Eduard 2024-02
Eduard 2024-02
Eduard 2024-02
# 168
# 168
GUSTAV VI. - Messerschimt Bf 109G-6 part II.
Letecká vojna nad Ukrajinou - Wish for something,
the red stars are falling!
A face on the tail
The second youngest
The Non-Stop Offensive
The end of the war at the Danube
SPARVIERO Limited 1/48
L-39C Albatros ProfiPACK 1/72
Fokker D.VIIF Weekend 1/48
Spitfire Mk.Vb early Weekend 1/48
Bf 109G-10 WNF ProfiPACK 1/48 Re-release
I-16 Type 10 ProfiPACK 1/48 Re-release
P-400 1/48
P-38J left engine PRINT 1/48
Gustav pt.1 1/72
Bf 109F-4 1/72
Fw 190A-8/R2 1/48
P-39N Airacobra 1/48
For the Bf 109 G-6, as for other versions of the Bf 109 G, modification kits
were available, installed in unit level workshops or service centers during
overhauls. Available weapon sets were as follows:
Rüstsatz R1: bomb rack (Abwurfwaffenanlage) ETC 500 IX b for one 250 kg
(550 lb) bomb.
Rüstsatz R2: bomb rack (Abwurfwaffenanlage) 4 x ETC 50 VII d for four
50 kg (110 lb) bombs.
Rüstsatz R4: bomb rack/dispenser for twenty-four SD 2 bomblets (Abwurf-
Rüstsatz R2
waffenanlage für 24 SD 2).
Rüstsatz R6: Underwing pods each holding an MG 151/20 20mm cannon
(Flügelgondel – bewaffnung zwei MG 151/20 mm).
Rüstsatz R6
Title photo: Luutn. Kyösti Karhila of 3/HLeLv 24 in the cockpit of MT-461 at Lappeenranta base in July 1944. This aircraft with WNr. 165342 and Stammkennzeichen SZ+PG
was received by the unit at the end of June 1944. Finnish pilots achieved a total of 18 victories with this plane, of which Karhila achieved eight successes. [Photo: SA-Kuva]
Rüstsatz W: Bordrakete BR 21 cm
BR 21 21cm rockets, also known as W. Gr. 21 or
Wfr. Gr. 21, unofficially dubbed ‘Dödel’ (‘fool’, but
carried a number of other understood meanings)
were a new and exclusive piece of armament for
the Bf 109 G-6, with other version use having not
been documented. In addition to the Bf 109 G-6,
they were deployed on the Fw 190 A of various
versions and the twin-engined Bf 110 G-2, and
Me 210/410. Bf 109 G-6s armed with a pair of rock-
ets may have been designated Bf 109 G-6/w.
Equipment upgrades:
Rüstsatz R3: 300 liter auxiliary drop tank (300 Liter Kraftstoffzusatztank)
Rüstsatz R3
Rüstsatz R7: ZVG 16 cantly increased the firepower of the aircraft armed with them, and thanks
ZVG 16 direction finder system with PR 16 (Peilrahmen) loop antenna at the to the more powerful DB 605 A engine, they did not reduce the performance
top of the spine. (Peilrufanlage ZVG 16 mit PR 16 Peilrahmen) of the machine as much as was the case with both versions of the Bf 109 F,
in which these nacelles were not used much due to the lower power offered
Armament sets R1, R2 and R6 were already used on the Bf 109 F and es- by their engines. Their use on the Bf 109 G-6 was even more extensive than
pecially on the G-2 and G-4. On the Bf 109 G-6, as on the G-2 and G-4, the on the G-2 and G-4.
R6 set consisting of the underwing cannon pods were popular. They signifi-
Exploring the frequency of the R6 kit firing bursts was not only ever present on all Bf 109G-6 ratio of aircraft with the pods to those
usage on the Bf 109 G-6 battlefields, but increased in number. In the without: 1. 16:1
West and the Mediterranean, they were sore-
According to some researchers, the can- ly needed against allied medium and heavy From this it would follow that the ratio of
non pod use on the Bf 109 G-6 decreased bombers, and in the East, against the Sovi- aircraft equipped with cannon pods between
as compared to the Bf 109 G-4. In this case, et Il-2 armored beasts of various versions. subsequent models increased, and while the
it would have been because the introduction All these adversaries over the fronts were in- G-2 and G-4 have more airframes without the
of the MG 131 fuselage mounted machine creasing in number, firepower and improved pods in the photos, those with them dominate
guns increased the firepower of the Bf 109 tactical use and the quality of their pilots in the G-6. With this in mind, it is important to
G-6, reducing the need for additional arma- was growing. It makes no sense to me that note that there are aircraft with BR 21 rock-
ment. It makes sense if the advantage of the Luftwaffe would go about decreasing the ets launchers in a significant number of the
a lighter and therefore more powerful and firepower of its fighters. available images. This too would indicate an
maneuverable fighter outweighed the advan- The second reason for my doubts is in the ever-increasing demand for firepower rather
tage of more firepower, and in some cases it, analysis of the available photos. In those that than the other way around.
this may have certainly held true. are at my disposal, the ratio of photos of air- Granted that this is not a scientific analysis
But I have my doubts about this claim. craft that can be identified as having cannon of the subject matter using proper data sam-
For one thing, I don’t think that the need pods under the wing to those that do not is pling or methodology, but the result hinted at
would decrease for fighter firepower on ei- as follows: can be taken as a solid base for a hypothesis
ther the Eastern or Western fronts, or in the Bf 109 G-2 ratio of aircraft with the pods to those that would be worth a more thorough exam-
Mediterranean for that matter. Targets that without: 1:2. 4 ination.
required concentrated firepower over a short Bf 109 G-4 ratio of aircraft with the pods to those
without: 1:1. 1
necessarily run consecutively, but intermingled with the serial numbers of The Bf 109 G-5 was also produced in several production variants. All had
the concurrently produced G-6. A further 200 or so were built in production the same armament and the same engine (DB 601 A) as the Bf 109 G-6.
block 15 000 between June and October, 1943. Further G-5s were built in
production blocks 26 000 (25) and 27 000 (33) between August and October, First Production Variant
1943. The last of the series comprised 287 machines in production block
110 000, built continuously between November, 1943 and June, 1944. From Bf 109 G-5 from production block 15 000 (205 units, five in March and April
February 1944, the Bf 109 G-5 and G-5/U2 were produced at Erla Werk VII in 1943, 200 between June and October, 1943).
Antwerp, Belgium. These airframes had the following distinctive features:
- The Bf 109 G-5/U2 in the 110 000 range production block had the GM-1
boost system pressure bottles located in the left wing, the access cover
for which was on the lower wing surface (7).
EXAMPLE: Bf 109 G-5, W. Nr. 15729, Flown by Obstlt. Hermann Graf, Stab. /JG11, Jever, Winter 1944. The aircraft is sometimes listed as a G-6
converted from a G-5, but it is a G-5. There could be several reasons why the 15 000 series airframes had an Erlahaube canopy.
M. Baumgartl states that twenty Bf 109 G-5s were built, powered by rying an auxiliary tank under the fuselage, a variant with two additional
a DB 628 A-0 engine with a two-stage supercharger and fitted with a VDM tanks with a volume of 300 liters each under the wings was also developed,
9-12159. 10 propeller with wider blades (as the Bf 109 G-10). One Hundred but it is not certain whether it was ever introduced into operational service.
and thirty of these engines were built, so their use in the Bf 109 G-5 is not At WNF, 35 were produced in the summer of 1943 (between June and August)
really out of the question. in production block 20 000, and five in the fall of 1943 in production block
The G-5/R2 version is a bit of an enigma. According to M. Baumgartl, 140 000.
seventy-two of a planned 126 were built, and according to him, it was
a photo-reconnaissance version, equivalent to the Bf 109 G-6/R2. They were
allegedly made without fuselage machine guns, but whether they were ac- Rüstsatz R7
tually produced is unknown. In addition to these machines, sixteen Bf 109
G-5/R2/AS and 76 Bf 109 G-5/AS aircraft were also produced, powered by
the BD 605 AS engine with the VDM 9-12159. 10 propeller.
Bf 109 G-6/R3
The photographic equipment in this aircraft consisted of an Rb 50/30 cam-
era. Access to the camera was from the cockpit through a hatch in the rear
sloping cockpit wall. The Bf 109 G-6/R3 had two grooves in the bottom of the
fuselage/wing section to divert oil escaping from the oil cooler under the
nose and to prevent the leaking oil from obstructing the camera lens. These
grooves were run parallel from the rear corners of the oil cooler across the
entire center wing section to the trailing edge of the wing/fuselage transi-
tion. The main armament was reduced to the MG 151/20 cannon. Fuselage
machine guns were not installed, the gun troughs were fared over, and in-
stead of machine guns, an additional oil tank with a volume of 20 liters was
placed in the compartment of the machine gun mounts. Unlike the later
Bf 109 G-6/R2, the MW 50 boost system was not installed. Radio equipment
consisted of a FuG 16Z radio and a FuG 25a IFF system. A ZVG 16 direction
guidance system (Peilrufanlage) with a PR 16 (Peilrahmen) loop antenna on
the fuselage spine (Rüstsatz R7) could also be installed. The canopy, unlike (photo: Mikael Olrog / The Bf 109 Lair)
the G-6/R2, was of the standard type. In addition to the possibility of car-
Bf 109 G-6/R2
Photographic equipment consisted of an Rb 75/30 or Rb 50/30 camera (1). together with the Bf 109 G-8/R5, and were likely structurally consistent
They carried full gun armament and were powered by a DB 605 AM engine with respect to their manufacture. They had an additional bulge adjacent to
with the MW 50 boost system that injected a mixture of water and metha- the fairing covering the right fuselage mounted machine gun (7). I believe
nol into the compressor intake. Between the second and third fuselage that it was not without function, that it accommodated an air compressor
bulkheads just offset from the top of the spine was the MW 50 system tank to supply enough air to ventilate the cockpit. At least some Bf 109 G-6/R-2s
filler cap (4). The battery was moved to the luggage compartment in the (probably all) had an Erlahaube canopy, and always had a short rudder.
cockpit, the luggage compartment door featured a recess covering the bat- On the right side of the mid fuselage between bulkheads 2 and 3 there was
tery (5). The radio equipment consisted of a FuG 16Z radio and a FuG 25a IFF apparently a large oval camera access cover (3). I don’t have photographic
system. AZVG 16 (Peilrufanlage) direction finder with its associated PR 16 evidence of this on the G-6/R2, but it appeared on both the G-2/R2 and the
(Peilrahmen) loop antenna on the top of the fuselage (Rüstsatz R7) could G-4/R2, and it’s quite logical that it was carried over to the G-6/R2 as well.
also be installed. These machines likewise had grooves installed below the It may have also been on G-6/R3, if only because the original access to the
wing center section for draining leaked oil coming from the oil cooler (2), camera in the rear sloping cockpit wall was not possible since this was
but they diverted the oil differently than the grooves on the Bf 109 G-6/R3. now the location of the battery (5).
In this case, they arced from the rear corners of the oil cooler to the leading
edge of the lugs covering the wing spar mounting stud, where they met the
lower surface of the wing. The rear-view mirror (6) mounted on the top
inner frame of the windscreen was also characteristic of the photo-recon-
naissance Bf 109 G. One hundred and ninety three Bf 109 G-6/R2s were pro-
duced at WNF in November and December, 1944 in production block 230 000,
Equipment layout in the fuselage of the Bf 109 G-6/R2: 4. FuG 16 Z radio 5. Compass (Mutterkompass)
1. Battery
2. Rb 50/30 or Rb 75/30 camera
3. MW 50 water/methanol system tank
The Bf 109 G-6/U3 were a tactical reconnaissance aircraft (Nahaufklärer standard used in fighter and bomber aircraft. Apart from the frequencies
or Heeresaufklärer). The photographic equipment consisted of two Rb 12. used, it was identical to the FuG 16Z, but, unlike the FuG 16, it had the op-
57 x 9 or Rb 32/7 x 9cameras (2) , located in the lower part of the fuselage tion of connecting with ground-based forward flight controllers. This ver-
on the fifth fuselage bulkhead and covered by a closing door as indicated sion also had the FuG 25a IFF system. A ZVG 16 direction finding system
in the second illustration below, and one Robot II Kleinbildkamera in the (Peilrufanlage) with its associated PR 16 loop antenna (Peilrahmen) on the
leading edge of the left wing, in front of the wheel well (1). This was cali- back of the fuselage (Rüstsatz R7) could also be installed.
brated for photography at an altitude of 2000m (6,550 feet), but was usually About twenty Bf 109 G-6/U3s were produced by WNF in the summer
removed in practice. The radio equipment consisted of a FuG 17 radio, the of 1943 in production block 20 000.
Bf 109 G-8
The Bf 109 G-8 was a development of the Bf 109 G-6/U3. They were tac- cap was to the right of the fuselage spine centreline behind the second
tical (frontline) reconnaissance aircraft (Nahaufklärer or Herresaufklärer). fuselage bulkhead (3). The Bf 109 G-8/R5 used 96 (or 100) C3 aviation fuel.
