J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem - 2017 - Pillarplex
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem - 2017 - Pillarplex
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem - 2017 - Pillarplex
DOI 10.1007/s10847-017-0711-y
Abstract Electronic structure, vibrational and NMR systems. The low binding energy, and the physical adsorp-
spectra of metal-Pillarplex (metal = Cu, Ag and Au) and tion of guest molecule and HOMO–LUMO spatial dia-
its inclusion complex with 1,8-diaminooctane (DAO) are gram indicates, that the Au and Ag-Pillarplex can be used
investigated by using density functional theory. The coor- as reversible host for linear alkanes Complexation of guest
dinated metal atoms tune the cavity size and the height of engenders frequency shift in the vibrational spectra. Calcu-
metal-Pillarplex and form a rigid cavity thereby reducing lated 1H NMR reveal that guest protons which are closer to
their structural deformation. Cu-Pillarplex undergoes a the metal sites experience larger shielding possibly due to
large deformation both on the host and guest molecule. The C–H→LP* metal interaction. The 15N signal observed for
calculated Gibbs free energy for the formation of inclu- the DAO is nearly identical to that observed for the DAO@
sion complex were negative indicating their facile forma- metal-Pillarplex. NBO and AIM analysis indicate that
tion at the room temperature. Computed binding energies metal centers in host, play a major role in stabilizing the
with various functionals and energy decomposition analy- guest inside the cavity than the amino group on the guest
sis, shows that dispersion correction is essential in these molecule.
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
Graphical Abstract
Keywords Pillarplex · DFT · NBO · AIM · NMR addition, the synthesis of such supramolecular complexes
are unpredictable and can lead to the formation of multi-
metallic clusters. Additionally, the formed supramolecules
can also be air and moisture sensitive, thereby limiting their
Introduction application [15]. Recently, there have been several reports
on metallo-cavitands, rectangles, cages and nano-cap-
In the past few decades, supramolecular chemistry based sules, which are found to be either fluorogenic sensors for
on molecular recognition and self-assembly of synthetic metal ions or capable of selective binding of heavy metals
macrocycles has been under intensive investigation, due to [16–19].
their interesting topological structures and excellent tun- Among the organometallic host-systems, the one with
able host–guest properties [1–3]. The nature and use of the coinage metals have crucial advantages such as potential
macrocycles are decided by their shape, synthesis, solubil- intrinsic photoluminescent properties, straightforward syn-
ity in organic solvents and aqueous media, their functional- theses, and the possibility of post-synthetic modifications
ization and their host–guest binding ability [4]. Among the while exhibiting a high stability against air and moisture
macrocyclic molecules, the selective molecular recognition [20]. Very recently, Altmann and Pöthig, synthesized a
and self-assembly properties of several classical supramo- new metal–organic supramolecular host which resemble
lecular macrocycles, including that of, crown ethers [5], the organic pillar[n]arenes and are named as pillarplex.
cyclophanes [6], cyclodextrins (CDs) [7, 8], cucurbit[n] These pillarplex do have Group 11 elements silver or gold
urils (CB[n]) [9, 10], calix[n]arenes [11, 12], and Pillar[n] as metal centers [21]. The pillarplex (M8(LMe)2)4+ (M = Ag,
arenes [13] were well documented. Furthermore, most of Au) has the integrated advantages of facile preparation,
these macrocycles are neutral molecules and are capable of symmetrical and pillar shaped architecture, high rigidity,
binding charged guest molecules. emissive in the blue region and with high cationic charge.
On the contrary, organometallic complexes have hardly To understand the molecular recognition ability of the
been used as macrocycles, as their required cavitand pillarplex, Altmann and Pöthig used 1,8-diaminooctane
structures are not trivially feasible via classical coordina- (DAO) as guest molecule and complexation was followed
tion chemistry [14]. Furthermore, the presence of transi- by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Job-
tion metals may create paramagnetic centers on them. In plot analysis showed the formation of 1:1 stoichiometry,
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
which was further supported by the single crystal analy- Computational details
sis of supramolecular complexes between the Au-Pillar-
plex and DAO molecule. The calculated binding con- All the DFT calculations were performed using the Gauss-
stant was found to be K d = 24.0 ± 5.4 µM, close to the ian 09 program package [23]. The structural optimization
values observed for the cucurbituril systems, which are was carried without any symmetry constraints using the
considered to have a binding energy almost equivalent BP86 functional, with the Grimme’s D2 correction [24].
