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This Thesis is submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining

an Undergraduate Degree in English Education Study Program

Name : Maya Puspita Sudomo
Student No. : 1811200007








“Finish what you have started. If you procrastinate to do it today, then you need to

work harder for tomorrow.” -The Researcher

“In order to achieve what you want, you must continue to chase and strive towards

them” -Park Chanyeol


This thesis is presented to:

- Myself

- My beloved mother, Ibu Yenni, and father, Bapak Cucuk who always give

me support, love, and prayer. Thank you for never give up on me.

- My beloved brother, Niko.

- All my best friends, especially Septiana Astutie, Rosita, Seyla, Kristi,

Marlina, and Mifta, thank you for always giving the researcher some help,

love and support.

- All of my friends in English Education Study Program.

- Everyone who has helped and supported the researcher.


The researcher believes that in order to finish this thesis, we, as human

beings definitely need others to support us. First of all, the researcher would like to

give thanks to Jesus Christ for His unconditional love and blessings so that the

researcher could finish this undergraduate thesis. Thank you, Lord, for everything

You have done to the researcher. Furthermore, the researcher would like to say

thanks to everyone who helps the researcher to finish this paper, they are as follows.

1. Prof. Dr. H. Triyono, M.Pd., the Rector of Widya Dharma University;

2. Dr. Ronggo Warsito, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of Widya Dharma University;

3. Ana Setyandari, S.Pd, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Study Program

and as the second consultant who sincerely reads the researcher’s draft and

also gives suggestion to the researcher for the sake of perfection of this


4. Dr. Purwo Haryono, M.Hum., as the first consultant who has given the

guidance, suggestion, correction, advice, information, and motivation

during the writing to finishing this thesis.

5. Narimo, S.Pd., M.M., as the Headmaster of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat, who

allowed the researcher to do the study;

6. Hesti Karnawati, S.Pd., as the English Teacher in SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat,

who helped the researcher to do the study;

7. The Students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the academic year of 2021/2022,

especially X MM 2 and X TBSM 2 who have participated in this research;

8. Everyone who has contributed in this thesis.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect because of my

limited knowledge and experience. Therefore, the researcher will receive criticism

and suggestion with thanks for the sake of the perfection of this paper. The

researcher hopes that this report will be useful for the researcher and to the reader.

Klaten, 2022

Maya Puspita Sudomo


Figure 1. Components of Data Analysis: Interactive Model............................................. 29


Table 1. The Types of Teacher’s Code Switching ............................................... 34

Table 2. The Types of Teacher’s Code Mixing .................................................... 52


Appendix 1. TRANSCRIPT of 1st OBSERVATION ....................................... 76

Appendix 2. TRANSCRIPT of 2nd OBSERVATION ...................................... 80
Appendix 3. TRANSCRIPT of INTERVIEW .................................................. 90


APPROVAL .......................................................................................................... ii
RATRIFICATION ............................................................................................... iii
PRONOUNCEMENT .......................................................................................... iv
MOTTO ................................................................................................................. v
PRESENTATION ................................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ vii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. ix
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ x
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xi
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... xii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xiv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study ................................................................. 1
B. The reason for Choosing the Topic ........................................................ 3
C. The Limitation of the Study ................................................................... 4
D. The Problem of the Study ....................................................................... 4
E. The Aim of the Study ............................................................................. 4
F. The Use of the Study .............................................................................. 5
G. The Clarification of the Key Terms ........................................................ 5
H. The Organization of the Study................................................................ 7
A. Previous Study ........................................................................................ 8
B. Position of the Study ............................................................................ 10
C. Bilingualism ......................................................................................... 11
D. The Theory of Code Switching ............................................................ 12
1. The Definition of Code Switching ................................................... 12
2. The Types of Code Switching ......................................................... 14
E. The Theory of Code Mixing ................................................................. 16
1. The Definition of Code Mixing ....................................................... 16

2. The Types of Code Mixing .............................................................. 17
F. The Reasons of Using Code Switching and Code Mixing ................... 20
G. Teaching and Learning English ............................................................ 22
H. Code Switching and Code Mixing in Teaching and Learning English 23
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................... 25
A. The Meaning of the Research Method ................................................. 25
B. The Strategy of the Research ................................................................ 26
C. The Data and the Source of Data .......................................................... 26
D. The Technique of Collecting the Data .................................................. 28
E. The Technique of Analyzing the Data .................................................. 29
CHAPTER IV THE RESULT OF THE STUDY ............................................. 33
A. The Analysis of the Data ...................................................................... 33
B. The Discussion of the Findings ............................................................ 68
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 70
A. Conclusion ............................................................................................ 70
B. Suggestions ........................................................................................... 71
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 73
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 76


MAYA PUSPITA SUDOMO, Student’s Number. 1811200007, English

Education Study Program, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Widya
Dharma University, Klaten, 2022. Thesis. AN ANALYSIS OF CODE

This research aims to identifying and describing the types and the reasons
of using code switching and code mixing used by the teacher in teaching and
learning English at the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the
academic year of 2021/2022.

The strategy of the research is qualitative. The writer analyzes the data
carefully to find the types and the reasons of using code switching and code mixing.
The data are the teacher’s utterances and the teacher’s reasons of using code
switching and code mixing, the source of the data is the English teacher who taught
English at the tenth grades students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in academic year of
2021/2022, the technique of collecting the data used in this study is by recording
using Metode Simak and interviewing using Metode Cakap, the data on the
recording and interviewing converted into transcript, in analyzing the data, the
researcher uses descriptive qualitative method. The writer analyzes the data by
describing the types and the reasons of using code switching and code mixing.

The results of research shows that there were 3 types of code switching, 3
types of code mixing and 5 reasons of using code switching and code mixing. The
researcher found 3 tag code switching, 30 intra-sentential code switching, and 35
inter-sentential code switching. Meanwhile, for the code mixing, there are 27
insertions, 5 alternations, and 18 congruent lexicalizations. The last, the reasons
why the teacher using code switching and code mixing are the teacher wants to talk
about particular topic, repetition for clarification, express group identity, assist
students in receive the material and assist the teacher in deliver the material in the
process of teaching and learning English.

Key Word: code switching, code mixing, teaching and learning English



A. The Background of the Study

The phenomenon of using two languages is not a new thing in Indonesia,

especially in teaching and learning English. The use of two languages is common

in English classrooms. The two languages are English as second languages and

Indonesian/regional language as their first language. This phenomenon of using

two languages is called bilingualism. Bilingualism is the use of one language or

more languages by an individual or a society and they are capable to shift or

change between the languages they use (Bell, 1983; Bullock & Toribio, 2009;

Muin, 2011). There are three possible causes for a bilingual to shift from one

language to another (Crystal, 1987; Rahayu, 2015). First, the speakers might not

be able to express themselves in one language so the speakers choose to shift

from their first language into their second language that they master to reduce

the occurrence of language errors. Second, language shift generally occurs when

individuals want to show a sense of group solidarity. Third, language shift occurs

when the speakers want to convey their attitude towards the listener through

variations in the similarity of the language they use.

In teaching and learning English, the teacher and students as bilinguals

often shift between their first and second languages. The reason why the teacher

and students shift or change English to their first language is to facilitate them


in communicating with each other since English is not their first language. In

accordance with that, there might be caused some problems that could occur

during the teaching and learning of English. One of them happened when the

teacher speaks English, there will contain some pronunciations of new words

that are a little bit hard for students to understand. This problem certainly might

be an obstacle since there is a miscommunication between teacher and students.

The teacher plays an important role in the teaching and learning process by

ensuring that the students comprehend the lectures. (Rahmalisa, 2016). Teacher

must have the ability to overcome this problem. One of the abilities to overcome

this problem is the teacher might use language variations agreed upon with

students to resolve the problem. The variety is called code. Code is a system that

is used and has been agreed upon by at least two persons (Wardhaugh, 2010).

Code may also be interpreted as a language or a variety of languages. In teaching

and learning English, the teacher often changes or mixes their languages into a

variety of languages. This phenomenon of switching languages is referred to as

code switching while the phenomenon of mixing languages is known as code


Code switching allows bilinguals to speak two or more languages in the

same speech (Fanani & Ma’u, 2018). It means the speaker uses two languages

in the same sentences or utterances and the substitutes of words, phrases, or

sentences in a single utterance or more. While code mixing has almost the same

definition, the conversation does not shift the topic and can include phonology,

morphology, grammatical structures, or lexical elements. (Fanani & Ma’u,


2018). In teaching and learning English, the teachers can switch the language

from English to Indonesian, for example, "Good morning students, Selamat Pagi

anak- anak” this sentence uses English "Good morning" then changes to

Indonesian "Selamat Pagi anak-anak”. Likewise, the teachers can also mix

English and Indonesian, for example, "All right, hari ini we are going to learn

about speaking or berbicara." this sentence contains English and Indonesian

mixed at one time. The English is dominate the whole sentence then the speaker

mixes with some Indonesian words “hari ini” and “berbicara” without changing

the topic. A natural phenomenon that occurs in English classrooms could happen

because teaching English is not easy since English is a foreign language.

According to the previous explanation, the researcher wants to analyze the

code switching and code mixing in teaching and learning speaking at the tenth

grade students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the academic year of 2021/2022

entitled “An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing Used in Teaching

and Learning English at the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the

Academic Year of 2021/2022”

B. The reason for Choosing the Topic

Here the reason why researcher chooses the topic. Code switching and code

mixing are represented in societal activities and continue to play an important in

English teaching and learning. It can help both the teacher and the students

strengthen the English teaching and learning process. It can be seen in daily

conversation, books, advertisement, and social media.


C. The Limitation of the Study

Here the researcher wants to limit the study. The limitation of the study is

the researcher wants to analyze the types and the reasons of code switching and

code mixing in teaching and learning English at the tenth grade students of

SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the academic year of 2021/2022.

D. The Problem of the Study

There are several statements of the problem in this study:

1. “What are the types of code switching and code mixing found in teaching

and learning English process at the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 ROTA

Bayat in the academic year of 2021/2022?”

2. “What are the reasons of using code switching and code mixing in the

teaching and learning English process at the tenth grade students of SMKN

1 ROTA Bayat in the academic year of 2021/2022?”

E. The Aim of the Study

The aim of the study is to describe the types and the reasons of using code

switching and code mixing done by the teacher in teaching and learning English

at the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the academic year of


F. The Use of the Study

The study's findings are expected to be valuable both theoretically and

practically, as follows.

1. The Theoretical Use

The result in this study is highly expected to give knowledge and

information related about the types and the reasons of using code switching

and code mixing in the teaching and learning English process. Then, this

information is also useful for other writers who want to do research on the

same topic in the future.

2. The Practical Use

The benefits of the research would be used for the teachers as a reference

to understand about the types and the reasons of using code switching and

code mixing. In addition, the teachers will know the kinds and the reasons of

using code switching and code mixing should be used in teaching English.

G. The Clarification of the Key Terms

The researcher would like to clarify the key terms in order to describe the

meaning of the title.

1. Code Switching

Code switching is defined as a bilingual speaker's ability to shift in the

form of switching one language to another language (Ansar, 2017; Suwito,

1983). Code switching happens when the speaker originally uses code A (for

example Indonesian) then switches to use code B (for example English). In

this study, code switching means the code switching that use in teaching and

learning English at the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the

academic year of 2021/2022.

2. Code Mixing

Code mixing is a language situation where people mix two (or more)

languages without change of topic and can involves various levels of

language such as phonology, morphology, and grammatical structures

(Ansar, 2017; Nababan, 1984). People can mix code A (for example

Indonesian) and code B (for example English) without anything changing in

a mixed language situation. In this study, code mixing means the code mixing

used in teaching and learning English at the tenth grade students of SMKN 1

ROTA Bayat in the academic year of 2021/2022.

3. Teaching and learning English

Teaching is the process of leading and encouraging learning, as well as

enabling students to learn and creating learning environments (Brown, 2000).

Meanwhile, learning is the process of obtaining and storing information or

skills, involving activeness, awareness, and focus on actions that occur

outside or inside the organism and changing the behavior (Brown, 2000).

Furthermore, the teaching and learning process is described as an

instructional process in which the teacher, learner, and materials are

organized and directly instructed in the classroom. (Richards & Rodgers,


Based on the above mentioned explanation, the researcher finds that

teaching and learning English implies the process of guiding and facilitating

students so that students could obtain and store information about English

language. In this study, teaching and learning English means the process of

teaching and learning English done by the teacher and the students at the tenth

grade students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the academic year of 2021/2022.

H. The Organization of the Study

The researcher divides the study into five chapters to make paper

organization clearer. The five chapters are as follows:

Chapter I is Introduction. It consists of the background of the study, the

reason for choosing the topic, the limitation of the study, the problem of the

study, the aim of the study, the use of the study, the clarification of the key terms,

and the organization of the study.

Chapter II is The Theories Underlying the Study. It consists of previous

studies, position of the study, the theory of code switching and code mixing, the

types of code switching and code mixing, the reasons of using code switching

and code mixing, teaching and learning English, and code switching and code

mixing in teaching and learning English.

Chapter III is The Method of the Study. It consists of the meaning of the

research method, the strategy of the research, the data and the sources of the data,

the technique of collecting the data, and the technique of analyzing the data.

Chapter IV is the Result of the Study. It consists of the analysis of the

data, and the discussion of the findings.

Chapter V is Conclusion. It consists of conclusion and suggestion.



A. Conclusion

After presenting and analyzing the data, the researcher can draw conclusions

about the study's findings. The researcher presents the problem statements of

this study, which were mentioned in the previous chapter, in this study, “What

are the types of code switching and code mixing found in teaching and learning

English at the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the academic

year of 2021/2022?” and “What are the reasons of using code switching and

code mixing in the process of teaching and learning English at the tenth grade

students of SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat in the academic year of 2021/2022?”. The

types of code switching found in the process of teaching and learning English

are tag code switching, intra-sentential code switching and inter-sentential code

switching. In addition, the types of code mixing that the researcher found are

insertion, alternation and congruent lexicalization. While the reasons of using

code switching and code mixing are talking about particular topic, repetition

used for clarification, expressing group identity, assist students in receiving the

material, and assist teacher in delivering the material.

Based on the research findings, the researcher found 68 codes switching

done by the English teacher at the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 ROTA

Bayat, they are: 3 tag code switching, 30 intra-sentential code switching, and

35 inter-sentential code switching. In addition, the researcher also found 50

codes mixing: 27 insertions, 5 alternations, and 18 congruent lexicalizations.


The researcher also found the reasons of using code switching and code mixing,

the reasons are the teacher wants to talk about particular topic, repetition for

clarification, express group identity, assist students in receive the material and

assist the teacher in deliver the material in the process of teaching and learning


B. Suggestions

The researcher presents several suggestions that hopefully will provide more

insight and ideas into the teaching and learning of English. The first suggestion

is for the teachers who are responsible in facilitating the teaching and learning

English process. The second suggestion is for future researchers who will

conduct research about code switching and code mixing in the teaching and

learning English process.

1. To the English Teachers

According to the study, the teacher should be aware of the students'

English competence. Knowing the students' capabilities allows the teacher to

consider the use of code switching and code mixing in the teaching and

learning of English. Because code switching and code mixing can prevent

misunderstandings between the teacher and students, it can make the process

of teaching and learning English easier. Furthermore, students can improve

their English skills by switching to or mixing Indonesian or their regional


2. To the Further Researchers

The study's findings are expected to provide useful information regarding

the types and uses of code switching and code mixing in the teaching and

learning English process. The researcher believes that there are still many

phenomena of code switching and code mixing that can be revealed in this

research study. The researcher hopes that the results of this study may inspire

other researchers to conduct research on the types and uses of code switching

and code mixing in the teaching and learning of English.



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