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Garcia e Cortês (2023) Blue Planet Law

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SDG: 13

Climate Action

Maria da Glória Garcia

António Cortês Editors

Blue Planet
The Ecology of our Economic and Technological
Sustainable Development Goals Series
The Sustainable Development Goals Series is Springer Nature’s inaugural
cross-imprint book series that addresses and supports the United Nations’
seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. The series fosters comprehensive
research focused on these global targets and endeavours to address some of
society’s greatest grand challenges. The SDGs are inherently multidisciplin-
ary, and they bring people working across different fields together and
working towards a common goal. In this spirit, the Sustainable Development
Goals series is the first at Springer Nature to publish books under both the
Springer and Palgrave Macmillan imprints, bringing the strengths of our
imprints together.
The Sustainable Development Goals Series is organized into eighteen
subseries: one subseries based around each of the seventeen respective Sus-
tainable Development Goals, and an eighteenth subseries, “Connecting the
Goals,” which serves as a home for volumes addressing multiple goals or
studying the SDGs as a whole. Each subseries is guided by an expert Subse-
ries Advisor with years or decades of experience studying and addressing core
components of their respective Goal.
The SDG Series has a remit as broad as the SDGs themselves, and
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please contact the Publishers: Zachary Romano [Springer; zachary.
romano@springer.com] and Rachael Ballard [Palgrave Macmillan; rachael.
Maria da Glória Garcia • António Cortês

Blue Planet Law

The Ecology of our Economic
and Technological World
Maria da Glória Garcia António Cortês
Lisbon School of Law Lisbon School of Law
Catholic University of Portugal Catholic University of Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal

This work was supported by PAIDC - Plataforma de Apoio à Investigação em Direito

na Católica

ISSN 2523-3084 ISSN 2523-3092 (electronic)

Sustainable Development Goals Series
ISBN 978-3-031-24887-0 ISBN 978-3-031-24888-7 (eBook)

# The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2023. This book is an open access publication.
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The ‘realisation’ that the technological and consumer society has a negative
impact on the global environment and the ‘discovery’ that human actions on
the ‘blue planet’ needed to be reshaped were a product of the Stockholm
Conference (1972), held under the auspices of the United Nations. Indeed, the
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment,
approved at the end of the conference, on 16 June 1972, states: Man has the
fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life, in an
environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and well-being, and he
bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for
present and future generations.
It is not surprising that, in the last 50 years, scientific and technical
knowledge has expanded rapidly in a wide variety of fields, at the same
time forcing the emergence of new fields. Moreover, these last 50 years
have shown that not only does ‘our common future’ (the Brundtland Report,
1987) depend on reshaping human activity, but also we need to act fast: the
fight against poverty and over-consumption goes hand in hand with efforts to
halt climate change, biodiversity loss and ocean degradation. The global
ecological crisis and, more recently, pandemic risks have also demonstrated
that the responsibility lies with all of us and a profound change in behaviour is
required. The law, the economy and public policy must keep pace with
scientific and technical progress.
The way ahead is for contractualism to be rediscovered at the global
political level, with the involvement of States, international and business
organisations and non-governmental bodies, aiming to achieve UN Sustain-
able Development Goals 13, 14 and 15. An important role will be played by
the Global Pact for the Environment, which synthesises in a unified system
the environmental rights, duties and principles developed on the basis of the
Stockholm and Rio Declarations, and which is being negotiated at UN level in
order to gain conventional binding force. United by the future Global Pact,
States, international organisations and other entities will more decisively
commit to implementing all the environmental rights, duties and principles
within their own legal and economic systems, under the control of the courts
or non-judicial bodies, with constantly updated scientific and technological

vi Preface

The purpose of this book is to commemorate this half century of life of the
Stockholm Conference and reflect on the way forward, in search of a Global
Law of the Earth Ecosystem. Hence the title, Blue Planet Law. The Ecology of
our Economic and Technological World.
The works aim to move towards global, holistic thinking, in the knowledge
that ‘everything depends on everything’. Transdisciplinarity and scientific
dialogue are not, therefore, seen as challenges, but rather as ways of
establishing thinking that seeks future-oriented integrated solutions, given
that the questions are many and varied, and all in need of answers. What
can law do to avert climate change, protect the ocean and prevent
biodiversity loss? How can we develop economies and new technologies
sustainably to safeguard the environment, while also making rational use of
existing natural resources? What legal framework should govern
Blue Planet Law is divided into four parts.
Part I, on the Foundations of Global Ecological Sustainability, contains
five chapters that set the context. Adopting a general approach, these address
the issue of the ecological sustainability of post-industrial societies of the
Anthropocene dominated by economic, scientific and technological progress,
in terms of both International Law, essentially based on the sovereignty of
States, and European Union Law. This part verses on the urgent need for a
new ethical or philosophical vision of environmental responsibility that is
decisively assumed as a common good of all humanity also taking future
generations into account.
Part II deals with specific issues of environmental sustainability linked to
protection of the climate, the ocean and biodiversity. Pollution and climate
change are considered from scientific, economic and ethical perspectives, and
also from a legal viewpoint, in terms of the applicable principles, effective
means or judge-made law. This part also addresses issues relating to degrada-
tion of the oceans and the loss of marine diversity, which raise specific
problems regarding the protection of areas beyond national jurisdiction,
preservation of coral reefs and implementation of marine protected areas.
Part III focuses on specific policies aimed at ecological sustainability.
Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy, elimination of plastic waste
and the development of an economy of the sea and sustainable fisheries are all
decisive issues in the environmental policies of the Anthropocene. These
cannot be resolved by sanctions alone, but require environmental laws and
policies that influence behaviours and markets, such as green taxes, energy
certificates and ecolabels.
Part IV is concerned with law, genetic resources and biotechnology.
Biotechnology transforms or makes use of living beings and genetic resources
for human purposes and will become crucially important in the twenty-first
century. This part is focused on the opportunities opened by marine genetic
resources and marine bioprospecting, as well as on the use of biotechnology
for the purposes of energy efficiency, human health and food safety, dealing
also with the limits of genetic engineering from the perspective of health and
environmental protection.
Preface vii

The possible futures for our planet are many, but the future that becomes
the present will involve philosophical, scientific, technological, economic and
legal reflection. This book is a contribution to that reflection.

Lisbon, Portugal Maria da Glória Garcia

5 June 2022 António Cortês

Blue Planet Law, which is now being brought to the public, has only been
possible due to the unconditional support, from the very beginning, of the Law
Research Support Platform at Católica (Plataforma de Apoio à Investigação
em Direito na Católica—PAIDC), which is made up of a number of law
firms—Abreu & Associados, Albuquerque & Associados, Cuatrecasas, DLA
Piper ABBC, Garrigues, Morais Leitão & Associados, PLMJ, Rebelo de
Sousa & Associados, VdA—and professors and alumni of the Catholic
University of Portugal, including the late: Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Evaristo
Mendes, Fernando Ferreira Pinto, Francisco Sá Carneiro, Gabriela Rodrigues
Martins, Germano Marques da Silva, Isabel Marques da Silva, João Miranda
de Sousa, Jorge Brito Pereira, Lin Man, Lino Torgal, Luís Barreto Xavier,
Margarida Costa Gomes, Maria da Glória Garcia, Maria da Glória Leitão,
Maria João Estorninho, Rogério Alves and Rui Medeiros. The book’s
coordinators take great pleasure in expressing their deepest gratitude to each
and every one of them, thanking them in particular for their trust, in the hope
that this scientifically diverse collection, but with the thread of the science of
law running through it, may reward them for that confidence and allow them
to take pleasure in the fact that, in some way, they have contributed to the
sustainability of the blue planet.
To the authors—and there were many (33) who contributed with articles
for the book—the coordinators are grateful for the enthusiasm with which
they embraced the project and gave the best of their expertise, patiently
responding to all requests, and always seeking to improve and meet the
desired goals. To Magda Coelho, who creatively prepared the book of
abstracts and gave shape to the hope of producing the book, the coordinators
also extend their thanks. To Michelle Wells, who patiently and competently
revised the English language of all the articles, the coordinators express their
gratitude for her precious contributions. Our thanks are also extended to the
company AJE Help Center that standardised the articles to meet the required
rules of style. To Elsa Vaz de Sequeira, Director of the Católica Research
Centre for the Future of Law, the coordinators are grateful for the promptness
with which she always responded to our requests and, over the time of
planning the work, heeded our concerns, heightened by the pandemic and
the lack of support staff.

x Acknowledgements

A final word must go to the publisher Springer, and in particular to our

interlocutor, Manuela Schwietzer, to whom the coordinators express their
appreciation and gratitude for their prompt responses to our doubts and,
fundamentally, for believing in the project and enabling us to bring it to the

Part I Foundations of Global Ecological Sustainability

Blue Planet Law and Ecological Sustainability in the
Twenty-First Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
António Cortês
Environmental Law in the EU: A Pathway Toward the Green
Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Nicolas de Sadeleer
Our Blue Planet at the Crossroads. Between the Hobbesian
Nightmare and a New Culture of the Commons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Viriato Soromenho-Marques and Paulo Magalhães
Human Responsibility for the Protection of Our
“Common Home” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Michel Renaud
Scientific Knowledge: Its Impacts on Judicial Decision-Making
and International Law in the Era of Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Emily Sipiorski

Part II Climate, Ocean and Biodiversity Protection

Climate Change and Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Filipe Duarte Santos, Paulo Lopes Ferreira,
and Jiesper Strandsbjerg Tristan Pedersen
Pollution and Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Manuela Pintado and Alexandra Aragão
Suing States: The Role of Courts in Promoting States’
Responsibility for Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Armando Rocha
Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Irini Papanicolopulu
Climate Change and the Ocean: The Disruption of the
Coral Reef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Fabio-Massimo Battaglia

xii Contents

Marine Protected Areas as Tools for Ocean Sustainability . . . . . . 131

Emanuel J. Gonçalves

Part III Law, Policy and Ecological Sustainability

Renewable Energies, Sustainability and Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Suzana Tavares da Silva and António Gomes Martins
The Impact of Ecolabels and Green Taxes on Market
Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Gabriel Englander, Andrew W. Stevens, Rebecca L. C. Taylor,
and Sofia B. Villas-Boas
Environmental Governance Through Tax Law in the
European Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Marta Villar Ezcurra and Jerónimo Maillo González-Orús
Legal and Normative Challenges Behind Sustainable Seafood . . . . 187
Josephine Woronoff
Blue Economy and Sustainable Development Beyond Boxes . . . . . 199
Thauan Santos

Part IV Law, Genetic Resources and Biotechnology

A Legal Approach to Fostering Green Infrastructure for
Improved Water and Energy Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Paula Castro and Raquel Carvalho
Law and Marine Genetic Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Maria Inês Gameiro
Marine Bioprospecting: Understanding the Activity and Some
Challenges Related to Environmental Protection, Scientific
Research, Ethics, and the Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Maria Bekiari
Biotechnological Patents, Compulsory Licensing and
SARS-COV-2 in a Pandemic and Epidemic Context . . . . . . . . . . . 253
J. P. Remédio Marques
Fighting Listeria monocytogenes with Bacteriophages:
Biotechnology for Food Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Maria João Estorninho and Paula Teixeira
Genetic Engineering and the Law—Past, Present and Beyond:
20+1 Criteria to Help Focus the Path to Our Common Future . . . 273
Margarida Silva
Part I
Foundations of Global Ecological Sustainability
Blue Planet Law and Ecological
Sustainability in the Twenty-First

António Cortês

Abstract World War, and, in the next decade, it will be a

In the twenty-first century, the international crucial element for international and domestic
community and states face the challenge of implementation of the Agenda 2030 UN Sus-
reconciling the economic and technological tainable Development Goals.
development of our post-industrial societies
with the prevention or mitigation of global Keywords
environmental problems such as climate Blue Planet law · Global environmental crisis ·
change, ocean degradation, and biodiversity Ecological sustainability · International
loss. Nowadays, international environmental environmental law · Global Pact for the
law leaves up to the sovereignty of each state Environment · Global and future oriented
most of the measures necessary to prevent responsibility
pollution, ecosystem degradation, and unsus-
tainable use of natural resources. An important
step, together with other international and 1 Introduction
national efforts, towards the transition to a
more globalised and effective environmental One of humankind’s greatest challenges in the
law, a Blue Planet Law, will be the approval of twenty-first century is to reconcile the economic
the Global Pact for the Environment, which is and technological development of our post-
being discussed at UN level. The Pact, along industrial societies with the prevention or mitiga-
with other new international environmental tion of global environmental problems such as
conventions, will provide a legal framework climate change, ocean degradation, and biodiver-
that will help promote more effective ecologi- sity loss. The delicate equilibria of the whole
cal sustainability and preventive responsibil- biosphere, on which human life, health, food,
ity, considering namely the precautionary and well-being depend, are at risk. Therefore, a
principle and intergenerational equity. The Blue Planet Law, a new Global Environmental
development of a Blue Planet Law, a Global Law, which fleshes out the ecological dimension
Law of the Earth Ecosystem, is as urgent now of sustainable development, is necessary. Our text
as Human Rights Law was after the Second intends to contribute to overcoming the
difficulties of the current international environ-
A. Cortês (✉) mental law, in view of the transition towards a
Lisbon School of Law, Catholic University of Portugal, new environmental law clearly characterised as
Lisbon, Portugal “global” and “future-oriented”.
e-mail: ac@ucp.pt

# The Author(s) 2023 3

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
4 A. Cortês

We will first develop the idea of a Blue Planet that is to say the transformation of nature, was
Law, in the context of the Anthropocene (Sect. 2). considerably intensified in comparison with the
Subsequently, we will demonstrate that the previous centuries. For the first time in human
existing International Environmental Law is, for history, the relationship between humankind and
several reasons, insufficient to solve the main the natural world would experience a complete
problems of the global ecological crisis (Sect. rupture” (de Sadeleer 1993, p. 168). Indeed, “all
3). Afterwards, we will defend the urgency of nature today has been shaped by human action or
approving the Global Pact for the Environment, is affected by human activities” (Biermann 2021,
which is being discussed at UN level and includes p. 65). Moreover, human activities are not always
a strong emphasis on the universal duty to take carried out sustainably and consequently they are
care of the environment and on the principles of threatening or endangering the natural equilibria
prevention, precaution and intergenerational that sustain the life conditions—including human
equity (Sect. 4). Finally, we will stress the impor- life, health and food—on Earth.
tance of the role of the Blue Planet Law in The path of economic, scientific and techno-
strengthening the environmental component of logical progress after the industrial revolution
the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Sect. 5). brought with it increasing human pressure on
the planet, which translated to degradation of
ecosystems and unsustainable use of natural
2 The Idea of a Blue Planet Law resources. Ultimately, resources have become
in the Twenty-First Century limited due to “the growth of human populations
and their ever-increasing demands for material
We are living a new geological age characterised goods and economic growth, set against the phys-
by the physical, chemical and biological impact ical capacity of the planet Earth” (MacCormick
of human activities on the Planet as a whole: “the 2011, p. 139). Economic and industrial growth
Anthropocene” (Crutzen and Stoermer 2000). has greatly enhanced the quality of human life,
The Anthropocene is the “age of humans”; “for but it has also produced new environmental
the first time in our history the most serious and problems, with an international or global impact,
immediate, even existential, risks are human- such as “climate change and ozone depletion, loss
made and unfolding at planetary scale” (UNDP of biodiversity, toxic and hazardous pollution of
2020, p. 20). The relationship between human- air and sea, pollution of rivers and depletion of
kind and nature has definitely changed; “the freshwater resources” (Sands and Peel 2019,
frontiers of the natural and the artificial have p. 3).
become increasingly diluted and everything or Our civilisation is dominated by the idea of
almost everything, from the climate to biological unlimited economic and technological develop-
diversity” seems to be “under humankind’s ment, and humankind is endangering the sustain-
power” (Ost 2003, p. 266). With modern technol- able use of natural resources and the delicate
ogy the “nature of human action has de facto equilibria of the ecosystems and the Earth Eco-
changed” and we have acquired an immense system as a whole. In fact, the techno-economic
power over “no less than the whole Biosphere of paradigm is dominated by the “idea of infinite or
the Planet” (Jonas 1985, p. 7); “man has become unlimited growth, which proves so attractive to
dangerous not only to himself but to the whole economists, financiers and experts in technology”
Biosphere” (Jonas 1985, p. 136). (Francis 2015, p. 106). However, the logic of
The former geological age, the Holocene, was development has overshadowed sustainability
characterised by a certain stability and equilib- standards and the result, as stated above, is mas-
rium of ecosystems. The industrial revolution sive pollution, hazardous and non-recyclable
constitutes a turning point in the relationship waste, degradation of air, water and soil quality
between humankind and nature. In fact, “with and unsustainable exploitation of natural
the advent of the industrial society, production, resources.
Blue Planet Law and Ecological Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century 5

There is a tendency to act as if economic Human responsibility is no longer simply a

growth and mass use of mechanical, physical responsibility between contemporary and
and chemical technology will have no negative neighbouring human beings; it has also become
impact on biodiversity and ecosystems or as if the a responsibility towards nature, distant people and
inherent risks will be a negligible evil. However, future generations. Law must incorporate this
the risks of our techno-economic societies are demanding responsibility for the future. And the
becoming increasingly significant, serious and more fragile nature turns out to be due to the
irreversible, and are producing impacts that are actions of humankind, the greater the latter’s
both planetary and long-term. responsibility towards nature should
Thus, a paradigm shift is needed. The domi- be. Ecological responsibility has a future horizon.
nant economic and technological paradigm must Ecological risks and harm must be anticipated
take serious account of ecological sustainability and prevented. Our present responsibility is to
and global ecological responsibility. We must avoid risks and harm not only in the near future,
have new economies and new technologies. We but also in the long term, in the distant future.
must promote eco-friendly economies and At the root of the global ecological crisis, we
eco-friendly technologies, “sustainable” find an optimistic vision of nature and natural
economies and technologies. What is at stake is resources and a utopian vision of technological
obviously not simply the strict prohibition of progress. On the one hand, nature would have an
human activities that endanger or damage the unlimited capacity to absorb pollution and regen-
environment, but rather the implementation of a erate ecosystems and natural resources. On the
complex legal strategy that nudges economic, other hand, scientific and technological progress
ethical and political behaviour, supposing scien- would make it possible for humankind to defini-
tific knowledge and aiming at certain objectives. tively become, in the words of Descartes, “the
A new kind of law must emerge, a law that owner and master of nature” (Ost 2003, p. 43).
takes global ecological sustainability and preven- This incorrect vision of nature and this naive
tive ecological responsibility seriously, a Blue utopianism regarding technological and eco-
Planet Law—a global law that does not renounce nomic progress have led us, in the first decades
economic and technological development, but of the twenty-first century, to a deep ecological
gives sufficient consideration to sustainability crisis on a planetary scale: the global ecological
standards and human responsibility for the future crisis.
of the “Earth’s Ecosystem”,1 the future of this Law must pay serious heed to the notion of the
Blue Planet where humankind lives in commu- World Charter for Nature that “[hu]mankind is
nion with other forms of life, other living species. part of nature” (United Nations 1982). Although
Scientific and technological power and eco- humans may dominate nature, they also depend
nomic industrialisation “manipulate nature and on and are part of it, and their life, health, food
change it according to human will. In doing so, and well-being depend on its fauna, flora, water,
they threaten nature, put it at risk, concur with its air, soils and ecosystems. Therefore, humans are
degradation and make it more fragile. By making vulnerable to the risks of destroying the environ-
nature fragile, they create a new object of respon- mental conditions of life on Earth.
sibility for humankind” (Garcia 2007, p. 72). The humanised biosphere in which we live is
composed not only of “nature”, that is, “realities
1 that were not human-made” (Krebs 2016,
The Convention on Biological Diversity, in Article
2, defines, the “ecosystem” as “a dynamic complex of pp. 340–341), such as animals, plants, rivers,
plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their soils, water and air, or oil, mercury or uranium,
non-living environment interacting as a functional unit”. but also human activities and human artefacts,
The “Earth’s ecosystem”, to which the 2017 Draft Global
such as buildings, means of transport, industrial
Pact for the Environment refers, includes the interaction
and the functional equilibrium of natural elements and facilities, and electrical equipment. Humankind
human activities. has been dominating and transforming nature
6 A. Cortês

since the agricultural revolution, but, as we have figures—should always be placed inside a blue
seen, in the last two centuries the impact of that circle.
domination and transformation has progressed to
a completely different scale and is jeopardising
the delicate equilibria of the biosphere as a whole. 3 The Global Environmental
At the international level two different and Crisis Between International
powerful ideas can be seen as laying the Law and State Sovereignty
foundations for environmental protection in the
twenty-first century: “sustainable development” International law has to some extent incorporated
and “human rights”. Yet in the sustainable devel- the concepts of “common concern of humankind”
opment equation—involving economic, social and “future generations” (Bodansky et al. 2012,
and environmental development—economic pp. 10–14). However, international environmen-
growth has generally prevailed. We must, how- tal and economic law are still dominated by the
ever, assume that sustainable development does idea that states have full sovereignty over their
not exist without robust and multiform legal pro- natural resources and territory (Segger and
tection of the environment on which human food, Khalfan 2006, p. 112). Therefore, it is difficult
life and health depend. On the other hand, the to agree on strictly binding rules or principles,
logic of human rights, focused on individual lib- especially regarding pollution and natural
erty, must be complemented with the logic of resources, not only within the territory of states
necessary human responsibility for the whole but also in the “global commons”.2 Environmen-
biosphere. tal common goods such as the climate or biodi-
Blue Planet Law is a synthetic name for the versity are in fact recognised by international
Global Environmental Law of the Anthropocene, treaties as a “common concern of humankind”
characterised not only by the assumption that (Brunnée 2007, pp. 557–567; Dupuy and
economic and technological activities are intrin- Viñuales 2019, p. 98), but their protection
sically human, but also by the idea that we must remains essentially dependent on the sovereignty
take ecological sustainability and global respon- and goodwill of the states.
sibility for the biosphere seriously. Green is the Binding treaties setting out strict duties and
colour usually associated with the environment obligations in environmental issues are often dif-
and environmental protection. We associate ficult to obtain, mainly because environmental
green spaces with nature and biodiversity. We protection always has an economic cost and states
speak of an EU Green Deal, of green taxes, are not always willing to bear or impose that cost
green policies and so on. However blue is the in their economies. On one hand, “big
colour that better symbolises the holistic and corporations and multinationals in developed
planetary character of the current environmental countries are reluctant to adopt [eco-friendly
crisis and the Global Law needed to address it. In equipment and measures] for fear that their pro-
fact, some of the most serious global environmen- duction costs may dramatically soar or bring
tal problems of our time are related to the atmo- about a decrease in their competitiveness”. On
sphere and the ocean that make up planet Earth, the other hand, “developing countries assert that,
the Blue Planet. Blue is the most common colour given their backwardness and poverty, they can-
of the skies and the seas as seen from Earth in not afford to improve their conditions, unless they
daylight and it is the predominant colour of our receive considerable financial [and technological]
Planet as seen from outer space. And the most assistance from industrialized states” (Cassese
severe environmental problems that our techno- 2005, p. 486). Moreover, the economic
economic societies have to deal with in the advantages of the “green economy” and the
twenty-first century have a holistic and planetary
dimension. Therefore, the green symbols of
environmentalism—plants, trees, recycling 2
On the “global commons”, Bell et al. (2017, p. 142).
Blue Planet Law and Ecological Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century 7

“blue economy” are not sufficiently decisive, (de Sadeleer 2021, p. 138), and even the case
because the “transition” implies high financial law of the European Court of Human Rights
costs for companies and states. (Dupuy and Viñuales 2019, pp. 72–73). How-
International environmental law is to a large ever, soft law is, by definition, non-binding law
extent “soft law”3—formally non-binding law, in written form. It has a directive, guiding func-
non-coercive law—although it might have some tion, rather than strictly normative binding force.
“legal effects”, as typically happens with UN Furthermore, although there are around
Conference Declarations and General Assembly 500 environmental law treaties (Aguila 2020,
Declarations (Boyle and Redgwell 2021, p. 9), many gaps remain, and treaties often have
pp. 33–35). One very specific form of interna- weak levels of ‘bindingness’.
tional soft law, as previously noted, is The 2018 UNSG Report “Gaps in international
“Declarations” (Christiano 2015, p. 381), such environmental law and environment-related
as the 1972 Stockholm Declaration, the 1982 instruments: towards a global pact for the envi-
World Charter for Nature or the 1992 Rio Decla- ronment” identifies various “issues as remaining
ration, which enshrine a set of environmental law without specific, legally binding regulation by
“principles”. Another form of soft law is included international treaties”, such as “the conservation
in UN General Assembly Resolutions, such as the and sustainable use of forests, pollution of marine
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, areas by land-based plastic debris, protection of
which enshrines 17 Sustainable Development biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction, the pro-
Goals (SDGs), including responsible production tection of soils, regulation of the use of pesticides,
and consumption (SDG 12), climate action (SDG regulation of noise pollution, protection of the
13), and the preservation of life below water Artic environment, a human right to biological
(SDG 14) and life on land (SDG 15). diversity, regulation of nanomaterials” (Voigt
Soft law instruments often act as a first step 2019).
towards the subsequent adoption of international Moreover, and principally, “the legal ‘binding-
treaties or customary practices. An example of a ness’ of a treaty provision depends on many
soft law principle that has become customary factors”, including: (i) “Where it occurs—in the
binding law is the prevention principle “inferred” preamble or operative part of an agreement”;
from the Stockholm Declaration (Principle 21) (ii) “Who the provision addresses—states, collec-
and the Rio Declaration (Principle 2) tively or individually, or others”; (iii) “Whether it
(de Sadeleer 2021, p. 88). Soft law principles uses mandatory or recommendatory language;”
have a symbolic effect and, as mentioned above, (iv) “How precise it is”; (v) “What institutional
often pave the way for political and diplomatic mechanisms exist for transparency, accountabil-
efforts to adopt binding treaties, as well as ity, and compliance” (Bodansky et al. 2012,
providing standards to be applied in case law. pp. 18–19). And the truth is that for the most
For instance, the precautionary principle important issues in international environmental
enshrined in the 1992 Rio Declaration (Principle law—such as climate change, biodiversity loss,
15) was included in the 1992 Framework Con- ocean degradation—“framework agreements”
vention on Climate Change and in the Preamble prevail and there are usually no judicial
of the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity, procedures to deal with cases of
and it was also later the leitmotif of the Cartagena non-compliance, only “supervisory and preven-
Protocol on Biosafety, which regulates biotech- tive mechanisms” (Cassese 2005, p. 487).
nology. It has likewise influenced the case law of Let us see how international law currently
the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea deals with the main problems of the global eco-
and of the WTO Dispute Settlement Bodies logical crisis: climate change, ocean degradation
and biodiversity loss, including natural resources
On soft law instruments in international environmental depletion.
law, Dupuy and Viñuales (2019, pp. 40–41).
8 A. Cortês

The most visible side of the global ecological The 1992 UN Framework Convention on
crisis in the Anthropocene is climate change. Climate Change (UNFCCC) considers a stable
Climate change implies atmospheric warming, climatic system a “common concern of human-
extreme weather events and destruction of ity” and recognises that it “must be preserved
habitats needed for biodiversity. The Earth’s tem- through the control of anthropogenic interference
perature has increased 0.99% since the beginning in the atmospheric composition”. However, the
of the industrial revolution and in the last 50 years ultimate objective of the convention simply
has increased faster than in any 50-year period in requires the adoption of measures by each state
the last 2000 years (IPCC 2021, p. 5). This leads individually or in cooperation with other states.
to a variety of different risks and constitutes a The 2015 Paris Agreement is more specific. The
serious global problem. The 2021 Glasgow parties agree to reduce their carbon emissions,
Agreement “recognizes that the impacts of cli- “holding the increase in the global average tem-
mate change will be much lower at the tempera- perature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial
ture increase of 1.5 °C compared with 2 °C levels and pursuing efforts to limit the tempera-
[above pre-industrial levels]”.4 A very small dif- ture increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels,
ference in temperature makes a huge difference in recognizing that this would significantly reduce
the impacts of climate change—“a little is a lot” the risks and impacts of climate change”.5
(Gates 2021, pp. 20–30). However, this is only a “collective goal” and
Climate changes are the result of an alteration does not include specific targets for each state
in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, individually. In fact, it is up to each state to
more precisely, of an excess of greenhouse gases determine its “nationally determined contribu-
(GHGs) in the atmosphere, such as carbon diox- tion” (NDC) (Bodansky et al. 2017,
ide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide pp. 231–236) to climate change mitigation. And,
(N2O). According to the IPCC: “In 2019, atmo- naturally it is also up to states to determine the
spheric CO2 concentrations were higher than at specific legal measures to be adopted at the
any time in at least 2 million years (high confi- national or domestic level, such as the taxation
dence), and concentrations of CH4 and N2O were of fossil fuels (“green taxes”) or the provision of
higher than at any time in at least 800,000 years subsidies to “renewable energies”, namely solar,
(very high confidence)” (IPCC 2021, p. 4). The wind and wave energy, or “green hydrogen”
causes of this excess are many, but it is possible to (which can be produced from ocean waters).
synthesise them. The basic idea may be reduced Moreover, and consequently, the Paris Agree-
to an imbalance between GHG emissions and ment foresees an “expert-based facilitative com-
GHG sinks. The main cause of GHG emissions mittee” to facilitate implementation of and
is the use of fossil fuels: “Electricity generation, promote compliance with the Agreement, but
heat production and transport rely heavily on states that this mechanism should function in a
fossil fuels and together account for roughly “non-adversarial and non-punitive manner”.6
70 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions” Another dimension of the global environmen-
(United Nations 2019, p. XXVI). Food produc- tal crisis in the Anthropocene is ocean degrada-
tion, especially bovine livestock and intensive tion. The ocean is the world’s largest ecosystem,
agriculture, is responsible for around 18 to 19% covering almost three-quarters of the Earth’s sur-
of GHG emissions (Gates 2021, p. 55; Martins- face. This planetary ecosystem is a source of
Loução 2021, p. 36). On the other hand, GHG living resources (fish, algae, and marine genetic
sinks are decreasing mainly due to deforestation, resources) and is an essential part of the Earth’s
but also due to the loss of marine biodiversity.
Paris Agreement, Article 2/1/a. See also Bodansky et al.
(2017, p. 229).
Paris Agreement, Article 15. See again Bodansky et al.
Glasgow Climate Pact, n. 16. (2017, p. 246).
Blue Planet Law and Ecological Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century 9

life support. The ocean absorbs 25% of the CO2 destruction of natural marine habitats” (Sands
emitted by our fossil-fuel-based and and Peel 2019, p. 565). Moreover, the ocean is
industrialised economies, as well as 90% of the subject to the “tragedy of the commons”. In fact,
heat generated by that CO2 and other greenhouse unrestricted freedom of the seas still prevails in
gases, but this represents “a triple threat to the the High Seas as the new treaty on biodiversity
ocean causing it to become warmer, more acidic beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ)—which has
and to store less oxygen”, and it has a “substantial been promised since 2015—is still being
impact on the working of its biological systems” negotiated (Sands and Peel 2019, p. 565), and
(Oceano Azul Foundation 2021, p. 21). Further- the establishment of EEZs in 1982 by the
more, global warming leads to a rise in sea levels, UNCLOS has also not prevented the tragedy of
which implies not only the flooding of riverside the commons in the areas under national jurisdic-
cities and beaches but also the destruction of tion,9 because generally states do not have an
ecosystems in large river estuaries. Overfishing extensive and adequate system of marine
is endangering many species. In addition, the protected areas and fisheries management.
ocean has functioned as the world’s dump, into The other major global problem of the ecolog-
which non-biodegradable residues are thrown, ical crisis of our time is biodiversity loss (whether
including gigantic amounts of plastic. on land or in the ocean and rivers). This biodiver-
Wastewaters from urban centres and waters sity loss also means a loss of natural resources:
containing hazardous substances from industries living and genetic resources. The reasons for
and pesticides from agriculture also flow into the protecting biodiversity are several: “First, biodi-
ocean. These chemical substances not only versity provides an actual and potential source of
degrade the ocean’s water quality but also enter biological resources including, for example, for
into food chains, affecting biodiversity and even- use as food and feed, as well as pharmaceutical,
tually human health and food safety. industrial and other applications [such as biotech-
The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the nology]. Second, biodiversity contributes to the
Sea (UNCLOS) determines that states have the maintenance of the biosphere in a condition that
duty “to preserve and to protect the marine envi- supports human and other life. [. . .] Third, biodi-
ronment”7 and that states “shall ensure through versity conservation may be based on ethical,
proper conservation and management measures intrinsic, aesthetic and cultural considerations”
that the maintenance of the living resources in (Sands and Peel 2019, p. 385). However, every
the exclusive economic zone is not endangered year thousands of species of plants, animals and
by over-exploitation”.8 These two provisions rep- micro-organisms become extinct. According to
resent a “paradigm shift” (Tanaka 2015, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform
pp. 265, 276) in the law of the sea since they on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
recognise an explicit obligation to prevent pollu- (IPBES), “An average of around 25 per cent of
tion in the whole ocean and the obligation to take species in assessed animal and plant groups are
appropriate measures to preserve and manage threatened, suggesting that around 1 million spe-
natural resources within each exclusive economic cies [out of 8 million] already face extinction,
zone (EEZ). However, international and national many within decades, unless measures are taken
efforts “have not prevented the further to reduce the intensity of biodiversity loss. With-
deterioration of the oceans, the over-exploitation out such action, there will be a further accelera-
or depletion of marine species and the

I disagree therefore with the idea that the creation of
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, Articles EEZs by the UNCLOS prevented the tragedy of the
192 to 194. commons in the ocean, as defended by Bell et al. (2017,
Ibid Article 61, no. 2. p. 142).
10 A. Cortês

tion in the global rate of species extinction, which areas [. . .]” (Target 3) (UN Environment Program
is already at least tens to hundreds of times higher 2021, p. 6). Nevertheless, although this project
than it has averaged over the past 10 million constitutes an important step, an agreement is yet
years” (IPBES 2019, p. 4).10 Scientists talk to be adopted, and the proposed goal is only a
about a “sixth mass extinction” caused not by a collective global goal, it remaining essentially up
natural event but by human action, by the impacts to each state to determine the domestic measures
of our techno-economic civilisation. The problem to be taken in order to contribute to that goal11
lies mainly in the destruction and fragmentation and eventually the future negotiation of more
of habitats where fauna, flora and micro- specific international treaties on biodiversity
organisms live and develop. This degradation of protection.
habitats is associated with pollution, the expan- Rachel Carson, the famous biologist and ecol-
sion of urban and agricultural spaces, climate ogist, warned us that “in nature nothing exists
change, invasive species, and overexploitation alone” (Carson 1964, p. 35). The same message
of natural resources, including deforestation. Not has been purveyed by Pope Francis: “everything
even the great sanctuaries of biodiversity, namely is interconnected [. . .] Just as the different aspects
the tropical forests (the Amazon or Congo river of the planet – physical, chemical and biological –
basins) and the coral reefs (which shelter around are interrelated, so too living species are part of a
1/4 of all marine biodiversity) escape this network which we will never fully explore
destruction. and understand” (Francis 2015, p. 138). Carbon
The Convention on Biological Diversity and water cycles are global. Food chains and
(CBD) recognises, in its preamble, that the “con- ecosystems have complex and delicate balances
servation of biological diversity is a common that can be affected by the introduction of a single
concern of humankind”, but it also affirms that polluting substance or by the extinction or
“States have sovereign rights over their own rarefying of a single plant or animal species.
biological resources” and that they “are responsi- Furthermore, in the Anthropocene, global envi-
ble for conserving their biological diversity” ronmental damage and losses often become
(Dupuy and Viñuales 2019, p. 98), that is, the cumulative and in many cases are irreversible,
habitats and the species within their territory. with dramatic consequences for future
Thus, the measures adopted for the conservation generations. The irreversible destruction of biodi-
of biodiversity and biological resources depend versity has implications—as seen above—not
essentially on the goodwill of each state. There only for the planet’s beauty, but also for food
are supranational efforts to protect ecosystems and human health. Indeed, greater diversity
such as the Habitats Directive within the within ecosystems equates to their greater resil-
European Union, but there is no international ience, fewer risks to their survival and a greater
control of the domestic implementation of land variety of food and genetic resources, namely for
and marine protected areas. There is, in particular, biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications.
an important UN project for a Global Agreement In turn, climate change can have tremendous
for Biodiversity, within the normative and insti- consequences in terms of the destruction of
tutional framework of the CBD, that proposes ecosystems and fauna and flora, and also directly
specific targets. These include the objective of affect the quality of people’s lives, as they
“at least 30 per cent globally of land areas and increasingly become victims of droughts, high
of sea areas [. . .] conserved through effectively temperatures, forest fires and natural disasters.
and equitably managed, ecologically representa- Moreover, there is also the risk that the impact
tive and well-connected systems of protected of human activities is steering the dynamics of the
Earth ecosystem as a whole towards “tipping
See also IPBES (2019, p. 15), which includes a figure
with the “current global extinction risks by groups of 11
On the different kinds of legal measures to protect
species”. biodiversity, Sands and Peel (2019, p. 386).
Blue Planet Law and Ecological Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century 11

points” beyond which the negative consequences Environmental Law. In fact, approval of the
of environmental degradation become exponen- GPE will consecrate a human right to an
tial and unstoppable—one may think of the melt- ecologically sound environment and a univer-
ing of the polar ice caps on Greenland and the sal duty to take care of the environment that is
Antarctic. Finally, let us not forget that in the addressed not only to every state and other inter-
global ecological crisis it is not only air quality, national entities, but also to all other public and
climate, water and the intrinsic value of biodiver- private, natural and legal persons. The Pact also
sity that is at stake. Eventually, the severity of the enshrines the fundamental legal principles of
global environmental crisis may also present a environmental law that are supposed to be applied
risk to humankind itself, that is, to human beings globally, that is, although in different ways, not
as biological, psychological and spiritual only at the international level, but also at the
creatures, who have the right to life, food, health domestic level.13 Furthermore, the GPE will
and a balanced and healthy environment. establish implementation mechanisms that point
to a “global warrant”, constituted by global or
common practices that are not dependent on the
4 The Global Pact territory of each state (Walker 2015, pp. 18–24).
for the Environment Finally, the GPE also intends to be global law in
and the Universal Duty to Take the sense that it concerns humankind as a whole,
Care of the Earth Ecosystem including future generations (Domingo 2011,
p. 105).
In 2017, a group of over 100 world experts in The GPE will have a gravitational effect on all
environmental law, international law and sustain- the existing environmental law and will clearly
able development came together to prepare a affirm the paradigm shift needed in environmen-
Draft Global Pact for the Environment (DGPE) tal law. Firstly, it will recognise the global char-
in 2018, this project was taken to the United acter of environmental law, by consecrating the
Nations General Assembly and 143 countries human right to a sound environment and the
voted a Resolution according to which universal duty to take care of the environment.
negotiations should begin to transform this Secondly, it will clearly establish a future-
DGPE into an “international instrument” (Reso- oriented environmental law based on the
lution of the United Nations General Assembly principles of prevention, precaution, and inter-
2018) (only 5 countries voted against). This generational equity. Thirdly, the implementation
“international instrument” is to be a treaty, not mechanisms of the GPE will operate not only at
simply a soft law instrument. In fact, the DGPE is the international level but also at the domestic
explicitly a treaty proposal to be signed and level. Let us now see in more detail how the
ratified by the Parties, 12 including states and GPE takes a decisive step in the legal paradigm
probably other entities such as the European shift that is necessary in the context of the global
Union. environmental crisis.
The DGPE includes within its scope the main The first novelty brought by the DGPE is the
global environmental problems—climate, ocean consecration of the “right to an ecologically
and biodiversity—and unifies and systematises sound environment”. According to Article
the international environmental law within a 1, “Every person has the right to live in an
global law approach. It might be said that the ecologically sound environment adequate for
Global Pact for the Environment (GPE) will be a
keystone in the transition from classical interna-
tional environmental law to a Global 13
See Walker (2015, pp. 15, 71–86) on global law and the
overcoming of the “Westphalian duo of national and inter-
See Draft Global Pact for the Environment, Articles national”. See also ibid. 71–86 on the global character of
23 to 26. human rights.
12 A. Cortês

their health, well-being, dignity, culture and the environment is the keystone of the GPE. The
fulfilment”. basic underlying idea is that, although nature has
Today the right to a healthy or sound environ- no rights, everyone has a “duty to take care of
ment is already directly protected in around one nature”, and that presupposes “the care for
hundred national constitutions (Knox 2020, p. 83; humankind that comes after us [and] the care for
Boyle and Redgwell 2021, p. 295), after the Por- everything that our Planet includes in its own
tuguese Constitution14 consecrated it for the first constitution” (Kaufmann 1993, p. 382).
time (Bodansky et al. 2017, p. 303, fn. 38) in According to the DGPE, “Every State or inter-
1976, in the wake of the 1972 Stockholm Decla- national institution, every person, natural or legal,
ration.15 At the international level, the 1998 Pro- public or private, has the duty to take care of the
tocol of San Salvador and the 1981 African environment. To this end, everyone contributes at
Charter on Human and People’s Rights lay their own levels to the conservation, protection
down, respectively, a “right to live in a healthy and restoration of the integrity of the Earth’s
environment” and a “right [of all peoples] to a ecosystem”.17 The DGPE explicitly enshrines a
generally satisfactory environment favourable to universal “duty to take care of the environment”
their development”. Nevertheless, there is no uni- and the object of this duty to take care is also
versal proclamation of a human right to a sound global. The environment is understood to be the
environment at the level of United Nations law “Earth’s ecosystem”, including climate, ocean
(Knox 2020, p. 81). The universal consecration of and biodiversity.
a human right to a sound environment in the GPE This duty, as stated above, is the very core of
will have a strong symbolic, normative and insti- the GPE, and is unpacked into different principles
tutional impact in environmental law, of ecological responsibility, of which we will
representing in itself, to a certain extent, a dis- only highlight those that embody the future-
placement from the existing prevailing anthropo- oriented responsibility that the GPE intends to
centric approach to a more ecocentric approach. strengthen: the principle of prevention, the pre-
In fact, the right to a sound environment supposes cautionary principle and the principle of intergen-
that the protection of the environment becomes erational equity.18
direct, rather than simply indirect, i.e., dependent The GPE makes absolutely clear that the eco-
on the “greening” of other human rights, such as logical responsibility that is at stake in the “risk
the rights to life, health, private life or property.16 society” of the Anthropocene is decisively an a
Moreover, the inclusion of the “environment” priori responsibility rather than an a posteriori
within the field of human rights brings the seal responsibility: it is a responsibility to avoid dam-
of legal universalism to a globally fragmented age or losses before they occur. The reasons
environmental law. underlying this approach are easy to understand.
It is, however, true that the logic of human The reparation of environmental damage is often
rights, focused on the human dignity of each difficult or highly expensive. Moreover, “there
person, is difficult to apply to the protection of are hazards which, if they occur, would mean
animal and vegetal species or even to the protec- destruction on such a scale that action
tion of future generations (Bodansky et al. 2017, [or reparation] afterwards would be practically
p. 300) or of humankind as a whole. However, the impossible”. Therefore, we must “become active
GPE will also consecrate a universal duty to take today in order to prevent, alleviate or take
care of the environment. This duty to take care of precautions against the problems and crises of
tomorrow and the day after tomorrow” (Beck
14 1992, p. 30). Economic activities and mechanical
Article 66.
On the impact of the Stockholm Declaration on national
constitutions, Birnie et al. (2009, p. 275). Draft Global Pact for the Environment, Article 2.
On the “greening” of human rights, see Boyle and 18
Draft Global Pact for the Environment, Article 4, 5 and
Redgwell (2021, pp. 302–307). 6; Rio Declaration, Principle 15.
Blue Planet Law and Ecological Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century 13

and chemical technologies, using energy and scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason
substances that produce pollution, waste or envi- for postponing the adoption of effective and pro-
ronmental risks to habitats and species, must be portionate measures to prevent environmental
ecologically sustainable and carried out with a degradation”.20
sense of ecological responsibility towards the The precautionary principle is rooted in the
future. idea that “today’s choices must also reflect a still
The prevention principle has a strong formula- uncertain future”. It “is therefore justified by con-
tion in the GPE. The GPE speaks categorically of sideration of the long term” (de Sadeleer 2021,
the “necessary measures” to prevent environmen- p. 19). Anticipatory measures are justified even in
tal harm, thus pointing to the idea that the princi- the context of scientific uncertainty or doubt
ple of proportionality, although relevant, has a about the future consequences of a certain
limited capacity to moderate the prevention human action, activity or omission—for instance,
principle. the use of a chemical substance, a persistent
Prevention of environmental harm—and the organic pollutant, an energy source, a genetically
need for preventive measures such as the setting modified organism (GMO) or any other biotech-
of thresholds, environmental impact assessments nology, as well as the non-adoption of measures
or the use of the best available technology to protect a species or a habitat.
(de Sadeleer 2021, pp. 125–132)—always has The precautionary principle is linked to the
an economic cost that must be balanced, to a emergence of “post-industrial risks”, risks that
certain extent, with environmental values. are “more global (ozone depletion, climate
Conducting environmental impact assessments, change) than local (pollution of the Great
to protect fauna, flora and ecosystems, or Lakes)”, risks that “may give rise to damage
adopting the best available technologies in outside the realm of commerce (e.g., to human
industries and transportation, to avoid pollution, health) and thus be impossible to evaluate” and
is costly. Sustainable use of natural resources or risks that “are permeated with unquantifiable
protection of a habitat by means of a land or uncertainty” (de Sadeleer 2021, pp. 13 and
marine protected area implies deprivation of 273–274). The uncertainty or doubt might relate
immediate economic profits. However, any cost- to the good that is affected (human health, biodi-
benefit analysis must be limited when applying versity, climate) and the seriousness, duration and
the prevention principle because many of the scale of the damage (de Sadeleer 2021, p. 275).
environmental impacts of human activities “are, Precautionary measures (banning of substances or
by their nature, non-monetary or technologies, pollution thresholds, best available
non-quantifiable, at least not in any reasonably technology, species protection) are justifiable
accurate way – for example, how much is a when there are “grounds for concern”, that is,
human life, an ecosystem, a species, a view of a when “it is not unreasonable to anticipate the
mountain range, or a national park worth in mon- occurrence” of a risk “on the basis of certain
etary terms, both now and in the future?” data or hypotheses, even if those data have not
(Magraw and Hawke 2007, p. 636).19 yet been fully validated” (de Sadeleer 2021,
The GPE will also expressly consecrate the p. 287). The precautionary principle imposes a
precautionary principle as a principle of global burden of proof on potentially damaging eco-
law (nowadays, the principle is not always nomic activities and technologies in favour of
recognised, in international and comparative environmental protection (in dubio pro natura).
terms, as a binding legal principle). Article 6 of If the possible environmental harm is serious or
the DGPE determines that “Where there is a risk irreversible, public authorities do not need con-
of serious or irreversible damage, lack of clusive scientific proof of the risks (de Sadeleer

On the difficulty of “costing the earth”, Bell et al. (2017, 20
Draft Global Pact for the Environment, Article 6; Rio
p. 52). Declaration, Principle 15.
14 A. Cortês

2021, pp. 335–336) in order to restrict economic in their own dynamic should be respected, this is
or technological activities. It is enough to show particularly important concerning the climate”
that there are “grounds for concern”. (Holzleithner 2009, p. 67); finally,
The GPE will also explicitly consecrate the non-recyclable waste, such as plastic waste or
principle of intergenerational equity: “Present nuclear waste, should be minimised or avoided.
generations shall ensure that their decisions and This principle is primarily focused on human
actions do not compromise the ability of future “needs”. However, the concept of “need” does
generations to meet their own needs”.21 This not necessarily mean economic needs, and there-
principle standardises the universal and global fore may be related to the concept of “value”,
duty to take care of the environment and the including “value of existence” and “value of
idea of ecological sustainability, including the option” (Roser 2016, p. 407). In this meaning
sustainable use of natural resources, placing that the “needs of future generations” might include,
duty in the context of the long-term horizon of besides natural resources, not only human rights
humankind as a whole, including future (Roser 2016, p. 408), such as life, health, food or
generations. housing, but also needs satisfied by “the ecologi-
The principle of intergenerational equity is cal, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educa-
linked to the idea of “irreversibility”, but also to tional, cultural, recreational and aesthetic values
the idea of “difficult reversibility” at least in the of biological diversity and its components”, as
next generation. The notion of intergenerational well as by the “life sustaining systems of the
equity underlies some treaties, such as the 1992 biosphere” (United Nations 1992). Given that
Convention on Biological Diversity and the 1992 the conditions of human life depend on the bio-
Framework Convention on Climate Change, sphere and that biodiversity and the whole bio-
which have “the avoidance of irreversible harm” sphere have scientific, cultural, recreational and
(Boyle and Redgwell 2021, p. 122) as their main esthetical value, the difference between the pro-
purpose. It also underlies treaties on fish stock tection of future generations and the protection of
conservation, such as the 1995 Agreement on nature must be heavily played down (Ost 2003,
the Conservation of Straddling and Highly Migra- p. 296).
tory Fish. However, a fundamental legal princi- Having seen the preventive and anticipatory
ple, such as the principle of intergenerational approach of ecological responsibility and
equity, always goes beyond its specific positive sustainability presupposed by the DGPE, it is
implementations. essential to see how the DGPE promotes its own
The basic idea underlying this principle is the global implementation, namely through a com-
following: “if the human beings now alive con- plex strategy carried out by states and other
tinue to deplete resources at current rates of deple- entities that includes not only legal measures but
tion, the next generation or generations will face also market mechanisms and scientific research
severe shortages [. . .]. If the human beings now and education.
alive continue to tolerate the levels and kinds of First of all, states and other entities such as the
environmental degradation that became common European Union must approve legal measures in
during industrialization and after it, this will in order to prevent environmental damage, losses,
other ways impoverish future generations” and risks, for instance, the classification of land
(MacCormick 2011, p. 140). According to the and marine protected areas, fisheries manage-
principle, “renewable resources should be used ment, banning of coal-produced electricity or
in such a way that they keep the capacity of setting of carbon emissions thresholds. They
recovering or growing again; non-renewable must also “encourage” companies and citizens—
resources should be saved; the natural equilibria namely through market mechanisms—to fulfil
their duty to take care of the environment, for
instance, with green taxes on fossil fuels or
Draft Global Pact for the Environment, Article 4. plastics, subsidies for renewable energies or
Blue Planet Law and Ecological Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century 15

ecolabels for sustainable seafood. States and other reference to holist and planetary entities such as
similar entities, such as the European Union, must “biodiversity”, “ocean”, “climate”, “future
also provide access to environmental justice and generations” and the “Earth’s ecosystem”.22
promote environmental scientific research and Obviously, we may say that what is ultimately at
education. At the international level, the DGPE stake is humankind as a whole, but there is no
provides a non-adversarial and non-punitive doubt that the reference to the “Earth’s ecosys-
implementation mechanism based upon a Com- tem” points to the biosphere as a whole, on which
mittee of experts and obviously presupposes not human beings—that is, human life, health, food
only international cooperation but also all the and well-being—depend. The DGPE presupposes
legal and institutional means provided by the “recognition of the interdependence of humanity
hundreds of multilateral treaties or agreements and the entire natural world”, which already
directly or indirectly related to environmental underlies the 1992 Conventions on Biological
protection. Diversity and Climate Change (Boyle and
Is the GPE the appropriate framework to unify Redgwell 2021, pp. 8–9), and which is exactly
and systematise the ideal and the reality of a Blue the holistic approach that we must develop with
Planet Law, understood as the Global Law of the the Blue Planet Law of our economic and techno-
Earth Ecosystem? logical world.
Kotzé and French argue that the GPE should
adopt a more ecological and less anthropocentric
approach. According to the authors, the word 5 Sustainable Development
“environment” is linked to the prevailing anthro- and the Challenges of a Blue
pocentric approach that underlies international Planet Law
law instruments such as the Rio and Stockholm
Declarations that “have been unsuccessful in Economic growth, the increase in the production
juridically extending greater care to the of goods and services, industrialisation, and the
non-human world”. They say the GPE should be global wealth of nations promote human well-
named the “Global Pact for the Earth System” or being. However, economic growth must be finan-
simply the “Global Pact for Earth”, invoking the cially and economically sustainable in the long
World Charter for Nature’s imagery of a “caring run. Furthermore, economic growth is not an end
Mother Earth” or “nurturing nature” or the Earth itself; an increase in GDP per capita is not all that
Charter’s “Earth as our home” (Kotzé and French matters.23 Economic growth must also be socially
2018, p. 819). and environmentally sustainable: it must consider
It is true that the word environment, including “social development (including human rights)”
“air, water, soil, flora, fauna, ecosystems, and and “environmental development (including
their interaction” (Boyle and Redgwell 2021, human health)” (Magraw and Hawke 2007,
pp. 208–214), gives the idea that these elements p. 614). In fact, societies must tackle—with a
are simply something “around” human beings, “freedom-oriented perspective”—hunger, pov-
whereas the word “Earth system” or “caring erty and gender inequality, and no one must be
Mother Earth” would give the idea of something deprived of basic goods such as health care or
in which human beings are included as an integral education (Sen 1999, pp. 13–34, 282–290).
part. However, the DGPE assumes, in our opin- Moreover, societies and the world community
ion, a more strongly ecological approach than must preserve the biosphere, biological diversity
traditional environmental law.
In fact, as we have seen, at the centre of the 22
See the definition of the “holistic approach” in
DGPE is not simply the human right to a healthy
Seelmann and Demko (2019, pp. 266–267).
and sound environment but rather the duty to take 23
See Nussbaum (2011, pp. 46–68), speaking of a “nec-
care of the environment. And this duty of care essary counter-theory” against the exclusive “GDP
towards the environment is established by approach”.
16 A. Cortês

and ecosystems, as the life support on which First of all, it is important to approve the
human health, food, and well-being depend. In Global Pact for the Environment (GPE). As we
short, sustainable development means long-run have seen, the GPE would consecrate at UN level
sustainable economic growth compatible with the human right to an ecologically sound environ-
social equity and environmental responsibility. ment and, especially, the universal duty to take
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop- care of the environment. It would also codify and
ment, which we have already mentioned, systematise in a single document the core
enshrines 17 Sustainable Development Goals principles of global environmental law. It could
(SDGs). Four SDGs are directly and strictly “provide a ‘toolbox’ for the general improvement
associated with the duty to take care of the envi- of international environmental law and the
ronment: sustainable production and consump- enhanced effectiveness of environmental protec-
tion patterns (SDG 12), climate action (SDG tion” (Voigt 2019, p. 22). In fact, “a Global Pact
13), preservation of life below water (SDG 14) would confer rights, obligations and duties [. . .]
and preservation of life on land (SDG 15). Other thus catalysing effective participation and action
SDGs are also more or less connected to environ- for environmental protection. A Global Pact
mental protection. It is obvious, for instance, that could be a guiding compass for all actors in
the development of renewable energies (SDG 7) society—citizens, businesses, and states. For
is decisive in mitigating climate change (although citizens and NGO’s a Pact would provide new
production of these may have other environmen- guarantees and strengthen their capacity to assert
tal impacts). There are also other less obvious but their environmental rights before national courts.
significant interactions. For instance, gender For corporations, a Pact would create a level-
equality (SDG 5) and the empowerment of playing field and provide more predictability
women in developing countries would reduce and legal security, which are crucial for making
demographic pressure on the planet and thus con- long term investments. For governments, a Pact
tribute to mitigating climate change and would provide a basis to create new legislation”
preventing the destruction of habitats (Sen 2010, (Aguila 2020, p. 9). The GPE will be the centre
p. 249). and the catalyser of the Global Law of the Earth
Sustainable development is related to interna- Ecosystem.
tional economic law, international law related to Moreover, two important international
social development, especially human rights, and conventions should be adopted: the treaty of the
international environmental law (Segger and High Seas (Treaty on Biodiversity Beyond
Khalfan 2006, p. 51). However, it also includes National Jurisdiction), which would complement
a national legal dimension. The above-mentioned the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and a
sustainable development goals are related to both Global Agreement on Biodiversity Protection, as
international and domestic environmental law. an additional supplement to the Convention on
The latter plays an important role in achieving Biological Diversity (UN Environment Program
the environment-related sustainable development 2021, p. 6) . It is also vital that the targets of the
goals, which, in order to better guide social and Paris Agreement are taken seriously by states, and
economic activities, must assume legal form. especially by the most developed or populated
Ecological sustainability depends on social, polit- countries.
ical, and economic behaviour, but also on the However, the main effort must be made at a
establishment of legal rules, principles, and national level or at the level of supranational
objectives. What do our societies need in order entities such as the European Union. States estab-
to move towards more robust environmental legal lish by law environmental standards concerning
protection in the context of eco-friendly CO2 emissions or the use of pesticides; they orga-
economies and technologies? In other words, nise the spatial planning of their territory and
what do we need to step into a Blue Planet Law? classify land and marine protected areas; they
regulate eco-friendly market mechanisms such
Blue Planet Law and Ecological Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century 17

as green taxes, subsidies or ecolabels (Segger and can and will be a keystone towards a Blue Planet
Khalfan 2006, pp. 89–90). All this must have an Law, the law of the humanised biosphere. Blue
international and global framework, but its effec- Planet Law is the Law of the Earth Ecosystem, of
tiveness is always heavily dependent on the states the techno-economic civilisation, that
themselves. incorporates the just demands of ecological
The law of the Anthropocene must promote responsibility or sustainability.
eco-friendly economies and eco-friendly The Law of the Anthropocene must be based
technologies.24 It is true that nature has its own on a universal duty to take care of the environ-
mechanisms. For instance, no technology is as ment that is not synonymous with a human right
efficient as the forests and a healthy ocean in to a healthy environment. This new law has a new
sinking CO2 and mitigating climate change, and, object: the humanised biosphere, the Earth Eco-
generally, the best way to protect an animal or system composed of the atmosphere, water, soil,
vegetal species is simply to protect or preserve its fauna, flora, and all this together in a complex
habitat. However, economic and technological network of interactions with humans. The Law of
development will not stop, and the world obvi- the Anthropocene must not forget that humans are
ously does not want to return to the pre-industrial economic and technological beings (homo
age. Therefore, economic and technological economicus, homo faber), but must assume the
developments have to acquire a new direction: equilibrium of humankind and nature as a
we need ecologically sustainable policies, supreme international, political and legal goal.
economies and technologies. And we need sus- We need a Blue Planet Law, an Earth Ecosys-
tainable development informed by a holistic, tem Law. This Blue Planet Law is, as we have
intergenerational and precautionary approach said, beyond Human Rights Law. It has a differ-
(Magraw and Hawke 2007, pp. 628–632). ent object. Its object is not to protect persons, as
individuals, as free and equal beings; it aims
rather to protect humankind, the common good
6 Conclusion and the biosphere. It supposes a holistic approach
according to which we must protect not only
Ecological responsibility and sustainability are as individual human and non-human living beings,
urgent in the twenty-first century as individual but also holistic entities such as humankind, spe-
rights and freedoms were in the second half of cies, ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole.
the twentieth century. If, as we believe, there are
universal legal values, they are no longer
represented only by human rights. Human Rights References
Law must be complemented by an Earth Ecosys-
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Andressen and Skjaerseth (2008, p. 183): “the develop-
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the Anthropocene: time for a paradigm shift. Environ
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Environmental Law in the EU: A Pathway
Toward the Green Transition

Nicolas de Sadeleer

Abstract Keywords
Thanks to EU environmental law, much has Sustainable development · Environmental
been achieved over the last 40 years. EU integration clause · Environmental policy
Treaties mirror this success and the importance objectives · Environmental principles · EU
afforded to environmental protection. The Green Pact
European Union’s goals are not solely eco-
nomic, but also environmental. Furthermore,
the proper functioning of the internal market 1 Introduction
must be accommodated with a flurry of
non-market values, among which is environ- Although not mentioned in the 1957 Treaty of
mental protection, the legal protection of Rome, environmental concerns have, through
which is also essential. Recently, the EU ambi- various Treaty reforms, gradually been able to
tion to achieve, on its own, climate neutrality establish themselves as one of the primary values
by 2050 is prompting a major legislative enshrined in the EU Treaties. With the entry into
reform ranging from energy transition to eco- force of the Treaty of Lisbon on 1 December
system restoration. The emphasis is placed on 2009, environmental issues are not only cutting
a ‘net-gain principle’ underpinning a ‘regener- across traditional boundaries of ‘official’
ative growth model’ substituting the no net disciplines, but are also entangled with other trad-
loss model that is insufficient to cope with able as well as non-tradable interests. Henceforth,
the growing environmental pressures. What is environmental protection is not only a core objec-
more, the EU aims to reduce its global foot- tive of the Union but has also been placed on an
print. Last, the 672.5 billion euros to be equal footing with economic growth and the
invested by the 27 Member States under the internal market.
Resilience Recovery Facility, which is to guar- The first section of this chapter seeks to high-
antee the economic, social and environmental light the real teeth of the particularly far-reaching
resilience of the Member States, must be provisions of the Treaty on European Union
allocated to reforms and investments related (TEU), the Treaty on the Functioning of the
to the green transition. European Union (TFEU), and the Charter of
Fundamental Rights (EUCFR) enshrining cross-
cutting concepts that are likely to enhance envi-
ronmental values. Section 2 addresses the green
transition and the manner in which it is fleshing

# The Author(s) 2023 21

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
22 N. de Sadeleer

out the integration principle. Lastly, Sect. 3 highly competitive social market economy,
discusses how 37% of the 672.5 billion euros of aiming at full employment and social progress,
the European Recovery and Resilience Facility and a high level of protection and improvement of
allocated to the 27 Member States will be subject the quality of the environment. It shall promote
to climate and environmental conditionality, scientific and technological advance”. Since it is
given the requirement that national investments made up of three heads (social, environmental
should cause no “significant harm to environmen- and economic), sustainable development in EU
tal objectives”. law represents a delicate balancing of competing
social, economic and environmental interests.
From the perspective of sustainable development,
2 The EU Constitutional the concept of the environment has, in addition to
Environmental Framework its core elements, an economic dimension as well
as a social dimension.
In this first section, we shall comment on the key Moreover, pursuant to paragraph 5 of the
obligations of the TEU and TFEU provisions above provision and also Article 21(2)(d) TEU,
referring to the environment (De Sadeleer 2014, sustainable development is one of the
pp. 4–93; Sikora 2020). Particular attention will cornerstones of EU external policy.
be paid to the concept of sustainable develop- In addition, sustainable development is also
ment, the integration clause, and the obligation encapsulated in Article 11 TFEU and Article
to achieve a high level of protection. As will be 37 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
seen, these obligations are to a great extent EU, without however being defined. Under these
intertwined. two provisions, sustainable development is set
out as the objective to be pursued by the EU’s
environmental policy. Article 11 TFEU
2.1 Sustainable Development provides that: “Environmental protection
requirements must be integrated into the defini-
At the outset, the concept of sustainable develop- tion and implementation of the Union policies
ment was forged in an attempt to reconcile devel- and activities, in particular with a view to promot-
opment needs with environmental protection. ing sustainable development”. Similarly, Article
Given the current challenges related to energy 37 of the Charter lays down that “a high level of
production and consumption, climate change, environmental protection and the improvement of
biodiversity loss, illegal immigration prompted the quality of the environment must be integrated
by natural disasters and the limited amount of into the policies of the Union and ensured in
heavily exploited natural resources, the impor- accordance with the principle of sustainable
tance of sustainable development is even more development”.
obvious today than when the concept was forged In view of Article 3(3) TEU, sustainable devel-
at the end of the 1980s. opment, and hence the objective of environmental
With the entry into force of the Treaty of protection, cannot be dissociated from other
Lisbon, sustainable development was subse- policies, and in particular the internal market.
quently recognised as one of the main objectives Indeed, paragraph 3 of the provision places
to be pursued by the EU. The concept is currently these objectives on an equal footing. Conse-
enshrined in Article 3(3) to (5) TEU, Article 21(2) quently, they must be analysed more in terms of
(d) to (f) TEU, Article 11 TFEU and Article 37 of reconciliation rather than opposition. Moreover,
the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. environmental concerns are not isolated; they
The third paragraph of Article 3 TEU reads as overlap with other policies that were originally
follows: “The Union . . . shall work for the sus- regarded as ancillary to or liable to counter the
tainable development of Europe based on bal- goals of economic integration. In particular,
anced economic growth and price stability, a policies relating to the consumer, health and the
Environmental Law in the EU: A Pathway Toward the Green Transition 23

environment share a range of common features, EU’s competence in environmental matters; it

so much so that one may speak of a cross- also sets out objectives, states principles, and
fertilisation between them. establishes criteria.
In line with Article 3 TEU, the EU aims “to
promote . . .the well-being of its peoples” and, in
2.2 Environmental Integration particular, “a high level of protection and
Clause improvement of the quality of the environment”.
With regard to environmental policy, the com-
Environmental protection has often given way to petence is defined in terms of objectives to be
socioeconomic considerations. For instance, in achieved, rather than areas of activities to be
cases involving overlap of administrative regulated. Indeed, pursuant to Article
regulations, the solutions adopted by the EU and 191(1) TFEU, the environmental policy pursues
national courts have generally leant in favour of four objectives:
economic development rather than the conserva-
tion of natural resources. Nature has thus paid a – preserving, protecting and improving the qual-
heavy price for the lack of incorporation of envi- ity of the environment,
ronmental requirements into other policies. – protecting human health,
As discussed above, one of the key features of – prudent and rational utilisation of natural
sustainable development is precisely the integra- – promoting measures at international level to
tion of environmental concerns into socioeco- deal with regional or worldwide environmental
nomic policies. In other words, curbing problems, and in particular combating climate
unsustainable trends requires the integration of change.
environmental requirements across policies such
as energy, agriculture and fisheries, forestry, These objectives have proved to be particularly
industry, transport, regional development, land far-reaching, especially when compared with
use, and land planning. Unless this is achieved, those of the transport policy. They play a key
environmental degradation will continue apace. role in justifying Article 192 TFEU as the legal
As far as EU law is concerned, in addition to basis for a swath of environmental measures.
recognising sustainable development, it was also Given the extremely general and fluid nature of
indispensable to provide for different policies to these four objectives, the EU lawmaker is left
be decompartmentalised in line with environmen- with a genuine discretionary power as to the fun-
tal considerations. Against this background, a damental choices of this policy. In Peralta, the
number of treaty provisions require the integra- Court of Justice ruled that former Article 130r
tion of environmental concerns. (Article 191(1) TFEU) “confines itself to defining
Firstly, by virtue of Article 13 and 21(3) TEU the general objectives of the Community in envi-
and Article 7 TFEU, the Union ensures consis- ronmental matters.” “Responsibility for deciding
tency of all its policies and activities. Secondly, what action is to be taken” in order to achieve
Article 11 TFEU and Article 37 CFREU require these goals is conferred on the lawmaker by [Arti-
environmental protection requirements to be cle 192 TFEU].1 Consequently, the priority areas
integrated into the Union’s policies and activities, for action are likely to change regularly in accor-
in particular with a view to promoting sustainable dance with political willingness to ward off envi-
development. ronmental risks. Given that the powers to act in
environmental matters are so broad, the EU envi-
ronmental competence encompasses almost any
2.3 The EU Environmental Policy environmental measure: biodiversity, water, soils,

Entirely devoted to the environment, Title XX of

the TFEU does not limit itself to confirming the Case C-379/92 Peralta [1994] ECR I-3454, para. 57.
24 N. de Sadeleer

air, climate, hazardous substances, waste, oil exercise their discretionary powers, they provide
spills, product life-cycle analysis, pesticides, the former with a more coherent orientation and
listed installations, noise, impact assessments, consequently legitimise their actions. Lastly, by
procedural rights such as access to information freeing courts from the constraints of an overly
and justice, etc. It thus proves difficult to draw the literal interpretation of texts, they also have an
limits of this protean policy. interpretative function.
The environmental policy is the only EU pol- Pursuant to Article 3(3) TEU, 191(2) TFEU
icy to proclaim a cluster of principles. Article and Article 37 CFREU, EU policies shall aim at
191(2) TFEU is worded as follows: attaining a high level of environmental protec-
Union policy on the environment shall aim at a high tion.2 Measures related to the establishment of
level of protection taking into account the diversity environmental protection and the obligation to
of situations in the various regions of the Union. It attain a high level play a key role in carving out
shall be based on the precautionary principle and on an environmental general interest. In effect,
the principles that preventive action should be
taken, that environmental damage should as a pri- restrictions placed on basic rights, such as prop-
ority be rectified at source and that the polluter erty or economic activities, with a view to
should pay. protecting the environment can be justified
provided, on one hand, that those restrictions
Given that most of these five principles were
correspond to objectives of general interest and,
already embodied in international environmental
on the other hand, that they do not constitute an
agreements, they did not take root in virgin soil.
intolerable interference impairing the very sub-
For instance, prevention and precaution straddle
stance of the rights guaranteed. Measures
both international and EU law. Even though there
impairing fundamental freedoms might be
are various definitions of these five principles in
justified in the light of this obligation. The con-
international environmental law, these five
servation of biodiversity,3 waste management,4
principles have not been defined by the Treaty
water protection,5 and prevention of climate
framers. It is well known that the adoption of
change6 have thus been recognised by the Court
environmental measures owes more to political
of Justice as pursuing an objective of general
compromise than to tidy application of constitu-
interest restricting basic rights.
tional principles. However, this does not mean
In sharp contrast to the above obligations, the
that the principles enshrined in the TFEU are
four requirements set out in Article 191(3) TFEU
devoid of legal effects. On the contrary, in con-
play an ancillary role.
trast to other rules of indeterminate content, these
Lastly, one has to bear in mind that the EU has
five principles are mandatory (De Sadeleer 2020,
no exclusive competence for protecting the envi-
pp. 449–494). Furthermore, the Article 192-
ronment. Pursuant to Article 4(2)(e) TFEU, the
(2) principles also apply to national authorities,
environment has been classified among the eleven
if the latter are obliged to implement EU
directives that encapsulate one or more of these shared competences, alongside the internal mar-
ket, consumer protection, and transport.
principles (De Sadeleer 2020).
These five principles, in fact, have a guiding,
oriented role, rather than merely a theoretical or Unlike the prevention or the precautionary principles,
political role. On one hand, they enrich the for- none of these provisions proclaim as such a ‘principle’ of
a high level of environmental protection. That said, the EU
mulation and implementation of environmental courts and several commentators have classified this obli-
law. They can be invoked by the EU institutions gation as a principle.
as a justification for adopting stringent regulatory 3
Case C-67/97 Bluhme [1998] ECR I-8053, para. 33.
regimes. Conversely, the Member States can also 4
Case C-302/86 Commission v Denmark [1988] ECR
use them to derogate from the free movement of I-4607, para. 9.
goods. On the other hand, by more clearly defin- Case C-293/97 Standley [1999] ECR I-2603, para. 54.
ing the limits within which public administrations Case C-379/98 Preussen Elektra [2001] ECR I-2099,
para. 54.
Environmental Law in the EU: A Pathway Toward the Green Transition 25

Accordingly, in the light of Article 2(2) TFEU, and 2021. The first of these two communications,
the EU has the power to legislate and to adopt the European Green Deal adopted by the Com-
legally binding acts in the environmental area. mission in December 2019, sets out the blueprint
Both the EU and Member States may act in for this transformational change (European Com-
order to protect the environment. However, Mem- mission 2019; Krämer 2020). The Commission
ber States exercise their competence inasmuch as analyses the development of policies for clean
the EU has not exercised its own competence. energy supply across the economy, industry, pro-
Since environmental policy is not vested exclu- duction and consumption, large-scale infrastruc-
sively in the EU, the principle of subsidiarity ture, transport, food and agriculture, construction,
enshrined in Article 5(3) TEU applies. In particu- taxation and social benefits. Furthermore, it
lar, the focus is on whether the EU is the most foresees the adoption of a swath of strategies on
appropriate decision-maker. The EU ‘action’ biodiversity, the circular economy, zero pollu-
must satisfy two tests. First, the EU institutions tion, sustainable and smart mobility, sustainable
have to demonstrate that the objectives of the food, hydrogen, batteries, marine renewable
proposed action cannot be sufficiently achieved energy and many others.
by the Member States “either at central level or at Under European climate legislation (Regula-
regional and local level” (sufficiency test). Sec- tion (EU) 2021/1119), the EU has set ambitious
ond, they should also demonstrate that the pro- targets to reduce net emissions by at least 55% by
posed action by reason of its scale or its effects 2030 compared to 1990, as well as to be the first
“can be better achieved at Union level”. climate-neutral continent by 2050. In this context,
According to this second test, the lawmaker is a new communication, the ‘Fit for 55’ package,
required to demonstrate that the proposed action sets forth a number of legislative proposals,
has an added value in terms of effectiveness which aim to enable the European Union to
(value-added test). reach this 55% reduction by 2030 and thus
achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In other
words, these proposals are interconnected and
3 The EU Green Pact: A Silent oriented towards the same objective of ensuring
Revolution? a just, competitive and green transition by 2030
and beyond.
3.1 Introductory Remarks Against this background, the Commission is in
the process of submitting to the EU lawmaker
Whether it is its stuttering growth, its flagging 12 legislative proposals (Fit for 55), several of
demography, its timid foreign policy or its timid which are likely to impact trade and investment
technological innovation, Europe is showing with third countries. The EGD appears to be
signs of weakness. Failing to assume political significantly more ambitious than previous EU
and military leadership, the EU is trying to environmental programmes for the following
strengthen its credibility by positioning itself at reasons:
the forefront of the green transition, which should
• the sheer breadth of the green transition given
significantly modify our production and con-
that it ranges from the energy transition to the
sumption patterns. According to the European
restoration of ecosystems,
Commission, “We are at a crucial moment in the
• the speed with which the green transition is
global response to climate and
unfolding given that a reduction of 55% of
biodiversity-related emergencies, and we are the
GHG emissions must be achieved by 2030,
last generation that can still act in time”
• the binding nature of the legislative acts
(European Commission 2021a).
(directives and regulations) that flesh out the
In this context, the European Commission
non-binding Commission’s Strategies,
adopted two landmark communications, in 2019
26 N. de Sadeleer

• the emphasis placed on a ‘net-gain principle’ to renewable energies and promoting a circular
underpinning a ‘regenerative growth model’7 economy where everything is recycled. Forced to
substituting the no net loss model8 that is innovate, European companies will become more
insufficient to cope with the growing environ- competitive whereas their foreign competitors
mental pressures the EU is facing, will eventually fall victim to the poor manage-
• the complementarity of the internal and exter- ment of natural resources by their national
nal action in order to reduce the EU’s authorities.
footprint. Thirdly, in terms of security, the European
continent is surrounded by regions facing recur-
rent instability that could be exacerbated by cli-
3.2 The Background to the Green mate change and diminishing water resources.
Transition Victims of drought and famine, entire populations
form the Sahel and the Middle East could seek
The green transition responds to political, eco- refuge in the European Eldorado and be stranded
nomic and security needs. First of all, Europe on the shores of Fortress Europe.
has always been at the forefront of the promotion While it is one thing for the EU institutions to
of universal values, such as democracy, the rule proclaim ambitious goals, it is quite another to
of law and fundamental rights,9 which could be determine the means to achieve them. Once
shaken by the scale of the climate crisis. As a again, the devil lies in the regulatory detail. In
strong defender of these values, the EU must addition to a flurry of legislative proposals, the
assume global leadership by encouraging third financial and social dimensions of the green tran-
countries to pursue the same level of ambition. sition also play a key role in achieving this
Secondly, as Europe does not have sufficient paradigmatic change. Indeed, it will take more
fossil fuels and mineral resources to ensure its than a stick to make the donkey move. Also,
growth, it has every interest in becoming self- without public and private investment, the new
sufficient10 in a world where resources, particu- standards will not have the desired effect. The
larly raw materials (such as Antimony, Heavy 672.5 billion euros foreseen by the Resilience
Rare Earth Elements, Scandium, Silicon metal, Recovery Facility, which is to guarantee the eco-
etc.), are becoming increasingly scarce (See, nomic, social and environmental resilience of the
among others, European Commission 2011). Member States, must be allocated to reforms and
This self-sufficiency can be achieved by resorting investments related to the green transition (Article
19(3) e) of European Union 2021a). As public
Biodiversity Strategy 2030, Circular Economy investment will be insufficient to achieve climate
Action Plan. neutrality by 2050, since the taxonomy regulation
UN 2000 7th Millennium Development Goal, UN 2010 of 2020 (European Union 2020) the private sector
Aichi Targets, 2015 Sustainable Development Goals. has been encouraged to invest in economic
In particular, the rights to life and to family life (Articles
activities classified as sustainable. This has met
2 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights
(hereafter ECHR) are likely to be jeopardised by rises in the expectations of the market, which issued €278
sea level. In the landmark Urgenda case, the Dutch billion in green bonds in the EU in 2019. Inter-
Supreme Court held that, given the severity of the impact generational solidarity in the face of the climate
of climate change, the Dutch State is subject to a duty of
challenge requires other types of financial solidar-
care in accordance with Articles 2 (right to life) and
8 (right to privacy and family life) ECHR, which have ity between States (Just Transition Facility of €55
direct effect, and is required to adopt mitigating measures. billion) but also between citizens (Just Transition
Accordingly, an over-cautious policy for reducing GHG Fund of €17.5 billion).
emissions breaches Articles 2 and 8 ECHR. Case C-19/
0035, Urgenda [2019] HR: 2019: 2006.
As set out in its 2020 Industrial Strategy, the EU further
aims to improve its open strategic autonomy in key areas.
See European Commission (2020b).
Environmental Law in the EU: A Pathway Toward the Green Transition 27

3.3 The Legal Conundrum • minimum integration in the case of the energy
policy (Article 194(1) TFEU).11
The legislative reforms envisaged by the
We provide here but a few illustrations of the
European Commission appear, at first sight, to
legislative changes envisaged by the European
be very ambitious. However, this silent revolution
will not happen overnight. As a starting point for
The ‘Fit for 55’ package (European Commis-
this reform, the 2019 Green Deal was progres-
sion 2021a) includes four proposals promoting
sively refined in 2021 by the ‘Fit for 55’ package
cleaner vehicles and fuels through new product
and a host of strategies, from forest management
standards (See, among others, European Union
(European Commission 2021b) to pollution
2019). All these measures are mutually
abatement (European Commission 2021c). The
reinforcing and complementary. In addition, the
ambitious objectives announced in these ‘soft
Commission also proposes promotion of the use
law’ acts need to be fleshed out into binding
of sustainable fuels in the aviation and maritime
secondary legislation.
sectors as a complement to the Emissions Trading
The success of the European green transition is
Scheme (ETS) for both sectors. These
therefore dependent on a complex normative pro-
harmonisation measures are based on Article
cess where directives and regulations intertwine
114 TFEU (European Union 2019). With the
in a flurry of public policies, subject to variable
aim of greening transport and reducing sector
competences (exclusive, shared, etc.), involving
GHG-emissions by 90% by 2050, the Commis-
institutions with divergent, if not antagonistic,
sion pledges to ban subsidies and increase prices
interests. With the adoption of the European cli-
for fossil fuels, which falls within Member States’
mate law in June 2021, a first step was taken
(European Union 2021b; Misonne and Peeters
The modifications of the EU’s common frame-
work for energy taxation—the Energy Taxation
It has always been a tall order to specify with
Directive, which lays down structural rules and
exactitude the division of competence between
minimum excise duty rates for the taxation of
the EU and the Member States. Given the cross-
energy products used as motor fuel and heating
cutting nature of environmental issues, the exer-
fuel, and electricity (European Union 2003a)—
cise of competences relating to these has been
should complement other initiatives in the EU’s
dogged with controversies. In fact, the allocation
‘Fit for 55’ package by ensuring that the taxation
of competence between the EU and the Member
of motor and heating fuels and electricity in the
States tends to be not so much a separation but
EU reflects their environmental impact. The
rather an intermingling of powers. Given that the
Commission envisages banning the current tax
EU environmental policy also embraces health
exemptions, including for aviation and maritime
issues, the management of natural resources and
territorial management, and to some extent
The European Commission proposes a revi-
worker protection, other areas classified as shared
sion of the rules of the aviation emissions trading
competences are likely to interact with the envi-
scheme (European Union 2003b), also based on
ronmental policy. Accordingly, their relationship
Article 192(1) TFEU, as part of the ‘Fit for 55’
is more dynamic than static. Several axes of the
legislative package, to ensure that the sector
legislative reform emerge:
contributes to the more ambitious target of
• maximum integration in the framework of the achieving a net emissions reduction of at least
internal market (Article 114 TFEU), 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Free
• minimum integration in the case of the envi-
ronmental policy (Article 192(1) TFEU),
• tax harmonisation (Article 113 TFEU) For instance, the Governance Regulation has been
adopted in both Article 192(1) and Article 194(1) TFEU.
(European Union 2003a),
See European Union (2018b).
28 N. de Sadeleer

allowances allocated to airlines would be reduced were adopted on the basis of Article 192 of the
over time. TFEU. In this context, the Commission wants to
One of the other elements of the ‘Fit for 55’ increase the capacity of EU forests, soils,
package is a revision of the Renewable Energy wetlands and peatlands, oceans and water bodies
Directive (RED II) (European Union 2018a) to to act as carbon sinks. With respect to the Regu-
meet the new 55% GHG target. Under RED II, lation on land use, land-use change and forestry
Member States are currently obliged to ensure (LULUCF), based on Article 192(1) TFEU
that at least 32% of their energy consumption (European Union 2018b), the Commission
comes from renewable energy sources by 2030. proposes setting higher ambitions for the expan-
The revised RED II sets a new EU target of a sion of the EU’s natural carbon sink, which is
minimum 40% share of renewable energy sources essential to balance emissions and achieve cli-
in final energy consumption by 2030. The RED II mate neutrality by 2050.
Directive is also based on Article 192(1) TFEU. In its Biodiversity Strategy (European Com-
In addition, the European Commission wants mission 2020d), the Commission proposes
to foster a ‘renovation wave’ of public and private quantified targets, such as increasing the coverage
buildings, enforce legislation related to the energy of terrestrial and marine protected areas that are
performance of buildings (European Union 2010) part of the Natura 2000 network established under
and review the Union’s standards on construction Directive 92/43 on the conservation of natural
products. habitats and of wild fauna and flora (European
Similarly, the adoption of the New Circular Union 1992).
Economy Action Plan (European Commission The EU could thus become the first interna-
2020c) will lead to the amendment of a large tional organisation to achieve climate neutrality
number of waste directives, most of which were by 2050, to replace a linear economy with a
adopted on the basis of Article 192 (1) TFEU circular economy that relies upon fewer natural
(De Sadeleer 2017, p. 714). With a view to fos- resources, to halt the erosion of biodiversity, to
tering resource efficiency and climate neutrality eradicate pollution, to mitigate the ravages of
in industrial production chains, the Commission intensive agriculture, and to reforest massively.12
is intent upon doubling the recycling rate by 2030
and enhancing sustainable product design, reuse
and recycling with a particular focus on resource- 3.4 A Path Strewn with Pitfalls
intensive sectors such as textiles, construction,
electronics and plastics. That being said, the green transition and climate
Regarding pollution, in 2021 the Commission neutrality could fail on more than one count.
adopted a zero pollution action plan for air, water While the implementation of the Green Deal
and soil. The plan aims to reduce pollution from should strengthen the centripetal forces (adoption
urban runoff and particularly harmful sources of uniform product standards and harmonisation
such as micro-plastics and pharmaceuticals. of energy standards), many parts of the
However, responses to the climate crisis subsequent strategies, such as sustainable mobil-
require more than the adoption of product or ity, agriculture, nature protection, pollution abate-
waste management standards in the internal mar- ment, etc., depend on the goodwill of the Member
ket. More is needed. Indeed, the simultaneous States, for the simple reason that these areas are
climate and biodiversity crises cannot be dealt not or are only partially harmonised. It will there-
with separately. Restoring nature and allowing fore be necessary for the EU institutions to entice
biodiversity to thrive again is essential in order the 27 Member States to adopt ambitious
for more carbon to be absorbed and stored
(European Commission 2021a). Hence, the
European Commission is also considering 12
In its New EU Forest Strategy for 2030, the European
amending several environmental directives that Commission envisages the planting of 3 billion trees.
Environmental Law in the EU: A Pathway Toward the Green Transition 29

environmental protection programmes in order to MEPs to support her candidacy for the Presidency
move forward. of the European Commission. After seven
While the harmonisation process is the hall- decades of proclaiming the creed of unbridled
mark of European integration, by setting ambi- productivism, are the senior officials of her insti-
tious objectives through soft law instruments tution convinced of the need to change the tradi-
(communications) that bind neither the Member tional economic paradigm? So the departure from
States nor economic operators, the European a business-as-usual approach requires a profound
Commission tends to be incantatory. Political change in administrative culture.
will must be anchored in EU secondary law. Finally, the path taken by the European law-
Thus, the challenge for the Commission is to maker is strewn with pitfalls. One should bear in
flesh out these numerous soft law proposals into mind that the measures adopted by the Union to
legislative proposals to be adopted by the promote renewable energies, such as support for
European Parliament and the Council. If this is first-generation biofuels (WTO 2021), have
not the case, the gap between the States willing to undoubtedly done more harm than good. More-
implement the green transition and those who over, the incentive price of the carbon market has
doubt its virtues, such as Poland, could widen.13 only recently emerged, and this market still does
In a globalised economy, the imposition of not apply to transcontinental flights.14 But more
new standards has the effect of increasing the fundamentally, the green transition advocated by
burden on European undertakings, which are the European Commission is based on the postu-
competing with economic operators who are not late of decoupling negative externalities from
obliged to integrate negative externalities into the economic growth,15 which is not called into ques-
price of their products and services (De Sadeleer tion, whereas the environmental crisis is partly
2020, pp. 4–92). The European Commission due to the overconsumption of goods and
would like to put an end to this distorted compe- services.
tition. The import of a range of products produced The implementation of the Green Pact
by carbon-intensive industries (nickel, steel, commitments should certainly enable the EU to
fertilisers, cement, etc.) into the EU would be improve its image, which has no doubt been
subject to certificates the value of which would tarnished by the pandemic crisis.
be equivalent to that of the greenhouse gas emis-
sion quotas that 12,000 European companies
must acquire annually (European Commission 3.5 The Geopolitics of the Green
2021d). This border adjustment aims to reduce Transition
the risk of carbon leakage. This would ensure that
the price of imports of goods subject to CBAM Whereas the EU lags behind in research and tech-
more accurately reflects their carbon content. nological development, including robotics and
Here too, the problem lies in the fact that third artificial intelligence, and risks becoming depen-
countries are opposing CBAM on the grounds dent on the US or China, some of its more
that this new scheme would amount to a protec- advanced policies, such as CBAM or the exten-
tionist measure that breaches several fundamental sion of the ETS to aviation, pose pressures for EU
principles of the WTO. companies competing abroad (Damjanovic and
Moreover, the willingness of the European De Sadeleer 2020).
Commission to reform is a last-minute political
compromise, as Mrs von der Leyen had to present
this programme in order to convince a majority of 14
In spite of a favourable judgment handed down by the
CJEU in ATAA. See Case C-366/10 ATAA (2011) EU:
Poland has challenged several climate change and envi- C:2011:864.
ronmental directives before the CJEU. See Case T-370/11, Between 1990 and 2018, the EU reduced greenhouse
Poland v European Commission (2013) EU:T:2013:113. gas emissions by 23%, while the economy grew by 61%.
30 N. de Sadeleer

In addition, a central feature of EU environ- this connection, the Commission has proposed a
mental law is its multi-level character. Even if EU 25% target for climate mainstreaming across all
environmental policy were to succeed in reducing EU programmes.
pollution in the EU, the European environment The Covid 19 crisis is having deep economic
would still suffer from polluting sources located effects. EU GDP has contracted by around 7.5%
outside its Member State territories. Conversely, this year, far deeper than during the global finan-
to fuel its economic development, the EU is cial crisis in 2009, while the EU unemployment
becoming increasingly dependent on imports of rate rose to 9% in 2020, adding to the risk of
natural resources. It follows that environmental rising poverty and inequality (European Commis-
problems associated with the extraction and sion 2020a). Although the pandemic has hit all
processing of many materials and natural countries, its impact differs considerably between
resources are shifting from the EU to the respec- Member States. As a result, some are much more
tive exporting countries. Thus, the EU cannot in need of financial support than others. The EU
conduct its environmental policy in isolation. has acted rapidly to deliver a coordinated and
The global challenges of climate change and powerful collective response to the social and
environmental degradation require a global economic consequences of the crisis.
response. The EU is playing a key role in the €672.5 billion—about 90% of the European
implementation of the Paris Agreement as well Commission’s borrowing—will be allocated to
as a number of other environmental multilateral the European Recovery and Resilience Facility
agreements. In promoting ambitious internal (RRF). This amount is broken down into grants
environment, climate and energy policies, the (€312.5 billion) and loans (€360 billion) to Mem-
EU will impact third countries. In this regard, ber States (Article 6 of European Union 2021a).
the European Commission envisages a stronger 70% of the grants for national recovery
‘green deal diplomacy’ focused on convincing programmes will be allocated in 2021–22, while
and supporting others to take on their share of the remaining 30% will be allocated in 2023.17
promoting more sustainable development. Apart Among the six pillars on which the facility is
from providing the revenue for internal reforms, based, the ‘green transition’ occupies first place.18
the EU’s green-digital recovery model provides On the climate-environment side, two
much-needed financial support for the EU’s geo- sub-objectives are pursued: on the one hand,
political appetites and presents an opportunity for the green transition and, on the other hand, the
a paradigmatic shift in the global economy achievement of the climate objectives. The green
towards sustainable development. The new transition should be supported by reforms and
recovery facility (RRF) thus enables the EU to investments in green technologies and capacities,
align the internal reforms with the achievement of including biodiversity, energy efficiency, build-
Europe’s geopolitical goals. ing renovation and the circular economy.19
Given that the climate and environmental
objectives are at the heart of the European
4 Avoiding Significant Harm Commission’s Green Pact, the Climate Law and
to Environmental Objectives subsequent legislative proposals, it was essential
that these 672.5 billion euros in grants and loans
The Green Deal aims to put sustainability at the should be subject to climate and environmental
heart of the EU budget,16 given that it should conditions. The recovery and resilience facility
contribute to achieving climate objectives. In (RRF) breaks new ground in that the

Although an economic giant, the EU is in effect a fiscal 17
dwarf. In comparison, the French budget amounts to 7% of Article 12 RFF Regulation.
its national GDP, while the EU budget is only 1.24% of the Article 3 RFF Regulation.
GDP of the 27 Member States. Preamble RFF Regulation, 11.
Environmental Law in the EU: A Pathway Toward the Green Transition 31

socioeconomic assessments specific to the requirements directly established by the fund

European Semester are now supplemented by an from which the payment is made.23
environmental assessment. Each national measure implementing the
The RRF regulation, which is the main instru- recovery plan must in any case be subject to
ment to allocate money to the Member States such an assessment. None of them should cause
under the Next Generation EU Recovery Pack- “significant harm to environmental objectives”.24
age, includes not only a substantial contribution Moreover, Member States must provide an indi-
to environmental objectives, but also a require- vidual assessment for each measure of each part
ment that an activity “does not harm” any of the of their plan. However, for national measures that
environmental objectives (DNHS principle). would fully support the six environmental
Accordingly, Article 17(1) of the taxonomy Reg- objectives, a simplified assessment is possible.
ulation 2020/85220 provides detailed criteria in The designation of the departments within the
relation to each of the environmental objectives European Commission responsible for the assess-
to ascertain whether a particular economic activ- ment is a matter for the internal organisation of
ity may be considered to cause significant harm to this institution. However, this choice is crucial. It
those objectives.21 is to be feared that the officials of the DG in
On the other hand, while 30% of the EU bud- charge of cohesion policy will take less interest
getary expenditure should be devoted to in environmental aspects than the officials of the
supporting climate objectives, at least 37% of DG for Environment.
national measures supported by the Facility The European Commission cannot demand
should be investments and reforms that support that a Member State invest more in biodiversity
climate objectives. or in the circular economy. It should, in our view,
To conclude, the draft plans are thus to be only check that the positive and negative aspects
assessed by the European Commission against of the DNHS principle have been respected.
two criteria, one negative and one positive. This The RRF does not address the consequences of
requirement is unprecedented, as for the first time a negative assessment by the European Commis-
in its history, a significant part of the EU budget is sion of a measure on the grounds that it would be
now subject to environmental conditionality.22 contrary to the DNHS principle. Should such
Accordingly, eligibility for a payment from the incompatibility lead the European Commission
RRF is conditional on compliance with climate to reject the plan as a whole?
and environmental horizontal requirements that The arrangements put in place to enforce the
are different from and additional to the DNHS principle reinforce, on the one hand, state
choices and, on the other hand, the Commission's
discretionary power, which is practically free of
any external control.

