AECOM Handbook 2023 31 40
AECOM Handbook 2023 31 40
AECOM Handbook 2023 31 40
Pandemics 1 6 Conflicts
New viruses/
protests and
social unrest
2 7 Human capital
Education and
social fragility
skills gaps
and corruption
3 8
Climate change
Disruption of
Extreme weather,
operations or
rising sea levels,
theft, of data
floods and droughts
or money
4 9
and under-
Food security
including water
especially for
youths and females
Oil prices
Exporting and
5 10 International
ties and trade
Middle East Property & Construction Handbook 2023
market review
The overall outlook for the MENA
region’s construction sector continues
to remain optimistic, bolstered by the
GCC’s improving fiscal situation as oil
prices remain buoyant.
Considerable prospects continue to be forecasted in
KSA, the UAE and Egypt and are set to pave the way
forward in the region.
The pipeline of projects across Considerable project awards This indicates an upward trend
the Gulf is estimated at around in non-energy construction in project activity post the
USD 3.1 trillion, with the GCC have begun to be seen this challenges faced during the
equating to over 81 per cent year, especially in KSA with pandemic and following on from
(USD 2.5 trillion) of this market an increase of 158 per cent the positive impact of Expo
value. The largest segment of compared to the same period 2020. Although we are seeing
construction projects remains the previous year (2021). Awards a downturn in Qatar’s project
in transportation infrastructure in Egypt are up 254 per cent, the awards, the aviation sector is set
and building real estate, including UAE is up 62 per cent, and as to increase with ongoing Hamad
the development of schools, anticipated, Qatar’s market has International Airport terminal
hospitals and social infrastructure softened, posting a decline of and cargo expansions set for
to advance existing and 49 per cent during 2022 whilst 2023 and onwards.
growing populations. approaching the World Cup.
Project awards are expected to
According to MEED, Middle East In KSA, development parties in grow further looking to 2023. This
project awards for 2022 is set the region are focused on the is bolstered by Saudi Arabia’s
to increase by another 20 per expansion of its infrastructure Vision 2030, Egypt’s continued
cent compared to awards in to support the development commitment to infrastructure, the
2021 (based on Q3 2022 data). and expansion of its PIF led increased business sentiment
This indicates construction giga-project programs. The UAE following Expo 2020, buoyant oil
activity in the region is beginning has awarded 62 per cent more prices, and the overall effect of
to reach pre-pandemic levels projects than in the same period the global economic recovery.
of 2018/2019 and is a further last year, 2021, with a marked
positive increase from the focus on the building sector and
22 per cent experienced residential real estate.
between 2020 to 2021.
100,000 90,976
74,779 81,349
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
upto Q3
15,000 10,876
Saudi Egypt UAE Qatar Iraq Oman Kuwait Iran Bahrain Jordan Lebanon
Source: MEED 2022 Q3
Middle East Property & Construction Handbook 2023
The busiest sector for project awards was Source: Global Data/BMI Research
the Egyptian National Authority development of technology Key awards in Bahrain saw Al
for Tunnels (NAT) to design, companies, also helps set the Sorouh award the Avenues Mall
install, commission and maintain nation up for positive growth Phase 2 Expansion project to
a 1,800 kilometre high-speed rail in acute juxtaposition to the Nass Group, along with several
network. Other key awards were many struggling economies other social apartments and
in the power sector with the across the globe. infrastructure improvement
USD 2.2 billion Atomstroyexport projects. Looking across the
- El Dabaa 48000MW Nuclear As reported by MEED, of pipeline of projects, the launch
Power Plant, Nuclear Island Qatar’s USD 10.8 billion in of Bahrain’s USD 30 billion
(Block 2) project awarded to awarded projects, circa USD Strategic Projects Plan in late
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power 6.8 billion, was recorded for 2021, that is set to increase the
Co. and the award of the USD gas projects as they look to total land area by more than
1.5 billion Egyptian Electricity increase production as part 60 per cent, and the tendering
Transmission Company (EETC) - of their long-term expansion of USD 3.5 billion King Hamad
1.1 GW Wind Independent Power strategy to boost LNG capacity Causeway project as a public-
Project (IPP). These projects by 64 per cent for 2027. Further private partnership, show
signify Egypt’s continued investments were seen in considerable prospects in the
investment in strategically Sewage Treatment Works in Al country in the journey to realise
important projects to meet the Wakrah and Al Wukair as part its Economic Vision 2030.
