Week 4 UHC
Week 4 UHC
Week 4 UHC
Primary health care is the most efficient and cost-effective
way to achieve universal health coverage around the world.
To meet the health workforce requirements of the Sustainable
Development Goals and universal health coverage targets, over
18 million additional health workers are needed by 2030. Gaps in
the supply of and demand for health workers are concentrated in
low- and lower-middle-income countries. The growing demand for
health workers is projected to add an estimated 40 million health
sector jobs to the global economy by 2030. Investments are
needed from both public and private sectors in health worker
education, as well as in the creation and filling of funded positions
in the health sector and the health economy.
UHC emphasizes not only what services are covered, but
also how they are funded, managed, and delivered. A
fundamental shift in service delivery is needed such that services
are integrated and focused on the needs of people and
communities. This includes reorienting health services to ensure
that care is provided in the most appropriate setting, with the right
balance between out- and in-patient care and strengthening the
coordination of care. Health services, including traditional and
complementary medicine services, organized around the
comprehensive needs and expectations of people and
communities will help empower them to take a more active role in
their health and health system.
Can UHC be measured?