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Competitor Comparison Variable Speed Drives in Pumping

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Faculty of Technology
Department of Energy- and Environmental Technology



The topic of the Master’s thesis has been approved by the department head of the Department
of Energy- and Environmental Technology on the 15 th April 2008.

Examiners: Professor, D.Sc. Esa Marttila

Lic. Sc. (Tech.) Simo Hammo
Supervisor: M. Sc. Jukka Tolvanen

Lappeenranta 29.4.2008

Niina Aranto
Katajakatu 15 b 9
53810 Lappeenranta
+358 505498179

Lappeenranta University of Technology

Department of Energy- and Environmental Technology

Niina Aranto

Competitor comparison: variable speed drives in pumping applications

Master’s thesis


100 pages, 57 pictures, 3 tables and 8 appendixes

Examiners: Professor, D.Sc. Esa Marttila

Lic.Sc. (Tech.) Simo Hammo

Keywords: Variable speed drive, pumping application, drive system, efficiency

As the world’s energy demand is increasing, a durable solution to control it is to improve

the energy efficiency of the processes. It has been estimated that pumping applications
have a significant potential for energy savings trough equipment or control system changes.
For many pumping applications the use of a variable speed drive as a process control
element is the most energy efficient solution.

The main target of this study is to examine the energy efficiency of a drive system that
moves the pump. In a larger scale the purpose of this study is to examine how the different
manufacturers’variable speed drives are functioning as a control device of a pumping
process. The idea is to compare the drives from a normal pump user’s point of view. The
things that are mattering for the pump user are the efficiency gained in the process and the
easiness of the use of the VSD. So some thought is given also on valuating the user-
friendliness of the VSDs. The VSDs are compared to each other also on the basis of their
life cycle energy costs in different kind of pumping cases.

The comparison is made between ACS800 from ABB, VLT AQUA Drive from Danfoss,
NX-drive from Vacon and Micromaster 430 from Siemens. The efficiencies are measured
in power electronics laboratory in the Lappeenranta University of Technology with a
system that consists of a variable speed drive, an induction motor with dc-machine, two
power analyzers and a torque transducer.

The efficiencies are measured as a function of a load at different frequencies. According to

measurement results the differences between the measured system efficiencies on the
actual working area of pumping are on average few percent units. When examining
efficiencies at the whole range of different loads and frequencies, the differences get bigger.
At low frequencies and loads the differences between the most efficient and the least
efficient systems are at the most about ten percent units. At the most of the tested points
ABB’s drive seem to have slightly better efficiencies than the other drives.

Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto

Energia- ja ympäristötekniikan osasto

Niina Aranto

Kilpailijavertailu: Taajuusmuuttajien pumppusovellukset



100 sivua, 57 kuvaa, 3 taulukkoa ja 8 liitettä

Tarkastajat: Professori TkT Esa Marttila

TkL Simo Hammo

Hakusanat: Taajuusmuuttaja, pumppusovellus, energiatehokkuus

Energian kulutus ympäri maailmaa kasvaa jatkuvasti. Kestävä keino hillitä kasvua on parantaa
prosessien energiatehokkuutta. On osoitettu, että oikeanlaisella prosessinohjauksella ja laitteis-
tolla pumppusovelluksien tehokkuutta voidaan parantaa merkittävästi. Monissa tapauksissa on
taloudellisinta ohjata pumppausprosessia taajuusmuuttajan avulla.

Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoite on tutkia pumppua pyörittävän taajuusmuuttaja-ohjatun moot-

torin tehokkuutta. Työssä vertaillaan toisiinsa eri laitevalmistajien taajuusmuuttajia ja niiden
soveltumista pumppausprosessiin. Ideana on vertailla taajuusmuuttajia normaalin pumppu-
käyttäjän näkökulmasta, jolloin tärkeimpiä vertailukohteita ovat prosessissa saavutettava te-
hokkuus sekä taajuusmuuttajan käytön vaivattomuus. Lisäksi työssä vertaillaan taajuusmuutta-
jia erilaisten pumppausprosessien elinkaarten aikaisten energiakustannusten perusteella.

Vertailussa mukana olevat taajuusmuuttajat ovat ACS800 ABB:lta, VLT AQUA Drive Dan-
fossilta, NX-Drive Vaconilta sekä Micromaster 430 Siemensiltä. Taajuusmuuttajien ja mootto-
rin hyötysuhteet mitataan Lappeenrannan Teknillisen Yliopiston tehoelektroniikan laboratori-
ossa. Mittauslaitteisto koostuu taajuusmuuttajasta, moottorista ja kuormakoneesta, kahdesta
tehoanalysaattorista sekä vääntömomenttianturista.

Hyötysuhteet mitataan kuorman funktiona eri taajuuksilla. Mittauksista saatujen tulosten mu-
kaan erot systeemien hyötysuhteissa pumpun käyttöalueella ovat korkeintaan muutamia pro-
senttiyksiköitä. Tutkittaessa hyötysuhteita laajemmalla alueella eri taajuuksilla ja kuormilla
erot kasvavat laitteiden välillä. Erot ovat suurimmillaan pienillä taajuuksilla ja suurilla kuor-
milla, jolloin ero maksimissaan on noin 10 prosenttiyksikköä. Testattavista laitteista ABB:n
taajuusmuuttajalla ohjatulla moottorilla oli suurimmassa osassa mittapisteitä hieman muita
parempi hyötysuhde.

At the end of April 2008 this interesting and challenging period of writing my master’s thesis
is ending. This project has given me a great opportunity to learn more about pumping systems
not to mention the practical view that I got of the energy efficiency of the motors and variable
speed drives.

This study was a part of ABB Oy Drives’investigations. The supervisor of my study from
ABB was M.Sc. Jukka Tolvanen. To him I want to give my great thanks for his guidance and
dedication. I also want to thank my examiners at Lappeenranta University of Technology,
Professor Esa Marttila and Lic.Sc. Simo Hammo for their advices. To Juha Viholainen I’m
grateful for his help along the way and especially with the practical part of my study. My
thanks also to Markku Niemelä, Erkki Nikku and Martti Lindh for their assistance during the
laboratory measurements.

Foremost I want to thank my family for their support during my studies. Heartfelt thanks also
to my friends, especially to Ville for his encouragement on the way.

Lappeenranta 28.4.2008

Niina Aranto

SYMBOLS....................................................................................................................... 4

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 6

1.1 Background of the study .................................................................................... 6

1.2 Competitor comparison ...................................................................................... 7
1.3 Objectives and the scope of the study................................................................. 9
1.4 Structure of the study ....................................................................................... 10

2 PUMPS................................................................................................................... 12

2.1 Pumping applications....................................................................................... 12

2.2 Energy saving potential in pumping applications.............................................. 13
2.3 Pump basics ..................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1 Centrifugal pumps........................................................................................ 14
2.4 Pumping system hydraulic characteristics ........................................................ 16
2.4.1 Characteristic curves .................................................................................... 16
2.4.2 Head ............................................................................................................ 17
2.4.3 Power........................................................................................................... 19
2.4.4 Efficiency .................................................................................................... 19
2.4.5 Losses .......................................................................................................... 20
2.4.6 Net positive suction head ............................................................................. 21
2.4.7 Operating point ............................................................................................ 22
2.4.8 Affinity laws ................................................................................................ 23
2.5 Methods of flow control................................................................................... 25
2.5.1 Throttling..................................................................................................... 27
2.5.2 By-passing ................................................................................................... 27
2.5.3 On-off control .............................................................................................. 27
2.5.4 VSD control................................................................................................. 28

3 VARIABLE SPEED PUMPING ........................................................................... 29

3.1 Variable speed pumping applications ............................................................... 29

3.2 Variable speed technology ............................................................................... 30

3.2.2. Variable speed drive..................................................................................... 31

3.2.3. Induction motor............................................................................................ 33
3.2.4. Benefits of using variable speed drive .......................................................... 33

4. EFFICIENCY OF THE DRIVE SYSTEM........................................................... 35

4.1 Losses of the VSD-controlled motor ................................................................ 39

4.2 Drive losses ..................................................................................................... 41

5 COMPETITOR COMPARISON.......................................................................... 42

5.1 Competing variable speed drives...................................................................... 42

5.2 Focus and perspective of the comparison ......................................................... 44
5.3 Efficiency ........................................................................................................ 44
5.4 Life cycle cost analysis .................................................................................... 46
5.4.1 Life cycle costs ............................................................................................ 46
5.4.2 Comparison of life cycle energy costs .......................................................... 47
5.5 User-friendliness.............................................................................................. 52
5.5.1 Installation ................................................................................................... 52
5.5.2 Start up and use............................................................................................ 53
5.5.3 Manuals ....................................................................................................... 53
5.5.4 Control panel ............................................................................................... 54

6 MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................... 55

6.1 Measuring equipment....................................................................................... 55

6.2 Course of the measurement .............................................................................. 56
6.2.1 First test run: Efficiencies without flux optimisation..................................... 57
6.2.2 Second test run: Efficiencies with flux optimisation ..................................... 57
6.2.3 Collected measuring information.................................................................. 59
6.3 Measurement results ........................................................................................ 60
6.3.1 Efficiencies without flux-optimisation.......................................................... 60
6.3.2 Efficiencies with energy optimization on...................................................... 63
6.4 Accuracy of measurement ................................................................................ 66

7 COMPARISON RESULTS................................................................................... 67

7.1 Efficiency ........................................................................................................ 67


7.1.1 Efficiencies without flux optimization.......................................................... 67

7.1.2 Efficiencies with flux optimization............................................................... 73
7.2 Life cycle energy costs..................................................................................... 77
7.2.1 Pumping case 1 ............................................................................................ 77
7.2.2 Pumping case 2 ............................................................................................ 79
7.2.3 Pumping case 3 ............................................................................................ 81
7.3 User-friendliness.............................................................................................. 82
7.3.1 ACS800 by ABB.......................................................................................... 83
7.3.2 VLT AQUA Drive FC 200 from Danfoss..................................................... 85
7.3.3 NX -drive from Vacon ................................................................................. 88
7.3.4 Micromaster 430 from Siemens.................................................................... 90

8 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................... 94

9 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 96




Greek letters

efficiency [%]
density of the liquid [kg/m3]
power factor

Roman letters

D impeller diameter [m]

E energy [kWh]
f frequency [Hz]
g acceleration of gravity [m/s2]
I current [A]
H head [m]
N rotation speed [rpm]
P power [kW]
Q flow rate [l/s], [m3/s]
T torque [Nm]
U voltage [V]
v velocity [m/s]


a axis
add. additional
cu copper
d demand
D dissipation
d.s. drive system
dyn. dynamic

f first harmonic
fe ferro
geod. geodetic
in input
m motor
mech. mechanical
out output
p pump
r rotor
s stator
sys. system
VSD variable speed drive


1.1 Background of the study

As the energy demand all over the world increases and climate change accelerates, must
ways to save energy be invented. Energy-efficiency, getting more use out of the electricity
we already generate, is a durable solution to meet the need of increasing energy demand.
Technological solutions to improve energy efficiency not only decrease the environmental
burden but also produce cost savings. To achieve energy savings new energy efficient
equipment need to be developed, but there also lays a great potential to accomplish energy
savings in old existing processes. Among others processes, pumping systems have a great
technical and economic potential for energy saving. After motors, pumps are the second
most widely used machine in the world. So by increasing the efficiency of pumping
systems would a great amount of energy be saved.

All pumping systems comprise a pump, a driver, piping and operating controls. The
efficiency of a given pump is one small factor affecting the efficiency of a pumping system.
Pumping applications represents a significant potential to save energy by using a variable
speed drive technology to control the process. The use of a variable speed drive in a
pumping process will in many cases save a remarkable amount of energy. Even more
energy will be saved, if the drive system is as efficient as possible. In this study, the
attention is paid in the efficiency of the drive system, which consists of a variable speed
drive and a motor. A special attention is given to the comparison of different
manufacturer’s variable speed drives. This study is a part of an investigation of ABB Oy

Efficiency of the drive system is an important factor because in the long run high
efficiency means economic savings for the user, not to mention the benefits for
environment. The efficiency of the drive system consists of the efficiency of the motor and
the efficiency of the device that controls the motor. The main objective of this study is to
examine how the different manufacturers variable speed drives are functioning as a part of

a pumping system, and what kind of an effect they have on the efficiency of the drive
system in comparison to each other.

In picture (1) there is illustrated how the efficiency of the drive system forms. The losses
of the variable speed drive and the motor define the efficiency of the drive system. The
efficiency of the drive system ( d.s.) is equal to the ratio of the input power to the variable
speed drive and the output power of the motor. Typically the losses of a variable speed
drive controlled motor (11 kW or smaller) are (10-20)% at the nominal speed and load.
The losses of a variable speed drive are typically (2-5)%. The focus of this study is to
compare the efficiencies of drive systems with different manufacturers’drives.

Picture 1. The formation of the drive systems efficiency at nominal speed and load. Sizes of the arrows
depict energy flows: the input and output energies and the losses. (The amount of losses in the picture is
typical for a variable speed drive controlled motor size of 11kW or smaller).

1.2 Competitor comparison

The main objective of this study is to compare variable speed drives from different
manufacturers functioning as a control device of a pumping process. The comparison is
made between ACS800 from ABB, VLT AQUA Drive from Danfoss, NX-drive from
Vacon and Micromaster 430 from Siemens.

The comparison is made from the perspective of a normal pump user. From the person’s
point of view, who is using a variable speed drive in a pumping process, the mattering
things in the first instance are the efficiency of the process and the user-friendliness of the
control device of the process. Also the environmental impact of the process concerns the
pump user. When it comes to electrical devices, the biggest environmental impact of the
device is caused by the use of the device.

So the normal pump user’s perspective being the starting point of this study, the main
comparing categories are the efficiency of the drive system (VSD + motor) and the user-
friendliness of the variable speed drive. The environmental aspect is taken into account
trough energy-efficiency.

The efficiency of the system is measured in power electronics laboratory in the

Lappeenranta University of Technology with a system that consists of a variable speed
drive and an induction motor with DC-machine. The input powers to the variable speed
drive an to the motor are measured with two power analyzers, one located before the
variable speed drive and the other located between the VSD and the motor. The
mechanical power on the motors shaft is measured with a torque transducer. The efficiency
of the variable speed drive itself is examined as well as the efficiency of the drive system.

The target of the efficiency measurements is not to give exact and absolute efficiency
results of the different drive systems, but to compare the variable speed drives of different
manufacturers functioning as a control device of a pumping process. The idea is to
examine and compare what kind of efficiencies the pump user manages to achieve with
different variable speed drives. So too much attention should not be paid in individual
efficiencies; the main point of the measurements is to compare the efficiencies of different
drive systems to each other. The measured efficiencies are commensurable to each other in
the light of the fact that the measuring equipment and circumstances are the same in all
efficiency measurements. The measuring accuracy is the same in all cases.

Besides the efficiency the user-friendliness is an aspect of the comparison. The definition
of the user-friendliness varies depending on the user, so it is impossible to give a

comprehensive valuation about the user-friendliness of a device. Because of the user

oriented nature of this point of comparison, the valuation of the user-friendliness is based
on empiric experiences of the user and the installer of the drive.

The valuation of the user-friendliness is given by the measurer who can be compared to a
person who uses the variable speed drive in a pumping application. When evaluating the
user-friendliness, the attention is paid in the easiness of the implementation, easiness of the
start-up and the use, logicalness of the control panel and readability of the manuals.

The opinions of user-friendliness are formed on the basis of how the measurement
situation succeeded with the drive. Because an opinion is more or less a matter of judgment,
the evaluation of user-friendliness should be thought more as an depiction of the problems
and successes with different VSD’s in the measurement situation.

1.3 Objectives and the scope of the study

The main objective of this study is to examine different variable speed drives functioning
as a part of a pumping process. The main attention is paid in the efficiency of the drive
system that runs the pump. The idea is to examine what kind of an effect different
manufacturers’ variable speed drives have on the efficiency of the drive system. The
comparison is made between variable speed drives from ABB, Vacon, Danfoss and
Siemens. The efficiencies of the drive systems are measured in power electronics
laboratory in the Lappeenranta University of Technology with a system that consists of a
variable speed drive and an induction motor with DC-machine. The measurements consists
of two test runs: in the first test run the efficiencies are measured without any energy
optimization and on the second test run the efficiencies are measured with the optimization
on. The efficiencies are measured for the VSD itself and for the drive system, which
consists of a variable speed drive and an induction motor.

On the grounds of the measured efficiencies are calculated life cycle energy costs of three
imaginary pumping cases. The idea of the calculations is to examine how the different

manufacturers’drives function as a part of different kinds of pumping cases, and what kind
of an effect they have on the energy consumption of the processes. As a result of the
calculations are gained the life cycle energy costs of different pumping cases with different

Another objective of this study is to compare the easiness of the use of the drives from a
pump user’s point of view. The purpose is to find out what kind of differences there are in
the use of the different variable speed drives, and what things might cause problems for the
user and what things go well with the drives. The approach of consideration when
valuating the user-friendliness of the variable speed drives is pretty practical.

1.4 Structure of the study

As this study concerns variable speed drives used in pumping applications, at fist there is
presented basic theory about pumps and pumping (Chapter 2). After that is presented
theory about variable speed drive technology and the use of it in pumping applications
(Chapter 3). The main focus of this study is the efficiency of the drive system, so in
chapter four there is theory about induction motor controlled with a variable speed drive.
The attention in that chapter is paid in the losses and the efficiency of VSD-controlled

In the last five chapters is presented the experimental part of this study. Before going into
results of the comparison it is clarifying to have a general view of the aspects of the
comparison. The aspects and the focus of the competitor comparison are introduced in the
chapter five. In chapter five there is also described the method of the life cycle energy
calculations and shortly introduced the course of the efficiency measurements.

The efficiency comparison is the main focus of this study, and chapter six is devoted to the
description of the measurements. In chapter six there are also presented the measured
efficiencies of different drives systems.