The photographic equipment consisted of two Rb 12. 57 x 9 or Rb 32/7 x The battery was moved to the luggage compartment in the cockpit, and
9 cameras, located in the lower part of the fuselage on the fifth fuselage there was a characteristic bulge on the luggage compartment door project-
bulkhead and covered by sliding doors controlled from the cockpit (2), and ing into the cockpit to cover the battery. Like other photo-reconnaissance
one Robot II Kleinbildkamera in the leading edge of the left wing, ahead of Bf 109 Gs, the G-8 had a rectangular rear-view mirror on the inner frame
the wheel well (1). They carried full gun armament, but many aircraft had of the windscreen.
the MG 151/20 engine mounted cannon removed at unit level. Also, the Robot The radio equipment consisted of a FuG 17 radio, later replaced by the
II camera in the leading edge of the wing was also often removed in practice. FuG 16 ZS unit and the FuG 25a IFF system. A ZVG 16 (Peilrufanlage) direction
Part of the Bf 109 G-8, twenty-nine machines with production numbers finder system with the PR 16 (Peilrahmen) loop antenna on the fuselage
20 670 to 20 698 produced at WNF in September 1943 and 112 710 000 se- spine (Rüstsatz R7) could also be installed. All Bf 109 G-8s and G-8/R5s
ries airframes produced in February and March 1944 were powered by the produced had the Erla Vollsichtshaube canopy and short rudder. Some
DB 605 A engine and lacked the MW 50 system. They had standard canopies. of the machines had the mast of the antenna moved rearward, in front
Another 760 or so Bf 109 G-8/R5s, produced between May and December, of the 2nd fuselage bulkhead, where the PR 16 antenna was usually located.
1944, were powered by the DB 605 AM engine with MW 50 water-methanol The reason for this change is unclear. This may have something to do with
injection into the intake of the compressor. The MW 50 system tank filler the retrofitting of the MW 50 system tank, but why this should be is not
entirely clear. It may also be related to the type of radio used.
Bf 109 G-12
As with the Bf 109 G-4, the Bf 109 G-6 served as the basis for two-seat pit, with the rear instructor’s cockpit having simplified instrumentation.
Bf 109 G-12 conversions. The subsequent Bf 109 G-12 series was then create Regardless of the original production version, the two-seat machines
d from the Bf 109 G-10 as well. These machines retained the attributes of were always labeled Bf 109 G-12. The exact number of machines produced
the original fighters, but were equipped with a two-seat, dual-control cock- is unknown.
Bf 109 G-14
From July, 1944, Erla (and from August, Messerschmittt) produced the covering the right machine gun, and all were also fitted as standard with
Bf 109 G-14 in parallel with the Bf 109 G-6, corresponding to the last pro- a FuG 16 ZY radio with an on-board transponder for the Pegasus Y goniomet-
duction version of the Bf 109 G-6 with the Erla Vollsichshaube type ca- ric sighting system with a Morane-type whip antenna (Moranmast) located
nopy and tall rudder. All Bf 109 G-14s were fitted with the MW 50 system under the left wing. The gunsight was the REVI 16 B as standard.
as standard and therefore used C3 fuel with an octane number of 96 (100). Most Bf 109 G-14s with the DB 605 AM engine were produced at the Erla
A distinctive feature of all Bf 109 Gs with the MW 50 system installed was factory in Leipzig. They were manufactured in blocks 413 000, 460 000 to
a box-shaped projection on the baggage compartment door in the rear 462 000, 464 000 and 465 000. These machines had a tall rudder (3), Erla
sloped wall of the cockpit, behind the head armor plate (2). This arose be- Vollsichtshaube canopy (1) and Gallandpanzer armored headrest. Only
cause the installation of the water-methanol mixture tank for the MW 50 a small number of airframes were produced at Messerschmittt in produc-
system in the space behind the first bulkhead forced the battery for the ra- tion block 165 000, but some of the total production of about 110 G-14s were
dio to be moved forward into the luggage compartment, which needed to be to Bf 109 G-14/AS standard with a DB 605 AS engine.
enlarged to accommodate it. All Bf 109 G-14s had a bulge under the fairing
Example: Bf 109G-14, W. Nr. 464380, Flown by Mag. M. Bellagambi, 5 Squadriglia, 2 Gruppo Caccia,
Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana, Osoppo, Italy, March, 1945
The DB 605 AM engine was also installed in part of the Messerschmitt MK 108 fuselage/engine mounted cannon, produced by WNF, also had the low
produced block of airframes in the 781 000 range, numbering about thir- rudder and Erla Vollsichtshaube type canopy. These machines did not have
ty birds, which had a low rudder. The remainder of this production block the bulge on the fairing above the right fuselage machine gun breech (6),
were Bf 109 G-14/ASs with the DB 605 AS powerplant. According to photos, and between bulkheads 4 and 5, they had an access cover for the compressed
there were standard G-14s with a low rudder even in the 782 000 series air bottle for the MK 108 engine mounted weapon (4). There was also an
production block, in which H. H. Vogt lists only the G-14/AS. The six hundred MW 50 system tank filler cap on the right side of the fuselage spine behind
Bf 109 G-14/U4s, production block 510 000 to 512 000, armed with a 30mm the second bulkhead.
If you have read this far, I value you sticking with me and I greatly appre- One reason I am writing these articles is because from time to time some
ciate that you understand that the subject surrounding the technical de- lost documents turn up somewhere. Part of the facts presented in the text
velopment of the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 is extremely complicated. It is you have read will certainly be further refined and corrected over time,
a theme that is probably without parallel in the history of aviation, per- thanks to new discoveries, or thanks to relevant new interpretations of al-
haps remotely comparable are some types from the First World War, ready known documents.
such as the Breguet 14 or the Hansa-Brandenburg C. I. But only remotely. If you research previously published material and kits of the Bf 109 G-6,
For the Bf 109 G-6, the issue is complicated by the fact that production took you will certainly come across images of aircraft that do not correspond
place under extreme wartime conditions, under heavy Allied air raids and to their classification within the production variants we have discussed or
almost constant reorganization of German war efforts. It was a situation even to types according to other sources. Please, treat such cases with
that is difficult to imagine today. The production of aircraft in Germany, and lenience. There will be many of them, even in the case of Eduard kits.
not only the Bf 109 G-6, responded not only to the needs of the customer, Unfortunately, from the point of view of the facts and conclusions that
the RLM and the Luftwaffe and its combat units, but also to the prevail- I tried to convey in my article, a large part of the profiles in current litera-
ing economic conditions and the deteriorating state of the industrial base. ture and kits, whether by Eduard or someone else, are wrong. It may cause
As a result of the air raids, a large part of the factories were destroyed some loss of confidence in some, but let’s take it positively. Let’s take it
or badly damaged, production operations were scattered to branch plants, as an opportunity to revise our old knowledge, assumptions and mistakes,
hidden in the mountains, forests, railway tunnels or underground. The dy- because this type of research is an ongoing evolution and needs adjust-
namics precipitated by the changes were unbelievable, and moreover, these ments to evolve in the right direction.
changes were intertwined on the production lines. The fact that three pro- A nice example of the above is this Bf 109 G-6, serial number 160303, flown
duction plants were engaged in the production of the Bf 109 G-6 plays only by III. /JG I’s Hauptmann Friedrich Eberle:
a partial role in this. During the war, between early 1943 and late 1944, proba-
bly more than 13,000 Bf 109 G-6s were produced. The exact number is not and
will never be known, and a significant part of the production lacks definitive
documentation. It was apparently irretrievably lost in the maelstrom of war.
According to the serial number, it should have a standard canopy and In this article I have not dealt with aircraft powered by the DB 605 AS
a short antenna mast. Nevertheless, the unlikely combination of a tall engine, such as the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/AS and Bf 109 G-14/AS.
antenna mast and an Erlahaube-type cockpit covering is photographical- This is mainly because it is a vast and complex topic in and of itself.
ly documented. The serial number is not, however, and it is derived from The second reason is that I have dealt with these machines before. However,
the loss of aircraft report. Hptm Eberle was shot down in his Bf 109 G-6 from the point of view of my current knowledge, it is clear to me that even
on January 30th 1944 by a Thunderbolt piloted by Lt. Robert Booth of the that not-so-old article requires revision today. I therefore promise to come
369th FS (359th FG). It is possible that the gun camera footage does not back to it, revise it, and release an updated form when the Bf 109 G-6/AS and
show the same aircraft as photos on the ground. But even so, the combina- G-14/AS are released in 1/72 scale. The same also applies to the Bf 109 G-10.
tion of a tall mast and an Erlahaube canopy should not exist. But it does, and That will be it at this point, my friends, and I hope you didn’t need to stum-
there are more such cases. I do not want to discuss possible reasons here, ble through this article, and that it has brought you much to your under-
various logical explanations can, of course, be offered. I bring this case up standing of the evolution of the Bf 109 G-6!
just to illustrate that you can expect a lot from the Bf 109 G-6 and its variants.
Prepare for cases when even the impossible can become a reality!
Bf 109 G-6 MT-480 of 3/HLeLv 24 during maintenance in early July 1944 at Lappeenranta. This machine with WNr. 165464 and Stammkennzeichen TX+ZY was delivered to the unit on 7 July
and its pilot was Ylik. Leo Ahokas. This airman with the MT-480 achieved the last of his twelve victories. [Photo: SA-Kuva].
Talking about a famous aircraft like the Savoia Marchetti SM.79 isn't easy, a lot has
been written about it and, more or less, everything has already been said. To do it
in an article is even more difficult since it’s very complex to summarize the very
rich and exciting history of such a legendary aircraft. Nonetheless the development
history of the SM.79 looks rather simple, a handful of well defined steps brought
about, in a natural way, changes in aircraft production and evolutions in its service.
he origin of this project came from weren’t powerful enough and were not ideal handily the 400km/h speed, a new record that
T the necessity of reaching locations at
considerable distances while transporting
for high performance. The solution was to
turn to Alfa Romeo, in particular to the Alfa
no other transport plane had ever achieved.
he aircraft was subject of numerous
10 passengers at faster speeds than the other
transport planes of the time. Speed was
125 RC.35 which were license built Bristol
Pegasus.. The designation of the engine is
T tests from pilots of Roma-Guidonia then
started to be used for flights towards West
key, when engineer Alessandro Marchetti in important,explaining the motivations of the and East Africa as VIP transport. Those flights
February of 1933 completed the first drawings, change. "R" stands for Radial, so an engine were major records, completed without any
the aircraft designated SM.79, already had its with 9 cylinders in a star shape, "C" stands issues and at an impressive rate. Meanwhile,
trimotor elegant profile. Many structural and for Compressor which means that the engine military clashes were brewing in Somalia
aerodynamic characteristics promised great had a single speed compressor, that would and Eritrea, so these very promising outlooks
performance, retractable landing gears, three enter in action only at a certain altitude in persuaded the SIAI to develop a military
radial engines Isotta-Fraschini “750” Asso of order to rebalance power. With higher altitude version which had an increased autonomy and
800 hp and Handley Page slots connected to the progressive lack of oxygen causes military payloads such as bombs and machine
the flaps were some of them. In the spring of a substantial loss of power in the engines and guns. Just as the first military versions came
1934 the aircraft, now ready, was given the the compressor is needed to counter that loss, out of the factory there was another change
civilian code I-MAGO which means “wizard” in compressing air and fuel thus injected in the in the engine, adopting the new Alfa 126 RC.34
Italian, a sign of things to come. cylinders with higher pressure and energy. which would go on to become the main engine
owever the first couple of flights were Finally "35" (3500 meters) was the altitude of the aircraft until the end of the war. By the
H rather disappointing, the speed, just
over 350km/h, was nowhere near what it was
at which the compressor started working,
allowing the aircraft to keep its performance
end of 1935 the aircraft had already completed
all the tests and real bombing runs, while,
supposed to be. The cause of the problem was even above this altitude. With the new engines sadly, the political and military situation in
quickly identified in the engines,which just things changed quickly, the SM.79P broke Spain was worsening, turning into a civil war.
radio and navigational equipment. A noticeable to participate in the cup in August 1937. Right
through Damascus and end in Paris. The increase in maximum weight for takeoff from the start it was clear the Italians were
idea was to extensively modify 6 aircraft. brought an increase of utility equipment and superior, their aircraft sported a bright red
The military components were removed, the autonomy. The aircraft were labled SM.79C paintjob that would then be known as “Rosso
fuselage was improved as well as the engines, for “Corsa” (Race) and they were quickly able Corsa”. Even after some unfavorable weather
Many different camouflages schemes for these 193^ Squadriglia flying along balkans coastline. The Electring man insignia was painted on fuselage sides.
conditions on the Mediterranean between three aircraft took off, reaching the midpoint Bombing, transport, reconnaissance and even
Damascus and Paris, the aircraft code named of Dakar in less than 11 hours. From there, in low level incendiary bombing runs. The aircraft
I-CUPA reached the french capital beating all formation, they crossed the Atlantic at about was well liked by the crews and even if it was
the opponents and winning the Cup hosted by 400km/h. A huge crowd was waiting for them already obsolete, due to the one piece wooden
the French Aero Club in honor of the 10 years at the finish line, with great satisfaction wing and the metallic tubes framed and canva
anniversary of the Lindbergh flight. It was everyone thought the SM.79 was the aircraft covered fuselage, it remained the backbone
a triumph and such a big success that it of records. of the Italian military operations in Africa,
brought up an old Italian ambition, to connect adly war was brewing again and the Albania and the Mediterranean, carrying out
with fast aircraft the nations on both sides of
the Atlantic. To achieve this the SM.79C were
S Second World War would see this beautiful
plane as a protagonist. With the outbreak of the
an impressive number of missions. Already in
1940, almost all military operation were against
even more modified to make it from Rome to war, the SM.79 was sent into combat in almost the British “Home Fleet” which was a serious
Rio de Janeiro. When the crew were ready, all theaters, carrying out all kinds of missions. threat due to the convoy escorts and port raids.