to that of biological biotin-avidin pair [22]. Attempt to In order to speed up the calculation, we used the density
use 1,1′-dioctadecyl viologen bromide and p-phenylen- fitting procedure used for the pure functionals. According
ediamine, as guest molecules, does not show any high to previous studies BP86-D2 functional provide reasonably
field shift of the aromatic protons, indicating no binding accurate interaction energies in large noncovalent com-
between the guest and the host molecules. Thus, a size- plexes [25]. The initial geometry of the Au-Pillarplex was
exclusion was shown by the metallocavitand when mol- taken from the crystal structure reported earlier [21]. We
ecules other than linear structures were used. have used the Stuttgart–Dresden ECPs designated as SDD
In spite of the above experimental investigation, there for geometrical optimization and to compute the vibra-
exists a need for theoretical investigation on the elec- tional frequencies. Harmonic vibrational frequencies are
tronic properties and inclusion formation capabilities of computed using BP96-D2/SDD method on the minimum
the metal-Pillarplex. It should be pointed out here pillar- energy geometries to verify them to be at the minimum
plex with metal Ag and Au were synthesized while the on the potential surface. To verify quality of BP96-D2/
same group 11 element Cu has not been synthesized. In SDD method in geometrical optimization the coordinates
the present work, we endeavor to explain the complex of the crystal structure with the DAO cavity inside the Au-
formation capabilities of pillarplex (metals = Cu, Ag Pillarplex is superimposed with the coordinates obtained in
and Au) with DAO molecule in different orientation by the DFT calculation (See supporting information Fig. S1).
using various density functional methods including the From the Fig. S1, it is evident that the geometrical param-
dispersion corrected density functional theory (DFT- eters are well reproduced by the BP86-D2/SDD level of
D) method. The scheme depicting the molecules stud- theory. Furthermore, the choice of BP86-D2/SDD method
ied are shown in Scheme 1. By using quantum theory of for geometrical optimization is justified as a compromise
atoms-in-molecules (QTAIM), natural bond order (NBO) between reliable results and reasonable computational cost.
analysis, and the energy decomposition analysis (EDA) The binding energy of the guest molecules is computed
we have analyzed the nature of interaction between the using the supramolecular approach [26].
metal-Pillarplex and DAO molecule. Spectral studies Partial charge analysis was done using the NBO pro-
using 1H, 13C NMR, and vibration analysis were carried gram as implemented in Gaussian 09 program at the BP96-
out to understand the nature of interaction. This study D2/SDD//B3LYP-D3/SDD level of theory [27]. In order to
will help to understand the mechanism of selective com- gain further insights into the nature of bonding that exists,
plexation of linear molecules by pillarplex at molecular topological analysis has been performed using AIMALL
level, which would be useful for their future exploitation package, and the corresponding wave functions were gen-
and their applications. erated at the B3LYP-D3/SDD level of theory. The details
Scheme 1 Schematic representation and numbering scheme for metal-Pillarplex and DAO molecule
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
on the AIM analysis can be found in our previous paper Our previous studies on inclusion complexes provided
[28]. The energy decomposition analysis (EDA) is carried us a clue that the guest molecules prefer to get encapsu-
out at the BP86-D3/SDD//B3LYP-D3/TZ2P level using lated inside the cavity, rather than on a surface adsorption
Amsterdam density functional program package. In EDA, [31, 32]. Furthermore, the reported X-ray crystal struc-
the total binding energy (ΔEbind) is decomposed into four ture for the Au-Pillarplex has the DAO molecule inside
terms, viz., Pauli repulsion (ΔEPauli), electrostatic (ΔEelstat), the cavity [22]. Thus, in the present study, we have con-
orbital (ΔEorb), and dispersion (ΔEdisp) terms [29]. For sidered only the encapsulated system. The superimposed
performing EDA analysis, the DAO guest molecule is con- geometries obtained at the gas phase along with the
sidered as one fragment and the metal-Pillarplexes as the reported X-ray structure of DAO@Au-Pillarplex is pro-
other fragment. The repulsive term ΔEPauli accounts for the vided in supporting information Fig. S1. From the Fig.