The actual results of the different aspects of the comparison are presented in chapter seven.
The measured efficiencies are presented already in the chapter six, but in chapter seven
there are presented the efficiencies of the drives compared to each others. The results of the
life cycle cost analysis are also presented in this chapter as well as the valuations of the
user-friendliness of the VSDs.

In chapters eight and nine there are conclusions and a summary of this study.


This chapter presents theory about pumps. At first are introduced some applications where
pumps are used and the energy saving potential in pumping processes. The pumping
system hydraulic characteristics and the methods of flow control are introduced as well.

2.1 Pumping applications

After motors, pumps are the second most widely used machine in the world. Practically all
manufacturing plants, commercial buildings and municipalities rely on pumping systems
for their daily operation. In the commercial sector, pumps are primarily used in heating,
ventilation and air conditioning systems to provide water for heat transfer. Municipalities
use pumps for water and wastewater transfer and treatment and for land drainage. Pumps
are used in many kinds of applications: they provide domestic services, commercial and
agricultural services, municipal water/wastewater services, and industrial services for food
processing, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and mechanical industries. (Asdal
2006, 44.)

Pumping systems account for nearly 20% of the world’s electrical energy demand and can
account for anywhere from 25–50% of the energy usage in certain industrial plant
operations. The situation is, at least in the US and in Europa, that 70% of all energy
production is used to drive electric motors, and 70% of those motors drive pumps,
compressors and fans. (Nolte 2004, 27.)

Energy costs can exceed a pump’s purchase price by four to 20 times, depending on the
application and the running time. In fact, in most cases, energy is the single largest
component of a pumps’life cycle cost (LCC). That is the reason, why special attention
should be paid in energy consumption and the efficiency of the pumping system. (Nolte
2004, 27.)

2.2 Energy saving potential in pumping applications

Opportunities to improve pump system energy efficiency fall into two distinct categories:
existing and new systems. Existing systems provide a greater opportunity for savings than
do new systems for two reasons. First, there are at least 20 times as many pumping systems
in the installed base as are built each year; and, second, many of the existing systems have
pumps or controls that are not optimized since the pumping tasks change over time. (Asdal
et. al. 2006, 45.) Some studies have shown that 30% to 50% of the energy consumed by
pumping systems could be saved through equipment or control system changes (Europump
and Hydraulic Institute 2004, 3).

Opportunities in new system design must not be ignored, though. For a given new system,
the potential savings in energy and life cycle costs are far greater than in a given existing
system of similar size and application. One reason for this is the opportunity to optimize
the piping system design. Other aspects of the pump system can also be better customized
to the system requirements in the design of new systems. (Asdal et. al. 2006, 45.)

2.3 Pump basics

Pump is a machine used to move liquid trough a piping system and to raise the pressure of
the liquid. A pump moves liquids from lower pressure to higher pressure, and overcomes
this difference in pressure by adding energy to the system. The energy input into the pump
is typically the energy source used to power the driver. The input energy is converted in
the driver output shaft, operating at a certain speed and transmitting a certain torque. (Volk
2005, 1-5.)

Pumps can be classified several ways: according to their function, their conditions of
service, materials of construction etc. At the first level pumps can be categorised to kinetic
pumps and positive displacement pumps according to the principle by which energy is
added to the liquid (Picture 2). (Volk 2005, 1-5.)



Regenerative Reciprocating
Centrifugal Special effect Rotary pumps Blow case
turbine pumps

Picture2. Classification of pumps. (Volk 2005, 6.)

2.3.1 Centrifugal pumps

A centrifugal pump is a commonly used pump type. This study concentrates on the
centrifugal pump applications, so the following theory concerns centrifugal pumps.

A centrifugal pump belongs in the category of kinetic pumps. In a kinetic pump, energy is
continuously added to the liquid to increase its velocity. When the liquid velocity is
subsequently reduced, this produces a pressure increase. Although there are several special
types of pumps that fall into this classification, for the most part this classification consists
of centrifugal pumps. (Volk 2005, 1-5.)

A purpose of a centrifugal pump is to convert energy of a prime mover (for example an

electric motor) first into velocity or kinetic energy and then into pressure energy of a fluid
that is being pumped. The energy changes occur by virtue of two main parts of the pump,
the impeller and the volute. The impeller is the rotating part that converts driver energy
into the kinetic energy. The volute or diffuser is the stationary part that converts the kinetic
energy into pressure energy. (Sahdev, 2.)
15 Function of a centrifugal pump

A centrifugal pump consists of an impeller attached to and rotating with the shaft and a
volute casing that encloses the impeller. In a centrifugal pump, liquid is forced into the
inlet side of the pump casing by atmospheric pressure or some upstream pressure. As the
impeller rotates, liquid moves toward the discharge side of the pump. This creates a void or
reduced pressure area at the impeller inlet. The pressure at the pump casing inlet, which is
higher than this reduced pressure at the impeller inlet, forces additional liquid into the
impeller to fill the void. (Volk 2005, 1-5.)

The movement of the liquid is illustrated in the picture (3), which depicts a side cross
section of a centrifugal pump.

Picture 3. Cross section of a centrifugal pump.


2.4 Pumping system hydraulic characteristics

This chapter introduces the basics of pump hydraulics, particularly as they apply to
centrifugal pumps. A pump’s behaviour is described with characteristic curves, which are
introduced in this chapter. In addition to the head, efficiency and power curves this chapter
introduces the operating point of the pump and system, losses of the pump and the affinity
laws. By using the affinity laws the change in pump’s performance can be figured out if
the speed or the impeller diameter of the pump is modified. A short review is given also
about a pump problem called cavitation and the characteristic curve related to it, the net
positive suction head.

2.4.1 Characteristic curves

Characteristic curves of centrifugal pumps are used to illustrate operating behaviour and
are used as the basis for assessing hydraulic capability. Pump performance is usually
described graphically with curves (Picture 4) and it is published in pump manufacturer’s
literature. One graph often contains virtually the entire pump operating data and can be
confusing unless properly understood and interpreted. (Spitzer 1987, 19.)

Pump curves are valid for either specific constant speed or a constant impeller diameter.
Centrifugal pump performance can be represented by multiple curves indicating either:
various impeller diameters at a constant speed, or various speeds with a constant impeller
diameter. (Karassik 1998, 428.)

There are many characteristics of the pump function which can be illustrated as curves
(Picture 4). Usually the performance of the pump, efficiency and power are expressed
graphically against the flow rate.

Example of typical performance curves for submersible pump is presented below. A closer
view to curves in the picture is presented in the next chapters.

Picture 4. Typical performance curves for a submersible pump, where Q is volume rate of flow, H is pump
total head, P is pump power input and is pump efficiency.

2.4.2 Head

The head curve illustrates the performance of the pump. In brief, the head means the net
work done on a unit of water by the pump impeller. From the graph in picture (4), the
pump head can be determined at each flow rate. It should be noted that the head of a
centrifugal pump is typically at its maximum when the pump is under no flow conditions
and decreases with increasing flow. (Spitzer 1987, 20.)

The head term is used to measure the kinetic energy created by the pump. In other words,
head is a measurement of the height of a liquid column that the pump could create from the
kinetic energy imparted to the liquid.

As head being the energy added to the liquid in the system, it can have forms of static,
velocity, friction or elevation. The four separate components summed up compose the total
system head.

Static head is the total elevation change that the liquid must undergo. In most cases, static
head is normally measured from the surface of the liquid in the supply vessel to the surface
of the liquid in the vessel where the liquid is being delivered. The total static head is
measured from supply vessel surface to delivery vessel surface, regardless of whether the
pump is located above the liquid level in the suction vessel, or below the liquid level in the
suction vessel. (Volk 2005, 56.)

Friction head is the head required to overcome the resistance to flow in the pipe and
fittings. It is dependent upon the size, condition and type of pipe, number and type of pipe
fittings, flow rate, and nature of the liquid. (Volk 2005, 58.)

Pressure head must be considered when a pumping system either begins or terminates in a
tank which is under some pressure other than atmospheric. The pressure in such a tank
must first be converted to meters of liquid. Denoted as pressure head, pressure head refers
to absolute pressure on the surface of the liquid reservoir supplying the pump suction,
converted to feet of head. If the system is open, pressure head equals atmospheric pressure
head. (Volk 2005, 66.)

Velocity head refers to the energy of a liquid as a result of its motion at some velocity ‘v’.
It is the equivalent head in meters through which the water would have to fall to acquire
the same velocity, or in other words, the head necessary to accelerate the water. The
velocity head is usually insignificant and can be ignored in most high head systems.
However, it can be a large factor and must be considered in low head systems. (Volk 2005,

When determining the required size of centrifugal pump for a particular application, all the
components of the system head for the system in which the pump is to operate must be
added up to determine the pump total head.

2.4.3 Power

The Pump power is also usually illustrated as a function of the flow rate. In picture (4)
power curve P shows how the pump power varies as the flow rate increases. Power is
usually expressed in kilowatts.

The power curve indicates the amount of rotational energy required by the pump at its
shaft under given operating conditions. The required rotational energy on the pump’s shaft
can be determined at each flow rate. Picture (4) illustrates, that as flow is increasing,
rotational energy increases due the increased pump loading.

The required power on the pumps axis can be expressed as follows (Wirzenius 1978, 47):

Q.ρ ⋅ g ⋅ H
Pa = , (1)

where Pa = Required power on the pumps axis [kW]

Q = Flow rate [m3/s]]
= Density of the pumped liquid
g = Acceleration of gravity [m/s2]
H = Total head [m]
P = Efficiency of the pump

2.4.4 Efficiency

Pump efficiency is expressed as a function of the flow rate as well. As shown in picture (4),
the efficiency can be determined at any flow rate. It can be noticed that the efficiency is
zero at no flow conditions, and it increases as flow increases before peaking, and decreases
with increased flow.

The pump efficiency is expressed as decimal number less than one, for example 0,75 for
75% efficiency. The relative importance of the losses (Chapter 2.4.5) varies from one
pump type to another. Actual efficiencies for various types of centrifugal pumps can vary
widely, over a range from less than 30% to over 90%.

The losses define the efficiency of the pump. The pump efficiency ( ) is equal to the ratio
of the output power (Pout,p) and the input power (Pin,p) of the pump:

Pout , p
η pump = (2)
Pin , p

2.4.5 Losses

The input power is grater than output power because of the fact that a pump is not a
perfectly efficient machine. There are four factors that cause a centrifugal pump to be less
than perfectly efficient, which are hydraulic losses, volumetric losses, mechanical losses
and disk friction losses. (Volk 2005, 80-83.)

The term ‘hydraulic losses’is a summary of internal losses in the impeller and volute (or
diffuser) due to friction in the walls of the liquid passageways and the continual change of
direction of the liquid as it moves trough the pump. (Volk 2005, 82.)

Volumetric losses refer to the leakage of a usually small amount of liquid from the
discharge side of a centrifugal pump to the suction side. Volumetric losses increase as
internal clearances are opened up to due to wear and erosion in the pump. This causes the
pump to run less efficiently. (Volk 2005, 82.)

Mechanical losses are the frictional losses that occur in the moving parts of pumps which
are in contact (bearings and packing or seals). (Volk 2005, 83.)

Disk friction losses are caused because of frictional resistance between pump impeller and
the casing. If the pump impeller is thought of as a rotating disk, rotating in very close

proximity to a fixed disk (the casing), there is a frictional resistance to this rotation known
as disk friction. (Volk 2005, 83.)

2.4.6 Net positive suction head

In addition to the head, power and efficiency manufacturer can also express other
characteristics as graphs, for example the required net positive suction head (NPSH).

Net positive suction head (NPSH) is one of the least-understood principles of pump
hydraulics and is the cause for many pump problems. It is also often mistakenly blamed for
other unrelated pumps problems that nevertheless have similar symptoms. (Volk 2005, 89.)

As the liquid velocity increases trough the pump, there may be locations within the pump
where the local pressure is below the suction pressure. Should the pressure fall below the
vapour pressure of the liquid before rising to the discharge pressure, cavitation, the
formation and subsequent implosion of bubbles, can occur and cause pump and/or piping
damage. Signs of cavitation include pump/piping vibration, a sound as if rocks or ping-
pong balls were inside the pump, and an eventual loss of pump output caused progressive
pump damage.

The required NPSH is the amount of suction head expressed in meters required to keep the
liquid from cavitating. NPSH requirements for each impeller are typically presented in
graphic form. The available NPSH is the sum of barometric pressure, gage pressure at
pump suction corrected to pump centreline, and the velocity head in the suction pipe, less
the vapour pressure of the liquid at operating conditions, where all pressures are expressed
in meters of water column. (Spitzer 1987, 22-23.)

2.4.7 Operating point

A pumping system operates where the pump curve and the system curve intersect (Picture

Picture 5. An operating point.

First is explained the system curve. The system curve depicts the losses of the pipe system.
The system curve is a characteristic curve of the pipeline, and it is formed of the static head
(Hst) and the dynamic head (Hdyn) of the pipeline (In the picture 5 static head is Hgeod and
dynamic head is HJ). The system curve can be represented graphically in a manner similar
to the pump performance curves (Picture 5). The upward shift in the curve from the origin
at no flow is due to static system head, while the curved shape of the system curve is due to
the quadratic relationship between flow and the differential pressure attributable to the
piping system. Pipe losses H (friction and other losses) are plotted against flow rate Q and
added to the static head. (Spitzer 1987, 26-29.)

The intersection of the system curve and the pump curve defines the operating point of
both pump and process. Static pressure and dynamic pressure drops can affect where the
pump operates on its curve. The operating point of the system will slide up and down the

pump curve in response to changes in the dynamic pressure drop. A static pressure drop is
introduced by the elevation changes that the liquid must overcome so that flowing
conditions can occur. Dynamic pressure drops are caused by pipe friction losses, pressure
drops across equipment that vary with flow, and that like. (Spitzer 1987, 26-29.)

In a nutshell, by plotting the system head curve and pump curve together, can be
determined, where the pump will operate on its curve, and what changes will occur if the
system head curve or the pump performance curve changes. (Sahdev, 26.)

2.4.8 Affinity laws

The relationship between important pump parameters can be expressed mathematically for
centrifugal pumps using affinity laws. By using affinity laws can changes in pump capacity,
head, and power be defined, when a change is made in pump speed or impeller diameter. If
the rotation speed or the impeller diameter is changed, the pumps characteristic curves will
shift. The new characteristic of the pumps performance at the changed circumstances can
be calculated according to affinity laws. The affinity laws are valid only under conditions
of constant efficiency.

According to affinity laws:

Capacity, Q changes in direct proportion to impeller diameter D ratio,

Q2 = Q1 ⋅ (3)

or to speed N ratio:

Q2 = Q1 ⋅ (4)

Head H changes in direct proportion to the square of impeller diameter D ratio,

D 
H 2 = H 1 ⋅  2  (5)
 D1 

or the square of speed N ratio:

N 
H 2 = H 1 ⋅  2  (6)
 N1 

Power changes in direct proportion to the cube of impeller diameter ratio:

D 
P2 = P1 ⋅  2  (7)
 D1 

or the cube of speed ratio:

N 
P2 = P1 ⋅  2  , (8)
 N1 

where the subscript: 1 refers to initial condition, 2 refer to new condition.

When the pump performance is known at one operating point, the applicable equation can
be used to determine pump performance at another operating point. It should be noted that
the efficiency remains virtually constant for changes in speed and small impeller diameter
changes. Quoting Spitzer (Spitzer 1987, 25): “For example, if a given pump is operated at
90 percent of its nominal operating speed, its capacity, head, and power requirements will
be 0,9 or 90 percent, (0,9)2 or 81 percent, and (0,9)3 or 72,9 percent. Thus 10 percent speed
reduction results in a 27,1 percent reduction of power”.

2.5 Methods of flow control

Many pumping systems require a variation of flow or pressure. It is common that the pump
capacity is selected according to maximum flow, and the average pumping capacity is
much smaller than that. If the pump is not functioning with the same flow rate all the time,
some kind of a pump control is needed.. Because the operating point of the pump and
system is at the intersection of the system curve and the pump curve, either the curves must
be changed to get a different operating point. (Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2004a,

There are several different methods to match the flow to the system requirements. The
most common flow control methods of pumps are varying speed, throttling, bypassing and
on-off control (Picture 6). A used method to meet the demand is also to switch pumps in
series or in parallel. To make an effective evaluation of which control method to use, all of
the operating duty points, and their associated run times and energy consumptions, have to
be identified so that the total costs can be calculated and alternative methods compared. In
many cases varying the speed with a variable speed drive is the most economic solutions.
(Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2004a, 22-28.)

In picture (7) is illustrated the power consumption of the most common control methods
compared to each others. As can be seen from the picture, in the other control methods of
throttling and by-passing the system curve shifts to meet the new demand. With the on-off
control the system curve stays at the place but there is still wasted energy in the process. In
the case of VSD-control the pump curve shifts to meet the new demand, and there is no
wasted energy. The methods of flow control are introduced in next chapters. The method
of the variable speed control of the pump is introduced more detailed in chapter 3.
“Variable speed pumping”.

Picture 6. Left to right: throttling, bypassing, on-off control and VSD control.

Picture 7. Power consumptions of different process control methods.


2.5.1 Throttling

With throttling the pump runs continuously and valve in the pump discharge line is opened
or closed to adjust the flow to the required value (Picture 6). From the picture (7) can be
seen the change in the system curve when controlling the process with valve. When the
valve is closed, the pressure increases and the system curve shifts up meeting the new
operating point. When the valve is in the half open position it introduces an additional
friction loss in the system. (Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2004a, 27.)

There is some reduction in pump power absorbed at the lower flow rate, but the flow
multiplied by the head drop across the valve is wasted energy.

2.5.2 By-passing

With by-pass control the pump runs continuously at the maximum process demand duty,
with a permanent by-pass line attached to the outlet (Picture 6). The flow output to the
system is reduced by bypassing part of the pump discharge flow to the pump suction. This
means that the total flow increases but the head decreases (Picture 7). By-passing is even
less energy efficient than a control valve because there is no reduction in power
consumption with reduced process demand. (Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2004a, 28.)