European Union (2020). This regulation aims at
providing clarity to the market with respect to the classifi- 5 Conclusions
cation of an investment as ‘sustainable’.
Article 19 (3), d) RFF Regulation. The Union’s goals are no longer solely economic,
In the context of shared budget implementation between but also environmental. Furthermore, the proper
the Commission and Member States, conditionality
functioning of the internal market must be
mechanisms in the Financial Regulation and other specific
EU rules have emerged. In particular, Regulation (EU) No
1307/2013 provides for climate and environmental con-
ditionality for direct payments to farmers under support 23
schemes within the framework of the common agricultural See Opinion of Advocate general M. M. CAMPOS
policy (CAP) (Articles 43 to 47 on establishing rules for SÁNCHEZ-BORDONA in Case C-156/21, Hungary v/
direct payments to farmers under support schemes within European Parliament and Council, para. 108.
the framework of the common agricultural policy). Ibidem.
32 N. de Sadeleer

accommodated with a non-market value, the legal European Commission (2020b) Commission communica-
protection of which is also essential. Since quali- tion of 10 March 2020, A new industrial strategy for
Europe, COM(2020) 102 final. European Commission,
tative requirements have been laid down, the Brussels
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tection and the principles of environmental law tion, A new circular economy action plan for a cleaner
are thus more than just simple policy guidelines. and more competitive Europe, COM/2020/98 final.
European Commission, Brussels
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able development in the EU with a particular tion, EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 bringing nature
focus on environmental sustainability. back into our lives, COM/2020/380 final. European
Sustainability which has so far been lying at the Commission, Burssels
European Commission (2021a) Commission communica-
periphery of EU economic policies, is deemed to tion, ‘Fit for 55’: Delivering the EU’s 2030 climate
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2021 establishing the recovery and resilience facility. Verschuuren J (eds) Research handbook on climate
Off J Eur Union 57:17–75 (hereafter RFF Regulation) change mitigation law. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
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Our Blue Planet at the Crossroads.
Between the Hobbesian Nightmare
and a New Culture of the Commons

Viriato Soromenho-Marques and Paulo Magalhães

Abstract always been understood only as geographical

The exponential acceleration of the global leftover territories outside political borders.
environmental and climate crisis is becoming Recognition of the intangible value of the
an imminent and dangerous existential threat ‘software’ of the Earth system and legal
to the sheer survival of humankind. The acknowledgement of a stable climate as a
origins of this unique menacing predicament Common Heritage of Humankind will be the
are deeply rooted in the culture developed in locus upon which an urgently needed system
the cradle of European Modernity. It is a cul- for management and permanent maintenance
ture of utilitarianism, fuelled by an uncritical can be built, which will be essential to steer the
faith in the unlimited performance of technol- Anthropocene wisely. This new space without
ogy in changing the material world. The enclosed territory should be the new object of
essence of Modernity was a triumvirate— global governance, and the seminal concept
built upon the congruence between the sover- for a new culture of the global commons.
eign State, the techno-science establishment,
and the globalised market economy. This Keywords
power-triangle commodified nature and cre- Common concern/Common heritage of
ated a pragmatic and operative fragmentary humankind · Compulsory cooperation · Earth
world culture that brought us to the crossroads System (intangible software) · Global
we are now entangled in. As a result, Interna- environmental and climate crisis ·
tional Law does not correctly address the prior Sovereignty · Utopia/Dystopia
theoretical structural problem of the existence
of “global commons” that span across borders,
or the intergenerational character of the con- 1 Introduction
cept of ‘humanity’. Global commons have
If we ponder on the present state of our planet,
V. Soromenho-Marques taking the past forty years as our period of analy-
University of Lisbon, Centre of Philosophy, Lisbon, sis, we cannot help but be shocked and deeply
Portugal concerned about the increasingly tragic situation
e-mail: vsmarques@letras.ulisboa.pt in which humanity finds itself. Tragedy is used
P. Magalhães (✉) here in the strict sense of the term. The awareness
University of Porto, CIJ - Centre for Legal a Research, that we have today of the unity and interdepen-
Porto, Portugal dence of humanity on this extraordinary planet is
e-mail: paulo.magalhaes@commonhomeofhumanity.org

# The Author(s) 2023 35

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
36 V. Soromenho-Marques and P. Magalhães

overshadowed by the threatening approaching of 2.1 What Should We Name Our

what seems to be an ineluctable fate. This time, Malaise?
unlike in classical Athenian tragedy, this fate,
which we can only contemplate but are seemingly From as early as the nineteenth century we can
powerless to alter, does not stem from an external find premonitory testimonies to the growing
cause. It is not the whim of the Olympian gods severity of the damage being inflicted on the
that should be blamed for the increasing degrada- planet by human action. Among the pioneers,
tion of the balanced state of global life-supporting working between the latter part of the eighteenth
ecosystems. The threat entails the possibility of century and the first half of the nineteenth century
deeply damaging the biophysical conditions that we may highlight the scientific endeavours of
could provide for the continuation of human his- Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) and José
tory in a regime of civilisational complexity and Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (1763–1838),
refinement. This staggering predicament is not the which anticipated the development of today’s
result of blind indifference towards our fate by Earth System Sciences (Soromenho-Marques
colossal and overwhelming physical forces. 2019b; Steffen et al. 2020). 2 Closer to the pres-
There is no one to blame but ourselves. ent, one of the most surprising warnings of these
dire negative consequences came in President
Dwight Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, which
2 The Broken Mirror of Our also touched on the serious topic of justice
World View between generations (Eisenhower 1961).3 How-
ever, even today we still have a semantic vacilla-
Paradoxically, the ever-growing capacity to accu- tion, which demonstrates that there is no true and
rately monitor the impact of our aggregate action effective consensus on the diagnosis of the cul-
on the Earth System has given us undeniable tural illness that is devouring our collective
proof of impotence. On one hand, we are able to chances of having a future worth living. This
project scenarios regarding the ecological entropy lack of consensus is reflected in the difficulty in
installed on Earth, rooted in our current societal finding response strategies and a legal and insti-
model, but, on the other, we are unable to bring tutional framework powerful enough to imple-
about, in a timely, collective and articulate man- ment adequate treatment.
ner, the cultural, political and economic changes Recently the term climate emergency has been
that could prevent these negative scenarios from gaining ground. However, this is a semantically
coming true. The causes of this paradoxical asym- poor concept because it isolates climate change
metry between knowledge and action, between from its context, as if it were a stand-alone crisis
lucidity and damaging immobility are deeply rather than an important part of a larger troubled
buried in our modern history. However, what is whole. Another name that has often been used is
evident is that the artificially designed operating the energy transition. In this case the contraction-
rules of the international system are on a clear ary and simplifying effect is even greater, as this
collision course with the software of nature and term not only confines the heart of our
are totally inadequate to prevent or even mitigate
escalation from a critical ecological situation to a
possible ontological and societal collapse (IPCC Earth System scientists are today the newest and single
academic community able to think of our planet as a
2021; Patrick 2021).1
complex and interdependent whole object.
“As we peer into society’s future, we--you and I, and our
government - must avoid the impulse to live only for
The alarming degradation of the Earth System is today, plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the
highlighted in a stark and accurate manner in the latest precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the
IPCC Report (2021). On the other hand, the growing material assets of our grandchildren without risking the
asymmetry between the international system (including loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want
diplomacy and international law) and the Earth System is democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to
almost at breaking point. become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow”.
Our Blue Planet at the Crossroads. Between the Hobbesian Nightmare and a New. . . 37

civilisational distress itself to the field of climate The historical concept of the Anthropocene is
change but also understands it only as an energy not, however, at odds with earlier, equally com-
policy problem, leaving aside other key prehensive readings of our contemporaneity,
dimensions such as changing lifestyles or the which were more oriented towards a descriptive
accelerated extinction of biodiversity. Other sec- phenomenology of the specific characteristics of
toral proposals have originated from scientists the global environmental crisis. This proposal is
and activists committed to biodiversity conserva- validated by the meaning of each of its elements,
tion. The Half-Earth project, presented in 2016 but what is truly unique is the reciprocal interac-
by Edward O. Wilson (1929–2021), recognised tion between all the elements: each one acts on all
as the heir to Charles Darwin, also seems far from the others, each in turn being affected by all the
grasping the complexity of the biophysical natu- others.
ral processes that support life on this planet, and If we consider our present time as the
which cannot be reduced to a rigid territorial crossroads of the first human-made global envi-
partition perspective of the planetary whole ronmental and climate crisis, we also place the
(Wilson 2016).4 emphasis on its six main features, summarised as
Over the last few decades, the term follows:
Anthropocene (Crutzen and Stoermer 2000) has
– Planetary dimension (there is no sanctuary
often been used to describe the opening of a new
away from this crisis).
geological epoch singled out by the structural and
– Irreversibility and entropy (e.g., massive bio-
lasting impacts of the action of the human species
diversity extinction).
on the Earth. This seems to be closer to an
– Cumulative acceleration (e.g., GHGs causing
integrated vision of the current dangerous state
climate change).
of the planet, and the term has several advantages:
– Growing political, social and cultural
(a) it makes it possible to insert the time of human
unrest (e.g., decline of classical power of
history into the long temporality of geological
the State, growing waves of environmental
and natural history; (b) it identifies the planet in
its entirety as the mega-object where changes take
– Risk of internal and/or international violent
place, leaving no domain out, and focuses in
armed conflicts (e.g., the Sahel conflicts, the
particular on a detailed analysis of the impacts
2011 Arab Spring).
of society and the techno-sphere on the Earth
– Clash between entropy and complexity in the
System as a whole; (c) the identification of
realm of Culture (e.g., the “world visions” of
humanity as the driving force of this new geolog-
Mr. Trump and Mr. Bolsonaro) (Soromenho-
ical epoch is at the same time neutral and descrip-
Marques 2019a).
tive, on one hand, and moral and politically
responsible, on the other. By making humanity Whatever we decide to call our existentially
an actor and a potential victim of its own action, threatened epoch, the truth is that all diagnoses
this designation of our epoch gains a significant have simultaneously increased their accuracy
advantage in the political discussion, bringing through the processing of data and consequently
science and society mutually closer in the search highlight the gloomy content of many of the
for political solutions that may inspire new and future scenarios. Despite its sober language, the
bold public policies. most recent IPCC report is surely the one that
most profoundly illustrates the increasing possi-
bility of the environmental crisis being upgraded
Despite being a particularly relevant popular science to a state of collapse, with permanently negative
book, E. O. Wilson’s work is mainly focused on reducing and irreversible consequences for our future as a
the loss of habitat, not taking into consideration other
species. Recently coined concepts such as
threats such as climate change. Unfortunately, he is also
mainly concerned with terrestrial ecosystems, leaving little “Necrocene” or “humanity’s plague phase” are
room for the oceans and marine life. being used with increasing frequency in the
38 V. Soromenho-Marques and P. Magalhães

tentative screening of the time to come (McBrien transformation of that same natural world through
2016; Rees 2020). technologies that would limitlessly extend the
human dominium over nature. Science (episteme)
viewed as the intellectual contemplation of the
2.2 Factors of Blindness: Hiding real, which had satisfied the ancient Greeks,
the Growing Global Ontological became, with the Moderns, a driver in the process
Threat of transforming and dominating the world. To
serve that purpose, the key ingredient was the
If we follow the insight of the original proposal of intimate unity between science and technology
the Anthropocene, we know that the birth of the (techno-science). For the Ancients, the search
global environmental crisis overlaps with the for a future in conformity with the ideal, given
beginning of the English Industrial Revolution by reason, should be the combined work of phi-
(1750). It is, however, undeniable that the process losophy, ethics, education and politics. That
of environmental degradation, including the his- idealised future (as Plato explains in The Repub-
torically unprecedented accumulation of green- lic) is seen essentially as a change in the relation-
house gases, intensified exponentially in the ship that human beings have with themselves and
second half of the twentieth century, after World with each other collectively in the political realm.
War II, in the period that should be called the Contrary to the Ancients, the Moderns thought
Great Acceleration phase of the Anthropocene that the great leap forward towards a better future
(Steffen et al. 2007). However, the roots of the should involve changing the relationship of
key driving forces behind both the increasing human societies with nature through technology,
impacts of the human material culture on the seen as the embodiment of human knowledge and
natural environment and the stubborn ignorance inventiveness. The new vision of science was
or underestimation of those impacts go back driven by a broader purpose of increasing
much further. Let us try, in a very condensed human power over natural forces and processes,
way, to identify what we call the factors of blind- implementing applications that could be devel-
ness, responsible both for concealing the growing oped through the use of innovative technology.
symptoms of the global environmental crisis and In Modernity, technology ceases to be a mere
for the lack of understanding of the shared and secondary, instrumental and derivative conse-
common nature of their negative long-lasting quence of scientific primacy, instead becoming
consequences. the very vehicle and purpose of the desirable
future, through our increased ability to alter and
2.2.1 The Utopian Soul of the Modern mobilise nature to suit our needs and even our
Techno-Scientific Revolution whims. It is no coincidence that the concept of
With the various revolutions of the Modernity utopia was invented in this period, namely in
period, which began in the fifteenth century in 1516, by Thomas More. Thereafter the most
Europe, and the expansion of planetary geogra- influential utopias that followed suit, such as
phy and the emergence of a new understanding of those of Tommaso Campanella and Francis
the nature and role of science, there was a true Bacon, have the increasingly predominant pres-
metamorphosis in the way humanity began to see ence of techno-science as the anticipation driving
itself and to rethink and reshape its relationship force of a desirable future.
with the natural world. Not only was there a We have reached the contemporary period
quantitative change in the essence and uses of with a fully-fledged technological orientation of
science, but a real qualitative change. Science the science infrastructure, and also of its planning
came to be understood as being increasingly and operating procedures, in an atmosphere of
entangled with technology. Scientific endeavour uncritical optimism, averse to any prudential
was intended to bring theoretical knowledge of reserve. The discourse of unlimited scientific
the natural world to the brink of an effective progress marginalised dissenting voices and
Our Blue Planet at the Crossroads. Between the Hobbesian Nightmare and a New. . . 39

regarded the growing toll of environmental and turned around, setting the world on the vertigi-
social negative impacts as acceptable collateral nous path of a second (neo)liberal globalisation
damage. The utopian drive of techno-science is entailing with it the intensification of all environ-
increasingly escalating towards the opposite mental and technological risks that are today part
world of a dystopian nightmare (European Envi- of our daily routine.
ronment Agency 2001, 2013).5 No one has expressed more elegantly than
Aldo Leopold what was at stake in the surrender
2.2.2 The Commodification of Scientific of science to the market’s absorption logic. For
Knowledge in a Growing Market Leopold, scientific knowledge had two faces: in
Society its capacity to shed light on the unknown, to
A second factor of blindness, with widespread broaden the horizons of our understanding of
and fundamental importance, is the absorption natural processes, science was a “searchlight”;
of techno-science into the economic sphere. but insofar as knowledge transformed by technol-
Techno-science has become a productive force ogy becomes power, science is also a “sword”.
in a marketplace with variable and cyclical geom- Between the demands of the market and the
etry, but always tending towards the maximum imperatives of national security, even in peace-
possible extension. Techno-science has entered time, the sciences and scientists have been pushed
into the competitive war for the conquest of mar- to maximise efficiency, even at the expense of the
ket niches. The self-interest of companies with light that might illuminate the dangers that were
the capacity for technological innovation met potentially looming ahead. The role of knowledge
with little opposition to the rapid implementation as a sentinel against risks and threats was there-
of patents in this field. With no or little environ- fore marginalised by an Academy also caught by
mental impact assessment regulation worthy of the feverish urge for exponential growth (Leopold
the name, companies were able to get round the 1977).
fragile regulation by public policies, generally in
the area of public health. Often, governments 2.2.3 The Power Triumvirate and Its
themselves became accomplices of these Fragmented Worldview
companies in the unrestricted and unconditional The third factor of blindness strikes directly at the
race for the conquest of markets, also as a way to heart of international relations, designed
affirm political and national supremacy. The according to the Westphalia blueprint. Its intrinsic
replacement of society by the market, as the key and stiff mechanical understanding of sovereignty
historical actor, paved the way for the profound kept international law, geopolitics and diplomacy
shift from the model of a society with a market at under the biased Realpolitik spell, unable to
its service, to the opposite model of a market that screen the rapid and dangerous anthropogenic
transformed society and nature into its two chief transformation of the planetary software.
satellites (Polanyi 2001). The lessons of pristine In fact, there is a strong congruence between
industrial capitalism, and the later tumultuous the three driving actors of contemporary
events that led to the first liberal globalisation, civilisation, which were born in the same period
and to its demise into the thirty violent years of of European history, these being modern science,
World Wars, Revolution, and Depression the sovereign State and the capitalist market econ-
(1914–1945), were quickly forgotten, after three omy. These three share a very similar internal
decades of welfare policies and mildly regulated structure in fundamental aspects. They are united
capitalism. In the 1970s the wheel of history by the quest for growing efficiency in the trans-
formation of the world. Science was moved by its
growing marriage with technology and its
Regarding the complex network of non-scientific
wonders. The modern State, especially after the
pressures that are involved in the scientific agenda of
research, the following two EEA Reports may be consid- Treaty of Westphalia (1648), was propelled by its
ered as mandatory readings. tenacious attempt to assert the validity of the
40 V. Soromenho-Marques and P. Magalhães

modern myths of sovereignty and autonomy. The entirely clear, the lessons of the Cold War seem to
market economy was fuelled by the axiomatic have been completely forgotten. Today we are
imperative of the boundless investment, expan- witnessing a race between States that are engaged
sion and multiplication of capital. This triple con- in a true Mutual Environmental Destruction
vergence is densified into a triple fragmentation. (MED) dynamic. Yet unlike what happened
Science is divided into disciplinary areas, episte- after 1985 with nuclear weapons, and despite all
mologically differentiated and even distant, the current ecological and human catastrophes
united by an operational agenda dictated from (from climate change to biodiversity loss, soil
outside, be it national security (such as the Man- degradation and environmental refugees, for
hattan Project which allowed the USA to win the example), nobody has truly dared to map out the
race to produce the atomic bomb) or private busi- full consequences of this entropic process and
ness objectives. The State looks at the planet demand with a strong voice and a resolute stance
through the lens of the territorial projection of that this race towards the abyss should be
power, completely oblivious to the complex eco- stopped. If we want to rise to the challenge of
logical functioning of the Earth System, the global environmental and climate crisis and
concerned only with what lies within the sphere avoid falling into a Hobbesian scenario of “war of
of its sovereignty and largely indifferent to every- all against all” over the meagre spoils of a
thing and everyone lying beyond its borders. The devastated planet, we must be able to defeat our
economy, both as theory and practical activity, own demons. Our main weapon will be the build-
focuses only on its internal models and instru- ing of a culture of the commons, by organising
mental goals, aiming at unlimited growth of pro- “compulsory cooperation” in order to face the
duction, consumption and profits. What lies dangers we all share (Soromenho-Marques 2016).
beyond it are externalities that can be put aside
in the operation of both economic thought and its
praxis. The ideal type of business in a “free soci- 3 The Imperative of a New
ety” is depicted by Milton Friedman in his classic Culture of the Commons
essay of 1970, which bluntly states that there
should be no such thing as “business social 3.1 Breaking Free from the Global
responsibility”. That task may be assigned to Deadlock
government policies, not to privately owned
corporations whose job is to maximise profits It is easy to see that governments have a respon-
for their “stockholders” (Friedman 1970). sibility to protect their own citizens from pollu-
The specific transformative activism of the tion that affects the right to life, private life, or
software shared by these three major institutional property.6 However, within the environmental
players makes up for what they lack in prudence crisis and climate change context, all the founda-
and capacity for critical and strategic reflection. tional pillars of international law are questioned.
Only once, at the height of the Cold War, when A stable climate that is “an intangible natural
the possibility of a limited nuclear conflict was resource, which spans across and beyond the
growing on European soil, did an epistemological national territories of States” (Borg 2007) is not
breakthrough occur that prevented a third world only subversive to current legal structures, but
war, sparing the world from the full destructive
impact of atomic weapons. The awareness of 6
The Social and Economic Rights Action Center and the
Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) was Center for Economic and Social Rights v Nigeria,
accepted—at least in the final period of the Cold ACHPR, Communication 155/196 (2002), §§ 52–53;
War—by all parties involved. There was no point Lopez Ostra v Spain (1994) 20 EHRR 277; Guerra v
Italy (1998) 26 EHRR 357; Fadeyeva v Russia [2005]
in continuing a nuclear arms race if, sooner or
ECHR 376; Öneryildiz v Turkey [2004] ECHR 657;
later, it would precipitate a war in which there Taskin v Turkey [2004] ECHR, §§ 113–119; Tatar v
would be no winners, only losers. For reasons not Romania [2009] ECHR, § 88.
Our Blue Planet at the Crossroads. Between the Hobbesian Nightmare and a New. . . 41

also entails potentially enormous domino effects that processing system. Humanity shares, even
across all the institutions of human society. It without being clearly aware of this, all these pro-
pervades in every human sphere: it is a human cesses that are conducive to maintaining a
rights issue; it is a trade issue; it is a biodiversity favourable state for us to thrive in, both in physi-
issue; it is a security issue; it is a health issue. It is cal space and along the generational timeline. In
a huge challenge affecting the very foundations of this sense, the biogeophysical structure of the
the survival of civilisation as we know it. To put it Holocene epoch is part of the international com-
another way, climate change—within the wider mon heritage (patrimony) and therefore belongs
framework of the global environmental crisis—is in usufruct to all humanity in common (Banning
too serious a problem to simply be left in the 1995).7
hands of a particular body of the UN, the Given its dynamic cross-cutting nature, the
UNFCCC, as if it were something that could be biophysical life support system of the Earth
dealt with in a separate box, detached from the should be considered, beyond any reasonable
model of civilisation that brought it into being. doubt, as the most critical of the “commons”.
Climate, seen as mentioned above, challenges Therefore, it should be used, but not owned,
the very foundations of International Law, either as private or common property or via the
because its intrinsic nature is hostile to any kind claim of sovereign rights (Taylor 2016). Yet these
of physical or territorial division, even in a legally characteristics of “belonging to all but owned by
abstract way. Although it is legally possible to no one” do not necessarily prevent the
divide the areas of the oceans and airspace “commons” from being put to use in an organised
abstractly into distinct zones, it is impossible to and regulated way. From a legal perspective, the
perform the same operation (of abstract legal regulation and collective control of something
division) with regard to the biogeochemical com- must be preceded by a fundamental question:
position of the oceans and the atmosphere, or the “How can a good that belongs to no one be
climate system as a whole, given the sheer physi- subject to a legal regime?” (Kiss 1982). In other
cal evidence that the fluids they comprise circu- words, if our life support system is a unique
late continuously all around the entire planet. favourable state of functioning of the Earth Sys-
These facts of the natural world demand a new tem, how can we regulate its use in the absence of
way of thinking about the Earth, and challenge any form of legal representation of this intangible
the law to find new solutions capable of dealing vital good within the realm of international
with this stubborn scientific reality. Addressing institutions?
the challenge of recognising in legal terms the The recognition of objects as possessing an
intangible functioning process of the Earth Sys- intangible or immaterial character is not new to
tem as a single whole requires redefinition of the the legal sciences. UNESCO’s immaterial cul-
current concept of “global commons”, which so tural heritage, the intangible value of companies
far has been exclusively based on a territorial in commercial law, intellectual property, intangi-
approach. In the near future, hopefully, it will ble orbital slots on the geostationary orbit or
also include the intangible and non-territorial frequencies in Space law are examples where
character of the functioning of the Earth System, the need to organise the use of something, or the
our planet’s ‘software’ (Magalhães et al. 2016). importance of the values intended to be protected,
Because the Earth System is shaped precisely have always justified the search for new solutions.
by the intangible interacting physical, chemical These solutions, which have resorted to the legal
and biological processes that cycle materials and
energy throughout the system at the planetary
level, it should not be owned, enclosed or dis-
The meaning of the “usufruct” concept (“The earth
belongs in usufruct to the living”) was introduced and
posed of (i.e., divided and appropriated) by any
explained by Thomas Jefferson in 1789, in a letter to
State or entity, if there is a threat of permanent James Madison. This letter may be considered the philo-
damage being inflicted on the inner structure of sophical foundation of the intergenerational justice issue.
42 V. Soromenho-Marques and P. Magalhães

recognition of new intangible assets, have proved commons, and accordingly, to consider their gov-
to be a driving force in shaping today’s society ernance as a global and critical problem. Never-
and the way it functions. So, what is hindering us theless, these biomes produce and provide
from recognising that nature is not only what is intangible natural services that are disseminated
touched and seen, but also its most inner, cross- throughout the planet, benefiting humankind and
cutting and valuable intangible dimension? the biosphere as a whole. What is at issue here is
Individuals are not generally aware of the the inability of State sovereignty to cope with the
structural importance of these legal solutions, intangible value of the commons that cross its
which are the basis upon which our societal political geography, let alone to offer them ade-
institutions are founded. For example, without quate and necessary protection.
the legal separation between the intangible idea The reality is that our planet cannot be
of an author and the tangible support on which regarded simply as a geographic area of 510 mil-
that idea is recorded, neither would great lion square km2. In fact, all the known terrestrial
increases in knowledge be possible, nor the planets share the same metric feature. What the
mass dissemination of that knowledge, a key fac- others do not have, however, is an intangible and
tor for every sector in our social life. The same dynamic system embedded with strictly physical
idea could be applied to commercial law, where planetary hardware, capable of sustaining life as
often the value of the intangible goodwill of one we know it. From a legal point of view, the planet
corporation is incomparably higher than its tangi- is basically reduced to its territorial nature. This
ble assets. Drawing an analogy between these one-dimensional view ignores the most outstand-
intangible legal objects and the intangible nature ing and vital expression of nature, the absolute
of the Earth System, which may not be “seen” singularity of the dynamic software that beats as
before it is understood, might also be crucial in the real heart of our living planet.
helping us to cherish the real value of natural
biomes, whose ecological services for humanity
are incomparably higher than the economic value 3.2 The Struggle for Non-Territorial
of the specific natural hardware generated Global Commons
through those services. For example, the value
of forests, which are vital for maintaining nature’s When climate first entered the UN agenda, a
capacity to support a favourable environment in fundamental question immediately arose: what is
which humans may live, only becomes visible in a stable climate from a legal point of view? The
the economic and financial perspective through difficulty in answering this question was linked to
rush deforestation, turning living trees into dead the fact that climate is fully interwoven with the
raw material. In nature, too, the most valuable non-territorial ecological dynamic of our Earth,
types of heritage are those beyond sight and which crosses and transcends political borders.
touch. The thorny question regarding the nature of a
In a recent work on the Global Commons in stable climate was thus at cross purposes with
the Anthropocene, a set of critical biomes are the foundations on which International Law itself
defined by the fact that they “play a decisive was built. Malta’s first proposal (09/1988) to
role in regulating the overall status of the life- frame this new issue was to recognise a stable
support system on Earth, that is, how well Earth climate as Common Heritage of Humanity, which
can support world development” (Nakicenovic implied the conceptual innovation of legally
et al. 2016).These biomes are tangible and geo- recognising the existence of a common good
graphically and territorially enclosed, and almost that permanently circulates the territories of all
all of them (with the exception of Antarctica and sovereignties, both internally and externally. To
the Artic) are under the jurisdiction of one or get around this issue, in December of the same
more States. From a legal point of view, it is year, in UNGA Resolution 43/53, a further con-
entirely unfeasible to recognise them as global cept derived from the concept of common
Our Blue Planet at the Crossroads. Between the Hobbesian Nightmare and a New. . . 43

heritage was coined, but with impoverished (a) The “concern” concept implies a world in
wording: climate change was defined as a “Com- which a key global common that spans
mon Concern of Humanity”. This option of across borders is not recognised (current
addressing climate as a “concern” remains within legal status). The “common concern” relates
the legal framework of the Paris Agreement to to an ill-defined “problem” and fails to
this day, and certainly paved the way for how define a real object of international law—
societies are tackling climate change. Whether the common good itself—and consequently,
we like it or not, its shallow substance and it is impossible for rights and duties to
characteristics are inevitably linked to the (lack emerge from the provision or appropriation
of) results achieved. (usufruct) of that common good. (Scholtz
The “common concern” is a vague political 2014). Within the “common concern”
statement, which does not define specific rules approach, climate change is an “issue”, and
and obligations but rather establishes only a gen- a stable climate is not acknowledged as her-
eral basis of cooperation for dealing with some- itage that belongs, as an existential condi-
thing that concerns the largest possible human tion, to humankind as a whole. Therefore,
community. In this system, those involved under- the provision of a stable climate in a “com-
take to make an effort to mitigate or neutralise mon concern” framework, namely cleaning
damage, but since the common good is not the atmosphere for the benefit of humanity,
recognised, it is not possible to build a truly is the same as cleaning something that
institutionalised management and governance belongs to no one. It is a positive action
system that ensures the permanent maintenance lost in a legal void. The “concern” element
or restoration of this common good (in this case, a presupposes that States are subjectively
stable climate). inclined towards joint and concerted
Had it been agreed that a sound and stable actions” (Tolba 1991). “Common concern”
climate is our common heritage, the situation is only a general framework for loose coop-
today would likely be different. We would proba- eration, and is a long way from an appropri-
bly have in place the two most basic design ate management system that is necessary in
principles (DPs) that the economic history of order to care for and restore a common good.
long-enduring experiences of Common-Pool This is the main reason why today there are
Resources (CPR) management define as the struc- no economic incentives for the provision of
tural conditions for successful “collective action”, a stable climate, namely using policies to
aimed at the sustainable use of common goods mitigate and actively restore the balance
(Ostrom 1990). The first of these states that the regarding the ever-increasing concentration
nature and limits of the CPR must be clearly of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
defined. The second principle requires “congru- What we actually have, on the other hand,
ence between appropriation and provision rules”. is a badly designed and poorly performing
By analogy, in the case of the urgent need to mechanism of “voluntary obligations” to
preserve a stable climate, this would mean a share the burden, aimed at reducing
need to establish congruent rules between those new emissions, but forgetting the need to
who provide a stable climate and those who remove the CO2 already in excess in the
benefit from this common good. atmosphere. This mechanism sets up a
According to Ostrom, there are eight DPs, and negative-sum game where the “stable cli-
in the current climate policy, because these two mate resource” constantly decreases, due to
first principles are not in place, all the subsequent the lack of an economic instrument to stim-
others are also missing. Consequently, the option ulate and pay for negative emissions. In a
of considering climate simply as a feeble “con- knock-on effect, the legal non-existence of
cern” creates a huge gap between two very differ- the common good further prevents the emer-
ent worlds: gence of an economy empowered to
44 V. Soromenho-Marques and P. Magalhães

preserve and restore a stable climate. All the process of its implementation.” (Tolba 1991).
the benefits that could foster concrete and Thirty years later, this seminal challenge still
cooperative efforts to maintain and restore remains unanswered and off the discussion
a stable climate disappear in the vortex of agenda. The current model of considering climate
this global legal gap that means these change as a common concern has clearly proved
benefits cannot be translated into economic to be insufficient. It functions, on the contrary, as
value. an obstacle to social and collective action aiming
(b) In a totally opposite direction, the “heritage” for sustainability. Climate change is not simply a
concept considers the stable climate as an concern; it is also, and above all, a structural
intangible legal object across borders, i.e., a problem in our society and, most importantly, a
common good that can be the object of an stable climate is a heritage that belongs in usu-
international system of governance, where fruct to all generations. Only by intervening in the
the unrestrained appropriation of the com- structure of the problem will we be able to aim for
mon good (negative impact) is considered as a different result, avoiding decades of successive
a value-loss, and most importantly, the pro- failures of climate negotiations based on wrong
vision of the common good (positive assumptions.
impact) can be considered as a value-gain Mostafa Tolba, besides accurately foreseeing
in the “common heritage”. In this scenario the huge challenge ahead in order for the “com-
we have the structural conditions needed for mon concern” concept to have any chance of
the ambition we are really seeking to producing a successful outcome, was also very
achieve, i.e., an economy capable of actively insightful in predicting the resulting risks and
cleaning, restoring, and maintaining a stable pernicious impacts that would occur if the desired
climate. Giving economic visibility to the effects for which the concept was created were
output of the intangible benefits produced not achieved: “Joint efforts of governments, sci-
by nature would be a real game changer in entific community, scholars and public opinion
the global economy because the value of are of crucial importance for the concept of “com-
natural services and assets would become mon concern of mankind” does not rest as just a
directly visible in national and global vague political formula, which could be used to
GDPs. As a consequence, not only would legitimize lack of concrete actions by simply
countries attempt to cause minimum harm, declaring an environmental concern” (Tolba
but they would also be encouraged to add 1991).
the maximum benefit possible to the com-
mon heritage in addition to enabling collec-
tive action, this would also drive us to 3.3 The Commons and the Need
protect and restore nature, without threaten- for Innovation
ing the sovereignty of the countries where in International Law
those key ecosystems are located.
In recent years, the Earth System sciences have
This issue was clearly identified by Mostafa
produced a significant paradigm shift, unfolding a
Tolba, one of the founders of the “concern” con-
new way of systemically thinking about the Earth
cept and executive director of the United Nations
as a fragile and complex entity. The new para-
Environment Programme (UNEP), who stated in
digm of the Earth System sciences and the advent
the early discussions: “It is very important that the
of the Anthropocene epoch calls for a compre-
concept of “common concern of mankind” is
hensive and multidisciplinary study of the
further elaborated to make its contents and scope
co-evolution of natural and social sciences, as
understandable and clear; it is also important to
wise scouts of a new way for humanity to inhabit
make sure how this concept can be interpreted in
the Earth within those ecological boundaries that
the terms of the rights and obligations of states in
it would be unwise to cross.
Our Blue Planet at the Crossroads. Between the Hobbesian Nightmare and a New. . . 45

There is, however, a formidable gap between the other critical elements that interact with it will
the growing knowledge of the Earth and our be ignored, as well all the feedbacks and domino
negative impacts on it, and the ability to effects that will happen throughout the whole
make the civilisational reforms that can reverse system as a result of the interaction of PB pro-
the current course that is leading us at accelerating cesses. This means that, more than sectoral, geo-
speed towards a dire scenario of a “Hothouse graphic, institutional or implementation gaps, we
Earth” (Steffen et al. 2018). Pursuing a strategy suffer from a substantive mega-gap, of a hybrid
towards a “Stabilised Earth” pathway will require nature, which is both epistemological and moral.
much more than a dramatic technological Although knowledge and reason invite us to
transformation, or the loose establishment of accept the condition of being full members of
carbon pricing regimes. Humanity is an integral the Earth System, a powerful part of our will
and active part of the Earth System; consequently, leads us to consider the Earth as a mere trophy
there is an intimate connection between to be conquered and plundered, as if we were
aggregate human activity and global, interdepen- transit passengers waiting for a spaceship to
dent biogeophysical cycles. The Anthropocene some other unknown place in the universe.
implies, therefore, that legal systems should be
able to tackle, in a normative manner regarding
the regulation of our actions, the real possibilities 4 Conclusion: The Way Ahead
and constraints deriving from the functioning of
the Earth System. Otherwise, we will fail the Portugal was the pioneer in recognising a stable
historical task of maintaining the Earth System climate as a common heritage of humanity.8 This
within the “Safe Operating Space”. This concept is a positive step, but only the first on a long road
originated from a strong body of scientific towards the recognition of a new culture of the
findings and proposals, including the “Planetary commons, which humanity, the international
Boundaries” (PB) framework, which was first community of states, international law, the eco-
published in 2009 (Rockström et al. 2009), and nomic system, the scientific community and each
revised and updated in 2015 (Steffen et al. 2015). of us individually must pursue and implement, in
This research provides useful elements and words and deeds.
concepts to better understand how the Earth Sys- We are engaged in a dramatic race against
tem functions. time. At this moment, if this necessary change
The PB framework is based on nine key Earth does not take place, all the evidence suggests
System processes: climate change, stratospheric that the goals of the Paris Agreement, even the
ozone depletion, land system change, freshwater less ambitious ones, will not be achieved. Even
use, biosphere integrity decline (including genetic if the OECD countries meet their targets for
and functional diversity), ocean acidification, bio- reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the two
geochemical flows (as phosphorus and nitrogen dozen major countries that are not part of this
cycles), atmospheric aerosol loading and intro- organisation (including countries the size of
duction of novel entities. These are the science- India, Brazil, Indonesia and South Africa) will
based limits that determine the balance of our continue to increase the GHG concentration in
Earth System, which was essential for the rather the atmosphere, making the Hothouse Earth sce-
favourable epoch of the Holocene, the cradle of nario increasingly inevitable (Gallagher 2022).
human history. If the PBs are transgressed, the Can we blame the leaders of those countries that
risk of the Earth System being driven out of the
Holocene stability epoch increases rapidly. It is 8
On 5 November 2021, the Climate Law (Lei n° 98/2021)
important to highlight that the most critical scien- was approved by a large majority in the Portuguese Parlia-
tific principle that underpins the PBs framework ment. Article 15 f) of the Law defines “The recognition by
the United Nations of a stable climate as a Common
is that the Earth System functions as a single
Heritage of Humanity” as an objective of Portuguese cli-
integrated system at the planetary level. If a sin- mate diplomacy. Portuguese Climate Law, 12/2021:
gle PB process is addressed in an isolated way, all https://dre.pt/dre/detalhe/lei/98-2021-176907481.
46 V. Soromenho-Marques and P. Magalhães

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Human Responsibility for the Protection
of Our “Common Home”

Michel Renaud

Abstract 1 Introduction
This chapter attempts to explain ethical
behaviour in the protection of the environ- Respect for the nature that surrounds us is a value
ment. It begins by analysing the lived space that has never been forgotten, even though each
as a place of inhabitation and outlines the society has different criteria regarding the extent
differences between subjective and cosmic of that respect. But when we refer to nature, what
time. The metaphor of the “blue planet as our are we talking about? We know for a fact that the
“common home” then makes sense”. To very concept of nature is determined in a number
understand the notion of ethical responsibility, of ways. There is the nature-cosmos, with the
the relationship between ethics and politics is galaxies and the entire intersidereal universe;
considered. For this purpose, we follow there is also the nature of the terrestrial world
Levinas and Ricoeur’s suggestion, which (terra-gê), with the space that surrounds
distinguishes responsibility as an imputation it. Then, we have the nature-bios, which
and as an assumption of a commitment for encompasses all living beings; and within this
the future. Responsibility as imputation is group, there is the specific case of the human
directed towards past acts, as opposed to the body (soma), in its somatic natural dimension.
more specific ethical responsibility facing the The study of nature (phusis) in the most general
future. The need to overcome the obstacles sense is the task of physics, with all its
revealed by Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato ramifications. And yet, nature has its own philo-
sí thus becomes clear, in view of the experi- sophical sense: when speaking of the nature of
ence of human solidarity in the face of the things and of reality, we unlock the question of
protection of our planet. their essence, of what they are in themselves.
Philosophy has studied the essence of things,
Keywords since Plato and, above all, Aristotle. While phys-
ics is dedicated to understanding the texture and
Environmental ethics · Nature · Space and functioning of nature-matter, philosophy, for its
time · Responsibility · Solidarity part, seeks to analyse the meaning of reality, at the
intersection between natural reality itself and the
essence of reality for human beings.
As we follow this path towards understanding
nature, an ethical question arises: how should
M. Renaud (✉) humans behave in relation to matter, in the indefi-
Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal nite multiplicity of its natural forms? And what
# The Author(s) 2023 49
M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
50 M. Renaud

will the ethical basis of this behaviour be? Is it each human being. On the other hand, time lived
possible that nature—physical matter—contains and described by phenomenology is personal and
the basis for its preservation within itself? The marked by emotion. There is, therefore, a large
question is relevant to the issue of ecology when gap between scientifically described time and
one is seeking the ethical basis for the preserva- phenomenological time.
tion of nature. In other words, would it be correct On the basis of such considerations, what
to think that the basis of morality lies in the conclusions can be drawn about the sense of
obligation of total respect for material nature human responsibility for the protection of nature
itself? Actually, the question is incorrectly put from the ethical and political perspective of
and the answer to it must be a negative one. In global ecology? It is with this concern that we
fact, it is through dialogue between human reason will begin by briefly characterising the way in
and reality that the basis for ethical action can be which phenomenological space and time differ
discovered. The inherent value of protecting from cosmic space and time. We will then go on
nature cannot only be seen from the aspect of to question the meaning of the expression “Com-
total respect for material or biological nature, mon home” to label the terrestrial world, the “blue
which would prohibit any human intervention of planet”. Our fourth paragraph will briefly raise
style, for example surgical intervention. From this some issues regarding the relationship between
point of view, various trends in “deep ecology” ethics and politics, in order to, finally, address
make the mistake of thinking that respect for the fundamental issue of human responsibility
material or biological nature prohibits any change for the future of the planet.
arising from human organisation, as if all living
beings, animals and men, had the same status and
the same right to their preservation. An example 2 Space as Housing
of this situation occurred during the construction
of some sections of a Portuguese highway. The The first space occupied by each human existence
project was opposed by some groups concerned refers not to the first inhabited house, but to the
about the environment, on the pretext that this mother’s belly, a space totally interior and only
was an exclusive space where one type of a cer- partially visible thanks to medical technology. If
tain species of snakes lived. In any case, the basis we also leave aside the space where births gener-
of ethical behaviour in ecological issues, as in all ally occur nowadays, i.e. hospitals, clinics or
other fields of action, is found through the inter- other places more suited to the performance of
vention of human reason that considers the values childbirth, the home is the first dwelling place of
that should guide human action. human beings. But until the possibility of recol-
This brief introduction opens the door to the lection appears, in the first years of a life, the
study of the relationship between ethical home is not an object of conscious memory.
behaviour and ecology as protection of the natural Yet, it continues to be the first place of reference.
environment. Given the etymology of the term While quite trivial, this observation demonstrates
ecology—discourse about the home, i.e. about that perception of space is acquired progressively,
inhabiting—it will be helpful to clarify what is but this acquisition never occurs in a pure way,
living space and space in general, and also the that is, disconnected from the subjective
time in which our individual or collective life is perceptions, emotions and feelings that accom-
included, in relation to the general concept of pany it. Accordingly, phenomenology seeks to
time. It is necessary to demonstrate that there is describe the way in which space is, firstly, a
an irreducible gap between physical space, stud- lived space, before becoming an object of reflec-
ied scientifically, and inhabited space, between tive consciousness. Several conceptual pairs are
cosmic space and phenomenological space. Like- presented in this description.
wise, we must note that time measured by clocks The first of these is the relationship between
is neutral time from the point of view of the life of retreat and shelter. The dwelling is the place of
Human Responsibility for the Protection of Our “Common Home” 51

retreat, through which a separation is made there are different places, filled with intervals. In
between the common or public space, capable of the opposite sense, the space and spaces of phys-
being shared by all, and the private space, that is, ics constitute an abstraction in relation to
reserved space. The concept of separation, which inhabited spaces. Indeed, physics sets the human
is presented here, is fundamental to the descrip- dimension of space apart, in order to better under-
tion of the living space; it is not just a matter of stand its intrinsic laws. For example, the theory of
stating that access to the space of one’s own relativity is not immediately interested in the
dwelling is, in principle, prohibited to those who intervals that separate the places inhabited by
are not invited to enter. A resting place, the dwell- human beings. For physics, terrestrial space
ing allows for the retreat intended for the many does not present itself as a “common home” for
tasks left to the initiative of its occupants. In all the inhabitants of the earth, whereas for human
Totality and Infinity, Emmanuel Levinas analysed beings, space is primarily where every human
this meaning of dwelling from various points of being is called to live his existence. Everyone
view (Levinas 1961, p. 153). “The whole of the lives in space, if only because, due to its volume,
civilization of labor and possession arises as a the body itself occupies a portion of
concretization of the separated being effectuating non-shareable space. The occupants of an
its separation. But this civilization refers to the overcrowded bus know this better than anyone.
incarnation of consciousness and to inhabitation”. In addition, each of us needs our own surrounding
In fact, the dwelling is, par excellence, the place space, from which the dwelling is the initial ref-
reserved for private life. Political philosophy erence point. On the other hand, it is in the emo-
deals with the difference between the private tional encounter, lived in friendship and love, that
and public spheres, and with all the difficulties the desire for physical and reciprocal closeness
that lie behind this simple duality. It should also arises, symbolically conjuring the real and figura-
be noted that one of the unfortunate tive distance that separates us. Hence, it is by
characteristics of contemporary culture lies in reference to the lived and subjective space that
the blurring of the lines between these two we extend our mental horizon to the
spheres; entertainment programmes from the unrepresentable dimensions of the cosmic
Mass Media, from television and from universe.
presentations from social networks contribute to
making this dividing line more fluid.
Inhabited spaces always have emotional 3 Time Lived and Cosmic Time
connections and are valued by their occupants.
This characteristic means that we can see the Like space, time is first and foremost time lived
difference between a place as it is lived in a subjectively, before there is any reference to clock
human sense and a still empty space that physics time. This truth is not limited to the child’s expe-
speaks of. One of the features of this valuing of rience of time; for children, time passes slowly,
space is the vision that is projected, from the almost standing still, given their desire to grow up
inhabited space, onto other surrounding places. quickly. In contrast, the experience of older peo-
Indeed, human space is established by intervals ple is that time runs away; we would like to hold
between places that constitute a point of refer- back time, which brings us closer to the exit from
ence. The idea of a completely empty space is, this world. Likewise, for adults, a day of vacation
so to speak, deadly, like a desert where there is passes in a minute, but it seems very long for
nothing to point to the existence of privileged colleagues who, during those same hours, are
directions. In myths and even in the first lines of still at work. It will not be necessary to provide
the Bible, the moment that precedes creation many examples of this experience of subjective
presents itself, in an imaginary way, as a tohu- time. The conclusion we can draw is simple, but
bohu, that is, as the space of primordial chaos. not always explicitly conscious. Before we under-
This means that space becomes human when stand objective or cosmic time, that is, time
52 M. Renaud

measured by the succession of hours and the In this regard, Paul Ricoeur, in his work of
nychthemeral alternation of day and night, almost a thousand pages, exposed the following
human time is understood subjectively and theory: the history of historians and stories of
emotionally. fiction follow similar criteria in the constitution
There are thus two ways of understanding of narratives, even though their reference to real-
time, which we might call time experienced by ity is different. Indeed, fictional literature also has
human beings and, on the other hand, time that is its referent in reality, which is situated on the
void of all subjective connotations, as time objec- reader’s side of the world; stories narrated in
tively calculated in hours, minutes and seconds, fictional literature allow the reader to interpret
as well as in days, months, years and centuries. and understand his world in a different way, pre-
Without this objectification of time, which rests cisely through the comparison with fictional
on a methodological abstraction, it would not be existences that present themselves as real
possible to share our human experiences. We possibilities for life. The concept of the world
know that subjectively lived time is incorporated that is in focus here does not identify with the
into objective time, as the events of our lives can objective material world that surrounds us, but
be dated. This does not prevent these two styles of evokes the subjective understanding of our own
temporality. In fact, the concept of temporality existence in the context in which we live. There-
refers primarily to the temporal and lived dimen- fore, reading fictional works shows us other ways
sion of our existence: from Husserl and of inhabiting the world. However, the same is true
Heidegger, with the addition of the precious when reading the works of historians. Besides the
analyses of French philosophers (Gabriel Marcel, claim that historians have to bring back to the
Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and present a past that has definitively passed, their
Paul Ricoeur), phenomenology has shown that books also show us real possibilities of living in
the human being is time, which means much today’s world.
more than simply saying that he was born on Everything happens as if the real referent of
one day and will die one day in the future. works of literary fiction were situated, not primar-
If we now ask ourselves whether subjective ily in the elegance or originality of the style, but
and objective time can be reconciled, our answer in the enrichment of the self-interpretation that
has to be negative. It is precisely this impossibil- the reader acquires through his contact with imag-
ity of reconciliation that constitutes the difficulty ined worlds. Now, the real referent of historical
in concretising a phenomenology of time. As for narratives is also located in the field of the
the objective aspect of time, we know that the reader’s subjectivity and interpretation; but
physics of relativity has proven that there is a beyond that, the historian cannot waive his own
relationship between cosmic space and time; subjectivity. This is why reconstruction of the
but, for us, this knowledge only accentuates the same historical events can give rise to
heteronomy between phenomenological time and interpretations that differ greatly.
physical time. And Paul Ricoeur has the merit, in It will now be useful to recap the results of this
his great trilogy Temps et récit (Ricoeur 1983, analysis. The confrontation between cosmic time
1985a, b), of having shown that, in the first and that of human subjectivity demonstrates real
place, there is not, strictly speaking, a reconcilia- heterogeneity between them. However, partial
tion between lived time and physical time. Then, conciliation is achieved through the medium of
the only conciliation, however imperfect, lies in narrativity. Both forms of narrativity—the history
the narrative. But what is the scope of the narra- of historians and that of the creators of fictional
tive? In fact, there are at least two types of literature—show that the understanding of time is
narratives: those of historians, which aim to primarily rooted in how human beings interpret
reproduce the past, and fictional narratives, both their own experiences in the course of their exis-
of novels and of other stories invented in the field tence. The unity of human existence thus implies
of literature. understanding of lived time, through the
Human Responsibility for the Protection of Our “Common Home” 53

narrations that each human being can make of meaning-creating mediation inherent in the
himself and of others. metaphorical association of the blue planet, on
the one hand, and the common home, on the other.
What then does the referent of the present
4 The Blue Planet, Our “Common metaphor mean? Being inexplicable in a totally
Home” transparent way, it suggests that our Earth should
become a habitable place for all its occupants
The analysis of specifically human space and time without exception, with all the consequences
is an entry point to approach the current issue of that derive from this objective, namely from the
ecology and respect for the balance that will point of view of respect for the Earth’s ecological
enable us to maintain life on Earth. For this pur- balance. The referent of the expression “Common
pose, the excellent text in Pope Francis’ Encycli- home” in relation to the Earth is not only
cal Letter Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common presented, therefore, as a poetic way of looking
Home will be of help to us (Francis 2015). This at planet Earth, but evokes the call to transform it
remarkable document was hailed by the great into a space that is hospitable to humans and will
French epistemologist Edgar Morin, an atheist, be for a long time. Similarly, the expression
as the most comprehensive document on the eco- entails a twofold emotional investment; it is
logical theme of protection of the Earth. worth having a dwelling that is a retreat and
The first question raised by the “Common shelter and that we like; on the other hand, life
home” is the actual meaning of the expression. is a good, the fundamental good thanks to which
Indeed, to speak of the Earth as a Common home we can apprehend all other material, cultural and
is to construct a metaphor. Instructed by Paul spiritual goods. We are, therefore, transported
Ricoeur’s book on The Living Metaphor (La back to the properly human sense of space and
métaphore vive) (Ricoeur 1974), we know that time, but in a clearly ethical and global perspec-
the first point in interpreting a metaphor is tive. In this way, it is a worldwide ethical project
recognising the aberration of its literal meaning: that the development of this metaphor evokes.
the Earth is not a home, and much less a common Making the world habitable, not only for our
home. In fact, a home has very restricted space generation, but for future generations, requires
and limited duration, even though it may last for the commitment of all. Is this possible at a global
centuries. After this necessary denial of the literal level? The issue is equally ethical, social and
meaning, we may, if it is an authentic metaphor, political.
look for the symbolic sense that gives it its rele-
vance. A metaphor differs from an analogy in that
it expresses something that is inexplicable, but 5 On the Relationship Between
that makes sense, that is, that makes us see reality Ethics and Politics
in an innovative way, precisely by bringing
together two fields that are semantically alien to Until a few decades ago, ethics treaties favoured
or distant from each other. In this case, the only personal ethics. They sought to determine the
overlap between planet and home is symbolic. To ultimate purpose of action, and also to link the
access the metaphorical meaning, we must look purposes covered in a kind of ever-widening cir-
for the effect of the innovative meaning that cle. Furthermore, the understanding of moral
comes from this non-relevant association of two good and evil was primarily confined to the exer-
concepts or expressions. The task ultimately then cise of personal and individual freedom. Every-
is recognition of the referent underlying the thing happened as if the criteria of ethically good
metaphorical expression. The referent must reveal action were rooted in a free, personal and autono-
what, ontologically speaking, we have come to mous decision (Ladrière 1997). Social ethics, of
learn from the reality—here, from the blue course, was never forgotten, but it seemed to refer
planet—through the linguistic and
54 M. Renaud

to another type of approach, which was not decision-making. Ethics proposes values rather
identified with that of personal ethics. than positive laws to be followed. However, in
A cultural fact appears to have been responsi- the case of fundamental ethical values of life in
ble for the change in this situation, this being the common, and when these values are agreed on by
importance given to cases in which ethical the vast majority of the population, the legislative
decisions are taken not individually, but collec- power integrates them into positive laws that must
tively. Here actions are discussed from an ethical be complied with or otherwise legal sanctions will
point of view, but involve a variety of decision be imposed. It is, therefore, normal that the Con-
makers. In this aspect, bioethics has contributed stitution, in the first place, and the political laws
greatly to increasing awareness of the change in that follow are the political vehicle of very many
this situation. For example, when a decision ethical values.
needs to be made in a hospital on matters that When a decision on social ethics is taken by
concern scientific research, or more complex the majority of the decision makers, there is,
problems, the hospital ethics committee is called clearly or surreptitiously, an inevitable
upon to pronounce, giving an advisory opinion. politicisation of ethics. This was the case in the
However, assessment of issues submitted to vari- recent major debates on euthanasia or complex
ous decision makers does not necessarily lead to cases, such as the use of medically assisted
agreement. If the final decision is taken by a procreation, etc.
majority, as is the case predominantly in relation As opinions issued on specifically ethical
to so-called divisive issues (regarding the begin- issues are not binding, policy makers are not
ning and end of human life), we witness a kind of obliged to legally ratify the decisions of Ethics
politicisation of the ethical standpoint. Committees or the respective National Ethics
Indeed, it is worth noting one of the main Councils, which have proliferated in most demo-
differences between ethics and politics. In the cratic countries over the last forty years. That is
exercise of political life, at least in democratic why each national community has its specific
countries, those chosen to govern are selected on ethical profile, potentially with serious ethical
the basis of electoral scrutiny. Majorities have the gaps. This is the case in Belgium, where a law
power to decide. In ethical life, the opposite is was voted on that allows euthanasia for persons
often the case; progress in ethics generally derives with a mental illness, and in Trump’s America,
from active minorities, who live by the new ethi- which denied human responsibility for climate
cal values before they become generally accepted change and the urgent need to take necessary
and are potentially incorporated into the laws or measures to protect the Planet.
the Constitution of a State. International history is In the field of ethics based on discussion, in the
full of great figures whose ethical actions were, in sense described in the works by Jürgen Habermas
the beginning, and from a political point of view, (Diskursethik), it should be possible to reach an
singular and largely minority. However, the issue agreement on a fundamental ethical minimum that
here is not to state that the ideal of ethics is for all is also valid internationally. For social ethics, the
ethical values considered superior to be expression ethics of minimums, present in the
incorporated into political laws. Indeed, it is not works of Adela Cortina, extends the idea of the
within political power to impose on citizens the “ethics of discussion”, and could be a source of
meaning they should give to their existence. support for the establishment of global ethics.
Regarding ethics opinions, one might ask why Thus, a possible bridge would be found between
these are merely advisory rather than binding. ethics and politics. However, the great risk is that
The reason is simple but decisive; ethical this “ethics of minimums” might be insufficient,
behaviour is not imposed, but rather proposed. given the great challenges that the world is cur-
In fact, that is why ethics has the task of writing rently facing.
non-binding recommendations and opinions, or
otherwise it would become a forum for political
Human Responsibility for the Protection of Our “Common Home” 55

6 The Common Home that the living have to ensure the viability of fully
and Responsibility for the Blue human life on earth. And what is the basis of this
Planet principle? The question is clear, but the answer is
not as easy as you might think; indeed, it implies
When our world became aware of the march of universal acceptance that it is better to live than to
globalisation, with the impact of the Mass Media, die. It is better for human beings to take responsi-
of culture and of economics and finance, enthusi- bility for the permanence of human life on earth
asm seems to have been the first reaction of most than, through their inertia, to contribute to collec-
societies living with a certain level of economic tive suicide. The calculation has already been
well-being. The possibility of watching events made that, if measures are not taken within a
right across the globe in real time fuelled dreams very short period of time to stop the rise of waters
that are aptly described in Pope Francis’ recent on the globe, one billion people will surely die,
Encyclical Letters, Praise Be to You - Laudato those people who on the surface of the globe live
Si’: On Care for Our Common Home (2015) and on the edge of maritime waters.
Fratelli Tutti (2020). But recent years have made Why is it better to live than to die? Besides
us more aware of the disillusionment that has spontaneous evidence, it must be remembered
arisen in the light of societies’ inability to come that life is a gift; we are indebted to life itself,
together to solve some of the world’s largest which has been handed down to us. For believers,
problems: poverty, migration, access to clean this gift has a transcendent and personal origin,
water, deforestation, climate change and ocean which we call God, and each religion can give it a
pollution (Neves MC 2017). However, awareness specific name, The Heavenly Father, Yahweh,
of a collective responsibility for the future of life Allah, etc. However, whatever our understanding
on the planet has grown. of the origin of life and of our planet, we are all
In 1979 Hans Jonas published his book The jointly responsible for the future of life on the
Imperative of Responsibility (Das Prinzip planet.
Verantwortung), which became a major classic In this regard, let us remember, following
on the subject of the rights of future generations. Emmanuel Levinas and Paul Ricoeur, that the
At the beginning of the book, announced as a concept of responsibility, first of all, has two
contemporary reply to Kant’s categorical impera- different meanings (Ricoeur 1995); the first is
tive, the author presents his overriding moral imputability, a term of much older origin, in the
imperative: “Act so that the effects of your action sense of connecting a fact or event to the person
are compatible with the permanence of genuine (or persons) that caused it. This meaning of
human life.” This principle warrants some responsibility as an investigation prior to imputa-
comments. Firstly, it forms the basis of an ethics tion looks at the past fact, already undertaken or
and not merely a policy, although it has to be still in progress; this is the meaning that
brought into the political discussion at the same corresponds to the legal work of judges in crimi-
time. Then, it appeals for a duty of responsibility nal matters. But there is a meaning that is primar-
of human beings to promote a peaceful, common ily ethical, referring to the taking of
and long-lasting coexistence on earth. It insists responsibility. In this case, responsibility
not on the priority of good ethical intentions, but corresponds to the answer to a forward-looking
on the duty of concrete achievements carried out question: who can take responsibility for this
in common, because each human being must be person, for this cause? The person or community
confronted with the same purpose. But, one might that, with due capacity, agrees to take on this
ask, how can human beings of future generations responsibility becomes ethically responsible.
have rights over us? They do not yet exist, and Hence, responsibility appears as a response to a
cannot therefore be holders of rights. This is true, question of imputation or as a response to a ques-
but the Hans Jonas principle speaks of the duties tion that requires a commitment to be assumed. It
is in this latter sense that responsibility for the
56 M. Renaud

future of our Common home requires personal, After all, when it is said that the human being
individual and collective participation; it requires is not just a body, but a spirit, what is meant is that
a joint ethical and socio-political commitment. this specifically spiritual aspect consists of each
But this is not without its obstacles. member of the human community finding himself
As the aforementioned Encyclical Letters indi- through encounters with others who share the
cate, it is individualism, the unbridled desire for same terrestrial space and the same life span.
money and the pursuit of immediate pleasures Similarly, this encounter with those living today
that prevent people from adopting an attitude of may develop awareness of our solidarity with
accountability. On the other hand, in democratic those who have gone before us and with those
countries, as opposed to countries that live under who will succeed us on this planet. In a way,
a dictatorship, it is difficult to make important human death could also be accepted as a selfless
long-term projects viable, as there are personal service by which we agree to leave our lived
interests that often justify short-term electoral space and time, so that others can also live their
programmes. There is also another obstacle that happiness. This statement adds to the important
has become cause for concern for the future. meaning that faith gives to death for believers.
Contemporary technoscience has demonstrated Indeed, it is the spiritual dimension that is the
that a single intelligent but perverse being might unifying factor for all the members of the human
have the capacity to invent a deadly virus respon- community.
sible for new pandemics or capable of spreading Many women and many men have lived and
chemical or other poisons, endangering our col- continue to live in this spirit of solidarity; they are
lective existence. the best guarantee that the human community will
However, the obstacles that will always exist act effectively to make our blue planet an authen-
cannot and should not be a source of pessimism. tic common home.
Indeed, the meaning of human life stems from the By way of a conclusion, we leave the reader
understanding of the human being himself. The with an extract from paragraph 160 of Pope
latter exists as a conscious body, but with a con- Francis’ Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, On Care
stitution oriented towards encounters with others. for our Common Home: “What is the purpose of
This orientation does not suppress loneliness; our life in this world? Why are we here? What is
every human being has to live with loneliness, the goal of our work and all our efforts? What
even in the most fulfilling encounters of his per- need does the earth have of us? It is no longer
sonality. But, paradoxically, it is the case that enough, then, simply to state that we should be
only a person who is also capable of forging concerned for future generations. We need to see
bonds with others is capable of assuming his that what is at stake is our own dignity. Leaving
solitude. Total loneliness is unbearable and an inhabitable planet to future generations is, first
deadly; even in monastic life or the life of a and foremost, up to us. The issue is one which
hermit, solitude is only healthy when it is filled dramatically affects us, for it has to do with the
with faith in the presence of God. This truth is ultimate meaning of our earthly sojourn”.
transposed into ethics: selfishness ends up locking
the human being into a destructive solitude. That
is why happiness lies in being open to others, References
whether they are beings close to us or distant
inhabitants of the earth. This situation is also Francis P (2015) Laudato Si’: on care for our common
home. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Rome
transposed into politics and supranational
Jonas H (1979) Das Prinzip Verantwortung. Insel Verlag,
relations: if national communities close them- Frankfurt-am-Main
selves off in the solitude of their wealth and Ladrière J (1997) L’éthique dans l’univers de la rationalité.
well-being, they will be destined to encounter Artel and Fides, Québec and Namur
Levinas E (1961) Totalité et infini. Martinus Nijhoff,
emptiness and unhappiness.
Den Haag
Human Responsibility for the Protection of Our “Common Home” 57

Neves MC (2017) Patrão and Soromenho-Marques, V., Ricoeur P (1985a) Temps et récit. II. La configuration dans
(Coord.). Ética Aplicada: Ambiente, Lisbon le récit de fiction. Editions du Seuil, Paris
Ricoeur P (1974) La métaphore vive. Editions du Seuil, Ricoeur P (1985b) Temps et récit. III. Le temps raconté.
Paris Editions du Seuil, Paris
Ricoeur P (1983) Temps et récit. I. Editions du Seuil, Paris Ricoeur P (1995) Le juste. Éditions Esprit, Paris

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Scientific Knowledge: Its Impacts
on Judicial Decision-Making
and International Law in the Era
of Sustainability

Emily Sipiorski

Abstract 1 Introduction
Science has become a tool for taking decisions
in international (as well as domestic) disputes When the arbitrators in the Trail Smelter dispute
and acts to ensure the relevance of global assessed the parties’ scientific submissions, the
ecological responsibility. This role of science idea of sustainability, despite already existing in
has become particularly relevant as the sus- the context of forestry, amongst other uses (Von
tainable development narrative has grown Carlowitz 1713; Du Pisani 2006), had not yet
into a predominant form of global cooperation. emerged as a guiding term for global cooperation
The following contribution looks specifically (International Union for the Conservation of
at the role of decision-makers, including Nature’s 1980; Brown 1981; Meyers 1984;
judges and arbitrators, and their interaction Brundtland Commission and Brundtland 1987;
with scientific knowledge during the French 2005; Ramlogan 2010, p. 201; Beyerlin
decision-making process in international (eco- 2013; Humphreys 2018).1 The relevant issue in
nomic) disputes. Beginning with early cross- the dispute was pollution emitted from a refinery
border environmental disputes and tracing the and the transboundary nature of that pollution.
increasing inclusion of scientific inputs over Agriculture on the US side of the border was
the past decades, the contribution critically impacted by industry on the Canadian side: the
examines the role of judges in integrating pollutants had caused harm and affected the prof-
expert inputs into legal decisions and its itability of businesses. Thus, while Trail Smelter
impact on achieving a more ecologically is now characterised as a key environmental dis-
aware application of the law. pute, its origins lie in the economic harm
connected to that environmental damage. Further-
Keywords more, it was the case’s cross-border character that
allowed the dispute, the inputs, and the arbitral
Scientific knowledge · Economic law · decision to become the basis for later decisions in
Systemic integration · Judicial reasoning · environmental law and, arguably, a guide in more
Sustainable development recent decisions under the umbrella of sustainable

Arguably, based on more recent judicial decisions and
E. Sipiorski (✉) case law, sustainable development has neared a greater
Tilburg University, Law School, Department of Public designation in international law, possibly attaining some
Law and Governance, Tilburg, Netherlands of the attributes of a principle. See its use by the ICJ in the
e-mail: e.m.sipiorski@tilburguniversity.edu Gabčikovo-Nagymaros dispute, infra note 21.

# The Author(s) 2023 59

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
60 E. Sipiorski

development. Its positioning as a key case for (Anderson 2007; Treves 2012; Liao 2017).5 It is
transboundary pollution can be attributed in part these periphery international disputes that ulti-
to the methods of analysis used by the tribunal, mately demonstrate the successful integration of
since the judgment was guided by the use of conceptualisations of scientific knowledge and its
scientific inputs. role in enabling the creation of law for a blue
This type of reliance on scientific inputs had planet outside of the systemic boundaries of envi-
already been integrated into aspects of decision- ronmental disputes and regulations.
making prior to this decision,2 and it has been The following contribution looks carefully at
extensively applied since (Riddell 2009).3 The the need for scientific knowledge in the current
need for science in international litigation has era of the Anthropocene and its key positioning in
generally become widely recognised (Rosenne several exemplary international legal disputes.
2007). It can be argued that the value and rele- The role of scientific knowledge in domestic law
vance of scientific expert inputs has substantially is intentionally excluded from this contribution,6
increased in the past decades, as the realities of since the aim is to focus more specifically on the
climate change have moved beyond the academic role of scientific knowledge in achieving the nar-
literature and into the public consciousness, forc- rative of global cooperation through sustainable
ing the interpretation and application of law to development. The analysis is framed around rep-
interact in a more scientifically-aware space. Yet resentative claims arising out of international
little consideration is given to the way in which disputes brought to the International Court of
those expert inputs are assessed, even when they Justice, under the framework of the World Trade
are deemed to be relevant in a dispute.4 This Organization, and in the context of international
contribution looks at the use of scientific inputs investment arbitration. This sampling of both
in the process of assessing legal obligations, par- development and economic disputes that lean
ticularly in disputes that go beyond the classic towards environmental factors demonstrates the
definitions of environmental law—thus including integration of ecologically-relevant narratives
the use of science in, for example, economic throughout the practice of international law and
disputes when environmental issues are at stake also reveals the role of scientific knowledge
above and beyond more specifically-defined envi-
Award of the Arbitral Tribunal Established Under the ronmental disputes. The text first examines the
Treaty Signed in Washington, on the 29th of February use of science by judges, before turning to the
1892, Between United States and Her Majesty the Queen role of science in the sustainable development
of United Kingdom of Great-Britain and Ireland (Relating
to the Rights of Jurisdiction of United States in the
Bering’s Sea and the Preservation of Fur Seals), Decision 5
Beyond environmental law, the issue of scientific evi-
of 15 August 1893, Reprinted from Moore (1898, p. 935). dence has been most prominently explored with respect to
See inter alia, Lac Lanoux (France v. Spain), Award, the law of the sea, namely due to express recognition of the
[1957] 12 R.I.A.A. 281; Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay role of scientific and technical matters in Article 289 of
(Argentina v. Uruguay), Judgment, [2010] ICJ Reports UNCLOS. See e.g., Rosenne (2007, p. 245) (highlighting
14, paras. 160–168; Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia the ability to use qualified scientific bodies in taking
v. Japan, New Zealand intervening), Judgment, [2014] ICJ decisions as a departure from other international courts
Reports 226, paras. 74–246; United States – Measures and tribunals).
Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna 6
For substantial literature on the role of scientific inputs in
and Tuna Products, WT/DS381/RW/USA, WT/DS381/ domestic law, see inter alia Jasanoff (1997); regarding
AB/RW2, 14 December 2018, Report of the Appellate intellectual property law, see Pottage (2011, p. 621),
Body, para 6.84; Dispute Concerning the Delimitation of Swanson (2007), Clifford and Peltz-Steele (2014,
the Maritime Boundary between Bangladesh and pp. 558–560); regarding environmental regulations, see
Myanmar in the Gulf of Bengal (14 March 2012). for example, Murase (2017), Čavoški (2020, p. 285),
See generally, de Chazournes (2012). Regarding interna- Rimkutė and Haverland (2015); regarding discovery and
tional trade law, see Fukunaga (2012). The process of evidence, see for example, Lynch and Jasanoff (1998),
scientific-factfinding, as a preliminary discussion to the Cole (2001, p. 32), and regarding resource conservation,
decision-making also warrants serious consideration. See see for example, Carden (2006, p. 182), and United States,
Mbengue (2012, p. 511). Environmental Species Acts, 16 U.S.C. §§ 1531–1544.
Scientific Knowledge: Its Impacts on Judicial Decision-Making and. . . 61

narrative and the accompanying “scientific turn”. The role played by science, and specifically
The contribution attempts to identify the potential the role of scientific inputs in the decision-making
for a unified approach to these scientific inputs process, is necessary for an understanding of the
throughout the sphere of international law, push- development of the law within the conceptua-
ing beyond fragmentary applications. lisation of the blue planet.8 While legal theory
has extensively explored the role of science in the
rule-making stage of relevant domestic and inter-
2 The Role of Science, the Role national policy-making,9 respecting its central
of Judges position in policy-making in health and environ-
mental coordination,10 studies on the role of sci-
Scientific inputs are of no value if they are not ence at the decision-making stage have proven
afforded credibility by the judges taking the less systematic (Alemanno 2008).11 There is still
decisions, integrating those inputs as meaningful work to be done regarding whether such evidence
expressions of truth that can be used to find jus- can or should be admitted in legal proceedings. If
tice. More generally, courts and tribunals, as legal it can assist in finding justice, the assumption is
decision makers, play an essential role when tak- generally that such evidence ought to be admit-
ing decisions on the admissibility of evidence.7 ted.12 The gap arises when that evidence is added
This power grants the tribunal a certain ability to to the record. How should it be applied to the
mould and determine how evidence should be relevant legal rules? How should the judges and
construed in the non-scientific context, beginning arbitrators judge the veracity of the evidence? Are
with the simple issue of whether such evidence is those individuals equipped to take such decisions
even relevant to the decision. Relevance of the without ex officio interventions? There is a signif-
evidence must first be established before admissi- icant gap in coordinating the approach to these
bility can be allowed. Once the scientific evidence inputs in decisions that lie beyond the sphere of a
is admitted and the experts have submitted their clear environmental dispute.
reports, potentially being called to the hearing to
provide further explanation, that science gains the
power of persuasion. It attains a status within the
dispute, and while the tribunal is not obliged to While this contribution focuses on the role of science in
give it significant weight, its very existence may the adjudicatory stage, not to be neglected in this larger
discussion is the central role of science in the creation of
elevate the analysis of the dispute beyond the certain law—especially environmental law, patent law,
determined legal rationalities and into the field etc. In this respect, see for example, Lachs (1992).
of scientific rationality. This first section looks 9
Klabbers (2014, pp. 84–85), (acknowledging the inter-
at both the practice of submitting scientific exper- play between scientific expertise in creating regulatory
tise into opinions and the specific ways in which frameworks and the politics necessary for ratification).
those inputs are dealt with by international See for example, Meyer (2013, p. 17), (Meyer considers
that the work of relevant coordinating organisations,
tribunals. including inter alia the Codex Alimentarius Commission
and the World Health Organization, “involve[s], in part,
the compilation and dissemination of research about tech-
In general, see Statute of the International Court of nological solutions to environmental problems, a task sim-
Justice, Article 52 (providing for the right of the Court to ilar to the compilation and dissemination of other kinds of
“refuse or accept any further oral or written evidence”); scientific research.”); Ayal et al. (2013) and Helfer (2004).
International Bar Association Rules on the Taking of Evi- Regarding the role of experts in the process, see gener-
dence in International Arbitration, 17 December 2020, ally, see Ambrus et al. (2014) and White (1965). From the
Article 3(10) (allowing for the parties to submit evidence perspective of international politics, see Werner (2014). In
in addition to the power of the tribunal to independently the context of European risk regulation, Majone (2017,
request evidence on a particular point). For its relevance in pp. 8–10) (proposing a probability-based method to ensure
the US context, see Brewer (1998, p. 1543) (noting the consistency in decision-making regarding matters of sci-
judge’s power to take “threshold decisions” about admis- entific uncertainty).
sibility of evidence). See note 7 above.
62 E. Sipiorski

Timothy Meyer speaks of the value of episte- arise in other contexts.14 The Trail Smelter dis-
mic cooperation for the purpose of distributing pute points to an early integration of scientific
scientific knowledge, thus creating “optimal envi- knowledge as key to how the dispute would be
ronmental policies” on a global scale (Meyer decided. The conflicting submissions of the
2013, p. 20). The ideal of such coordination at parties would need to be assessed. The specific
the decision-making stage is complicated by the relevance of scientific facts would need to be
variety of tribunals involved in such decisions, applied to the standing legal framework on
the numerous applicable laws, and the autonomy cross-border pollution. Despite the legal
of the judges and tribunals in their process of backgrounds of the arbitrators, the scientific
taking decisions.13 inputs were given a certain agency in the
In the Trail Smelter dispute, mentioned above decision-making process. They were highly rele-
in the introduction of this contribution, scientific vant. The materiality that they represented
submissions were extensive, arguably complex, became essential in taking the decision. It remains
and key to the ultimate decision reached by the unclear how much of the proceedings were
arbitrator. There is no indication that the focused on those submissions, how much the
arbitrators had special knowledge that would submissions of one expert or another were
allow for a more in-depth understanding of the attacked and questioned, or how much the arbi-
scientific submissions. The US-appointed arbitra- trator engaged with the numbers. What is clear,
tor, Charles Warren, was a respected lawyer and however, is the focus in the decision on those
legal scholar. He had won a Pulitzer Prize for a figures and the inclusion of those aspects of the
book on the US Supreme Court (The Pulitzer parties’ submissions in the final award. That rele-
Prizes 2022). Nothing, however, indicates a vance of scientific expertise can be further
strong background in science. The Canadian identified in more recent decisions, and the
appointed arbitrator, Robert A. E. Greenshields, method in which the judges and arbitrators inter-
was a professor of law, dean of the law school at act with those inputs in the decision-making
McGill University, and later Chief Justice of the space exposes a new dimension to the ability to
Superior Court of Quebec (Court of Appeal of integrate ecologically-relevant inputs.
Quebec 2022; History of McGill’s Faculty of D’Aspremont and Mbengue (2014) have
Law 2022). Similarly, nothing points to any already examined the role of fact-finding in inter-
expertise in science. Finally, the chairman, Jan national disputes that rest on scientific contro-
Frans Hostie, was a barrister and legal advisor in versy. Their analysis divides the approaches by
Belgium (United Nations Archive 2022). He was tribunals into nihilism, protectionism, and
frequently appointed to legal commissions outsourcing, indicating a certain inability by
regarding rivers—which points to expertise in judges to fully interact with the scientific exper-
cross-border issues, if not specific expertise in tise that is put before them. They reason “that
the scientific factors that enable the determination when confronted with scientific fact-finding,
of sovereign boundaries. international adjudicators are dealing with knowl-
This legal pedigree of the arbitrators is not edge that is as unstable as the law and which
meant as a criticism of the interaction with scien- brings them to make a choice between different
tific inputs; rather, it remains typical of judges and types of reasoning or rationality. It ultimately
arbitrators in more recent disputes, especially makes the argument that the question of scientific
disputes that interact with environmental law but

Meyer (2013, p. 31) (“The credibility of scientific infor-
mation is often a key component of international environ-
mental governance. Legal decision-makers are usually not
Meyer (2013, pp. 23–24) (pointing to the disconnect scientific experts and thus have to have confidence that the
between the rule makers and decision makers regarding scientific record upon which they are asked to decide legal
sanctions as well as under international investment law). and policy questions is reliable.”).
Scientific Knowledge: Its Impacts on Judicial Decision-Making and. . . 63

fact-finding inevitably confronts international understand the inputs on a first-hand basis,18 and
judges and arbitrators with a choice of epistemic others may use the inputs to encourage further
rationality (D’Aspremont and Mbengue 2014, negotiation between the parties (Tanaka 2017).19
p. 241).” The varying rationalities—the law on This variance also extends to standards of proof
one hand, and science on the other—create a when scientific inputs are considered either nec-
divide in the decision-making, revealing an insta- essary or essential.20 Even where respect is given
bility when scientific knowledge necessarily to spheres of law beyond the specific decision at
intersects with the law, whether in treaties or hand, if judges and tribunals are applying differ-
other agreements. A translation of that scientific ent methodologies to assess the inputs, the very
information is necessary before it enters the legal idea of sustainability as a matter of law will not be
discourse.15 Like any fact brought before a tribu- coordinated or effective.
nal, that fact is then integrated into the decision- While science has become an essential input in
making. And like other facts that require a high legal decisions within the “blue planet” frame-
level of expertise, the ability to apply legal work, these various ways in which it engages
reasoning with the application of those facts with law reveal complexity. This results in the
leads to just decisions. The court itself poses its need for a certain degree of caution. This caution
own constraints in this respect, leaving the arises in many senses from the inherent degree of
decision-makers with a choice of rationality.16 rationality that upholds scientific studies. Phoebe
The various approaches taken by tribunals in Ellsworth notes that “[b]oth law and science pride
relation to those facts expose fragmentary themselves on the rationality of their intellectual
realities even in areas of law that require a coop- methods and believe that those methods are
erative approach. The ability to integrate these designed to analyse questions and reach the cor-
scientific sources is often derived from the open- rect conclusions by means of reason, free from
ness (or vagueness) of the respective treaty cognitive or emotional biases. Of course, both
provisions.17 Case analysis reveals inconsistent law and science often fall short of this ideal at
approaches amongst international courts and all levels, from the decisions about individual
tribunals: some appoint independent experts legal cases or scientific studies to the acceptance
(Simma 2012, p. 230), many assess the data to of general theories. In many ways, the biases that
the best of their abilities, some choose to mislead legal and scientific thinkers are similar
(Ellsworth 2011, p. 895).” These limitations to
the rationality of both law and science make a
Meyer (2013, p. 20) (refers to the translation of “basic
scientific research [. . .] before it can be used in law and
This relates to how and whether the forum can be used Burlington Resources Inc v Republic of Ecuador,
with respect to these additional scientific inputs. On this ICSID Case No. ARB/08/5, Decision on Ecuador’s
issue in the common law context, see Schiff (1963, p. 373) Counterclaims, 7 December 2017.
(“As the forum provided by the State to settle disputes, a See for example, Southern Bluefin Tuna Case
court of law is not designed to be a scientific laboratory for (New Zealand v Japan; Australia v Japan), Provisional
the search of objective facts.”). Measures, Case Nos. 3 and 4, Order of 27 August 1999,
In general, see ILC, Fragmentation of 38 ILM 1624, 1635–36; MOX Plant Case (Ireland
International Law: Difficulties Arising from the Diversifi- v. United Kingdom), Provisional Measures, ITLOS Case
cation and Expansion of International Law, UN Doc. No. 10, Order of 3 Dec.2001, 41 ILM 405, 416 (2002).
A/CN.4/L.702, 18 July 2006 (Report of the Study Sulyok (2017, p. 527) (“Tort law, for instance, uses the
Group) (ILC Report), 16 (“Rules of international law preponderance of the evidence standard, i.e., the balance
subsequent to the treaty to be interpreted may be taken of probability. By contrast, there is no generally agreed
into account especially where the concepts used in the standard for proof of causality in science. These different
treaty are open or evolving. This is the case, in particular, approaches toward proof of causation might be attributable
where: (a) the concept is one which implies taking into to the fact that the basis of scientific inquiry is the rejection
account subsequent technical, economic or legal of the null hypothesis that posits that the factors examined
developments[.]”). are random variables.”).
64 E. Sipiorski

reflection on judicial reasoning of scientific inputs The Gabčikovo-Nagymaros dispute can be

complicated and dynamic, but necessary. identified as the most prominent use of scientific
The very existence of uncertainty creates fact-finding when deciding a dispute with sustain-
another tension. While there are well-developed able development relevance.21 Respecting their
areas of law that build on the existence of scien- necessary inclusion, but also bowing to their com-
tific uncertainty, namely the precautionary princi- plexity and vulnerability to external factors, the
ple, when scientific knowledge enters a dispute, International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the
the extent of scientific certainty is rarely acknowl- Gabčikovo-Nagymaros decision used the scien-
edged: “It is common knowledge among tific inputs as a mechanism for encouraging fur-
scientists that scientific uncertainty is inherent to ther negotiations by the parties.22 Those scientific
some degree in all scientific results and can never submissions with respect to the larger structural
be fully eliminated. Lawyers, however, often do goal of sustainable development impacted the
not have a proper understanding of the true nature very process of dispute resolution. The ICJ con-
of scientific uncertainty (Sulyok 2017, p. 529).” sidered the ongoing environmental impact
These systems of knowledge are thus assessments as a sufficient mechanism for
structured on different ways of knowing. The facilitating and encouraging a settlement to the
forced convergence of the two creates tensions, dispute between the parties. Not only was scien-
incongruence, and possibly inconsistent tific fact-finding relied upon, but it was reverted to
decisions. as a mechanism by which the parties were to
continue negotiation—ultimately with the inten-
tion that the dispute would be settled between
3 The Need for Scientific them based on those scientific findings. Science,
Knowledge in Legal therefore, served an instrumental purpose in
Sustainable Development transforming the way the dispute was framed
Narratives and how the resolution could be found. In a
certain sense, the ICJ’s reliance on those findings
Science and scientific knowledge infiltrate law in was a subtle acknowledgement of the limitations
both expected and unexpected ways. Environ- of traditional legal decisions in disputes framed
mental law, derived from science, reliant on sci- around the sustainable development narrative.
ence, and transforming alongside science, is the In the context of trade law, the disputes that
most apparent example. However, the role of arose in relation to bans on imports of tuna and
science has also grown in the context of other shrimp caught using fishing techniques that were
regulatory developments and within legal harmful to other sea life again exposed this reli-
disputes at both the domestic and international ance on scientific knowledge to come to the
level, as the sustainable development narrative
has grown in importance. From this perspective, 21
Gabčikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v Slovakia),
respecting the overlaps and intersections between
Judgment, Merits, ICJ GL No 92, [1997] ICJ Rep
economics and the environment within the 7, [1997] ICJ Rep 88, (1998) 37 ILM 162, ICGJ 66 (ICJ
realisation of sustainable development, there is 1997), 25 September 1997.
an interrelationship between science and law Ibid, paras 140–141 (“The numerous scientific reports
within the sustainability narrative. This points to which have been presented to the Court by the Parties—
even if their conclusions are often contradictory - provide
a larger change in the aspect of judicial reasoning.
abundant evidence that this impact and these implications
Not only are judges and arbitrators confronted are considerable. [. . .] For the purposes of the present case,
with expert reports that rely heavily on scientific this means that the Parties together should look afresh at
language and logic, but those decision makers the effects on the environment of the operation of the
Gabčikovo power plant. [. . .] It is not for the Court to
must interact with those reports and apply them
determine what shall be the final result of these
reasonably to the law. negotiations to be conducted by the Parties. It is for the
Parties themselves to find an agreed solution [. . .]”).
Scientific Knowledge: Its Impacts on Judicial Decision-Making and. . . 65

legally relevant conclusion in the case.23 In the and Perenco v Ecuador.27 While the decisions
Appellate Body Report from the US-Tuna dis- represent a marked break in the approach to
pute, it was made clear that the US contended protections in investment law by opening up the
that the Panel had not given sufficient attention possibility of these environmental counterclaims,
to the scientific reports submitted during the dis- these closely related claims took differing
pute.24 The ultimate conclusion of the dispute, approaches to the scientific evidence submitted
with the implementation of administrative by the parties. The Burlington tribunal chose to
mechanisms to ensure dolphin-safe practices, “see for themselves” the conclusions of the
embodied the scientific conclusions that the mea- reports and required the experts to translate their
sure was unnecessarily targeting only the Eastern conclusions into terms understandable to them
Tropical Pacific Ocean whereas there were also and appropriate for their decision-making. The
established risks to dolphins outside that zone.25 expert scientific submissions on soil and water
As a final example, the tribunals in the contamination were examined in a site visit of
Burlington v Ecuador and Perenco v Ecuador that contamination with the lawyers, parties, and
disputes used scientific inputs to justify investor experts. In Perenco, an independent expert was
liability under a bilateral investment treaty—a appointed. In this regard, there is a substantial
stretch for a system that typically exists only for lack of uniformity in managing these scientific
the purpose of protecting and maintaining a stable inputs. There is limited legal theory on the
foreign investment environment. The use of sci- consequences and implications of this varied
entific evidence was key to allowing the interaction with scientific and expert reports.
counterclaims in both Burlington v Ecuador26

