Adam Smith Essay
Adam Smith Essay
Adam Smith Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of Adam Smith can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a deep
understanding of economic theories, historical context, and the intricate nuances of Smith's works.
The difficulty lies not only in comprehending Smith's ideas but also in presenting them coherently
and critically. Adam Smith, often hailed as the father of modern economics, has a vast body of work
encompassing topics such as the invisible hand, the division of labor, and the principles of free-
market capitalism.
One of the challenges is navigating through the extensive literature and interpreting Smith's complex
writings, including "The Wealth of Nations" and "The Theory of Moral Sentiments." The need to
analyze and contextualize his ideas within the socio-economic conditions of his time adds an
additional layer of complexity. Moreover, understanding the evolution of economic thought before
and after Smith is crucial for providing a comprehensive perspective on his contributions.
Another hurdle is the need to present a balanced view, acknowledging both the strengths and
weaknesses of Smith's theories. This requires critical thinking and the ability to engage in scholarly
debates surrounding his ideas. Furthermore, synthesizing information from various sources and
presenting a coherent and logical argument demands meticulous research and analytical skills.
Additionally, the essay should be structured in a way that captures the essence of Smith's
contributions while addressing the broader implications of his ideas. The challenge lies in striking a
balance between depth and clarity, ensuring that the essay is accessible to readers with varying levels
of familiarity with economic concepts.
Although makeup is normally classified as a women s product, in this day and age, there
are men that enjoy wearing it anyway, so creating a product that was basically the same
thing, just labelled ... Show more content on ...
in much the same way that women s makeup defines or enhances features that are
normally stereotyped as feminine. In short, we used the male stereotypes in our favour
to create a product which was originally supposed to break a stereotype more appealing to
our target audience.
Considering our group was made up of only girls, we needed some way of incorporating
a manly man into the video. Our solution was to pick one of us to become the manliest
of men. For this task, we chose none other than the amazing Bridie. Of course, we
couldn t only include Bridie in the video. And we needed some other talented actors to
accompany her, and make the advertisement even more persuasive. Jaimie took on the
role of the pretty girl, who wore lots of makeup, and Courtney became the very confident
and convincing presenter of manly man makeup.
To find a suitable outfit for Man Bridie, we observed the habits of the modern manly
man and created the perfect ensemble for our primary character. The outfits of the other
characters were then much simpler to assemble. Jaimie wore a dress that made her look
feminine, and lots of makeup (as Bridie pointed out in the ad). Courtney wore a bright
dress so that she stood
Yitzhak Rabin Research Paper
The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
Does human life matter? Is a question I m sure many people have asked. The death of
anyone shouldn t be considered good, but there are certain people in power that were
killed for a reasonable cause. One of those people that were assassinated was Yitzhak
Rabin mainly because of his beliefs about the peace process between Israel and other
countries in the middle east. This made Jewish extremists angry and, as a result, he was
shot down by a radical Israeli as he was leaving a peace rally.
The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin was unjust because he was an advocate for peace
and fought for the existence and independence of Israel, however, some believe that he
was endangering the lives of Israeli citizens via terror attacks.
Yitzhak Rabin shouldn t have been assassinated because he was an advocate for peace.
In a speech Rabin exclaimed that there is hope for an end of war and prospects for
peace between Israel and Palestine ( Rabin 1) because him having being born in
Palestine he had experienced war and knew that the Palestinian liberation organization
has fought Israel and vice versa, he truly believed that both nations were ready to seek a
path for peace. Before even considering an agreement with the PLO he had already a
peace accord and separation of forces ... Show more content on ...
Rabin fought in the war of independence and was a part of the troop that secured an
alternative road into Jerusalem after it fell to the Arabs he also was a vital member of the
team that secured the furthermore existence of
Los Angeles Lakers Business Analysis
The organisational structure of the Los Angeles Lakers is a product based, divisionalised
structure. It is currently divided into four departments as illustrated in Figure 1 (see
Appendix). Each department affects the organisation mutually, as a whole and
interchangeably (Lussier Kimball, 2004). This organisational structure has proven to be
very successful for the Lakers in the past, grouping its resources respectively in order to
ensure accountability at every level.
The main advantage associated with this alternative is that it creates better
communication between employees (Browning, 1991; Suttle, 2016). Furthermore, the
morale of the workforce will be increased, notably amongst the high achievers of the
organisation (Hinings 1992; Suttle, 2016). An organisation that adopts a flatter structure
is also considerably less bureaucratic, thus resulting in a quicker decision making
process (Suttle, 2016). Aside from quicker decisions, the ConnectUs (2015) website
review also highlights that fewer organisational layers result in less wages to pay,
therefore salary related expense are reduced and enable the organisation to save
Comparing Meursault And Christ
Why would Camus think to put Meursault and Christ in the same sentence when he says
Meursault is the only Christ we deserve, ? Well, besides being called directly an Anti
Christ, Meursault and Christ have another major difference that makes these two
characters complete opposites in contrast to one another. In the novel Meursault willingly
chooses to murdera seemingly innocent man and justifies the death of another innocent
man in the Czech story. Christ himself was an innocent man who was unjustly killed.
According to Thomas L. Hanna to Camus mind, Jesus of Nazareth was an innocent man
unjustly killed, from no point of view can he rule out the fact of the injustice in this
event. (Hanna) As proposed in the introduction: Camus believes
The Role Of The Holy Spirit In The Trinity
Kayti Nelson
Dr. Rex Koivisto
Nov. 28 2017
The Role of The Holy Spirit in The Trinity Often, Christians do not try to understand the
Trinity, as it seems impossible to understand. However, there are benefits to studying
each holy member. Understanding the Trinity is necessary and practical for members of
the Christian faith, because the Trinity helps us to understand how the Godhead the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit relate to one another and work in this world. The
Holy Spirit is easily the least well known part of the trinity. For this paper, my aim is to
study the role of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, so that I can understand His role in the
Godhead, for the purpose of appreciating and loving God more.
The Holy Spirit Is God In the Christian faith, there is one existing God, fully manifested
in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Every unit of the God head
is equally God, and fully God. Each member is identical in quality and essence, yet
each has a distinct, personal expression of divine nature. In an article about family
ministry, Bruce A Ware calls it, not merely an equality of kind but what might be
called an equality of identity. However, before we can dive into the role of The Holy
Spirit in the trinity, we must find scriptural evidence which verifies that The Holy Spirit
is, in fact, God. The following scriptures are biblical evidence for The Holy Spirit s
deity. In Acts 5:3 4, Ananias and Sapphira sell their property,
Greek Art And Greek Objects Essay
One of the most well known cultures throughout all of history belonged to the Greeks.
Their heritage was so highly valued that it lived on even after they no longer ruled. The
Greeks were some of the most innovative artists of their time and their work was so
inherently beautiful that people from future cultures fell in love with it and decided to
incorporate it into their own customs. The most famous group known for this was the
Romans. After the Romans took over Greece, their love for its customs bloomed which
resulted in many recreations of Greek art that are now seen today. However, Greek
sculptureart had a hard time making it to the modern day. Most sculptures were made
out of bronze and often melted down to be used for other purposes. Any surviving
Greek related art is often just a Roman copy. The Romans are famous throughout
history for their copies of Greek sculptures, especially relief sculptures. However, they
also incorporated other Greek traditions and customs into their lives as well. Romans
created separate names to refer to Greek gods and were often found creating and
recreating art based on Greek myths. One specific Greek custom adopted by the Romans
was the way in which they buried their dead. Romans originally cremated their dead but
after the influence of Greek culture, they began burying their dead in large sarcophagi,
with Greek myths elaborately sculpted into the sides, similar to the one kept at the Walter
s Art Museum depicting the abduction of
Chris Gardner Outline
Person of Interest Specific purpose: Inform class about Chris Gardner s life and his
contributions to society. Introduction I. How many of you have seen the movie pursuit
of happiness? A. Christopher Gardner who was a homeless man faced a tremendous
amount of diversity but never gave up and eventually became a millionaire. II. Thesis:
Christopher Gardner is one of the most inspiring and hardworking men in the world. III.