2.5.3 On-off control

In this method of control, the flow is varied by switching the pump on or off. It is
necessary to have a storage capacity in the system, as a wet well, an elevated tank or an
accumulator type pressure vessel. The storage can provide a steady flow to the system with
an intermittently operating pump.

On-off control is often used where stepless control is not necessary, such as keeping the
pressure in a tank between preset limits. The pump is either running or stopped. When it is

running, it runs at the chosen duty point and when it is off, it does not consume any energy.
The on-off operation causes additional loads on the power transmission components and
increased heating in the motor. (Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2004a, 26-27.)

2.5.4 VSD control

A variable speed drive is an electrical device used to control AC motor speed and torque. It
provides a continuous range of process speeds compared to a discrete speed control device
such as multiple-speed motors or gearboxes.

As the operation point always falls at the intersection of the pump curve and the system
curve, must one of the two curves change to meet the new operation point. When
controlling a pumping process with a variable speed drive, the pump curve is the one that

With low static head systems, the optimal efficiency of the pump follows the system curve.
With VSD control, the duty point of the pump follows the unchanged system curve.
Changing the speed of the pump moves the pump curves in accordance with the affinity
laws (Picture 7). If the pump impeller speed is reduced, the pump curve moves downwards.
If the speed is increased, it moves upwards. This means that the pumping capacity is
matched to the process requirements and there will be no wasted energy. (Europump and
Hydraulic Institute 2004a, 22-24.)

In chapter three (3) there will be a closer overview about VSD control.


There are numerous methods to enable a pumping system to operate at variable speed.
These methods use the application of either mechanical or electrical equipment
components specifically designed for such results.

One reasonable electrical method of achieving variable speed in a pumping system is

through the use of variable speed electrical drive, or shortly VSD (VSD, Variable Speed
Drive). The use of VSDs allows the speed of the motor to be varied by controlling the
voltage and frequency. As pump speed changes, the pump curve shifts, creating a new
intersection with the system head curve. (Stolberg 2003, 29.)

Variable speed drive technology can be applied on old systems as well on new projects.
There are compound benefits through implementation. These include energy and
maintenance savings, pump and process reliability improvements, better process control
and less fugitive emissions. Also, on new projects, VSD application can reduce overall
capital cost by eliminating valves and starters plus the associated wiring and pneumatic
lines. In many cases, smaller pumps with lower horsepower motors can be used.
(Pemberton 2005, 22.)

3.1 Variable speed pumping applications

The all applications were variable speed drives are commonly used can be divided into two
groups: applications associated to energy saving and the different kind of applications of
materials handling. The volumes of the both applications are about the same, and the
volumes are increasing all the time. The applications where the use of the variable speed
drive is associated to energy saving are applications of pumps or fans. Commonly the
applications of pumps and fans are from their size bigger than 2,2 kW, except some small
pumping applications like applications with chemical pumps. (Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 57.)

The applications that take advantage of the variable speed technology are used for example
in processing industry, in municipalities for water supply and in sewage treatment plants.
In water pumping plants variable speed drives are controlling different kind of pumps. A
typical and commonly used application for VSD is to control the pressure of pipeline
network. In addition to benefits of energy saving achieved by the use of VSD it also
eliminates water hammer in the piping caused by the starts and stops of the motor. Also
momentary undervoltages in the supply net are avoided. Undervoltages of the supply net
can be a big problem especially at booster stations in sparsely populated areas, where the
electrical network is not stiff enough. (Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 58.)

3.2 Variable speed technology

Pumping applications represents a significant opportunity for applying variable speed drive
technology in new as well as retrofit applications.

In a typical level control loop, the level in a vessel is controlled by throttling a control
valve at the pump discharge. In many applications, the flow through the pump will be
between 25 and 75 percents of capacity the major of the time. While this loop is
conceptually straight-forward, a significant percentage of the hydraulic energy generated
by the pump is dissipated across the control valve to regulate the pressure downstream of
the control valve to produce the desired flow. The pump must be sized to accommodate the
pressure drop associated with the control valve at maximum flow.

Application of variable speed drive as the final control element in the loop will control the
pump so as to generate only the hydraulic energy required to discharge the desired amount
of liquid. This approach reduces electric costs while reducing pump maintenance
requirements. The net result is a system that that reduces operating and maintenance costs
by eliminating the need for a control valve, bypass piping and the associated energy losses.
(Spitzer 1987, 110.)

Variable frequency drive technology employs solid-state electronic techniques to vary

motor speed, thereby varying the operating speed of piece of equipment. These drives have
no moving parts and hence require minimal maintenance when compared to other non-
electronic alternative final control elements. (Spitzer 1987, 110.)

3.2.2. Variable speed drive

Variable speed drives have improved much since the first VSDs came to the market in the
end of 60´s. (Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 11). While all of the alternate final control elements
have their place, recent technical developments and cost reductions, primarily in the field
of semiconductor technology, have resulted in an increased application of electronic
variable speed drive technology. (Spitzer 1987, 109.)

The overall drive control strategy is to produce a waveform that is compatible with the
motor, which in most cases tends to approximate the sine wave that the motor was
designed to accept. (Spitzer 1987, 110.) and operational principle of VSD

Variable speed drive converts the sini-wave power from the power supply into the variable
frequency power, which is sent to the motor. Motor converts variable frequency power into
the mechanical power, which rotates the pump. (Picture 8.)

Variable frequency power

Sini-wawe power
Mechanical power

Picture 8. Power transformation.


The usual design of a variable speed drive consists of four main parts (Picture 9).

Rectifier mediate Inverter M

Control circuit

Picture 9. Skeleton diagram of variable speed drive (Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 11).

A variable speed drive as described in picture above (9) first converts three-phase
alternating-current voltage to pulsating direct-current voltage using rectifier. (Erkinheimo
et al. 1997, 58.)

The intermediate circuit can be thought as a store, where from the motor gets its energy
through the inverter. There are three types of intermediate circuits. One type converts the
voltage coming from rectifier into direct current. Another type stabilizes the pulsating dc-
voltage and sends it to the inverter. Third type of intermediate circuits converts rectifier’s
constant direct-current voltage into alternative voltage. (Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 16.)

Inverter is the final module of the variable speed drive before the motor. Inverter controls
the frequency of motor voltage and it takes care, that the supply to the motor is always
alternating current. Intermediate circuit is the last module which adapts the output voltage
to be appropriate to the load. (Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 18.)

Electronics of the control circuit sends information to rectifier, intermediate circuit and
inverter. Control circuit has two missions: it controls the semiconductors of the VSD and it
also receives information from the devices around the VSD as well as it sends information
to them. This information can be given by the end user through the control panel or higher
level PLC-controlling. (PLC, Programmable Logic Circuit) (Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 31.)

3.2.3. Induction motor

The most commonly used adjustable motor drive in industry is an induction motor
controlled with the variable speed drive. The task of an electric motor is to convert the
electric power from power supply into mechanical power to the motor shaft. The losses in
motor reduce the efficiency of power conversion.

The functioning of induction motor is premised on the basis of mutual reactions between
magnetic field and current-carrying conductor in it.

Earlier it was more complicated to accommodate variable speed drive with motor, because
the effects of starting voltage, starting compensation and slip compensation were hard to
construe. Nowadays variable speed drive fixes these magnitudes automatically in
accordance with motors nominal effect, frequency, voltage and current. (Erkinheimo et al.
1997, 59.)

3.2.4. Benefits of using variable speed drive

Several benefits of using variable speed drive in a pumping application can be summed up
in three categories: energy savings, improved process control and improved system
reliability. (Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2004b, 12.)

Energy savings of 30-50% have been achieved in many rotodynamic pump installations by
installing VSDs (Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2004b, 12). Energy savings are
possible with VSD control due to the affinity laws that govern the operation of centrifugal
pumps. Compared with throttling valves and bypass systems, speed reduction provides
significant energy savings at partial load. (Pemberton 2005, 23.)

By matching pump output flow or pressure directly to the process requirements, small
variations can be corrected more rapidly by a VSD than by other control forms, which
improves process performance. There is less probability of flow or pressure surges when

the control device provides rates of change, which are virtually infinitely variable.
(Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2004b, 12.)

Use of VSD also improves system reliability. When reducing speed by using a VSD, the
wearing of pump reduces, particularly in bearings and seals. (Europump and Hydraulic
Institute 2004b, 12.) Variable speed pump systems can also minimize the occurrence of
line surges and the resultant water hammer in the upstream piping, which will lengthen the
mechanical life of the pump and valve equipment. (Stolberg 2003, 31.) Need for
maintenance will reduce and breakdowns will compute. Use of VSD smoothes out the
process flow from point to point.

As been estimated, there are many benefits through implementation of VSD in old as well
as in new pumping application. These include energy and maintenance savings, pump and
process reliability improvements, better process control and less fugitive emissions. On
new projects, VSD application can reduce overall capital cost by eliminating valves and
starters plus the associated wiring and pneumatic lines. In many cases, smaller pumps with
smaller motors can be used. In terms of piping, smaller diameters often suffice and by-pass
lines can be eliminated. (Pemberton 2005, 23.)

A variable speed drive as a final control element has many advantages compared with the
other final control elements, such as throttling or by-passing. Yet it should be noted that
variable speed drive technology is not universally applicable, and that other technologies
may be better suited for a given application. (Spitzer 1987, 109.)


The efficiency of a given pump is one small factor affecting the efficiency of a pumping
system. Another affecting factor is the efficiency of the drive system (motor and VSD),
which is introduced in this chapter.

The VDE 0160-standard defines the efficiency of a device ( ) as equal to the ratio of

η= , (9)

where P1 is the input power to the device and P2 is the output power. Remainder of P1 and
P2 is the dissipation power PD, which dissipates in a form of heat (Picture 10).


P1 P2

Picture 10. Input, output and dissipation powers of a device. (Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 75).

Efficiency can be calculated just for the VSD, just for the motor, or both of them together
(= efficiency of the drive system).

Efficiency of VSD is equal to the ratio of input and output power:

η VSD = , (10)

where P1 is input power and P2 is output power.


Efficiency of motor is also equal to the ratio of input and output power:

η Motor = , (11)

where P2 is input power and P3 is output power.

In consequence efficiency of the drive system is

η sys. = , (12)

where P1 is input power to the VSD and P3 is output power of the motor (Picture 11).

P1 P2 P3

Picture 11. Input and output powers of the drive system (Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 75).

The picture (12) below illustrates that the efficiency of VSD is good in the whole control
range, with high load as well as with low load.

100 A





0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 r/min

Picture 12. Efficiency curves for a variable speed drive, when the load is 100% (A) and 25% (B)

(Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 75).

Picture (13) shows efficiency curves for a typical motor with full load and low load.





0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 r/min

Picture 13. Efficiency curves for a typical motor, when the load is 100% (A) and 25% (B)

(Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 75).


The picture (14) below illustrates the efficiency of the drive system (VSD and motor) with
full load and low load.






0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 r/min

Picture 14. Efficiency curves for a drive system (VSD and motor), when the load is 100% (A) and 25% (B)
(Erkinheimo et al. 1997, 75).

The efficiency curves in pictures above demonstrate that the efficiency of the motor has a
bigger effect on the total efficiency of the drive system. The efficiency of the VSD is high
in the whole control range.

The graphs also show that the efficiency is lowest when the running speed is lowest. Yet it
does not mean that the absolute power dissipation is biggest when running speed is low.

The better the efficiency of VSD is, the less power will dissipate as a form of heat. The less
there develops heat in the semi-conductors and coils, the longer is their length of life.


4.1 Losses of the VSD-controlled motor

The losses of an induction motor can be roughly categorized on the basis where the losses
are physically developed. On the basis of this principle the losses can be divided into
following categories (Malinen 2005, 10):

- Resistance losses of rotor and stator

- Iron losses of rotor and stator
- Ventilation- and friction losses of rotor

The efficiency of a typical double-, four- or six pole induction motor in the industrial field
in a 50Hz net is 90-96%. The efficiency of smaller motors (1,1-11 kW) is lower, 80-90%.

The efficiency of the motor is lower when it is controlled with a variable speed drive. That
is because the VSD generates an un-sinusoidal input to the motor. The efficiency of the
whole drive system (motor and VSD) is composed of the efficiency of the motor and the
efficiency of the variable speed drive. When the motor is controlled with VSD, the
efficiency of the motor is lower because of the additional losses developed in the motor,
which are caused by the harmonics in the VSD´s voltage. (Malinen 2005, 26-27.)

The VSD controls the running speed of the motor, so the mutual dependence between the
running speed of the motor and the losses of the motor should be noticed. As motor is
functioning above it’s nominal running speed, the ventilation- and friction losses increase.
When the motor operates below the nominal speed, the mechanical losses decrease. As the
speed gets lower the cooling capacity decreases. (Malinen 2005, 20-26.)

The input power supplied to the motor can be divided into harmonic components. The first
harmonic generates the torque. All the other harmonics except the first harmonic are
disadvantageous for the sake of the motor. The harmonics cause heating in the motor,
premature ageing of the windings, bearing damage and other damages. Only the power of
the first harmonic can produce mechanical power while the power of the other harmonics
is causing losses and not generating any shaft power. (Malinen 2005, 20-26.)

As been said, it can be presented that the motors input power Pin consists of the power of
the first harmonic Pin,f and the power of the harmonics Pin, . The losses which are caused
by the harmonics can be depicted as additional losses, and they are developed in the rotor
and the stator. Other losses of the motor are resistance- and iron losses in rotor and stator,
friction losses and other additional losses caused by the first harmonic or other harmonics.
(Picture 15).

Motor Pw,fr


Picture 15. Losses of VSD controlled induction motor.

In picture (X) above, the input power Pin is a sum of power of first harmonic Pin,f and
power of harmonics Pin, .

The losses consist of :

Pfe,s= iron loss in stator,
Pcu,s= resistance loss in stator,
Pcu,r= resistance loss in rotor,
Pw,fr= mechanical friction loss,
Pr,s, = additional losses caused by harmonics and
Padd= other additional losses.

4.2 Drive losses

Efficiency of the variable speed drive is high on the whole control range. On nominal
power the efficiency of VSD is typically 96-98%.

The losses of a variable speed drive consist of four main sources:

- Lost volts in power semiconductor when conducting

- Coupling losses in semiconductors (coupling losses occur when state of the
semiconductor is being changed.)
- Junction-, conductor- and choke losses
- Losses of control circuit.

(Piiroinen, Lecture material 1998)



Earlier in this study is presented some theory about pumping and variable speed
technology used in pumping applications. At this point of the work the understanding of
the theory explained earlier helps to understand the aspects of the main point of this study:
the competitor comparison of different manufacturer’s variable speed drives.

In this chapter the criteria of the comparison is introduced as well as the variable speed
drives under comparison. The purpose of this chapter is to explain the perspective and the
aspects of the comparison. The results of the comparison are introduced later in chapter (7)
“Comparison results”. The efficiency comparison has the main role in this study. The
results and depiction of the efficiency measurements are introduced in chapter (6)

The variable speed drives are compared from the perspective of a normal pumper. From
the pumpers point of view the mattering things concerning the VSD are the efficiency of
the process and the user-friendliness of the VSD. The efficiency has advantages in
economic sense as well as in environmental sense: energy efficient pumping system costs
less money and causes less environmental burden in the long run. In this study the
economic and environmental aspects are taken into account by calculating the life cycle
energy costs of different drive systems. Within the limits of the study, the life cycle cost
analysis considers only the costs based on energy consumption. The comparison aspects of
efficiency, life cycle energy costs and user-friendliness are introduced closer in this chapter.

5.1 Competing variable speed drives

In this study the comparison is made between the variable speed drives of four different
manufacturers. The observation involves VSDs manufactured by ABB, Vacon, Danfoss
and Siemens. The observed drives are sized for a pumping process, where the pump is run
with a motor of 7,5 kW. In picture (16) are introduced the competing variable speed drives.

ABB: ABB industrial drive, ACS800 Danfoss: AQUA Drive FC 202 Advanced

Vacon: NXS 00165A2H1 + water Siemens: Micromaster 430

treatment –application

Picture 16. The Variable speed drives under comparison.


More detailed specifications of the variable speed drives and the other measuring
equipment in appendix I.

5.2 Focus and perspective of the comparison

Comparison is made from the perspective of a normal pump user. The most essential
matters from the pump user’s point of view are the efficiency of the process and the
comfort and the easiness of the VSD’s use. Also the environmental impact of the process
concerns the pump user. When it comes to electrical devices, the biggest environmental
impact of the device is caused by the energy use.

So the normal pump user’s perspective being the starting point of this study, the main
comparing categories are efficiency of the system (VSD + motor) and user-friendliness of
the variable speed drive. The environmental aspect is taken into account in energy-

Next chapters introduce more closely the aspects of the comparison.

5.3 Efficiency

The biggest environmental effect caused by an electrical device is usually a consequence

of the use of the device. The variable speed drive, the motor, and the pump compose a
pumping system which provides electric power to work. Depending on the method of the
electricity production, atmospheric emissions are released when producing the electricity
that the system needs. Of the greenhouse gases produced by humans the carbon dioxide
has the biggest effect in contributing the generation of the greenhouse effect. A durable
solution to control the accelerating energy demand and to reduce emissions is to increase
the energy-efficiency of the processes.

