Oracle Empirica Signal User Guide and Online Help
Oracle Empirica Signal User Guide and Online Help
Oracle Empirica Signal User Guide and Online Help
Release 9.1.x
Oracle Health Sciences Empirica Signal User Guide and Online Help, Release 9.1.x
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Documentation accessibility xvii
Related resources xvii
Access to Oracle Support xvii
Additional copyright information xvii
1 Start here
Log in to Oracle Empirica Signal 1-1
Prerequisites and usage notes 1-2
View release notes and other documents 1-6
About the Oracle Empirica Signal application 1-6
Signal detection methods 1-8
Common tasks and tools 1-15
Set your user preferences 1-17
Change your password 1-25
Print a table 1-25
Use Help 1-26
Send feedback 1-27
Exit Oracle Empirica Signal 1-27
FAQs 1-28
What is a project? 1-28
Data mining FAQs 1-29
About tables 1-37
Specify a SQL WHERE clause 1-40
How do I select hierarchy terms? 1-43
How do I select values from a list? 1-48
Specify hierarchy versions for timestamped data 1-50
Use hierarchy tables 1-52
What is an alias? 1-53
How can a saved list keep me from having to select values individually? 1-53
Typing values in text boxes 1-54
2 Review signal information
Overview of Signal Review 2-1
Signal Review configurations: interactive vs. scripted 2-1
Configured alerts: tracked vs. informational 2-2
Start with the Signal Review pages 2-3
Keyboard shortcuts for the Products and Product-Event Combinations tables 2-4
View aggregate information for a selected group or product 2-5
Step 1: Choose a published configuration 2-5
Choose a published configuration 2-5
Why you might have multiple configurations 2-5
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate 2-6
Start with the Signal Review Products page 2-6
Panels on the Products page 2-8
Choose a grouping from the Products By drop-down 2-8
Filter the Products table to the selected group 2-10
Focus on a single product from the Products table 2-11
Enter a note about a product 2-11
View notes about a product 2-12
View event comments 2-12
Change the name of a monitored product 2-13
Use sector maps 2-14
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product 2-18
Panels of the Product-Event Combinations page 2-19
Investigate product-event combinations for a product 2-22
View product-event combinations for a card or tab 2-24
Perform a periodic review 2-25
Use Row Selection mode 2-26
Save a modified product-event table as a new view 2-26
Add a tab to the Product-Event Combinations panel 2-28
Product-event combination statistics 2-28
Focus on a product-event combination 2-30
Add a private comment 2-30
Add a private comment to multiple combinations 2-31
Assign a reviewer to a product-event combination 2-32
View the signal history 2-32
View signals for similar product-event combinations 2-33
View product-event interactions 2-34
Suppress a product-event combination 2-36
Limit the product-event combinations to a specific alert type 2-37
View age group breakdown in a bar graph 2-37
View gender breakdown for a product-event combination 2-38
Step 4: Submit the review 2-38
Submit a review for a product-event combination 2-38
Submit a review for multiple combinations 2-40
Generate a predefined topic report in Oracle Business Intelligence 3-41
Predefined Oracle Business Intelligence topic reports 3-42
Create a topic PDF or ZIP file 3-46
You can document changes to the current contents of a topic 3-47
Select attachments to include information about a topic in a PDF or ZIP file 3-47
Select content attributes for a topic PDF or ZIP file 3-48
About the Topic History section of a topic exported to PDF 3-50
Work with actions 3-50
Work with actions 3-51
View all actions 3-52
View a topic from the Actions table 3-53
View actions for a topic 3-53
View Action and Edit Action pages 3-54
Edit the general information about an action 3-57
Add or view comments for an action 3-58
Add an action 3-59
Delete an action 3-60
View the history of an action 3-61
Reopen an action 3-61
Work with the calendar 3-61
View actions on the calendar 3-62
Pick a date from the Calendar view 3-62
Work with attachments 3-63
About attachments 3-63
Save Oracle Empirica Signal objects as attachments 3-63
Oracle Empirica Signal objects types 3-64
Select a topic to save an Oracle Empirica Signal attachment to 3-65
Save to Topic dialog box 3-66
Save Oracle Empirica Signal tables and graphs as attachments 3-67
View tabular data as an attachment 3-69
Add other types of attachments 3-70
Add an attachment to a topic or action 3-70
Work with attachments 3-71
Edit attachment information 3-71
Add or view comments for an attachment 3-72
View source details for an attachment 3-72
Add an attachment count column to the Topics or Actions table 3-73
View data mining runs 4-2
Data Mining Runs page 4-3
Create a Data Mining Run 4-3
Step 1: Select the run type and data configuration 4-3
Step 2: (For timestamped data only) Select the as-of date 4-5
Step 3: Select the variables 4-5
Step 4 for MGPS runs: Specify data mining parameters 4-7
Step 4 for logistic regression runs: Select the events and specify drugs 4-12
Step 5: Define data mining run options 4-14
Step 6: Name the data mining run 4-15
Step 7: Submit the data mining run 4-15
Reference 4-18
About MGPS runs 4-19
MGPS computations 4-20
MGPS independence model 4-22
Information Component computations 4-23
RGPS computations 4-24
Use the PRR calculator 4-25
PRR computations 4-27
Select a case series for PRR computation 4-30
ROR computations 4-31
About logistic regression runs 4-33
Logistic regression computations 4-34
Guidelines for specifying drugs for logistic regression 4-41
Drug and event hierarchies 4-42
Timestamped data 4-43
Specify an As Of date 4-44
Stratification variables 4-44
Dimensions and patterns 4-45
View interactions 4-48
Manage custom terms 4-48
What are custom terms? 4-48
Define custom terms 4-49
Define subsets for an MGPS run 4-51
Select a subset variable 4-51
Define subset values 4-51
Define subset labels 4-53
Subset variables 4-54
View source data 4-56
What is source data? 4-56
View a data source table 4-58
Source database tables 4-59
Set viewing options for a data source table 4-62
Filter a data source table 4-63
Manage data mining runs 4-64
Rename a data mining run 4-64
View details of a data mining run 4-64
Arrange the columns on the Data Mining Runs page 4-68
View jobs for a data mining run 4-69
View job details for a data mining run 4-71
Define a database restriction 4-72
Refine a query to create a database restriction or custom term 4-73
Cancel or delete a data mining run 4-74
Re-run a data mining run 4-76
Data configuration and object compatibility 4-78
Publish a data mining run 4-79
Logistic regression log files 4-80
View a cumulative map graph 5-36
Cumulative map graphs 5-38
View a sector map 5-39
Sector maps 5-42
Graphs for 3D results 5-44
Graphs for 3D results 5-45
View a hierarchy graph 5-45
Hierarchy graphs 5-47
View an overlap graph 5-48
Overlap graphs 5-50
View a nested confidence interval graph 5-51
Nested confidence interval graphs 5-53
Drill down through data 5-54
Add a drilldown map table 5-54
Drilldown options 5-57
View a list of cases from the Data Mining Results page 5-57
View case details 5-58
Case ID links 5-60
Create a case series from drill-down information 5-60
Case Series page 7-2
Create and manage case series 7-5
Create a query-based case series 7-5
Create an empty case series 7-7
Transfer cases to a case series 7-7
Manually add cases to a case series 7-8
Save a case series 7-9
Publish a case series 7-9
Work with case series 7-10
View existing case series 7-10
View cases in a case series 7-11
Rename a case series 7-12
Copy a case series 7-13
Combine case series 7-14
Case series background processing 7-15
What is background processing for case series? 7-15
How does the background processing job queue for case series work? 7-15
Background processing job status for case series 7-16
Cancel a background processing job for a case series 7-16
Publish a built-in or interactive report definition 8-30
Use XML to create a report definition 8-31
Specify report attributes/descriptors 8-32
Edit report attributes 8-32
Allow report drilldown 8-33
Specify report restrictions 8-33
Edit report descriptors 8-34
Specify variable breakdowns 8-36
Define breakdown details 8-36
Define breakdown by distinct values 8-39
Define breakdown by individual values 8-41
Edit individual value labels 8-44
Define breakdown by grouped values 8-45
Cutpoints 8-46
Define breakdown by cutpoints 8-47
View column statistics 8-48
Define breakdown by query values 8-49
Report background processing 8-50
About background processing for reports 8-50
About background processing job queues for reports 8-50
About background processing job status for reports 8-51
View background processing job status for reports 8-51
Cancel a background processing job for a report 8-51
Create and run interactive reports 8-52
About interactive reports 8-52
Interactive Reports page 8-53
Create or edit an interactive report definition 8-54
Run an interactive report 8-56
Create a report definition file 8-57
Run a report using a report definition file 8-57
Query-based interactive reports 8-59
Define a query for an interactive report definition 8-59
Create a query-based report output 8-60
Summary of all cases interactive reports 8-61
About all cases summary reports 8-61
Create an all cases summary report output 8-63
Manage interactive reports 8-64
View an interactive report definition 8-64
Delete an interactive report definition 8-64
Work with report outputs 8-65
View existing report outputs 8-65
Rename a report output 8-67
Work with a report output 8-67
Work with report graphs 8-69
Work with report graphs 8-69
Report graph types 8-70
Graph display options 8-71
Aggregate bar graphs 8-71
About aggregate bar graphs 8-71
View an aggregate bar graph 8-72
Detail bar graphs 8-73
About detail bar graphs 8-73
View a detail bar graph 8-76
Box plot graphs 8-77
About box plots 8-77
View a box plot 8-79
Scatter plot graphs 8-80
About scatter plots 8-80
View a scatter plot 8-82
Nested confidence interval graph (Drug Profile page) 9-18
Cumulative map graph (Drug Profile page) 9-19
Reports (Drug Profile page) 9-21
Manage work teams 10-31
About work teams 10-31
Work team permissions 10-32
View existing work teams 10-35
Add or edit a work team 10-37
Assign permissions to work team members 10-38
Use single sign-on 10-38
About single sign-on 10-38
Configure single sign-on in a self-hosted environment 10-39
Manage LDAP users 10-40
Configure Oracle Empirica Signal for use with LDAP in a self-hosted
environment 10-40
LDAP properties 10-42
Import LDAP users 10-44
Change a user to LDAP authentication 10-45
Refresh LDAP users 10-45
System configurations 10-46
Select a data configuration 10-46
Manage configurations 10-48
About data configurations 10-48
View existing data configurations 10-49
Data configuration example 10-50
Add a data configuration 10-51
Modify a data configuration 10-63
Manage subscription data releases 10-77
Manage subscription data releases 10-77
Import a subscription data release 10-79
Manage aliases 10-80
Manage aliases 10-80
Add or edit an alias 10-82
Manage drug profile configurations 10-82
About drug profile configurations 10-82
Set up the Drug Profiles feature 10-83
View existing drug profile configurations 10-87
Add or edit a drug profile configuration 10-87
Save a drug profile configuration 10-89
View a drug profile configuration 10-90
Rename a drug profile configuration 10-92
Manage signal configurations 10-92
Manage signal configuration reference data 10-93
Edit a signal configuration 10-93
Manage Signal Configurations page 10-96
Configure alerts 10-98
Set up for interactive signal management and review 10-102
Manage interactive signal configuration refreshes 10-109
Manage signal comment types 10-115
Assign reviewers 10-118
Arrange or download tables 10-121
Manage events and custom terms 10-127
Manage signal views 10-132
Manage reviewer-user mapping 10-136
Map reviewers to users 10-136
Manage topic workflow configurations 10-136
Topic workflow configuration design 10-137
Definitions in the sample topic workflow configuration 10-138
Set up Oracle Empirica Topics 10-141
Manage Topic Workflow Configurations page 10-142
Add a topic workflow configuration 10-143
Work with topic workflow configurations 10-146
Manage fields 10-154
Manage topic states 10-177
Manage action states 10-182
Manage topic templates 10-186
Manage email notification rules 10-197
Transform data 10-202
About data transformations 10-203
Map text values 10-204
Custom terms and mapped text values 10-207
Define variable cutpoints 10-207
Convert dates 10-210
Exclude synthetic values 10-211
Administer the system 10-212
Set site options 10-212
Send a message to all users 10-217
Manually restart the listener process 10-218
Manage run storage 10-218
Manage data mining run storage 10-218
Export data mining run data 10-219
Import data mining run data 10-219
Mark a data mining run as archived 10-220
Move a data mining run with a Move script 10-220
Create a run definition file 10-221
Change user default data mining runs 10-221
Monitor the system 10-221
View currently logged in users 10-222
View the user activity audit trail 10-222
About auditing 10-223
View the server status 10-225
View free disk space 10-225
View the batch report queue 10-225
Truncate a report batch run 10-226
Set up saved lists 10-226
About saved lists 10-226
Saved Lists page 10-226
Create or edit a saved list 10-228
Add saved lists in bulk 10-229
View or print a saved list 10-229
Set permissions for a saved list 10-230
This preface contains the following sections:
• Documentation accessibility
• Related resources
• Access to Oracle Support
• Additional copyright information
Documentation accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the
Oracle Accessibility Program website at
Related resources
All documentation and other supporting materials are available on the Oracle Help
Start here
• Log in to Oracle Empirica Signal
• Prerequisites and usage notes
• View release notes and other documents
• About the Oracle Empirica Signal application
• Signal detection methods
• Common tasks and tools
• Set your user preferences
• Change your password
• Print a table
• Use Help
• Send feedback
• Exit Oracle Empirica Signal
• FAQs
If you are using Internet Explorer, prior to logging in to the Oracle Empirica
Signal application, configure your Internet Explorer browser for printing color
and downloading, as described in Prerequisites and usage notes
To log in initially:
1. Open the Google® Chrome, Microsoft® Edge, or Microsoft® Internet Explorer
2. Navigate to the URL provided by your site administrator.
3. Log in using your Oracle Empirica Signal username or single sign-on username.
Chapter 1
Prerequisites and usage notes
Do not open more than one Oracle Empirica Signal session at the same
2. From the Customize and control Google Chrome menu ( ) on the far right of
the browser header, select More tools, then Clear browsing data.
3. On the Basic tab, select Cached images and files, then click Clear data.
4. To close the Chrome browser, click the Customize and control Google Chrome
menu ( ) and select Exit.
Chapter 1
Prerequisites and usage notes
2. From the Chrome menu on the right of the browser header, select Settings.
3. In the left pane, under Privacy and security, select the Site Settings link.
4. Under Content, select the Pop-ups and redirects link.
5. Select Add and enter the Oracle Empirica Signal URL.
6. Select Add and enter [*.]
If Chrome blocks a pop-up window, it displays an icon to the right of the URL
address area ( ). If this happens, you can also allow pop-ups for Oracle
Empirica Signal by:
2. From the Settings and more menu ( ) on the far right of the browser header,
select Settings.
3. From the left pane of the Settings tab, select Privacy, search, and services.
4. From the Clear browsing data section, click Choose what to clear.
5. Select Cached cached images and files, then click Clear Now.
6. Close the Settings tab.
2. From the Settings and more menu ( ) on the far right of the browser header,
select Settings.
3. In the left pane, select Cookies and site permissions.
4. In the right pane, under All permissions, select Pop-ups and redirects.
5. In the Allow section, select Add and enter the Oracle Empirica Signal URL, then
click Add.
6. Select Add and enter [*.], then click Add.
7. Close the Settings tab.
Chapter 1
Prerequisites and usage notes
Chapter 1
Prerequisites and usage notes
level to open the Security Settings dialog box. The setting is in the
Miscellaneous section.
• To allow Oracle Empirica Signal to download data, make sure the Do
not save encrypted pages to disk checkbox is unchecked. Under the
Advanced tab, in the Security section. Due to a limitation in IE, when you
download data you may not be able to use the Open button in the File
Download dialog box. If you encounter problems opening a file, use the Save
option and then open the saved file. Or, you can clear Internet Explorer's
Multiple sessions
Do not run more than one session of the application using multiple browser sessions
or several tabs in the same browser.
Microsoft Excel
If you plan to download data to Microsoft Excel®, make sure that Excel is installed on
your computer.
Chapter 1
View release notes and other documents
Base SAS
To use files that you create by downloading data to SAS data step definition files
(.sas files), you need Base SAS®. Base SAS® is a third-party application that you can
purchase at
Built-in reports
To run the built-in reports delivered with the Oracle Empirica Signal application,
you must set up a data stub, as described in AERS(1q03: S) Configuration
Installation Instructions (located in the Data_Stub folder on the
installation CD).
Chapter 1
About the Oracle Empirica Signal application
Chapter 1
Signal detection methods
A special type of interactive report is the All Cases Summary report, which is
used for drug profiles.
This information was excerpted from the WebVDME Newsletter, Volume
2, Issue 2 (Autumn 2005). WebVDME is the previous name of the Oracle
Empirica Signal application.
Chapter 1
Signal detection methods
What benefits can signal detection methods bring to the pharmacovigilance effort, and
what are the costs? How can different methods be compared and assessed? What
do data mining statistics do? The information in this article is intended to help non-
statisticians understand similarities and differences between the statistical algorithms
that are used for safety data mining. It can also help reframe these concerns into
new questions that can make your evaluation and implementation of signal detection
methods more effective.
Using ranking
A straightforward way to prioritize investigations using statistical scores would be to
start with the highest score generated and work down through the list to the lowest
score. Outside of our hypothetical big-bucks department, practical considerations
mean that the number of investigations must be limited: a prioritization approach that
ranks scores might result in investigations into the top 10, 250, or 10,000 scores,
whatever number is feasible for a group’s resources.
Chapter 1
Signal detection methods
Choosing a threshold
Another way to limit the number of investigations is to choose one score as a
threshold. Any score that exceeds this predetermined threshold alerts reviewers to
a potential signal for investigation. Unlike the cutoff for ranking, the number of scores
above the threshold will fluctuate over time. But, like ranking, departments can select
a threshold score that makes the best use of their resources while helping prioritize
Chapter 1
Signal detection methods
The sample size (N) generally is defined as large if there are 20 or more
instances of a product-event combination in the database.
Drugs that are new to the market, or that are prescribed to a small number of patients,
may have a small presence in the database. For these drugs, the N may be quite low,
which tends to make scores calculated for their product-event combinations low also.
Some data mining algorithms include statistical techniques that compensate for
disparate sample sizes in the safety database and the extreme scores that can result.
Chapter 1
Signal detection methods
score for the combination of that drug and event, based only on the coincidence of the
gender and age group involved.
Statistical techniques are available to adjust for confounding variables: for example, a
technique called Mantel-Haenszel stratification (used in MGPS) divides the database
into groups, one for each value that the variable in question has in the database,
and then recalculates an overall score. When a technique like stratification is used,
the result is often a lower score (and investigational priority) for a product-event
combination that is affected by a confounding variable, while the effect is minimal
on scores for combinations that are not subject to confounding.
Chapter 1
Signal detection methods
Chapter 1
Signal detection methods
• Is stratification used for all of the algorithms? What confounding variables were
• Are the scores selected for comparison all scores for statistical association, or are
they all scores for statistical significance?
• How many signal scores does each algorithm generate over all?
• Is the same threshold used for all scores?
It may be difficult to know how many true signals there are in the database used for
the test. If the number is known, then the number of false positives and false negatives
produced by each algorithm can also be compared.
Chapter 1
Common tasks and tools
The left navigation pane contains actions that are always available. The list of actions
depends on your permissions and the site options.
Chapter 1
Common tasks and tools
Chapter 1
Set your user preferences
• Data Analysis: Click to access the data analysis pages. The menu options vary
depending on your permissions and can include data mining runs, data mining
results, queries, case series, reports, and drug profiles.
• Settings: Click to display settings you can specify or change depending on your
• Help: Click to display the help topic associated with the current page.
If you have the permission to create user profiles, you can also set user
preferences for a user profile.
1. At the top of the main page, click your user name and select Preferences.
2. Modify the user preferences described in the table below.
3. Click Save.
Chapter 1
Set your user preferences
Chapter 1
Set your user preferences
These preferences are available only to users with the View Data Mining
Results permission.
When you set the following user preferences, they take effect immediately.
Chapter 1
Set your user preferences
Preference Description
Default Run From the drop-down list, select a data mining
run to appear by default in the Run Name field
on the Select Criteria page when you go to the
Data Mining Results page for the first time in
an Oracle Empirica Signal session. You can
select any run listed on your Data Mining Runs
page. You can also specify <Last Used> or
<No Run>.
Display Only Results with score-type Scores Specify a default minimum score for viewing
Over number results of a data mining run for the first time.
The score type and value that you specify
appear on the Select Criteria page as a
default, but you can change them as needed
before reviewing results. You can set a default
minimum for:
• EBGM —Applies to MGPS runs only.
• EB05 —Applies to MGPS runs only.
• N —Applies to run results for any type
of data mining run (however, does not
apply to the tables of results for covariates
or interactions if they are produced for a
logistic regression run).
This preference affects only run results that
you have never viewed. Once you have viewed
a run, the setting that you choose on the
Select Criteria page is used for that run until
you change it.
If you select a statistic other than N, a default
of LROR>0 is used for logistic regression run
Enable Adverse Event Hierarchy Browser Check to browse and select terms from the
hierarchy for tasks that require you to select
event values. For an event variable that is
set up in the data configuration to have an
associated hierarchy, the Select <hierarchy>
Terms link appears for these tasks; for
example, Select MedDRA Terms.
Enable Drug Hierarchy Browser Check to browse and select terms from the
hierarchy for tasks that require you to select
drug values. For a drug variable that is set up
in the data configuration to have an associated
hierarchy, the Select <hierarchy> Terms link
appears for these tasks; for example, Select
ATC Terms.
Include SQL WHERE Clause for Advanced Check to enable use of a SQL WHERE
Results Selection clause for selecting results criteria. To view all
advanced options, click Show Advanced on
the Select Criteria page.
Chapter 1
Set your user preferences
These preferences are available only to users with the Create Data Mining
Run permission.
When you set the following user preferences, they take effect immediately.
Preference Description
Minimum Count Specify a default for the Minimum Count field
on the Data Mining Parameters page. You can
override this default as needed.
Replace Missing Values with Specify text to represent missing values for
variables in the results of data mining runs
that you execute. For example, if you set
this preference to ^missing^ the results table
shows ^missing^ for any item that has no value
in the database. You cannot use spaces or
the following characters in your replacement
string: * \ ” : / ? > <
This preference affects only the appearance
of run results, and not the source data. When
you access source data, as when drilling down
from a case series, missing values display as
The Job Details page for a run's extraction job
(accessible from the Jobs for Run page) shows
the value that was in effect for missing data for
the run.
Other users who
view results of a
run that you
executed will
also see the
missing value
that was set as
your user
preference at the
time you
executed the run.
Chapter 1
Set your user preferences
Preference Description
Exclude associations if items are of the same Check to include a default for a field on
type (all drugs, all events) the Data Mining Parameters page when you
create a new MGPS data mining run. You
can override this default as needed. The
recommended setting is checked. Checking
this preference improves time and space
utilization because fewer results are loaded
into the results table.
These preferences are available only to users with the View Drug Profiles
When you set the following user preferences, they take effect immediately.
Preference Description
Drug Profile Configuration From the drop-down list, select the drug profile
configuration. The drug profile configuration
determines the source of graphs and reports
that you can add as charts to a drug profile
layout. You must set this preference to access
the Drugs Profiles page. Available drug profile
configurations are those that you created or
that are published to you. (If you have the
Administer Users permission, they also include
unpublished configurations created by users in
your login group.)
Drug Profile Layout From the drop-down list, select the drug
profile layout, the name of a saved collection
of charts, as well as their placement and
display options. Layouts are not associated
with a particular drug profile configuration.
Available layouts are those that you created
or that are published to you. (If you have the
Administer Users permission, they also include
unpublished layouts created by users in your
login group.)
Use this setting in the following situations:
• You have not previously used a drug
profile layout on the Drug Profile page.
• You delete the layout you were last using
and then return to the Drug Profile page
without having selected a layout.
• You click a drug name on the Signal
Review Products page.
Chapter 1
Set your user preferences
These preferences are available only to users with the View Signal
Management permission.
Preference Description
Signal Management Configuration From the drop-down list, select a signal
configuration. Available signal configurations
are those that you created or that are
published to you.
If you set the preference to --, the signal
configuration associated with your login group
is used.
You can also update this preference directly on
the Signal Review page by selecting another
Signal Management configuration from the
dropdown box at the top of the page.
Allow SQL WHERE Clause on the Signal Check to enable the user of a SQL WHERE
Review Page clause to restrict rows that appear on the
Products page, Automatic Assignments page,
Product-Event Combinations page, and Event
Comments page.
This preference is available only to users with access to at least one
topic workflow configuration. To change the configuration on the Topic
Management page, the user must have View Topics permission and more
than one topic workflow configuration published to the user's login group.
Chapter 1
Set your user preferences
Preference Description
Topic Workflow Configuration From the drop-down list, select a topic
workflow configuration. Available topic
workflow configurations are those that you
created or that are published to you.
This setting overrides the association between
your login group and a topic workflow
configuration. For example, if your login group
is associated with configuration A, but you
specify configuration B as the preference,
configuration B is in effect the next time you
log in. The override is intended to facilitate
testing of configurations that you create or edit.
You can change
your topic
selection on the
and the User
pages. A change
from one of
these pages
updates the
selection on the
other page.
If you select a
topic workflow
configuration that
requires each
topic to be visible
to one and only
one work team,
you must also
membership in a
work team and
appropriate work
Chapter 1
Change your password
Preference Description
If your authentication method is single sign-on or LDAP, you cannot change
your password in Oracle Empirica Signal.
Print a table
To print the entire table:
1. Set up the displayed table as you want it to appear when printed. The table prints
with the same columns and sort order as the displayed table.
2. Click Print.
Chapter 1
Use Help
To print only the data on the currently displayed page of the table:
1. From the browser File menu, select Print. (This option is available only if the table
appears in a browser window and not a separate dialog box.)
2. Optionally, change the orientation of the paper (Portrait or Landscape) and make
other printing choices. If all displayed columns do not print in Landscape mode,
you can remove columns from the table before printing it.
3. Select a printer.
4. Click Print.
Use Help
The Oracle Empirica Signal Online Help system provides information about pages,
procedures for performing Oracle Empirica Signal activities, and conceptual and
instructional topics.
The Help system is context-sensitive; that is, if you click the Help link on an Oracle
Empirica Signal page, information about that page appears.
• Help topics include underlined links that you can click to display more information.
• Help topics remain open until you close them. You can leave the Help open in the
background while you are using the application.
1. In the left navigation pane, click the Help icon ( ) or click Help on an Oracle
Empirica Signal page. Help for the page that you are viewing appears in a new
browser window.
2. To view the main help page, click Show Table of Contents at the top of the help
page. The main help window includes a toolbar with the following buttons:
Button Description
Table of Contents Display the table of contents for the Help
1. In the table of contents, expand a top-level
entry in the table of contents by clicking
either its name or the closed book icon
before its name. The icon changes to
2. Click a topic name to display the topic in
the right-hand side of the Help window.
Chapter 1
Send feedback
Send feedback
Oracle welcomes your comments, problem reports, suggestions, or requests about the
Oracle Empirica Signal application.
You can send feedback to the email address specified as a site option.
Chapter 1
From outside of the Oracle Empirica Signal application, your system
administrator can specify the number of minutes before automated session
timeout occurs for Oracle Empirica Signal users. The session timeout occurs
if you have not performed any action within the time period, regardless of
whether or not a job you initiated, such as a data mining run, is running in the
• What is a project?
• Data mining FAQs
• About tables
• Specify a SQL WHERE clause
• How do I select hierarchy terms?
• How do I select values from a list?
• Specify hierarchy versions for timestamped data
• Use hierarchy tables
• What is an alias?
• How can a saved list keep me from having to select values individually?
• Typing values in text boxes
What is a project?
A project in the Oracle Empirica Signal application is an organizational tool (similar to
a folder) that allows you to group certain objects for reference, searching, and retrieval
On the Oracle Empirica Signal pages that list objects (such as data mining runs,
queries or case series), you can select a project to filter the list to only objects in that
project. Projects have no effect on any computations.
When creating an object, you can assign it to an existing project or create a new
project. The list of existing projects includes projects for objects that you created or
that are published to you. You can also choose not to use projects at all. By default,
objects are unassigned.
A project remains available until all objects associated with it have been
Chapter 1
Interpretation of results
1. How can you determine that you are seeing more of some AE than expected
for a particular drug when you do not know the number of prescriptions
filled for that drug (the denominator)?
The technique of disproportionality analysis, upon which the Oracle Empirica
Signal application is based, uses all reports that mention a drug as a surrogate
for the exposure.
2. Does the lack of exposure data make it impossible to differentiate between
a relatively safe drug that reports few events and another drug that reports
more events?
The method looks at particular adverse events rather than overall reporting rate.
If prescription data is available, then overall reporting rate is worth looking at. In
most circumstances, however, the method is less biased than a reporting rate for a
particular AE.
3. Does the fact that you do not know the reporting rate for a drug and/or
event (for example, what percentage of true drug-related adverse events
are actually reported to FDA) create a problem in obtaining quantitative
estimates of product-event association?
The fact that the reporting rate is unusually high or low for a particular drug does
not affect the results as long as the reporting rate for that drug is uniformly high
or low across all events. An unusually high or low reporting rate for a particular
event does not affect the results as long as the reporting rate for that event is
uniformly high or low across all drugs. It is possible that publicity about a particular
problem with a drug might cause the report rates for particular product-event
combinations to increase without corresponding increases in the overall report
rates for the drug or the event. If that happens, the corresponding associations
from disproportionality methods, such as MGPS, becomes biased upward.
1. Where does the notion of an expected count come from?
Observed counts for each product-event combination of interest:
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Threshold EB05
1. If MGPS yields a ranked list of associations according to the EBGM signal
score, what threshold should be used for determining that an association is
an alert that warrants further investigation?
There is no absolute threshold. An alert is an indication that there may be
a signal. Where to put the cut-off point demanding further investigation is a
business decision that is based, among other considerations, on the nature of
the data, seriousness of the AE, available resources, and other signal discovery
2. Why has the threshold EB05 > 2 been recommended?
Although the threshold EB05 > 1 might meet a typical definition of statistical
significance, there are many biases in spontaneous report data and costs to
following up each alert. Therefore, Oracle suggests you use a somewhat higher
threshold. The value 2 is a round number that is often reasonable for relatively
rare AEs. (For a rare AE, a doubling of the number of reports may not be a large
absolute increase.)
For further discussion, see:
Szarfman A, Machado SG, O'Neill RT. Use of screening algorithms and
computer systems to efficiently signal higher-than-expected combinations of
drugs and events in the US FDA's spontaneous reports database. Drug Saf.
3. If there is a product-event combination with an EB05 greater than my chosen
threshold (for example, EB05>2), what can I say with certainty about the
relationship between the drug and the event? Are they definitely related?
Are they causally related?
This value suggests only that there is a statistical association between this drug
and event. The association may indicate a causal relationship or a reverse causal
relationship; that is, the AE is an indication for the drug. It may indicate a
relationship that is already labeled, or it may indicate a relationship that is not
clinically significant for other reasons. The most frequent explanation is that there
is a third variable common to both the drug and the event, often related to the
drug’s indication (confounding by indication).
You should conduct further investigation, including reading the label, doing a
literature review, or, at the very least, expert evaluation of the individual medical
records leading to the series of reports, to determine whether they seem causally
related. Additional studies, such as clinical trials or case control studies, may be
warranted in some cases.
Chapter 1
3. How do I set up an alerting system that gives hardly any false positives and
hardly any false negatives. Is this possible?
No. While the chances of finding false positives or false negatives can be reduced,
you cannot eliminate them. It is possible to decrease the chances of finding
false positives or false negatives by improving the current statistical algorithms
with the addition of extra information, such as stratification, or by improving the
data collection itself. Otherwise, any decrease in false positives is automatically
accompanied by an increase in false negatives, and vice versa.
There are two possible reasons for a false positive: there actually is no correlation
between the drug and event, or there is a correlation, but it is not causal. The
first can be dealt with to some degree statistically (although there will always be
unresolved uncertainty for small sample sizes). The second is not a statistical
issue, and can only be dealt with through medical knowledge.
Similarly, a false negative can be due to a small sample or be the result of
masking from another signal. Given a hypothesis based on medical knowledge
you can reduce the masking. Oracle is experimenting with techniques for providing
clues about when such masking may be occurring.
A third reason for either a false positive or a false negative is that you are using
the wrong threshold.
Signaling sensitivity
1. What is meant by the sensitivity and specificity of signaling systems?
Sensitivity is defined as the percentage of truly causal associations that are
identified by the alerting system. Low sensitivity means a high number of false
negatives. For example, in a database with counts for 10,000 product-event pairs
where 1,000 of the pairs have a truly causal relationship, if MGPS identifies 700
out of the 1,000 true associations, the sensitivity of MGPS is 700/1000 or 70%.
This calculation assumes that the true status of every product-event pair is known.
You have to have a gold standard.
Specificity indicates the percentage of noncausal (including nonexistent)
associations for which the system does not show an alert. Low specificity means
a high false positive rate. If MGPS declares that 3,000 of the 99,000 non-causal
pairs are associated, that is a 96,000/99,000 = 97% specificity rate or a 3% false-
positive rate. Again, this calculation assumes that you know the actual negatives.
Because there is no gold standard in most pharmacovigilance situations, you
cannot usually estimate the values of sensitivity and specificity very well.
Sometimes, the gold standard is whether a reaction is on the label. This is
problematical. It is a difficult and subjective task to transform the language on
a label into an accurate and complete list of MedDRA terms. The label itself may
be wrong or incomplete.