Connect: Carmine Gallo, in 2007 stated in the article From Homeless to Millionaire
Today, Gardner is a multimillionaire, a motivational speaker, a philanthropist, and an
international businessman who is about to launch a private equity fund that will invest
solely in South Africa. IV. Preview: A. First, I... Show more content on ...
Main point: Inform the class on how Gardner has contributed to society. A. Mr.
Gardner, being a single father for more than 25 years, is very concerned with the well
being of children. 1. He is now very involved with the National Fatherhood Initiative,
the National Education Association Foundation, and the International Rescue
Committee. a. Gardner is also very committed to Glide Memorial Church in San
Francisco where he and his son received a lot of assistance when they were on the
streets. B. Also, Gardner has received many awards for his work all around the world.
1. Gardner received the Continental Africa Chamber of Commerce s Friends of
Africa award in 2006.i. He also received the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults
Against Women s Humanitarian Award in 2006 C. Gardner is now a motivational
speaker and he does this in many different ways such as live speeches and also through
media. 1. These speeches and videos have made Gardner a frequent guest on several
very big television shows such as CNN, Oprah, and 20/20. a. Gardner s goal is to help
people around the world reach their full potential through his inspirational story and
Fuzzy Logic Technique For Pq Improvement
Fuzzy Logic Technique for PQ Improvement by UPQC for Renewable Energy Recourse s
ABSTRACT: In this a fuzzy logic control technique has been proposed for power quality
improvement by using UPQC The UPQC is controlled to regulate the WF terminal
voltage, and to mitigate voltage fluctuations at the point of common coupling (PCC),
caused by system load changes and pulsating WF generated power, respectively. In order
to reduce the voltage fluctuations that may cause flicker , and improve WF terminal
voltage regulation, several solutions have been posed. The voltage regulation at WF
terminal is conducted using the UPQC series converter, by voltage injection in phase
with PCC voltage. On the other hand, the shunt converter is used to filter the WF
generated power to prevent voltage fluctuations, requiring active and reactive power
handling capability. The sharing of active power between converters is managed through
the common DC link. A customized internal fuzzy logic control scheme of the UPQC
device was developed to regulate the voltage in the WF terminals, and to mitigate voltage
fluctuations at grid side. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed
compensation strategy for the enhancement of Power Quality.
Stereotypes of Asians in particular have been around for a long of time. In the late 19th
century, many Asians went to the United States to pursue their dream because they want
to improve their family quality of life. And they work so hard to make money so
Americans were afraid that the Asian laborers would invade the country and let them
loose the job opportunity. So the term Chinky Chink was used to explain the American
afraid that a huge number of Asians will live in America and become immigrate.
I have been in United States around two years. Before I study ... Show more content on ...
Asian students are even labeled test robots label. However, these common stereotypes
are often based on old ideas and exaggerated. If you take a comprehensive perspective,
you will come to a different conclusion. Many Asian Americans have become top
scientists and carried out a large number of scientific and technological innovations.
According to Reuters, Asian Americans in the world s top 20 materials scientists
accounted for 11 seats. In the MIT technical review of less than 35 years of 35
inventors list, 12 people are Asian Americans. Set aside the field of science and
technology. Set aside the field of science and technology, Asian Americans also good at
other areas such as world class cellist Yo Yo Ma, Oscar winner Ang Lee and well known
fashion designer Vera
Slippery Ice Short Story
Ok, Dhvani slowly step on the ice, and make sure to hold the railing for a little support,
but do not depend on it.
Mentally, I was beaming with excitement but physically my body would not budge off
the carpet onto the shiny slippery ice. I wasn t nervous in my mind, although I think
that my body was. So I took a deep breath and with my trembling leg I stepped on the ice.
Instantly, my skates were on the ice, and I was standing there holding the railing, not
daring to even move a muscle. Although now all the excitement in me had died out and
faded away. All I was feeling was nervousness. The nervousness that I would slip any
second and break a bone or two. I was about to come back on the carpet when I heard my
instructor say...
Come on what are you thinking, you can do this it s just like walking, but you ... Show
more content on ...
So my instructor put out some pylons for me, he first showed me what to do and I
followed. After 20 minutes I was able to turn in circles and make an infinity sign on the
ice. I was having a blast and could not wait for what we would do next. Although sadly
the instructor said that that s all we were going to do today and next class we would
learn something new.
I wasn t able to do any of the fancy moves yet, but I did have fun and couldn t wait for
my next ice skating class.
By now everyone in my ice skating class had left, and I and some of my other friends
were just goofing around and playing on the ice waiting for our parents to come pick us
up. That s when I felt someone s shoulder bump into mine, which sent me twirling on the
When I finally stopped my instructor caught me before I could fall onto the ice. When
I was up and balanced on the ice again everyone started clapping. I was really confused at
that moment; I didn t know how to react or what to say so all I did was ask.
Topic:Traditional and Bio Medical Practice: Integrating traditional and modern systems in
the Nigerian health care delivery.
Research Question:
To what extent, if any, has traditional medicine in comparison to Bio Medical practice,
been incorporated to the health care delivery systems in Nigeria and how much
promotion is given to the significance and efficacy of the practice of traditional medicine
in curing same illness?
The practice of traditional medicine among the people of Nigeria in the Western region
of Africa transcends the advent of Bio Medicine and occupies a prominent position in the
delivery of health care. ... Show more content on ...
The sustainability of an average family in Nigeria is valued at less than 5 dollars a
day. Notwithstanding the government s preposition on the establishment of a health
care system that is promotive, protective, preventive, restorative and rehabilitative to
every citizen of the country within the available resources so that individuals and
communities are assured of productivity, social well being and enjoyment of living
(F.M.H. 1988), the system, as is currently practiced is very inadequate in comparison
to the Nigerian growing population and slow paced economic development.
According to the health manpower statistics, the ratio of the registered medical
doctors as against the population s need is put at 1:1,100 with modern medical
facilities being administered in mega cities and little or none made available at the
rural areas. As a result of lack of supervision or adequate provision for the essential
needs of medical practitioners, doctors often times are faced with the conscientious
decision to commute to the rural areas to administer Medicare on out of pocket
expenses, which after a while becomes impossible to carry on. Thus the people in the
rural area are left in the care of the traditional healer, who eventually cure their diseases
with less charges than the bio medical practice thereby saving the patients some money.
The news of the efficacy of the traditional medical administration soon spreads to the
urban cities and an
Synopsis For The Sentencing Project
Synopsis The recording is based on research founded by Nazgol Ghandnoosh, who is a
research analyst for the sentencing project. The sentencing project is a non profit group
that advocates for the criminal justice reform. She also, is an author of a report called
Race and Punishment: Racial Perceptions of Crime and Support for Punitive Policies,
which is about her study of police shootings disproportionately affecting African
American and how media coverage shows racial bias against African American. In
addition, a 2002 survey found that people made an estimate that 40 percent of those that
committed violent crimes were African American, but the real percentage was only 29
percent. According to Nazgol Ghandnoosh (2015), a research... Show more content on ...
Also, they don t get a clear understanding of how often American Americans are victims
of these crimes themselves. In my opinion I think that the media should stop trying to
make African Americans and Hispanics look bad and provide the general public with a
true depiction of crimes committed by these ethnic groups. Findings on how victims are
depicted Based on the research of Ghandnoosh, that in the media blacks are likely to be
shown in custody and not named, then whites. The reason is because when you have a
named white suspect in custody then the problem and the crime becomes more localized
and associated with that person. However, when the suspect is unnamed and Black, then
it makes the individuals seems more dangerous, which feeds into the stereotypes about
African Americans. According to Darron T. Smith (2013), Ph.D., Once these
representations of African Americans become accustomed and accepted, they tend to fuel
misperceptions and disseminate misunderstandings among the races . In addition, with
research being conducted, as it relates to recent police shootings the problem is what
individuals expect to be implicit bias among the officers. The problem is individuals are
looking at the situation and assessing it to be a threat. The underlying issue is that
everyone has an
How Did Lenin React To The Bolsheviks
The Russian Civil War of 1918 was the cumulating of the Russian monarchial government
s slow reformation to institute civil reforms and freedoms for the intelligentsia, the
creation and subsequent closing of the Constituent Assembly by the Socialist
Revolutionary Party, the embarrassing Treaty of Brest Litovsk, and the Czarist support
of the nobility, who were stripped of their land after the Bolsheviks coup. These
emotions came to a head when a coalition of multiple Russian political parties joined
together to topple the Bolshevik power control, led by Vladimir Lenin. The power that
Lenin and the Bolsheviks had held for little more than a year had come under attack. The
Bolsheviks were now faced with another war in which the direction of Russia... Show
more content on ...