Government’s vision for 2030. of Qatar’s first Public Private Furthermore, in conjunction
Partnership in the field of with Bahrain being known as a
The UAE saw USD 7.4 billion sewage network projects. gateway country for business in
of its USD 10.8 billion awarded Saudi Arabia, the considerable
to building and infrastructure Amidst political restrictions in
uplift in business activity in
works in Q3 2022. This mainly Kuwait, the Public Authority
Saudi Arabia means that the
consisted of residential housing for Industry (PAI) has awarded
outlook for the country is
projects with key developers the infrastructure package
expected to remain strong
awarding the following values; for Shaddadiya Industrial
for years to come.
Aldar USD 0.69 billion, Emaar Area Zone to United Gulf
USD 0.42 billion, Damac USD Construction and signals
0.41, Nakheel USD 0.4 billion, a step forward in providing
ARADA USD 0.34 billion. Other 1,036 industrial plots, ranging
key projects were awarded from 1,000 to 10,000 square
for Abu Dhabi Ports - CMA meters for food, chemical and
Terminals Khalifa Port: Phase industrial activities.
2, Binghatti Developers -
In Oman, improved oil
Burj Binghatti Jacob & Co
prices have seen increased
Residences and Miral - Natural
construction activity in 2022,
History Museum Saadiyat
Island. The outlook for the UAE
for example the joint venture The busiest
between Oman Tourism
remains prosperous due to the
Development Company
sector for
boosted tourism and property
purchases following the start
(OMRAN Group) and Diamond project awards
Developers, named Sustainable
of the Ukraine-Russia conflict,
Development and Investment
was the transport
increased activity in upstream
sour gas production, reworked
Company (SDIC). This group infrastructure
awarded packages for Phase
metro and rail expansions
1 of the USD 1.0 billion Yiti
sector which saw
and the reignition of shelved
development projects. In
Sustainable City project. a 28 per cent
addition, its commitment to the share.”
Middle East Property & Construction Handbook 2023
KSPF - King Salman Modern Building 1,333 EETC - 1.1 GW Wind 1,500
International Park: Royal Leaders Independent Power
Art Complex Project (IPP)
Awarded Value Awarded Value
Contractor Contractor
project name USD Mn project name USD Mn
Abu Dhabi Ports - CMA China Harbour 560 ASHGHAL – Al Wakrah and Metito - 1,480
Terminals Khalifa Port: Engineering Al Wukair STP Mitsubishi
Phase 2 Company (Japan) & UCC
Aldar Properties - United 435 Chevron Phillips Consolidated 280
Alreeman 2 Mixed-Use Engineering Chemical/Qatar Energy - Contractors
Development: Fay Construction RLPP: Early Site Works Company
Miral - Saadiyat Island: ALEC 400 Qatar Energy - 417MW Samsung C&T 200
Natural History Museum Solar Power Plant in
Mesaieed Industrial City
Binghatti Developers Granada Europe 400 Qatar Energy - 458MW Samsung C&T 200
- Business Bay: Burj Engineering Solar PV in Ras Laffan
Binghatti Jacob & Contracting Industrial City
Co Residences
EWEC - Al Mirfa Sidem 320 ASHGHAL - Road Al-Mohannadi 58
Second IWP Improvement Works Out for Leveling
of Greater Doha Phase 7 and Paving
Source: MEED
Key considerations:
Use of investment:
Is the level of bonding Allocation of risk:
necessary? Can an Is the risk model out
improvement in cash flow of balance with regards
provide required advantages? to reward?
Middle East Property & Construction Handbook 2023
Framework Establish long procurement
agreements term relationship approaches e.g. Incentivizing
Attracting Balanced risk and securing with suppliers/ public-private sustainability
young talent allocation rates supply chain partnerships benchmarks
Investments in Value and risk Improved payment Considerations of Differentiate Health and safety
research and management cycles through open construction and the product laws/procedures
development and transparent operation phases offerings
transaction in project through
platforms planning consolidation
and partnerships
Middle East Property & Construction Handbook 2023
Safety is a focal point on all projects for both construction workers and the public. Revised
safety regulations will soon be applied to construction equipment and machinery on future
construction projects by contractors and developers alike. With the focus on reducing the
spread of coronavirus still present as we head into 2023, maintaining newly adopted safety
protocols are essential in ensuring construction sites remain operational.
This will remain in the spotlight across the MENA region, with countries highlighting
the service market through stimulus packages, which will also aid the construction
recovery in 2023.