4 Scientific Turn and Sustainable

See for example, Panel Report United States – Development
Measures Concerning the Importation, Marketing and
Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products, WT/DS381/R, The cases discussed above corroborate the scien-
15 September 2011 (US-Tuna II); Arcuri (2017, p. 185) tific turn that has already been recognised. This
(reflecting on the way the building of scientific evidence of
harm to dolphins could be used to assess the timeframe of more recent use of science, however, does not
the non-discrimination claim: “if with the passage of time, manifest significantly differently than it did in
scientific evidence emerge and unequivocally point at the the Trail Smelter decision. The parties still submit
fact that other fishing techniques outside the ETP are their own expert reports. The conclusions and
equally harmful for dolphins, it seems ‘WTO-reasonable’
to consider the discriminatory character of the measures at figures included in those reports often contradict
the time of the establishment of the Panel.”). one another. In this turn towards scientific knowl-
Appellate Body Report United States – Measures edge as part of sustainable development,28 the
Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna
and Tuna Products, WT/DS381/AB/R, 16 May 2012
(US-Tuna II), paras 27–28, 68. 27
Perenco Ecuador Ltd v Republic of Ecuador, ICSID
Appellate Body Report, United States – Measures Case No. ARB/08/6, Award, 27 September 2019, paras
Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna 423 et seq., 489.
and Tuna Products – Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU 28
For the widespread recognition of the turn to science,
by the United States, WT/DS381/RW/USA and Add.1 / see for example, D’Aspremont and Mbengue (2014,
United States – Measures Concerning the Importation, p. 240) (noting in particular that “scientific fact-finding is
Marketing and Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products – Second as much a struggle for argumentative persuasiveness as
Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Mexico (US–Tuna traditional fact-finding and law interpretation”);
II (Mexico) (Article 21.5 –US) / US–Tuna II (Mexico) Gruszczynski (2014) (“Science is used in order to establish
(Article 21.5 – Mexico II)), WT/DS381/AB/RW/USA, necessity, i.e. to show the existence of certain risks and to
WT/DS381/AB/RW2, adopted 11 January 2019; see also prove the required relation between a measure and an
Baroncini and Brunel (2020, p. 197). identified risk”); Ellsworth (2011, p. 895) (“Training to
Burlington Resources Inc v Republic of Ecuador, think like a lawyer is not quite like training to think like a
ICSID Case No. ARB/08/5, Decision on Ecuador’s scientist, and, more important, the circumstances and
Counterclaims, 7 December 2017, para 77. constraints faced by lawyers and scientists when they
66 E. Sipiorski

centrality of that knowledge and its impact on the Yet, sustainable development, when applied in
decision makers is often overlooked. The judges a legal context, virtually requires these scientific
and arbitrators are (typically) not specialised in submissions—these perspectives outside of the
science, and therefore have limited perspectives law—in order to achieve the objectives of the
on the highly technical, highly relevant scientific law or regulatory measure. Scientific knowledge
submissions. The use of the precautionary princi- in that context is the material connection between
ple where the amount of scientific information is the intention of the law and its application. That
not yet fully formed demonstrates a more materiality is condensed to numbers on a page,
dynamic relationship with these additional inputs. graphs, and conclusions. The very reasoning
Katalin Sulyok has already highlighted the applied and the required outcomes are distinct,31
limitations to the approach to scientific uncer- creating a difficulty in applying both legal
tainty within the European Court of Human reasoning and scientific reasoning in the same
Rights.29 Foster has suggested that the application breath of a decision.
of facts to the law can be characterised as the With this deference to the expertise of
rationalist approach (Foster 2011). D’Aspremont scientists as well as the inherent role of science
and Mbengue (2014, p. 247) ask whether “scien- in creating law,32 science and the scientists that
tific fact-finding [should] be left exclusively to the create it are gaining a new form in the sphere of
judge, should it be made the responsibility of the international law. Beyond judges, scientists are
parties, or should it be outsourced to external arguably now becoming part of the law-making
experts? Depending on which of these methods sphere in international law in the era of sustain-
of cognition is applied, scientific fact-finding will able development, and are among the non-state
either resemble traditional law-establishment,
come close to traditional fact-finding or grow
into a wholly distinct adjudicative operation.”
nonexpert legal decisionmakers choose among the experts
Some decades ago, and viewing the issue more by relying on such indicia of expertise as credentials,
specifically through the lens of US law—where reputation, and demeanor. Thus, even the act of soliciting
the integration of science into criminal law and and deferring to expert scientific judgment requires
tort decisions has been well-established—Brewer nonexperts to use a reasoning process-the process of
selecting the experts, deciding which expert to believe
noted that the judgment of the veracity of a scien- when the experts compete, and, finally, deciding how to
tific submission is typically deferred to expert use the believed expert's information in resolving the cen-
scientific witnesses (Brewer 1998, p. 1538). He tral dispute being litigated.”).
described the tools applied to give credence to a
Ellsworth (2011, p. 913) (“The need to reach final
decisions in individual cases also encourages categorical
particular position on a scientific point as being
thinking: a defendant is either liable or not liable, sane or
based on a reasoning process but surely not insane, a danger to society or not. Scientists, especially
connected to the scientific process itself.30 social scientists, are more likely to think in terms of con-
tinuous variables; there is always a grey area between the
sane and the insane, the dangerous and the safe, and the
undertake the task of solving a problem are quite differ- deliberate or unintentional behavior. In dealing with peo-
ent.”); Haack (2009, pp. 14–21). ple in these grey areas, the task is to assess the individual
Sulyok (2017, p. 523) (“By avoiding complex causal and the circumstantial pressures and to come up with an
inquiries [in toxic exposure case law] and evidentiary individually nuanced explanation, and if one is a psychia-
assessments, the Strasbourg Court sacrifices predictable trist or a clinical psychologist or some other kind of coun-
and nuanced judicial decision-making and leaves future selor, an individualized plan of treatment. But a judge has
plaintiffs without guidance as to the court’s evidentiary to make a decision.”).
requirements. These shortcomings, if left unaddressed, 32
Avgerinopoulou (2019, p. 345) (providing that “[i]n the
could undermine the Court’s reputation of being a leading [] wake of the twenty-first century, it has become clear that
advocate of environmental protection based on human environmental issues require multilateral answers and that
rights.”); see further, Sulyok (2020). science and policy should play a more central role to the
Brewer (1998, pp. 1538–1539) (“Lacking the informa- policy-making and lawmaking model. Many scholars have
tion necessary to make cogent independent judgments argued that science and policy need to be explicitly and
about which of the competing scientific experts to believe, effectively interrelated; such interaction is inevitable.”)
Scientific Knowledge: Its Impacts on Judicial Decision-Making and. . . 67

actors that now colour the system.33 Chapter 31 p. 1541)?35 This interaction is essential in the
of Agenda 21 directly addressed the role of “the space and narrative of sustainable development.
scientific and technological community, [. . .] to The question that arises is: How are scientific
make a more open and effective contribution to inputs being applied in the development narrative
the decision-making processes concerning envi- to achieve the possibilities that lie therein? Have
ronment and development. It is important that the those possibilities been limited by the lack of
role of science and technology in human affairs knowledge of the scientific method by those
be more widely known and better understood, judges and arbitrators entrusted with applying
both by decision makers who help determine them and using them for the given ends? Is there
public policy and by the general public.”34 Their a danger of material misuse or misunderstanding
input not only in the creation but in the stage of resulting in a “just” outcome for the purposes of
decision-making through these expert inputs engaging in the production of a globally-
suggests a rich integration. applicable ecologically-sensitive law outside the
The interactions of judges with science leads boundaries of what is in fact provided in such a
to diverse conclusions regarding how science is scientific expert report?
either being shunned (Alvarez 2011), or more Science as a mechanism for applying sustain-
interestingly, impacting the process of judicial able development and respecting the delicate bal-
reasoning. This impact of science on judicial ance between the varying goals of the principle is
reasoning has larger implications within the a necessary addition to legal reasoning and the
broader framing of law for a blue planet, process of decision-making. The effectiveness of
suggesting a need for growth and awareness of such inputs, however, in a future perspective,
how that knowledge changes the law generally requires a different relationship with those inputs.
and the specific impacts of the awareness of the It must be decided at a more systemic level
Anthropocene and sustainable development as a whether and how those inputs should be
legal concept. modifying the process of legal reasoning itself.
The outcome in the Gabčikovo-Nagymaros dis-
pute of using the ongoing accumulation of scien-
5 Conclusion and the Future tific information to unburden a decision-making
of Scientific Integration process could have dangerous consequences. The
into Law more recent interaction with scientific knowledge,
as in the Burlington dispute, points to a refreshing
As science and the law converge, there remains re-imagination of how science and law can both
an interaction in the space of legal be enhanced with the integration.
epistemologies: what materially exists to allow The inclusion of scientific expertise forces law
the possibilities of law’s future (Brewer 1998, to push beyond its traditional boundaries—in the
way that the inclusion of any expertise pushes a
court’s analysis beyond a purely legal consider-
ation of facts. Taking science as simply another
Carosso et al. (2019) and Mbengue (2011) (building on
the idea of environmental law as formed around an envi-
ronmental compact that individuals respect and specifi- 35
Brewer notably highlights the Brown v Board of Edu-
cally noting that in Section III of Agenda 21, “[n]ot a cation decision to “illustrate the crucial importance of a
single major non-state actor is omitted. From women to court’s use of putatively scientific results in reaching and
children, from NGOs to the business sector and from attempting to justify legal decisions.” (1542). Emphasising
indigenous communities to scientific communities, each the role of science in decisions of high societal importance,
component of the ‘sustainable development community’ is his analysis sets the groundwork for considering how
recognized as a key actor.”). international tribunals similarly use such scientific results
United Nations Conference on Environment & Devel- to take decisions that impact international development,
opment, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992, Agenda understood in the holistic environmental, social, and eco-
21, Section III. nomic contexts.
68 E. Sipiorski

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Part II
Climate, Ocean and Biodiversity Protection
Climate Change and Sustainability

Filipe Duarte Santos, Paulo Lopes Ferreira,

and Jiesper Strandsbjerg Tristan Pedersen

Abstract Keywords
The chapter discusses the challenge of global Climate change · Fossil fuels · Climate ethics ·
climate change and its relationship with Climate justice · Global equity · Mitigation
sustainability. Following a brief review of the solutions · Sustainable development
origin, principal drivers and current situation
of climate change, an analysis of recent
developments in climate change ethics and 1 Fossil Fuels and Social
climate justice and their influence on climate and Economic Progress
change global policies is presented. We argue
that the heterogeneous global climate move- Nature’s development of a particularly resistant
ment has captured the world’s attention and complex organic polymer, lignin, allowed the
will probably influence the future course of emergence of the first treelike plants. Trees
events. Finally, the chapter addresses the became robust, some very tall, measuring more
essential role of climate change action in than 30 m, and abundant, forming luxuriant
achieving global sustainability and focuses marshy forests in the Carboniferous period
on the interdependency between global between 360 and 299 million years ago. These
inequalities and economic growth. The com- forests sequestered huge amounts of carbon diox-
patibility of mainstream neoclassical econom- ide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Their fossil
ics (MNE) with the rapid mitigation needed to remains produced the large coal deposits that
reach the Paris Agreement temperature goals is fuelled the industrial revolution and still sustain
discussed. Although far from optimal MNE a large part of the world’s energy needs. They are
mitigation policies, world climate change known as coal forests (Santos 2012).
policies are strongly influenced by the global At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the
dominance of neoclassical economics. consumption of wood to build ships and houses,
to meet household demand, and feed the furnaces
in foundries and those used to produce bricks and
glass began to reduce the forest area in Europe
F. D. Santos · P. L. Ferreira · J. S. T. Pedersen (✉) dramatically. The solution was to increase the use
University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences, Climate Change of coal, abundant in England and other regions of
Impacts, Adaptation and Modelling (CCIAM), Centre for
Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), Central Europe. First, however, the coal mines
Lisbon, Portugal had to be drained of flood waters before coal
e-mail: fdsantos@fc.ul.pt; plferreira@fc.ul.pt; could be extracted. The English ironmonger and

# The Author(s) 2023 73

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
74 F. D. Santos et al.

inventor Thomas Newcomen (1664–1729) especially in the last two centuries (Santos 2021),
sought to solve the difficulty, and in 1712 he although it has not solved the deepening North-
built a steam-driven machine based on an earlier South socioeconomic divide. The availability of
prototype from 1675 created by Denis Papin an affordable and abundant form of energy
(1647–1713), a French physicist and inventor associated with socioeconomic, scientific, and
(Santos 2012). The Newcomen steam engine technological advances contributed to the rapid
was inefficient, but the problem was successfully improvement of public health, an increase in fer-
solved by James Watt (1736–1819) in 1776. tility, and a remarkable extension of life expec-
The 1780s marked the beginning of the fossil tancy, leading to a 7.8-fold increase in the global
fuel era of long-lasting and widespread conver- population from 1800 to 2019. The other out-
sion of the chemical energy stored in coal and standing feature of the processes initiated by the
other fossil fuels into other forms of energy. Coal Industrial Revolution was sustained exponential
provided the primary energy supply for the global economic growth for more than two
industrialisation process of the nineteenth cen- centuries, which allowed a 33-fold increase in
tury, with global primary energy consumption global GDP per capita from 1820 to 2006 (Jones
from coal increasing from 97 TWh in 1800 to 2016). Global primary energy consumption
5728 TWh in 1900 (Smil 2016). The history of increased from 20 EJ in 1800 to 584 EJ in 2019
the intensive exploitation of petroleum began in (BP 2020), representing a 3.7-fold increase in
1853 with the discovery of a process for distilling primary energy consumption per capita.
kerosene from petroleum by the Polish scientist In the nineteenth century, science predicted
Ignacy Lukasiewicz. In 1856, the first petroleum that CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion
refinery began to operate in Pleiesti, Romania, would cause an increase in the atmosphere’s
soon followed by many more. In 1859, Edwin mean global temperature. During the twentieth
Drake, a railway engine driver in New Haven, century global climate change was identified and
Connecticut, revolutionised the petroleum indus- attributed to anthropogenic greenhouse gas
try when he succeeded in extracting petroleum (GHG) emissions, especially CO2. According to
from the subsoil by boring through the rocky the last report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
layers, near Titusville, in Pennsylvania. Shortly Climate Change (IPCC), “observed increases in
afterward, in 1876, Nikolaus Otto, a German well-mixed GHG concentrations since around
engineer, built and successfully used the first 1750 are unequivocally caused by human
four-stroke internal combustion engine, which activities” (IPCC 2021). The atmospheric
was the first competitive alternative to the steam concentrations of CO2, Methane (CH4) and
engine. After a few decades, petroleum explora- nitrous oxide (N2O) in 2021, were 415.7±0.2
tion became commonplace worldwide and oil was ppm, 1908±2 ppb, and 334.5±0.1 ppb, respec-
used in an increasingly intensive way. Natural gas tively, representing 149%, 262% and 124% of
is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture pre-industrial levels (before 1750).
consisting of methane and other alkanes found in (WMO 2022). Since the establishment of the
natural gas fields or associated with oil fields and IPCC in 1988, the share of fossil fuel primary
coal beds. In the nineteenth century, natural gas energy supply has remained almost unchanged
was used mostly as a source of light. Still in the between 1990–2020 at around 81% (Pedersen
twentieth century, once efficient pipelines had et al. 2021; IEA 2021). Although electric power
begun to be built, it was also used for domestic generation from renewable energies reached 27%
heating and cooking, to generate electricity and in in 2019 and is fast increasing, there is no evidence
industry. yet of a sustained global energy transition to
The intensive use of fossil fuels was an essen- renewables, since fossil and renewable energy
tial driver in constructing the current global production increases at similar speeds (Pedersen
development model. This has improved average et al. 2021). Such a transition will need to take
human economic prosperity at the global level, place before 2050, requiring global annual
Climate Change and Sustainability 75

reductions of 1–2 GtCO2 in CO2 emissions 2011; Caney 2014, 2016). Climate change is
throughout the 2020s and beyond, to achieve the viewed as an intragenerational and intergenera-
Paris Agreement1 goal of holding the increase in tional global problem that may be solved by the
global mean surface temperature (GMST) below application of universal theoretical ethical
2 °C, and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature principles to positively influence and promote
increase to 1.5 °C (Le Quéré et al. 2021), relative real-world responses. Those principles are
to pre-industrial times (1850–1900) (IPCC 2021). discussed within the UNFCCC, partly reflected
A pathway with no or limited overshoot of the in the Paris Agreement (UNFCCC/COP 2015;
1.5 °C Paris goal requires global GHG emissions Okereke and Coventry 2016) and agreements
to fall by about 45% by 2030 compared to 2010, taken in follow-up COPs (UNFCCC/COP
reaching net zero around 2050 (IPCC 2018). Lim- 2022). Justice principles generally seek to address
iting the GMST rise to below 2 °C requires CO2 the asymmetries between individuals in develop-
emissions to decrease by about 25% from 2010 to ing and developed countries and also between
2030 and reach net zero around 2070 (UNFCCC individuals inside each country, as regards per-
2021). These results show that rapid global sonal contributions and institutional responsi-
decarbonisation is now mandatory to achieve the bilities in GHG emissions and in the capacity to
Paris goals. reduce these emissions. A second type of asym-
The Earth’s GMST has increased by around metry is connected with different degrees of vul-
1.1 °C compared to the average for the nerability to the impacts of climate change.
1850–1900 period. The largest part of this Generally, people living in developing countries,
increase (2/3) has occurred since 1975 at a rate and especially in the least developed countries
of about 0.15–0.2 °C per decade (Hansen et al. and in fragile states (OECD 2018), are more
2010). Cumulative CO2 emissions from fossil vulnerable and have a much lower capacity to
fuels and industrial production in the period cope with the damaging impacts of more frequent
1850–2019 have amounted to 1640 GtCO2, rising extreme weather events attributable to climate
from 0.85 GtCO2 to 36.5 GtCO2 in 2019 (GCP change, and to changes in precipitation regimes
2020). Thus, the mitigation challenge and and the global average sea level rise, than people
urgency are mounting (Peters et al. 2020). Since living in the advanced economies. Furthermore,
the Paris Agreement,2 emissions have continued in communities around the world, especially in
to increase every year. Only the measures taken developing countries, poor people and in particu-
worldwide to combat the COVID-19 pandemic lar women are more vulnerable to the harmful
crisis caused an estimated temporary 5.6% drop impacts of climate change (Nellemann et al.
in CO2 emissions (Le Quéré et al. 2020) and a 5% 2011). Finally, there is a third asymmetry caused
drop in total GHG emissions measured in carbon by the delay in controlling the cause of a slowly
dioxide equivalents (CO2e) (Becker et al. 2020). evolving process. The GHG emissions produced
This is the largest annual reduction ever observed by the current generation are exacerbating a prob-
(Le Quéré et al. 2021). lem that is already growing and are making it
more harmful for future generations. These
asymmetries tend to increase poverty, malnutri-
2 Climate Change Ethics tion, hunger, health risks and forced migrations in
and Justice more vulnerable populations. Here we will
address questions related to climate ethics and
Climate change has been a very fertile subject for the emerging field of climate justice, although
ethics since the beginning of the 1990s (Jamieson leaving aside those concerning the moral status
1992; Gardiner 2006; Arnold 2010; Gardiner of climate change denial (Gremmen 2012; Lavik
Paris Agreement 2015 (United Nations Framework Con- Ideally, a normative theory of climate change
vention on Climate Change). ethics could be very relevant in deciding how to
Paris Agreement. distribute investment between mitigation and
76 F. D. Santos et al.

adaptation, how to correctly balance the costs and that supports and empowers them, in which case
benefits of mitigation measures, and how to dis- the agent of change has to become the system
tribute the costs and non-climate benefits of itself (Somerville 2020). According to Brandstedt
decarbonisation. It could also help in achieving “even non-ideal climate justice may be too dis-
a just transition from a fossil-fuel-based global connected from the fast-moving and messy cli-
economy to one powered by renewable energies. mate circus” (Brandstedt 2019). More recently it
However, after more than 25 years of philosophi- has been suggested that “engaged methods” that
cal analyses in ethical normative theory, climate involve substantial interaction between the theo-
change risks continue to increase (Santos 2020), rist and actual or potential agents of change ought
and the energy transition is still in its infancy. to be used to influence real-world climate action
Faced with the increasing evidence that climate (Green and Brandstedt 2021).
politics has a “difficult, problematic, or perhaps Climate justice comes in three main forms:
wicked” specific character (Brandstedt 2019), cli- academic discourse, a motivational ideal of
mate ethicists have tried to be more practical and non-governmental organisations, and social and
to seek pragmatic ways to bring individual peo- political grassroots movements concerned with
ple, and eventually society, closer to normative questions of human rights and social, distributive,
ethical ideals. This emerging approach, known as and intergenerational justice related to or caused
non-ideal theory, specifically addresses the ques- by climate change. Grassroots climate justice and
tion of realism, which implies starting from an climate action movements are a form of climate
accurate description of people, politics and activism that originated in the concepts and
policies, transitional processes, concerns, and movements of environmental justice that began
ways of dealing with non-compliers (Heyward to appear in society in the 1990s (Schlosberg
and Roser 2016). 2014). The Environmental Justice and Climate
One critical aspect of the non-ideal theoretical Change Initiative was founded in 2001, during
approach of bringing individuals and society the first Climate Justice Summit at the COP6
closer to normative ethical ideals is to identify meeting of the United Nations Framework Con-
agents of change, who are willing to pursue vention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in The
changes that would reduce injustices resulting Hague.
from climate change (Laurence 2020). An agent There is a certain disconnection between
of change is an agent willing or potentially will- non-ideal ethical theories of climate change and
ing to pursue actions to address and help resolve their applications and the grassroots movements
significant injustices. An additional problem is to of climate justice, although the ideals and
decide on ethical grounds what importance interests of both frequently overlap. They have
should be given to agents who cause injustice so far represented two complementary
and are often politically mobilised to defend the approaches to address the challenge of climate
existing state of affairs, regarding social or politi- change, each functioning in its own domain with
cal climate change issues, such as governments, few cross-references and little collaboration
political parties, and corporations. What ethical (Schlosberg 2014). However, this situation
attitude should be recommended for climate appears to be changing. A wide range of climate
deniers who endorse the narrative developed by justice and climate action movements and indi-
the fossil fuel industry since the 1980s that acting vidual climate change activists have been able to
decisively to reduce emissions of GHG will have develop and establish what have been called anti-
a devastating effect on jobs and the economy as a fossil fuel norms (Green 2018; Blondeel et al.
whole? (Collomb 2014) A third issue in non-ideal 2021), such as discontinuing fossil fuel subsidies,
theoretical analysis concerns the extent to which promoting fossil fuel divestments, phasing out
agents of change are free to move successfully coal power stations and coal mining investments,
towards normative ethical ideals or are discontinuing oil and gas fracking, phasing out
constrained by the overarching economic system the use of oil and natural gas, and more generally
Climate Change and Sustainability 77

establishing a moratorium on prospection for fos- spreading form of social behaviour in some dem-
sil fuels. Anti-fossil fuel norms have been ocratic countries.
advocated in more or less explicit ways by
individuals and organisations in civil society,
international organisations such as the IMF 3 Climate Change
(Herbst-Bayliss 2016), the World Bank (King and Sustainability. Inequalities
2014), the OECD (Gurría 2015), and state leaders and Economics as Critical
(Green 2018). The leader of the Catholic religion, Points
Pope Francis, who also implicitly endorsed some
of these norms (Francis 2015), was promptly In 1983, the World Commission on the Environ-
rebuked by defenders of mainstream neoclassical ment and Development, chaired by Gro Harlem
economics (Nordhaus 2015; Rocca 2015). Brundtland, defined sustainable development as
Francis Rocca of The Wall Street Journal “development which meets the needs of the pres-
commented that Pope Francis “offered a broad ent without compromising the ability of future
and uncompromising indictment of the global generations to meet their own needs”. It gradually
market economy, accusing it of plundering the became clear that sustainable development is not
Earth at the expense of the poor and of future a strictly scientific concept that can be defined
generations” (Rocca 2015). unambiguously, since opinions differ as to pre-
Recently, a growing number of young climate cisely which human needs should be considered
activists have been expressing their dissent for application of the principle of intergenera-
regarding current global climate change policies tional equity (Santos 2012). These needs can be
and business-as-usual economic and social categorised as falling within social, environmen-
policies, including their undisputable emphasis tal, cultural and economic realms, but the relative
on support for unlimited economic growth importance of the different components is a mat-
(Escobar 2015; Marris 2019). In the complex ter of opinion.
reality of youth concerns about climate change, Sustainability is a state of living that is able to
O’Brien et al. (2018). have identified three types continue for a long period and can be applied to
of dissent: dutiful, disruptive, and dangerous. all living systems, including the human system. It
This heterogeneous global climate movement is a broader concept than sustainable develop-
has captured the world’s attention, is becoming ment, which is implicitly more focused on a strat-
more powerful, and will likely be able to influ- egy for human development. Both concepts are
ence the future course of events. Part of its very recent in the history of civilizations and what
strength lies in the fact that the young activists makes them distinctive is their emphasis on the
do not represent someone else’s agenda. Further- future, which can be interpreted as a form of
more, the young protesters do not yet have vested uneasiness about the future of mankind. Expres-
interests, other than their existential interest in sive proof of this concern was provided in 2015,
protecting their future lives and well-being. In when 193 countries of the UN General Assembly
fact, the risks and uncertainties of not holding adopted the 2030 Development Agenda, with
the GMST increase to 1.5 °C above 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and
pre-industrial levels are disproportionally higher the 169 targets and 232 indicators associated
for them and for the generations to come (Thiery with these. Most of the SDGs are interconnected
et al. 2021). and interdependent, SDG 13—Climate Action—
It remains to be seen whether the movements being a leading example. Here we shall focus on
that defend anti-fossil fuel norms are able to the interdependency between SDG 13 and SDGs
influence societies worldwide and contribute to 8 and 10.
accelerating global decarbonisation. The adoption Most people would agree with Indira Gandhi
of anti-fossil fuel norms could become a rapidly when, in her speech to the UN Conference on
78 F. D. Santos et al.

Environment in Stockholm in 1972, she posed the to be, constrained by the overarching global role
question: Are not poverty and need the greatest of MNE.
polluters? It is impossible to achieve sustainable Neoclassical economic theory acknowledges
development without eradicating or greatly the over-exploitation of natural resources, pollu-
reducing various acute forms of inequality: tion, increasing GHG emissions, waste
extreme poverty, hunger and food insecurity, accumulation, and environmental degradation as
long-term unemployment and income inequalities market failures that can be corrected by
within and between countries. Inequalities in internalising the cost of negative externalities
human development impede a successful through appropriate market correction measures.
response to climate change, and help to reinforce In the case of climate change, the market correc-
it. The solution to each problem is dependent on tion is to establish a price attached to GHG
the solution to the other. It is highly unlikely that emissions so that the cost of emissions is borne
climate justice can be restored with the current by the emitter. All countries, or initially a climate
level of inequalities across the world. Further- club of countries (Nordhaus 1992), should use, in
more, it is unlikely that the GMST goals of the all sectors of the economy, a carbon tax or a cap-
Paris Agreement can be reached without substan- and-trade mechanism, as applied in the European
tially increasing support for climate change miti- Union, or indeed both methods, to put a price on
gation from OECD countries to their non-OECD carbon. The economic cost-benefit optimisation
counterparts. There are various other examples of models that use mitigation as a market correction
inextricably bound sustainability problems but tool based on a carbon price were developed
discussion of these is beyond the scope of this about 30 years ago and have been regularly
chapter. updated by William Nordhaus (Nordhaus 1992,
It has been argued that it is difficult for main- 1993, 2013, 2017, 2018), but their effective appli-
stream neoclassical economics (MNE) to promote cation in global climate governance3 and national
effective mitigation at the global level (Klein policymaking4 to mitigate and ‘control’ climate
2015). Many have voiced the opinion that the change has had limited success so far.
neoclassical economic system has failed to The climate change challenge is particularly
respond fast enough to the challenge of climate difficult to address from the point of view of
change, and there are examples where it has neoclassical economics, for three main reasons.
impeded effective action (Turner 2019). Never- First, it requires intertemporal decisions involving
theless, neoclassical economics provides the tools time periods much longer than one or two social
needed to address the problem. Why has it been generations, while the main objective of the the-
unsuccessful up to now? The answer to this ques- ory of economic growth (Solow 1956; Swan
tion lies at the core of sustainability in the current 1956) is to maximise economic growth, measured
and next centuries, and is briefly analysed here, as GDP, over periods of 50–60 years, or shorter.
from the point of view of MNE. This objective is succinctly expressed by
There is consensus that rapid global mitigation Joseph Stiglitz when he writes that analytic
is disruptive for many economic activities, with growth models “are intended to help us answer
some industries and businesses gaining value and questions like, for the intermediate run—for the
flourishing while others shrink and tend to disap- next 50–60 years, is it possible that growth can be
pear, which generates social and economic costs
and losses for groups of people and countries. It 3
Glasgow Climate Pact 2021 (Decision-/CP26)
may be possible to reach agreement on how to UNFCCC (2021).
implement a just and equitable transition to a Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition Investing in
global low-carbon economy using the most a climate-neutral future for the benefit of our people 2020
(Communication from the Commission to the European
appropriate transitional assistance policies for
Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and
each region and country (Green and Brandstedt Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions)
2021), but the transition has been, and continues (The White House 2021).
Climate Change and Sustainability 79

sustained? What does this possibility entail? We mitigation since future generations will be
write down models as if they extend out to infinity, empowered with better technology to deal with
but no one takes these limits seriously” (Stiglitz the problem of climate change. A low discount
1997). However, some of the activities in the rate, as advocated by Stern (2007), is favoured by
human subsystem over a period of 50–60 years ethical considerations of intergenerational justice
interfere with the Earth system for many centuries based on the severity of the future impacts of
and generate impacts on the human subsystem unmitigated climate change, especially in the
that should not be ignored. A paradigmatic exam- most vulnerable countries.
ple is anthropogenic GHG emissions that have The third difficulty in the MNE approach is
had impacts on the human-climate system over that mitigation is related to climate justice
the last two centuries that will be felt for many through the recognition that climate change has
centuries and possibly millennia, periods of time different impacts in populations with vastly dif-
which for human hyperbolic time discounting are ferent socioeconomic development levels, and in
virtually irrelevant (Ainslie 2001). What humans particular puts human rights at risk for poor and
do now, how they live, and the characteristics of vulnerable people (Olawuyi 2015). Current nega-
their technosphere in the current intermediate tive climate change impacts are on average more
run, have impacts on the climate system well severe in lower- and middle-income countries
beyond that run, and these impacts will affect than in higher-income countries, in terms of loss
the human subsystem in intermediate runs in the of lives and livelihoods. In the former group of
very distant future. In the intertemporal decisions countries, there tend to be more profound nega-
recommended by cost-benefit optimisation tive effects on human rights, including rights to
models (Nordhaus 2017, 2018), the critical point life, development, food, health, water and sanita-
is to assume that the future is a series of succes- tion, and housing. This disparity in the impacts on
sive intermediate runs of economic growth. The human rights is not captured by mitigation
reason for favouring the intermediate run rather models based on a cost-benefit economic opti-
than the long run stems from the fact that the mum. In other words, in a poor and vulnerable
operative social time of the contemporary gener- population, the economic losses measured in
ation is strongly focused on its own element of terms of GDP may be low but the loss in human
operative time. The spaces of experience and rights and environmental degradation may be
horizons of expectation of future generations are high. Using the Global Progress Indicator (GPI)
barely relevant because they go beyond the oper- (Kubiszewski et al. 2013), which is used in eco-
ative time of the contemporary social generation logical economics and takes into account both
(Santos 2021). environmental and social factors, rather than
There is a second, more specific difficulty with GDP, would lead to a different final result.
MNE in dealing with long-term intertemporal Each country is a special case as regards the
decisions, although it relates to the previous one. energy transition, so the effect of putting a price
Climate change market-based mitigation policies on carbon depends on the endogenous energy
are especially sensitive to the value chosen for the sources, the energy system, the growth rate of
social time discount rate used for investing in energy demand, the transition process and the
mitigation, a choice that has generated well- level of socioeconomic development. However,
known debates (Nordhaus 2007; Stern 2007). A all countries are committed to the same global
high discount rate, as advocated by Nordhaus, model of GDP growth, believed to lead necessar-
implies that it is not advisable to mitigate climate ily to increased economic prosperity and well-
change rapidly because that would involve a very being in the foreseeable future. Carbon pricing
high social cost of carbon, which would slow is likely to slow down a country’s GDP growth
global GDP growth. A cost-benefit analysis and its sustainability and competitiveness in the
under the assumption of continuous and robust global economy in the short term. Governments,
GDP growth shows that there is no need for rapid especially in OECD countries, frequently prefer
80 F. D. Santos et al.

to use regulation and administrative measures to temperature target of 2 °C with current policies is
decarbonise the economy, instead of a carbon tax, not considered to be feasible with reasonably
because the cost of such measures is less trans- accessible technologies, even with very ambitious
parent to society and it therefore becomes unclear mitigation strategies (Nordhaus 2018). The
which voters will be more affected by the process cost-benefit economic optimum, which optimises
(Luciani 2020). The introduction of a uniform global climate mitigation policy using the DICE
CO2 price on all emissions in a world economy model, projects that the GMST will reach about
based on intensive energy use, where 81% of the 3.5 °C in 2100 and continue to increase in the
primary energy sources in 2019 were fossil fuels twenty-second century (Nordhaus 2018). This
(IEA 2021), would necessarily reduce global result is heavily dependent on when implementa-
GDP. In any case, rapid decarbonisation requires tion of the optimised mitigation policy begins. If
an increased level of state intervention in macro- the optimal cost-benefit pathway is delayed by
economics, which is unwelcome in neoclassical 20 to 30 years the GMST increase in 2100 will
economics. be 4 °C or more. It remains to be seen whether
Knowledge of the beneficial effects of mitiga- world climate policy will end up following the
tion, especially in the long term for future 3.5 °C trajectory or stay below the Paris Agree-
generations, has been insufficient to move the ment temperature targets. If the former happens,
electorates in OECD countries towards strong this can be interpreted as substantiation of the
decarbonisation policies. In addition, global miti- constraints imposed by neoclassical economics
gation has not yet been sufficiently supported by in the search for a solution to the climate change
the developed Annex1 countries,5 as inscribed in problem.
the Paris Agreement from 2020 and onwards.6 In conclusion, there is a great distance between
Recently, damage resulting from impacts current world climate change policies and optimal
attributed to climate change, especially damage MNE global mitigation policies that are supposed
related to extreme weather events, has caught the to effectively address the climate change chal-
attention of society and governments in OECD lenge, yet the former are strongly influenced by
countries, emphasising the need for rapid adapta- the overwhelming global dominance of neoclas-
tion and mitigation action. Furthermore, there are sical economics.
emerging signs that uncontrolled climate change
is already creating risks for economic growth in Acknowledgments Jiesper would like to acknowledge
some countries (Kiley 2021). Rapid mitigation is the support from Henry & Kirsten Strandsbjerg Pedersen
and financial support from EEA-Financial Mechanism
more difficult in emerging and developing
2014-2021 and the Portuguese Environment Agency
economies, such as the major emitters China and through the Pre-defined Project-2 National Roadmap for
India, since their priority is to advance their Adaptation XXI (PDP-2).
development agenda and reach the same level of
GDP, economic prosperity, and well-being as the
OECD countries (Bhardwaj et al. 2018; Jinping References
2020; Choudhury 2021).
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Pollution and Law

Manuela Pintado and Alexandra Aragão

Abstract Keywords
Pollution law is the result of decades of legis- Pollution law · Pollution costs · Prevention ·
lative evolution in environmental law. The Precaution · Polluter pays · Circular economy
inherent complexity of pollution has legal
consequences. Pollution norms are not com-
piled into one single harmonised pollution law 1 Pollution and Pollution Law
and much less a “pollution code”. This makes
it much harder to know, interpret, apply, mon- Pollution can take a number of forms. The legal
itor and implement pollution laws, and to regime governing pollution is flexible enough to
apply sanctions to the violations of those include the various forms of pollution. Histori-
laws. The final reason that explains and cally, laws began by regulating classical chemical
justifies efforts to regulate, tax, charge for, pollution that contaminated air, water, soil or
clean up, supervise and sanction pollution is living organisms. Currently, other more subtle
protection of the victims of pollution. Inten- forms of pollution, such as electromagnetic radia-
sive linear economic activity, which ignores tion, thermal pollution or nano pollution, are also
the limits of the environment and the resulting regulated by law.
long-term damage, is depleting the planet’s In this context, the legal regime for industrial
resources. It is therefore crucial to implement pollution, known as “integrated pollution preven-
strategies and solutions that enable pollution tion and control” or IPPC, defines ‘emission’ as
prevention and that maximise the value of “the direct or indirect release of substances,
resources. Pollution prevention must be proac- vibrations, heat or noise from individual or dif-
tive and needs a pre-planned strategy. Current fuse sources in the installation into air, water or
and future generations deserve a pollution-free land”.1
world. Pollution is a battle that can be won. Furthermore, nowadays legal norms consider
not only the impacts of pollution in the direct
vicinity of the polluting installation or activity,
M. Pintado
Catholic University of Portugal, School of Biotechnology,
Porto, Portugal

A. Aragão (✉) 1
Article 3 of Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Par-
University of Coimbra, Legal Institute of the Faculty of liament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on
Law, Coimbra, Portugal industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and
e-mail: aaragao@fd.uc.pt control).

# The Author(s) 2023 85

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
86 M. Pintado and A. Aragão

but also long-distance pollution2 and even extra pollution law. The most prominent examples at
atmospheric space pollution.3 the international level are the Convention on
From an economic point of view, according to long-range transboundary air pollution6 (Geneva,
economic theory, pollution is an externality 13 November 1979), and the Convention on the
caused by a market failure (Marshall 1890; protection and use of transboundary watercourses
Coase 1960). As will be explained, the polluter and international lakes7 (Helsinki, 17 March
pays principle is the perfect instrument to impose 1992), relating to atmospheric pollution and
internalisation of pollution costs. water pollution, respectively. In Europe, one key
example is the industrial emissions directive, also
called the integrated pollution prevention and
2 Legal Approaches control rules (European Union 2010).
and Regulation of Pollution Institutionally there has been a parallel devel-
opment of institutions oriented towards green or
Pollution law is the result of decades of legislative grey environmental laws. For example, the Inter-
evolution in environmental law. Considering their governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
scope of application and the legislative approach, was set up in 1988 to deal with atmospheric
existing environmental norms can be divided into pollution caused by greenhouse gases (IPCC
two major categories: green environmental law 2021) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy
and grey environmental law. Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Green environmental law deals with the con- (IPBES 2019), was set up in 2012, to strengthen
servation of natural areas, including habitats and the science-policy interface for biodiversity and
species. It can be regarded as a synonym for ecosystem services. The work of these specialised
biodiversity law. At the international level, one hybrid organs, composed of government
example is the 1992 UN Convention on biodiver- representatives, scientists and associations, is fun-
sity.4 In the European Union, it mainly equates to damental for the evolution of green and
the Natura 2000 directive,5 which creates the grey laws.
largest network of nature conservation sites in Grey environmental law has expanded along
the world. two lines of development. Firstly, it has increased
Grey environmental law describes the large the types of pollution regulated by law: from the
number of legal rules developed to combat differ- obvious initial cases of air,8 water (European
ent forms of environmental degradation, mostly Community 2000) or noise pollution, to less
caused by emissions of chemical substances,
ionising radiation, light, noise and waste. Grey
environment law is broadly synonymous with 6
2 https://unece.org/environment-policy/water.
1979 Geneva Convention on Long-Range 8
Transboundary Air Pollution (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/ Directive 75/439/EEC on waste oils is a historic
legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:21979A1113%2801% European Community Directive that marked the start of
29). the European Community’s environmental policy. It
3 imposed a duty on waste producers to reuse or recycle
The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of waste oils instead of discarding or destroying them. The
Outer Space adopted a set of Space Debris Mitigation Association of Waste Incinerators in France questioned the
Guidelines which were later endorsed by the General validity of the Directive in a French Court. In a landmark
Assembly in 2007. (https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/ preliminary ruling procedure the European Court of Jus-
documents-and-resolutions/search.jspx?view= tice upheld the interpretation that the Directive was valid
documents&match=ST/SPACE/49). and that it established a proportional protection of an
https://www.cbd.int/doc/legal/cbd-en.pdf. emerging European value: environmental quality as a
Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the sine qua non condition for the quality of life (Case
conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora 240/83 Judgment of the Court of 7 February 1985)
https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri= (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=
CELEX:31992L0043. CELEX%3A61983CJ0240).
Pollution and Law 87

visible yet equally dangerous forms of pollution, The main principles shaping pollution laws are
for instance, radioactive pollution, persistent prevention, precaution, correction at the source
organic pollutants, heavy metals or pollution and the polluter pays.
caused by nanomaterials. These principles have formally been part of the
Pollution appears in a wide variety of forms, European Treaties since 1986. Currently they are
coming from different pollution sources, emitting incorporated in Article 191 (2) of the Treaty on
heterogeneous pollution substances, affecting a the Functioning of the European Union:
diversity of receiving media, and causing a profu- 2. Union policy on the environment shall aim at a
sion of environmental victims. high level of protection taking into account the
This inherent complexity of pollution has legal diversity of situations in the various regions of the
consequences. Pollution norms are not compiled Union. It shall be based on the precautionary prin-
ciple and on the principles that preventive action
into one single harmonised pollution law and should be taken, that environmental damage should
much less a “pollution code”. This makes it as a priority be rectified at source and that the
much harder to know, interpret, apply, monitor polluter should pay
and implement pollution laws, and to apply
Besides these core principles established in the
sanctions to the violations of those laws.
Treaty, it is also very relevant to consider the
Pollution law is classified differently
transparency principle and the right of access to
according to the regulatory approach adopted: it
can be organised by the receiving media (atmo-
spheric pollution law,9 water pollution law10) or
by the polluting vector (greenhouse gas pollu-
3.1 Relevance of the Principles
tion,11 persistent organic pollutants,12 mercury
pollution13) or by the source of pollution (indus-
The reason why environmental principles tend to
trial emissions,14 emissions from motor
induce adhesion and generate consensus is
because they are the legal translation of intuitive
rules of common sense, efficiency and fairness.
Moreover, the principles are binding not only
3 Legal Principles Applicable on the EU institutions but also on the Member
to Pollution States, who are obliged to pursue “sincere coop-
eration” with the EU to “ensure fulfilment of the
The legal regulation of pollution is inspired by
obligations arising out of the Treaties or resulting
environmental principles (De Sadeleer 2020).
from the acts of the institutions of the Union”.16
More importantly, in EU law the principles are
Long range transboundary https://unece.org/convention- applicable to pollution arising from a wide range
of policies and activities. As a result of the inte-
Article 194 and 195 of the International Convention on
gration principle, the European Institutions and
the Law of the Sea https://www.un.org/depts/los/conven
tion_agreements/convention_overview_convention.htm. the Member States are obliged to consider the
1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate (https://
unfccc.int/resource/docs/convkp/conveng.pdf). 16
Stockholm Convention (http://www.pops.int/). Article 4(3) of the Treaty on the European Union:
13 “Pursuant to the principle of sincere cooperation, the
https://www.mercuryconvention.org/en. Union and the Member States shall, in full mutual respect,
EU Industrial Emissions Directive https://eur-lex. assist each other in carrying out tasks which flow from the
europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri= Treaties. The Member States shall take any appropriate
CELEX:32010L0075. measure, general or particular, to ensure fulfilment of the
REGULATION (EU) No 540/2014 OF THE EURO- obligations arising out of the Treaties or resulting from the
PEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of acts of the institutions of the Union. The Member States
16 April 2014 on the sound level of motor vehicles shall facilitate the achievement of the Union’s tasks and
https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/en/TXT/?uri= refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the
celex%3A32014R0540. attainment of the Union’s objectives”.
88 M. Pintado and A. Aragão

environmental principles when acting in all the produced a neighbourhood dialogue toolkit to
competence domains and in every EU policy support national administrations facing public
field: “environmental protection requirements opposition and demonstrations against proposed
must be integrated into the definition and imple- investments at the local level.21
mentation of the Union’s policies and activities,
in particular with a view to promoting sustainable
development” (Article 11 of the Treaty on the 3.2 Transparency Principle
Functioning of the European Union). Hence,
industry, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, mining, Transparency and access to environmental infor-
energy, transport, tourism, health, scientific mation are now central values in EU environmen-
research, space, defence, security, taxes, cohe- tal law. Directive 2003/4/EC of the European
sion, consumption or cooperation with third Parliament and of the Council, of 28 January
countries are just some examples of policies that 2003, on public access to environmental informa-
must deal with pollution, taking into account the tion establishes the right of access of any appli-
fundamental principles of environmental law. cant (at his request and without his having to state
The application of these principles to pollution an interest) to environmental information held by
law is illustrated by the European Directive that public authorities (Article 3 (1)).
deals with the most classic case of pollution: For the purposes of the Directive ‘Environ-
European Directive 2010/75/EU,17 which mental information’ includes both pollution and
establishes the industrial emissions regime. In pollution sources. According to Article
fact, industrial pollution gives rise to the vast 2 (1) ‘Environmental information’ means “any
majority of typical pollution conflicts involving information in written, visual, aural, electronic
multiple parties: the operator, the neighbours, the or any other material form on (. . .) (a) the state
workers, non-governmental organisations and the of the elements of the environment, such as air
public authorities are some of the interested and atmosphere, water, soil, land, landscape and
parties and stakeholders. Industrial pollution natural sites including wetlands, coastal and
also provides a good illustration since the marine areas, biological diversity and its
dilemmas of tolerating or proscribing a polluting components, including genetically modified
industrial activity18 have been addressed at differ- organisms, and the interaction among these
ent levels, from courts of human rights19 to elements; (b) factors, such as substances, energy,
initiatives by national administrations supported noise, radiation or waste, including radioactive
by the European Union, such as Impel,20 which waste, emissions, discharges and other releases
into the environment, affecting or likely to affect
the elements of the environment referred to in (a);
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions https://eur-
lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex% the European Union Member States and a few other
3A32010L0075. European countries. The Network’s objective is to create
Job creation, investment attraction, increasing produc- the necessary impetus in the European Union to make
tion scale and widening of the market for products and progress on ensuring a more effective application of envi-
services are some of the benefits usually associated with ronmental legislation (https://www.impel.eu/).
industrial development. 21
The neighbourhood dialogue toolkit is aimed at
European Court of Human Rights, Fadeyeva vs. Russia, authorities and companies who want to use or promote a
no. 55723/00, 9 June 2005, steel industry; direct dialogue approach to solving environmental
Băcilă vs. Romenia, no. 19234/04, 30 March 2010, conflicts between residents and industrial sites. A number
smelting industry; Cordella and others vs. Italy, of Member States have been involved in a series of
no. 54414/13 and 54264/15, 24 January 2019 smelting projects on establishing neighbourhood dialogues, which
industry. collected and evaluated examples of how environmental
The European Union Network for the Implementation conflicts between companies and their neighbourhoods
and Enforcement of Environmental Law is an international could be solved by dialogue (https://www.impel.eu/tools/
non-profit association of the environmental authorities of neighbourhood-dialogue-toolkit/).
Pollution and Law 89

(f) the state of human health and safety, including repairing damage caused by its emission. This
the contamination of the food chain, where rele- can be done by changing the materials, reagents
vant, conditions of human life, cultural sites and or other substances used in production, by
built structures inasmuch as they are or may be transforming the way materials are extracted,
affected by the state of the elements of the envi- transported or transformed into products or
ronment referred to in (a) or, through those services, or by altering the way products or
elements, by any of the matters referred to in services are delivered, used or discarded.
(b) and (c). In a linear economy, pollution can happen at
Furthermore, “public authorities must organise every step of the production-consumption-dis-
the environmental information which is relevant posal chain.22
to their functions (. . .) with a view to its active Article 11 of the EU’s Industrial Emissions
and systematic dissemination to the public, in (Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control)
particular by means of computer telecommunica- Directive is an example of how the law imposes
tion and/or electronic technology, where avail- prevention duties on polluters. Setting out the
able” (Article 7, on dissemination of general principles governing the basic obligations
environmental information). of operators, this article provides as follows:
However, there are other cases of transparency Member States shall take the necessary measures to
regarding pollution. The norms on disclosure of provide that installations are operated in accor-
non-financial and diversity information by certain dance with the following principles:
large undertakings and groups (European Union (a) all the appropriate preventive measures are
taken against pollution;
2014) impose corporate social and environmental (b) the best available techniques are applied;
responsibility requirements, in order to promote (c) no significant pollution is caused;23
sustainable development through accountable, (d) the generation of waste is prevented in accor-
transparent and responsible business behaviour. dance with Directive 2008/98/EC;
(e) where waste is generated, it is, in order of
The 2014 European regime obliges large priority and in accordance with Directive
companies to reveal the risks they pose to the 2008/98/EC, prepared for re-use, recycled,
environment, their employees and society, as recovered or, where that is technically and
well as the policies pursued and the outcome of economically impossible, it is disposed of
while avoiding or reducing any impact on
those policies, demonstrated by relevant key per- the environment;
formance indicators (Preamble, §7 “where (f) energy is used efficiently;
undertakings are required to prepare a (g) the necessary measures are taken to prevent
non-financial statement, that statement should accidents and limit their consequences;
(h) the necessary measures are taken upon defini-
contain, as regards environmental matters, details tive cessation of activities to avoid any risk of
of the current and foreseeable impacts of the pollution and return the site of operation to the
undertaking’s operations on the environment, satisfactory state defined in accordance with
and, as appropriate, on health and safety, the use Article 22.
of renewable and/or non-renewable energy, Implementation of the prevention principle gives
greenhouse gas emissions, water use and air rise to a number of questions regarding the level
pollution”). of preventive investment that is required of the
polluter. How much effort, both financial and in
terms of human resources, is the polluter required
3.3 Prevention Principle to make? The answer is provided by the
proportionality principle, which stresses that
The prevention principle highlights the duty,
above all, to avoid pollution (De Sadeleer 1999). 22
The reality is quite different in a circular economy, as
The effort required from the polluter is to invest will be explained later.
whatever is necessary to make sure that pollution 23
On the interpretation of the “do no significant harm”
is not emitted at all, rather than investing in clause, see European Commission (2021a).
90 M. Pintado and A. Aragão

there must be a balance between the benefits and uncertain, for instance the consequences of
the costs of pollution prevention. Recognising the waste incineration when the composition of the
difficulty of comparing long-term environmental waste is unknown. Finally, there may also be
improvement and health benefits, on one hand, uncertainty when the chain of causation has not
with short-term economic costs, on the other, yet been proven. Here we may see the example of
some authors prefer to speak of neighbours who have reported health issues
eco-proportionality (Winter 2018). associated with exposure to electro smog,
Eco-proportionality seems to indicate that the although the connection between their symptoms
fictional conversion of long-term immaterial and the electromagnetic fields has not yet been
benefits into economic savings is neither manda- scientifically confirmed.
tory nor advisable. For instance, the health These are some examples of where the precau-
benefits of pollution prevention can be expressed tionary principle is useful, eradicating
by avoided hospital costs or unused medicines. decisionmakers’ inertia and imposing the adop-
For the sake of comparability, this is one possible tion of safety measures to avert unproven risks. In
way, but it is surely a reductionist approach. practice, precaution means the burden of proof
There are numerous other advantages to not fall- lies with the potential polluter to demonstrate
ing ill besides saving on medicines or other hos- that a certain activity, substance, technology or
pital costs. On the other hand, considering that procedure does not pose a risk of serious pollu-
pollution prevention often enables economic tion. All the while he is unable to prove that his
savings, eco-proportionality presupposes that activity, substance, technology or procedure is
preference should always be given to preventive innocuous, he is required to adopt protective
solutions, except in cases where social costs add measures to adequately prevent any potential
to the economic costs. This is the thinking behind pollution.
the fair, green and digital transitions driven by the In EU Law, Article 59 (2) and (3) of the
European green deal and supported by the Just Industrial Emissions Directive (on control of
Transition Fund in the EU.24 emissions) refer to the duty of the operator of
the installation to demonstrate that the emission
limit value for fugitive emissions is not techni-
3.4 Precautionary Principle cally and economically feasible and that the best
available techniques are being used.
Quite differently, the precautionary principle
advocates a cautious approach to pollution in
cases of uncertainty (Fisher et al. 2006). In fact, 3.5 Correction at the Source
in many cases the need to adopt avoidance Principle
measures is not obvious. This uncertainty can
arise when the source of the pollution is not The correction at the source principle reflects an
clearly determined. One example would be option regarding the time and place for pollution
water contamination appearing in a river, where abatement. Pollution can be dealt with either at
several industries have discharge permits the point of emission or elsewhere and at a later
upstream and inspections to establish responsi- time, in a dedicated installation or through miti-
bilities are still pending. Another case is when gation techniques applied at the point of impact.
the consequences of certain activities are This is the case, for instance, of greenhouse gas
emissions from industrial boilers that can be
prevented “at the source” by replacing fossil
A political agreement approved on 10 November 2020 fuels with renewable energy sources. Alterna-
by the European Parliament, EU Member States in the
tively, it is possible to capture the greenhouse
Council and the Commission, on the next long-term EU
budget and Next Generation EU (https://ec.europa.eu/ gases and use them in another industrial process
commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_2354). (for instance for carbonated drinks) or inject them
Pollution and Law 91

into geological caverns (for carbon capture and Auditors 2021). Many constitutions around the
storage). Another example is reducing noise pol- world have direct references to the Polluter Pays
lution from aircraft by limiting the operational Principle (Aragão 2022). In international or
period of airports to daytime hours. Alternatively, supranational law, several sources define a legal
installing double glazed windows in the regime of pollution compatible with the PPP.
neighbourhoods surrounding the airport can also These sources are very useful in interpreting the
limit the effects aircraft noise may have on health. principle (Schwartz 2018).
Several arguments can be used to support post-
poning pollution control measures to a later stage 3.6.1 The PPP in EU Law
or transferring the responsibility for pollution The main legal regime detailing the PPP in the
abatement to third parties: European Union is the 2004 EU Directive on
environmental liability with regard to the preven-
• postponing reduces pollution impacts without
tion and remedying of environmental damage,
requiring heavy investment by the polluter;
including damage caused by pollution
• transferring allows specialisation in produc-
(European Community 2004).25 In the words of
tion and economies of scale, allowing some
the directive: “the prevention and remedying of
operators to specialise in dealing with pollu-
environmental damage should be implemented
tion and polluters to outsource pollution con-
through the furtherance of the ‘polluter-pays’
trol and abatement;
principle, as indicated in the Treaty and in line
• operators specialised in treating pollution are
with the principle of sustainable development”
likely to have better equipment and greater
(preamble, §2).
technical competence for the purpose.
Where there is an imminent threat of environ-
However, postponing or transferring responsibil- mental damage occurring, the operator must take
ity can only occur if risks and environmental the necessary preventive measures without delay.
impacts are not increased as a result of the geo- Where environmental damage has already
graphical displacement of the polluting occurred, the operator must take all practicable
substances (for example, CO2 transportation by steps to immediately control, contain, remove or
road consumes fossil fuels and generates risks of manage the damage factors in order to limit or to
road accidents) and provided that the overall level prevent further environmental damage and conse-
of environmental protection is not lowered (for quent adverse effects on human health, without
example, sound insulation is not efficient for pub- delay (Article 6). Naturally, the costs for the
lic spaces and open air activities and even in the preventive and remedial actions shall be borne
home, during summertime when windows are by the operator, directly or through insurance or
left open). other financial security (Article 14).
As a consequence, there is a preference for The regime of integrated pollution prevention
measures being taken immediately at the source and control establishes obligations on operators
rather than later and elsewhere. This is the justifi- that clearly reflect the PPP. The operators of
cation for the introduction of circular processes
(such as reuse of cooling water for turbines) or 25
“According to the ‘polluter-pays’ principle, an operator
eco-efficient technologies (such as local causing environmental damage or creating an imminent
microgeneration of renewable energy for self- threat of such damage should, in principle, bear the cost of
the necessary preventive or remedial measures. In cases
where a competent authority acts, itself or through a third
party, in the place of an operator, that authority should
ensure that the cost incurred by it is recovered from the
3.6 Polluter Pays Principle operator. It is also appropriate that the operators should
ultimately bear the cost of assessing environmental dam-
age and, as the case may be, assessing an imminent threat
The Polluter Pays Principle can be found in a of such damage occurring” (§18 of the Preamble of the
variety of legal sources (European Court of Directive).
92 M. Pintado and A. Aragão

industrial installations are responsible for taking Instead of a quest to find who is more respon-
all the measures to ensure that the permit sible than the others for pollution, the solution is
conditions are complied with. This includes tak- an inquiry to discover the polluter-that-should-
ing all appropriate preventive measures against pay. The challenge then, is to find the best
pollution, applying the best available techniques, “payer” among the different polluters (whether
not causing significant pollution, taking the nec- direct or indirect, material or moral). This inter-
essary measures to prevent accidents and limit pretation is fully aligned with the ultimate goals
their consequences, and returning the site of oper- of the polluter pays principle. In fact, the
ation to a satisfactory state. The operator may also objectives of the PPP are twofold:
be required to update the permit conditions when
• first, fairness: to impose the economic burden
the laws setting environmental quality standards
of pollution on whoever is materially or mor-
are updated, when the emission values
ally responsible for polluting activities.
established in the permit prove to be excessive
• second, effectiveness: to change the practices
or when the establishment does not seem to be
of those who have the power to change the
safe enough.
state of affairs that leads to pollution
The final result of this interpretation of the PPP
3.6.2 Who Is the Polluter?
is a fair pollution prevention policy.
Where pollution is the side effect of a production
process (ex. tanneries, smelters, refineries, etc.) it
3.6.3 Is the PPP Unfair?
seems quite clear that the polluter is the operator
The principle has often been accused of being
who is responsible for the activity.
unfair. Does the PPP commodify pollution? Is
If the pollution does not begin during produc-
the PPP a licence to pollute? Is the polluter buy-
tion but, rather, is caused by consumers while
ing the right to pollute?
using or disposing of the product (for example,
Questions like these do not take into account
noise from motorised vehicles, use of household
that the PPP does not replace the classic sanction-
cleaning detergents, discarding of batteries), the
ing norms of administrative and criminal law. The
consumer is the formal polluter. The consumer is
PPP applies beyond these norms. In the case of
the individual who physically causes the pollu-
illegal pollution that amounts to an administrative
tion. However, the producer who manufactures
offence or a crime (Eurojust 2021) the appropriate
the noxious product and places it on the market
procedure and the sanctions applicable are
is the material polluter.
inspired by classic defence rights and liability
However, in reality the situation is more com-
principles, not by the PPP. The PPP applies only
plex and very often pollution is generated at dif-
to polluting activities that are legal and accepted
ferent stages along the value chain, e.g. during
for the economic and social benefits they bring,
raw material extraction, assembly, manufacture,
when the polluters are supposed to be encouraged
packaging, handling, transportation, use and dis-
to reduce their pollution to the minimum possible.
posal. This is called the “pollution chain” and has
Another criticism levelled at the PPP is that it
been investigated in the European Community
is not, in fact, the polluter that really pays but
since the seventies, having first been identified
rather the victim. If polluters are allowed to pass
by the European Council in 1975.
the payments on to their clients, who really bears
Instead of struggling to determine who the
the economic burden at the end of the day? It is
“real” polluter is among all the economic agents
important to demystify these sceptical questions.
and consumers who are involved in some way,
When polluters raise the price of their products to
the solution to this interpretative deadlock is a
compensate for pollution payments, thus transfer-
pragmatic forward-looking procedure, rather
ring the economic loss along the value chain to
than a backward-looking application. This path
consumers, they are aware that they will probably
was adopted long ago by the European Commu-
lose clients. In a competitive economy, the
nity (European Council 1975).
Pollution and Law 93

demand for the polluting product or service will the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a
fall. This ultimate indirect effect of the PPP is in modern, resource-efficient and competitive econ-
accordance with its rationale and makes cleaner omy where there are no net emissions of green-
products (or less polluting ones) more attractive. house gases in 2050 and where economic growth
In short, the PPP guides policies aimed at is decoupled from resource use. It also aims to
nudging economic activities to a greener and protect, conserve and enhance the EU’s natural
fairer performance. capital, and protect the health and well-being of
Besides, the philosophy and strength of the citizens from environment-related risks and
PPP lay precisely in its flexibility, by leaving the impacts. At the same time, this transition must
polluter the option between polluting and paying be just and inclusive” (European Commission
or paying not to pollute. 2019). Following the European Green Deal,
other pro-environment initiatives are contributing
to the desired socioeconomic metamorphosis
4 The Circular Economy driven by the PPP. This is the case of the circular
and Pollution Prevention economy action plan (European Commission
2020) and the zero-pollution vision for 2050
Intensive linear economic activity, which ignores (European Commission 2021b).
the limits of the environment and the resulting The EU’s 7th Environment Action Programme
long-term damage, is depleting the planet’s to 2020 advocated ‘Living well, within the limits
resources. It is therefore crucial to implement of our planet’ and called for the vision of a Circu-
strategies and solutions that enable pollution pre- lar Economy, where nothing is wasted and where
vention and that maximise the value of resources. natural resources are managed sustainably. In the
Pollution prevention focuses on the elimina- 8th Action Programme (European Council 2021),
tion of waste and emissions at their source. There the EU proposes “advancing towards a regenera-
are two main strategies for implementing pollu- tive growth model that gives back to the planet
tion prevention: one is tactical, which acts at an more than it takes, decoupling economic growth
operational level, namely, to change the opera- from resource use and environmental degrada-
tional process to eliminate waste; the other tion, and accelerating the transition to a circular
functions at a strategic level and involves invest- economy”.
ment in a management system. This demonstrates In China, the Circular Economy Promotion
that pollution prevention must be proactive and Law, passed by the Standing Committee of the
needs a pre-planned strategy (Kusumowardani National People’s Congress, in 2008, has become
et al. 2022). a point of reference for circular initiatives. A
The global priority of waste and pollution pre- circular economy is a mode of economic devel-
vention encompasses improvements in produc- opment that aims to protect the environment and
tion and consumption systems and associated prevent pollution, thereby facilitating sustainable
waste management and resource recovery. Gov- economic development (Prieto-Sandoval et al.
ernment policies need to discourage and eventu- 2018). A Circular Economy is based on the reduc-
ally eliminate indiscriminate and environmentally tion, reuse, recovery, and recycling of materials
harmful disposal and burning, whilst promoting and energy, transforming the linear flow into cir-
the use of quality recycled materials and fostering cular flows (Abad-Segura et al. 2020).
innovation (in products, technologies, business Specific Circular Economy initiatives in some
models, lifestyle and consumption patterns) member countries of the G20
(Fadeeva and Van Berkel 2021). (an intergovernmental forum comprising
With the Global Green New Deal (Barbier 19 countries and the EU) provide comprehensive
2009), a new paradigm is emerging. Taking the policies to perpetuate the circulation of material
European Union as an example, the Green Deal and energy in these economies and promote their
“is a new growth strategy that aims to transform efficient use, while focusing on an increase in
94 M. Pintado and A. Aragão

renewable inputs. They target several stages of (Johansen et al. 2022). Clearly, global action—
the life-cycle—from design to return to the and coordinated action—is required for there to
production-consumption cycles, and comprise a be a lasting societal and environmental change.
variety of laws, regulations and programmes Plastic pollution prevention can thus begin with
(Fadeeva and Van Berkel 2021). For example, policies for wider and more focused application
incineration and landfill taxation can effectively of known good practices, through consistent pol-
diminish the environmental impacts of pollution icy and implementation, in collaboration with
and resource use by reducing their pollutants consumers, producers, farmers and other waste
while stimulating the reuse and recycling of generators and formal and informal waste man-
materials, hence encouraging a circular economy. agement sectors (covering collection, recycling,
Appropriate design of these policies is key for recovery and environmentally sound disposal).
circular economy strategies to obtain effective Responsible behaviour by all partners is neces-
environmental results while minimising eco- sary, along with business-like methods and
nomic impacts (Freire-González et al. 2022). systems (Fadeeva and Van Berkel 2021).
In a “zero pollution” and circular economy Implementation of circularity principles in
scenario, polluters must find innovative ways to agriculture is imperative for pollution control
monetise externalities. Where certain undesired and will facilitate the transition towards planet
side effects of their activity cannot be avoided healthy farming practices so that food production
(whether these relate to solid substances, liquid paths can be transformed in a manageable, replen-
discharges, gas emissions, heat, light, or radia- ishable, and sustainable way, in line with the
tion), they will need to be used in other produc- aspirations of the UN-SDGs practices. This will
tion or consumption processes. To quote the promote resource conservation while regaining
European Commission in its zero-pollution com- soil fertility and moisture content through
munication, “we no longer need to accept pollu- improved soil carbon sequestration. Regenerative
tion that affects people and the environment as an agricultural practices based on resource conserva-
inevitable side product of progress”. The circular tion and replenishment are therefore imperative to
economy is thought to have the capacity to reduce negative environmental impacts (Dubey
“deliver substantial material savings throughout et al. 2021).
value chains and production processes, generate Management of industrial fruit by-products is
extra value and unlock economic opportunities” important not only to decrease the volume of food
(European Commission 2021b). waste accumulated in landfills, but also to
Some important examples have demonstrated develop strategies through re-use with the pur-
the key role of the circular economy in preventing pose of valorising and adding economic value.
pollution. One of most relevant examples are The disposal of food waste leads to different
plastics. Although plastic is one of the materials global impacts in different sectors, such as social,
that we most use in our daily lives, the current environmental and economical. Integration of the
linear economy (‘produce, use and dispose’) valorisation concept allows fruit waste to be
engenders high risks to human health in terms of converted into high-value products with relevant
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environ- potential applications for human consumption,
mental pollution. such as extraction of specific molecules and the
To reduce the amount of waste and pollution production of antioxidant extracts and functional
from plastics, it is crucial to study not only how to flours. Such transformation requires food, nutra-
recycle plastic, but also how to create a circular ceutical and pharmaceutical industries to open
value chain. One challenge that has been their doors to improving the biological activities
identified is to produce rules and legislation of current products, as well as the development of
focused on regulating the end-of-life phase (e.g., novel products (Campos et al. 2020).
waste management legislation), which means that
other important factors are not addressed
Pollution and Law 95

5 Rationale of Pollution Law it. Consequently, those living in the vicinity of

sources of pollution and hazards are the most
The final reason that explains and justifies efforts vulnerable populations (UN HRC 2018).
to regulate, tax, charge for, clean up, supervise More shockingly, the most vulnerable
and sanction pollution is protection of the victims individuals or groups are also those who are less
of pollution. Pollution is harmful to people, resilient and unable to take self-protection
animals, plants, microorganisms, ecosystems, measures. Abandoning a contaminated area and
rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, the atmosphere, moving to live elsewhere is only possible when
the stratosphere, the planet and other planets. the environmental victims have the economic
According to the Lancet Commission on Pollu- capacity to leave their home (selling it for a low
tion and Health (2017), pollution is now the larg- price or simply leaving it) and try to resettle
est environmental cause of death in the world—1 somewhere else. Consequently, the more eco-
in 6 people die from pollution-related causes nomically disadvantaged victims are forced to
(Landrigan et al. 2018). The new concept of stay and endure the slow violence (Nixon 2011)
Planetary Health was discussed in Helsinki in of living in a polluted and unhealthy
December 2019 (Finnish Institute for Health and environment.
Welfare -THL 2019), by researchers, This is why the preventive approach is so
policymakers, and regulators, and highlighted important. The social effects of pollution are
the urgent need to act as scientific evidence unfair and must, therefore, be averted.
shows that human activities are causing climate
change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, over-
use of natural resources and pollution (Halonen 6 Conclusion and Future
et al. 2021). Perspectives
Current and future generations deserve a
pollution-free world. However, what is surprising The legal regime of pollution, shaped by the
is that human communities are not uniformly fundamental environmental principles, seeks to
exposed to pollution (WHO 2019; Aragão achieve higher levels of environmental protec-
2021). The effects of pollution on health have tion, as required by the European Treaties (for
recently been placed under the spotlight as several instance, Article 3(3) of the Treaty on the
studies have revealed that minorities and the most European Union states that “the Union shall
vulnerable persons are more exposed to environ- work for sustainable development of Europe
mental pollution and unhealthy environments based on balanced economic growth and price
than the average population (EEA 2018). What stability (. . .) and a high level of protection and
is worse, the prevalence of vulnerable social improvement of the quality of the environment”).
groups living in deteriorated environments is Pollution is a battle that can be won. In the
growing (Eurostat 2019). latest results of the Global Burden of Disease, for
Territorial injustice, also called spatial justice, example, the age-standardised death rates for all
is the result of several of these inequities occur- causes of air pollution were reported to have
ring in the same region, community or place. fallen by 23% between 2006 and 2016 (Das and
Furthermore, territorial injustice caused by pollu- Horton 2018). There is still a long way to go, so it
tion can also occur between countries, and hence crucial to accelerate our joint efforts and
territorial injustice is a crosscutting problem with response. All governments and decision makers
international incidence. need to address the health impacts of pollution
In fact, most pollutant emissions—air pollu- and major environmental threats on a regular
tion, water pollution, soil pollution, noise, basis to prompt timely and definitive actions. A
radiation—are more severe near their source, shift from fragmented approaches to policy and
and gradually fade as they move away from practice towards systematic actions will promote
human and Planetary Health. Global, regional,
96 M. Pintado and A. Aragão

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Suing States: The Role of Courts
in Promoting States’ Responsibility
for Climate Change

Armando Rocha

Abstract 1 The Devil Is in the Detail—

In the era of climate change, decisive action is States’ Climate Inaction
needed from States. However, it is dismaying
to see the lack of ambitious efforts in climate Climate change is the main challenge we face as a
treaty negotiations, which is reflected down- species. As a challenge, it could be considered as
stream in the ambiguous nature of non-binding formidable and daunting as preventing an asteroid
or soft mitigation obligations. In that light, this from colliding with our planet—but unlike
article argues that courts can be agents of asteroids, climate change is triggered by human
change and pressure States, cum grano salis, activities. Since mankind has rewritten the rules
to take decisive action. Domestic courts may of the game, we now live in the so-called ‘eighth
be better positioned to compel States to adopt day of creation’ (Beck 2002): the day humankind
stringent mitigation measures, but all courts gained possession of the technical and technolog-
(international or domestic, general or ical means to master nature. As a result, nature is
specialised) may press for regulation or assess no longer ‘natural,’ but rather a man-made meta-
regulation. In both cases, courts are helpful in reality (Beck 2002, p. 37); in the age of the
mapping States’ obligations under interna- Anthropocene, “[m]an is the maker of his life
tional law (including, but not exclusively, the qua human, bending circumstances to his will
UNFCCC legal framework). and needs” (Jonas 1984).
In very simple terms, climate change is the
Keywords result of excessive greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, which contribute to global warming
Climate change · Courts · International and ultimately to climate change. More particu-
responsibility · Mitigation obligations larly, climate change is caused upstream by the
aggregate concentration of GHG poured into the
atmosphere by all States, and not just one State
alone. Therefore, the atmosphere is the best
example of a global commons affected by nega-
tive externalities. Since GHG emissions are
transboundary by nature, global warming is
indeed global, and the climate system is shared
A. Rocha (✉)
at the planetary level, we are all affected by cli-
Catholic University of Portugal, Law Faculty, Lisbon,
Portugal mate change phenomena. Having said that, the
e-mail: armandorocha@ucp.pt emitter and/or beneficiary of GHG emissions is
# The Author(s) 2023 99
M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
100 A. Rocha

not necessarily the party most affected by such the role of courts in the legal system and assesses
emissions and climate disruption. Yet, climate the possible avenues courts can take to promote
change is not just an example of a negative exter- State’s responsibility for climate change (within
nality: “global warming [and the resulting climate the UNFCCC legal framework or otherwise).
change] is the Goliath of all externalities” Accordingly, this article focuses on both domestic
(Nordhaus 2013); it affects the entire planet and and international courts, while bearing in mind
every single aspect of our lives. that often their different position explains a
This has deep implications in terms of the different role.
behaviour to be expected from States. For
instance, it explains why all States must act deci-
sively in order to curb GHG emissions and, in so 2 Empowering Courts—Or
doing, avoid crossing a dangerous threshold of Empowered by Courts
climate disruption, but also why one State alone
is a simple and helpless bystander. Therefore, Climate litigation (before international or domes-
climate change is the ultimate example of a prob- tic bodies) has been on the rise in recent years.
lem requiring global cooperation between all Curiously, the UNFCCC established a particular
States. To that end, States have adopted the system for settlement of disputes3—but that sys-
1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate tem has generally kept climate litigation at bay.
Change,1 the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the 2015 Cases brought before the courts are diverse, but
Paris Agreement, and other instruments of ambig- the purpose of climate litigation seems to be sim-
uous nature under this umbrella.2 But the devil is ple: to enhance States’ mitigation and adaptation
often in the detail, or, one might say, in the costs. efforts. In the light of the dismaying outcomes of
Mitigation efforts are costly and adaptation costs the successive negotiations and States’ systemic
may be even higher or difficult to quantify under-performance in achieving climate goals,
(e.g. what price should be put on the loss of a some players (e.g. private entities and small
species?), and, in the short-term, States tend to island States) have pondered resorting to the
focus on the negative impact of mitigation courts to put pressure on States, requiring them
policies on their citizens. More importantly, miti- to regulate their GHG emissions or check the
gation efforts may be costly for a particular State, adequacy of their regulatory framework to cope
but they benefit the entire planet. Thus, free riding with climate change.
is possible and seems to be encouraged: if States Using courts to enhance climate policies seems
can benefit from mitigation efforts undertaken by to be at odds with the traditional function
others, why would they impose costs upon their assigned to courts. Traditional views state that
own citizens? Why would they adopt such miti- each branch of the State has its own role in
gation efforts if others are not pursuing the same dealing with climate change effects, but courts
efforts also? This helps to explain why States should be detached from politics, and therefore
adopt unambitious mitigation efforts or under- their function should not be to enhance a particu-
perform in relation to mitigation targets, or even lar cause or movement. Nonetheless, courts exer-
why States prefer not to commit too much at the cise both a private and a public function: the
international level (Bodansky 2015). former involves settling disputes between parties,
In this context, my argument is that courts can while the latter involves clarification of the legal
be pivotal in ensuring that the goals and efforts rules and principles applicable to virtually all
contained in climate treaties are ambitious and future disputes (Lowe 2012), such as States’ lia-
accomplished. To that end, this article examines bility for GHG emissions, or the compensation
owed to those affected by climate change events.
Hereinafter referred to as the ‘UNFCCC’.
Hereinafter referred to as a whole as ‘the UNFCCC legal 3
Articles 14 of the UNFCCC, 19 of the Kyoto Protocol,
framework’. and 24 of the Paris Agreement.
Suing States: The Role of Courts in Promoting States’ Responsibility. . . 101

Exercising this public function erodes the disseminating a particular message or exerting
boundaries between interpreting and creating the pressure over a specific entity (Lobel 2004,
law4—but irrespective of one’s position regard- p. 487; Lin 2012). Submitting a claim with only
ing the role of courts, they do play a major role in this purpose in mind might be objectionable, and
the downstream making of (international) law perhaps even an abuse of the right to bring a
(Boyle and Chinkin 2007). This is not a minor claim, as it goes against the very heart of what is
conclusion: when courts settle disputes or issue commonly understood as the role and function of
an opinion, selecting, interpreting and applying courts in a legal community. However, from a
the law is an opportunity for them to make a sociological standpoint, courts also have this
‘meaningful contribution’ to tackling climate function (Rocha 2021). In that role, courts do
change issues (Preston 2016). They may not be not replace States, but they act as “purveyors of
able to decide which mitigation efforts are to be legitimacy”, namely when they “raise conscious-
pursued by the political community, but they can ness on a particular matter”, and “help us under-
establish facts and clarify whether the mitigation stand what needs to be done, or what is being
efforts so far undertaken are adequate to meet done inadequately or not at all” (Sands 2016,
States’ obligations or to accomplish the goals of p. 24). This was particularly visible in the
the UNFCCC legal framework. As such, they can Urgenda case; more than the legal intricacies of
hold the executive branch accountable for its con- the decisions adopted by the Dutch courts, the
duct and ask it to comply with the laws on climate most important outcome was the buzz in public
change—the same way they ensure that private opinion and the boost to global and transnational
actors comply with the dictates of climate change climate litigation. Providing legitimacy in this
law applicable to them (Preston 2016, p. 13). In case was possible because courts share an institu-
other words, when settling climate change cases, tional authority and their decisions are taken seri-
courts are empowered and can contribute deci- ously. This is important for climate litigation,
sively to establishing States’ (ex ante and ex where the symbolic meaning of a court’s decision
post) responsibility. is key. Even if a case is won, winning is not
Furthermore, enhancing mitigation efforts enough, since courts cannot replace or compen-
means more than enlightening the players of the sate the loss of biodiversity and cannot ask nature
legal system on the applicable rules and to stop warming the planet. But because symbols
principles. From a sociological perspective, matter, courts’ decisions can raise awareness and
courts can also exercise an empowerment func- trigger public policies. In the end, if the court’s
tion, and thus enhance climate action, since courts decision is purely symbolic (i.e. it unveils States’
are a public forum where States, individuals or mitigation obligations under the UNFCCC legal
other entities affected by climate change can framework, but does not condemn States to any
bring and discuss their justiciable rights. Third- specific action), it creates a precedent which,
party enforcement mechanisms have a protest because it does not require any tangible compli-
role (Lobel 2004), meaning that they can be ance and thus States cannot logically fail compli-
used to promote societal changes and function ance, increases the court’s reputation and that of
as “arenas where political and social movements the idea conveyed in that decision (Dothan
agitate for, and communicate, their legal and 2015)—i.e. it contributes to its institutional
political agenda” (Lobel 2004, p. 479). Therefore, empowerment as an agent enhancing climate
“winning in court is not as essential” for this action. This function is relevant for two reasons:
purpose (Lobel 2004, p. 480), because the simple first, unlike political bodies, courts cannot decline
submission of a case can be a catalyst for to decide on the merits of an admissible case
based on the absence, inconsistency, or lack of
clarity of the law, or based on the political sensi-
As Dworkin (1998, p. 229) said, ‘the distinction between
author and interpreter [is] more a matter of different tivity of a case (prohibition of non-liquet)
aspects of the same [mental] process.’ (Preston 2016, p. 12); second, since politicians
102 A. Rocha

are afraid of the recalcitrant electorate and want to responsibility. Moreover, lawyers and State
shield behind another institution, courts’ representatives in the negotiations share an
decisions can be a useful means of outsourcing unwelcome bias: they (we) often “think about
guilt and justifying compliance with that decision violation only if there is a norm. But, with global
in order to adopt more ambitious mitigation risks, a new global horizon is emerging from the
efforts. experience of the past and expectation of future
Considering States’ responsibility for climate catastrophes. The sequence is turned upside
change, how can empowered courts empower down—the violation comes before the norm”
further action on climate change? Adopting (Beck 2016). In other words, in the age of climate
Jolene Lin’s classification (Lin 2012, p. 36), in change we ought to conceive the violation itself
my view, courts can be agents of change in as being a norm-generator: it ought not to be the
two ways: first, courts can press for regulation, consequence of a violation only, but the source of
namely in cases where this is lacking or incom- the norm also. Regardless of what was or is the
plete (e.g. if a State has ratified but not conferred state of knowledge we had or have, the simple
direct effect to a treaty within its domestic legal fact that climate change effects are daunting
order); second, courts can assess regulation, should be the source of an obligation to mitigate
namely by identifying cases of poor regulation and adapt and the violation and resulting respon-
(i.e. the existing mitigation obligations are inade- sibility for that norm’s violation. But that would
quate to comply with the goals of the UNFCCC require a deep change in the way we conceive the
legal framework), or by clarifying or unveiling operation of law.
States’ obligations under international law, which In any case, the grim reality is that States have
may include filling regulatory gaps (e.g. deciding not been very eager to establish hard obligations
on issues regarding judicial standing, the liability to mitigate climate change. As the IPCC pointed
of States for excessive GHG emissions, or their out, “[b]ecause greater legal bindingness implies
duties of care under human rights treaties). In greater costs of violation, states may prefer more
both cases, courts can be decisive in mapping legally binding agreements to embody less ambi-
States’ obligations under international law. tious commitments, and may be willing to accept
more ambitious commitments when they are less
legally binding” (Stavins et al. 2014). As a result,
3 Mapping States’ Obligations treaties such as the Paris Agreement (the most
Under International Law—Yes, sophisticated climate change treaty so far
the Devil IS in the Detail devised) include a few binding obligations, but
mostly contain soft or non-binding obligations
Since climate litigation can help map States’ (Rajamani 2016). Ultimately, the main achieve-
obligations under international law, courts can ment of the Paris Agreement was the inclusion of
be agents of regulatory change. The scope of “provisions that either have weak normative con-
these obligations is a politically divisive topic in tent or seem to be wholly lacking in it. These
climate negotiations. Apart from the costs that provisions do not create rights and obligations
mitigation efforts carry, it does not help that this for States, (. . .) rather they provide context,
topic is often intertwined with climate justice offer reassurances and construct narratives”
topics (such as developed States’ reparation for (Rajamani 2016, p. 337). The same can be said
historical GHG emissions, or their obligation to with respect to the UNFCCC or the Kyoto Proto-
lead the mitigation efforts under the principle of col, where one can observe “the crushingly vague
common but differentiated responsibilities),5 and nature of the obligations, invariably drafted in
often discussions mix States’ ex ante and ex post such a way as to make it impossible to argue
that any particular provision gives rise to a cause
of action” (Sands 2016). In this context, how can
Article 4(4) of the Paris Agreement. courts be helpful at all?
Suing States: The Role of Courts in Promoting States’ Responsibility. . . 103

A first role courts can play is to press for States. 7 More recently, the same approach was
regulation. This can happen in cases where regu- followed by the German Constitutional Court in
lation is lacking or is incomplete, namely if a its landmark decision of 24 March 2021,8 which
State has not ratified the UNFCCC, the Kyoto connected the duties under the German Constitu-
Protocol, or the Paris Agreement, of if it has not tion with the State’s obligations under the
conferred direct effect within its domestic legal UNFCCC legal framework.
order.6 One can imagine an international court In fact, courts cannot create the law, but they
claiming that States are not complying with treaty can provide enlightenment on the applicable law
provisions despite the lack of direct effect within and pinpoint gaps in States’ compliance. Their
the domestic legal order, but it cannot force a task, therefore, is to assess whether there is any
State to ratify a climate treaty. For their part, mitigation obligation (i.e. an obligation to reduce
domestic courts can be helpful and pressure their GHG emissions or to increase sinks and
own State. For instance, they may apply the treaty reservoirs), and what the results of this are.
irrespective of any domestic provision conferring Given the many doubts that exist regarding this
direct effect (Rocha 2021, pp. 71–75); and they topic, courts can be decisive in unveiling States’
can resort to domestic law provisions to enhance mitigation obligations under the UNFCCC legal
climate action. However, it is unlikely that framework. In fact, resorting to the general
domestic courts will use this avenue, since filling principles of law, it is not difficult to say that,
a regulatory gap erodes the boundary not only under the no harm principle, States have an obli-
between the judicial and legislative branches but gation to prevent a dangerous level of climate
also between law and science, which leads to change, or that they have an obligation to avoid
courts being placed outside the traditional judicial excessive anthropogenic emissions of GHG
role. As a result, one can expect courts to be very within their jurisdiction (Sands 2016, p. 31;
cautious and take refuge in the lack of constitu- Mayer 2018, p. 109). The climate treaties also
tional competence to press for regulation, unless include references to a possible mitigation obliga-
they are able to resort to domestic means such as tion, but their wording is slim. The first reference
that of unconstitutionality by omission. to such an obligation can be found in Article 2 of
A second role courts can play is to assess the UNFCCC, according to which “[t]he ultimate
regulation. In this case, the problem is not regu- objective of this Convention (. . .) is to achieve
lation that is lacking or incomplete (in the sense stabilization of [GHG] concentrations in the
mentioned before), but rather poor regulation. atmosphere at a level that would prevent danger-
This may arise from the insufficiency and/or ous anthropogenic interference with the climate
unsuitability of the climate measures adopted at system”. Thus, a collective goal was defined, but
the domestic level, but also from the vague word- the UNFCCC failed to establish binding quantita-
ing of the treaty provisions adopted by States. tive targets and timelines. Article 4 of the
Initially, domestic courts were reluctant to exert UNFCCC adds some mitigation-related
such pressure or to fill regulatory gaps, and obligations, mostly of a procedural nature, includ-
voiced concerns over the separation of powers. ing a binding obligation on developed States that
Recent cases, however, show that domestic courts requires each of them to “adopt national policies
are now more comfortable with stepping in and and take corresponding measures on the mitiga-
asking States to take adequate measures (Banda tion of climate change, by limiting its anthropo-
and Fulton 2017, p. 10122). The leading and genic emissions of [GHG] and enhancing its
landmark Urgenda case is a prime example of
this audacious approach, although it is primarily
based on the constitutional duty of care that binds 7
Urgenda Foundation v. The Netherlands, The Hague
District Court (24 June 2015) §§ 4.52 and 4.53.
6 8
For example, on the grounds of lack of publication in the Cases no. BvR 2656/18, 1 BvR 78/20, m1 BvR 96/20
official journal. and 1 BvR 288/20.
104 A. Rocha

[GHG] sinks and reservoirs”,9 with a view to to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above
“returning individually or jointly to their 1990 pre-industrial levels”. The drafters refrained from
levels”.10 As such, the UNFCCC is certainly an using rights-based or duty-based wording, and
interesting basis for interpreting State’s instead opted for a goals-oriented approach.
obligations, but it is not the source of any binding They did, however, include a reference to an
obligation. At most, it created a “non-binding individual and binding mitigation obligation:
quasi-target and -timetable” (Bodansky et al. pursuant to Article 4(2), “[e]ach Party shall pre-
2017). But at least it triggered a discussion pare, communicate and maintain successive
regarding mitigation, and, specifically, whether nationally determined contributions12 that it
such efforts should be quantified in a binding intends to achieve. Parties shall pursue domestic
treaty provision, which (positive or negative) mitigation measures, with the aim of achieving
emissions should be eligible, which States should the objective of such contributions”. States are
pursue such mitigation efforts (and who should required to communicate new NDCs every five
lead those efforts), and whether States can rely on years,13 taking into account that each successive
mitigation projects developed in another State’s NDC ‘will represent a progression over time.’14
territory (Bodansky et al. 2017, p. 132). The magic formula, thus, was to allow States to
The first step towards quantification was taken determine their own mitigation obligations. This
in 1997, through the Kyoto Protocol, Article solution certainly encourages treaty ratification—
3(1) of which establishes that “[t]he Parties but it does not prevent the submission of unambi-
included in Annex I shall, individually or jointly, tious NDCs (Mayer 2018, p. 48), despite the
ensure that their aggregate anthropogenic [GHGs] explicit reference to “ambitious efforts” in Article
(. . .) do not exceed their assigned amounts, cal- 3. At most, one can say that at least nominally
culated pursuant to their quantified emission lim- each NDC must appear to be more ambitious than
itation and reduction commitments inscribed in the previous one, and where there is a systemic
Annex B (. . .), with a view to reducing their and persistent lack of reasonable ambition in the
overall emissions of such gases by at least 5 per NDCs submitted, a State is not complying with its
cent below 1990 levels in the commitment period obligations under the Paris Agreement (Mayer
2008 to 2012”. As such, the Kyoto Protocol set 2018, p. 114). Moreover, the wording of Article
out, for the first time, a binding, treaty-based 4 is peculiar and includes elements of soft and
obligation to reduce GHG emissions. At the end hard obligations (Rajamani 2016, p. 453). In fact,
of the first commitment period (2008–2012), it a treaty obligation is not necessarily a binding
was possible to see that the goals were being obligation; it depends on the wording
achieved and, as a result, the Doha Amendment (e.g. ‘shall’ v. ‘should’), the detail of the obliga-
established a second commitment period tion elements, or even the enforcement
(2013–2020), in which States agreed to “individ- mechanisms available (Werksman 2010). In the
ually or jointly” reduce their GHG emissions “by Paris Agreement, the mix of soft and hard obliga-
at least 18 per cent below 1990 levels”.11 tion elements is puzzling at best.
For its part, the Paris Agreement set out, in This framework is not particularly heartening.
Article 2(1), that it “aims to strengthen the global There is an international obligation to reduce
response to the threat of climate change (. . .) GHG emissions, but its content is slim and
including by: (a) Holding the increase in the bleak. So, what can courts do to map States’
global average temperature to well below 2°C obligations? Before an answer can be provided
above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to this question, one point must be made

Article 4 (2) (a).
Article 4 (2) (b).
Hereinafter referred to as ‘NDCs’.
Article 3 (1bis) of the Kyoto Protocol, added by Article Article 4 (9) of the Paris Agreement.
1, § C, of the Doha Amendment. 14
Articles 3 and 4(3) of the Paris Agreement.
Suing States: The Role of Courts in Promoting States’ Responsibility. . . 105

regarding the dispute settlement mechanisms be paid?); the exact scope of the no harm princi-
available for climate change litigation. ple and the principle of common but
Treaty enforcement is always radically prob- differentiated responsibilities, and the respective
lematic, regardless of the treaty. Having in mind capabilities principle; or how the Monetary Gold
Article 36(2) of the Statute of the International principle should be applied in the context of cli-
Court of Justice,15 Article 14 of the UNFCCC mate litigation.
devised a form of advance consent to the compul- An alternative option, then, may be to resort to
sory jurisdiction of the ICJ and/or an arbitration the ICJ’s advisory jurisdiction, as has been
tribunal. This solution was transposed into the advocated by Pacific island States.19 Pursuant to
Kyoto Protocol16 and the Paris Agreement.17 In Article 96 of the UN Charter, the UN General
theory, this solution is welcome, but so far, only Assembly, the Security Council, or any other
the Netherlands has accepted the jurisdiction of organ or agency of the UN (provided it is so
both the ICJ and an arbitration tribunal, whereas authorised by the General Assembly) may request
Tuvalu and the Solomon Islands have recognised an advisory opinion from the ICJ.20 The purpose
the jurisdiction of an arbitration tribunal. There- of an advisory opinion is not to adjudicate
fore, only with a leap of faith can one imagine, in between parties but to enlighten the players of
the near future, State-to-State litigation under the the international community on a particular
UNFCCC legal framework (Henin 2019). At reading of an international legal rule or principle.
most, since States can issue a similar declaration As such, advisory opinions do not have binding
under Article 36(2) of the ICJ Statute itself, this effect on a specific jural relationship, but they still
provision may be used to bring a case before the carry the institutional auctoritas to clarify the law
ICJ. If a dispute is ever brought before the ICJ or existing and binding upon States. Therefore, an
an arbitration tribunal, one would expect, advisory opinion cannot decide if a particular
initially, some cautious behaviour from the State is liable for past GHG emissions or establish
court, followed by a more activist and creationist a causation link between such GHG emissions
attitude later on. The benefits of that activist and a particular loss, but it can explain urbi et
behaviour might be clarification as to, for exam- orbi under what conditions such liability may
ple, a State’s precise mitigation obligations under arise or what causation criteria could be used. If
climate treaties (i.e. what its individual efforts in the goal of an advisory opinion is to clarify the
terms of reducing GHG emissions are); how the law, it may be preferable in a contentious case,
ex ante responsibility relates to other States’ (and where the analytical intricacies of the dispute may
all States’) symmetric obligations; whether an disturb future readings (Oellers-Frahm 2011).
infringement is attributable to one State or to Moreover, advisory opinions may also have the
more (or all) States; the role played by the shared advantage of allowing more States to bring in
responsibility principle as expressed in Article their views on an equal footing, and to allow the
47 of the Draft Articles on Responsibility of ICJ to draft its reasons in more general terms, thus
States for Internationally Wrongful Acts?;18 the avoiding issues such as the establishment of cau-
legal consequence in case of infringement sation links. However, this alternative avenue is
(e.g. should States cease the conduct and not not risk free; requests for advisory opinions need
repeat it, as mentioned in Article 30 of to be politically approved by the UN General
the ARSIWA? Should States compensate for the Assembly, and the more generic nature of advi-
injury caused, as mentioned in Article 31 of the sory opinions may lead the ICJ to take a more
ARSIWA? If so, to whom should compensation conservative and cautious approach when deter-
mining States’ ex ante or ex post responsibilities
Hereinafter referred to as the ‘ICJ’.
Article 19 of the Kyoto Protocol. 19
50th Pacific Islands Forum (13 to 16 August 2019).
Article 24 of the Paris Agreement. Forum Communiqué, § 16.
Hereinafter referred to as ‘ARSIWA’. 20
Article 96 of the UN Charter.
106 A. Rocha

with regards to GHG emissions (Sands 2016, law and its special regimes. One field which has
p. 20; Mayer 2018, p. 241). This means that it been specifically affected is human rights law.
all comes down to the sensitivity of the question One only needs to consider the impact global
asked; while a question on the no harm principle warming can have on human health, access to
would be unlikely to raise any alarm at The water or food, or our quality of life, to see how
Hague, a question put to the ICJ on historical climate change may jeopardise the enjoyment of
reparation would almost certainly not be so wel- human rights (See, inter alia, Humphreys 2012;
come (Mayer 2018, p. 242). Bodansky et al. 2017, pp. 295–313; Boyle 2018;
If it is not realistic to expect the ICJ to decide Wewerinke-Singh 2021). In that light, in 2005,
on a climate change-related case, domestic courts the Inter-American Commission on Human
may be used to enhance States’ obligations under Rights received the Inuit Petition Seeking Relief
the UNFCCC. In fact, domestic courts are the first from Violations Resulting from Global Warming
port of call for the enforcement of any interna- Caused by Acts and Omissions of the United
tional obligation. This article focuses on interna- States. This was a pioneer claim which primarily
tional bodies, but in the light of the difficult sought not to compensate the claimants for any
access to international courts and the insuffi- climate-related harm, but rather to raise global
ciently characterised nature of most obligations awareness regarding the effects of climate change
under the UNFCCC legal framework, domestic (Lin 2012, pp. 53–54). In 2009, another petition
courts play a pivotal role in climate litigation was submitted, this time before the World Heri-
(Mayer 2018, p. 238). They cannot adjudicate tage Committee, regarding The Role of Black
urbi et orbi, but they can establish a ‘precedent’ Carbon in Endangering World Heritage Sites
(relevant for the international community but also Threatened by Glacial Melt and Sea Level Rise.
in terms of setting out a transnational pattern of In 2015, a citizen of Kiribati brought a case to the
judicial regulatory behaviour) with regards to UN Human Rights Council; 21 and, just to finish
what mitigation efforts are binding on their own this short list of examples, in 2020, a group of
State and how these should be calculated, what Portuguese children lodged an application before
criteria can be used to assess attribution of con- the European Court of Human Rights. 22 In all
duct to States or to determine causation links, cases, the applicants brought a climate change-
when responsibility or liability for loss and dam- related issue before a human rights body. In fact,
age arises, or what adaptation measures are the applicants selected a (different) segment of
required. Furthermore, whereas international the same climate change-related facts and asked
courts can only consider States’ international the human rights body if the State was complying
obligations, domestic courts can also connect with the relevant human rights treaties—not if it
international and domestic obligations in a mean- was complying with the UNFCCC legal frame-
ingful way, in the same way that they can assess, work. Jolene Lin qualifies these as ‘marginalised
in the light of their domestic law, whether the concerns’ (Lin 2012, p. 40), in the sense that they
NDC submitted by the particular State is adequate are not conveyed in the UNFCCC legal frame-
to comply with that State’s international work, but that does not mean that climate change
obligations. This shows that the relationship concerns are not shared by other fields of interna-
between international and domestic law tional law, and, in particular, it does not prevent
(as between international and domestic courts) is cross-regime interaction, as mandated by Article
not one of two nations who do not know each 31(3)(a) of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the
other, but rather one that entails cooperative Law of Treaties. Quite the contrary, since
Finally, some words must be dedicated to con- 21
Ionae Teitiota v. New Zealand, Communication
sidering the possible role of other international No. 2728/2016.
courts. In fact, the widespread effects of climate 22
Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Other
change challenge the very fabric of international States, App. No. 39371/20.
Suing States: The Role of Courts in Promoting States’ Responsibility. . . 107

systemic interpretation is mandatory and interna- law of the sea to also complement the UNFCCC
tional law is a unified legal system, a human legal framework. Hence, the United Nations Con-
rights body may decide on the effects of climate vention on the Law of the Sea24 may also be used
change on the enjoyment of human rights. What to identify climate change-related States’
are the merits of such an avenue? Two, at least. obligations (e.g. the duty to protect and preserve
Firstly, resorting to specialised international the marine environment) (Boyle 2012), or to iden-
courts and bodies may be relevant if private tify possible avenues for addressing climate
access is granted (as is the case of human rights change effects (e.g. the impact of sea-level rise,
bodies). In fact, the procedural strategy of States or deep-sea carbon storage). Accordingly, another
might make them refrain from litigating, for fear option is the use of the advisory competence of
of damaging their diplomatic relations or retalia- the International Tribunal for the Law of the
tion in future proceedings; or they might just Sea,25 in order to obtain an authoritative position
consider a specific legal point to be tangential on ocean affairs and climate change. This option
within the general line of arguments (Stephan was considered by disappearing island States, to
2011). Why would a State complain against whom climate-driven sea level rise is an existen-
another State’s NDC, when it may also be tial threat. Thus, on 31 October 2021, Antigua
under-complying with its obligations, or if it and Barbuda and Tuvalu signed a Treaty on the
may create a precedent that could backfire in the Commission of Small Island Developing States
future? However, evidence suggests that on Climate Change and International Law, with a
non-State actors are more likely to withstand eco- view to requesting an advisory opinion from the
nomic interests, and less likely to be captured by ITLOS (United Nations Climate Change 2021),
these interests (Stephan 2011, p. 1617), and they namely on climate change, sea-level rise, the pro-
do not face the same constraints as States, since tection and preservation of the marine environ-
they do not stand behind prior claims before ment, and States’ international responsibilities.
international bodies, and do not have to fear The advisory opinion has not yet been requested,
future proceedings against them (Stephan 2011, but clearly this prospect is not simply a figment of
p. 1642). Moreover, whereas human rights bodies the imagination. If cherry-picking is a normal
are relatively open to receive any case that relates operation of international dispute settlement, the
to their constituent treaty, the ICJ has expressed ITLOS option has the advantage of
the need to be politically cautious, namely in circumventing the difficult majorities in the UN
stating that it can decline ‘to adjudicate on the General Assembly.
merits of an application’ if such adjudication
‘would be inconsistent with its judicial func-
tion’.23 Secondly, whereas the UNFCCC legal 4 Final Remarks
framework is wanting in terms of characterising
States’ obligations with respect to mitigation or Traditional views consider courts as passive
adaptation measures, the duty of care and the players, in the sense that they cannot look for
doctrine of positive obligations may be used as a cases, but wait for cases to be submitted to
tool to pinpoint such mitigation and adaptation them. However, the fact is that once their juris-
obligations towards individuals. As such, enlarg- diction is triggered, courts do play a role in
ing State’s climate change-related obligations boosting a specific action, including climate
may be a surprising effect of the access of private action. Although on different terms, this empow-
actors to the international arena. erment role can be played by domestic and inter-
Finally, the effects of climate change on the national courts, whether specialised or not. In that
marine environment justify possible use of the

Northern Cameroons (Cameroon v. UK) (Preliminary
Hereinafter referred to as the ‘LOSC’.
Objections) [1963] ICJ Rep 15, 37. 25
Hereinafter referred to as the ‘ITLOS’.
108 A. Rocha

capacity, courts can press for regulation, namely Lin J (2012) Climate change and the courts. Leg Stud 32:
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it is adequate to cope with climate change. In both society. Int Comp Law Q 61:209–222
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boost climate action. tainty, and economics of a warming world. Yale Uni-
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Marine Biodiversity Beyond National

Irini Papanicolopulu

Abstract 1 Introduction
Areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ),
which include both the high seas and the sea- Oceans, seas and coastal areas form an integrated
bed area beyond the external limit of the con- and essential component of the Earth’s ecosystem
tinental shelf, cover more than half of our and are critical to sustaining it.1 In particular, the
planet’s surface. They contain a wealth of liv- ocean and its ecosystems provide significant
ing resources and play a crucial role in many benefits to the global community, which include
earth processes, making their protection neces- climate regulation, coastal protection, food,
sary for the current and future generations. employment, recreation and cultural well-being
However, the current regulatory framework (United Nations 2021, p. 5). Oceans and their
has proven insufficient to address the many biodiversity, however, are currently under severe
threats that endanger ABNJ. This chapter will threat. Climate change is affecting the oceans in
present the current legal framework purporting different ways (Laffoley and Baxter 2016;
to protect marine biodiversity in ABNJ and Hobday and Matear 2020); depletion of marine
will assess its actual reach. It will then briefly living resources is ongoing;2 pollution of the
discuss the current, ongoing negotiations at the marine environment, including plastic pollution3
United Nations, aimed at the adoption of a and noise pollution (McKenna and International
legally binding instrument to protect ABNJ, Fund for Animal Welfare 2008), is increasing.
and will conclude with some thoughts on the
role and limits of ABNJ protection through 1
“The Future We Want” UNGA Res. 66/288 of 27 July
international law instruments. 2012, para. 158.
According to FAO (2020, p. 47), “the fraction of fish
Keywords stocks that are within biologically sustainable levels
decreased from 90 percent in 1974 to 65.8 percent in
High seas · Area · Marine genetic resources · 2017 [. . .]. In contrast, the percentage of stocks fished at
Areas beyond national jurisdiction biologically unsustainable levels increased, especially in
the late 1970s and 1980s, from 10 percent in 1974 to 34.2
percent in 2017.”
Plastic pollution has been addressed in four United
Nations Environment Assembly resolutions of 2014,
2016, 2017, and 2019, collected in UN Doc UNEP/
AHEG/2019/3/INF/2 of 25 October 2019. For background
I. Papanicolopulu (✉) information see the report Breaking the Plastic
University of Milano-Bicocca, School of Law, Milan, Italy Wave, available at breakingtheplasticwave_report.pdf
e-mail: irini.papanicolopulu@unimib.it (oneplanetnetwork.org).