The most dangerous threat to the Bolsheviks was the White Movement, which was
formed in the aftermath of Lenin signing the Treaty of Brest Litovsk. The treaty ceded
Russian territories in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, and part of Ukraine
to Germany, as well as forced the demobilization of the Russian military. This
humiliation brought much disillusionment of Lenin s direction of Russia, and while
Bolsheviks achieved an end to their part in World War I to consolidate Russia, they
were nevertheless painted as anti Russian , for giving up so dishonorably. The White
Movement was initially formed by the Menshevik party in opposition to Lenin, but
grew to include Tsarist forces, members of the Cadet party, and Socialist
revolutionaries. Whereas the Bolsheviks were a single entity united under Lenin, the
opposing coalition of the White Movement was composed of several political and
ideological party goals, and while the Whites were led by former Tsarist Navy officer
Marge Piercy’s Barbie Doll Essay
The Poem Barbie Doll (1969) by Marge Piercy describes the life of a young girl who fell
victim to society s idea of beauty. Marge Piercy was a known social activist and uses this
poem to bring attention to serious issues facing young females in society. Barbie Doll
by Marge Piercy is a narrative poem; the poem is written in free verse. The author selects
a free form of poetryand other devices to help get her point across.
The central message of this work is that society is obsessed with appearances. The
point the author is trying to make is beauty should not be the most important trait of a
person. In today s society everything is based on looks, people are more concerned about
a person s outward appearance. People strive to ... Show more content on
ideals are developmentally ingrained in children and adolescents ( Englis 1). The idea
of beauty and ideal looks are engraved into people at a young age. The little girl being
given a Barbie doll shows this in the poem. The idea of beauty and how a woman
should act are represented in the Barbie doll. The primary take away is beauty is not
The author uses the poems structure and stanzas to help get her point across. The poem
is composed of four stanzas with a total of 25 lines. Each stanza signifies a different part
of the child s life. The stanzas have irregular lengths and structures. The numbers of
lines in each stanza vary from five to seven. Piercy separates the pieces of the story by
stanzas to tell the girls story so the audience could see how she was treated since birth.
For instance the first stanza talks about her birth and adolescent years, while the third and
forth stanzas talk about the end of her life.
The intended audience for this poem is society. One of the first reasons why society is
easily picked as the authors intended target is because of Piercy s use of allusion in her
poem, more specifically in the title of the poem, Barbie Doll . The title of the poem has
reference to the actual Barbie doll, which is also mentioned in the first stanza. The idea
to mention the actual doll points toward society because Barbie is most
Using Microsoft Excel 2010 On The Heart Disease Mortality...
3.0 Statistics
Microsoft Excel 2010 was used to create a scatter plot of the heart disease mortality
data rates versus the total hardness of WTPs listed in Table 2.3.1. A linear regression
using Microsoft Excel Data Analysis Package, 2010 was used to find the correlation
along with the R2 value and adjusted R2 value. The R2 values represent the percent of
the variance of the data explained by the fitted line. In this case, the R2 values
represent the variance in heart disease rates that can be explained by the change in
drinking water hardness. The adjusted R2 value is dependent on the number of points
within the data. The significance of the R2 value was determined by the resulting p
values. The test was considered significant if the p value was less than 0.05. WTPs were
further divided by levels of hardness into moderately hard, hard, and very hard
classifications to check for correlations within classifications. Linear regressions were
then run on each classification. The entire statistical analysis is shown in the Appendix.
4.0 Results
The range of water hardness of the 31 WTPs varied from 93 mg/l to 448 mg/l of total
hardness with an average value of 180 mg/l. Of the 31 plants 17 had a total hardness
between 120mg/l and 160mg/l, accounting for 58% of the study area.
The total population heart disease mortality rate versus water hardness was first
analyzed and a positive correlation of 0.427 was obtained. The R2 value was found to be
0.183 indicating that 18.3% of
Marketing Using Social Networking Essay
The Internet is one of the most amazing inventions through out history. These days, we
can practically do everything online, we can get the latest news, connect with our
friends, watch movies, tv shows and live broadcasting and we can even do our
shopping using the internet. Since web 2.0 was introduced to the web, the web
became more flexible. From the beginning of time, humans have always been in social
networks. Social networks are formed on everyday basis, around friends, family and
places someone might visit. Social media is any kind of information we share with our
social network using social networking websites or services, for example; blogs, forums,
photos, audio profiles and status updates (Barefoot Szabo, 2009). Social... Show more
content on ...
Some companies have a good idea about social networking websites like Facebook and
Twitter, therefore, they want to find new potential customers and build relations by
using them. There are some companies that are using social media successfully. For
example, Google is using a rumor/hype strategy to market their new Wave service.
The only way to use the service is by obtaining an invitation. According to Stahl (2009)
there has been invitations for sale on Ebay at prices going up to $200. Another
company that is successfully using social media is Spotify. They use Twitter and a blog
owned by them to inform people about special music events and when the music library
has been updated. Nowadays, fifty four percent of the companies Fortune 100 list
compiled by the American stock exchange use Twitter. Almost thirty percent use blogs
and/or Facebook. In Sweden, social media is not that popular, but at least 130
companies use Twitter as a strategy tool (Hans, 2009). As mentioned earlier, social media
has been developed through web 2.0. Social media includes a large amount of tools used
for online communication, for example, social network services, blogs, wikis, instant
messaging, forums and text chat (Barefoot Szabo, 2009). Carlsson (2009) brought up a
few success elements for social media. However, she claims that commitment is the most
vital one. The company needs
Lab Equipment And Chemical Properties
The purpose of this lab is broken into two parts. The first is to identify the unknown
compound by identifying its physical and chemical properties. Using various tests, the
collected can be used to compare compounds to the UWC. The second part of identifying
the compound is synthesizing the compound and then testing the created compound. The
information gathered from days one and two were used to compare and verify the results.
Given the unknown compound, the goal was to find out exactly what the unknown
compound is. By only having 5 grams of the unknown compound, it was necessary not to
waste any of it if anything went wrong while conducting various tests. Using the lab
equipment and techniques, the flame test, anion test, conductivity test, and the pH test
should help figure out what the unknown compound is.
The solubility test was done first to help eliminate some of the possible solutions. When
the solubility test was conducted, 5.0 mL of water and 0.5 grams of the unknown
compound was used. The 0.5 grams of the unknown compound
Transcendentalism In Self Reliance
Self Reliance reflects Emerson s beliefs on Transcendentalism by stating how Emerson
believes in inspiration, happiness, and the spiritual measures of inspiration through the
depth of the human mind itself. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and
none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried (Pg.
774). Emerson in Self Reliance puts majority of the focus on people trusting themselves,
using good judgement, and their own knowledge because a new independent idea makes
history not the idea that is copied. Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string
(Pg. 774). Through this idea that Emerson created, the thoughtof people trusting
themselves, using good judgement, and their own knowledge... Show more content on ...
Emerson, himself was a Transcendentalist and he influenced other people to be one as
well because he believed everyone should create their own ideas and not fall to be just
another person in a society, take a leap of faith. The power which resides in him is
new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know
until he has tried (Self Reliance 774). Emerson was able to consider himself a
Transcendentalist because he took a leap of faith and always made his very own
context as to what he was against, and what he viewed as a current situation. The
overall reason Emerson was a transcendentalist is because he created a different view
for society and went outside of the norm to create ideas people had yet to even
contemplate. Therefore, by creating a new idea for the society, people were able to
expand their knowledge and build from Emerson s ideas. All in all, Emerson believed
in his own thoughts so he shared them with the public. As emerson stated as well as
lived by, To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private
heart, is true for all men (Emerson
Space Exploration Is The Future Of Humanity
Space exploration is the future of humanity. As technology improves, new solutions arise
to answer the question of sustaining life outside Earth. Many types of life support
systems are developed and used on regular missions. However, determining the most
suitable life support system for missions on Mars presents a challenge that this paper
will solve. This article compares different life support systems using the Equivalent
System Mass (ESM), which measures the relative cost of hardware based on its mass,
volume, power, and cooling requirements. Bioregenerative systems are more practicable
and secure for longer missions as they avoid the cost of constant food supply. However,
the ESM shows that the higher initial cost of bioregenerative systems makes it way more
expensive than the Physical/Chemical systems for long duration missions. For short
duration missions, the least expensive life support uses direct provision of water, oxygen
and food from Earth. As Mars missions aren t brief, the physical/chemical life support
system is the most suitable. The ESM breakeven analysis confirms these well known and
widely accepted results. The conclusion makes the substantial past efforts to develop
bioregenerative life support appear impractical.