2. If EB05 is large, does that mean that you can be 95% sure that there is a true
No, you can only be 95% sure that an association this large will hold up as
the database becomes larger and larger. When EB05 > 2, almost all the false
positives are due to noncausal associations that are reliably likely to continue as
more data is collected, such as events being related to indications for the drugs,
or publicity effects. A large EB05 rules out mere statistical fluctuation, but not other
spurious causes of the association. Thus, medical knowledge is very important for
interpretation of data mining results.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Cross-drug comparisons
1. Under what circumstances might it be meaningful to compare signal scores
across different drugs?
Non-overlapping confidence intervals can alert you to the possibility of a difference
between the safety profiles of the drugs. Alternately, if the confidence intervals
overlap a lot, the signal scores can help corroborate evidence that there is no
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of including concomitant
medications (as well as suspect drugs) in the data mining analysis?
An advantage of including concomitant medications is that you can eliminate
the bias from physicians who pre-determined the suspect drugs. Each drug will
be weighted equally. In addition, including both concomitant and suspect drugs
provides a larger background case set for each drug and may reveal associations
unsuspected by the reporter.
A disadvantage is that potentially valuable judgments from physicians regarding
which drug(s) is/are suspect are not taken into account.
More research is needed to understand whether it is advantageous to include
concomitant drugs in an MGPS analysis. Because logistic regression analysis is
specifically designed to assess the results of polytherapy, Oracle advises always
using a data configuration that includes concomitant drugs in logistic regressions.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fully breaking apart
combination drugs into their component ingredients for purposes of data
An advantage is that the number of unique drugs in the database becomes much
smaller, and the counts of each unique ingredient are higher. It is also easier to
implement drug classification.
A disadvantage is that ingredients are equally weighted no matter whether they
were part of combination drugs or not.
Chapter 1
positives or negatives than health professional reports, given that the application
examines disproportional reporting as opposed to absolute numbers.
Subsetting by the report source or occupation code of the reporter allows
comparison of values calculated for reports by consumers to those reported by
health care professionals. Also, you can use stratification on these variables to
eliminate the possibility of confounding based on report source.
3. Is it acceptable to combine serious and non-serious adverse events in a
single data mining analysis? What if some drugs have non-serious reports
entered into AERS and others you are interested in, for purposes of
comparing signal scores, do not?
Yes, although AERS contains mostly serious events. Including large numbers of
non-serious events probably improves the performance of the system, since some
analyses have shown that the ratios of non-serious event reports are a reasonable
surrogate for the exposure ratios. If, for some reason, non-serious reports have
been suppressed to a much greater degree for some drugs than for others, the
result would be to bias comparisons of alerting scores across the two sets of
Data issues
1. What is the meaning of a drug showing a positive alerting score with a
particular event sometimes being confounded by polytherapy?
If a drug is typically co-prescribed with another drug that causes a particular event,
then the first drug is statistically associated with the event as well.
2. What is the impact of cloaking, where a very strong association with one
drug masks your ability to see a moderately strong association with another
If a drug has a very strong association with a given event, this may mean that
it accounts for a relatively large proportion of the reports for that event in the
database. This would tend to raise the expected value for this event for all drugs
and, thus, mask the signal (lower observed / expected) for another drug.
3. If a potential signal of interest may be spread across multiple MedDRA
Primary Terms (different reporters may choose to use slightly different
terminology to describe essentially the same effect), will this reduce the
ability to see the signal of interest?
Yes, this is possible, although significant associations for several of the possible
PTs are a good indication of something real. If you suspect that this spreading is
happening, then it is possible in the Oracle Empirica Signal application to map the
suspect PTs into a new pseudo PT, called a custom term, to look at the combined
score. Alternatively, data mining analysis can be based on MedDRA HLT or HLGT,
rather than PT.
4. MGPS essentially compares the safety profile (relative frequency of different
AEs) of each drug against a background comparator of all drugs. Would it
be better to choose a more narrowly defined background? For example, to
understand the profile of Cerivastatin, why not limit the background to all
other statins?
Given that noise is a surrogate for exposure, the bigger the denominator, the
better. Oracle performed an experiment to look into this; the results showed more
noise with smaller databases. To compare a drug against others in its class to see
differences, look at the EB05 scores for each of the drugs run against the entire
Chapter 1
background. Looking at a drug against its own class also means that it is unlikely
that you would find a previously unknown class effect.
5. Are data mining results skewed by publicity effects?
This can occur, and it is one of the possible causes to consider when doing case
evaluation of the potential signals.
About tables
Many of the Oracle Empirica Signal pages present information in a tabular format. This
topic describes how to work with this tabular information.
If you are using Signal Review, see Arrange table columns.
To work with information in tables, you can use the following options:
Oracle Empirica Signal saves the display choices that you make for a particular table.
Your choices remain in effect for that table across Oracle Empirica Signal sessions,
until you make different choices.
Chapter 1
Finding text
To find specific text on a page:
• In Chrome, select the Chrome menu, then Find.
• In Edge, select the Edge menu, then click Find on page.
• In Internet Explorer, select the Edit menu, then click Find on this page.
In all of these browsers, you can press CTRL+F to select Find. For efficiency, you may
want to set the Rows per Page to a large number before using the Find feature.
Vertical scrollbars
A site option determines whether vertical scrollbars for tables of information are always
on the left side, always on the right side, or determined by the user preference Show
table scrollbars on left side. This option does not apply to the Signal Review Products
or Product-Event combinations pages.
Column descriptions
In some tables, when you hover on a column heading, a description of the column
Chapter 1
Numeric and date columns initially sort higher-to-lower numbers or more
recent-to-earlier dates. Alphanumeric columns initially sort in order from
A to Z, and are not case-sensitive.
2. Click Columns or Columns and Rows or, on the Signal Review page, click the
Header Action menu ( ), and then click Columns. (See Arrange table columns.)
When you click the column header to sort a column, that column is the primary
sort order based on the column type. For example, suppose that the current sort
order is Generic_Name, PT, and EBGM (desc):
If you decide to sort by EB05 in descending order, click the header in that column.
The sort order becomes:
• The most recent sort order you specify becomes the primary sort order.
• Other columns continue to be used for sorting (secondary and third sort
• For most tables, empty columns appear first, if you sort in ascending order,
and last, if you sort in descending order.
If you want to clear a sort order or explicitly specify levels of sorting, use the
Columns (or Columns & Rows) dialog box. For example, you can change the
above sort order as follows:
Chapter 1
When specifying a SQL WHERE Clause, you can click Show Columns to
display the Select Table Columns page listing variables (columns) that you
can include in the WHERE clause. To insert a variable into the WHERE
clause, click the column name.
At certain places in Oracle Empirica Signal, you can specify a SQL WHERE clause to
restrict rows of a table or a report.
When specifying a SQL WHERE clause, do not enter the word WHERE. Oracle
Empirica Signal adds WHERE internally to the start of the condition that you enter.
For example, to view all results for which EBGM is greater than 5, type EBGM > 5.
To connect conditions, use AND or OR. For example:
• N > 5 AND EBGM > 8
Chapter 1
Text variables
If a variable is stored as a text field in the Oracle database, you must enclose the
text string in single quotes. Capitalization within the quoted string must match the text
string in the database exactly.
To find a value that includes a single quotation mark, or apostrophe, precede the
quotation mark or apostrophe with another single quotation mark in the quoted string.
For example, to find Bell's palsy for the PT variable, type PT like 'Bell''s palsy'.
You can use any valid SQL operators, including the following commonly used
% is a wildcard character that you can use in a text string after LIKE; it matches any
characters in its position, as follows:
Numeric variables
If a variable is stored as a number field in the Oracle database, you can use any valid
SQL operators, including the following commonly used operators:
Chapter 1
Date variables
If a date variable is stored as a text field in the Oracle database, you can search for it
as you would search for any text string.
If a date variable is stored as a date field in the Oracle database, you can use the
Oracle function TO_DATE to change a text string to an Oracle date. Then you can
use the same operators as for numeric variables. For example, if you want to find
RCVD_DATE dates later than 2019-01-17, you specify:
RCVD_DATE > TO_DATE('2019-01-17', 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE =
If you do not specify a time, the time is considered to be midnight of the specified date.
Column names
To select table columns (variables) to include in the WHERE clause, from the Header
The alphabetical order of prefixes defined in the configuration for the drug
and event variables determines whether the variables are ITEM1 or ITEM2.
For example, if the prefix for the drug variable is D and the prefix for
the event variable is E, the drug variable is ITEM1 because D is first
SQL functions
Oracle Empirica Signal supports the following SQL functions in WHERE clauses:
Chapter 1
The name of the hierarchy associated with the variable appears as part of
this link. For example, for a drug variable, Select ATC Terms appears. This
help system uses Select <hierarchy> Terms as a general reference to this
Chapter 1
When you click Select <hierarchy> Terms, the Hierarchy Browser dialog box opens
and enables you to browse the hierarchy and review, search for, and select terms at
the appropriate level of the hierarchy.
Browsing terms
The section on the left of the Hierarchy Browser lists the terms at the highest, most
general level of the hierarchy. For example, System Organ Class (SOC) terms appear
for the MedDRA hierarchy, and Level 1 terms appear for the ATC hierarchy. To expand
the list to show terms at the next level, click the icon next to a term. Repeat to
expand the list to show terms at all levels through the lowest, most specific level in the
hierarchy. Click to collapse sections of the list.
When you hover over terms in this list, an underline appears if you can click on a term
to review and, potentially, select terms at the appropriate level of the hierarchy.
Chapter 1
Reviewing terms
The Available <level> Values section in the center of the Hierarchy Browser lists terms
at the level of the hierarchy that you are browsing. For example, if you are browsing
for PTs, the Available <level> Values section lists all of the PTs in the hierarchy below
the term you clicked. If you click on a Higher Level Group Term (HLGT), all of the PTs
under that HLGT appear for review.
Not every term at every hierarchical level shown on the left can be clicked.
For example, if you select MedDRA PTs, you cannot click on a lower level
term (LLT) to review or select PTs above that LLT in the hierarchy.
Chapter 1
When you click next to an italicized term, the hierarchy expands all of the levels
for that term to show the complete path to the term that matches. Italics appear at
every level in the path to assist you in following the path to the matching term or terms.
Boldface highlights the actual match.
Alternatively, you can click a term in the Available <level> Values list to expand the
hierarchy section to show the primary path for that term. The icon indicates the
primary path.
Chapter 1
If the term also has a secondary path in the hierarchy, that path also expands and
marked by the symbol . You can scroll through the hierarchy to review any alternate
paths for the term.
• When you click a term in the Available <level> Values list, its full name
appears as pop-up text. This enables you to see the complete value in
case the displayed value is cut off because of its length.
• Terms that appear in the hierarchy multiple times appear only once in the
Available <level> Values list.
• The terms shown in this dialog box are from the special account that
contains hierarchy data. As a result, custom terms do not appear in the
hierarchy list, and cannot match entered search values.
Chapter 1
Selecting terms
After you review terms in the Available <level> Values list, you can make selections. To
select values, you highlight and move them as follows:
• To highlight a value, click it.
• To highlight multiple non-contiguous values, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking
each value.
• To highlight multiple contiguous values, click a value, hold down the Shift key, and
click another value. Values between and including those values are highlighted.
• To remove highlighting from a value, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the
selected value.
When your selections are complete, click OK. The window closes and you return to
the task you were performing.
To create a saved list of terms for future use, click Save As List.
When you highlight a single value, the full value is displayed as pop-up text.
This enables you to see the full value in case the displayed value is cut off
because of its length.
Chapter 1
• To highlight multiple contiguous values, click a value, hold down the Shift
key, and click another value. Values between and including those values are
• To remove highlighting from a value, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the
selected value.
• To move values back and forth between the list of all values and the list of
selected values, you can double-click a highlighted value or use the arrow
keys as follows:
Button Use To
If up and down arrows are available for the list of selected values, you
can use them to order the selected values. For example, when specifying
breakdown details in a report definition, you can order the selected values as
you want them to appear in the report.
3. When you are satisfied with the selected values, click OK.
In some contexts, you can click Save As List to create a saved list of
values for future use.
Chapter 1
• Show values —From the drop-down list, select Starting with Filter to list
available values that start with your entry in the Filter field. Select Containing
Filter to include any values containing the specified filter in any position.
Select Ending Filter to list values that end with the entry in the Filter field.
If there are more than 100 possible values in total (regardless of filter options), the
following additional options are available:
• Minimum filter length —Select the minimum number of characters you must
enter in the Filter field before any available values will be listed. (0 indicates
no minimum.)
• Maximum values to show —Select the maximum number of available
values to be listed. If the maximum number is n, the first n matching values
found in the list appear. Note that as you move values to the Selected Values
list, more values appear in the Available Values list.
A message informs you if any values have been filtered out of the Available
Values list by the Maximum values to show field.
If network performance is not fast, avoid using No Limit. This can be slow
when used with Generic_Name, for example, since there are thousands of
Additionally suppose that different versions of MedDRA were used to code the source
• MedDRA Version 6.1 was used until June 1, 2004.
• MedDRA Version 7.0 was used between June 1, 2004 and January 1, 2005.
• MedDRA Version 7.1 was used on January 1, 2005.
In Oracle Empirica Signal, you must specify the version of MedDRA used to code the
source data for each time period as described below.
Chapter 1
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the configuration, and select Edit.
4. In the top table, click Edit in the far right column for the data configuration.
5. On the Edit Configuration Details page, in the Event Hierarchy Version Table
field, click Select/Edit Table.
6. To specify only one hierarchy version for all of the source data, type the Oracle
database account name for the hierarchy version in the first row of the Hierarchy
Account column, for example:
Each date includes a time stamp of 12:00:00 a.m. For example,
if you specify that MedDRA Version 6.1 was used until (<=)
06/01/2004 and MedDRA 7.0 was used thereafter, then MedDRA 7.0
is applied to source data coded at 12:00:01 a.m. on June 1, 2004.
b. In the first row of the Hierarchy Account column, type the Oracle database
account name for the hierarchy version.
c. Fill in one row for each time period in the source data, for example:
If you need additional rows, you can select Add additional empty rows upon
saving and click Save.
For the last time period, type only the Oracle database account name for the
hierarchy version.
Chapter 1
8. Click Save.
You can also create a hierarchy table while you are editing a configuration
variable. In this situation, an empty hierarchy table is created and you must
populate it outside of the application.
For the table name, Oracle recommends that you use a name that identifies the table
as a hierarchy; for example, DRUG_HIER or EVENT_HIER. A hierarchy table must
include the following columns:
• ITEM_VALUE —Drug or event name. This is Level 0 of the hierarchy. There must
be one value for each unique drug or event name.
• H1_VALUE —Middle-level term of the drug or event hierarchy. This is Level 1 of
the hierarchy.
• H2_VALUE —Top-level term of the drug or event hierarchy. This is Level 2 of the
hierarchy. If you are creating a two-level hierarchy, this column can be empty.
There can be zero levels, one level, or two levels in a hierarchy, as in the following
Chapter 1
Each Level 0 term can have only one Level 1 term associated with it. Each Level 1
term can have only one Level 2 term associated with it.
If a drug is not included in the hierarchy table, it is not available when the
results reviewer filters results according to a Level 1 or Level 2 term. For
example, all drugs except DrugA are in the hierarchy table and have a Level
2 value of OTC or RX. If the reviewer filters according to the Level 2 terms
OTC and RX, DrugA is not in the displayed results. (However, DrugA is still
available as a Level 0 term even if it is not in the hierarchy table.) When
source data is updated and includes new drugs or events, this situation may
occur unless the hierarchy table is updated as well.
What is an alias?
An alias is a named reference to a data mining run, report output, or data
Currently, aliases can be used in setting up a drug profile configuration, interactive
signal management, and run definition files (managed by Oracle).
Interactive signal management configurations can reference configuration aliases
for all reports, 2D runs and 3D runs. When the signal management configuration
is refreshed, any aliases referenced by the signal management configuration are
A drug profile configuration can reference aliases for data mining runs or report
outputs. When a user navigates to the Drugs page, any aliases referenced by the
drug profile configuration are resolved. When source data is updated and new runs
and report outputs are created, you can modify the aliases to point to different runs
and report outputs, rather than modifying the drug profile configuration.
Chapter 1
Your available saved lists are ones you have created, or ones you have been given
Read or Edit permission. They must also be compatible with the data configuration of
the object with which you are working.
To select a saved list, click the row for the saved list, and then click OK.
The Select Saved List page provides the following information about each saved list.
See Field descriptions—Saved List page for more information.
Review signal information
• Overview of Signal Review
• Signal Review configurations: interactive vs. scripted
• Configured alerts: tracked vs. informational
• Start with the Signal Review pages
• Keyboard shortcuts for the Products and Product-Event Combinations tables
• View aggregate information for a selected group or product
• Step 1: Choose a published configuration
• Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
• Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
• Step 4: Submit the review
Chapter 2
Configured alerts: tracked vs. informational
Chapter 2
Start with the Signal Review pages
• Tracked: In Signal Review, tracked alert types are alerts for which product-event
combinations require an initial signal review in the current period. After a refresh,
tracked alerts have Reviewed/Total counts. If you submit a review of a product-
event combination with an unreviewed tracked alert, the Reviewed count for that
alert goes up.
• Informational: In Signal Review, non-tracked alert types are alerts for which
product-event combinations do not require review. No tracking is performed;
that is, these alerts do not contribute to Reviewed/Total counts. After a refresh,
informational alerts only have a Total count. If you submit a review of a product-
event combination with an unreviewed informational alert, Reviewed counts are
not impacted.
You can base a configurable alert on product review period or on product complexity
level. A configurable alert based on complexity level is calculated only when it is “due”;
that is, based on each product’s birthdate and the alert periodicity.
Scripted signal managements have built-in alerts, which are not configurable
through the user interface and do not provide tracking.
Use the Header Action Menu ( ) on the table to access functions such as
adding and removing columns. Use the Row Action menu Row Action Menu ( )
to access functions specific to the table row.
The right panel graphically depicts tracked alerts, informational alerts, event
combinations with open topics, and recent notes. This panel changes with your
Products By and card selection and your Product selection. You can collapse and
expand the cards and right graphic detail panel.
Display the Products and Product-Event Combinations pages
Chapter 2
Keyboard shortcuts for the Products and Product-Event Combinations tables
4. To return to the Products page, click the back arrow ( ) to the left of the product
heading at the top of the page.
Chapter 2
View aggregate information for a selected group or product
To interact with the select rows mode in the Product-Event Combinations table:
1. To restrict focus within a row, press F2.
2. To check or uncheck a check box, press Space.
3. To exit focus from within a row, press F2 again.
4. To check or uncheck other rows, repeat steps above.
1. In the left navigation pane, click the Signal Review icon ( ) to display the
Products page. You can also get to the Products page by clicking the back arrow
( ) from the Product-Event Combinations page.
2. From the drop-down to the right of the Signal Review page title, choose a signal
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
on demographics, drugs, and events) but differ in details of field and table naming,
presence or absence of specific attributes, and use of specific medical coding
dictionaries. These configurations can be set up by expert users who are familiar
both with the target database schema and the pharmacovigilance application; medical
end-users work with the application-specific variables so defined (end-users do not
need to be aware of the target database schema). Multiple configurations can support
user access to several different databases (e.g., to do a data mining run—first, on
the public data and, then, on in-house data), and also to several different versions of
the same database (e.g., different chronological snapshots or versions that include or
exclude so-called “concomitant” medications).
To insulate both Oracle Empirica Signal and users from superficial variation in the
detailed formatting of the target safety database, Oracle Empirica Signal supports
multiple database configurations, each of which defines a mapping between user-
visible “variables” and specific database tables and columns, including specification
of plausible roles for the variables (e.g., a drug name, an event name, an attribute
suitable for use in stratification or subsetting, etc.).
When Oracle Empirica Signal is installed, a master configuration table that contains
all configurations for all source databases is created in another Oracle account. This
master configuration table is populated automatically as configurations are added,
copied, or imported. When a configuration is created, a configuration table is created
automatically in the same Oracle account as the source data. Multiple configurations
(and configuration tables) may exist for an Oracle account.
1. In the left navigation pane, click the Signal Review icon ( ) to display the
Products page. You can also get to the Products page by clicking the back arrow
( ) from the Product-Event Combinations page.
2. Select how to group monitored products by selecting one of the five product
properties defined for the configuration using the Products By drop-down list:
• Category: Customer-definable product field value set when adding or editing
a product to monitor. A user with Manage Signal Configuration permission
defines the acceptable product field values. Examples include Drug, Vaccine,
or Cosmetics, or separation by therapeutic use or chemical class.
• Complexity: Customer-definable product field value set when adding or
editing a product to monitor. A user with Manage Signal Configuration
permission defines the acceptable product field values.
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
( ) and select Columns. You can select columns to include, reorder them, and
sort the Products table using up to three different columns.
5. To download the Products table, click the Header Action menu ( ) and select
6. Perform additional actions on this product by choosing an action from the Row
Action menu ( ):
• View Product-Event Combinations: Select this link from the Row Action menu,
click a product name, or click a total alert count to investigate product-event
combinations for the product.
• Enter Note: Enter or edit a note for a product to indicate:
– Issues that have been identified and investigated for the product.
– Signals that require further evaluation.
• View Notes: View notes that have been entered about the product.
• View Event Comments: View comments entered about product-event
• View Sector Map for All: View a visual representation for a particular product
across all System Organ classes (SOCs).
• Manage Targeted Medical Events: Maintain a list of adverse events your
organization wants to closely monitor for a particular product. You must have
the View Signal Management and the Manage Signaling Terms permissions.
This applies to Interactive Signal Configurations only.
• Manage Listed Events: Maintain a list of adverse events listed on the product
label. You must have the View Signal Management and the Manage Signaling
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
Field Description
Summary line Shows the number of products, the sort order,
the number of rows per page, the current
page, and links to navigate between pages. If
rows are filtered using the Where Clause in the
columns dialog, the summary line displays the
text (filtered) to indicate that rows are filtered.
Header row Contains the Header Action menu and column
headers. You can arrange these columns in
any order.
Header Action Menu Provides access to functions for the whole
Alerts Reviewed The cells in this column contain a progress
gauge with the percent of reviewed tracked
alerts associated with the product on that row.
Oracle Empirica Signal calculates the percent
reviewed from x/y:
x = sum of reviewed tracked alerts.
y = sum of all tracked alerts.
Alert columns For tracked alerts, the number of alerts
reviewed and the total number of alerts are
displayed as Reviewed/Total. For informational
alerts, only the total alert count is displayed.
Row for each product Includes a Row Action menu and alert counts.
The Total alert counts are links to further
information about that alert.
Row Action menu Includes actions that provide access to
product-specific activities.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select Enter Note.
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
The Note dialog shows the product you selected and the date when the note was
last entered or edited. Today's date and current time indicate that this is the first
note for this product. There is a text box for each type of note that can be entered.
4. Enter notes in the text boxes.
5. Click Save.
To view the note, select that product row on the Products table and click the right
arrow to the left of the Notes heading in the right details panel, or select View Notes
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Notes.
The following information about each note appears on the Drug Notes History
Column Description
Drug Name of the drug.
Entered By Name of the user who entered the note.
Entry Date The date that the version of the drug note
was entered.
Notes are ordered by their Entry Date, with the most recent version of the note
appearing first in the list.
4. Choose one of the following:
• To view a note, click the View Note link in the last column on the right.
• To view all notes for the product, click Show All Notes.
1. In the navigation pane on the left, click the Signal Review icon ( ).
2. (Optional) From the Products By drop-down list, select a product grouping, then
select a card to filter the Products table.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Event Comments.
4. From the View comments drop-down list, select All or Most Recent.
5. From the Comment type drop-down list, select Private, Public, or All.
6. (Optional) To limit comments to a specific date range, enter a Start date, an End
date, or both.
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
7. Click Apply.
8. To show information about the comments, click Show Notes.
The notes appear below the table and Oracle Empirica Signal includes them if you
print or download table data.
9. To exclude notes, click Hide Notes.
10. To save comments to a topic, click Save to Topic.
Field Description
Drug Name of the selected drug.
Event Name of an event that is reported in
combination with the drug.
Created Date and time the comment was added.
Created by Name of the user who added the comment.
Filtered • Yes, if you added the comment when
the product-event combination was
• No, if you added a comment for a
product-event combination that was not
• Empty (blank), for private comments (if
the signal configuration has the private
comments feature set up).
Comment Comment for the product-event combination.
Private Appears if the signal configuration has the
private comments feature set up.
• Yes, a private comment.
• No, a public comment.
Detailed Comment The optional free text description added with
the comment. This column appears only if the
corresponding site option has been set.
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, we recommend that you
select rather than type values.
5. Click Save.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Sector Map for a
Signal set (such as All).
4. To set display options for the sector map, click Options below the sector map.
5. If you point to a PT tile, the MedDRA PT, HLT, HLGT, and SOC appear. The
following information for the combination of the product and the term that the tile
represents also appears:
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
Column Description
Color controlled by Name of the statistic whose values is ranked
and is used for coloring the sector map
tiles. Possible values are any of the following
that are available in the signal management
data prepared for your organization: EBGM,
EB05, PRR, Chi-statistic (signed).
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
Column Description
Term box size controlled by One of the following options indicating what
controls the size of PT tiles:
Relative importance of term—Bases the
size of PT tiles on an algorithm that
determines the relative public heath impact
of PTs. Using a recent version of AERS
data, the public health impact for a PT
is computed as: (number of times the PT
occurs in serious cases) * (proportion of
cases with that PT that are serious or fatal).
A higher Public Health Impact score—
Corresponds to a larger tile in the sector
map. Because size is based on the number
of cases of the PT alone (not the number
of cases that have the PT and a particular
product), the tile size is stable over sector
maps for different products.
For PTs that are new in the
MedDRA version associated with
the AERS data used to assess
public health impact, the tile size
cannot be determined. Such PTs
are represented as small tiles.
This setting has no effect if you
display the sector map in gray-
Chapter 2
Step 2: Select a product or group of products to investigate
Column Description
Omit rare terms used fewer than __ times in Number indicating how many times a PT
AERS must be in the AERS database (the same
one used for Relative importance of term)
for that PT to be shown in the sector map.
The notes for a sector map
indicate any rare terms that
are omitted because of this
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
3. Click OK.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
System Organ Class (SOC) cards: The cards represent the alerts grouped by
MedDRA system organ class. The counts represent Reviewed/Total tracked alerts.
Selection of a card filters the Product-Event combinations table.
Product-Event Combinations panel: Tabs for each alert and optional tabs
associated with signal views are shown below the cards. A Product-Event
Combinations table for each selected tab shows product-event rows for the selected
product and alert or signal view. Each table displays a summary line with the number
of combinations, the sort order, the number of rows per page and the page number.
You can add tabs, change pages, and customize the columns.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
• Select another tab to show the Product-Event Combinations table associated with
a different tab such as the Fatal, Serious, or New product-event combinations.
• The Status column indicates if the product-event combination has been reviewed
and if there is a topic for the product-event combination.
• The Alerts column indicates which tracked alerts relate to the product-event
combination in the most recent refresh. The icon color and letter were set up when
the alert type was created and match the icons in the tabs. In the example above,
F stands for Fatal and D for Designated Medical Event.
• Each tab contains the table for that alert type or signal view and reflect the
current product and SOC selection. Hover over an alert tab for details about that
alert type. You can add more tabs with the icon on the right. Click the
hyperlinked (bold) value in a cell to display a menu to drill down to case-specific
Graphic details panel: This graphical summary on the right shows Tracked Alerts,
Informational Alerts, Open Topics, and Notes for the selected product. Topics appear
only if your configuration is integrated with topics. You can show ( ) or hide ( )
the sections in the graphic details panel. Changes on the Product-Event Combinations
page do not update this panel.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
The Product-Event Combinations page appears.
4. (Optional) Select a System Organ Class (SOC) card to filter the Product-Event
combinations panel.
5. View product-event combinations for an alert type. Click an alert type tab at the
top of the table, such as DME. The Product-Event Combinations table displays
combinations that raised the alerts of this type in the current refresh and are
filtered by SOC selection. The columns reflect the alert type's view. By default, for
each combination, the table shows the product, event, status, alerts, statistics, and
comments columns.
6. View cases and reports. Some values in the table are links to a menu for
drilling down to case information and reports. Most case counts presented in the
table support drilling down for detailed information and open a menu to view or
perform operations on the underlying set of cases. Numbers with this capability
are displayed in bold, and a down-arrow appears when you hover over the field.
• View Cases: Lists cases associated with the count shown in the table. The
information shown is customizable through the data configuration. On the View
Cases page, if you click the case ID or the value in the ISR column, the Case
Details page displays with the case information. You can select Next or Prior
to move to the next or previous case in the series.
• Create Case Series: On pages and in reports that display a list of cases
identified by case ID, you can save the list of cases for future use. The named
and saved list of cases is referred to as a case series.
• Transfer to Case Series: On pages and in reports that display a list of cases,
you can transfer cases to an existing case series.
• Download Cases: When you view a table of cases, you can download the
information to various types of files.
• Download Case Details: When you view case details, you can download the
information to various types of files.
• Reports: This choice displays a list of available reports. To run the report,
select a report, click the Row Action menu ( ), and select Run.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
Header Action menu ( ) and select Columns. You can select columns to
include, reorder them, and sort the table using up to three different columns.
8. To download the Product-Event Combinations table, click the Header Action
menu ( ) and select Download. You can specify a file name, the format to use,
the maximum number of rows, and create a Zip archive file.
9. To apply Row Action menu choices to multiple rows of the Product-Event
Combinations table, click the Header Row menu ( ) and select Select Rows.
Then select the checkboxes of the rows to include. Click the Header Action menu
menu ( ) and select Save As View. The saved view is available under the Add
Tab ( ). A signal view specifies the following for the Product-Event Combinations
• Which columns are included.
• The sort order of columns.
• The SQL WHERE clause (if any) that applies selection criteria to product-
event combinations.
11. Perform additional actions on this product by choosing an action from the Row
Action menu ( ):
• Submit Review: Review a product-event combination, add a comment, and
associate a topic (optional). If the product-event combination had unreviewed
tracked alerts then, upon completion of Submit Review, the tracked alerts are
considered reviewed and alert reviewed counts are updated.
• Add Private Comment: Add a comment visible only to you for the product-
event combination.
• Assign Reviewer: Select a reviewer for the specific product-event combination.
• View Signal History: Display a graphic and detailed summary of the statistics
associated with the product-event combination.
• View Similar Combinations: View the statistical information for combinations
involving the same product and the same HLT, HLGT, or SOC as that of the
PT in the original combination.
• View Interactions: Information about an event and product interactions is
represented as a nested confidence interval graph of EB05-EB95 confidence
intervals and EBGM values for two products and the event.
• View Age Group Breakdown for a Signal Set (such as All): The breakdown
of case data by age group or gender for a product-event combination is
represented in a bar graph.
• View Gender Breakdown for a Signal Set (such as All): The breakdown of
case data by gender for a product-event combination is represented in a bar
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
3. Select the product, click the Row Action menu ( ) icon, and select View
Product-Event Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. View the product-event combinations for a tab by selecting the All SOC card
or filter the product-event combination tables by selecting a specific SOC card.
For example, to view only product-event combinations for blood and lymphatic
symptom disorders, click the Blood card. The Product-Event Combinations panel
refreshes to include only the combinations for that SOC.
• The number of combinations, the sort order, the rows per page, and the
number of pages in the table appear under the row of tabs.
• By default, the table contains Status and Alerts columns. These columns show
the review status and alerts associated with the product-event combination.
5. Click a tab to display the product-event combinations for that tab.
• Tracked alert tabs include an alert icon (letter and color as defined by the alert
type definition), an alert name and a count.
• Informational alert tabs include the alert name and a count.
• Alerts in scripted signal configurations show the alert name only.
• Added tabs show the view name only.
• Hover on the tab to show details. If the tab is for a configured alert, then the
hover text includes "Alert based on review period or complexity level."
• The Status column shows whether the product-event combination needs
to be reviewed or has been reviewed. If Topics has been integrated with
this configuration, the Status column indicates whether a topic has been
associated with the combination, by the presence of the ( ) icon.
• The Alerts column contains an icon for each tracked alert type that was raised
in the most recent refresh or any unreviewed tracked alert from a previous
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
6. Drill down on the case details for any product-event combination by clicking the
bolded case total in any column and selecting a menu item.
7. Rearrange the columns , download the table, perform operations on multiple rows
in the table, and save the table as a view from the Header Action menu ( ).
8. Select additional actions to perform on the product-event combination from the
3. Select the product, click the Row Action menu ( ) icon, and select View
Product-Event Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
The Product-Event Combinations table shows the events, status, alerts, review
periods, and comments related to the product-event combinations.
4. Select a product with the icon in the Status column. The icon denotes that
the product-event combination has alerts that haven't been reviewed. The icon
denotes that alerts have been reviewed. The icon denotes that topics are
associated with the product-event combination.
5. To view cases new since a specific review period, click the bold total in an N or
Nsince column to open a menu that provides access to case review functions and
7. When your review is complete, from the Row Action menu ( ) select Submit
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
To specify review periods, the administrator must enable the Review Period
column and Review Period filter on the Manage Signal Views page. To
disable review periods, the administrator selects the Disable review period
option on the Edit Signal Configuration page.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. To apply Row Action menu choices to multiple the rows of the Product-Event
Combinations table, click the Header Action menu ( ) and select Select Rows
to turn on Row Selection mode.
5. Select the check boxes of the rows to include.
6. Click the Header Action menu ( ) and select the action to perform on all the
selected rows. Submit Review, Download, Create Case Series, Transfer to Case
Series and Reports are available in the Header Action menu while in Select rows
7. Perform the tasks to complete the action you selected.
8. To turn off Row Selection mode, from the Header Action menu ( ) select Exit
Selection Mode.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
At least one refresh should be run before creating views.