A post-war SM.79
attached to Zona Roma,
a big unit based in central
Italy. Side windows can be
seen on fuselage sides.
High altitude bombing being ineffective, for Hunchback) was given to the aircraft due to the torpedo bomber configuration even with
reasons already said,that prompted an interest the large cabin on top of the fuselage were the shortages, sabotage and the ever increasing
to convert the SM.79 into a torpedo bomber. radio operator and the engineer sat along with enemy fighters threat that made torpedo
Italy had a long standing tradition when it a Breda-Safat 12.7mm machine gun to defend runs much more dangerous. The amount of
came to torpedoes which were produced in against enemy fighters. sank or damaged ships by the SM.79 speaks
several factories, the idea was convincing ith the introduction of the first six SM.79 for itself, contributing to fuel the myth of the
enough that some SM.79s were converted
to carry these weapons under the fuselage.
W modified to carry the SIAI torpedo, “gobbo maledetto”. Despite being obsolete
preparations were made for the first combat or if it wasn’t designed for such actions, this
Racks for two torpedoes were attached under actions. On the 25th of July 1940 the Reparto aircraft was a perfect adaptation, even when
the belly, an extra fuel tank added in place of Sperimentale Aerosiluranti was created, compared to its successor the SM.84, which
the bomb compartment, and different aiming speeding up preparations of the equipment failed to replace it.With the Armistice in Italy in
devices were developed so that the moving and crew it was ready for early August. The September 1943 there were still a lot of SM.79,
target would be hit at a specific angle of attack. first torpedo combat action was carried out but the fall of the fascist government and
The propaganda picture showing an SM.79 with against the port of Alexandria by 5 planes on the Italian military apparatus brought about
two torpedoes sent shockwaves all around the the night of the 15th of August. It wasn’t a total a great crisis. With the Civil War on the horizon,
globe, contribuiting to the false myth that the success however, one SM.79 was lost without Italy divided, in the North the new fascist
aircraft could carry two of them in combat. This any tangible victory. The determination of the regime still allied to the Germans, while the
myth lasted for years after the war, even in the crews, however, lead the way for a series South sided with the allies. The SM.79s saw
modelling world, Airfix is still selling a SM.79 of very successful missions that took into combat actions once more, in the South it
in 1/72 which splendid box-art shows several account all the previous errors. New tactics was limited to transport and training, but in
Sparviero with two torpedoes under their belly. and techniques were developed and victories the North torpedoes were still being attached
Along the name Sparviero (Sparrowhawk) didn’t take long. From 1940 to 1943 a great to the belly of the aircraft. SIAI had already
the nickname “Gobbo Maledetto” (Damned number of Sparviero were modified or built in modified the Sparviero project with new “bis”
A wonderful pics of the interior of a preserved SM.79 in Italy, with many details and The famous "typewiter" placed inside the bomber aimer gondola. It was a device that
colours well visible. selected the order of launching bombs and their selection.
version, the aircraft were greatly improved missions a lot were also lost in transport those 4 aircraft was needed to not go bankrupt
with new Alfa 128 engines, a more powerful flights intercepted by enemy fighters. but many years later it would turn out to be an
armament, new radios and the removal of hen the war in Europe was finally over, extraordinary blessing. With the phasing out of
the gondola. All these changes finalized the
Sparviero into a true torpedo bomber. Taking
W a great number of SM.79 were still
airworthy. They would go on to have a major
the lebanese SM.79, that government donated
one back to Italy and today it is on display at
advantage that SIAI was in Northern Italy, the role in the rebirth of the new Aeronautica the museum of Vigna di Valle. Nobody at the
ANR (Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana) Militare Italiana that struggled to get back on time thought about preserving some of them
was able to group together new and old its feet due to the losses of men and equipment. for future memory so all italian SM.79 were
equipment and determined crews ready to attack More obsolete than ever, the SM.79 still served destroyed. Without Lebanon, which lated
the enemy that was climbing the Peninsula. with many squadrons after the war, waiting donated a second one to the Caproni museum in
The ANR carried out daring torpedo runs for the Allies to grant surplus or more modern Trento, today there wouldn’t be any Sparviero
in Ancona, Bari, to counter the landings aircraft. The SM.79 also had one last merit that for our eyes to marvel at or to remember the
at Anzio and even a night time raid on deserves a mention. 4 aircraft converted to sacrifice made by so many men in combat.
Gibraltar. The losses decimated the transport planes were sold to Lebanon in 1949.
ranks, along with aircraft lost in combat In a time of great economic struggle selling
The second example of SM.79 preserved in the world is on display with Lebanese colours at Caproni Museum at Trento, in Northern Italy.
The SM.79 preserved at Vigna di Valle Museum near Rome, Italy, with topsides just repainted in an unusual and strange "olive drab" colour.
Karel Pádár does not peel off the surface film when applying decals. He uses them as classic thin decals.
When painting the interior, it‘s a good idea to first create Small parts before installation in the cockpit.
the padding on the cockpit sides and then mask it.
Finished seats.
Comparison of a finished seat, whose width was Finished cockpit including correctly seated D6 cockpit frame part.
narrowed during construction, with an original kit
seat that is too wide.
Preparation for the installation of wire struts for parts The aft fuselage area also requires filler. The undercarriage can be easily upgraded with wires,
B9 and B-14. needles and also the use of masking tape to create
the undercarriage details.
Finished dashboard from two photo etched parts. Preparing a new antenna in red, made from an etched
part, to be placed over the rudder.
The model is nearing completion. Karel Pádár used white paint with gloss coat before to apply the large decal
on the vertical tail. Due to the size of the decal, he stabilized it with diluted dispersion glue and let it set for about
a day. He did not peel off the top film layer from decals.
The lower part of the completed model, including the added outlet of the Sapphire auxiliary power unit on the left
side of the lower aft fuselage.
Miro Barič
Czech self-propelled machine guns MR-2 Viktor caliber 14.5 mm have been in the Ukrainian service for a long time.
In the period covered by this part of the series, the Russian air force
suffered some of the highest losses in the air, excluding the initial
months of the invasion. Between December 1 and December 31, 2023,
Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense shot down five to seven Russian aircraft,
including one helicopter being taken out of service. Systematic attacks Photos: Ukrainian
also continued in the occupied Crimea and the ships of the Black Sea armed forces,
Fleet. Unfortunately, at the end of the observed period, the Russians social media and other
launched long-awaited winter missile attacks on Ukrainian cities. public sources
The first Russian loss occurred on Tuesday, eject, but they did not survive. Russians sent an M3 air defense system. According to other sources,
December 5, when a Su-24M bomber attempted An-26 aircraft and an Mi-8 helicopter to search he was flying by instruments in very bad weather
to attack Odesa from the south. According to for them, but the search was unsuccessful. On the and crashed after losing orientation. It is worth
some sources, it intended to launch missiles, very next day, Wednesday, December 6, Russians noting that the Russian side does not officially
while others claim it carried gliding bombs with lost an Mi-8 helicopter. It landed in a field near report its losses. However, the losses of pilots are
a range of up to 70 km. Instead, it was shot down the village of Mankivka in the Svatove district of usually confirmed by sources on social networks,
by a Ukrainian missile in the area of Snake Island. the Luhansk region. It stayed on the ground long such as the Telegram channel Fighterbomber.
The Patriot system was likely used. Ukrainians enough for a Ukrainian drone to notice it and guide
received two batteries in the spring of the previous the firing from the M142 HIMARS rocket launcher. Three Sukhois shot down at the same time
year, initially used for the defense of Kyiv, and one The rocket did not directly hit the helicopter but Black day for the Russian air force occurred
battery was later transferred to Odesa in the fall. exploded nearby, still causing the fuselage to be on Friday, December 22, when a group of Su-34
At the end of last year, they were supposed to pierced by fragments. fighter-bombers fell into a deadly trap. Russian
receive a third battery from Germany, and it seems On Sunday, December 17, Russians lost a Su-25 aircraft regularly flew to bomb the Ukrainian
they successfully used it not only in a defensive attack aircraft. The location and circumstances bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper and
mode, as we will later see. were not specified. The pilot, a lieutenant colonel artillery positions on the right bank of the river.
Both pilots of the downed Su-24M, belonging with the call sign Mason, lost his life. According to A similar situation occurred last May in northern
to the Russian naval aviation, were supposed to some sources, he was shot down by his own Buk Ukraine when Russians regularly flew to bomb
Ukrainian territory with gliding bombs. However, Zhirnov from the 277th Bomber Aviation Regiment. even stated that this battery was placed on a train
Ukrainians moved the Patriot system closer to the Although the Russian side officially remains silent, for easier and faster relocation. However, this
border, and on May 13, 2023, they shot down two the loss of three Su-34s at once shook the Russian information cannot be verified and seems rather
aircraft and three helicopters. They did a similar air force. Until then, they released about a hundred unlikely.
thing now in southern Ukraine and reported gliding bombs daily on the Ukrainian bridgehead In addition to all the above mentioned recent
the shooting down of three Su-34s at once. around the village of Krynky, on the next day, shootdowns, photos documenting older losses
It was supposed to happen in the Chaplynka and Saturday, December 23, these attacks stopped have also appeared. On Saturday, December 23,
Kalanchak districts of the Kherson region. Official completely. And the Ukrainians were not done images of a damaged Ka-52 helicopter were
confirmation from the Russian side, of course, with their mission by any means. On Christmas, published, as it was transported on a trailer
was not announced. Unofficial sources, however, December 24, they reported the downing of across the Kerch Strait to occupied Crimea.
stated that at least three pilots died, and at least another Su-34 near Mariupol and a Su-30 near The footage dates back to September and probably
two others survived the shootdown. This would Odesa. This would truly suggest the deployment relates to the Ukrainian offensive in the Zaporizhia
suggest the downing of three Su-34s, which have of two Patriot batteries in southern Ukraine. One region. During this offensive, Ukrainians reported
a two-member crew. The identity of one of the protects Odesa, and the other moves as needed. several hits on Ka-52 helicopters, which were not
dead pilots was confirmed as Lieutenant Stepan The mentioned Telegram channel Fighterbomber visually confirmed at that time.
Inscription on a Russian bomb as a memento for the Su-25 pilot nicknamed Mason. Russian rescue helicopter Mi-8. The first confirmed casualty from
At least two of the downed pilots the downed Su-34 was Lieutenant
were found alive on December 22. Stepan Zhirnov from the 277th
Bomber Aviation Regiment.
According to the
latest information,
Captain Vyacheslav
Kisilev from the
559th Bomber
Aviation Regiment
also died on
December 22.
Equipment at the site where one of the pilots from the downed Russian Su-34 ejected
on December 22, 2023.
Major Stanislav
Romanenko, who
died in a Ukrainian
Su-27 at the Ozerne
American guided gliding bomb under the wing of a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter.
ZSU-23-4 Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft gun in Ukrainian service. Cannons mounted on MT-LB chassis are also used against drones.
defenses, explaining how Ukrainians managed which the port's defense worked excellently and considering that Su-24s release low-flying
to sink the ship. However, this claim was easily shot down two attacking Ukrainian Su-24 aircraft missiles hundreds of kilometers away from the
refuted by Suchonimus based on satellite images. directly above the ship. The huge explosion in the target. Therefore, they did not need to fly over the
In the photo from October 2, Feodosia can be seen video is said to capture the end of the Ukrainian territory controlled by Russia during the attack.
with 16 ships, at least seven of which are military, planes. Ignoring the fact that, according to multiple
including two corvettes and two minesweepers. statements from the Kremlin, all Ukrainian Su-24s The Largest Attack of the Entire War
The assertion of a civilian port without defenses were already eliminated sometime in the summer At the very end of the observed period, Russia
contradicts another Russian version, according to and fall of 2022, it is a childish excuse, especially resumed its bombing offensive against Ukrainian
cities. For several months, it had been using
primarily Shahid drones, which helped map the
activity of the Ukrainian air defense. However, on
Friday, December 29, Russia launched a large-
scale attack using a significant number of missiles
and low-flying missiles, fired from 18 strategic
bombers. A total of 122 were aimed at Ukraine,
of which the defenders managed to destroy 87.
They were complemented by 36 drones, of which
27 were shot down. It was the largest aerial attack
since the beginning of the war. The targets included
Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Odessa, Zaporizhia,
and other cities. The attack resulted in 58 human
casualties and more than 160 injuries.
The target this time was not the energy
infrastructure as in the past winter, but the
military-industrial complex, specifically objects
that Russians believed were used for military
production. However, Ch-22 missiles were also
used in the attack, which the Ukrainian defense
struggles to intercept due to their high speed, but
they are notoriously inaccurate. Consequently,
the projectiles again hit mainly civilian objects.