# The Author(s) 2023 109

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
110 I. Papanicolopulu

Within oceans, marine biodiversity is impres- those included in the United Nations Convention
sive: the seas are home to up to 80 per cent of all on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). It will then
life on planet earth. Yet, marine biodiversity is highlight gaps in regulation which compromise
rapidly decreasing4 due to human activities, the ability of the international community to
including fishing, aquaculture, shipping, sand effectively address threats to biodiversity in
and mineral extraction, oil and gas exploitation, ABNJ. It will then turn to ongoing negotiations
the building of renewable energy infrastructures, at the United Nations (UN) to develop a legally
coastal infrastructure development and pollution, binding instrument to address biodiversity in
including the release of greenhouse gases (United ABNJ. Lastly, the chapter will present some criti-
Nations 2021, p. 10). cal remarks concerning ongoing developments
The importance of the oceans make it essential and their potential to ensure effective protection.
to engage in strict normative action in light of the
threats currently faced, with the aim of mitigating
existing phenomena and addressing major threats 2 The Law of the Sea
and their harmful consequences. In order for such and Protection of the Marine
normative action to be successful, it must be Environment
undertaken at the international level. From a prac-
tical point of view, the ocean is unique and all The international law of the sea contains numer-
seas and basins are interconnected, and hence ous provisions concerning protection of the
fragmented action will not suffice to address marine environment, including its biodiversity.
threats and dangers which are often Part XII of the UNCLOS, in particular, is dedi-
transboundary and sometimes global. From a nor- cated to the protection and preservation of the
mative point of view, the high seas and the seabed marine environment and is complemented by
beyond national jurisdiction, together known as numerous treaties adopted by States at the global
areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) form and regional levels.5
the largest part of marine waters. ABNJ do not Art. 192 UNCLOS sets the general principle,
fall within the jurisdiction of any single State; according to which “States have the obligation to
consequently, any measures need to be multilat- protect and preserve the marine environment.” As
eral. For this reason, States have created a number the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
of international bodies tasked with managing (ITLOS) has clarified, this duty both includes “the
activities in ABNJ, including protection of the positive obligation to take active measures to
marine environment and preservation of marine protect and preserve the marine environment,
living resources (Freestone 2014). Yet protection and by logical implication, entails the negative
of marine biodiversity in ABNJ has long obligation not to degrade the marine environ-
remained only loosely regulated. ment”.6 The duty contained in Art. 192 UNCLOS
This chapter will present the normative frame- is not merely a hortatory provision or a policy
work developed by States to protect biodiversity statement but is an actual legal duty.7 It concerns
in ABNJ (Warner 2015; Nordquist et al. 2019; not only pollution of the marine environment, but
Nordquist and Long 2021). In doing so, it will
first recall existing rules and principles addressing 5
For a brief overview of the principal treaties concerning
protection of the marine environment, primarily protection of the marine environment, see Boyle and
Redgwell (2021), Chapter 7; for a comprehensive over-
view, see Harrison (2017).
This is a reflection of the global decrease in biodiversity.
The M/V ‘Louisa’ Case (Saint Vincent and the
It has been estimated that around 1 million species already Grenadines v Kingdom of Spain) (Merits), Judgment of
face extinction and that “there will be a further acceleration 28 May 2013, para. 76; see also The South China Sea
in the global rate of species extinction, which is already at Arbitration (The Republic of Philippines v. The People’s
least tens to hundreds of times higher than it has averaged Republic of China), Award of 12 July 2016, para. 941.
over the past 10 million years” (IPBES 2019, p. 12). Ibid.
Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction 111

also other forms of degradation and, more gener- In protecting the marine environment and its
ally, the need to protect and preserve the marine biodiversity, States must take both individual and
environment in all its aspects and components.8 joint measures. Individual measures include the
Part XII of the UNCLOS is mostly concerned duty to prevent transboundary pollution of the
with combatting pollution of the marine environ- marine environment15 and the duty not to transfer
ment. Section 5 of Part XII contains a list of damage or hazards or transform one type of pol-
activities causing pollution that, at the time the lution into another.16 When unilateral action is
Convention was negotiated and adopted, were of not sufficient to address a certain source of pollu-
concern to the international community. These tion, or when joint action could optimise efforts
include pollution from land-based sources,9 pol- and reduce costs, States may have an obligation to
lution from seabed activities subject to national cooperate, as further detailed in Art.
jurisdiction,10 pollution from activities in the 197 UNCLOS. The duty to cooperate may take
Area,11 pollution by dumping,12 pollution from the form of a duty to notify all potentially affected
vessels,13 and pollution from or through the atmo- States of the fact that “the marine environment is
sphere.14 Nonetheless, States also have the duty in imminent danger of being damaged or has been
to address other sources of pollution which are damaged by pollution”,17 to adopt joint contin-
not expressly mentioned in the UNCLOS, should gency plans,18 or to develop international rules
they become aware of their existence. This is and standards, as required by the provisions
clear from the language of Article 194(3), which contained in Part XII, Section 5, of the UNCLOS.
refers to “all sources of pollution of the marine Finally, in order to understand the scope and
environment” and uses the words “inter alia” to limits of the duties to protect the marine environ-
introduce an illustrative list with four items. The ment and prevent pollution, it is necessary to
attention being paid to noise pollution (Dotinga consider that these are “due diligence” duties.
and Elferink 2000; Gillespie 2007; According to the ITLOS Seabed Disputes Cham-
Papanicolopulu 2011) and plastic pollution ber (SDC), a due diligence obligation ‘is not an
(Prata 2018; Schmalenbach and Pleiel 2019) in obligation to achieve, in each and every case, the
recent years, and the discussions that have devel- result [envisaged by the norm]. Rather, it is an
oped, confirm this point. obligation to deploy adequate means, to exercise
Notwithstanding its focus on pollution, the best possible efforts, to do the utmost, to obtain
UNCLOS also contains broader provisions. Art. this result’.19 As a consequence, States are
194(5) UNCLOS, in particular, requires States to required to take measures not only when pollution
adopt those measures that are “necessary to pro- is due to their own activities, but also when pol-
tect and preserve rare or fragile ecosystems as lution is due to the activities of other—often
well as the habitat of depleted, threatened or private—actors. The SDC has, in fact, noted that
endangered species and other forms of marine
life”. This provision is often identified as the
legal basis for the adoption of measures to protect Art. 194(2) UNCLOS.
marine biodiversity, including through the estab- Art. 195 UNCLOS.
lishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Art. 198 UNCLOS.
Art. 199 UNCLOS.
Responsibilities and Obligations of States Sponsoring
Chagos Marine Protected Area Arbitration (Mauritius Persons and Entities with Respect to Activities in the Area,
v. United Kingdom), Award of 18 March 2015, para. 320. Advisory Opinion of 1 February 2011 (SDC Opinion),
Art. 207 UNCLOS. para 110. See also Request for an advisory opinion sub-
Art. 208 UNCLOS. mitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission, Advi-
Art. 209 UNCLOS. sory Opinion of 2 April 2015 (2015 Opinion) para
12 126–129. On due diligence obligations generally, see
Art. 210 UNCLOS. Ollino (2021). On due diligence in the law of the sea, see
Art. 211 UNCLOS. Konig (2018), Caracciolo (2018) and
Art. 212 UNCLOS. Papanicolopulu (2020).
112 I. Papanicolopulu

due diligence obligations arise out of the neces- action cannot achieve the intended aim. However,
sity to control activities carried out by non-State this framework affords little mention to specific
actors,20 and that they are distinct from ‘direct’ measures that States must adopt, or to
obligations of States.21 mechanisms for ensuring cooperation
While due diligence obligations are flexible, between them.
international judges have identified a certain
number of actions that are relevant in assessing
compliance with a due diligence obligation: the 3 Gaps in Regulation
adoption of laws and regulations;22 the taking of
administrative measures;23 the exercise of a ‘cer- All the rules illustrated above seek, directly or
tain level of vigilance in their enforcement and indirectly, to protect the marine environment,
the exercise of administrative control’;24 the including marine biodiversity. However, as an
enactment of enforcement measures, including analysis of them shows, these rules, with the
‘boarding, inspection, arrest and judicial possible exception of Art. 194(5) UNCLOS, do
proceedings’;25 the proper marking of vessels;26 not specifically deal with protection of biological
the creation of monitoring mechanisms;27 the diversity, nor are they specifically applicable in
investigation of any alleged violation and the ABNJ. This gap in regulation is only partially
duty to inform the affected State of the results;28 filled by other treaties. Two types of treaties are
the provision of sanctions ‘sufficient to deter relevant: those that address biodiversity gener-
violations and to deprive offenders of the ally, on the one hand, and those that deal with
benefits’ accruing from their illegal activities.29 specific marine regions, on the other.
From a substantial perspective, the SDC has The main global treaty is the Convention on
stressed the link between due diligence Biological Diversity (CBD), adopted in 1992.32
obligations and the precautionary principle/ The CBD provides a comprehensive framework
approach,30 and also their connection with the for protecting biological diversity and sets out
duty to conduct an environmental impact assess- key principles for State action in this regard. It
ment (EIA).31 comprises procedural rules aimed at minimising
In conclusion, the international legal frame- adverse impacts on biological diversity, including
work provides for overarching principles that impact assessment,33 and rules on access to
impose a duty on States to protect marine genetic resources, including the fair and equitable
biological diversity, including that in ABNJ, to sharing of benefits deriving from these.34 Further-
take all necessary measures according to their more, States parties to the CBD have developed
capabilities, and to cooperate when individual scientific guidance to identify Ecologically or
Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs),
many of which include portions of ABNJ.35
SDC Opinion, para 112. Unfortunately, however, the CBD is of little use
SDC Opinion, para 121. See also 2015 Opinion, para in protecting marine biodiversity in ABNJ, since
128; South China Sea (n 6), para 944.
SDC Opinion, para 119.
23 32
SDC Opinion, para 119; 2015 Opinion, para. 119. The CBD is complemented by two protocols, the
SDC Opinion, para 115. Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, adopted in 2000, and
2015 Opinion, paras. 104–105. the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing,
26 adopted in 2010.
2015 Opinion, para. 137. 33
27 Art. 14 CBD.
2015 Opinion, para. 138. 34
28 Art. 15 CBD.
2015 Opinion, para 139.
CBD Decision IX/20 “Marine and coastal biodiversity”,
2015 Opinion, para. 138. UN doc UNEP/CBD/COP/DEC/IX/20, Annex 1 “Scien-
SDC Opinion, para 131. tific criteria for identifying ecologically or biologically
SDC Opinion, paras 145 and 150. See also South China significant marine areas in need of protection in open-
Sea (n 6), para 988. ocean waters and deep-sea habitats”.
Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction 113

it expressly provides that it applies “[i]n the case treaties. Furthermore, these treaties are generally
of components of biological diversity, in areas ratified only by the coastal States of that specific
within the limits of its national jurisdiction” region; for all other States, they are res inter alios
only,36 and EBSAs themselves are not backed acta and do not set out legally binding
by legal measures for their protection. obligations.41 As a consequence, States that are
Some regional treaties adopted to protect spe- not parties to a regional treaty are not bound by
cific sea basins have gone beyond the UNCLOS protection measures adopted by the parties.
and the CBD and have incorporated rules The lack of rules dedicated to the protection
expressly aimed at the protection of marine biodi- and preservation of marine biological diversity is
versity, also in ABNJ. For example, the Conven- further exacerbated by the general legal frame-
tion for the Protection of the Marine Environment work that applies to ABNJ. According to the law
of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR Convention) of the sea rules, ABNJ include the water column
contains the obligation to “take the necessary beyond national jurisdiction, which falls under
measures to protect the maritime area against the the regime of the high seas,42 and the seabed
adverse effects of human activities so as to safe- and subsoil beyond the external limit of the con-
guard human health and to conserve marine tinental shelf, which constitutes the international
ecosystems and, when practicable, restore marine seabed area (“Area”).43
areas which have been adversely affected”.37 The basic principle that still applies on the
Parties to the OSPAR Convention have further- high seas is the freedom of the high seas,44
more adopted rules to create marine protected conceptualised by Hugo Grotius at the beginning
areas (MPAs) in ABNJ.38 Similarly, the 1995 of the seventeenth century (Grotius 1609). Free-
Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas dom of the high seas is accompanied by, and
and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean indeed premised upon, the principle that grants
(SPA Protocol) contains the obligation for States the flag State of a vessel exclusive jurisdiction
parties to “protect, preserve and manage in a over that vessel.45 As a consequence, it is only
sustainable and environmentally sound way the flag State that can adopt measures with respect
areas of particular natural or cultural values” and to activities undertaken by its vessels which may
“threatened or endangered species of flora and negatively impact biodiversity in ABNJ. How-
fauna”,39 and provides for the creation of Spe- ever, the lack of uniform international standards,
cially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Impor- combined with the phenomenon of flags of con-
tance (SPAMIs) also on the high seas.40 venience (Llácer 2003), make regulation by the
Measures adopted by way of regional treaties, flag State entirely insufficient to address threats to
however noteworthy, do not suffice to guarantee biodiversity.
the effective protection of biological diversity in A different legal regime was introduced by the
ABNJ. In fact, regional treaties do not cover the UNCLOS concerning the Area. According to Art.
entire extension of the world’s oceans, and vast 136, the Area and its resources are the common
expanses of marine waters fall outside these heritage of mankind, subject to the specific legal
regime contained in Part XI of the UNCLOS. In

In accordance with the well-known principle codified in
Art. 4(a) CBD. Art. 34 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
37 42
Art. 2(1)(a) OSPAR Convention. Art. 86 UNCLOS.
38 43
OSPAR’s Regulatory Regime for establishing Marine Art. 1(1)(1) UNCLOS.
Protected Areas (MPAs) in Areas Beyond National Juris- 44
Art. 87 UNCLOS.
diction (ABNJ) of the OSPAR Maritime Area, OSPAR 45
Art. 92(1) UNCLOS. While the latter principle has
doc. OSPAR 09/22/1-E, Annex 6. some limitations, these do not directly relate to the right
Art. 3(1) SPA Protocol. to take measures to protect and preserve marine biodiver-
Art. 9(1) SPA Protocol. sity in ABNJ.
114 I. Papanicolopulu

particular, no State may exercise sovereign rights impact upon biodiversity. It is thus necessary to
over the Area and its resources,46 while all rely on international cooperation in order to create
activities must be carried out for the benefit of MPAs on the high seas.
mankind as a whole and must result in the equita- Currently, some international organisations
ble sharing of financial and other economic have a mandate to establish protected areas on
benefits derived from them.47 However, the strict the high seas. These MPAs, however, are subject
definition of “resources”, which includes only to important limitations, due either to the mem-
mineral resources,48 renders the common heritage bership of the organisation or to the limits to the
of mankind regime inapplicable to marine organisation’s mandate (Freestone 2018). For
biological diversity in the Area. example, the MPAs that can be created under
Both the high seas regime and that of the Area the OSPAR and SPA Protocol, mentioned
are therefore unsatisfactory with respect to biodi- above, are actually only applicable, as a matter
versity in ABNJ. The insufficiency of the current of law, to the parties to those agreements. The
regime has become apparent in recent decades in International Maritime Organization (IMO) can
relation to two issues in particular: access to adopt Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas
marine genetic resources and the establishment (PSSAs),50 which, due to the global membership
of marine protected areas (MPAs) in ABNJ. of the IMO, apply to virtually all States. How-
The protection of rare or fragile marine ever, PSSAs address only pollution from vessels,
ecosystems, which are often hosts to significant because of limits to the IMO’s mandate. Since the
biodiversity, had already been promoted by Art. high seas are open for the use of all States, it is
194(5) UNCLOS, although it contained no clear that only a global agreement could provide a
express mention of the establishment of MPAs. stable legal basis for the creation of MPAs in
The need to create MPAs was, however, openly ABNJ. This gap in legal regulation has brought
acknowledged in Agenda 21, which identified to the fore the need to develop new legal
priority areas for protection,49 and is included in instruments and rules to regulate how MPAs,
regional treaties, including the OSPAR Conven- applicable to all States, could be created on the
tion and SPA Protocol mentioned above. Today, high seas.
the creation of MPAs is considered a priority and Another issue that has polarised the attention
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, target of States concerns access to and exploitation of
14.5, requires States to protect ten percent of marine genetic resources in ABNJ (Leary 2007;
marine waters by means of MPAs by 2020. Kirchner-Freis and Kirchner 2014; Mossop
While the need to establish MPAs, also in 2015). Bioprospecting activities carried out by
ABNJ, has become increasingly clear, the legal private actors in ABNJ and the subsequent
complexities of such a process have not dimin- patenting of genetic material recovered from
ished. The fact that no State exercises exclusive ABNJ ignited a debate within the international
jurisdiction on the high seas implies that no State community concerning the legal regime that
can unilaterally adopt and implement measures to regulates access to and exploitation of marine
create an MPA that would have a binding effect genetic resources in ABNJ.51 Genetic material
on all other States. In particular, no State may from ABNJ may have a high commercial value
exclude or limit the transit and activities of and at the same time is often difficult to access.
vessels flying foreign flags on the high seas, nor
may it regulate other activities that might have an
IMO Res. A.927(22) Annex 2.
Art. 137(1) UNCLOS. CBD SBCTTA, Study of the relationship between the
47 Convention on Biological Diversity and the United
Art. 140 UNCLOS. Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea with regard to
Art. 133 UNCLOS. the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources
Agenda 21 - Global Programme of Action on Sustain- on the deep seabed, UN doc. UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/8/
able Development, UN doc. A.CONF/151/26, para. 17.85. INF/3/Rev.1.
Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction 115

This has meant, in practice, that only few recommended to the UNGA that a process be
companies from very few States have the techni- initiated to ensure the conservation and sustain-
cal capacity to access and use this material. Eco- able use of marine biodiversity in ABNJ “by
nomic and other benefits deriving from it, identifying gaps and ways forward, including
therefore, are unequally distributed at the global through the implementation of existing
level. instruments and the possible development of a
This picture is due, to a significant extent, to multilateral agreement” under the UNCLOS.53
the gaps that exist in the current legal framework In 2015, the UNGA convened a Preparatory
(Scovazzi 2010). While some interpret freedom Committee (PrepCom) with the aim of develop-
of the high seas as freedom to access and exploit ing recommendations regarding a draft text for a
marine genetic resources located in the water legally binding instrument on biological diversity
column beyond national jurisdiction, others con- in ABNJ.54 The PrepCom submitted its
test this understanding. As to resources on or recommendations to the UNGA in September
under the seabed beyond national jurisdiction, 2017, on the basis of which the UNGA decided
two theories have been advanced. According to to convene an Intergovernmental Conference
the first, mostly supported by developing States, (IGC).55
these resources fall within the regime of the Area, The IGC is tasked with developing an interna-
regulated in Part XI of the UNCLOS, which states tional legally binding instrument under the
that the resources of the Area are the common UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable
heritage of mankind and establishes a complex use of marine biological diversity of ABNJ.56
legal and institutional framework regulating The IGC’s mandate includes the following four
access to and exploitation of these resources. issues: “marine genetic resources, including
According to the second theory, the letter of Art. questions on the sharing of benefits, measures
133(a) UNCLOS excludes living resources from such as area-based management tools, including
the regime of the Area; consequently, these fall marine protected areas, environmental impact
under the freedom regime applicable on the high assessments and capacity-building and the trans-
seas. Disagreement between the two groups of fer of marine technology”.57 The IGC has so far
States formed the basis for the developments held three sessions. The fourth session, which
that currently characterise action by the interna- was to be the final session, was originally sched-
tional community.

4 Towards a New Treaty

on Marine Biodiversity in ABNJ 53
‘Oceans and the Law of the Sea’, UNGA Res 66/231
(24 December 2011) UN doc. A/RES/66/231, Annex –
‘Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal
The important economic and political issues Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation
raised by exploitation of marine genetic resources and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond
in ABNJ prompted the UN to take action and areas of national jurisdiction’.
address the gaps in the current rules governing 54
‘Development of an international legally binding instru-
marine biodiversity in ABNJ. In 2004, the United ment under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable
use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national
Nations General Assembly (UNGA) created the jurisdiction’, UNGA Res 69/292 (6 July 2015) UN doc.
Ad hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to A/RES/69/292.
study issues relating to the conservation and sus- 55
“International legally binding instrument under the
tainable use of marine biological diversity beyond United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the
areas of national jurisdiction (BBNJ Working conservation and sustainable use of marine biological
diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction”, UNGA
Group).52 In 2011, the BBNJ Working Group Res 72/249 (24 December 2017) UN doc. UN A/RES/
72/ 249.
‘Oceans and the Law of the Sea’, UNGA Res 59/24 Ibid, para 1.
(17 November 2004) UN doc. A/RES/59/24, para 73. Ibid, para 2.
116 I. Papanicolopulu

uled for 2020, but was postponed due to the transfer. The inclusion of EIAs derives from the
Covid-19 crisis.58 fact that regulation of marine genetic resources
From a formal point of view, the decision to and MPAs, alone, is not sufficient to ensure pro-
aim for a legally binding instrument, i.e. a treaty, tection of biological diversity in ABNJ. Access to
is noteworthy. At a time when much of interna- and exploitation of genetic resources is only one
tional law, including law of the sea, is developed of many activities that may have an impact on
through the use (and abuse) of soft law marine species in ABNJ. Moreover, even if a
instruments (Klein 2022), the option to have a significant number of MPAs, including MPA
hard law instrument to address protection of networks, were to be established, these would
marine biological diversity in areas beyond certainly not cover the entire space included in
national jurisdiction is a clear sign of the interna- ABNJ and would leave significant areas without
tional community’s determination to address the protection. It is therefore necessary to consider all
topic. human activities carried out anywhere within
At the same time, the fact that the new instru- ABNJ, in order to evaluate whether they might
ment will be a binding treaty under international produce adverse effects upon biodiversity. Hence
law presents some challenges, which are likely to the need to provide for mandatory EIAs in cases
affect both the negotiating process and the effec- where human activities might significantly com-
tiveness of the treaty itself, once it is adopted. promise the integrity of marine ecosystems.
While the latter point will be developed in the The last element of the package relates to
next section, it is worth mentioning here that the capacity building and technology transfer. This
new treaty will need to be coordinated not only topic, of particular concern to developing States,
with the UNCLOS and the CBD, but also with all was previously discussed in the UNCLOS
other global and regional treaties and interna- negotiations, resulting in Part XIV of the
tional bodies that have a bearing on biodiversity UNCLOS on “Development and Transfer of
protection or activities that may impact biodiver- Marine Technology”. However, this part has
sity. Furthermore, the effects of the new treaty on often been regarded as one of the parts receiving
non-parties should be considered (Ma and Zhou least attention. Hence the new call from develop-
2021). A treaty only becomes binding once it ing States, during the preparation for the IGC, to
enters into force,59 and for this to happen it must include the topic within the IGC mandate. Fur-
be accepted by a certain number of States. A thermore, since access to and use of marine
successful conclusion of the IGC negotiations genetic resources is largely dependent on avail-
should produce a treaty which is not only good able technology, developing the capacities of all
in itself, but one which is also acceptable to the States and providing them with the technologies
States who will be called to ratify it. Given its required to undertake bioprospecting and exploit
global scope, the new treaty should be ratified by genetic material would level the playing field and
the vast majority of States, if not all, in order to be would allow all States to reap the benefits of
effective. marine genetic resources.
From a substantial point of view, the IGC’s The four issues to be addressed by the IGC are
mandate includes not only the above-mentioned considered a package, since the UNGA has
issues of marine genetic resources and MPAs, but tasked the Conference with addressing them
also EIAs and capacity building and technology “together and as a whole”.60 This means that, in
order for the negotiation to be successful, all four
issues must be addressed to the satisfaction of the
The fourth session is now scheduled for March 2022; participating States. The basis for this decision is
there are doubts, however, as to whether it will be the final
one; see 25(218) Earth Negotiations Bulletin (2 September
2019) at <https://enb.iisd.org/download/pdf/enb25218e. 60
This was the procedure adopted already in the Third
pdf>. United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, which
Art. 24 VCLT. produced the UNCLOS.
Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction 117

that the importance of each topic differs for the marine genetic resources, the negotiation as a
various States involved. For example, while whole is unlikely to reach a successful
developed States, driven by civil society conclusion.
organisations, place more emphasis on the need In addition, the IGC’s mandate, while consis-
for a network of MPAs, developing States con- tent, may not prove sufficient to truly guarantee
sider that it is crucial to have a legal regime on the protection and preservation of marine
marine genetic resources that will allow them to biological diversity in ABNJ. Although the four
access these resources and reap the benefits deriv- elements of the package do, in fact, cover some
ing from them. The package deal option would key aspects of biodiversity protection, they do not
therefore give each group of States some exhaust the topic, since there are further issues of
bargaining power, with a view to reaching a com- concern. It will suffice to mention 2020) climate
promise that could be transferred into the new change, including warming of the oceans and
treaty. ocean acidification,62 both of which have detri-
mental effects on marine species. While MPAs
may contribute to dealing with climate change
5 The Beginning of a Process (Smith 2020), they are by no means the solution
to the problem. Comprehensive protection of bio-
The international community appears to have diversity, including in ABNJ, cannot leave cli-
understood the significance of marine biological mate change out of the picture, even if the
diversity in ABNJ and the multiple threats that origins of this phenomenon are mostly to be
endanger it. The decision of the UNGA to adopt a found on land.
treaty that will fill gaps in the law of the sea, as Turning to external factors, these relate not
well as the ongoing negotiations within the IGC, only to contingent problems, above all the
testify to the willingness of States to address these Covid-19 crisis, which has delayed negotiations,
issues, and to do so using binding legal but also to limitations of international law as a
instruments. At the same time, there are still a legal system, and to deeper issues, concerning in
number of factors which might delay and poten- particular the method adopted to address issues
tially jeopardise current efforts. Some factors are pertaining to ABNJ.
internal to the negotiation, while others are exter- The decision to seek to adopt a treaty, rather
nal (Papastavridis 2020). than a soft law instrument, is certainly evidence of
Within the IGC process, it is worth serious intent and actually the only option avail-
highlighting that, after over fifteen years of pre- able, in the absence of rules of customary interna-
paratory work and three years of formal tional law. However treaties, which are one of the
negotiations, the positions of some States are main sources of international law, raise some
still far apart. Developed States continue to push issues when called on to address global and press-
hard for the establishment of a system of MPAs ing challenges. A treaty is only binding once it
on the high seas, yet do not seem particularly has entered into force and only on those States
willing to make concessions on marine genetic that have accepted it. There is likely to be a
resources and technology transfer. The numerous certain time lag between adoption of the new
alternatives still present in the draft negotiating treaty and its entry into force, and even when it
text also bear witness to this distance between does come into force, it will not be immediately
States.61 If no compromise is found concerning binding on all States. Private actors might exploit
this fact and opt for the nationality of non-parties,
Draft text of an agreement under the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation
and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of 62
SDG 14 Target 14.3 requires States to “minimize and
areas beyond national jurisdiction, UN doc address the impacts of ocean acidification, including
A/CONF.232/2019/6. through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels”.
118 I. Papanicolopulu

so as to bypass legal obligations concerning pro- References

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in ABNJ (Ardron et al. 2014). Second, successful services of the intergovernmental science-policy plat-
conclusion of the IGC would be a major mile- form on biodiversity and ecosystem services. IPBES
Secretariat, Bonn, Germany
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Reform has already been suggested by scholars, obligations as a mechanism to ensure compliance
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Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction 119

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mate change, sustainable fisheries, biodiversity, Press, Oxford, p 72

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Climate Change and the Ocean: The
Disruption of the Coral Reef

Fabio-Massimo Battaglia

“Planet Earth is blue and there is nothing I can
Even though coral reefs represent a negligible do”. Fortunately, this is not the case for us. We
percentage of the ocean floor, they are wardens can do something, and we should.
of incredible biodiversity. They provide sup- Oceans cover almost 70% of the Earth’s sur-
port for at least 500 million people with food face. They are the most productive ecosystem,
security and livelihoods, mostly in poor or housing the vast majority of all known species.
developing countries. This unequalled habitat plays a crucial role in
Despite their importance, coral reefs are regulating global temperature and controlling
also extremely fragile. They are among the our climate and weather patterns. The oceans are
most damaged and threatened ecosystem due the primary producer of oxygen, and they also
to unprecedented global warming, ocean acid- absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide.
ification and climate changes, combined with Even though coral reefs represent a negligible
increasing local pressures. These incredible percentage of the ocean floor—less than 1%—
ecosystems are calling us into action towards they are wardens of great biodiversity, more so
more efficient protection to ensure their con- than any other habitat. These reefs harbour a
servation and restoration. quarter of all marine life, and they provide sup-
port for at least 500 million people with food
Keywords security and livelihoods, mostly in poor or devel-
oping countries. Furthermore, at a time when
Biodiversity · Biomimicry · Climate change · rising sea levels suggest that there is a real risk
Coral reefs · Community-based approach · of small islands and atolls disappearing, it is
Restoration essential to highlight how coral reefs play a
pivotal role in protecting the coastline from
floods and additional harm. These reefs protect
1 Introduction shorelines by dissipating the force of the waves
and floods, thereby helping to preventing loss of
If we listen to the David Bowie song ‘Space life, property damage and erosion.
Oddity’, Major Tom tells ground control that Unfortunately, despite their importance, coral
reefs are also extremely fragile. They are among
the most damaged and threatened ecosystem due
F.-M. Battaglia (✉)
to unprecedented global warming, ocean acidifi-
Catholic University of Portugal, Global School of Law,
Lisbon, Portugal cation and climate changes, combined with
e-mail: s-fbattaglia@ucp.pt increasing local pressures.
# The Author(s) 2023 121
M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
122 F.-M. Battaglia

Coral reefs are seriously threatened by climate wonders, and a large amount of biodiversity.
change, and we cannot ignore this. In recent They are often identified as the blue lung of the
years, due to the mounting anthropogenic pres- Earth; they cover much of our planet and repre-
sure from pollution and over exploitation along- sent our greatest resource. As mentioned before,
side the rise in the global temperature, coral reefs the Oceans play a notable role in regulating global
around the world have suffered mass coral temperature and governing our climate and
bleaching events that increase their vulnerability. weather patterns. Furthermore, they are the pri-
Coral reefs are dying, and if we continue to act as mary producer of oxygen, and they also absorb
normal, the vast majority of coral reefs will cease large quantities of carbon dioxide. None of this,
to exist by the end of this century. however, conveys the full extent of their impor-
The only way to avoid this scenario and ensure tance. In this vast ocean environment, the smallest
the survival of coral reefs is to maintain the global but surprisingly crucial asset is coral reefs.
average temperature well below 2 °C above Without going too far into matters that are
pre-industrial levels. Doing so would make it beyond the scope of this work, it is, however,
possible to improve coral reef living conditions interesting to note how coral reefs are composed.
in addition to introducing other measures to pre- Coral reefs are complex structures that have been
serve, rescue and restore them. Such other formed over thousands of years due to the depo-
measures alone would not be sufficient, as they sition of calcium carbonate skeletons of coral
cannot save coral reefs unless GHG emissions are species that form the reef. The coral is an organ-
also limited. ism belonging to the Anthozoans, small polyps of
These incredible ecosystems are calling us into a few millimetres in size grouped in colonies that
action towards more efficient protection to ensure can belong to over five thousand different species.
their conservation and restoration. These polyps live in symbiosis with the underly-
What consequences would the loss of coral ing unicellular algae, which give the coral forma-
reefs have? What can be done to protect this tion its characteristic colour. It is these algae that
heritage for which we are responsible? By have the function of carrying out photosynthesis
answering these questions, this chapter also aims and producing nourishment for the coral polyps
to analyse how the international environmental (Creary 2013).
legal framework is acting to support and improve There are several species and different kinds of
the conservation of coral reef ecosystems. We corals; they can be found in deep water and also
will also consider whether the current environ- in the shallow waters surrounding the ocean envi-
mental treaty rules are sufficient to meet this ronment. However, it is essential to distinguish
challenge or whether it is necessary to change between corals in cold or warm water (Goodwin
the paradigm and our perspective on nature and 2006). For this study, we will focus only on warm
biodiversity. Moreover, it will also be essential to water corals, which are common in the coastal
reflect on creative solutions that embrace a new tropical areas, and which make up the reefs cov-
perspective, based on sustainability and the coex- ered by this chapter.
istence of man with the environment. It is impos- Finally, it is critical to highlight that while it is
sible to think about safeguarding our planet’s difficult for this type of coral to persist in low
biodiversity without considering economic, social temperatures, coral reef-building in shallow trop-
and technological development and the dynamics ical marine areas is only possible where the water
of this. temperature is between 18 and 30 degrees centi-
grade (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999). Therefore, the
temperature of the water is a crucial aspect for
2 An Incredible Ecosystem the survival of the entire coral reef ecosystem.
Why are coral reefs important, and what is the
The oceans are already interesting and productive issue? As mentioned before, coral reefs represent
ecosystems, which host, within them, incredible one of the richest ecosystems in terms of
Climate Change and the Ocean: The Disruption of the Coral Reef 123

biodiversity. Although they occupy only a very one of the most endangered ecosystems on the
small portion of the ocean surface, coral reefs are planet.
home to more than a quarter of all fish species and Coral bleaching occurs when the water tem-
marine animals. Furthermore, coral reefs provide perature is too high and this has a negative effect
a wide variety of ecosystem services and benefits on the symbiosis between polyps and algae. The
for the populations living close to them. They are latter are expelled, and the polyps are deprived of
indeed not only a source of subsistence food but their nourishment. When these conditions last for
also protect coastal areas from floods, as well as an extended period, the polyps die, and the
supporting the fishing and tourism industries. absence of algae turns the coral structures white.
Coral reefs are considered to directly support Coral bleaching events often lead to the death of
more than 500 million people by giving them the large numbers of corals. Moreover, other types of
minimum subsistence for survival (IUCN 2017). algae can take over a damaged reef and create a
This figure is even more important if we consider different new environment where the growth of
that most of these people live in poorer or devel- new corals is more difficult.
oping countries. Thus, given this huge number of Dead corals are rapidly destroyed by marine
people from different cultures who rely on coral erosion, which is no longer retarded by the pro-
reefs, it is easy to understand how the disappear- duction of new calcium carbonate. Furthermore,
ance of this type of ecosystem would have a the death of polyps damages the food chain, with
severe impact not only in environmental terms repercussions for the marine fauna of the entire
but also at the economic, social and cultural level. coral ecosystem (Heron et al. 2017).
It may also be useful to point out that coral The consequences for the human population
reefs are seen as a prime indicator of the health of and the economy can also be devastating. As we
the global environment. Since they are a very have seen, in many areas of the world, especially
sensitive ecosystem, they react very quickly to in poor and developing countries, subsistence
climate change, pollution and anthropogenic activities such as fishing or tourism depend
stress. For this reason, they are considered an heavily on coral reefs. Furthermore, the loss of
alarm bell, showing us what could happen to these structures reduces the natural defence
other less sensitive systems. If climate change is against coastal erosion from floods and destruc-
not urgently addressed, the deterioration of other tive storms associated with extreme weather
systems could unfold more rapidly and irrevers- events.
ibly (IUCN 2017). The first cases of bleaching were observed in
the 1990s along the Australian Great Barrier
Reef, after a warming of the Pacific waters due
3 A Critical Issue to the periodic climatic phenomenon known as El
Coral reefs around the world are suffering. Another critical phase occurred in 2010, but it
Recently there has been much discussion about was between 2014 and 2017 that these events
the risks and dangers for the future of coral reefs. began not only to last longer but also to be more
We are witnessing increasingly frequent coral extensive, as they affected over 70% of the
bleaching events; but what do these events mean world’s coral reefs (Heron et al. 2017).
and what are the causes? The vast majority of the reefs around the world
Anthropogenic climate change is putting coral have suffered from mass bleaching events with
reefs under pressure; greenhouse gas emissions devastating effects. Overall, it is estimated that
have caused a rise in the global surface tempera- almost 50% of the world’s corals have been lost
ture and increased acidification of the oceans. in the last thirty years. Some authors fear that only
These facts, in addition to growing local pres- 10% of those still existing in the world will sur-
sure, have led to unprecedented mass coral vive beyond 2050, and by the end of this century
bleaching events, which have made coral reefs
124 F.-M. Battaglia

we could permanently lose this incredible ecosys- problem. The increase in local populations,
tem (Obura 2017). resource consumption and economic activities,
These catastrophic data indicate that we are no such as fishing or tourism, will inevitably damage
longer facing only periodic fluctuations in ocean the state of the ecosystem. A radical change in the
temperatures linked to El Niño, but slow and economic vision would be needed (Aldred 2019).
inevitable rises in seawater temperatures, pro- Suppose the goal of the Paris Agreement is
duced by global warming. fully reached. In that case, we will obtain a
The bleaching of corals and their ultimate decrease in atmospheric carbon concentrations
death due to heat stress that has been observed that will lead to better conditions for the survival
over the past three decades is expected to con- of coral reefs and enable other measures to rescue
tinue and intensify over the next few decades them to be successful. It is evident that a single
unless GHG emissions are dramatically reduced solution is not enough; on the contrary, we need a
(Heron et al. 2017). Unfortunately, corals cannot synergy of measures and policies aimed at the
survive the frequency of current bleaching events, conservation and safeguarding of coral reefs.
and ocean acidification due to the high level of For this reason, some research centres are trying
GHG emissions is continuing to increase. The to intervene directly on corals, with various
first global scientific assessment of climate measures of repopulation or restoration of the
change impacts on World Heritage coral reefs— reefs.
published in 2017 by UNESCO—highlights that These techniques, however, have some
if humans continue to act under a business-as- limitations. In addition to being expensive, they
usual scenario bleaching events will increase in can only be applied on a tiny scale, while the risk
intensity and frequency. The consequence will be to coral reefs concerns large areas of the oceans.
that almost all coral reefs in the World Heritage Furthermore, it is essential to highlight that none
sites would cease to exist as functioning coral reef of these techniques is currently able to recreate
ecosystems by the end of this century (IUCN the ecological functions of a coral reef. Thus,
2017). even if the corals can be recreated, it is not possi-
ble to reactivate the ecosystem (Aldred 2019).
Support and restoration of coral reefs should
4 What Are We Doing? be treated as a complementary measure to the
achievement of the objectives of drastically
Fighting coral bleaching is one of the priorities on reducing emissions and changing the economic
the international agenda. In order to contain the paradigm. Long-term investments should, there-
increase in global average temperature between fore, be made to support research for the restora-
1.5 and 2 °C compared to pre-industrial levels, tion of barriers to overcome the current
the path is to drastically reduce GHG emissions difficulties (IUCN 2017).
by the second half of the century, as set out in The Paris Agreement is not the only tool that
2015 by the Paris Agreement. On one hand, the international community has adopted to tackle
achieving this goal is crucial since it provides climate change and its adverse effects. The whole
the only chance for the survival of coral reefs international agenda aims to create a more sus-
globally. On the other hand, the same goal is tainable society, a new economic perspective that
now considered unattainable by many scientists, involves all human activities. Human develop-
for several reasons. The first of these is that time ment, which must be achieved through the goals
is not on our side and we are still far from of sustainable development, should take into
reaching our goal. We need to act immediately account an integral ecology that cannot separate
and with more ambitious measures. Secondly, the human and social development, through the erad-
current rules of the world market are in stark ication of poverty, from the protection and
contrast to a sustainable view of the economy, safeguarding of the environment.
and even at the local level, this is a severe
Climate Change and the Ocean: The Disruption of the Coral Reef 125

So, the objectives established with the Paris Among all the objectives proposed by SDG
Agreement are also present and reinforced in 14, there is one in particular that aims to increase
other international and regional agreements, in the economic benefits to small island developing
local policies and other instruments such as the states by 2030, by resorting to more sustainable
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). use of marine resources, including sustainable
Among the SDGs, there are some that—at management of fisheries and tourism (United
least partially—cover the theme addressed in Nations General Assembly 2015, goals 13–14).
this chapter. To do this and to preserve the coral reef, these
It could be useful to consider two different countries need to receive technological support
groups of SDGs. The first group is composed of from developed countries. This kind of alliance
Goals 8 and 12. Both of these goals concern the between states can overcome local difficulties in
transformation of the economic system, to pro- the move towards a more sustainable economy.
mote a circular economy that fosters inclusive and Another exciting tool within the international
sustainable growth as well as sustainable con- community is the UN Decade on Ecosystem Res-
sumption and production patterns. In the last toration. This programme, established by the UN
part of this work, we will deal with the aspect of General Assembly in 2019, aims to dramatically
the economic system and its transformation to a increase the restoration of degraded and
system that rapidly reduces greenhouse gas destroyed ecosystems through targeted and
emissions to ensure global temperature decrease, agreed actions at global, regional and local levels.
and a new economic perspective that takes into The aim of these measures is to fight the climate
account the benefits and the services provided by crisis and improve food security, water supply
the ocean and the coral reefs (United Nations and biodiversity and, at the same time, ensure
General Assembly 2015, goals 8–12). human development and the sustainable exploita-
The second group is based on Goals 13 and 14. tion of natural resources. The programme will
Goal 13 is a general goal aimed at fighting climate help countries to take action against the harmful
change. It seeks to promote action, at all levels, effects of climate change and biodiversity loss,
from local to global, to combat climate change. It promoting rapid and effective restoration policies
highlights how climate change is a global issue that build resilience, reduce vulnerability and
that knows no national borders, but at the same increase the ability of ecosystems to adapt to
time, that not all countries are affected in the same daily threats and extreme events (Eisele and
way and with the same intensity. This point is Hwang 2019).
interesting because the countries most directly The Sixth Status of Corals of the World
affected by the coral reef crisis are often the Report—recently published on 5th October
poorest or the developing countries. These 2021 by the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Net-
countries have contributed minimally to anthro- work (GCRMN)—highlights the current status of
pogenic climate change, and yet they are the most coral reefs worldwide, analysing their trends and
affected by it. The resources of these countries are potential future scenarios. One claim among the
limited; there is a need to promote common Report’s key findings is crucial and straightfor-
actions, in a shared effort by all the players on ward: coral reefs are still in trouble, and we need
the international stage. Goal 14 is directly focused to act now. The report points out that 14% of the
on the ocean ecosystem. It concerns the conser- world’s coral reefs have been lost in the last
vation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and decade. Many reefs are diminishing instead of
marine resources for sustainable development. flourishing, and coral bleaching is becoming a
Therefore, it is obvious how important the protec- regular event rather than a rare damaging episode
tion of coral reefs is for this SDG since—as (GCRMN et al. 2021).
mentioned in the previous part of this work— As previously described in this chapter,
they represent the most outstanding heritage increasing coral bleaching events, higher ocean
within the ocean ecosystem. temperatures, and other climate change-related
126 F.-M. Battaglia

impacts can drastically affect coral reefs, with Finally, the decision to hold COP27 in Egypt
severe and irreparable consequences. is also a good opportunity. The Egyptian govern-
Luckily, the report also points out some posi- ment launched one of the earliest conservation
tive hopes and possibilities. initiatives in 1983 (Kleinhaus et al. 2020) and it
Indeed, given the right conditions, coral reefs has repeatedly reiterated the importance of
can recover. There are already some good protecting coral reefs. Hosting COP27 right on
examples of resilience and natural resistance in the shores of the Red Sea could represent an
dealing with increasing water temperatures. Thus, opportunity to encourage action in this sense.
since healthy corals are more likely to adapt to
climate change, the action needed for coral pro-
tection should focus on creating the proper 5 What Can Be Done?
conditions to help the natural recovery of the
reefs. This could be, for example, by minimising Despite the vast range of potential tools and the
human impacts, such as water pollution and objectives that have been set, there is still a risk
overfishing, and slowing climate change. It is that we will fail to achieve the goals, or fail to do
essential to work together with local communities so within the necessary timeframe. According to
to identify proper measures and good practices to an opinion shared among much of the scientific
keep coral reefs in good and healthy condition. community, the emissions target set in the Paris
In order to increase awareness of this issue and Agreement is not ambitious enough, and even if
to spread action among international actors and we reach that goal, there will still be temperature
local communities, the GCRMN and the Interna- increases by 2030. That could mean the end for
tional Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) published this the coral reefs. Another note concerns Goal 14 of
report before the UN Climate Change Conference the SDGs, which, it is suggested, should deal
(COP26) held in Glasgow in November 2021. more specifically with the human impacts causing
Indeed, the ocean was one of the most impor- the destruction of coral reefs and their current
tant themes during COP26. World leaders, inter- situation, in order to consider faster and more
national organisations, civil society and NGOs efficient strategies between states (Manfrino
demonstrated considerable interest in ocean 2017).
challenges and opportunities, at both official More aggressive and robust actions are
meetings and side events. As is evident from the required to face this issue, not only by states and
COP26 outcomes, there are intangible and com- the governments but also by other actors, such as
plex links between the ocean, climate and biodi- local institutions, NGOs or the private sector.
versity, and the need to address them jointly is on This paragraph will address the current situation
the international agenda. in developing countries in order to identify some
This high level of mobilisation crystallised the good practice and potential solutions.
importance of the ocean in the climate While it is evident in any international agree-
negotiations, and the importance of paying ment that there must be significant financial aid to
increasing attention to the maritime ecosystem help developing countries, it is also true that
and its protection. relying too heavily on this kind of help could be
Given this context, it is worth mentioning problematic for them.
another interesting initiative in the international Nowadays, it is becoming clear that climate
arena: the UN Decade of Ocean Science and adaptation costs will be higher than previously
Development 2021–2030. This initiative aims to expected. This fact will probably lead to a lack
bring together institutions, researchers, of funding support and weakening international
stakeholders and other actors in the ocean com- aid in the future.
munity to design and deliver proper solutions and Thus, governments in developing countries
development projects to support the Agenda 2030 should act to prepare for this situation, and they
in its path for a healthier Ocean.
Climate Change and the Ocean: The Disruption of the Coral Reef 127

should be ready to decrease their dependence on understand and foresee climate change impacts
foreign support (Clissold et al. 2020). in advance and to plan and decide how to inter-
Obviously, the Principle of Common but vene. The local communities will choose their
Differentiated Responsibilities places western own strategies and methods to respond to the
and developed countries in a position to help harmful effects of climate change, and they can
and, in some way, pay for their pollution. They independently plan their adaptation goals. This
should support poorer countries in achieving kind of programme is thoroughly planned and
social and economic development and also in led by the local communities, without any exter-
tackling the impacts of climate change. Financial nal imposition. Hence, any social and cultural
aid and technological support are crucial in this factors will not be neglected.
challenge, but other factors must also be taken Taking—once again—the small island states
into account. For instance, the ability to act and to of the Pacific as an example, it is easy to imagine
choose what is best for one’s country also that they have longstanding traditional knowl-
depends on cultural and social factors which dif- edge of the ocean environment and also a gener-
fer from state to state. These factors can also ous legacy from their ancestors regarding the
influence adaptation policies. This explains why implementation of cashless adaptation actions.
it is important to maintain an appropriate level of These rural communities could develop measures
independence. and solutions to tackle the impact of climate
An analysis of the climate adaptation strategies change that cost nothing and that are consistent
used to date reveals that these have often been a with their cultures. This means starting from the
failure, or at least inefficient or inadequate. This is bottom, through policies of education and
primarily the case when the people living in a involvement of the whole society.
particular context have not been involved in the These solutions might involve direct interven-
planning of the adaptation measure. A case in tion on the environment using a small amount of
point is the building of sea walls and barriers in money and little technology. Hence, there is no
the Pacific region to protect low-lying states from need to rely too heavily on the developed
floods and sea-level rise or to prevent coastal countries. Examples include actions related to
erosion. This could be a feasible solution in rich traditional methods of planting and restoring the
developed countries where appropriate technol- mangroves—as mentioned above—or similar
ogy and funding can be found. However, it may solutions relying on resources available locally.
not be sustainable in small island developing It is not only an issue of reducing costs but also
states. Moreover, this solution does not take into a means of enabling rural communities to
account any cultural factors. These nations have enhance their heritage and act directly on the
been living alone in the oceans for centuries, and environment that surrounds them (Nunn and
their traditional technologies might provide more Kuman 2020). It is essential to understand that
suitable solutions. For instance, some nature- the two different levels of action must be comple-
based measures, such as replanting coastal mentary. It is vital that we act internationally to
mangroves, can be more sustainable for the local change the way we live, produce and consume.
society (Nunn and Kuman 2020). However, it is also important to specifically
Following on from this last point, it is worth engage the communities of developing countries,
mentioning the Community-Based Approach, a increasing their autonomy without creating
strategy to empower communities to prevent and dependence on foreign funding, which could run
face climate challenges. The aim of the strategy is out quite quickly.
to facilitate adaptation measures, creating inclu-
sive, community-driven and sustainable actions
that take into account the cultures and the tradi-
tion of the local community (Kirkby et al. 2015).
The idea is to enable local communities to
128 F.-M. Battaglia

6 Blue Economy: A Sustainable crucial aspect: biomimicry. It is concerned with

Future for the Ocean studying, and possibly imitating, nature in order
to seek solutions to apply to human activities.
As we have seen, all the solutions and the According to the Belgian economist, by study-
objectives identified to tackle climate change ing how nature works, it is possible to improve
and to save the coral reefs are related to economic production and processing techniques, thus creat-
and business interests. To meet the requirements ing new jobs, revitalising the economy and
of the Paris Agreement, and also to achieve the safeguarding the environment (IIED 2019). In
SDGs of the UN Agenda 2030, it is vital that we short, it is possible to say that the blue economy
change our economic system, or—at least— seeks to eliminate emissions that harm the planet
understand that the benefit of preserving the and to revolutionise production systems through
coral reef ecosystem is not anti-economic. Indeed, biomimicry. Hence, this model of sustainable
we have seen how the coral reef is crucial for the development has been continually promoted, in
economy of many countries. recent years.
At first glance, saving the environment runs As this chapter shows, coral reefs are an essen-
contrary to the rules of our economy and main- tial part of the blue economy, and we must there-
stream trade and finance. It is easier to find busi- fore act and invest in preserving their
ness activities following the principles of the productivity. If we do so, with proper investments
linear economy than those of the circular econ- and solutions, it will be possible to create a sus-
omy. This is no longer sustainable. Switching our tainable economy that enables both human devel-
economic system to become sustainable and cir- opment and environmental protection, preserving
cular must be the priority. It is the only way to the heritage and the biodiversity of the coral reefs
achieve the goals we have set ourselves. It will and preventing the harmful loss of this incredible
dramatically decrease waste and emissions, and ecosystem.
will involve governments finding policies and
practices that follow the economic aims of the
SDGs (Aldred 2019). 7 Conclusions
The first action might be to thoroughly under-
stand the vast range of benefits that humanity One important conclusion is that, in addition to
gains from coral reefs. This chapter has shown states and international programmes, other actors
how reefs play a crucial role in the economies of can play a crucial role. As this study shows,
tropical countries. Coral reefs are one of the developing countries need to stop relying totally
greatest assets for these nations, and governments on foreign support. Funds and financing projects
should treat them as such, increasing the invest- often do not consider the cultures and traditions of
ment to preserve, sustain and restore them and the indigenous peoples, who have a privileged rela-
entire ecosystem (Obura 2017). tionship with the nature that surrounds them.
Related to this issue, in recent years, we have NGOs and local actors can therefore be the miss-
long heard of the blue economy—a model of an ing link in the chain that protects this delicate
economic system that aims to revolutionise the ecosystem. Even if we assume that the objectives
world economy through a sustainable approach. of the Paris Agreement will be achieved, it has
The Belgian economist Gunter Pauli introduced been shown that without an ambitious change,
the term blue economy (Pauli 2010) for the first even they may not be enough. That is where
time in 2010. As can easily be guessed, the term other actors come into play. Local adaptation
alludes to water—and the oceans represent its and resilience policies can give an extra boost.
core—but it goes beyond this element. Pauli Synergy between actions is needed, with different
introduces a new type of sustainable economy, components of action against climate change
similar to the green economy but with a new complementing each other.
Climate Change and the Ocean: The Disruption of the Coral Reef 129

As mentioned above, coral reefs—and their Eisele F, Hwang BS (2019, March 1) New UN decade on
conditions in the short term—are a clear indicator ecosystem restoration offers unparalleled opportunity
for job creation, food security and addressing climate
of our ability to revolutionise our lifestyle, pro- change. UNEP Press Release. https://www.unep.org/
moting and implementing good practices to pre- news-and-stories/press-release/new-un-decade-ecosys
serve the environment. tem-restoration-offers-unparalleled-opportunity.
Collective action is needed because, as this Accessed 15 Nov 2022
GCRMN, ICRI, Australia Institute of Marine Science,
chapter has shown us, even though coral reefs UNEP (2021) The status of corals of the world
cover a tiny part of the ocean surface, they could report 2020
change the fate of the entire planet and all human- Goodwin EJ (2006) International law and the promotion of
ity will benefit from their protection. Ultimately, marine protected areas for the conservation of coral
reef ecosystems. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham
we cannot think of living in a world that does not Heron SF, Eakin CM, Douvere F, Anderson K, Day JC,
contemplate sustainable development. It is an Geiger E, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Van Hooidonk R,
indissoluble binomial; human and technological Hughes T, Marshall P, Obura D (2017) Impacts of
development cannot ignore the protection of the climate change on World Heritage coral reefs: a first
global scientific assessment, CLT-2017/WS/12.
environment and its biodiversity. UNESCO, Istanbul
Hoegh-Guldberg O (1999) Climate change, coral
Acknowledgments First of all, I would like to express bleaching and the future of the world’s coral reefs.
my special thanks to the editors of this book, Professor Mar Freshw Res 50:839–866
António Cortês and Professor Maria da Gloria Garcia who IIED (2019) Introduction to an inclusive blue economy
gave me the opportunity to participate in this wonderful (IIED, February 2019). https://www.iied.org/introduc
project. From the very beginning, Professor Cortês was tion-inclusive-blue-economy. Accessed 15 Nov 2022
interested in my topic, and he helped me to identify the IUCN (2017) Coral reef and climate change, Issues brief
proper angle to develop my research. Secondly, I would (IUCN, November 2017). https://www.iucn.org/
like to thank Professor Armando Rocha—who is the resources/issues-briefs/coral-reefs-and-climatechange.
supervisor of my PhD thesis—for always being available Accessed 20 May 2020
to discuss my ideas, giving me the chance to see my Kirkby P, Williams C, Huq S (2015) A brief overview of
research from a different perspective and fostering con- community-based adaptation. ICCCD, Dhaka
stant debate that helps my PhD path. This project was a Kleinhaus K, Al-Sawalmih A, Barshis DJ, Genin A, Grace
stimulating and challenging journey which also helped me LN, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Loya Y, Meibom A, Osman
in developing my doctoral research increasing my knowl- EO, Ruch JD, Shaked Y, Voolstra CR, Zvuloni A, Fine
edge of relevant topics related with the area of my PhD M (2020) Science, diplomacy, and the Red sea’s
thesis. unique coral reef: it’s time for action. Front Mar Sci
7. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.00090
Manfrino C (2017) Can we save coral reefs? UN Chron 54:
References Nunn PD, Kuman R (2020, July 31) Pacific Islands must
stop relying on foreign aid to adapt to climate change,
Aldred J (2019, March 28) Dialogue with David Obura: because the money won’t last. The Conversation.
‘We are not doing enough to combat the decline of https://theconversation.com/pacific-islands-must-stop-
coral reefs’. China Dialogue Ocean. https:// relying-on-foreign-aid-to-adapt-to-climate-change-
chinadialogueocean.net/7338-david-obura-coral-reefs/ because-the-money-wont-last-132095. Accessed
Clissold R, Piggott-McKellar A, McNamara KE, Nunn 15 Nov 2022
PD, Kumar R, Westoby R (2020, June 29) Their fate Obura D (2017) Refilling the coral reef glass. Science 357:
isn’t sealed: Pacific nations can survive climate 1215
change – if locals take the lead. The Conversation. Pauli G (2010) The blue economy: 10 years,
https://theconversation.com/their-fate-isnt-sealed- 100 innovations, 100 million jobs. Paradigm
pacific-nations-can-survive-climate-change-if-locals- Publications, New Mexico
take-the-lead-136709. Accessed 15 Nov 2022 United Nations General Assembly (2015) Transforming
Creary M (2013) Impacts of climate change on coral reefs our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable develop-
and the marine environment. UN Chron 50:24–27 ment, A/RES/70/1. United Nations, New York
130 F.-M. Battaglia

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Marine Protected Areas as Tools
for Ocean Sustainability

Emanuel J. Gonçalves

Abstract in the ocean, allow ecosystems to recover, and

Science is clear in showing that we are facing build sustainable jobs and economic growth.
two existential challenges: a climate emer-
gency and a species extinction crisis. These Keywords
challenges are rooted in the extractive and Marine protected areas · Ocean governance ·
linear economic model we have globally Benefits of protection · Science-based
adopted, in which economic development is decisions · Stakeholder engagement ·
intertwined with the destruction of nature. Government leadership
Europe has recently responded politically by
adopting the European Green Deal with a set
of policies aimed at transforming the EU econ- 1 Introduction
omy envisaging a future with no net carbon
emissions and where economic growth is We have today a solid scientific understanding of
decoupled from resource use. Despite the dire the environmental crises facing the ocean,
state of the ocean and the urgency to imple- supported by indisputable facts compiled in
ment effective solutions, we continue to wit- papers and reports such as those of the Intergov-
ness the loss of nature and, with it, the loss of ernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and
current and future economic and social value. the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are one of the on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
most effective solutions to address these (IPBES). Knowledge of the challenges and the
challenges. There is, however, the need to science behind them places a demand on
clarify what these area-based management decision-makers and society to find solutions
tools are, how they can provide benefits, that can respond with the speed, scale and breadth
what conditions must be met to ensure they needed to face these existential problems. Marine
are effective, and how a strategy can be protected areas (MPAs) are known to be one of
adopted to increase the breadth, speed and the most effective tools to protect what is left in
success of efficient MPAs to save what is left the ocean, allow ecosystems to recover, and sup-
port nature-based solutions to the climate crisis.
However, we currently have too few MPAs, and
E. J. Gonçalves (✉) many do not work, preventing the ecological,
MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, social and economic benefits of protection from
ISPA – Instituto Universitário, Lisbon, Portugal being fully delivered.
e-mail: emanuel@ispa.pt

# The Author(s) 2023 131

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
132 E. J. Gonçalves

This chapter will begin with a global assess- dumping large quantities of radioactive waste in
ment of the status of human impacts on the ocean the deep sea, and we continue do to so now, with
and will identify the main causes of those impacts nutrients from agriculture and our city sewage
(Sect. 2). Solutions to those impacts will then be systems, pollutants from our industries, and
explored, focusing on MPAs and their definition plastics and microplastics from our production
and scope (Sect. 3). Subsequently, some key systems.
aspects of the functioning of MPAs will be cov- The perception that the ocean is too big to fail
ered, with emphasis on the conditions needed to still persists today in many management and pol-
guarantee the effectiveness and persistence of icy contexts. This has consequences for the way
these conservation tools (Sect. 4). Next, some we manage biomass extraction (fisheries) and
standards for designating, implementing and production (aquaculture), non-living resource
maintaining MPAs are presented, such as those extraction (sediments and minerals), energy pro-
of the International Union for Conservation of duction (oil and gas, and renewables), and essen-
Nature (IUCN) and the new MPA Guide, with a tially any use in the ocean. In fact, in many cases
view to discussing ways to increase the speed we still consider the ocean to be fundamentally an
with which they are established, the extent of open access space where our individual and col-
their protection and the success of their imple- lective “rights of use” should not be limited,
mentation (Sect. 5). Lastly, the chapter will dis- forgetting the responsibility to protect and sus-
cuss MPAs within the wider context of a 100% tainably manage the “commons” that is the ocean
managed ocean (Sect. 6). space and the ocean life within it. Only now are
we beginning to see a consensus on changing this
view, which can be encapsulated in a “new narra-
2 Ocean Sustainability: Status tive for the ocean” (Lubchenco and Gaines
and Roots of the Problem Steven 2019): neither too big to fail nor too big
to fix, but rather too big to ignore.
Science is clear in showing us that our societies The root of the challenges we are now facing
are facing two environmental existential crises: a lies in the fact that the global economic markets
climate emergency (Pörtner et al. 2019) and a built post World War II considered marine natural
species extinction crisis (Díaz et al. 2019). Evi- resources essentially to be a free-to-take asset and
dence of these crises has been made available to regarded the impacts of extraction on ecosystems
decision-makers, from politicians to business as an externality (meaning that the costs of those
leaders, to ocean stakeholders, to managers and impacts are not being incorporated in the
to the wider society, at an ever-increasing pace. activities that exploit ocean resources). The
Although the ocean is the least studied system on consequences of this position are now clear to
the planet, with a large portion of the seabed and us, and the activity with the largest impact in the
the full extent of ocean biodiversity still unknown ocean is fisheries targeting wild animal species.
to science, an estimated 91% of marine species Globally, 90% of the world’s fisheries are
still undescribed and over eighty percent of the either fully exploited (61%) or overexploited
ocean floor as yet unmapped and unexplored (29%) (FAO 2020) and a mere 13.2% of the
(Mora et al. 2011), human impacts on the ocean ocean can be considered to have intact
are indisputable and their magnitude and extent is ecosystems with low impact from human
only now beginning to be understood by society. pressures (Jones et al. 2018). Up to a third of
In fact, until very recently, the ocean was seen catches, worth up to $23 billion, are illegal, unre-
as an inexhaustible source of food, and human ported, or unregulated (IUU) (FAO 2021). At the
activities were not perceived as being able to global scale, 55% of the ocean area is used for
seriously disturb the functioning of marine industrial fishing and the fishing fleet increased
ecosystems. We have even used the ocean as a from 1.7 to 3.7 million vessels between 1950 and
deposit for some of our garbage, including 2015. Some fish groups are particularly impacted
Marine Protected Areas as Tools for Ocean Sustainability 133

by this often unregulated or poorly regulated attempting to regulate activities in the ocean has
activity, namely large predatory fish that play a not been effective. And this leads to another
central role in the functioning of marine systems question: Are the current regulatory mechanisms
and, in particular, sharks. In fact, since the useless, meaning that we need new ones, or can
1970’s, the abundance of shark populations has they work and the problem is only that we have
declined 71% (Pacoureau et al. 2021), with an not been using them to their full potential?
estimated 100 million sharks being caught each Having reached this point, let us now explore
year, and the biomass of many large predatory potential solutions to the main challenges and
fish is today only around 10% of pre-industrial impacts on ocean systems. Evidently, this is a
levels (Myers and Worm 2003). Even some complex issue with many different dimensions,
whale populations, which are often considered from the regulation of each activity—fishing,
safe following the industrial whaling ban agreed transport, energy, recreation—to the way differ-
in the 1940’s, are today a mere fraction of their ent societies and communities use the ocean, to
pre-whaling abundance with some species such as area-based management tools such as marine spa-
the blue whale, the largest animal ever to occur on tial planning, fishing closures, marine protected
Earth, at levels of around 10% their areas (MPAs) and other effective area-based con-
historical size. servation measures (OECMs), etc.
On top of this, human activities are also pol- Most importantly, we know that to address the
luting the ocean. 5 to 12 million metric tons of challenges of the climate emergency and species
plastic enter the ocean every year, noise and extinction crisis, we need to be able to
chemical pollution impact many marine species, decarbonise the economy and to stop destroying
and nutrient inputs such as nitrogen and phospho- nature. However, it is not enough to identify what
rus cause hypoxia, harmful algal blooms and an we need to do (Duarte et al. 2020); it is critical
increase in eutrophication phenomena and dead that we have the capacity to do it at a speed, on a
zones. Several of these impacts have cumulative scale and with the effectiveness that is compatible
and synergistic effects on marine live, many of with the challenges we are facing.
which are still unknown today.1 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are one of the
The message is therefore clear and simple: we most effective tools to protect what is left of the
are destroying the planet and we know why. ocean’s natural world and, equally importantly, to
restore the ocean blue natural capital to
pre-industrial levels, so that a socially resilient
3 Why We Need Marine and economically healthy society is possible.
Protected Areas to Achieve They are also a key complement to conventional
Ocean Sustainability fisheries management, as they contribute to
increasing fish stocks and to mitigating climate
Given that the message is clear—we have a prob- change by protecting marine carbon stocks (Sala
lem, and we know what is causing it—the logical et al. 2021). Without nature there will be no future
question that follows is how to solve that prob- for our societies.
lem. Before we explore solutions, however, it is However, in spite of over 30 years of efforts to
important to reiterate the facts: our extractive and implement MPAs worldwide, thus far we have
linear economic model is destroying nature and only been able to protect less than 8% of the
current regulatory frameworks have not been able ocean with these legal instruments, with less
to reverse this destruction and degradation of the than 3% of that area excluding extractive
natural world. If we accept these facts, then we activities such as fishing (The Marine Protection
also need to accept that the way we have been Atlas 2022). Moreover, a large percentage of the
global MPAs are not effective, i.e. they are not
For a complete overview of the existential delivering the benefits for which they were cre-
challenges see: Oceano Azul Foundation (2021). ated in the first place, and many of them allow
134 E. J. Gonçalves

fishing and other extractive and destructive compatible with the above definition and/or their
activities inside their borders. This has two inter- impacts do not allow the MPA to achieve its
related consequences: on one hand, nature goals. Moreover, there is often a mismatch
continues to be degraded and recovery to be between the stated conservation goals and the
compromised, even inside many MPAs; on the regulations of the MPA (Costa et al. 2016).
other hand, society thinks that progress is being Thus, we have an instrument that works (see
made due to the recent race to scale up marine below) and can provide the necessary tools to
protection and country’s announcements around protect and recover nature and deliver economic
these protections, creating a false sense of success and social benefits to society, but that instrument
(Sala et al. 2018). has not been used efficiently. Let us now explore
One of the main problems with the way what we mean by efficient and effective marine
countries and the international community have protected areas and how worldwide use of these
been using MPAs is the historical lack of a com- can be increased in order to provide the solutions
mon approach on definitions, criteria and for ocean sustainability that are urgently needed.
standards for MPAs. Let us now consider these
aspects which are critical to the future success of
ocean conservation. 4 Effectiveness of Marine
MPAs are defined by the International Union Protected Areas
for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as: “A
clearly defined geographical space, recognised, Marine protected areas are area-based ocean man-
dedicated, and managed, through legal or other agement tools aimed at protecting and recovering
effective means, to achieve the long-term conser- nature. For these tools to be effective they must be
vation of nature with associated ecosystem designed and managed taking into account the
services and cultural values” (Day et al. 2019). way marine ecosystems function and how they
This means that, for an area to be considered an respond to pressures and also how they will
MPA, there are a set of conditions that need to be respond to the conservation measures to be put
met (all of them) so that the expected benefits of in place.
protection can be achieved. The long-term con- There is often a lack of understanding of the
servation of nature needs to be the main objective, basic ecological and biological characteristics of
which excludes other areas such as fishing marine life that need to be taken into consider-
closures and other fisheries management areas, ation when designing MPAs. Since these areas
military areas, wind farms, aquaculture sites, should aim to protect or recover ecosystems as a
etc., that may lead to some conservation benefits whole (as even when specific species or habitats
but are not designated for the purpose of are the target, they do not live in isolation), it is
protecting nature. Also, MPAs need to be perma- critical to consider some key functional aspects in
nent and not be vertically zoned. They need to be the design and management of MPAs. For exam-
managed by dedicated teams with enough ple, most marine organisms have a dual life cycle
resources to guarantee their surveillance and with a pelagic (living in the water column) larval
monitoring. The clearly defined geographical phase and a pelagic or benthic (living associated
space requires MPAs to be placed in suitable with the bottom) adult phase. This means that, for
areas for nature conservation but also example, a species may depend on the dispersal
guaranteeing that they are sufficiently large to environment where its larvae live, that larvae may
achieve the defined objectives. Lastly, they need associate with floating algae or objects until
to provide conservation outcomes that meet or recruitment takes place, the species may recruit
exceed their conservation objectives and goals to coastal areas and estuarine habitats such as
(IUCN 2018). seagrass beds, spend some variable time there
A critical aspect of MPA effectiveness is the growing as a juvenile, migrate to deeper rocky
level of protection. Often, the number and types habitats as an adult and move to specific breeding
of activities allowed inside an MPA are not grounds when it is time for reproduction. In this
Marine Protected Areas as Tools for Ocean Sustainability 135

single example, a conservation strategy designed areas that were defined following an inclusive
to effectively protect and recover the populations stakeholder engagement process.
of such a species needs to focus attention on all Besides a large size and/or ecologically
those habitats and areas. Additionally, the life connected and representative networks of
cycles of marine species are variable and different MPAs, there are additional ecological and
environments are dominated by different biological aspects that are important to consider.
strategies, such as those of coastal systems, the Some fish species are known to aggregate during
open ocean or the deep sea. breeding in specific areas and fishers know this all
Also, dispersal distances vary greatly between too well and target those areas for increased and
groups of species (from a few metres in some fast revenues. However, fish aggregations are
algae to hundreds of kilometres in some fish and critical habitats that must be protected since they
invertebrates) and different species may disperse are the support for the replenishment of
during the larval phase, adult phase or both. For populations. Some particular areas may have a
example, spiny lobsters travel more than 100 km disproportionate role as breeding and nursery
as both adults and larvae, but red coral do not sites, for example, estuaries or seagrass beds.
move as adults and their larvae have very short This means that, in addition to size, the position-
dispersal distances. Some fish can travel 100 km ing of MPAs is a key feature for effectiveness
as both adults and larvae while others disperse as and, moreover, to fully derive the benefits of
larvae but as adults they remain within the same protection, MPAs need to be integrated in
area for their entire life. This means that the larval ecologically representative and connected
and adult movements of marine animals and networks and work together with other manage-
plants require the size of MPAs to be large, ment approaches in the wider seascape.
i.e. tens of hundreds or tens of thousands of Another important variable for management
square kilometres, to allow self-replenishment considerations is the size of fish and its impact
and connectivity with other protected populations on population dynamics. In several species,
of each species. Few existing MPAs are this large female reproductive output increases exponen-
(in spite of current designations of very large tially with fish size. A well-established effect of
MPAs), which means that few MPAs are self- MPAs is that fish grow larger inside their borders
sustaining and need to be considered in the con- and these fish produce exponentially more young
text of national and regional networks of MPAs that are also of higher quality (i.e. they have a
(Gaines et al. 2010). better survival rate). For instance, in the case of
MPA networks may be defined as “A system the European seabass, a female of 40 cm produces
of individual marine protected areas operating 250,000 young, in comparison with 1.3 million
cooperatively and synergistically, at various spa- for 60 cm and 3.3 million for 80 cm (Erguden and
tial scales, and with a range of protection levels, Turan 2005). Allowing large females to grow and
in order to fulfil ecological aims more effectively breed is therefore invaluable in sustaining healthy
and comprehensively than individual sites could fish populations and healthy fisheries. Yet, this is
acting alone. The system will also display social often counterintuitive since there is the perception
and economic benefits, though the latter may only that catching larger fish is more sustainable.
become fully developed over long time frames as Adopting a science-based approach to the
ecosystems recover” (IUCN World Commission implementation of MPAs, and incorporating the
on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA) 2008, p. 11). biological and ecological aspects mentioned
The concept of networks of MPAs is not new above, pays off as a strategy since well designed,
but there are very few global examples of effec- regulated, implemented and managed MPAs
tive and ecologically sound networks of MPAs. which are fully protected provide benefits that
One of these is the California Marine Protected science has named “the reserve effect”. In global
Area Network (California State MPAs 2022), analysis of marine reserves (those MPAs which
comprising over 120 science-based protected are fully protected), biomass increases of more
136 E. J. Gonçalves

than 400% on average have been described fishing, which prevents them from providing the
(Lester et al. 2009). Moreover, since fish do not full benefits of protection as they are not able to
stay inside these reserves, increased catches and protect all their biodiversity components
recruitment may occur in the nearby areas (Russ (Costello and Ballantine 2015).
et al. 2004). In some instances, fishers quickly With strong scientific support guiding
understand the value of these fully protected areas decisions, clear knowledge of human impacts on
and start increasing their fishing effort right on the the marine environment, and an effective and
limits of these marine reserves, in what has been transformative tool for change (MPAs), what
termed “fishing the line” (Kellner et al. 2007). On can we do better (and faster) to implement a
the other hand, weakly protected MPAs do not global network to protect 30% of the global
differ from fished areas (Zupan et al. 2018) and, ocean in fully and highly protected areas by
as such, are not able to provide benefits or protect 2030 (this is the current target recently approved
nature. in the context of the new Post-2020 Global Bio-
Time of establishment is also an important diversity Framework of the Convention on
consideration to assess the effectiveness of Biological Diversity)?
MPAs. In fact, there is always a gap between
setting the rules and finding the right conditions
to start changing human uses in the ocean, and the 5 What Can Be Done to Increase
biological and ecological responses of marine the Speed of Establishment,
systems. Indirect effects may occur through cas- Extent of Protection
cading trophic interactions and take longer than and Success of Implementation
direct effects on target commercial species. In of Marine Protected Areas?
many cases, the initial effects of protection can
occur rather quickly, within 5 years of establish- A global network of scientists, practitioners,
ment, namely for exploited commercial species managers, and representatives of civil society
(Babcock et al. 2010). However, this response is and governmental organisations recently
species and system dependent and deep-sea spe- published the MPA Guide (Grorud-Colvert et al.
cies, for instance, may take much longer to 2021). This is the most complete study
recover from impacts. Species grow and mature summarising the scientific information needed to
at different rates and, hence, the benefits of MPAs understand how to plan, implement, evaluate, and
will be displayed with different time scales. Some monitor successful MPAs.
fast-growing species may achieve reproductive The MPA Guide outlines a recommended pro-
age at 6 months to a year (for instance squid or cedural framework to be followed as a critical
octopus), while others may take years step towards ensuring conservation efforts meet
(e.g. seabreams 2–4 years, some tuna species global, regional and national objectives and goals.
3 years, dusky-groupers 5–12 years and white This is a fundamental charter not only to assess
sharks 9 years). Deep-water species such as the what we are protecting and evaluate the effective-
orange roughy fish, may mature at around ness of that protection, but mostly to guide
30 years and may live up to 150 years. For others, decision-making around successfully establishing
such as deep-water corals, these variables are these area-based management tools.
measured in centuries (Roark et al. 2009). First and most importantly, it is necessary to
Although the science on the benefits of marine accept that the establishment of an MPA must be
protection is clear, and there are currently 16,675 a science-based process driven by governments
MPAs, only 6.1% of ocean within national and communities (allowing for different models
jurisdictions is in implemented and fully/highly of governance) and that it implies structured and
protected areas and the respective percentage in consequential stakeholder engagement
the high seas is a mere 0.8% (The Marine Protec- procedures.
tion Atlas 2022). Moreover, 94% of MPAs allow
Marine Protected Areas as Tools for Ocean Sustainability 137

Science guides the location, size, shape and and minimising socio-economic costs, respecting
spacing of MPAs in ecologically coherent, repre- and integrating the rights of coastal communities
sentative, and connected networks. This involves and Indigenous peoples, etc.
compilation and summarising of existing scien- Design criteria are important to frame the size,
tific information about natural values and human shape and spacing of MPAs within the network.
uses, and model scenarios for current and future They may include connectivity, representativity,
climate realities, finding potential areas of conser- replication, resilience, etc.
vation interest that encompass, for instance, intact Importantly, an understanding of current uses,
and pristine ecosystems, species and habitats of rights and social considerations is a critical aspect
conservation interest (e.g. IUCN red list, FAO not only when defining the MPA objectives and
vulnerable marine ecosystems), areas with resto- processes for its designation, but mostly to guar-
ration potential, climate refuges and corridors, antee that it is implemented respecting those
migratory pathways, habitats and species repre- rights and engaging the relevant interest groups.
sentative of the biogeographic area of interest, One of the main barriers to successful MPA
populations of species of commercial value, designation and implementation are economic
trade-offs and cost-benefit analysis for fishing considerations, namely in relation to fisheries
and other uses, etc. but also to wider benefits to the community. Eco-
For each MPA and for the network of MPAs nomic analysis and considerations including
under consideration, principles, objectives and compensation mechanisms for affected activities,
design criteria should be proposed and agreed reallocation of effort, derived direct and indirect
upon with stakeholders as a basis for systematic economic benefits and allocation of those
conservation planning approaches applied to the benefits, and sustainable finance are also key
whole territorial seas and EEZ of countries aspects for MPA success. A variety of tools are
(Margules and Pressey 2000). These should be available to finance MPA implementation, from
based on a shared common vision for the ocean of more traditional tools such as fees, fines, and
that country and/or region, consolidated in legal taxes, to new mechanisms associated with trust
instruments or frameworks. These approaches are funds, debt-for-nature swaps, blue bonds and car-
effective only when there is sufficient buy-in, bon markets. In order for these mechanisms to be
awareness and engagement of whole successful, legal frameworks are essential. There
communities and interested parties. Public partic- is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and these tools
ipation and effective engagement of not only the need to be adapted to the socio-ecological
different levels of government but also civil soci- realities of the area, placement of the MPA
ety and economic actors, is therefore a key com- (e.g. coastal vs offshore), intensity of uses, level
ponent of any successful process. Examples of of impacts, etc.
principles relevant for the topic are science- For an MPA or network of MPAs to be suc-
based decisions, the precautionary principle, cessfully implemented, a set of governance
adaptive management, the ecosystem-based conditions outlined in the MPA Guide should
approach, transparency and information, stake- also be taken in consideration. Staffing and
holder engagement, integrity of ecosystems. funding have been shown to be some of the
Objectives (preferably quantitative) should main drivers of implementation success (Gill
include both natural and social dimensions, such et al. 2017). Compliance, enforcement, monitor-
as protecting vulnerable marine ecosystems, ing, adaptive management, integration of culture
protecting relevant habitats and species, and traditions, social justice and empowerment
protecting pristine areas, including unique areas, and effective conflict-resolution mechanisms are
species or habitats, integrating climate refuges, also examples of relevant aspects to include in
protecting essential fish habitats, recovering spe- implementation strategies that should be designed
cies and ecosystems, maintaining geographic upfront and committed with all stakeholders
diversity, maximising conservation outcomes engaged.
138 E. J. Gonçalves

For an MPA to be effective it needs to be MPAs. This is a 6-year program that can bring
implemented and actively managed (MPA transformative change by protecting what is left
Guide). This means that areas which are only of these amazing coastal, open ocean and deep
committed and/or designated (even if legal sea ecosystems in a socially integrated and fair
instruments have been approved) are not able to way and providing the economic benefits to the
provide a response to the established objectives of region of this added protection. These approaches
MPAs. These are critical first steps, but only once may be adopted by others, replicating these
rules exist can enforcement of those rules be successes and helping to achieve the global
assured, and a high level of compliance be targets in a timely and effective manner.
attained; a true MPA is one that exists in reality
(everything else is what has been termed a “paper
park”). 6 What Does a Sustainable
In the light of the current climate and biodiver- Future Look Like and What Is
sity challenges and the urgent need to reverse the the Role of Marine Protected
destruction of marine ecosystems and increase Areas in That Future?
climate resilience through nature-based solutions,
we also know that the protection levels that need If we follow the science (e.g. the IPCC and
to be implemented in the global network of MPAs IPBES reports), we know that we have a
are directly linked to the expected results of those problem—we are destroying the ocean and the
levels. Only fully or highly protected MPAs are current regulatory mechanisms are not working.
able to reconstruct a healthy ocean, with all the We also know that there are solutions to that
benefits associated with a thriving nature. There- problem, but those solutions need to be applied
fore, it is particularly important to understand that in an effective manner. MPAs are tools to achieve
several activities are not compatible with nature ocean sustainability but only if they are
conservation and, hence, are not compatible with implemented following the framework
MPAs. Examples include oil and gas exploitation, described here.
seabed mining, dredging and dumping, industrial More broadly, MPAs need to be placed in a
fisheries, large scale and intensive aquaculture, wider context of a 100% managed ocean, where
heavy infrastructures, and intensive unsustainable these nature conservation tools are the “banks” of
extractive and non-extractive uses. natural capital. With more nature, there will be a
The framework outlined here follows the best better qualified economy, for instance more sus-
scientific practices and information and tainable and nature-centred tourism, and more
constitutes a roadmap for change. However, we sustainable small-scale fisheries which will
will only be able to reverse the current degrada- benefit from the biomass increases exported
tion by speeding up and scaling up the implemen- from MPAs and from enhanced fisheries manage-
tation of MPAs through structured processes ment rules. Also, MPAs imply that destructive
applied at regional or country levels. One exam- activities are excluded and therefore countries
ple of such an approach is the Blue Azores pro- will need to address the trade-offs of continuing
gram (Blue Azores 2022), a collaboration to support those activities. Industrial large-scale
between the Government of the Azores (Portugal), fisheries are an example of such a trade-off. By
the Oceano Azul Foundation and the Waitt Insti- protecting nature, MPAs are also the
tute, which engages scientists, fishers, ocean powerhouses for biotechnological applications
users, non-governmental organisations, and the of the bioeconomy. It is clear today that future
wider society, to protect, promote and value the sustainable materials, foods, medicines, etc. will
blue natural capital of the roughly one million come from the ocean and that if we continue to
square kilometres of Azorean ocean, protecting lose biodiversity value at the species, genetic and
30% of the EEZ and fully protecting 15% in a ecosystem levels, we will continue to degrade a
connected and ecologically coherent network of critical natural economic asset for the future.
Marine Protected Areas as Tools for Ocean Sustainability 139

The global community has now committed to 7 Conclusion

protecting at least 30% of the ocean by 2030.
MPAs are a proven effective tool in preserving The current environmental existential challenges
and restoring biodiversity and recovering biomass of the climate emergency and species extinction
in the marine environment, but also in helping crisis demand a response that, without delay,
address climate change by increasing carbon cap- applies the right fixes that go to the root of the
ture and in increasing social and economic value. problems. And the root of these problems is our
The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity unsustainable relationship with nature where our
Framework recently approved at the Conference current economic systems require nature to be
of the Parties of the United Nations Convention destroyed in order for societies to have economic
on Biological Diversity, included the 30 by development and derive human wellbeing. This is
30 goal in the agreement. It is critical that beyond an unsustainable model that has no future and the
area targets, such as the 30% protection, the qual- current discussions on policies and targets to be
ity of that protection (fully or highly protected achieved in the next couple of decades are seek-
MPAs) and of the implementation mechanisms ing to address this problem.
to be established, is also part of the implementa- In the ocean, the wide and deep degradation of
tion strategies. The European Union has adopted marine ecosystems, and the inefficient regulatory
this target under the Biodiversity 2030 Strategy frameworks currently in place, require a faster,
(European Comission 2030), aiming to protect wider and more efficient set of management and
30% of land and sea by 2030. Of this, at least governance mechanisms to be established.
10% should be strict protection, although the Marine protected areas have been shown to be a
definition of this is yet to be agreed. We are very effective tool in protecting and recovering
however very far from these targets and, in par- nature and providing social and economic resil-
ticular, very far from adopting an integrated and ience and wealth to societies, but only when they
effective framework, such as that presented in this are established by structured and effective
text. For example, more than half of the European programmes following the best available scien-
MPAs have not been implemented, and 50% of tific guidelines and standards.
the areas are less than 30 km2 (the majority of The updated standards compiled and
these being less than 5 km2), thus being limited in addressed in the MPA Guide, complementing
representativeness and effectiveness. Recent the existing framework of the International
assessments (European Court of Auditors Special Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
Report 2020; European Environment Agency are a critical tool for managers, practitioners and
Report 2020) demonstrate that EU policies have decision-makers and should be widely used in
not restored the seas to a good environmental guiding conservation efforts at national, regional
status, fishing in Europe has not yet reached sus- and international levels.
tainable levels, and marine biodiversity remains Whatever we do in the next decade to address
under threat in Europe’s seas. these challenges will have a profound effect on
We need therefore to do more, faster and dif- the state of the planet we will pass on to future
ferently. MPAs are part of a broader new blue generations. The time to act is now but we know
framework based on an economic model to there are different possible futures ahead of
achieve 100% sustainable ocean management us. Business as usual will result in a continuously
and departing from an unsustainable, linear and degraded ocean with fewer economic revenues
extractive economy to a resilient, nature-based and larger social impacts. A system maintaining
economy that supports thriving societies and a and perpetuating the current misery of a degraded
healthy planet. MPAs can deliver significant ocean due to a lack of capacity to implement the
benefits and help reconcile human development needed measures will not be able to reverse deg-
with nature. To do so, the right scientific, legal radation or allow restoration. The way forward,
and procedural frameworks need to be adopted.
140 E. J. Gonçalves

then, has to be a vision of a healthy ocean with Poloczanska E, Roberts C, Worm B (2020) Rebuilding
thriving nature, where well designated, located, marine life. Nature 580:39–51
Erguden D, Turan C (2005) Growth properties of Sea bass
managed and implemented MPAs inserted in a (Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758), Perciformes:
wider 100% managed ocean are the basis for a Moronidae) live in Iskenderun Bay. Pak J Biol Sci 8:
new sustainable blue economy, with social 1584–1587
sustainability at its core and including fair sharing European Comission (2030) Biodiversity strategy for
2030. https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-
of benefits and effective governance systems that 2019-2024/european-green-deal/actions-being-taken-
respect the rights of communities. eu/eu-biodiversity-strategy-2030_en. Accessed
10 May 2022
Acknowledgments This study was supported by funds European Court of Auditors Special Report (2020) Marine
from the Oceano Azul Foundation and Fundação para a environment: EU protection is wide but not deep.
Ciência e a Tecnologia through MARE/UIDB-P/MAR/ European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg
04292/2020, and UID/MAR/04292/2018/2019. The European Environment Agency Report (2020) Marine
author would like to thank colleagues and board members messages II. Navigating the course towards clean,
from Oceano Azul Foundation for exchange of ideas and healthy and productive seas through implementation
experiences that greatly benefited this manuscript. of an ecosystem-based approach. European Environ-
ment Agency Report, Copenhagen, Denmark
FAO (2020) The state of world fisheries and aquaculture
2020. Sustainability in action. FAO, Rome
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Part III
Law, Policy and Ecological Sustainability
Renewable Energies, Sustainability
and Law

Suzana Tavares da Silva and António Gomes Martins

Abstract Keywords
Renewable energies are considered by many Renewable energies · Environmental
the driving force of the economy of our future sustainability · Social sustainability ·
society. However, there is a difference Economic sustainability · Political
between reality and the perception of the situ- sustainability · Energy transition
ation by governments, economic players, and
communities. We need more transparency,
simplification, and data communication skills 1 Introduction
towards a committed involvement of all
stakeholders. Many now believe that renewable energies will
Geopolitics and technological development be the driving force of the economies of the
are two drivers of a common issue. They are, future. They are likely to replace fossil fuels in
though, not necessarily aligned with energy the world’s economy. This, to put it simply, is
and climate political goals. Globally, we find what the energy transition is all about. Some
different problems and solutions in the two other popular expressions in current public
hemispheres. In the EU, problems and policies, such as “climate-neutral economy”, “cir-
solutions are common throughout the Union, cular economy”,1 “decarbonisation” and “sustain-
but some political hesitation prevails. able development”, address different perspectives
We need innovative solutions for a smooth of this “desirable reality”. But is it that simple?
transition to a market organization that
includes renewables and accurate risk manage-
ment in investment programmes.
The circular economy is a “virtuous idea” for
interrupting the classical one-way model of production,
where goods are manufactured from raw materials, sold,
used and discarded as waste. It started with the concept of
recirculation of resources, firstly discussed in the
S. T. da Silva (✉)
Stockholm Conference (1972) and then formulated at the
2012 World Economic Forum. In 2015, the European
University of Coimbra, Faculty of Law, Coimbra, Portugal
Commission adopted its first circular economy action
e-mail: stavares@fd.uc.pt
plan, COM(2015) 614, which was replaced, in 2020, by
A. G. Martins the new Circular Economy Action Plan, COM(2020)
University of Coimbra, Institute for Systems Engineering 98 final. The circular economy action plan is now one of
and Computers, Coimbra, Portugal the key building blocks of the European Green Deal, along
e-mail: agmartins@uc.pt with clean energy.