3. Click the product's Row Action menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. In the Product-Event Combinations panel, select a tab, arrange the columns,
and sort the columns as you would like them to appear in the view. If available,
you can add/modify the SQL WHERE clause.
If the signal configuration has the review period feature set up, each view
name should include the length of the review period; for example, New
Cases (3 months), New Cases (6 months), New Cases (1 year), and so
7. In the Description text box, enter a description of the signal view. The description
appears as hover text when the view is added as a tab.
8. Assign the view to a category. The category determines the view's location on the
Select View menu.
• To assign the view to an existing category, click Add to existing category and
select a category that you created from the drop-down list.
• To create a new category and assign the view to it, click Add to a new
category named and enter a category name. The category name must be
unique for the signal configuration.
See Organize signal views for information about ordering categories and ordering
views within categories.
9. Click OK.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
Oracle Empirica Signal saves the view and adds it to the list of views available
in the Add Tab menu. The view can now be used when adding a tab to the
Product-Event Combinations panel.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
All product-event combinations that satisfy the SOC filter and meet the conditions
stated in the tab's view appear in the Product-Event Combinations panel. When
you click a tab; for example, DME, the Product-Event Combinations table displays
only the product-event combinations that satisfied the DME alert's condition and
the SOC filter.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
Field Description
EB05 A value such that there is approximately a
5% probability that the true Relative Ratio
lies below it. The interval from EB05 to EB95
might be considered to be the 90% confidence
EB95 A value such that there is approximately a
5% probability that the true Relative Ratio
lies above it. The interval from EB05 to EB95
might be considered to be the 90% confidence
EBGM Empirical Bayesian Geometric Mean. A
more stable estimate than RR; the so-
called shrinkage estimate, computed as the
geometric mean of the posterior distribution of
the true Relative Ratio. For more information,
see MGPS computations.
N Observed number of cases with the
combination of items.
PRR Proportional Reporting Ratio for the
combination of a particular product and
particular event.
PRR_CHISQ Chi-square of PRR. For more information, see
PRR computations.
ROR05 Lower 5% confidence limit for ROR.
ROR95 Upper 5% confidence limit for ROR. The
interval from ROR05 to ROR95 might be
considered to be the 90% confidence interval.
ROR Reporting Odds Ratio. Computed as: ROR =
(PRR_A * PRR_D) / (PRR_B * PRR_C) With
stratification, ROR is computed as a weighted
average of the ROR within each stratum. For
more information, see ROR computations.
Field Description
Date Date and time when the comment was added.
The comments are ordered by the date they
were added, with the most recently added
comment appearing first.
Created By Name of the user who added the comment.
The user name appears even if the user has
been deleted.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
Field Description
Filtered • Yes, if you added the comment when
the product-event combination was
• No, if you added a public comment
when you were documenting your review,
or when you un-suppressed the product-
event combination.
• Empty (blank), for private comments.
Private If the signal management configuration allows
private comments, displays Yes to identify
private comments and No to identify public
Comment The predefined comment added to the
Detailed Comment The optional free text description added with
the comment. This column appears only if the
corresponding site option has been set.
Field Description
Topic Name (ID) Topic name and ID associated with the
product-event combination.
Topic Association Activity involving the associated topic. Values
include Created, Removed or Modified.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Select a product-event combination, click that Row Action Menu ( ) icon, and
select Add Private Comment.
5. From the Comment drop-down list, select a predefined comment.
6. In the Detailed comment text box, enter a detailed comment (optional). This
option is available if the appropriate site option has been set.
7. Click OK.
The private comment appears for the product-event combination.
Private comments are visible to only you and superusers. However, if the
product-event combination becomes part of an attachment in a topic, the
private topic becomes visible to anyone who can view that topic attachment.
3. Select the product, click the Row Action menu ( ) icon, and select View
Product-Event Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
6. To add a private comment, from the Header Action menu ( ), click Add Private
a. Select a comment from the Comment drop-down.
b. (Optional) Enter a detailed comment.
c. Click OK.
The comment is added for all of the selected combinations. If a topic was
associated, then the attachment contains all of the selected product-event
combinations (up to the maximum set by the Site Option, Max number of rows
per table allowed in topic attachments).
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
7. To exit multiple selection mode, from the Header Action menu ( ), click Exit
Selection Mode.
3. Click the product's Row Action menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action menu ( ) and click Assign
5. From the Reviewer drop-down list, select the reviewer.
You can also select no reviewer (--) to remove an assignment. Available reviewers
for assignment are those in login groups to which the signal configuration is
published. This assignment does not overlap with the reviewer assignments to
products. For example, if User1 is assigned to the product Niacin, you can assign
User2 to the combination of the product Niacin and event Flushing.
6. Click OK.
You can add the Reviewer column to the Product-Event Combinations table to see
reviewer assignments.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action Menu ( ) and click View
Signal History.
5. From the Signal set drop-down lists, select the signal set for which you want to
view a history, or select All to include all data. You can select up to two different
signal sets at a time to display graphs for each of them.
The Signal History includes the following information:
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
• The name of the product and event (PT) and the HLT, HLGT, and SOC that
include the PT.
• A trend graph that shows the EBGM, EB05, and EB95 values over time.
• A histogram that shows the total count of cases with the product-event
combination over time.
• Statistical scores for the PT and HLT and SOC, if available. The statistics that
are displayed depends on the signal management configuration.
• A list of comments for the product-event combination. If signal management
is integrated with topics, the list also includes topic associations. If any alerts
became reviewed by the addition of the comment, the list of alerts is displayed
as a group of alert type icons. Hovering over the icons displays the full Alert
Type name.
If the signal configuration includes public and private comments, the
list includes all public comments by any user and all of your private
comments. The list for a superuser includes all comments regardless
of author or type. If the signal configuration does not include private
comments, all comments by any user appear in the list.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action Menu ( ) and click View
Similar Combinations.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
The product and event you selected for comparison appears above the Similar
Combinations table. The columns in the Similar Combinations table are identical to
those in the Product-Event Combinations table.
5. To filter the combinations by MedDRA hierarchy level, from the Show events
within drop-down list, select a MedDRA hierarchy level.
If the data have been prepared to use SMQ terms, signal management
might be set up so that when you are viewing a product-event
combination involving an SMQ, your choices in this field are PTs for
SMQ (which shows combinations for PTs related to the SMQ) or ALL.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action Menu ( ) and click View
For each combination of two drugs and the event, the graph displays a series of
confidence intervals, with the highest dimension shown first. The first confidence
interval is for Event+Drug+Drug. The other two confidence intervals are for
Event+Drug. You can compare the strength of the interaction between the two
drugs and the event with the strength of the interaction between the individual
drugs and the event.
In each confidence interval bar, the EB05 value is at the left end, the EBGM value
is the dot on the bar, and the EB95 value is at the right end. The count (N) of
cases with the combination is also shown at the end of each bar. Bars are colored
according to the color key below the graph. To indicate a possible interaction, the
confidence interval for the Event+Drug+Drug combination displays in red when the
INTSS (Interaction Signal Score) value is greater than a predefined threshold that
is set when signal management is configured. For more information about INTSS,
see MGPS computations and Logistic regression computations.
Note that:
• The Event+Drug+Drug combinations are shown in descending order of their
INTSS values.
• To conserve space in labeling, the event from the product-event combination is
referred to by the label, Event, in the graph.
• Below the graph, there may be additional text provided by a site option.
A message informs you if there are no combinations of the drug and
another drug with the event. Depending on how your signal management
data was prepared, this option might not be available at all for some
product-event combinations or there may be multiple links for different
5. If you point to a confidence interval, the names of the event and the two drugs
appear. The following information for the Event+Drug+Drug combination also
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action Menu ( ) and select Submit
5. From the Comment drop-down list, select one of the comments defined for your
signal configuration that has been configured to support suppressing a product-
event combination.
If no comment yet exists for the product-event combination, then the Comment
drop-down list displays <Select a comment>. To clear the existing comment, from
the Comment drop-down list, select <Clear Comment>.
6. To suppress a product-event combination, so that it doesn't appear on the Product-
Event Combinations table after the next refresh, click the checkbox.
If the Suppress flag, called FILTER, is set it works only on views that include the
FILTER flag. When it has been set and is part of the WHERE clause, it has an
immediate effect.
7. (Optional) In the Detailed comment text box, enter a detailed comment.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Investigate product-event combinations for a product
8. (Optional) If signal management is integrated with topics, then you can associate a
topic with a given product-event combination.
9. Click OK.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action Menu ( ) and click View Age
Group Breakdown for All.
If there are multiple signal sets for which you can view a breakdown, the signal set
is identified in the link name.
5. To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic (available if the
topics feature has been set up).
6. Click Cancel.
Chapter 2
Step 4: Submit the review
3. Click the product's Row Action menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action menu ( ) and click View
Gender Breakdown for All.
If there are multiple signal sets for which you can view a gender breakdown, the
signal set is identified in the link name.
5. To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic (available if the
topics feature has been set up). The graph will be attached in a PDF file.
6. Click Cancel.
Chapter 2
Step 4: Submit the review
3. Click the product's Row Action menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action menu ( ) icon and select
Submit Review.
The Submit Review dialog opens.
• If there are unreviewed tracked alerts for the selected product-event
combination, then the header section of the Submit Review dialog contains
the Alerts and Alert Date columns. Otherwise, the header section does not
contain Alerts and Alert Date columns.
• If at least one of the unreviewed track alerts has a different Alert Date from the
others, the header panel can expand to display more rows.
5. From the Comment drop-down list, select one of the comments defined for your
signal configuration.
If no comment yet exists for the product-event combination, then the Comment
drop-down list displays <Select a comment>. To clear the existing comment, from
the comment drop-down list, select <Clear Comment>.
6. (Optional) If the selected comment has been configured to support suppressing
the product-event combination, then click the Suppress the product-event
combination checkbox so that it doesn't appear on the Product-Event
Combinations table after the next refresh.
If the Suppress flag, called FILTER, is set it works only on views that
include the FILTER flag. When it has been set and is part of the WHERE
clause, it has an immediate effect.
7. In the Detailed Comment text box, enter a detailed comment. This option is
available if the appropriate site option has been set.
This option is available if the Allow Free Text Signal Comments site option is
enabled. If the selected comment is configured with Requires Detailed Comment
= Yes, you are required to enter a detailed comment. The comment appears in the
Detailed Comment column on the Product-Event Combinations table.
8. (Optional) If Signal Management is integrated with Topics, then you can associate
a topic with a given product-event combination.
9. Click OK.
10. If the topic workflow configuration requires one and only one work team, there is a
Visible to work team drop-down above the Topic Template field that allows you
to select a work team from the list, and a Browse link to select the work team from
a popup list.
If the product-event combination had unreviewed tracked alerts, then a green
checkmark icon appears in the Status column to indicate that the review has been
submitted and the comment appears in the Comment column. If you added a topic
during Submit Review, a folder also appears in the Status column. Oracle Empirica
Signal also updates the alert counts for the product in the SOC cards, Product
Summary at the top of the page, and the right graphic details panel.
Chapter 2
Step 4: Submit the review
3. Click the product's Row Action menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
The comment is added for all the selected combinations. If a topic is associated,
the attachment contains all of the selected product-event combinations (up to
the limit set by the Site Option Max number of rows per table allowed in topic
11. To exit multiple selection mode, from the Header Action menu ( ), click Exit
Selection Mode.
Use Oracle Empirica Topics
• Overview of topic management
To manage the process of identifying and investigating product safety issues,
including organizing the collection and interpretation of information from different
sources over time, you can create topics.
• About topics, actions, and the calendar
By selecting Topic Management from the left navigation pane, you can organize
and track tables, graphs, and documents related to particular subject matter.
• Display the Topic Management page
A single page provides access to all Oracle Empirica Topics functions.
• Sections of the Topic Management page
The Topic Management page is your starting point for working with all Oracle
Empirica Topics features.
• Download the Topics or Actions table
You can download the information in the Topics and Actions tables to various types
of files.
• Sections of the Topics tab
The Topics tab of the Topic Management page provides information about existing
topics. There are three sections.
• Sections of the Actions tab
The Actions tab of the Topic Management page provides information about
existing actions. There are three sections.
• Sections of the Calendar tab
The Calendar tab of the Topic Management page provides information about
actions in an open state that have a Planned Completion Date.
• Keyboard shortcuts for the Topics and Actions tables
Use these keyboard shortcuts to facilitate your work with the Topics and Actions
• Select a topic workflow configuration
To use topic management, you must have access to a topic workflow
configuration. The topic workflow configuration defines the behavior and content of
the Topic Management page.
• Choose which items to view on the Topics, Actions, and Calendar tabs
To control the items shown on the Topics, Actions, and Calendar tabs, use these
• Work with topics
This section includes procedures for working with topics and topic reports.
• Work with actions
This section includes procedures for working with actions.
• Work with the calendar
This section includes procedures for working with open actions.
Chapter 3
Overview of topic management
Chapter 3
Overview of topic management
pages and dialog boxes described in this guide might not exactly match the details in
this guide. These customizations include:
• The fields that store information.
• The values that you can supply for each field.
• The workflow states that you can assign.
• The types of attachments you can add: Oracle Empirica Signal objects including
run result tables and graphs, reports, and query results, website URLs, text notes,
or files.
• The rules for sending automated email notifications triggered when a topic or
action is added or modified, a change is made to its workflow state, an action due
date is nearing, or the topic is assigned to a different user.
In addition, the fields that are available to store information when topics or actions are
in different states, or for different types of attachments, can be set to hidden, visible,
editable, or required for each defined field.
All of these attributes are stored in a topic workflow configuration that is managed by
an administrator at your organization.
You can design topic workflow configurations to meet the needs of different groups
in your organization. For example, a collaborative topic workflow configuration can
structure the participation of several members of a work team on every topic, while a
separate notebook topic workflow configuration allows individuals working in another
part of your organization to track their own issues over time without the participation of
other users.
Alternatively, a single topic workflow configuration allows you to work cooperatively
with others on projects using topics and also track your own issues by setting up topics
that you leave assigned just to yourself. If your organization defines more than one
topic workflow configuration, the topics that you enter are based on just one of them.
As a result, members of different groups in your organization might work with topics in
different ways, supplying different types of information or assigning different workflow
If your organization uses the Signal Review feature, you can integrate a topic workflow
configuration with a signal management configuration. You can then store and manage
topics associated with product-event combinations in the integrated topic workflow
configuration. The integrated topic workflow configuration can differ from the one used
on the Topic Management page.
When describing topic-related activities, help topics reference the topic
workflow configuration supplied with Oracle Empirica Topics.
Chapter 3
About topics, actions, and the calendar
Chapter 3
Sections of the Topic Management page
Title bar
The Title Bar contains the page title, Topic Workflow Configuration drop-down list to
switch topic workflow configurations, and the View items for selectors.
Topic Workflow Configuration selector: This drop-down list appears to the right of
the page title and includes the topic workflow configurations you have access to. This
list is also available on the User Preferences page. If you have access to only one
configuration, you will see the configuration name and ID, but no drop-down list.
You can change your topic workflow configuration selection on the Topic
Management and the User Preferences pages. A change from one of these
pages updates the selection on the other page.
View items for selectors: These selectors control the set of topics you can work with
on the Topics, Actions, and Calendar tabs. For a topic and its actions to be available to
you on the Topic Management page, they must be visible to a work team that you are
a member of or the topic must have been created by you and not visible to any work
team. The selectors are:
Chapter 3
Sections of the Topic Management page
If you made a View items for selection or defined filters on the Filter bar
on the Topics and Actions tables, those selections are applied.
• Topics table/Actions table: The tables contain the set of topics or actions to work
with. They are filtered by the View items for selector and filters in the Filter bar.
The top line of the tables includes a count of the topics or actions. Also included
are controls for specifying the number of rows per page, the current page, and
arrows to page through the table. If you click the plus sign (+) at the far right of
the Topics table, you can add a topic. To the left of the top row of both tables is a
Header Action menu ( ) of functions you can apply to the table as a whole. To
the left of each topic or action row is a Row Action menu ( ) of functions you
can apply to a specific topic or action.
Chapter 3
Download the Topics or Actions table
Changes made to any sections of the Topics or Actions tabs updates both of
these tabs. For example, if you view a topic that you select from the Recent
Topics list on the Actions tab, then edit the topic and create a new action,
these changes appear on the Actions tab. Deleting a topic also updates all
components on the Topics tab.
Calendar tab
The Calendar tab displays a list of actions ordered by planned completion date and a
calendar showing upcoming and overdue actions. Only open actions with a Planned
Completion Date and without an Actual Completion Date appear on the calendar. The
Calendar tab contains a List view and a Calendar view, both showing the actions by
Planned Completion Date. The View items for selectors, Me or Work Team, may
be applied to the calendar. The calendar is not available if you select All. To view
actions without planned completion dates, select the Actions tab and sort by Planned
Completion Date ascending. This puts the empty values on top.
Above the list is an Assign to drop-down list for filtering the list by work team or user.
At the top of the list are counts of overdue and upcoming actions.
Detail panel
The Detail panel appears on the right. It displays a list of recently viewed or edited
topics or detailed information about the selected topic or action. If a topic or action is
selected, it displays details for the topic or action. The View Items for selector does
not apply to the list of recent topics. When you close the topic or action details, the
Recent Topics list displays. You can select any topic in the Recent Topics list to view it.
When downloading to a spreadsheet format, the maximum number of
rows is 64K.
Chapter 3
Sections of the Topics tab
7. If you want a Zip archive file of the download, select the Create a Zip archive file
for download checkbox.
8. Click OK.
9. Open or save the downloaded file.
Graph section
The Graph section on the Topics tab graphically displays summary information of
topics. The Topics By drop-down list contains a list of filterable fields. The type of field
determines if a bar chart or donut chart is displayed. A donut chart is a pie chart with
a hole in the center that displays the total number of topics. The donut graph displays
when you select Current State.
You can perform a number of tasks in the Graph section that impact what you see in
the Graph section of the Topics tab.
• Make a selection from the Topics By drop-down list to graph the distribution of
topics by this field. The graph displays counts (number of topics) for each value
of the selected field. Data for which there is no value is displayed as (No Value).
There is no impact on the content in the Topics table below.
• For most Topics By fields, a solid bar is displayed with a count for each topic with
the field value. If the Topics By field is Assigned To and the value is a work team,
the bar is not solid.
Chapter 3
Sections of the Topics tab
• If the Topics By selection is Current State, the states and number of topics for
each state appears in a donut graph whose total area corresponds to 100%. If
there are many states, you may want to remove some of the states with larger
values to compare the states with smaller values. You can hide a state from the
donut by clicking the box to the left of the name in the legend.
• Select or deselect the Include Closed Topics check box to include or exclude
topics that have been closed in the Graph section. For bar charts, this adds a
bar in a lighter color for any closed topics. If there are open and closed topics for
the Topics By field, then a stacked bar is displayed. Hover over the two sections
to see the breakdown of the total shown by closed versus open topics. If you
have chosen Current State from the Topics By drop-down list and then select the
Include Closed Topics check box, a second donut chart shows the closed topics.
• Hide or show the Graph section by clicking the up-arrow or down-arrow that
appears at the bottom of the Graphic section, respectively.
• If you click any element in the Graph section, a menu opens with two options:
– Add to filter: Add the filter to the Filter bar and filter the Topics table.
– Replace filter: Replace current filters on Filter bar with the graph selection
and filter the Topics table.
Filter bar
The Filter bar on the Topics tab appears above the Topics table and contains a Select
Filter button ( ) for adding custom filters to filter the table below. Available filters are
defined in the topic workflow configuration. The Current State filter always appears on
the Filter bar but you can change the selected state values.
• Click the Select Filter button ( ) to add or remove filters. You can add as many
filters as you want. After you add the filter, you select values for the filter by
clicking the filter.
• Click the Reset button to clear the values of the selected filters and set the
Current State filter to All Open States. The filters stay on the Filter bar; however,
you can redefine the values for each filter.
• To remove filters from the Filter bar, uncheck the filter from the Select Filter menu.
Topics table
The Topics table on the Topics tab includes standard and custom topic fields, as
defined by the selected topic workflow configuration, such as Work teams, Project,
Topic Name, Current State, Assigned to, Attachment Count, Action Count, Created,
and Modified.
• The View items for selection and the filters in the Filter bar determine the set of
topics shown.
Chapter 3
Sections of the Actions tab
OBIEE topic reports are not available for customers that do not integrate
with OBIEE.
• The Row Action menu ( ) provides the following options, whose availability
depends on your work team and user permissions, and the topic state.
Row Action menu options and permissions
Chapter 3
Sections of the Actions tab
Graph section
The Graphic section on the Actions tab graphically displays summary information of
actions. The Actions By drop-down list contains a list of filterable fields. The type of
field determines if a bar chart or donut chart is displayed. A donut chart is a pie chart
with a hole in the center that displays the total number of actions. The donut graph
displays when you select Action State.
You can perform a number of tasks in the Graph section that impact the Graph section
of the Actions tab.
• Make a selection from the Actions By drop-down list to graph the distribution of
actions by this field. The graph displays counts (number of actions) for each value
of the selected field. Data for which there is no value is displayed as (No Value).
• For most Actions By fields, a solid bar is displayed with a count for each action
with the field value. If the Actions By field is Assigned To or Topic Assigned To
and the value is a work team, the bar is not solid.
• If the Actions By selection is Action State, the states and number of actions for
each state appear in a donut graph whose total area corresponds to 100%. If there
are many states, you may want to remove some of the states with larger values
to compare the states with smaller values. You can hide a state from the donut by
clicking the box to the left of the name in the legend.
• Select or deselect the Include Closed Actions check box to include or exclude
actions that have been closed. For bar charts, this adds a bar in a lighter color for
any closed actions. If there are open and closed actions for the Actions By field,
then a stacked bar is displayed. Hover over the two sections to see the breakdown
of the total shown by closed versus open actions. If you have chosen Action
State or Topic Current State from the Actions By drop-down list and then select
the Include Closed Actions check box, a second donut chart shows the closed
• Hide or show the Graph section by clicking the up-arrow or down-arrow that
appears at the bottom of the Graph section.
Chapter 3
Sections of the Actions tab
• If you click any item in the Graph section, a menu opens with two options:
– Add to filter: Add the filter to the Filter bar and filter the Actions table.
– Replace filter: Replace current filters on Filter bar with the graph selection
and filter the Actions table.
Filter bar
The Filter bar on the Actions tab appears above the Actions table and contains a
Select Filter button ( ) for adding custom filters to filter the table below. Available
filters are defined in the topic workflow configuration. The Action State filter always
appears on the Filter bar but you can change the filter values.
• Click the Select Filter button ( ) to add or remove filters. You can add as many
filters as you want. After you add the filter, you select values for the filter by
clicking the filter.
• Click the Reset button to clear the values of the selected filters and set the Action
State filter to All Open Actions. The filters stay on the Filter bar; however, you can
redefine the values for each filter. To remove filters from the Filter bar, uncheck the
filter from the Select Filter menu.
Actions table
The Actions table section on the Actions tab includes standard and custom topic and
action fields, as defined by the selected topic workflow configuration, plus Action ID,
Action Attachment Count, Created By, Created, Modified By, and Modified.
• The View items for selection and the filters in the Filter bar determine the initial
set of actions shown.
• The Row Action menus ( ) provide the following options, whose availability
depends on your work team and user permissions.
Row Action menu options and permissions
Chapter 3
Sections of the Calendar tab
List view
The List view contains a single list, sorted in ascending order by Planned Completion
date (earliest first). The List view initially scrolls to an area that includes today’s date.
There are three sections in the List view:
• Overdue actions
• Today's actions
• Upcoming actions (after today)
An action is considered Past Due if the Planned Completion Date is less than today.
An action is considered Upcoming if the Planned Completion Date is Today or after
Today. If more than one action is available on any date, multiple actions are displayed
below the date.
Above the list is a count of the overdue and upcoming actions. You can scroll through
the list from beginning to end.
Chapter 3
Keyboard shortcuts for the Topics and Actions tables
Calendar view
The Calendar view displays up to four months at a time and includes actions in an
open state that have a value for Planned Completion Date, but no value for Actual
Completion Date. If a date has one action associated with it, there is one circle on the
calendar. If a date has more than one action associated with it, there are two circles
on that date. Colors in the Calendar view match those in the List view and indicate
whether an action is past due (orange), due today (teal), or upcoming (blue).
Above the calendar are buttons for Previous (<), Today, and Next (>). If there are two
or more months showing, then, initially, today’s month is the second month from the
left. If there is only month showing, then, initially, it is today’s month.
Reading from left to right, starting in the upper left, Today's month appears in the
second month shown. Use the Previous and Next buttons to scroll through the
calendar month-by-month. Click Today to center the Calendar view on today's date.
Click a month name link to select a different month and click a year link to select a
different year. The available months and years to select or to scroll to are based on the
first month with an action and the last month with an action.
Chapter 3
Select a topic workflow configuration
You can change your topic workflow configuration selection on the Topic
Management and the User Preferences pages. A change from one of these
pages updates the selection on the other page.
You must have View Topics permission for the topic workflow
configuration to appear in the Title bar of the Topic Management
page. If only one topic workflow is assigned to you, the topic workflow
configuration name appears as text and there is no drop-down list.
Chapter 3
Choose which items to view on the Topics, Actions, and Calendar tabs
Chapter 3
Choose which items to view on the Topics, Actions, and Calendar tabs
When you navigate between the Topics and Actions tabs, Oracle Empirica
Signal remembers your most recent topic workflow configuration and the
following items for each topic workflow configuration that you select: the
View Items for selection, the Topics By and Actions By selection, whether
you included closed topics and actions in the graph area, the selected filters
and their filter values in the Filter bar, and the Assigned to selection in
the Calendar tab. These are remembered when you navigate back to the
Topics, Actions, or Calendar tab or switch back to a previously selected topic
workflow configuration and also remembered the next time that you log in.
Changing the graph does not filter the topics in the Topics or Actions
5. Click any element in the Graphic section to open a menu with two options:
• Add to filter: Add the filter to the Filter bar and filter the Topics table.
• Replace filter: Replace current filters on Filter bar with the graphic selection.
6. Hide or show the Graphic section by clicking the up-arrow or down-arrow that
appears at the bottom of the Graphic section.
Chapter 3
Choose which items to view on the Topics, Actions, and Calendar tabs
( ) at the top left of the Filter bar. Check a filter to add it to the bar. Uncheck
a filter to remove it from the bar. The filter choices include: Project, Assigned To,
plus a set of fields that are configured in the topic workflow configuration to appear
as filter fields.
• The Current State filter always appears on the Filter bar of the Topics table.
The Action State filter always appears on the Actions Table. You can't remove
these filters, but you can change their values.
• You can add as many filters as you want.
• Each filter impacts the topics or actions shown in the table.
If the graph displayed in the Graph section provides a view of the topics
or actions you want to work with, you can click an item and open a menu
with these choices:
• Add to filter: Add the filter to the Filter bar and filter the Topics table.
• Replace filter: Replace current filters on the Filter bar with the graph
selection and filter the Topics table.
4. To assign the values for a filter, click the filter, select values for the filter, then click
Apply. Each filter value you add or remove impacts the topics or actions shown in
the table. As you modify filter values, the number of topics or actions shown may
be changed significantly.
There are different types of filters. This means that possible values differ
depending on field type associated with the filter. For a filter to be available,
administrators must define topic and action fields as filterable in the topic workflow
configuration. See Edit a field.
• Current State or Action State: You can pick all open or closed states or
select individual state values. The default setting is all open states. All Open
or All Closed states appear as a toggle that you can turn on and off. When
on, all states are included. When off, you can select individual states by
selecting their check box.
The individual state check boxes vary based on set of states in the current
filtered topics or actions. The All Open or All Closed state toggles always
Chapter 3
Choose which items to view on the Topics, Actions, and Calendar tabs
include all open or closed states, even the states that are not currently
represented in the topics or actions table. If more than one state is available,
Select All/Deselect All is available. Clicking this either selects or deselects all
the check boxes grouped underneath.
• Assigned to: The values are grouped by work team and user. You can pick
multiple work teams and users.
• String and integer fields: Available values depend on how the field is defined
in the topic workflow configuration. You can pick multiple values.
• Date fields: From the Select Filter button, select the check box for an action
or topic field that relates to a date; for example, Planned Completion Date.
Enter a range of dates in the From and To text boxes or select the From and
To dates by clicking the Calendar icon and selecting a date. Add a single
date by making the To and From dates the same.
5. To clear the values of a filter, click the Filter button, then click the Clear button and
the Apply button.
Clear removes any selected values for the filter. The filter remains on the Filter
bar. For state filters, Clear sets the filter to All Open States and All Closed States.
6. To revert to the previous filter values and dismiss the dialog, click Cancel.
7. To reset the values of all of the filter buttons back to their defaults, in which no filter
values are selected and the Current State/Action State filter is set to All Open
States, click the Reset button.
If you log out and then log in again, or change topic workflow
configurations, Oracle Empirica Signal remembers your filter selections
and the filter values for each topic workflow configuration. This also
applies after you log out and log in again.
The Header Action menu ( ) on the Topics and Actions tables has a Columns
choice. It allows you to add selections from the Available Columns list to the Selected
Columns list, add and remove columns, reorder columns, sort columns, and specify
the order in which the columns appear in the tables.
Chapter 3
Choose which items to view on the Topics, Actions, and Calendar tabs
• Work teams
• Project
• Topic - Topic Name
• Current state
• Assigned to
• Attachment Count
• Action Count (includes open and closed actions)
• Created
• Modified
4. Select columns to include in the table from the Available Columns list and move
them to the Selected Columns list using the right-arrow buttons. To remove
columns, select columns in the Selected Columns list and use the left-arrow
buttons to move them back to the Available Columns list.
When adding columns to the Actions table, both action fields and topic fields
appear in the Available Columns list. Action-related fields appear at the top of the
list, then topic-related fields, prefixed with Topic -.
5. To change the order in which columns display in a table, in the Selected Columns
list, click the column name and:
For most tables, rows with empty cells appear first when you sort that
column in ascending order, and last if you sort in descending order.
Empty columns are always displayed last, regardless of the sort order.
7. If you want to replace your choices with the Oracle Empirica Signal defaults, click
Reset. The table columns and sorting return to the default values.
8. Specify the sort order:
a. From the Column Name drop-down lists, select a column name for up to three
b. From the Sort Order drop-down lists, select Asc (ascending order: A-Z, 1-9)
or Desc (descending order: Z-A, 9-1).
9. Click OK.
Oracle Empirica Topics updates the columns on the Topics or Actions table.
If a table includes a lot of columns or the columns contain long values, the entire
table may not fit across your browser window. Scroll to the right to see the rest of
the table.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
10. You can further sort the table by column values by clicking a column header.
Depending on the nature of the column, the information appears in ascending or
descending order.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
• Delete a topic
You can delete topics from the Topics table.
• View the history of a topic
You can view the history of topics you created and topics you have permission to
see from your work teams.
• Viewing topic reports
Predefined Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition reports are optional
topic reports that provide greater detail on topic information.
• Create a topic PDF or ZIP file
You can create a PDF or Zip file to document the contents of a topic and include
View topics
You can view topics you created and topics you have permission to see from your
work teams.
Changing the graph does not filter the topics in the Topics table.
6. In the Filter bar, click the Select Filter button to add or remove filters and then
modify the filter values to limit the Topics table to those topics you want to work
7. Add a topic by clicking the plus sign ( ) above the table at the far right.
8. Click the Header Action menu ( ) to perform the following actions on the table
as a whole:
• Add or remove columns, sort columns, and specify the order in which the
columns appear in the table.
• Download the Topics table to various types of files.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
9. Click a topic's Row Action menu ( ) to perform the following actions on the
selected topic:
• View: Display the general information about the selected topic, links to other
topics, comments, attachments, actions, and history. You can have up to five
view windows open at once. To edit a topic you're viewing, click the Edit Topic
Some options are available based on your work team permission and the
Visible to work team field.
Column Description
ID Unique identifying number for the topic.
Work teams The work team(s), if any, to which this topic is visible.
Project Project, if any, with which the topic is associated.
Name Name of topic.
Topic description Description of the topic.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Column Description
Current state The state of the topic in the topic workflow. States
are defined by your organization to represent expected
workflow stages and are specified in the topic workflow
Reason for change Last reason for change, if any, provided for the topic.
Assigned to User or work team to whom the topic is assigned.
Keywords Keywords, if any, associated with the topic. This is the
column that is searched if you select a keyword at the
top of the page.
Resolution Last resolution, if any, provided for the topic.
Resolution date Date and time when a resolution was provided for the
Size Total size of all attachments, including attachments to
the topic and to any actions. Also includes attachments
that have been deleted from the topic or its actions.
(Deleted attachments are retained in the database,
although they cannot be accessed from within the
Attachment Count Total count of attachments to the topic and to any of its
actions. (Deleted attachments are not included in this
Action Count Number of actions in the topic.
Created Date and time when the topic was created.
Created By Name of the user who created the topic.
Modified Date and time when the topic was last modified.
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the topic, including
modifying links, comments, attachments, or actions.
The table also includes columns for custom fields added by your organization. For
information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data
displays in the table, see About tables.
( ) at the top left of the Filter bar. Check a filter to add it to the bar. Uncheck
a filter to remove it from the bar. The filter choices include: Project, Assigned To,
plus a set of fields that are configured in the topic workflow configuration to appear
as a filter fields.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
4. To assign the values for a filter, click the Filter button. Select the filter value
choices and click Apply. To cancel your selection, click Cancel.