Burning shopping center hit on December 29 in Dnipro. The impact affected 45 apartment buildings, over
100 houses, schools, hospitals, two churches, Some debris found in the streets was identified as escalated due to internal political disputes in the
shops, warehouses, and a metro station. In Kyiv, remnants of S-300 missiles, and several houses United States. Despite this, there were positive
33 people died, and 35 were injured. In Dnipro, were hit by missiles from the Pantsir systems. developments for Ukraine. For example, missiles
where a maternity hospital and a shopping center The Kremlin rejected this claim, and a military for Patriot systems are manufactured under
were hit, seven people died, and 30 were injured. spokesperson stated that the Russian armed license in Japan. Although they are not directly
In Odessa, the attacks claimed five lives and forces precisely target their objectives without delivered to Kyiv, Japan agreed to provide its
injured 27 people. During the attack, one of the causing any collateral damage. Remember this products to the United States, which could then
Russian missiles penetrated Polish territory statement, as we will come back to it later in supply Patriot missiles to Ukraine. Good news
and, after about three minutes, turned back into the continuation. Mutual attacks between the also came regarding F-16 fighter jets. In addition
Ukrainian airspace. It appears to be a deliberate two sides continued. After Belgorod was shelled, to Belgium, Denmark, and Norway, which had
maneuver aimed at avoiding Ukrainian defense Russia launched missile attacks on Kharkiv, already promised their delivery, the Netherlands
and attacking from an unexpected direction. There hitting a hotel, apartment buildings, and other joined during the observed period, announcing that
were also cases where Ch-101 missiles released "military" targets. In the following days, Russia also it would provide Ukraine with 18 aircraft. At the
decoy targets during flight. It is unclear whether deployed 49 drones against Ukrainian cities. same time, the first six Ukrainian pilots completed
they were pre-programmed to do so in specific The shelling of Belgorod had repercussions basic training on the F-16 and moved to Denmark,
areas or if they have a sensor that alerts them in the UN. The Kremlin, without any evidence, where they continue their combat training. There
when they are targeted. claimed that Ukraine used RM-70 Vampire rocket were also reports that donor states are actively
launchers supplied from the Czech Republic. They working to enhance the F-16 aircraft within their
Ukrainian Retaliation could not have had any evidence because even capabilities during the training of Ukrainian pilots.
On the following day, Saturday, December 30, with extended-range rockets, the Vampire from This includes the installation of more modern
Ukraine launched 70 drones targeting locations in Ukrainian territory could not reach the center of radars, and the integration of advanced weapons
Russian territory. The most severely affected was Belgorod. Nevertheless, Russia sought to summon is not ruled out. Incidentally, Russia reacted in
the city of Belgorod, approximately 40 km from the Czech representative to the UN to provide an its typical manner. Even before the arrival of the
the Ukrainian border. Russian authorities claim explanation. However, the Czech representative F-16s in Ukraine, it claimed to have destroyed
that Ukrainians targeted civilian objects, including refused the summons and did not allow himself to six of them in an attack on the airport in Odessa.
a skating rink, a shopping center, and a university. be exploited by Russian propaganda. They even provided a photo of a burned fighter on
Twenty-five civilians were reported dead, and over the ground. However, there was one small flaw –
100 were injured. However, based on photographs F-16 from the Netherlands as well the photo is from 2018 and captures the crash of
released by Belgorod residents, it appears that the During the observed period, problems with the a Belgian aircraft.
city was mainly hit by its own air defense missiles. delivery of necessary weapons and ammunition
Disposal of a Kinzhal missile warhead that got harmlessly buried in the ground. There is also a video capturing
Damaged residential building in Odesa. the fall of another downed Kinzhal into the water.
The maternity hospital in Dnipro was also destroyed. Mothers were evacuated to shelters Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the cockpit of an F-16. Beside him
after the alarm was sounded. is the Commander of the Dutch Air Force, Lieutenant General Andre Steur.
Decorating military aircraft with symbols or June 1940. However, France fell before he started This time his attack on the railway station at
markings related to significant anniversaries his training. The direction of further escape was, Zwole in the Netherlands was fatal. His Spitfire
is quite common in modern times, especially in as for many others, Great Britain. was hit several times by flak and the aircraft
NATO units. A nice anniversary marking on an Here he was accepted into the RAF, where he crashed at the Blooksteeg farm near Zwole.
aircraft is usually of interest to modellers. In the underwent flight training. After that, the British Otto Smik died in the wreckage. At the same time,
case of the L-39 Albatros, we have seen two such Royal Air Force promoted him to the rank of Pilot one of his wingmen, Belgian Henri L. J. Taymans,
honours in recent years and both of them have Officer, but in the structures of the Czechoslovak was also shot down and his plane crashed into
appeared in Eduard kits for obvious reasons. Foreign Army he had the rank of Corporal. a muddy ditch by the railway line. A series of
The first one was L-39ZA, no. 232433 from This discrepancy was not well borne by some misidentifications, started by the Germans when
Náměšt' nad Oslavou, with the depiction of Czechoslovak career officers, and Smik was put one of the two pilots was buried, and continued
the main designer of this aircraft, Jan Vlček. to considerable hardship during his first tour of by the Belgian and then the British War Graves
The second one is L-39CM, No. 915254 of the 2 Fighter duty with the No. 312 and No. 310 Czechoslovak Commission, created a mistake and a mystery
Squadron, 31 Fighter Wing, of the Slovak Air Force Squadrons. After only a few days, Smik therefore that was not unravelled until 1965.
from 2022, commemorating the 100th anniversary transferred to the British 131 Squadron at his own Since 1994 the famous pilot has been buried in
of the birth of the Czechoslovak fighter ace, request, and later to the 122 Squadron of the RAF. the Slavic Valley in Bratislava. Otto Smik received
S/Ldr. Otto Smik (current ProfiPACK No. 7044). On 13 March 1943 he achieved his first victory, many military decorations for his successful
Otto Smik was born on 20 January 1922 in a probable shoot down of a Bf 109. In May 1943 he combat activities: five Czechoslovak War Crosses
Borjomi in the Caucasus. His father, a Slovak transferred to 222 Squadron, where he increased 1939-45, the Czechoslovak Medal for Valour,
soldier who fell into Russian captivityin this his score to 7 and 1/2 aircraft shot down for sure, the Order of the M.R.S. 3rd Class, the French Croix
area during the First World War, got married 2 probably and 3 damaged. With this score, after de Guerre with palms and the British Defence
there, and although he wanted to return to taking a break from operational flying, he started Medal and Air Crew Europe Star. During the war
his homeland, he couldn't do so before many his second operational tour as one of the most he flew 263 operational sorties, 215 of which were
years. He did eventually return in 1934 with his successful Czechoslovak fighters. In March 1944 over enemy territory. He certainly shot down
Russian Wife and their three sons, of whom Otto he returned to the Czechoslovak unit, this time 11 enemy aircraft, 1 probably and 3 damaged,
was the middle one. After some peripeties, the with the No. 310, later 312, Squadron. in addition to these, he destroyed three V-1
family settled in Bratislava. Otto, who had been While Flight commander he was shot down missiles in flight and a number of ground targets.
interested in aviation since he was a child, built over the Netherlands on September 3, 1944. After Smik's commemoration on the tail surfaces of
models and learned to fly gliders. However, an emergency landing he managed to get behind Albatross No. 915254 is one of the significant
he could not reconcile himself tothe Slovak Allied lines and after less than two months tributes the Slovak Air Force has paid to his
state's establishment and its leaning towards nazi he was back in England. On 13 November 1944 legacy.
Germany. At the tender age of 18, in March 1940, he took leadership of the No. 127 squadron For more information about Otto Smik and his
he fled Slovakia to join the Czechoslovak foreign of the RAF, with which he undertook mainly aircraft, we recommend the book by Zdenek Hurt
resistance. Via Hungary, Yugoslavia, Greece and bomber escorts and attacks on ground targets in "Naší se vraceji“ (Boys are back / Eduard, 2013),
Iran, he reached France, where he joined the support of the allied invasion troops. After fifteen and the website of the aviation society Classic
Czechoslovak Air Group in the French Air Force in days, however, Otto Smik was again shot down. Trainers.
A man on one of the many hospital beds is aircraft fall into enemy hands. This noticeably of the many battles with American pilots on
breathing rapidly, a worried nurse regularly limited the opportunities for combat, which French Spads XIII. This time the painting is not
wipes the beads of sweat on his forehead. was reflected in the persistent zero on Olivier's reflecting any specific action. It is just a scene
The slender young man with delicate features fighter account. But on May 28 a formation of that represents the character and participants
and premature wrinkles around his eyes AR.2 reconnaissance Dorands flew over the of those battles.
suffered a gunshot wound to his thigh in an front line and one of them became Olivier’s The young commander of Jasta 19 met his
aerial combat a few days ago and lost a lot of prey. His account began to grow rapidly with destiny on October 18, 1918. On that day, Jasta
blood because of it. But that doesn’t worry the the arrival of new Fokkers D.VII. During June he 19 pilots engaged British fighters in a crossfire
doctors nearly as much as the inflammation added seven victories, with six more in August. and one bullet hit Olivier's thigh. Some sources
that is slowly but surely poisoning his entire With a tally of thirteen victories, he then left his state that it was a bullet fired by a fellow
body. Just twenty years old, Olivier Freiherr unit to take command of Jasta 19 on September German fighter, but evidence for this claim is
von Beaulieu-Marconnay is losing his fight for 2, just two weeks before his twentieth birthday. lacking. The heavily bleeding pilot was still
life, meanwhile far away in Germany a paper- Olivier Freiherr von Beaulieu-Marconnay able to get his plane to the airfield and land.
pusher is now rushing to bestow the highest was the representative of fighter pilots who He lost consciousness shortly afterwards
honour, the Pour le Mérite, on the exceptional no longer knew the “gentlemanly” duels fought
and was taken to hospital in Arlon, Belgium.
young man before his death... by the pre-war aviation pioneers, who in many
The wound became inflamed, and his condition
Two months shy of his eighteenth birthday, cases were friends until the outbreak of the
continued to deteriorate. The Luftstreitkräfte
Olivier was already promoted from cadet to the war. The air battles of 1918 were fierce, and
command was already in process of awarding
rank of lieutenant as a member of the Fourth the fallen old knights were replaced by new
him the Pour le Mérite after his twentieth
Cavalry Regiment (Dragoner Regiment von energetic men whose zeal and aggressiveness
victory, but official procedures usually took
Bredow Nr. 4). When he switched from horses were just what the new D.VII Fokkers needed.
to planes, he took the stylized 4D badge as Olivier took one of these great aircraft with four to five weeks. Now, three weeks after
his personal symbol to adorn his planes. The him when he left Jasta 15. It was a machine reaching the threshold required for the award
Jasta 18, led by the vigorous Rudolf Berthold, powered by a BMW IIIa engine, which made of the highly valued decoration, its prospective
was Olivier’s first air unit from December 1, these planes better climbers and also capable recipient was lying in critical condition in
1917, and subsequently, after a major reshuffle of higher speed. No wonder pilots loved them. hospital. Sources differ as to the events at the
orchestrated by Berthold as the newly Beaulieu-Marconnay was given an aircraft that end of Olivier’s life. Some state that he learned
appointed commander of JG II, he and all his was originally intended for Rudolf Berthold, of the award six hours before his death, others
comrades became part of Jasta 15. commander of the entire JG II. Olivier had it that the information had not reached him alive.
The young fighter, whom his colleagues repainted to match the color scheme of his However, the “Blue Max” could not have been
called “Bauli”, waited nearly half a year for new unit, notably a yellow nose instead of red. awarded posthumously, so the official report
his first kill. Why? In the spring of 1918, Jasta For more information on this subject, the reader must have stated the first option ... In any case,
15 was flying new Siemens-Schuckert D.III is referred to the kit Cat. No. 8483, the boxart Olivier became the second youngest pilot to be
fighters, which were forbidden to fly over the of which is the work of our Greek collaborator awarded this high decoration.
front line into enemy territory, lest the new Antonis Karydys. It depicts Olivier's D.VII in one
On the boxart of this Spitfire edition, Piotr bombers increased to 24 in exceptional cases, units, although numerically weaker, retained
Forkasiewicz captured S/Ldr James Rankin of and the very complicated fighter escort system the tactical initiative. German propaganda
the No. 92 Squadron RAF in battle with German had as many as 350 Spitfires and Hurricanes derisively referred to the British plan as the
opponents somewhere over France in the in several flight levels. However, these actions, “Nonsense Offensive”.
summer of 1941. This period of large numbers called Circus, posed no real threat because of From the end of June 1941 to the end of the
of RAF raids over occupied territory on the west the small number of bombers and the short year, JG 2, JG 26 and one operational training
coast of Europe was given the name Non-Stop range of the British planes, which did not have unit lost 101 pilots and 110 aircraft in combat,
Offensive. many strategic military or industrial targets with another 58 destroyed or seriously damaged
In the winter of 1940, after the Battle of within their radius of action. Germans were in other circumstances. German fighter pilots
Britain, most Luftwaffe fighter units moved often unable to distinguish them from Sweep claimed 838 RAF aircraft, with a number of
to Germany to rest, replenish pilots and or Rodeo actions, which were purely fighter other downed planes claimed by flak units.
take delivery of new machines. Many airmen operations over enemy territory. Their British opponents claimed 731 certain
anticipated that the battle would continue in By the end of June 1941, the RAF had carried victories but lost 1,036 fighter aircraft and 585
the spring and eventually lead to an invasion out about 20 Circus missions. Thanks to their were severely damaged. The RAF command,
of southern England. But Adolf Hitler's plans, new radar stations, the Germans quickly learned thanks to the ULTRA service, had an accurate
as we know, headed elsewhere. to recognize the types of enemy operations and picture of the situation, from decoded German
Meanwhile the RAF command decided to shift to react accordingly with their own fighter units radio dispatches describing replenishment of
its operations over French territory during 1941. (or even ignore them). Their new Bf 109 F-1 and Luftwaffe losses.