Energy-efficiency, getting the maximum use out of the electricity that is consumed, is
usually in first place thought as an economical advantage. But the importance of the

climatic angle of view keeps on emphasizing by the side of the traditional economic

Energy-efficiency of a device or a system is a significant character whether it was thought

from the economical perspective or the climatic perspective. The efficiency of a pumping
system consists of the efficiencies of the motor, the VSD and the pump taking into
consideration also other undefined losses. This study concentrates to measure the
efficiency of the drive system, which consists of the motor and the variable speed drive.
The other factors that effect on the systems efficiency are not taken into consideration,
because the pump is thought to be exactly similar with every variable speed drive-cases,
and so the pump losses are the same as well and therefore irrelevant for the sake of the

The efficiency of the system is measured in power electronics laboratory in the

Lappeenranta University of Technology with a system that consists of a variable speed
drive and an induction motor with dc-machine. The input powers to the variable speed
drive and to the motor are measured with two power analyzers, one located before the
variable speed drive and the other located between the VSD and the motor. The
mechanical power on the motors shaft is measured with a torque transducer. The efficiency
of the variable speed drive itself is examined as well as the efficiency of the drive system.
The efficiency of the VSD ( VSD) is the ratio of input power to the motor and input power
to the variable speed drive (Pm/PVSD). The efficiency of the drive system ( sys.) is the ratio
of input power to the variable speed drive and the mechanical power on the motors shaft

The attention is paid in the comparison of the measured efficiencies, not in individual
efficiencies. The efficiencies are measured with different combinations of rotation speed of
the motor and the load of the motor. The frequency is kept constant and the loads are
changed between (10, 20, 30,… ,100)% of the full load. The efficiencies are measured in
these test points at frequency (10, 20,..,50)Hz.

All of the tested variable speed drives have some kind of a flux optimisation- or energy-
saving mode. Efficiencies are measured also with this mode on.

5.4 Life cycle cost analysis

The life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is a useful tool when comparing possible alternatives
to indentify the most financially attractive one. The LCC process is a way to predict the
most cost-effective solution; it does not guarantee a particular result, but helps to make a
reasonable comparison between alternate solutions within the limits of the available data.
In addition to the economic reasons for using LCC, many organizations can use it when
considering energy efficiency as one way to reduce emissions and preserve natural
resources. (Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2001, 1-2)

At this study the LCC analysis is limited to concern only the energy costs of a pump’s life
time. At first in the next chapter LCC is introduced more closely as a comparison tool for
possible alternatives. After that is introduced how the life cycles energy costs are
calculated in this study for the competing drive systems.

5.4.1 Life cycle costs

With a greater understanding of the components that make up the total cost of the pumping
system it is possible to dramatically reduce energy, operational, and maintenance costs.
Reducing energy consumption and waste also has important environmental benefits. Life
cycle cost (LCC) analysis is a management tool that helps minimizing waste and
maximizing energy efficiency for many types of systems. (Europump and Hydraulic
Institute 2001, 1)

The initial cost of a pump is typically a small part of the total cost to operate the pumping
system over its life, which is average 15 to 20 years, depending upon its application and
operating environment. Energy, maintenance and other operating costs will far outweigh
the initial costs. (Europump and Hydraulic Institute 2001, 2) In picture (17) are presented

typical life cycle costs for a medium sized industrial pump (Europump and Hydraulic
Institute 2001, 1-6).

Kuva 17. Typical life cycle costs for a medium sized industrial pump.

The components of a life cycle cost analysis typically include initial costs, installation and
commissioning costs, energy costs, operation costs, maintenance and repair costs, down
time costs, environmental costs, and decommissioning and disposal costs.

5.4.2 Comparison of life cycle energy costs

As the main target of this study is to compare the efficiencies of different manufacturer’s
variable speed drives, only the energy consumption of the drive system (VSD and the
motor) is taken into account when analysing the life cycle energy costs of a pumping
process. The energy costs of a pump’s life time are calculated for three imaginary pumping
cases, and the results are compared to each others. The idea is to find out the energy
demand of the pump in different pumping cases with different drive systems (= with
different VSDs) The target is to examine how big differences there are in the pumps life
cycle energy costs with different VSDs controlling the process. In this calculation the

measured system efficiencies of the tested variable speed drives are used when calculating
the annual energy consumption of the different pumping cases.

It must be noted that because the consideration takes into account only the efficiencies of
the drive system, the energy costs got as a result are smaller than they would be in reality,
because the losses of the pump are ignored. The efficiencies of just the drive system are
naturally better than the efficiencies of the whole pumping system.

The method of the life cycle energy calculation used in this study is described in a nutshell
as follows:

1. First the three pumping cases under consideration are picked: They are chosen so
that they represent different kinds of pumping applications.
2. From the duration curves of the pumping cases (which illustrates the annual
pumping volume) are calculated the pumping times at different powers
3. With the measured efficiencies are calculated the annual energy consumptions of
the pumping cases to all of the drive systems. (Some of the efficiencies must to be
interpolated, the method of that is descriped in the appendix II.)
4. The annual energy costs are discounted to the present value using 5% as a rate of
interest and the using time is being ten years.
5. The present values of the life cycle energy costs of the different VSD’s are
compared to each other. Calculation method of the energy costs

The method of the calculation is explained here more detailed. The first pumping case
under consideration is being an example in this description of the calculation method. The
results of the calculations are presented in the chapter “Comparison results”.

The first pumping case represents a pretty typical pumping case where the pump operates
at the bigger powers most of the time. In the picture (18) there is illustrated the power

duration curve of the pumping case number one. In picture (19) there is roughly simplified
the curve of the picture (18), so that the annual energy consumption can be calculated.

Case 1: Power duration curve for pumping

P [kW]

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
t [h/a]

Picture 18.. Case 1: The power duration curve for pumping.

Case 1: Power duration for pumping

Time [%]

7,5 6,5 5,5 4 3 2 1
P [kW]

Picture 19. Case 1: The annual power duration for pumping.

The annual energy demand of the pumping process is calculated as a product of the
operating time and the power.

Ed = to ⋅ P , (13)

where Ed = Annual energy demand (without considering losses) [kWh/a]

t0 = Annual operating time [h] and
P = Power [kW]

After that the losses of the drive system are taken into account. The real energy demand of
the drive system is calculated as a ratio of the energy demand without the losses and the
efficiency of the point. The total energy demand is a sum of the energy demands at the
different powers.

E 
E = ∑  d  , (14)
i =1  η i
where E = Annual energy demand
= Measured efficiency at the point

To determine the efficiencies at the different pumping powers, must be known the
correlation of the efficiency, rotation speed and the load. The correlation can be calculated
according to affinity laws, and by marking the calculated points into coordinates the pumps
load (torque) curve is created (Picture 20). The load curve of a typical centrifugal pump is
quadratic. With the affinity laws can also be established a pumps power demand curve
(Picture 21). By knowing the correlation of the power, rotation speed and the torque can
the right efficiencies at the different pumping powers be established. Some of the
efficiencies needed in the calculations are not measured, so they must be interpolated
(More information in the appendix II).

Quadratic load curve of a typical centrifugal pump



T [%]




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
n [Hz]

Picture 20. A quadratic load curve of a typical centrifugal pump of a size 7,5 kW.

Power demand of a typical centrifugal pump

P [kW]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
n [Hz]

Picture 21. A power demand curve of a typical centrifugal pump of a size 7,5 kW.

With equations (13) and (14) are calculated the annual energy demands for all the tested
variable speed drives. After that the annual energy costs are calculated. The price of the
electricity is being 0,1 €/kWh.

Then the all annual energy costs are discounted to the present. The present value factor is
calculated as equal to:
dn = , (15)
(1 + r )n

where dn = Present value factor

r = 5%, (rate of interest)
n = Time of use, 10 years

The results of the life cycle energy costs are presented in the chapter of “Comparison

The pumping cases under consideration are presented in the context with the calculation
result at the chapter of “Comparison results”. More about the energy calculations in the
appendix (II).

5.5 User-friendliness

The usability and user-friendliness of a variable speed drive used as a control device of a
process is an essential matter from the pump user’s point of view. When evaluating the
user-friendliness, the attention is paid in the easiness of the implementation, easiness of the
start-up and the use, logicalness of the control panel and readability of the manuals. The
evaluation is based on empirical opinions of the user and the engineer who installs the
variable speed drives.

The opinions about user-friendliness are formed on the basis of how the measurement
situations succeeded with the different drives. Because an opinion is more or less a matter
of judgment, the chapter of user-friendliness should be thought more as an depiction of the
problems and successes with different VSD’s in the measurement situation.

5.5.1 Installation

The variable speed drives were fastened with screws on a timber panel. The installation
work was done by the experienced installers and employees of the laboratory. The easiness
of the installation is evaluated by the installer.

5.5.2 Start up and use

When measuring the efficiencies every variable speed drive was in use for one or two days.
The evaluation of the user-friendliness of the VSD is based on the user’s empiric
experience mostly of the start-up. This is because in such a short using time the start-up
was the situation when the user got the best picture of how the variable speed drive
operates and how easy it is to use. Besides the depiction of the success of the start-up a
depiction is given of how easy-going the measurement situation was with every different

The user’s experience of the success of the start-up and the use is based on:
- How easy it is to insert the start-up data to the VSD,
- How easy it is to perform the motor identification,
- How much time did the whole start-up-process take to get the system ready to
- Were there any un-predictable problems or other kind of confusion in the
measurement situation

The instructions in manual play a great role in starting-up. The intelligible of the
instructions to non-experts is one criterion when evaluating the user-friendliness of the
VSD’s. When starting-up the logic of the control panel is as well a factor that influences
how easily the starting goes. These two factors are introduced closely in the next chapters.

5.5.3 Manuals

The easiness of the use of a device is a sum of several things. Among others the two
important factors are the readability of the manuals and logicalness of the control panel.

The opinion of the manuals is mainly formed accordingly how the starting up succeed with
the help of the manual. The help of the manual was also needed when changing the settings

for the flux optimisation -measurements. The manual’s instructions of how to control the
drive play a great role in how quickly the logic of the control panel is understood. So the
user’s opinion of the manual is formed on the basis of how trouble-free it was starting the
system up and change settings of the variable speed drive with the help of the manual.

5.5.4 Control panel

There can be great differences in the control panels of the VSDs’. Some of them have
small displays and fewer rows in it while some of them have large displays. Some control
panels have just few buttons meanwhile others over dozen buttons. The logics and
navigations vary as well between different variable speed drives. If the logic of the control
panel is user-friendly, the co-operation between buttons and menus is quickly understood.

The evaluation of the control panel is given on the basis of how easy it is to understand the
logic of it and how easy it is to use the device trough the control panel. The manual’s
instructions of how to control the drive play a great role in how quickly the logic of the
control panel is understood.

In the efficiency measurements the user got the best touch of the control panel’s logic
when starting up and when changing the settings for the energy optimisation –test run.
Also opinion of the easiness of changing the frequency is given, because in that matter
there seems to be much variation.


The efficiency measurements were performed 21.1.-28.1. 2008 at the power electronics
laboratory of the Lappeenranta University of Technology with a system that consists of a
variable speed drive, an induction motor and a dc-machine. The input powers to the
variable speed drive and to the motor are measured with two power analyzers, one located
before the variable speed drive and the other located between the VSD and the motor. The
mechanical power on the motors shaft is measured with a torque transducer.

The efficiency of the variable speed drive itself is examined as well as the efficiency of the
drive system (= motor + VSD). For the sake of the total energy consumption of the
process the efficiency of the system is more significant than the efficiency of the VSD.
Still it is interesting to compare the efficiencies of the variable speed drives them selves.

All of the variable speed drives under testing incorporate an “energy optimizing”of “flux
optimizing”feature, which saves energy by reducing the motor magnetizing current at low
mechanical loads. The measurements consist of two different test runs. First efficiencies
are measured without energy optimization. The second test run is performed with flux
optimization on. The similar test runs are done with all four variable speed drives.

In next chapters are introduced the measuring equipment, the course of the measurements
and the two test runs and the results of the measurements. The comparison and deeper
analysis of the results are presented in chapter (7) “Comparison results”.

6.1 Measuring equipment

The measurement equipment consists of:

- Two power analyzers
- Variable speed drive
- Cage induction motor with DC-machine
- Torque transducer

- Current probes (3 pieces)

The measurements are performed with equipment described below (Picture 22).


Picture 22. Skeleton diagram of the measurement equipment. (P=power analyzer, M=motor, T=torque
transducer, =DC-machine)

In picture (22) (P) stands for a power analyzer. Between the two power analyzers there is a
variable speed drive. After second power analyzer there is an induction motor (M). (T)
stands for a torque transducer and after that there is a dc-machine ( ). More detailed
specifications of the measuring equipment are given in appendix (I).

The input power to the system (Pin) is measured with the first power analyzer. The input
power to the motor (Pm) is measured with the second power analyzer. With the torque
transducer is measured the mechanical power on the motors shaft, which is practically
same as the pumps shaft power (Pout,mech) (but these measurements are made without a

6.2 Course of the measurement

The measurements consist of two different test runs.

Before starting to measure the efficiencies the motor was run for an hour to heat up. The
first variable speed drive under testing was the ACS800 from ABB. The motor used in

measurements was a brand-new, so it was run for the first time then. As the motor was
warm enough, the measurement were started at frequency of 50 Hz.

The measurements were done by two measurers. Other measurer collected the data from
the measuring devices and other measurer changed the motors load from the DC-machine
and the frequency when needed. To minimize the systematic error, there was the same
division of duties between the measurers in all measurements.

6.2.1 First test run: Efficiencies without flux optimisation

At the first test run the VSDs are run on default settings (only the needed start-up data is
entered to the VSD), so efficiencies are measured without any flux optimization or
corresponding energy saving –mode. The efficiencies are measured at a certain frequency
as a function of the load. The test runs are performed at the frequencies (10, 20, 30, 40 and
50) Hz. The frequency is kept constant and the load is varied ten times between (10-100)%
of the full load (full load is 50 Nm). So there are 50 test points at the first test run, ten test
points (10, 20, … , 100% of the full load) per tested frequency.

6.2.2 Second test run: Efficiencies with flux optimisation

The second test run is performed with flux optimization on, or corresponding energy
saving –mode. The test points are presented below at table (1).

Table 1. Flux optimisation -test points.

Torque, Running speed,
[%] [Hz] [rpm]
10 10 300
20 20 600
30 30 900
50 40 1200

70 45 1350
100 50 1500

All of the four variable speed drives have some kind of an energy-optimization-function. In
table (2) are introduced the changes in settings when measuring the efficiencies with
energy optimization. In the first test run only the motor information and other necessary
data was entered to the VSDs, but other wise the VSDs were run on default settings.

Table 2. Settings of the variable speed drives

VSD Settings in first test run Settings in second test run
ABB Default settings, Application Parameter 26.01: Flux-
macro: Hand/Auto optimization ON
Danfoss Default setting: automatic No changes made.
energy optimization (AEO) When measuring the
is on when frequency is 10 efficiencies without the
Hz or more. energy optimization, the
min. freq. was set to be 40
Hz. (Parameter 14,42)
Vacon Default settings, Basic Standard application,
application (P2.6.3 -> 3) Linear U/f -
control + flux optimization
Siemens Default settings: U/f with Linear U/f -control with
parabolic charac. flux current control

As can be seen from the table (2) the variable speed drives of ABB, Vacon and Siemens
have quite a similar flux-optimization –function. The variable speed drive of Danfoss has a
difference in this matter comparing to others: an energy optimization is automatically on
when the frequency is 10 Hz or more.

So that the effect of the energy optimization -function could be seen, first were measured
the test points without the energy optimization on. Then the settings were changed and the
similar test points were measured with energy optimization on.

6.2.3 Collected measuring information

The information collected from the measuring devices is presented in table (3).

Table 3. The information collected from the measuring devices.

1. Power analyzer 2. Power analyzer Torque transducer
- Current I [A] - Current I [A] -Running speed n [rpm]
- Voltage U [V] - Voltage U [V] - Torque T [Nm]
- Power P [kW] - Power P [kW] - Mechanical power P [kW]

The voltage, the current and the power are measured with the two power analyzers. The
running speed of the motor, the torque and the mechanical power on the motors shaft are
measured with the power transducer.

With the measured quantities the efficiency of the variable speed drive can be calculated:

η VSD = , (16)

as well as the efficiency of the system (which consists of the VSD and the motor):

Pout , mech.
η sys. = . (17)

After the measurements were done for a day the off-set errors were noted from the torque
transducer. The offsets of each measuring day with different VSDs are tabled in the
appendix (III). In appendix (III) there are also harmonics of each VSD-case from the
power analyzer 2 (power to the motor). The harmonics were measured at the frequency of

(50 and 40) Hz. The switching frequencies of the VSDs are presented as well in the
appendix (III). The switching frequency of Siemens VSD was not found from the manuals
so it is missing from the table.

6.3 Measurement results

In next chapters the measured efficiencies are illustrated with pictures. More detailed
measurement data (voltages and currents) are presented in appendixes (IV-VIII). The
comparison results of the efficiencies are introduced later in chapter “Comparison results”.

6.3.1 Efficiencies without flux-optimisation

The measured efficiencies [%] at different frequencies and loads are put together in
pictures (23-26) (More detailed measurement results in appendixes IV-VII). The
efficiencies are divided into ranges so that it is easier to compare the variable speed drives
of different manufacturers with each other. The best efficiency range covers efficiencies
better than 80%. The second best area covers efficiencies between (79-75)%. The
efficiency ranges are introduced in the pictures (23-26).

The curve in the pictures is a quadratic moment diagram, which is typical for a centrifugal
pump. The curve depicts the performance of the pump: it describes how the change of the
torque correlates with the change of the frequency. In the pictures there is a power scale
[kW] at right, which tells the power at different points at the curve (to be clear, the power
scale is valid only on the curve, not in other points in the picture). The correlations
between moment, frequency and power are calculated according to affinity laws. The curve
is valid for a pump of size 7,5 kW.