Oracle Empirica Signal applies the filter to the Topics table.
5. To clear a filter, click the Filter button, then click the Clear button, and then click
the Apply button.
View a topic
You can view general information about a topic and the topic links, comments,
attachments, actions, and history associated with the topic.
Changing the graph does not filter the topics in the Topics table.
6. In the Filter bar, click the Select Filter button to add or remove filter buttons and
modify the filter values in the Topics table to those topics you want to work with.
8. To edit the topic, click the Pencil icon ( ) in the upper-right corner.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
4. To edit the topic, click the Pencil icon ( ) in the upper-right corner.
If you have another topic open for editing, Oracle Empirica Topics warns
you that the current Edit Topic window will be replaced with the topic you
are opening from Recent Topics.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
The menu items in a topic's Row Action menu ( ) take you to a View Topic or Edit
Topic page to view or edit general information about the topic, topic links, comments,
attachments, actions, and history. When the page is in Edit mode, you can perform
activities based on your permissions and topic workflow configuration.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
of the
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Do not
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Chapter 3
Work with topics
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Chapter 3
Work with topics
ed to
If you have already opened a topic for editing and you try to edit another
topic, Oracle Empirica Topics asks you to confirm that any unsaved changes
on the other topic you started to edit will be discarded.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
7. (Optional) Edit additional information about the topic by selecting a page from the
left-hand navigation pane:
• To display related topics that are linked to this topic, click Topic Links.
• To edit public and private comments associated with the topic, click
• To edit attachments associated with this topic, click Attachments.
• To display a list of actions related to this topic, click Actions.
• To edit the history of this topic, click History.
Depending on your organization’s workflow configuration, the following fields appear
in this section. Additional fields, customized by your organization, may also appear.
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
Field descriptions—General Information
Field Description
Visible to work team(s) The work team or teams whose members can
view or act on the topic. Click Browse to
display a descriptive list of work teams. If your
topic configuration is visible to only one work
team, you can click Browse to select the work
Topic Name Name of the topic.
Topic Description Description that identifies content of the topic.
Current State State of the topic in the topic workflow.
States are specified in the topic workflow
configuration to represent your organization's
expected workflow for topics.
A topic may require all of its associated actions
to be in a final state before you can assign
a final state to the topic itself. In this case, a
message appears if you try to assign a final
state to the topic with actions that are not in a
final state.
Assigned to User or work team to whom the topic is
assigned. By default, a topic that you add is
assigned to you.
Available users and work teams are
determined by the Visible to work team
• Users: Members of the Visible to work
team(s) selection with Edit Topic/Action
work team permission.
• Work teams: All work teams with the
Assign to work team property enabled
and at least one active member in the
Users list.
Keywords Free text to filter the topics that appear in a
If another user edits a topic at the same time, the first one to save the topic will have
their changes saved. The second user will get an error indicating the topic has been
changed since the edit session began. In some cases, the General Information section
Chapter 3
Work with topics
remains visible, allowing the user to print or take a screen shot, so that the information
can be re-entered.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action Menu ( ) and click Submit
5. From the Comment drop-down list, select one of the comments defined for your
signal configuration.
If no comment yet exists for the product-event combination, then the Comment
drop-down list displays <Select a comment>. To clear the existing comment, from
the Comment drop-down list, select <Clear Comment>.
6. To suppress a product-event combination, select the Suppress product-event
combination check box.
7. (Optional) In the Detailed comment text box, enter a detailed comment.
8. If signal management is integrated with Oracle Empirica Topics, then you can
associate a topic with a given product-event combination. If the product-event
combination is already associated, click Change to modify the association. The
topic workflow configuration in use appears above these choices. Select one of the
• None—Use this option if you do not want to associate a topic with the product-
event combination. This is the default option if no topic has been associated
with the product-event combination. If you select this option, comments and
detailed comments are still logged but no topic is associated with the product-
event combination.
• Existing topic—Use this option to associate an existing topic with the
product-event combination. As you type characters, a drop-down list of
matching topic names is displayed. You can click Browse to select from a
list of existing topics. Available topics are those that you can edit, ones you
created, or topics that have been made visible to work teams you are in. If you
select this option, comments and detailed comments are logged along with a
topic association. The product-event combination is saved to the existing topic
as an attachment.
• New topic—Use this option to create a new topic and associate it with a
product-event combination. If topic templates are available, the new topic can
be based on the topic template that you selected from the Topic template
drop-down list. In addition, you can click Browse to select from a list of
existing topic templates. Available topic templates are those that have been
made visible to a work team that you are in.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
The comments and detailed comments are logged along with a topic association.
The product-event combination is saved to the new topic as an attachment. When
you click OK, the Edit Topic page is displayed and you can edit the associated
topic. This includes adding attachments to the topic as well as viewing source
details of attachments, and adding comments to the attachments. When you are
finished, click Save or Close.
9. Click OK.
2. Click the topic's Row Action menu icon ( ), and then click Edit.
3. On the Edit Topic page, select General Information from the left menu.
4. Next to the Visible to work team field, click Browse.
The Browse Work Teams dialog box appears and provides information about each
work team for which you have the edit topics/actions permission, in a table that
might include these standard columns:
Column Description
Name The name of the work team.
Description Descriptive text about the work team.
Login Group The name of the login group. Each work
team is a subset of a login group.
All Users Yes, if all users in the login group are
members of the work team.
No, if users have been individually added to
the work team.
Users The full name and Oracle Empirica Signal
username of each member of the work
Blank, if all users in the login group are
members of the work team.
Topic Visibility Whether or not the topic is visible to the
work team.
Topic-Action Assignment Whether or not topics and actions can be
assigned to the work team.
Created By Name of the user who created the work
Created Date and time when the work team was
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Column Description
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the work
Modified Date and time when the work team was last
The table may also include columns for custom fields added by your organization.
5. If the topic is configured for only one work team, you can select the row for the
work team and click OK.
Changing work team property settings impacts future adding and editing
of topic and actions and topic templates only. For example: A topic is
visible to and assigned to a work team. Subsequently, the Allow topic
visibility and Allow assignment of topics and actions properties are
unchecked for the work team. You can continue to edit and save the
topic. However, once you select a different value for either the Visible
to work team(s) or Assigned to fields, the work team is no longer
Once you have added a comment, you cannot edit or delete it.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Link topics
When you edit a topic, you can add a cross-reference from that topic to another topic
by adding a topic link.
After you link two topics, information about the link appears on the Topic Links page
when you view or edit either of the topics.
Your topic workflow configuration defines whether you can link a topic to any
other topic, or only to topics that are currently in a final state such as Closed.
Remove a link
You can remove a link added to a topic that provides a cross-reference to another
Chapter 3
Work with topics
5. Click a link's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Remove Link.
6. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.
Add a topic
You can add a topic on the Topic Management page.
• Click the Header Action menu ( ), and then click Add Topic.
The fields that appear on the Add Topic page depend on your topic workflow
You may also be able to add a topic when you save an attachment to a
topic from other pages in the application.
4. In the Topic template field, select a topic template that can provide default values
for the topic's General Information and Actions, or click Browse to select from a
detailed table of topic templates.
The topic template field is available only if there are templates that are visible to a
work team of which you are a member.
5. In the Visible to work team field, select the work team or teams whose members
can view or act on the topic, or click Browse to select from a detailed table of work
Available work teams are those for which you have the edit topics/actions
permission. Your topic workflow configuration defines whether you must specify
a single work team (from the Visible to work team drop-down list) or you can
select zero, one, or multiple work teams (from the Visible to work team list box).
If you do not select any work teams, only you are able to view and act on
the topic.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
To select multiple work teams in the list box, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking
each work team. Deselect a work team by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking
the work team.
6. Specify values for the rest of the fields.
• Each field may be read-only, editable, or required. If a field is required, an
asterisk (*) appears next to it and you cannot save the topic until you provide a
When a topic is created during the process of saving another Oracle
Empirica Signal object as an attachment, requirements for the initial
state are not enforced until the topic is edited.
Fields Description
Visible to work team The work team or teams whose members
can view or act on the topic. Click Browse
to display a descriptive list of work teams. If
your topic configuration is visible to only one
work team, you can click Browse to select
the work team.
Topic Name Name of the topic.
Topic Description Description that identifies content of the
Current State The state of the topic in the topic workflow.
States are defined by your organization to
represent the expected workflow, and are
specified in the topic workflow configuration.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Fields Description
Assigned to User or work team to whom the topic is
assigned. By default, a topic that you add
is assigned to you.
Available users and work teams are
determined by the Visible to work team
• Users: Members of the Visible to work
team selection with Edit Topic/Action
work team permission.
• Work teams: All work teams with the
Assign to work team property enabled
and at least one active member in the
Users list.
Reopen a topic
You can reopen a topic if the topic is in a closed state and your topic workflow
configuration includes a transition from that state to another state, such as Assigned or
This option may only be available if you have the work team permission to reopen
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) of a topic whose current state is Closed, and
then click Reopen.
4. From the Current state drop-down list, select a state. Your topic workflow
configuration defines the states that can be assigned to a topic that is in a final
5. Click Save.
Delete a topic
You can delete topics from the Topics table.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
3. Click the topic's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Delete.
4. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.
Deleted topics cannot be accessed through the application. However,
they are not deleted from the database.
3. Click a topic's Row Action menu ( ) and then click View or Edit.
4. From the left menu, click History.
The table displays changes to general information for the topic. A new row is
added to the table each time you click Save in the General Information section.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Business Intelligence and its components. You access the reports in Oracle Business
The Report link is available only when your database administrator and
IT administrator have completed the Oracle Business Intelligence reporting
You must have at least the BI Consumer user permission and the View
Topics permission to access the reports.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Options in drop-down lists appear in case-sensitive alphabetical order.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Actions by Status
Actions by Topic
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Attachments in Topics
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Chapter 3
Work with topics
Topics by State
Chapter 3
Work with topics
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the topic, and then click Create PDF or
Create ZIP.
The Select Attachments page appears and lists all topic attachments followed by
the action attachments for each action.
If the topic does not have any attachments, or you do not wish to include
attachments in the .pdf, click Next.
4. From the Available list, choose one or more attachments to include in the .pdf file.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
it, and then click . The attachment appears in the Selected list. You can
• Highlight multiple non-contiguous attachments. Hold down the Ctrl key
Button Use To
6. When you are satisfied with the selected attachments, click Next.
The Select Attributes dialog box appears. Continue with Selecting content
attributes for a topic PDF or ZIP file.
7. Open or save the PDF or ZIP file.
Chapter 3
Work with topics
1. On the Topics tab of the Topic Management page, select a topic's Row Action
Button Use To
Chapter 3
Work with actions
The section with information about the topic as a whole is always first in
the .pdf. You cannot move the Topic - <topic-name> row (top row).
Security features in Adobe Acrobat Reader might prevent you from
opening a .zip file from within the .pdf file. See the Adobe website for
instructions on modifying this behavior.
Chapter 3
Work with actions
Action menu ( ), then click View to view all of the information on the View Action
Chapter 3
Work with actions
Changing the graph does not filter the actions in the Actions table.
6. (Optional) In the Filter bar, click the Select Filter button to add or remove filters
and limit the Actions table to those actions you want to work with.
7. Click the Header Action menu ( ) to perform the following actions on the table
as a whole:
• Add or remove columns, sort columns, and specify the order in which the
columns appear in the table.
• Download the Actions table to various types of files.
8. Click an action's Row Action menu ( ) to perform the following actions on the
selected action:
• View: Display the general information about the selected action, comments,
attachments, and history. You can have up to five view windows open at once.
• Edit: Edit the general information about the selected action, comments,
attachments, and history. You can only have one edit window open. If you
have already opened an action for editing, and you try to edit another topic or
action, Oracle Empirica Topics asks you to confirm that any unsaved changes
on the other action you started to edit will be discarded.
• Reopen: Reopen an action that is in a closed state.
• Delete: Confirm that you want to delete the action.
Default field descriptions—Actions tab
Chapter 3
Work with actions
Column Description
ID Unique identifying number for the action.
Action name Name of the action.
Action description Description of the action.
Action state Indicates the state of the action in the workflow. States
are specified in the topic workflow configuration to
represent the expected workflow.
Assigned to User or work team to whom the action is assigned.
Planned completion date Due date for performing this action. If a value is defined
for this field, then the open action will appear in the
Calendar tab.
Actual completion date Date on which the action was completed.
Attachment Count Total count of attachments to the action. (Deleted
attachments are not included in this count.)
Created By Name of the user who created the action.
Created Date and time when the action was created.
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the action, including
adding comments.
Modified Date and time when the action was last modified.
The table also includes columns for custom fields added by your organization. For
information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data
displays in the table, see About tables.
Chapter 3
Work with actions
4. To view all actions for the topic, on the View Action page, click the back arrow (<)
in the upper left under the Topic name.
Any actions that have been added to topics appear. The table might include these
standard columns:
Column Description
Topic Name Name of the topic to which the action is associated.
Action Name Name of the action.
Action Description Description of the action.
Action State Indicates the state of the action in the workflow. States
are specified in the topic workflow configuration to
represent the expected workflow.
Assigned to User or work team to whom the action is assigned.
Planned completion date Due date for performing this action. If a value is defined
for this field, then the open action will appear in the
Calendar tab.
Actual completion date Date on which the action was completed.
Attachment Count Total count of attachments to the action. (Deleted
attachments are not included in this count.)
Created By Name of the user who created the action.
Created Date and time when the action was created.
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the action, including
adding comments.
Modified Date and time when the action was last modified.
The View and Edit links in an action's Row Action menu ( ) take you to a View
Action or Edit Action page that includes a left menu to view or edit general information
about the action, comments, attachments, and history. When the page is in Edit
mode, you can also perform activities based on your permissions and topic workflow
Chapter 3
Work with actions
of the
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Chapter 3
Work with actions
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Chapter 3
Work with actions
ed to
Chapter 3
Work with actions
Field Description
Action State Indicates the state of the action in the
workflow. States are specified in the topic
workflow configuration to represent the
expected workflow.
Action Name Name of the action.
Action Description Description of the action.
Keywords Free text to filter the topics that appear in a
Assigned to User or work team to whom the action is
assigned. By default, an action that you add
is assigned to you.
Available users and work teams are
determined by the Visible to work team
• Users: Members of the Visible to work
team(s) selection with Edit Topic/Action
work team permission.
• Work teams: All work teams with the
Assign to work team property enabled
and at least one active member in the
Users list.
Planned completion date Anticipated completion date for the action.
Enter the date in the text box or click the
Once you have added a comment, you cannot edit or delete it.
Chapter 3
Work with actions
Add an action
An action is an activity that has been identified as contributing to the understanding or
resolution of a topic.
Chapter 3
Work with actions
Field Description
Action State The progress of the action in the
workflow. Action states are defined by
your organization to represent expected
workflow stages and are specified in the
topic workflow configuration.
Action Name Identifying name for the action (required).
Action description Description of the action.
Assigned to User or work team to whom the action is
assigned. By default, an action that you add
is assigned to you.
Available users and work teams are
determined by the Visible to work team
• Users: Members of the Visible to work
team selection with Edit Topic/Action
work team permission.
• Work teams: All work teams with the
Assign to work team property enabled
and at least one active member in the
Users list.
Planned completion date Date when the action is expected to be
complete. If a value is defined for this field,
the open action will appear on the Calendar
Actual completion date Date when the action was completed.
Delete an action
You can delete actions from the Actions table. This option is also only available if you
have the Delete Topics/Actions work team permission.
This option's availability is based on your permissions and the topic workflow
3. Click the action's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Delete.
4. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.
The action is removed from the table.
Deleted actions cannot be accessed through the application. However, they
are not deleted from the database.
Chapter 3
Work with the calendar
3. Click an action's Row Action menu ( ) and then click View or Edit.
4. From the left menu, click History.
The table displays changes to general information for the action. A new row is
added to the table each time you click Save in the action's General Information
Reopen an action
You may be able to reopen an action in the Closed state.
This option's availability is based on your permissions and the topic workflow
3. Click a closed action's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Reopen.
The Reopen item appears if action states include a transition following
a final action state and your user administrator assigns you the Reopen
Topics/Actions permission.
Chapter 3
Work with the calendar
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
About attachments
Depending on your topic workflow configuration, you can attach one or more types of
data to topics and actions.
These include:
• Oracle Empirica Signal objects, such as run results or report output.
• Any type of file, including .docx, .pdf, .pptx, .xlsx, .xml, .xpt, .png, .jpg, and .zip
• The URL of a web page.
• A note.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
You can save objects to a topic only if you have the work team permission to
add, edit, and delete attachments in open topics/actions.
You can save these additional objects if your organization uses the Signal
Management module of Oracle Empirica Signal:
• Product-Event Combinations—Combinations selected from the Product-Event
Combinations page.
• Event Comments—Comments associated with a product on the Products page.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
If you save data from a Signal Management table as an attachment and your
signal configuration has the private comments feature set up, all of the Signal
Management comments, public and private, are attached to the topic and are
visible to all users who can view the topic.
You can’t add an attachment to a closed topic.
1. On the page in Oracle Empirica Signal where the information to save appears,
click the Save to Topic link at the top of the page.
When you save tabular data, such as run results, only the first n rows of the
displayed tabular data can be saved, where n is determined by a site option. A
message is displayed if not all the rows are saved. The number of saved rows and
the total number of rows appear as hover help on the attachment name. Click OK.
2. On the Save to Topic page, enter the attachment name and optional description.
3. Select the Add to existing topic option.
4. In the Topic name field, enter the topic name or click Browse.
5. If you browse for the topic, you can filter the Select Topic table using the drop-
down lists that appear above the table. (Lists appear above the table if the topic
workflow configuration you are using offers this feature.) For example, if you select
a project, only topics matching the specified project appear.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
Oracle Empirica Signal displays standard information about each topic. Additional
columns appear depending on the topic workflow configuration for your
If the topic workflow configuration has changed, when you click OK on
the Save to Topic dialog, Oracle Empirica Signal will warn you that the
topic workflow configuration has changed and won't save your changes.
Close the dialog and perform your Save to Topic again.
6. Click the radio button to the left of the row for the topic that you want to select, and
then click OK.
7. (Optional) From the Action name drop-down, select an action associated with the
selected topic.
8. Click OK.
You can save objects to a topic only if you have the work team permission to
add, edit, and delete attachments in open topics/actions.
When you save signal objects to a topic, you either create a new topic with minimal
information or add the attachment to an existing topic or one of its actions.
Another user can edit a topic while you are saving an attachment to that topic;
however, if the other user closes or deletes the topic during this time, you are
prevented from saving the attachment and an error message is displayed.
If the topic workflow configuration has changed, when you click OK on the
Save to Topic dialog, Oracle Empirica Signal will warn you that the topic
workflow configuration has changed and won't save your changes. Close the
dialog and perform your Save to Topic again.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
The topic workflow configuration name and ID always appears when you
open the Save to Topic page; for example: Save to Topic in GVP Module
IX (5), where GVP Module IX (5) is the name of the topic workflow
Field Description
Attachment name Name of the attachment.
Attachment description Description of the attachment.
Add to existing topic You can select an open topic that is visible to a
work team of which you are a member. Or you
can select a topic that you created.
• You can attach the object to an existing
topic. In the Topic name field, type the
topic name. or click Browse to select from
a list of topics.
• To attach the object to an action
associated with the topic, from the Action
name drop-down list, select an action
name or --none--.
Create new topic You can attach an object to a new topic.
• You might be required to select a Visible
to work team value from the drop-down
list, based on the definitions for your topic
workflow configuration. You can also click
Browse to select from a descriptive list of
work teams.
• If templates exist, from the Topic
template drop-down list, optionally select
a template or click Browse to choose
from a descriptive list of templates.
• Type a Topic name and, optionally, a
Topic description for the new topic.
• Optionally, you can assign the new topic
to either an existing or new project.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
For a graph on the Data Mining Results page or Report pages, the Links
check box must be selected for the Save to Topic link to appear below
the graph.
When you save tabular data, such as run results, only the first n rows of the
displayed tabular data can be saved, where n is determined by a site option. A
message is displayed if not all the rows are saved. The number of saved rows and
the total number of rows appear as hover help on the attachment name.
On the Product-Event Combinations page, you can select rows, so the
first n selected rows are saved.
You might want to select different columns before you save. Only the currently
displayed columns appear by default when the attachment is viewed. However,
the application stores all available columns with the attachment. To customize the
columns shown when viewing the attachment within the topic, click Columns and
select the columns.
2. Enter an attachment name and optional description.
3. Choose to add the attachment to an existing topic or create a new topic.
• To add the attachment to an existing topic:
a. Click the Add to existing topic radio button.
b. Click the Browse link to the right of the Topic name field.
c. Filter the topics on the Select Topic page by making selections from the
drop-down lists above the table.
d. Select the radio button for the topic.
e. Click OK.
f. To add the attachment to a specific action associated with the selected
topic, from the Action name drop-down list, select the action.
g. Click OK.
• To create a new topic and save the attachment to that new topic:
a. Click the Create new topic radio button.
b. From the Visible to work team drop-down list, select a work team or click
the Browse link to display a list of work teams. Select the radio button of a
work team and click OK.
c. Enter the topic name and description.
d. Choose whether to add the topic to an existing or new project.
– If you select Existing, choose the project from the Project name
drop-down list.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
– If you select New, enter the project name in the Project name text
e. Click OK.
If you have created a topic, it is assigned to you by default. You can edit the topic
as needed.
Your administrator may establish a maximum size for the Oracle
Empirica Signal tables that you can attach with a site option. If you
attempt to save a larger table an error message informs you of the
defined limit.
After you add an attachment, you can access it when you view or edit the topic or
action to which it is attached. See Edit an attachment.
Changes to, or deletions of, the original object do not affect the
attachment. For example, if you save report output as an attachment
to a topic and then that report output is deleted, the topic attachment
remains unchanged.
If the topic workflow configuration has changed, when you click OK on
the Save to Topic dialog, Oracle Empirica Signal will warn you that the
topic workflow configuration has changed and won't save your changes.
Close the dialog and perform your Save to Topic action again.
3. Click the topic's or action's Row Action menu ( ), and then click View.
4. On the View Topic or View Action page, select Attachments from the left menu.
5. Click Columns to show other columns.
By default, only the columns that were displayed in the table when the attachment
was saved appears. However, Oracle Empirica Signal stored all available columns
with the attachment.
6. If the source of the table is data mining results, reports, report output, or event
a. Click Show Notes to display the notes.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
Modifications to the displayed table are not saved.
3. Click the topic's or action's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit.
4. On the Edit Topic or Edit Action page, select Attachments from the left menu.
5. Click Add Topic Attachment or Add Action Attachment.
6. Select the attachment type. One or more of the following standard types might be
• File
• Note
7. Enter values in the remaining fields. If a field is required, an asterisk (*) appears
next to it and you cannot save the attachment until you provide a value. The fields
that display vary based on the type of attachment selected:
• For a URL, typically a name and the URL are required, and you can also enter
a description. You must enter the protocol (http, https, ftp) when you enter the
URL. The application does not add the protocol (such as http://) automatically.
Additional fields might also appear.
• For a file, typically a name and the file name (including its path) are required.
Click Browse to select the file name and path. You can also enter an
attachment description. Additional fields might also appear. Supported file
types include, but are not limited to: .docx, .jpg, .pdf, .pptx, .xlsx, .xml, .xpt,
and .zip.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
• For a note, typically a name is required. You can also enter a more detailed
description. Additional fields might also appear. This option is useful for adding
a row that is purely descriptive. For example, you can add a note to describe a
set of different documents that you are about to add to the topic or action.
8. Click OK.
Your administrator can set a site option for the maximum size of files that
you can attach. If you attempt to save a larger file, an error message
informs you of the defined limit.
9. After you add an attachment, you can view or edit it when you view or edit the
topic or action to which it is attached.
Changes to, or deletions of, the original document do not affect the
attachment. For example, if you save a document as an attachment to
a topic and then that document is edited, the topic attachment remains
3. Click the topic's or action's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit.
4. From the left navigation pane, click Attachments.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
5. Select the attachment's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit.
6. On the Edit Attachment page, update values as needed. Required fields are
indicated by a red asterisk.
You can edit the name, description, and any custom fields defined for attachments
by your topic workflow configuration.
7. Click Save.
3. Click a topic's or action's Row Action menu ( ) , and then click Edit.
4. On the Edit Topic or Edit Action page, select Attachments from the left menu.
The attachments to the topic or action appear.
5. Select the topic's or action's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Comments.
6. On the Comments page, click Add Comment.
7. On the Add Comment page, type your comment and click Save, then Close.
Your comment appears at the bottom of the Comments page.
8. Add another comment or click Close.
The attachment shows that you have modified it and the count in the Comments
column is increased by one. Click the value in the Count column to view it.
View comments for an attachment
3. Click a topic's or action's Row Action menu ( ), and then click View.
4. On the View Topic or View Action page, select Attachments from the left menu.
5. Select the attachment's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Comments.
Oracle Empirica Signal displays the comments associated with the attachment.
6. Click Close.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
3. Click the topic's or action's Row Action menu ( ), and then click View.
4. On the View Topic or View Action page, select Attachments from the left menu.
5. Select the attachment's Row Action menu ( ), and then click View Source
6. Review the information about the attachment. For an Oracle Empirica Signal
object, the page provides information on the attachment 's origin. For a document-
style attachment, the complete URL or file name appears.
7. Click Close.
Column Description
ID Unique identifying number for the attachment.
Created By Name of the user who added the attachment.
Created Date and time when the attachment was saved.
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the attachment,
including adding comments to the attachment.
Modified Date and time the attachment was last modified.
Source Type of data saved as an attachment: file, URL, note, or
a brief description of the object.
Attachment name Name of the attachment.
Hover help on an attachment name describing the
attachment. For tabular data, if only a certain number
of rows were saved (as determined by a site option), the
number of rows saved and the total number of rows is
Attachment description Description of the attachment.
Chapter 3
Work with attachments
Column Description
URL address The URL attached to the topic or action. Applies to URL
attachments only.
File name The name of the file attached to the topic or action.
Applies to file attachments only.
The table includes columns for custom fields added by your organization. For
information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data
displays in the table, see About tables.
Initiate and monitor data mining runs
• What is a data mining run?
• View data mining runs
• Data Mining Runs page
• Create a Data Mining Run
• Manage custom terms
• Define subsets for an MGPS run
• View source data
• Manage data mining runs
• Logistic regression log files
Chapter 4
View data mining runs
format. When reviewing the results, users with appropriate permissions can drill down
on counts to view case details.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration , or select -- to
include all configurations.
Chapter 4
Data Mining Runs page
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
compute. You then submit the run and it is executed in batch mode. When the run is
complete, you can view the results in tabular or graphical format.
If you have superuser permissions, you can create a run definition file to execute
MGPS or logistic regression data mining runs from outside of the application. To do so,
use the Create Definition File link. For more information about executing data mining
runs externally, contact Oracle.
If you have exceeded the disk space quota for your username, an error
message appears when you attempt to create a run. To proceed, delete
one or more of your existing runs or contact your system administrator to
increase your quota.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. At the top left of the Data Mining Runs home page, click Create Run.
3. On the Create Data Mining Run page, select the type of run to create:
• MGPS data mining run—The analytical core of Oracle Empirica Signal is a
high-performance implementation of the MGPS (Multi-Item Gamma Poisson
Shrinker) algorithm. MGPS is based on the metaphor of the market basket
problem, in which a database of transactions (adverse event reports) is mined
for the occurrence of interesting (unexpectedly frequent) itemsets. For more
information about MGPS runs, see MGPS computations.
• Logistic regression data mining run—Logistic regression is a statistical tool
for modeling how the probability of a response depends on the presence of
multiple predictors, or risk factors. In Oracle Empirica Signal, the predictors
are drugs and, optionally, covariates such as report year, gender, or age
group, and the responses are adverse events. For more information about
logistic regression, see Logistic regression computations.
4. If you selected Logistic regression (LR) data mining run, select the LR Type:
• Extended—Use the best alpha computational model.
• Standard—Use 0.5 as the alpha value for every response.
5. From the Configuration drop-down, enter a value or click Browse to select from a
list of data configurations.
For a logistic regression data mining run, we recommend a data
configuration that includes concomitant drugs, such as an AERS
S+C configuration. For more information, see Logistic regression
6. To limit the run to cases that meet specified criteria only, check Define database
7. Click Next.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
• If you selected a data configuration that supports timestamped data, the Select
As Of Date page appears so that you can specify the As Of date.
• If you selected the Define data base restriction box, follow the steps in Define
a database restriction.
• Then select variables.
Once you have selected a run type and continued to the next page, you
cannot change the run type.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. At the top left of the Data Mining Runs home page, click Create Run.
3. On the Create Data Mining Run page, select the type of run to create and click
4. (For timestamped data) On the Select "As Of" Date page, choose the latest date
and time or select Other to choose a date and time. Then click Next.
For an MGPS data mining run:
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
1. (For timestamped data) On the Select "As Of" Date page, choose the latest date
and time or select Other to choose a date and time. Then click Next.
2. On the Select Variables page, select at least one Item Variable by clicking its
To study drug-event combinations, select two or more items that are
listed as Drug or Event variables.
To treat combination drugs as if the subject had taken separate drugs,
select a variable, such as Single Ingredient, as the drug variable.
2. To include more variables, select them from the Additional covariates list.
Typically, a logistic regression run includes one or more additional
covariates as predictors. Otherwise, the logistic regression can
be subject to confounding due to potentially highly associated
covariates being left out. Recommended covariates for an AERS-
based configuration include the AgeGroup4, Gender, and Subset_Year
3. (Optional) To set up a custom term for this data mining run, check Define custom
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
4. Click Next.
5. If you selected Define custom terms, follow the steps in Define custom terms.
6. Click Next to go to Step 4 for logistic regression runs: Select the events and
specify drugs.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. At the top left of the Data Mining Runs home page, click Create Run.
3. On the Create Data Mining Run page, select the type of run to create and click
4. (For timestamped data) On the Select "As Of" Date page, choose the latest date
and time or select Other to choose a date and time. Then click Next.
5. On the Select Variables page, select an item variable and, optionally, stratification
variables. Define custom terms and subsets if you wish then click Next.
6. Specify the MGPS data mining parameters shown in the table below.
7. Click Next to enter the data mining run options.
Parameter descriptions
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Field Description
Specify highest dimension Maximum number of ways that the item variables
you selected are combined during the run. For more
information, see Dimensions and patterns.
• 2—Provide a count for each item variable
(one dimension), and generate scores for each
item variable+item variable combination (two
If you plan to include RGPS calculations
in the run, you must set the dimension to
Three-dimensional runs require very
large amounts of space for intermediate
storage and to save the final results
(potentially hundreds of gigabytes).
Use of other data mining parameters,
including the minimum count, to reduce
the computational effort required for
these runs, and restricting results to
those results you plan to analyze, is
strongly recommended.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Field Description
Specify minimum count How many times an item variable combination must
occur in the data for the combination to be included in
the MGPS computations.
For example, if you specify a minimum count of 5, only
combinations that occur in at least 5 cases appear.
The purpose of the minimum count is to decrease
computational time and space requirements. The higher
the minimum count, the shorter the computational time.
When you specify the minimum count, consider whether
or not you are using a subset variable. For example,
suppose that the subset categories are report years
2005, 2006, and 2007 and that there are 4 drug-event
combinations for DrugA+Rash in 2005, 3 new ones in
2006, and 5 new ones in 2007. If the minimum count
is 5, only the 2007 results show any DrugA+Rash
combinations. If you are using cumulative subsetting,
both 2006 and 2007 show DrugA+Rash combinations.
If you specify a minimum count of less than 5, or the
run uses cumulative subsetting, a warning message
appears. In these situations, the results table takes a
very long time to generate and can be very large in size.
To supply a default setting
for this field, you can set
the Minimum Count user
Include drug/event hierarchies' primary paths in run Whether to include hierarchy levels in the results.
results For example, if the data mining run is for drug and
Preferred Term (PT) combinations, and the MedDRA
Version 12.0 hierarchy is being used, the results include
the HLT, HLGT, and SOC representing the PT's primary
path in MedDRA Version 12.0, and this will allow you
to view results easily for PTs in a higher level of
the hierarchy. This option is only available if the data
configuration for the run is set up to use a drug or event
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Field Description
Fit separate distributions for the different item type Whether to take item types into account during MGPS
combinations processing.
Observed Count (N), Expected Count (E), and Relative
Reporting Ratio (RR) values are not affected, but
EBGM and other statistical values are affected. The
statistical values for each combination are based on the
counts and statistical computations of other occurrences
of the same type of combination. For example, in
computing EBGM values for Drug+Event combinations,
only the distribution of RR values for Drug+Event
combinations is considered. The distributions of RR
values for Drug+Drug or Event+Event combinations are
not considered.
This parameter does not
affect the computation of
Include calculations for PRR and ROR Whether to include PRR and ROR computations in the
run. If you select this option, the following additional
options appear:
• Base counts on cases rather than drug-event
• For PRR, include drug of interest in the comparator
• Apply the Yates correction in computing the value of
• Use stratified computation for PRR and ROR.
For more information, see PRR computations and ROR
Include calculations for Information Component Whether to include Information Component
computations in the run. For more information, see
Information Component computations.