repulsive Pauli interaction between the occupied orbitals S1, it is evident that the geometrical parameters are well
of two interacting fragments. The attractive terms ΔEelstat reproduced by the BP86-D2/SDD level of theory. The
and ΔEorb represent the classical electrostatic interactions optimized structure of the free DAO molecules is found
between two fragments and the interactions between occu- to have different geometries out of which, the all anti con-
pied molecular orbitals of one fragment with the unoccu- formation was found to have the lowest energy. The other
pied molecular orbitals of another fragment, called charge higher energy geometries in which all the C H2 groups
transfer, as well as polarization and electron pair bonding, exists with anti-conformations are shown in supporting
respectively. The term ΔEdisp represents the dispersion information Fig. S2, in which the amino groups in slight
interaction between two interacting fragments. twisted from the lowest energy conformer. The optimized
The effect of acetonitrile as solvent, was implemented structures of the inclusion complexes are depicted in
using the CPCM method, with sphere radii optimized for Fig. 1. It is evident form the Fig. 1, that in the case of
COSMO-RS proposed by Klamt [30]. NMR chemical shifts
(δ) were computed in acetonitrile medium at the B3LYP/
SDD level of theory. The reported 1H and 13C chemical
shifts were obtained by subtracting the nuclear magnetic
shielding tensors of proton in pillarplex and DAO molecule
from those in the tetramethylsilane (as reference) using the
gauge-independent atomic orbital (GIAO) method.
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
Ag and Au metal-Pillarplex the DAO molecule is fully B3LYP-D3/SDD level of theory. The binding energy is
encapsulated inside the cavity, while with Cu-Pillarplex, computed as the energy difference between the total energy
the molecule is partially expelled out of the cavity and of the inclusion complex and the energy obtained for the
one of the nitrogen atom get bonded with the Cu atom. individual components namely the metal-Pillarplex and
In the metal-Pillarplex, for the full inclusion of DAO DAO molecule. The computed binding energies are found
molecule inside the cavity, the guest or host need to to be almost identical for all the metal-Pillarplex in the gas
undergo a deformation in structure. Notice that DAO mol- phase. While, in the solution phase we observe that Au-
ecule has 12.17 Å length, while the metal-Pillarplex have Pillarplex to have the highest binding energy. Furthermore,
10.05–11.58 Å length. If the metal-Pillarplex are consid- we observe a decrease in the binding energy by an order of
ered to be rigid then, one could anticipate that larger defor- 10 kcal mol−1 for the Ag and Cu-Pillarplex. To investigate
mation to occur on the guest molecules. To confirm the the thermodynamic parameter for the formation of inclu-
above discussion, we calculated the deformation energies sion complex we computed the Gibbs free energy using
for the above inclusion complexes. The computed defor- the statistical thermodynamic calculations at 1 atm pres-
mation energies on the host and the DAO molecule both sure and 298 K. The computed Gibbs free energy for all the
in the gas phase and in solvent are provided in Table 1. It complexes were negative indicating that the formation of
is found that Cu-Pillarplex undergoes a large deformation inclusion complex would be facile at the room temperature.
both on the host and DAO molecule. It should be pointed However, the computed Gibbs free energy is lowest for the
out that the DAO molecule is only partially inserted inside Cu-Pillarplex, whereas, Ag and Au-Pillarplex have almost
the cavity in the case of Cu-Pillarplex. Furthermore, one the same formation energy. The lowest Gibb’s free energy
of the amino group is bonded to the Cu metal. Thus, it is of formation for Cu-Pillarplex can be attributed to the com-
not surprising to see a larger deformation on the host and plexation of ligand to the Cu metal centers.