This report describes the cost of life support systems that will help determine which type
of life support should be employed for missions to Mars.
Roderigo loves Desdemona and would anything for her, but when she marries Othello,
Roderigo becomes jealous of him. Iago realizes this and convinces Roderigo to pay him
to get Desdemona to love him back. Iago gains Roderigo s trust by saying that ... Show
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Iago tells Othello to beware, my lord, of jealousy! (III.III.195) referring to how
jealousy can destroy people. Hearing this, Othello immediately thinks of Cassio and
Desdemona since Desdemona was just pleading for Cassio s sake. This paradox of
Othello knowing that jealousy can destroy him but still allowing it to consume his
thoughts shows the weakness of Othello. As Iago continues to plant more and more
images of Desdemona and Cassio in Othello s head, Iago gains respect from Othello and
eventually gains the title of lieutenant which he so desperately wanted. Even though he
finally has what he wants, there is still the issue of [Othello] has [doing his] office
(I.III.431). Iago is still jealous and continues to crush Othello with images of
Spatial Specificity Analysis
Having differences between the two types of fMRI, Spatial Correlations of Laminar
BOLD and CBV Responses to Rate Whisker Stimulation with Neuronal Activity
Localized by Fos Expression by Lu et al. exemplifies the spatial limitations of BOLD
fMRI and in contrast demonstrates CBV fMRI s superior spatial specificity. The paper
states that the spatial specificity of BOLD fMRI is limited due to two reasons: the
physiological process to the hemodynamic response and the microcirculation of the
brain (Lu et al, 2004). Duvernoy et al. s discovery of the venous unit is specifically
deteriorates BOLD s spatial specificity. The venous unit is compromised of large cortical
penetrating veins to drain the amount of deoxygenated blood. This propagation of DH
makes it difficult to pinpoint the origin of brain activity which gave reason to Lu et al.
to hypothesize that the venous unit employs inaccurate positive BOLD signals
(Duvernoy et al., 1981). Menon and Goodyear add that BOLD fMRI suffers greatly
due to its low contrast to noise ratio (Menon and Goodyear, 1999). It was also made
known, by Lee et al., that fractional changes in blood vessel diameter are... Show more
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The whisker barrel is found on the medial primary somatosensory cortex and a single
whisker is confined to a single barrel which is provided with independent blood supply
from the capillary bed. A superparamagnetic CBV fMRI contrast agent called MION
was used to enhance the blood volume response. In addition, c Fos immunochemistry,
used for neuroanatomical metabolic mapping, was also performed to be compared with
the CBV activation maps for it was assumed that if CBV fMRI could bypass the venous
barrier, it would show areas of activation analogous to Fos expression (Lu et al,
Romanticism In The Devil And Tom Walker
William Shakespeare, one of the most prominent writers in the English language,
compared life with nature through his statement, And this, our life, exempt from public
haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in the stones, and
good in everything. As Shakespeare brings forth a parallel between life and the nature
world, he uses romanticismcharacteristics to exemplifies his purpose. This technique
translates to The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington
Irving and The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Romanticism characteristic are displayed within the previous tittles through awe of
nature, and interest in the common man. To begin, in the short story The Devil and Tom
Walker , awe of nature is used to convey both the mood and meaning of the narrative.
Irving creates a setting that is dark in spirt as Tom Walker makes his way through the
woods. In this excerpt, the reader can visualize Walker s surroundings through the natural
pessimistic atmosphere of the woods,
The swamp was thickly grown with great gloomy pines and hemlocks, some of them
ninety feet high; which made it dark at noonday, and a retreat for all the owls of the
neighborhood. It was full of pits and quagmires, partly covered with weeds and mosses;
where the green surface often betrayed the
Bakke 2 traveler into a gulf of black smothering mud; there were also dark and stagnant
pools, the abodes of the tadpole, the bull frog, and the water snake, and where trunks of
pines and hemlocks lay half drowned, half rotting, looking like alligators, sleeping in the
mire. (Irving 2)
In this passage, nature is portrayed as ominous and foreboding. There is a slight hint of
death within the abeyance of the forest. This is shown by the half drowned and half
rotting trees. This creates a complex connection between Walker and his surroundings.
The intertwine of corruption and immorality is shown through the vile aspects of the
various pants and animals that live within the woods. As Walker trudges along, the
ongoing wicked display of the forest pushes the reader s emotions into an unsettling state.
Intern, foreshadowing Walker s sinful decisions when he encounters a forbidding force,
the devil. Thus,
Results And Discussion On Weight Loss
3 Results And Discussion 3.1 Wear Test Figure 4 shows the results of loss in weight
for the samples as a function with the applied load. It has been found that the wear
behavior of unreinforced alloy is higher compared with the composites. This behavior
back to the hard ceramic material protects the surface from the severe contact [30 32].
The results given in figure 5 show that the weight loss decreases as the percentage of
the nano SiC particles increases from 0.5% to 4.5%. This could be occurred because
the ceramic material on the composite surface protects the matrix from severe contact.
Figure 4 reveals also, that when the applied load increases, the wear rate of all
investigated samples increases. Conditions of the severe wear were clearly seen from
the rate of weight loss. The recognized pattern is steady with that perceived by Alpas
and Zhang [33] they propose the wear rate increment bit by bit with the connected load
in the gentle wear area. Then again, at a discriminating load that relies upon sliding
speed, the wear rate suddenly increments reflect the condition termed serious wear.
From figure 6 we can see that the composites weight loss is less than that of matrix
alloy. The obtained weight loss results show that no single, unique wear mechanism
operates over the wide range of the used weight (0 4.5%). Rather, there are several
mechanisms while the change in their relative importance as both the weight % of nano
ceramic particles was varied and the
Blindness In Raymond Carver Cathedral
Raymond Carvers Cathedral uses the man s blindness as the foundation of the story, in
order to display the narrator s transformation from darkness to light . These metaphors
expose the psychological, social and cultural factors that built the man s preconceptions
about blindness, gender, and race. Robert is brought up into scene as a paradoxical
character whose primary goal, ironically, is to enlighten the mind of the narrator (to
make him see). What does he need to see? Why does he need to see? What makes
Robert so capable of changing the narrator s set of mind? The element of seeing goes
beyond the literal concept of sight to illustrate the gaps within the man, therefore making
it possible to visualize his transformation at the end of the story.... Show more content on ...
My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and
never laughed. Sometimes they were led by seeing eye dogs. A blind man in my
house was not something I looked forward to (274). This first preconception starts to
build up the narrator s set of mind and the fragile reality he was living in when he is
taking as a fact what he has seen in movies: no one wants a blind man, they re inefficient,
they have to wear sunglasses, they are an obstacle. On the other hand, his wife shows
compassion through her kindness towards Robert. Everything she says seems to help her
husband to return to his senses, and to be more empathetic. However, the narrator s tough
character keeps revealing and his delusion strengthens until he is confronted by his own
Nectar Of A Sieve By Kamala Munshi
Deeksha Bathini
The book, Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya, was published in 1954,
approximately seven years after India gained independence from British colonial rule.