Include calculations for RGPS Whether to include RGPS computations in the run
(available only when the highest dimension is 2, and
the run does not include subsets). If you select this
option, the Specify minimum count field is set to 1 when
RGPS computations are included, and the Restrictions
of results will have a default value of N>=1. The following
additional option appears:
Include Interactions—Whether to include calculations
for Drug+Drug interactions using RGPS. If you select
this option, set the Specify minimum interaction
count field. The default value for the Specify minimum
interaction count field is 25. Interaction estimates are
calculated for a drug if the number of Drug+Event
reports exceeds the specified minimum interaction
For more information, see RGPS computations.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Field Description
EBGM >= Whether to limit the results based on signal scores. For
N >= each statistic you select, specify a limit as an integer or
floating point number.
EB05 >=
Combinations for which the signal score is less than
PRR >=
the specified limit are not kept in the results. This limit
considers all combination types that are included in the
results table.
You can also restrict
the results using these
values on the Specify
Criteria page when you are
viewing results.
Top <n> combinations based on <score> Whether to retain results only for the highest scoring
combinations. If you select this option, do the following:
1. Specify the number of combinations that you want
to include.
2. In the drop-down list select EBGM or EB05.
Only the top scoring combinations of the statistic you
selected are included in the results.
Exclude associations if items are of the same type (all Whether to exclude combinations of item variables of
drugs, all events) the same type in the results, for example, Drug+Drug.
Oracle recommends that you select this option.
To supply a default setting
for this field, you can set
the Exclude associations if
items are of the same type
(all drugs, all events) user
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Field Description
Keep only results that include the following values of Restricts the results such that Oracle Empirica Signal
<item variable> retains only results that include certain values for the
item variables. To restrict the results, do one of the
• Use the links to the right of each item variable to
select the values that you want to include.
– Select Available Values—Includes custom
terms for the run.
– Select Saved List—Includes custom terms for
the run.
– Select < hierarchy > Terms —Does not include
custom terms for the run. For example, if an
item variable uses the MedDRA hierarchy and
the Enable adverse event hierarchy browser
user preference is enabled, you can select only
MedDRA terms.
– Trade Generic Lookup—For data configurations
that include trade name-generic name
mapping. You can find the generic name for a
drug if you know its trade name, or vice versa.
• Type the values that you want to include separated
by commas.
To prevent spelling and capitalization
errors, Oracle recommends that you
select rather than type values.
Step 4 for logistic regression runs: Select the events and specify drugs
When defining a logistic regression run, you specify values (that is, responses) for the
event variable that you are investigating with the run on the Select Event page. Oracle
Empirica Signal computes separate results for each specified event value.
Oracle Empirica Signal computes values for an event only if it finds a sufficient number
of reports. Results are not produced for an event if either of the following situations
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
• For all drugs explicitly included in the run no reports are found with the event and,
in addition, the drugs that do occur in combination with the event most frequently
do not meet the specified minimum number of occurrences for inclusion. (For more
information on specifying drug values see Specifying drugs for logistic regression.)
• For the covariate variables selected for the run, the number of reports that include
the event and each of the possible covariate values averages less than 10. This is
determined as follows:
10 * the total number of possible values for all covariate variables that occur with
this event > count of reports for the event.
If an event is specified for the run but results are not produced, one of these reasons
appears in the logistic regression log file produced for the run.
If you specify a single event and that event is not found in the data used in the run, the
run fails and an error appears on the Jobs for Run page. If you specify multiple events
and any one of them is not found, the run fails and a message appears in the error
log. You can access the logistic regression log file and the error log from the Job Detail
Typically, logistic regression data mining runs do not include every possible
drug+event combination. Instead, they are generally used to focus on specific
medically related adverse events (response values) and drugs of interest (predictors).
For some investigations, you may wish to compute scores for all adverse events in the
selected data configuration (after database restrictions are applied).
When selecting events, keep in mind that there is a logistic regression
computation for each response value. The more events you select as
responses, the longer the LR run takes
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. At the top left of the Data Mining Runs home page, click Create Run.
3. On the Create Data Mining Run page, select the type of run to create and click
4. On the Select "As Of" Date page, choose the latest date and time or select Other
to choose a date and time. Then click Next.
5. On the Select Variables page, select an event variable and a drug variable.
Include additional covariates and define a custom term if you want, then click
6. On the Logistic Regression: Select Events page, select the Select all available
values check box to include all of the events in the configuration in your run,
type the events in the text box, or select events using the links to the right of the
(Event) HLGT box.
7. Click Next to open the Logistic Regression: Select Drugs page, and continue with
specifying drug values.
8. Read the description of the events you selected and accept or change the values
shown for the model.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
9. Specify the (Drug) Product Family Name by typing it in the text box or selecting
using the Select Available Values and Select Saved List links.
10. (Optional) Select the Compute interactions check box to include drug
11. Click Next to define the run options.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. At the top left of the Data Mining Runs home page, click Create Run.
3. On the Create Data Mining Run page, select the type of run to create and click
4. On the Select "As Of" Date page, choose the latest date and time or select Other
to choose a date and time. Then click Next.
5. Specify the MGPS data mining parameters or logistic regression events and drugs
and click Next.
6. On the Run Options page, specify when to perform the run:
• Run as soon as possible—Perform the run right away.
• Do not run until—Schedule the run for a future date or time.
Schedule large runs, such as three-dimensional MGPS runs, for after
your workday.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
This option appears only if you have the Save Intermediate files user
If you save intermediate data files, you can view the files on the Jobs for Run
10. For a logistic regression run, you can select Save coefficients to include the
coefficient and standard error values computed for each predictor+response
combination in the run in the logistic regression coefficients log file.
11. Click Next to continue by naming the run.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
home page to determine if your run has completed. If you selected the Email me
when complete run option, the application notifies you by email when your run
MGPS run parameters
Field Description
Type MGPS.
Name Name supplied for the run.
Description Description supplied for the run.
Project Name of the project to which the run is assigned.
Configuration Name of the data configuration used for the run.
Configuration description Description of the data configuration used for the run.
As of date As Of date for the run, if the run is for timestamped data.
Database restriction Database restriction, if any, associated with the run.
Item variables Names of the item variables to be used in the run.
Drug Hierarchy Name and version of the drug hierarchy used by this run
if the data configuration specifies a drug hierarchy.
Event Hierarchy Name and version of the event hierarchy used by this
run if the data configuration specifies an event hierarchy.
Custom terms Custom terms, if any, specified for the run.
Stratification variables Stratification variables, if any, to be used for the run.
Subsets Subset variable, if any, as well as whether the subsets
are cumulative, the order of subsets, and the subset
labels and values.
Highest dimension The maximum number of ways in which items are
combined. See Specify data mining parameters.
Minimum count Minimum number of cases in which a combination of
items must occur in order for the combination to be
included in the run's MGPS computations. See Specify
data mining parameters.
Calculate PRR Whether the run includes PRR computations.
Calculate ROR Whether the run includes ROR computations.
Base counts on cases For a run that includes PRR and ROR computations,
indicates if counts are based on cases rather than drug-
event combinations.
Use "all drugs" comparator For a run that includes PRR computations, indicates
whether the drug of interest are included in the
comparator set.
Apply Yates correction For a run that includes PRR computations, indicates
whether the Yates correction is applied.
Stratify PRR and ROR For a run that includes PRR and ROR computations,
indicates whether the PRR or ROR computations are
Include IC Whether the run includes Information Component
Include RGPS Whether the run includes RGPS computations.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Field Description
Calculate RGPS interactions Whether the run includes Drug+Drug RGPS interaction
Minimum interaction count Minimum number of times that a drug must appear
in Drug+Event reports for the application to calculate
RGPS interaction estimates for the drug.
Fill in hierarchy values Whether the run option to use hierarchy information was
Limit results to Limitations, if any, on which results will be kept based
on statistical thresholds or specified values of item
variables. See Specify data mining parameters.
Exclude single itemtypes Whether the run excludes combinations of items of the
same type. See Specify data mining parameters.
Fit separate distributions Indicates the run's setting for the advanced parameter
to fit separate distributions for the different item type
Save intermediate files Whether intermediate processing files for the run are
saved. See Define data mining run options.
Source database Information about the source data (from the source
description table).
Scheduled to run Date and time at which the run is scheduled to be run.
See Define data mining run options.
Field Description
Type LR. For runs completed prior to the installation of Oracle
Empirica Signal version 7.1, LR (Legacy) appears.
Name Name supplied for the run.
Description Description supplied for the run.
Project The name of the project to which the run is assigned.
LR type Indicates the algorithm type selected for the run:
standard or extended. See Logistic regression
For runs completed prior to the installation ofOracle
Empirica Signal version 7.1, an Extended logistic
regression field appears instead, with a Yes or No value.
Configuration Name of the data configuration used for the run.
Configuration description Description of the configuration used for the run.
As of date As Of date for the run, if the run is for timestamped data.
Database restriction Database restriction, if any, associated with the run.
Item variables Names of the run's selected event and drug variables.
Custom terms Custom terms , if any, specified for the run.
Covariates Variables, if any, selected as covariates for the run.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Field Description
Drug values Explicitly specified values of the drug variable included
in the run, even if they do not meet the minimum number
of times a drug must occur in combination with specified
Event values Values of the event variable used in the run.
Minimum count Minimum number of cases in which a drug must occur in
combination with specified events in order to be included
in the run (except for drugs specifically selected as Drug
values). See Select drugs for logistic regression.
Number of events Number of event values specified.
Save intermediate files Indicates whether intermediate processing files for the
run are saved. See Define data mining run options.
Run interactions Indicates whether the run calculates statistics for two
predictors (such as Drug+Drug or Drug+Covariate) and
a response.
Save coefficients Indicates whether the lr_coefficients.log file produced for
the run include the coefficient and standard deviation
values calculated for the run.
Source database Information about the source data (from the source
description table).
Scheduled to run Date and time at which the run is scheduled to be run.
See Define data mining run options.
• About MGPS runs
• MGPS computations
• MGPS independence model
• Information Component computations
• RGPS computations
• Use the PRR calculator
• PRR computations
• Select a case series for PRR computation
• ROR computations
• About logistic regression runs
• Logistic regression computations
• Guidelines for specifying drugs for logistic regression
• Drug and event hierarchies
• Timestamped data
• Specify an As Of date
• Stratification variables
• Dimensions and patterns
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
• View interactions
As a data mining parameter, you can restrict which results from the run to retain.
For example, you can keep only results for drug-event combinations that include
certain drugs and certain events. Restricting results does not affect the statistical
computations. The application performs the statistical computations first and then
keeps only results that meet the restriction.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
MGPS computations
The analytical core of the Oracle Empirica Signal application is a high-performance
implementation of the MGPS (Multi-Item Gamma Poisson Shrinker) algorithm. MGPS
is based on the metaphor of the market basket problem, in which a database
of transactions (adverse event reports) is mined for the occurrence of interesting
(unexpectedly frequent) itemsets. For example, these itemsets can represent simple
drug-event pairings, or more complex combinations of multiple drugs and events
representing interactions and/or syndromes. Interestingness is related to the factor by
which the observed frequency of an itemset differs from a nominal baseline frequency.
For each itemset in the database, a Relative Reporting Ratio (RR) is defined as
the observed count (N) for that itemset divided by the expected count (E). MGPS
allows for the possibility that the database may contain heterogeneous strata with
significantly different item frequency distributions occurring in the various strata. To
avoid concluding that an itemset is unusually frequent just because the items involved
individually all tend to occur more frequently in a particular stratum (Simpson's
paradox), MGPS uses the Mantel-Haenszel approach of computing strata-specific
expected counts and then summing over the strata to obtain a database-wide value for
the expected count.
To improve the estimation of true value for each RR (especially for small counts), the
empirical Bayesian approach of MGPS assumes that the many observed values of
RR are related in that they can be treated as having arisen from a common super
population of unknown, true RR-values. The method assumes that the set of unknown
RR values is distributed according to a mixture of two parameterized Gamma Poisson
density functions, and the parameters are estimated from a maximum likelihood fit to
the data. This process provides a prior distribution for all the RRs, and then the Bayes
rule can be used to compute a posterior distribution for each RR. Since this method
improves over the simple use of each N/E as the estimate of the corresponding RR,
it can be said that the values of N/E borrow strength from each other to improve the
reliability of every estimate.
The improved estimates of RR are actually derived from the expectation value of the
logarithm of RR under the posterior probability distributions for each true RR.
If you select subset variables for the run, MGPS computations are performed for each
subset. If you select stratification variables for the run, the MGPS computations are
modified to use stratification.
Item variables
When you create an MGPS run, you select item variables. Typically, the item variables
represent drugs and events. The counting and estimation that the MGPS computation
performs divides the combinations of the selected item types into separate itemsets,
based on the combinations possible for the number of dimensions in the run. For the
two items D and E in a three-dimensional run, MGPS performs computations on the
itemsets DD, DDD, DE, DDE, DEE, EE, and EEE.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
but is shrunk towards the average value of N/E (typically ~1.0) when N/E is unreliable
because of stability issues with small counts. The posterior probability distribution also
supports the computation of lower and upper 95% confidence limits (EB05, EB95) for
EBGM, which is an estimate of the relative reporting ratio.
Interaction scores
Computations for combinations of dimensions greater than 2 focus on measuring and
scoring cross-item type combinations, but allow any observed dependence within item
types to be fit completely without generating a score. The only exception to this is
during the analysis of a homogeneous itemset, such as three events (E1,E2,E3) where
all items are of the same type and in which case high EBGM scores do alert reviewers
to a potential within-item type association. Thus, for a mixed-type 3D combination like
(D1,D2,E1), the values of EBGM, EB05 and so on measure how many times more
frequently the pair (D1,D2) occurs with E1 than would be expected if the pair (D1,D2)
were independent of E1, without making any statement about whether the drugs D1
and D2 appear in the same reports more frequently than independence would predict.
The signal score for a 3D combination is the INTSS (Interaction Signal Score) value,
which is essentially a way of measuring the strength of a higher-order association
above and beyond what would be expected from any of the component pairs of items
of different types. INTSS is computed as follows:
• EB05 is the conservative estimate score for the 3D combination.
• EB95MAX is the highest EB95 score found for the component pairs of items of
different types.
An INTSS of greater than 1 indicates a stronger association than is found for the
component pairs of items.
Typically, it would not be concluded that the potential interaction was
interesting unless the EB05 score for that DDE combination is large (for
example, over 1.5 or 2.0).
To support backward compatibility with versions of the application prior to 5.0, signal
scores based on the independence model are still computed for dimensions higher
than 2. These values are stored in columns ending in _IND. See MGPS independence
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
The raw RR scores for combinations involving custom terms and the excluded
synthetic values are shrunk by the Bayesian formula, but they do not participate in
the determination of the formula itself.
Users creating a data mining run do not need to take any additional steps to
exclude custom terms or already-excluded synthetic values.
2D results
For a 2D result, it is assumed that the probability of finding items i and j in the same
report is the same as the probability of finding i times the probability of finding j:
P(i,j) = P(i) x P(j)
For a two-dimensional run that is not stratified, expected counts are computed are as
E(i,j) = Ntotal x P(i,j) = Ntotal x P(i) x P(j)
For a two-dimensional run that is stratified, computations are as follows:
E(i,j) = ΣEc(i,j) = ΣNtotal,c x Pc(i,j) = ΣNtotal,c x Pc(i) x Pc (j)
where the summations occur over the C strata.
The signal score is the EBGM_IND value, which is a more stable estimate than RR;
the so-called shrinkage estimate. The EBGM value is computed as the geometric
mean of the posterior distribution of the true Relative Ratio.
3D results
For a 3D result, it is assumed that the probability of finding items i, j, and k in the same
report is the same as the probability of finding i times the probability of finding j times
the probability of finding k:
P(i,j,k) = P(i) x P(j) x P(k)
For a three-dimensional unstratified run, the expected count is computed as follows:
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
If you specify a stratification variable for the run, Oracle Empirica Signal
adjusts the expected count (E) using the Mantel-Haenszel approach.
3. Oracle Empirica Signal computes the IC and IC confidence interval for each drug-
event combination as follows:
IC = log2 ((O + α1) / (E + α2))
IC025 = log2 ((O + α1) / (E + α2)) - 3.3 * (O + α1)-1/2 - 2 * (O+ α1)-3/2
IC975 = log2 ((O + α1) / (E + α2)) + 2.4 * (O + α1)-1/2 - .5 * (O+ α1)-3/2
α1=α2= 1/2
O is the observed count.
E is the expected count.
RGPS computations
When you specify data mining parameters for a two-dimensional MGPS run without
subset variables, you can include Regression-Adjusted Gamma Poisson Shrinker
Algorithm (RGPS) computations. RGPS is a hybrid algorithm, which combines the
methodology of Extended Logistic Regression (ELR) and MGPS.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
You must install R as described in the Oracle Empirica Signal and Topics
Installation Guide to enable RGPS computations.
In general, RGPS differs from MGPS, PRR, and ROR computations in that it adjusts
for the effects of polypharmacy and therefore reduces the likelihood of masking biases
and "innocent bystander" biases. These biases occur when a drug other than the drug
of interest is highly associated with the event of interest.
Masking bias occurs when a highly associated drug other than the drug of interest
appears in greater number in reports that do not also include the drug of interest.
Masking bias inflates the expected count for a drug-event combination of interest.
Consequently, the disproportionality estimate for the drug-event combination of interest
is reduced. A lower disproportionality estimate can lead to a missed signal.
"Innocent bystander" bias occurs when a drug with no causal connection to an adverse
event is often co-prescribed with a highly associated drug. In this case, both drugs can
appear to be associated with the adverse event.
Like MGPS, RGPS calculates a Relative Reporting Ratio (RR) for each itemset in the
database. The RR is defined as the observed count (N) for the itemset divided by the
expected count (E). However, RGPS computes E using the results of an Extended
Logistic Regression (ELR) analysis rather than the Mantel-Haenszel approach.
The Oracle Empirica Signal application allows you to run only one RGPS
computation at a time.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
the drugs of interest. For example, to compute PRR for combinations of analgesics
and respiratory ailments in women over age 65, use a case series that includes cases
for women over age 65, a case series that includes cases for analgesics, and a case
series that includes cases involving respiratory ailments.
1. Click the Case Series page.
2. On the Case Series page, identify or define the three case series to use.
3. Click PRR Calculator.
4. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration.
5. For the following types of case series, click Browse and select a case series. You
must base all three case series on the same configuration.
• Background Definition Case Series—Defines the customized background for
the computations.
• Event Definition Case Series—Defines the set of events.
• Drug Definition Case Series—Defines the set of drugs.
6. To define the chi-square calculation method, check or clear Apply the Yates
correction for chi-square.
7. To define the PRR calculation method, check or clear Include drug of interest in
the comparator set.
8. Click Calculate.
The observed counts and results appear.
• Observed counts of cases with drug-event combinations are represented as a,
b, c, and d in a 2x2 table as follows:
When PRR is computed by a data mining run, a, b, c, and d
represent counts of drug-event combinations by default. You can
select an option to count cases with those combinations instead.
However, the PRR calculator always counts cases.
• The PRR for the combination of a particular drug and particular event is
computed as follows:
– PRR = (a / (a + c)) / (b / (b + d))
• If b=0 (and Include drug of interest in the comparator set described below
is cleared), then the formula is adjusted as follows to avoid the possibility of
division by zero:
– PRR = ((a+0.5) / ((a+0.5) + (c+0.5))) / ((b+0.5)/((b+0.5) + (d+0.5)))
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
The chi-square of PRR (PRR_CHISQ) for the combination of a particular drug and
particular event is computed as follows, where E represents the expected count
under the assumption of no relationship between drugs and events:
• PRR_CHISQ = ((a-E(a))2)/E(a)+ ((b-E(b))2)/E(b)+ ((c-E(c))2)/E(c)+((d-E(d))2)/
If you checked Apply the Yates correction for chi-square, PRR_CHISQUARE is
computed as follows:
• PRR_CHISQ = ([max(0, |a - E(a)| - 0.5)]2)/E(a) + ([max(0, |b - E(b)| - 0.5)]2)/
E(b) + ([max(0, |c - E(c)| - 0.5)]2)/E(c) + ([max(0, |d - E(d)| - 0.5)]2)/E(d)
|a - E(a)| = |b - E(b)| = |c - E(c)| = |d - E(d)| for every 2x2 table; this
formula can also be expressed as:
PRR_CHISQ = (1/E(a) + 1/E(b) + 1/E(c) + 1/E(d)) [max(0, |a - E(a)| -
The P-values for chi-square values are also computed. The P-value
is the probability that chi-square would be as large as the value for
PRR_CHISQ by chance alone if there were no causal relationship or
consistent association between the drug and the event.
If any of E(a), E(b), E(c), or E(d) is zero, the chi-square and P-value
cannot be computed and are defined arbitrarily as -1.
9. In the table for observed counts, you can click the value of N in a column to
display a menu. Click View Cases to drill down to cases that have the specified
drugs and specified events.
PRR computations
When specifying data mining parameters for a run, you can perform PRR and ROR
computations. For information about ROR, see ROR computations.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
• a is the number of cases with the specific event and the specific drug.
• b is the number of cases with the specific event but not the specific drug.
• c is the number of cases with the specific drug but not the specific event.
• d is the total number of cases with neither the specific event nor the specific
2. The PRR for the combination of a particular drug and particular event is computed
as follows:
PRR = (a / (a + c)) / (b / (b + d))
If b=0 (and the Include drug of interest checkbox is not checked), then the
formula is adjusted to avoid the possibility of division by zero:
PRR = ((a+0.5) / ((a+0.5) + (c+0.5))) / ((b+0.5)/((b+0.5) + (d+0.5)))
3. For each cell in the table in step 1, the application computes the expected count
as follows:
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
If any of E(a), E(b), E(c), or E(d) is zero, the Chi-square and P-value
cannot be computed and are defined arbitrarily as -1.
Yates correction
On the Data Mining Parameters page, if you check Apply the Yates correction in
computing the value of chi-square, then PRR_CHISQUARE is computed as:
PRR_CHISQ = ([max(0, |a - E(a)| - 0.5)]2)/E(a) + ([max(0, |b - E(b)| - 0.5)]2)/E(b) +
([max(0, |c - E(c)| - 0.5)]2)/E(c) + ([max(0, |d - E(d)| - 0.5)]2)/E(d)
|a - E(a)| = |b - E(b)| = |c - E(c)| = |d - E(d)| for every 2x2 table. This formula
can also be expressed as:
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
• M0k= ck + dk
• N1k = ak + ck
• N0k = bk + dk
• T = M0k + M1k = N0k + N1k = ak + bk + ck + dk
PRR = (ΣKakN0k/Tk) / (ΣKbkN1k/Tk)
If the run uses subsetting, only those strata that contain cases for a given
subset are used in the PRR computation for that subset.
For instances where the denominator in the PRR or the chi-square formulas
would be zero, the computation adds 0.5/K to ak, bk, ck, and dk, where K is
the number of strata.
If you have the Administer Users permission, all published case series
based on the selected configuration appear.
Column Description
Name Name of the case series.
Description Description of the case series.
Project The name of the project to which the case
series is assigned.
# Cases Number of cases in the case series.
Configuration Configuration used by the case series.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Column Description
Created By Name of the user who created the case
Created Date and time when the case series was
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the case
Modified Date and time when the case series was
last modified.
3. Click the row for the case series that you want to select.
4. Click OK.
ROR computations
When specifying data mining parameters for a run, you can specify that PRR and ROR
computations be performed. For information about PRR, see PRR computations.
In two-dimensional data mining runs, the application computes the Reporting Odds
Ratio (ROR) only for drug-event combinations. If you specify a dimension of 3 for the
run, the application computes ROR only for the 2D pairs. This means that the ROR is
computed for the drug-event combinations, but not for the combinations of one drug
and two events, two drugs and one event, three drugs, or three events.
ROR computations
If you select a subset variable for the run, the applications computes ROR
separately for each subset.
Assume that observed counts of drug-event pairs are named a through d, as follows:
• a is the number of cases with the specific event and the specific drug.
• b is the number of cases with the specific event but not the specific drug.
• c is the number of cases with the specific drug but not the specific event.
• d is the total number of cases with neither the specific event nor the specific drug.
The ROR for the combination of a particular drug and particular event is computed as:
ROR = ad/bc
The 90% confidence interval is defined by:
• ROR05 = elog(ROR)-1.645 x sqrt(V)
• ROR95 = elog(ROR)+1.645 x sqrt(V)
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
In cases where division by zero would arise, 0.5/K is added to each of a, b, c
and d for each stratum, where K is the number of strata.
Robins J, Greenland S, Breslow N. A General Estimator for the Variance of the Mantel-
Haenszel Odds Ratio. American Journal of Epidemiology 1986; 124: 719-23.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
The execution of a logistic regression run includes the following steps. Dotted lines
represent optional steps.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
interpretation of alpha is that value of the fitted event probability where the curve
has a point of inflection, meaning that the curve is linear there and so the effects of
multiple predictors are additive in the neighborhood of P(response event) = alpha.
When the extended model option is chosen, the system estimates the maximum
likelihood value of alpha and uses that value to form model predictions.
To compare scores calculated by each of these models, you can re-run a logistic
regression data mining run that used one of these models and change only its LR
type, name, and description for the second run.
The alpha value calculated for each response is available for review in the
lr_coefficients.log file produced by the run.
To review this file:
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Row Action menu ( ), for the completed run, select View Jobs for
3. On the Jobs for Run page, click the LR_<number>_0 job, then at the bottom of
the Job Detail page click lr_coefficients.log.
Logistic Regression
Logistic regression has long been a standard statistical tool for modeling how the
probability of an event (the response) depends on multiple predictors. The estimated
coefficients can be interpreted as the logarithm of an odds ratio. Especially for medical
applications, where so much of statistical analysis consists of analysis of 2 x 2
frequency tables, the odds ratio, the simple ad/bc ratio, where (a, b, c, d) are the
familiar counts in the 2 x 2 table examining the association of two values, has become
a preferred measure of association. The preference for expressing associations in
terms of odds ratios developed because the odds ratio is invariant to the choice of
sampling plan of a study.
For example, consider a prospective study in which 1,000 patients are either exposed
to a drug or not and then followed for signs of an adverse event such as irregular
heartbeat. The data might look like this:
The risk ratio is (300/1000)/(100/1000), which equals 3.00. The odds ratio is (300/700)/
(100/900), which equals 3.86.
The risk ratio and the odds ratio are both large compared to the null hypothesis value
of 1 that would be expected if there were no association between drug and irregular
heartbeat. In other words, the probability (chance, risk) of irregular heartbeat is 3.00
times greater for patients taking the drug than for those not taking the drug. The odds
(in favor) of irregular heartbeat are 3.86 times greater for patients taking the drug. This
corresponds to a conversion between probabilities and odds. If a probability is p, the
odds are p/(1-p), or if the odds are X:1 the probability is X/(X+1). Thus, odds of 3:1
mean that the probability is 3/4 = 0.75 and vice versa.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Consider now a retrospective study that has determined whether or not all those with
irregular heartbeat took the drug, involving the same 400 patients as in the above
table, but only 400 other patients with normal heartbeat are sampled instead of 1600.
Without bias, the results looks like the following table, in which the Irregular column of
the table is unchanged, and the counts in the Normal column have been divided by 4.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Specifying predictors
In general, it is important to include all covariates that might be associated with the
adverse event as predictors in the logistic regression equation. For analysis of adverse
event databases, Oracle recommends including covariate variables for age groups,
اﻻدوﯾﺔ اﻻﺧرى gender, and report year, and explicitly including drugs that occur very frequently with
the event. Drugs that occur most frequently with the event are, by their very frequency,
اﻟﻣﺻﺎﺣﺑﺔ more likely to be confounded with other drugs of interest in the database, and thereby
cause biases if they are left out of the model. The logistic regression user interface
makes it easy to enter all drugs in the data that occur more than a set number of times
with the response event automatically, up to the defined maximum number of drugs
allowed, including the drugs specifically requested.
Covariates must be categorical (stratification) variables having at least K > 1
categories, and every category value (K) must have at least one report with the
response event present to be included. The covariate category having the most
reports across all reports in the analysis is viewed as the standard for the odds ratio of
each of the other categories. If there are K categories for a covariate, there will be K-1
coefficients for that covariate, with a corresponding odds ratio for each coefficient. For
example, if the categories for the Gender covariate are M, F, and U (for unknown), and
if F is the most common gender category, then the output will only have odds ratios
for M and for U. The odds ratio for M is the estimated reporting odds ratio comparing
M to F, and the odds ratio for U is the estimated reporting odds ratio comparing U to
F. Selecting the most common category to be used as the standard is arbitrary, but it
allows you to interpret an odds ratio of 1 for a category as meaning that the selected
category can be pooled with the most frequent category.
The logistic regression analysis provides a standard error for each coefficient that can
be used to produce a confidence interval for each coefficient. The 90% confidence
interval (CI) is computed as:
(estimated coefficient) +/- 1.645*(standard error of coefficient)
Taking the exponential of the endpoints of the coefficient CI produces a CI for the
associated odds ratio. These are then labeled (LR05, LR95) in the logistic regression
output tables.
To handle the relatively rare situation in which the most common category of a
covariate has no reports with the response event (such as the most common gender
category F and the event Prostate cancer), for that response a different category
is selected as the most common. The computation does not leave out the gender
covariate entirely in these situations as the confounding of gender with drugs taken
primarily by one gender would distort the LOR estimates.
Each logistic regression data mining run generates a logistic regression log file
( lr.log ), that identifies the most common category found for each covariate. If any
events in the run used a different category, the most common category for that event is
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
to 0.8, the joint effect of two risk factors on probabilities (according to standard logistic
regression) is more additive than multiplicative.
For example, if the base rate (probability) for an event is 20%, the rate after applying
an OR of 3 is 43%; the rate after applying an OR of 4 is 50%; and the rate after
applying an OR of 12 is 75%. Compare these three rates to the original rate both as
rate differences and as rate ratios:
Base rate = 0.20 Rate difference Rate ratio____
Risk factor with OR=3: .43 - .20 = .23 .43/.20 = 2.15
Risk factor with OR=4: .50 - .20 = .30 .50/.20 = 2.50
Both factors with OR=12: .75 - .20 = .55 .75/.20 = 3.75
Thus, the combination of the two risk factors (if the odds ratios multiply) is more
nearly additive than multiplicative on the probability scale, since .23 + .30 = .53 is
close to .55, whereas 2.15*2.50 = 5.38 is not as close to 3.75.
On the other hand, suppose the base rate were 0.002, which is more in the range
of most adverse event probabilities. In this case, applying odds ratios of 3, 4, and
12 results in probabilities of 0.0060, 0.0079, and 0.0234, respectively. Comparing rate
differences to rate ratios in the low base rate example:
Base rate = 0.0020 Rate difference Rate ratio_______
Risk factor with OR=3: .0060 - .0020 = .0040 .0060/.0020 = 3.00
Risk factor with OR=4: .0079 - .0020 = .0059 .0079/.0020 = 3.95
Both factors with OR=12: .0234 - .0020 = .0214 .0234/.0020 = 11.7
In this case, the effect of both factors is more multiplicative than additive on the
probability scale, since .0040 + .0059 = .0099 is not as close to .0214, whereas
3.00*3.95 = 11.85 is close to 11.7.
In summary, logistic regression makes the following assumptions: the joint risk of two
risk factors is nearly additive on the probability scale if the base rate is relatively large
(e.g., about 0.2), but is nearly multiplicative if the base rate is very small (e.g., about
0.002). When modeling spontaneous reports, you are considering relative reporting
ratios in a database of reports rather than risk. The question remains, which is more
likely to fit spontaneous report ratios better? An additive model or a multiplicative
model? Since most individual adverse events occur in a very small proportion of
spontaneous reports, applying standard logistic regression fits the data well if the
multiplicative model is approximately true.
To allow for the possibility that a nearly additive model for spontaneous report
ratios might fit better than a nearly multiplicative model, the Oracle Empirica Signal
application provides an alternative model called extended logistic regression. This
family of models has a parameter, denoted (alpha), that specifies the region of
near-additivity to be centered at an arbitrary base rate. If = 0.5, then extended
logistic regression reduces to standard logistic regression. If you select the extended
option, then the system performs an estimation of the best coefficients for each of
many values of , and selects the value of that gives the best fit to the observed
If the estimated value of is near 0.5, this means that the standard logistic regression
fits the data (that is, predicts the presence or absence of the response for individual
reports) about as well as the extended logistic model. In practice, if the estimate of
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
is between 0.4 and 0.6, then the odds ratio estimates for individual predictors is
close to the corresponding estimates for standard logistic regression. In such a case,
for simplicity in explaining your methodology to someone unfamiliar with extended LR,
use the standard LR estimates. Another approach to choosing between standard and
extended LR is to compare the difference ( - 0.5) to the standard error of . You can
(Z-score for )=( - 0.5)/(standard error of )
If the Z-score is less than -3 or greater than +3, there is strong statistical evidence that
extended LR fits the data better than standard LR.
The estimates of and their standard errors (separate estimates for each response
value in the run) can be found in the Logistic regression coefficients log file
(lr_coefficients.log) that is produced for each logistic regression data mining run.
It is difficult to say in advance whether extended LR fits any particular data much
better than standard LR. Different response events give different choices. It takes
more computation time to find the best fitting , so, if you want to get quicker answers
for hundreds or thousands of response events, selecting standard LR accomplish
that. But, in most situations, the estimation and examination of the values of and its
standard errors, using extended LR, are recommended. If the data being used in the
LR is voluminous, the standard error of may be very small; perhaps just 0.01 or
even smaller. Then, even if is near 0.5, there may be strong evidence that it is not
exactly 0.5. For example, if = 0.41, standard error =0.005, then the Z-score is 18,
but the individual estimated odds ratios do not differ much from those of standard LR.