guest molecule in the Cu-Pillarplex. On the contrary, for In order to access the performance of various function-
the Ag and Au-Pillarplex, a very minimal structural defor- als, the binding energies are computed using the follow-
mation is observed both on the host and DAO molecule. ing functionals, BLYP, BP86, PBEPBE (GGA functional),
On the guest molecules, deformation energies were 1.07 B3LYP, PBE0 (hybrid-GGA functional), and B3LYP-D3,
and 1.36 kcal mol−1 for the Ag and Au-Pillarplex respec- PBE0-D3 (range separated hybrid-GGA functional with
tively. In order to understand the inclusion of nonlinear dispersion correction). The computed interaction energies
molecules inside the cavity of the pillarplex, we introduced for the inclusion complexes are obtained on the optimized
the 4-methylpeptane-1,7-diamine. Upon optimization, we geometry at the BP86-D2/SDD level of theory and the
observed large deformation in the structure of Au-Pillar- energies are computed using the various functionals which
plex indicating that, linear molecules could be more stabi- are provided in the Table 2. It is interesting to observe that
lized inside the cavity of pillarplex. Furthermore, structural the computed binding energies are largely unfavorable for
deformation has not been observed in the solution phase the popular hybrid functional B3LYP and pure functional
when the linear molecule DAO was used, which indicates BLYP. The use of hybrid functional along with the disper-
the structural rigidity of the guest molecule. sion correction has improved the binding energy of these
system. In dispersion functional, the attractive part of the
Binding ability of hosts van der Waals type interaction potential between atoms and
molecules that are not directly bounded to each other are
We then computed the binding energy of the DAO mol- empirically well defined. Hence, the DFT-D methods can
ecules to the host metal-Pillarplex, at the BP86-D2/SDD// provide better accuracy with less computational cost [33].
Table 1 Total binding energies (Ebind in kcal/mol) for the inclusion DAO (in kcal/mol) HOMO–LUMO energy gap (Egap in eV) and free
complexes computed at BP86-D2/SDD//B3LYP-D3/SDD level in gas energy of formation (ΔG in kcal/mol) for the formation of inclusion
and solution phase, strain energies on the host pillarplex’s and guest complexes computed at the BP86-D2/SDD// B3LYP-D3/SDD level
Metal Ebind (kcal mol−1) Strain Energy (kcal mol−1)a Egap (eV) ΔG
Gas Acetonitrile Pillarplex Guest
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
Table 2 Total binding energies (Ebind in kcal/mol) for the inclusion complexes computed on the BP86-D2/TZVP optimized geometry using
various functionals
MP M = Ebind (kcal mol−1)
Cu −0.57 3.43 −10.06 1.54 −6.76 −43.47 −49.84 −42.34 −39.66 −38.00
Ag 5.65 6.73 −7.26 3.13 −5.22 −49.92 −54.50 −49.40 −49.17 −42.88
Au −5.09 6.39 −7.57 2.92 −5.47 −65.06 −57.65 −52.23 −50.43 −44.90
Furthermore, the use of Becke–John damping reduces the that the HOMO and LUMO energies are located mainly on
binding energy. These results show that proper functionals the host molecule, indicating that the encapsulated ligand
with dispersion correction has to be used in calculating the does not alter the electronic structure of the Ag and Au-
binding energy in these systems. Pillarplex and the encapsulation occurs by a pure physical
To understand the kinetic stability of these inclu- adsorption process [34]. On the contrary, in the Cu-Pillar-
sion complexes, we computed the energy separation of plex, we observe a different trend, in which the DAO has a
the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and partial orbital contribution both at HOMO and LUMO level
the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). The which may be attributed to the metal-complex formation of
HOMO–LUMO gaps (Egap) computed for the inclusion the DAO with Cu metal. The low binding energy, and the
complexes are provided in Table 1. The metal-Pillarplex physical adsorption of DAO and HOMO–LUMO spatial
have an Egap 2.32–2.94 eV, while the inclusion complexes diagram indicates, that the Au and Ag-Pillarplex’s can be
have lower values. The Egap for the guest molecule was used as reversible host for linear alkanes. Since, our main
6.37 eV, which indicates that the guest molecule is chemi- aim to study the inclusion complexes with noncovalent
cally stable compared to the host molecule. The lower Egap interactions, in our further discussion we have excluded the
for the inclusion complex shows that complex formation Cu-Pillarplex.
can be a reversible process and are kinetically controllable.
