Journal - Zul Ishlah
Journal - Zul Ishlah
Journal - Zul Ishlah
Zulfikar, 2Ishlahati
Graduate School of Islamic Education Management IAIN Lhokseumawe.
The Principals must have social competence, one of which is emotional
intelligence. This study aims to determine the relationship between the emotional
intelligence of school/madrasah principals in building partnerships with various
parties. This study used the library research method, namely by reading,
researching and reviewing three journals and writing sources that are closely
related to the issues discussed. The results of the study showed that emotional
intelligence is quite important for school principals. Emotional ability or
intelligence assists the principal in fulfilling the elements or principles of
cooperation or collaboration, namely the principle of equality, the principle of
openness, the principle of mutual benefit. Emotional intelligence is able to build
good relationships or relationships with various parties, including teachers,
students, and various parties outside the school, such as parents and agencies or
other institutions. Principals who have a high level of emotional intelligence are
able to control themselves and are able to build cooperation according to the
principle of partnership.
Keywords : Emotional Intelligence, Partnership, and Principal
Kepala Sekolah wajib memiliki kompetensi sosial, salah satunya adalah kecerdasan
emosional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kecerdasan emosional
kepala sekolah/madrasah dalam membangun kemitraan dengan berbagai pihak. Penelitian
ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan yaitu dengan membaca, meneliti dan
mereview sebanyak tiga jurnal dan menulis sumber-sumber yang berkaitan erat dengan
masalah yang dibahas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan emosional cukup
penting dimiliki oleh kepala sekolah. Kemampuan atau kecerdasan emosional membantu
kepala sekolah dalam memenuhi unsur atau prinsip dari kerjasama atau kolaborasi, yaitu
prinsip kesetaraan, prinsip keterbukaan, prinsip azas manfaat bersama. Kecerdasan
emosional mampu membangun hubungan baik atau relasi dengan berbagai pihak,
diantaranya guru, siswa, dan berbagai pihak luar sekolah, seperti orang tua dan instansi
atau lembaga-lembaga lainnya. Kepala sekolah yang memiliki tingkat kecerdasan
emosional tinggi mampu mengendalikan diri dan mampu membangun kerjasama sesuai
prinsip kemitraan.
Kata Kunci: Kecerdasan Emosional, Kemitraan, dan Kepala Sekolah
The Principal are required to have various competencies in their
leadership. One of them is social competence which is closely related to
emotional intelligence. Social competence is one of the five competency
dimensions that must be possessed by school/madrasah principals in accordance
with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 13 of 2007.
Emotional intelligence is related to several abilities that must be possessed
by principal. Among the active listening skills, empathy, managing emotions and
good communication. Good managing emotions, is able to make school progress,
especially in terms of building partnerships, both with students, teachers and
education staff.
This study focuses more on the emotional intelligence of school/madrasah
principals in building partnerships with the other parties. The principal who have
emotional intelligence are able to build partnerships with other parties.
Partnerships or collaborations carried out by school principals are one of the
supporting factors for schools to be better and more advanced in various ways.
One example is cooperation with parents or guardians of students. The principal
are required to involve parents of students in school management, for example
involving them in student activities such as entrepreneurship projects,
environmental preservation, and so on, including cooperation in supervising
student learning outside of school.
Partnerships held in the world of education can accelerate the
improvement of the quality of education in Indonesia. As there are still many
schools in areas that are difficult to progress due to information difficulties, this
can be overcome by creating a partnership program between these schools and
superior schools. In building partnerships, it is influenced by several factors,
starting from the factors of teachers, educational staff, students, and others.
Therefore, school principals must have adequate emotional intelligence in
realizing better institutions and having mutually beneficial partners.
This research is more focused on library research, namely by reading,
researching and reviewing journals and writing sources that are closely related to
the problems discussed. Analyzing According to Zed in Rahayu, (2020) that
literature or literature study can be defined as a series of activities related to data
library collection methods, read and record and process research materials,
especially scientific journal reviews. The author compares as many as three
journals related to emotional intelligence and building partners or working
together. In reviewing, the authors reveal the strengths and weaknesses and
analyze the three journals by paying attention to theories relevant to the research
cases or problems found. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions can be
drawn that answer the research problems, namely (1) the principal is someone
who is given the task of leading a school, (2) leadership in question is the ability
to influence organizational resources to move according to orders to achieve
goals, (3) Effective leadership of school principals in terms of entrepreneurial,
exemplary, intelligent, and democratic leadership, (4) the 21st century is the era of
technological advances in the fields of information, communication, and
transportation, (5) The characteristics of the 21st century are information that is
available anywhere and can be accessed anytime, faster processing, and
communication that can be done from anywhere and anywhere, (6) The
competencies that school principals must have to face the 21st century, namely
the dimensions of personality, managerial, entrepreneurial, supervision, and social
Based on the results of the review, the strength of this research is that it is
able to uncover important competencies that must be possessed by school
principals. Associated with 21st Century competencies. One of the abilities or
competencies that must be possessed by school principals includes the dimensions
of personality, managerial, entrepreneurial, supervision, and social competencies.
The weakness of this research is the lack of use of theory that is relevant to
competencies related to 21st Century competencies which are the object of
discussion. Researchers must include Goleman's theory which states that 80
percent of success is influenced by emotional intelligence. Then it can also
include 21st century competency theory which includes creative thinking skills,
critical thinking and problem solving, communication, and collaboration.
It can be concluded that emotional intelligence is quite important for
school principals. This competence is able to build good relations or relationships
with various parties; teachers, students, and various parties outside the school;
parents and agencies or other institutions. Principals who have a high level of
emotional intelligence are able to control themselves and are able to build
cooperation according to the principle of partnership. The downside of emotional
intelligence is that principals need more time to encourage collaboration. The
principal cannot be forced to build a partnership relationship, because it relates to
other people. In order to make decisions or resolve conflicts that must be done
immediately, the principal needs to think further before making a decision.
Emotional intelligence tends to make a person consider the feelings of others too
much, thus sacrificing feelings and self-interest.
Direktorat Sekolah Dasar, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, Dikdas, dan Dikmen,
Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi: Kemitraan
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar, 2021
Nurfiyani Dwi Pratiwi, “Kemitraan Sekolah dan Orang Tua Dalam Penanaman
Kedisiplinan Ibadah Siswa SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta”, Jurnal Pendidikan
Agama Islam, Volume 8, Nomor 2, 2016.