Thus, it can be concluded that the book is either took place during the Raj Period or
shortly after gaining independence. Rukmani, from a family of four daughters, was
married off to a poor tenant farmer named Nathan at the mere age of twelve. The first
year of their marriage brought rich profusion and wealth. The harvests were abundant,
and Rukmani gave birth to a beautiful girl, Ira. As Rukmani and Nathan s lives
progressed, however, they faced adversity and challenges. First and foremost, Rukmani
was unable to conceive a son. Apprehensively and secretly, Rukmani solicited fertility
treatments from Kenny, an American doctor who spoke the Indian language. Ira was
seven when Rukmani bore her first son, Arjun. As the years progressed, Rukmani birthed
four more boys: Thambi, Murugan, Raja, and Selvam. As the family continued to face
daily challenges of starvation, a tannery is built near Rukmani s mud house. After careful
consideration and the dissuasion of their parents, Arjun and Thambi sought to find jobs
in the tannery to earn money and support their families amidst the starvation. However,
both Arjun and Thambi were fired for protesting their measly wages. Luckily, they both
found well paying jobs in Ceylon on a tea plantation and never returned home again. Ira,
when reaching fourteen years of age,
Keith Mann Case
Keith Mann, who knows a thing or two about making a wise choice, after all that s a
significant part of his job at Dynamic Search Partners, the executive search firm that he
founded 2009. DSP has since grown into the premier choice for executive search
focused primarily on the alternative investment sector. Alternative investment is also
something that Keith Mann knows a thing or two about, after all, he made his fortune
and fame by being one of the first to identifying the hedge fund industry as one of the
fastest growing markets being under served by the search industry. Today he has
brought his more than 15 years of experience in the professional search industry to bear
in his position as CEO of DSP. The firm is recognized as one of the top in the industry,
serving more 200 client mandates in the United States, Europe, and Asia each year....
Show more content on ...
He is a man who has a lot of deep passions and is willing to give back to serve those
passions wherever he can. Along with his spouse Keely Mann, Keith has become one of
the best known names in philanthropy. He established the 2016 Scholarship for
Professional Achievement serving Brooklyn schools, and has also partnered with
Uncommon Schools, a New York City alternative charter school, which helps teach
tactical and particle skills to high school student, empowering them to get real jobs that
can take them real places. Keith and DSP have donated $10,000 to the school this year,
and plan to partner with them in the coming year as well to undertake multiple
Hormone Adjustment Therapy Research Paper
Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men and Women
Fountain of Youth
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), or also known as hormone therapy (HT) is a
government approved treatment that has seen a resurgence in popularity due to it
benefits for men and women. From menopause to osteoporosis, HRT can help treat and
prevent medical ailments that affect thousands of people in a variety of age groups.
Managing Menopause
HRT is one of the most effective practices used to help women manage the discomfort
they may experience during menopause. Reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone
can cause hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, vaginal dryness and sleep
disturbances. An estrogen only therapy (ET) will give most women the relief they need
from these issues. Women who have had a hysterectomy are usually prescribed ... Show
more content on ...
The addition of progestogen will help protect the uterus from developing uterine
(endometrial) cancer.
Women receiving HRT containing estrogen will not only see a reduction of their
menopausal symptoms but there is also the benefit of improved brain function, thicker
hair and bone density, as well as better sleep and muscle function.
When estrogen levels decrease, a woman s chances for developing osteoporosis increases
following menopause. Studies have shown that women who receive HRT during
menopause have had a greater bone density in the early and late postmenopausal stage.
Men receiving a testosterone replacement therapy will also see the benefit of increased
bone density and will be at a much lower risk of developing osteoporosis as well.
Reverse the Aging Process? Possibly
Another type of HRT is human growth hormone (HGH) treatment. While this may not be
the fountain of youth, receiving this injection form of HRT can produce tighter and
firmer skin. Stronger nails and a better functioning immune system are other added
Interview With a Walgreens Manager Essay
Since 1901, Walgreens has had a strong passion for customer service. The founder,
Charles Walgreens, goal was to create a drugstore that was like no other. He said that
for as many drugstores as he had worked at, he had never worked for one that had a
focus for good customer service and low prices. Walgreens has grown by leaps and
bounds since 1901 and is now recognized as the leader in the market with over 7000
stores. Charles Walgreen had an eye for good managers. He said he was able to pick
people that he knew were smarter than him so to promote them and make them the heads
of his drugstores. As a store manager, not only is it your job to run a store which
includes ordering, customer care, and inventory control, but also it is your... Show more
content on ...
I believe this may be one of the only job types out there where everything is up to one
person. To become a store manager is not easy. This involves longevity with the
company, college education, previous management experience, and have been an
assistant manager and executive assistant manager for a total of 3 years with the
company. While Walgreens has its credentials it expects from an applicant on paper,
my interviewee feels that it is much more than that. When asked what KSAOs he
suggests for one to be a good store manager he said number one they must possess
strong leadership. He stated that one can have 10 degrees form the best universities
and have the best interviewing skill and they might even get the job but once in the
position to succeed, they must possess leadership or they will fail. His definition of
leadership was unique. He pulled a piece of paper out of his wallet and gave it to me.
It said No one could be a great leader unless he takes genuine joy in the success of those
under him W. A. Nanc. He stated that the company will tell you 30 things to do in a
day and want them to be done by the end of the day but it is crucial to ask yourself
what is best for the customer and make the decision. This leads to the second KASO
necessary; be a decision maker. With the economy the way it is, he suggested, and with
the cutbacks that the company has made, we have to
Improvement Of K Means Clustering Algorithm
Department of Computer Engineering
Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pune, India Mayur Sharma
Department of Computer Engineering
Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pune, India Mahesh Kopnar
Department of Computer Engineering
Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pune, India Abstract The set of objects having same
characteristics are organized in groups and clusters of these objects are formed known as
Data Clustering.It is an unsupervised learning technique for classification of data. K
means algorithm is widely used and famous algorithm for analysis of clusters.In this
algorithm, n number of data points are divided into k clusters based on some similarity
measurement criterion. K Means Algorithm has fast speed and thus is used commonly
clustering algorithm. Vector quantization,cluster analysis,feature learning are some of the
application of K Means.However results generated using this algorithm are mainly
dependant on choosing initial cluster centroids.The main shortcome of this algorithm is
to provide appropriate number of clusters.Provision of number of clusters before
applying the algorithm is highly impractical and requires deep knowledge of clustering
Machu Picchu And The Inca Trail
Peru is one of the most fascinating place to learn and explore with friends or family..
Peru has one of the wonders in the world, which is Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail. A
visit to Peru, is a great idea to learn about and take part of their unique culture. The
culture of Peru is unique and amazing, but it also has some environmental problems. Peru
is located in the continent of South America, it covers 1,285,215 km^2 of land and 200
nautical miles of the Pacific Ocean. Which makes Peru the 20th largest nation in the
world with a total area of 1,285,216 square kilometers, and also the 3rd largest country
in South America according to The population of Peru has
increased over the year, but in 2013 it reached a population of 30.30 million people
living in Peru. Pero has almost the same climates but also different depending on what
location you are on. On the Amazon forest the weather is, hot, tropical weather with
plenty of rain.... Show more content on ...
On the coast of Peru the weather is, sunny all year round, but the central and southern
parts are temperate with no rain but humid. All according to Peru
has about 6 different languages, but the main language that is used in Peru is Spanish
of 84.1% (CountryReports). Peru became nationally known as country to the world July
28, 1821. It was first part of the Great Inca Empire and then later it was Viceroyalty of
the Spanish South America. Peru then was conquered in 1531 1533 by Francisco
Pizarro. Although Peru claimed its independence on July 28, 1821 and became a country,
but the Spanish was not yet defeated until 1828. Peru is a wonderful place that is fun to
learn about their culture, history, and so much
Evaluating Children s Parenting Styles
Parents have different approaches on disciplining and punishing their children. There are
a total of four parenting styles based on Americans (Arnett, 2016). One of the main
parenting styles that I would be describing is authoritarian. According to Arnett, parental
demandingness and responsiveness are used to evaluate parentingstyles such as
authoritarian. Authoritarian parents are high in demandingness and low in
responsiveness (Arnett, 2016). This means that parents require obedience from their
child, and they also punish the child for disobedience without a bargain (Arnett, 2016).
There is no compromise with the child and the parentunlike authoritative parents.
Authoritarian parents expect the child to follow their orders without the child s consent
or agreement. For example, the child wants a new toy would be told NO! without a
reason why he or she couldn t have the new toy. This shows that the parents have little to
no love for their child, and their demandingness takes place with little to no
responsiveness (Arnett, 2016). This parenting style shows little emotional attachment
toward the child, and.... Show more content on ...