The frontier orbital for Ag-Pillarplex and its inclusion com- NBO analysis
plex at the DFT-D3 level are provided in Fig. 2. The spatial
orbital diagram for Au-Pillarplex and Cu-Pillarplex and its The net charges on the pristine ligand and after complex
inclusion complexes are provided in supporting information formation were computed using the NBO method and are
Figs. S3–S4. From the Fig. 2 and Figs. S3–S4, it is evident provided in supporting information Table S1. From the
Fig. 2 Top (perspective) and side views of HOMO and LUMO orbital spatial diagram for the Ag-Pillarplex and DAO@Ag-Pillarplex complex
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
Table S1, it is evident that the net charges on the nitrogen pair orbital involvement in the bonding we also observe the
atom increases, while the change on the alkane hydrogen involvement of antibonding Rydenberg orbital in Au-Pillar-
atom decreases. Furthermore, there has been an increase in plex. This may due to the larger size of the Au atom com-
charge on the amine hydrogen atoms. On the contrary, the pared to the Ag atom center in the host. Furthermore, the
charge on the metal atoms in the host molecule has not sig- E(2) values are very similar in both the metal-Pillarplex and
nificantly changed. This behavior can be explained by the hence it is not surprising to have a similar binding energy
change transfer from the cationic host metal-Pillarplex to in these inclusion complexes.
the ligand.
To estimate more precisely the character of the Electron density and energy decomposition analysis
host–guest interactions, NBO analysis is carried out at the
B3LYP-D3/SDD level of theory in acetonitrile solvent on The electron density (ρ), and its Laplacian (∇2ρ), the poten-
the optimized geometry. More details about NBO can be tial energy density (V(r)), Kinetic energy density (G(r)),
found in the previous report [35]. Since the host metal-Pil- total energy denisty (H(r)), and bond ellipticity, (εb), for the
larplex has a significant charge on it, we have considered intramolecular bond critical point (BCP) were obtained by
DAO as donor NBO and metal-Pillarplex as acceptor NBO. the AIM method and are provided in Table 3 for Ag-Pillar-
The E(2) values corresponding to the orbital interactions plex and in Table 4 for Au-Pillarplex. The molecular graph
from the ligand to metal-Pillarplex with a threshold higher for DAO@metal-Pillarplex obtained is provided in Fig. 3.
than 0.75 kcal mol−1 are listed in Table 3. It is interesting to The number of intramolecular BCP differ between the
observe that most of the interaction arises due to the metal Ag-Pillarplex and Au-Pillarplex. In the Ag-Pillarplex, we
center. The larger the E(2) value, the more intensive is the observed 38 BCP’s, while Au-pillarplex has 30 BCP’s. The
intramolecular interaction between the metal-Pillarplex observed ring critical points (RCP) and cage critical points
and DAO. The strongest intramolecular interaction in Ag- (CCP) were found to be 54 and 23 in Ag-pillarplex, while
Pillarplex is the electron donation from methylene hydro- Au-pillarplex has 52 and 23 RCP’s and CCP’s respectively.
gen to the antibonding lone pair orbital of silver metal. The quantity of electron density at the BCP provides
The corresponding interaction for the Au-Pillarplex has a the information about the nature and strength of bond-
E(2) of 1.19 kcal mol−1. In addition to the antibonding lone ing between the two monomers in any inclusion complex
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
ρ—Electron density (a.u.) ; ∇2ρ—Laplacian of electron density (a.u); V(r)—Potential energy density (a.u.);
G(r)—Kinetic energy density (a.u.); H(r)—total energy density (a.u) and Ellipticity (εb) at the BCP
*For atom numbering see Scheme 1
[36]. The sign of Laplacian is determined by energy that also indicate the existence of noncovalent interaction at the
dominates in the bonding zone. A positive ∇2ρ indicates BCP. The ellipticity is defined as ε = |𝜆1 |∕𝜆2 − 1. The ellip-
that kinetic electron energy density G(r) is greater than ticity provides a measure of π and σ bond character. The
the potential electron energy density V(r). Such an interac- larger values (>0.1) indicate a π character and lower values
tion is observed in closed shell systems or a noncovalent shows the existence of σ bond character [38].
