote is the tools of the writer to share with the others account of an
unusual or amusing incident. Anecdote is a text containing five components, they are
7. Descriptive
Descriptive is the writer describes an object. In this text, the object can be a
orcamping. It can be about any topic. Descriptive is the text containing two
8. Report
Report is a kind of text which can be written out with a descriptive technique. It
describes an object to the readers. The lenght of the text depend on the specific details
9. Analytical exposition
certain object. It is written to expose the truth of the fact of the object to the reader.
The aim is just to expose the truth of the fact, in this case it is just to persuade the
readers to believe it, and to show the reader about the truth in the human’s life reality
10. Explanation
phenomena. Explanation is a text containingtwo components, namely, the general
11. Discussion
Discussion is a written English text in which the writer presents some points of
view about an issue, it contains three components, they are: issue, argument, and
conclusion or recommendation.
News item is neither a paragraph nor an essay, Instead this conforms to any
written English text containing one or more than one paragraph in which the writer to
inform people about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
News item is a text containing three components namely: news worthy even(s),
Process of writing is the most important thing to know before writing. Process
of writing can help the writer to write easily. Carrol et al (2001 : 99), states that there
are five process of writing, namely prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and
1) Prewriting
to mind about a possible topic. The prewriting helps to get a writer’s creative juices
flowing. Prewriting also can helps to gap the topic and so the text can be a good. You
can warm up to write with your own set of prewriting strategies and techniques.
d) Gathering Details
2) Drafting
Writing a draft involves getting ideas down on paper in taught the format that
intend for the finished work. When write a first draft be prepared to put in additional
thoughts and details that did not emerge during prewriting. In drafting students can
choose a form for their writing. Keep purpose in mind while choosing a form. Then,
3) Revising
However, many writers also find it to be the most difficult but when you know the
key, it is easy. In writing, it refers to the use of a logical step-by-step process to color
code, analyze, evaluate, and rework your writing. There are a variety of things to look
for when revising the overall structure of your work, including the following:
1) Check to see that your organization makes sense and that it is consistent.
2) Make sure that your introduction will grab your readers’ interest and that
3) Determine whether you have provided enough support for your main idea. One
Once students have finished revising for content, proofreading their work
carefully to find and eliminate errors in grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling.
These types of errors will distract readers and may cause them to respond negatively
to your work-even if the content is excellent. To check their writing for errors, get in
the habit of reviewing their draft several times. Each time, focus on a specific
proofreading topic.
This preview of the writing process provides just a glimpse of the strategies and
techniques students can employ in their writing process. This is the last process in
writing. From this process, they can build their portfolio reflecting on their writing
and assessing their writing. Occasionally, latest writing with something they wrote a
while ago
Teaching writing has function to make the students able to write easily, and
makes the students interest in creating a text freely as their needs and habitual in daily
1. Reinforcement
People acquire language in a purely oral/aural way, but greatly from seeing the
invaluable for both our understanding of how oral and written languaget fit together
and as an aid to committing the new language to memory. Students often find the
useful to write sentences using new language shortly after they have studied it.
2. Language development
The actual process of writing help people to learn along rather like the process
of speaking. The mental activity constructs proper written texts is all part of the
3. Learning as a style
Some students are fantastically quick at picking up language just by looking and
listening. For many learners, the time to think things through, to produce language in
a slower way, is invaluable. Writing can also be aquite reflective activity instead of
4. Writing as a skill
The most important reason for teaching writing is, it is a basic language skill,
just as important as speaking, listening and reading. Students need to know how to
write letters, how to put written report together, how to reply to advertisements and
increasingly, how to write using electronic media. The students need to know some of
The other purpose of written language are:
1) For action (for example public sign, TV and radio guides, bills, menus, telephone
3) For entertainment (for example: comic strips, fiction book, poetry, and drama,
film, subtitles).
So based on the purposes aboves, the writer concludes that the purpose of
teaching writing are beside to give action, information and entertainment, it is also
used to make the students able to combine one word to the other words, one sentence
to the other sentences, know the rules and the function and able to create a text based
Teaching writing has some obstacles for teachers. They must know in choosing
teach writing. Writing encourage students to focus on accurate language use and,
because they thinks as they write, it may well provoke language development as they
Harmer. J (2004: 11) states that many traditional approahes failed to apply
writing process in teaching writing. For many years the teaching of writing focused
on the written product rather than on the writing process. In other words, the students’
concern was directed to the what rather than how of text construction.
and developing their creativity in writing. The teacher has to give freedom to students
to express their idea. In giving material for teaching, teacher must recognize the
of speech, writing, song, film, television, video games, photography or theatre) that
describe a sequence of non-fictional events. The word derives from the Latin verb
narrative is the form of writing used to relate the events, stories are accidents.
Narrative is actual or vicarious experience which deal with problematic events and
gets resolution in the end. This opinion is given by Siahaan and Shinoda
narrative is presenting the events which is truthfull that some accident happened. So,
narration text means a kind of action or events that done by characters truly.
There are many types of narrative text. There are three steps of narrative text.