Picture 23. The efficiencies [%] of the drive system with the variable speed drive of ABB. The power scale at
right in the picture is valid only on the curve region. Accuracy of the efficiencies is ±1,5 percentage units
(Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Picture 24. The efficiencies [%] of the drive system with the variable speed drive of Danfoss. The power
scale at right in the picture is valid only on the curve region. Accuracy of the efficiencies is ±1,5 percentage
units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Picture 25. The efficiencies [%] of the drive system with the variable speed drive of Vacon. The power scale
at right in the picture is valid only on the curve region. (The X-letters in the picture are points were motor
stopped running and efficiencies could not be measured.) Accuracy of the efficiencies is ±1,5 percentage
units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Picture 26. The efficiencies [%] of the drive system with the variable speed drive of Siemens. The power
scale at right in the picture is valid only on the curve region. (The X-letters in the picture are points were
motor stopped running and efficiencies could not be measured.) Accuracy of the efficiencies is ±1,5
percentage units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

As a summary of the pictures it can be said that differences in the efficiencies are small but
some difference on the dimensions of the efficiency ranges can be noticed. Most of the 7,5
kW-sized pumps are usually run at the powers between (6,5-7,5) kW. So the efficiencies
on the curve at this power area are the ones that count most. According to the pictures this
area can be run with the best efficiencies with all of the tested variable speed drives. The
pump is working shorter times on the other areas of the curve too. So in the pictures the
attention should be paid in the region of the curve and the efficiency areas on it.

6.3.2 Efficiencies with energy optimization on

The measured efficiencies are illustrated in pictures (27-30). More detailed measurement
results are presented in appendix (VIII). The comparison results are introduced later in
chapter “Comparison results”.

The pictures (27-30) illustrate the measured efficiencies of the VSDs and of the systems
(VSD + motor) with the flux (or energy) optimisation on, and without the optimisation.
The pictures depict the effect of the flux optimisation in the cases of each VSD.

From the pictures of ABB and Vacon can be seen that the flux optimization has a positive
effect on the efficiencies, especially on small frequencies. The efficiencies with the
Danfoss’device have meanwhile stayed the same. Explanation to that may be the different
kind of energy optimization –function from the other devices. The effect of the flux
optimization in the case of the Siemens’s device is negative: the efficiencies drop. That
might be explained with a wrong kind of optimization settings for the application.

ABB: Effect of the flux optimization in efficiencies

1 (VSD, flux opt.)

0,8 (VSD)

0,6 (sys, flux opt.)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Frequency [Hz]

Picture 27. The change in efficiencies of the variable speed drive and the system when flux optimization on
(ABB). Accuracy of the measurements: system efficiencies ±1,5 and efficiency of VSD ±2 percentage units
(Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Danfoss: Effect of the energy optimization in

1 optimization)
0,8 (VSD)

0,5 optimization)
0,3 (sys)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Frequency [Hz]

Picture 28. The change in efficiencies of the variable speed drive and the system when energy optimization
on (Danfoss). Accuracy of the measurements: system efficiencies ±1,5 and efficiency of VSD ±2 percentage
units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

vacon: Effect of the flux optimization in efficiencies

0,8 (VSD)

0,6 (sys,flux
0,4 (sys)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Frequency [Hz]

Picture 29. The change in efficiencies of the variable speed drive and the system when flux optimization on
(Vacon). Accuracy of the measurements: system efficiencies ±1,5 and efficiency of VSD ±2 percentage units
(Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Siemens: Effect of the flux optimization in efficiencies

0,8 (VSD)

0,6 (sys,flux
0,4 (sys)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Frequency [Hz]

Picture 30. The change in efficiencies of the variable speed drive and the system when flux optimization on
(Siemens). Accuracy of the measurements: system efficiencies ±1,5 and efficiency of VSD ±2 percentage
units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

6.4 Accuracy of measurement

The error in the measurement results is a sum of systematic errors and measuring
equipments errors. The systematic error is minimized by having the similar measuring
equipment, the same measurers and the same circumstances and environment in all

The measuring equipments cause also errors in results. The efficiency of variable speed
drive it self is calculated as a ratio of the power to the motor and the input power to the
system ( VSD = Pm/Pin). The input power to the system and the power to the motor are
measured with power analyzers. The total error in the measured efficiencies of the VSD is
estimated to be ±2 percentage units, which includes the measuring equipments error and
the systematic error. (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008.)

The efficiency of the system is calculated as a ratio of mechanical power on the motors
shaft and the input power of the motor. The mechanical power on motors shaft is measured
with a torque transducer. The accuracy of the torque transducer is better than the accuracy
of the power analyzer, which is used to measure the input power to the system. Therefore
the error in the system efficiency is smaller than the error of the efficiency of the VSD. The
total error in the measured efficiency of the system is estimated to be ±1,5 percentage units.
(Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008.)

In the sense of comparison this kind of measuring system is reasonable. The error in the
efficiencies is the same in all measurements, and the margin of error does not change the
mutual order of the efficiency curves. The error moves the whole set of curves up or down
in the scale of efficiency. If the absolut efficiencies are needed to be established, a
calorimetric measuring system would be more appropriate.


In this chapter the results of the different categories are presented.

7.1 Efficiency

In next chapters are introduced the comparison results of the measured efficiencies
presented earlier.

7.1.1 Efficiencies without flux optimization

The pictures (31-40) introduce the efficiencies compared to each other. In the pictures are
illustrated the efficiencies of the variable speed drives and the systems at different
frequencies as a function of the load. The random deviations from the curve in some of the
pictures are probably measuring errors, so they can be ignored.

When paying attention into efficiencies of the VSDs’, it can be seen from the pictures (31,
33, 35, 37 and 39) that Danfoss has the best VSD’s efficiencies at all of the tested
frequencies. The second best efficiencies are with ABB. At the frequency of 10 Hz ABB
and Danfoss have almost equally good efficiencies. Siemens and Vacon are alternating
with the third and the fourth position in the order. The differences with the efficiencies of
the VSDs’are clearer at the smaller frequencies. At frequencies of 50 and 40 hertzs the
biggest difference in efficiencies is not more than a few per cents. As the frequency gets
lower the differences between the efficiencies grow. At the most the difference between
the most efficient VSD ant the least efficient VSD is about seven per cents (that is at the
frequency of 10 Hz between the VSDs from ABB and Vacon to ABB’s advantage).

When considering the system efficiencies, it can be noticed from the pictures that ABB has
the best system efficiencies at the all tested frequencies. The efficiencies seem mainly be
the best at the all range of loads. The second best system efficiencies are with the Vacon.
The system efficiency curves of Danfoss seem to follow also the same curve shape with
the ABB and Vacon, but the efficiencies are slightly lower.

The shape of the Siemens system efficiency curve is different from the others, especially at
the smaller frequencies (pictures 36, 38, 40). It can be noticed from the pictures, that with
small loads at the frequency of 40 Hz or less, the VSD of Siemens has outstandingly better
system efficiency results compared to others. Correspondingly the efficiencies of the
system with Siemens’s VSD are clearly lower with big loads at the small frequencies, or at
the worst, they could not even be measured because the motor stopped. According to the
pictures it seems obvious that Siemens is functioning better compared to each other at the
small frequencies with small loads and worse with the big loads.

The differences in the system efficiencies seem to be at the big frequencies (40 and 50 Hz)
smaller than at the smaller frequencies. At the bigger frequencies the differences in the
system efficiencies seem to be less than six percent. At the frequency of 40 Hz or less the
VSD of Siemens sticks out from the crowd with the differently shaped system efficiency
curve. The system efficiencies of the other VSDs’still remain quite the same the difference
being just few percents.

Frequency 50 Hz

Efficiencies of variable speed drives (50 Hz)


0,93 VACON
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50Nm)

Picture 31. Efficiencies of the variable speed drives at frequency of 50 Hz as a function of the load.
Accuracy ±2 percentage units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Efficiencies of the systems (50 Hz)





0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50Nm)

Picture 32. Efficiencies of the drive systems (Motor+VSD) as a function of the load at frequency of 50 Hz.
Accuracy ±1,5 percentage units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Frequency 40 Hz

Efficiencies of variable speed drives (40 Hz)



0,94 ABB


0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50Nm)

Picture 33. Efficiencies of the variable speed drives at frequency of 40 Hz as a function of the load.
Accuracy ±2 percentage units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Efficiencies of the systems (40 Hz)



0,75 ABB



0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50Nm)

Picture 34. Efficiencies of the drive systems (Motor+VSD) as a function of the load at frequency of 40 Hz.
Accuracy ±1,5 percentage units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Frequency 30 Hz

Efficiencies of variable speed drives (30 Hz)


0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50Nm)

Picture 35. Efficiencies of the variable speed drives at frequency of 30 Hz as a function of the load. The
efficiencies of Siemens’s VSD could be measured only with the load of 60% or less. Accuracy ±2 percentage
units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Efficiencies of the systems (30 Hz)



0,7 ABB



0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50Nm)

Picture 36. Efficiencies of the drive systems (Motor+VSD) as a function of the load at frequency of 30 Hz.
The efficiencies of Siemens’s VSD could be measured only with the load of 60% or less. Accuracy ±1,5
percentage units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Frequency 20 Hz

Efficiencie s of variable speed drives (20 Hz)

0,92 ABB

0,88 VACON
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50Nm)

Picture 37. Efficiencies of the variable speed drives at frequency of 20 Hz as a function of the load. The
efficiencies of Siemens’s VSD could be measured only with the load of 60% or less. Accuracy ±2 percentage
units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Efficiencies of the systems (20 Hz)




0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50%)

Picture 38. Efficiencies of the drive systems (Motor+VSD) as a function of the load at frequency of 20 Hz.
The efficiencies of Siemens’s VSD could be measured only with the load of 60% or less. Accuracy ±1,5
percentage units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Frequency 10 Hz

Efficiencie s of variable speed drives (10 Hz)


0,81 VACON
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50Nm)

Picture 39. Efficiencies of the variable speed drives at frequency of 10 Hz as a function of the load. The
efficiencies vith Vacon’s VSD could be measurer only with the load of 80% or less. The Siemens’s VSD was
left out of the measurements at this frequency because of the motor problems. Accuracy ±2 percentage units
(Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

Efficiencies of the systems (10 Hz)



0,5 ABB


0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Load (Full load: T=50Nm)

Picture 40. Efficiencies of the drive systems (Motor+VSD) as a function of the load at frequency of 10 Hz.
The efficiencies vith Vacon’s VSD could be measurer only with the load of 80% or less. The Siemens’s VSD
was left out of the measurements at this frequency because of the motor problems. Accuracy ±1,5 percentage
units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

7.1.2 Efficiencies with flux optimization

In picture (41) are illustrated the effects of the energy optimization on the system
efficiencies compared to the efficiencies without the optimization. The effect of the flux
optimisation is calculated with following equation:

η − η e.o.
X = ⋅ 100% , (16)

where X = Change in efficiency [%]

= Efficienciy of the system without energy optimization
= Efficiency of the system with energy optimization on.

When comparing the magnitudes of the effects between different drives, it is noticed that
with the VSDs from ABB and Vacon the effect of the optimization is positive. The system
efficiencies with the Danfoss’drive did not change as a result of the flux optimization. The
efficiencies of the Siemens’s VSD dropped when flux optimisation was on. Without the

flux optimization the efficiencies of the VSD and the system were better. Considering that,
it may not be reasonable to compare these efficiencies of Siemens with the others, because
clearly the flux optimization did not optimize the efficiency the way it was supposed to.

The change in system efficiency when flux optimization ON

Change in system efficiency

30 ABB
20 vacon

10 Danfoss
0 siemens
-10 10 20 30 40 45 50
Frequency [Hz]

Picture 41. The change [%] in system efficiency when flux optimization on.

In the picture (42) are illustrated the VSDs’efficiencies with flux optimisation. When
compared to each other the differences seem to be quite small, at maximum about five
percents between the most efficient and least efficient VSDs.. The VSD of Danfoss has the
best efficiencies and the VSD of ABB has almost as good efficiencies. The efficiencies of
Siemens and Vacon have no big differences compared to each other, but are slightly lower
than the efficiencies of Danfoss and ABB.

Efficiencies of variable speed drives when flux-

optimization on


0,85 VACON

10 20 30 40 50
N [Hz]

Picture 42. The efficiencies of the variable speed drives with flux optimization. Accuracy ±2 percentage
units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

In picture (43) there are illustrated the system efficiencies with flux optimization. The
differences are much clearer with the system efficiencies. At low frequencies and loads the
differences between the most efficient and the least efficient systems are at the most about
15 percents. The drives of ABB and Vacon seem to have no big differences in the
efficiencies compared to each other, but the efficiencies are better from the others at the
smaller frequencies and loads. The differences between the efficiencies of Siemens and
Danfoss seem to be also quite small, but the differences compared to the drives of ABB
and Vacon are clear at the smaller frequencies and loads. The differences get slighter as the
frequency and the load grow.

System efficiencies when flux-optimization on


0,75 ABB

10 20 30 40 50
N [Hz]

Picture 43. The efficiencies of the systems with flux optimization. Accuracy ±1,5 percentage units (Niemelä,
Interview 11.3.2008).

In picture (44) there is a zooming about the region of the curve, where the system normally
operates. At this point of the curve the differences between the system efficiencies are
smaller (notice the change in the efficiency scale in the picture). At the actual operating
area near the nominal speed the differences are almost negligible, only parts of percent.

System efficiencies when flux-optimization on at the

actual operating range

0,81 ABB

0,78 VACON
35 40 45 50
N [Hz]

Picture 44. System efficiencies with flux optimization on at the actual operating range. Accuracy ±1,5
percentage units (Niemelä, Interview 11.3.2008).

7.2 Life cycle energy costs

To compare the variable speed drives the life cycle energy costs are calculated for
imaginary pumping cases. The idea is to compare how the different variable speed drives
are functioning as a control device of the pumping process, and what kind of an effect they
have on the lifetime’s energy costs. In all of the pumping cases under consideration the
pumps operating time is 7550 hours per year and the and the life time of the pump is being
ten years.

7.2.1 Pumping case 1

The life cycle energy costs are calculated to a pumping case illustrated in the picture (45).
The first pumping case represents pretty typical pumping process as the pump is operating
with big powers most of the time.

Case 1: Power duration curve for pumping

P [kW]

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
t [h/a]

Picture 45. Power duration curve of a pumping case number one.

In the picture (46) are illustrated the calculated annual energy costs of the pumping process.

Case 1: Annual energy costs


ABB Vacon Siemens Danfoss

Picture 46. Case 1: The annual energy costs of the pumping case with different VSD’s controlling the

The discounted life cycle energy costs are represented in the picture (47).

Case 1: Discounted energy cost






ABB Vacon Siemens Danfoss

Picture 47. The life cycle energy costs of the pumping case with different VSD’s controlling the process.

As can be seen from the pictures (46) and (47) the differences in the costs are very small.
In the annual costs the difference between the VSDS’is at the most about 80 €/a. When
discounting the costs the differences get even more marginal. The difference in the lifetime
costs is at the most about 700€: The system with ABB’s drive has 700e smaller energy
costs in the lifetime period than the system with Danfoss’drive.

It must be remembered that this calculation is only suggestive.

7.2.2 Pumping case 2

The second pumping case represents a process where the pump operates at the nominal
power or close to it about half of the time, and half of the time with the small powers too.
The power duration curve of the pumping process under consideration is illustrated in the
picture (48).

Case 2: Power duration curve for pumping

P [kW]

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
t [h/a]

Picture 48. Power duration curve of a pumping case number two.

In the picture (49) are illustrated the calculated annual energy costs of the pumping process.

Case 2: Annual energy costs


ABB Vacon Danfoss Siemens

Picture 49. Case 2: The annual energy costs of the pumping case with different VSD’s controlling the

The discounted life cycle energy costs are represented in the picture (50).

Case 2: Discounted energy cost


ABB Vacon Danfoss Siemens

Picture 50. The life cycle energy costs of the pumping case with different VSD’s controlling the process.

In this pumping case the differences are small as well. In the annual costs the difference
between the VSDs’is at the most about 60 €/a. The difference in the lifetime costs is at the
most about 500€.

7.2.3 Pumping case 3

The third pumping case is quite similar with the first pumping case, but in this case the
pump is run all the time with the big powers and not at all with the really small ones. The
power duration curve of the pumping process under consideration is illustrated in the
picture (51).

Case 3: Power duration curve for pumping

P [kW]

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
t [h/a]

Picture 51. Power duration curve of a pumping case number three.

In the picture (52) are illustrated the calculated annual energy costs of the pumping process.

Case 3: Annual energy costs


ABB Vacon Danfoss Siemens

Picture 52. Case 3: The annual energy costs of the pumping case with different VSD’s controlling the

The discounted life cycle energy costs are represented in the picture (52).

Case 3: Discounted energy cost








ABB Vacon Danfoss Siemens

Picture 53. The life cycle energy costs of the pumping case with different VSD’s controlling the process.

The order of the most low-cost variable speed drives for the process seems to be the same
in all of the cases. The smallest energy costs are achieved with the ABB’s VSD controlling
the pumping process. Still the differences are small between the costs. In the annual costs
the difference between the VSDs is at the most about 100 €/a at the pumping case three.
The difference in the lifetime costs is at the most about 900€to ABB’s advantage.

7.3 User-friendliness

The valuation in the category of user-friendliness is given on the grounds of empiric

experience. Opinion of the easiness of the installation is given by a skilled installer.
Opinions of the control panel, manuals and the easiness of the use are given by the
measurer who can be compared to a person who uses the variable speed drive in a pumping

Because of the subjective nature of an opinion the evaluation of user-friendliness is more

like a depiction of the problems and successes with different VSD’s in the measurement

7.3.1 ACS800 by ABB

Measurements with ABB’s ACS800 were performed 21.-22.1. 2008. This was the first
variable speed drive under testing. Installation

The installation work was done quickly. According to the installer (Nikku, interview 21.1.
2008) the installation of ACS800 is simple, and there are no complaints about it. Start up and use

After the installation the variable speed drive was turned on. There were no problems in
entering the start-up data. The drive performed automatically an ID magnetisation at the
first start.

The motor was run four an hour or two to heat up before the measurements were started.
The motor used in all measurements was a new one and the ACS800 got to be the first
drive to run with the motor.

At the first day were measured the efficiencies without flux optimization and at the second
day were measured the efficiencies with the flux optimization. There were no problems in
either of the measurements. Manuals

The help of the manual (Firmware Manual, ACS800 Pump Control Application Program
7.1 (+N687)) was needed fist when starting up. By following the instructions of the manual
it was easy to get the system ready to run. In the manual there are detailed instructions of

the start-up. The combination of instructions and a picture of the display in the manual
makes it easy to stay in the right track when starting up.