interaction, where the depletion of electronic charge along Our AIM calculations show the existence of
the bond path is observed [37]. A negative value of ∇2ρ at C–H⋯Metal and C–H⋯C intramolecular BCPs between
BCP indicates a covalent bond. The positive value of H(r), the DAO and host molecule. The charge density (ρ) lie in
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
ρ—Electron density (a.u.); ∇2ρ—Laplacian of electron density (a.u.); V(r)—Potential energy density (a.u.);
G(r)—Kinetic energy density (a.u.); H(r)—total energy density (a.u) and Ellipticity (εb) at the BCP
*For atom numbering see Scheme 1
functionality does not involve in the intramolecular inter- the inclusion complexes computed using the self-consistent
actions. Due to the metal–CH interaction the methylene reaction field theory (SCRF) in acetonitrile solvent are
C–H hydrogen in the DAO upon complexation exhibits a summarized in Tables 7 and S2 in the supporting informa-
shift to a lower wavenumber 2918 cm−1 in the DAO@Au- tion. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra for DAO@Au-Pillarplex
Pillarplex complex. The methylene hydrogen close to the and its constituents are shown in Fig. 6 and in the support-
NH group also experience a shift to a longer wavenumber ing information Fig. S7, DAO@Ag-Pillarplex and its con-
and was observed at 2990 cm−1, indicating the involvement stituents are provided. The accurate determination of NMR
in the intramolecular bonding. Likewise, the complexation parameters is a challenging task and requires simulation of
of DAO with Ag-Pillarplex show a blue shift in the stretch- electron correlation. It should be worth to specify that dis-
ing frequencies of DAO upon complexation. Furthermore, persion corrected functionals combined with the Huzinaga
a relatively large frequency red-shift was observed for the and further extended correlated basis set have been carried
N–H stretching in Au-Pillarplex that its counterpart. Thus, out for water clusters and clatherates [44]. Determining the
stronger interactions are experienced in Au-Pillarplex. NMR spectral properties with such level of theory becomes
It is well known that the host–guest binding can be mon- computationally demanding for large molecular systems.
itored through 1H and 13C NMR experiments. GIAO com- We therefore employ B3LYP functional, which has been
puted δH and δC values of the pristine DAO and those of widely used to study the metal complexes [45, 46].
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Fig. 6 Computed. a 1H NMR spectra Au-Pillarplex. b 1H NMR spectra DAO molecule. c 1H NMR spectra DAO@Au-Pillarplex. d 13
spectra Au-Pillarplex. e 13C NMR spectra DAO molecule and f 13C NMR spectra of DAO@Au-Pillarplex in acetonitrile solvent
density on the guest molecule though its lone pair of elec- The shielding effect on the DAO has been studied using
trons. The H1 and H3 proton which are in bonding with the the 13C NMR and the data obtained are reported in Table S2
imidazole group reveals a large upfield compared to the H2 in the supporting information. The computed 13C NMR
and H4 protons on the amino group which are non-interact- spectra is provided in the Figs. 6 and S6. In the DAO mol-
ing with the guest molecule. The alkyl protons which are in ecule, due to symmetry C1 and C8 carbons shows signal at
close proximity to the imidazole fragment of the guest mol- 49 ppm. The C4 and C5 carbon which are at the middle of
ecules experience a larger upfield shift that those which are the ligand and are isoelectronic and show signal at 38 ppm.
away. Furthermore, the proton which are closer to the metal Upon complexation, C5 experience a high upfield shift
sites experience larger shielding possibly due to C–H→LP* which was attributed to the C–H···Metal interaction and
Metal interaction. was observed at 45 ppm. Furthermore, on complexation the
J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem
degeneracy in the 13C NMR signal of DAO is lost, and one the PARAM Yuva II system. SA thank the SERB-DST, India for
end is more deshielded than the other end. Lastly the 15N funding through a project with sanction No. SB/FT/CS-038/2013.
signal observed for the DAO has signal at 220 ppm which Compliance with ethical standards
is nearly identical to that observed for the DAO@metal-Pil-
larplex. This indicates that metal centers in the host plays a Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict
vital role in stabilizing the ligand than the terminal amines. of interest.
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