# The Author(s) 2023 145

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
146 S. T. da Silva and A. G. Martins

In 2015, when the United Nations agreed to this means implementing taxes or providing
“change the world for better”2 by 2030, it was funding, establishing bans or issuing advice, all
decided that the future would rely on “affordable measures will require a high level of trust and
and clean energy”.3 The European Union took transparency, with clear and simple rules and
the same stance when it approved the “clean significant public spending on state aid.
energy for all Europeans package”.4 The Renewable energies are now playing a key
measures approved by the European Institutions role in electricity production, but it is crucial
take into account five dimensions of that we increase their use in industry, transporta-
energy union—security, solidarity, and trust in tion and cities, in order to meet the climate change
energy supply; a fully integrated energy market; challenge in developed countries. However,
energy efficiency improvements; climate action many unanswered questions still remain, particu-
through decarbonisation of the economy; larly how a broad sustainable solution can be
research, innovation, and competitiveness. designed that simultaneously provides clean and
Hence, any study of renewable energies and affordable energy in sufficient quantity to meet
their regulation, whether it is from a global or increasing demand, employment stability in a
European perspective or simply from the perspec- context of permanent technological change, legit-
tive of a single State, will always need to be imate expectations for investors with no sunk
conducted within the scope of this legal and polit- costs for consumers and taxpayers, and transpar-
ical framework. ent state procedures on managing these policies
Our reflections will focus on the difficulties with powerful international players.
faced by regulators. Since the energy transition Our last key reflection will consider the role
will require the involvement of all, governments the law can play in this unstable equation.
will need to work with different regulatory
instruments and different approaches. Whether
2 Energy Transition and Truth
This “change” means, for the UN and its Sustainable It is essential that we provide transparent and
Development Goals, a global effort to end poverty, protect clear information if we genuinely want everyone
the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace
and prosperity; for the OECD countries, a transition to a to be involved in achieving this generational and
climate-neutral economy, to clean energy in cities and to a global task. However, this is perhaps the first
circular economy; and for the European Union, an difficulty to overcome. It has never been so easy
improvement in the well-being of citizens and future to obtain and disseminate data, using all-new
generations. At all these levels and policy programmes,
the “change” relies on the use of renewable energy. communication tools (including social networks),
The UN 7th Goal “ensure affordable, reliable, sustainable but it has also never been so difficult to obtain
and modern energy for all” aims to increase the share of reliable and accurate information.
renewables in energy supply, improve energy efficiency Even in this technological and ultra-regulated
and provide access to good quality energy services, which
domain, the level of opacity is high. We need
means investing in solar, wind and thermal power, improv-
ing energy productivity, expanding infrastructure and people to be aware of energy prices and to
upgrading technology. encourage them to work together to improve effi-
This EU 2016 package includes eight new laws i) on the ciency, but we do not provide them with clear and
energy performance of buildings (Directive 2018/844), ii) precise information on energy bills. We need
on renewable energy (Directive 2018/2001), iii) on energy
them to be part of an active energy community,
efficiency (Directive 2018/2002), iv) on the governance of
the Energy Union and Climate Action (Regulation 2018/ but it is difficult for them to obtain reliable infor-
1999), v) on internal electricity market design (Regulation mation on the economic and financial benefits.
2019/943), vi) on risk-preparedness in the electricity sector We need them to reduce their carbon footprint
(Regulation 2019/941), vii) on the European Union
and invest in green energy technology, but they
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Regu-
lation 2019/942); viii) on common rules for the internal receive so many different figures and information
market for electricity (Directive 2019/944). on the capacity of renewables and their
Renewable Energies, Sustainability and Law 147

externalities and sustainability, that they cannot aimed at increasing efficiency and power output.
be sure they are really making the right choices. Even more classical energy sources, such as
At times, the curse of the post-truth era also hydropower (including tidal power), geothermal
seems to be present here.5 Companies produce and biomass have seen incremental technological
information to sell their products and services progress through innovation. The main limitation
and increase their profits, banks produce informa- of solar and wind energy is their inherent low
tion to sell financial services and increase their density. They both require large areas of energy
portfolio, national and local governments produce collectors (PV panels, mirrors or wind generator
information to be re-elected. As is typical in the blades) for significant power output. Large areas
post-truth era, none of these discourses is false; of land are required for power plants, giving rise to
they all are based on facts, but they are also difficulties in terms of land use and land use
brand-centred narratives and, in some way, mar- change, which require innovative approaches to
keting-oriented. avoid detrimental impacts on the environment.
So, the first challenge to be met in the energy The last solution for energy supply, nuclear fusion
transition is to increase energy literacy. We need technology, is still being developed and heavy
independent mediators to collect and transmit investment is required for research into innovative
reliable, accurate and organised information on materials such as superconductors to create pow-
energy end-use and on renewable energy sources. erful magnetic fields to contain the fusion plasma.
Only informed citizens can be a part of this jour- The energy transition is not exactly a public
ney, and we need to engage all of them in this policy, but more of a policy instrument to tackle
millennium goal. climate change and, ultimately, to achieve the
Increasing digitalisation in the energy sector desired new developing global economic model
could be a helpful tool. Replacing human choice and new sustainable lifestyle for world citizens.
with automatic “decisions” will improve energy There is a long way to go, but it is imperative that
efficiency and result in an optimised system with we step up the pace. Different approaches are at
integration of renewable sources (by enabling play, on the supply and demand sides, among
networks to better match energy demand to them public policy tools (from classical command
times when the sun is shining, and the wind is and control6 to recent market-based
blowing). However, this area also carries some mechanisms)7, nudging8 (as a powerful
risk with it, and must, therefore, be implemented
with strict regulation on privacy, cybersecurity 6
and digital resilience (IEA 2017). Among these command-and-control measures we can
highlight: i) the European mandatory share of renewable
Innovation is also key to success. Renewable energy in gross final energy consumption, in the heating
energy sources that have recently been regarded as and cooling sector, and in the transport sector (European
attractive investments, such as solar and wind Union 2018); ii) the European mandatory limits of air
power, have benefited from constant innovation pollutants emissions (European Union 2019).
Market-based mechanisms give firms the flexibility to
adapt to mandatory measures (for example, the green
“Post-truth” was “the word of the year” in 2016 and the certificates market). When these market-based
Oxford English Dictionary defines it as an adjective “relat- mechanisms are in place, firms can choose to reduce their
ing to or denoting circumstances in which facts are less emissions, or to incorporate renewable generation in their
influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emo- process, or to pay for/buy it instead. When a firm pays to
tion and belief”. It is generally applied to politics and its pollute and pays to use fossil fuels, it is financing the
language, as well as to newspapers and media. However, it “change” of the more efficient firms (those which can
also affects science domains. Different authors, from dif- more easily and cheaply update and use better
ferent social science domains, say that people need a full technologies) at low capital costs, at least in an earlier
range of literacies or meta-literacy to navigate in a post- stage of the process. Market-based mechanisms are also
truth world (Fuller 2018; Bartlett 2020). This is also true popular as energy efficiency tools, such as white certificate
for the energy transition, since it is essential that people markets or the provision of electricity saving services.
understand rather than believe in good or bad theories Nudging means organising the context where
about the increasing use of renewables. behavioural decisions are taken (Thaler and Sunstein
148 S. T. da Silva and A. G. Martins

instrument to change behaviours) and (future) international investor-state disputes demonstrate

solutions that are being tailored along the way. that this is not a simple task. Not so long ago,
Much of what is needed to optimise energy use these dispute resolution bodies (ICSID,
will only be possible with new technologies, par- UNCTAD, ICC) were often called on to solve
ticularly robotisation, artificial intelligence and conflicts arising from fossil fuel exploitation
the Internet of Things, which will substitute inef- contracts entered into between developing
ficient human behaviours. countries and large corporate groups owned by
On the supply side, we need generation to be investors from developed countries. More
efficient, cost-effective, and reliable, to ensure recently, however, investors from all over the
security of supply. This means innovation not world have been bringing claims against devel-
only in new renewable generation projects but oped countries based on frustration of legitimate
also in energy services. expectations on financing renewables
In the European clean energy package, storage programmes.12 This essentially means that the
plays a decisive role in providing flexible risks are high in these financial incentive
solutions in electricity services (European Com- programmes and some aspects should be strictly
mission 2020b). It is expected to have a great and clearly regulated, such as risk allocation or
impact on electricity markets, and new and consequences of unexpected changes.
important players will emerge, for example active Having good regulatory instruments is also
citizen communities. important. Many questions were raised in a recent
To put all of these innovative solutions into interpretation on the application of the Energy
action, we need reliable information, financial Charter Treaty (ECT) with regard to investment
solutions, and confidence, mainly in the in renewables and its harmonisation with the
regulators. Financing options exist in appropriate European state aid law (Baetens 2019).13 A better
numbers, at global,9 regional,10 and national11 approach might be to have normative guidance
public levels, and among private companies that under a structural solution (which could also
are engaged in this shift to a low carbon and come from an ECT revision) reconciling energy
sustainable growth development model. transition and investment objectives, and which
Confidence in governments and economic explicitly addressed issues such as investors’ due
public regulators is also a key for success— diligence obligations, fair and unfair change of
some of the main arbitral decisions on regulations, or the disproportionate impact of
measures on investors. Without this, confidence
2021). To promote the energy transition, plenty of on both sides is low, which leads to high capital
measures have been successfully implemented, such as costs and, ultimately, to an inefficient lose-lose
energy labels, carbon footprint disclosure on energy bills, situation. This is, essentially, more a gap in regu-
software apps for energy management offered by electric- lation than an issue of absence of good faith.
ity utilities, smart appliances, the provision of energy
savings services. Regulators are aware of these difficulties, but
The World Bank Group provides financing solutions and there is no simple answer. In fact, the solution is
specialised support on environmental and social policies in dependent on international legal instruments and
developing countries, mainly based on renewable genera- political consensus, which is difficult to obtain in
tion projects aimed at connecting people to electricity. this field, especially when hard law on sensitive
Renewables are also an important financing topic in
NextGenerationEU (NGEU), the largest stimulus package
ever financed in Europe. 12
Spain is currently the most affected country. In these
Today, public funding programmes for renewables are cases, authors and the courts had different visions, some
common tools in national budgets, as IEA points out. considering that the issue at stake was merely a ‘regulatory
Besides Europe, the US’s investment in clean energy, change’ and others pointing out that Spain violated the Fair
RD&D by 2025, China’s National Major Science and and Equal Treatment standard when it changed remunera-
Technology Projects programme, and Japan’s Environ- tion rules that affected ongoing projects (Noilhac 2020).
ment Innovation Strategy are also important financing 13
The problem is also present in the WTO disputes, as
programmes. will be seen below.
Renewable Energies, Sustainability and Law 149

economic issues needs to be approved. Here, we 3 Energy Transition

are facing not just a gap in regulation but perhaps and “Sustainabilities”
a regulatory dilemma.
Previous experience has already shown that The main policy drive of the energy transition is
the feed-in-tariff is the most effective incentive sustainability, so the whole normative solution
regime (Mendonça et al. 2010), but also the least must contribute to this goal. Sustainability is eas-
accurate in terms of efficiency, because its effec- ier to understand than to put in practice; the
tiveness is linked to long- or medium-term pur- desired outcome is clear—a balanced model of
chase agreements, and this is not a flexible economic growth and a fair society—, but there is
solution.14 The new EU incentive regime much darkness and light to be found along
(European Commission 2013), based on flexible the way.
feed-in-premium payments that require producers
to send their electricity into markets and link
public payment amounts to market prices, is a 3.1 Environmental Sustainability
more flexible solution. However, it is a less attrac-
tive economic tool and not necessarily more effi- Scientists and politicians are unanimous in
cient, because it depends on coupling incentives accepting the crucial role that renewables should
with caps (or even floors) that must be strictly play in the future, not only in terms of
calculated on a cost analysis basis. decarbonising the electric power sector but also
Some authors claim that for future solutions to in other energy sectors such as fuel for
be simultaneously effective and efficient they transportation.
must rely on new energy markets (Kopsakangas- However, any reflection on renewable energy
Savolainen and Svento 2012). Although there is and its environmental sustainability must also
some experience in this area (mainly in real time- consider its “dark side”, that is to say, the nega-
pricing), there have so far been no consistent tive impacts it has on the environment (Kramarz
advances. et al. 2021).
Meanwhile, time is passing, and regulators Since the early days of the deployment of
must act because the planet is waiting and is renewable energy technologies, scientists have
demonstrating that it cannot continue to wait for been warning that this cannot be considered
much longer. unconditional “clean energy”, particularly with
Even in a strict and limited economic analysis, the advent of solar PV plants. At that time, the
it cannot be stated in all certainty that the burden discussion only centred on the negative impacts
we are passing on to future generations by from the most developed and widespread renew-
adopting inefficient regulatory solutions is able technologies, such as the impact on
heavier than maintaining the status quo. Extreme ecosystems and on wildlife caused by giant
climate events are becoming increasingly fre- hydroelectric power plants; the death of birds
quent and devastating for human lives and eco- and bats and impacts on landscapes from wind
nomic assets. farms; soil erosion and use of good land for solar
power plants; food scarcity and forest depletion
linked to bioenergy production (Strapasson et al.
2020); and toxic gases resulting from the increase
in geothermal energy use.
Today, concerns about the sustainability of
renewable energy are more complex and should
be carefully addressed. One example is global
In Europe, only Germany adopted a balanced feed-in- governance of supply chains for copper, cobalt,
tariff model, the public payments of which decreased cadmium, lithium, and other rare earth elements.
over time.
150 S. T. da Silva and A. G. Martins

Once again, there is insufficient information on relying on endogenous natural energy sources
environmental impacts resulting from the shift in and it is desirable for countries to cooperate,
mining and industrial activities, and there is little coupling markets and developing transnational
comparative analysis between renewable and fos- projects or collaborative solutions17 that could
sil fuel energies based on their life cycle. contribute to better land use and optimisation of
Environment and climate protection cannot resources (for example, the sun in the desert or the
simply be reduced to a decarbonisation policy. wind in the inhabited mountains). Still, this goal
Although renewable energy production tends to will be hard to achieve, as it requires a political
be more decentralised compared to conventional context and a level of confidence in international
electricity generation plants using fossil fuels, the economic relations that is far from the present
fact is that renewable energy facilities are inten- reality.
sive users of raw materials (Pitron 2020). Further- Lastly, we have seen the polluter pays princi-
more, to produce wind generators or photovoltaic ple and environmental taxation entering and leav-
cells, the industry requires heavy processing and ing these “renewables equations” many times. It
emits significant amounts of GHGs (Bonou et al. is time to ask if polluters have a role to play in
2016; Srinivasan and Kottam 2018). supporting the energy transition. If we look at the
To tackle these threats, many international EU experience, it appears that this is not a partic-
regulators are using soft law measures, mainly ularly useful tool or means of addressing the
inspired by the UN Guiding Principles of Busi- energy transition, in particular with regard to its
ness and Human Rights, for example the EU funding.
Conflict Minerals Regulation (European Union In effect, the EU Emissions Trading System,18
2017) and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance as well as the polluter pays principle (European
for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals. The Court of Auditors 2021), which are well-known
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative tools created to address environmental change,
(EITI)15 and its standards are also expected to have recently shown that regulation mechanisms
play a greater role. However, as we will see, this based on price are difficult to implement19 and
soft regulation may not be enough. sometimes difficult (if not impossible) to turn into
It seems obvious by now that a fair energy a virtuous tool, even in more homogeneous
transition (an ethical renewable energy transi- societies (Jacobsen et al. 2003; Skygebjerg et al.
tion16) needs a global responsible mining pact. 2020). So, we may perhaps say that one lesson
Only this approach will prevent a new global learned on this matter is that pollution cannot
tragedy of the commons and another “resource
curse” economy affecting new countries. Yet, we 17
This goal is at the heart of the European Energy Union,
can perhaps no longer wait for a miracle in inter- but even in this “hard regulated” region, we are far from
national politics; the planet cannot wait, so we succeeding, judging by the low number of joint support
must move forward, but, at least, consciously. schemes and joint projects developed by Member-States
(European Commission 2020a).
It is also not clear at this time whether there 18
On 14 July 2021, the European Commission adopted
will be some kind of global technical regulation legislative proposals (included in the Fit for 55 legislative
(even based on soft guidance) that could help proposals) setting out how it intends to achieve climate
nation-states assess their best options on energy neutrality in the EU by 2050, including the intermediate
target of a net reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas
supply. Relying on renewable energy means
emissions by 2030.
Environmental taxes and pricing mechanisms on the
environment and nature are relevant tools to send the
A voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) right signal, but not to impose a behaviour change. Raising
programme to promote the open and accountable manage- prices can be a virtuous nudge if we have an equivalent
ment of oil, gas, and mineral resources. alternative product service or behaviour; if not, we will
It is important to note that the energy transition may simply increase public funds by increasing inequality
require different tools and policies because it will not (because the additional cost will not reach everyone in
affect all countries in the same way (Kumar et al. 2021). the same way).
Renewable Energies, Sustainability and Law 151

finance the energy transition, nor can it help with faith in science and technology experts, who are
a fair climate transition, even in most developed working hard to combine energy efficiency
countries. (a significant decrease in end-use energy) with
optimisation of electricity generation and trans-
mission systems, to provide more end energy but
3.2 Social Sustainability with a lower input of primary energy. But will
these improvements in science and technology be
Governments and international institutions often enough? And are all the new energy options neu-
present the energy and climate transition as an tral from a social point of view? We do not
opportunity to create more qualified jobs with yet know.
higher wages, mainly on renewable energy Projects of large renewable energy power
projects.20 The transition is expected to produce plants emerging in developing countries and
some immediate social benefits, which may be funded by developed ones21 are not immune to
direct (reductions in pollution and lower prices criticism.22 Even when they are set up in desert or
for goods and services) or indirect (rise in the mountain areas (with less impact on land use and
standard of living and the entitlement age in ecosystems), they can affect vulnerable local
developing countries). On the other hand, the communities and their ancestral land uses and
energy transition will represent an economic bur- practices, without giving these communities any-
den for present and future generations, with rising thing in return.
electricity bills and taxes as well. Moreover, this Optimising energy use and making it socially
huge economic and financial effort for society sustainable does not mean that energy products
will channel scarce public funds towards and services with fewer emissions and lower
investments in this sector, leaving other sectors environmental impacts will be equally available
behind. This is also a risky decision. to all across the Globe. It is likely that in the
Another social dimension of this sustainable future nations, economic actors, and citizens all
change in the economic development model is over the world will face certain limitations on
that everyone (alone or as part of a local energy their energy use when compared with the present
community) will be able to actively generate their so-called western lifestyle. Individual acts23 and
own ‘clean energy’, mainly electricity, and take private or public economic projects24 may all be
immediate advantage of it. subject to behavioural and procedural limitations
However, from a social perspective, the if the rate of climate change requires us to accel-
benefits may not all be cost-free, and some erate emissions abatement.
could even involve some sacrificing of equal eco- However, it is undeniable that, in a short-term
nomic treatment for those who choose not to analysis, we can point to plenty of social benefits
actively participate in the process (personally or that may arise from this energy change in all
through a mediator).
In effect, some issues on the social impacts of 21
Besides the world bank funding mechanisms, we can
the energy transition have not yet been resolved. also see IRENA/ADFD Project Facility (IRENA 2019).
It is not clear whether this new developing energy This is not new; there are a plenty of examples of the
model will be sufficient to maintain the present social impacts of dams (Tortajada et al. 2012; Kirchherr
and Charles 2016).
level of energy use in the Northern Hemisphere 23
Although there seems to be a consensus that combus-
and, at the same time, ensure an equivalent level tion vehicles must be banished from city centres, the
of energy use for developing countries. There is compatibility of these measures with fundamental rights
no easy answer to this question. We must have has recently been challenged.
Limits to the international law principle of permanent
sovereignty over natural resources are again relevant
IRENA estimates that renewables accounted for 11.5 issues in renewables projects governance and investments,
million jobs worldwide in 2019, up from 11 million the such as transboundary water management, responsible
previous year (IRENA 2020b). mining, or land use policies.
152 S. T. da Silva and A. G. Martins

latitudes.25 So, as always happens when balance 3.3 Economic Sustainability

and proportionality principles are used to legiti-
mate public acts and decisions, the change should We have already noted that an energy transition to
be approved as the benefits outweigh the a renewable-based energy model will only be
disadvantages. But can we apply this principle possible if it relies on an integrated circular econ-
in this field, or should the responsibility to protect omy process, which implies including in the
prevail and ethics push us towards more complex equation the whole renewables life cycle, from
case-by-case decisions? raw materials mining to facilities discharging.
Social sustainability can also be analysed from Only then will it be possible to analyse the
a different point of view: the way society is sustainability of this new energy model from cra-
organised to deal with the responsibilities dle to cradle.26
emerging from the energy transition. Local Moreover, any analysis of the sustainability of
energy communities (both from the consumer the energy transition will need to take other eco-
and producer perspectives) play an important nomic issues into account. In the case of electric-
role in the EU directive on renewable energy. ity, for example, which is expected to become the
According to this EU law, energy communities main energy source, it will be necessary to simul-
can be a way to ‘organise’ collective energy taneously manage two systems: the old “one
actions around open and democratic participation way” system, based on large generation facilities
and governance for the provision of benefits to and transmission and distribution networks that
the members of the local community (Caramizaru carry electricity to consumers, and the new sys-
and Uihlein 2020). Although this is a ‘good idea’, tem, based on distributed energy resources, with
it may not be so easy to implement. In addition to small-scale production facilities complemented
other barriers, we would like to stress the current by stationary storage facilities and electric
cultural gap in dealing with community actions in vehicles. Will consumers be able to pay for this
many western countries, as well as the complex “duplicated” system? How can we fairly allocate
social organisation of the South. There is not only the corresponding fixed costs?
a gap in regulatory tools (CEER 2019), or in Another problem relates to energy markets and
economic incentives; there is also a skills and electricity prices. It appears that market price
cultural competence gap when it comes to joining design is now lagging behind the technological
individual interests together to produce a collec- revolution. The mechanism currently used to fix
tive good. The current, predominantly selfish, the price for power exchanges is no longer suit-
nature of western communities means that social able. As the share of renewables grows, the tradi-
innovation alone is not enough; cultural tional “merit order” (marginal costs of generating
innovation is also required to develop skills units) for setting the price of electricity (the
related to collective actions. ‘energy only’ market model) has become out-
dated. This method adopted an exchange price
adjusted to competition between technologies
with different variable (high and relevant) costs,
and was suitable for generation costs based on
commodities prices.
Now, all renewables, regardless of the differ-
One of the most cited examples is solar electric cooking
in rural Africa and Asia (see World Bank Clean Stove
ent technologies they use, have variable costs
Initiative), which can bring enormous immediate benefits close to zero. The issue in the future will no
for the climate and women’s health (Pangestu 2020), as longer be merit choices but selection of a method
well other benefits, such as access to lighting that implies
more information and education for many isolated
communities. In western countries, restrictions on car 26
This “cradle to cradle” principle is the current standard
travel lead to improvements in air quality in cities and for sustainable development, mainly in the industrial sec-
less noise. tor (Braungart and McDonough 2002).
Renewable Energies, Sustainability and Law 153

that can provide the price signal which will use telecommunications services, in a wide range of
flexibility management procedures to ensure that new suppliers. Additionally, new players have
load, together with energy storage, will adapt entered the market, including “organised
smoothly to the available level of generation so prosumers”.29 Consequently, the companies
as to guarantee that no rationing (rolling operating in these sectors have been very busy
blackouts) occurs. Hence, energy generation searching for partnerships (or even mergers) that
prices will probably disappear, and fees for can overcome their “traditional inflexibility”, and
“grid use”, and also “capacity pricing”, are all this at a time of low profitability generated by
expected to gain greater relevance over time this increase in competition.30
(Hancher et al. 2015), alongside reward In the new energy model, electricity
mechanisms for demand-responsive actions by consumers also play a key role as service
consumers. providers. Consumers will be able to support
This transformation will not affect only the demand flexibility by simply changing their
electricity market; it will also have a great impact behaviour, for instance by washing laundry or
on the most important energy players. Businesses, charging cars at different times to usual or
especially major energy companies, need to actively providing saving services, which they
rethink their strategy in a wide range of areas. will be able to do by using smart devices. They
Their main concerns should be their approach to can also sign agreements enabling a third-party
risk, the way they should adapt their generation (an electric company, a cooperative or even an
and transmission infrastructure, and how they will energy community) to control their devices when
replace old-fashioned business models.27 necessary. Demand flexibility is even more viable
Many oil and gas companies have also become and has higher potential in the industry and ser-
major players in the renewables field, having vice sectors. Some nudges and a great deal of
realised that “the Change” was a certainty. Sev- regulation are needed to make all this a reality
eral of these oil and gas companies found a way to (Immonen et al. 2020).
manage transition risks and switched to being Lastly, some economic risks may also come
“energy” companies, now supplying a variety of from international trade markets and their “(in)-
fuels, electricity, and other energy services to adaptation” to energy change and climate change
consumers. This step was necessary in order to commitments, mainly from the application of
guarantee the companies’ market position, and GATT Article XX and GATS Article XIV to
governments needed them to upstream transboundary exchanges. This is not only
investments, mainly to boost start-up projects. because the WTO rules treat electricity in genera-
So, although these companies “captured” large tion as a good and electricity in transmission as a
sums of public incentives all over the world, this service, but also because it is taking too long to
became a win-win relationship (IEA 2020; standardise the rules on “Guarantees of Origin”31
Johnston and Bell 2020).
In retail electricity markets, the change has
been even more dramatic. Plenty of innovative
services have emerged, coupling energy and other
Some innovative experiments on “defeating” the domi-
services,28 from car enterprises to nance of incumbent retail companies are arising (Kallio
et al. 2020).
The UK presented a regulatory strategy to address this
issue where energy retail companies are responsible for
Companies had to adapt their business from a product actively helping consumers to reach net zero emissions
model to an ‘energy-as-a-service’ model(IRENA 2020a). (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems enable a huge amount 2021).
of data to be produced by smart devices, which also In Europe, the European Energy Certificate System
communicate and exchange the data with each other. (EECS) was created and developed as a standardisation
This energy data, together with technology development, system for the European Energy Market, but it needs to be
is enabling the emergence of new business opportunities. escalated to the international level.
154 S. T. da Silva and A. G. Martins

(of “green” electricity origin), since the difference and governments to promote renewable genera-
is not in the product itself but in the way it has tion projects, build great transport facilities,
been produced. Hence, this may be an additional reorganise cities and buildings, and modernise
problem in international electricity commerce. the agriculture sector. Although some major
Furthermore, in recent disputes32 we have seen socioeconomic players are taking the lead, we
strict rules on the use of subsidies that may com- see the USA, China and other international
promise many national subsidies to renewable players moving cautiously and analysing in detail
production and the efficiency of a global based the political implications of all these changes.
model (Hahn and Holzer 2016) if rules are not Some of these political concerns arise due to
changed in time. the geographical location of rare earth material,
which is now the main bottleneck of this new
energy model. Then, new economic conflicts are
3.4 Political Sustainability expected to appear, as a result of the competition
to be the leader in PV cells, wind generators and
Finally, sustainability in energy change cannot be innovative energy technology, between China,
determined without regard for political analyses, the USA and the EU (with Germany playing a
particularly as the energy sector has a great tradi- special role in this fight). Competition is now
tion in this domain and there has been much based on technology and industrial production,
reflection on the geopolitics of oil and gas. Even so countries with lower labour and environmental
though this change has always been aimed at protection standards have a competitive ‘unfair’
addressing the “climate emergency” issue, there advantage. It is not clear whether law (interna-
are those who believe it could also be a pathway tional law) will be able to address this issue effec-
to a more peaceful and fairer world.33 tively, or even whether the economic consensus
The oil and gas energy model was based on genuinely wishes it to be addressed.
limited reserves of natural resources, located in On the other hand, although distributed energy
specific countries, that could be easily transported resources are expected to become widespread,
and could feed energy economic chains in all energy demand will still be met through large
countries. International economic relations have scale power stations and networks. This will,
been shaped by this model. Inter-state alliances essentially, demand inter-state energy relations
(including international cartels, such as OPEC) (based on make-or-buy decisions) and integration
and conflicts accompanied bottlenecks of that of regional markets, in order to address the inter-
model and aimed to protect the interests of large mittent nature of renewable sources. This is
companies operating in those markets. totally different from the recent past. Countries
The energy transition gave rise to a different will be focused on relations of proximity to
scenario. It resulted in an international political ensure their energy security, given that electricity
consensus based on the climate change emer- transmission is less efficient over long distances.
gency. And despite its slow advancement, it is Meanwhile, fossil fuels will remain on the
making significant progress. Currently, huge scene for some time, especially in the transporta-
amounts of public spending all over the world tion sector, and traditional players and conflicts
(in the form of incentives) is aiding companies will not disappear immediately or in the short
term, so there are no expected losers from the
old-fashioned energy model for the moment.
Canada-Renewable Energy, WT/DS412/AR/R, 24 May Although the geopolitics of renewables
2013 and India-Solar Cells, WT/DS456/R, appears to be another important field of research
24 February 2016.
on energy transitions, there are relatively few
Replacing fossil fuel imports with local renewable gen-
publications on this topic to date (Scholten
eration could lead both to the end of international conflicts
for these resources and to domestic employment and 2018). This is an intricate high-tech scenario
growth (Kjaer 2013). that needs to be addressed, at a time when most
Renewable Energies, Sustainability and Law 155

nations are dealing with other political problems to land or other natural resources) or significant
related to the rise of populism and the economic changes in social behaviours.34
crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. Thirdly, it will be necessary to implement rules
Will this energy debate help to improve on privacy and automated procedures that strike a
democracy? balance between the desired efficiency and
optimisation of the new renewable electric system
and the protection of human rights. In the search
4 Energy Transition and Law for an optimal system, critical data infrastructures
will increase and spread, as will security needs:
Having summarised the main challenges that lie from cybersecurity of all facilities to
ahead in the energy transition, and the various personal data.
sustainability issues, we will now examine the Consequently, law must create appropriate
role of the law in this entire process. rules to allow this energy transition to flourish.
As previously stated, this is a global need and a This is a different approach from implementing a
societal change; a process where everyone—from public policy only based on command-and-con-
individuals to institutions, from companies to trol methods. Here, the rules will mainly address
governments—has a role to play. However, two instrumental issues on energy transition, such as
preconditions will be decisive for this policy to procedures and management relating to financial
succeed: public investment (subsidies) and confi- support, security obligations of energy operating
dence based on clear legal rules and simple companies, environmental obligations, and
procedures. Thus, we expect legislators to urgent conflict resolution schemes. However, we
approve transparent and clear rules on funding will also need mandatory rules.
and legal solutions for a reliable and fair regu- For instance, if we want this policy to be
latory context. focused on a life cycle-based process, we will
Therefore, the first requirement is harmonised need clear regulation on re-use of power plant
definitions on economic law (subsidies and tax equipment at the end of its useful life, soil
benefits), particularly on state aid regulation, be it fertilisation after decommissioning of power
at the global, European, or national level. We also plant facilities, or treatment of mining effluents.
need common rules for international trade in raw Prohibitions, licenses, and authorisations should
minerals and energy technology, and for electric- regulate these issues using traditional administra-
ity transboundary transactions and electricity tive law mechanisms. These strict rules on the
services. In other words, we need legal certainty circular economy are crucial to truly make renew-
on international transactions similar to that which able energy a clean and sustainable option. That is
we have in the fuel-based energy sector. Only what this is all about.
with this harmonisation will it be possible to However, perhaps the most original aspect we
prevent some of the legal disputes on this matter. now require of the law is an ability to address new
Secondly, we will need new rules and legal duties.
principles on the protection of foreign Active participation of citizens in this new
investments in the energy field. These rules must policy and management of their behaviour are
be able to define, as precisely as possible, fair risk desirable and potentially capable of having a pos-
sharing on energy projects for these singular itive impact. Yet, this entails several risks, mainly
times, where a technological revolution is
expected to flourish. The rules should also 34
The German Government’s Energiewende was based
address predictable issues with significant impact on support schemes that did not support a renewable
on costs, such as acceleration in learning curves technology over another, but simply provided a general
direction, without specifying objectives for different
in some experimental technologies, different
renewable energy technologies, and this was considered
availability of scarce goods (from raw minerals a fundamental element in its success (Kuittinen and Velte
156 S. T. da Silva and A. G. Martins

the risk of intensifying inequality and unequal forget that these investors will be receiving enor-
treatment if we simply use price regulation and mous amounts of public money to cooperate with
other nudging mechanisms of an economic regu- states and society in this decisive task. Thus, fair
lation nature. The problem here is not different collaboration means that no speculation
levels of willingness to pay (that can lead to (i.e. unreasonable or opportunistic gain) is
ineffective results) but different levels of ability acceptable.
to pay, that can lead to economic discrimination. Inefficiencies in this global and complex oper-
For instance, if we simply let demand regulation ation can compromise the future of the
be governed by contract savings in which supply- generations to come. Avoiding them is a guiding
ing companies offer different discounts based on principle and a foundation for all these duties,
the willingness/ability of consumers to support which can also be interpreted as part of the
those savings, we will let citizens with limited human dignity principle. If we—Society— are
budgets bear the demand peaks just because investing a generational budget in this change in
they do not all have the same options when the economic development model, we have a
choosing the electricity tariff and rate discounts.35 “special duty of care” regarding this budget. All
This is a moral and ethical market failure, and possible windfall gains must be low or invested in
the law should provide regulators with legal tools the interest of the next generations.
to guarantee a minimum level field in the energy
transition. This means that energy savings must
affect all consumers, though they can affect them 5 Conclusion
to different extents.
Engaging citizens in the energy transition also The energy transition is a generational task which
creates the need for new legal duties and seeks to mitigate the negative effects of the indus-
obligations. A communitarian legal duty exists trial revolution on the development opportunities
when someone is legally compelled to act respon- of future generations. This is a kind of settling of
sibly towards others, according to the law. Energy accounts between generations. The current gener-
saving and energy sharing can be universally ation is attempting to fix decades of pollution and
considered communitarian duties. In fact, they depletion of natural resources through an ambi-
cannot be classified as restrictions to individual tious action plan. No-one is allowed to fail. This
rights, nor do they affect property rights. In some demands a complex, intricate and global policy
legal situations, the legislator should properly that defines its path as it goes forward. Imagina-
identify the obligation to share energy or to save tion, flexibility, fairness, and reasonableness are
energy, valued at a regulated price. This obliga- the keys to success at all levels. Regulating the
tion is a communitarian and cooperative means of energy transition is no exception.
achieving a common societal goal. Since it is a
universal commitment, it is also an ethical Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by
denominator of the policy. the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
under strategic project grant UID/Multi/00308/2019.
Likewise, adopting a standard for investors’
due diligence obligations when evaluating their
legitimate expectations is a kind of energy self-
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The Impact of Ecolabels and Green Taxes
on Market Outcomes

Gabriel Englander, Andrew W. Stevens, Rebecca L. C. Taylor,

and Sofia B. Villas-Boas

Abstract instruments and highlight important avenues

Ecolabels and green taxes aim to achieve more for future work in pursuing more sustainable
sustainable market outcomes by affecting market outcomes.
suppliers’ production and sales behaviour,
consumers’ purchasing behaviour, or both. In Keywords
this chapter, we present the economic rationale Ocean sustainability · Plastic pollution ·
for how these approaches may impact Ecolabels · Green taxes · Market outcomes ·
suppliers and consumers in various settings Empirical evidence
and review recent published empirical research
on the topic. We focus specifically on
examples where ecolabels and green taxes 1 Introduction
have been used to protect oceans and fisheries
by reducing plastic waste and reducing The oceans contain less life and more plastic than
purchases of less sustainable seafood. We con- many policymakers and academic researchers
clude by discussing other possible policy would prefer. In most marine fisheries, the rate
of fishing exceeds the catch-maximizing and
G. Englander profit-maximizing rates, resulting in depleted
University of California, Santa Barbara, Bren School of
Environmental Science and Management, Santa Barbara, ecosystems, less food for people, and lower
CA, USA profits for the world’s 39 million fishers (Costello
e-mail: genglander@ucsb.edu et al. 2016; Food and Agriculture Organization
A. W. Stevens 2020). The 10 to 20 million tons of plastic that
University of Wisconsin–Madison, Department of enter the ocean each year further degrades marine
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Madison, WI, USA environments (United Nations Environment
e-mail: awstevens@wisc.edu
Programme 2014). Conservation organizations
R. L. C. Taylor seeking to reduce pollution and over-fishing by
University of Sydney, Department of Economics, Social
Sciences Building, The University of Sydney, promoting better fishing practices have increas-
Camperdown, NSW, Australia ingly turned to market-based mechanisms such as
e-mail: r.taylor@sydney.edu.au environmental sustainability labels (eco-labels),
S. B. Villas-Boas (✉) taxes, bans or other instruments, in order to shift
University of California, Berkeley, Department of patterns of suppliers and of household
Agricultural and Resource Economics, Berkeley, CA, consumption.
e-mail: sberto@berkeley.edu

# The Author(s) 2023 159

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
160 G. Englander et al.

This chapter starts by laying out the economic regulator sets a cap on the total quantity of fish
rationale for how these market-based mechanisms that can be caught each season and distributes a
may impact suppliers and consumers. Then it portion of that cap to each fishing vessel. In
focuses on examples where ecolabels and green addition to increasing economic profits, property
taxes have been used to protect oceans and rights-based instruments increase the size of fish
fisheries. It ends by discussing challenges and populations and reduce the probability of fisheries
other possible policy instruments to promote sus- “collapse” (Costello et al. 2008, 2016; Isaksen
tainable market outcomes in the oceans and and Richter 2019).
fisheries supply chain.

2.2 Market Failure 2: Negative

2 Economic Theory and Policy Externalities

Private markets—those without government A second way that markets can fail is due to
intervention—often fail to allocate goods in a negative externalities. Negative externalities
socially optimal way. This is particularly true for occur when the consumption or production
environmental goods, such as oceans and decisions of one person or firm negatively affect
fisheries, which are not owned by any one coun- another person or firm without their permission or
try or individual. When private markets fail or compensation. For instance, when firms decide
simply do not exist, economic theory provides a how much plastic packaging to use and when
strong rationale for governments to intervene to consumers decide how much plastic packaging
correct the failures. In this section, we describe to buy, they often do not consider the costs that
three ways in which markets fail with respect to their plastic packaging waste will impose on soci-
oceans and fisheries and discuss policy tools that ety and the environment (in particular, oceans and
can be used to address these market failures. the wildlife therein). It is estimated that 2–5% of
plastic waste is mismanaged and enters the ocean
each year (Jambeck et al. 2015). Once in
2.1 Market Failure 1: Open-Access waterways, plastic items do not biodegrade but,
Resources instead, break into smaller pieces, which sea
animals can consume, mistaking them for food
The first market failure we consider relates to (Wilcox et al. 2016). Globally, the cost of plastic
property rights, or the lack thereof. Since nobody pollution in the ocean, from the consumer goods
owns the oceans or fisheries, no one country or industry alone, is $13 billion annually (United
individual has sufficient incentive to protect these Nations Environment Programme 2014).1 Since
resources or to harvest them responsibly. This the price of plastic packaging that firms and
leads to overuse and overharvesting. Economists consumers see in the marketplace does not reflect
refer to these types of resources as open-access: these external costs, it leads them to produce and
anyone may access them, but one person’s use of consume more plastic packaging than is socially
the resource depletes what is left for everyone optimal.
else. The overuse problem that arises from open- However, there are several economic policy
access resources is commonly referred to as the tools for addressing negative externalities. First,
“Tragedy of the Commons” (Hardin 1968). there are market-based incentives which, by alter-
The economic policy solution for open-access ing the prices seen in the marketplace, encourage
resources is to assign property rights to the
resource. In other words, governments can use 1
Moreover, this cost estimate is most likely a significant
policy tools to convert open-access resources
underestimate because it focuses on direct plastic use and
into resources such that users behave as if they does not include certain downstream impacts, such as
“own” the resource. In the case of fisheries, the those caused by microplastics.
The Impact of Ecolabels and Green Taxes on Market Outcomes 161

consumers and firms to adjust their behaviour. involved in changing away from the default. If
Taxes and fees can be used to increase the price the default option is a behaviour that is good for
of behaviours that are harmful to the environment the environment, then people will be more likely
(e.g., a 5-cent tax for using disposable plastic to adopt this green behaviour. For instance,
shopping bags) and thus discourage people from restaurants often provide plastic straws with
engaging in these behaviours. Similarly, their beverages as the default. If the customer
subsidies and bonuses can be used to reduce the does not want to use a straw, they would have to
price of behaviours that benefit the environment ask the restaurant not to give them one. However,
(i.e., a 10-cent discount for bringing a reusable if instead beverages came without straws and
mug to your local coffee shop), and thus encour- people had to ask for a straw if they wanted one,
age green behaviours. Market-based incentives this change in the default would most likely lead
are often the preferred policy tool of economists to many fewer plastic straws being used.
due to their flexibility and the fact that they make
polluters internalize the costs of their pollution.
However, taxes can be politically challenging to 2.3 Market Failure 3: Incomplete
implement, and subsidies can be expensive. Information
An alternative approach to market-based
incentives are command-and-control policies, For markets to work, everyone in the market
which set standards for which behaviours firms (both consumers and producers) needs to have
and consumers can and cannot adopt. For complete information about what is going on in
instance, command-and-control policies may the market. For example, without complete infor-
ban certain actions or products, such as banning mation about a good, consumers will not know
the use of Styrofoam in take-away containers or how much they value that good or how much of
banning the catch of fish below a certain size. that good they want to purchase. If a person
Command-and-control policies may also require cannot tell whether a sandwich is a tuna-salad
the use of certain technologies or require sandwich, a chicken-salad sandwich, or an
technologies to meet specific standards, such as egg-salad sandwich, they may not want to pay
requiring shrimp trawlers to use turtle excluder very much or they may not want to purchase the
devices in their nets. Command-and-control sandwich at all. Thus, incomplete information is
policies have the advantage of being simple to another reason markets fail.
monitor; however, once their standards are met, In the case of environmental goods, consumers
they do not create incentives to find better ways to cannot always tell if a product was produced in an
reduce pollution. Furthermore, they may lead to environmentally friendly manner. Consumers
unintended consequences that undermine their may want to support businesses that act in sus-
benefits, such as when consumers and firms look tainable ways, but if the consumers cannot tell
for ways to circumvent the regulations. which products are sustainably produced, there is
A third set of policy tools are called nudges. no incentive for producers to create these environ-
Unlike market-based incentives and command- mentally friendly products. One policy solution to
and-control policies, nudges do not forbid any combat incomplete information is to develop
behaviours or actions, nor do they change eco- ecolabel certification schemes. Ecolabels provide
nomic incentives through prices. Instead, nudges consumers with information about which
change the environment in which choices are products meet standards for environmental
made, so that a person will be more likely to sustainability and which do not, which enables
make a particular choice or behave in a particular consumers to support companies that are
way. One example of a nudge policy is changing stewarding the Earth’s resources. However, for
the default option. People tend to stick with the ecolabels to work, they need to be trustworthy
default option because there is more hassle and credible. Thus, third-party certifiers (i.e., not
162 G. Englander et al.

the producers of the product) are often used to significantly reduce plastic pollution at the global
create industry standards and monitor the certifi- level. However, national and subnational evi-
cation process. dence of the effectiveness of plastic taxes and
bans does exist. We summarize this evidence in
the next section.
3 Pollution Initiatives “Ecolabels” on seafood products help
and Ecolabel Certification consumers make informed purchasing decisions.
Schemes By signalling that a product originates from a
sustainable fishery, ecolabels can increase
Of the approximately 300 million tons of plastic demand for sustainable seafood products, increas-
produced each year, 10 to 20 million tons enter ing the share of fisheries that are managed
the ocean (United Nations Environment sustainably.
Programme 2014). Even if governments and The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is
firms meet 100% of their current commitments, perhaps the most rigorous and best-known certi-
a recent estimate in Science predicts this flow of fication organization (World Wildlife Fund 2012;
plastic into the ocean will more than double by Miller and Bush 2015). Fisheries that wish to
2040 (Lau et al. 2020). display the MSC logo on their products pay a
Plastic pollution in the ocean harms both peo- third-party auditor to investigate their fishery
ple and animals. The damage caused by a single and compare it to the MSC’s standards. Certified
component of plastic pollution to a single region fisheries pay for annual audits and recertification
is striking: the cost of removing plastic from every five years, and they also pay MSC an
Europe’s coastlines is €630 million annually annual licensing fee. As of 2020, 409 fisheries
(United Nations Environment Programme 2018). were MSC-certified. Together these fisheries rep-
Globally, the cost of plastic pollution in the ocean resent 15% of the global marine catch (Marine
is $13 billion annually (United Nations Environ- Stewardship Council 2020). The cost of certifica-
ment Programme 2014). This estimate equals tion ($15,000 to $120,000), annual audits
global cleanup costs plus the estimated damage ($75,000 by one estimate), and the annual licens-
to the fishing, tourism, and shipping industries. A ing fee (0.3% to 0.5% of revenue plus a fixed fee)
recent review of the effects of pollution on marine preclude small-scale fisheries from receiving
animals found that 82% of impacts are due to MSC certification (Bauman 2009; Marine Stew-
plastic pollution (Rochman et al. 2016). ardship Council 2021a, 2021b).
Several recent articles detail the numerous Many other organizations also certify seafood
international, regional, national, and subnational with ecolabels, including the Monterey Bay
regulations, laws, and initiatives to reduce plastic Aquarium’s Seafood Watch, Ocean Wise, and
pollution in the ocean (Schnurr et al. 2018; United FishWise. Other certification organizations may
Nations Environment Programme 2018; da Costa use different standards to those of the MSC, may
et al. 2020). Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate the limit their certification activities to one country or
geographic breadth of plastic bag (Fig. 1) and region, and may certify fisheries “proactively”, as
microbead (Fig. 2) taxes, bans, and other regu- opposed to requiring fisheries to pay a third-party
latory interventions (Schnurr et al. 2018). Nearly auditing firm for certification. Given the many
150 countries have implemented a plastic bag tax, different types of co-existing seafood ecolabels,
ban, or other regulatory intervention (da Costa using one consistent ecolabel may be more effec-
et al. 2020). Yet, given that the flow of plastic tive at communicating clear information to
pollution into the ocean remains high, and is even consumers (Federal Trade Commission 2010).
predicted to more than double by 2040 (Lau et al. We summarize research on the effect of ecolabels
2020), it seems that existing policies have yet to on consumer purchases in the next section.
The Impact of Ecolabels and Green Taxes on Market Outcomes 163

Fig. 1 Global plastic bag interventions, as of 2018. Reproduced with the permission of Schnurr et al. (2018)

Fig. 2 Global microbead interventions, as of 2018. Reproduced with the permission of Schnurr et al. (2018)

ban products that do not meet certain standards.

4 Empirical Evidence on How
In the case of bag bans, these policies generally
Green Taxes and Ecolabels
ban the distribution of plastic bags under a certain
Impact Oceans and Fisheries
thickness (such as 2.25 thousandths of an inch
thick). While bans have been shown to be effec-
4.1 Evidence on Plastic Ban and Tax
tive in reducing the use of the item being banned,
they can also lead to unintended consequences
that undermine the effectiveness of the bans.
Plastic bans have been widely used with respect
Bags bans in California reduced plastic shop-
to disposable plastic shopping bags, plastic
ping bag usage by 40 million pounds (over 18 mil-
straws, and plastic microbeads in cosmetic
lion kilograms) per year (Taylor 2019). However,
products. These command-and-control policies
164 G. Englander et al.

this reduction was offset by a 12-million-pound unintended increase in thicker plastic shopping
(5.5-million-kilogram) annual increase in trash bags (Homonoff et al. 2021). Given these results,
bag sales, since prior to the ban some people we recommend policymakers consider plastic
reused their plastic shopping bags as trash bags taxes (market-based incentives) over bans (com-
(Taylor 2019). This meant nearly 30 percent of mand-and-control policies). However, if a tax is
the plastic eliminated by the ban came back in the not politically feasible, the design of bag bans can
form of trash bags, which are thicker than typical be improved if they also consider what substitutes
plastic shopping bags. Thus, the bag bans not consumers might switch to. For instance, bag ban
only banned the ‘brown’ behaviour of using too policies can also require that all remaining types
many plastic shopping bags, but also banned the of bags on offer have a price so that thicker bags
‘green’ behaviour of reusing shopping bags as are not given out for free. Plastic bag taxes have
garbage bags (which is a green behaviour because also been shown to be effective policy tools for
it prevents the production and sale of an addi- discouraging plastic bag use and encouraging
tional plastic bag). Another unintended conse- reusable bag use in Buenos Aires (Jakovcevic
quence was that after California banned thin et al. 2014), Uruguay (Cabrera et al. 2021),
plastic shopping bags, the new default in many Toronto (Rivers et al. 2017), and Wales
stores became paper bags. As a consequence, (Poortinga et al. 2013).
paper bag usage increased by 83 million pounds A few studies have also examined reusable
(37.6 million kilograms) annually (more than bag subsidies and nudges. A study of the 5-cent
double the weight of the banned plastic bags) reusable bag bonus in the Washington D.C. area
(Taylor 2019). While paper is less environmen- found the bag bonus had no effect on the rate at
tally damaging than plastic as a source of litter which consumers brought reusable bags
because paper biodegrades, paper is much more (Homonoff 2018). A second paper implemented
carbon intensive than plastic throughout its a small field experiment using a charitable dona-
lifecycle. Thus, the global warming impacts of tion nudge (Penn et al. 2021). Shoppers who
paper as the new default are concerning. chose to forego the use of a plastic bag were
Other studies have also found unintended given a token that they could use to make a
consequences of plastic bag bans. For example, donation to a charity (Penn et al. 2021). This
Chicago implemented a plastic shopping bag ban field experiment found that the token-donation
in 2015 and then repealed it in 2017. Counter to program reduced the probability of plastic bag
the policy’s goal, stores bypassed the regulation use by 12 percentage points (Penn et al. 2021).
by offering customers free thick plastic bags, Therefore, subsidies have not been found to be
which were roughly five times the thickness of effective policies (with respect to reusable bag
the standard plastic shopping bags that were on usage), while there is some evidence that nudge
offer prior to the ban (Homonoff et al. 2021). policies may be effective at reducing plastic bag
Thus, the ban shifted customers toward more use. However, the ability for this type of nudge to
environmentally harmful products. scale has not been studied.
An alternative policy to bag bans are bag In addition to plastic bags, lightweight plastic
taxes. Instead of banning plastic shopping bags, bottles are another major contributor to ocean
bag taxes impose a small fee (generally 5 to plastic pollution with negative impacts on marine
10 cents) for using these bags. One study com- ecosystems (Barnes et al. 2009). Water and
pared the outcomes of bag bans and bag fees and carbonated beverages, such as soda, are fre-
found that bag fees are as effective as bag bans at quently sold in polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
reducing disposable bag use, but they have the bottles that can end up in waterways and oceans.
additional benefit of not increasing paper bag use Policymakers have attempted to reduce littering
(Taylor and Villas-Boas 2015). Similarly, an and plastic bottle pollution using several
analysis comparing bag bans and bag taxes in tax-based and non-tax-based programs, with
Chicago found that the taxes did not lead to the varying success.
The Impact of Ecolabels and Green Taxes on Market Outcomes 165

One paper evaluated how a tax on bottled be more effective at reducing plastic waste than
water in the state of Washington impacted taxes on plastic bottles (Stevens et al. 2016).
consumers’ bottled water purchases (Berck et al.
2016). Using weekly product-level sales data
from large retailers in Washington and 4.2 Evidence on Ecolabels
neighbouring states, these authors found that
after the implementation of a tax of around nine In the context of shifting toward more sustainable
percent, consumer purchases of bottled water fell fisheries, operators in the supply chain of com-
by roughly six percent. When the tax was mercial fishing consider demand side factors,
repealed, consumer purchases rebounded some- such as customer sustainability preferences, as
what, remaining roughly three percent below well as supply side forces pertaining to the man-
baseline levels. These results suggest that con- agement of species. They make strategic
sumer demand for bottled water is fairly inelastic, decisions on where and how much to fish subject
or insensitive to changes in price. Consequently, to regulatory oversight across species groups and
taxing bottled water seems to be a relatively inef- management bodies (Watson and Pauly 2001;
ficient way to reduce purchases of PET bottles. Delgado et al. 2003; Costello et al. 2008; Smith
Furthermore, it is not clear that reducing et al. 2010). Taken together, they then make stra-
purchases of plastic bottles would result in a tegic choices on investments in sustainable
similar reduction in plastic litter since consumers practices and how to credibly convey to
that contribute to plastic pollution may not be the consumers the sustainable characteristics of
same consumers who change their purchasing these fishing and supply chain practices. Credible
behaviour because of a tax. information that is valued by consumers results in
An alternative policy targeting plastic bottle product differentiation and, consequently, in the
pollution relies on deposit-refund recycling ability to incorporate into final prices any
programs. In these programs, consumers pay a upstream costs of improvements in sustainability
small tax when they purchase a product and are practices.
then able to redeem the empty container for a tax Environmental sustainability labels, or
refund. The California Redemption Value (CRV) ecolabels, are the main means by which firms
is one such recycling program that currently pays differentiate their products (Asche et al. 2015;
five cents for a container smaller than 24 liquid Blomquist et al. 2015). In 2002, one of the early
ounces and ten cents for larger containers. Well- studies using consumer purchase data confirmed
designed deposit-refund programs can replicate that the dolphin-safe tuna label increased the mar-
the effects of a pollution tax and are frequently ket share of canned tuna (Teisl et al. 2002).
easier to implement than a tax on litter (Fullerton Beyond average consumer responses, subsequent
and Wolverton 2000). Crucially, these programs research has found different impacts of seafood
provide an incentive for individuals to move plas- risk advisories for certain population groups
tic bottles from the waste stream and the natural (Shimshack et al. 2007; Teisl et al. 2011).
environment to the recycling stream. Moreover, A large portion of the existing research on
the original consumer does not need to be the consumer-focused mechanisms, such as ecolabels
person who claims the refund payment. In and other product attributes associated with envi-
California’s CRV program, for example, ronmental sustainability, has relied heavily on
so-called “scavengers” play an important role in attitudinal and knowledge surveys, consumer
diverting recyclable material from the waste choice experiments, and experimental auctions
stream to local recycling centres (Ashenmiller (Johnston et al. 2001; Alfnes et al. 2006; Johnston
2009; Berck et al. 2018, 2021). By better and Roheim 2006). For instance, one 2001 study
targeting the negative externality (littering), found international differences in factors affect-
deposit-refund recycling programs are likely to ing how consumers value ecolabels (Johnston
et al. 2001). While these studies offer valuable
166 G. Englander et al.

insight and methodological approaches, one In conclusion, the empirical literature finds
potential weakness is that they capture promising evidence that seafood ecolabels are
consumers’ stated preferences rather than their associated with shifts in market demand toward
actual behaviours. There can be great disparity more sustainable choices and away from less
between consumers’ stated preferences and their sustainable alternatives. The policy implication
actual purchases (Hensher and Bradley 1993). is that consumer-focused mechanisms, such as
In the literature on revealed preference, based ecolabels and certification, have market-level
on actual market outcomes rather than surveys, impacts and are an effective tool for sustainable
hedonic price models have been used to estimate fisheries management.
relative values for seafood product attributes,
such as catch method, fishing gear choice, coun-
try of origin, product colour (of salmon), and 5 Other Policy Instruments
environmental sustainability (McConnell and Promoting Sustainable Oceans
Strand 2000; Carroll et al. 2001; Jaffry et al. and Fisheries
2004; Roheim et al. 2007, 2011; Asche and
Guillen 2012; Sogn-Grundvåg et al. 2013). Countries have the exclusive right to harvest and
Hedonic models relate the price of products to manage all resources within their Exclusive Eco-
their attributes and estimate the marginal effect of nomic Zones (EEZs). The codification of EEZs
sustainable attributes on prices, controlling for between 1973 and 1982 at the third UN Confer-
other factors. Another empirical approach is to ence on the Law of the Sea, and the declaration of
estimate choice models using demand system EEZs by countries (mostly in the 1970s and
analyses (Teisl et al. 2011; Sun et al. 2017), and 1980s), represent the most significant advance
case study approaches (Roheim 2003). In terms of toward fisheries sustainability in world history
the main conclusions drawn, the above- because EEZs enable countries to manage their
mentioned study on the dolphin-safe tuna label fisheries (Wilen 2000; Hannesson 2013). EEZs
used consumer purchase data to confirm that the also incentivize fisheries enforcement because
label increased the market share of canned tuna the more unauthorized fishing that countries pre-
bearing that label (Teisl et al. 2011). Another vent, the more fish available for the country to use
study, from 2011, applied a hedonic price func- (Englander 2019). EEZs typically extend 200 nau-
tion approach to scanner data on the sale of frozen tical miles (370 km) from a country’s coast.
processed Alaskan Pollock in the London metro- Together, EEZs cover 39% of the ocean’s surface
politan market, to estimate a statistically signifi- and are the source of more than 95% of global
cant price premium for Marine Stewardship marine fish catch (Pauly and Zeller 2015).
Council certification (Roheim et al. 2011). Lastly, Prior to EEZs, countries were typically only
research from 2013 estimated quantity responses recognized as having exclusive rights within three
to a sustainability label system, and surprisingly nautical miles of their coasts (Hannesson 2013).
found that sales of yellow-rated labelled products This condition of “open-access”, which prior to
decreased significantly in treatment stores relative EEZs applied to the vast majority of fishing
to controls, while red- and green-rated labelled grounds, leads to the depletion of fish stocks and
products saw no change in the quantity sold the dissipation of economic profits because each
(Hallstein and Villas-Boas 2013). The most fisher does not account for the fact that their
recent published empirical work investigates fishing harms other fishers (by reducing the
whether consumers are willing to pay for amount of fish available to other fishers). In
sustainability in seafood purchases. This 2019 open-access, fishers fish too much relative to the
paper estimates consumers’ dollar value willing- amount of fishing that would occur in a fishery in
ness to pay (WTP) for the environmental infor- which the total amount of fishing was chosen to
mation provided by the ecolabels and other maximize total profit or total catch.
product attributes (Hilger et al. 2018).
The Impact of Ecolabels and Green Taxes on Market Outcomes 167

With EEZs, countries choose how to manage engaged in illegal, unreported, or unregulated
their fisheries. In a “regulated open-access” fish- (IUU) fishing from using their ports (Witbooi
ery, the regulator sets a total allowable catch 2014). Denying port access to these vessels
(TAC) limit—the total tons or number of fish reduces their ability to sell their fish, which
that can be caught that season by all fishers reduces the benefit to vessels of IUU fishing on
(Reimer and Wilen 2013). TAC limits prevent the high seas in the first place. Additionally, the
biological depletion, but they do not prevent the intergovernmental conference to create a new,
dissipation of economic profits because fishers legally binding treaty for the high seas held its
“race to fish” before the TAC is reached, which first session in 2018 and its fourth session is
increases fishing costs (Birkenbach et al. 2017). scheduled for 2022 (United Nations General
Regulators may also limit the entry of new vessels Assembly 2018). This potential treaty could cre-
into the fishery, remove vessels from the fishery ate marine protected areas on the high seas for the
through “buy back” programs, limit fishing to first time (United Nations General Assembly
certain time periods or areas, and limit fishing 2021).
“inputs” (such as size of vessels or types of fish-
ing equipment), but, similarly to the TAC limits,
these measures do not preserve economic profits. 6 Challenges and Avenues
Property rights-based instruments distribute a for Future Work for Local
share of the TAC to each vessel, which reduces and Global Communities
the “race to fish” because each vessel knows they
will (almost certainly) be able to catch their share, Protecting the oceans involves many complex
even if they fish more flexibly over time challenges for local coastal regions, specifically,
(Birkenbach et al. 2017). In addition to increasing and for the global community in general. There
economic profits, rights-based instruments has been a promising myriad of global and local
increase the size of fish populations and reduce initiatives to address overfishing and other illegal
the probability of fisheries “collapse” (Costello fishing practices, to improve traceability of the
et al. 2008, 2016; Isaksen and Richter 2019). fishing supply chain, to address co-existing
Property rights-based instruments are perhaps problems of human right issues, and to promote
the best tool available to countries to maximize social responsibility and fair practices in fisheries.
the profit and sustainability of their fishing Some of the international initiatives have been
industries. decades in the making, while others are emerging
Beyond EEZs lie the high seas, or Areas as new issues are identified.
Beyond National Jurisdiction. Regional Fisheries In Fig. 3 we can see the number of local and
Management Organizations (RFMOs) regulate global efforts that world regions engage in to
fishing for a particular region and/or species, but improve traceability, improve social responsibil-
sustainable management of high seas fisheries is ity, or reduce illegal, unreported, and unautho-
limited by RFMOs’ decision-making process, rized fishing. If we examine the number of
which typically either requires consensus or global or local efforts in relation to a country’s
allows countries to opt-out of regulations they population or gross domestic product, we find
disagree with (Haas et al. 2020). Furthermore, that the degree to which countries participate in
only the flag state (the country the vessel is these efforts differs somewhat. While North
registered to) can punish deviant vessels, and America and Southeast Asia lead the world in
not every country is willing and able to punish terms of total efforts, Northern Europe ranks
their vessels. number one when total efforts are normalized by
The Agreement on Port State Measures, which regional population or GDP.
was ratified in 2016, is one of the most promising At country level, the increasing use of property
tools for high seas enforcement because it permits rights-based instruments to manage fisheries is a
countries (port states) to block vessels that have cause for optimism. Continued international
168 G. Englander et al.

Fig. 3 Number of global and local efforts to improve elaborated by us based on the data supplied by SALT—
traceability, improve social responsibility, or reduce ille- Seafood Alliance for Legality & Traceability, in www.
gal, unreported, and unauthorized fishing, as of 2021 (Map salttraceabilty.org)

cooperation is needed to improve management of Programme 2020). In 2020, the European Union
fish stocks that occur in multiple countries’ waters passed a tax on nonrecycled plastic packaging
or on the high seas. Promising avenues for inter- waste equal to €0.80 per kilogram. The member
national cooperation include the ongoing countries can choose whether and how they pass a
negotiations at the World Trade Organization to plastic tax of their own to recover the tax paid to
reduce fishing subsidies, the ongoing negotiations the EU. How these policies will impact plastic
to create a new, legally binding treaty for the high demand and waste is an open question needing
seas, efforts to reform the decision-making process further empirical research.
of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations, While there are promising international plastic
and the implementation of the Port State Measures waste policies on the horizon, there is also a
Agreement. Finally, the increasing use of satellites concerning trend of governments prohibiting the
to monitor fishing activity will enable countries to regulation of plastic. As of August 2019, 17 states
enforce the laws and treaties they enact and ratify. in the US had passed preemption laws that pro-
There are also promising signs of progress hibit local governments from regulating (i.e., ban-
toward reducing plastic pollution in oceans. In ning or taxing) various plastic items (Treskon and
2019, the United Nations amended the Basel Doctor 2020). Supporters of these preemption
Convention, which controls transboundary laws argue that local plastic regulations create a
movements of hazardous wastes and their dispos- patchwork of laws that confuse customers and
able, to include many forms of plastic waste. The hurt businesses. However, there is little empirical
187 signatory countries will be required to track evidence that the patchwork of local regulations
plastic waste outside their own borders and will itself harms consumers and businesses (Treskon
be prohibited from exporting plastic waste unless et al. 2021). Thus increasingly, the policy tools
they have obtained written permission from the available to local governments are limited when it
recipient country (United Nations Environment comes to plastic waste.
The Impact of Ecolabels and Green Taxes on Market Outcomes 169

7 Conclusion Berck P, Englander G, Gold S, He S, Horsager J, Kaplan S,

Stevens A, Taylor R, Trachtman C, Van Dop M,
Villas-Boas SB (2018) Convenient beverage recycling
Marketplace signals, such as green taxes, bans, in california: a report to the California state legislature.
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reward successful stewardship and penalize pol- Berck P, Blundell M, Englander G, Gold S, He S,
Horsager J, Kaplan S, Sears M, Stevens A,
lution and overfishing. In theory, eco-labels pro- Trachtman C, Taylor R, Villas-Boas SB (2021)
vide consumers with easy-to-use relative Recycling policies, behaviour and convenience: survey
information, allowing the differentiation of evidence from the CalRecycle program. Appl Econ
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with best practices onto consumers who value Cabrera JM, Caffera M, Cid A (2021) Modest and incom-
sustainability. plete incentives may work: pricing plastic bags in
Similarly, when addressing plastic pollution of Uruguay. J Environ Econ Manag 110:102525
the oceans, taxes may shift choices towards Carroll MT, Anderson JL, Martínez-Garmendia J (2001)
Pricing U.S. North Atlantic bluefin tuna and
untaxed products, such as reusable bags, and implications for management. Agribusiness 17:243–
lead to lower plastic ocean pollution. While 254
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instruments available to policymakers and inter- prevent fisheries collapse? Science 321:1678–1681
Costello C, Ovando D, Clavelle T, Strauss CK, Hilborn R,
national organizations to achieve lower pollution Melnychuk MC, Branch TA, Gaines SD, Szuwalski
of the oceans and reduce overfishing. The CS, Cabral RB, Rader DN, Leland A (2016) Global
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Environmental Governance Through Tax
Law in the European Union

Marta Villar Ezcurra and Jerónimo Maillo González-Orús

Abstract 1 Introduction
The contribution considers critical issues in
European environmental governance, focusing Tackling climate challenges and achieving the
on the role of legal principles, fundamentals objectives of the Paris Agreement1 are at the
and competences, and also a review of sectoral core of the European Green Deal (EGD).2 Envi-
legislation in the field of taxation related to EU ronmental and energy policies have recently
climate, environment and energy policies. The taken centre stage in the EU’s policymaking,
role of tax harmonisation to favour the ecolog- since the EGD is the main driver of the Union’s
ical transition, the ‘Fit for 55’ legislative pack- economic growth strategy.
age and the reform of the EU’s own resources To deliver reductions in greenhouse gas
are some of the topics specifically addressed. emissions and meet climate ambitions in line
For the ambitious strategy of the European with the European Climate Law,3 the European
green deal to be truly successful, governance Commission has proposed a set of measures
must be strengthened, especially in the areas of
environment, energy and taxation, because it is At the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United
necessary to mobilise investments and plan Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC), which took place in Paris from 30 November
infrastructures and interconnections. The inter- to 12 December 2015, the text of an agreement was
section between fiscal and competition policy adopted, concerning the strengthening of the global
(above all State Aid Law) can also play a very response to climate change. See Council Decision
important role in fostering the right green (EU) 2016/1841 of 5 October 2016 on the conclusion, on
behalf of the EU, of the Agreement adopted under the
investments, both from Member States and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
private actors. Change (OJ L 282, 19 of October 2016).
The European Green Deal, presented in the Communi-
Keywords cation (COM(2019)640) of 11 December 2019, sets out a
detailed vision to make Europe the first climate-neutral
Governance · European Union · Tax law and continent by 2050, safeguard biodiversity, establish a cir-
harmonization · Climate change · Energy · cular economy and eliminate pollution, while boosting the
competitiveness of European industry and ensuring a just
State Aid and Competition Law
transition for the regions and workers affected.
Regulation (EU) 2021/1119 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 30 June 2021 establishing the frame-
M. Villar Ezcurra (✉) · J. M. González-Orús work for achieving climate neutrality and amending
Universidad San Pablo-CEU, CEU Universities, Law Regulations (EC) No 401/2009 and (EU) 2018/1999 (‘-
Faculty, Department of Public Law, Madrid, Spain European Climate Law’). See OJ of 9 of July 2021, L
e-mail: vilezc@ceu.es; maigon@ceu.es 243/1.

# The Author(s) 2023 173

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
174 M. Villar Ezcurra and J. M. González-Orús

called the Fit for 55 package.4 A broad revision of 2 European Environmental

relevant climate and energy legislation will be Governance
adopted in a package covering, inter alia, energy
taxation, renewables, energy efficiency, land use, According to Article 3 of the Treaty on European
CO2 emission performance standards for light- Union (TEU), the Union is committed to a ‘high
duty vehicles, effort sharing and the EU emission level of protection and improvement of the qual-
trading system (EU ETS). These initiatives are ity of the environment’, which includes combat-
complemented by a huge financial package to ing climate change. Furthermore, other provisions
accelerate economic recovery in Europe. of EU primary law develop this commitment, in
This Chapter considers critical issues in particular Articles 11 and 191–193 of the Treaty
European environmental governance, focusing on the Functioning of the European Union
on the role of legal principles (among others, the (TFEU), covering environmental policy. Article
polluter pays principle—PPP), fundamentals and 11 stresses the broad-ranging nature of this goal
competences, and also a review of sectoral legis- and the need to take environmental considerations
lation in the field of taxation related to EU cli- into account in other EU policies. This implies
mate, environment and energy policies. In this that the Union will need to use many other
context, the role of tax harmonisation and its policies to foster progress in environmental pro-
coordination with the EU ETS to favour the eco- tection. Greening many other EU policies is
logical transition is an issue specifically addressed essential if quick and effective progress is to be
as a strategic and singular path in the EU. made. Furthermore, the Union shares
Accordingly, the Chapter begins with an over- competences with Member States (MS), regions
view of European environmental governance, and local actors, which also have a key role to
particularly after the EGD and the 2021 play. And the Union itself has the important task
European Climate Law. Under this heading, we of participating in international negotiations and
discuss the key legal principles and how they establishing commitments at bilateral, multilat-
might interact with each other, competences eral and global levels. All this demonstrates the
shared between the EU and Member States on need for multi-level governance and the complex-
environment, energy and tax matters, and the ity of this (See, among others, Scott 2011).
importance of the adjusted EU State aid frame- In practice, under this legal framework, in
work for climate, environmental protection and recent decades the EU has enhanced its very
energy. The chapter then addresses the role of important role (both within the EU and beyond)
environmental taxes and harmonisation of these, in environmental and climate change issues, and
as well as discussing the European Emission has made a particularly notable contribution to
Trade System. Following this, we highlight the raising the bar as regards the objectives to be
new tax framework proposed and brought for- achieved and laying the foundations for influen-
ward by the EGD, in particular by the Fit for tial programmes, plans, agendas and roadmaps.
55 legislative package and the reform of the To do this, it has adopted European legislation,
EU’s own resources. Lastly, some conclusions harmonised national rules and, at the same time,
and recommendations for the near future are coordinated the work of the Member States. It has
presented. also played a transcendental role, as a global
leader, in climate summits. The new Von der
Leyen Commission has established this goal as a
top priority and launched the European Green
Deal and the Climate Change Law. Overall, the
EU is recognised as an ambitious and committed
Communication from the Commission ‘’Fit for 55’:
delivering the EU’s Climate target on the way to climate leader that sets an example and seeks consensus
neutrality’, Brussels, 14 of July 2021 (COM(2021)550 to raise ambitions regarding protection of
Environmental Governance Through Tax Law in the European Union 175

biodiversity and the environment and in the fight Citizens will make judgements based on the
against climate change. results;
However, the Union still has some very impor- (3) The public debt that is currently soaring,
tant limitations. Firstly, since in many cases it will especially in southern Europe, cannot be
be acting in areas of shared competences, in order allowed to end up causing another sovereign
to act it must demonstrate that it will be more debt crisis in the eurozone. It is also important
efficient than the MS, which may have different to ensure that the recovery fund is used to
priorities or rhythms. Secondly, decisions at restructure weaknesses in the economies
European level are not always taken by majority. mentioned above;
Issues as important as (i) taxation, (ii) town and (4) The approved instrument is temporary: suc-
country planning, (iii) quantitative management cess in its implementation and in its results is
of water resources or (iv) land use (except waste the best way to guarantee that it can be
management) remain under the unanimous voting extended beyond the recovery, with a conse-
rule. The decision on the energy mix in each quent move towards greater fiscal union.
country is also reserved for each State. Thirdly,
In addition to the above, the Union can also
certain challenges require global action and
influence national public spending through its
State aid control policy and contribute to promot-
With regard to green public spending, the EU
ing green co-financing and investments by private
has also promoted important green investments
through different programmes and funds, such as
In short, this is a huge challenge and a complex
the European Structural and Investment Funds or,
task for the Union. The approval of the 2021
more specifically, the Programme for Environ-
European Climate Law was a crucial step in
ment and Climate Action (LIFE), which was the
developing a better governance framework,
EU’s main financial instrument dedicated to the
since the EU objective of reaching climate neu-
environment for the period 2014–2020.
trality in 2050 is now a binding legal target.
More recently, the next generation fund
However, its effective implementation will
approved to combat the coronavirus pandemic
depend very much on the way the European
and foster economic recovery has considerably
institutions and the Member States act. In other
increased this spending for the next years, as
words, only realistic strategies and the smartest
one third of it must be devoted to the ecological
combination of regulatory and economic
transition. This is an unprecedented exercise of
instruments will ensure that the long-term targets
solidarity that opens up new possibilities and
are attained.
benefits the countries most damaged by the crisis.
However, despite its importance, there are still
very significant challenges:
2.1 Key Legal Principles
(1) It must be put into operation as soon as possi-
ble and for this to happen, all States will need The legal principles guiding environmental gov-
to approve their recovery plans. The “slow ernance in the European Union have evolved
machine” continues to be a handicap when significantly throughout the amendment of the
compared to the more immediate reactions founding treaties. Nowadays, apart from the spe-
from other actors, such as the US. It is urgent cific EU environmental policy principles5—pre-
to act now, so that the projects can be caution, prevention and rectifying pollution at
launched, and the funds can reach the busi- source, and PPP—additional legal principles and
ness world and citizens as soon as possible; values have to be taken into consideration, as
(2) It is essential to ensure that the recovery fund other EU policies are required to contribute to
is used effectively, without excessive bureau-
cracy but also without corrupt practices. 5
For the global dimension, see Eccleston (2011).
176 M. Villar Ezcurra and J. M. González-Orús

environmental protection under the EGD. Ensur- Apart from the climate strategic actions to
ing an effective EU internal market, for example, achieve decarbonisation in the EU, one of the
is at the heart of the EU process and, conse- main building blocks of the EGD is the new
quently, is also present in many of the tax circular economy action plan (CEAP).8 This
directives. However, the rationale behind each targets how products are designed, promotes cir-
piece of legislation in the EU is not always cular economy processes, encourages sustainable
aligned with the EGD or compatible with other consumption, and aims to ensure that waste is
fundamental principles. Identifying and prevented, and the resources used are kept in the
correcting the mismatches is also part of the EU EU economy for as long as possible. As a result,
agenda. For example, in the energy sector, the according to the subsidiarity principle, legislative
sustainability principle is more important now and non-legislative measures have been
than others—e.g., security of energy supply—in implemented targeting areas where action at the
the new packages of EU energy legislation. EU level brings real added value. Although no
Another example could be EU competition pol- international policy effort integrates circular-
icy. There is great scope for greening this policy, economy approaches, circularity principles can
although there is some disagreement as to what play an important role in helping organisations
extent this should be done (See Kingston 2011; to hedge against volatility in the prices of
Holmes et al. 2021). There is some room in anti- commodities. This is why the European Commis-
trust and mergers law, but the scope and the sion is proposing that the product sustainability
impact of the reform of State aid control could principles should guide broader policy and legis-
be larger.6 Why should this be so? As explained lative developments in the future. The CEAP
above, both European funds and national funds encourages the broader application of
will play a very important role. Many of these well-designed economic instruments, such as
national funds will fall under the concept of State environmental taxation, including landfill and
Aid and be subject to the supervision of the incineration taxes, and enables Member States to
European Commission. In 2018, 55% of spending use value added tax (VAT) rates to promote cir-
on state aid—66.5 billion euros—was already for cular economy activities that target final
environmental and energy savings goals, a mas- consumers, in particular repair services. Environ-
sive increase in comparison with the previous mental taxation could be a suitable instrument
decade (only 2.4%), and yet this figure still and the right policy option to reduce plastic pol-
needs to increase. Therefore, it is essential to lution in the current environmental emergency. It
properly design and update the European State can also provide the right signal to citizens,
aid control framework in order to create the producers and industry to change behaviours
right green incentives and conditions. As Com- and contribute to meeting the ambitious environ-
missioner Vestager has stated: “European mental targets. Taxes on single-use plastics for
governments will have to invest billions of euros example (in the UK, Italy or Spain) are intended
in greening the economy – and our rules need to to have an environmental purpose but at the same
give them room to do that, while also making sure time they can also pursue other goals, such as
that we get the best results for the planet from the raising revenues to aid economic recovery.
money that’s spent”.7 The principle of national financing of environ-
mental measures is included in the TFEU as
an expression of solidarity within the fold of the
For a critical assessment before the reform, see EU. In this sense and without prejudice to the
Maillo (2017). importance of certain measures adopted by the
M. Vestager, Keynote speech at the 25th IBA Competi-
tion Conference, 10 September 2021, available at https://
ec.europa.eu/commission/commissioners/2019-2024/ European Commission (2020), A new Circular Economy
vestager/announcements/competition-policy-support- Action Plan. For a cleaner and more competitive Europe.
green-deal_en. Brussels, 11 March 2020, (COM) 98, final.
Environmental Governance Through Tax Law in the European Union 177