Two caveats apply to this model selection problem. First, even if one model fits the
spontaneous reports better, there is still no guarantee that the resulting estimated odds
ratios for each drug are valid estimates of the prospective risk to takers of the drug of
an adverse reaction. Second, even in terms of fit to the relative reporting ratios, the
better fitting model is not necessarily a perfect guide to which of the many drugs in the
regression model are truly significant. If there are 100 drugs in the model, it may be
that extended logistic regression fits better than standard logistic regression because it
models the polytherapy effects involving 80 of the drugs better, while modeling those
involving the other 20 drugs worse. That is, many of the drugs may combine in their
effects additively, while others combine multiplicatively (or, in some more complicated
combining formula), so that neither model can estimate the effects of every drug
reliably. As statisticians often say, "no model is perfect, but many are useful."
The extended model is technically described as a binomial regression with a different
link function. Suppose that z = B0 + B1X1 + B2X2 + … is the linear combination used
for prediction, where the Bs are coefficients and the Xs are predictors. The standard
logistic regression defines the probability of event occurrence as p(z), where:
p(z) = 1/(1 + exp(-z))
Extended logistic regression uses the formula:
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
For a predictor X whose standard LR coefficient is B, the odds ratio comparing the
probabilities of the event at X = 0 versus X = 1 is OR = eB. In the case of extended
logistic regression with estimated link parameter , the odds ratio is defined as:
OR = (1 – p0) p(z0 + B, ) / p0 (1 – p(z0 + B, ))
Where p0 = (# response events)/(# Reports) [proportion of reports with the response
event] and z0 is the solution to the equation p(z0 + B, ) = p0.
This formula for OR reduces to eB when = ½. The 90% confidence intervals for OR
are computed by replacing B in the above formula by B +/- 1.645*standard error(B),
analogous to the procedure for standard logistic regression.
Each logistic regression data mining run generates a tab-delimited log file,
lr_coefficients.log, with the alpha value computed for each response and its standard
error. When you define options for the run, you can check Save coefficients to
include the coefficient and standard error calculated for each predictor and response in
this log.
For more information about logistic regression, see any intermediate-level statistics or
biostatistics textbook, such as Statistical Methods in Epidemiology by HA Kahn and
CT Sempos, Oxford U Press, 1989.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Using these values, the Oracle Empirica Signal application determines what drugs to
include for each event in the run, including any explicitly specified drug values and
selecting additional drugs that occur in combination with each run event frequently,
based on the defined total number of drugs and the minimum number of occurrences.
• If you explicitly specify fewer drug values than the defined total number, the
application finds additional drugs in the configuration to make up the difference.
The application uses the defined minimum to limit the possible set of drugs to
include in the run to those found most frequently in combination with each of the
selected run events. For each event, only drugs found in combination at least that
number of times are included.
• Each of the drug values that you explicitly supply are included in the run, even
if they do not meet the specified minimum for a given run event. (However, the
drug+event combination must occur at least once to be included.) If you supply
more drug values than the defined total number to include in the run, the Oracle
Empirica Signal application orders the drug values alphabetically and includes only
the first <total number> from the list.
For example, assume that you specified a single event, Rash, for the logistic
regression run. You keep the default, 10, as the minimum number of cases in which
the drugs must occur, and you explicitly include DrugD. The following table lists
sample drugs in the data configuration, the number of occurrences of Rash, and
whether the run computes scores for the drug:
Oracle recommends that you include drugs that occur most frequently with an event,
as computational biases can result if they are left out. For more information, see
Logistic regression computations.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
You can also set up hierarchy information using hierarchy tables. Hierarchy
tables are supported for backward compatibility.
Timestamped data
Timestamping is a technique for representing multiple versions of the same source
data within one database. The source data must include dates (VALID_START and
VALID_END columns) that can be used to determine the period for which each record
is valid. This enables the Oracle Empirica Signal application to reconstruct data for
different periods of time. As a result, you can base data mining runs, queries, and case
series on source data as of a date that you specify. This date is referred to as the As
Of date.
In the data mining run, query, or case series, data is used if the following is true:
VALID_START (if present) <= Specified As Of Date < VALID_END (if present)
For example, suppose that the source data includes the following DRUGS table,
where an edit occurred for case ID 100:
Specifying an As Of date
On pages where you specify an As Of date, a default date appears. You can change
the date to another date that is within the range determined by the source description
table for the data configuration.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Specify an As Of date
During some activities, if you select a data configuration that supports timestamped
data, the Select 'As Of' Date page appears and you must specify an As Of date and
time. See Timestamped data for more information.
1. To specify an As of Date and time, choose one of the following:
• To use the displayed date, click Latest Date.
• To enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format, click Other.
Stratification variables
Item values can be associated in an MGPS data mining run because they are
associated jointly with other variables, such as gender or age. To minimize the
occurrences of this type of spurious association, use stratification variables in the
results of an MGPS run.
For example, Drug X is generally prescribed for women above age 50 and Event Y
also occurs more frequently for women above age 50. A data mining run indicates
a strong association between Drug X and Event Y, based on the coincidence of
the gender and age groups involved. To minimize the occurrence of this type of
association, stratify the data mining run by Gender and Age Group. To do this, Gender
and Age Group must be available as stratification variables in the configuration.
Stratification divides all cases into groups, based on one or more variables, for the
computation of expected values (E). The Oracle Empirica Signal application sums
these expected values across all of the strata to provide a single expected value for
all of the cases in the background. This has the effect of adjusting the expected value
(and the other statistics computed with E, including the Relative Reporting Ratio (RR)
used in the MGPS computation) for the effects of such covariates as age, gender, and
receipt year. In this way, you can perform data mining across the entire background
set, yet still be protected from false results that can come from coincidental association
with age, gender, and so on. With stratification, there is one set of results (as opposed
to the multiple result sets generated by a subset variable).
Like item variables, stratification variables map to columns in the safety database. You
cannot select the same variable as both an item variable and a stratification variable at
the same time.
If you select stratification variables for your MGPS data mining run, and also choose to
compute PRR (Proportional Reporting Ratios) and ROR (Reporting Odds Ratios), you
can specify stratification to apply to those computations as well.
The following example shows how reports are divided and then recombined during
data mining when you use the stratification variable Gender:
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
The dimensions in a run are the number of ways in which items combine to generate
scores. When specifying data mining parameters for MGPS runs, the run creator
specifies the highest dimension to compute. The run results include combinations of
all dimension combinations, from 1 to the specified highest dimension. For example,
a two-dimensional (2D) data mining run performed for drug and event item variables
produces scores for the following combinations:
Drug (1D)
Event (1D)
Drug+Drug (2D)
Drug+Event (2D)
Event+Event (2D)
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
Drug and Event represent the names of the item variables used for the data mining
One-dimensional results are useful to determine the total count (N) for a drug
or event. Other statistics are not generated for 1D results, and you cannot
display graphs for 1D results.
A 3D run for the same drug and event item variables produces results for these
Drug (1D)
Event (1D)
Drug+Drug (2D)
Drug+Event (2D)
Event+Event (2D)
Drug+Drug+Drug (3D)
Drug+Drug+Event (3D)
Drug+Event+Event (3D)
Event+Event+Event (3D)
If you include PRR, RGPS, or ROR computations in an MGPS run,
Oracle Empirica Signal produces PRR, RGPS, and ROR scores only for
Drug+Event (2D) combinations.
When specifying criteria to view data mining results, you can indicate the number of
dimensions to view. You can include 1 dimension up to the highest dimension included
in the run. To include all dimensions, select All. The default is the highest dimension
included in the run. If you change the default number of run dimensions, consider
changing the default pattern for the run.
Combinations of two or more dimensions that include only multiple drugs
or only multiple events (such as Drug+Drug or Event+Event) are only
included in the results table if the run creator specified (on the Data Mining
Parameters page) that results for items of the same type should be kept.
Chapter 4
Create a Data Mining Run
You select a pattern to define the item types (such as drugs and events) to appear in
the results table or graph. The default pattern depends on the number of dimensions
in the run. The following table shows the default pattern for each dimension. Drug and
Event represent the names of the item variables used for the data mining run.
The results table or graph includes results only for the selected pattern. You can
change the types of items supplied by the default pattern as needed. The following
table describes the options for the pattern fields:
Option Description
<variable-name> Lists each item variable used in the data
mining run; for example, Generic_Name and
PT. (Item variables can also represent other
types of data, such as Gender or Age_Group.)
For any pattern that includes <variable-name>,
you can specify terms for the variable. If you
specify terms, the results table displays only
those terms and the scores calculated for
them; otherwise, the results table displays all
values for the <variable-name>.
Any <variable-name> Lists each of the item variables used in
the data mining run with the prefix Any; for
example, Any Trade_Name and Any PT.
These pattern options allow you to display
results for specified terms as though you had
supplied an OR between those terms. For
example, if you choose the pattern PT+PT and
specify the terms Headache and Rash, the
results table displays only rows that contain
both Headache and Rash. However, if you
choose the pattern PT+Any PT, then specify
Headache and Rash, the results table displays
rows that contain either Headache or Rash.
Any Item The Any Item option is a wildcard that
represents any of the other item variables in
the run. You can use Any Item in a pattern for
a 3D run that uses the Generic_Name and PT
item variables. When you choose the pattern
Any Generic_Name+Any Item+PT and specify
the term DrugA, the results table displays
DrugA+Event+Event combinations and also
DrugA+Drug+Event combinations.
Chapter 4
Manage custom terms
View interactions
Each row in the table presents two predictor values, which appear in the columns
labeled Item1 and Item2, and a response, which appears in the column labeled for the
selected event variable, such as PT.
You can also include columns in the table that indicate the type of variable
selected: the P_Item1 and P_Item2 columns contain either D, to indicate the
drug variable, or the name of a covariate variable.
Chapter 4
Manage custom terms
A typical use of custom terms is to group together similar terms for products or events
as a way to prevent the signal dilution that may occur when similar, but not the same,
terms are used in reporting. For example, you can create the custom term, Hepatic
Terms, to group the following PTs: Coma hepatic, Hepatic encephalopathy, Hepatic
failure, Hepatorenal failure, and Hepatorenal syndrome. The data mining run then
computes statistics for Hepatic Terms as if it is a PT in the source data, although the
custom term is not added to the source data. The data mining run also computes
statistics for the constituent PTs.
When estimating the shrinkage parameters for EBGM scores, MGPS does not
consider custom terms. The raw RR scores for combinations involving custom terms
are shrunk by the Bayesian formula, but they do not participate in the determination of
the formula itself. For more information, see MGPS computations.
For another way of mapping values to a term for use in a data mining
run, see Map text values. For information on the differences between these
features, see Custom terms and mapped text values.
Custom terms are defined using queries. Reports that match the query condition are
considered to have the pseudo value. When defining a new query, you have the option
to save it to the Query Library. You can then use it to define custom terms for other
data mining runs.
When you re-run a run, the same custom terms are used in the run. However, you
cannot switch run types. Thus, if you plan to use a custom term for different run types,
make sure that you save the query you define for the custom term for the first run you
set up; then you can select that query as the custom term for the other run type(s).
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. Click Create Run.
3. Select the type of run to create:
• MGPS data mining run
• Logistic regression data mining run
4. Select a data configuration.
5. Click Next.
Chapter 4
Manage custom terms
6. Select your variables and check Define custom terms. For information about
variable selection, see Select the variables.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Create Custom Term.
9. In the Name field, enter the name of the custom term.
If a custom term name includes an invalid character, the application changes
it automatically, and a message appears to inform you of the change. Invalid
characters are replaced with a pound sign (#). Invalid characters for this field are:
• Invalid filename characters: \, /, <, :, >, |, ?, *, ”, &, and null
• Control characters
• Non-ASCII characters
10. In the Item Variable field, select the variable to which the custom term will be
assigned. Available variables are those that you selected as item variables for the
MGPS data mining run, or as the Event or Drug variable in a logistic regression
data mining run. A variable is not available if it is mapped via a data transformation
or is associated in the data configuration with a hierarchy table (rather than a
hierarchy account).
11. Choose one of the following:
• To create a custom term by defining a new query, click Create Using Query
Wizard. The Define Query page appears. You can save the new query to the
Query Library so that you can re-use it for other runs.
• To create a custom term based on an existing query, click Create from Existing
Query. The Select Query from Library page appears. Subsequent changes to
the query in the library will not affect the custom term.
The screen refreshes and displays the query you created or selected in the Query
field. If you click Edit Query, the Define Query page appears and you can change
query variables, values, and logic.
If you saved the query to the library and then you edit it from this page,
your changes are not saved to the library.
12. If the data configuration selected for an MGPS run specifies a drug or event
hierarchy, you can select an existing term that has the primary path that you
want to associate with the custom term. Next to Hierarchy Path, click Select
<hierarchy> Term to view the hierarchy. If you select a term, the results table
includes its hierarchy values for the custom term. If you do not select a term, the
results table does not include hierarchy values for the custom term.
The term that you select to indicate the primary path is always a PT (Preferred
Term), even if the variable for which you are creating a custom term is a HLT,
HLGT, or SOC. The option to specify a hierarchy path applies only to MGPS runs,
and has no effect on logistic regression runs.
To remove a previously specified hierarchy path click Clear Hierarchy Values.
(Before changing a hierarchy path, you should clear the hierarchy path.)
Chapter 4
Define subsets for an MGPS run
Custom terms do not appear, and are not available for selection, from
the hierarchy.
13. When you are satisfied with the custom term, click OK.
The new custom term appears on the Define Custom Terms page.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. At the top left of the Data Mining Runs home page, click Create Run.
3. On the Create Data Mining Run page, select the type of run to create and click
4. On the Select "As Of" Date page, choose the latest date and time or select Other
to choose a date and time. Then click Next.
5. On the Select Variables page, select at least one Item variable by clicking its
name, and, optionally, select Stratification variables.
6. Select Define subsets.
7. Click Next.
The Select Subset Variable page appears. If you also checked Define custom
terms on the Select Variables page, the Select Subset Variable page appears
after you add custom terms.
8. From the Subset variable list, select the variable to use for subsetting.
You can select only one subset variable, and you cannot select the same variable
to be both an item variable and a subset variable in the same data mining run.
9. Click Next.
10. Continue with Define subset values.
Chapter 4
Define subsets for an MGPS run
subset. Oracle Empirica Signal generates a set of data mining results for each subset
that you specify.
The source of subset values is either the source database or values that have been
defined by data transformations in the data configuration. For example, if the source
database contains report received dates, the creator of a configuration can transform
the received dates into years, half-years, or quarter-years.
If a value for the subset variable is missing from the source data, the value of your
user preference, Replace Missing Values with, appears in place of a value.
When specifying subsets, keep in mind that there is an iteration of MGPS for
each subset. The more subsets you specify, the longer the MGPS run takes.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. At the top left of the Data Mining Runs home page, click Create Run.
3. On the Create Data Mining Run page, select the type of run to create and click
4. On the Select "As Of" Date page, choose the latest date and time or select Other
to choose a date and time. Then click Next.
5. On the Select Variables page, select at least one item variable by clicking its
name, and, optionally, select Stratification variables.
6. From the Available values list, select the variables for subsetting and use the
arrow keys to move values from the Available values list to the Subset values
Button Use To
7. To include data from all previous subset categories in the results for each subset,
select Subsets will be cumulative. Typically, a cumulative subset variable
represents an ordinal value, such as report year. A non-cumulative subset variable
may represent a categorical value, such as age group.
8. If you checked Subsets will be cumulative, click one of the following under
Subsets will be ordered:
• As listed —Generates data mining results for subsets in the order of the
• As reverse of listed —Generates data mining results for subsets in the
reverse of the specified sort order.
Chapter 4
Define subsets for an MGPS run
If a label includes an invalid character or space, the application changes
it automatically and a message appears to inform you of the change. The
application replaces invalid characters with a pound sign (#) and spaces
with an underscore (_).
Chapter 4
Define subsets for an MGPS run
Subsets As Listed Default Labels Default Labels for Default Labels for
on Define Subset for Non-Cumulative Cumulative Subsets Cumulative Subsets
Values page Subsets in Reverse Order of
1998 1998 1998 2000.2006
1999 1999 1998-1999 1999-2000.2006
2000, 2001, 2002, 2000.2006 1998-2000.2006 1998-2000.2006
2003, 2004, 2005,
Subset variables
When you use a subset variable for an MGPS data mining run, Oracle Empirica
Signal divides source data into separate backgrounds, one for each value of the
subset variable, and performs a separate run for each of those different backgrounds.
You use subsets to study how the strength of a combination of variables evolved
temporally. You can also use subsets to study the strength of variable combinations
for age differences, gender differences, and so on. For example, to review separate
signal scores for males and for females, you subset the data mining run by gender.
Two separate sets of statistics result, one set computed against the background of
cases involving males and the other against the background of cases with females.
You can select only one subset variable for a data mining run. That variable must
have only one value for each case in the database. For example, indication, route, or
dose cannot be used directly as subset variables because any case with more than
one drug has multiple values for these variables, one for each reported drug. After
selecting a subset variable, choose which values of that variable to use for subsetting.
The application generates a set of results for each subset.
You cannot select the same variable as both an item variable and a subset
The database contains information on the age of patients reporting adverse reactions.
The age has been categorized as Pediatric, Adult, and Elderly, and stored in a variable
named AgeGroup. To compare associations of variables for different age categories,
Chapter 4
Define subsets for an MGPS run
you can select AgeGroup as the subset variable (assuming that AgeGroup has been
made available as a subset variable by the configuration).
With subsetting, the application computes expected counts, Relative Ratio, and EBGM
for each subset separately:
For a data mining run that uses cumulative subsets, there is one set of results for each
subset and the computations to determine results for each subset include data from all
previous subsets. A previous subset may or may not be previous chronologically. For
more information, see Define subset values. Typically, a variable used for cumulative
subsetting represents a time period.
For example, suppose that you use Report Year as the subset variable and the
possible report years are 2002 through 2004:
Chapter 4
View source data
Chapter 4
View source data
Chapter 4
View source data
Only a superuser can view data source tables.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click View Jobs for
5. In the upper-right corner, click Sources.
6. Click the name of the data source table that you want to view.
7. (Optional) Perform actions on the table:
• To set viewing options, click Options.
• To filter the data that you want to view to certain specified characteristics, click
• To download the data in the table, click Download (available if you have the
Download Raw Data permission).
Data Source Tables
The following data source tables might be available to view:
Table Description
Complete Results Table Complete, raw results table, intended for
troubleshooting purposes. For most purposes,
the results table available from Data Mining
Results is more appropriate. This complete
results table might contain more columns than
you need to see.
Drug Index Table and Event Index Table Oracle column indexes for drugs and events.
Master Configuration Table Oracle Empirica Signal master data
configuration table (named DM_CONFIGS),
which stores attributes of all data
configurations in all the source databases.
Configuration Table Table containing information about variables in
the specific data configuration that was used
for the run.
Chapter 4
View source data
Table Description
Drilldown Map Table The drilldown map table, which defines
which information (such as case outcomes or
narratives) appears when the results reviewer
drills down to case details.
Data Source Description Table Source description table , which defines
information (such as the date the data was
loaded) about the source database and
appears when the results reviewer drills down
to view case details and in the Notes section
of tables. This table is available only it was
defined for the data configuration.
Source Database Tables Referenced by Source database tables referenced by the data
Configuration configuration; for example, the demographics,
drugs, and events tables.
Hierarchy Tables Referenced by Configuration Available if an older method was used
for setting up drug and event hierarchies
by providing hierarchy tables for individual
variables in a data configuration, and if the
run used hierarchy information. For more
information, see Drug and event hierarchies.
Unique Values Tables Referenced by Unique values tables referenced by the data
Configuration configuration that was used for the run.
Source Database Tables Referenced by Source database tables referenced by the
Drilldown Map drilldown map table for the data configuration.
For example, the drilldown map table might
reference a table containing demographics
data, making demographics data available as
part of the case details.
Chapter 4
View source data
DEMO table:
Chapter 4
View source data
Chapter 4
View source data
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click View Jobs for
5. In the upper-right corner, click Sources.
6. Click the name of the data source table that you want to view.
7. Click Options.
8. Specify up to three columns by which to sort the table. You can sort on columns,
regardless of whether or not the columns appear in the displayed table. You can
also sort by clicking the column headers in the table itself.
Chapter 4
View source data
a. From the Sort By drop-down list, select a field to sort by. To sort data in
descending order, click the Descending check box. Otherwise, results appear
in ascending order.
b. Within the primary sort, specify up to two additional sort orders by selecting
them from the Then By drop-down lists. To sort data in descending order, click
the Descending check box. Otherwise, results appear in ascending order.
9. In the Rows per page field, type the number of rows to display per page. (The
default is 15.)
10. To show the number of rows and current filter information above the table, check
Show heading.
11. To show a description of the source database, check Show notes. The description
comes from the source description table for the configuration used by the run.
12. To show the SQL WHERE clause that the application used to construct the
displayed table, check Show SQL.
13. If you want the table to include columns for which no values exist, check Show
empty columns.
14. From the Include columns list, check the columns to include in the table.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click View Jobs for
5. In the upper-right corner, click Sources.
6. Click the name of the data source table that you want to view.
7. Click Filter.
8. In the SQL WHERE clause text box, type a SQL WHERE clause. You can refer
to any of the columns listed on the Table Viewing Options page, regardless of
whether or not you included them in the displayed table.
9. Click Apply Filter. To remove the filter, click Clear.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click Rename.
5. In the Run name field, enter a new name for the run. The name does not need to
be unique, although we recommend that you use a unique name.
6. In the Description field, enter a new description. Oracle recommends that you
provide an informative description of the run so that users who view run results
know which run to use.
7. Choose one of the following:
• To assign the run to an existing project, click Add to existing project and
select from a list of projects associated with objects that you created or that
are published to you.
• To create a new project and assign the run to it, click Add to a new project
named and enter a project name.
8. Click OK.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click View Run
Different information appears for MGPS runs and LR runs.
MGPS runs
Field Description
ID Automatically assigned, unique numeric
identifier of the run.
Type MGPS.
Name Name supplied for the run.
Description Description supplied for the run.
Project The name of the project to which the run is
Configuration Name of the data configuration used for the
Configuration description Description of the configuration used for the
As of date As Of date for the run, if the run is for
timestamped data.
Database restriction Database restriction, if any, associated with
the run.
Item variables Names of the item variables used in the run.
Custom terms Custom terms, if any, specified for the run.
Stratification variables Stratification variables, if any, used for the run.
Subsets Subset variable, if any, as well as whether the
subsets are cumulative, the order of subsets (if
cumulative), and the subset labels and values.
Drug hierarchy If the data configuration specifies a drug
hierarchy, the name and version of the drug
hierarchy used by this run.
Event hierarchy If the data configuration specifies an event
hierarchy, the name and version of the event
hierarchy used by this run.
Highest dimension The maximum number of ways in which
items are combined. See Specify data mining
Minimum count Minimum number of cases in which a
combination of items must occur for the
combination to be included in the MGPS
computations for the run. See Specify data
mining parameters.
Calculate PRR Whether the run includes PRR computations.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
Field Description
Calculate ROR Whether the run includes ROR computations.
Base counts on cases For a run that includes PRR and ROR
computations, indicates if counts are based on
cases rather than drug-event combinations.
Use "all drugs" comparator For a run that includes PRR computations,
whether or not the comparator set includes the
drug of interest.
Apply Yates correction For a run that includes PRR computations,
whether or not the Yates correction is applied.
Stratify PRR and ROR For a run that includes PRR and ROR
computations, whether or not the PRR or ROR
computations are stratified.
Include IC Whether the run includes Information
Component computations.
Include RGPS Whether the run includes RGPS computations.
Calculate RGPS interactions Whether the run computes Drug+Drug
interaction scores using RGPS.
Minimum interaction count Minimum number of times that a drug
must appear in Drug+Event reports for the
application to calculate interaction estimates
for the drug.
Fill in hierarchy values Indicates whether the run option to use
hierarchy information was checked.
Limit results to Limitations on which results are kept based
on statistical thresholds or specified values
of item variables. See Specify data mining
Exclude single itemtypes Indicates whether combinations of items of the
same type were excluded from run results.
See Specify data mining parameters.
Fit separate distributions Indicates the setting for the advanced
parameter to fit separate distributions for the
different item type combinations.
Save intermediate files Whether or not intermediate processing files
for the run were saved. See Define data
mining run options.
Created by Name of the user who created the run.
Created on Date and time at which the run was submitted.
User Your username (name of the user who is
viewing run details).
Source database Information about the source data (from the
source description table).
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
Field Description
ID Automatically assigned, unique numeric
identifier of the run.
Type LR. For runs completed prior to the installation
of Oracle Empirica Signal version 7.1, LR
(Legacy) appears.
Name Name supplied for the run.
Description Description supplied for the run.
Project The name of the project to which the run is
LR type The logistic regression used for the run, either
extended or standard.
Configuration Name of the data configuration used for the
Configuration description Description of the data configuration used for
the run.
As of date If the run is for timestamped data, As Of date
for the run.
Database restriction Database restriction, if any, associated with
the run.
Item variables Names of the selected event and drug
Custom terms Custom terms, if any, specified for the run.
Coveriates Variables, if any, selected as covariates for the
Drug values Explicitly specified values of the drug variable
included in the run, even if they do not meet
the minimum number of times a drug must
occur in combination with specified events.
Event values Values of the event variable used in the run.
Minimum count Minimum number of cases in which a drug
must occur in combination with specified
events to be included in the run (except for
drugs explicitly specified as Drug values). See
Guidelines for specifying drugs for logistic
Run interactions Whether or not the run calculates statistics
for two predictors (such as drug+drug or
drug+covariate) and a response.
Save coefficients Whether or not the lr_coefficients.log file
produced for the run includes the coefficient
and standard deviation values calculated for
the run.
Save intermediate files Whether or not intermediate processing files
for the run were saved. See Define data
mining run options.
Created by Name of the user who created the run.
Created on Date and time at which the run was submitted.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
Field Description
User Your username (name of the user who is
viewing run details).
Source database Information about the source data (from the
source description table).
For most tables, rows with empty cells appear first when you sort that
column in ascending order, and last if you sort in descending order.
Empty columns are always displayed last, regardless of the sort order.
8. If you want to replace your choices with the Oracle Empirica Signal defaults, click
Reset. The table columns and sorting return to the default values.
9. Specify the sort order.
10. If you sorted the table by clicking column headers, that sort order appears in the
Column Name and Sort Order fields. Otherwise, the Column Sort Order fields are
empty. To specify a sort order:
a. From the Column Name drop-down lists, select a column name for up to three
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
b. From the Sort Order drop-down list, select Asc (ascending order: A-Z, 1-9) or
Desc (descending order: Z-A, 9-1).
11. Click OK.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click View Jobs for
The Jobs for Run page provides the following information about each job:
Column Description
ID Automatically assigned unique ID of the job.
IDs of deleted runs are not re-used.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
Column Description
Name The name of each job, including a descriptor
followed by the number of the run. The jobs
included in the run differ for MGPS and LR
runs, as follows.
An MGPS run includes the following jobs:
• extract—Extracts data from the source
database. The run ID follows the job
• mgps—Applies MGPS to the extracted
data to produce scores. The run ID and
0 follow the job name.
• rgps—For runs that include RGPS
computations, applies RGPS to the
extracted data to produce scores. The
run ID and 0 follow the job name.
• Post_Process—Creates unique value
tables for the drugs and events that
appear in the run results (for use by the
results table) and adds column indexes
to the output table. There is only one
post-process job. The run ID and 0
follow the job name.
A logistic regression run includes the
following jobs:
• LR_extract—Extracts data from the
source database. The run ID follows the
job name.
• LR—Calculates logistic regression
scores. The run ID and 0 follow the
job name. Click the name of this job
to download the log files. These include
the tab-delimited lr_coefficients.log file,
which contains alpha values computed
for every event in an Extended LR
run; and, if selected as a run option,
the coefficients and standard errors for
each predictor+response combination;
and the lr.log file, which lists the most
common values found for run covariates
and summarizes convergence for each
• LR_Post_Process—Creates unique
value tables for the drugs and events
that appear in the run results (for use
by the results table) and adds column
indexes to the output table. There is
only one post-process job. The run ID
and 0 follow the job name.
Description The text, Part of Run, followed by the run
Server The value, Any, appears if the next available
listener can perform the job. If multiple
listeners are in use and the MGPS or logistic
regression run is submitted externally using
a run definition file, a listener can be
specified to perform each job and the unique
ID of the listener appears.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
Column Description
Created Server date and time when the extraction
or base job was created. For a run that
is scheduled and may be queued for
processing after other runs, the creation
of the extraction or base job may be
substantially later than the creation date of
the run itself.
Start Date Server date and time when the job was
Once an extraction completes,
there is internal preparation of the
extraction for the MGPS or LR
job. If you submit two runs, it is
possible for the extraction job of
the second run to start before the
MGPS or LR job of the first run.
End Date Server date and time when the job ended.
Runnable The value remains NO for each job until the
preceding job is complete; then the value
becomes YES.
Status The column remains empty until the job has
completed or failed. If the job completes
successfully, the status is Completed. If
the run is canceled when the job is being
performed, the status is Canceled. An error
message (and red background) appears if
the job failed.
5. To view job detail, such as the job parameters, and to access input and output files
for jobs, click the name of the job.
6. To view source tables, click Sources (if you are a superuser).
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click View Jobs for
5. Select the job and click its name.
6. Review the information on the Job Detail page.
7. To download the job detail file, from the Job Parameters section, click the input or
output filename.
8. To return to the Jobs for Run page, click Back.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click View Jobs for
5. Select the Define database restriction check box.
6. Click Next.
7. Choose one of the following:
• To create a database restriction by defining a new query, click Create Using
Query Wizard. You can save the new query to the Query library so that you
can re-use it for other runs.
• To create a database restriction based on an existing query, click Create from
Existing Query. Subsequent changes to the query in the library will not affect
the database restriction.
If you saved the query to the library and then you edit it from this page,
your changes are not saved to the library.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
• To refer to a saved list of terms, click Select Saved List. You can specify a saved
list that uses the same data configuration as the query.
• To type the terms, review the rules in Typing values in text boxes.
To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, Oracle recommends that
you select rather than type values.
• To look up a drug name for a drug variable, click Trade/Generic Lookup. You
can find the generic name for a drug (if you only know its trade name) or vice
versa. (This link is available if the data configuration's source data included trade
name-generic name mapping.)
Matching a text string
If the options Contains, Starts with, Ends with, or Equals appear for a variable, enter a
text string and click a radio button to indicate the type of matching. You can also check
Ignore capitalization to retrieve matching values regardless of upper or lower case.
Specifying ranges
For numeric or date variables, specify a range by entering values in the From and To
fields. Values equal to or greater than the From value and equal to or less than the
To value are found. If you leave the From field empty, there is no lower bound. If you
leave the To field empty, there is no upper bound.
Enter date values in the format appropriate for your locale or use the calendar icon
to select a date. The application uses the Oracle TO_DATE function to change
the entered date to an Oracle date. For example, if you enter 03/26/2008 in
the From field for the FDA_DATE variable, in the SQL generated, FDA_DATE >=
to_date('2008-03-26 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss').
If you do not specify a time, the time is considered to be midnight of the specified date.
If a date variable is stored as a text field in the Oracle database, you can
search for it as you would search for any text string.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
When a run has completed, the run status becomes either Complete or Error
Occurred, and you can delete the run. You can also delete a run that has been
canceled (the run status is Canceled). Data mining runs can take up a significant
amount of server space. Deleting runs that are no longer needed frees up this space
for other processes.
To learn more about the error that caused a run to fail, review the information
on the Jobs for Run page.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click Cancel.
5. Confirm the cancellation by clicking OK.
The status of the run changes to Canceled. You can delete or re-run the run.
Delete a data mining run
The Delete option is available only when the run has a status of Completed, Error
Occurred, or Canceled. If you want to delete a run that is currently running or is
scheduled to run in the future, you must cancel it first. Before a deleting a run, make
sure that it is not referenced by any drug profile configurations or signal configurations,
because such references are removed.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click Delete.
5. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.
Any case series associated with the run are retained, but they no longer have an
associated run.
When you delete a run that is associated with an alias, the target status of the alias
becomes Broken.
If you want to delete multiple runs at the same time, on the Data Mining Runs
page, first choose Select Rows from the Header Action menu ( ).
• You cannot change the run type when re-running a run. For example,
you cannot change from an MGPS run to a logistic regression run.
• To learn more about the error that caused a run to fail, review the Status
column on the Jobs for Run page.
• The re-run option is not available for logistic regression runs created
prior to the installation of Oracle Empirica Signal version 7.1, which
included significant enhancements to logistic regression computations.
When you re-run a data mining run, Oracle Empirica Signal treats it as an independent
run that is not associated with the original run; you are the owner of the new run.
The run uses all parameters and options used for the original run (including the
As Of date of the run, if the data configuration supports timestamped data) unless
you explicitly modify them. In addition, the re-run uses the user preference, Replace
Missing Values with, setting that was in effect for the run creator when the original
run was created.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to
include all configurations.
4. Select the Row Action menu icon ( ) for a run, and then click Re-run.
5. To select a different data configuration, from the Configuration drop-down list of
compatible data configurations, select a data configuration.
6. To limit the run to only cases meeting specified criteria, check Add Database
7. Click Next.
If you added or modified a database restriction, the Define Database Restriction
page appears. Otherwise, the Run Options page appears.
8. Modify run options as needed. You can also click Back to review all of the
selections made for the original run and modify them as needed.
The run uses all of the variables, values, and parameters selected for
the original run unless you modify them in the new run. For example, if
there was a custom term for the original run, it is used as is unless you
modify it. Keep in mind that any changes made to queries on the Queries
page have no effect on database restrictions or custom terms that were
part of the original run. During the re-run, you must modify the database
restriction or custom term, if needed, including reselecting a query that
was modified on the Queries page.