The contest of the manual is logically arranged. After reading the chapter about the control
panel, the use of it seemed pretty understandable from the first sight on. The functions of
the different buttons on the control panel become clear. In the manual there are also
detailed instructions with display pictures for basic actions. It is easy to find the needed
instruction from the manual.

All together the manuals seem to be quite understandable, even if the user is not familiar
with the drive before. After a short browsing of the control panels menu, the things that
might have felt confusing on the manual at the first sight start to make sense. Control panel

The control panel of the ACS800 has 16 buttons on it and the display has four lines
(picture 54).

Picture 54. Overview of the panel.


With the instructions of the manual and a short browsing of the panels menu, the logic of
the control panel became clear. It was easy to change the reference the specific amount:
with two kinds of arrow keys it was possible to change the reference slow or fast.

The control panel has four operation modes. In a short using time the user gets most
familiar with the Actual Signal Display Mode and the Parameter Mode. In parameter mode
there are so many different parameters to browse that if the number of the needed
parameter is unknown, the manuals parameter list is needed. Otherwise it is troublesome to
try to find the needed parameter through all the others.

The co-operation of the manual and the control panel is good. By following the
instructions of the manual the use of the variable speed drive trough the control panel is
easy. In the measurement situation there were no kinds of problems.

7.3.2 VLT AQUA Drive FC 200 from Danfoss

Measurements with Danfoss’VLT AQUA Drive were performed 23.1. 2008. Installation

Installation work took more time than the installation of the ACS800. According to the
installer (Nikku, interview 23.1. 2008) the installation was more troublesome than the last
VSD under testing. The installer comments on the installation that there were narrow
connection strips which made the installation more difficult. He also says that the bad
location of the screw holes (which fasten the drive to the wall) makes it harder to screw it
86 Start up and use

There was some confusion in the start up. For some reason the motor did not start when the
rotation direction of the motor was tried to be checked. After a while the employees of the
measurement laboratory got the motor running.

At the control panel there is a button “Quick Menu”, which involves the most used
parameters. With the “Quick Menu”it was easy to enter the start-up data to the VSD. After
entering the data there was some trouble also in performing the motor identification. After
a little thought, the reason for that turned out to be a mistake in settings. After changing the
right setting the motor identification was successfully performed.

All things considered, the start-up did not succeed too smoothly. There was a little
confusion and problems here and there, and the whole starting up –process took quite a
long time. It’s hard for a non-expert to specify the causes of the problems, but some of the
problems were caused by the user’s mistakes in the settings.

After the start-up the use of the VSD was easy and there were no problems. The both test
runs were performed at the same day. Manuals

There are many pictures in the manual which demonstrate the instructions, especially about
the installation. After the chapters of installation the instructions of the start-up seemed to
be a little dispersed. It is hard to say what caused the problems in the start-up, but maybe
the manuals instructions about the start-up could have been more detailed and linear. Still
all the needed information was found from the manual after a while of riffling through the
87 Control panel

The control panels of the VLT AQUA Drive (Picture 55) and the ACS800 are the ones
with the biggest number of buttons. The VLT AQUA Drive has 16 buttons on the control
panel and the biggest display of the tested VSDs.

Picture 55. Overview of the panel.

The “Quick Menu” made the commissioning of the VSD pretty simple. The most
commonly used AQUA-functions can be defined with it. The control panel has a great
multiplicity of the buttons, but when using the VSD all the needed functions seemed to be
under the “Quick Menu”or the “Status”. In a short using time the functions of many other
buttons remained unclear. By pushing the “Info”-button more information about the
function of the moment could be gained. That was in some points clarifying.

The logic of the navigation was easy to understand. On the big display there was also
enough information about the actions on the menu, so it was pretty easy to find the needed
action just by browsing the menu.

It was easy to change the reference frequency with the arrow keys. It was possible to
change it either slow or fast.

7.3.3 NX -drive from Vacon

Measurements with NXS 00165A2H1 from Vacon were performed 24.1. 2008 Installation

The installation work was done quickly. According to the installer (Nikku, interview 24.1.
2008) the drive was as easy to install as the ACS800 and there are no complaints about it. Start up and use

There was a little confusion at the start-up with the Vacon NX-drive as well. The problem
occurred with the ID-run. It was confusing that some of the needed start-up instructions
were in the instruction manual and some of them were in the “All in one” –application
manual. The problem was that the parameter for id-run seemed to be missing in the panels
menu. After the structure of the information in the manuals and the logic of the control
panel started to become clearer, the parameter for id-run was found. Still there was
confusion about the id-run: there was no sureness about whether it was successfully
performed or not.

After the dubious ID-run the motor did not start. By changing the application it was
managed to run successfully. The both test runs were performed at one day. Everything
went well until at the frequency of 10 Hz with loads of (100, 90 and 80)% the motor
stopped running and there was a fault message on the display. The efficiencies at these test
points could not be measured.
89 Manuals

At first there were problems with the start-up and the needed instructions seemed to be
hard to find from the manuals. There was only couple of pages of instructions about the
start-up at the end of the instruction manual and some of the needed information about the
ID-run was at the application manual. It felt confusing to crisscross between the two

After the confusion at the start-up, the application manual turned out to be very analogous.
It was easy to check from the manual which actions on the menu are available at different
applications. After a while of wondering, the two manuals started to seem very sense

It is not easy to define what caused the problems at the start, but more linear and detailed
instructions about the start up may have helped. Control panel

The control panel of the Vacon NX-drive has nine buttons and three text lines on the
display (Picture 56). The content of the panel is arranged into the main menu and the lower
menus. The actions on the lower menus vary depending on the chosen application. At first
that caused some confusion, but after a while of reading the manuals and browsing the
menus, the logic of the panel started to seem very understandable.

Browsing the menu was easy with the arrow keys. After a while of familiarizing with the
control panel it was easy to find the needed parameter. On the display there was enough
information of the action on the menu, so the manual was not necessary needed when
finding a certain action.

Changing the reference frequency was not as easy as with the other VSDs under testing.
When pushing the button the value changes only one unit of the smallest decimal. By

keeping the button pushed the value starts to increase or decrease with accelerated speed. It
is hard to stop the accelerated change of the value at the wanted frequency.

Picture 56. Overview of the panel.

7.3.4 Micromaster 430 from Siemens

Measurements with the Micromaster 430 were performed 28.1. 2008 Installation

The installation work didn’t take much time. According to the installer (Nikku, interview
28.1. 2008) the installation was quick and easy to do.
91 Start up and use

When familiarising with a new device the instructions of the manual are needed the most.
The manual which came with the Micromaster 430 was in a form of a DVD disk. When
entering the settings to the VSD the instructions are needed to be in hand, so it felt
complicated without a concrete handbook. Still there was in addition to the DVD manual a
small booklet about the start-up, “Getting Started Guide”, so with that the start up went

In spite of the fact that it is more complicated to read the instructions from the computer’s
display at a field experiment, there were no problems using the VSD. By following the
instructions of the “Quick commissioning”the VSD was soon ready to operate. With the
“Quick commissioning”the VSD performed also some kind of a motor identification.

After the motor was heated up the measurements could be started. The both test runs were
performed at the same day. At the first test run the measurements at the frequency of (40
and 50) Hz went well, but problems started to occur at the smaller frequencies with big
loads. At the frequencies of 30 Hz and 20 Hz the motor stopped at full load. The motor did
not start running again until the load was decreased to 60% of the full load. So the
efficiencies could be measured at the frequencies of 30 Hz and 20 Hz only with the loads
of 60% and less. The measurements at the frequency of 10 Hz were left out because of the
motor problems.

The second test run with the flux optimisation went without any problems. Manual

The manual of the Micromaster 430 was in a form of a DVD disk. In addition to that there
was a booklet about the start up (Getting Started Guide).

The form of a DVD disk was good in certain ways and complicated in other ways. On the
credit side it was easy to find the needed instruction of the manual by using the “find”
function to find a keyword among the test. On the other hand it is not always possible to
have a computer near the VSD. In addition to that, it is easier to have an instruction book
in hand than a computer on knees.

The manual itself was understandable and the use of the VSD was easy with the
instructions in it. Control panel

The control panel of the Micromaster 430 has only eight buttons on it and a small display
(Picture 57).

Picture 57. Overview of the panel.


Changing the settings was easy by following the instructions. What made it complicated
was the fact that the instructions had to be looked from the display of a computer, so it was
necessary either to have a portable computer or print the instructions.

At the display there was just a number of the parameter instead of a written depiction of
the action. That made it impossible to find the needed parameter just by browsing the menu.
The number of the needed parameter must be checked from the manual unless the user
memorises it.

Changing the reference frequency was easy. By one push of the button the frequency
changed 0,1 Hz up or down. It was easy to change the frequency fast the required amount.

The logic of the panel was easy to understand and there were no problems in changing the
settings and using the control panel, but the help of instructions was necessary.


When comparing the efficiencies between the different manufacturers’ variable speed
drives and systems it can be noticed that the results are quite parallel with all of the test
runs. The order of the VSDs with the best system efficiency to the lowest system efficiency
seems to be pretty much the same at the all tested frequencies. From the results it can be
noticed that the differences in efficiencies between the tested drives are clearer at small
loads and small frequencies.

The variable speed drives from ABB, Vacon and Danfoss have pretty parallel results
compared to each other. The system with ABB’s drive seems to have best efficiencies at
the most of the tested frequencies. After that there comes the system with Vacon’s drive
and then the system with Danfoss’drive. The VSD from Siemens seems to step out from
the crowd with better system efficiencies compared to others at the small loads and small
frequencies. At the big frequencies and big loads the efficiencies of the system with
Siemens’drive are much smaller than with the others.

A centrifugal pump loads the motor according a quadratic moment curve, so the
efficiencies on the curve region are the ones that matter when using a variable speed drive
controlling a centrifugal pump. Pumps operate mostly with powers near the nominal power.
There were no big differences in efficiencies at the range where the pump usually operates.
In the results of the life cycle energy cost calculation there were neither big differences.
With more comprehensive LCC analysis the differences might have been clearer. The
order of the VSDs with the most energy cost-efficient system at different pumping cases
follows the results of efficiency measurements.

As a function of the load the efficiencies vary at different frequencies on average one to
three percents, at some test points, especially with small loads, one to ten percents. From
the measurement results it can be seen that the different variable speed drives have
different kind of effect on the same motor and on the efficiency of the system. Even though
the measurement system used in this study can be criticized, the measurements are done
systematically and equitably for all the variable speed drives under testing. With

systematic measurements can be achieved objective information for comparison about the
efficiencies of drive systems with different variable speed drives.

In the comparison category of user-friendliness it is hard to name the order of the user-
friendliest VSDs. This part of the study has a different kind of approach from the other
categories being dependent of opinions of a user. That is why the evaluations of the user-
friendliness should be seen as a depiction of a using experience of the VSDs.


The energy demand all over the world is increasing and bringing along problems like the
green house effect. A durable solution to control the increasing energy demand is to
improve the energy efficiency of the processes. A great energy saving potential lies in
pumping applications, because many of them are not operating even near the best possible
efficiencies. Trough equipment or control system changes can remarkable amounts of
energy be saved in existing as well as in new processes. Pumping applications account for
nearly 20% of the world’s electrical energy demand, so the energy saving potential with
them is large. In pumping applications energy savings can be achieved with a right kind of
process controlling. For many pumping application the use of a variable speed drive as a
process control element is the most energy efficient solution.

The main target of this study is to examine the energy efficiency of a drive system that
moves the pump. The drive system consists of a variable speed drive and an induction
motor. In a larger scale the purpose of this study is to examine how the different
manufacturers’variable speed drives are functioning as a control device of a pumping
process. The idea is to compare the drives from a normal pump user’s point of view. The
things that are mattering for the pump user, concerning the variable speed drive he uses,
are the efficiency of the process and the easiness of the use of the VSD.

The comparison is made between ACS800 from ABB, VLT AQUA Drive from Danfoss,
NX-drive from Vacon and Micromaster 430 from Siemens. The efficiencies are measured
in power electronics laboratory in the Lappeenranta University of Technology with a
system that consists of a variable speed drive and an induction motor with DC-machine.
The input powers to the variable speed drive an to the motor are measured with two power
analyzers, one located before the variable speed drive and the other located between the
VSD and the motor. The mechanical power on the motors shaft is measured with a torque
transducer. The efficiency of the variable speed drive itself is examined as well as the
efficiency of the drive system. The target of the efficiency measurements is not to give
exact and absolute efficiency results of the different drive systems, but to compare the

variable speed drives of different manufacturers functioning as a control device of the

pumping process.

The efficiencies are measured as a function of a load at different frequencies. The

measurement results depict that the differences between the measured system efficiencies
are on average few percents. At some points the differences are bigger, especially with
small loads and small frequencies. With smaller loads the differences in system
efficiencies are at the most about ten percents. The best efficiencies seem to be with a
system with ABB’s drive. After that there comes the system with Vacon’s drive and then
the system with Danfoss’drive. The VSD from Siemens seems to step out of the crowd
with better system efficiencies compared to others at the small loads and small frequencies.
At the big frequencies and big loads the efficiencies of the system with Siemens’drive are
much smaller than with the others.

All of the tested variable speed drives incorporate an energy optimizing or “flux
optimizing” techniques, which saves energy reducing the magnetizing current at low
mechanical loads. The second test run was performed with the energy optimizing on.

With the energy optimization on, at low frequencies and loads the differences between the
most efficient and the least efficient systems are at the most about 15 percents. The drives
of ABB and Vacon have no big differences in the system efficiencies compared to each
other, but the efficiencies are better from the Siemens’and Danfoss’systems at the smaller
frequencies and loads. The differences between the efficiencies of Siemens and Danfoss
are also quite small, but the differences compared to the drives of ABB and Vacon are
clear. The differences get slighter as the frequency and the load grow.

When comparing the magnitude of the effect of the energy optimisation between different
drives, it is noticed that with the VSDs from ABB and Vacon the effect of the optimization
is positive. The system efficiencies with the Danfoss’drive did not change as a result of
the flux optimization. The efficiencies of the Siemens’s VSD dropped when flux
optimisation was on.

On the grounds of the measured efficiencies are calculated life cycle energy costs for three
imaginary pumping cases. The idea of the calculations is to examine how the different
manufacturers’drives function as a part of different kinds of pumping cases, and what kind
of an effect they have on the energy consumption of the processes. As a result of the
calculations was gained life cycle energy costs for systems controlled with different
variable speed drives. The differences in life cycle energy costs with different variable
speed drives are not big. The order of the most cost-efficient to least cost-efficient variable
speed drive followed the order of the efficiency measurement results. The pumping system
with ABB’s VSD seem to be most cost-efficient solution in all of the pumping cases under

Besides the efficiency the user-friendliness is an aspect of the comparison. The definition
of the user-friendliness varies depending on the user, so it is impossible to give a
comprehensive valuation about the user-friendliness of a device. Because of the user
oriented nature of this point of comparison, the valuation of the user-friendliness is based
on empiric experiences of the user and the installer of the drive. As the approach changes
at this point of the study, the evaluation given of user-friendliness should be seen as a
description of how the user succeeded with the drives at the experiment. The user-
friendliness of a device is a sum of several factors. In this study the attention was paid in
the easiness of the use of the VSD trough the control panel and with help of the manuals.

In a nutshell the main achievements of this study are:

1. Efficiency matrixes of the drive systems (motor + VSD) with different

manufacturers’variable speed drives
2. Comparison results of the efficiencies of the different manufacturers’
variable speed drives
3. Comparison results of the efficiencies of the drive systems with different
manufacturers’variable speed drives
4. Life cycle energy costs of three different kind of pumping cases with
different VSDs
5. Depictions of the user-friendliness of the different drives


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World Pumps, October 2006. p. 44-46.

Erkinheimo Harri, Käyhkö Kalevi, Niemelä Hannu et. al. 1997. Taajuusmuuttajat. Espoo:
Suomen Sähkö- ja teleurakoitsijaliitto ry. 180 p. ISBN: 952-9756-37-2.

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Successful Applications. 1. Edition. UK, Oxford: Elsivier Advanced Technology. 172 p.
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Karassik Igor J., McGuire Terry. 1998. Centrifugal pumps: selection, operation, and
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Nolte David. 2004. Why efficiency matters. World Pumps, January 2004. p. 27-29.

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Appendix I Measuring equipment

Appendix II Life cycle energy cost calculations: interpolation of efficiencies
Appendix III Offsets, harmonics and switching frequencies
Appendix IV Measurement data from ACS800, first test run
Appendix V Measurement data from VLT AQUA Drive, first test run
Appendix VI Measurement data from NX-Drive, first test run
Appendix VII Measurement data from Micromaster 430, first test run
Appendix VIII Measured efficiencies with energy optimization, second test run
Appendix I
Measuring equipment
Specifications of the used measurement equipment

Variable speed drives:

1. ABB: ACS800-01

2. Danfoss: VLT AQUA Drive FC 202 Advanced

P=7,5 kW

3. Vacon: NXS 00165A2H1 + water treatment -application


4. Siemens: Micromaster 430


Power analyzers:

1. Yokogawa Power Analyzer PZ4000

2. Yokogawa Power Analyzer PZ4000


Siemens: 3~mot.,


Torque transducer:

Vibrometer TM212

Current probes:

FLUKE: AC/DC Current Probe (x3)

Model: 80i-110s

Cable between VSD and motor:

5m~MCMK 4*2,5/2,5
Appendix II, 1
Life cycle energy cost calculations: interpolation of efficiencies

Because efficiencies of all the possible combinations of torque and frequency are not
measured, must some of the efficiencies needed in the calculations be interpolated from
between the known efficiencies. The change of the efficiencies is assumed to be quite linear,
so the method of two points is used.