Union, the Member States shall also finance and management and climate change.12 According to
implement the environmental policy. This princi- the official reports, monitoring environmental
ple is accompanied by a rule that partially actions has played an important part in the
compensates the potential negative effects for successes achieved. In May 2016, the ‘Environ-
national budgets: if a measure involves costs mental Implementation Review’13 proved to be
deemed disproportionate for the public authorities an important tool for the full implementation of
of a Member State, such measure shall lay down EU environmental legislation, alongside the
appropriate provisions in the form of temporary ‘Regulatory Fitness and Performance
derogations, and/or financial support from the Programme’ (REFIT) for reporting and monitor-
Cohesion Fund.9 In particular, the EU Just Tran- ing obligations, which aimed to make these sim-
sition Fund is an important tool that provides pler and less costly. Moreover, in 2020, the
conditional access to resources, with the aim of European Environment Agency (EEA)14
reaching climate neutrality objectives. At least published its ‘6th State of the Environment
50% of co-national finance is required for the Report’ on the status and outlook of the
most advanced regions. European environment.15 The assessment showed
Currently, the EU financial support linked to that “incremental changes have resulted in prog-
Next Generation EU and the 2021-2027 EU bud- ress in some areas but not nearly enough to meet
get is the basic lever for all the national ecological our long-term goals”.16 For example, with regard
transition processes. The EU’s 2021–2027 long- to pollutants released into the air, water and land,
term budget, together with the the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Reg-
NextGenerationEU recovery instrument, amounts ister (E-PRTR) provided key environmental data
to €2.018 trillion in current prices. The package from over 30,000 industrial facilities in the EU.
consists of the long-term budget, the 2021–2027 In the EU, national governments are free to
multiannual financial framework, made up of decide how to exploit their energy resources,
€1.211 trillion in current prices, combined with what mix of energy sources they prefer to rely
the temporary recovery instrument, on (with the exception of renewable energy for
NextGenerationEU, of €806.9 billion.10 which national targets are settled at the EU level)
and how they tax or subsidies energy. Taxes are a
central aspect of national sovereignty, and most
2.2 The Question of Environmental, of the Member States have introduced taxes on
Energy and Tax Competences energy products. Fiscal purposes are often com-
bined with environmental objectives, such as
In the EU, environmental competences are shared stimulating a reduction in energy consumption
by the EU and its Member States.11 Thus, the and in greenhouse gas emissions into the atmo-
Union and the Member States may legislate and sphere. These so-called ‘environmental taxes’ are
adopt legally binding acts in this area, covering, frequently levied on certain types of emissions or
among other fields, air and water pollution, waste
Article 2 (2) of the TFEU.
See Article 192 (4) and (5) of the TFEU. Communication from the Commission Delivering the
See European Commission (2021a). More information benefits of EU environmental policies through a regular
on the recovery plan for Europe at: https://ec.europa.eu/ environmental implementation review. Brussels, 27 May
info/strategy/recovery-plan-europe_en. 2016 (COM (2019) 316 final.
See Articles 11 and 191 to 192 of the TEFU. Article In 1990, the EEA, based in Copenhagen, was
192 (1) of the TFEU states that “The European Parliament established to support the development, implementation
and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary and evaluation of environment policy and to inform the
legislative procedure and after consulting the Economic general public on the matter.
and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, https://www.eea.europa.eu/soer/2020.
shall decide what action is to be taken by the Union in See Hans Bruyninckx, EEA Executive Director, supra
order to achieve the objectives referred to in Article 191”. note 18.
178 M. Villar Ezcurra and J. M. González-Orús

on the consumption of energy. However, different existence of an undertaking, the imputability of

approaches to energy taxation may create the measure to the state, its financing through
obstacles to trade and some national regulations state resources, the granting of an advantage, the
may come into conflict with EU law. As the selectivity of the measure and its effect on com-
establishment of the internal market is very petition and trade between Member States. With a
close to the core of national tax sovereignty, view to contributing to an easier, more transpar-
most of the energy taxes are harmonised at EU ent and more consistent application of this notion
level. across the European Union, the 2016 Commis-
sion Notice on the notion of State aid18 clarifies
the different constituent elements of the notion of
2.3 The Need to Promote an EU State State aid and reminds us that “the notion of State
Aid Framework Aligned aid is an objective and legal concept defined
to the EGD directly by the Treaty”.19
The debate in fiscal circles is focused around
One important concern for good tax and environ- three overlapping concepts: the notion of ‘advan-
mental governance is the expansion of EU com- tage’, the notion of ‘selectivity’ and the notion of
petition policy to tax issues and its effective ‘discrimination’. While selectivity is clear when
contribution to the environmental objectives. Member States adopt ad hoc positive measures
The EU State aid rules are currently the major benefiting one or more undertakings, the situation
constraint on the tax sovereignty of national is usually less clear for fiscal aid. In such cases,
legislators (See, among others, Schön 2016), the ‘material selectivity’ of the measures should
mainly because the expansion of the notion of normally be assessed by means of a three-step
‘State aid’ allows for a great intervention of the analysis.
European Commission. If this is accepted, the First, the system of reference must be
question is whether the current approach to tax identified.20 Second, it should be determined
measures and their assessment in the environmen- whether a given measure constitutes a derogation
tal and climate areas are well balanced. from that system insofar as it differentiates
To answer this question, the two sides of tax between economic operators who, considering
incentives should be considered: on the one hand, the objectives intrinsic to the system, are in com-
any measure acting as an incentive is a useful tool parable factual and legal situations. This assess-
to correct market failures, to support the national ment of whether there has been a derogation
economy and to create new economic activities, allows a conclusion to be drawn as to whether
and on the other hand, incentives can distort
competition, result in significant costs for
governments and facilitate the abuse of lobbies.
distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring
The assessment of a tax incentive for environ- certain undertakings or the production of certain goods
mental purposes for example in an EU State aid shall, in so far as it affects trade between Member States,
context will depend on the balancing test applied be incompatible with the internal market.”
between two different aims: (i) to protect market See Commission Notice on the notion of State aid as
integration; or (ii) to ensure competition. This referred to in Article 107(1) of the Treaty on the Function-
ing of the European Union, OJ C 262/1 (19 July 2016),
general statement is also valid in the fiscal field. available at Official Journal of the European Union (2016).
Any aid must be checked objectively against 19
See European Union (2016), at para. 5.
the notion of Article 107(1) of the TFEU consid- 20
The reference system constitutes the benchmark against
ering the well-known circumstances:17 the which the selectivity of a measure is assessed. In the case
of taxes, the reference system is based on elements such as
the tax base, the taxable persons, the taxable event and the
Art. 107(1) TFEU states: “Save as otherwise provided tax rates. For example, a reference system could be
in the Treaties, any aid granted by a Member State or identified regarding the corporate income tax system. See
through State resources in any form whatsoever which 2016 Commission Notice, supra n. 22 at para. 134.
Environmental Governance Through Tax Law in the European Union 179

the measure is prima facie selective. If the mea- European Green Deal Communication specifi-
sure in question does not constitute a derogation cally states that the State aid rules will be revised
from the reference system, it is not selective. to take into account those policy objectives, to
However, if it does, it is necessary to establish, support a cost-effective and just transition to cli-
in the third step of the test, whether the derogation mate neutrality, and to facilitate the phasing out of
is justified by the nature or general scheme of the fossil fuels, while at the same time ensuring a
(reference) system. If a prima facie selective mea- level-playing field in the internal market”.23
sure is justified by the nature or general scheme of These new guidelines reflect that revision in sec-
the system, it will not be considered selective and tion 4.7, dedicated to “aid in the form of
will, thus, fall outside the scope of Article reductions in environmental taxes and parafiscal
107(1) of the TFEU.21 levies”. Still, as laid down in previous guidelines,
Generally, Member States must notify the when environmental taxes are harmonised, the
European Commission of any aid, in line with Commission may apply a simplified approach to
Article 108(3) of the TFEU. As the compatibility assess the necessity and proportionality of the aid.
of aid for environmental protection is often In the context of Directive 2003/96/EC (the
directly evaluated under Article 107(3), the Com- so-called Energy Taxation Directive, ETD) the
mission guidelines are a source of great impor- Commission may apply a simplified approach
tance for legal certainty. for tax reductions respecting the Union minimum
In this sense, the new guidelines on State aid tax level.
for climate, environmental protection and Finally, a brief reference to the flexibilisation
energy22 recognised that “competition policy, of these measures is considered. The outbreak of
and State aid rules in particular, has an important the novel COVID-19 virus has had a significant
role to play in enabling and supporting the Union economic impact. The various containment
in fulfilling its Green Deal policy objectives. The measures adopted by the Member States, such as
travel restrictions, quarantines and lockdowns, hit
the cultural, entertainment and tourism sectors
particularly hard. On 19 March 2020, the
See id., at para. 128. See also NL: ECJ, 8 Sept. 2011, European Commission adopted a Temporary
Case C-279/08 P Commission v. Netherlands, para.
Framework to enable Member States to use the
62; AT: ECJ, 8 Nov. 2001, Case C-143/99, Adria-Wien
Pipeline GmbH and Wietersdorfer & Peggauer full flexibility provided for under State aid rules
Zementwerke GmbH v. Finanzlandesdirektion für to support their economy and help overcome the
Kärnten, Case Law IBFD; IT: ECJ, 8 Sept. 2011, Joined extremely difficult situation triggered by the
Cases C-78/08 to C-80/08, Amministrazione delle
COVID-19 outbreak. This Temporary Frame-
Finanze, Agenzia delle Entrate v. Paint Graphos Scarl;
Adige Carni Scrl, in liquidation v. Ministero dell’ work, in place until the end of June 2022, is
Economia e delle Finanze, Agenzia delle Entrate; based on Article 107(3)(b) of the TFEU and
Ministero delle Finanze v. Michele Franchetto, para. complements other possibilities available to
49 et seq., Case Law IBFD; and UK: ECJ, 29 Apr. 2004,
Member States, in particular the possibility
Case C-308/01, Gil Insurance Ltd and Others
v. Commissioners of Customs & Excise, Case Law IBFD. under Article 107(2)(b) of the TFEU to compen-
The new guidelines, applicable from January 2022, sate specific companies or specific sectors for
create a flexible, fit-for-purpose enabling framework to the damage directly caused by exceptional
help Member States provide the necessary support to occurrences, such as the virus outbreak.
reach the Green Deal objectives in a targeted and cost-
Amendments were adopted on 3 April, 8 May,
effective manner. European Commission (2021), Annexes
to the Communication to the Commission. Approval of the 29 June and 13 October 2020, and on 28 January
content of a draft for a Communication from the Commis- and 18 November 2021, extending the scope of
sion on the Guidelines on State aid for climate, environ-
mental protection and energy. Brussels, 21 December
2021 (C(2021) 9817 final, https://ec.europa.eu/competi
with_annexes_I_and_II_0.pdf. Paragraph 4 of the new guidelines, supra n. 26.
180 M. Villar Ezcurra and J. M. González-Orús

the Temporary Framework.24 The Temporary United Nations also perceives tax measures “as
Framework allows for a more simplified approach regulatory and as coordination instruments to
to help green investments with public financial achieve its 2030 Agenda” (See Dourado and
support, and has led to an increased use of the Pirlot 2020).
approved COVID-19 measures. Although the Climate change is one of the most urgent
flexibility created under the temporary State aid challenges that the international community cur-
regime, as well as the determined action of the rently faces. Based on the calculations of the
European Central Bank, have created space for European Commission, the costs of air pollution,
national action to prevent the collapse of the GHGs and water pollution alone amount to at
economy and to protect businesses, jobs and least €750 billion per year across the EU
livelihoods, large differences in the amount of (European Commission 2021b). A broad range
State aid given by EU Member States have the of policy instruments can be used to curb carbon
potential to create an unlevel playing field inside emissions. Economic instruments, in particular
the European Union. taxes and emissions trading, are vital tools for
any comprehensive mitigation strategy to
operationalise the PPP in an effective way.
3 Environmental Taxes: Tax However, as the European Court of Auditors
Harmonisation and the ETR has confirmed, many opportunities for a more
rigorous application of the PPP in the EU have
There is general scepticism over whether impor- still been missed (European Court of Auditors
tant societal values—such as protecting the 2021). In comparison with other existing
environment—can be achieved through the tax alternatives (e.g., EU ETS), environmental taxes
system (Barker 2005). Nevertheless, the role of have additional advantages: (i) easier implemen-
regulatory taxes has been strengthened in recent tation; (ii) less bureaucracy; and (iii) the possibil-
years because environmental challenges and tax ity of using tax revenue to the best public interest
law are closely related topics. The crucial role of (See Bretschger and Smulders 2012; Bowen
taxes in achieving net zero carbon emissions is 2015; Steenkamp 2021).
widely recognised in economics literature. In par- As we have remarked in other contributions,
ticular, the so-called ‘environmental taxes’ seek environmental and energy issues intersect in a
to provide the right price signals to the market and particularly strong way in the policy area of cli-
to promote changes in the national tax systems. In mate change, given the need to reduce emissions
this sense, the UN 2030 Sustainable Development from fossil fuels and shift to clean energy
Agenda clearly indicates that taxes are to play a practices. Precisely in this context, it is important
key role in the implementation of the seventeen to clarify the impact of tax benefits on the energy
regulatory goals—referred to as the ‘Sustainable sector, the design of the European and interna-
Development Goals’ (SDGs)—included in tional laws and the constraints these impose on
it. These goals are broad and ambitious, ranging tax authorities wishing to promote environmental
from ending poverty (SDG 1) to ensuring access protection. Yet, it may be difficult to reconcile
to affordable and sustainable energy (SDG 7) and undistorted trade with clean energy objectives.
achieving gender equality (SDG 5). Besides the Indeed, governmental policy instruments that
EU and the OECD, it is striking to note that the promote clean practices can distort market com-
petition at the international, national or
A consolidated version of the Temporary Framework as sub-national level. For example, they may inter-
adopted on 19 March 2020 and its amendments is avail- vene in the market by providing subsidies or tax
able at https://ec.europa.eu/competition-policy/system/ benefits to encourage renewable energy and
energy conservation or to protect industries at
nov_2021_en_2.pdf (accessed 29 Dec 2021). The authen-
tic versions of the Temporary Framework are those risk during the transition to a greener economy.
published in the Official Journal of the European Union. This is why the integration of EU State aid policy
Environmental Governance Through Tax Law in the European Union 181

and tax policy is of great importance in the field of the power generation and industrial sectors, as
energy taxation. Moreover, the Commission’s well as aviation within Europe. With the ‘Fit for
revision of State aid rules mentioned in section 55’ package, it will be progressively extended to
2.3 is a priority, as regards action taken to facili- the maritime sector, and, gradually, by 2026 all
tate investments, to allow for targeted aviation allowances will be auctioned. Moreover,
interventions to facilitate energy and environmen- the revision of the Emissions Trading Directive
tal investments, ensuring a level playing field and foresees a new Emissions Trading System cover-
respecting the integrity of the single market (See ing road transport and buildings.
Villar Ezcurra 2017, p. 38). On the other hand, the taxation of energy
One of the problems with improving the EU products and electricity plays an important role
legislation on energy taxation is that there is no in the area of climate and energy policy. There-
common understanding of what exactly fore, harmonised rules set out under Directive
constitutes an environmental tax. Frequently, 2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003 restructuring
economists adopt a broad understanding, and the the Community framework for the taxation of
expression ‘carbon taxes’ is deemed to refer to the energy products and electricity (Energy Taxation
idea of putting prices at the right level considering Directive, ETD) could play a key role. The aim of
environmental externalities. In contrast, a narrow such rules is to ensure the proper functioning
concept is included in regulations and also of the internal market. Since the ETD was
defined in several judgments at national or adopted, the underlying climate and energy pol-
European level. However, one common charac- icy framework has radically changed, and the
teristic is that environmental taxation serves to Directive is no longer aligned with current EU
encourage ecological behaviour by taxing bad policies.
behaviour and promoting good behaviour. More- The EU energy taxation framework was
over, in the theory of environmental tax reform evaluated in 2019 and it was considered that
(ETR) so-called ‘Pigouvian taxes’ are conceived energy taxation can play an important role as
as figures created with the aim of allowing a one of the economic incentives that steer success-
transformation of national tax systems. In the ful energy transition, driving low greenhouse gas
theory’s original framework, the new resources emissions and energy savings investments while
were supposed to allow a reduction of the fiscal contributing to sustainable growth. Accordingly,
pressure on income from labour. However, as the Council of the European Union invited the
experience shows, the recent ETR waves all Commission to revise the ETD. Moreover, it
over the world no longer pursue a ‘double divi- became clear, as stated in the Explanatory Mem-
dend’ (financial and environmental dividend) but orandum of the proposal to recast the Directive,25
rather put in place new legal packages including that the ETD is not in line with EU climate and
financial measures to support vulnerable energy objectives because it does not adequately
situations. Therefore, the possible distributional promote greenhouse gas emissions reductions,
effects of environmental tax reforms and the role energy efficiency and the take-up of electricity
of taxation to mitigate climate change should be and alternative fuels (renewable hydrogen, syn-
highlighted. thetic fuels, advanced biofuels, etc.) and does not
In the European Union, the ETS and the ETD provide sufficient incentives for investments in
are complementary economic instruments that set clean technologies. Besides, the ETD de facto
carbon pricing. As carbon pricing instruments, favours fossil fuel use. Highly divergent national
they are also often thought to lead to carbon rates are applied in combination with a wide
leakage and a loss of competitiveness for domes-
tic enterprises.
On the one hand, the EU ETS is a market- 25
COM(2021) 563 final. The explanatory memorandum
based instrument, which generates revenues for is available at: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/en/
Member States. Today, this mechanism applies to TXT/?uri=CELEX:52021PC0563.
182 M. Villar Ezcurra and J. M. González-Orús

range of tax exemptions and reductions which are 4 The Core of the EU Green Deal:
not aligned with the objectives of the EGD. Towards a Fair and Green Tax
Finally, the ETD is no longer contributing to the Framework
proper functioning of the internal market as the
minimum tax rates have lost their converging A multidisciplinary and holistic approach is
effect on national tax rates. Minimum rates are provided by the 2021 Fit for 55 legislation pack-
low as they have not been updated since 2003, age presented by the European Commission in
although national rates are significantly above the order to support its commitment to reduce net
ETD minima in most cases. In any case, the ETD GGE by at least 55 per cent by 2030. The package
minima therefore no longer prevent a “race to the represents a new policy action plan on how to
bottom” nor constitute a floor for taxation. All reach Europe’s climate targets, in line with its
this, added to the existence of exemptions and ambition to become the first climate-neutral con-
reductions, increases the fragmentation of the tinent by 2050.
internal market and in particular distorts the
level playing field across the involved sectors of
the economy. In addition, there are some aspects 4.1 The Fit for 55 Legislative
of the ETD that lack clarity, relevance and coher- Package
ence, which creates legal uncertainty. These
include, among others, the definition of taxable The proposal specifically aims to (i) include
products and uses that are outside the scope of the emissions from maritime transport in the EU
Directive and the interpretation of the exemption ETS; (ii) phase out free allocation of emission
related to motor fuels used in air and waterborne allowances to aviation and to the sectors that are
navigation. to be covered by the carbon border adjustment
The main changes included in the proposal for mechanism (CBAM);27 (iii) implement the global
a revised Directive26 addressed these problems carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for inter-
with the following measures: (i) Fuels will start national aviation (CORSIA) through the EU ETS;
being taxed according to their energy content and (iv) increase funding available from the
environmental performance rather than their vol- modernisation fund and the innovation fund and
ume. In this way, the environmental impact of (v) revise the market stability reserve in order to
individual fuels will be better reflected, helping continue ensuring a stable and well-functioning
businesses and consumers alike to make cleaner, EU ETS.
more climate-friendly choices; (ii) the way in Within the Council, proposals are dealt with in
which energy products are categorised for taxa- four Council formations: Environment, Energy,
tion purposes is simplified to ensure that fuels Transport, and Economic and Financial Affairs.
most harmful to the environment are taxed the Most of the discussions in the Council have
most; (iii) exemptions for certain products and highlighted the strong interlinkages between the
home heating will be phased out, so that fossil proposed ETS for buildings and road transport
fuels can no longer be taxed below minimum and other elements of the Fit for 55 package,
rates and (iv) fossil fuels used as fuel for intra- particularly the Social Climate Fund Regulation,
EU air transport, maritime transport and fishing the Effort Sharing Regulation, the Energy
should no longer be fully exempt from energy
taxation in the EU—a crucial measure given the 27
See European Commission, ‘Proposal for a Regulation
role of these sectors in energy consumption and of the European Parliament and of the Council
pollution. Establishing a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
(EU CBAM proposal)’ COM (2021) 564 final. See also
Commission, ‘Delivering the European Green Deal’
(14 July 2020). https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/
COM(2021) 563 final. pean-green-deal_en.
Environmental Governance Through Tax Law in the European Union 183

Taxation Directive, the Regulation on CO2 emis- situations of Member States. More clarification
sion standards for cars and vans, and the Energy will be needed for (i) the establishment of a sepa-
Efficiency Directive. The Presidency’s assess- rate ETS for buildings and road transport and
ment28 was that considerable further technical (ii) the strengthening of the existing ETS and its
work will be required on most of the files due to ambition.
their complexity and the introduction of new Particular attention has been given to the pro-
elements, and additionally, as regards the ETS, posed phase-out of free allocation in the ETS for
the sheer size of the file. Three proposals are dealt sectors covered by the carbon border adjustment
with under ETS reform:29 a proposal to amend the measures (CBAMs). Traditionally, CBAM are
ETS Directive, the Market Stability Reserve described as regulatory instruments that can be
(MSR) Decision and the MRV shipping Regula- used to mitigate climate change, but which also
tion (“general ETS”), a proposal to amend the have a positive impact on trade, climate leader-
ETS Directive as concerns aviation (“ETS avia- ship and even public finance. The objective of the
tion”) and a separate proposal to amend the MSR Commission’s proposal on CBAM is to prevent
Decision. the EU’s emissions reduction efforts from being
The ETS is at the heart of the EU’s climate offset by increasing emissions outside its borders
policy. While there appears to be general through relocation of production to non-EU
acknowledgement that the ETS will have to countries (where polices applied to fight climate
deliver its cost-efficient share of the EU’s change are less ambitious than those of the EU) or
increased ambition, views differ on the proposed increased imports of carbon-intensive products.
changes. In this context, there have been some Many questions have been posed on the impact
calls for exploring options to further increase the of the phase-out on EU producers’ competitive-
ambition of the ETS but also concerns about ness in export markets.
possible impacts of certain parts of the proposals If adopted, the EU CBAMs would require
on both economic sectors and households, importers of certain energy-intensive products
underlining the need to consider the different (such as cement, iron and steel, aluminium,
fertilizers and electricity) to pay a carbon price
equivalent to the price imposed in the EU through
28 the EU ETS as of January 2026. As Pirlot
See Council of the EU, Brussels, 6 December 2021
(14585/21). https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/docu suggested “they can serve as straightforward
ment/ST-14585-2021-INIT/en/pdf. multi-purpose instruments” and “the design of
Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/ the EU CBAM is inconsistent with the
EC establishing a system for greenhouse gas emission Commission’s main objectives of promoting fair
allowance trading within the Union, Decision (EU) 2015/
competition and climate mitigation in line with
1814 concerning the establishment and operation of a
market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas the Paris Agreement” because the EU CBAM
emission trading scheme and Regulation (EU) 2015/757 proposal is primarily an instrument of climate
(do. 10875/21 + ADD 1-7); Proposal for a Directive leadership (See Pirlot 2021).
amending Directive 2003/87/EC as regards aviation's con-
tribution to the Union’s economy-wide emission reduction
target and appropriately implementing a global market-
based measure (doc. 10917/21 + ADD 1-3); Proposal for 4.2 New Resources for the EU Budget
a Decision amending Decision (EU) 2015/1814 as regards
the amount of allowances to be placed in the market
stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission
To better support the objectives of Union policies
trading scheme until 2030 (doc. 10902/21 + ADD 1). In and to reduce Member States’ contributions based
addition, a fourth proposal concerning ETS was submitted on gross national income to the Union’s annual
on 14 July 2021: Proposal for a Decision amending Direc- budget, the European Council held in July 2020
tive 2003/87/EC as regards the notification of offsetting in
respect of a global market-based measure for aircraft
concluded that the Union will work in the coming
operators based in the Union. The proposal is dealt with years to reform the own resources system and
separately under TTE (Transport). introduce new own resources.
184 M. Villar Ezcurra and J. M. González-Orús

As a first step, a new category of own consistent with and complementary to the Fit for
resources based on national contributions calcu- 55 package.
lated on the basis of non-recycled plastic packag-
ing waste was introduced in December 2020 in
order to ensure the financing of the European 5 Conclusion
Union’s annual budget.30 At the same time,
Member States are free to take the most suitable In the EU, the future challenges associated with
measures to achieve goals related to the reduction green economic recovery cannot be tackled with-
of plastic packaging waste, in line with the prin- out fiscal tools. It is urgent to review the directive
ciple of subsidiarity. This new resource to finance on energy taxation as well as to extend the trading
the EU budget has been in force since January of emission rights to the maritime and air trans-
2021. It is a national contribution based on the port sector because the polluter pays principle is
amount of non-recycled plastic packaging waste. not sufficiently reflected in European Union Law,
Member States will apply a uniform rate of €0.80 as the European Court of Auditors has stated, and
on the amount of plastic resulting from the differ- as is manifest in its reports.
ence between what was produced and what was For the ambitious strategy of the European
recycled; a mechanism that will prevent excessive green deal to be truly successful, governance
contributions from less wealthy Member States must be strengthened, especially in the areas of
will accompany this contribution. The principal environment, energy and taxation, because it is
aims of this plastic measure are to encourage necessary to mobilise investments and plan
Member States to reduce the consumption of infrastructures and interconnections. The inter-
single-use plastic products, promote recycling section between fiscal and competition policy
and boost the circular economy. It is important (above all State Aid Law) can also play a very
to stress that the EU levy is not a tax and the important role in fostering the right green
European regulations neither recommend nor investments, both from Member States and pri-
require Member States to introduce a tax. vate actors.
The European Commission has proposed as a
second step an amendment of the Own Resources Acknowledgments The authors would like to recognize
Decision to introduce three new categories of the institutions and funds supporting their project research.
This chapter is the outcome of several research projects:
own resources based on: (i) the CBTAM; (ii) the
Ref. PID 2020-119151RB-I00, Jean Monnet Network
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profits of the largest and most profitable multina- global governance in the fields of climate change, trade
tional enterprises that are allocated to EU Mem- and competition, Ref. 587904–EPP–1–2017–1-ES-
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Market & Competition Law in the Digital and Ecological
G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Transition Era/ 1DIGMKT, ref. 620517-EPP-1-2020-1-
Profit Shifting to address the Tax Challenges ES-EPPJMO-CHAIR.
Arising from the Digitalization of the Economy
(OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework Agreement).
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sector. Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, pp 37–55

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Legal and Normative Challenges Behind
Sustainable Seafood

Josephine Woronoff

Abstract Keywords
In the last decades, governments and interna- Ocean governance · Law of the sea ·
tional governmental organisations have been Sustainable seafood
harshly criticised for their perceived failure to
mitigate the environmental and social impacts
of seafood production in a sustainable manner. 1 Introduction
In the 1990s, civil society stepped in, and
public regulations were challenged by Food sustainability is one of the greatest
market-based initiatives. Since then, the sus- challenges of the century (United Nations Gen-
tainable seafood movement has seen a major eral Assembly (UNGA) 2015). With human pop-
acceleration with new initiatives having enor- ulation expected to grow to 9.6 billion by 2050,
mous impacts on the evolution of fisheries food production will increase accordingly
management worldwide. Today, norms, (European Environment Agency (EEA) 2016,
principles and standards are competing with p. 9). However, the current trajectory of our
and/or complementing each other in their global food system is bleak. It is responsible for
attempt to integrate sustainability into the sea- 60% of terrestrial biodiversity loss, 24% of green-
food sector. This chapter will present the house gas emissions, and 33% of soil degrada-
global normative framework surrounding the tion, as well as its contribution to inequality
concept of sustainability in captured seafood. (United Nations Environment Programme
It will analyse how all layers of norms interact (UNEP) 2016, pp. 14–16). The fisheries sector
with each other. Analysing these interactions is no exception. Fish consumption is increasing
will help understand the respective roles that at twice the rate of annual world population
these local, private and public initiatives are growth and over a third of stocks are fished at
playing for each other in order to keep improv- biologically unsustainable levels (Food and Agri-
ing sustainability. culture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
2020). Fishing is essential for millions of coastal
communities, for food security, livelihood and
cultural heritage, particularly in developing
countries and in a context of climate change
(FAO 2020). Ensuring sustainability in the sea-
J. Woronoff (✉) food sector is essential.
Environmental Law Institute, Ocean Program, Brussels,

# The Author(s) 2023 187

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
188 J. Woronoff

Taking a closer look, we can see that many populations self-regulating their harvest of natu-
regulations and norms have already been created ral resources. In ancient China, there are traces of
by different actors, all aiming to bring fisheries management as far back as 5000 years
sustainability to the fisheries sector. Local and ago, with rulers showing constant enthusiasm for
indigenous communities have been self- sustainable use of fisheries resources (Li et al.
managing their harvest for millennia, through 2010). Following the Yellow Emperor, Emperor
beliefs, religion and customs, creating a first Ku called on his tribe “to exploit natural products
layer of norms (1). Then, governments received moderately and utilize them frugally”.1 Historical
mandates to legislate, from the global to the local traces have been found of local implementation of
level and international organisations published bans on fishing young or pregnant aquatic
codes of conduct, guidelines and statements to animals, on unseasonable fishing, on poisoning
guide them (2). Less than 50 years ago, civil aquatic animals, on damaging waters, and on
society and non-governmental organisations over-fishing (Li et al. 2010, p. 42).
(NGOs) began developing their own standards, China is one of the many examples of fisheries
benchmarks and toolkits, and these were soon management. In most other coastal areas around
followed by global companies setting up, in the globe, questions of access to and sustainable
partnerships and collaborations, their own inter- uses of ocean resources have been worked out
nal policies on sustainability (3). Each of these within and between fishing communities for
layers have created norms that currently compete, thousands of years.2 A flourishing diversity of
complement or replace each other and influence norms were designed and imposed using different
actors’ behaviours (Parlee and Wiber 2014). This means such as local regulatory systems, customs,
chapter seeks to provide a broad overview of the religions, taboos and beliefs to ensure a ‘sustain-
current state of global norms influencing the able’ management system. Norms were adapted
sustainability of the seafood sector. Taking a to local specificities, often using a bottom-up
global and historical approach allows this analy- approach. Fishing mainly for subsistence, the
sis to more accurately frame a complex normative collective interests of the community often
system that goes beyond the traditional view of a encouraged norms in favour of resource conser-
world only governed by top-down command-and- vation, limiting fisheries’ access rights and
control legal rules (van Erp et al. 2019, p. 4). regulating fishing efforts, even though “conscious
Finding a way to preserve the oceans’ resources conservation [was] often absent or in the back-
while protecting the people that depend on them, ground” (Berkes 1985, p. 204). In ancient China,
is very complex, and calls for the development of though, the will to conserve natural resources was
sustainable avenues at all levels. a declared priority. More than 2000 years ago, it
was recorded in Guan zi:
Though water areas are immense and water animals
2 Ancient Fisheries Management: are numerous, meshes of fishing nets must be under
Local Community meticulous supervision. Fishing nets can absolutely
Arrangements not be of one format. It isn’t because we are partial
to water animals. We are afraid that our wrong
for Self-Regulation doings will whittle away the subsistence roots for
generations of people.3
Fishing is one of the most ancient productive
This contrasts dramatically with what would be
activities that still feeds human populations on a
said more than 2000 years later, in 1883, by the
large scale. It appeared soon after the birth of
biologist Thomas Huxley in his opening address
humankind, long before agriculture. Indeed,
hunter-gatherers were also fishers. In all parts of
the globe, researchers have reported many 1
Li et al. (2010, p. 36) citing Wu Di Ben Ji in Shi Ji.
examples (Johannes 1978; Berkes 1985; Colding For more examples, see Berkes (1985).
and Folke 2001; Nunoo et al. 2015) of Li et al. (2010, p. 41), citing Ba Guan in Guan Zi.
Legal and Normative Challenges Behind Sustainable Seafood 189

to the International Fisheries Exhibition in 3 Historical Perspective

London: “I believe, then, that the cod fishery. . . on the International Regime
and probably all the great sea fisheries, are inex- of the Law of the Sea
haustible: that is to say that nothing we do seri-
ously affects the number of fish. And any attempt The second layer of norms first took root and
to regulate these fisheries seems. . . to be use- developed in Europe, laying the foundations for
less.”4 A century later, the dramatic collapse of our current international law of the sea (Treves
the cod fishery would lend credibility to the 2015). Here, the question of sustainability and
ancient Chinese wisdom of frugality. In between conservation would come much later. Indeed,
is the history of a different layer of norms that the idea of the ocean being inexhaustible
grew and ultimately overshadowed the old one, dominated until the twentieth century. The devel-
building the foundation for the current interna- opment of our current legal regime was predomi-
tional regime of the law of the sea. nantly, and for a long time, based on the issue of
The ancient layer of self-regulating access rights (Allison 2001, p. 937), organised
arrangements is, however, still present today. A around the debate between national sovereignty
recent rise can even be observed. Indeed, an and freedom at sea.
increasing number of small-scale fisheries In the Roman Empire, the sea was ‘a common
communities all over the globe are setting up right to all men’, as long as they were Roman
community-based resource management systems, citizens (Allison 2001). This established the doc-
self-regulating and self-controlling both access to trine of mare clausum, a closed sea not accessible
the resource and fishing practice “based on a wide to other nations. After the collapse of the Roman
array of justifications related to social cohesion, empire, new states appeared and appropriated
religion or management guidelines based on local areas of sea as mare clausum, defending them
ecological knowledge” (Bush and Oosterveer against piracy and leveraging taxes for passing
2019, p. 29). The state is very often present in trade routes (Zacharias 2014). This culminated, in
the arrangement with varying degrees of involve- 1494, with the Treaty of Tordesillas, which, fol-
ment, creating a large diversity of lowing an imaginary line going from pole to pole,
co-management arrangements from a legal per- 370 leagues from Cape Verde and the Azores,
spective (Environmental Law Institute 2020). gave all territories discovered and to be discov-
However, recognition of such arrangements as ered west of this line to Spain and east to Portugal
part of the concept of sustainability in seafood is (Treves 2015, p. 3). With the imaginary line
still a work in progress. Despite some essential drawn on the ocean, this represents “the most
moves from global actors (the 2015 FAO Volun- ambitious claim to sovereignty over the sea”
tary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small- (Treves 2015). This treaty, however, was quickly
Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security challenged by other trading nations, including the
and Poverty Eradication) (FAO 2020), the domi- Netherlands. A ‘battle of the books’ in the seven-
nant layers of norms related to seafood teenth century led to the establishment of a new
sustainability are more focused on the industrial doctrine, for freedom of the high seas. This new
fishing sector and the sovereignty of the State. To doctrine of mare liberum was described by the
better understand the dominant norms, it is impor- Dutch jurist Hugo de Groot (Grotius) in the sev-
tant to go back in time and highlight how these enteenth century, arguing that because the ocean
normative layers emerged. could not be ‘occupied’ or defended in the same
way as land, it should be, like the air, common
property of all (Grotius 1916, p. 28). However,
coastal states would keep jurisdiction over a nar-
Allison (2001) citing Thomas Huxley’s opening address row band along their coastline as territorial waters
to the International Fisheries Exhibition, London (or mare clausum). This narrow band was first
(Whymper 1883).
190 J. Woronoff

calculated to be 3 nautical miles (NM), of stocks. Facing the growing number of national
corresponding to the distance a cannon ball regulations on fisheries, communities’ customary
could be fired from the coast, making it defend- arrangements already in place for managing
able (Treves 2015, p. 5). Over time, more states fisheries began to be eroded, undermining a
adopted and applied this arrangement. It became “local sense of ownership and responsibility for
one of the first recognised principles of interna- the stewardship of these fisheries resources”
tional marine law. Thus, under this newly (Bush and Oosterveer 2019, p. 78).
recognised regime, coastal states’ citizens would A global approach was called for. International
have open-access rights to harvest fish within negotiations took more than half a century
their own country’s jurisdiction, as well as open- (Churchill 2015) and concluded with the adoption
access to fish in the high sea, this time shared with of the United Nations Convention on the Law of
all from any nation (Allison 2001, p. 937). For a the Sea (UNCLOS), in 1982.7 Frequently referred
long time, this system operated side by side with to as the ‘constitution for the oceans’ Churchill
the ancient customary arrangements of (2015, pp. 24–25), UNCLOS, with its 320 articles
communities that largely remained responsible and 9 annexes, can be considered a framework
for fisheries management. treaty (Long and Chaves 2015). In its wake, inter-
After the industrial revolution, with the inven- national instruments related to fisheries
tion of steam powered boats and the development proliferated, implementing and updating it. The
of technology, the capacity to catch fish increased following are legally binding:
dramatically. The development of industrial fish-
• The 1993 Agreement to Promote Compliance
ing, the general globalisation of the world, the
with International Conservation and Manage-
erosion of community control over resources,
ment Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High
rapid commercialisation, population growth, and
Seas (Compliance Agreement);8
the development of technologies brought massive
• The 1995 Agreement for the Implementation
changes to the fishing sector (Berkes 1985,
of the Provisions of the United Nations Con-
p. 204). The perspective on fish evolved from it
vention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December
being a source of subsistence food to it being a
1982 Relating to the Conservation and Man-
commodity product with potential economic
agement of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly
benefits. Fish stocks began to deplete, forcing
Migratory Fish Stocks (UNFSA);9
fishermen to go further asea, away from their
• The 2009 Agreement on Port State Measures
local coastlines, quickly creating conflict with
to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unre-
neighbouring coastal countries.5 From freedom
ported and Unregulated Fishing (PSMA)
at sea, coastal states became more inclined to
(FAO 2009):
expand and regulate their territorial waters. They
first passed regulations to restrict who could fish
within their seas, in order to protect national fleets
against the invasion of foreign fishing fleets.6
However, as fish stocks continued to deplete, 7
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
governments moved towards regulating their (adopted 10 December 1982, entered into force
fisheries in order to reduce the number of fish 16 November 1994) 1833 UNTS 3.
Agreement to Promote Compliance with International
taken from the sea in an attempt to avoid collapse
Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing
Vessels on the High Seas (adopted 24 November 1993,
entered into force 24 April 2003) 2221 UNTS 91.
Fisheries Case (UK v Norway) [1951] ICJ Rep 116; 9
Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of
Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (UK v Iceland) [1974] ICJ the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of
Rep 3; Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (Germany v Iceland) 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Man-
[1974] ICJ Rep 175. agement of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory
See for example the case of Pacific Halibut in Thompson Fish Stocks (adopted 4 August 1995, entered into force
and Freeman (1930, p. 44). 11 December 2001) 2167 UNTS 3.
Legal and Normative Challenges Behind Sustainable Seafood 191

These international instruments set up principles the renewability of the resource” (Christie 1999).
and general norms that should be applied for the To maintain MSY, Article 61(1) requires the
use of natural resources and conservation of the coastal state to determine the ‘total allowable
marine environment. catch’ (TAC) for the living resources. The state
has discretion in the determination of its TAC
(Article 297 (3)(a) UNCLOS). However, it has
4 Nationalisation of Fisheries to follow the precautionary approach, another
Management and Technical important concept that appeared after UNCLOS.
Fishery Policies Indeed, following the difficulties encountered
with the concept of MSY, the precautionary
The first important principle confirmed by approach would quickly receive wide acceptance
UNCLOS is the extension of coastal state juris- after its introduction as Principle 15 of the Rio
diction over a territorialised sea of up to 12NM Declaration of 1992, which states “[w]here there
and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of up to are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack
200NM from baseline (Article 55 UNCLOS). of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a
According to Hoel et al., this represented “one reason for postponing cost-effective measures to
of the most far-reaching institutional changes in prevent environmental degradation” (UNGA
the international society of the twentieth century” 1992). This principle was also explicitly
(Hoel et al. 2005). It would bring the vast major- incorporated by the UNFSA and the FAO Code
ity of the world’s fisheries under national of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO
authorities (UNGA 2004), including over 90% 1995).
of fish stocks with commercial importance Concerning species that move beyond and
(Barnes 2006). Secondly, Article 55 UNCLOS between different national jurisdictions, countries
gave sovereign rights to the coastal state ‘for the have a duty to cooperate in their conservation and
purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving management. This shared responsibility led to the
and managing the natural resources’ in its EEZ. establishment of Regional Fisheries Management
These rights are predominantly economic, Organisations (RFMO). The UNFSA laid the
illustrating the shift towards fish as a commodity foundation for the creation of RFMOs responsible
(Berkes 1985). Article 56 (b) (iii) added some for managing the ocean resources outside the
jurisdictional power for the protection and preser- EEZ. Today, there are over 100 multilateral,
vation of the marine environment (Edeson 2005). regional and bilateral treaties, 14 UN agencies,
A third principle relates to the ‘sustainable use’ of and 19 international governmental organisations
the resource. UNCLOS requires states to “ensure that have protection of the ocean as part of their
through proper conservation and management responsibilities (Bush and Oosterveer 2019,
measures that the maintenance of the living p. 13). The UNFSA further requires states to
resources in the EEZ is not endangered by over- adopt “measures to ensure long-term
exploitation” (Article 61 (2) UNCLOS). Wide sustainability” of the shared stocks and “promote
discretion is given to the coastal state to deter- the objective of their optimum utilization” (Arti-
mine the meaning of ‘proper’ (Markowski 2009). cle 5(a) UNFSA). However, they must ensure that
Article 61(3) UNCLOS, however, requires these measures “are designed to maintain or
that proper conservation and management restore stocks at levels capable of producing max-
measures be “designed to maintain or restore imum sustainable yield, as qualified by relevant
populations of harvested species at levels which environmental and economic factors, including
can produce maximum sustainable yield the special requirements of developing states,
[(MSY)]”. The concept of MSY is not defined and taking into account fishing patterns, the inter-
by UNCLOS but can be “generally defined as the dependence of stocks and any generally
largest annual catch or yield of a fishery that can recommended international minimum standards,
be taken continuously from the stock, based on
192 J. Woronoff

whether subregional, regional or global” (Article The fisheries management regime established
5 (b) UNFSA). under UNCLOS ultimately leaves the responsi-
All these principles and concepts have been bility of implementing and enforcing fisheries
further added to by numerous non-binding management rules in the hands of national
instruments, often called ‘soft law’ (Allison governments, for both EEZ and the high seas.
2001, p. 941). These are voluntary instruments Very few means to sanction were included, leav-
that require national legislation to translate the ing states largely free to implement the rules as
commitments: they see best (Allison 2001, p. 938). National and
regional fisheries regulatory systems generally
• FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible
use the optimum harvest model as a basis for
management. From here, regulations take the
• FAO International Plan of Action to Prevent,
shape of technical measures informed by scien-
Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and
tific knowledge (Bush and Oosterveer 2019,
Unregulated Fishing (IPOA-IUU);
p. 79). These technical measures are naturally
• FAO International Guidelines for the Manage-
restrictive and aimed at controlling input or out-
ment of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas
put dimensions of the fishing activity. Bellido
(Deep-sea Fisheries Guidelines);
et al have suggested a clarification in the classifi-
• FAO International Plan of Action for the Con-
cation of these technical measures, which is
servation and Management of Sharks (IPOA-
presented below (Bellido et al. 2020).
Input measures seek to limit fishing efforts and
• FAO International Plan of Action for the Man-
can be divided into two sub-categories:
agement of Fishing Capacity (IPOA-
Capacity); • Regulation of fleet characteristics and techni-
• FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Flag State Per- cal gear characteristics. Addressing the
formance (Flag State Guidelines); “how?”, these regulations can limit the effi-
• FAO International Guidelines on Bycatch ciency of gears and vessels by regulating tech-
Management and Reduction of Discards nical and operational characteristics (length
(Bycatch Guidelines); and engine power for vessels, design for fish-
• FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sus- ing gear) (Bellido et al. 2020).
tainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context • Regulation of fleet access to fishing grounds.
of Food Security and Poverty Eradication Answering the question “who, when and
(SSF Guidelines); where?”, this can restrict the number of fishing
• FAO Voluntary Guidelines on the Marking of vessels allowed in the fishery (through licens-
Fishing Gears; ing) and can also bring temporal restrictions by
• FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Catch Docu- controlling fishing time (by day or week) or by
mentation Scheme; setting up fishing seasons, as well as spatial
• Reykjavik Declaration on Responsible restrictions setting up specific areas open or
Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem; closed to certain fishing activities (Bellido
• CITES Resolutions relevant for international et al. 2020).
trade in CITES-listed commercially-exploited Output measures concentrate on the question
aquatic species, such as those resolutions “What and how much?”:
concerning introduction from the sea, • Regulation of what can be caught and what
non-detriment findings and legal acquisition can be retained on board. This includes regu-
findings (CITES Resolutions); and lation on the composition of the catch (permit-
• United Nations General Assembly Resolutions ted, vulnerable and prohibited species) and
(UNGA Resolutions) in particular those relat- regulation on commercial minimum size and
ing to oceans and the law of the sea and quotas and catch limits (TAC) (Bellido et al.
fisheries (COFI 2020). 2020).
Legal and Normative Challenges Behind Sustainable Seafood 193

These top-down command-and-control Oosterveer 2019). Pushed by the perceived

regulations present many challenges. The correct failures of governments to adequately and sus-
application of the optimum utilisation model tainably manage fisheries, civil society decided
requires extensive scientific knowledge and tech- to step in (Bush and Oosterveer 2019, p. 108).
nical expertise (Allison 2001, p. 940). Indeed, the US-based family philanthropic foundations,
MSY and TAC system relies on stock NGOs and industry entered partnerships and
assessments that require advanced numerical developed market-based tools in order to foster
modelling skills and precise data. In 2020, only change in the seafood industry.
25% of the global catch was from numerically The theory of change (Roheim et al. 2018,
assessed stocks. For data-limited and capacity- p. 392) behind their logic was to say that con-
poor fisheries, assessing stocks proves extremely sumer demand had the power to drive change in
challenging (FAO 2020). Moreover, it also the production. Therefore, the role of the NGOs
requires heavy technological capacity for control was to harness consumer demand to create eco-
and enforcement, which most countries lack. This nomic incentives for well-managed fisheries.
lack of scientific information, enforcement capac- To help consumers make responsible choices,
ity, and even political will led several iconic NGOs developed guides (e.g. Monterey Bay
fisheries to their decline, raising concerns in Aquarium Seafood Watch10) and eco-labels
civil society about the capacity of governments (e.g. Marine Stewardship Council,11 Friends of
to redress the situation (Allison 2001, p. 940). the Sea12) in order to provide signals of ‘measur-
Even developed states were criticised for their able’ sustainability (Bush and Oosterveer 2019,
failure to manage their own fisheries (Birnie and p. 2). These initiatives led to the development of
Boyle 2002; Christie 2006). This drove civil soci- norms, principles and standards attempting to
ety to intervene, beginning what would eventu- “define and codify sustainability” (Bush and
ally be called the sustainable seafood movement, Oosterveer 2019). Building on the key principles
and developing a third level of norms (Roheim of the existing legal regime under UNCLOS, and
et al. 2018). concentrating, similarly, on the process of pro-
duction, these initiatives went further by translat-
ing these principles into evidence-based criteria
5 The Sustainable Seafood (Bush and Oosterveer 2019). This approach
Movement and the Audit draws on the ‘audit culture’ that believes a phe-
Culture Era nomenon should be measured in order to be man-
aged (Parlee and Wiber 2014, p. 98). Using
The sustainable seafood movement began in the performance indicators and benchmarks, the
1970s mainly in the US and the EU. For nearly auditing process measures different properties
three decades NGOs campaigned before states (e.g. environmental, ecological, institutional) of
and raised public awareness around specific the phenomenon (Parlee and Wiber 2014,
issues related to the depletion of fish stocks and pp. 96–111). From there, it evaluates how it
other iconic species, encouraging consumers to performs against a specific standard. The audit is
make informed choices when buying seafood. usually checked by an independent, trusted third
Campaigns and boycotts were the main tools party, to increase credibility. Auditing originally
used by NGOs to pursue their goals (Bush and sought to measure and provide information on
Oosterveer 2019, pp. 106–106). In the 1990s, fisheries’ sustainability achievements (Parlee
following high-profile cases such as the collapse and Wiber 2014, p. 98). In practice, it is often
of the cod stocks in the North Atlantic, the large-
scale killing of dolphins by tuna purse seiners in
the Eastern Pacific and illegal fishing of Chilean 10
seabass in the South Pacific, the sustainable sea- https://www.msc.org/.
food movement took an important turn (Bush and https://friendofthesea.org/.
194 J. Woronoff

Table 1 MSC Fisheries Standard (MSC 2018)

Principle 1: Sustainable target fish stocks
A fishery must be conducted in a manner that does not lead to over-fishing or depletion of the exploited populations
and, for those populations that are depleted, the fishery must be conducted in a manner that demonstrably leads to their
Principle 2: Environmental impact of fishing
Fishing operations should allow for the maintenance of the structure, productivity, function and diversity of the
ecosystem (including habitat and associated dependent and ecologically related species) on which the fishery depends.
Principle 3: Effective management
The fishery is subject to an effective management system that respects local, national and international laws and
standards and incorporates institutional and operational frameworks that require use of the resource to be responsible
and sustainable.

used to “create behavioural changes among target response to criticism by other NGOs or
groups”, pushing for individual performance stakeholders.14 New public rules and private
(Parlee and Wiber 2014). initiatives seek greater professionalism and
The first initiative of its kind and scope is the improved regulation of eco-certifications in
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) initiative, order to maintain trust in the sustainable seafood
which is still regarded today as the leader in the movement.
market (CBI Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2021). It
all started with the unexpected decision of the
WWF and Unilever to partner and create the 6 Interactions of Norms:
MSC in 1996. Following this, extensive interna- Collaboration and Competition
tional consultations and discussions took place
involving technicians and scientists as well as As the number of seafood certification schemes
many stakeholder organisations, such as NGOs, and voluntary claims exploded, fear of confusion
fish processors, retailers, groups of fishermen, and misleading information rose. The EU had
academic institutions and government research been discussing the possibility of regulating
institutions, in order to define what a sustainable eco-labels, or even creating a public fishery
fishery should be.13 At the end of the process, eco-label (Directorate-General for Maritime
three principles were established to recognise Affairs and Fisheries 2016). It finally decided
sustainable fisheries (Table 1). not to take these options, afraid it would raise
These 3 principles, largely inspired by the consistency issues through “a dual role of the
international law of the sea, were further divided EU in improving environmental sustainability
into 28 performance indicators (PIs) (6 PIs for through the [Common Fisheries Policy] and
Principle 1, 15 PIs for Principle 2 and 7 PIs for setting criteria for assessing sustainability”
Principle 3). Detailed instructions and guidelines through an eco-label (Directorate-General for
also add information on how to assess the differ- Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2016, p. 10).
ent PI (MSC 2018, p. 3). With this level of preci- However, to ensure the credibility of a certifica-
sion, the standard aims to bridge the gap between tion scheme, EU regulations are meta-governing
the theoretical principles set out in international (Samerwong et al. 2017) eco-certification.
instruments and their practical implementation by Indeed, provision of environmental information
governments. These PIs, guidelines and on a voluntary basis is allowed, provided that it is
instructions have evolved over the years, in

See review process on the MSC website <https://www.
For a more detailed idea of the debates, see standards/the-fisheries-standard-review>, accessed
Kumar (1998). 1 February 2022.
Legal and Normative Challenges Behind Sustainable Seafood 195

clear, unambiguous and verifiable.15 In the area of returns of their fisheries’ potential certification,
certification, requirements for accreditation are governments are often willing to implement the
set by Regulation (EC) No 765/2008.16 In line standard’s requirements by adapting their
with this Regulation, certification bodies are con- national laws or influencing RFMOs regulations.
trolled by one single national public The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission RFMO
accreditation body. (IOTC) Resolution 16/02 (IOTC 2016) is an
Besides these mandatory regulations, other excellent example, as it sets up harvest control
global voluntary standards have been developed rules and reference points that correspond exactly
to provide guidance on voluntary claims, such as to the conditions required for the Maldives Skip-
those of the FAO, the International Organization jack Tuna Fishery to achieve MSC certification
for Standardization (ISO),17 the ISEAL alliance18 (Karavias 2019). The Action Plan, set up by the
and the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative independent assessment body for MSC in 2009,
(GSSI),19 setting up ‘standards of the standards’ required the involvement of the Maldives govern-
(Bush and Oosterveer 2019, p. 2), using the same ment in order to get a new Resolution at the IOTC
audit approach. The MSC itself states on its level. The MSC Fisheries Standard and Guidance
website that it is compliant with standard setting (MSC 2018, pp. 153–156) requested to set the
best practice, listing the following standards: biomass limit reference point to 20% of the
FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing, unfished spawning biomass, and the biomass tar-
FAO Guidelines for the ecolabelling of fish and get reference point to 40% of the unfished
fishery products from marine capture fisheries, spawning biomass. Following through on this
GSSI benchmarking tool, ISEAL Standard- Action Plan, the Maldives government
setting code of good practice, ISEAL Impacts demonstrated its commitment to “provide the
code of good practice, ISEAL Assurance code necessary support to achieve the implementation
of good practice, ISO 17011 (accreditation), ISO of [the] Action Plan” (Ministry of Fisheries and
17065 (certification) and ISO 19011 (auditing) Agricultures of Maldives 2012). The push for a
(MSC 2022). new resolution by the Maldives government at the
With public and private regulations and IOTC (IOTC 2015) culminated in the adoption of
standards influencing the MSC standard, the latter Resolution 16/02 and the certification of the
has had a massive influence when it comes to Maldives Skipjack Tuna Fishery.
national and international fisheries regulations Other initiatives are also using the MSC
(Karavias 2019). Indeed, for each assessed fish- standards as their own standard. Fishery Improve-
ery, a detailed plan is provided on how to improve ment Projects (FIP) aim to help problematic
national and international regulations in order to fisheries improve their management in order to
obtain certification. Attracted by the economic gain better access to international markets.20 An
FIP is a pre-competitive collaboration allowing
Regulation (EU) 1379/2013 of the European Parliament different levels of stakeholders to join forces to
and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on the common address environmental challenges in a fishery
organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture (Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions
products, amending Council Regulations (EC) 1184/2006
and (EC) 1224/2009 and repealing Council Regulation
2021). Increasingly driven by suppliers and
(EC) 104/2000 (CMO Regulation) [2013] OJ L 354/1, industry, and less and less by NGOs, the FIP
art. 39(1) and 39(4). model is spreading all over the world (CEA Con-
Regulation (EC) 765/2008 of the European Parliament sulting 2020). It requires assessment of the
and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the fisheries against the MSC standards to guide and
requirements for accreditation and market surveillance
relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regu- prepare the improvement project. The Ecuadorian
lation (EEC) 339/93 [2008] OJ L 218/30. Mahi Mahi FIP worked with the government of
19 20
https://www.ourgssi.org/. See https://fisheryprogress.org/.
196 J. Woronoff

Ecuador to improve the management of its fish- and requires all fishing states to secure an agree-
ery.21 For that purpose, and under the leadership ment on TAC in line with scientific advice for the
of the WWF, they developed with the govern- fisheries to stay MSC certified (The Fishing Daily
ment a National Plan of Action aligned with the 2021).
FIP workplan. This resulted in improvements to The auditing approach dominating the sustain-
national regulations, such as better data collection able seafood movement appears to be effective in
and analysis, an on-board observer programme, a influencing legislation. However, it has the weak-
closed season and a minimum landing size. Since ness of being rigid and uniform. Indeed, even if
then, other FIPs (the small pelagic FIP and tuna some indicators are not suitable, participants will
FIP) in Ecuador and elsewhere (e.g. Peru22) have have to implement them. Diversity is therefore
been using a similar model of a National Action not encouraged. The MSC standard works well
Plan (CEA Consulting 2020). in a top-down centralised large-scale
More and more initiatives are seeing powerful organisation. However, it has proved much harder
stakeholders (retailers for the most part) join to implement when it comes to small-scale
forces to put pressure on governments to imple- fisheries, coastal fishing communities or
ment the MSC standard (Neil Daly 2020). In co-management systems (Parlee and Wiber
February 2020, international buyers wrote an 2014, p. 106).
open letter to Thailand’s government to preserve
fishery reforms (International Buyers 2020).
Another letter signed by 22 members of the Sus- 7 Conclusion
tainable Seafood Coalition (SSC)—all major
buyers of seafood in the UK—was sent on Using a global and historical perspective, we have
September 8, 2020, to the UK government asking been able to observe the different layers of norms
for vital changes to be made to the Fisheries Bill, influencing the sustainability of the fishery sector:
under discussion at the time (ClientEarth 2020). (1) local arrangements to self-regulate, (2) interna-
Letters and statements to RFMOs are also numer- tional principles implemented through top-down
ous, such as those from the Global Tuna Alliance command-and-control national legislation, and
(GTA) and the Tuna Protection Alliance (TUPA), (3) ‘voluntary’ auditable standards with measur-
concerned that “MSC-certified fisheries in the able indicators. Each of the layers have created
WCPFC will have their certifications suspended norms that currently compete, complement or
in 2022 [and t]his will impact the availability of replace each other, and influence actors’
MSC-certified tuna in the marketplace, as the behaviours (Parlee and Wiber 2014, p. 98). The
WCPFC is the largest source of tuna for most second and third layers appear to be dominating
western markets” (GTA and TUPA 2020). The the scene, working and interacting with each
North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group other quite efficiently from a normative perspec-
(NAPA)23 also decided to set up a ‘policy’ tive. However, this carries with it the risk of a
FIP24 even though their fisheries are in a uniform approach in quite a diverse sector.
healthy biological state. Although still unre- Awareness of the dominant themes could guide
solved, the issue lies at the management level the different actors to encourage more minor and
marginalised melodies, such as those that could
https://fisheryprogress.org/fip-profile/ecuador-mahi- strengthen the social and cultural aspect of the
mahi-longline. concept of sustainability (e.g. community-led
https://fisheryprogress.org/fip-profile/peru-mahi-mahi- and co-management approaches). Increasing the
longline-wwf. diversity of the approach could ease adaptation to
whatever the future may hold.
Legal and Normative Challenges Behind Sustainable Seafood 197

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Blue Economy and Sustainable
Development Beyond Boxes

Thauan Santos

Abstract 1 Introduction
The 2030 Agenda is made up of 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. The global political agenda has expanded its
However, when it comes to the marine and range of topics and actors in order to face the
maritime environment, references are often challenges of contemporary society. In this con-
only made to SDG 14, which limits the text, topics that were traditionally marginalised
integrated nature of the Agenda. Therefore, within the scope of International Relations have
this chapter aims to map the broader extent of begun to earn greater relevance, in more recent
the seas and ocean in this Agenda, within the years. Such topics include the environment, cli-
different SDGs. As part of our approach, we mate, and sustainable development.
will highlight the integrative and transversal Discussions on these issues began to appear
perspective of the blue economy, analysing with greater emphasis and frequency from the
the Brazilian case. As part of the main 1970s onwards due to a variety of factors (Pott
findings, we propose that the seas and ocean and Estrela 2017), such as (i) international oil
should be considered far beyond SDG crises (1973 and 1979); (ii) publication of ‘The
14, especially due to the direct and indirect Limits to Growth’ by the Club of Rome (1972);
interaction of this SDG with the others. In (iii) the eco-development concept, from the
addition, and considering the context of the Stockholm Conference (1972); (iv) the impor-
UN Ocean Decade, it is necessary to under- tance of environmental education, with the
stand the strategic relevance of this environ- Belgrade Charter (1975); and (v) the Intergovern-
ment and these resources in promoting mental Conference on Environmental Education,
sustainable development. between the United Nations Educational, Scien-
tific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and
Keywords the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) (1977).
Sustainable development · SDG · 2030 However, it was at the beginning of the
Agenda · Blue economy · Ocean twenty-first century that society witnessed the
first major global effort to promote sustainable
development. In 2000, the Millennium Develop-
ment Goals (MDGs) emerged, totalling 8 goals,
T. Santos (✉)
18 targets and 48 indicators. Fifteen years later,
Brazilian Naval War College (EGN), Rio de Janeiro,
Brasil the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Develop-
e-mail: thauan@marinha.mil.br ment Goals (SDGs) were launched. Based on
# The Author(s) 2023 199
M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
200 T. Santos

the MDGs, the SDGs totalled 17 goals, 169 targets including the marine resources within them,
and 232 indicators. consolidating the results of the main summits
In discussions on a number of themes, seas and and conferences held so far (Santos 2019). How-
ocean are often associated with SDG 14. Notwith- ever, contrary to (inter)national analyses, we pro-
standing, this chapter will criticise this perspec- pose a new approach to understand the role of the
tive, considering it to be limited and inconsistent seas and ocean from the perspective of the blue
with the 2030 Agenda itself, which is intended to economy, especially since SDG 14 is just one
be bold, transversal and interconnected. In this way to achieve and measure their sustainable
sense, we propose a broader view of sea resources development.
from the concept of blue economy; rather than
focusing only on marine life, we place the seas
and ocean at the centre of the 2030 Agenda, 2 Sustainable Development
particularly because of its long-term horizon and Beyond Boxes
its cross-cutting nature.
The structure of the chapter will follow that of In 2015, the 2030 Agenda was approved, leading
the qualitative research undertaken, which used a to the establishment of the Sustainable Develop-
method based on official documents, primary data ment Goals (SDGs), which came into effect as of
and a case study. Accordingly, the chapter will January 1, 2016. With 17 interconnected goals,
first present a review of the initial approach 169 targets and 232 associated indicators, the
suggested by the United Nations (UN) to frame ambitious 2030 Agenda was adopted by the
the goals in boxes, which suggests a certain United Nations (UN) to tackle the major
autonomy and independence between the SDGs. challenges of the twenty-first century. The set of
This section will consider the documents goals, targets and indicators focuses on people,
published by the UN from a normative perspec- planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships
tive. It is our understanding that the normative (known as ‘the 5Ps’) and can be understood as a
and institutional character of the goals contribute more holistic approach in comparison with
to the effective internationalisation of these the MDGs.
commitments. Following this review, the goals The agenda deals with different topics, such as
and indicators related to SDG 14 will be poverty (SDG 1), hunger (SDG 2), good health
presented, alongside a proposal for an alternative and well-being (SDG 3), quality education (SDG
analysis of the sea which is complementary to 4), gender equality (SDG 5), clean water and
SDG 14. In this section, we will first highlight sanitation (SDG 6), affordable and clean energy
the interlinkages and trade-offs between the dif- (SDG 7), decent work and economic growth
ferent SDGs and the sea, demonstrating that (SDG 8), industry, innovation and infrastructure
merely considering SDG 14 amounts to a pro- (SDG 9), inequalities (SDG 10), sustainable cities
found limitation of the analysis. The proposed and communities (SDG 11), responsible con-
alternative will be based on the concept of the sumption and production (SDG 12), climate
economy of the sea, thus expanding how the 2030 action (SDG 13), life below water (SDG 14),
Agenda deals with the seas and ocean. Finally, life on land (SDG 15), peace, justice and strong
the case of Brazil will be briefly evaluated, spe- institutions (SDG 16), and partnerships for the
cifically with regard to the role of the sea in the goals (SDG 17). It is worth noting that SDG
2030 Agenda. In this last section, we will con- 17 has a particular feature, since it deals with
sider studies that provide a specific analysis of the means of implementation (MoI), such as finance,
Brazilian case, in addition to national initiatives technology, capacity, trade, Policy Coherence for
by companies and the State. Sustainable Development (PCSD), partnership
Thus, we highlight that the 2030 Agenda and data (OECD 2015). In parallel, some SDGs
represents a new impetus towards cleaner, health- also have their own MoI.
ier, and more productive and resilient ocean,
Blue Economy and Sustainable Development Beyond Boxes 201

Awareness of the risks associated with an outside the circle’ as underlying goals for Means
interpretation limited to closed boxes around the of Implementation and other governance-related
respective themes led not only to the inclusion of targets. (Niestroy 2016, p. 10).
the colour wheel in the SDGs logo but also to Despite the alternative nature of these
broader academic debate on the need to consider approaches, many of them still reproduce the
and understand the 2030 Agenda in an integrated problems they propose to solve and overcome,
and combined way. Different actors, be they sub- laying bare the segmented logic of the SDGs.
national, national, or supranational, or public or The SDGs are highly influenced by the MDGs,
private, need to consider their activities as part of which divide the themes into different goals,
a whole to be achieved, and not a goal in them- targets and indicators; yet it may be limiting to
selves. In the light of this dilemma, there has been deal with the current challenges of an interna-
growing debate on clustering of the SDGs, in tional system in transition in different areas
addition to discussion on how to identify and using the same logic and pre-existing instruments
measure their interdependence and mutual (Santos and Santos 2017). Some of these
influences, whether positive or negative. challenges become even more complex on certain
In fact, there are different interlinkages and agendas, due to the multi-level governance struc-
trade-offs between the 17 goals (Lu et al. 2015; ture involved. In these cases, it is necessary to
Santos and Santos 2017; Allen et al. 2018; Nerini consider different layers of hierarchies, putting
et al. 2018; Scherer et al. 2018; Breuer et al. 2019; together trade-offs between domestic and interna-
Lusseau and Mancini 2019; Moyer and Bohl tional coordination. This is precisely the case for
2019; Pradhan 2019). Therefore, the success of the seas and ocean.
the 2030 Agenda depends on the joint reach of the Oceans cover more than 70% of the planet’s sur-
different SDGs, precisely because they need to be face and play a crucial role in planetary resilience
thought of collectively. In some cases, as will be and the provision of vital ecosystem services.
shown in the following section, the achievement [Given this key role,] the 2030 Agenda for Sustain-
able Development puts use and conservation of the
of a specific goal associated with a given SDG ocean and its resources, including coastal areas,
can compromise or even hinder the achievement into the wider sustainable development context for
of another goal, which justifies this complex joint the first time (Schmidt et al. 2017, p. 177).
The main objective of this section was, therefore,
The nexus approach can provide a wider hori-
to highlight the specialist literature, briefly
zontal and vertical policy integration (Lucas et al.
presenting the theoretical discussion around
2016), so ‘responsibilities should be defined,
limitations to a structural way of considering the
accountability systems put in place, and human
2030 Agenda, particularly from its 17 SDGs. In
capacities built accordingly’ (Waage et al. 2015,
the next section, we analyse the 2030 Agenda
p. 87). As an example, van Soest et al. (2019) put
with specific focus on the seas, both because
SDGs 13, 14 and 15 together in an earth system these are an important environment for certain
cluster, aiming to identify the synergies and trade-
economic activities in the future and also because
offs in meeting multiple SDGs simultaneously,
they cover a wide range of sectors and actors who
through Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs). need to interact, both nationally and internation-
In line with these authors who propose different
ally, to achieve the goals and targets proposed by
frameworks for structuring and clustering the
the 2030 Agenda in an integrated and coherent
SDGs, Niestroy (2016) suggests three concentric way. This discussion on a global scale is essential
circles as a tool to cluster the SDGS based on
because, although ‘the protection of ocean areas
‘well-being’ (SDGs 1, 3, 4, 5 and 10), ‘produc-
under national jurisdiction is increasing, (. . .)
tion, distribution and delivery of goods and more than 60 per cent of oceans are still beyond
services’ (SDGs 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12), and
national jurisdiction, and only about 1 per cent of
‘natural environment’ (SDGs 13, 14 and 15). As
the area is covered’ (UN 2019, p. 28).
already mentioned, SDGs 16 and 17 are ‘placed
202 T. Santos

3 The Sea and the SDGs sanitation for all (Essex et al. 2020). However,
when it comes to marine resources and, therefore,
In the 1980s a broader debate began to emerge on seas and ocean, different scientific publications,
the need to structure global governance of the national reports and documents from international
seas and ocean, especially in the light of the organisations focus exclusively on SDG
challenges that were arising at that time (Rothwell 14 (UN 2016).
and VanderZwaag 2006; Ryan 2015). Figure 1 In summary, SDG 14 addresses marine pollu-
presents a timeline highlighting the main tion (14.1), healthy ocean (restoration of
milestones related with this area, taking into ecosystems) (14.2), ocean acidification (14.3),
account events at UN level. sustainable fishing (overfishing) (14.4), marine
Considering the context of the SDGs, the anal- protected areas (14.5), fisheries subsidies (14.6),
ysis of this section will focus on the post-2030 economic benefits for Small Island Developing
Agenda period (after 2015). As stated in the pre- States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries
vious section, the 2030 Agenda can be interpreted (LDCs) (14.7), knowledge and technology
as a kind of extension and updating of the MDGs, (14a), small scale fishers (14b), and development
which already considered marine resources, even and implementation of law (14c). SDG 14’s focus
if only marginally. In fact, MDG 7 was about on the biological and environmental perspective
ensuring environmental sustainability, focusing is, thus, quite evident, while also considering the
mainly on life on land, although target 7.b sought asymmetry between different states in the inter-
to protect terrestrial and marine ecosystems, national system with specific reference to SIDS
addressing, for example, protected coastal areas and LDCs.
and overexploitation of fish (UN 2015; Santos As indicated above, most works on the rele-
2019). Most likely as a consequence of how this vance of the seas and ocean in the 2030 Agenda
theme was addressed within the scope of the tend to focus exclusively on SDG 14. They only
MDGs, the 2030 Agenda would again treat consider the seas and ocean as an environment
water resources in a limited and biased manner. that can be polluted and, therefore, that must be
To understand this limitation, this section will preserved. The social and economic view
be divided into two subsections to facilitate an associated with activities that depend directly on
understanding of the methodological approach of the seas and ocean is discredited, appearing only
this chapter. In the first sub-section, we will ana- marginally in goals 14.4, 14.6 and 14.b (which
lyse the relevance of the seas from the perspective deal with fishing, including artisanal activity) and
traditionally followed in relation to the 2030 14.7 (which deals with economic benefits for
Agenda, i.e. from the perspective of SDG 14. SIDS and LDCs).
On the other hand, the second sub-section, As regards the SDG clustering proposal
although it fits within the framework of the presented in the previous section, van Soest
SDGs (precisely because it is the current long- et al. (2019) show little interaction between
term global proposal), is not limited to SDG 14 or SDG 14 and the other SDGs, the closest interac-
simply its interlinkages and trade-offs. tion being with SDG 13 (climate change). Le
Blanc (2015) stresses the close relationship
between SDG 14 and SDG 8 (growth and
3.1 Stuck Inside the Box employment) and SDG 12 (sustainable consump-
tion and production), concluding that the SDGs
As presented in the previous section, the 2030 are completer and more interconnected than the
Agenda has 17 SDGs, two of which (SDG 6 and MDGs. The OECD (2015) highlights the close
SDG 14) deal directly with the ‘water’ natural relationship between SDG 14 and the environ-
resource. SDG 6 seeks to ensure the availability ment dimension of the 2030 Agenda, although
and sustainable management of water and some of its targets touch the economic (14.1,
1982 1992 1993 1994 1995 2003 2012 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019

1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

SGs 5 years Action Agenda
The Ocean
LOS Convention Agenda 21 Creation of Manila Declaration Conference
(Chapter 17) UN-Oceans (Lisbon)
Creation RISE UP
BPOA 2030 Agenda
COP 25
Blue Economy and Sustainable Development Beyond Boxes

The Ocean Conference ‘Blue COP’(Madrid)

(New York)
Sustainable Blue
UN Fish Stocks Decade of Ocean Economy Conference

Fig. 1 Main sea-related milestones on the global agenda. Source: Own elaboration; Programme of Action, UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,
LOS Law of the Sea, ACC SOCA Areas of the Administrative Committee on SAMOA SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action, SIDS Small Island Developing States,
Coordination – subcommittee on Oceans and Coastal Areas, BPOA Barbados RISE UP a blue call to action, COP Conference of Parties
204 T. Santos

14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6 and 14.7) and social (14.3, However, as the political framework that the SDGs
14.6 and 14.7) dimensions. provide does not reflect the full picture and as some
areas and goals are rather weakly connected
The SDSN (2015) proposes three monitoring (in particular the SDGs 14 Oceans [. . .]), attempts
levels for SDG14, namely national, global and towards policy integration will require the inclusion
thematic. Among the themes to be considered, of studies on biophysical, social and economic
its close relationship with SDGs 2, 6, 12, 13 and systems (Niestroy 2016, p. 12).
15 is stressed, especially when it comes to pollu- Although this may not be the best method for
tion, protection, resilience, ocean acidification, considering the relevance of seas and ocean,
overfishing, sustainable management, biodiver- even an analysis limited to SDG 14 shows that
sity loss, illegal, unreported and unregulated there are some co-benefits to achieving its targets.
(IUU) fishing (at the national level), nutrition, In a similar way to SDGs 11, 13, 16, and 17, SDG
scientific cooperation, economic contribution, 14 also has trade-offs and non-associations with
and ocean health. The Council’s 2017 report other SDGs in the future. Therefore, consider-
proposes an analysis beyond trade-offs and ation of seas and ocean in the context of the
synergies through the seven-point scale, 2030 Agenda requires a change of perspective,
suggesting some extra relations between SDG mainly because of the cross-cutting nature of this
14 and the other SDGs not aforementioned—in theme. This will be the main focus of the follow-
line with Santos (2019). Table 1 shows the ing subsection.
co-benefits between SDG 14 targets and other
SDGs based on a colour scale.
Therefore, SDG 14 has a closer relationship 3.2 Released Outside the Box
through co-benefits with SDGs 1, 2, 11, 13 and
15. In practice, there is a strong trade-off relation- Table 1 shows the targets and indicators for SDG
ship with SDG 2 (OECD 2015) and SDG 14, which are often used to highlight the rele-
11, which can eventually become synergies vance of the seas in the context of the 2030
(Kroll et al. 2019) from the appropriate stimuli if Agenda. Although these targets have
mutual policies and strategies are adopted. These interlinkages and trade-offs, we argue that they
interlinkages and trade-offs are quite limited, provide a limited understanding of the real rele-
however, because, despite SDG 14’s connection vance of the seas with regard to the sustainable
with urgent global themes, it effectively deals development agenda. Hence, we propose that the
only with marine life. integrative and interdisciplinary perspective of

Table 1 Co-benefits between SDG 14 targets and other SDGs (colour scale)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Source: Own and adapted elaboration based on Nereus Program; Scale: 100% and 10%
Blue Economy and Sustainable Development Beyond Boxes 205

the blue economy should be used, since it seas and ocean in the 2030 Agenda, both due to
highlights the different activities and economic the start of the Ocean Decade (2021–2030), and
sectors that use the seas and ocean. to the postponement of the Ocean Conference
Specific to each country, the concept of econ- (2020). There is a need for this paradigm shift,
omy of the sea is limited to activities directly and still within the era of the 2030 Agenda, to ensure
indirectly related to the seas (Carvalho 2018) and that the complexity of sectors related to the seas
can be understood as a strategic and analytical and ocean is properly addressed in terms of policy
policy of regional development capable of and governance design.
contributing to the formulation of public policies Among the sectors covered by the ocean econ-
(Santos and Carvalho 2020). Because blue econ- omy, the following stand out: defence and (inter)-
omy considers a greater diversity of sectors and national security; fishing and aquaculture;
actors involved in activities directly (and indi- offshore energies; offshore mineral resources;
rectly) related to the use of the seas, this perspec- transport, logistics and maritime infrastructure;
tive allows the sea to be more easily and shipbuilding and repair; tourism, sport and lei-
appropriately explored, managed, and protected sure; environment and climate (Santos 2019).
(Santos 2019). Thus, we propose a broader and These sectors, with their related national and geo-
more comprehensive analysis of the seas with political impacts, contemplate much more than
regard to the 2030 Agenda from the perspective just ‘marine life’, which is the focus of SDG 14.
of the blue economy. Accordingly, we may high- That is precisely why this chapter proposes an
light several initiatives that have taken place since ‘outside-the-box’ approach when thinking of the
2015 (as shown in Fig. 1), including: seas, SDG 14 being the ‘box’ that limits society’s
broader perception of the sea in the 2030 Agenda.
• 2017: Announcement of the Decade of Ocean
We are not advocating that the SDG approach is
Science for Sustainable Development
inadequate or inappropriate, or something differ-
(2021–2030) and The Ocean Conference
ent from what the world has been doing, but by
(New York, United States);
associating the seas only with SDG 14, a
• 2018: Sustainable Blue Economy Conference
biological bias is created, simplifying their
(Nairobi, Kenya);
intersectoral nature.
• 2019: COP 25, ‘Blue COP’ (Madrid,
Given this context, we propose a perspective
Spain); and
that considers the relevance of the seas from the
• 2020: “RISE UP – a blue call to action”—
perspective of the blue economy, not limited to
officially launched in February, at the prepara-
SDG 14 but encompassing all the SDGs that have
tory meeting for the UN Ocean Conference.
a relationship with socioeconomic activities
The Ocean Conference 2020 was scheduled to related to the seas and ocean. Therefore, Table 2
take place in Lisbon (Portugal) between 2 and presents other sea-related SDGs, and their targets
6 June 2020. However, according to their official and issues, beyond SDG 14 itself, based on the
website note published on 14 April 2020: sectors related to the blue economy presented
In light of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pan- above and using key sentences from the 2030
demic and growing public health concerns, the Agenda itself.
2020 United Nations Ocean Conference (. . .) has As can be seen from the methodological pro-
been postponed per decision 74/548 adopted by the posal of this chapter, seas and ocean cover a much
General Assembly on Monday, 13 April 2020 at 3:
01 p.m. Co-hosts of the Conference Kenya and broader and more transversal spectrum in the
Portugal in consultation with the General Assembly 2030 Agenda. Unlike Table 1 and the discussion
will decide on possible future dates for the Confer- of interlinkages and trade-offs presented in the
ence, including timelines for the preparatory previous section, which were limited to
identifying the relevance from the perspective of
Thus, 2021 and 2022 seem to be favourable years the SDG 14 targets, Table 2 demonstrates how
for expansion and deepening of the debate on the different targets of sea-related SDGs have an
206 T. Santos

Table 2 Other sea-related SDGs beyond SDG 14, and their targets and issues
SDG Target Sea-Related Issue
1 1.1 ‘eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere’
1.2 ‘reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all
its dimensions’
1.5 ‘reduce their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events’
1.a ‘provide adequate and predictable means for developing countries, in particular least developed
countries, to implement programmes and policies’
1.b ‘sound policy frameworks at the national, regional and international levels, based on pro-poor and
gender-sensitive development strategies’
2 2.1 ‘end hunger’
2.2 ‘end all forms of malnutrition’
3 3.9 ‘substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and
soil pollution and contamination’
6 6.1 ‘achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all’
6.3 ‘improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of
hazardous chemicals and materials’
6.4 ‘substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and
supply of freshwater to address water scarcity’
6.5 ‘implement integrated water resources management at all levels’
6.6 ‘protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers
and lakes’
6.a ‘expand international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing countries in water- and
sanitation-related activities and programmes’
6.b ‘Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation
7 7.2 ‘increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix’
7.a ‘enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology’
8 8.1 ‘Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances’
8.3 ‘Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation,
entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-,
small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services’
8.4 ‘Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and
endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation’
8.9 ‘devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local
culture and products’
8.a ‘Increase Aid for Trade support for developing countries, in particular least developed countries’
8.b ‘develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment’
9 9.1 ‘Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder
9.3 ‘Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing
9.4 ‘upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable’
9.a ‘Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through
enhanced financial, technological and technical support’
9.b ‘Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries’
9.c ‘Significantly increase access to information and communications technology’
10 10.2 ‘empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all’
10.6 ‘Ensure enhanced representation and voice for developing countries in decision-making in global
international economic and financial institutions’
10.7 ‘Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through
the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies’
10.a ‘Implement the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries’
Blue Economy and Sustainable Development Beyond Boxes 207

Table 2 (continued)
SDG Target Sea-Related Issue
11 11.4 ‘Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage’
11.5 ‘significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially
decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters,
including water-related disasters’
11.6 ‘reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to
air quality and municipal and other waste management’
11.b ‘substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing
integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to
climate change, resilience to disasters’
11.c ‘Support least developed countries, including through financial and technical assistance, in building
sustainable and resilient buildings utilizing local materials’
12 12.2 ‘achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources’
12.3 ‘halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along
production and supply chains’
12.4 ‘achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life
12.b ‘Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism
that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products’
12.c ‘Rationalize inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption by removing market
13 13.1 ‘Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all
13.2 ‘Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning’
13.3 ‘Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change
mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning’
13.b ‘Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and
management in least developed countries and small island developing States’
15 15.1 ‘ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater
ecosystems and their service’
15.5 ‘Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of
biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species’
15.7 ‘Take urgent action to end poaching and trafficking of protected species of flora and fauna and address
both demand and supply of illegal wildlife products’
15.8 ‘introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien
species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species’
15.9 ‘integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning’
15.a ‘Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably
use biodiversity and ecosystems’
15.c ‘Enhance global support for efforts to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species’
16 16.7 ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’
16.8 ‘Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global
16.a ‘Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building
capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries’
16.b ‘Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development’
17 17.3 ‘Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources’
17.6 ‘Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and
access to science, technology and innovation and enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed
17.7 ‘Promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound
technologies to developing countries on favourable terms’
208 T. Santos

Table 2 (continued)
SDG Target Sea-Related Issue
17.9 ‘Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in
developing countries to support national plans’
17.16 ‘Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder
17.17 ‘Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships’
17.18 ‘enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries
and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and
reliable data’
Source: Own elaboration based on UN (2016)

impact on the blue economy, which should not be and offshore activities, for example. Thus, there is
measured only from SDG 14. In the light of the a clear interface between all the SDGs in the 2030
proposed methodological paradigm, the impact of Agenda and activities related to the blue econ-
SDGs 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and omy, even though, in most cases, these
16 on sea and ocean activities is evident. It is also relationships are not even mentioned. This is the
worth noting that some of these SDGs suggest case of the relationship with SDGs 7 and 17; in
their own means of implementation (MoI). the first case, although it has already been proven
Among the main activities and sectors that there is enormous potential for sea energies in
involved, the following may be highlighted: certain regions (waves, ocean currents, tidal and
socioeconomic development; fishing; research, OTEC, for example), these continue to be
development and innovation (RD & I); maritime marginalised with regard to the current energy
infrastructure; biodiversity and sustainability; and transition; in the case of SDG 17, although the
public policies through partnerships with private goal is to ‘strengthen the means of implementa-
sectors, as well as through regional and interna- tion’, paradoxically this is ignored in most
tional cooperation. However, although SDGs analyses.
4 and 5 were not considered in the analysis, they
are also related to the blue economy, for example,
through the following targets: 4 Is Brazil in or Outside the Box?
• 4.4 ‘increase the number of youth and adults
Following on from the literature review and the
who have relevant skills, including technical
methodological proposal based on the perspective
and vocational skills, for employment, decent
of the blue economy, this section will briefly
jobs and entrepreneurship’;
analyse the case of Brazil. This analysis makes
• 4.5 ‘eliminate gender disparities in education
perfect sense, given that almost 20% of the
and ensure equal access to all levels of
country’s population, production, and formal
jobs are related to the ocean economy (Carvalho
• 4.7 ‘ensure that all learners acquire the knowl-
2018). In addition, Brazil’s coastline is 8698 km
edge and skills needed to promote sustainable
long and covers an area of approximately
development’; and
514,000 km2, 324,000 km2 of which correspond
• 5.c ‘Adopt and strengthen sound policies and
to the territory of coastal municipalities, compris-
enforceable legislation for the promotion of
ing 19 of the 36 Brazilian metropolitan regions on
gender equality and the empowerment of all
the coast.
women and girls at all levels.’
In its Voluntary National Review, which aims
In this way, it is possible to identify relationships to provide information about the process of pre-
with education, due to the profile of workers in paring Brazil for the implementation of the 2030
certain maritime activities, and gender, in fishing Agenda, the country highlights national
Blue Economy and Sustainable Development Beyond Boxes 209

governance, the need to adapt some targets and linked), Peru (1), Suriname (1), Uruguay (1) and
the consequent definition of national indicators Venezuela (1). Particularly addressing the cross-
(Brazil 2017). The Review states that 85.8% of impact of prioritised global targets and their
the targets and 78.4% of the SDG indicators were interactions in the Brazilian context, Oliveira
related to the Pluriannual Plan (PPA, Portuguese et al. (2019) provide an empirical method, based
acronym) 2016–2019, which is the main medium- on current perceptions of experts about the imple-
term planning tool for government actions. mentation of the SDG framework at the national
Regarding the seas and ocean, it presents the level. They show that among the ‘determinant
National Policy for the Resources of the Sea targets’ that play a key role in the planning and
(PNRM, Portuguese acronym) and the National implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Brazil,
Coastal Management Plan (PNGC, Portuguese none comes from SDG 14.
acronym), as well as their interface with the It is, then, evident that the Brazilian case
National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change reproduces the analyses and policies carried out
(PNA, Portuguese acronym), with the Program abroad. Following the ‘recipe’, the analyses have
for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodi- considered only the impact of a certain SDG
versity, and with the Fisheries and Aquaculture target on the SDG 14 goals and, at most, vice
Program. This shows and confirms that the versa. However, as demonstrated, this proposal
Brazilian focus given to the seas and ocean is limits the political sphere of action of actors
limited to the SDG 14 approach, which has been nationally and globally, as the objectives are lim-
criticised in this article. ited (and framed) by targets, instead of being
The country established the National Commis- considered by sector (which would require a
sion for the Sustainable Development Goals, more transversal perspective – which, paradoxi-
responsible for advancing the process of locating cally, is exactly the 2030 Agenda proposal).
the targets and indicators of the SDGs, which
benefits from the participation of civil society,
governments and the presidency, as well as the 5 Conclusions
permanent advice of the Brazilian Institute of
Geography and Statistics (IBGE, Portuguese Given its particular nature, including from a legal,
acronym) and the Institute for Applied Economic political and economic point of view, the rele-
Research (IPEA, Portuguese acronym). Consider- vance of the seas (and ocean) must be understood
ing SDG 14, the Brazilian adequacy proposal is well beyond SDG 14. Even limited inside its box,
that, of the 10 targets, all (100%) apply to the it is clear that tackling SDG 14 targets is neither
country, 3 (30%) have already been adapted to the easy nor trivial, which we do not intend to suggest
national reality, 7 (70%) are still being through our broader and bolder proposal. SDG
implemented and no target was created (Viana 14 per se will require robust international cooper-
2017). According to the ODS Brazil Platform, ation and coordination to protect the ocean and
updated on April 1, 2020, only 1 indicator has preserve fish and other marine resources. This
been produced (14.5.1), 6 are under analysis/con- will require a reformulation of the current gover-
struction (14.2.1, 14.6.1, 14.7.1, 14.a.1, 14.b.1 nance of the ocean and fisheries, which is often
and 14.c.1), and 3 are without data (14.1.1, implemented in a disjointed manner by different
14.3.1 and 14.4.1). agencies.
In addition, according to the World Resource In the perspective inside the SDG 14 box, even
Institute (WRI), there are no linkages between the the contributions that consider its interlinkages
Brazilian Nationally Determined Contributions and trade-offs point to little relationship between
(NDCs) and SDG 14. On the other hand, it is SDG 14 and the other goals of the agenda, which
worth noting that in South America, other does not appear to be a reasonable argument
countries present this relationship between given the transversality and capillarity of this
NDCs and SDGs, including Ecuador (2 targets sea agenda. In fact, there are too many issues at
210 T. Santos

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Part IV
Law, Genetic Resources and Biotechnology
A Legal Approach to Fostering Green
Infrastructure for Improved Water
and Energy Efficiency

Paula Castro and Raquel Carvalho

Abstract cities”, mitigate the heat island effect and con-

Over the last 30 years, numerous protocols, tribute to thermal efficiency of buildings. and
agreements, and conventions were signed to air quality, with a significant effect in public
ensure that environmental protection related to health.
climate change, pollutants, biodiversity, soil Current construction standards do not lay
erosion, and water quality, among others, is down strict environmentally friendly
part of the agenda, and the language of ecol- solutions. Laws and regulations have yet to
ogy has been introduced into political dis- become goal-oriented, holistic, and interdisci-
course and public policies. However, this plinary. How could (r)evolution in the law
does not appear to have been sufficient and help green infrastructures to thrive?
there remains a need for national and interna-
tional instruments that respect all future Keywords
citizens. Green roofs · Climate change · Energy
Buildings account for around 40% of EU efficiency · Sustainability · Urban law · SDGs
energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse 11 and 13
gas emissions. Ways of reducing the energy
consumed by buildings have already been
developed, in addition to methods to improve 1 Introduction
water management. One such approach is the
so-called ecosystem service-based approach When faced with extreme, unpredictable climate
for green infrastructure, with nature-based change-related situations, society’s apparent lack
solutions that involve much more than bring- of awareness and the insufficient technical prepa-
ing nature to cities. Green roofs retain water in ration of political and administrative agents are
times of heavy rain, especially in “waterproof barriers to implementing preventive measures and
solutions to mitigate the intensity and harmful-
P. Castro ness of environmental events. Any reflection on
Catholic University of Portugal, School of Biotechnology, this matter must therefore consider two major
Porto, Portugal spheres of action. A first focus must be on how
e-mail: plcastro@ucp.pt to address current situations affecting biodiversity
R. Carvalho (✉) and human health, resulting from the global rise
Catholic University of Portugal, Law School, Porto, in temperature, shortages of drinking water (and
Portugal lack of access to water) and pollution in general,
e-mail: rmcarvalho@ucp.pt

# The Author(s) 2023 215

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
216 P. Castro and R. Carvalho

among others. Simultaneously, it is essential to conditions in the future. These structures offer
reflect on how to prevent any worsening of the direct and indirect benefits and equate to effective
current situation to avoid reaching the point of no action by society. One area where they can be
return, and the inevitable desperate poverty and particularly useful is urban planning, specifically
waves of migration that would ensue. It is no building construction. BGI have been described
longer simply current sustainability that is sought, as a “network of interconnected wetlands, basins,
but rather future sustainability. Solutions must be and natural spaces, forming an essential means
found to increase society’s resilience to the envi- for coping with extreme weather conditions/
ronmental unpredictability we are already floods” (Jeong et al. 2016; Din Dar et al. 2021).
experiencing, and work must be done to slow They include several technological solutions such
down its intensity and progress. as rain gardens, bio-swales, bio-retention cells,
From a legal perspective, the issue of sustain- permeable pavements, green walls, and green
able development is usually perceived through roofs. These solutions have been gaining impor-
the legal rules governing economic activities and tance due to the “increasing evidence of [their]
the functioning of the market, in addition to direct social, environmental, and health benefits” (Ben-
actions on the natural environment, and the range edict and MacMahon 2006; Din Dar et al. 2021),
of existing legal instruments extends from the which have long been recognised. BGI fall within
regional and national to the international and the category of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS),
global. which the United Nations Organization regards as
The last three decades of legal environmental a tool to accomplish several of the Sustainable
protection against climate change, pollutants, bio- Development Goals (SDG): “good health and
diversity in general, soil erosion and water quality well-being (SDG 3), clean water and sanitation
have mainly been centred on the environmental (SDG 6), sustainable cities and communities
issues per se rather than on their integration with (SDG 11), climate action (SDG 13), (. . .), and
other strategic planning frameworks, such as protection, restoration and promotion of sustain-
urban planning and urbanisation. However, able use of terrestrial ecosystems (SDG 15)”
urbanisation does, indeed, lead to (micro)climatic (Cohen-Shacham et al. 2019, pp. 20, 22;
changes (Freitag et al. 2018; Paul et al. 2018; Calheiros et al. 2022, p. 2).
Şimşek and Ödül 2019; Din Dar et al. 2021). We have chosen green roofs to demonstrate a
While it may not be immediately evident, simple urban solution within everyone’s reach
buildings play a significant role in impacting the that can play a part in the fight against climate
ecosystem. Governments and international change. The next section provides a more techni-
organisations have so far failed to give the urban cal description of this solution.
dimension the attention it warrants, when design-
ing legal rules and restrictions. And yet, nature-
based solutions combining biotechnology have 2 BGI and Green Roofs
existed for some time now, and are key in in the Urban Context
addressing climate, water, and energy problems,
such as floods and droughts, and can also promote The term “green roofs” refers to green
climate control. Efforts should be made to incor- infrastructures established on the top of buildings
porate these solutions into urban law, first as the impact of which is much more than simply
incentives, and then as mandatory requirements bringing nature into cities (European Environment
within urban planning and construction, so as to Agency 2020; Abass et al. 2020; Devon County
promote more resilient urban ecosystems. Council 2020; Pearlmutter et al. 2020, p. 1).
Blue-Green Infrastructures (BGI) are a key A green roof is an engineered multilayer struc-
instrument in increasing resilience to adverse ture that seeks to mimic nature. Underneath the
environmental and climatic conditions and can visible top layer of vegetation there is, generally,
contribute to reducing the intensity of these a substrate that supports plant growth, a drainage
A Legal Approach to Fostering Green Infrastructure for Improved Water and Energy Efficiency 217

layer for collecting water, and membranes that Some of the positive impacts described in the
separate and interconnect the various layers. literature include:
Green roofs retain water in times of heavy rain,
(i) Reduction of water quantity in situations of
especially in waterproof cities, and can serve as
intense or diluvian rainfall. Storm water
basins for storing water to be used in buildings for
retention is usually the first benefit men-
a range of purposes. They also mitigate the
tioned (Getter et al. 2007, p. 226; Carter
so-called heat island effect (whereby cities are
and Fowler 2008, p. 151). This benefit can
warmer than their rural surroundings) and con-
be very relevant for cities’ sewer systems,
tribute to the thermal efficiency of buildings—at
preventing overflows;
the same time helping to reduce energy consump-
(ii) Improvement of water quality through
tion and combat energy poverty—as well as pro-
biological and mechanical purification pro-
ducing benefits in air quality. The health and
cesses, with the elimination of heavy metals,
social dimension of implementing such structures
suspended pollutant particles or other
in cities goes far beyond all measurable
pollutants from the air and from the water
itself, implying benefits to the water cycle
A range of technical guidelines have emerged
(Liberalesso et al. 2020). Some studies indi-
in recent years for best practice in green roof
cate a positive effect of reducing acid rain
design and implementation, also incorporating
levels, with a positive impact on the control
location-specific features. These guidelines are
and combat of air pollution.2 Despite a lack
an excellent starting point for disseminating this
of data regarding CO2 capture, it must be
tool. By way of example, we may highlight the
stressed that, overall, green roofs make an
German FLL guidelines (Forschungsgesellschaft
important contribution to fighting air pollu-
Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau 2008)
tion (American Rivers et al. 2012, p. 32);
and the Portuguese Technical Guide for Green
(iii) Temperature control of public and private
Roofs (2020).1 The design of the infrastructure
built spaces. Urban areas are known to be
should take into account the local climate
warmer than non-urban areas due to the lack
conditions, which influence the choice of plants,
of vegetation cover and due to human activ-
and the local availability of materials, including
ity, and growing demand for housing is yet
substrates for plant growth and material for water
another source of stress in this regard
retention. The assembly of the plants and
(Mittermüller et al. 2021, p. 40). Green
materials drives the system’s performance,
roofs can capture heat during the day and
which is measured by the target outcomes, such
release it at night, contributing to a smaller
as improvement of water quality and stormwater
temperature range. Depending on the struc-
management (Monteiro et al. 2015, 2017a, b).
ture, there may be benefits for public spaces,
such as shade on roadways or vegetation
cover on buildings by means of the evapo-
3 BGI and Urban Law: A Perfect
transpiration process (Koc et al. 2018;
Mittermüller et al. 2021).3 Temperature
variations are not generally beneficial to
3.1 Positive Impacts of BGI
and Green Roofs
Referring to a study from 2007, American Rivers et al.
Like many technological solutions, green roof (2012, p. 29, 44).
infrastructures have both positive and less posi- Din Dar et al. (2021); Mittermüller et al. (2021, p. 49)
tive impacts. (referring to the relationship between tall buildings and
narrow streets as a factor to “increase daytime thermal
comfort by providing shaded walkways”. However, it
has the drawback of being less thermal friendly in cold
Guia Técnico de coberturas verdes. 2020 ANCV. weather); American Rivers et al. (2012, p. 18).
218 P. Castro and R. Carvalho

human health (American Rivers et al. 2012, public space or in a private building will be rele-
p. 16; Mittermüller et al. 2021, p. 49). Some vant; and, in the case of a building, its height and
studies have demonstrated a decrease in the construction materials need to be considered. For
impact of these, specifically a decrease in both scenarios, the constancy/inconstancy of the
heat-related deaths, when urban planning location’s climate conditions is decisive for the
incorporates BGI solutions (Din Dar et al. choice of the structure. Although there are some
2021); studies on this subject, it is clear that more are
(iv) Possible generation of micro-climates in cit- needed and that these should be more in-depth
ies which may contribute effectively to bal- (Din Dar et al. 2021). The difficulties mentioned
ancing temperatures (Din Dar et al. 2021); above highlight the need to incorporate BGI into
(v) Climate control through reduction of the public policies and into the actions of administra-
temperature range, leading to less energy tive bodies and entities. In addition, since these
being spent on climate control technology structures are not yet in widespread use, there is a
both to heat and to cool buildings (American need to explain their costs, in some cases because
Rivers et al. 2012; Din Dar et al. 2021). they will affect individuals, and in others because
they will affect the public budget. It is essential
In addition to the above, BGI in general provide
that an effective policy is developed to communi-
other benefits that may not be easily measurable,
cate the life cycle cost gains that these structures
either because their effects are more long-term, or
bring to people’s daily lives (Din Dar et al. 2021).
due to the location or the difficulty in aggregating
Normally, these benefits are neither “internalized
comparable data. Some of these benefits relate to
by the building owner” (Carter and Fowler 2008,
(i) improvements in urban spaces, enabling the
p. 152) nor by the public bodies who regulate
recovery of fauna and flora; (ii) decreases in noise
such issues. Although some additional costs are
pollution through the use of BGI on pavements
involved, there are lifetime gains (for the individ-
(Liberalesso et al. 2020); (iii) mandatory green
ual and for the community), even if these
structures in urban planning, such as gardens and
structures require higher maintenance and the
green corridors; (iv) recreational spaces to play
buildings themselves need to support a heavier
sports or to socialise, which contribute to social
load. This is one of the conclusions in the report
engagement and improve mental health;
Banking on Green: “green roofs may be more
(v) investment in the sustainability of buildings
expensive than traditional counterparts but pro-
and cities as a tool for organising space and terri-
vide life-cycle efficiencies that make them less
tory, enhancing real estate development and the
expensive over time” (American Rivers et al.
value of cities (Liberalesso et al. 2020; Calheiros
2012, p. 15). An effective communication policy
et al. 2022, p. 236); (vii) increases in green
will also help raise awareness of the importance
employment (American Rivers et al. 2012); and
of multidisciplinary solutions in solving global
(vii) improvements in sanitary conditions in cities
challenges. There is still some scepticism regard-
and the consequent decrease in the demand for
ing this kind of solutions, not only due to their
health care.
cost, but also due to the absence of accurate data
Nevertheless, there are also some difficulties
on their benefits. Use of these instruments by
associated with the use of BGI. Firstly, it is not
public entities could, thus, help increase confi-
always easy to accurately determine the actual
dence in them. However, it is necessary to address
benefits and advantages of these structures given
social differences among citizens, which may
the diversity of the structures themselves, their
hinder some individuals’ access to this kind of
location, and the type of vegetation used.4 When
considering location, whether the BGI is in a