It proposed several methods of deployment. F-2s represented a considerable advantage The last mission of this type in 1941 was Circus
These were not just raids on naval targets over the Hurricanes and Spitfires Mk.II. Soon the No. 110, which on November 8, 1941, headed for
(Roadstead), daily bombing missions against technical superiority was offset by the arrival the Lille area. Due to German readiness and
specific ground targets (Ramrod) or risky of the Spitfire Mk.V. In the autumn, however, the a combination of poor weather conditions and
attacks by pairs of fighter aircraft on more or first Fw 190 As appeared over the battlefield, bad decisions on the side of the RAF, eleven
less random targets on the continent (Rhubarb). which shifted the scales again slightly in favour Spitfires and nine pilots were lost, including
German air raids during the Battle of Britain, of the German pilots. They were usually above one Wing Commander and three Squadron
designed to lure into combat and destroy fighter their RAF opponents in time to be ready with Leaders. A further six Spitfires were shot down
units of Hurricanes and Spitfires, impressed the sun at their backs or behind the clouds. while escorting Hurricanes during a Ramrod
the RAF command to such an extent that it They chose their targets carefully and followed mission to the St. Pol area. The outcome of this
decided to adopt and modify this tactic. Instead a disciplined hit-and-run tactic. operation was so bad for the RAF, that these
of the tens to hundreds of bombers used by After the attack on the Soviet Union, the missions were cancelled, except to focus on
the Germans, however, the British decided to RAF greatly increased the number of Circus significant ground targets.
deploy only small numbers of bombers, usually operations, hoping to tying up more German For a more detailed study of this subject
six to twelve. These were mostly Blenheims, fighter units at the Channel and make the I recommend John Foreman's publications and
although Stirlings, for example, were also situation easier for the Soviets. However, books focusing on the history of JG 2 and JG 26.
deployed into combat. Gradually the number of this did not happen and the German fighter
This dramatic boxart by Piotr Forkasiewicz CO of JV 44´s Fw 190 D-9s, the legendary “Heino” like a plough. Ewald pulled the parachute out
depicts one aircraft of II./JG 52 in the last Sachsenberg, dealt the flak unit his own crazy of the machine and walked west. He soon
weeks of the war. This unit was commanded way. For more details on this incident, see the came under enemy fire and ran away from
by Hptm. Wilhelm Batz (237 v.) from February INFO Eduard 11/2010. the machine. Soon dusk fell and he came
1945. Apart from a few Bf 109s of the G-6 and A month later II./JG 52 was briefly stationed upon two Sturmgeschütz riding towards his
G-14 versions, the core of its armament were in Wien-Aspern. Landing on a concrete plane. Together with them he returned to the
Bf 109 G-10/U4s from the nearby WNF plant. surface was not something Wilhelm Batz Messerschmitt and the tankers helped him
The unit also received several Bf 109 K-4s. and his subordinates were used to. Not only dismantle and salvage the radio station. It was
From the autumn of 1944, II./JG 52 fought in Batz's K-4 but also twelve other Bf 109s were only during the drive back that Ewald noticed
the defence of Hungarian territory, together damaged. On a mission from this base, Ewald that the tankers were from an SS unit. He was
with the Bf 109s from units 101. Vadászezred, was again shot down. This occurred on April 3, taken by another vehicle to his airbase where
II./JG 51 and I./JG 53, which fought near Vienna 1945, during a strafing attack south of Vienna. he was already presumed lost. The grateful
and over southern Moravia in April 1945. Bernd Barbas, in his chronicle of II./JG 52, airmen rewarded the tankers with a supply
Most airmen understood that the end of states that this occurred after a dogfight with of aviation gasoline. During the following day,
the war was inevitably approaching and that American fighters, but Ewald does not mention mechanics, accompanied by tankers, took
defeat would probably be terrible. They faced any enemy aircraft. Moreover, the Americans the aircraft to the base and counted 18 hits.
overwhelming odds against Soviet ground and did not claim any victories in this area. Ewald The very next day, 5 April, Ewald managed to
air forces. At this time, over Hungarian and points out in his memoirs that in addition to shoot down an Il-2 Shturmovik over Vienna.
Austrian territory there were also sporadic a 30mm cannon in the engine and two 13mm It was his 79th victory. By the end of the war,
engagements with American fighters. Yet the machine guns, his machine was also equipped he scored five more victories and received the
pilots of II./JG 52 in the final months of the with two 20mm cannons under the wing. After Knight's Cross.
war managed to find a way to make their lives the end of the war, very few G-14 and G-10s In the final weeks of the fighting, Luftwaffe
a little more pleasant in the microworld of were documented as being so armed, but three fighter units were being disbanded also in
their unit. For example, announcing just after G-10s with underwing gondolas are known this part of the European battlefield. First
midnight a wake-up call pretending to slightly from Austria, for example. II./JG 51 on 12 April, five days later the same
drunk colleagues that it was seven in the The target of Ewald's Schwarm was in the fate awaited I./JG 53. Somehow this is how
morning. area Waltersdorf-Moosbrunn. After attacking the “white 11” (with the inscription Rosemarie
In his memoirs Heinz Ewald, then a member several columns and equipment assembly under the cockpit), which bore the overpainted
of II./JG 52 and CO of the 7th Staffel (former areas, one of the wingmen reported that insignia of JG 53 and II./JG 51, got to Ewald's
6th Staffel), recalled such funny moments. a white “stream” was leaking from Ewald's 7th Staffel. It wasthen flown by Ofw. Richter,
He was lucky many times during the war machine, probably the radiator in the wing who didn't belong to II./JG 52, to American
(that's why he got the nickname E-Sau). Luck had been hit. Then there was an engine failure captivity at Neubiberg on May 8, 1945. Heinz
was on his side on March 1, 1945, when he was and Ewald had to put his machine on its belly Ewald was released from American captivity
accidentally shot down by an SS anti-aircraft among the vineyard hills. The left gondola in Fürstenfeldbruck on June 22, 1945.
unit near his own airfield. His friend, later under the wing carved a furrow in the ground
The Heavy Retro Limited edition of the kit of the famous Italian WWII three-engined medium
bomber aircraft SM.79 Sparviero in 1/48 scale.The first edition of this kit was released in 2001.
Sparviero (Sparrowhawk) served as a classic bomber or as a torpedo bomber. First fought
in the Spanish Civil War, followed by service in World War II.
Product page
Carlo Emanuele Buscaglia started his military ships during his stay with the unit. On was transferred to a POW camp at Fort Meade, MD.
career with the 50a Bomber Squadriglia and in March 5, 1941, 281a Squadriglia was formed, After the surrender of Italy, Allies offered him
the ranks of 252a Sq., he took part in a combat and Capitano Buscaglia was appointed as command of the 28o Gruppo Bombardemento.
baptism, a raid on the port of Marseille, on June commanding officer, subsequently becoming Ironically, his former 132o Gruppo, now operating
21, 1940. His fame began to rise after training for CO of the 132o Gruppo in early April 1942. on the ANR side, was renamed 1o Gruppo
torpedo attacks and his subsequent assignment to On November 12, 1942, a Sparviero flown Aerosiluranti Buscaglia. On August 23, 1944,
278a Sq. operating from El Adem. Tenente by Buscaglia was shot down by a Spitfire Buscaglia crashed while taking off. His Baltimore
Buscaglia hit the heavy cruiser Kent, the and Buscaglia was declared dead. However, exploded and Buscaglia succumbed to his injuries
light cruiser Glasgow and several transport he survived with severe injuries and burns and and burns the following day.
52a Squadriglia, 27o Gruppo BT, 8o Stormo BV, Son San Juan,
Baleares, March 1938
The first Sparvieros destined to support the Republicans until November 1937, when the in pre-war camouflage scheme, consisting of
Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War 12o Stormo pilots were replaced by colleagues large color fields using the Marrone Mimetico 2,
landed at Son San Juan airport in February from the 27o Gruppo of the 8o Stormo BV, known Verde Mimetico 1 and Giallo Mimetico 3 shades
1937 and belonged to 12o Stormo BV. The crews as the Falchi delle Baleari (Balearic Falcons). on the upper and side surfaces, while the lower
of this unit participated in actions against the The Sparvieros, supplied from Italy, were painted surfaces were covered by Grigio Mimetico.
The 192a and 193a Squadriglia, forming the fighting against Malta until August 1941, when punctures sustained during the Malta raids were
87o Gruppo, received their first Sparvieros in the rearmament of the unit to CANT Z.1007bis covered with patches. It is not entirely clear
1938 and used them in Albania the following year. bombers began. The Sparviero, designated by whether these took the form of British or Italian
In early June, 193a moved to Sciacca airfield the code 193-6, was camouflaged with Verde cockades. The larger punctures were re-taped
in Sicily, from where its crews flew their first Mimetico 2, Marrone Mimetico 1 and Giallo with pieces of canvas with the Italian tricolor
wartime missions against airfields in Tunisia. Mimetico 2 on the upper and side surfaces, while and a label indicating when the damage occurred.
From June 6, Sparvieros of 193a Squadriglia the lower surfaces were sprayed with aluminum Under the fuselage codes was the inscription
started raids on the island of Malta and on paint. The unit's emblem – Omino Elettrico – was CHI-MI-TOCCO'-CI-LASCIO'-LE-PENNE.
supplying convoys. The unit participated in the painted on the fuselage sides, and the canvas
The 252a Squadriglia, which formed, together with November, from where the Sparvieros took off patches sprayed with Marrone Mimetico 53193,
253a Squadriglia, 104o Gruppo BT, received the first for bombing raids over Greece. The Sparvieros Verde Mimetico 53192 and Giallo Mimetico
Sparvieros on February 15, 1940. In June of the used by 252a Squadriglia were camouflaged in 3 shades on the upper and side surfaces, the
same year the crews took part in the first raids several camouflage schemes, consisting of both lower surfaces were sprayed with aluminum
on targets in Corsica and Marseilles, followed spots and irregular patches. The Sparviero with paint.
by a move to an airfield in occupied Albania in number 252-3 had the camouflage of irregular
The crews of 104o Gruppo Sparvieros were flights over the eastern Mediterranean and 1 shade. The olive color on upper surfaces was
retrained for anti-ship torpedo attacks in the attacks against Allied shipping in the same supplemented with irregular patches of GAC 1
spring of 1942, and the unit first moved to area. The Sparvieros used by 252a Sq. and paint before Rhodes deployment. The vertical fin
Decimomanu airfield on the island of Sardinia 253a Sq. against ships in the summer of 1942 of the aircraft number 253-8 was like the other
in May 1942 to conduct raids on ships of the were camouflaged with Verde Oliva Scuro aircraft of the unit adorned by silhouettes of the
Harpoon convoy. Later they moved to Rhodes in 2 shade on the upper and side surfaces, the lower ships, which were hit during the operation against
July, from where they undertook reconnaissance surfaces were painted in Grigio Azzuro Chiaro the Harpoon convoy by the entire 104o Gruppo BT.
The entire 109o Gruppo, consisting of 256a to Sicily, from where they undertook raids on Mimetico 53192 shades. The lower surfaces
Squadriglia and 257a Squadriglia, was formed Malta and on convoys transporting much needed were camouflaged with Grigio Mimetico. On both
along with its sister 108o Gruppo in the spring of material destined for the struggling island and sides of the vertical fin, there was painted the
1938 at Bologna Borgo Panigale airfield. These its inhabitants. The camouflage of this Sparviero emblem of 36o Stormo, the towers of Asinelli and
units were equipped with Savoias SM.79 and consisted of a base color of Giallo Mimetico Garisenda, monuments and landmarks of the
SM.81 and took part in the occupation of Albania 3 on the upper and side surfaces, with irregular city of Bologna, meant as a honor of the place
with them. Subsequently, they were moved back patches of Marrone Mimetico 53193 and Verde of origin of this unit.
for SPARVIERO 1/48
481129 SM.79 bomb bay (PE-Set)
481130 SM.79 undercarriage (PE-Set)
481131 SM.79 rear fuselage interior (PE-Set)
644252 SM.79 LööK (Brassin)
648963 Italian WWII torpedo A.130 (Brassin)
3DL48158 SM.79 SPACE (3D Decal Set)
SM.79 PE-Set
Product page
Product page
Albatros with fuselage number 5254 is which includes cabin silhouette of a darker Letecké opravovne Trenčín (Aviation Repair Shop
a modernized CM variant operated by the 2 Tactical shade grey on the underside of the fuselage. The Trencin) and Aero Vodochody. On May 4, 2022,
Squadron of the 81 Wing based at Sliač airbase. last overhaul of the aircraft took place in early a motif commemorating the 100th anniversary of
In 2011, the aircraft underwent an overhaul, June 2020 and the L-39CM No. 5254 became the the birth of the famous Czechoslovak pilot S/Ldr
during which it received a new grey camouflage, last Albatros in Slovakia, overhauled jointly by Otto Smik was applied to the vertical tail surfaces.