9. Click Next.
10. On the Name Data Mining Run page, in the Run name field, enter a name for the
run. The name of the run does not need to be unique, although we recommend
that you use a unique name. Oracle Empirica Signal assigns a unique Run ID to
each run.
11. In the Description field, optionally enter a description. Oracle recommends that
you provide an informative description of the run so that users who view run
results know which run to use.
12. (Optional) To assign the run to a project, choose one of the following:
• To assign the run to an existing project, click Add to existing project and
select from a list of projects associated with objects that you created or that
are published to you.
• To create a new project and assign the run to it, click Add to a new project
named and enter a project name.
13. Click Next.
14. On the Confirm Run Parameters page, review the parameters chosen for your run
to make sure that they are correct. Different parameters display for MGPS runs
and LR runs.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
15. If you want to change any parameters, click Back until you are on the appropriate
page and make the necessary changes. Then click Next until you are back on the
Confirm Run Parameters page.
16. When you are satisfied with the run parameters, click Submit.
17. Click Continue.
The run status appears on the Data Mining Runs page. To monitor the progress of a
run, you can view jobs for the run.
Two variables match if they have the same variable name, the same variable
type and subtype, and the same settings for use as a subset variable or
stratification variable.
When re-running a data mining run, you can select from configurations with variables
that match all variables in the original run's configuration. The configurations must also
have the same setting for whether the database is timestamped.
Saved lists
Two variables match if they have the same name, selection type, and Oracle
data type.
When selecting a saved list, you can select from lists where the variable referenced by
the saved list has a matching variable in the configuration associated with the object
on which you are working.
Two variables match if they have the same name (ignoring underscores and
spaces), selection type, and Oracle data type.
Chapter 4
Manage data mining runs
• When listing reports for a selected case series, the application lists only reports
based on configurations with variables that match the variables in the configuration
of the selected case series.
• When listing reports for cases that appear when you drill down on a count,
the application lists only reports where the variables used by the report match
variables in the configuration of the object from which you are drilling down.
• When running a query, you can select from configurations with variables that
match all variables referenced by the query.
• When creating a query-based interactive report, you can select from queries
where all referenced variables have a matching variable in the report
• When defining a custom term or database restriction, you can select from queries
where all referenced variables have a matching variable in the run configuration.
• When running a query-based interactive report, you can select from configurations
with variables that match the union of all variables referenced by the query and all
variables referenced by the report.
• When running an All Cases Summary report, you can select from configurations
with variables that match all variables referenced by the report.
Two variables match if they have the same name and selection type.
When transferring cases to a case series, you can select from case series based on
configurations with variables that match variables in the configuration of the object
from which you are transferring cases.
Two variables match if they have the same name (ignoring underscores and
spaces), selection type, and Oracle data type.
When deleting a configuration, you can transfer certain types of objects to another
data configuration with variables that match the all variables referenced by the objects.
Chapter 4
Logistic regression log files
Users without the Administer Users permission can publish only objects
they have created. Users with the Administer Users permission can publish
objects that they or any users in their login group created.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Runs.
2. Click a data mining run's Row Action menu icon ( ) and click Publish.
3. To publish to all the users in your login group, click Publish.
• If you are a superuser, you can publish to multiple login groups, including
—All–. In the Publish to Login Groups drop-down list, click or Ctrl+click to
select login groups.
• If you publish to —All– and later add a new login group, the object is published
automatically to the new login group.
4. To view details of the selected data mining run, click View Run Details.
5. Click Back.
Chapter 4
Logistic regression log files
The lr.log file also provides information on convergence for each response and, if
necessary, the reason that an event specified for the run was not included in the
The lr_coefficients.log file contains the best alpha value computed for each response
in an extended logistic regression data mining run. For standard logistic regression
runs, the value 0.5 is always used as the alpha.
When you define the run options for a logistic regression data mining run, if you check
Save coefficients, the application includes coefficient and standard error values
computed for each predictor and response in the run in this file.
The following example shows the first few rows in an lr_coefficients.log file that has
been downloaded and opened in Microsoft Excel:
Note that the value of B0 is labeled <Intercept> in the Predictor column, and the value
of is labeled <Alpha> in that column. The computed value of appears in the Coeff
For more information on logistic regression, see Logistic regression computations.
Retrieve and review data mining results
• About data mining run results
• Load the run and select variables
• Look up drug names
• View results tables
• View results graphs
• Drill down through data
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Results.
2. On the Select Criteria page, choose the run from the Run name drop-down list.
Your Default Run user preference determines which run is selected by default.
• To view all available runs, click Browse.
• To see the details of the run, click View Run Details, examine the details, then
click Close.
3. Depending on the run you load, the available variables will differ. To specify item
variable values, use one or more of the following options:
• If a variable has an associated hierarchy of terms and your user preference
enables use of the hierarchy, you can click Select <hierarchy-name> Terms
and select terms from the hierarchy. Custom terms used in the run are not in
the hierarchy.
Chapter 5
Load the run and select variables
• If the run option to store the primary paths of terms in run results was used,
you can search for terms at various levels of the hierarchy. Click the radio
button for the level at which you want to search. If you select terms at a higher
level than the level of the term used in the run, you see results only for terms
that have that higher level in their primary path.
• To select values from a list, click Select Available Values. The available
values include custom terms used in the run.
• To use a saved list of terms, click Select Saved List. A saved list can include
custom terms.
• To type the terms, review the rules in Typing values in text boxes.
• To look up a drug name, click Trade/Generic Lookup. You can find the
generic name for a drug (if you only know its trade name) or vice versa. (This
link is available only if the mapping of trade/generic names has been defined
as part of preparing source data.)
To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, we recommend that you
select rather than type values. Drugs or events that have a missing (null)
value in the source data have the value of the user preference, Replace
missing value with, that was in effect for the user who created the
run. (Your own user preference does not affect run results generated by
another user.)
4. To include only scores that exceed a minimum threshold value, use the Limit to
field to select a statistic and supply that minimum number. For a description of the
statistics that you can use to limit results, see Data mining results for MGPS runs
or Data mining results for logistic regression runs.
For example, to review only MGPS run results with an EB05 score greater than 2,
select EB05 and supply 2. Oracle Empirica Signal uses the setting as the default
(for results that you have not yet viewed) until you change it.
• If you provide a limit for an MGPS run and then view a graph, the application
applies the limit to the highest dimension in the graph only. For a sector map
graph, the limit is ignored.
• When you view one-dimensional run results for an MGPS run, the application
ignores this limit unless you specify a limit for the N statistic.
• This limit does not apply to sector map graphs or to the tables of covariate and
interaction results for a logistic regression run.
• To supply defaults for this statistic and value the first time you look at results
for a run, you can set the user preference, Display Only Results with
<score-type> Scores Over <number>. If you select a statistic other than
N, a default of LROR > 0 is used for logistic regression runs.
5. To select additional criteria, click Show Advanced. This link is available if
additional fields can be used to limit the results to display. (If you do not generally
use these fields you can click Hide Advanced.)
a. For an MGPS run In the Dimension field, select a dimension to limit the
results that appear. You can select 1, up to the highest dimension included in
the run, or All to display results for all of the dimensions included in the run.
Chapter 5
Look up drug names
By default, the dimension is the highest dimension that was selected when the
data mining run was created. You can change the dimension to less than the
default. The number of Pattern fields that appear depends on the number in
the Dimension field.
b. The Subset field appears if the run used subsetting and at least two subset
categories were specified for the run. Select the subset for which you want to
view results, or select All to display results for all subsets.
c. In the Pattern fields, specify a pattern such as Drug+Event. See Dimensions
and patterns.
d. If your user preference, Include SQL WHERE Clause for Advanced Results
Selection, is checked, you can specify a SQL WHERE clause to restrict
which run results you view. You can reference any of the columns that can be
displayed in the results table, regardless of whether they are currently included
in the display. To view the complete list of columns, click the Columns link
above the results table. The SQL WHERE clause entered here is ignored if
you view a table of covariates or interactions for a logistic regression run, or
when you view a sector map graph.
6. If you want to remove your selections from the fields on this page, click Clear All.
7. Click View Results Table to view a results table or click Choose Graph to choose
a graph type to display. To view a graph, you must specify at least one drug or
one event. For MGPS runs, you can view results graphically for two-, or three-
dimensional drug-event combinations.
When you view results for a logistic regression run, all criteria defined on this
page are used to select the combinations that appear in the results table.
However, only the drug and event values specified, if any, are used to define
the results that appear in the Covariates Table and Interactions Table.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Results.
2. On the Select Criteria page, click Trade/Generic Lookup.
3. In the Search String field, type a drug name. You can use the % sign as a
wildcard character to match zero or more characters in that position. This field is
not case-sensitive; for example, if you enter F%IC ACID, both Folinic acid and
Folic acid match even though they use mixed case.
4. Click Search.
Chapter 5
View results tables
The first 100 drug names (in either the GENERIC_NAME or TRADE_NAME
column) that start with, end with, or include the text string are listed.
5. To sort the results by generic or trade name, click the column name.
6. To dismiss the dialog box, click Cancel.
( ) or click the link in the N column and then click View Cases.
• To change your selection criteria and view a different set of results, click
Select Criteria. Follow steps 3 through 5 described in Load the run and select
• To view a graphical representation of the results, click Choose Graph and
choose a graph type. You can view data mining run results graphically
for logistic regression runs and for two- or three-dimensional drug-event
combinations in MGPS runs.
Chapter 5
View results tables
• To create a case series containing all cases for which there are rows in the
displayed table, click Add to Case Series. This option is available when the
results table contains 20 or fewer rows.
• To show information about the data mining run, click Show Notes. The notes
appear below the results table, and are included if you print or download table
data. Click Hide Notes to remove the notes.
• To view scores calculated for covariate(s) (if defined for a logistic regression
run), click View Covariates. A table of covariate results appears in a separate
window. See Data mining results for logistic regression runs.
Only the drug and event values specified as data mining results
criteria are used to define the results that appear in the Covariates
Table. Other criteria, such as a Limit to value, do not apply to this
Only the drug and event values specified as data mining results
criteria are used to define the results that appear in the Interactions
Table. Other criteria, such as a Limit to value, do not apply to this
Hover over a column heading to display a description of the column.
Chapter 5
View results tables
Results table
Column Description
<variable-name> Each variable on which data mining was
performed. Typically, there is a drug variable
and an event variable.
If the run used drug or event hierarchies,
Oracle Empirica Signal adds a column for
each hierarchy level above the term for which
data mining was performed to the results
table. The primary path in the hierarchy is
represented in these columns. For example,
if the event variable is PT, the results include
HLT, HLGT, and SOC columns showing the
primary path of the PT.
When you display results for more than two
dimensions, the application identifies columns
for variables of the same type by adding
a numeric suffix to the column name. For
example, when you display results for the
pattern D+E+E, you see:
For runs with
these columns
cannot be used
to sort the results
table. The actual
column names in
the underlying
table are not the
same as the
labels for fields
on the Select
Criteria page or
as column
headers in the
results table. The
actual column
names are
and so on.
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
E The expected number of cases with the
combination. For a 2-dimensional (2D) run,
computed as:
(Observed # cases with ITEM1/Total # cases )
x (Observed # cases with ITEM2/Total #
cases) x Total # cases
For a stratified MGPS run, calculated as total
of expected values for all the strata, where the
expected number of cases for each stratum is
computed as:
(Observed # cases with ITEM1 for stratum/
Total # cases for stratum) x (Observed #
cases with ITEM2 for stratum/Total # cases for
stratum) x Total # cases for stratum
Overall Expected = Total of Expected values
for all strata
When E < .001, displays in scientific notation.
For a 3-dimensional (3D) MGPS run, the
calculations include ITEM3. For 3D runs,
the calculation of E depends on the mix of
item types in the set of items. If the set
of items includes at least two different types
and also includes at least two items of the
same type (such as D+D+E), then E is the
result of MGPS interaction calculations. In
this model, E incorporates observed within-
item-type associations, and uses only the
assumption of cross-item-type independence
in the computation of E.
EB05 There is approximately a 5% probability that
the true Relative Ratio lies below this value.
EB95 There is approximately a 5% probability that
the true Relative Ratio lies above this value.
The interval from EB05 to EB95 is the 90%
confidence interval.
EBGM Empirical Bayesian Geometric Mean. A more
stable estimate than RR. This so-called
shrinkage estimate is computed as the
geometric mean of the posterior distribution of
the true Relative Ratio.
EBMAX Applies to runs with more than 2 dimensions.
For each 3D itemset, EBMAX is the largest 2D
EBGM among all included cross-item-type 2D
combinations. If the itemset is homogeneous,
so that there are no included cross-item-type
combinations, EBMAX is the largest EBGM
among all the included 2D combinations. The
2D combination for which EBGM = EBMAX
is specified by the columns MAXITEM1 and
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
ERAM For runs that include RGPS computations,
the Empirical-Bayes Regression-adjusted
Arithmetic Mean. This estimate is computed as
the shrunken observed-to-expected reporting
ratio adjusted for covariates and concomitant
ER05 There is approximately a 5% probability that
the ERAM lies below this value.
The interval from ER05 to ER95 is the 90%
confidence interval.
ER95 There is approximately a 5% probability that
the ERAM lies above this value.
The interval from ER05 to ER95 is the 90%
confidence interval.
EXCESS A conservative estimate of how many extra
cases were observed above what was
expected. Computed as:
(EB05 - 1) x E
EXCESS2 Applies only to runs with more than 2
dimensions. A conservative estimate of how
many extra cases were observed over what
was expected assuming that only a single
cross-item interaction is present. Computed
E x EB95MAX * (INTSS - 1) = E * (EB05 -
where EB95MAX is the largest 2D
EB95 among all included cross-item-type
F Applies only to runs created by Oracle, with
the advanced parameter, Do comparative
analysis, selected.
IC For runs that include Information Component
computations, the IC value:
IC = log 2 ((O + α 1 ) / (E + α 2 ))
• α 1 = α 2 = 1/2
• O is the observed count.
• E is the expected count.
IC025 There is approximately a 2.5% probability that
the IC lies below this value.
The interval from IC025 to IC975 is the 95%
confidence interval.
IC975 There is approximately a 2.5% probability that
the IC lies above this value.
The interval from IC025 to IC975 is the 95%
confidence interval.
ID Identifies the unique row number assigned as
Oracle loads data from the run's output files.
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
INTSS Interaction Signal Score. Applies only to 3D
runs. Essentially, this is a way of measuring
of the strength of a higher-order association
above and beyond what would be expected
from any of the component pairs of items of
different types. Computed as:
EB05 / EB95MAX
where EB95MAX is the largest 2D EB95
among component pairs of items of different
JOB_ID The identifier assigned by the listener to the
sub-job in the run.
MAXITEM1 First item determining the 2D combination for
which EBGM = EBMAX.
MAXITEM1P Prefix, if any, assigned to the variable
MAXITEM2 Second item determining the 2D combination
for which EBGM = EBMAX.
MAXITEM2P Prefix, if any, assigned to the variable
N Observed number of cases with the
combination of items. You can click the value
of N to display a menu from which you can drill
down to view or download case information or
run reports. (The same options are available
when you click the Row Action menu icon
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
PRR_A For runs that include the calculation of PRR,
the observed count for the combination of a
particular drug and particular event. This can
be the number of combinations or number of
cases, depending on the PRR options used in
the run.
PRR_B For runs that include the calculation of PRR,
the observed count for the combination of a
particular event and all other drugs. This can
be the number of combinations or number of
cases, depending on the PRR options used in
the run.
PRR_C For runs that include the calculation of PRR,
the observed count for the combination of a
particular drug and all other events. This can
be the number of combinations or number of
cases, depending on the PRR options used in
the run.
PRR_D For runs that include the calculation of PRR,
the observed count for the combination of all
other drugs and all other events. This can
be the number of combinations or number of
cases, depending on the PRR options used in
the run.
PRR_CHISQ For runs that include the calculation of PRR,
the chi-square of PRR. For more information,
see PRR computations.
Q Intermediate computation in the calculation of
EBGM. Defined as the posterior probability
that the combination is in component 1 of
the mixture prior distribution estimated by the
Empirical Bayes algorithm.
ROR05 For runs that include the calculation of ROR,
the lower 5% confidence limit for ROR.
ROR95 For runs that include the calculation of ROR,
the upper 5% confidence limit for ROR.
The interval from ROR05 to ROR95 is the 90%
confidence interval.
ROR For runs that include the calculation of ROR,
the Reporting Odds Ratio. Computed as:
ROR = (PRR_A * PRR_D) / (PRR_B *
With stratification, ROR is computed as a
weighted average of the ROR within each
stratum. For more information, see ROR
ROW_NUM Identifies the row number assigned in one of
the output files. The value in this column may
not be unique in the results table for a given
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
RR Relative Ratio. (The same as N/E.) Observed
number of cases with the combination
divided by the expected number of cases
with the combination. This is a sampling
estimate of the true Relative Ratio (that
would be observed if the database were
much larger, but drawn from the same
conceptual population of reports) for the
particular combination of drug and event. RR
is computed as:
Observed # cases with ITEM1+ITEM2 pair /
Expected # cases with ITEM1+ITEM2 pair
For a stratified MGPS run, RR is computed as:
Observed # cases with ITEM1+ITEM2 pair
for all strata / Final Expected # cases with
ITEM1+ITEM2 pair
For a 3D MGPS run, the computations include
SUBSET If an MGPS run includes a subset variable
to categorize (subset) results, displays the
label for the subset that applies to each
Data in the following columns (ending in _IND) are computed using the MGPS
independence model and are provided to support runs completed in versions of the
Oracle Empirica Signal application prior to version 5.0:
Column Description
E_IND The expected number of cases with the
combination, as calculated by the MGPS
independence model. Computed as:
(Observed # cases with ITEM1/Total # cases )
x (Observed # cases with ITEM2/Total #
cases) x Total # cases
For a stratified MGPS run, calculated as total
of expected values for all the strata, where the
expected number of cases for each stratum is
computed as:
(Observed # cases with ITEM1 for stratum/
Total # cases for stratum) x (Observed #
cases with ITEM2 for stratum/Total # cases for
stratum) x Total # cases for stratum
Overall Expected = Total of Expected values
for all strata
When E_IND < .001, displays in scientific
For a 3D MGPS run, the calculations include
E2D_DIV_E_IND Ratio computed as: E2D_IND/E_IND
E2D_DIV_F_IND Ratio computed as: E2D_IND/F
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
E2D_IND The expected count based on the all-2-factor
log linear model.
EB05_IND A value such that there is approximately a
5% probability that the true Relative Ratio lies
below it, where Relative Ratio is defined by the
MGPS independence model.
EB95_IND A value such that there is approximately a
5% probability that the true Relative Ratio lies
above it, where Relative Ratio is defined by the
MGPS independence model.
The interval from EB05_IND to EB95_IND
may be considered to be the 90% confidence
EBGM_IND Empirical Bayesian Geometric Mean, as
computed by the MGPS independence model.
A more stable estimate than RR; the so-called
shrinkage estimate.
EBGMDIF_IND Applies to 3D runs. Essentially, this is a
way of measuring of the strength of a higher-
order association above and beyond what
would be expected from previously computed
component two-factor associations. Computed
by the MGPS independence model as:
EXCESS_IND A conservative estimate of how many
extra cases were observed above what
was expected. Computed by the MGPS
independence model as:
(EB05_IND - 1) x E_IND
EXCESS2_IND Applies to 3D runs. An estimate of how
many extra cases were observed over what
was expected using the all-2-factor model.
Computed by the MGPS independence model
where E2D_IND is the expected count based
on the all-2-factor log linear model.
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
RR_IND Relative Ratio computed by the MGPS
independence model. (The same as N/
E_IND.) Observed number of cases with
the combination divided by the expected
number of cases with the combination. This
may be viewed as a sampling estimate of
the true value of observed/expected for the
particular combination of drug and event. RR
is computed as:
Observed # cases with ITEM+-ITEM2 pair /
Expected # cases with ITEM1+ITEM2 pair
For a stratified MGPS run, RR is computed as:
Observed # cases with ITEM1+ITEM2 pair for
all strata / Final Expected # cases with ITEM1-
ITEM2 pair
For a 3D MGPS run, the computations include
Interactions table
Interaction estimates are calculated for a pair of drugs only if for both drugs
the number of drug+event reports exceeds the minimum interaction count for
the run.
Only drugs and events that you select as criteria appear in the table of interaction
To include only interaction scores that exceed a minimum threshold in the table:
1. In the View Interactions pop-up window, click Columns and Rows.
2. In the Limit to field, select a statistic and type a minimum value for the statistic.
By default, this limit is set to N12 > 0.0.
To include reports in which Item1 and Item2 did not occur with the Event, you
can set the limit to a negative number such as -1.0.
If you enable the Include SQL WHERE Clause for Advanced Results Selection
user preference, you can specify a SQL WHERE clause to limit the results.
Column Description
Item1 Value of the first predictor in the interaction, for example,
Influenza Vaccine.
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
Item2 Value of the second predictor in the interaction, for
example, Anthrax Vaccine.
Event Response associated with the interaction, for example,
Back Pain.
ERAM1 RGPS logistic regression odds ratio for Item1. This
value is an exponential function of the logistic regression
ERAM2 RGPS logistic regression odds ratio for Item1. This
value is an exponential function of the logistic regression
NREPORTS12 Observed number of cases reporting Item1 and Item2.
N12 Observed number of cases reporting Item1, Item2, and
E12 Expected value of N12 under the null hypothesis that
both Item1 and Item2 have no relative ratio reporting
This value is adjusted for covariates and concomitant
drugs using the RGPS prediction formula.
When E < .001, the value displays in scientific notation.
INTRR Ratio of observed (N12) to expected (E12) reports
adjusted for the larger of the disproportionality scores
for Item1 and Item2:
INTEB Signal score that indicates the strength of the interaction
between Item1 and Item2. This value is a shrunken
INTRR value.
INT05 Lower 5% confidence limit for INTEB.
INT95 Upper 95% confidence limit for INTEB.
Hover over a column heading to display a description of the column.
Results Table
The following columns are available for inclusion in the results table for a logistic
regression run. For information on the columns available for an MGPS run, see Data
mining results for MGPS runs or Logistic regression computations.
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
<predictor variable> Logistic regression runs include a drug
variable (the predictor) and an event variable
(the response). The results table includes
a column with the name of each variable
selected for the run; for example, Single
Ingredient and PT.
<response variable> Logistic regression runs can also include
covariate variables as predictors. If the run
includes covariates, click View Covariates to
review results for each covariate-event pair.
N Observed number of cases with the
combination of items. You can click the value
of N to display a menu from which you can drill
down to view or download case information or
run reports.
On the
Covariates table,
the value of N is
not hyperlinked.
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
JOB_ID The identifier assigned by the listener to the
sub-job in the run.
ID Identifies the unique row number assigned as
Oracle loads data from the run's output files.
ROW_NUM Identifies the row number assigned in one of
the run's output files. The value in this column
does not have to be unique in the results table
for a given run.
Covariates Table
For logistic regression runs that include computations for covariates, such as gender,
age group, or report receipt year, you can view a results table for each covariate-event
combination. The rows in this table reflect the scores calculated for each event and
each possible value for the covariates of the run, with the exception of the value
that occurs most frequently. (The value that occurs most frequently for each covariate
is used as the standard for the odds ratio calculated for each of the other values.)
For example, if you use Seriousness as a covariate and Seriousness has the unique
values YES and NO, with NO occurring most frequently, this table only includes rows
for YES in combination with each event.
Only the event values specified as results criteria apply to the table of
covariate results.
In addition to the columns shown in the results table, the following additional columns
are available in the table of covariate results:
Column Description
P_ITEM The name of the selected covariate variable, such as
Gender or Seriousness.
ITEM The value of the covariate, such as M, F, or U for a
covariate of Gender, or YES or NO for a covariate of
Interactions Table
For logistic regression runs that include the computation of interactions, you can
view a results table of scores calculated for each predictor+predictor+response
(drug+drug+event, drug+covariate+event, or covariate+covariate+event).
Only the drug(s) and event(s) that you selected as criteria are included in the table of
interaction results. To include only scores that exceed a minimum threshold value in
this table, click the Columns and Rows link above the table and use the Limit to field
to select a statistic and supply that minimum number. By default, this limit is set to N >
0.0: to include rows in this table for reports in which the Item1 value and Item2 value
did not occur with the event value, you must change this limit to a negative number
such as N > -1.0.
Chapter 5
View results tables
If your user preference, Include SQL WHERE Clause for Advanced Results
Selection, is checked, you can also specify a SQL WHERE clause. For example, to
view only rows that have a certain drug name as a value for either the first or second
predictor, enter a SQL WHERE clause of ITEM1='<drug name>' OR ITEM2='<drug
The following columns are available in the table of interaction results:
Column Description
P_ITEM1 For the value that appears in the ITEM1 column, either
provides the name of the covariate variable or the
configuration prefix for drug (D).
ITEM1 The value of the first predictor in the interaction. This
value can be a covariate (if the run included one or more
covariates) or a drug.
P_ITEM2 For the value that appears in the ITEM2 column,
provides the configuration prefix for drug (D) or the
name of the covariate variable.
ITEM2 The value of the second predictor in the interaction. This
value can be a drug or a covariate (if the run included
multiple covariates).
<response variable name> Event (response) variable selected for the run, such as
N Observed number of cases with the combination of all
three values (ITEM1, ITEM2, response). You can click
the value of N to display a menu from which you can
drill down to view or download case information or run
N_TOT Observed number of cases in the data that have both
ITEM1 and ITEM2.
To specify a SQL WHERE clause that includes this
column, use the underlying column name of INTSS.
E The predicted value of N based on LR without
interactions: the sum, over all N_TOT reports that have
both ITEM1 and ITEM2, of the predicted probability of
the response using the LR prediction formula.
When E < .001, the value displays in scientific notation.
INT_LOF Empirical Bayes shrinkage estimate of additional
interaction due to lack of fit to the LR model, based on
the ratio N/E.
To specify a SQL WHERE clause that includes this
column, use the underlying column name of EXCESS2.
INT_REGR Predicted ratio of probability of the response given both
ITEMs, divided by probability given worst ITEM, if LR
model is correct.
To specify a SQL WHERE clause that includes this
column, use the underlying column name of EXCESS.
INT_TOT Total interaction, computed as INT_REGR * INT_LOF.
To specify a SQL WHERE clause that includes this
column, use the underlying column name of LROR.
Chapter 5
View results tables
Column Description
INT05 Lower 5% confidence limit for INT_TOT.
To specify a SQL WHERE clause that includes this
column, use the underlying column name of LR05.
INT95 Upper 95% confidence limit for INT_TOT.
To specify a SQL WHERE clause that includes this
column, use the underlying column name of LR95.
LROR1 Logistic regression odds ratio relating the response
event to ITEM1.
To specify a SQL WHERE clause that includes this
column, use the underlying column name of PRR_A.
LROR2 Logistic regression odds ratio relating the response
event to ITEM2.
To specify a SQL WHERE clause that includes this
column, use the underlying column name of PRR_B.
JOB_ID The identifier assigned by the listener to the sub-job in
the run.
ID Identifies the unique row number assigned as Oracle
loads data from the output files of the run.
ROW_NUM Identifies the row number assigned in one of the output
files of the run. The value in this column may not be
unique in the results table for a given run.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Results.
2. On the Select Criteria page, choose the run from the Run name drop-down list.
Your Default Run user preference determines which run is selected by default.
3. On the Select Criteria page, click Browse.
4. From the drop-down lists in the 1. Choose Characteristics section, specify the
characteristics of the runs to select. Select -- to include all runs.
Chapter 5
View results tables
For example, to work with an MGPS run that uses Gender for stratification, choose
MGPS as the run type and Gender as the stratification variable. Only runs that
have both those characteristics appear in the table.
If there are no existing runs with a certain characteristic, you cannot
choose that characteristic. For example, if there are no logistic
regression runs, LR is not available for Run Type.
• To view a description of a run, click the Row Action ( ), and then click View
Run Details.
Chapter 5
View results tables
• To choose a run, click the Row Action menu ( ), and then click Select.
6. Click Reset if you want to reset all criteria to -- (All).
7. To change the way columns display in this table, or for information on finding text,
printing, or downloading, see About tables.
The full precision of numeric values is present in the underlying database.
Expected values
• Numeric values with an absolute value > 10 have one digit to the right of the
decimal point.
• Numeric values between 1 and 10 have two digits to the right of the decimal point.
• Numeric values between .01 and 1 appear as with three digits after the
• Numeric values less than .01 are expressed as scientific notation with four
significant figures.
• Columns of this type: E, F, EXCESS, EXCESS2, PRR_CHISQ, E_IND,
Probability values
• Numeric values between .001 and 1 are displayed as 0.xxxx with four digits after
the decimal.
• Numeric values less than .001 are expressed as scientific notation with four
significant figures.
Chapter 5
View results tables
• (In the event that a value is 1 or greater, it will display with two digits to the right of
the decimal point.)
• Columns of this type: P_VALUE, Q.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Results.
2. On the Select Criteria page, choose the run from the Run name drop-down list.
Your Default Run user preference determines which run is selected by default.
• To view all available runs, click Browse.
• To see the details of the run, click View Run Details, examine the details, then
click Close.
3. Specify the selection criteria by completing steps 3 through 5 on Load the run and
select variables.
4. Click View Results Table.
5. On the Results Table page, click Add to Case Series.
• If there are more than 20 rows in the results table, an error message appears.
Click Continue and change your selection criteria to restrict results to 20 or
fewer rows.
• If there are existing case series created from results of the same data mining
run, the Add Cases from Selected Results page appears.
6. Choose one of the following:
• Click Select for a case series. The cases are added to the selected case
• If there are no existing case series created from result of the same run, you
click New Case Series, and the Create Case Series page appears.
7. In the Name field, type a name for the case series. The name does not need to be
unique, although we recommend that you use a unique name.
The name of the run appears by default in the Description field as the description
of the case series. Edit the description as necessary.
8. Choose one of the following:
• To add the case series to an existing project, click Add to existing project
and select the project from the drop-down list.
• To add the case series to a new project, click Add to new project named and
type the name of the project.
9. Click Create.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Chapter 5
View results graphs
the drugs associated with Event1. You select Event1 on the Select Criteria
page and then choose a graph to review results for the drugs associated with
If you are viewing results of a three-dimensional run and you specify 2 as
the dimension (on the Select Criteria page ), you can view graphs for the
two-dimensional combinations in the results.
6. If you want to modify the graph key (for all graphs), click Set Graph Cutpoint
and Palette Choices, make your choices, and click Save to return to the Choose
Graph page.
7. Choose a graph type and click its link.
8. Specify graph display options and click Display. For information about setting
display options, see the descriptions of each graph:
• Graphs for 2D results
• Graphs for 3D results
• Bar graphs
• Confidence interval graphs
• Nested confidence interval graphs
• Discrete map graphs
• Cumulative map graphs
• Hierarchy graphs
• Overlap graphs
• Sector maps
The graphs appear on the right side of the page or in a popup window.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Option Check to
Popup Display each graph in an individual window.
If you have popup blocking software installed
on your PC, it may prevent these windows
from opening. You may want to disable your
popup blocking software.
Key Display a color key below the graph to show
which value each graph element (such as a
bar or region of the graph) represents. You
can modify the graph key as needed.
Notes Display notes about the graph.
Links Show the following:
• For some graphs, information about
what a graph component (such as
a bar, cell, or region) represents,
or statistics for the component, that
appears when you point to that
• A menu that allows you to drill down
when you click a graph component.
• Print link.
• Copy to Clipboard link (with Internet
Explorer, only).
• Save to Topic link (if Topics has been
configured to offer this feature).
• For some graphs, links to download
graph data.
8. Click Display.
Neither cutpoints nor color settings have any effect on the sector map graph,
graphs that are based on report data, or graphs on the Oracle Empirica
Signal Review Products and Product-Event Combination pages.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Results.
2. On the Select Criteria page, choose the run. Your Default Run user preference
determines which run is selected by default.
• To view all available runs, click Browse.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
• To see the details of the run, click View Run Details, examine the details, then
click Close.
3. Specify the selection criteria by completing steps 3 through 5 on Load the run and
select variables.
4. Click Choose Graph.
5. Click Set Graph Cutpoint and Palette Choices.
6. To change the cutpoints or minimum/maximum limits for a particular score range,
enter an integer or floating point number in each of the range fields for a score
such as EBGM, ERAM, PRR, or INTSS. For example:
If you are unsure about the meaning of a score, see Data mining results for MGPS
runs or Data mining results for logistic regression runs.
7. To change the color palette, click one of the following radio buttons:
8. Click Save.
Changes to the cutpoints and palette take effect immediately and apply to all graphs
for your current session. The next time you log in, the cutpoints are reset to defaults
and the palette is reset according to your user preference Graph color palette.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Graph Description
Bar graph Available for MGPS and logistic regression run results. A
horizontal bar graph with one bar for each combination.
Use this graph type to plot EBGM, PRR, ROR, ERAM,
and LROR scores.
If the run includes
subsetting, the graph label
includes (for a Single
If the run includes
subsetting, the graph label
includes (for a Single
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Graph Description
Discrete map graph Available for results of MGPS runs that use discrete
(non-cumulative) subsets. A map graph (discrete)
displays a colored grid showing combinations of items
(drugs or events) with a drug or event, where each
column of the grid reflects the data in a different subset.
The subsets were defined as non-cumulative (discrete)
in the data mining run.
