Sri4151-Introduction-To-Management-Writ1 - Set-03-November-2023-Ft - 659e6355d6c03 - 3
Sri4151-Introduction-To-Management-Writ1 - Set-03-November-2023-Ft - 659e6355d6c03 - 3
Sri4151-Introduction-To-Management-Writ1 - Set-03-November-2023-Ft - 659e6355d6c03 - 3
Learner declaration
I, ………………………………………….certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and
research sources are fully acknowledged.
Marks Awarded
First assessor
IV marks
Agreed grade
Marks Awarded:
School of Management
Module Code Module Title
2022/2023 1
Assessment Details............................................................
Submission Details.............................................................
Assessment Criteria...........................................................
Further Information...........................................................
Who can answer questions about my assessment?.........................
Submission problems.....................................................................
Unfair academic practice................................................................
How is my work graded?................................................................
Assessment Details
Assessment title Abr. Weighting
Pass marks are 40% for undergraduate work and 50% for postgraduate work unless stated otherwise.
Task/assessment brief:
Management is a set of activities (including planning and decision making, organizing, leading, and controlling)
directed at an organization’s resources (human, financial, physical, and information), with the aim of achieving
organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner (Griffin, 2017). The competitive business world has
created requirements for significant improvements in management with relevant applications. Assume that you
have been appointed as a Management Intern in one of the organizations listed below and prepare a report on
organizational management practices.
a. Uniliver Sri Lanka
b. Hemas Holdings PLC
c. Hayleys Lanka PVT ltd
Provide a comprehensive report complying (3000 words) with relevant theories/concepts and related examples
from selected organization whenever it is applicable. You may use secondary data related to the selected
organization to complete the report. Your report must cover the below tasks.
1. Discuss the usage of interpersonal roles by the different level managers of selected organization and
discuss different skills that they have utilized to enhance the organizational effectiveness (10 marks).
2. Behavioral theory says that an individual can be motivated to complete different activities due to
something that is outside of themselves (Schlinger, 2009). Explain how behavioural perspective can be
used by the organization to enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness (15 Marks).
3. Critically analyse the task environment of the organization and explain the way that the organization can
utilize their strengths to overcome the weaknesses to enhance the organizational potential (15 Marks).
4. Identify Vision, Mission and Goals of the organization and discuss the way that the organization has
executed different levels of plans to achieve the vision (15 marks).
5. Identify the departmentalization basis that the organization has utilized and discuss the way that the
departmentalization concept has supported to enhance organizational performance (15 Marks).
6. Examine the leadership styles that the managers of selected organization have used and explain the way
that each leadership style has created a significant impact on organizational success (10 Marks).
Note: Secondary data refers to data that is collected by someone other than the primary user. Common sources
of secondary data for social science include; censuses, information collected by government departments,
organizational records and data that was originally collected for other research purposes.
Referencing should be done strictly using Harvard Referencing style (Minimum 10 Sources)
This a reflection of the effort required for the assessment. Word counts will normally include any text, tables,
calculations, figures, subtitles and citations. Reference lists and contents of appendices are excluded from the
word count. You are given a 10% plus or minus benefit from the given word count. Contents of appendices are
not usually considered when determining your final assessment grade.
Submission Details
Submission Deadline: This will be provided on
Estimated Feedback
This will normally be 20
the Moodle submission working days after initial
Return Date submission.
Moodle/Turnitin: Any assessments submitted after the deadline will not be marked and will be
recorded as a non-attempt unless you have had an extension request agreed or
have approved mitigating circumstances. See the School Moodle pages for more
information on extensions and mitigating circumstances.
File Format: The assessment must be submitted as a pdf document (save the document as a pdf
in your software) and submit through the Turnitin submission point in Moodle.
Feedback Feedback for the assessment will be provided electronically via Moodle. Feedback will be
provided with comments on your strengths and the areas which you can improve. View the
guidance on how to access your feedback.
All marks are provisional and are subject to quality assurance processes and confirmation at
the programme Examination Board.
Assessment Criteria
Learning outcomes assessed
1. Identify the organizational environment, role of a manager and knowledge and skills needed in
2. Explain the historical development of management theories and contemporary management theories.
3. Discuss the nature and types of organizations.
4. Examine the management functions in organizations.
This module helps students to understand management concepts and managerial responsibilities in both
formal and informal organizational structures.
The goal of the course is to provide the student with a foundation of management principles. The five
areas of focus will be planning, organizing, directing, controlling and staffing.
The module helps students to evaluate the business environment (internal and external environmental
factors) in order to take business decisions.