Identifying such difficulties, (Mittermüller et al. 2021,
p. 42).
A Legal Approach to Fostering Green Infrastructure for Improved Water and Energy Efficiency 219

4 Worldwide Solutions sustainable buildings;9 Barcelona;

Lille (subsidy per m2); Aalst; Courtrai;
Across the globe, various solutions have been Kuurne; Oostende; Eeklo; Ghent;
adopted to foster the implementation of green Bornem; Mechelen; Antwerp;
roof technologies,5 such as: Turnhout; Leuven; Eindhoven; Breda;
Tilburg; Den Bosch; Capelle aan den
(a) Development of public policies to raise Ijssel; Rotterdam; Delft;
awareness of the importance of greenery in Leidschendam-Voorburg; Den Haag;
urban areas. Examples include Sydney Leiden; Nieuwegein; Utrecht;
(Green Roofs and Walls Policy); London Amstelveen (the subsidy varies
(Living Roofs and Walls); Eindhoven; Ham- according to the extent of coverage);
burg (Green Roofs Strategy); Berlin (the city Amsterdam; Soest; Harderwijk;
began implementing green roofs in 1988, Apeldoorn; Almelo; Bocholt;
imposing requirements for implementation); Nijmegen; Dusseldorf (“Climate-
Karlsruhe (the first policies were adopted in friendly living in Dusseldorf”);
1982); Stuttgart (since 1980); Munich; Cologne; Munster (the incentive is a
Zurich (since 1991, all flat roofs which are reduction in rain tax); Hengelo; Ham-
not used as terraces must be turned into burg; Brémen; Hoorn; Leeuwarden;
green roofs when building new housing Smallingerland; Groningen;
developments, or renovating older ones6); Oranienburg; Berlin (Energy Efficient
Linz (considered a pioneer city, with green Refurbishment program); Giessen;
roofs being officially introduced in the city’s Frankfurt; Mannheim; Karlsruhe (fee
development plans in 1985);7 Copenhagen reduction); Stuttgart (fee reduction);
(the city has adopted a mandatory green roof Munich (fee reduction); Linz; Graz;
policy as part of its bid to become the first Vienna; Brno; Prague; Lausanne;
Carbon Neutral Capital); Atlanta; Cincinnati Venice (infrastructure cost reduction);
(Green Roof Loan Program); Chicago Heemskerk; mandatory maintenance
(Green Permit Program); Toronto (the first for 15 years (Merelbeke and
city in North America to have a green roofs Wijnegem); mandatory maintenance
policy); Bogota (Agreement 418 of 2009); for 10 years (Hamme; Sint-Niklaas;
Portland (Ecoroof Floor Area Ratio - FAR); Herentals; Dessel; Stuttgart; Prague).
Seattle. (ii) In Asia: Singapore building subsidies
(b) Financial incentives for the construction of (e.g. Skyrise Greenery Incentive
green roofs (direct and indirect incentives, Scheme—SGIS); Shenzhen (Urban
subsidies, etc., sometimes related to manda- Greening Uplifting Work Plan); Shang-
tory maintenance of the spaces for a period hai (The Shanghai government is
of time):8 providing its own subsidies to promote
(i) In Europe: Portugal with the Environ- different specific features of green
mental Fund programme for buildings related to energy saving10);
Chongqing (there are two types of
For comparison and details regarding the specific incentives—public construction and
policies, Policy map: https://www.greenroofs.pt/pt/mapa- private construction premiums that are
politicas. The references in Liberalesso et al. (2020) also
contain links to many of the cities mentioned in this
chapter. benefit of promoting green infrastructures (Liberalesso
https://www.greenroofs.pt/pt/politica/zurique. et al. 2020).
7 9
https://www.greenroofs.pt/pt/politica/linz. https://www.fundoambiental.pt/ficheiros/regulamento-
The tax reduction regarding property or stormwater fee edificios-sustentaveis-pdf.
discount, applied by municipalities, is considered to be a https://www.greenroofs.pt/pt/politica/shanghai.
220 P. Castro and R. Carvalho

processed after one year of installation Guarulhos (Law no. 6793/2010);

and maintenance); Nagoya (the city has Buenos Aires.
a system of financial incentives and a (c) Mandatory requirements; financial incentive
certification system for green facilities programmes often include % coverage
that, under certain conditions, counts requirements:
towards housing loans—Nagoya City (i) In Europe: municipal regulations in
Private Facility Greening Support Pro- Portugal (Barreiro,12 Sintra, Espinho,13
gram | The System of Greening Area | Valongo,14 Maia15); Paris (since 2015
NICE GREEN Nagoya); Seoul (the it has been mandatory for new
city offers an indirect financial incen- buildings in commercial areas to have
tive due to the high cost of land acqui- green roofs or solar panels);
sition);11 Beijing (incentives are Amsterdam; Hanover (Guidelines for
offered for developers). Green Roofing in Urban Development
(iii) In the Americas: Nashville (Green Plans); Stuttgart (requirement that all
Roof Rebate | Nashville Stormwater flat roofs (up to 12° slope) should
Management Incentives); Austin include green roofs16); Basel (all flat
(Green Roof Density Bonus); roofs should apply green roofs); Zurich
Cincinnati (fee reduction - Cincinnati (minimum roofing requirements);
Stormwater Management Credit); Prague (Technical Guide for Design,
Milwaukee (Regional Green Roof Installation and Maintenance of green
Initiative—MMSD Green Infrastruc- roofs in the Czech Republic); Bolzano
ture Partnership Program); (Italian guide for the construction of
Indianapolis; Washington DC (River green roofs and strategies for education
Smart Rooftops Green Roof Rebate and information on the subject,
Program; River Smart Rewards and Procedura R.I.E. (Riduzione
Clean Rivers IAC Incentive Programs); dell'Impatto Edilizio)); Turin—
Montgomery (Rain Scapes Rewards Articolo 21 (green cover obligation
Rebate Program); Baltimore (fee when 20% of the land cannot be
rebate—Baltimore Blue Roof Incen- allocated to green areas); Malmo
tive); Philadelphia (Green Roof Tax (“Ecological building”, which requires
Credit); New York (Green Roof Tax a minimum of green spaces in
Abatement); Syracuse (Green Improve- buildings constructed on land sold by
ment Fund (GIF)); Toronto (Eco-Roof the city and developed by private
Incentive Program); Bloomington developers17).
(Unified Development Ordinance); (ii) In Asia: Singapore (buildings
Minneapolis (storm tax rebate); constructed after 2010 must have
Devens, MA (Financial incentives for green cover); Guangzhou (green cover
LEED projects); Palo Alto (Palo Alto technical specifications requiring the
Green Roof Incentive); Mexico City installation of green roofs including an
(Plan Verde de la Ciudad de México); indication of the type of vegetation);
Goiania (Complementary Law
no. 235/2012); Salvador (Sustainable 12
Regulation No. 712/2019.
Certification Program “IPTU 13
Article 46 Building Regime.
VERDE”); Santos (tax incentives— 14
Article 92-A of the Municipal Master Plan of Valongo.
Complementary Law no. 913/2015); 15
Article 29-A “Coefficients of impermeability” of
Chapter IV, Section I of Urbanization and Building.
http://www.winklerpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/ https://www.greenroofs.pt/pt/politica/estugarda.
2013/05/SSRN-id2242630.pdf. https://www.greenroofs.pt/pt/politica/malmo.
A Legal Approach to Fostering Green Infrastructure for Improved Water and Energy Efficiency 221

Hangzhou; Tokyo (The Tokyo Nature what is commonly referred to as the urban envi-
Conservation Ordinance (2001) ronment or urban ecology (Correia and Correia
requires private buildings over 2021, p. 77). At the next level of legislation, the
1000 m2 and public buildings over Portuguese Environment Framework Law (EFL)
250 m2 to have at least 20% green enshrines the principles of sustainable develop-
cover (2015 data) and fines are issued ment linked to responsibility to current and future
for non-compliance); Seoul. generations, management of water resources, pro-
(iii) In the Americas: Toronto (Green Roof tection of ecosystems, energy sustainability, and
By-law); Los Angeles (Green Building safeguarding of biodiversity.19 The EFL sets out
Program); San Francisco (Better Roofs sectorial policies aimed at promoting sustainable
Ordinance); São Paulo (Environmental development, thus guaranteeing the transversal
Quota Law, which is a new urban and nature of the public policies included in it. This
environmental instrument to be used crossover of public policies led the legislator to
when issuing urban licences for new include provisions on air quality management in
constructions and renovations—Decree relation to buildings, preservation of water
no. 55.994/2015 and Decree resources and mitigation of floods and droughts,
no. 57.565/2016); Blumenau (Comple- halting of biodiversity loss, climate change, and
mentary Law no. 1174/2018); Porto waste-related issues. This Law also
Alegre (Complementary Law acknowledges the transversal nature of planning
no. 734, of 24 January 2014); Cordoba instruments (Art. 13) and highlights the impor-
(Ordinance (2016) establishing the tance of environmental performance instruments,
mandatory installation of vegetated such as stimulating demand for eco-design
roofs in critical areas with respect to products, eco-efficiency, and services with
air pollution levels and the effect of increasingly reduced environmental impacts
heat islands18); Recife (Law (Art. 20). Alongside the EFL, Article 2(b) of the
no. 18.112/2015). Portuguese Public Policy Framework Law on
Land Use, Land Planning and Urban Planning
also highlights sustainable development as one
5 Urban Law Contributions of the major objectives in the fight against climate
change, through the promotion of natural spaces
While urban planning law is obviously closely in cities, leading to energy, environmental and
connected with land use planning, its relationship transport sustainability (Correia and Correia
with the environment is also a strong one. Many 2021, p. 28). This evolution within Urban
urban law scholars have already acknowledged Planning Law has been further driven by the
that there is a public policy dimension to New Green Deal20 and the corresponding internal
sustainability within urban planning and building, regulation for Portugal’s Circular Economy
which is presumed to be “one of the most relevant Action Plan. In addition, the influence of
challenges of the 21st century” (Correia and European Union Law in these matters is
Correia 2021, p. 27), given that increasing popu- not new: one only needs to consider the impor-
lation density has created problems of social man- tance of environmental impact assessments, stra-
agement and overloading of infrastructures tegic environmental assessments and the
related to environmental issues (Calheiros et al. ecological network (Natura Network), regarding
2022). The Portuguese Constitution has long been
sensitive to this issue, emphasising, in Article 19
Article 3 (a) and (b) of the EFL.
66(2), the connection between the two areas in 20
New Green Deal - COM(2019) 640 final, 11.12.2019:
the role of cities in combating climate change (point 2.1.1);
transport policy (point 2.1.5); enhancing biodiversity in
https://www.greenroofs.pt/pt/politica/cordoba. urban spaces (point 2.1.6).
222 P. Castro and R. Carvalho

both directives transposed into Portuguese law are to be successful. Thus, she lists seven lessons
and CJEU case law (Correia and Correia 2021, drawn from her research: NBS must be
p. 63). National law reflects these influences in “aesthetically appealing for citizens to appreciate
the field of planning. and protect them”; they “create new green urban
Several areas of overlap can be found, begin- commons”; experiments with NBS “require and
ning with some planning instruments primarily build trust between the city and its citizens both
based on environmental needs. This is the case for the aim of the experiment and for the
of sectorial programmes intended to implement experimenting process itself”; “Different fora for
certain policies in their specific area, namely “risk co-creating nature-based solutions are needed that
prevention, environment, water resources, nature include and learn from urban social innovation”;
conservation and biodiversity” (Article 39(2) of NBS “require a collaborative governance
the Legal Regime for Territorial Management approach. They are often initiated by local
Instruments). The legal rules governing the vari- governments and require multiple actors to be
ous planning instruments establish urban plans designed, implemented and linked to urban life”;
that are binding on private persons, particularly “An inclusive narrative of mission for nature-
with regard to the organisation of cities and con- based solutions can bridge knowledge and
struction. Decisions arising from sectorial plans agendas across different departments of the city”
must be taken into consideration, with the possi- and this can help tackle departmental disputes;
bility of both plans and administrative acts being NBS must be designed so that “lessons for their
deemed unlawful. There are also other legal effectiveness can be easily harvested”, thus
constraints, which F. Alves Correia and J. Alves making it easier to replicate them in other
Correia describe as “legal land use regimes” locations (Frantzeskaki 2019). Urban planning
(Correia and Correia 2021, p. 154), that can be can contribute to a city’s sustainability via the
of great use in the implementation of BGI, inclusion of “urban greenery” (Patra et al. 2018,
namely the National Ecological Reserve and the p. 82; Calheiros et al. 2022, p. 237) Studies on
National Agricultural Reserve. By imposing pub- BGI have shown that various considerations may
lic utility restrictions, they limit the discretionary be relevant when designing urban planning
planning powers of municipalities regarding the solutions. For example, whether a particular street
content of Municipal Master Plans (MMP), is wide or narrow will be a factor when weighing
requiring the municipalities to include measures up the pros and cons of constructing tall buildings
associated with public policies on water protec- to combat temperature increases in cities. At the
tion, climate change, temperature control, energy same time, landscape architects have an important
use, and “flood risk management plans”.21 role to play in determining the type of vegetation
Two important areas in Urban Planning that in different scenarios. Since space is limited, it
help to produce maximum benefits regarding tem- may be necessary to opt for high-rise building
perature control of urban spaces and buildings are solutions due, for instance, to demographic pres-
urban space planning and building construction sure in cities. In such cases, it is important to
requirements (Liberalesso et al. 2020). Calheiros analyse whether planting deciduous trees is feasi-
et al. (2022) identify green roofs as having “a long ble or whether more appropriate infrastructures,
history”, but also stress that these have yet to such as green façades and green roofs, should be
become widespread and replicated in cities in chosen (Mittermüller et al. 2021, p. 50). The best
line with that broadly set out in policy and strate- solutions are no longer dictated by aesthetic
gic planning. According to Niki Frantzeskaki, a considerations, but rather by the quality of green
multidisciplinary approach must be adopted if spaces, whether these be gardens, green facades
nature-based solutions, including green roofs, or green roofs (Kyttä et al. 2013, p. 43; Klemm
et al. 2015, p. 87; Mittermüller et al. 2021, p. 51).
Correia and Correia (2021, p. 155). See Council of Green roof infrastructures are particularly suit-
Ministers Resolution no. 51/2016, of 20 September. able for urban areas where there is insufficient
A Legal Approach to Fostering Green Infrastructure for Improved Water and Energy Efficiency 223

space to build gardens or plant trees at street level. da República 2017). Similar incentives exist in
Technically, this kind of structure is incorporated the laws of other European countries. A case in
in the “roof membrane” to “support plant point is the Czech Republic, which has had a
communities which are tolerant to the extreme central national incentive programme since
weather conditions found on rooftops” (Carter 2017, and has defined green roof construction
and Fowler 2008). Not all green roofs are the requirements for those wishing to access these
same, their structure being dependent on the incentives.24
structure of the building itself: intensive green Decisions on the adoption of green roofs must
roofs are suitable for commercial buildings and consider, among others, the type of use of a
parking lots because of their weight; extensive particular area (residential or commercial), the
green roofs, on the other hand, since they have a configuration of the land, the biodiversity of the
“much thinner profile which limits plant diver- municipality, and other legal and mandatory
sity”, are more appropriate for less robust requirements arising from other planning
pre-existing buildings (Carter and Fowler 2008, instruments.25 Mandatory use of green roof
p. 152). infrastructures will need to be fully explained,
In terms of the law, it is possible that the green and it may also be necessary to provide
roof solution, which has already been adopted in incentives, such as financial support for the dis-
several cities in Portugal and across the world, advantaged and tax breaks to convince the
will become a solution that is recommended for wealthier sections of society. In Portugal, for
inclusion in architectural projects.22 Indeed, instance, in Barreiro, the Municipal Regulation
given the pressure to address climate change, regarding financial support for investment—Reg-
such solutions may even become mandatory ulation no. 712/2019—contains a provision
(Liberalesso et al. 2020). A requirement to have favouring green roofs (Article 7 (b) and (c)).
green roofs could become part of each The MMP for the municipality of Valongo also
municipality’s MMP, adjusted to align with spe- contains a provision that grants financial support
cific land occupation decisions. For instance, with for the use of these structures.26 In addition,
regard to building requirements, Article 46 of the financial support is also available from some cen-
Espinho MMP (1st September 2016) lays down tral administrative bodies. For example, in
several parameters related to vegetation. 23 The September 2020, the Ministry of the Environment
Plan also includes restrictions of an environmen- published its Regulations on the Award of
tal nature, among others, such as changes in veg- Incentives—Support Programme for More Sus-
etation cover, and the Town Council is able to tainable Buildings (Diário da República 2020).
block the demolition of any built edifice, as well Regarding thermal insulation upgrades, the regu-
as the cutting or felling of certain trees and other lation seeks to support interventions “that pro-
vegetation. These restrictions are protected by a mote the incorporation of biomaterials, recycled
provision that allows a private person’s plan to be materials, nature-based solutions, green façades
rejected if it fails to comply with them. In Sintra, and roofs and bioclimatic architecture solutions in
on the matter of energy efficiency, Article 49 of existing urban buildings or units thereof” (Diário
the Urbanisation Regulation provides for the use da República 2020). Similar financial tools can be
of green roofs, among other instruments (Diário found in other European cities. Barcelona is one
example (Associação Nacional de Coberturas
Verdes Barcelona 2021), and in Berlin the
Calheiros et al. (2022, p. 237) highlight the important
role that the enactment of law could play in the green roof 24
implementation. https://livingroofs.org/czech-buildings-finance-green-
https://portal.cm-espinho.pt/fotos/categorias_ roofs/, accessed 21 October 2021.
informacao_ficheiros/1.1_rpdme_publicacao_em_dr_ Reflecting upon these features, Venter et al. (2021).
172014729359afc5ae454fd.pdf, accessed Article 92.A MMP, introduced on 5 February 2018
21 October 2021. (Diário da República 2018).
224 P. Castro and R. Carvalho

inclusion of green roofs appears as a condition for environmentally sustainable options, the macro-
constructions occupying parcels of land above a legislative level is already aware of the impor-
certain area (Associação Nacional de Coberturas tance of urban law to sustainable cities. Portu-
Verdes Barcelona 2021). guese climate law (Law no. 98/2021,
Another interesting tool, also already 31 December) guides the various social actors
implemented in some cities, is sustainability cer- towards the reduction of greenhouse gases, car-
tification. The Leadership in Energy and Environ- bon neutrality and energy efficiency. It calls upon
mental Design (LEED) certification is one of the all administrative bodies, including
most popular and is used, in North America, in municipalities, to apply, within their jurisdictions,
Chicago, Devens, MA, Boston, Los Angeles, and competences and legal instruments, public policy
Vancouver, for instance (Liberalesso et al. regarding climate change. Regarding
2020).27 Other examples are “Qualiverde” (Rio municipalities, they can incorporate BGI
de Janeiro) and the Green Building Evaluation solutions in their municipal urbanism regulations
Label (GBEL), which is used in China to achieve “the sustainable use. . .of urban
(Liberalesso et al. 2020). spaces” (Art. 28) and the promotion of green
However, before engaging in campaigns to con- space“, “with the aim of increasing green cover-
vince society, governments must work with age and mitigating the heat island effect of urban
municipalities, as the latter have the power to incor- cent”es” (Art. 57, no. 2). If regulatory solutions at
porate such requirements in their MMP. Skilled municipal level are flexible, they will allow the
human resources capable of building the most adaptation of BGI solutions to specific areas.
appropriate BGI solutions for each municipality Despite initially being only incentives, they
are also essential. A programme called “Living should gradually become mandatory if they are
Roofs and Walls”, has been in operation in to be part of an integrated effort to foster nature-
London since 2008, using a policy based on per- based solutions.
suasion, initially motivated by biodiversity
enhancement (Mayor of London 2008). As part of
its efforts to control rainwater, Copenhagen has References
been increasing the use of green roofs since 2008,
and in 2010 green roofs became mandatory for all Abass F, Ismail LH, Wahab IA, Elgadi AA (2020) A
review of green roof: definition, history, evolution
new buildings with roof slopes of less than
and functions. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng 713:
30 degrees (NYU | LAW 2019). Outside Europe, 012048
Toronto was the first city in North America to enact American Rivers, American Society of Landscape
a green roof bylaw and create financial incentives Architects, Water Environment Federation (2012)
Banking on green: a look at how green infrastructure
(TORONTO 2019). Meanwhile, the city of Los
can save municipalities money and provide economic
Angeles chose to implement a programme aimed benefits community-wide. https://www.asla.org/
at large commercial spaces and residential uploadedFiles/CMS/Government_Affairs/Federal_
buildings. This public policy encourages the use Government_Affairs/Banking%20on%20Green%
20HighRes.pdf. Accessed 17 Oct 2021
of these solutions by attaching points to them that
Associação Nacional de Coberturas Verdes Barcelona
can be used when applying for building certifica- (2021). https://www.greenroofs.pt/pt/politica/
tion (Department of Regional Planning 2021). barcelona. Accessed 21 Oct 2021
Benedict MA, MacMahon ET (2006) Green
infrastructure – linking landscapes and communities.
Islands Press, London
6 Conclusion Calheiros CSC, Castiglione B, Palha P (2022) Nature-
based solutions for socially and environmentally
Although the current urban planning laws do not responsible new cities: the contribution of green
roofs. In: Stefanakis A, Nikolaou I (eds) Circular econ-
yet contain mandatory rules based on omy and sustainability. Elsevier, Cambridge, pp

A Legal Approach to Fostering Green Infrastructure for Improved Water and Energy Efficiency 225

Carter T, Fowler L (2008) Establishing green roof infra- Koc CB, Osmond P, Peters A (2018) Evaluating the
structure through environmental policy instruments. cooling effects of green infrastructure: a systematic
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Law and Marine Genetic Resources

Maria Inês Gameiro

Abstract national legislation, the chapter will conclude

From a legal perspective, these are exciting that an all-encompassing approach is required
times for marine genetic resources (MGR). when dealing with MGR.
After years of debate about MGR beyond
national jurisdiction, famously encapsulated Keywords
in the idea of the “deepest of ironies” in Marine genetic resources · BBNJ · UNCLOS ·
ocean affairs, a United Nations process CBD · TRIPS · Continental shelf
began, focused on drafting an Agreement on
the conservation and sustainable use of marine
biological diversity of areas beyond national 1 Introduction
jurisdiction (BBNJ) and with a clear mandate
to address MGR. This agreement has the “Le développement des biotechnologies s’était
capacity to unravel issues that remain to be jusqu’alors déroulé dans une sorte de Far West
solved, particularly when linking MGR with juridique, dans les interstices du droit de la mer,
the marine scientific research regime de l’environnement et de la propriété
established by the United Nations Convention intellectuelle” (Coutansais 2010, p. 208).
on the Law of the Sea and with the provisions In his work Mare Liberum, Hugo Grotius
of the Nagoya Protocol and the TRIPS Agree- famously stated that “if many hunt on the land
ment, or when addressing MGR under national or fish in a river, the forest will soon be without
jurisdiction. game and the river without fish, which is not so in
This chapter will consider the web of legal the sea” (Grotius 1916).1
regimes for MGR, including the complexities This is now known to be untrue and resources
surrounding marine spaces, such as the depletion is a serious problem in the ocean. But it
extended continental shelf. After providing a is also now clear that the variety of resources in
comprehensive analysis of both international the ocean is greater than ever imagined; new
law—UNCLOS, CBD, the TRIPS Agreement species and organisms are being discovered
and the upcoming BBNJ Agreement—and every day, and a significant number of these are
microorganisms. Research in this field has led to
M. I. Gameiro (✉)
ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, DINÂMIA’CET-
ISCTE, Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies, An idea also traditionally associated with Locke (1988).
Lisbon, Portugal On the natural evolution of marine resources, see
e-mail: miplg@iscte-iul.pt Roberts (2007).

# The Author(s) 2023 227

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
228 M. I. Gameiro

an important finding: the genetic potential of ownership, access to and sharing of benefits, and
marine resources. intellectual property issues.
Marine genetic resources (MGR) are “infor-
mational biological resources” (Marques 2007,
p. 380). As natural resources, they are distinct 2 UNCLOS, CBD, Nagoya
from classic natural resources such as fisheries, Protocol, TRIPS and the New
because the value of a genetic resource is not the BBNJ Agreement: An Intricate
physical substance in itself but the genetic infor- Web of Legal Regimes
mation of the resource, which means that without
technological manipulation, the resource has little 2.1 Relevant Treaties and Protocols
or no economic value beyond its obvious intrinsic
environmental value and as a component of The codification and development of the law of
biodiversity. the sea received a decisive boost with the adop-
The knowledge offered by MGR and their tion of the United Nations Convention on the Law
associated potential make them increasingly of the Sea, the so called “constitution of the
important in present-day societies. However, oceans”.2
legal gaps remain, in areas both beyond and The new regime, of unusual magnitude and
under national jurisdiction. At the international complexity, introduced numerous innovations,
level, the United Nations Convention on the such as the concept of Exclusive Economic
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS, 1982/1994), which Zones (EEZ), changes in the legal definition of
created a “new regime for the ocean”, does not the continental shelf, the establishment of a com-
address genetic resources, despite containing prehensive regime for marine scientific research,
some pertinent provisions on marine scientific unprecedented rules for environmental protec-
research. The Convention on Biological Diversity tion, and a broad dispute settlement system—
(CBD, 1992/1993), the related Nagoya Protocol including a specialised International Court. It
on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and also created the regime of the Area, as common
Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their heritage of mankind, as well as an Authority to
Utilization to the Convention on Biological manage it.
Diversity (Nagoya Protocol, 2010/2014) and the The regime of the Area, corresponding to a
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellec- space occupying about 30% of the total surface
tual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement, 1994/ of the planet,3 is established in Part XI of the
1995) also apply, in part, to marine genetic Convention and in the Agreement on the imple-
resources. At the national level, many States mentation of Part XI (1994). It sets out that min-
have not yet outlined legal regimes. eral resources on the seabed and subsoil,
The characteristics associated with marine i.e. beneath the water column, beyond national
genetic resources—their location in a fluid envi- jurisdiction, belong to mankind and should be
ronment, sometimes simultaneously in spaces used for the benefit of mankind. Meanwhile,
subject to and exempt from national jurisdiction, progress in scientific research has made it possi-
and the aim of evolving from research to explora- ble to detect the presence of living resources at
tion or exploitation—mean that a comprehensive great depths and in hostile environments, where
and cohesive legal regime is required. Conse-
quently, negotiations with a view to establishing
a legal regime for marine genetic resources are
currently taking place at the United Nations. At
The idea of a “constitution for the oceans” was outlined
by Tommy Koh, president of the III Conference of the
the same time, at the national level, countries
United Nations on the Law of the Sea, Koh (1985).
need to address issues of borders and 3
The exact size of the Area is dependent on the continen-
transboundary resources, sovereignty and tal shelf extension processes initiated by several countries
(including Portugal).
Law and Marine Genetic Resources 229

genetic resources gain prominence as the focus of UNCLOS to marine genetic resources may give
research and commercial interest. rise to some difficulties of interpretation (Dupuy
MGR have significant biotechnological poten- and Vignes 1991; Lawson and Downing 2002;
tial (Marques 2007, pp. 25–26),4 particularly Lallier et al. 2014).
those organisms that survive in environments The Convention on Biological Diversity is a
with extreme pressure, acidity, darkness, temper- positive step towards recognition of sovereignty
ature, heavy metal concentration or radioactivity. and the conservation, use, access to and sharing
These resources are therefore called of biological resources, including MGR.
extremophiles or hyperthermophiles, or chemo- Article 2 of the CBD states that the term
synthetic organisms, because they “Biological resources” includes “genetic
chemosynthesize rather than photosynthesize. resources, organisms or parts thereof,
The isolation of bioactive marine compounds populations, or any other biotic component of
from a Caribbean sponge (spongouridine and ecosystems with actual or potential use or value
spongothymidine) in the 1950s allowed scientific for humanity”. Biological resources thus include
research to conclude that these had anti-tumour genetic resources, which the same article defines
and anti-viral characteristics (Luna 2015, as “genetic material of actual or potential value”.
p. 652).5 Since that time, the relevance of marine The distinction between the two, although the
genetic resources has grown exponentially and latter is part of the first, is based fundamentally
science continues to demonstrate that the poten- on teleological or functional criteria.
tial of these marine resources is vast, especially in The CBD also defines “biological diversity”
the light of health challenges that have now (or “biodiversity”) as “the variability among liv-
become blatantly clear (Leary et al. 2009). ing organisms from all sources including, inter
Although they are still undervalued in commer- alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic
cial terms (Pearce and Moran 1994; Ngo et al. ecosystems and the ecological complexes of
2011; Newman and Cragg 2012), marine which they are part; this includes diversity within
compounds are beginning to be developed from species, between species and of ecosystems”
deep-sea resources, producing corresponding sci- (Article 2).
entific and economic potential for the marine While the UNCLOS to some extent
biotechnology market (Hunt and Vincent 2006). represented a “quantitative” concept of resources,
The Convention on the Law of the Sea focused mainly on fisheries, the Convention on
employs the terms “natural resources”, “non-liv- Biological Diversity recognises the plurality and
ing” and “living”, the latter being biological diversity of resources, including genetic
resources which in general “encompass all resources.
resources of or dependent on the sea that can be Despite explicitly recognising the hierarchical
considered ‘living’ in UNCLOS terminology” superiority of the UNCLOS (Article 22.2 of the
(Dupuy and Vignes 1991, p. 993). It should be CBD), the CBD, a framework convention, and
noted, however, that several of the UNCLOS later the Nagoya Protocol, enhanced and added
living resources provisions explicitly target fish detail to the regime for marine biological
resources and that the concept of living marine resources (including genetic resources), in partic-
resources is dynamic.6 As such, the application of ular with respect to access and benefit sharing.
Activities related to genetic resources fall
along a continuum from scientific research to
See also Article 2, CBD: “any technological application bioprospecting and commercial development.
that uses biological systems, living organisms, or This distinction has occupied much of the doc-
derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or pro-
cesses for specific use”. trinal work in this area. The CBD’s Subsidiary
Esponja Cryptotheca crypta. Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
In terms of commercial use, not so long ago, for instance, Advice, which has addressed the topic on several
dolphins and whales were considered direct food sources.
230 M. I. Gameiro

occasions, clearly describes the fuzzy nature of jure but the Convention hints that it should be
MGR-related activities: granted de facto, reflecting the attempt to balance
“While marine scientific research is primarily sovereignty and access to genetic material
undertaken with a view to furthering knowledge (Noiville 1998).
of the evolutionary relationship between various Article 15 emphasises that access is subject to
organisms or of the adaptive mechanisms prior informed consent, and is granted on mutu-
allowing organisms to thrive in an extreme envi- ally agreed terms. It refers to a duty to seek to
ronment with unique characteristics, some pro- involve the Contracting Parties who have sup-
spective activities are run to discover plied genetic resources in any scientific research
commercially useful information and resources based on those resources, and also the duty of
for subsequent industrial, chemical, agricultural Contracting Parties to take legislative, adminis-
or medical purposes. However, what may have trative or policy measures to bring about a fair and
been, in the first place, an expedition with scien- equitable sharing of the results and benefits
tific purposes, where intent of economic gain was achieved, with proactivity of States being explic-
absent, may result in the genetic resources being itly called for. The reference to “mutually agreed
transferred to industry for biotechnological terms” alludes to a preference for bilateral
applications.”7 contracts (Scheiber 1999; Marques 2007,
The entry into force of the CBD introduced p. 509).8
into the debate the issue of access to MGR and the The Nagoya Protocol, adopted at COP
sharing of benefits arising from them in areas 10, seeks to build on the foundations established
under the jurisdiction of States, which was duly by Article 15 of the CBD. Its generic formulation
followed by discussions on intellectual property is the outcome of difficult negotiations, and
rights over biotechnological innovations distinguishing between genetic and biological
(Marques 2007, p. 376). resources proved to be complex: for the purposes
In this regard, Article 15 is among the most of the Nagoya Protocol, resources are only
relevant provisions on access to MGR and should biological resources used as genetic resources.
be read in the light of Article 3. Article 15 is a The issue of access is particularly relevant, and
clear example of the duality of the Convention, one of the challenges is to understand how
guaranteeing both the sovereignty of States over exactly “access” should be defined and under
their genetic resources (paragraph 1) and, simul- what circumstances supplier countries are in
taneously, the presumption that access to these breach by “denying” access—a particular concern
resources should be provided (paragraph 2). Arti- for some countries. Article 6 of the Protocol
cle 15(2) sets out the CBD’s objectives of regulates this aspect, establishing the sovereignty
facilitated access to resources and equitable and of States over their resources, and defining that
fair benefit sharing. The importance of Article access is subject to prior information and consent
15 is at odds with the absence of a consistent of the provider country.
effort to explore the links between this article The Protocol additionally establishes that
and Part XIII of the UNCLOS (marine scientific benefits arising from the utilization of genetic
research), with both frameworks creating prior resources and their applications shall be shared
consent obligations that should be articulated. in a fair and equitable way, and on mutually
Access to genetic resources is not guaranteed de agreed terms, with the provider of the resources
(Article 5). Again, this is a concern for some
Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Techno-
logical Advice, Study of the Relationship between the
Convention on Biological Diversity and the United 8
According to Scheiber the phrase “Access, where
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea with regard to granted, shall be on mutually agreed terms” (Article
the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Genetic 15(4)) is the central feature of the regime, “the quintes-
Resources on the Deep Seabed, UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/8/ sence of the Biodiversity Convention in relation to rele-
INF/3/Rev.1, 22 February 2003, para. 101. vant activities in marine areas in future years”.
Law and Marine Genetic Resources 231

countries, often those that are “resource-rich” and jurisdiction or to those beyond national jurisdic-
“technologically-poor”. The aforementioned tion, intellectual property is regulated by the State
benefits may be monetary or non-monetary, where that right is sought, regardless of its
including access to and transfer of technology, origin.11
and collaboration and cooperation in research Several patent law dilemmas arise in the
and development programs (Article 23). The debate about genetic resources: the distinction
Nagoya Protocol further details provisions on between invention and discovery, the exclusion
compliance, monitoring and measures to deal criteria of public policy, the patentability of living
with non-compliance, prior informed consent organisms, and the trade-off between patents and
and mutually agreed terms requisites. plant and species protection (OECD 2002, p. 74).
One of the main novelties of the regime And the current circumstances, in the aftermath of
introduced by the Protocol was the caveat that a pandemic outbreak, raise further questions
Parties must take into consideration the “inten- regarding patent law and its role in society. Nev-
tion” or “purpose” of the research, reflected in ertheless, what is indisputable is that the genes of
Article 17, pointing to the blurred line between marine organisms are the subject of an increasing
non-commercial and commercial use (Lallier number of patent applications.
et al. 2014).9 The Doha Ministerial Declaration recognised
The Protocol relates not only to the UNCLOS, the need to further study the TRIPS Agreement
but also to the TRIPS Agreement, with the three and the CBD, and the Council for TRIPS was
of them forming the research/exploitation triangle mandated to review Article 27(3)(b).12 The rela-
(UNCLOS—CBD/Nagoya—TRIPS) for genetic tionship between the TRIPS Agreement and the
resources. Intellectual property rights have a CBD, including on the important issue of “disclo-
direct and effective link with the Protocol, in sure”, has been the subject of much debate
particular through Article 27 of the TRIPS Agree- regarding the proper fora to address this matter—
ment, and there has been an in-depth debate on national legislation, the WTO, the CBD or
the relationship between these instruments, nota- another forum—but as yet no agreement exists
bly concerning whether or not there is an obliga- (Plahe et al. 2021).
tion to disclose the country of origin of the
resource when a patent application is submitted.
The debate around MGR, in marine scientific 2.2 The Relevance of the Future
research and bioprospecting, is clearly related to BBNJ Agreement
intellectual property.10
Intellectual property rights are essentially ter- In recent years, one of the stages where this
ritorial, and determined by States, although debate has taken place is at the negotiating table
conditioned by applicable international for an international legally binding instrument
conventions. Thus, whether it relates to marine under the United Nations Convention on the
genetic resources located under national Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustain-
able use of marine biological diversity of areas
beyond national jurisdiction.
The Protocol allows a two-stage approach, considering
precisely the “change of intention”: in a first stage, the
negotiated agreement may be a “basic research agreement”
that can be renegotiated, in a second stage, as a “commer- 11
One of the consequences of territoriality is the definition
cial development agreement”, where there is a change not by countries of what is patentable, within the limits set by
only because a patent has been registered, but because the TRIPS Agreement, meaning that patents are generally
there is a commercial interest arising from the research. applied for in the “research” countries rather than in the
Pisupati et al. (2008): “The grant of a patent in relation “supply” countries, which are often less developed
to development of biotechnology from marine genetic countries where the patentability requirements tend to be
resources is the key legal act in the bioprospecting more stringent.
process”. Doha Ministerial Declaration, 2001, para. 19.
232 M. I. Gameiro

In 2012, at the United Nations Conference on the use of MGR, either for research and develop-
Sustainable Development (Rio +20), States made ment or for exploitation. The connection with the
a commitment to address “the issue of the conser- Nagoya Protocol, albeit within different
vation and sustainable use of marine biological jurisdictions, is evident (Bonfanti and Trevisanut
diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, 2011).
including by taking a decision on the develop-
ment of an international instrument under the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the 3 The Extended Continental
Sea”, in the document “The Future we Want” Shelf Case: Interconnection
(endorsed by General Assembly Resolution Between National
66/288 of 27 July 2012). and International Law
This decision was followed by a two-year pro-
cess, led by a Preparatory Committee (established The regime of the continental shelf and the
by Resolution 69/292 adopted on 19 June 2015), circumstances of its extension have given rise to
after which the United Nations General Assembly an area that, to some extent, can be considered
adopted Resolution 72/249 (24 December 2017), “hybrid”: the continental shelf beyond 200 nauti-
convening an Intergovernmental Conference cal miles. In this instance, there is the need to
(IGC) to develop an international legally binding articulate the powers exercised in an area under
instrument on marine biodiversity in areas national jurisdiction, the outer continental shelf,
beyond national jurisdiction. with an overlying area where there is freedom of
The agreement aims to strengthen the gover- the high seas, taking into account that the two
nance framework for areas beyond national juris- spaces are necessarily interconnected. The
diction, including MGR, and the related sharing UNCLOS establishes that the exercise of the
of benefits, but also for area-based management rights of the coastal State on the continental
tools, environmental impact assessments and shelf must not affect the regime of freedom that
capacity-building and the transfer of marine exists in the water column (nor in the overlying
technology. air space, according to Article 78). However, the
MGR are among the most complex issues in coastal State is also entitled to protect its space
the BBNJ Agreement. During the negotiations, and resources. The question is thus one of striking
divisions became visible, mirroring other pro- a balance, which is not always clear, between the
cesses such as that of the Nagoya Protocol, and interests of the coastal State and those of the
highlighting the divide between developed and States as beneficiaries of the freedom of the seas
less developed countries, or between the so called (Molenaar 2007; Mossop 2007).
“Global North” and “Global South”. The fact that, in this space, the seabed and
Several contentious issues related with the subsoil are under the jurisdiction of the coastal
MGR regime persist, including issues of access State, while the overlying water column belongs
and the sharing of benefits. The nature of such to the high seas, marks a real difference from the
benefits involves, once again, consideration of shelf under the 200-mile limit where, in principle,
monetary and non-monetary benefits (including the water column corresponds to the EEZ of the
training and sharing of data, among others) or the same coastal State. Although the freedoms of the
removal of this binary divide, on the grounds that high seas are not challenged, in principle it is easy
non-monetary benefits also carry “costs”. to foresee situations where this is de facto the
Similarly, there is also the question of case, when navigation or fishing activities, to
commercial vs. scientific research, connected cite the main examples, affect the activities car-
with the major topic of bioprospecting, which ried out on the seabed, or vice versa. Furthermore,
raises questions of access to data and intellectual beyond the 200 miles lay several deep-sea
property rights, and requires an understanding on
Law and Marine Genetic Resources 233

ecosystems, where the richness of biological this Regulation, in Portugal Decree-Law

resources is vaster.13 122/2017, of 21 September, was subsequently
The interrelationship between different mari- passed. The Decree-Law addresses several
time spaces has been confirmed by additional aspects related to the identification, access, use,
advances in scientific knowledge, and as research conservation and sharing of the benefits of MGR.
intensifies, so does the pressure for and emer- In addition to the relevant international treaties
gence of new economic opportunities. Several and agreements, Decree-Law 122/2017 is key to
States have established delimitation and sharing the regulation of MGR, and specifically
agreements in this sense, demonstrating through highlights the potential of MGR located under
joint development schemes that interconnection is national jurisdiction (territorial sea, EEZ and the
critical (Becker-Weinberg 2014), particularly continental shelf) in terms of “scientific research,
when considering MGR. bioprospecting and exploration/exploitation”.
Despite the legal framework in place, a few
key issues remain uncertain. The first pertains to
4 Genetic Resources Under access. With different specificities, both the
National Jurisdiction UNCLOS and the CBD are based on a delicate
balance between protecting the sovereignty of
The international debate concerning a legal States and the duty of these States to give, under
regime for marine genetic resources also arises normal circumstances, their consent to scientific
under national legal frameworks.14 research and access to resources. Since sover-
MGR often straddle legal and political eignty over resources belongs to the States
boundaries. Organisms found within areas of where they are located, regulated by national
national jurisdiction at some point may later be law, the CBD recognises that the “source nations”
found beyond areas of national jurisdiction and may also be entitled to the benefits of the
vice-versa.15 resources to which they have ceded access
National legislation is required to pursue the (McLaughlin 2003). Patents on marine genetic
objectives set forth in the CBD and the Nagoya resources may therefore include, in addition to
Protocol, since most of the CBD provisions are the patent holder, the State providing the
not “self-executing”, and many depend on “fur- resource. This principle, allowing benefits to the
ther and eventual densifying legislative activity of State of origin of the resources i.e. the “source
the contracting States” (Marques 2007, State”, entails some difficulties, as previously
pp. 404–405). The European Union, for its part, stated. The first concerns the non-obligation to
approved Regulation (EU) No 511/2014 of the disclose the origin of the patented resource. The
European Parliament and of the Council of second relates to transboundary resources and
16 April, on measures relating to user compliance issues of endemism, given that organisms found
with the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic in different ocean spaces—which also introduces
Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of border delimitation implications—have been
Benefits Arising from their Utilization. Following found to have similar genotypes. This has
implications for patents on genetic resources—
13 specifically those located in different national
The gap between the reality of biological resources and
the strict legal establishment of a vertical dividing line spaces and border areas—and for disclosure
between maritime spaces is also evidenced by the excep- requirements.
tional regime contemplated for sedentary species, such as This is particularly important for Portugal, as a
corals, sponges, mussels, crabs, scallops, or lobsters. “resource-rich country” where numerous scien-
On the potential value of marine genetic resources, see
tific cruises from foreign countries take place
da Silva (2015).
(Gonçalves and Gameiro 2018).
“Oceans and the law of the sea”, Report of the
Secretary-General – Addendum, Doc. A/62/66/Add.2, In this connection, disclosure issues are also
cit., para. 189. relevant. Portugal, like several other States,
234 M. I. Gameiro

defines an obligation of disclosure of origin in the established structure of the law of the sea.
(through sampling or filing) when it comes to But they are also opening new fields of inquiry.
biotechnological inventions. The nature of intel- There is a clear demand for regimes that
lectual property rights makes this a key issue. address MGR in a comprehensive manner—
Indeed, while the obligation of disclosure exists articulating marine scientific research and
in Portugal, it may not exist in another jurisdic- bioprospecting, exploration and exploitation, sov-
tion where a sample collected in Portugal is ereignty, and intellectual property rights, at
registered and non-disclosure of the origin of the the international and national levels. However,
resource makes it difficult to share any ensuing the path is not a clear one, as evidenced by the
benefits. BBNJ Agreement negotiations rounds.
The Nagoya Protocol recommends that Parties The characteristics associated with marine
create mechanisms to address potential genetic resources—the fact that they have no
complications, but these are often voluntary, at intrinsic commercial value (despite having eco-
best. Decree-Law 122/2017 also details monitor- logical value), being dependent on laboratory
ing tools, including disclosure of research transformation and a patentability regime that
funding (Article 8), considering the “intent” or affects them, the legal uncertainty that surrounds
“purpose” of the research, i.e. non-commercial them at international and national level,
or commercial. accentuated by the particular environment in
Finally, there is the question of geographical which they live (the ocean), with clear differences
divisions. While the legal framework for spaces in relation to the terrestrial environment—result
under national jurisdiction can be considered to in challenges that a watertight legal approach
be broadly set, despite relevant gaps, the same cannot solve when confronted with the ecologi-
cannot be said for “hybrid spaces”, i.e. the cal, economic and political realities under devel-
extended continental shelf, particularly consider- opment in this field.
ing the high seas regime, and its entailing And yet, in an area where the interconnected-
freedoms on the water column above. ness between national and international
jurisdictions is so evident, an international solu-
tion is paramount.
5 Conclusion It should be noted that the main concerns
raised in relation to MGR have been the same
The ocean is a physical ecosystem where the law over the last decades. Issues of origin and disclo-
reveals its plasticity, promoting a dialogue sure were raised in the Doha Declaration of 2001
between different areas, both nationally and inter- and are among the most contentious issues of the
nationally, as well as a favourable ground for BBNJ Agreement negotiations, as they were at
interaction with other sciences. the Nagoya Protocol negotiations.
Although traditionally dominated by lege The boundaries between scientific research
ferenda, the international community has defined and commercial interests, and the ensuing intel-
a lege data instrument in this field, including a lectual property regime and royalties’ issues,
dispute settlement system and a judicial building. were the subject of heated debate between 1973
However, despite its many achievements, the and 1982, during the negotiations for the
established regime (and the subsequent UNCLOS. These issues remain under scrutiny
instruments) remains at odds with the very spe- today.
cific nature of such a space and particularly, in the Despite the different agreements and
case of MGR, the very specific nature of such negotiations currently in existence, a consensus
resources. on the BBNJ Agreement will—we believe—
The new challenges posed by the discovery of unlock the Gordian knot of MGR, fostering
and growing interest in MGR are widening gaps greater consensus in other fora, such as the
TRIPS Agreement or national legislation.
Law and Marine Genetic Resources 235

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236 M. I. Gameiro

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Marine Bioprospecting: Understanding
the Activity and Some Challenges
Related to Environmental Protection,
Scientific Research, Ethics, and the Law

Maria Bekiari

Abstract and aesthetic value. They serve humans in global

Marine bioprospecting is an activity that has trade, transportation, tourism, and energy. Fur-
only been developed recently. The term refers thermore, marine organisms are a source of food
to the exploration and commercial exploitation for humans and contribute significantly to the
of marine genetic resources. It is a promising health of the planet by absorbing great amounts
but also highly controversial activity, which is of carbon dioxide.1 Technological innovation and
expected to experience significant growth in developments in marine equipment and labora-
the next decades, offering vast economic and tory technology have enabled cost-effective
commercial profits. At the same time, it raises exploration and sampling of unexplored areas
several environmental, scientific, ethical, and and sophisticated research on sampled organisms
legal challenges that will need to be addressed. in laboratory settings (Krabbe 2021, p. 25). This
In order to increase understanding about evolution has meant that, for the first time in
marine bioprospecting and its overall impact, history, it is possible to explore the deep oceans
this paper aims to shed more light on the and other previously inaccessible remote and
activity and briefly present some of the frontier areas, and to extract resources from
resulting challenges. them (Leary 2007, p. 158ff; Scovazzi 2007,
p. 16; Ramirez-Llodra 2020, p. 38ff).2 Further-
Keywords more, advances in science, especially in the fields
of marine biology, genomics, oceanography and
Marine bioprospecting · Marine biodiversity · bioinformatics, have increased understanding
MGR · MSR · Legal framework · Benefit about marine organisms (Matz 2002, p. 280f;
sharing Arico and Salpin 2005, p. 8; Leary et al. 2009,
p. 188; Doussis 2017, p. 87). This technological
and scientific development has revealed that,
1 Introduction along with their pure scientific value, marine
organisms have an extended commercial value.
Covering almost 70% of the Earth, marine They produce a variety of secondary metabolites
environments have extraordinary ecological,
socioeconomic, scientific, cultural, recreational,
On the value and services of marine environments, see
Farrier and Tucker (2001), p. 221; Barbier (2017),
M. Bekiari (✉) p. R507.
Ludwig Maximilian University, Faculty of Law, Munich, On the history of human presence in the oceans, see
Germany Andersen (2020), p. 61.

# The Author(s) 2023 237

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
238 M. Bekiari

that are useful in product development, especially 2.1 Definition of Marine

in medicine, agriculture, chemistry, and Bioprospecting
cosmetics (Leary 2007, p. 158ff; Leary et al.
2009, p. 185). Since MB has only recently been developed as an
As a result of recent developments and the activity, a unified definition of the concept is
increasing commercial interest in marine lacking. In fact, different understandings have
organisms, new activities have emerged. One of been expressed over time regarding the number
them is Marine Bioprospecting (MB), a and kinds of processes that MB covers (Arico and
promising, yet hotly debated, activity concerning Salpin 2005, p. 15; Leary 2007, p. 157;
the commercial exploitation of Marine Genetic Hemmings and Rogan-Finnemore 2009, p. 535;
Resources (MGR).3 MB has been described as Leary et al. 2009, p. 184; Mossop 2015, p. 826;
the activity of identifying unique properties of Yu 2020, p. 7; Krabbe 2021, p. 41).
marine organisms for the purpose of product In a narrow sense, MB is defined as the “explo-
development (Mossop 2015, p. 825). On the one ration of biodiversity for commercially valuable
hand, MB is expected to experience significant genetic and biochemical resources, or the process
growth in the next decades, leading to vast eco- of gathering information derived from the bio-
nomic and commercial profits. On the other hand, sphere, regarding the molecular composition of
it raises several issues regarding environmental genetic resources for the development of new
protection, scientific research, and equity. The commercial products” (Subsidiary Body on Sci-
lack of a comprehensive legal framework and entific and Technical and Technological Advice
the limited experience and systematic knowledge 2003, para 49; See also Matz 2002, p. 282; Arico
regarding its exercise, possible implications, and and Salpin 2005, p. 15; de La Fayette 2009,
long-term consequences complicate things fur- p. 228; Broggiato 2013, p. 248; Mossop 2015,
ther. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a thor- p. 827; Tvedt 2020, p. 245f; Ganashree 2021,
ough understanding of MB, define its potential p. 199). It includes the access to and exploration
and limitations, and regulate it effectively. This of marine environments, the sampling of
will enable maximum gains to be achieved, while organisms, and the initial process of scientific
minimising the risks and potential harm investigation and sampling analysis in
associated with its uncontrolled exercise. Within laboratories. The aim is to indicate biological
this context, this paper aims to briefly present compounds of actual or potential value to com-
some challenges connected with the exercise of mercial applications (Moran et al. 2001, p. 505;
MB. The first part will explore the activity itself, Matz 2002, p. 282; de La Fayette 2009, p. 228;
while the second one will provide an overview of Harvey and Gericke 2011, p. 325). In this
the environmental, scientific, ethical, and legal sense, MB constitutes the first step towards future
challenges. commercial exploitation of MGR and ends with
the isolation and characterisation of the desired
compound or property (UN Secretary General
2 Understanding Marine 2007, para 150).
Bioprospecting In a broad sense, MB includes in-situ explora-
tion and sampling as well as the entire research
This section aims to shed more light on MB by and development process. It is defined as the
defining it, distinguishing it from Marine Scien- “process whereby commercially useful products
tific Research (MSR), describing its main are technologically derived, processed and devel-
characteristics, and presenting its commercial oped based on the collection of marine genetic
aspect and the interests connected to it. resources” (Krabbe 2021, p. 41). Here, MB does
not cover only the initial process of sampling and
For more on the history of MB, see Krabbe (2021), laboratory analysis but also the product
p. 58ff.
Marine Bioprospecting: Understanding the Activity and Some Challenges. . . 239

development and full-scale commercialisation challenges of MB, this paper accepts the broad
(Farrier and Tucker 2001, pp. 213, 231; Arico definition. The following analysis has practical
and Salpin 2005, p. 15; Leary 2007, value only if the activity is considered within its
pp. 158, 164f; Leary et al. 2009, p. 184; Wales natural complexity and is not seen only from a
2015, p. 46; Krabbe 2021, p. 41ff). It involves a theoretical and simplified perspective. Before
number of actions divided into four stages in a entering the main analysis, it is necessary to
linear sequence: first, the exploration and discov- briefly outline three characteristics of MB. First,
ery, which includes the investigation and in-situ MB is a highly risky, long-lasting and expensive
collection of samples and data from the environ- activity and requires wide-ranging technological
ment; second, the isolation, characterisation, and and scientific expertise (Farrier and Tucker 2001,
culture of bioactive components in laboratories; p. 227; Krabbe 2021, p. 105). The process
third, the screening of components for useful between sampling and selling may last up to
quantities that may result in products; fourth, the 15 years. The most costly and burdensome
full scale commercialisation, which includes phase is in laboratories (Farrier and Tucker
patenting, product development, marketing, and 2001, p. 227; Krabbe 2021, p. 29). Second, explo-
selling (Jabour-Green and Nicol 2003, p. 85ff; ration and resource extraction take place in areas
Leary 2007, p. 164ff; Heafey 2014, p. 496; Bhatia within and beyond national jurisdiction. How-
and Chugh 2015, p. 178; Krabbe 2021, pp. 20, 43, ever, the main focus in the future is expected to
104). In the last stage, the natural component may be on some unique and valuable organisms of
represent a source of inspiration for the product deep oceans. Third, MB shows a high degree of
development or it may be a large part or the whole complexity, diversity of purposes, methods, and
of the final product. The latter case presupposes processes, and may vary significantly from case
the harvesting of large quantities of organisms in to case (Tvedt 2020, p. 246; Krabbe 2021,
bulk (Jabour-Green and Nicol 2003, p. 85; p. 104). Different needs and practical
Krabbe 2021, p. 100). requirements have led to the development of var-
Furthermore, based on a different understand- ious means of conducting MB. Furthermore, it is
ing, bioprospecting describes the initial stage of not very common for the whole process to be
exploration including sampling in small conducted exclusively by a single entity or
quantities, while biodiscovery covers the bioprospecting group (Krabbe 2021,
subsequent stage of recollection, isolation, pp. 30, 104). On the contrary, the current trend
characterisation, culture, screening, product is to establish collaborations between scientific
development, and commercialisation (Hemmings and bioprospecting groups or use data collected
and Rogan-Finnemore 2009, p. 536. See also from other groups. This complexity creates
Matz-Lück 2017, p. 1611). Moreover, for some challenges and uncertainties that have to be con-
scholars, MB does not only refer to organisms but sidered when regulating the activity.
also includes the associated traditional knowl-
edge. This is usually possessed by indigenous
coastal communities and is related to medical 2.2 Marine Bioprospecting VS
and other applications of marine resources and Marine Scientific Research
the management of biodiversity (Compare Shiva
2007, p. 307; Demunshi and Chugh 2010, Scholarship and praxis are often unclear about the
p. 3018; Eritja 2017, p. 225). This knowledge nature of MB and whether it should be consid-
constitutes an essential complement in order to ered as MSR. MSR is fundamental research
pursue effective research and discover useful undertaken for purely scientific purposes and car-
properties and applications, especially in case of ried out with the intention of open publication
drug development. (Matz 2002, p. 282; de La Fayette 2009, p. 270;
In order to provide a comprehensive under- Scovazzi 2013, p. 121; Doussis 2017, p. 89). It is
standing of the complexity and inherent described as ‘an activity that involves collection
240 M. Bekiari

and analysis of information, data or samples habitats and organisms with increased commer-
aimed at increasing mankind’s knowledge of the cial value, and may occur repeatedly and in large
environment, and is not undertaken with the quantities. As a result, the two activities may
intent of economic gain’ (Scovazzi 2004, affect marine organisms and environments on a
p. 401f; See also Leary 2007, p. 183ff). different scale. Especially when product develop-
A comparison between MB and MSR shows ment in MB requires the intensive harvesting of
that they both relate to the exploration of marine organisms, there is a higher risk of causing sig-
environments and include sampling, laboratory nificant and irreversible harm. At the legal level,
investigation, and research. Furthermore, both the different purposes are fundamental in deter-
focus on the exploration of the same kind of mining the regime that regulates the exploration,
marine organisms and hotspots and make use of sampling, and in-situ research and the conditions
similar technologies, research and investigatory for the protection, publication, and use of research
methods (Krabbe 2021, p. 198). However, they data and outcomes (Matz 2002, p. 283; Scovazzi
pursue different purposes (Compare Caflisch and 2004, p. 401, 2020, p. 223; Drankier et al. 2012,
Picard 1978, p. 850; Mossop 2015, p. 832; Matz- p. 416; Yu 2020, p. 6).
Lück 2017, p. 1611; Yu 2020, p. 9). While MB Despite the clear lines in theory, the
investigates marine organisms in order to develop boundaries between MB and MSR are often
products and make profit, MSR aims to increase blurred in praxis as a result of an increasing
scientific knowledge and understanding for the trend of mutual interaction and integration (Far-
benefit of humankind. The latter researches rier and Tucker 2001, p. 228; Wales 2015, p. 46;
marine environments in order to describe and Yu 2020, p. 8f; Krabbe 2021, p. 103). This usu-
understand oceans, the functions and processes ally happens when a project is partly scientific
of marine ecosystems, and the role of genetic and partly commercial or when the same data and
resources within biological diversity (Matz research outcomes are used in science and for
2002, p. 283; de La Fayette 2009, p. 270; Krabbe commercial applications. The requirements for
2021, pp. 49ff, 198).4 In order to enhance knowl- scientific and technical expertise and the high
edge, MSR is characterised by openness, costs of sampling and research often give rise to
exchange of samples, and dissemination of data close collaboration between scientific research
and research outcomes (Scovazzi 2004, p. 402). institutions and bioprospecting groups (Farrier
Although the knowledge produced may later be and Tucker 2001, p. 228f; Jabour-Green and
used in commercial and non-commercial Nicol 2003, p. 78; Leary et al. 2009, p. 184;
applications, the exclusive goal of MSR is scien- Heafey 2014, p. 496; Harden-Davies 2017,
tific discovery and the expansion of scientific p. 505; Yu 2020, p. 9; Krabbe 2021, p. 107).5 In
knowledge. some collaborative projects, bioprospecting
The different purposes pursued by MB and groups do not participate in sampling, only
MSR have practical and legal implications. At a becoming involved during laboratory research
practical level, sampling methods, the selection of (Krabbe 2021, p. 112). Moreover, it may happen
organisms, and the frequency and intensity of that non-commercially orientated collaborations
sampling may differ significantly. Sampling in begin with the aim of describing new species or
scientific projects usually takes place randomly exploring the biodiversity of a certain region and
and in small quantities and the applied methods their outcomes are later used for commercial
focus on screening and understanding marine purposes (Krabbe 2021, p. 108). In other cases,
environments. On contrary, sampling in MB bioprospectors skip the in-situ investigation and
projects is often more invasive and manipulative use publicly available information and samples
of the environments. It targets exclusively collected earlier by scientific and other

More about MSR in Leary (2007), p. 7ff; Broggiato
(2013), p. 249; Doussis (2017), p. 87. On the Arctic, see Hughes and Bridge (2010), p. 15.
Marine Bioprospecting: Understanding the Activity and Some Challenges. . . 241

bioprospecting groups and preserved in ex-situ very small percentage of them have been
collections, databases, and libraries (Hemmings explored. The likelihood of discovering previ-
and Rogan-Finnemore 2009, p. 536; Leary et al. ously undescribed species with commercial
2009, p. 184; Krabbe 2021, pp. 51, 108f). Some- value is estimated to be 500 times higher in com-
times, although a project begins as a fundamental parison with terrestrial counterparts (Arrieta et al.
research project, commercial motives are added at 2010, p. 18320; Mossop 2015, p. 827; See also
a later stage, altering its initial character. This Arico and Salpin 2005, p. 27; Leary et al. 2009,
often happens after the in-situ operation is p. 185. See also Krabbe 2021, p. 53f). This
completed (Krabbe 2021, p. 103). In the afore- increases the interest of the biotechnological
mentioned cases, the mix of scientific and com- industry in commercially exploiting ocean
mercial elements creates confusion about the resources (Leary 2007, p. 159; de La Fayette
character and legal qualification of a project and 2009, p. 231).
causes uncertainty about the applicable rules. In this framework, MB constitutes a key activ-
ity in the discovery of novel bioactive properties
of marine organisms with potential uses for
2.3 The Commercial Aspect humans. This is expected to foster innovation,
of Marine Bioprospecting solve current social problems, and improve
our quality of life. Findings from MB can be
Marine environments contain some of the most used in various industrial and commercial sectors,
valuable and biodiverse ecosystems on Earth. such as medicine and pharmacology, agriculture
While in the past commercially valuable and aquaculture, chemistry, manufacturing and
organisms were supposed to live in coastal the cosmetic industry, as well as in the fields of
areas, recent expeditions have discovered new eco-toxicology, bioremediation, and bio-fuel pro-
and rare species in deep oceans and especially duction (Farrier and Tucker 2001, p. 215f; Arico
on hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. These spe- and Salpin 2005, pp. 20f, 25, 27; Subsidiary Body
cies have developed some unique and commer- on Scientific and Advice 2005, para 21; Leary
cially valuable genetic and biochemical 2007, p. 160; de La Fayette 2009, p. 231; Leary
properties as a response to the extreme conditions et al. 2009, p. 189f; Arrieta et al. 2010, p. 18320;
of high pressure and temperature, darkness, tox- Scovazzi 2010, p. 52; Broggiato 2013, p. 249;
icity, and absence of oxygen (Matz 2002, p. 281; Broggiato et al. 2014, p. 176177; Mossop 2015,
Leary 2007, p. 159ff; Scovazzi 2007, p. 16, 2010, p. 828; Wales 2015, p. 44; Papastavridis 2020,
p. 50, 2020, p. 217; de La Fayette 2009, p. 228ff; p. 585). The significance of MB is reflected in the
Matz-Lück 2010, p. 61; Mossop 2015, p. 827; number of discoveries based on MGR, the num-
Ramirez-Llodra 2020, p. 37; Krabbe 2021, ber of patents filed to protect these discoveries,
pp. 26ff, 53ff). Compared with organisms in and the number of applications developed from
coastal areas, organisms of deep oceans are genet- biotechnological discoveries. Since 1999, the
ically, metabolically, physiologically, and taxo- number of patents originating from MGR has
nomically very diverse (Subsidiary Body on increased 12% per year on average. (Arrieta
Scientific and Advice 2005: paras 24ff; Leary et al. 2010, p. 18319; See also Arico and Salpin
2007, p. 159; de La Fayette 2009, p. 228f; 2005, p. 25; Leary et al. 2009, p. 189; Krabbe
Harden-Davies 2017, p. 505; Krabbe 2021, 2021, p. 125).
p. 53). Marine biotechnology recognises in them
a high potential for developing new products and
processes (Compare de La Fayette 2009, p. 231; 2.4 Interests Connected to Marine
Leary et al. 2009, p. 189ff; Scovazzi 2010, p. 51; Bioprospecting
Harvey and Gericke 2011, p. 323f; Scheiber
2011, p. 95; Harden-Davies 2017, p. 506f; Besides the interest of the biotechnological indus-
Humphries et al. 2020, p. 2). At the moment, a try in commercially exploiting marine organisms
242 M. Bekiari

in order to develop new products and foster scientific requirements enable only a small num-
innovation, several other interests are at play ber of developed states to conduct MB. At the
regarding MB. moment, three states (Germany, Japan, US) con-
Human presence and the investigatory and trol 70% of MGR, while the majority of other
sampling techniques used can harm organisms states lack access (Arnaud-Haond et al. 2011,
and endanger biodiversity. This risk is higher in p. 1521; Krabbe 2021, p. 124). This fact generates
case of the unique and fragile ecosystems of inequalities between rich and poor states regard-
the deep oceans. Coastal states and the interna- ing the sharing of benefits from the commercial
tional community have a strong environmental exploitation of MGR.
interest in protecting marine organisms and con- Finally, in the case of MB within national
serving biodiversity (Leary et al. 2009, p. 188; jurisdiction, several, often contradictory, interests
Gjerde et al. 2016, p. 47). Along with the estab- are involved. Interest in MB is related to the
lishment of technical and scientific frameworks, freedom of coastal states to decide whether, to
strict rules are required in order to control and what extent, and under which conditions they will
reduce harmful bioprospecting activities. permit resource exploitation. This affects the
Although environmental protection does not nec- interests of other states, private entities, and the
essarily imply the total prohibition of MB, this international community in exploiting marine
may be indispensable, especially when activities resources. Furthermore, MB may influence other
can harm rare and vulnerable species. activities and interests, such as tourism, fisheries,
Furthermore, the scientific community has a transportation, local communities, and indige-
double interest in MB. Firstly, scientists need to nous groups. All these interests have to be
collaborate with bioprospectors in order to identified, described, and fairly balanced.
cover the immense technological, scientific, and
financial requirements. Secondly, scientists have
a general interest in the applied methods and the 3 Marine Bioprospecting
research outcomes of MB as a means of increas- Challenges Related
ing understanding about marine environments to Environmental Protection,
(Leary et al. 2009, p. 184; Doussis 2017, Scientific Research, Ethics,
p. 87f). Beside purely academic purposes, and the Law
the gained knowledge may have practical
applications, helping scientists and decision MB is a recently emerged and little understood
makers to develop sustainable mechanisms and activity that is in the process of development. It is
policies, manage resources effectively, and characterised by a high level of complexity and
address climate change and anthropogenic pollu- variability, its boundaries and processes are not
tion (Doussis 2017, p. 88). However, it should be sufficiently clear, and various interests are
mentioned that the commercially-oriented connected to it. MB promises to revolutionise
outcomes of MB can only partially serve scientists the field of biotechnology, yet, at the same time,
who follow broader, non-commercial purposes. it raises environmental, scientific, ethical, and
Moreover, the contribution of MB to science is legal challenges that will need to be effectively
restricted when data and research outcomes addressed. This section will provide an overview
remain undisclosed and protected by intellectual of some of the important challenges.
property rights (Leary et al. 2009, p. 184;
Drankier et al. 2012, p. 396; Krabbe 2021,
p. 112). 3.1 Challenges Related
Along with the industrial sector, the interna- to Environmental Protection
tional community and coastal states have
increased economic interest in exploiting marine In-situ bioprospecting activities can significantly
resources. However, technological, financial, and harm marine organisms and their environments in
Marine Bioprospecting: Understanding the Activity and Some Challenges. . . 243

various ways. One way relates to the adopted in-situ activities is currently assessed in very few
investigatory and sampling techniques. Noise, projects (Dhillion et al. 2002, p. 492; Leary 2007,
light, and heat from vessels, the movement of p. 190). Finally, in addition to the destructive
submersibles, accidental oil spills, hazardous factors, it is also necessary to consider the
waste, and ballast water discharge can cause increasing pressure caused by other anthropo-
physical and structural harm (de La Fayette genic activities that have a cumulative impact on
2009, p. 233; Leary et al. 2009, p. 188; Hubert marine environments (de La Fayette 2009,
2011, p. 330; Broggiato 2013, p. 249). In addi- p. 232).7
tion, MB often requires the application of inva- In the aforementioned cases, MB can disturb
sive, manipulative, and destructive techniques, fauna, harm the target organisms, and cause sec-
such as the clearing of fauna for experimental ond order effects, such as changes in water flows,
studies, transplantation of fauna between alteration of the community structure, biological
locations, or the placement of instrument contamination, and the introduction of exotic spe-
packages. The aim of the techniques used is not cies. Long-term effects, such as alteration or
merely to describe and understand environments destruction of marine ecosystems, decreases in
and organisms but rather to identify commercially population, and species extinction are also possi-
valuable resources.6 ble (Arico and Salpin 2005, p. 22; Subsidiary
Collection of marine organisms can also cause Body on Scientific and Advice 2005, para 27;
harm, especially when this takes place in large Leary 2007, p. 189; Matz-Lück 2010, p. 64;
quantities. Researching, identifying, and isolating Hubert 2011, p. 330; Scheiber 2011, p. 95). The
commercially valuable compounds often require level of harm depends on a number of factors,
the sampling of large quantities for repeated including the structure of the ecosystems, the
experiments in laboratories. The exact quantity specific circumstances of the targeted area
depends on the research purpose (Krabbe 2021, (e.g. environmental conditions, level of pollution,
p. 106). Moreover, it is often economically more other activities), the uniqueness and vulnerability
profitable to harvest resources in large quantities of the sampled organisms, the characteristics of
than to produce them synthetically (Jabour-Green the project, the methods used, and the quantity
and Nicol 2003, p. 108). In addition, massive, and frequency of sampling.
intensive, aggressive, and often uncontrolled The effects of MB are even more significant in
harvesting for product manufacturing may the case of organisms in deep oceans. Due to
destroy organisms and their communities (Farrier specific environmental conditions, these
and Tucker 2001, p. 218f; Arrieta et al. 2010, organisms grow very slowly, have a slow rate of
p. 18321). Harm is also caused by the collection regeneration, and lack the ability to adapt to
of resources beyond industrial and scientific changes in their environment Some unique
needs or when large quantities are required for forms of life like trenches that form less than
profitable use. Frequent repeated collection in 1% of the oceans have evolved over millions of
areas with recognised commercial value adds to years. (Compare Harden-Davies 2017, p. 506;
the harm, as do simultaneous or successive Humphries et al. 2020, p. 2). Oceanic organisms
activities in the same area by various scientific tend to recover slowly from disturbances and in
and bioprospecting groups. In fact, repetitive some cases damage can be irreversible or take a
harvesting can threaten species even if it is con- very long time to reverse.8 Some organisms are
trolled and moderate (Arico and Salpin 2005, unique, live in small communities, and can be
p. 22; Warner 2008, p. 416; Arrieta et al. 2010, found only in one place. Any intervention during
p. 18321; Mossop 2015, p. 829). In this context, it MB and the continuous harvesting of large
is worth noting that the environmental impact of
On anthropogenic impacts in general, see Ramirez-
On harmful research techniques, see Leary (2007), Llodra (2020), p. 49ff.
p. 189; Hubert (2011), p. 330. On the Arctic environment, see De Lucia (2017), p. 238.
244 M. Bekiari

amounts can seriously harm them or cause their 3.2 Challenges Related to Scientific
extinction. The risk is higher for small and rare Research
populations with limited distribution.
In-situ bioprospecting activities constitute a Research constitutes the most significant part of
major threat to these organisms and MB and seeks to reveal commercially valuable
environments. This fact cannot be ignored for properties of marine organisms for product devel-
the sake of commercial profit. On the contrary, a opment. In order to protect their economic
comprehensive analysis of all risks and long-term interests, bioprospectors keep important informa-
effects is required in order to establish the appro- tion and data produced during research strictly
priate scientific, technical, and regulatory confidential. Confidentiality covers a wide spec-
frameworks that will effectively manage MB, trum of information regarding marine resources
control its impact, and ensure biodiversity conser- and environments, the geographic origin of the
vation and a high level of environmental protec- samples, the methods used, the scientific
tion.9 This is not only in the interest of marine outcomes, the frequency and intensity of sam-
environments. It also benefits MB, given that the pling, and other details about the project (Com-
activity itself depends on the good condition of pare Leary et al. 2009, p. 184; Scovazzi 2010,
marine ecosystems and a future decline of biodi- p. 52; Arnaud-Haond et al. 2011, p. 1522;
versity will adversely affect it in the long term Chiarolla 2014, pp. 178, 180f; Mossop 2015,
(Compare Hughes and Bridge 2010, p. 17). p. 832; Wales 2015, p. 45; Krabbe 2021,
Although the effective management of the p. 117). In many cases, the deposition of
impacts from MB seems easy in theory, several specimens to collections is delayed or bypassed
challenges complicate it in practice. Some of the in order to meet confidentiality requirements
difficulties include its complexity, the limited (Hughes and Bridge 2010, p. 16). At the same
experience in the field, the numerous competing time, confidentiality affects the freedom of scien-
interests, the impact of the techniques used on tific research and deprives academic scientists and
ecosystems and the lack of comprehensive policy makers of useful information (Jabour-
knowledge about this impact. Other challenges Green and Nicol 2003, pp. 78, 97ff; Leary and
are related to the specific conditions of marine Walton 2010, p. 2; Wales 2015, p. 45). Further-
environments, the complexity and limited under- more, confidentiality may reduce trust and inter-
standing of the marine realm, the connectivity action between scientists, who avoid sharing data
among ecosystems, the characteristics of the col- before licensing arrangements are made. Hence,
lected organisms, the reaction of organisms to there are negative consequences for the
human presence and interventions, and the cumu- conducting of research, fostering of cooperation,
lative and long-term effects. Finally, in addition and production of novel research outcomes
to the challenges mentioned above, the environ- (Hughes and Bridge 2010, p. 15f). Moreover,
mental regulatory framework is insufficient and confidentiality impedes precise and comprehen-
fragmented, there is a lack of effective monitoring sive assessment of the project in question, under-
and enforcement as well as knowledge gaps, and standing of its environmental impact, monitoring
the cooperation between actors (states and private of its long-term effects, and the collection of
entities) is limited (Rayfuse and Warner 2008, experience. This, in turn, complicates the estab-
p. 402; de La Fayette 2009, p. 257; Leary et al. lishment of effective scientific, technical, and
2009, p. 183; Matz-Lück 2010, p. 67f). legal frameworks to control MB.
In light of the above, the following questions
need to be addressed: What are the limits of
confidentiality? To what extent does confidential-
ity really promote innovation when data sharing
On the risks of MB for biodiversity, see Farrier and is hindered (Compare Chiarolla 2014, p. 178)?
Tucker (2001), p. 213.
Marine Bioprospecting: Understanding the Activity and Some Challenges. . . 245

Does confidentiality comply with principles of Leary 2007, p. 170ff; Leary et al. 2009, p. 189;
fairness and reciprocity, given that bioprospectors Drankier et al. 2012, p. 396; Chiarolla 2014,
use publicly available data from scientific groups, p. 172; Heafey 2014, p. 511; Bhatia and Chugh
while they keep their own data strictly confiden- 2015, p. 182; Krabbe 2021, p. 116ff; See also
tial? How could transparency of research Moran et al. 2001, p. 513). Each year, the number
outcomes and access to information be of patents derived from MGR is growing at
guaranteed? Based on the answers to these around 12%. Ten countries own 90% of patents
questions, it is necessary to redefine confidential- on marine genes while the top three own 70%
ity with regard to MB and establish a more appro- (Arnaud-Haond et al. 2011, p. 1521; Broggiato
priate framework. 2013, p. 248). Based on studies of the records of
Besides this issue of confidentiality, MB can genetic sequences associated with patents, the
also harm academic research in another way. majority of MGR belong to a few corporations
Specifically, the current trend whereby (Scovazzi 2010, p. 51; Arnaud-Haond et al. 2011,
governments and investors provide support to p. 1521; Blasiak et al. 2018, p. 2). One single
commercially significant projects indirectly company (BASF) has registered 47% of all oce-
forces academic researchers to commercialise anic marine sequences. Although the commercial
their work, produce commercially relevant exploitation of resources has significant monetary
outcomes, and collaborate with industrial partners benefits, can foster innovation and improve the
in order to get sufficient funding. In the long term, quality of life, it raises a number of ethical issues.
this pressure may influence the quality of aca- The first issue relates to the ownership of
demic research, lead to shrinking or loss of scien- genetic resources and the right to control and
tific areas with little commercial value, and affect dispose of them (Compare Bhatti et al. 2009,
the production of a more holistic understanding of p. 18; de La Fayette 2009, p. 255; Barnes 2010,
marine environments (Hughes and Bridge 2010, p. 83; Fedder 2013, p. 71; Ganashree 2021,
p. 15). In this respect, it is necessary to increase p. 199). This raises several questions. What does
awareness and take measures to prevent such it mean to “own the resources”? What is the scope
outcomes. of ownership? Who is the owner? To what extent
are resources capable of being owned? Do own-
ership and commercialisation foster growth for
3.3 Challenges Related to Ethics the benefit of humankind or for a small number
of states leaving biodiversity-rich regions finan-
As explained above, MB can foster innovation cially and environmentally poor (Shiva 2007,
and product development in numerous industrial pp. 307, 312)? Other questions relate to the rights
sectors. Industries and biotechnology companies and obligations of the owner and the practical and
invest years and millions of USD in research and environmental implications of recognising own-
product development. As the primary goal is the ership. In line with the United Nations Conven-
commercial exploitation of marine resources, tion on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the
bioprospectors are willing to bear the costs and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
risks if a significant profit is guaranteed. Cur- recognises the right of coastal states to own and
rently, the potential monetary benefits are utilise genetic resources within their jurisdiction
estimated to be in billions of USD, and this rate and to grant access (Farrier and Tucker 2001,
should continuously increase (Arnaud-Haond p. 222; Harvey and Gericke 2011, p. 323f;
et al. 2011, p. 1521; Mossop 2015, p. 828). Mossop 2015, p. 830; Krabbe 2021, p. 326). In
Contracts of exclusive access to and exploitation the case of ocean resources, the situation is more
of marine resources, as well as intellectual prop- complicated, given that no state can claim sover-
erty rights, provide incentives and foster eignty rights and neither UNCLOS nor CBD pro-
innovation, research, and product development vide specific rules (Compare Jabour-Green and
(Jabour-Green and Nicol 2003, pp. 78, 87; Nicol 2003, pp. 95, 106ff; Scovazzi 2007, p. 18,
246 M. Bekiari

2020, p. 218; Matz-Lück 2010, p. 62; Mossop the Nagoya Protocol address inequalities by
2015, p. 836; Krabbe 2021, p. 330). Currently, introducing a system of sharing the benefits
the question is the subject of negotiations under from resource exploitation within national juris-
the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction diction (Moran et al. 2001, p. 516f; Drankier et al.
(BBNJ) agreement, which aims to establish a 2012, p. 412, 416; Chiarolla 2014, p. 191;
framework for biodiversity conservation and fair Mossop 2015, p. 830; Ganashree 2021, p. 213).
exploitation (Matz-Lück 2010, p. 65; Scovazzi However, this regime includes several legislative,
2010, p. 53, 2020, p. 218ff; Chiarolla 2014, contractual, procedural, and practical
p. 172f; Mossop 2015, p. 830; De Santo et al. uncertainties and controversial issues.11 Regard-
2020, p. 4). In fact, various regulatory regimes are ing oceanic resources, the issue is under negotia-
available (Mossop 2015, p. 837f; Ganashree tion within the framework of the BBNJ
2021, p. 203).10 Some states interested in agreement (Scovazzi 2007, p. 24, 2020,
exploiting MGR endorse the right to free access, p. 226ff; Tvedt and Jørem 2013, p. 151; De
while others regard ocean resources as common Santo et al. 2020, p. 4; Tvedt 2020, p. 238;
heritage of humankind. Ganashree 2021, p. 201). Finally, in addition to
A second issue relates to the sharing of mone- issues of ownership and benefit sharing, ethical
tary and non-monetary benefits derived from considerations arise with regard to genetic engi-
commercial exploitation of MGR. As explained neering, public safety, and patentability of life
above, only a few states from the developed north forms (Bruce and Bruce 1998; Leary 2007,
have the capacity to conduct MB, while the vast p. 171; Drankier et al. 2012, p. 388; Chiarolla
majority have no access (Scovazzi 2007, p. 19; 2014, p. 175).
Wales 2015, p. 45; Blasiak et al. 2018, p. 2).
Furthermore, the granting of exclusive rights
enables corporations to make significant profits 3.4 Legal Challenges
using resources and associated traditional knowl-
edge, while excluding indigenous coastal The aforementioned challenges and open
communities from similar use (Shiva 2007, questions at the environmental, scientific, and
p. 312; Demunshi and Chugh 2010, p. 3017). ethical level are reflected in the existing legal
Ultimately, MB is seen as ‘the expropriation of framework related to MB. As MB is still in its
the collective and cumulative innovation’ of the infancy, a unified and well established framework
indigenous population, which has been used, regulating all issues concerning the commercial
protected, and conserved for centuries (Shiva exploitation of MGR is missing. Depending on
2007, p. 307). This situation perpetuates the gap the issue in question, several rules are applicable.
between rich and poor states, reinforcing (Compare Scovazzi 2007, p. 18, 2010, p. 57; de
inequalities at the expense of developing states. La Fayette 2009, p. 263; Matz-Lück 2010, p. 64;
In this respect, issues of fairness arise with regard Bhatia and Chugh 2015, p. 180; Krabbe 2021,
to benefit sharing (Jabour-Green and Nicol 2003, p. 131). This section does not aim to list the
p. 80; Rosendal 2006, p. 437; Guyomard 2010, applicable regulatory regimes but rather to high-
p. 31; Jabour 2010, p. 25; Leary and Walton light the complexity and identify challenges to be
2010, p. 2; Arnaud-Haond et al. 2011, p. 1521; addressed promptly in order to establish legal
Harvey and Gericke 2011, p. 325; Heafey 2014, certainty.
p. 512; Ganashree 2021, p. 200). The CBD and As explained, different regimes are applicable
in different zones depending on the subject
For a thorough analysis of possible regimes, see
Arnaud-Haond et al. (2011), p. 1522; Drankier et al. For an overview of the weaknesses of ABS regimes, see
(2012), p. 375; Fedder (2013), p. 71ff; Tvedt and Jørem Jabour-Green and Nicol (2003), p. 94ff; Rosendal (2006),
(2013), p. 150; Wales (2015), p. 45f; Humphries (2018), p. 439; Bhatti et al. (2009); Fedder (2013), p. 237ff; Bhatia
p. 544; Scovazzi (2020), p. 218ff. and Chugh (2015), p. 179.
Marine Bioprospecting: Understanding the Activity and Some Challenges. . . 247

matter, the stage of the process, and the physical 2001, p. 229f; Matz 2002, p. 283; Guyomard
location of the resources.12 These regimes, 2010, p. 36f). Qualification issues also arise dur-
characterised by complexity, cover general issues ing laboratory research. In some cases, sophisti-
without considering the specific characteristics cated genetic engineering technology modifies
and challenges of MB. They pursue different the natural components in a way that the final
goals and apply during different stages of the function differs from the original one. In this
process, simultaneously or successively, comple- respect, it is unclear whether this process and
mentarily or concurrently (Krabbe 2021, p. 130; the resulting product constitute MB or purely
See also de La Fayette 2009, p. 234ff; Demunshi synthetic development (Krabbe 2021, p. 110).
and Chugh 2010, p. 3018; Bhatia and Chugh In addition, it is common for different interna-
2015, p. 180; Ganashree 2021, p. 202). Some tional, regional, and national regulatory
rules regulate issues related to in-situ research, frameworks to apply to the same legal issue.
such as environmental protection and impact These frameworks lack a holistic approach, coor-
assessment, resource management, the rights of dination, harmonisation and normative consis-
coastal states to grant access, and administrative tency, and cause confusion and legal
issues of sampling permissions. Other rules con- uncertainty. For instance, issues regarding patent-
cern contractual issues in the case of research ability or confidentiality are regulated differently
collaborations and funding, the code of conduct within domestic patent law and at international
for responsible research, acceptable scientific level.13 Similarly, several international, regional,
methods, the conditions for ex-situ access to and national environmental rules may apply
resources preserved in libraries, and the sharing simultaneously in a certain area, introducing dif-
of data and research outcomes. Other rules relate ferent conditions on all or some activities. The
to the use of MGR, benefit sharing, biotechnol- fact that most of the time the applicable rules are
ogy issues, intellectual property rights, marketing not harmonised leads to problems during imple-
and product commercialisation. mentation, challenging their effectiveness and
Application of the appropriate rules reducing environmental protection. Furthermore,
presupposes the correct ad hoc legal qualification. identifying the applicable regime is often compli-
However, this may be difficult given the com- cated when bioprospecting activities transcend
plexity of MB, the various forms it may take, the conventional UNCLOS division in maritime
and the blurred boundaries. For example, the zones and take place partly beyond and partly
relationship between MB and MSR raises within the national jurisdiction of one or more
questions as to whether MB should be legally states.
treated as MSR (Scovazzi 2007, p. 18, 2010, Moreover, rules applicable to MB are
p. 57f, 2020, p. 223f; de La Fayette 2009, characterised by a high level of fragmentation,
pp. 254, 260ff; Drankier et al. 2012, p. 416; complexity and incoherence, with ambiguities
Heafey 2014, p. 509; Mossop 2015, p. 832ff; and disconnection, in addition to overlapping
Matz-Lück 2017, p. 1611; Yu 2020, p. 9; Krabbe rules and legal gaps (de La Fayette 2009, p. 253;
2021, p. 198ff). The situation is more complex in Gjerde et al. 2016, p. 47).14 These characteristics
the case of collaborations between bioprospecting result from ideological differences (different
and scientific groups or when bioprospectors use values and goals) and different logics across the
data produced in academia (Farrier and Tucker regimes, lack of coordination during drafting, and