The three steps of writing narrative text are social functions, text structure, and lexical
grammatical features. They are needed to learn before write narrative text. A social
different ways. Text structure is used to make the writing steps of narrative text well.
And lexical grammatical features are used to know what grammars are used to make
narrative text. Meanwhile, to write good narrative text or narrative text must learn the
2. Use of material Processes, (and in this text, behavioral and verbal prosess)
2.6.3 Example of Narrative Text
Cinderella Story
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with
her step mother and two step sisters.
The step mother and sisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella
very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest works in the house; such
as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing the food for the family.
The two step sisters, on the other hand, did not work about the house. Their mother
gave them many handsome dresses to wear.
One day, the two step sister received an invitation to the ball that the king’s
son was going to give at the palace. They were excited about this and spent so much
time choosing the dresses they would wear. At last, the day of the ball came, and
away went the sisters to it. Cinderella could not help crying after they had left. “Why
are crying, Cinderella?” a voice asked. She looked up and saw her fairy godmother
standing beside her, “because I want so much to go to the ball” said Cinderella.
“Well” said the godmother,”you’ve been such a cheerful, hardworking,
uncomplaining girl that I am going to see that you do go to the ball”. Magically, the
fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a fine coach and mice into a coachman and
two footmen. Her godmother tapped Cinderella’s raged dress with her wand, and it
became a beautiful ball gown. Then she gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers. “Now,
Cinderella”, she said; “You must leave before midnight”. Then away she drove in her
beautiful coach.
Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She danced again and again
with the king’s son. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the
door as quickly as she could. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper was left behind. A
few days later, the king’ son proclaimed that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted
the glass slipper. Her step sisters tried on the slipper but it was too small for them, no
matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. In the end, the king’s page let
Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out her foot and the page slipped the slipper
on. It fitted perfectly.
Finally, she was driven to the palace. The king’s son was overjoyed to see her again.
They were married and live happily ever after.
2.7 Previouse Research
The study of analysis the students ability in the writing text has been done by
some researchers. There has been a study investigating in narrative text entitled” the
was conducted by Iqra Jabeen, and nRabia Faiz from department of English,
narrative text at junior high school in Bandung. This study showed that students from
this level of qachievement still need a lot of writing guidance from the teacher. In this
study the researcher want to investigate how good students writing narrative text. The
researcher will find out whether ability students in writing narrative tgext is good or
Conceptual framework text is writing tell a story, where narrative is a story
that familiar in our daily life. People used narrative deals with problematic events
which lead to a crisis to turning points of some kind, which turn finds a resolutions.
But some students have problems to write narrative text, its means that students make
Type of Genres
1. Spoof
2. Anecdote
Generic Structure of
3. Procedure
4. Recount
5. Analytical 1. Orientation
6. Exposition 2. Complication
7. News Item 3. Resolution
8. Review
9. Discussion
10. Report 21
11. Descriptive
12. Narrative
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of The Analysis of the Ability of Writing Narrative
Text of 8th Grade Students At SMP Swasta HKBP Sidorame Medan. (Permatasari,
This chapter describes the design in this study, participant and place, the data
collection, the setting of the study, data collection technique, data collection
instrument, and the analysis data. To get the clearer view of the above matters each of
There are two types of research namely qualitative research and quantitative
data which are not receivable being counted and measured in an objective way,
qualitative research. Best and Khan (2006:22) says that “qualitative descriptive
between existing variables”. The result of the study is to find out the ability of 8 th
grade student in writing narrative text at SMP Swasta HKBP Sidorame Medan.
In a research, the writer must determine the population and and the sample.
3.2.1 Population
interest if someone want to observe all of the elements in the research area, so his
research called population research). The population of this study is student grade
eight of SMP Swasts HKBP Sidorame Medan . There are 4 classes of students. There
3.2.2 Sample
population Arikunto, S. ( 2006:38) The total number of the sample will be taken by
using random sampling technique. The writer chooses VIII-2 as experimental group
and VIII H as the control group. The sample are consists 25 students.
The instrument for collecting the data is a writing and observation. The rule of
the text is to make a narrative text minimal three paragraph. The students will write
the same topic about story and do it in forty minute. The text will be done to get the
result about the ability writing narration based on three componests or contents of
narrative text. Then, observing the students paper after their result or paper is
For collecting data , the researcher giving the students writing test. It is
focused on students ability for result of their writing narrative text. The data will be
3.5 Scoring the Text
Heaton (1989:79) said that, the result of the students, it can be used the percentage
The instrument a tool to collect the data. In this research, write used text as an
instrument. Test would cover all of the aspect of writing, Such as content,
To found out the students percentage of each component used the formula:
Sudijono (1987:40)
P= X 100%
F = The sum of the students who get good score or bellow standartd
N = Total of the students within the sample
Orientatin : % students got fair to poor, and the rest got good to average
Complication : % students got good to average, and fair to poor and excellent ton
Resolution : % Students got fair to poor and the rest got good to average
After collecting the data through text, the writer then analyzed the data
1. Collecting the data