Children with authoritarian parents tend to be dependent, conforming, and immature
(Arnett, 2016). Boys raised by authoritarian parents usually tend to be a troublemaker
because they tend to be more aggressive and rowdy (Arnett, 2016). Girls raised by
authoritarian parents would be emotionally unstable because these girls tend to be more
anxious and unhappy (Arnett, 2016). Thus, the authoritarian parenting style inhibits
development of human potential across the
Socioeconomic Impact Of Hurricane Katrina
Dear, Mr. President I am writing to you in regards to the recent disaster that hit New
Orleans, Louisiana Hurricane Katrina. Besides the death toll, hurricane Katrina left
many people homeless as more than 800,000 housing units were destroyed or
damaged in the storm. Katrina is the costliest U.S hurricane, with estimated damage
over $81 billion and costs over $160 billion (2005 US dollars). I believe that the
socioeconomic impact of Katrina was not felt equally amongst the different classes.
Those who were wealthier typically whites were able to flee, and the poor typically
black were unable to flee to safety, and suffered the worst during and after Katrina.
Many of the residents were displaced to different states which included Texas, Colorado,
Illinois, North Carolina, Oklahoma to name a few. In a study conducted by Kaplan
Meier called the Displaced New Orleans Residents Pilot Study showed the discrepancy
amongst blacks and whites and their duration of displacement. One quarter of white
residents had returned to the city within 2 months of Hurricane Katrina, whereas it took
an additional month for one quarter of the black residents to return. The durations at
which half of the pre hurricane population of blacks and whites returned to New Orleans
differ greatly. In particular, half of white residents had returned within 3 months of the
storm; on the other hand, fewer than half of black residents had returned. (Kaplan Meier)
A poll done by Newsweek magazine showed
Anti Federalists And The Revolutionary War
Although independence was just won, the country still needed protection from other
hostile countries. Besides protecting the country from foreign enemies, the Anti
Federalists wanted to protect the American people from its own government. In fact, the
Anti Federalists were especially concerned with preserving for ordinary citizens the
ability to participate in government (Amar). After all, the Revolutionary War was fought
in order to gain freedom from oppression. However, by giving all of the power to the
states, the nation would be divided. A nation divided would not stand forever because it
would be limited against foreign enemies. While the Anti Federalists had the right idea in
mind, not all possibilities were thought of. For the Federalists, protection from foreign
nations was ideal. In concerns with protection, the leader of the Federalists, Alexander
Hamilton, proclaimed, Let the thirteen States, bound together in a strict and indissoluble
Union, concur in erecting one great American system, superior to the control of all
transatlantic force or influence, and able to dictate the terms of the connection between
the old and the new world! (Hamilton). Besides Hamilton preaching these ideas and
writing two thirds of the essays in the Federalist Papers(Schmidt 53), James Madison
contributed to supporting the Federalists and developing a system of checks and
balances, which limited the power of each branch in the government as stated in
Constitution. Madison and
The Decline Of The Empires Of Ghana And Mali
Of all of the empires from the beginning and to the end of mankind s rise to power, it is
inevitable that they all may fall. To study each of the empires and learn of their
mistakes would be ideal in basing a government off of their successes, from which, to
have it last as long as it may. From the beginning, man had been driven towards
successes of power and to the actability of the generation of wealth. From the study of the
European Roman Empire, to its partial successor, the Byzantine Empire, and even of the
empire of the Americas, the Mayan and the Aztec; they have all fallen, yet their long rule
makes impacting impressions upon rules which still survive today. It does not matter if
you look at the Chinese empires of the Yuan and Ming dynasties, or even to the African
empires of Ghana and Mali; their legacies determine other s futures. Whereas at this time,
they should be expounded upon to determine whether some of their more harsher forces
strived them to achieve more than those who guided their people through compromise
and assimilation of local traditions.
Within the rise and fall of the European powers of the Roman Empire, one thing was
certain, and that was the way they were able to stay in power throughout their autocracy
reign. Many would say that this was due to their impressive, driven rulers who had
shaped Rome into what it is today. This is generally true, however, rulers such as
Augustus allowed for his empire to grow peacefully and prosper, which he took
Essay on Movie the Bucket List
The Bucket List is a movie all about two men who live their lives as if they are going
to be gone tomorrow. It s a movie about two men with cancer that share a hospital room
from both having cancer. When finding out they do not have much longer to live,
decide that they are going to pursue a bucket list that one of the men had made. The
two men Edward and Carter are complete opposites. Carter is a mechanic that has been
married for forty five years and has two children. Edward has tons of money and has
been divorced four times, with a daughter that no longer talks to him. He owns the
hospital that the two men end up in with the motto he stands by Two beds to a room, no
exceptions. This motto is what caused him ending up in a room with... Show more content
on ...
Yes, the men do have cancer and are not going to live for years, but they get to
accomplish what they would like to do. They go to Egypt, traveling the world,
skydiving, race fast cars and eventually Edward meets up with his daughter again and
granddaughter. Do not hold grudges with anyone, because you never know when
something might happen and you do not have a chance to fix it. When you get a
chance to do something fun, do it. Travel the country, see places and things you have
never seen. Do not just lay around dying trying to comfort everyone around you when
at the time you cannot even find it in you to comfort yourself. Cancer, of course is sad,
painful and a tragic experience no one wants to have to deal with in their family. But the
hidden meaning in the movie would be that even though you know your going to die, do
not just lay around waiting for it to happen. You can still find it in yourself to have a
little more fun.
I do not believe I have found as much joy in my life as I would like. My childhood has
been great and my family is more amazing than I would be able to ask for. However, I
am only eighteen, I would like to get married, have children of my own, finish college,
and travel the world. If I was to pass today, I would not think that my life would have
been complete. There is still huge areas of my life
Inherit The Wind Theme
Albert Einstein once said, We cannot solve the problems by using the same kind of
thinking we used when we created them. This idea is present throughout Inherit the
Wind. Inherit the Wind is a play that challenges both science and belief. Its plot
surrounds an educator teaching Charles Darwin s theory of evolution in a small town
where the Bible is treated as the only book that explains where humanity came from. The
play s playwrights, Robert E. Lee and Jerome Lawrence, is justifying, through Inherit the
Wind, the perils of having a limited perspective and reveals that one should expand one s
horizons to continue progressing in life, prevent ignorance, and exclusion from the rest
of the world through their character s actions, dialogues,... Show more content on ...
Lee are present in their character s dialogue. As Drummond puts it, The Bible is a
book. A good book. But it s not the only book (Lawrence and Lee 98). Drummond is
referring to Darwin s book when he says that the Bible is not the only book. This is
also his way of telling the spectators and the jury that there is a world out there with
boundless perceptions and by becoming intact with the sole idea of God s creation,
one misses that chance to meet that ever so changing world. Once one misses that
chance, one does not progress to one s full potential. At the same time, Drummond
also states, ... It s the loneliest feeling in the world to find yourself standing up when
everybody else is sitting down (Lawrence and Lee 51). Drummond is referring to the
absence of mind and the presence of ignorance in Brady s life due to his limited
perspective. He is telling Brady that while everybody else has opened their minds and
started reconsidering their own beliefs, he remains close minded and that feeling of
isolation and exclusion from the rest of the world is because of his ignorance. Brady s
ignorance has not only affected the way he sees the world, but also the way the world
sees him. Correspondingly, Drummond states, All motion is relative. Perhaps it is you
who have moved away by standing still (Lawrence and Lee 67). Drummond is speaking
Mrs Mallard Oppression
The Story of an Hour , is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. Throughout this
time frame, the Women s Suffrage Movement was going on as well as the constrained
traditions of feminine roles. Men were known to be dominant and this short story
connects very well with this time frame. In The Story of an Hour , Kate Chopin
addresses many of the concerns that are central to feminism, by using verbal,
situational and dramatic irony, as well as imagery and flashback, unveiling the issues of
oppression and suppression in women. The main character of the story Mrs. Mallard, is
firstly introduced to the reader. She is a women afflicted with a heart trouble and
because of this heart trouble, there is great care taken to give her the news... Show more
content on ...