Marking/Assessment Criteria
explanation of explanation of contemporary of contemporary discussion
behavioural behavioural management management which did not
management management theories and the theories and the satisfy the
perspective and the perspective and the usage of it in the usage of it at in the requirement
usage of it in the usage of it in the company. A Fair company. of the task
company. Very Clear company. Clear attempt of the task. Insufficient majorly. The
identification and identification and Average use of attempt. Poor use facts were
explanation of explanation of Harvard referencing of Harvard not identified
contemporary contemporary and the student has referencing and even clearly.
management management produced few of in- the student has The standard
theories are the theories are the text and end-text not produced in- of work is
expectation of this expectation of this citations text and end-text very poor.
task. Excellent use of task. Very good use correspondent to the citations Very poor use
Harvard referencing of Harvard references. correspondent to of Harvard
and the student has referencing and the the references. referencing
produced in-text student has and the
and end-text produced most of in- student has
citations text and end-text not produced
correspondent to citations in-text and
the references. correspondent to end-text
the references. citations
t to the
03 15-13 12-10 09-07 06-04 03-00
Student has Student has Student has Student has Student failed
demonstrated an demonstrated a demonstrated a demonstrated the to answer
excellent in-depth good discussion on moderate discussion information in a each sub
discussion on organizational and on organizational poor way. Some division of
organizational task environment. Good task environment. areas are not the task as
environment. Very justifications on Average covered, but it was instructed.
good justifications strengths and justifications on seen that student The
on strengths and weaknesses and strengths and has put an effort to information
weaknesses and threats. Noted weaknesses and answer the provided is
threats. individual judgments threats. Noted few question. not valid,
Noted individual but lapses in some approaches of Answer is not accurate and
judgments with certain areas. collecting data. structured; not up to the
clear justifications. Noted several information is standard.
Noted several and approaches of Moderate effort was scattered which Poor report
innovative collecting data. Very seen to make the showed that of
approaches of good use of Harvard answer more logical student had poor information
collecting data. referencing and the and structured. theoretical with lot of
Excellent use of student has Average use of knowledge and the grammatical
Harvard referencing produced most of in- Harvard referencing application and technical
and the student has text and end-text and the student has knowledge. Poor mistakes.
produced in-text citations produced few of in- use of Harvard Poor
and end-text correspondent to text and end-text referencing and adherence to
citations the references. citations the student has the
correspondent to correspondent to the not produced in- assignment
the references references text and end-text criteria. Very
citations poor use of
correspondent to Harvard
the references. referencing
and the
student has
not produced
in-text and
t to the
04 15-13 12-10 09-07 06-04 03-00
Excellent Very good Good examination of Student has Student failed
examination of examination of planning at different demonstrated the to answer
planning at different planning at different levels and support of information in a each sub
levels and support levels and support of plan to achieve poor way. Some division of
of plan to achieve plan to achieve organizational vision, areas are not the task as
organizational organizational vision, mission and goals. covered, but it was instructed.
vision, mission and mission and goals. Moderate effort was seen that student
goals. Noted individual seen to make the has put an effort to The
Noted individual judgments but lapses answer more logical answer the information
judgments with in some certain and structured. question. provided is
clear justifications. areas. Very good use Average use of Answer is not not valid,
Excellent use of of Harvard Harvard referencing structured; accurate and
Harvard referencing referencing and the and the student has information is not up to the
and the student has student has produced few of in- scattered which standard.
produced in-text produced most of in- text and end-text showed that Poor report
and end-text text and end-text citations student had poor of
citations citations correspondent to the theoretical information
correspondent to correspondent to references knowledge and the with lot of
the reference the references. application grammatical
knowledge Poor and technical
use of Harvard mistakes.
referencing and
the student has Poor
not produced in- adherence to
text and end-text the
citations assignment
correspondent to criteria. Very
the references. poor use of
and the
student has
not produced
in-text and
t to the
05 15-13 12-10 09-07 06-04 03-00
Student has Student has Student has Student has Student failed
demonstrated an demonstrated a very demonstrated a demonstrated the to answer
excellent good examination in good examination in information in a each sub
examination in departmentalization departmentalization poor way. Some division of
departmentalization concept importance concept importance areas are not the task as
concept importance of it for of it for covered, but it was instructed.
of it for organizational organizational seen that student The
organizational performance. Noted performance. has put an effort to information
performance. individual judgments Moderate effort was answer the provided is
Noted individual but lapses in some seen to make the question. not valid,
judgments with certain areas. Very answer more logical Answer is not accurate and
clear justifications. good use of Harvard and structured. structured; not up to the
Excellent use of referencing and the Average use of information is standard.
Harvard referencing student has Harvard referencing scattered which Poor report
and the student has produced most of in- and the student has showed that of
produced in-text text and end-text produced few of in- student had poor information
and end-text citations text and end-text theoretical with lot of
citations correspondent to citations knowledge and the grammatical
correspondent to the references. correspondent to the application and technical
the reference reference’s knowledge. Poor
correspondents to use of Harvard mistakes.
the references. referencing and Poor
the student has adherence to
not produced in- the
text and end-text assignment
citations criteria. Very
correspondent to poor use of
the references. Harvard
and the
student has
not produced
in-text and
t to the
06 10-09 08-07 06-05 04-03 02-00
Excellent Very good Good examination of Student has Student failed
examination of the examination of the leadership styles and demonstrated the to answer
leadership styles leadership styles and influence of information in a each sub
and influence of influence of leadership theories poor way. Some division of
leadership theories leadership theories on employee areas are not the task as
on employee on employee motivation in covered, but it was instructed.
motivation in motivation in achieving seen that student
achieving achieving organizational has put an effort to The
organizational organizational objectives. Moderate answer the information
objectives. Noted objectives. Noted effort was seen to question. provided is
individual judgments individual judgments make the answer Answer is not not valid,
with clear but lapses in some more logical and structured; accurate and
justifications certain areas. Very structured. Average information is not up to the
Excellent use of good use of Harvard use of Harvard scattered which standard.