On April 1, 2004, a new organizational unit of the advanced training of military pilots. At the technically equivalent to the 53rd series and with
LOM PRAHA, Centrum leteckého výcviku (Flight turn of 1999 and 2000, all eight of these aircraft a full service life. A new camouflage consisting of
Training Centre), was established. The state- underwent overhaul and modernization, as they three shades of grey was also applied as part of
owned company leased eight L-39C aircraft received a completely new forward fuselage the overhaul. During the R3 revision, which took
(Nos. 0103, 0113, 0115, 0440, 0441, 0444, 0445 section into which the original equipment was place between 2016 and 2019, the aircraft then
and 0448) from the Czech Armed Forces for installed. This provided the Army with aircraft received new insignia in “flag” form.
L-39C, No.16, Russian Navy Air Force, 859 TsBP, Yeysk AB, Russia, 2018
The L-39C remains the backbone of the Russian or transport/long-range aviation, with training Center (859 TsBP i PLS MA VMF). On October 19,
Air Force’s jet trainer fleet. After graduating continuing on the L-39. This L-39C served in the 2018, it crashed during a low-level training flight
from one of the three aviation academies, flight ranks of the Russian Naval Air Force (AVMF- over the Sea of Azov, killing both crew members.
training during the third year of studies begins on RF) at the Yeysk base. Albatros RF-34122 with Unconfirmed sources state that one of the pilots
these aircraft, and by the fourth year, trainees are blue fuselage number 16 was assigned to the died after ejection, while the other did not eject
divided into fighter, attack and tactical bomber 859 Naval Aviation Combat Use and Crew Training from the aircraft.
L-39C, s/n 533229, No. 77, Ukrainian Air Force, 299 brTA,
Kulbakino AB, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 2015
After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, 1,202 L-39s their number considerably and in 2005 less than Eight upgraded aircraft were delivered by 2014,
were to remain in Russia and the rest were 200 were in service. The remaining Albatroses but half of them were captured by Russia after it
divided among the new independent states. When were stored and offered for sale. The Ministry occupied Crimea in March 2014. With two major
the Ukrainian Air Force was established in 1992, of Defense decided to modernize the L-39C overhauls of the aircraft in Odessa and Chuhuiv,
it operated 708 L-39s, making the country the with indigenous systems and assets. There are Ukraine became a master of L-39 overhauls,
second largest operator in the world. The poor three versions of the upgrade (M1, M2 and M3), leading to many Ukrainian Albatroses being
financial situation of the entire army has reduced which denote different levels of modernization. exported.
The Sunkar is one of the two aerobatic groups of of Arms and Military Technical Equipment which the aircraft received modern avionics
the Kazakh Air Force. The Kazakh term Sunkar (KADEX) in Astana and demonstrates its skills equipment, including a pair of MFDs. The aircraft
means “Falcon” and the group uses L-39 Albatros every year during the celebration of Air Force are in service at the Kazakh Air Force training
aircraft. It was formed in the fall of 2010 and Day. The Kazakhstan Air Force operates a total of center in Balkhash.
has been given six L-39s. In March 2011, it made 18 L-39 aircraft. In 2020/2021, six of these L-39s
a name for itself at the International Exhibition underwent upgrades at Aero Vodochody, during
This aircraft was produced by Aero Vodochody in by a Pilsen aviation enthusiast and in February day, the aircraft was registered by the Civilian
1981 as part of the 19th production series as the 2003 the dismantled aircraft was transported by Aviation Bureau in the register of aircraft in the
C1 version. It was delivered to the Soviet Union truck to the Plzeň-Líně airport. In cooperation Experimental category under the matriculation
together with 35 other aircraft of this series. with Aero Vodochody, work was carried out on OK-JET. The official entry into service of the first
It served at the Ukrainian Chernigov Air Base demilitarization of the aircraft, necessary repairs private-owned Czech Albatros took place on July
as “Yellow 53” and was flown by members of the and modifications of systems and avionics. 13, 2004. The L-39 Albatros OK-JET aircraft in
Soviet space program group in addition to military Instead of the original 100 litre wingtip tanks, its unmistakable glossy black paint with yellow
pilots. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the 230 litre ones of the same type as used on the accessory has been a welcome visitor of the
aircraft remained with several hundred other L-59/L-159 were installed. On July 12, 2003, the airshows since then and has performed many
Albatroses in Ukraine but was only stored and aircraft passed its first engine test and on July 7, adventurous flights.
ready for sale. In September 2002, it was bought 2004, it took to the air for test flight. On the same
for L-39C Albatros 1/72
672351 L-39 wheels PRINT (Brassin)
#7040X #7044-LEPT1
L-39 L-39C Albatros
1/72 PE-Set 1/72
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Product page
Lt. Olivier freiherr von Beaulieu-Marconnay, Jasta 19, Stenay, France, September 1918
The younger of the von Beaulieu-Marconnay D.VIIF he had inherited from Rudolf Berthold. a darker shade or darkened by the underlying red,
brothers (the elder Heinz was also a fighter The white stylized 4D. was Olivier’s personal either way this part of the fuselage looks darker.
pilot) was born in Berlin on September 14, 1898, symbol. It was a branding mark of the horses of his The upper wing shows extensive repair, probably
and joined the 4th Cavalry Regiment (Dragoner former cavalry regiment. The aircraft originally in lighter blue. On September 23, Olivier scored
Regiment von Bredow Nr. 4) as a cadet in June had a red nose, like the other Jasta 15 aircraft, his 20th kill and was nominated for the Pour le
1915. He transferred to Luftstreitkräfte and after and while the red usually ended at the level of the Mérite but was wounded in aerial combat on
completing pilot training he became a member of machine gun breech, Berthold had it extended to October 18 and taken to a hospital with severe
Jasta 18 on December 1, 1917, subsequently Jasta the middle of the cockpit. After transferring to bleeding. He died eight days later. The decision
15 on March 20, 1918. After five months of combat the Jasta 19 as its CO, Olivier instructed his men to award him the Pour le Mérite was made just
and 12 victories was “Bauli” appointed commander to paint the nose yellow to the usual line and the hours before his death.
of Jasta 19 on September 2. He took with him the rest of the red overpaint in blue. This was either
378/18, Lt. Ernst Udet, Jasta 4, Monthussart Ferme aerodrome, France, June 1918
Ernst Udet is one of the most significant by BMW IIIa engine number 1243. It was accepted time period. The white chevron on the top of
personalities of German aviation history. at Schwerin on May 15, 1918 and was one of the horizontal tail surfaces is also uncertain.
With 62 confirmed kills, he even became the 22 Fokker D.VIIFs delivered to JG I on June 22. Aircraft of this series were supplied with printed
most successful surviving fighter of the First Udet test-flown this aircraft shortly before he aircraft fabric (Flugzeugstoff), familiarly known
World War. After his service with Jasta 37, was shot down with his famous O.A.W. produced as Lozenge, in four-color version. The fuselage,
Manfred von Richthofen, as commander of the D.VII, bearing the inscription “Du doch nicht!!”. on the other hand, was originally painted with
entire JG I, put him in command of Jasta 11 in It is very likely that this aircraft was subsequently the typical green streaked paint. Aircraft 378/18
March 1918. When the Red Baron subsequently painted very similarly, so at some point it probably was the last D.VII to receive this finish at Fokker,
died in April, Udet took over command of Jasta received red and white stripes on the upper wing. all next aircraft had the fuselage covered with
4. This aircraft probably bore registration number The design shown here therefore illustrates the a fabric printed with colored irregular hexagons.
378/18 (factory number 2465) and was powered likely appearance of the aircraft at a certain
Karl Bolle began his flying career as a KG4 1918. Bolle led this famous unit until the end of fuselage with white and black lines and was
pilot, then served with Kampstaffel 23, where the war, and his score stood at 36 kills. On August a D.VIIF version with a BMW IIIa engine from
his observer was Lothar von Richthofen, who 28, 1918, he was awarded the highly recognized the Schwerin factory’s medium production
became successful fighter pilot later. In the Pour le Mérite. He remained an active pilot after series (series 4250/18-4449/18). The production
autumn of 1917, Bolle was transferred to Jasta 28 the war and in 1920 was appointed director of or military number of this aircraft is not known.
and, after becoming ace with five kills, he was the Transport Pilots’ Flying School. This Bolle’s
appointed commander of Jasta 2 on February 20, Fokker D.VII bore a broad yellow stripe on the
465/18, Lt. Georg von Hantelmann, Jasta 15, Chéry-les-Pouilly, France, August 1918
Georg von Hantelmann was born on October He achieved his first confirmed victory on June for 20 victories). He was nominated for it,
9, 1898, in Rokietnica (today in Poland) and 6. Within couple of weeks, he became an ace. but before it was awarded the war was over.
joined the army in 1916. He joined the 17th His eighth victim was one of America’s leading Von Hantelmann’s score counted 25 kills.
Hussar Cavalry Regiment (Braunschweigisches fighter aces of that time, David Putnam (13 kills). He achieved all of them with Fokker D.VII,
Husaren-Regiment Nr. 17), which had a skull and Another notable pilot who perished under von making him one of the most successful pilots
crossbones in its coat of arms. This motif later Hantelmann’s gunfire was Maurice Boyau, who of that type. This example had the upper wing
became von Hantelmann’s personal symbol. After had 21 balloons and 14 aircraft on his account. changed for O.A.W. one in September. After the
being appointed to the rank of Lieutenant on June Having achieved 22 victories, von Hantelmann war von Hantelmann worked on his farm and on
15, 1917, he was transferred to the Luftstreitkräfte was decorated with the Knight’s Cross First September 7, 1924, was killed by Polish poachers
and began pilot training on September 20 that Class and also the Royal Hohenzollern Domestic he caught on his property.
year. After that, he reported on February 6, 1918, Order, however he expected to be awarded the
to Jasta 18, which became Jasta 15 in March. highest decoration, the Pour le Mérite (awarded
Product page
James Rankin joined the RAF in 1935 and after command of No. 92 East India Squadron, which INDIA SQUADRON on the left side of the tank
training he joined No. 25 Squadron, then was was in the process of being rearmed with the cover and the pilot’s personal emblem, which
transferred to the Fleet Air Arm where he new Mk.Vb Spitfires. During the summer fighting was a red lion in the crest. Under the cockpit,
flew with No. 825 Naval Air Squadron on HMS his score increased rapidly. In June 1941 he was Rankin had symbols of the kills he had achieved.
Glorious. After serving with the FAA he became awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for nine On the right side, the donation inscription
an instructor with No. 5 OTU. In early 1941 he was kills and on June 14 he shot down Galland’s “The Wiltshire Moonraker I” was displayed under
promoted to Squadron Leader and transferred to wingman, Obfw. Robert Menge of III./JG 26 the cockpit. Rankin’s Spitfire was camouflaged
No. 64 Squadron to gain operational experience. (18 victories). Spitfire W3312, which was Jamie with a standard scheme consisting of shades of
During his short time with this unit, he is credited Rankin’s personal aircraft, was one of the most Dark Green / Dark Earth / Sky.
with shooting down one-third of a Ju 88 and successful and brightly colored Spitfires in the
two damaged enemies. In February 1941 he took RAF. It was decorated with the inscription EAST
W3312, W/Cdr James Rankin, Biggin Hill Wing, RAF Biggin Hill,
Great Britain, August-December 1941
In September 1941 Rankin became Wing he was commanding officer of No. 125 Wing. show the use of a very dark shade of Mixed Grey
Commander at Biggin Hill and in October received Rankin scored a total of 22 kills against enemy (probably Extra Dark Sea Grey) in place of the
the Distinguished Service Order. In December aircraft, including five shared ones (13+1 on original Dark Earth, the lower surfaces were in
1941 Rankin completed his tour of operations Spitfire W3312), three probable and two shared the new Medium Sea Grey. Although Rankin, as
and was sent to Fighter Command. He returned probable kills, 16 damaged and three shared Wing Commander, could have chosen his initials
to operational flying in April 1942 and led the damaged. Almost all of the kills were achieved in place of the squadron code letters, he did not
Biggin Hill Wing again until December 1942. on Spitfires Mk.Vb. The Spitfire that Rankin flew use this option and retained the original code
He then served at Central Gunnery School and in the autumn of 1941 as Wing Commander of letters QJ-J, newly repainted in the Sky shade.
in August 1943 took command of No. 15 Fighter Biggin Hill already carried the new camouflage
Wing. During the Normandy landings in June 1944, scheme effective from August 16. Photographs
The most successful pilot of the Battle of Britain, column near Pas de Calais and has been missing year out of which he spent six months in the
Eric Stanley Lock, sortied for the first time with ever since. It’s supposed he was shot down by hospitals. Spitfire Mk.Vb W3257 was camouflaged
his Spitfire W3257 on July 14, 1941. He baptized AA fire and crashed into the sea. Neither his in the standard Dark Green/Dark Earth/Sky.
his new aircraft by fire by shooting down Spitfire Mk.V W3257 nor Lock himself have ever Code letters E-FY were painted in Sky which was
a Bf-109F, which was also his very last kill. Barely been found. At the time of his disappearance his a standard code letters color of the Hornchurch
three weeks later, on August 3, returning from score stood at 26 kills achieved during 25 weeks Wing Spitfires. A serial was overpainted in the
a Rhubarb mission, he attacked a German of the operational deployment in course of one camouflage color.