For an overview of the different legal frameworks, see More on this issue in Leary (2007), p. 172; Drankier
Drankier et al. (2012), p. 377ff; Heafey (2014), p. 497ff; et al. (2012), p. 386ff; Chiarolla (2014), p. 174ff; Heafey
Mossop (2015), p. 833ff; Gjerde et al. (2016), p. 49; (2014), p. 513.
Humphries (2018), p. 542; Krabbe (2021), p. 130ff. See On the reasons of fragmentation and the legal
also Warner (2008), p. 411; Drankier et al. (2012), challenges connected to fragmentation and inconsistency,
p. 377ff. Long (2010), p. 198; Krabbe (2021), p. 37.
248 M. Bekiari

regulatory gaps in science and technology.15 For complicate the establishment of a suitable
instance, while resource management, biodiver- regulatory framework. Secondly, science and
sity protection and benefit sharing for resources technology in the marine sector are developing
within national jurisdiction are regulated under so rapidly that legislators are unable to keep pace
the CBD and the Nagoya Protocol, there is cur- (Tladi 2019, p. 490f).
rently no similar framework for ocean resources Besides challenges at the regulatory level,
(Chiarolla 2014, p. 191; For further information, problems emerge regarding effective enforcement
see Matz 2002, p. 285). In these cases, it is very and monitoring.17 In the case of international
common for disputes to arise as to which rules agreements and non-legally binding frameworks,
and legal principles are applicable (de La Fayette their effective implementation depends mainly on
2009, p. 253). Furthermore, in sui-generis the willingness of the state. In addition, enforce-
regimes like Antarctica and Arctic, the legal ment gaps result from the lack of effective com-
framework is more complex and the available pliance and enforcement mechanisms and the
regimes are inadequate to respond to the specific lack of standing of states and organisms to protect
needs and requirements (More in Jabour-Green the interests of the international community
and Nicol 2003, p. 77ff; Guyomard 2010, p. 31; (Rayfuse 2010, p. 189). Moreover, rules in inter-
Jabour 2010, p. 19; Mossop 2015, p. 840; Eritja national law do not usually impose obligations on
2017, p. 229ff). Moreover, simultaneously private entities and cannot be implemented and
applied regulations that serve different goals enforced in relation to them. At the same time,
may introduce competing obligations and states are not always able to effectively control
conditions, creating conflicts of rules. Such them (Rayfuse 2010, p. 189; Tvedt 2020, p. 247).
conflicts exist between patent law and environ- Furthermore, effective implementation depends
mental law with regard to confidentiality (Wales on scientific evaluations resulting from a thor-
2015, p. 45). While the former promotes confi- ough analysis of MB. However, this is not always
dentiality of information until patents are granted, feasible due to the limited experience and avail-
the latter encourages transparency and free access able information. Besides, rules often introduce
to data as a means of promoting knowledge and obligations qualified by phrases such as “as far as
environmental protection (Rosendal 2006, p. 436; possible” or “where applicable” (e.g. Article
Chiarolla 2014, p. 108f; Wales 2015, p. 45).16 In 6 (b), 7 and 8 CBD. See also Mossop 2015).
addition, various regulatory regimes introduce This offers room for manoeuvre, allowing states
seemingly incoherent obligations, although they and corporations to undermine significant
are part of international law (Compare Krabbe obligations. Due to the lack of harmonisation,
2021, p. 271). the implementation of one rule may undermine
The aforementioned characteristics of the legal obligations introduced in other rules. Finally, the
framework related to MB make it difficult to multiplicity of regimes, the regulatory gaps, and
identify the applicable rules, create conflicts of the conflicting obligations give states and
rules and confusion, and jeopardise legal cer- companies a certain discretion to implement
tainty. In addition to these, two more parameters rules selectively, or control the system, avoiding
should be considered. Firstly, the characteristics to apply of the prohibitive rules of one regime by
of marine organisms and environments referring to the permissive rules of another
(Krabbe 2021, p. 19).
For a thorough analysis of the different concepts in the
law of the sea, environmental law, and patent law, see
Krabbe (2021), p. 130ff; See also Ganashree (2021),
p. 202ff.
On the relationship between CBD and intellectual prop-
erty rights, see Krabbe (2021), p. 349ff; See also Drankier
et al. (2012), p. 412; On the failure of CBD to address In general about enforcement gaps, see Rayfuse
intellectual property rights, see Leary (2007), p. 174. (2010), p. 169.
Marine Bioprospecting: Understanding the Activity and Some Challenges. . . 249

4 Conclusion environment in a positive or negative way. It is

in the hands of the current generation to define the
MB is a relatively new activity and a product of footprint that it will leave for humans and our
recent biotechnological and scientific advances. It planet. Biodiversity conservation and environ-
is a promising and challenging activity. On the mental protection are of critical importance in
one hand, it can contribute to improving the qual- order to meet the needs of present and future
ity of life through the development of products generations. All decisions should be taken on
and applications. On the other hand, it can cause this basis.
detrimental and irreparable damage to marine
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252 M. Bekiari

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Biotechnological Patents, Compulsory
Licensing and SARS-COV-2
in a Pandemic and Epidemic Context

J. P. Remédio Marques

Abstract Keywords
The advent of epidemics and pandemics— Patent rights · Supplementary protection
especially the COVID-19 virus pandemic— certificates · Biotechnology inventions ·
calls for a reflection on the social utility of Pharmaceutical regulation of medicines ·
patent law (and supplementary protection Compulsory licences; COVID-19
certificates for medicinal products) in
stimulating research and development of new
therapies over the course of time. These 1 Introduction
incentives, which belong to the legal subsys-
tem of industrial property rights, are articu- The current global public health crisis caused by
lated with and compete with incentives for the new Coronavirus has revealed a shortage of
the introduction of innovative biotechnologi- vaccines, active substances, excipients and other
cal medicines coming from the legal frame- treatments and materials—especially in the con-
work on pharmaceutical regulation, with text of biotechnological innovations—required to
regard to the manufacture and placing on the tackle the pandemic’s effects on individual health
market of medicines and medical devices and on healthcare provision in general. The vari-
(marketing authorisation procedures). On the ous vaccines developed since the beginning of
other hand, several legal alternatives to patent January 2020 currently benefit from exceptional
law are envisaged in order to stimulate bio- manufacturing and marketing authorisations in
technological innovation in the medical sector. all Member States of the European Union (and
This paper seeks to highlight some “strengths” also in non-members).
and “weaknesses” in the articulation between The flexibilities of the TRIPS Agreement, par-
these legal subsystems, in addition to propos- ticularly the right to grant compulsory licences for
ing some solutions and means of achieving the use of patented inventions, have been hailed
consensus. as the panacea for the problem of coronavirus
vaccine shortages. The improvement of second
generation genetically recombinant vaccines
designed to prevent the entry of the viral protein
(spike protein) into human cells is currently being
studied and developed. However, upstream of this
J. P. Remédio Marques (✉) complex legal issue, there are a whole set of
University of Coimbra, Faculty of Law, Coimbra, Portugal constraints in terms of pharmaceutical regulation,
e-mail: remedio@fd.uc.pt

# The Author(s) 2023 253

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
254 J. P. Remédio Marques

access to secret know-how, manufacturing and of the Member States that have transposed Direc-
distribution chains for vaccines and other raw tive 98/44/EC into domestic law; in other words,
materials. the European Union legal system is the only one
Most of the Covid-19 vaccines, however, are on the planet that defines the concept of biological
not yet protected by patent rights. Only those material, for the purposes of patent law. In Art.
developed in the Russian Federation were granted 2(1)(a) of Directive 98/44/EC, of 6 July 1998, of
patent rights in a very short space of time (about the European Parliament and of the Council, on
2 months from the filing date), and these patents the legal protection of biotechnological
are thus in force in that country. It is assumed that inventions (in Official Journal of the European
by the end of the 12-month period1 following the Communities, no. L 213, of 07/30/1998, p. 13 ff.),
date of filing of the first application, the holders of biological matter is defined as “any matter
these patent rights will have filed identical containing genetic information and capable of
applications for protection at the European Patent reproducing itself or being reproduced in a
Office and the US Patent and Trademark Office, biological system”. The Portuguese Industrial
as well as at similar public bodies in Japan, the Property Code of 2018 accepted this definition,
People’s Republic of China, South Korea, Israel, qua tale, in its Art. 54(4).
etc. Meanwhile, other pharmaceutical products It should be noted that this definition avoids
used in the fight against this pandemic already the use of the word “life” or “organism” or even
enjoy patent rights, and in some other cases the “living organism”. This option seems to be
patents have already expired.2 justified by the need to ensure that the concept
of biological matter is not limited only to
materials that produce energy and that grow and
2 Biotechnological Inventions divide, which would exclude viruses from the list.
and Patent Rights A criterion was thus adopted (a criterion of “life”)
that highlights the capacity for replication and
Patent law protects inventions. Inventions are expression of transmissible genetic information
creations of the human spirit that translate into (Marques 2007a, p. 228). As can be seen, this
technical solutions (that are new and involve an notion of “biological matter”—conceived in the
inventive step) for multiple technical problems, mid-1980s—is now somewhat outdated, as a con-
which imply human manipulation of natural sequence of the development of scientific knowl-
forces (e.g., chemistry, mechanics, thermody- edge. For example, it only covers (biological)
namics, electromagnetism), albeit with the help materials that can be replicated or that can self-
of machines or computer programs, including replicate in a biological system (and not, e.g.,
those provided with artificial intelligence. viruses, which replicate DNA outside cells and
In the legal framework of biotechnological cellular systems equipped with membranes
inventions, the European Union legal rules are designed to isolate proteins and nucleic acids
(to date) the only ones that define the concept of from the outside environment, with replication
“life” in patent law, along with the legal systems of DNA in vitro, in a “test tube”).
The creativity underlying cultural goods
protected by copyright—which do not require a
Article 4-C) 1) of the Paris Convention for the Protection
constitutive registration system—, unlike the cre-
of Industrial Property.
2 ativity underlying the manipulation of the forces
For example, we may refer to patent rights related to
certain processes for the preparation or synthesis of Iver- of nature (and, pour cause, of genomes) and the
mectin. Another example is found in the international utilitarian approach that emerges from them as
patent application WO 2017/049060 A1, filed on behalf necessary to satisfy human needs materialised in
of Gilead Sciences, which contains claims generically
products or processes, allows us to understand
directed to the use of Remdesivir in infections caused by
viruses of the Coronaviridae family, to which why the latter subsystem of intellectual
coronaviruses belong. property—i.e., patent law and patentable genetic
Biotechnological Patents, Compulsory Licensing and SARS-COV-2 in a Pandemic. . . 255

realities—resonates less, in ethical and legal variety breeder's right—can converge, with a
terms, among consumers of products and pro- potential serious conflict regarding their protec-
cesses that are protected by this patent law. tion, particularly if the holders of those rights are
Despite much national and supranational contro- different persons or entities.
versy surrounding the limits placed on access to Directive 98/44/EC, of the European Parlia-
health care by the rules governing medicine ment and of the Council, of 6 July 1998, on the
patents, and despite criticism of the specific legal protection of biotechnological inventions,
rules on the patentability of elements detached determines, in its Article 5 that: “1. The human
from the human body (including genes) and body, at the various stages of its formation and
animals, and how these affect access to plant development, and the simple discovery of one of
reproduction or plant propagation materials—in its elements, including the sequence or partial
particular, seeds—, these industrial property sequence of a gene, cannot constitute patentable
rights have not been part of the cultural life of inventions. 2. An element isolated from the
citizens or organisations representing their human body or otherwise produced by means of
interests in these areas of human action (Marques a technical process, including the sequence or
2021, p. 161). partial sequence of a gene, may constitute a pat-
These inventions may have biological entable invention, even if the structure of that
materials as their object: e.g., genetic sequences element is identical to that of a natural element”.
(DNA, RNA), bacteria, viruses, cells, cell lines, Article 4 states that; “1. The following shall
and animal and plant parts. And these biotechno- not be patentable: (a) plant and animal varieties;
logical inventions and the patent rights attached (b) essentially biological processes for the pro-
to them are at the forefront, domestically and in duction of plants or animals. 2. Inventions which
international trade, of current and future concern plants or animals shall be patentable if
controversies over people’s access to health care the technical feasibility of the invention is not
and of States’ aspirations to improve their public confined to a particular plant or animal variety.
health systems, in terms of the acquisition and 3. Paragraph 1(b) shall be without prejudice to the
supply of medicines to their citizens. patentability of inventions which concern a
It is my opinion, however, that the issue of microbiological or other technical process or a
providing patent protection for certain biological product obtained by means of such a process”.
realities, and in particular genetic sequences— The protection of inventions concerning
including the genetic sequences of human sequences of genes, cells, animals and plants —
beings–, and of protecting pharmacological, pre- including human genetic sequences previously
clinical and clinical information transmitted by detached from the human body — has provoked
drugs companies when applying for approval for immense controversy and concern, and has been
generic medicines, places the patent right, the the focus of several misunderstandings and some
legal rules on plant varieties and the exclusive facts that are difficult to refute (Marques 2001,
rights over that test data at a new juncture, p. 21 et seq.; Burk 2013, p. 747). We may con-
namely, the economic enjoyment of this type of sider the issue of the patentability of cell lines
industrial property rights and economic analysis derived from totipotent cells of human embryos:
of the markets created by the presence of the concerning the “bioethical clause” contained in
biological realities thus protected, on the one the European Patent Convention (Art. 53(a)), in
hand, and the cultural and social sense of the decision G 0002/06, of 25/11/2008 (use of
use and consumption of the products and pro- embryos/Warf), the Enlarged Board of Appeal
cesses protected by these rights, on the other. ruled that such lines were not patentable, since,
Quite often the same biological reality (e.g., a although totipotent cells had not been claimed,
plant or part of a plant) constitutes the mass the making of the invention, as described,
where two types of exclusive industrial rights— involved the destruction of embryos. More
the biotechnological patent right and the plant recently, the Technical Board of Appeal reiterated
256 J. P. Remédio Marques

this decision, in Decision T 2221/10, of 4/2/2014 – vectors containing the nucleic acid of the
(Culturing stem cells/ TECHNION). virus;
With regard to plant varieties (which enjoy – cells and pharmaceutical compositions
their own industrial exclusivity through a Plant containing the virus;
Variety Right based on the Convention for the – antibodies (monoclonal) intended to recognise
Protection of New Plant Varieties of 1961 the viral protein;
(Neumeier 1990, p. 13 et seq.; Wuesthoff et al. – in vitro viral infection diagnostic methods;
1999, pp. 95–112; Mills 2005, p. 139 et seq.; – modified genetic sequences of the viral protein
Marques 2007b, pp. 98–134; Metzger and Zech (in vaccines developed by Moderna and
2021, section 3), in the European Union the legal Pfizer);
rules on patent rights allow for the protection of – the use of the virus as a vaccine to prevent or
inventions if the technical feasibility of the inven- treat infection.
tion is not confined to a particular plant variety,
On the other hand, some medicines (e.g.,
or in cases that are not essentially biological pro-
vaccines) may be protected by various patent
cesses for the production of plants.
rights (e.g., for chemical intermediates, starting
materials, chemical or biotechnological synthesis
process(es), pharmaceutical formulation, etc.),
3 Patent Rights and Access
which, in compliance with the principle of unity
to Medicines (e.g. Vaccines).
of invention (Article 73 of the Portuguese Indus-
Pre-existing Patent Rights
trial Property Code; Article 82 of the European
and Supplementary Protection
Patent Convention), may be the subject of several
Certificates for Medicinal
patent applications or divisional applications.
Products; Patent Applications
There is, however, a set of patent rights that
and Patent Rights Not Yet
were granted in the recent past concerning other
coronaviruses. This is, for example, the case of
European Patent (EP) 3 172 319 B1, applied for
The vast majority of vaccine-related (product or
on 07/23/2015 (also for Portugal) and granted on
process) inventions are currently the subject of
11/20/2019, EP 2 898 067 B1, applied for on
patent applications. In some cases the patentabil-
23/09/2013 and granted on 15/01/2020 (of the
ity procedures for these have already allowed the
same sort designated to be in force in Portugal),
applications to be published, although the patent
and US patent US 7,220,852 B1, which was filed
rights have not yet been granted. This is because,
on 04/12/2004 and granted on 05/22/2007.
as a rule, patent applications are published
It is known that Pfizer and BioNTech,
18 months after the application for protection.3
Moderna and AstraZeneca have entered into pat-
Hence, most of these patent rights applications
ent rights (sub)licence agreements concerning
were only published in the second half of 2021.
several patents—relating to methods of acting
In the future, this situation will probably be
on the messenger RNA (mRNA) of segments of
repeated as a result of the successive changes
the viral protein—that have been held by the
that will need to be made to the vaccines patented
University of Pennsylvania since 2005 (Abinader
in the meantime, due to the mutations that the
2020; Le Péchon-Joubert and Carlyne 2021).
virus will periodically undergo.
These patent applications generally include
claims directed to:

Article 93 of the European Patent Convention; Article
69(2) of the Portuguese Industrial Property Code (2018).
Biotechnological Patents, Compulsory Licensing and SARS-COV-2 in a Pandemic. . . 257

4 The Issue of Access to Test In addition to the above, many medicines are
and Clinical Data protected (and will be protected) by means of a
(Pharmacological, supplementary protection certificate (SPC).5 The
Toxicological, Preclinical SPC—which lasts for a maximum period of five
and Clinical Data) and Generic years, and can be extended for an additional
Medicines. Exceptional period of six months when it concerns medicinal
Marketing Authorisations (For products for paediatric use (including vaccines)—
Reasons of Public Interest) becomes effective from the expiry of the patent
for the Placing of Vaccines rights relating to the reference medicinal product
Against COVID-19 which has previously received authorisation to be
on the Market placed on the market.
However, the current legal regime on the com-
In any case, most of the (product and process) pulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals protected by
inventions concerning vaccines have already patent rights can only affect patent rights and not
been granted (exceptional) manufacturing and supplementary protection certificates (that have
marketing authorisations by administrative health already been granted or are already in force).
authorities (e.g., the European Medicines Agency; Moreover, there are numerous medicines whose
the Hungarian health agency for certain vaccines patent rights have already expired that benefit
from China, and the Russian Federation). How- from this separate protection right (although it is
ever, as far as patentability procedures are instrumentally linked to the basic patent right
concerned, these inventions are still in the (formal where the active substance or composition of
and substantial) examination phase of protection active substances that is part of the medicinal
applications. product subject to the Marketing Authorisation
In fact, the issue of an administrative is mentioned—i.e., in the claims or description),
authorisation for a medicinal product to be placed where the object of that right is the reference drug
on the market for human use does not usually to which the Marketing Authorisation was
occur prior to the granting of the patent rights granted.
underlying the technological innovations that In any case, even if this legal framework is
that medicinal product incorporates; indeed, the changed—in the sense of expressly enshrining the
opposite is almost always the case. However, the possibility of granting compulsory licences for
public health emergency that States are pharmaceutical products that are the object of
experiencing has reversed the normal order of patent applications—the issue of access to data
things. This has given rise to the unusual situation on pharmacological, toxicological, and preclini-
of granting authorisation to place the medicines cal tests and trials still remains. This data was
on the market before granting patent rights on generated by the company that obtained the mar-
those medicines, through the issue of exceptional keting authorisation to place the reference drug on
authorisations (for reasons of public interest) for
the placing of vaccines against COVID-19 on the assessment procedure in accordance with Article 14(9) of
Market.4 Regulation (EC) 726/2004, of the European Parliament
and of the Council, of 31 March 2004, laying down Com-
munity procedures for the authorisation and supervision of
Article 22 of Directive 2001/83/EC, of the European medicinal products for human and veterinary use and
Parliament and of the Council, of 6 November 2001, on establishing a European Medicines Agency. In Portugal,
the Community code relating to medicinal products for see, also, the current wording of Article 92 of Decree-Law
human use; exceptional authorisation which is based on No. 176/2006, of August 30, on the legal framework for
one of the causes referred to in Part 4 (G) of Annex I of this Medicinal Products for Human Use.
Directive. When a marketing authorisation application is See Regulation (EC) No 469/2009, of the European
submitted for a product which is of major public health Parliament and of the Council, of 6 May 2009, concerning
interest, in particular from the viewpoint of therapeutic the supplementary protection certificate for medicinal
innovation, the applicant may request an accelerated products.
258 J. P. Remédio Marques

the market, which is, as a rule, the holder or compensation to be allocated to the patent holder
licensee of the patent rights. The method that or to the patent applicant that holds the test and
enables the chemical (biotechnological) and phar- clinical data, the economic value of this data will
maceutical invention to be produced in a safe and have to be computed (Marques 2008a,
effective way by the beneficiaries of those com- pp. 233, 234; Marques 2008c, p. 211; Marques
pulsory licences is indispensable and requires and Fernandes 2013, pp. 547, 548), and the extent
access to such test data. of the legal power that a reference medicine mar-
However, on the one hand, this test data is keting authorisation holder has to oppose the
protected by a sui generis trade secret regime marketing, by third parties who are beneficiaries
that binds the health authorities that approve of the compulsory licence, of the corresponding
such medicines in terms of their safety, efficacy generic medicines within a period of 10 years
and quality. In the European Union, this legal from the date of issue of that marketing
framework lasts for at least 8 years from the issue authorisation.
of the marketing authorisation. On the other hand, Finally, one important point to remember is
the marketing authorisation of the reference that the manufacture and marketing of medicines
drug—even if the drug is not the object of any (in casu, vaccines)—even when partially
patent rights or patent applications, or the poten- achieved with the use of subsidies from the
tial patent has been judicially invalidated or has European Union and/or its Member States—is
been waived by the patent holder—, as previously highly dependent on the content of the multiple
stated, grants its holder exclusive marketing rights distributions agreements concluded between the
for that medicinal product for a period of 10 to Member States (or the European Commission on
12 years from the date on which the marketing behalf of the European Union) and pharmaceuti-
authorisation is issued. cal companies (some of them based outside the
This situation imposes, de iure condendo, the European Economic Area), namely the timeliness
possibility of providing for a specific legal per- of deliveries, the price per unit, the forms of
mission for the competent health authorities to payment, the penal clauses foreseen in the event
use this test and trial data to approve generic of delay or definitive non-compliance, the clauses
medicines (manufactured under compulsory pat- to be inserted in contracts concluded downstream
ent rights licences or compulsory patent applica- intended to allow the manufacture and adequate
tion licences); and, in addition, these distribution of medicines and other devices, the
administrative bodies are authorised to provide law applicable to the merits of the case, the inter-
such scientific data to the beneficiaries of these national jurisdiction for the competent court
compulsory licences under strict confidentiality award, etc. Moreover, the marketing will also
conditions, in order for them to demonstrate the depend on the availability of certain types of
bioequivalence—et pour cause, the safety and biological and non-biological materials used in
efficacy—of the generic medicines used in the the manufacture of some vaccines, which are
treatment of this viral infection, with the primary widely known to be in short supply.
aim of being, themselves, generic medicines
approved on the basis of a public health
emergency. 5 Compulsory Licensing
Access to such test data in these public health of Patent Rights
emergency situations will need to operate on the and Biotechnological Patented
basis of a stand-alone compulsory licence or, Medicines
alternatively, be integrated within the compulsory
licence of the product that is the object of a patent The original text of the Paris Convention for the
application (or of the product subject to patent Protection of Industrial Property, adopted in
rights, if these have already been granted). Evi- 1883, imposed an obligation on the patent holder
dently, in calculating the financial (or other) to use the patent rights, and the Washington
Biotechnological Patents, Compulsory Licensing and SARS-COV-2 in a Pandemic. . . 259

Revision (of 1911) established a sanction for dependent patents, which were already included
non-compliance. Hence, this provision created a in the Paris Convention. Subparagraph b) of Arti-
legal duty for the patent holder and failure to cle 31 also provides for the need to first make
comply could give rise to expiry of the patent efforts to obtain a voluntary licence under reason-
(Marques 2009, p. 184). able commercial conditions. Compulsory licences
Article 5 of the Paris Convention already will only be issued if such efforts have been
provided for the possibility of issuing a compul- unsuccessful within a reasonable timeframe.
sory licence due to lack of exploitation of the There is also a requirement to pay adequate remu-
object of the patent. In fact, after the Hague neration in the circumstances of each case, taking
Review (1925), the Paris Convention began to into account the economic value of the licence, as
provide for the possibility of granting compulsory well as a requirement that decisions be subject to
licences and, ultima ratio, for the expiry of the judicial or other independent review by a distinct
patent if it was not being commercially exploited. higher authority. The new Article 31bis of the
In Portugal, the compulsory licensing of patent TRIPS Agreement—following the Doha Decla-
rights for reasons of public interest was ration of November 2011 on the TRIPS Agree-
introduced from the outset in the Industrial Prop- ment and public health—provides for the
erty Code of 1940. In fact, the Portuguese legis- possibility of issuing compulsory licences for
lator transposed compulsory licensing in Article the manufacture of pharmaceutical products in a
30(1) of the Code. The issue of this compulsory Contracting State primarily intended for export to
licence was possible provided one of the follow- one or more Contracting States with serious pub-
ing conditions was met: the patent holder had not lic health problems, in other words, to the extent
exploited the patent, without just cause, directly necessary for the purposes of producing a phar-
or through a licensee, for a period of three years maceutical product and its export to an eligible
following its granting, or, in the case of it having importing Member in accordance with the terms
been exploited, such exploitation had then ceased set out in paragraph 2 of the Annex to the
for three consecutive years. Furthermore, the Agreement.
1940 Code also provided for compulsory licens- However, the requirement of prior negotiation
ing in respect of dependent patents (dominant may be waived by the domestic laws of the
patent versus dependent patent). Contracting States in the event of a national
Article 30 of the TRIPS Agreement allows emergency, in a situation of extreme urgency or
Contracting States to “provide limited exceptions in the case of non-commercial public interest. It
to the exclusive rights conferred by a patent, should be noted, however, that Portugal has not
provided that such exceptions do not unreason- yet amended the Industrial Property Code of
ably conflict with a normal exploitation of the 2018, in order to provide for this exemption
patent and do not unreasonably prejudice the from the need for prior negotiations for reasons
legitimate interests of the patent owner, taking of public interest generated by a situation of
account of the legitimate interests of third extreme urgency (e.g., a public health
parties”. These exceptions are the free use of emergency).
patented products or processes beyond the intrin- Compulsory (or non-voluntary) licences
sic limits of the patent right, allowing for a return granted for products subject to patent rights ema-
to the sphere of freedom, previously hindered by nate from administrative acts that remove some
the industrial property rules, provided that certain of the property rights from the rights-holder,
requirements are observed. embodied in heteronomous constitutive public
Article 31 of the same Agreement establishes, authorisations, whereby the beneficiary of the
in addition, the minimum legal rules for the issue compulsory licence (human person, legal entity,
of compulsory licences and extends the possibil- public entity or the Government itself) will be
ity of their use to cases of national emergency— able, without the agreement of the holder of the
this in addition to public use and cases of patent rights, to exercise all or some of the legal
260 J. P. Remédio Marques

rights included in the respective document (e.g., other circumstances of extreme urgency, or in
offer, import, manufacture, marketing, etc., of the the case of public use for non-commercial
products protected by the patent rights or execu- purposes.
tion of the processes protected by it), in line with There is greater justification for discussing the
the conditions of exploitation imposed by the said possibility of issuing compulsory licences before
administrative body (Marques 2008b; Fidalgo granting patent rights—which is already provided
2015, p. 61). for in some (albeit very few) legal systems6—
Considering the need to adequately fight the when we are faced with emergency situations
SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, as well as the current (affecting public health), such as the situation
(and future) mutations that coronaviruses may affecting us since January 2020 with the SARS-
suffer and the possible epidemics arising there- CoV-2 pandemic. Requests could be made either
from, the possibility of granting a compulsory after the patent application has been published or
licence can certainly be justified for reasons of before its publication but after it has been filed.
public interest, particularly when the exploitation The overwhelming majority of legal systems do
of the invention is of “primary importance” for not provide for the issue of compulsory licences
public health. This compulsory licence may for products subject to a patent application, but
relate, for example, to the manufacture and distri- only those subject to patent rights. Let us see.
bution (including the import) of diagnostic Article 8(1) of the TRIPS agreement, for
methods, anti-inflammatory medicines, monoclo- example, states, as one of its basic principles,
nal antibodies, syringes, ampoules, excipients that Contracting States, when formulating or
and, above all, vaccines. In Portugal, compulsory amending their laws and regulations, may adopt
patent rights licensing based on reasons of public measures necessary to protect public health and
interest is currently provided for in Article 108(1) nutrition and to promote the public interest in
(c) of the Patent Law. Article 111 of the same law sectors of vital importance for their socioeco-
specifies the conditions for granting these nomic and technological development, provided
licences. One condition for their issue is a reason- that those measures are compatible with the
able period of prior negotiations between the provisions of the Agreement. In view of the
patent holder and the person interested in com- declared pandemic situation due to COVID-19,
mercially exploiting the invention. Germany was one of the first States to operate this
The current Industrial Property Code (2018), possibility, with the Gesetz aur Verhütung und
as previously mentioned, does not expressly Bekämpfung von Infektionskrankheiten beim
enshrine the waiver of prior negotiations in Menschen – Infektionsschutzgesetz – IfSG, at the
cases of national emergency, in situations of end of March 2020 (Bundesministerium der
extreme urgency or in cases of public Justiz 2000; Musmann 2020).
non-commercial use. Furthermore, in Portugal, The same happened in France. Law No. 2020-
the compulsory licence is always issued at the 290, of 23 March 2020, amended Art. 3131-15 of
request of the interested party. That is to say, the Code de la Santé Publique. Henceforth, the
there is no such thing as a compulsory licence
issued by the Government or the competent min- 6
The new Spanish Patent Law of 2017 (effective on April
ister (e.g., Ministry of Health) of its own motion. 1, 2017) expressly provides for this possibility in its Arti-
On the other hand, the aforementioned Article cle 95(1), in accordance with which “For reasons of public
interest, the Government may submit, at any time, a patent
9(2) of Regulation (EC) No. 816/2006, of the
application or a patent granted, under the mandatory
European Parliament and of the Council, of licensing regime, available as such by royal decree”—
17 May 2006, on compulsory licensing of patents our translation and italics. In addition, Article 97(2) a) of
relating to the manufacture of pharmaceutical this Law waives the requirement of a period of prior
negotiation between the party interested in having the
products for export to countries with public
compulsory licence granted and the right holder “In cases
health problems, provides that prior negotiations of national emergency or in other circumstances of
are waived in national emergency situations or extreme urgency”—our translation.
Biotechnological Patents, Compulsory Licensing and SARS-COV-2 in a Pandemic. . . 261

French Prime Minister may, when a state of on some countries (in particular, India) to make
health emergency is declared and with the sole better use of their installed industrial capacity.
purpose of guaranteeing public health, determine Yet, there appears to be little possibility of break-
the practice of the following acts: “order the req- ing the deadlock, given the European Union's
uisition of any person and of all the goods and opposition based on the claim that the safeguards
services necessary to combat the health catastro- currently existing in the TRIPS Agreement,
phe”, and “take all measures to make available to regarding compulsory licensing of patent rights,
patients adequate medicines for the eradication of read together with the Doha Declaration (2001),
the health catastrophe”. Likewise, on are fully sufficient. It is worth stressing that these
14 December 2020, Article L. 5121-12 of the provisions, in this approach, are sufficient to deal
Code de la Santé Publique was amended, in with the current COVID pandemic.
order to allow the use of medicines protected by In other words, there is no lack of voluntary
patent rights or patent applications when these are licensing agreements already signed to manufac-
subject to an ex officio licence in the interest of ture and distribute COVID-19 vaccines, the
public health. administration of which is destined for countries
that have installed industrial capacity to manufac-
ture these vaccines. However, vaccine shortages
6 Alternatives to Patent Law continue to exist in developing countries
(in Africa), presumably because of financing
Current efforts to give effect to the rules provided difficulties (e.g. the need to make market
for in Article 31bis of the TRIPS Agreement—on commitments in advance, in terms of promissory
the possibility of issuing a compulsory licence for purchase and sale, distribution or commercial
the manufacture and export of active substances concession agreements, etc.), poor planning (the
(and other materials) used in the manufacture of Indian government, for example, started placing
medicines protected by patent rights—seem, for vaccine orders only in January 2021), and regu-
the time being, to be a futile and ineffective exer- latory issues of civil law, pharmaceutical law, and
cise to solve the problem of the scarcity of tax law (e.g., liability waiver for damages caused
vaccines and other treatments used (or to be in the administration of medicines; exemption
used) in the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 pan- from price controls; exemption from provisional
demic (especially in Africa and some Asian testing and exemption from customs duties).
countries) and, in the future, the problem of However, it should not be forgotten that there
other variants and other diseases that mobilise is considerable under-use of vaccine production
the use of biological materials (e.g., RNA). capacity in these countries, since many
It is true that the threat of this type of licences manufacturing facilities do not have licences to
being issued by the competent administrative operate and may only obtain these in the medium
bodies has already been seen to contribute to the term. On the other hand, it is accepted without
voluntary joint cooperation in technology transfer contention that vaccines already on the market
agreements that will enable certain companies to cannot be reverse engineered; in other words,
manufacture vaccines in countries heavily they cannot be manufactured without the active
affected by this pandemic (e.g., India). cooperation of the pharmaceutical company(ies)
The flexibility provided for in the aforemen- that developed the vaccine. This involves tech-
tioned Article 31bis of the TRIPS Agreement— nology transfer activities (along with know-how
which has already made it possible to waive the agreements), which, in themselves, depend on the
requirement that the issue of compulsory licences availability of highly qualified personnel and raw
for patent rights and any related use shall be materials (e.g., adjuvants, excipients, intermedi-
authorised predominantly for the supply of the ate products; biological materials). It is difficult to
domestic market of the Member authorising know the amount of know-how (and confidential
such use—will likely imply international pressure information) that can be transferred or
262 J. P. Remédio Marques

communicated if compulsory licensing rules are Portuguese Industrial Property Code, that an
implemented for the manufacture of vaccines invention protected by a patent or a supple-
(and other medicines) and their export to mentary protection certificate concerning
countries with serious public health problems in products, processes or uses mentioned in the
this area of SARS-CoV-2. previous paragraph may be used based on
In view of the above, within the framework of reasons of public interest, establishing the
the State task of pursuing the public interest — terms of such use and the equitable and ade-
given the public health emergency situation that quate remuneration due to the patent applicant
the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic raises, which will or patent holder.
probably protract in time as the variants and – There should be an extension of the term of
mutations of this virus emerge and evolve — it exclusive marketing rights (e.g., adding up to a
seems legitimate to propose the following maximum of 18 months to the terms in force in
guidelines as viable alternatives to patent law: cases of medicines aimed at treating highly
contagious diseases) and the possibility of
– Compulsory licensing of patent rights (and
transferring these exclusive rights from inno-
supplementary protection certificates) relating
vative companies (which have obtained these
to the use of patentable inventions for reasons
rights for medicines to treat diseases of
of public interest in the medical and pharma-
populations in underdeveloped countries:
ceutical field should have as its object the
e.g., AIDS/HIV, malaria, tuberculosis) to
rights arising from the patent application
drugs companies whose patents are expiring
itself, rather than just the patent rights in
force in the territory of the State that granted
– Provisions should be made so that these
them or where they were validated (this is the
vouchers can allow their purchasers to benefit
case of European patents granted by the
from a shorter period of health approval for
European Patent Office).
other medicines;
– The requirement of prior negotiations between
– Conditional and temporary tax benefits could
the Public Administration (or an interested
be granted to pharmaceutical companies that
person) and the patent holder (or the patent
develop and place on the market certain types
application holder) in national situations of
of biotechnological medicines with consider-
emergency or other circumstances of extreme
able benefits or that develop new biotechno-
urgency, or in cases of public use, should be
logical medicines with significant therapeutic
waived for non-commercial purposes. As a
way of mitigating the circumstances in the
– Pools could be created of patent rights trans-
legal sphere of the holder or applicant of the
ferred by pharmaceutical companies and held
industrial property rights, the Government
by non-profit entities whose members are
could publish, with reasonable notice, a list
those companies, and which thus have (cross)
of chemical substances (e.g., active
access to these technologies at a very low cost;
substances, excipients, adjuvants) or other
– -There could be a legal imposition of standard
materials for which it is justifiably considering
contractual terms (with a vertical effect
issuing a compulsory licence, in order to be
throughout the research, development and
able to negotiate the possible issue of a volun-
marketing chain) aimed at enabling an easier
tary licence; Universities, public laboratories,
and less costly use of chemical substances and
private teaching and research institutions and
biological (or biotechnological) raw materials
members of civil society could be consulted in
with therapeutic properties in agreements
the process of preparing that list.
signed between companies that have benefited
– The Government (or the Ministry of Health)
(at least one of them) from state support/aid in
should be legally authorised to determine, by
research and development programmes (e.g.,
means of an Order, under Article 111 of the
Biotechnological Patents, Compulsory Licensing and SARS-COV-2 in a Pandemic. . . 263

chemical or biotechnological synthesis, com- (bio)technological development of medicines

position of active substances, methods of use outside the framework of patent law and supple-
of substances already disclosed), as well as, in mentary protection certificates (with a patent
some cases, (co)ownership of the patent right extension term). This objective will depend on a
or the patent application right. global meeting of minds within the World Trade
– It should be possible to waive patent rights Organization, with a view to amending the TRIPS
already granted (or to be granted) on chemical Agreement.
and biotechnological inventions in exchange
for granting patent rights holders a longer term
of protection of test data as a result of the References
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Fighting Listeria monocytogenes
with Bacteriophages: Biotechnology
for Food Safety

Maria João Estorninho and Paula Teixeira

Abstract Keywords
There are many nature-based antimicrobial Food safety · Food waste · Biological control ·
solutions that could be used to decrease food European law · Listex P100
spoilage and increase food safety. The use of
bacteriophages (phages), viruses that infect
bacteria but not human, animal or plant cells, 1 Introduction
is an example of a biotechnological approach
for food preservation. Bacteriophage P100, The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates
marketed as LISTEX, was the first bacterio- that each year food contaminated with bacteria,
phage product to be Generally Recognized As parasites, toxins and allergens accounts for
Safe (GRAS) by the US FDA. This phage is 600 million cases of illness and 420,000 deaths
active against the foodborne pathogen Listeria worldwide (Havelaar et al. 2015).
monocytogenes, responsible for a severe infec- Improving food safety is essential if the United
tion in the elderly, neonates and the immuno- Nations Sustainable Development Goals are to be
compromised. In this article, ECJ Case T-568/ successfully achieved, particularly Goal
19, Micreos Food Safety BV vs European 2 (“There is no food security without food
Commission, is analysed as a starting point safety”), Goal 3 (“Food safety has a direct impact
for a discussion on whether a novel legal on people’s health and nutritional intake”) and
approach to the use of phages in the Goal 12 (“knowledge and solutions for better
European Union is needed. control of foodborne pathogens reduce the num-
ber of food recalls contributing to a reduction in
food waste”).1
While it is generally accepted that food has
never been safer than it is today,2 it is also
recognised that consumers have never been so
M. J. Estorninho
demanding and so concerned about their diet.3
Catholic University of Portugal, Law School, Lisbon,
Portugal Yet consumer demands are hard to meet. While,
e-mail: mjestorninho@ucp.pt

P. Teixeira (✉)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF – Centro de https://mobil.bfr.bund.de/cm/429/bfr2go_issue_2_
Biotecnologia e Química Fina – Laboratório Associado, 2018_en_interview-bernhard-url.pdf; https://www.
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal fooddrinkeurope.eu/whats-really-in-our-food/.
e-mail: pcteixeira@ucp.pt https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/190607.

# The Author(s) 2023 265

M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
266 M. J. Estorninho and P. Teixeira

on the one hand, consumers expect nutritious, bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis, is
safe and convenient food with a long shelf life, the only bacteriocin to be licensed as a
on the other hand they favour less preserved biopreservative. It was first licensed for use as a
food—low in sugar, low in salt, and with no food preservative in England in the 1950s and its
synthetic chemical additives—with minimal use has subsequently been approved in many
processing. It is within this framework that other countries. Nisin was granted international
nature-based antimicrobial solutions find their authorisation by the Joint Food and Agriculture
place. Organization/World Health Organization
There are many naturally occurring (FAO/WHO) Expert Committee on Food
antimicrobials (of plant, animal or microbial ori- Additives in 1969. Nisin was also added to the
gin) that could be used in food preservation European food additive list, where it was assigned
systems. Nevertheless, only a few have been the number E234.5
commercially exploited. The lack of knowledge Despite the great potential of bacteriocins
about their antimicrobial mechanisms, efficacy (Borges and Teixeira 2016), their use also has
and safety prevents their use from being approved recognised limitations, namely, a narrow spec-
by official bodies. trum of activity, loss of activity in particular
food matrices, sensitivity to proteolytic enzymes,
a high dosage requirement and uneven distribu-
2 Microbial Biocontrol Agents tion in food products. To overcome these
drawbacks, the use of bacteriocins in combination
Biological control by microorganisms and/or with other environmentally friendly treatments
their metabolites, i.e., the use of harmless has been investigated with very promising results.
microbes to inhibit or destroy microbial High pressure processing and bacteriophages are
pathogens or spoilers, is one of the oldest ways examples of some of these treatments (Komora
of using biotechnology in food systems. et al. 2021).
Fermentation, a process relying on the activity Bacteriophages (or phages)—literally mean-
of microorganisms, mainly lactic acid bacteria or ing “bacteria eaters”—are viruses that only infect
yeasts, has been used to preserve milk, meat, bacteria. The first descriptions of what might have
fruits, vegetables and cereals since ancient been bacteriophages date back to the end of the
times.4 Lactic acid bacteria produce different eighteenth century, but it was only in 1917 that
inhibitory compounds such as organic acids, D'Herelle reported “an invisible, antagonistic
hydrogen peroxide, diacetyl, carbon dioxide and microbe of the dysentery bacillus” (D'Hérelle
bacteriocins, and this arsenal can inhibit undesir- 1917, 2007).6 The first documented clinical use
able microbes. As a result, it is possible to make of phages is dated 1919 and was also conducted
perishable products available all year round by D'Herelle, at the Hôpital des Enfants, to treat
instead of only seasonally, and to increase diver- four children with bacterial dysentery. Since then,
sity in diets. bacteriophages have been the subject of intense
Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides and research with various purposes. Remarkably, in
proteins produced by bacteria. These inhibitory 1969, Max Delbrück, Alfred Hershey and
proteins are commonly produced by lactic acid Salvador Luria were awarded the Nobel Prize in
bacteria and have demonstrated great efficiency in Physiology and Medicine for their discoveries on
the control of some pathogens, namely Listeria

monocytogenes in different food products (Pinto

et al. 2008; Borges and Teixeira 2016; Peng et al. 5
2017; Ramos et al. 2020). So far, nisin, a cfm?event=substance.view&identifier=72.
Archived from the original on 2010-12-04. http://www.
https://www.fao.org/3/x0560e/x0560e00.htm#con. webcitation.org/5uicsPk41.
Fighting Listeria monocytogenes with Bacteriophages: Biotechnology for Food Safety 267

“the replication mechanism and the genetic struc- Since then, other bacteriophages active against
ture of viruses” using bacteriophages as models.7 L. monocytogenes and other important foodborne
Despite the promising use of phages in the pathogens (e.g., Salmonella spp., Escherichia
treatment of infections, research on phage therapy coli) have also been approved and are commer-
slowed down in the U.S. and Western Europe in cially available.11
the 1940s with the advent of antibiotics. How- Phages have the ideal characteristics to be used
ever, research continued in Eastern European as biocontrol agents in food and in the food
countries, especially in Poland and in the former processing environment, as they:
Soviet Union, and phages are now being
– are the most abundant organisms on Earth and
reconsidered as therapeutic options for infections
can be isolated from natural environments;
caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria. According
– are self-replicating agents;
to the World Health Organization, “There is no
– only infect bacteria;
time to wait. Unless the world acts urgently, anti-
– are highly specific, “magic bullets” that only
microbial resistance will have disastrous impact
destroy the target bacteria;
within a generation.”.8 Currently, phage therapies
– are not known to produce adverse or toxic
are commonly used for the treatment of infections
effects on eukaryotic cells;
in Georgia, Poland and Russia, and these
– do not alter the sensory characteristics of
treatments are sought by patients from all over
the world as there are still many legal limitations
– can be produced at industrial scale.
to their use in jurisdictions outside the former
Eastern Bloc countries (Kutter et al. 2020). The However, these characteristics do not dispense
‘compassionate use’ of phages has allowed their with the need for careful selection of phages
use in exceptional situations in patients across EU with potential food applications. Among other
and US (Patey et al. 2018). characteristics, they cannot harbour genes
Although controversial, the use of phages has encoding for virulence determinants or antimicro-
been approved in many jurisdictions for other bial resistance.
purposes, namely for the control of foodborne Furthermore, no phages have been approved at
pathogens, and phages are emerging as biocontrol European-wide level, although the use of phages
agents in food production (Hudson et al. 2005; is permitted in some countries under national law.
Ribeiro et al. 2016; Endersen and Coffey 2020;
Vikram et al. 2021).
In 2006, the FDA approved ListShield™ 3 Phages Targeting Listeria
(a cocktail of phages active against monocytogenes
L. monocytogenes) as an additive for ready-to-
eat foods.9 Later in the same year, LISTEX™ Listeria monocytogenes is one of the most feared
(phage P100 active against L. monocytogenes) foodborne pathogens and is the most frequent
was the first US FDA ‘GRAS’ (Generally cause of death due to contaminated food in devel-
Recognized as Safe) approved phage product.10 oped countries (EFSA and ECDC 2021). Despite
worldwide efforts by research organisations and
https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1969/press- the food industry to reduce the incidence of liste-
release/. riosis, this pathogen remains a serious threat to
https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/documents/no- human health and the food supply.
ter-B/part-172/subpart-H/section-172.785. No&order=DESC&startrow=1&type=basic&search=
GRN No. 218 Bacteriophage P100 preparation from 218.
Listeria innocua https://www.cfsanappsexternal.fda.gov/ http://www.intralytix.com/index.php?page=prod;
scripts/fdcc/?set=GRASNotices&id=218&sort=GRN_ https://phageguard.com.
268 M. J. Estorninho and P. Teixeira

In addition to causing suffering, functional Even at a senior official level, it is not understood
disability and death, L. monocytogenes and liste- why, since 2007, the Commission has not been able
to form an opinion on the way in which the use of
riosis have a huge economic impact, severely Listex P100 in the production of food can be
affecting not only health systems but also the approved in the EU. (. . .) Listeria bacteria as such
food industry. Listeria is a common cause of are more dangerous than COVID-19: a much
major food recalls—for example, it was the 2nd higher percentage of Listeria victims die, experi-
ence miscarriages or persistent complaints such as
largest cause in the USA in 2019. As a result, tons paralysis. Of course, the important difference is that
of foods are wasted as recalled foods are normally a virus is an epidemic disease that occasionally
destroyed, and food manufacturers suffer great pops up; Listeria bacteria are not transferable
losses due to damage to their brand reputation. from person to person, but they are latently present.
A faster procedure for Listex P100 creates hope that
Recalls also prompt further food waste due to a the more than 1000 recent Listeria victims, espe-
matter of consumer perception—“just in case, cially in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands,
better to throw it away”. In addition, land used, don’t get any ‘successors’.14
human labour, water, energy and other resources
that went into producing that food are also
wasted. Although recalled foods only account
4 The (Lack of a) European Legal
for a fraction of food waste, food recalls are
Regulation on Phages
very high profile and lead to huge amounts of
waste so, to the extent that we can minimize
From a European legal point of view, in the
them. . .absolutely we should be putting the effort
absence of specific regulation on phages, the
question arises whether bacteriophages used on
The ubiquitous nature of L. monocytogenes
food must be classified as decontaminants,
and its ability to grow in harsh conditions—
additives or processing aids.
including refrigeration temperatures, high salt
This is relevant in order to determine whether
concentration and low pH values—makes it diffi-
phages fall within the scope of application of EU
cult for the food industry to control this pathogen.
Regulation No 853/2004, of 29 April 2004,15 on
Some strains (particular molecular subtypes) may
the hygiene of foodstuffs, and, therefore, if a
be repeatedly isolated over time in the same plant
European authorisation is needed for such
for several months/years—recognised as persis-
products to be placed on the market. In fact,
tent strains. This represents a major challenge for
according to Article 3 of that Regulation, “Food
the food sector as cross-contamination by the
business operators shall not use any substance
equipment and general food processing environ-
other than potable water or (. . .) clean water, to
ment is one of the most important sources of food
remove surface contamination from products of
contamination (Ferreira et al. 2014). “This is an
animal origin, unless use of the substance has
unavoidable risk that food producers have when
been approved by the Commission”.
they are making their products, because listeria is
On the other hand, according to Article 3 of
everywhere and can pop up at any time despite all
Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008, of 16 December
the rigorous hygiene measures that they
2008,16 on food additives, these “are substances
that are not normally consumed as food itself but
However, in the EU, as mentioned previously,
are added to food intentionally for a technological
we appear to have access to a powerful weapon to
purpose described in this Regulation, such as the
fight L. monocytogenes:
https://foodprint.org/blog/the-oft-ignored-environmen nondecontaminating-processing-aid.
tal-impact-of-food-recalls-food-waste/. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2004/853/2021-01-01.
13 16
https://www.labiotech.eu/trends-news/micreos-phages- https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=
listeria/. celex%3A32008R1333.
Fighting Listeria monocytogenes with Bacteriophages: Biotechnology for Food Safety 269

preservation of food”. In order to ensure of ready-to-eat food, as a decontaminant to reduce

harmonisation, the risk assessment and approval the presence of L. monocytogenes in animal-
of food additives must be carried out in accor- derived ready-to-eat food.
dance with the procedure laid down in Regulation On July 2016, following the adoption by the
(EC) No 1331/2008 of the European Parliament European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of a
and of the Council of 16 December 2008, scientific opinion on Listex™ P100, the Commis-
establishing a common authorisation procedure sion adopted a draft regulation authorising the use
for food additives, food enzymes and food of Listex™ P100 for the reduction of
flavourings,17 which ends with the Commission L. monocytogenes in animal-derived ready-to-eat
deciding whether to include a certain substance in food, under Article 3(2) of Regulation No
the list of substances admitted in the European 853/2004. The draft was the subject of public
Union (Szajkowska 2012; Estorninho 2013; consultation in 2017, but it was never approved.
Estorninho and Macieirinha 2014; Meulen and In the SCoPAFF meeting of July 2018 the Com-
Wernaart 2020) mission and the Member States failed to reach
Unlike the case of decontaminants and agreement on the question of whether Listex™
additives, use of processing aids does not require P100 used on animal-derived ready-to-eat food
European authorisation. In fact, according to Arti- must be classified as a decontaminant, an addi-
cle 2 of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008, of tive, or a processing aid. This question was once
16 December 2008,18 on food additives, again discussed at the meeting of April 2019 of
processing aids are excluded from its scope of DG Health and Food Safety. Belgium raised the
application. The Regulation defines a ‘processing point that there could be a distortion of the inter-
aid’ as any substance which: nal market, if Member States were to classify the
product Listex™ P100 differently. The
(i) is not consumed as a food by itself; Netherlands asked for clarification as to whether
(ii) is intentionally used in the processing of raw
the product was a processing aid (national
materials, foods or their ingredients, to fulfil a
certain technological purpose during treatment or authorisation needed), a food additive or a
processing; and decontaminant according to hygiene rules. Some
(iii) may result in the unintentional but technically Member States indicated that they could accept it
unavoidable presence in the final product of as a food additive (Germany, France). Germany
residues of the substance or its derivatives
provided they do not present any health risk and and Austria highlighted that the safety of this
do not have any technological effect on the final product remained unclear. Following discussions,
product. the chair indicated a willingness to seek legal
advice on whether an authorisation in accordance
with Article 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No
5 ECJ Case T-568/19, Micreos 853/2004 was applicable, although repeating
Food Safety BV vs European that in his understanding this was the case.
Commission Later, 2018, Micreos submitted that Listex™
P100 should be regarded not as a decontaminant
On 19 June 2015, Micreos Food Safety BV, but as a processing aid, which does not fall within
established in Netherlands, lodged an application the scope of application of Regulation No
before the EU Commission, for approval of the 853/2004.
use of Listex™ P100, a phage-based product that On 17 June 2019, the Commission informed
can be used against the contamination by Listeria Micreos that it did not intend to pursue the evalu-
ation of the request to approve Listex™ P100 on
17 the basis of Article 3(2) of Regulation No
CELEX:32008R1331. 853/2004 and also, regarding the new request by
https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri= the applicant for Listex™ P100 to be regarded as
celex%3A32008R1333. a processing aid outside the scope of Regulation
270 M. J. Estorninho and P. Teixeira

No 853/2004, that “even if Listex™ P100 were to 6 Conclusion and Perspectives

be classified as a processing aid, it would fall
within the scope of Regulation No 853/2004, to Traditional food preservation methods rely
the extent that it is used for decontaminating heavily on thermal processes. In fact, high tem-
purposes”. perature kills microbes, ensuring food safety and
Micreos brought an action pursuant to Article shelf-life extension. Nevertheless, thermal pro-
263 TFEU seeking the annulment of the alleged cesses also alter the nutritional and organoleptic
decisions of the Commission of 17 June 2019 by properties of food products. Moreover, with the
which the Commission (i) would have rejected its need to intensify food production due to the
original application for the approval of Listex™ increase in the world population, sustainability
P100 as a decontaminant in animal-derived and mitigation of environmental impacts are key
ready-to-eat food, or re-examined that application issues to consider in food processing. Biotechnol-
(‘the first alleged decision’); and (ii) would have ogy is uniquely positioned to address such
rejected its alternative application to regard challenges and microbiological biocontrol
Listex™ P100 as a non-decontaminating approaches are promising safe, environmentally
processing aid (‘the second alleged decision’); friendly and chemical-free alternatives to ensure
and, (iii) would have prohibited the placing on food safety and prevent food spoilage, in addition
the European Union market of that product as a to the benefits associated with their minimal
processing aid for that food (‘the third alleged effects on the nutritional and sensory properties
decision’). of foods. Further research is still needed to over-
The Commission contended that the applica- come some of the limitations and maximise all the
tion was inadmissible because the alleged deci- potential benefits of these sustainable approaches,
sion prohibiting the placing on the market of thus providing authorities with the knowledge
Listex™ P100, contested in the main application, they require to take decisions.
did not exist. In essence, the Commission submit- The COVID crisis has shown not only the
ted that the contested acts were not decisions or need for deeper and stronger European health
acts that were open to challenge and annulment. policies, but also that in cases of urgency, public
According to the Commission, they were merely health reasons allow the European Commission
informative. to use mechanisms of urgent response (for
By order of 26 September 2019, (T-568/19 R), instance, the urgent authorisation for COVID
the President of the General Court dismissed the vaccines). As regards the use of bacteriophages
application for interim measures as inadmissible to fight Listeria, it is time to put an end to
and the main action was also dismissed as inad- hesitations, lack of transparency and bureaucracy.
missible, on 18 December 2020. The precautionary principle advocates a cautious
An analysis of ECJ Case T-568/19, Micreos approach in cases of uncertainty Fisher et al.
Food Safety BV vs European Commission, (2006), but in the case of phages, extensive
allows us to conclude that, at EU level, neither research demonstrates that they are natural, safe
has an authorisation for the placing on the market and green alternative solutions. The principle of
of Listex™ P100 in accordance with Article sustainability implies a novel legal approach to
3(2) of Regulation No 853/2004 been granted, the use of phages in the European Union.
nor has a decision prohibiting its use been taken.
Furthermore, the Commission also stated it had Acknowledgments We would like to thank the scientific
no intention to propose a specific regulation on collaboration under the FCT project UIDB/50016/2020.
Fighting Listeria monocytogenes with Bacteriophages: Biotechnology for Food Safety 271

References processing assisted by bacteriophage P100 and

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Teixeira P, Gibbs PA (2008) Characterization of anti-
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Listeria bacteriocins isolated from shellfish: potential
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Ribeiro AA, Silva J, Gibbs P, Teixeira P (2016) Isolation
Havelaar AH, Kirk MD, Torgerson PR, Gibb HJ, Hald T,
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Lake RJ, Praet N, Bellinger DC, de Silva NR,
active against food-borne bacteria. In: Harrington D
Gargouri N, Speybroeck N, Cawthorne A, Mathers C,
(ed) Bacteriophages: an overview and synthesis of a
Stein C, Angulo FJ, Devleesschauwer B (2015) World
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Szajkowska A (2012) Regulating food law: risk analysis
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Hudson JA, Billington C, Carey-Smith G, Greening G
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(2005) Bacteriophages as biocontrol agents in food. J
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Saraiva J, Teixeira P (2021) Innovative hurdle system
processing. Curr Issues Mol Biol 40:267–302
towards Listeria monocytogenes inactivation in a
fermented meat sausage model - high pressure

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Genetic Engineering and the Law—Past,
Present and Beyond: 20+1 Criteria
to Help Focus the Path to Our Common

Margarida Silva

Abstract 1 Introduction
Genetic engineering (GE) is a powerful molec-
ular tool deployed daily in life sciences labs In his compelling essay on (un)sustainability, the
everywhere. When taken out into the world Laudato Si’ Encyclical Letter, Pope Francis states
complex issues arise, many unanswered to one of the requisites quite clearly: “We require a
this day. Three moments in time are consid- new and universal solidarity.” Could solidarity
ered in this analysis: the past, with the first help science and society find the elusive path
generation of genetically modified (transgenic) towards our common food future?
crops, the present, focusing on the current In the very broadest sense humankind has been
generation of new breeding techniques, and genetically modifying plants and animals since
the future, looking into what synthetic biology before there was even a Homo sapiens. By
and cell manufacturing have promised. choosing the juiciest fruit to eat, for instance,
Twenty criteria that have shown promise in and unwittingly spreading the seeds, breeding
winnowing sustainability from failure, drawn had effectively begun. With the advent of agricul-
from history, ecology and the law, are applied ture and increased understanding of biological
as tests to help understand whether society is phenomena a more intentional approach devel-
moving towards the right outcome. An addi- oped over many generations, with crops and live-
tional 21st criterion is suggested and an urgent stock carefully scrutinised to make sure carriers
call for change is issued. of the prized characteristics were chosen and
Keywords The cumulative impacts of such efforts cannot
be overstated: hundreds of thousands of varieties
Genetic engineering · Sustainability criteria · of humanity’s most important food staples were
Science vs. Society · Public policy · Solidarity crafted into our collective survival insurance.
Corn is a case in point: the wild ancestor (teo-
sinte) has many more branches, with dozens more
ears. Teosinte ears are about 5 cm long, with just
ten (very hard) grains or less, while corn ears
grow up to 30 cm and can hold over 500 soft
M. Silva (✉) (hence easy to eat) grains. There are many other
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF - Centro de
differences, and their common genealogy was at
Biotecnologia e Química Fina – Laboratório Associado,
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal first all but obvious. Many hundreds of genes
e-mail: msilva@ucp.pt changed over time, but all these modifications
# The Author(s) 2023 273
M. d. G. Garcia, A. Cortês (eds.), Blue Planet Law, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
274 M. Silva

and benefits were brought about within the we integrate into the web of life. Which rule
confines of Nature’s rules and limits. is that? Perhaps Barry Commoner put it best
The leading thread in the history of corn, and when he enunciated his Four Laws of Ecology
agricultural biodiversity, is that coevolution was in the book “The Closing Circle”: Everything
allowed to happen over time—not out of some is connected to everything else, Everything
deep reverence for Nature but simply because no must go somewhere, Nature knows best, and
tools were available to do otherwise. It wasn't just There is no such thing as a free lunch (Commoner
the germplasm that evolved—plant seeds, animal 1971). These constitute the final four criteria
breeds—but the cultural wealth accumulated considered.
as well: how to grow, how to use products for These 20 criteria are first detailed below then
food, fuel, clothing fibres, shelter or medicine, applied to genetic engineering’s three main evo-
and indeed how to keep all of it coevolving and lutionary stages (conventional transgenesis, new
meeting basic human needs alongside the rhythm breeding techniques and synthetic biology)
of inevitable change. through relevant examples in order to evaluate
Enter molecular biology after World War overall (un)sustainability.
2. For the first time ever genetic approaches
allowed researchers to go into and directly rewrite
life’s inner sanctum: DNA. So a brand new tech- 2 Twenty Sustainability Criteria
nology, interfering with a newly reached dimen-
sion of our core infrastructure, came into being 2.1 From the EEA’s Late Lessons
and rapidly developed to the point where it is now From Early Warnings
“do it yourself” for those with basic molecular
training. Respond to ignorance as well as uncertainty
If society is to have a say in how technologies (LL1)—How can governments legislate and reg-
are run, namely regarding their environmental ulatory agencies set standards to deal with the
footprint, criteria must be established. In 2001, unknowns of human activity? It’s hard enough
expanded later in 2013, the European Environ- to make sure all relevant available knowledge is
ment Agency (EEA) published the ultimate his- taken into account. And yet the need to avoid or at
tory lesson: what went wrong with technological least approximately anticipate disruptions stem-
debacles in previous decades and how they could ming from unexpected connections within the
have been prevented (European Environment extremely complex, dynamic and seemingly cha-
Agency 2001; European Environment Agency otic system we live in is real and urgent. Ways to
2013). In order to avoid repeating history the safeguard against unpleasant surprises are not
12 late lessons the EEA uncovered would do failproof but ignoring these smacks of foolhardy
well to be heeded today. These will form the arrogance.
first 12 criteria considered in this chapter. Research and monitor for ‘early warnings’
Other rules must be obeyed, however, if health (LL2)—Looking for the first signs that something
and the environment are to be protected. Not least is amiss means that research may start looking for
among them are the principles embedded in Arti- trouble when no such trouble is detectable or even
cle 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the out there. However, waiting until it is obvious
European Union (Precaution, Prevention, Polluter means protective action is delayed and wellbeing
pays and Rectification at source). These are four not maximized in instances where things do go
additional criteria to be considered throughout the wrong. It may take a long time before trouble
chapter. becomes apparent to the naked eye and when it
It could be argued, however, that the decisive does that may still be insufficient for decisive
rule is Nature’s. Whether modern society is to action. At any rate the lack of early solid evidence
transform and survive or crash into oblivion like aids and abets potentially destructive early
many civilizations prior comes down to how well inaction.
Genetic Engineering and the Law—Past, Present and Beyond: 20+1 Criteria to. . . 275

Search out and address ‘blind spots’ and gaps effectiveness, it may still be widely unacceptable
in scientific knowledge (LL3)—Being willing to culturally, which should be reason enough for
look for weaknesses in current knowledge and act rejection.
according to the gained insight is a sign of humil- Maintain regulatory independence from
ity in the light of intrinsic human limitations and economic and political special interests
an essential condition when dealing with power- (LL10)—Any manner of conflicts of interest
ful new technologies, assuming health, the envi- will taint the most democratic decision-making
ronment and the global future are to be secured. process. It also corrupts science itself, to the
Political and business cycles, however, are sel- point where independent scientists risk becoming
dom conducive to such reflection. extinct.
Identify and reduce interdisciplinary obstacles Identify and reduce institutional obstacles to
to learning (LL4)—Availability of knowledge learning and action (LL11)—In an ideal world the
does not guarantee the information will be put to same evidence would result in the same technical
use, particularly where fields of expertise must be understanding across countries or government
bridged. A focused intention is required, which is agencies. The fact that it does not serves to
not customary. prove institutions can develop their own inner
Ensure that real world conditions are fully resistance to acting as needed.
accounted for (LL5)—The requirement that real Avoid paralysis by analysis (LL12)—Institu-
life should be taken into consideration seems tional stalling is one particular type of political
rather extraordinary in that it is obvious. And obstacle and results in appropriate action being
yet it became a late lesson precisely because of a delayed. It frequently stems from an unwilling-
widespread oblivion regarding the gap between ness to confront whoever stands to lose from the
theory and practice, between laboratory and field, intervention. It is always possible to know more,
between controlled conditions and the fallibility but this should not stand in the way of action.
of the human condition.
Systematically scrutinise and justify the
claimed ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ (LL6)—The decision 2.2 From the Treaty
to (dis)approve a particular technology requires on the Functioning of the
the full evaluation of all its negative impacts, as European Union
well as its purported benefits. Evaluation must
cast a wider net than usual and avoid the bias in Precautionary principle (EUP1)—This is one of
prioritising some features over others. the most overarching guiding principles in the
Evaluate alternatives and promote robust, European Union when it comes to protecting the
diverse and adaptable solutions (LL7)—Finding environment and health, and it is certainly among
society’s best path forward requires a full com- those that private economic concerns most fight
parison within the options palette. Only when all against. It is both surprisingly self-evident and
opportunity costs are taken into account may the deceptively simple to apply. It is directed at a
overall best choice become clear. precise moment of the scientific process
Use ‘lay’ and local knowledge as well as all pertaining to any technology evaluation or moni-
relevant specialist expertise (LL8)—Nobody toring: when there is some evidence of harm (but
disputes the need to consider expert knowledge, not enough proof or understanding that allows for
but many forget it is not the only useful type of a regular science-backed decision) while at the
knowledge and could benefit from complemen- same time a holistic perspective points towards
tary sources, empirical or otherwise. potentially significant impacts as a consequence
Take account of wider social interests of inaction. This effectively states that societies
and values (LL9)—Even if, hypothetically, a should act to curtail activities and incur economic
technological approach is (apparently) safe and losses even if later (when science has come up
stakeholders agree on its comparative with a fuller explanation) the issue turns out to be
276 M. Silva

a false positive—because these are not as prob- Nature knows best (BCLE3)—This thesis runs
lematic as false negatives. counter to dominant western worldviews by stat-
Prevention principle (EUP2)—Whereas the ing that it is really hard to improve on Nature.
precautionary principle deals with uncertain Commoner posits, “any major man-made change
threats, the prevention principle focuses on in a natural system is likely to be detrimental.”
activities where there is sufficient knowledge of There is no such thing as a free lunch
the negative outcomes to calculate their probabil- (BCLE4)—The extraction of natural resources
ity and determines that they should be avoided and the usage of ecosystem services may seem
rather than remedied. free for the taking but there is always a hidden
Rectification at the source principle (EUP3)— cost. This includes the loss of opportunity for
Something of a corollary to the previous princi- future generations, the health impact for the pop-
ple, this one establishes that prevention should ulation at large or a cumulative long-term impact,
happen where the problem originates rather than among many others.
down the pipeline.
Polluter pays principle (EUP4)—If prevention
was not or could not be applied then the perpetra- 3 The First Generation
tor must be held liable for damages. This does not
mean a polluted environment is necessarily The year 1973 marks the beginning of conven-
returned to its previously pristine condition, but tional genetic engineering with the creation of the
rather that crime should not pay. first genetically modified organism (GMO), a
bacterium that incorporated added DNA
containing an antibiotic resistance gene. Recom-
2.3 From Barry Commoner’s The binant DNA had been made possible by the dis-
Closing Circle covery of a special group of enzymes a mere five
years prior. These enzymes can cut DNA at spe-
Everything is connected to everything else cific locations, as defined by the linear sequence
(BCLE1)—The respected American naturalist of the four nucleotides that make up the genome.
John Muir put it clearly when he wrote, “When There are hundreds of such restriction enzymes
we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it available that vary according to the sequence
hitched to everything else in the Universe.” recognised.
Ecosystems work through interactions, an According to the World Health Organization a
unfathomably large number of them, creating a GMO has been changed at the gene level through
web of interconnectedness through which a method that Nature does not use (WHO 2014).
cascades of consequences ripple arguably for- The European Directive 2001/18/EC additionally
ever. Even if reactions are not endless, they are excludes humans and establishes some
also never zero and can outnumber our exceptions as to methods. The result is typically
expectations. the presence of one (or more) additional gene
Everything must go somewhere (BCLE2)—It (s) coding for a specific protein that in turn results
would be interesting if we could make trash or in some added functionality for the host plant,
pollution disappear. Alas, when they are gone animal or microbe. Target genes can originate in
from sight they have just taken up another a closely related species or be transferred across
form elsewhere. Nature deals with this require- different kingdoms, since the genetic code is uni-
ment by turning one population’s waste into versal across life-forms.
another population’s food. Industrialised society, China was the first country to allow introduc-
however, has yet to make the transition which tion of a GMO onto commercial markets, with
means currently many unhealthy accumulations tobacco in 1992 (James and Krattiger 1996). In
occur. 1994 a genetically modified (GM) tomato was put
Genetic Engineering and the Law—Past, Present and Beyond: 20+1 Criteria to. . . 277

on sale in the United Sates. The European Union merged together into the same plant (stacked
began approving GM products in 1994 with a traits). SmartStax corn is one such
GM tobacco strain, and GM food was first stacked GMO: it carries two HT transgenes and
approved in 1996 (James 2001). six IR transgenes and is marketed for food and
There are hundreds of genetically modified feed in the European Union, United States, Brazil
food varieties currently on the market in different and Canada, among others.
countries, from species such as soy, corn, canola,
rice, apple, papaya, eggplant, potato, sugar cane
and sugar beet. Industry estimates that in 2019 3.1 What Alternatives?
about 190 million hectares were grown with GM
crops, with soy and corn together representing It is hard to imagine that humankind’s food sup-
80% of the total (ISAAA 2019). ply would ever be doomed had genetic engineer-
Some other species where GMO varieties have ing not been uncovered and developed. So what
been approved include flowers, trees, beans and are the other options and how do they compare?
cotton. The United States remains the world’s There’s organic farming, permaculture, agroecol-
largest producer, with the top five countries ogy, polyculture and small scale family
(USA, Brazil, Argentina, Canada and India) farming—to name just a few concepts—besides
growing over 90% of the world’s GM area. In the mainstream intensive farming option that uses
the European Union GM crops have been banned conventional (non-GM) seeds. According to cri-
in a number of countries and from 2016 onwards terion LL7, any major decision should take all
only two countries have farmed GM products options and opportunity costs into account. How-
(with a single GM corn crop): Spain (30% of ever, this is notably absent from official GMO
maize produced in 2019 was GM) and Portugal approval procedures on both sides of the Atlantic.
(6% was GM). The European Union (EU) has a stronger frame-
The technical procedure for GMO production work in place and does require pre-market
is a sophisticated one. The gene of interest is authorisation. However the stated objective is
isolated from the donor cells and cloned in the narrowly focused on environmental and health
laboratory. It must be combined with support risks. The approval procedure does not weigh
sequences that allow for adequate functioning in strategic alternatives. If little or no problems are
the target genome, including a selectable marker. detected lawmakers give themselves no option
The composite is inserted into the target cells but to approve. This is precisely the opposite of
which, for plants, normally involves shooting what criterion LL7 prescribes.
fine DNA coated particles into the cell culture or
using a bacterial vector. Then cells are recovered
by cultivation in a growth medium containing the 3.2 Alertness or Head Buried
selection agent, frequently antibiotics, and finally in the Sand?
tissue culture techniques complete the regenera-
tion process. At this point the GMO obtained are With a technology that, for the first time in his-
studied to determine which of them adequately tory, allows people to massively and irreversibly
expresses the desired trait. alter heredity directly at the DNA level, the need
The two traits that have dominated GM farm- to be mindful of any unintended surprises might
ing for 20 years and occupy over 99% of all seem logical. And indeed there are some post-
hectares grown are herbicide tolerance (HT: market monitoring requirements laid down in
where the transgene helps the plant survive herbi- Directive 2001/18/EC but these are weak and
cide applications that would otherwise kill it) and incomplete. Two examples should be mentioned,
insect resistance (IR: where the transgene codes among many more: in the case of HT crops no
for a protein that kills insects that would other- attention is given to the inevitably associated
wise eat the crop). These traits are frequently increase in herbicide use and, for stacked crops,
278 M. Silva

there is no requirement to assess the combined labelled but it is not up to consumers to choose)
(and potentially synergistic) effects of the various and hence cannot avoid them (animal products
herbicides and insecticides. are not labelled even when the animals were fed
In the USA crops are often deregulated before GMO for their entire life), among a number of
hitting the market which translates into zero mon- other limitations.
itoring or oversight for their full commercial life American consumers, however, have it much
cycle. Pre-market approval exemptions for most worse. Even though 89% support mandatory
GMO are now available and allow companies to package labelling (TMG 2015), there have never
decide whether their GMO falls within the been federal requirements in place. In fact, even
exempt or the regulated category. those companies that made sure their ingredients
Although different in scale, the European and were GM-free were stopped from saying so. The
American stances unveil the same underlying cal- federal government has recently published label-
lous indifference to the need for immediate prob- ling requirements, due to go into force at the
lem detection. Clearly no early remedial action beginning of 2022, but these have been
can be expected from the highest echelons of challenged in court because the information may
these governments, which is exactly what crite- not be visible (accessed through QR code only),
rion LL2 tells us is a bad idea, carrying poor the terminology has been changed
prognoses. (“bioengineered”), the symbol is nondescriptive
and most GMO are excluded from the mandate,
while States are banned from enforcing any addi-
3.3 What Voice for the People? tional requirements.
These examples illustrate the deep divide
In 2010, the last year Eurobarometer surveyed separating people from power. Had criterion
Europeans regarding biotechnology, 67% of LL9 been followed, reality would be better
Europeans from 27 countries did not support aligned with society’s preferences and principles.
GMO in food, 73% considered them unsafe and The fact that it is not points to history repeating
78% saw them as unnatural. With 2021 hindsight, itself due to a failure to learn the appropriate
“the acceptance of GE by European people has lessons.
not changed significantly over the past 20 years
and remains at a relatively low level (Woźniak
et al. 2021).” The “unnatural” epithet is not a 3.4 Who Pays?
scientific construct, nor does it have to be. It
relays a feeling of unease towards what is seen What happens if GM seeds contaminate that
as not fitting in with Nature. Notorious food which should be protected at all costs: heirloom
scandals (mad cow disease being one among seeds? These old, patent-free, adapted and adapt-
many) have likely shaped this position. able open pollinated gems contain food germ-
Public distrust notwithstanding, including an plasm diversity, the most precious of human
EU-wide petition for a ban on GM crops that survival tickets.
collected over a million signatures and was the Examples abound of the difference a broad
first submitted to the European Commission genetic base makes. Ireland’s Great Famine in
under the Citizens’ Initiative provision (giving the 19th century resulted in the death of over a
citizens a direct say in the bloc’s legislative million people and originated in the genetically
decisions), there are about 100 GM plant varieties uniform potato stock that made the whole island
approved for food consumption in the EU. (and beyond) susceptible to a fungal disease. On
Labelling—meant to give sceptical Europeans the other hand, in India and Indonesia, when a
the right to choose—is in place but its half- new virus ravaged rice production, agronomists
hearted reach means most GMO go where spent years testing about 7000 different rice
consumers do not see them (animal feed is varieties looking for a gene that might help:
Genetic Engineering and the Law—Past, Present and Beyond: 20+1 Criteria to. . . 279

which they found, a single one in a single popu- mechanism, it can be said that life happened.
lation from Uttar Pradesh (Brikell 2003). Resistance was first detected in 1996 and it grew
The Portuguese laws (Decree-Laws 160/2005 slowly at first, then faster. In the US, according
and 387/2007) regulating coexistence—the set of to the International Herbicide-resistant Weed
rules governing the relationship between GMO Database at weedscience.org, resistance in GM
and other crops because of GM contamination— soy fields, first detected in 2000, has now been
offer a uniquely clear window into how genetic detected in 7 separate weed species across
pollution is being handled in the brave new gene 24 states. Ian Heap, one of the world’s top
world. According to these rules contamination is weed experts, minces no words (Heap and Duke
not to be prevented, only minimised. And com- 2018):
pensation is available only when commercial Although glyphosate-resistant weeds have been
seeds are used. Seed saving and traditional identified in orchards, vineyards, plantations,
varieties are specifically excluded from cereals, fallow and non-crop situations, it is the
reparation. glyphosate-resistant weeds in glyphosate-resistant
crop systems that dominate the area infested and
In addition, by determining that only a small [show] growing economic impact. Glyphosate-
flat fee be paid by GM farmers these are effec- resistant weeds present the greatest threat to
tively insured against any additional real costs. sustained weed control in major agronomic crops
Overall either the polluter does not pay (where [. . .].
peasant seeds are concerned) or the payment Rather than take objective science at face value
covers just a very buffered amount of whatever the agrochemical industry has seized on the
might be due. At any rate, criterion EUP4 could chance to turn the debacle into a business
not have been more profoundly ignored. opportunity—and this is the reason why there
are stacked GMO. Bayer recently announced in
2020 it has developed a new variety, tolerant to
3.5 Science Speaks or Fake five herbicides at once. It is just a matter of time
News Wars? before weeds with the appropriate resistance
genes conquer these new GMO fields. The impos-
Over 80% of the GMO on the market are specifi- sible endgame, where we end up eating food
cally engineered to withstand herbicide modified by an ever larger number of transgenes
applications, which warrants a closer look at dowsed with an ever increasing toxic cocktail
these chemicals. Even though various active somehow fails to be acknowledged.
principles (the main chemicals) are deployed, The two examples above show that criteria
glyphosate held a virtual monopoly for over a EUP2 and EUP3 are far from being institutionally
decade and is still the dominant weedkiller option respected.
for HT GMO. Over time such agronomical
choices rolled out two major unintended,
interconnected and nefarious consequences that 3.6 One Report, Two Reports, How
slowly became painfully clear: herbicide overuse Many Reports?
and superweeds.
Although many promises were made about Few people and fewer administrations would
GM ushering in a new, cleaner agricultural era, question the legitimacy and the reports of the
between 1996 and 2011 US farming applied an IPCC—International Panel on Climate Change
additional 239,000 tons of glyphosate because of the United Nations as regards climate science.
crops were GM (Benbrook 2012). The reasons A similar type of body was created for agricul-
for this trend have not gone away. ture: the IAASTD—International Assessment
As for the weeds targeted by glyphosate, faced of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technol-
with the immense selective pressure created by ogy for Development ran for six years, starting
the widespread repeated use of a single control in 2002, at the behest of the World Bank
280 M. Silva

together with other international agencies. The How careful are European institutions regard-
reports (Abate et al. 2009) produced involved ing conflicts of interest? A 2017 review (CEO
around 400 experts, two rounds of peer review 2017) of the European Food Safety Authority
and many hundreds of stakeholders and were (EFSA), the scientific focal point for GMO
approved in 2008 by dozens of governments. evaluations, showed that in the science panels
This represented an inclusive, multidisciplinary, 46% of the members had conflicts of interest.
exhaustive and visionary attempt to model the This is not a fluke; a similar analysis in 2013
best future for agriculture globally. Robert had put that number at 59%. The situation has
Watson, director of the IAASTD, famously said, been so consistently dire that the European
“Business as usual is not an option.” The Ombudsman formally ruled that the EFSA should
documents emphasised agroecology, small- “revise its conflict of interest rules, and the related
holder farming and agriculture’s multifunc- instructions and forms it uses for declarations of
tionality beyond mere food production, while interests”. The culture of undue influence by
criticizing GM crops in particular for being vested interests forced the European Parliament
expensive with little benefit. to send the EFSA several yearly demands on this
The IAASTD reports had little to no impact. subject between 2014 and 2020 (most of which
Just some short months after their publication the were ignored by the agency).
FAO—Food and Agriculture Organization of the If criterion LL10 had been taken seriously
United Nations launched a debate forum with none of this would have happened. Since it did
an almost identical focus. The World Bank happen, this is yet another invitation for late
itself had released another major document in lessons to surface in the future.
2007. Since then a number of multilateral
initiatives with similar scopes have taken place
and the rate shows no sign of abating. They all 3.8 Real Life? What Real Life?
recognise the urgency of the situation and yet
nothing happens. Substantial equivalence (in the United States) and
Information being generated with no real comparative safety assessment (in the EU) are
action is a typical case of paralysis by analysis: different phrases that embody the same concept—
precisely what criterion LL12 admonishes a politically charged, legally unacceptable and
against. Another late lesson still unlearnt. scientifically baseless decision to assume that
ill-defined chemical similarity is synonymous
with toxicological risk. The result is a safety
3.7 Who’s to Judge? testing waiver for most GMO. The incongruous-
ness of such an approach is brought into sharp
No one wants a thief to sit as judge at his own focus by mad cow disease. There is absolutely no
trial. No one expects an oil company to be upfront chemically discernible compositional difference
about climate change. And no one should expect between a healthy and a sick animal, meaning
scientists to be independent when their work ties they are 100% substantially equivalent. Neverthe-
them in any way to the GM industry. Not surpris- less the risk clearly varies.
ingly, when a GM researcher is financed by a GM The adoption of substantial equivalence is a
concern results tend to be more favourable to the disingenuous way for GMO to be approved with-
company’s interests (Diels et al. 2011). This vir- out any significant scientific oversight and the
tually means unless scientists are strictly indepen- fact that some scientists acquiesce and participate
dent their results cannot be trusted and should not in the farce can only be understood in the light of
be admissible. Yet industry studies on their own the previous lesson. It is also clear evidence that
products form the basis of the European Union’s criterion LL5 currently has no bearing on GMO
GM safety evaluations. approvals in most of the world.
Genetic Engineering and the Law—Past, Present and Beyond: 20+1 Criteria to. . . 281

4 The Second Generation 4.1 Precaution: It Would

be a Good Idea
As genetic engineering progressed, so the original
transgenesis recipe—isolating a gene from a host, The European Academies’ Science Advisory
processing it and then inserting it into a target Council (EASAC), composed of representatives
organism—evolved from 2001 onwards into a from 29 national academies of sciences in
multitude of technological options. These new Europe, issued a statement on NBT (European
breeding techniques (NBT) ushered in the GMO Academies’ Science Advisory Council 2015)
2.0 era, where direct genome edition of the target that was supportive of the precautionary principle
creates the desired variation. (PP). . . apparently. Based on a United Kingdom
According to the European Commission’s House of Commons Science and Technology
Joint Research Centre there are currently four Committee report, the EASAC argued with its
major approaches among the numerous genomic full institutional weight that the circumstances
techniques available: that justify a PP intervention, such as uncertainty,
do not apply to NBT. This was stated even though
• Both DNA strands are cut then edited at the
it recognises that NBT “are emerging rapidly
repair stage
from advances in genomic research”, which
• The genome is edited without breaking the
translates to: we are just beginning to grasp
DNA strands (or only one is cut)
them, have yet to amass significant experience,
• The DNA sequence is not altered but the way
do not fully understand the whole area yet and
it is read into RNA is changed
have no way of knowing if we ever will.
• The RNA is targeted, rather than the DNA
This conspicuous failure to recognise the inter-
The most widely used technique is by far the nal inconsistencies points in equal measure to
CRISPR-Cas9 method (from the first group hubris and recklessness and does not bode well
above) which resulted in the 2020 Nobel Prize for the influence of scientists in decision making.
in Chemistry being awarded to the two At any rate this is but one among an unfortunately
researchers that discovered it. One of them very large example pool of what can only be
co-authored a paper in a leading scientific journal understood as a broader and recurrent pattern
anticipating a number of major well intentioned among life’s technologists: an entrenched inabil-
applications: ity or unwillingness to self-reflect. At the very
least it shows how criteria EUP1 and LL1 have
• Solutions for human diseases, such as those
yet to percolate through critical stakeholders.
stemming from genetic disorders
• New antimicrobials, both against bacteria and
4.2 Innovation: A Decision
• Improved crops and livestock, including
Was Made
improved yield in water- and nutrient-depleted
Genetic engineering in general and NBT in par-
• Increased ease and versatility in the engineer-
ticular represent a top-down approach to agricul-
ing of bacteria for industrial use
tural innovation. In the European Union research
• Gene drives, that have the potential to eradi-
and innovation policies are guided by the
cate malaria and other diseases
Research and Technology Directorate of the
This brand new world of infinite genetic European Commission (RTD), most visibly
possibilities for biotechnologists has led Paul through its Framework Programmes that deter-
Knoepfler, from the faculty of the University of mine priorities and fund advanced knowledge
California Davis School of Medicine, to muse institutions. This effectively defines who
that it is akin to being a “kid in a candy store” innovates, what is innovated upon and who
(Plumer et al. 2018). benefits.
282 M. Silva

One of the targets and measures of success of and is an example where two criteria are
RTD programmes is the generation of intellectual breached: LL4 and LL8.
property (IP), but not all innovation is amenable
to IP protection. Therefore those submitting grant
proposals for products that can be “bottled and 4.4 Connections: It’s Who You Touch
marketed” will stand a better chance of receiving
EU funding (even more so when industry partners Gene drives have raised particular attention since
are brought into the team) and also, subsequently, they bypass the Mendelian laws of inheritance
large scale commercial success (because market and ensure genetic change takes hold of the entire
outcomes depend on zeroing in on customers who population in a number of generations indepen-
can pay). dently of (dis)advantages or external selection
It follows that less wealthy niches and less pressures. Thus the evolutionary arc of the popu-
protectable approaches (such as management lation is altered and even planned extinctions
strategies rather than products) are neglected or could be possible. To expect that a modification
even undermined, which in fact creates a social of such magnitude will not create a tsunami-like
bias that does not stem from sustainability poten- wave throughout the web of life with any number
tial, needs of the poor, efficacy, democratic of unforeseen consequences can only be seen as
choice or any other desirable criterion. Each childish, goes against Commoner’s BCLE1 and
path leads down to a very different food system BCLE2 criteria and defies basic common sense.
(Quist et al. 2013).
The above can be summarised as a type of
obstacle to learning, as defined in criterion 5 The Third Generation
LL11, reducing society’s chances at a future.
Genetic engineering’s next frontier, as perceived
by Todd Kuiken, a faculty member at North
4.3 Consultations: Knowing What Carolina State University and previously with
You Want the Synthetic Biology Project at the Woodrow
Wilson International Centre for Scholars, is
In 2018 the European Court of Justice ruled that undoubtedly synthetic biology.
NBT fall within the scope of existing EU laws on Synthetic biology (synbio) was born at the
GMO. This spelled bad news for the industry, as crossroads of genetics, engineering and a Lego-
companies had been arguing that NBT do not like view of Nature. Taking advantage of power-
create GMO, in order to avoid compliance with ful software tools, the life engineers (better still,
a law that says GMO should be safe and labelled. synbioneers) aim at shaping DNA in their own
When Member States asked for a study on how to image: the genetic code and a programmer’s code
implement the ruling, the Health and Food Safety become one, aligned with a specific technological
Directorate defined a methodology that included worldview. Tom Knight, widely regarded as the
an invitation-only consultation of EU original synbioneer, sees great advantage in the
stakeholders. Of those chosen, 74% represented streamlining of biological systems into something
industry whereas only 14% were civil society “as predictable and free from complexity as pos-
organisations. sible” (Coghlan 2012).
There is nothing wrong in asking vested In the synbio world upcoming food
interests what they think, but planning for mis- innovations include cell agriculture (e.g. meat
representation that can skew the outcome (“cap- from in vitro animal cell production), yeast farm-
ture”) goes specifically against the Commission’s ing (e.g. cow free milk, where milk proteins are
own rules. Clearly not all contributions were produced individually then mixed in the right
equally welcome. This involves both proportion), designer proteins for Mars outpost
non-professionals and experts from various fields rations and many more.
Genetic Engineering and the Law—Past, Present and Beyond: 20+1 Criteria to. . . 283

Already on the market are mostly high value- The second reason is that once the tools
added molecules aimed at the additives market for have been developed, the knowledge has
the food, feed, cosmetic, chemical and pharma- spread and public distrust has been won over,
ceutical industries. According to one expert, nothing but an act of God can stop a rogue biol-
“There is potential for biosynthetic routes to ogy major from unleashing society’s worst
completely replace any natural sources nightmares.
(Bomgardner 2012).” And for those that see Thirdly, these synbiobeings need fuel and that
engineered cells as still not robotic enough, the comes from the environment. Usually sugar cane
path is now open to sidestep them: cell-free pro- is used as the source, but sugar cane plantations
tein synthesis uses dead cell extracts to better are notorious for human rights abuses, large scale
control the process. monocultures, agrochemical dependency, exces-
Fully synthetic cells built from scratch (using sive water consumption and profound biodiver-
inorganic components only) have not been cre- sity impacts. This footprint is not noted on
ated (yet) but cell mimics, which emulate some Amyris’s website.
functionality of a natural cell, are already possi- The fourth reason: there is a subtle conceptual
ble. “Regular” genetic engineering seems almost warping of human ethos when technologies
naïve by comparison. become the go-to solution for human-made
One common thread is a self-professed respect problems, as if the issues become less critical
for Nature as existential justification. Amyris Inc, since we have powerful tools to figure out
one of the top public synthetic biology companies solutions. Why care for the planet when you can
in the world, proudly states on its website: board a ship and leave for Mars? Of course, Mars
As the world’s leading manufacturer of sustainable is no planet B.
ingredients made with synthetic biology, our tech- Fifthly, once technological applications
nology allows millions of people, young and old, to become widespread and foster significant eco-
enjoy environmentally-friendly products that are nomic activity, they will not be easily stopped or
made with our sustainable ingredients. Using sug-
arcane fermentation, we convert basic plant sugars changed, even when the negative impact is duly
into rare bioidentical molecules, essential acknowledged. This has happened dozens of
ingredients and clean, effective everyday products. times in the last hundred years, according to the
We are passionately pioneering the future of clean EEA report.
chemistry where people and planet can prosper.
The sixth and last reason is that people’s views
Life has become the starting point for a new of risk change. In 1975, at the Asilomar confer-
generation of chemical factories in the express ence, scientists discussing what was then a fron-
name of environmental protection. What could tier topic were concerned about the ramifications
go wrong? Nothing, at least for the time being, of genetic engineering and recommended con-
according to Tom Knight. tainment be made a central tenet of any such
endeavour. Alas, 20 years later, environmental
release had become the norm. It is true that
5.1 Six Reasons It Could Go Wrong evaluations were carried out, technical opinions
published and options legitimised. However, the
We might be forgiven for thinking that, since underlying parallel evolution of what is generally
synthetic biology is, for now, mostly a contained acceptable cannot be denied.
endeavour, environmental concerns can be post- The above six (non-systematic) issues regard-
poned. But, first of all, things leak. Human error ing the currently non-existent environmental
made Chernobyl explode and could easily let assessments for synthetic biology are good
synbios escape. Genes and microbes are not radi- examples of how criteria LL3, LL6, BCLE3 and
ation but in a sense are worse, since life grows BCLE4 have not been adequately internalised, to
and multiplies. the detriment of our common future.
284 M. Silva

6 In Conclusion: More Solidarity, Gurib-Fakim A, Heinemann J, Herrmann T,

Hilbeck A, Hurni H, Huyer S, Jiggins J, Kagwanja J,
Less Corruption Kairo M, Kingamkono RR, Kranjac-Berisavljevic G,
Latiri K, Leakey R, Lefort M, Lock K, Herrmann T,
Genetic engineering failed the test on all Mekonnen Y, Murray D, Nathan D, Ndlovu L,
20 counts. The examples detailed above are Osman-Elasha B, Perfecto I, Plencovich C, Raina R,
Robinson E, Roling N, Rosegrant M, Rosenthal E,
but that: examples. Many more could be Shah WP, Stone JMR, Suleri A, Yang H (2009)
expounded, space permitting. Of course, Executive summary of the synthesis report of the
instances of good Earth keeping can also be international assessment of agricultural knowledge,
found, but a nuclear bomb on an organic garden science and technology for development (IAASTD).
International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge,
still returns a nuclear explosion. Science and Technology for Development,
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mentioned possibly range from misguided com- Benbrook CM (2012) Impacts of genetically engineered
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years. Environ Sci Eur 24:24
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