If a value of a quantity is known for the moments t0 and t1, and it is wanted to be known for a
moment t, it can be interpolated. (See the figure 1.) If the value of the quantity at moment t0 is
f0 and at moment t1 f0, the value at the moment t is about

f = f0 + [ (t - t 0) / (t1 - t0) ] (f1 - f0). (1)

Figure 1. Interpolation.

The variable can also be other than time. Because the measured efficiencies vary as a function
of the rotation speed (N) and the torque (T), must one of them keep as a constant so that the
interpolation is possible. If the torque is constant, can efficiencies be interpolated by varying
the rotation speed with following equation:

= 0 + [ (N - N0) / (N1 - N0) ] ( 1 - 0), (2)

Appendix II, 2

and correspondingly by varying the torque with equation of:

= 0 + [ (T - T0) / (T1 - T0) ] ( 1 - 0). (3)

The torque curve of a centrifugal pump is quadratic. When modelling the imaginary duration
curves for the energy calculations, the power points used in calculations are picked from the
quadratic curve so that either the torque or the rotation speed is being constant in the

For example at the quadratic power curve the corresponding rotation speed and load of the
power 6,5 are N=1387 rpm and T=45 Nm. Interpolation is possible when the rotation speed is
the variable, because according to the measured efficiencies we know how the efficiencies
vary when the torque is being constantly 45 Nm. By interpolating from the linear efficiency
curve that is a function of rotation speed when the torque is constant (45 Nm), can the
efficiencies for any rotation speed be interpolated by changing the rotation speed between the
points of known efficiencies.

The points at the quadratic torque curve and the power curve (the corresponding torque and
rotation speed for certain powers at the curve) are calculated according to affinity laws. After
this the powers used in the imaginary pumping cases are picked so that the efficiencies at these
points are known either from the measurements, or so that they can be interpolated. The
powers used in the pumping cases are (7,5 ; 6,5 ; 5,5 ; 4 ; 1,5 ; 0,5) kW.

Points at the quadratic curve of pumping calculated according to affinity laws are introduced
in table (1) below.
Appendix II, 3

Table 1. Correspondence of the power, rotation speed and torque.

P [kW] N [rpm] T [Nm]

7,5 1455 50
7 1422 48
6,5 1387 45
6 1351 43
5,5 1312 41
5 1271 38
4,5 1227 36
4 1180 33
3,5 1129 30
3 1072 27
2,5 1009 24
2 937 21
1,5 851 17
1 743 13
0,5 590 8
0,25 468 5

Efficiencies interpolated as a function of the rotation speed are presented in table (2).

The equivalent efficiencies for 6,5 kW are calculated by interpolating between (40-50) Hz
when the torque is held constant 90%. Efficiencies for 5,5 kW are calculated between (40-50)
Hz when the torque is 80%. (Table 2.)
Appendix II, 4

Table 2. Efficiencies interpolated as a function of the rotation speed.

N N0 0 N1 1 (constant) P
Danfoss 1387 1152 0,80 1447 0,81 45 6,5 0,81
1312 1157 0,79 1453 0,80 40 5,5 0,80

ABB 1387 1155 0,80 1442 0,82 45 6,5 0,82

1312 1160 0,81 1450 0,82 40 5,5 0,81

Vacon 1387 1154 0,79 1452 0,82 45 6,5 0,82

1312 1159 0,80 1458 0,82 40 5,5 0,81

Siemens 1387 1139 0,77 1442 0,81 45 6,5 0,81

1312 1146 0,79 1450 0,82 40 5,5 0,81

Efficiencies interpolated as a function of the torque are presented in table (3).

Appendix II, 5

Table 3. Efficiencies interpolated as a function of the torque.

n [Hz]
T [Nm] M0 0 M1 1 (constant) P
Danfoss 32,88 30,55 0,79 35,45 0,79 40 4 0,79
17,1 30 1,5 0,71
8,2 6,3 0,48 11 0,61 20 0,5 0,53

ABB 32,88 31,31 0,80 36 0,81 40 4 0,80

17,1 30 1,5 0,73
8,2 7,3 0,54 12,1 0,69 20 0,5 0,57

Vacon 32,88 31,4 0,80 36,1 0,80 40 4 0,80

17,1 30 1,5 0,72
8,2 7,3 0,50 11,9 0,61 20 0,5 0,52

Siemens 32,88 31,3 0,80 36 0,79 40 4 0,80

17,1 30 1,5 0,77
8,2 7,1 0,68 11,75 0,71 20 0,5 0,69

The equivalent efficienciess for 4 kW are calculated by interpolating between (60-70) Hz

when the rotation speed (= frequency) is held constant 40 Hz. Efficienciess for 1,5 kW did not
need to be calculated by interpolating, because the equivalent efficiency is the efficiency when
frequency is 30 Hz. The efficienciess for 0,5 Hz are calculated between (10-20) Hz when the
torque is 20%.
Appendix III
Offsets, harmonics and switching frequencies


Measurements [Nm]
ABB Day 1: Basic -0,683
Day 2: Flux opt. -0,03
Danfoss Day 1: Basic -0,655
Day 2: Flux opt. -0,435
Vacon Day 1: Basic -0,068
Day 2: Flux opt. -0,25
Day 1: Basic and
Siemens fulx.opt. -0,443


Power analyzier 2.: Power to motor - Harmonics

Manufact. f [Hz] U1 [V] I1 [A] P [kW]

ABB 50 217,93 16,0022 8,924 0,85304
ABB 39,93 189,3 15,7679 7,128 0,79469

Danfoss 50,013 223,67 15,823 8,824 0,83107

Danfoss 40,058 0,18601 15,831 7,176 0,81227

Vacon 49,995 227,11 15,9274 8,937 0,82351

Vacon 40,038 183,69 15,7186 7,133 0,82342

Siemens 49,995 221,07 16,4622 3,028 0,87154

Siemens 39,997 170,95 16,47 2,39 0,88837

Switching frequency

Danfoss 5
Vacon 10
Siemens ?
Appendix IV, 1
Measurement data from ACS800, first test run

Frequency 10 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 154,9 8,2745 0,454
10 % 231,15 1,2792 0,5388 20 % 156,02 8,5098 0,599
20 % 231,24 1,5944 0,6898 30 % 157,14 8,9954 0,77
30 % 230,82 1,9659 0,8772 40 % 158,86 9,6428 0,948
40 % 230,94 2,3289 1,0662 50 % 160,23 10,4106 1,132
50 % 231,12 2,7088 1,2684 60 % 162,45 11,267 1,327
60 % 231 3,0941 1,4725 70 % 163,87 12,2113 1,522
70 % 231,08 3,4802 1,6853 80 % 167,23 13,2121 1,733
80 % 231,31 3,8929 1,9157 90 % 169,74 14,296 1,95
90 % 230,95 4,3045 2,1552 100 % 172,53 15,4283 2,168
100 % 231,3 4,7226 2,3888

Torque transducer Efficiencies

*P(out,mech) sys
T [Nm] VSD
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,84 0,41
10 % 294 7,1 0,218592
20 % 0,87 0,52
20 % 289 11,8 0,357115
30 % 0,88 0,56
30 % 285 16,6 0,495429
40 % 0,89 0,59
40 % 280 21,4 0,627481
50 % 0,89 0,59
50 % 275 26,1 0,751626
60 % 0,90 0,59
60 % 270 30,85 0,872263
70 % 0,90 0,59
70 % 265 35,55 0,986539
80 % 0,90 0,57
80 % 260 40,35 1,098615
90 % 0,90 0,56
90 % 256 45,1 1,209052
100 % 0,91 0,55
100 % 252 49,8 1,314191
Appendix IV, 2

Frequency 20 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 199,33 8,5512 0,765
10 % 231,24 1,9408 0,8637 20 % 199,71 8,8871 1,063
20 % 231,07 2,5584 1,1857 30 % 199,92 9,392 1,395
30 % 231,21 3,2709 1,5654 40 % 199,86 10,0309 1,723
40 % 231,09 3,8322 1,8768 50 % 200,45 10,782 2,058
50 % 230,8 4,4506 2,2294 60 % 200,41 11,631 2,4
60 % 230,81 5,1259 2,5989 70 % 200,89 12,5461 2,751
70 % 231,09 5,7562 2,9659 80 % 200,46 13,534 3,114
80 % 230,88 6,4048 3,3542 90 % 201,07 14,5718 3,478
90 % 230,75 7,0222 3,7438 100 % 201,18 15,6564 3,848
100 % 230,23 7,4975 4,1272

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,89 0,52
10 % 592 7,3 0,45
20 % 0,90 0,63
20 % 589 12,1 0,746327
30 % 0,89 0,66
30 % 585 16,89 1,034699
40 % 0,92 0,70
40 % 580 21,7 1,318003
50 % 0,92 0,72
50 % 575 26,5 1,595667
60 % 0,92 0,72
60 % 570 31,25 1,865321
70 % 0,93 0,72
70 % 566 36,05 2,136733
80 % 0,93 0,71
80 % 561 40,75 2,393972
90 % 0,93 0,71
90 % 556 45,65 2,657934
100 % 0,93 0,70
100 % 552 50,3 2,907607
Appendix IV, 3

Frequency 30 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 226,51 8,6949 1,069
10 % 230,71 2,5665 1,2012 20 % 226,45 9,0029 1,502
20 % 230,7 3,3926 1,6507 30 % 226,3 9,5644 1,993
30 % 230,59 4,2945 2,1526 40 % 226,48 10,2363 2,487
40 % 230,93 5,2232 2,664 50 % 225,81 10,9832 2,962
50 % 230,57 6,0505 3,1723 60 % 225,18 11,685 3,471
60 % 230,66 6,9407 3,6981 70 % 225,57 12,7481 3,972
70 % 230,63 7,6637 4,2328 80 % 225,79 13,7236 4,485
80 % 230,05 8,372 4,7752 90 % 225,91 14,7588 5,007
90 % 230,1 9,109 5,319 100 % 225,83 15,8506 5,527
100 % 229,9 10,0089 5,8651

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,89 0,58
10 % 893 7,47 0,698555
20 % 0,91 0,69
20 % 889 12,25 1,140424
30 % 0,93 0,73
30 % 885 17,02 1,577362
40 % 0,93 0,76
40 % 880 21,9 2,018159
50 % 0,93 0,77
50 % 875 26,6 2,437352
60 % 0,94 0,78
60 % 871 31,5 2,873144
70 % 0,94 0,78
70 % 866 36,6 3,319155
80 % 0,94 0,78
80 % 862 41 3,701006
90 % 0,94 0,77
90 % 857 45,9 4,119288
100 % 0,94 0,77
100 % 853 50,55 4,515427
Appendix IV, 4

Frequency 40 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 249,55 8,727 1,359
10 % 231,51 3,0976 1,4866 20 % 248,77 9,0634 1,946
20 % 230,88 4,2235 2,1031 30 % 248,39 9,5666 2,569
30 % 231,14 5,3841 2,7633 40 % 247,07 10,2514 3,211
40 % 230,36 6,4984 3,4317 50 % 247,46 11,2483 4,057
50 % 230,84 7,5129 4,0924 60 % 246,59 11,8769 4,517
60 % 230,39 8,5734 4,7857 70 % 246,28 12,742 5,145
70 % 229,92 9,4872 5,4436 80 % 246,48 13,697 5,802
80 % 229,91 10,4692 6,122 90 % 246,67 14,7 6,47
90 % 229,87 11,269 6,8254 100 % 246,22 15,7131 7,12
100 % 229,48 12,4687 7,509

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,91 0,63
10 % 1193 7,5 0,93698
20 % 0,93 0,72
20 % 1189 12,2 1,519044
30 % 0,93 0,76
30 % 1184 16,94 2,10036
40 % 0,94 0,78
40 % 1179 21,8 2,691528
50 % 0,99 0,80
50 % 1175 26,55 3,266864
60 % 0,94 0,80
60 % 1170 31,31 3,836167
70 % 0,95 0,81
70 % 1165 36 4,391947
80 % 0,95 0,81
80 % 1160 40,7 4,944029
90 % 0,95 0,80
90 % 1155 45,35 5,485142
100 % 0,95 0,80
100 % 1150 50 6,021386
Appendix IV, 5

Frequency 50 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 263,9 8,1587 1,712
10 % 230,82 3,7939 1,8569 20 % 261,44 8,332 2,438
20 % 230,89 5,1247 2,6093 30 % 260,14 8,8279 3,214
30 % 231,1 6,4986 3,4192 40 % 257,54 9,3675 3,98
40 % 230,52 7,664 4,211 50 % 257,22 10,3171 4,821
50 % 230,54 8,888 5,046 60 % 256,91 11,2921 5,597
60 % 230,01 9,915 5,9 70 % 256,77 12,3846 6,459
70 % 230,11 11,438 6,789 80 % 256,25 13,3988 7,195
80 % 230,06 12,449 7,569 90 % 256,3 14,6476 8,06
90 % 230,42 13,608 8,477 100 % 256,39 15,7477 8,802
100 % 230,3 14,861 9,262

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,92 0,69
10 % 1492 8,2 1,281183
20 % 0,93 0,78
20 % 1487 13,09 2,038352
30 % 0,94 0,80
30 % 1482 17,72 2,75005
40 % 0,95 0,83
40 % 1476 22,5 3,477743
50 % 0,96 0,84
50 % 1470 27,45 4,225599
60 % 0,95 0,83
60 % 1464 32 4,905911
70 % 0,95 0,83
70 % 1457 36,85 5,622451
80 % 0,95 0,82
80 % 1450 40,9 6,210405
90 % 0,95 0,82
90 % 1442 46 6,946271
100 % 0,95 0,82
100 % 1437 50,4 7,584307
Appendix V, 1
Measurement data from VLT AQUA Drive, first test run

Frequency 10 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 221,23 7,8027 0,422
10 % 231,26 1,2446 0,5071 20 % 221,16 8,0718 0,565
20 % 231,33 1,5713 0,6672 30 % 220,86 8,62 0,743
30 % 231,51 1,9407 0,8488 40 % 221,02 9,302 0,924
40 % 231,36 2,3027 1,0376 50 % 220,28 10,057 1,1
50 % 231,5 2,6695 1,2314 60 % 220,85 10,9577 1,292
60 % 231,81 3,0653 1,4395 70 % 220,82 11,9448 1,492
70 % 231,53 3,4773 1,66 80 % 220,8 13,0466 1,705
80 % 231,54 3,9243 1,8883 90 % 220,58 15,404 2,148
90 % 231,59 4,355 2,1284 100 % 220,28 15,4285 2,142
100 % 231,12 4,7931 2,3691

Torque transducer Efficiencies

*P(out,mech) sys
T [Nm] VSD
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,83 0,37
10 % 294 6,1 0,187804
20 % 0,85 0,49
20 % 290 10,75 0,326464
30 % 0,88 0,55
30 % 285 15,5 0,4626
40 % 0,89 0,57
40 % 280 20,2 0,592295
50 % 0,89 0,58
50 % 275 25 0,719948
60 % 0,90 0,58
60 % 269 29,7 0,836638
70 % 0,90 0,57
70 % 264 34,5 0,953788
80 % 0,90 0,56
80 % 258 39,3 1,061795
90 % 1,01 0,55
90 % 252 44 1,161133
100 % 0,90 0,53
100 % 247 49 1,267423
Appendix V, 2

Frequency 20 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 197,86 8,2563 0,743
10 % 230,82 1,8753 0,8188 20 % 197,92 8,5919 1,033
20 % 230,84 2,471 1,1213 30 % 198,17 9,1558 1,364
30 % 230,89 3,1456 1,4743 40 % 198,47 9,8354 1,699
40 % 231,29 3,8017 1,8267 50 % 198,76 10,5828 2,026
50 % 231,23 4,439 2,1782 60 % 199,13 11,6186 2,441
60 % 231,15 5,1076 2,5437 70 % 199,32 13,1161 3
70 % 231,18 5,7595 2,9165 80 % 199,17 13,3929 3,089
80 % 231,12 6,396 3,2749 90 % 199,36 14,4423 3,449
90 % 230,91 7,1086 3,683 100 % 199,59 15,5762 3,812
100 % 230,59 7,8139 4,0838

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,91 0,48
10 % 593 6,3 0,391223
20 % 0,92 0,61
20 % 590 11 0,679631
30 % 0,93 0,66
30 % 584 16 0,978501
40 % 0,93 0,69
40 % 580 20,7 1,257265
50 % 0,93 0,70
50 % 575 25,35 1,526421
60 % 0,96 0,71
60 % 570 30,2 1,802646
70 % 1,03 0,71
70 % 565 35 2,070833
80 % 0,94 0,71
80 % 560 39,9 2,339858
90 % 0,94 0,70
90 % 555 44,6 2,592128
100 % 0,93 0,70
100 % 551 49,8 2,873489
Appendix V, 3

Frequency 30 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 229,03 8,1403 1,046
10 % 231 2,466 1,112 20 % 228,43 8,4962 1,469
20 % 231,21 3,3127 1,5629 30 % 227,93 9,1318 1,976
30 % 230,9 4,2842 2,0862 40 % 227,94 9,819 2,45
40 % 230,95 5,2197 2,6039 50 % 227,95 10,6349 2,942
50 % 230,88 6,1353 3,1194 60 % 227,87 11,5439 3,453
60 % 231 7,0503 3,6395 70 % 227,75 12,4665 3,939
70 % 230,97 7,9495 4,1573 80 % 227,69 13,507 4,456
80 % 231,28 8,885 4,7199 90 % 227,6 14,5577 4,97
90 % 230,85 9,7807 5,2748 100 % 227,82 15,7016 5,5
100 % 230,62 10,5421 5,8072

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,94 0,55
10 % 893 6,52 0,609716
20 % 0,94 0,67
20 % 889 11,22 1,044536
30 % 0,95 0,71
30 % 884 16,1 1,490413
40 % 0,94 0,74
40 % 879 20,9 1,923817
50 % 0,94 0,75
50 % 874 25,7 2,352194
60 % 0,95 0,76
60 % 870 30,45 2,774183
70 % 0,95 0,77
70 % 865 35,2 3,188507
80 % 0,94 0,76
80 % 860 40 3,60236
90 % 0,94 0,76
90 % 855 44,7 4,002232
100 % 0,95 0,76
100 % 850 49,55 4,410534
Appendix V, 4