One of the RAF’s most successful pilots was New led it until the end of the year. After his tour of achieved four kills flying it. It had a drawing of
Zealander William Vernon Crawford-Compton. operations, he lectured for three months in the a burning swastika on the left side under the
He joined the RAF in 1939 as a mechanic, and United States on RAF operations. He returned cockpit and a pan with Hitler’s head above it.
was subsequently accepted for flight training, to active service as commander of No. 145 The left side of the tank cover was decorated with
which he completed in 1940. In March 1941 he Wing, which he led in offensive operations prior the inscription Auckland 1 “Waiuku”. On the right
was assigned to the newly formed No. 485 Sqn. to and after Operation Overlord. After the war side under the cab was a Samson donation sign.
and from August 1942 served successfully as he held senior posts in the RAF, retiring as Air W3774 was given a new livery effective August
commander of B Flight in No. 611 Sqn. In late Vice-Marshal at the end of 1968. He died in 16, 1941. Photographs show the use of a very dark
1942 he took command of No. 64 Sqn. and led it January 1988 at the age of 72. During his wartime shade of Mixed Grey (probably Extra Dark Sea
until the end of March the following year. After career he achieved 22 kills, four probable and he Grey) in place of the original Dark Earth, the Sky
a period of staff duties, he became Commander also damaged a further 13 aircraft. The Spitfire band was repainted with a new shade of Medium
of Hornchurch Fighter Wing in mid-1943 and W3774 was his first personal aircraft and he Sea Grey on the lower surfaces.
Spitfire Mk.Vb P8537 served operationally with was for many years a mystery, because only half the complete change of the Spitfire’s camouflage.
No. 313 Squadron from 2 November 1941 to of the drawing was known from photographs. A very light shade of Mixed Grey was used in place
28 March 1942. The most frequent pilots in its It was until two uncut photographs from the of the original Dark Earth, and a band of Sky Blue
cockpit were Sgt. J. Hloužek, F/L K. Vykoukal and archive of the mechanic F/O Ing. Karl Beinhauer was repainted with a new shade of Medium Sea
F/S K. Foglar. The figure of Horace the Horse, which emerged and helped to solve the appearance of Grey on the lower surfaces. The code letters RY-Z
was painted on this Spitfire by Sgt. Karel Pavlík, the other half. Spitfire P8537 had been repainted were in the Sky Blue shade, as were the propeller
a Pilsen native, trained letter painter and author in the new camouflage shades in effect from cone and band in front of the VOP.
of all drawings on Spitfires of No. 313 Squadron, August 16, 1941. Surviving photographs document
for Spitfire Mk.Vb early 1/48 #644113
Product page
Bf 109G-10/U4, II./JG 52, Brno, Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren, April 1945
The II./JG 51 was disbanded on April 5, 1945, aircraft was the Bf 109G-10/U4 with the name marking which location was exclusively used
at Fels am Wagram and part of its pilots and the Rosemarie painted on the port side. The original by II./JG 51.
equipment was transferred to JG 52. One of such unit can be determined thanks to the overpainted
In the end of March 1945, the remaining of Vienna. At the end of the war, the Hungarian airframes from Wiener Neustadt plant. From
Hungarian units were concentrated at Tulln airmen, same as their German comrades-in- the photographs of “yellow 12” it is obvious that
airport in Austria from where they flew sorties arms, better surrendered to the American Army the Hungarian national markings were spray-
to the areas of Vienna and Brno. After the front therefore the 101. vadaszezred pilots flew over painted directly on the factory camouflage.
approached Tulln on April 5, 1945, they relocated to the Bavarian Neubiberg with the remaining The German markings had not been applied at all.
to Raffelding airport, from where they continued aircraft. Airframes manufactured in Diana plant Part of the wing undersurfaces remained in the
in the air support of the land forces in the vicinity were camouflaged in the same colors as the natural metal color.
Bf 109G-10/U4, WNr. 611048, II./JG 52, Neubiberg airfield, Germany, May 1945
In the middle of April 1945, II./JG 52 relocated In the beginning of May, the relocation to bottoms and was complimented by the Luftflotte
from Fels am Wagram airport to Hosching Zeltweg followed and from there, on May 8, 1945, 4 recognition marking introduced on March
airport from where it pilots flew the missions all airworthy planes took off for Bavarian 7, 1945, in the form of yellow painted nose and
to support the German units and to counteract Neubiberg, where the pilots were captured by rudder. Before the assignment to II./JG 52 the
the Soviet offensive during the battle of Brno. the American Army. Camouflage of this aircraft aircraft had served with another unit, its original
Fighter sorties against the American units over consisted of spray-painted RLM 75/83 colors marking was overpainted in the camouflage color.
Austria and Southern Czechia were also on cards. on the upper surfaces and RLM 76 on the The rudder features seven kill markings.
In the beginning of March 1945, Jasta 5 of the Ju 87D-5 dive bombers, Jasta 5 participated in camouflage typical for the WNF plant production
Russian Liberation Army led my Major S. T. the German units’ battles of retreat during the carried the ROA aircraft marking on the vertical
Bychkov was located at Deutsch Brod (nowadays fight for Brno in April 1945. Some of the aircraft tail surface in the form of St. Andrew’s Cross.
Havlíčkův Brod) airfield. Together with the used by this unit were found abandoned at the
Nachtschlachtstaffel 8 of the ROA, equipped with Deutsch Brod airport. The aircraft sporting the
#82161X #82161-LEPT1
Bf 109G-10 WNF Bf 109G-10 WNF
1/48 PE-Set 1/48
Product page Product page
Product page
Some I-16s survived in the war for a surprisingly unit in the northern sector of the front in 1944. is sometimes given as yellow, however, yellow
long time. For example, this “red four”, which is The livery was typical of the first half of the Great stripes were not used by the Soviet Air Force
a somewhat mysterious aircraft. No details are Patriotic War. Thus, the upper surfaces were for obvious reasons, and it is very likely that the
known, but it is thought it served as a liaison in AII green and AII black (AMT-6), the lower in stripe was in fact white.
aircraft or possibly as a training one for some AII blue. The band in front of the tail surfaces
Ivan Alexeyevich Lakeev was a member of the Gol, where he is credited with another kill. Some and the lower in AII blue was complemented by
first group of Soviet airmen to arrive in Spain in sources, however, list four kills, while others red accessories, a highly polished steel band
November 1936. With ten kills achieved with I-16 none. During the Great Patriotic War, he achieved and ideological slogans on the fuselage sides.
Type 5, he became one of the most successful three more individual kills and four in cooperation. It is uncertain whether these slogans were also
fighters of the Spanish Civil War. Some sources Here too are discrepancies in the documents and on the other side of the fuselage – probably not.
even give 12 individual kills and another 16 in only one kill is reported. Lakjeev’s I-16 Type 10 is The aircraft was serving with 46 IAP at Vasilkov
cooperation. Lakeev left Spain in August 1937 a nice example of a personal aircraft of a high airfield. It was very carefully cared for and kept
and was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of VVS officer. The typical Soviet camouflage of the in perfect condition.
the Soviet Union. He later fought over Khalkin- early 1940s with the upper surfaces in AII green
Among the many aircraft that fell into the hands The aircraft sported an unusual camouflage, the surprise German attack on June 22, 1941.
of the advancing Germans during the summer which can best be interpreted as a brush-on The VVS RKKA (Soviet military air force) emblem
of 1941 were a large number of I-16s of various green paint (probably AE-7) over the original on the VOP was a fairly popular feature on Soviet
versions. This one is probably the most famous light gray livery of AE-9. This camouflage aircraft in the early years of the Great Patriotic
one captured during Operation Barbarossa. was apparently hastily applied shortly after War.
Maj. Mikhail N. Yakushin, the Red Five aerobatic group, the Soviet Union, 1939
The Red Five (Krasnaya Petyorka) was an Civil War, where he shot down five enemy aircraft the 215 Fighter Division. The aircraft of the Red
aerobatic group of the Soviet military air force (three CR-32s and two Ju 52s) and another one Five were fully armed ones, ready for combat
(VVS – Voyenno vozdushnye sily), operating in achieved as shared victory. Yakushin spent half deployment. The paint scheme was pre-war gray
1939–1940. Today, three of its five members are a year in Spain (from May 31 to November 15, AE-9 camouflage paint with a black AE-11 engine
known: the leader of the group, Major Mikhail 1937) flying I-15s. In 1938 he was also serving cowling and additional decorative elements
Nesterovich Yakushin, Lieutenant Colonel V. in China. During the Great Patriotic War, he – a white-lined black stripe on the fuselage
Klevtsov and Captain Y. Shishkin. Mikhail Yakushin served in various command positions, ending the (extending over and onto the leading edge of the
(alias Rodrigo Mateu) was the ace of the Spanish war with the rank of colonel as commander of elevator) and a bright red aft.
#8148X #8148-LEPT1
I-16 Type-10 I-16 Type-10
1/48 PE-Set 1/48
Product page Product page
for I-16 Type 10 1/48 #3DL48157
15% Permanent Club discount at Eduard Store – you will receive permanent 15% discount on all Eduard
products and also discount on various other non-Eduard products. Fixed, permanent, forever!
Unique valuable Club kits and accessories – you will gain access to unique and nowhere else to be sold
products, specially made for BFC members.
Even better prices at Eduard events stand – do you know that Eduard usually has huge discounts on
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these events.
Club T-shirt – you will receive fancy BFC T-shirt with unique design and special barcode
(used for event discounts). This exclusive T-shirt will be only available
to the members of BFC.
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That means lot of fun at E-day for two days and entry kit, absolutely free!
* E-day - INTERNATIONAL SCALE KIT EXHIBITION - IPMS Czech Republic Championship
Activation products:
MiG-21MF + T-shirt 1/72 Tempest Mk. V + T-shirt 1/48
Sea King HAS.1 LööK
1/48 Airfix
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboards and STEEL
seatbelts for Sea King HAS.1 in 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble,
replaces plastic parts. Recommended kit: Airfix
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
Sea King HAS.5 LööK
1/48 Airfix
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboards and
STEEL seatbelts for Sea King HAS.5 in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Airfix
Set contains:
- resin: 4 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
Hurricane Mk.IIc LööK
1/48 Hobby Boss
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard
and STEEL seatbelts for Hurricane Mk.IIc
in 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Hobby Bosss
Set contains:
- resin: 2 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
SM.79 LööK
1/48 Eduard
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEEL
seatbelts for S.79 in 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble,
replaces plastic parts. Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- resin: 1 part
- decals: no
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
F-16D Block 50 LööKplus
1/48 Kinetic
Collection of 3 sets for F-16D Block 50 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Kinetic
Product page
P-47D-25 LööKplus
Collection of 3 sets for P-47D-25 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Miniart
Product page
J-35 Draken seat
1/48 Hasegawa
Brassin set - ejection seat for J-35 Draken
in 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Hasegawa
Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Product page
J-35 Draken wheels Type 1
1/48 Hasegawa
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for J-35 Draken
in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels and
a nose wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Hasegawa
Set contains:
- resin: 5 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: yes
Product page
P-38J left engine PRINT
1/48 Tamiya
Brassin set - left engine for P-38J
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Tamiya
Set contains:
- 3D print: 48 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Product page
Italian WWII torpedo A.130
Brassin set - a torpedo fo Italian WW2 aircraf
in 1/48 scale. The set consists of 2 torpedoes.
Set contains:
- resin: 10 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Product page
TBF/TBM wheels w/smooth tire
1/48 Academy
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for TBF/TBM
in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels and
a tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Academy / Accurate Miniatures
Set contains:
- 3D print: 4 parts
- resin: 5 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: yes
Product page
TBF/TBM wheels w/pattern
1/48 Academy
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for TBF/TBM
in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels and
a tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Academy / Accurate Miniatures
Set contains:
- 3D print: 4 parts
- resin: 5 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: yes
Product page
1/48 Academy
Brassin set - seats for TBM in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended kit:
Academy / Accurate Miniatures
Set contains:
- 3D print: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
1/48 Academy
Brassin set - seats for TBF in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended kit:
Academy / Accurate Miniatures
Set contains:
- 3D print: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
J-35 Draken wheels Type 2
1/48 Hasegawa
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for J-35 Draken
in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels and
a nose wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Hasegawa
Set contains:
- resin: 5 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: yes
Product page
Bf 109E rudder pedals early PRINT
1/72 Eduard
Brassin set - rudder pedals for Bf 109E in 1/72 scale.
The set consists of 2 pairs of the pedals. Easy to assemble,
replaces plastic parts.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 4 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
Bf 109E rudder pedals late PRINT
1/72 Eduard
Brassin set - rudder pedals for Bf 109E in 1/72 scale.