To the readers surprise, Louise dies of a heart attack at that very moment. When the
doctor came there said to she had died of a heart disease of joy that kills (308). While
the Mallards marriage was functional and not horribly cruel, Louise still appreciated
the new found freedom that she had when she thought her husband was gone. She died
not only from a heart attack but at the realization that she would have to go back to a
sub surd role, a repressed situation, she would not live for just herself but she would
have to bend her will to someone else, and this robbing of the freedom is what really
killed her. Josephine, Brentley and the doctor believed that Louise was overwhelmed
with joy at seeing her husband alive that the shock kills her, given her fragile heart
condition. However the reader is privy to the thoughts in Louise s head and may interpret
the ending differently. Seeing Louise s heart breaking sense that her freedom and
autonomy was now dashed to the ground is what really killed
Analysis Of The Poem The River That The Boy Spirit
She cleaned the spirit s dirty body and found out that the dirty things all came from
human s rubbish that discharged into rivers and lakes (Napier, 2006). After Chihiro
cleaned the spirit, this lets him not suffering from pollution. Then the spirit gave
Chihiro some treasure that also showed Miyazaki s view that if people try to protect
the nature, nature will also return something for humans (Napier, 2006). Another
environmental concern in Spirited Away was a boy who used to be the spirit of a
river near Chihiro s old town, but he forgot his name. And he was working in the spa
center because the river was filled by human to build a highway (Reider, 2005).
Miyazaki s view changed because his life changed at that time. Japan has developed
quickly at that time especially the industry, but people ignored that some activities
could harm the environment. Also, Napier stated Miyazaki explained that the
inspiration for the river that the boy spirit was a personal experience of his own when
he helped to clean a polluted river near his home (Napier, 2006). Miyazaki wanted to
use the magic film to tell people the truth what they did. Their behaviors reflected their
daily life that damaged the environment with no intention and also encouraged people to
solve the problem in order to protect the environment. Ponyo on the Cliff Miyazaki s
recent film is Ponyo on the Cliff. According to Rob Young, Ponyo, the main character, is
the youngest girl in Miyazaki s film and Ponyo is a
The Technique Behind Mona Lisa
The art of the Renaissance was influenced by both ancient Greek and Roman culture as
well as the humanism movement. The subjects of works of art were no longer limited
to royal and religious figures, nor were they over idealized portrayals. Leonardo da
Vinci s Mona Lisa exemplifies this trend. Working with the new medium of oil and his
mastery of light, contrast, and sfumato, da Vinci created the most famous painting in the
world; a work where subject and background compliment each other to form a perfect
union. One of the aspects that make the Mona Lisasuch a masterpiece is da Vinci s use of
oil as a medium. As the movie The Mystery of Jon van Eyck explains, the use of oil as a
medium was not widely used for painting until van Eyck... Show more content on ...
Partridge explains the importance of the relationship between the background and his
subject. Each feature has a role in drawing subtle attention to the smiling Mona Lisa.
Mountain tops summit at her forehead, a winding road on the viewer s left draws
attention to the turn of the subject s right shoulder away from the viewer. The
meandering river on the viewer s right highlights the turn of the left shoulder towards
the viewer. Furthermore, the artist heightened Mona Lisa s physical presence by
placing her in a realistic environment Here again, da Vinci s sfumato technique comes
into play. No harsh lines separate the subject from her background; they blend into each
other as if one (121). The oneness of Mona Lisa and her background can be attributed
to da Vinci s own views regarding man and nature. Wallace states that da Vinci thought
of man and nature as a whole. He believed that one could not be separated from the
other. In an article in The Art Bulletin, Webster Smith points out the connections da Vinci
drew between man and nature. Da Vinci believed that as a man has a circulatory system
that delivers blood throughout the body, the earth delivers water across its body in the
same way. He would later state that:
we can say that the earth has a spirit of growth and that its flesh be the soil, its bones be
the arrangements and connection
Credential Society
As the first generation of my family member attend college. I understand the value of
higher education and how it would impact my life. College education gives me the
opportunity to explore new ideas, improve critical thinking, and enhance my skills. It is
the gateway to better options and a chance to succeed in life.
First of all, I want to talk about Credential Society. Today, Americans live in a credential
society which determines eligibility for work depending on degrees and diplomas.
Education is important to every one of us because it teaches us how to do many things
that we have never heard of, seen, or knew before. Education not only teaches us
anything what we need to know of school today teach (such as math, language art,
physical education, science, etc...), they also teach us right and wrong such as dugs,
bullies, and what to do and what not to do. It bright the ways of life in which we decide
what is best for us. It makes us civilized, polite and humble. The more education we
receive, the more intelligence our brain will ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, it is just a societal thing, a lot of humans have this same trait, but we
use words instead of our teeth a majority of the time. If we cannot give each other a
label or identify a group of people by some sort of labeling then we are not happy. All
throughout the age s people have labeled to keep oppression, marginalization,
humiliation, and other alive in our cultures. This gives each group unless you re at the
top of the societal heap for example Rich, White, (supposedly) Well Educated, Typical
Family, Swing to the (right now) Political Right, and therefore you have all the rest
beneath you they are not your equal so in the mind of individuals you label the others
beneath you and vice versa at the bottom of the heap choose whomever you would like
Gay, Black, Latino, whoever and they do the same it keeps the stereotype in place and
prevents others from climbing without a struggle to the top of the
What Is My Amazing Life Essay
When I was a child, sometimes before fall asleep, I thought about how would be an
adult life and if I would love my life because I was tired of seeing my dad every time
complains from his life. So, my thoughts were answered because now I have a lot of
interesting and enjoyable things in my life, hopefully I will not forget it. The first one is
the American UniversityI am studying now, a dream that became true. It is important to
remember my family too, I know that I am far from my home, parents and sister but they
give me strength to continue my dream. Also, I would not forget to tell about my
amazing life in a different country, cultures and habits.
During my childhood, I used to watch a movie named The Breakfast Club about how is
the high school in the United States for who does not follow the rules, I dreamed of
someday be able to study in some American institution. Today, I am having this
opportunity, and it is a wonderful and enjoyable experience. For example, I am ... Show
more content on ...
The first different thing that I noticed when I arrived in North Carolina was the different
culture. For example, I have never seen in my life a small city with a lot of retired people
and how friendly they are, also it so different from my city in Brazil, because
Laurinburg is so small and rural city. But it is better living in a small city than a big
city because you do not have problems with traffic, pollutions and others problems of
big cities. Finally, I would like to say about the foods and the schedule of the meals
here, it is so different from my country. For example, the dinner is at five to six and
half, and the breakfast is seven to nine o clock. So, we have a long period between the
meals, but I prefer it. In addition, the foods served here is different. As example, in my
country I used to eat every day rice, beans and meat, but now I just eat pizza and
sandwiches because I do not like a lot of foods served in the
The Argument For Marijuana Legalization In Canada
The Liberal government of Canada is bringing up the issue with marijuana legalization
this spring. The proposition of the legalization has its supporters and opponents that make
that change difficult to implement in the Canadian society. The statistics have shown
that most Canadians are expecting this changes (Spithoff, 2015). The new legislation will
allow legally sell, possess and consume cannabiswithout any legal implications. The aim
of this paper is to examine the proposition for marijuana legalization from different
sides of the debate and to identify the best possible solution to the issue. Policies at
federal and provincial levels of the government will be analyzed with the support of the
research evidence. The words cannabis and... Show more content on ...
This is the product of the research on the issue with the input from the experts in the
field and opinions of all social groups. The Report offers 80 recommendations with the
main accent on establishing a minimum national age of purchase of 18, and discourage
to use under age of 25. The sale should be restricted to certain places, restricted
advertisement and promotion, set a maximum amount of THC in the product, and
educate the public about adverse effects and risk of marijuana impaired driving. This
Report is to prepare a draft of the law to legalize marijuana use in Canada (Government
of Canada,
Baroque Music Vs Classical Music
There are many ways to distinguish compositions. They can be grouped in different
time periods and genres. For us to know what time period to associate them with, we
must be able to recognize the many characteristics of the different time periods. There
are many time periods of music; two of these musical periods were Baroqueand Classical.