Frequency 40 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 250,82 7,9771 1,308
10 % 231,16 3,0145 1,4098 20 % 250,02 8,4142 1,915
20 % 231,47 4,1717 2,0426 30 % 249,39 9,1446 2,651
30 % 231,16 5,3955 2,7116 40 % 249,02 9,7773 3,191
40 % 231,29 6,5966 3,4008 50 % 248,1 10,632 3,856
50 % 230,98 7,7365 4,0529 60 % 247,48 11,5371 4,499
60 % 231,04 8,9005 4,75 70 % 247,24 12,5212 5,167
70 % 230,85 9,9496 5,4385 80 % 247,1 13,544 5,835
80 % 230,17 10,8431 6,1139 90 % 247,11 14,6011 6,502
90 % 230,02 11,8271 6,8275 100 % 247,26 15,7524 7,204
100 % 230,03 12,786 7,5491

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,93 0,59
10 % 1193 6,7 0,837035
20 % 0,94 0,69
20 % 1188 11,3 1,4058
30 % 0,98 0,74
30 % 1183 16,2 2,006912
40 % 0,94 0,76
40 % 1178 21 2,590557
50 % 0,95 0,78
50 % 1173 25,8 3,169176
60 % 0,95 0,79
60 % 1168 30,55 3,736652
70 % 0,95 0,79
70 % 1162 35,45 4,31371
80 % 0,95 0,79
80 % 1157 40 4,84643
90 % 0,95 0,80
90 % 1152 45 5,428672
100 % 0,95 0,80
100 % 1147 50 6,005678
Appendix V, 5

Frequency 50 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 264,68 7,9466 1,693
10 % 231,2 3,7645 1,8076 20 % 263,28 8,4543 2,48
20 % 231,35 5,247 2,638 30 % 261,18 9,021 3,274
30 % 231,17 6,771 3,499 40 % 260,25 9,8166 4,051
40 % 231,1 8,087 4,268 50 % 258,51 10,4871 4,843
50 % 230,95 9,432 5,104 60 % 258,51 11,614 5,658
60 % 230,98 10,611 5,986 70 % 258,08 12,511 6,478
70 % 230,84 11,836 6,787 80 % 257,64 13,5288 7,268
80 % 230,52 12,933 7,685 90 % 257,81 14,681 8,111
90 % 230,57 14,052 8,493 100 % 257,27 15,9215 8,97
100 % 320,51 15,339 9,359

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,94 0,64
10 % 1492 7,35 1,148378
20 % 0,94 0,71
20 % 1487 12,1 1,884191
30 % 0,94 0,75
30 % 1482 16,9 2,62279
40 % 0,95 0,79
40 % 1476 21,7 3,35409
50 % 0,95 0,80
50 % 1471 26,4 4,066729
60 % 0,95 0,81
60 % 1465 31,5 4,832555
70 % 0,95 0,82
70 % 1459 36,25 5,538497
80 % 0,95 0,80
80 % 1453 40,6 6,177607
90 % 0,96 0,81
90 % 1447 45,6 6,909745
100 % 0,96 0,81
100 % 1440 50,3 7,585061
Appendix V, 1
Measurement data from VLT AQUA Drive, first test run

Frequency 10 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 221,23 7,8027 0,422
10 % 231,26 1,2446 0,5071 20 % 221,16 8,0718 0,565
20 % 231,33 1,5713 0,6672 30 % 220,86 8,62 0,743
30 % 231,51 1,9407 0,8488 40 % 221,02 9,302 0,924
40 % 231,36 2,3027 1,0376 50 % 220,28 10,057 1,1
50 % 231,5 2,6695 1,2314 60 % 220,85 10,9577 1,292
60 % 231,81 3,0653 1,4395 70 % 220,82 11,9448 1,492
70 % 231,53 3,4773 1,66 80 % 220,8 13,0466 1,705
80 % 231,54 3,9243 1,8883 90 % 220,58 15,404 2,148
90 % 231,59 4,355 2,1284 100 % 220,28 15,4285 2,142
100 % 231,12 4,7931 2,3691

Torque transducer Efficiencies

*P(out,mech) sys
T [Nm] VSD
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,83 0,37
10 % 294 6,1 0,187804
20 % 0,85 0,49
20 % 290 10,75 0,326464
30 % 0,88 0,55
30 % 285 15,5 0,4626
40 % 0,89 0,57
40 % 280 20,2 0,592295
50 % 0,89 0,58
50 % 275 25 0,719948
60 % 0,90 0,58
60 % 269 29,7 0,836638
70 % 0,90 0,57
70 % 264 34,5 0,953788
80 % 0,90 0,56
80 % 258 39,3 1,061795
90 % 1,01 0,55
90 % 252 44 1,161133
100 % 0,90 0,53
100 % 247 49 1,267423
Appendix V, 2

Frequency 20 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 197,86 8,2563 0,743
10 % 230,82 1,8753 0,8188 20 % 197,92 8,5919 1,033
20 % 230,84 2,471 1,1213 30 % 198,17 9,1558 1,364
30 % 230,89 3,1456 1,4743 40 % 198,47 9,8354 1,699
40 % 231,29 3,8017 1,8267 50 % 198,76 10,5828 2,026
50 % 231,23 4,439 2,1782 60 % 199,13 11,6186 2,441
60 % 231,15 5,1076 2,5437 70 % 199,32 13,1161 3
70 % 231,18 5,7595 2,9165 80 % 199,17 13,3929 3,089
80 % 231,12 6,396 3,2749 90 % 199,36 14,4423 3,449
90 % 230,91 7,1086 3,683 100 % 199,59 15,5762 3,812
100 % 230,59 7,8139 4,0838

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,91 0,48
10 % 593 6,3 0,391223
20 % 0,92 0,61
20 % 590 11 0,679631
30 % 0,93 0,66
30 % 584 16 0,978501
40 % 0,93 0,69
40 % 580 20,7 1,257265
50 % 0,93 0,70
50 % 575 25,35 1,526421
60 % 0,96 0,71
60 % 570 30,2 1,802646
70 % 1,03 0,71
70 % 565 35 2,070833
80 % 0,94 0,71
80 % 560 39,9 2,339858
90 % 0,94 0,70
90 % 555 44,6 2,592128
100 % 0,93 0,70
100 % 551 49,8 2,873489
Appendix V, 3

Frequency 30 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 229,03 8,1403 1,046
10 % 231 2,466 1,112 20 % 228,43 8,4962 1,469
20 % 231,21 3,3127 1,5629 30 % 227,93 9,1318 1,976
30 % 230,9 4,2842 2,0862 40 % 227,94 9,819 2,45
40 % 230,95 5,2197 2,6039 50 % 227,95 10,6349 2,942
50 % 230,88 6,1353 3,1194 60 % 227,87 11,5439 3,453
60 % 231 7,0503 3,6395 70 % 227,75 12,4665 3,939
70 % 230,97 7,9495 4,1573 80 % 227,69 13,507 4,456
80 % 231,28 8,885 4,7199 90 % 227,6 14,5577 4,97
90 % 230,85 9,7807 5,2748 100 % 227,82 15,7016 5,5
100 % 230,62 10,5421 5,8072

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,94 0,55
10 % 893 6,52 0,609716
20 % 0,94 0,67
20 % 889 11,22 1,044536
30 % 0,95 0,71
30 % 884 16,1 1,490413
40 % 0,94 0,74
40 % 879 20,9 1,923817
50 % 0,94 0,75
50 % 874 25,7 2,352194
60 % 0,95 0,76
60 % 870 30,45 2,774183
70 % 0,95 0,77
70 % 865 35,2 3,188507
80 % 0,94 0,76
80 % 860 40 3,60236
90 % 0,94 0,76
90 % 855 44,7 4,002232
100 % 0,95 0,76
100 % 850 49,55 4,410534
Appendix V, 4

Frequency 40 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 250,82 7,9771 1,308
10 % 231,16 3,0145 1,4098 20 % 250,02 8,4142 1,915
20 % 231,47 4,1717 2,0426 30 % 249,39 9,1446 2,651
30 % 231,16 5,3955 2,7116 40 % 249,02 9,7773 3,191
40 % 231,29 6,5966 3,4008 50 % 248,1 10,632 3,856
50 % 230,98 7,7365 4,0529 60 % 247,48 11,5371 4,499
60 % 231,04 8,9005 4,75 70 % 247,24 12,5212 5,167
70 % 230,85 9,9496 5,4385 80 % 247,1 13,544 5,835
80 % 230,17 10,8431 6,1139 90 % 247,11 14,6011 6,502
90 % 230,02 11,8271 6,8275 100 % 247,26 15,7524 7,204
100 % 230,03 12,786 7,5491

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,93 0,59
10 % 1193 6,7 0,837035
20 % 0,94 0,69
20 % 1188 11,3 1,4058
30 % 0,98 0,74
30 % 1183 16,2 2,006912
40 % 0,94 0,76
40 % 1178 21 2,590557
50 % 0,95 0,78
50 % 1173 25,8 3,169176
60 % 0,95 0,79
60 % 1168 30,55 3,736652
70 % 0,95 0,79
70 % 1162 35,45 4,31371
80 % 0,95 0,79
80 % 1157 40 4,84643
90 % 0,95 0,80
90 % 1152 45 5,428672
100 % 0,95 0,80
100 % 1147 50 6,005678
Appendix V, 5

Frequency 50 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 264,68 7,9466 1,693
10 % 231,2 3,7645 1,8076 20 % 263,28 8,4543 2,48
20 % 231,35 5,247 2,638 30 % 261,18 9,021 3,274
30 % 231,17 6,771 3,499 40 % 260,25 9,8166 4,051
40 % 231,1 8,087 4,268 50 % 258,51 10,4871 4,843
50 % 230,95 9,432 5,104 60 % 258,51 11,614 5,658
60 % 230,98 10,611 5,986 70 % 258,08 12,511 6,478
70 % 230,84 11,836 6,787 80 % 257,64 13,5288 7,268
80 % 230,52 12,933 7,685 90 % 257,81 14,681 8,111
90 % 230,57 14,052 8,493 100 % 257,27 15,9215 8,97
100 % 320,51 15,339 9,359

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,94 0,64
10 % 1492 7,35 1,148378
20 % 0,94 0,71
20 % 1487 12,1 1,884191
30 % 0,94 0,75
30 % 1482 16,9 2,62279
40 % 0,95 0,79
40 % 1476 21,7 3,35409
50 % 0,95 0,80
50 % 1471 26,4 4,066729
60 % 0,95 0,81
60 % 1465 31,5 4,832555
70 % 0,95 0,82
70 % 1459 36,25 5,538497
80 % 0,95 0,80
80 % 1453 40,6 6,177607
90 % 0,96 0,81
90 % 1447 45,6 6,909745
100 % 0,96 0,81
100 % 1440 50,3 7,585061
Appendix VII, 1
Measurement data: Micromaster 430, first test run

Frequency 20 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 220,05 4,4755 0,557
10 % 231,51 2,329 0,636 20 % 219,44 5,9341 0,885
20 % 231,3 3,414 0,993 30 % 218,62 7,8559 1,248
30 % 231,34 4,627 1,39 40 % 218,25 10,0736 1,627
40 % 231,33 5,911 1,824 50 % 217,19 12,7793 2,084
50 % 231,48 7,345 2,33 60 % 216,23 15,8727 2,5772
60 % 231,14 8,849 2,881 70 %
70 % 80 %
80 % 90 %
90 % 100 %
100 %

Torque transducer Efficiencies

*P(out,mech) sys
T [Nm] VSD
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,88 0,68
10 % 584 7,1 0,43421
20 % 0,89 0,71
20 % 573 11,75 0,705052
30 % 0,90 0,70
30 % 558 16,55 0,967076
40 % 0,89 0,66
40 % 541 21,3 1,206717
50 % 0,89 0,61
50 % 519 26 1,413088
60 % 0,89 0,55
60 % 493 30,8 1,590107
70 %
70 %
80 %
80 %
90 %
90 %
100 %
100 %
Appendix VII, 2

Frequency 30 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 235,84 5,113 0,873
10 % 231,49 3,348 0,968 20 % 234,71 6,041 1,345
20 % 231,34 4,887 1,476 30 % 233,65 7,2339 1,831
30 % 231,13 6,429 2,002 40 % 232,49 8,5945 2,326
40 % 231,12 7,931 2,534 50 % 231,24 10,1628 2,852
50 % 230,91 9,498 3,106 60 % 230,48 11,8446 3,401
60 % 231,31 10,961 3,689 70 %
70 % 80 %
80 % 90 %
90 % 100 %
100 %

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,90 0,69
10 % 889 7,2 0,67029
20 % 0,91 0,75
20 % 882 12 1,108354
30 % 0,91 0,77
30 % 874 16,8 1,537621
40 % 0,92 0,77
40 % 865 21,5 1,947526
50 % 0,92 0,76
50 % 856 26,4 2,366499
60 % 0,92 0,75
60 % 846 31,1 2,75524
70 %
70 %
80 %
80 %
90 %
90 %
100 %
100 %
Appendix VII, 3

Frequency 40 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 253,57 6,3389 1,238
10 % 230,87 4,519 1,356 20 % 252,75 6,9349 1,845
20 % 231,27 6,452 2,002 30 % 261,38 7,7381 2,479
30 % 231,2 8,31 2,675 40 % 249,58 8,7168 3,13
40 % 230,72 10,182 3,373 50 % 247,87 9,7674 3,76
50 % 230,88 11,848 4,053 60 % 246,8 10,9783 4,438
60 % 230,86 13,166 4,754 70 % 246,66 12,2746 5,123
70 % 230,94 14,325 5,498 80 % 245,8 13,5365 5,765
80 % 230,83 15,526 6,184 90 % 245,4 14,9917 6,484
90 % 230,85 16,718 6,957 100 % 244,7 16,4333 7,169
100 % 230,7 18,064 7,696

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,91 0,68
10 % 1191 7,4 0,922937
20 % 0,92 0,74
20 % 1186 12 1,490372
30 % 0,93 0,78
30 % 1180 16,9 2,088321
40 % 0,93 0,79
40 % 1174 21,75 2,673967
50 % 0,93 0,80
50 % 1167 26,5 3,238511
60 % 0,93 0,80
60 % 1161 31,3 3,805443
70 % 0,93 0,79
70 % 1153 36 4,346708
80 % 0,93 0,79
80 % 1146 40,9 4,908362
90 % 0,93 0,77
90 % 1139 45,2 5,391266
100 % 0,93 0,77
100 % 1133 50,1 5,944239
Appendix VII, 4

Frequency 50 Hz

1. Power analyzer, power to system 2. Power analyzer, power to motor

*P(in) T [Nm] U [V] I [A] P [kW]

T [Nm] U [V] I [A] [kW] 10 % 269,68 8,7671 1,795
10 % 231,21 6,388 1,974 20 % 267,29 9,0571 2,581
20 % 230,89 8,725 2,801 30 % 265,77 9,2538 3,264
30 % 230,86 10,595 3,546 40 % 261,54 9,5626 4,045
40 % 230,05 12,248 4,35 50 % 260,94 10,4272 4,846
50 % 230,87 13,653 5,14 60 % 259,85 11,2677 5,59
60 % 231,12 14,98 6 70 % 258,49 12,4042 6,465
70 % 230,81 16,472 6,8 80 % 255,71 13,4985 7,206
80 % 230,62 17,833 7,668 90 % 255,65 14,981 8,178
90 % 230,86 19,505 8,636 100 % 254,83 16,419 9,031
100 % 230,61 20,904 9,527

Torque transducer Efficiencies

T [Nm] VSD sys
T [Nm] n [r/min] T [Nm] [kw]
10 % 0,91 0,65
10 % 1492 8,15 1,273371
20 % 0,92 0,71
20 % 1487 12,8 1,993194
30 % 0,92 0,77
30 % 1482 17,5 2,715907
40 % 0,93 0,80
40 % 1476 22,4 3,462286
50 % 0,94 0,81
50 % 1470 27,2 4,187115
60 % 0,93 0,82
60 % 1464 32 4,905911
70 % 0,95 0,83
70 % 1456 36,8 5,610968
80 % 0,94 0,82
80 % 1450 41,5 6,301511
90 % 0,95 0,81
90 % 1442 46,5 7,021774
100 % 0,95 0,80
100 % 1433 50,8 7,623221
Appendix VIII

Measured efficiencies with energy optimization, second test run

ABB Danfoss Vacon Siemens

T [%] n [Hz] VSD sys. VSD sys. VSD sys. VSD sys.
10 10 0,82 0,55 0,83 0,39 0,78 0,52 0,80 0,41
20 20 0,91 0,70 0,91 0,62 0,88 0,70 0,88 0,63
30 30 0,94 0,77 0,94 0,73 0,91 0,77 0,91 0,72
50 40 0,94 0,79 0,95 0,79 0,93 0,80 0,93 0,79
70 45 0,95 0,81 0,96 0,82 0,94 0,81 0,94 0,81
100 50 0,95 0,81 0,96 0,81 0,95 0,82 0,95 0,81

Measured efficiencies at the same test points without energy optimization:

ABB Danfoss Vacon Siemens

T [%] n [Hz] VSD sys. VSD sys. VSD sys. VSD sys.
10 10 0,83 0,36 0,83 0,40 0,77 0,35 0,80 0,53
20 20 0,90 0,63 0,91 0,62 0,87 0,60 0,89 0,71
30 30 0,93 0,73 0,94 0,73 0,91 0,71 0,92 0,77
50 40 0,99 0,80 0,95 0,79 0,93 0,78 0,93 0,79
70 45 0,94 0,81 0,95 0,81 0,94 0,80 0,93 0,80
100 50 0,95 0,80 0,95 0,82 0,95 0,81 0,95 0,80

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