The set consists of 2 pairs of the pedals. Easy to assemble,
replaces plastic parts.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 4 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Product page
L-39 wheels PRINT
1/72 Eduard
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels
for L-39 in 1/72 scale. The set consists
of the main wheels and a nose wheel.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: yes
Product page
Bf 109F engine PRINT
1/72 Eduard
Brassin set - engine for BF 109F
in 1/72 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 21 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Product page
1/48 Eduard
Collection of 4 sets for Bf 109K-4 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Eduard
- enjgine
- propeller
- undercarriage legs BRONZE
- fuel drop tanks
Product page
Fw 190A-7
1/48 Eduard
Collection of 4 sets for FW 190A-7 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Eduard
- cockpit
- undercarriage legs BRONZE
- landing flaps
- engine and fuselage guns
Product page
SM.79 undercarriage
1/48 Eduard
1/48 ICM
#491414 general set
#FE1414 Zoom
#FE1415 seatbelts STEEL
F-104A/C stencils
1/48 Kinetic
Product page
>>> >>>
Once the paint and varnish have dried, we have the area ready First I cut the decal with scissors with enough overlap to make
for decal application. it easier to handle.
>>> Then I let the decal stand aside, it will loosen from the paper
I grab the decal by the backing paper and soak it in ambient in about a minute. I recommand checking this with a little wooden
temperature water for 1-2 seconds. Using room temperature water has stick or your finger. I do not move the decal over the backing paper
worked well for me, I don't recommand hot water as with other decals. until it is completely loose.
In the meantime, I use an
eyedropper to transfer
a few drops of the water
I have soaked the decal
in to the place on the
model where I will apply
the decal. It is important
to keep the place very
wet, because so the decal
will literally rides on the
surface and be easier
to manipulate.
>>> >>>
Once the decal is completely loose, I use tweezers to move I attach the decal to a drop of water.
it to the spot.
I can now move the decal around the surface of the model I set the decal in place.
with my finger.
>>> >>>
I dry off the surrounding water with a cotton swab. I wrap my fingertip in a clean piece of cloth. Then, using only pressure
perpendicular to the decal, I press the decal onto the surface while
sucking out excess water with the cloth.
Finished, set decal. This is how I apply all decals, whether I want to peel the film off or not.
After the decal
has dried, I cut
into the panel
lines with
a sharp scalpel.
And I'll finish
the rivets with
a phonograph
The procedure to be followed now
concerns the peeling of the varnish film.
I really recommand it only to skilled
modellers, I also recommand to try it
on a test piece of plastic. Peeling film
requires skill, but also training and
courage. You may end up ruining part of
your decal. If you don't want to peel the
film, skip this part and continue on page
It is best to start peeling off after the decal topcoat has completely dried,
at least 48 hours after application. Several methods can be used to peel
the film from decals. The first is to peel by rubbing with a cotton swab
dipped in wash thinner. I use AK Interactive's Odourless Thinner.
After some time, the first film lint starts to form, then I run the swab I wrap the whole film in this way from one side through the whole
over it and pack in more of it. surface of the decal.
>>> >>>
I remove the remaining film with a re-dipped swab.
>>> >>>
Views of all applied decals on the fuselage. Can you tell which ones have been peeled off and which ones have not? It is peeled off on the star,
the letters HO and part of the small German crosses.
>>> >>>
The second possibility is to peel off the film with a scalpel and tweezers. I then catch the film in the tweezers and gently pull in the direction
I first peel off the film in the corner with the tip of a sharp scalpel. of the peeling.
>>> >>>
In this way, I gradually pull off the film piece by piece. This is how the decal looks after peeling off the film. I recommand
repainting it with matt varnish before the final weathering.
>>> >>>
For repainting I use C182 varnish from Gunze. I apply several This is how the decal looks after varnishing.
thin coats. Be careful not to overcoat the surface, but to let the
layers dry properly.
Comparison of the decal with the film removed (top) and the decal from which the film has not been removed (bottom).
Exploring SPACE:
A Guide to Using SPACE Decals
INFO Eduard 01/2024
strana 92.
EX1006 Go 244B
EX1007 Go 244B TFace EX1007 Go 244B TFace
EX1004 Ki-21-I
EX1005 Ki-21-I TFace EX1005 Ki-21-I TFace
EX1004 Ki-21-I
EX1005 Ki-21-I TFace EX1005 Ki-21-I TFace
53304 USS Iowa BB-61 part 3 1/350 Hobby Boss
53305 HMS Ark Royal 1939 part 1 1/350 I LOVE KIT
36515 M16 U.S. multiple gun motor carrier 1/35 Tamiya
36516 M3A2 Half Track 1/35 Tamiya
481129 SM.79 bomb bay 1/48 Eduard
481130 SM.79 undercarriage 1/48 Eduard
481131 SM.79 rear fuselage interior 1/48 Eduard
491414 Ki-21-I 1/48 ICM
491417 Go 244B 1/48 ICM
73817 Me 410A-1 1/72 Airfix
FE1414 Ki-21-I 1/48 ICM
FE1415 Ki-21-I seatbelts STEEL 1/48 ICM
FE1416 SM.79 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Eduard
FE1417 Go 244B 1/48 ICM
FE1418 Go 244B seatbelts STEEL 1/48 ICM
FE1419 Fokker D.VIIF Weekend 1/48 Eduard
SS817 Me 410A-1 1/72 Airfix
EX1004 Ki-21-I 1/48 ICM
EX1005 Ki-21-I TFace 1/48 ICM
EX1006 Go 244B 1/48 ICM
EX1007 Go 244B TFace 1/48 ICM
EX1008 Fokker D.VIIF Weekend 1/48 Eduard
EX1009 Spitfire Mk.Vb early Weekend 1/48 Eduard
EX1010 Bf 109K-4 tulip pattern & national insignia 1/48 Eduard
CX658 Me 410A-1 1/72 Airfix
BIG33157 TBD-1 1/32 Trumpeter
Zvezda BIG-ED
BIG72179 AC-130J PART II 1/72 Zvezda
644239 F-16D Block 50 LööKplus 1/48 Kinetic
644251 P-47D-25 LööKplus 1/48 MINIART
SIN648119 Bf 109K-4 ADVANCED 1/48 Eduard
SIN648120 Fw 190A-7 1/48 Eduard
3DL48156 Ki-21-I SPACE 1/48 ICM
3DL48157 I-16 Type 10 SPACE 1/48 Eduard
3DL48158 SM.79 SPACE 1/48 Eduard
3DL48159 Go 244B SPACE 1/48 ICM
3DL72027 Me 410A-1 SPACE 1/72 Airfix
D48115 F-104A/C stencils 1/48 Kinetic
built by Robert Szwarc
Product page
built by Karel Pádár
Decals SBS Model - Hungary
the V.7+90 from 2/1. Vadászszázad
stránka produktu
Bf 109F-4 1/72
Product page
built by Fabio Santonocito
Decals heroesmodels
Accessories used:
#672325 Bf 109F/G exhaust stacks PRINT (Brassin)
#672329 Bf 109 balance weights PRINT (Brassin)
#3DL72018 Bf 109F SPACE (3D Decal Set)
#D72045 Bf 109F stencils (Decal Set)
Fw 190A-8/R2 1/48
built Paolo Portuesi
Aftermarket Decals.
Product page
P-39N 1/48
MARKING F Accessories used:
built by Angelo Lodetti #648203 P-39 wheels late (Brassin)
Product page
BIGSIN (March)
Academy / Accurate Miniatures
SIN648122 FM-2 ADVANCED 1/48 Eduard - resin: 5 parts
- 3D print: 1 part,
- decals: no
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
I-16 Type 10 LööK
1/48 Eduard
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard
and STEEL seatbelts for I-16 Type 10 in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- resin: 1 part
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Bf 109E rudder pedals early PRINT
Brassin set - rudder pedals for Bf 109E
in 1/32 scale. The set consists of 2 pairs of the
pedals. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 2 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Bf 109E rudder pedals late PRINT
Brassin set - rudder pedals for Bf 109E
in 1/32 scale. The set consists of 2 pairs
of the pedals. Easy to assemble, replaces
plastic parts.
Set contains:
- 3D print: 2 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
Su-25 flaps and slats PRINT
1/48 Zvezda
Brassin set - landing flaps and wing slats for
Su-25 in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Zvezda
Set contains:
- resin: 22 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no
F-16C Block 30 cockpit PRINT
1/48 Kinetic
Brassin set - a cockpit for F-16C Block 30
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Kinetic
Set contains:
- 3D print: 15 parts,
- decals: yes,
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Tornado ejection seats
1/48 Revell
Brassin set - ejection seats for Tornado
in 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Revell
Set contains:
- resin: 14 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Fw 190A-8/R2 cockpit PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - a cockpit for Fw 190A-8/R2
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 17 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Bf 109G-10 WNF cockpit PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - a cockpit for Bf 109G-10 WNF
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 16 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
F-35B wheels
1/48 Tamiya
Brassin set - a cockpit for Bf 109G-10 WNF
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 16 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
F-35B ejection seat PRINT
1/48 Tamiya
Brassin set - ejection seat for F-35B in 1/48 scale.
Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble, replaces
plastic parts. Recommended kit: Tamiya
Set contains:
- 3D print: 9 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no
Bf 109G-6 engine PRINT
1/72 Eduard
Brassin set - engine for Bf 109G-6 in 1/72 scale.
The cownlings are included. Made by direct
3D printing. Recommended kit: Eduard
Set contains:
- 3D print: 22 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no
Sea King HAS.1 LööKplus
1/48 Airfix
Collection of 3 sets for Sea King HAS.1 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Airfix
Sea King HAS.5 LööKplus
1/48 Airfix
Collection of 3 sets for Sea King HAS.5 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Airfix
1/48 Eduard
Collection of 4 sets for FM-1 in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Eduard
- cockpit
- endercarriage wheels,
- undercarriage legs BRONZE
- exhausts
- gun bays
- undercarriage bay
- engine
53306 HMS Ark Royal 1939 part 2 1/350 I LOVE KIT
481132 F-5E upgrade set 1/48 AFV Club/Eduard
491420 F-35B 1/48 Tamiya
491422 Hurricane Mk.IIb 1/48 Arma Hobby
491424 Gannet AS.1 1/48 Airfix
491425 Gannet AS.4 1/48 Airfix
491427 F4U-1A 1/48 Magic Factory
491428 F4U-2 1/48 Magic Factory
73818 A-6A 1/72 Trumpeter
73819 P-400 1/72 Arma Hobby
FE1420 F-35B 1/48 Tamiya
FE1421 F-35B seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Tamiya
FE1422 Hurricane Mk.IIb 1/48 Arma Hobby
FE1423 Hurricane Mk.IIb seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Arma Hobby
FE1424 Gannet AS.1 1/48 Airfix
FE1425 Gannet AS.4 1/48 Airfix
FE1426 Gannet AS.1/AS.4 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Airfix
FE1427 F4U-1A 1/48 Magic Factory
FE1428 F4U-2 1/48 Magic Factory
FE1429 F4U-1A/2 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Magic Factory
FE1430 F-5E seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AFV Club/Eduard
FE1431 Bf 108 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Eduard
SS818 A-6A 1/72 Trumpeter
SS819 P-400 1/72 Arma Hobby
EX1011 F-35B 1/48 Tamiya
EX1012 F-35B TFace 1/48 Tamiya
EX1013 F-35B RAM coating 1/48 Tamiya
EX1014 Hurricane Mk.IIb 1/48 Arma Hobby
EX1015 Hurricane Mk.IIb TFace 1/48 Arma Hobby
EX1016 Gannet AS.1/AS.4 1/48 Airfix
EX1017 Gannet AS.1/AS.4 TFace 1/48 Airfix
EX1018 Gannet AS.1/AS.4 national & a/c marking 1/48 Airfix
EX1019 F-5E TFace 1/48 AFV Club/Eduard
EX1020 Bf 108 TFace 1/48 Eduard
CX659 A-6A 1/72 Trumpeter
CX660 P-39 / P-400 1/72 Arma Hobby
3DL48160 F-35B SPACE 1/48 Tamiya
3DL48161 Hurricane Mk.IIb SPACE 1/48 Arma Hobby
3DL48162 Gannet AS.1 SPACE 1/48 Airfix
3DL48163 Gannet AS.4 SPACE 1/48 Airfix
3DL48164 F4U-1A SPACE 1/48 Magic Factory
3DL48165 F4U-2 SPACE 1/48 Magic Factory
3DL48166 Bf 108 SPACE 1/48 Eduard
3DL48167 F-5E SPACE 1/48 AFV Club/Eduard
3DL72028 A-6A SPACE 1/72 Trumpeter
ER48008 Surface panels 1/48
ER72003 Surface panels 1/72
D48115 F-35B stencils 1/48
73-00878, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Renovation for the Aviation Museum Kbely,
Prague, Czech Republic, 2023
Bf 108 1/48
Re-release #8078
Hungary, 1942–1944
participated in the defence of Berlin against Soviet armies. For the first
time in our series we attempt to analyze in detail air operations of both
parties day by day, while concentrating on missions flown by JG 6. The
second part of the book offers information on unit’s equipment with
a particular focus on the Fw 190A and D. Like in our earlier volumes,
we also introduce several aircraft in detail, including their career and
Under preparation is Focke-Wulf Fw 190D Camouflage & Markings, Part III, We will soon return to WWI topics
the final volume of the trilogy and the with another study on the history
next book in our World War II series. of the Austro-Hungarian Air Force.
German Fighters in the West Avia B.534 “Dogan” B-24 Liberator in RAF Aviatik D.I & D.II
from Poland to the Defence of the Reich in the Bulgarian Air Force Coastal Command Service