Each time period has its own differences. The Baroque period began in the year 1650
and lasted 150 years. Baroque musichad much ornamentation. One example of this is
George Frederic Handel s oratorio Messiah, No. 18: Rejoice Greatly . This oratorio
has three parts Christmas, Easter, and Redemption. No. 18 Rejoice Greatly is part of
the Christmas section. It has a form of da capo aria A B A . The second A includes a
great deal of embellishment. In No. 18 there is a soprano vocal solo and orchestra.
Although the Baroque time period embellishes musicand is very ornamental, the music
of the Classical time period is very simple and is of proportion and balance.... Show more
content on ...
The term classic means timeless beauty or refers to something of highest quality. The
music of the Classical period certainly lived up to this definition. New forms were
developed in this time period. An example of this is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart s Eine
kleine Nachtmusik (A Little Night Music), K. 525 Movement I. This piece has a form
of sonata allegro. It is a form that the Classical time period established. This piece is fast
because it is movement I. It is also in duple meter. It uses a rocket theme and also
contains a string orchestra. It has sudden dynamic changes and a homophonic texture.
Along with these little differences, the Baroque and Classical time periods have some
greater differences and
My Communication Style Analysis
My communication style indicates that I am a capable communicator, but that I need to
plan out my messages more carefully. Strengths include the ability to convey a
message to others, and have that message understood by the person on the receiving
end. I am able to get my point across fairly quickly without having to provide a lengthy
speech. My messages are direct which is often an advantage when having to give a
formal presentation. Another strength is that I am able to maintain eye contact and nod
when someone is speaking to me, which is an important part of body language when
communicating. Even if I am not listening, it does appear that I am present for that
person. That brings me to my weaknesses in communicating with others. Although I
maintain great eye contact, my mind tends to wonder if a person is talking for a lengthy
period of time. I often think about my grocery list or upcoming projects. Another
weakness relates to my email style when relaying a message to others. I have a tendency
to convey a message without including all important facts first time around. This is often
results in having to provide separate follow up messages, which... Show more content on ...
My goal is to be able to send complete emails by the end of the month, without having
to backtrack and send additional messages. Another area I am working on is my active
listening skills. I have noticed that by focusing on what the other person says, I have
become a better listener. Although this is an ongoing area for growth, I would like to
see improvements in my listening skills by the end of February. I have been working
on this with close family and friends, where I make an effort of focusing on what the
other person is saying rather than what I would like to say or do next. This also helps
me put others before myself, which is always a great quality to
Nba Revenue Analysis
The teams of the NBA league generated combined NBA revenues of around 5.87
billion U.S. dollars in the 2015/16. This is the highest figure to date which was a
increase of 690 million dollars from the previous season ( Total NBA Revenue ). There
has been a large increase in revenue in the NBA in recent years. Revenue throughout the
NBA has increased through the success of a team. More successful teams earn more
revenue. Broadcasting is also important for marketing revenue. With expanding
viewership, revenue in the NBA has significantly grown. The salary cap is also another
example of increase in revenue. There are many different reasons why the revenue in the
NBA has increased in recent years.
One way revenue throughout the NBA is increased ... Show more content on ...
This increase in revenue is due to the success of a specific team, marketing, and salary
cap. More successful teams earn more revenue. For example, the Golden State
Warriors received nearly double of that of the Orlando Magic because of their success.
Studies have indicated that winning percentage and the success of your team have a
strong positive correlation with attendance. More attendance means more revenue for
the program because more tickets are being sold. Another way revenue is gained is
having a star player or players. The Cleveland Cavaliers have the biggest impact of
revenue by a star player with Lebron James. With James back on the team, the
Cavaliers saw their revenue jump 45% this season. With expanding viewership,
revenue in the NBA has significantly grown. With marketing also comes sponsorships
and that s where a good chunk of the Nba s revenue comes from. The salary cap is also
another example of increase in revenue. In professional sports, a salary cap or wage
cap is an agreement or rule that places a limit on the amount of money that a team can
spend on players salaries. There are many different reasons why the revenue in the NBA
has increased in recent years. The revenue will continue to increase in years to
Examples Of Ethics In Good Will Hunting
Abstract: The movie Good Will Hunting (1997) by Gus Van Sant depicted an intelligent
man, Will Hunting, with issues fitting in society and maintaining relationship
connections and the therapists who successfully changed Will s outlook at the world .
However, it wasn t without certain technical flaws and possible crossing of certain code
of ethics. This paper raises the issue of the potential erroneous counseling depiction in
movies and certain ethical principles that may have been violated in such depiction,
discusses connection problems of the main character, Will Hunting, and possible reasons
why one particular therapist was able to assist him with his problems whereas other
counselors have failed, as well as a reflection based on the author s own opinion.
Cinematic movies featuring therapists are quite common and sometimes even popular.
While entertaining, often, the depictions of counseling in the movies do not always
reflect reality. In the 1997 film, ... Show more content on ...
One of the key reasons why Sean was able to teach Will to open up was to by first
opening up himself. Sean was not afraid to show his faults and allowed Will to
challenge him on certain, albeit emotionally charged, occasions. Instead of completely
shunning the challenges as the other psychologists in the movie, Sean actually faced
those statements and answered them sincerely whilst accepting that he was not
perfect. In other words, he showed Will it was okay to be vulnerable to his emotions
and to accept his imperfections. He was able to show Will that he cared, as with many
other patients who suffered abuse as a child, Will seemed to have blamed himself for
what happened until Sean gently, but firmly challenged Will to accept it. By the end of
the plot, Will was ready to start taking risks and learning to live life more
Era Of Good Feelings Political Analysis
The War of 1812 has ended after nearly 3 years of fighting between Britain and France,
and the British navy and America. The nation has established itself as a sovereign nation
more than 30 years after winning independence. And a sense of nationalism has fallen
upon the American people, ushering in the Era of Good Feelings. Although the
federalists have been abolished, leaving only the Republican party, once could make the
argument that a single political party leading the country is a triumph of political
cooperation (context). However, with only one political ideology leading the country,
backlash is sure to ensue as the controversial American System and the expansion into the
Louisiana territory prove that after the presidential term of... Show more content on ...
Now, after 14 years, Missouri was applying for statehood in the same territory that was
being debated should have even been bought. However, he application proved to spark
controversy of its own; according to the Northwest Ordinance, no territory who applied to
join the Union could allow slavery, Missouri however had no law banning the
ownership and use of slaves. The Union at first would not allow this, for if slavery were
to expand into the other territories than the country would have no economic necessity
for manufacturing. Slave states would then outnumber free states and have a larger
input as to the political direction of the nation, resulting in presidential elections
constantly being won by using the majority vote provided by the southern slave states.
This is where the Missouri compromise came into play, the agreement decided that
Missouri could be allowed to remain a slave state if slavery was banned from all
territories applying for statehood above the parallel 36°30′ north, and Maine
(formally part of Massachusetts) would be allowed as a free state. This was met with
criticism as it meant that any states north of the parallel would not be able to use the
fertile land they had for plantations, while also resulting in the ban of trading slaves
The Song Of Roland Poem Analysis
The Song of Roland by Dorothy L. Sayers is about a poetic battle between two
religions and two nations. King Charlemagne s army is at war with the Muslim
kingdom in Spain called Saragossa ruled by King Marsilla. King Charlemagne is
determined to have the people of Saragossa submit to his laws and rulings. King
Charlemagneis the king of the Franksand a devoted Christian. His influence as a
Christian militant in the Western part of Mediterranean gave him a lot of power to
expand the Kingdom of the Franks. Not only was King Charles endured by the Pope,
he was also considered a successful conquered. He was the surrounded by his great
warrior nobles who helped him in his kingdom expansion. Rolandwas his dear nephew
and a very skillful warrior who was accompanied by his best friend Oliver.
As the poem continues, King Marsilla is afraid as to what could happen if King
Charles takes over his kingdom. In fear, King Marsilla promises King Charles to send
great possession and gifts in exchange for the Franks to leave Saragossa alone. King
Charles and the rest of his associates accept his peace offering. The tipping point in the
poem is when Roland nominates his step father Ganelon to delivered the message to
King Marsilla. However, Ganelon full of envy and resentment against his step son uses
this opportunity to betray his step son and seek revenge. Genelon believed that Roland
was eager to choose him, so that he could die in the hands of the enemy. With the
intension to directly