Harvard referencing referencing and the referencing and the showed that Poor report
and the student has student has student has student had poor of
produced in-text produced most of in- produced few of in- theoretical information
and end-text text and end-text text and end-text knowledge and the with lot of
citations citations citations application grammatical
correspondent to correspondent to correspondent to the knowledge Poor and technical
the reference. the references references. use of Harvard mistakes.
referencing and
the student has
not produced in- Poor
text and end-text adherence to
citations the
correspondent to assignment
the references. criteria. Very
poor use of
and the
student has
not produced
in-text and
t to the
07 10-09 08-07 06-05 04-03 02-00
Excellent Very good Good examination of Student has Student failed
examination of the examination of the basic steps of demonstrated the to answer
basic steps of basic steps of controlling process information in a each sub
controlling process controlling process and different types poor way. Some division of
and different types and different types of controlling that areas are not the task as
of controlling that of controlling that organization has covered, but it was instructed.
organization has organization has implemented to seen that student
implemented to implemented to enhance operational has put an effort to The
enhance operational enhance operational efficiency. Moderate answer the information
efficiency. Noted efficiency. Noted effort was seen to question. provided is
individual judgments individual judgments make the answer Answer is not not valid,
with clear but lapses in some more logical and structured; accurate and
justifications certain areas. Very structured. Average information is not up to the
Excellent use of good use of Harvard use of Harvard scattered which standard.
Harvard referencing referencing and the referencing and the showed that Poor report
and the student has student has student has student had poor of
produced in-text produced most of in- produced few of in- theoretical information
and end-text text and end-text text and end-text knowledge and the with lot of
citations citations citations application grammatical
correspondent to correspondent to correspondent to the knowledge Poor and technical
the reference. the references references. use of Harvard mistakes.
referencing and
the student has
not produced in- Poor
text and end-text adherence to
citations the
correspondent to assignment
the references. criteria. Very
poor use of
and the
student has
not produced
in-text and
t to the
08 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0
Fully followed the Followed the Fairly followed the Poor followed the A very poor
guidelines for a guidelines for a guidelines for a guidelines for a answer which
report preparation. report preparation. report preparation. report preparation. did not satisfy
An excellent report A good report A fair report A poor report the
submitted. submitted. submitted. submitted. requirement
of the task
majorly. The
standard of
work is very
Further Information
Who can answer questions about my
assessment? It is strongly advised that you submit your work
at least 24 hours before the deadline to allow
Questions about the assessment should be time to resolve any last minute problems you
directed to the staff member who has set the might have. If you are having issues with IT or
task/assessment brief. This will usually be the Turnitin you should contact the IT Helpdesk on
Module Leader. They will be happy to answer (+44) 2920 417000. You may require evidence of
any queries you have. the Helpdesk call if you are trying to
demonstrate that a fault with Moodle or Turnitin
Staff members can often provide feedback on an was the cause of a late submission.
assignment plan but cannot review any drafts of
your work prior to submission. The only Extensions and mitigating circumstances
exception to this rule is for Dissertation
Supervisors to provide feedback on a draft of Short extensions on assessment deadlines can be
your dissertation. requested in specific circumstances. If you are
encountering particular hardship which has been
Referencing and independent learning affecting your studies, then you may be able to
apply for mitigating circumstances. This can give
Please ensure you reference a range of credible
the teachers on your programme more scope to
sources, with due attention to the academic
adapt the assessment requirements to support
literature in the area. The time spent on research
your needs. Extensions and mitigating
and reading from good quality sources will be
circumstances policies and procedures are
reflected in the quality of your submitted work.
regularly updated. You should refer to your
degree programme or school Moodle pages for
Remember that what you get out of university
information on extensions and mitigating
depends on what you put in. Your teaching
sessions typically represent between 10% and
30% of the time you are expected to study for
Unfair academic practice
your degree. A 20-credit module represents 200
hours of study time. The rest of your time should Cardiff Met takes issues of unfair practice
be taken up by self-directed study. extremely seriously. The University has
procedures and penalties for dealing with unfair
Unless stated otherwise you must use the academic practice. These are explained in full in
HARVARD referencing system. Further guidance the University's Unfair Practice regulations and
on referencing can be found in the Study Smart procedures under Volume 1, Section 8 of the
area on Moodle and at Academic Handbook. The Module Leader (use your university reserves the right to interview students
login details to access the site). Correct regarding any aspect of their work submitted for
referencing is an easy way to improve your assessment.
marks and essential in achieving higher grades
on most assessments. Types of Unfair Practice, include: