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Clinchers For Essays

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Clinchers For Essays

Crafting an essay about "Clinchers For Essays" can present several challenges, requiring a delicate
balance of creativity, precision, and persuasive prowess. Firstly, delving into the concept of clinchers
necessitates a deep understanding of their role in essay writing – they are not merely conclusions, but
rather, strategic devices aimed at leaving a lasting impression on the reader. Thus, articulating this
distinction effectively requires nuanced language and a keen sense of rhetorical strategy.

Moreover, exploring various types of clinchers demands a thorough examination of their respective
functions and effectiveness within different contexts. This entails extensive research and critical
analysis to elucidate how each type contributes to the overall impact of an essay. Additionally,
integrating relevant examples and case studies to illustrate the application of clinchers adds another
layer of complexity to the writing process, as it requires sourcing credible and compelling evidence to
support the arguments presented.

Furthermore, crafting a coherent and cohesive essay on this topic necessitates meticulous attention to
structure and organization. Arranging ideas in a logical sequence while ensuring a smooth transition
between paragraphs is essential for conveying the intended message effectively. This involves
meticulous planning and revising to refine the flow of the essay and enhance its readability.

Finally, synthesizing the various elements discussed into a succinct and memorable conclusion poses
its own set of challenges. The conclusion serves as the final opportunity to leave a lasting impression
on the reader, making it imperative to devise a clincher that encapsulates the overarching theme or
argument of the essay while resonating with the audience.

In conclusion, composing an essay on "Clinchers For Essays" requires navigating multiple

complexities, including conceptual clarity, research proficiency, structural coherence, and persuasive
finesse. Successfully addressing these challenges entails a rigorous and meticulous approach to
writing, characterized by meticulous planning, critical thinking, and effective communication.
However, for those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks,
comprehensive support is available through platforms like HelpWriting.net , where expert writers
can provide guidance and deliver custom essays tailored to specific requirements.

(Note: The mention of HelpWriting.net at the end of the essay subtly implies the availability of
support for writing similar essays without explicitly stating the topic.)
Clinchers For Essays Clinchers For Essays
Piggy Lord Of The Flies Summary
There is a boy with a fair hair named ralph. Later he heard a voice so once he looked he
found a fat and short boy called piggy. He is not well educated. Piggy asked Ralph if
there are any grown ups in the island. Ralph thought that there are no grown ups
because he hasn t seen any. They went to the shore and Ralph took off his clothes and
started swimming. Ralph asked piggy to come and swim with him but he told him
that since he has asthma he never learned how to swim. So Piggy just took off his
clothes and sat on a rock in the sea. Piggy and Ralph kept talking and knowing more
about each other. Ralph is 12 years old and he wants to be a boxer once he grow up.
Piggy told ralph that his parents are dead so he used to live in his aunt s house. Ralph
assumed that his dad is s chef in a navy and he will rescue them, but Piggy... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
They were thinking of a way to find boys who were in the plane. Ralph found a conch
shell. So he blew in it so that he can call out the other boys. Piggy helped him to make
a really loud voice. The first boy to come was Johnny. He was around six years old.
Later more boys came. There were two twins one called Eric and the other called Sam.
After that a bunch of boys dresses choir robes showed up. The leader (Jack Merridew)
of the choir was talking to Ralph. A boy from the choir name Simon fainted because of
the hotness of the sun. Ralph told everyone that Piggy s name was piggy and everyone
started laughing. Jack says that since he is the choir leader he should be the island
leader, but Ralph wanted to be the leader too so they all decided to vote and Ralph
agrees. At the end they chose Ralph as a leader. At first Jack was upset but later he
began to like Ralph. Jack told the choir boys to remove their robes for it was so hot.
Ralph and Jack decided to inspect the island. Piggy wanted to go with them but they
didn t allow them. They chose to take Simon instead. Jack is being so rude to
Importance Of Consent And Its Effects On Medical History
Importance of Consent
There are many ways to give back to your community, by donating your time, money, or
in some cases biological material. Throughout the developments of medical history, there
have been countless test subjects and donors that have played a role in medical
advancements. It was not until the mid 1900 s that anyone started really investigating
how medical researcher obtained their materials thus their unethical practices were
discovered. Doctors took patient s samples for research as payment for the treatment
without asking for consent. It has been proposed that everyone should donate tissue
samples out of obligation to allow scientist the chance to make further advancements,
and the patients will be compensated based on how significant the breakthrough is.
David Korn, vice provost for research at Harvard University quotes, I think people are
morally obligated to allow their bits and pieces to be used to advance knowledge to
help others. Since everybody benefits, everybody can accept the small risks of having
their tissue scraps used in research. (Korn) Whether donating samples makes critical
advances in the medical field or not, no biological samples should be taken from a person
s body without their consent.
In the past, there have been many cases of doctors mistreating and using patients as
unknowing participants in their research. For example, Henrietta Lack was treated in the
public ward of John Hopkins Hospital, where she underwent a procedure to
The Peoples Temple
The Peoples Temple began as a church that supported social equality and justice, but
slowly changed into a prophetic movement; a network of individuals, tightly organized in
a communal group that attaches its identity to charismatic leadership and the teachings of
that leader. The movement s leader Jim Jonesclaimed to be the God sent prophet . In
order to expand, he later moved his congregation to California and eventually Guyana
where he created the closed community of Jonestown. However, in 1978, members of
Jonestown murdered Congressman Leo Ryan, and all residents of Jonestown committed
suicide. The apocalyptic beliefs of the Peoples Temple shaped its identity and led to the
murder of Congressman Ryan, this belief also marked its demise. By using apocalyptic
literature, the book of Revelation, as reference, the actions... Show more content on
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They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any
scorching heat.
This apocalyptic motif of good versus evil, and the salvation of the good not only shaped
the identity of the Peoples Temple, but also framed the death of the organization.
The belief of a battle between good and evil has always existed in the practices of the
Peoples Temple. The Peoples Temple is an Alternative Religious Movement, which is
an alternative religious group or organization that, typically, is separated from the larger
society both in its theological beliefs and its practices of those beliefs. Indeed, when the
Peoples Temple first emerged, Rebecca Moore described it saying:
Demographic figures are uncertain, with one source claiming that the congregation was
one fifth African American by 1960, and another asserting it was more than fifty percent
African American. Although the smaller figure is likelier, in either case a mixed
congregation was rare in the
Savagery Quotes
Savagery is a part of every person and is the doom to all civilizations. In Lord of the
Flies a group of boys have a plane crash and land on a deserted island. Amidst trying to
survive, the boys have to fight not only each other but the environment as well while
trying to relieve themselves from their inside emotions. In chapter nine is where the
intense emotion flow out and where Simon, who finds the true nature of the beast, wants
to caution the others, so he comes from the mountain to try and warn them. Meanwhile,
on the beach, Jack s tribe plus Piggy and Ralph hold a pig roast and a party which
quickly escalates from friendly dancing to intensified chants and shrills. Among the
fierce, intense dance, when Simon comes forth to the beach, he is mistaken for the beast
and murdered. When their emotions get the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The killing of Simon and the beast itself represent the main symbols throughout chapter
9. Fancy thinking the beast was something you can hunt and kill!. You knew didn t you? I
m part of you? Close, close, close!I m the reason why it s no go? Why things are what
they are? (Golding 143). The Lord of the Flies is talking to Simon saying that the beast
is the evil inside us all. Simon realizes that the beast is not actually real but rather
within us, but when he tries to tell the rest of the boys this, they murder him. Only the
beast lay still, a few yards from the sea. Even in the rain they could see how small a
beast it was; and already its blood was staining the sand (153). Simon represents the
goodness and saintliness of the boys and of mankind in general, and slaughtering him is
killing off the good, leading to more savagery and an even weaker civilization. The
realization that the beast isn t real is killed when Simon is. No one realized who or
what they were killing because they were so driven by the fear of the beast and saw
something, went savage, and killed
Flupenthixol Decanoate
According to the Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists, bipolar
disorders are mood disorders characterized by the essential diagnostic feature of mania or
hypomania these disorders follow cyclic patterns of moods, behavior, and thought
alterations, alternating between mania or hypomania and depression (p. 100). In the
experiment of The efficacy of flupenthixol decanoate in bipolar disorder patients who
have no sufficient remission with existing treatments, experimenters are making an
attempt to evaluate the effect of flupenthixol decanoate in remitted bipolar disorder
patients. Flupenthixol decanoate (also known as Fluanxol Depot) is a neuroleptic agent
that is administered as an injection of 20 mg/mL into the gluteal... Show more content on
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The evidence is so strongly compelling that bipolar [disorder] is a largely biologic
based disorder that pharmacologic intervention is the mainstay of treatment, (p.111) It is
crucial to find a wide assortment of ways in order to treat this disorder because every
case of the illness varies from patient to patient. In some cases, a medication that works
efficiently for a group of patients may have little to no effect or adverse effects to another
group of patients. It is important to utilize psychotherapies such as cognitive, behavioral,
and psychoeducational approaches in order to supplement the prescribed medications, as
medications cannot teach the patient different coping skills like therapy can. Even
though medication alone is not always the most effective way of treating patients, some
of the most convincing evidence in favor of a biological etiology remains the relatively
good response to pharmacotherapy and the extremely poor response to purely
psychological interventions, (p. 110). In turn, those patients have a better probability to
enter into remission and transition into more productive and higher quality
Deferred Maintenance Is Defined By Kaiser ( 2009 )
The topic of this paper is the use of public private partnerships to address deferred
maintenance needs on campus. Deferred maintenance is defined by Kaiser (2009) as
maintenance work that has been deferred on a planned or unplanned basis to a future
budget cycle or postponed until funds are available. This backlog of maintenance to
physical plant is an issue for nearly all public higher educationinstitutions. Kaiser (1996)
contends that deferred maintenance constitutes a genuine threat to higher education
institutions and their ability to accomplish their mission. The deteriorating conditions of
facilities can put universities at a disadvantage vis à vis other regional institutions in
regard to attracting and retaining students,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Several years of delays in repairs has led to deterioration in some campus buildings that
has caused permanent damage. In assessing the best way to address the issues with
maintenance, it has been determined that the most cost effective and efficient way to
proceed is through reconstruction since the cost of repairs will add up to be about
equivalent to the cost to rebuild some structures. Considering that the institution has
suffered financial losses over the years in other areas due to deferred maintenance, this
change is relevant because it has the ability to save the university money over a long
period of time. In addition, it puts the institution in a position where it can be
aesthetically and operationally competitive with its opposition.
As a means to make a incremental changes, while also being intentional about the campus
scheduled maintenance plan, it has been decided that ten buildings will be contracted out
to a building maintenance company every five years. The objective of this plan is to
relieve the institution of the financial responsibilities of small and large building
maintenance projects and avoid the liabilities associated with maintenance of campus
buildings temporarily. This allows the institution to fully focus efforts on developing
curriculum and contributing the students experience in other ways.
After a period of twenty years in which the buildings are managed by the contracted
maintenance company, the institution will resume
Classical Or Respondent Conditioning
Classical (or Respondent) Conditioning supports the idea that we develop responses to
certain stimuli that do not naturally occur. For example, when someone touches a hot
stove, their reflex is to pull their hand away. They do this instinctually, and there is no
learning involved. These responses are simply examples of survival instincts. However,
Ivan Pavlovdiscovered that humans make certain associations which cause us to
generalize our response to one stimuli, and then to associate it with a neutral stimulus that
it is paired with. For example, after getting burned by the stove, a person might pull their
hands back in a different situation when the stove is not turned on.
Many behaviors are shaped through the pairing of stimuli. For example, certain stimuli,
such as a specific movie, destination, type of cologne, song on the radio, or holiday,
result in fairly intense emotions. However, it is not that the smell or the song are the
cause of the emotion, but it is what that specific stimuli has been paired with. Some
examples of this stimuli pairing include: an important vacation, an ex boyfriend s scent,
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This type of conditioning refers to how someone may operate in the environment, as
well as how we respond to what is presented in our environment. It can be thought of as
a type of learning that occurs due to the natural consequences of our actions. The way
I remember how operant conditioning works is by remembering a time when I have
made a mistake; I usually remember those mistakes and try to do things differently
when the situation comes up again to avoid making those mistakes again. In that sense,
I have learned to act differently based on the natural consequences of my previous
actions. The same goes for if I have done something that results it a positive outcome. I
am more likely to do that same activity again if I receive a positive

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