This graph is suitable for comparing strength of
association between different subsets. For example,
to compare scores for the individual years of 1998,
1999, and 2000, or for the genders Female, Male, and
Link name: Map Graph showing Multiple Discrete
Cumulative map graph Available for results of MGPS run results that use
cumulative subsets. A map graph (cumulative) displays
a colored grid showing combinations of items (drugs or
events) with a drug or event, where each column of the
grid reflects the data in a subset. The subsets were
defined as cumulative in the data mining run.
This graph is suitable for studying the change in
association strength over time. For example, to observe
scores for 1998, 1998 through 1999, and 1998 through
Link name: Map Graph showing Cumulative Subsets.
Sector map graph Available for MGPS runs that include PT as an item
variable and for which you have selected drugs to view
results. A sector map graph for data mining results is a
visual presentation of data for a particular drug across
all System Organ Classes (SOCs). Sector map graphs
are available if you select up to five drugs on the Specify
Criteria page. The application ignores event selections
for the sector map graph.
Link name: Sector Map for Specified Drugs(s) and All
If the run includes
subsetting, the link name
includes (for a Single
Chapter 5
View results graphs
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click View Results.
• Hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), in the left navigation pane then click
Data Mining Results.
The Select Criteria page appears
3. From the Run name drop-down list, select the run you want to view. (Your user
preference, Default Run, determines which run, if any, is selected by default.) You
can also click Browse next to the Run name field to find and select a run.
4. Type at least one drug or event.
5. Click Choose Graph.
6. Select a bar graph.
7. On the Bar Graph page, specify restrictions, these are applied in addition to any
restrictions that you specified on the Select Criteria page:
Restriction Description
N at least Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
At most ____ associations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display up to 200
combinations. If combinations are excluded
because of this limit, a message appears
below the graph.
<score> at least Display only combinations with a score
(EBGM, ERAM, PRR, ROR, or LROR) of at
least the specified number.
<score> at least Display only combinations with a lower
confidence limit (EB05, ER05, ROR05,
LR05) of at least the specified number.
Subset Available only if you selected All on the
Select Criteria page. The available subsets
are all those selected during run creation.
Bar graphs show data for only one subset.
To view data for all subsets in a single
graph, click View as a Map Graph Showing
Discrete Subsets or View as a Map Graph
Showing Cumulative Subsets below the
Chapter 5
View results graphs
9. Click Display.
The bar graph appears.
10. You can point to a bar of the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the bar.
11. Click a bar in the graph to display a menu. If you are displaying multiple graphs on
the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.
a. To display the cases underlying the bar, click View Cases to drill down to a list
of cases for the bar.
b. To create a case series from the cases comprising the bar, click Create Case
c. To transfer to a different case series, click Transfer to Case Series.
d. To download the cases from the bar, click Download Cases.
e. To download case details of the bar, click Download Case Details.
f. To run a report about the bar, click Reports.
g. To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic. (This
option is available if Links is checked and the topics feature has been set up.)
The graph is attached in a PDF file.
See Work with results graphs for information about links below the graph.
Bar graphs
Bar graphs provide a straightforward way to display the items most closely associated
with a specified drug or event, showing the strength of association by plotting each
computed statistical score as the length of a horizontal bar.
A bar graph is available for two-dimensional results of MGPS data mining runs or
logistic regression runs. You can choose a bar graph to display the following scores:
• EBGM, EB05, or N for an MGPS data mining run.
• ERAM, ER05, or N if computed for an MGPS data mining run.
• PRR, if computed for an MGPS data mining run.
• ROR, ROR05, or N, if computed for an MGPS data mining run.
• LROR, LR05, or N for a logistic regression run.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
The graph key indicates the statistical ranges that determine the bar colors. On the
Choose Graph page, you can modify the graph key (specifically, the cutpoints and
If the Notes check box is checked when you display the graph, a Notes section
provides information about the selection criteria and display options used for the
The following example is a two-dimensional data mining run, with the drug Aprindine
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click View Results.
• Hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), in the left navigation pane then click
Data Mining Results.
The Select Criteria page appears.
3. From the Run name drop-down list, select the two-dimensional MGPS or Logistic
Regression run to view. (Your user preference, Default Run, determines which
run, if any, is selected by default.) You can also click Browse next to the Run
name field to find and select a run.
4. Type at least one drug or event.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Restriction Description
N at least Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
At most ____ associations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display up to 200
combinations. If combinations are excluded
because of this limit, a message appears
below the graph.
<score> at least Display only combinations with a score
(EBGM, ERAM, PRR, ROR, or LROR) of at
least the specified number.
<score> at least Display only combinations with a lower
confidence limit (EB05, ER05, ROR05,
LR05) of at least the specified number.
Subset Available only if you selected All on the
Select Criteria page. The available subsets
are all those selected during run creation.
Bar graphs show data for only one subset.
To view data for all subsets in a single
graph, click View as a Map Graph Showing
Discrete Subsets or View as a Map Graph
Showing Cumulative Subsets below the
9. Click Display.
The confidence interval graph appears.
10. You can point to a bar of the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the bar.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
11. Click a bar in the graph to display a menu. If you are displaying multiple graphs on
the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.
a. To display the cases underlying the bar, click View Cases to drill down to a list
of cases for the bar.
b. To create a case series from the cases comprising the bar, click Create Case
c. To transfer to a different case series, click Transfer to Case Series.
d. To download the cases from the bar, click Download Cases.
e. To download case details of the bar, click Download Case Details.
f. To run a report about the bar, click Reports.
g. To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic. (This
option is available if Links is checked and the topics feature has been set up.)
The graph is attached in a PDF file.
See Work with results graphs for information about links below the graph.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click View Results.
• Hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), in the left navigation page then click
Data Mining Results.
The Select Criteria page appears.
3. From the Run name drop-down list, select the two-dimensional MGPS run that
uses non-cumulative subsets that you want to view. (Your user preference, Default
Run, determines which run, if any, is selected by default.) You can also click
Browse next to the Run name field to find and select a run.
4. Type at least one drug or event.
5. Click Choose Graph.
6. Select a discrete map graph.
7. On the Discrete Map Graph page, specify restrictions, which will be applied in
addition to any restrictions that you specified on the Select Criteria page:
Restriction Description
N at least Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Restriction Description
At most ____ associations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display up to 200
combinations. If combinations are excluded
because of this limit, a message appears
below the graph.
EBGM at least Display only combinations with an EBGM
score of at least the specified number.
EB05 at least Display only combinations with an EB05
score of at least the specified number.
The following table shows how the application orders combinations in descending
order of EBGM.
9. Click Display.
The discrete map graph appears.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
10. You can point to a cell of the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the cell. Long drug or event terms may end in an ellipsis in the
label on the graph itself; in this case, you can point to the cell to see the full terms.
11. Click a bar in the graph to display a menu. If you are displaying multiple graphs on
the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.
a. To display the cases underlying the bar, click View Cases to drill down to a list
of cases for the bar.
b. To create a case series from the cases comprising the bar, click Create Case
c. To transfer to a different case series, click Transfer to Case Series.
d. To download the cases from the bar, click Download Cases.
e. To download case details of the bar, click Download Case Details.
f. To run a report about the bar, click Reports.
g. To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic. (This
option is available if Links is checked and the topics feature has been set up.)
The graph is attached in a PDF file.
See Work with results graphs for information about links below the graph.
Map graphs show data for multiple subsets. To view data for only a specified
subset, click View as a Bar Graph Showing a Single Subset or View as a
Single-Subset Bar Graph with Confidence Intervals.
The graph key indicates the statistical ranges that determine the cell colors. You can
modify the graph key (specifically, the cutpoints and colors) on the Choose Graph
If the Notes check box is selected when you display the graph, a Notes section
provides information on the selection criteria and display options used for the graph.
The following example is for a two-dimensional data mining run, with the Tachycardia
event selected:
Chapter 5
View results graphs
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click View Results.
• Hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), in the left navigation pane then click
Data Mining Results.
The Select Criteria page appears.
3. From the Run name drop-down list, select the two-dimensional MGPS runs with
cumulative subsets run that you want to view. (Your user preference, Default Run,
determines which run, if any, is selected by default.) You can also click Browse
next to the Run name field to find and select a run.
4. Type at least one drug or event.
5. Click Choose Graph.
6. Select a cumulative map graph.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
7. On the Map Graph (Cumulative) page, specify restrictions, which will be applied
in addition to any restrictions that you specified on the Select Criteria page:
Restriction Description
N at least ____ Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
EBGM at least ____ Display only combinations with an EBGM
score of at least the specified number.
EB05 at least ____ Display only combinations with an EB05
value of at least the specified number.
At most ____ associations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display up to 200
combinations. If combinations are excluded
because of this limit, a message appears
below the graph.
9. Click Display.
The cumulative map graph appears.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
10. You can point to a cell of the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the cell. Long drug or event terms may end in an ellipsis in the
label on the graph itself; in this case, you can point to the cell to see the full terms.
11. Click a bar in the graph to display a menu. If you are displaying multiple graphs on
the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.
a. To display the cases underlying the bar, click View Cases to drill down to a list
of cases for the bar.
b. To create a case series from the cases comprising the bar, click Create Case
c. To transfer to a different case series, click Transfer to Case Series.
d. To download the cases from the bar, click Download Cases.
e. To download case details of the bar, click Download Case Details.
f. To run a report about the bar, click Reports.
g. To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic. (This
option is available if Links is checked and the topics feature has been set up.)
The graph is attached in a PDF file.
See Work with results graphs for information about links below the graph.
Map graphs show data for multiple subsets, starting with the first subset for
which results exist. To view data for a specific subset, click View as a Bar
Graph Showing a Single Subset or View as a Single-Subset Bar Graph
with Confidence Intervals.
The graph key shows the statistical ranges that determine the cell colors. You can
modify the graph key (specifically, the cutpoints and colors) on the Choose Graph
If the Notes check box is selected when you display the graph, a Notes section
provides information on the selection criteria and display options used for the graph.
The following example is for a two-dimensional data mining run, with the Tachycardia
event selected:
Chapter 5
View results graphs
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click View Results.
• Hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), in the left navigation pane then click
Data Mining Results.
The Select Criteria page appears.
3. From the Run name drop-down list, select the two-dimensional MGPS run you
want to view. (Your user preference, Default run determines which run, if any, is
selected by default.) You can also click Browse next to the Run name field to Find
and select a data mining run.
4. Type at least one, but no more than five, drug names.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Column Description
Subset Available only if you selected All on the
Select Criteria page. The available subsets
are all those selected during run creation.
Color controlled by Name of the statistic whose values will be
ranked and used for coloring the sector map
tiles. Available values are those computed
by the data mining run and include EBGM,
EB05, ERAM, ER05, Chi-statistic (signed),
and PRR.
Term box size controlled by The factor that controls the size of PT tiles:
• Relative importance of term —Bases
the size of PT tiles on an algorithm that
determines the relative public health
impact of PTs. Using a recent version
of AERS data, the application computes
the public health impact for a PT as:
(number of times the PT occurs in
serious cases) * (proportion of cases
with that PT that are serious-or-fatal).
A higher Public Health Impact score
corresponds to a larger tile in the sector
map. Because size is based on the
number of cases of the PT alone (not
the number of cases that have the PT
and a particular drug), the tile size is
stable over sector maps for different
For PTs that are new
in the MedDRA version
associated with the AERS
data used to assess
public health impact, the
application cannot determine
the tile size. The application
represents these PTs as
small tiles.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Column Description
Show low scores in green for color graph Check to show low scores in varying shades
of green. Clear to show low scores in black.
This setting has no effect if you
display the sector map in gray-
Omit rare terms used fewer than __ times in Number indicating how many times a PT
AERS must be in the AERS database (the same
one used for Relative importance of term)
for that PT to be shown in the sector map.
The notes for a sector map
indicate any rare terms that
are omitted because of this
8. Click Display.
9. If you point to a PT tile, the MedDRA PT, HLT, HLGT, and SOC appear. The
following information for the combination of the drug and the term that the tile
represents also appears:
Chapter 5
View results graphs
The ERAM and ER05 are available only if the data mining run was
set up to compute RGPS.
The PRR and Chi-statistic are available only if the data mining run
was set up to compute PRR.
10. To zoom in on a particular SOC, click anywhere on the SOC tile and select Zoom
from the menu.
11. If you click a tile for which N is at least 1, you can then drill down to a list of cases
for the tile or view statistics for the tile.
12. To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic. (This option is
available if Links is checked and the topics feature has been set up.) The graph is
attached in a PDF file.
See Work with results graphs for information about links below the graph. For best
results, print the sector map graph in landscape mode.
Sector maps
A sector map for data mining results is a visual presentation of data for a particular
drug across all System Organ Classes (SOCs). A large tile represents each System
Organ Class (SOC) in the sector map. Smaller tiles within each SOC tile represent
Preferred Terms (PTs).
A sector map graph is available for two-dimensional results of MGPS data mining
The application ranks PTs in descending order of values of the statistic (EBGM, EB05,
Chi-statistic, or PRR) that you choose. A color key indicates relative ranking. You can
also list the ranked PTs below the sector map.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
The primary path of a PT determines where it appears in the sector map. If a
PT is not in the event hierarchy associated with the configuration, it appears
in a SOC tile named Unknown.
The list of ranked PTs below the sector map includes the following information:
Field Description
Rank Ranking of the term (combined with the drug) according
to values of the statistic you have configured the sector
map to use (via the Color controlled by option).
SOC SOC containing the term.
Term (PT) Specific PT.
EBGM. EB05, Chi-statistic, or PRR Value of the statistic you have configured the sector map
to use (via the Color controlled by option).
If Notes is checked when you display the graph, a Notes section provides information
about the selection criteria and display options used for the graph.
The following example is for a two-dimensional data mining run, with the drug Abacavir
selected on the Select Criteria page:
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Graph Description
Hierarchy graph Columns of colored cells, where the rows
represent 2-way and 3-way combinations. This
graph is suitable for studying multiple-item
combinations such as drug interactions or
The hierarchy graph uses INTSS values.
The independence model hierarchy graph,
which uses EBGMDIF_IND values, is for
compatibility with releases prior to WebVDME
Link name: Hierarchy Graph showing
Interaction . . .
Overlap graph A table of colored cells, where the rows
represent 2-way and 3-way combinations.
Same content as hierarchy graph, but
formatted differently.
The overlap graph uses INTSS values.
The independence model overlap graph,
which uses EBGMDIF_IND values, is for
compatibility with releases prior to WebVDME
Link name: Overlap Graph showing
Interaction . . .
Nested confidence interval graph Sets of confidence intervals. In each set,
the first confidence interval is for the
3D combination for the specified pattern.
Subsequent confidence intervals in the set are
for 2D combinations. Uses INTSS values.
Link name: Nested Confidence Interval Graph
showing Interaction . . .
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click View Results.
• Hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), in the left navigation pane then click
Data Mining Results.
The Select Criteria page appears.
3. From the Run name drop-down list, select the three-dimensional run you want to
view. (Your user preference, Default Run, determines which run, if any, is selected
Chapter 5
View results graphs
by default.) You can also click Browse next to the Run name field to find and
select a run.
4. Type at least one drug or event.
5. Click Choose Graph.
6. Select a hierarchy graph.
7. On the Hierarchy Graph page, specify restrictions, which will be applied in addition
to any restrictions that you specified on the Select Criteria page.
Restriction Description
N at least Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
At most ____ associations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display up to 200
combinations. If combinations are excluded
because of this limit, a message appears
below the graph.
Subset Available only if you selected All on the
Select Criteria page. The available subsets
are all those selected during run creation.
If the data mining run results
do not include items of the
same type (an option during run
creation), statistics do not appear
for items of the same type (such
as a drug+drug or event+event
9. Click Display.
The hierarchy graph appears.
10. You can point to a cell of the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the cell. Long drug or event terms may end in an ellipsis in the
label on the graph itself; in this case, you can point to the cell to see the full terms.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
11. Click a bar in the graph to display a menu. If you are displaying multiple graphs on
the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.
a. To display the cases underlying the bar, click View Cases to drill down to a list
of cases for the bar.
b. To create a case series from the cases comprising the bar, click Create Case
c. To transfer to a different case series, click Transfer to Case Series.
d. To download the cases from the bar, click Download Cases.
e. To download case details of the bar, click Download Case Details.
f. To run a report about the bar, click Reports.
g. To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic. (This
option is available if Links is checked and the topics feature has been set up.)
The graph is attached in a PDF file.
See Work with results graphs for information about links below the graph.
Hierarchy graphs
Hierarchy graphs highlight situations in which there are interaction effects (such as
drug interactions or event syndromes), where the score for an interaction or syndrome
is not predicted by the scores of its components.
The score for an interaction is INTSS, which is calculated as the EB05 score for the
combined drugs or events divided by the highest EB95 score found for an individual
component drug or event. The graph is built within the context provided by the drug
or event specified on the Select Criteria page. A hierarchy graph is available for three-
dimensional results of MGPS data mining runs.
The key below the graph shows the statistical ranges that determine the cell colors.
The ranges are for EBGM and INTSS values. On the Choose Graph page, you can
modify the graph key (that is, the cutpoints and colors).
If Notes is checked when you display the graph, a Notes section provides information
about the selection criteria and display options used for the graph.
The following example is for a three-dimensional data mining run, with the drug Tilidine
selected. The scores for the two-way interactions between that drug and a single event
appear in the left column. The scores for three-way interactions, between the drug and
two events, appear in the right column.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click View Results.
• Hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), in the left navigation pane then click
Data Mining Results.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Restriction Description
N at least Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
At most ____ associations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display up to 200
combinations. If combinations are excluded
because of this limit, a message appears
below the graph.
Subset Available only if you selected All on the
Select Criteria page. The available subsets
are all those selected during run creation.
If the data mining run results
do not include items of the
same type (an option during run
creation), statistics do not appear
for items of the same type (such
as a drug+drug or event+event
9. Click Display.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Overlap graphs
Overlap graphs highlight situations in which there are interaction effects (such as drug
interactions or event syndromes), where the score for an interaction or syndrome is
not predicted simply by the scores of its components.
The score for the interaction or syndrome is shown as INTSS, which is computed
as the EB05 score for the combined drugs or events divided by the highest EB95
score found for the component drugs or events. The graph is built within the context
provided by the drug or event specified on the Select Criteria page. An overlap graph
is available for three- dimensional results of MGPS data mining runs.
The key below the graph shows the statistical ranges that determine the cell colors.
The ranges are for EBGM and INTSS values. On the Choose Graph page, you can
modify the graph key (that is, the cutpoints and colors).
If Notes is checked when you display the graph, a Notes section provides information
about the selection criteria and display options used for the graph.
The following example is for a three-dimensional data mining run, with the event
Flushing selected on the Select Criteria page. The scores for the two-way interactions
between that event and a single drug appear in the cells in the first column and the
first row of the graph. The scores for three-way interactions between the event and two
drugs appear in the remainder of the graph (in the center and in the rest of the bottom
row and right column).
Chapter 5
View results graphs
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click View Results.
• Hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), in the left navigation pane then click
Data Mining Results.
The Select Criteria page appears.
3. From the Run name drop-down list, select the three-dimensional MGPS run.
(Your user preference, Default Run, determines which run, if any, is selected by
default.) You can also click Browse next to the Run name field to find and select a
4. Type at least one drug or event.
5. Click Choose Graph.
6. Select a nested confidence interval graph.
7. On the Nested Confidence Interval Graph page, specify restrictions, which will
be applied in addition to any restrictions that you specified on the Select Criteria
Chapter 5
View results graphs
Restriction Description
N at least Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
At most ____ combinations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display graphs for
up to 200 combinations. If combinations are
excluded because of this limit, a message
appears below the graph.
Subset Available only if you selected All on the
Select Criteria page. The available subsets
are all those selected during run creation.
9. Click Display.
The nested confidence interval graph appears.
10. You can point to a bar of the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the bar. Long drug or event terms may end in an ellipsis in the
label on the graph itself; in this case, you can point to the bar to see the full terms.
11. Click a bar in the graph to display a menu. If you are displaying multiple graphs on
the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.
a. To display the cases underlying the bar, click View Cases to drill down to a list
of cases for the bar.
b. To create a case series from the cases comprising the bar, click Create Case
c. To transfer to a different case series, click Transfer to Case Series.
d. To download the cases from the bar, click Download Cases.
e. To download case details of the bar, click Download Case Details.
f. To run a report about the bar, click Reports.
g. To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic. (This
option is available if Links is checked and the topics feature has been set up.)
The graph is attached in a PDF file.
Chapter 5
View results graphs
See Work with results graphs for information about links below the graph.
Chapter 5
Drill down through data
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Edit.
4. In the right-most column of the configuration, click Edit.
5. Next to the Drilldown Map field, click Select/Edit Table.
6. Click Create New Table.
7. In the Enter name of new drilldown table field, type a name for the new table.
Table names cannot include:
Chapter 5
Drill down through data
• Spaces
• ?, \, or "
It is recommended that you use a name that distinguishes the table from
other drilldown map tables and indicates the table’s purpose, such as
8. Click Create Table.
The new table appears as the selected drilldown table. The first column of the
drilldown map table shows the information type.
9. Edit the drilldown map table as necessary.
The same drilldown map table may be used by more than one data
configuration in the Oracle account. Before editing a drilldown map table,
make sure you want the changes to apply to all data configurations that
refer to the drilldown map table.
a. Select the Type you want to edit and click Edit. (If you want to clear values for
the type, click Clear.)
b. In the Table field, click Select to open the Select Table and Column dialog
box and select an available table and column for the drilldown table to
The application populates the Table field and Report ID Column field with your
selection. The column should be compatible with the column for case IDs in
the source data used in data mining.
c. In the Section Title field, type a label for the section of the drilldown map
The label appears on the Case Details page as the section heading.
d. In the Worksheet label field, type a label for the application to apply to the
table worksheet.
This label appears on the worksheet tabs when Case Details are downloaded
to Excel.
e. In the Display Columns section, select and label each column to include.
f. From the first Column drop-down list, select a variable.
g. In the corresponding Label column, type a label (column heading) to apply to
the variable in the drilldown table.
In the drilldown information, variables appear in the order in which you specify
h. If you want the drilldown information to show only distinct values for the
variables, check Distinct.
i. Click Save.
10. When you have finished specifying all types of information that you need, click OK.
The Select/Edit Drilldown Table dialog box appears with the Table, Report ID Field,
and Display Columns columns filled in.
Chapter 5
Drill down through data
Type Description
CASE Case Information
DRUG Reported Drugs/Vaccines
EVENT Reported Events/Symptoms
OUTCOME Reported Outcomes
SOURCE Reported Sources
BATCH_LOT Batches/Lots
DEVICE Devices
DEVICE_CODE_DEV Facility Device Codes
DEVICE_CODE_PAT Facility Patient Codes
DEVICE_MANU_CONCLUDE Manufacturer Conclusion Codes
DEVICE_MANU_METHOD Manufacturer Method Codes
DEVICE_MANU_RESULT Manufacturer Result Codes
DIAGNOSTIC Diagnostic Procedures Performed
DRUG_HISTORY Patient Drug History
DRUG_IND Indications
DRUG_REACT Drug-Reaction Information
LITERATURE Literature References
MEDICAL_CONDITION Medical Conditions
PATIENT_REGISTRY Patient Registry Information
PREGNANCY Pregnancy Information
REPORTER Reporter Information
CAUSE_OF_DEATH Cause of Death
AES_ADDL_HISTORY Chronological History
AES_ADDL_INFO Additional Information
AES_CEV_DRUG Drug-event Information
AES_CODES_DEV Device Codes
AES_DEVICE_CODE Device Problems
Chapter 5
Drill down through data
Type Description
AES_DOSE Dosing Regimens
AES_EVAL Case Evaluation Information
AES_LAB Associated Lab Results
AES_REPORTER Reporter Information
For example, medical history or laboratory
data for the case. See Narrative text for details
about setting up narrative text.)
Drilldown options
You can drill down on the count (N) of cases from tables and graphs to access useful
options and further information.
The type of data presented during drilldown is from the source database tables, and is
determined by the drilldown map table associated with the data configuration.
• On Oracle Empirica Signal tables, the count (N) of cases is a link that you can
click to display a menu with drill-down options.
• In graphs, you can click an element (such as a bar or cell) of the graph to display
the menu.
You can select the following options for the cases that make up the count or are
represented by the graph element:
Options Click to
View Cases View a list of cases.
Create Case Series Create a case series.
For timestamped data, the As Of date of the case series
will be that of the object you are viewing.
Transfer to Case Series Transfer the list of cases to an existing case series.
Download Cases Download the list of cases.
Download Case Details Download case details for the cases to an Excel
spreadsheet or a Word Rich Text Format File. You can
download case details only if the appropriate site option
has been set. (When viewing a particular case, you can
also download case details for that one case.)
Reports View a report for the cases. You can run only one report
definition at the same time. Report definitions appear
only if they are compatible with the data configuration for
the object that you are viewing.
Chapter 5
Drill down through data
2. From the Run name drop-down list, select the run you want to view. Your Default
Run user preference determines which run is selected by default.
3. Specify selection criteria, and then click View Results Table.
4. Click the drug's Row Action menu ( ) and select View Cases.
5. Click Close or perform any of these additional activities on the cases shown:
• To see the details of a case, click the Case Number.
• To create a case series containing the case IDs, click Create Case Series.
For timestamped data, the As Of date of the case series is that of the object
you were viewing when you drilled down.
• To transfer the list of cases to an existing case series, click Transfer to Case
• To download case details for all cases in the list to an Excel spreadsheet or a
Word Rich Text Format File, click Download Case Details. You can download
case details only if the appropriate site option has been set. (When viewing a
particular case, you can also download case details for that one case.)
• To view a report for the cases, click Reports. Report definitions appear only
if they are compatible with the data configuration for the object that you were
• To save the list of cases as an attachment to a topic, click the Save to Topic
link (available if the Topics feature has been set up).
Oracle Empirica Signal retrieves the data that appears on the Cases page
from the source data. Therefore, it does not include custom terms or values
created by data transformations.
Chapter 5
Drill down through data
Oracle Empirica Signal retrieves the data that appears as case details
from the source data. Therefore, custom terms or values created by data
transformations do not appear.
3. Select the product, click the Row Action menu ( ) icon, and select View
Product-Event Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. In a product-event combination table, click a total of cases in a column that
appears in bold. The bold denotes that the number is a link that, when clicked,
displays a menu.
5. Click View Cases.
6. Click a case ID; for example, an ISR number.
7. Perform additional actions in the Case Details window:
• To print case details, click Print
• To download case details to an Excel spreadsheet or a Word Rich Text Format
File, click Download.
• To save the case details as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic
(available topics feature has been set up).
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Results.
2. From the Run name drop-down list, select the run. Your Default Run user
preference determines which run is selected by default.
3. Specify selection criteria, and then click View Results Table.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) or click the link in the N column and then click
View Cases.
5. Click a case ID; for example, an ISR number.
6. Perform additional actions in the Case Details window:
• To print case details, click Print.
• To download case details to an Excel spreadsheet or a Word Rich Text Format
File, click Download.
• To save the case details as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic
(available if the topics feature has been set up).
Chapter 5
Drill down through data
Case ID links
When a case ID appears as a link anywhere in the application, you can click the link
to drill down to case details. Once you have clicked a case ID link, the color of the link
changes. This color change:
• Applies to only your username and across your Oracle Empirica Signal sessions.
• Lasts for the number of days that you have set as your user preference, Days to
retain visited status for case ID links.
• Applies across all activities within the application.
• Applies to data associated with all data configurations in the same database group
(an attribute of a configuration).
For example, two data mining runs are based on data configurations in the same
database group. When viewing results for one run, you drill down to a list of cases and
then click the case ID, 1435. The color of case ID 1435 changes, indicating that you
have visited the case ID. You log out, log back in, and view a case series that includes
case ID 1435 and is based on the second data configuration. Case ID 1435 appears in
the changed color, indicating that you have visited it.
• The user preference, Days to retain visited status for case ID links,
applies to case ID links that you visit after you set the preference.
• The visited status is reset each time you visit a case ID link. For
example, suppose that your user preference is set to 5. On Day 2,
you click a case ID link. The link visited status is retained for 5 days
beginning with Day 2. You visit the case ID link again on Day 3. The link
visited status now is retained for 5 days beginning with Day 3. Then you
change the user preference to 10. On Day 9, you view a list of cases
that includes the case ID. The case ID link is the original color again
because 6 days have passed since Day 3. When you click the link, the
user preference is reset, so the visited status is retained for 10 days (the
new preference setting) from Day 9.
• If you do not want case ID links to change color when they are visited,
you can set your user preference to retain the visited status of case IDs
to 0 days.
• If the data is associated with a data configuration that is not in a
database group, the color of visited case ID links never changes.
To remove the visited status of all your case ID links at any time, click Settings and
then click Remove Visited Status of Case ID Links.
Chapter 5
Drill down through data
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Data
Mining Results.
2. From the Run name drop-down list, select the run you want to view. Your Default
Run user preference determines which run is selected by default.
3. Specify selection criteria, and then click View Results Table.
4. Click the drug's Row Action menu ( ) whose cases you want to view and select
View Cases.
5. Click Create Case Series.
6. In the Name field, type a name for the new case series. The name does not need
to be unique, although Oracle recommends that you use a unique name.
7. In the Description field, enter a description of the case series. A default
description, which you can modify, might appear.
8. To add the case series to a project, click Add to existing project and select the
project from the drop-down list of projects associated with objects that you created
or that are published to you.
9. To create a new project and assign the case series to it, click Add to a new
project named and type a project name.
10. Click Create.
Query the safety database
• View existing queries
• Queries and the query library
• Create, edit, and run a query
• Manage your queries
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
2. Filter the list of your queries and queries published to you as necessary.
• From the Project drop-down list, select the project for which you want to view
queries or -- to include all projects.
• From the Configuration drop-down list, select the data configuration for which
you want to view queries or -- to include all configurations.
• From the Origin drop-down list, select the origin of the queries you want to
view; select -- to include all types.
What you can do next
• To view, print, or download the table, or to change the way data displays in the
table, see About tables.
• To print, download, or delete multiple queries, click Select Rows. Select the check
box for one or more rows or click the Select All link to check all rows (or Clear All
to uncheck all rows). Then click Print, Download, or Delete.
• To create a query using the built-in Query Wizard, click the Create Using Query
Wizard link.
Chapter 6
Queries and the query library
– To run the query and then run a report against cases found by the query, click
Report and select a data configuration. After you run the query, the Report
Definitions page appears.
For queries you created, click a query's Row Action menu ( ) to do the following:
• To copy a query, click Copy. Then provide a name for the copy and save it.
• To edit the query, click Edit. You can click Back to select a different data
• To rename the query, click Rename. You can also change its description or assign
it to a different project.
• To publish a query, click Publish, select the login group(s), then click Back. (If you
have the Administer Users permission, you can publish configurations created by
any user in your login group.)
– To publish multiple queries, click the Select Rows link, select the radio buttons
of the queries, then click the Publish link.
– If you are a superuser, you can publish to multiple login groups, including
—All–. In the Publish to Login Groups drop-down list, click or Ctrl+click to
select login groups. If you publish to —All– and later add a new login group,
the object is published automatically to the new login group.
• To run the query and then run a report against cases found by the query, click
Report and select a data configuration. After you run the query, the Report
Definitions page appears.
• To delete a query, click Delete. At the message asking if you want to delete the
query, click OK. The query is deleted and no longer appears on the Queries page.
Editing or deleting a query has no effect on any case series, database
restrictions, custom terms, or interactive reports that were created using the
Chapter 6
Create, edit, and run a query
existing queries is the Query Library. To use an existing query, you select it from the
Query Library. For example, there is an existing query that finds females under age
65. To perform a data mining run based only on females under age 65, you define a
database restriction based on that query.
When using an existing query in the process of defining another object, you work with
a copy of the query. Modifying the copy does not affect the query in the Query Library.
Likewise, changes to the query in the library do not affect the copies of the query
associated with any existing objects.
Because queries run on source data (not data mining results), they do not
include custom terms or values created by data transformations.
Chapter 6
Create, edit, and run a query
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
2. At the top left of the Queries page, click Create Using Query Wizard.
3. On the Select Configuration page, select a data configuration from the
Configuration drop-down list or click Browse to select from a list of data
4. Click Next.
5. On the Define Query page, click Select Variables.
6. (Optional) If you want information about the variable shown, click Show Variables.
7. From the All Variables in All Tables list, select one or multiple variables on which
to base conditions and use the right-arrow button to move them to the Selected
Variables list.
8. Click OK.
A field for each variable you selected appears on the Define Query page. Oracle
Empirica Signal assigns a number to each variable. When you specify query logic,
you use that number to refer to the condition that is based on that variable. If you
point to the field name, a description of the field appears.
9. Choose one of the following:
• If you are creating or editing a query from the Queries page or for an
interactive report, you can specify values for each variable in the query. When
running the query, you can change the specified values or enter values (if
none were provided in the original query).
• If you are creating or editing a query in the process of defining a database
restriction, custom term, or case series, you must specify values for each
variable or remove the variable.
– The way in which you specify values depends on the type of variable. For
more information, see Specify query values.
– Each condition that you specify must be referenced by the query logic. If
you are not going to reference a condition, you must remove the condition
from the query, by clicking the [X] in the upper right corner of the box
containing the variable.
You can include the same variable in the query multiple times. For
example, cases for which the subject's age is between 17 and 25 or
above 65. You include the AGE variable and set it to 17-25; include the
AGE variable again and set it to above 65; then connect the variables
with the OR operator.
10. Specify query logic by clicking Edit and entering a logical expression, referring
to variables by their numbers, then click OK. For more information, see How to
specify logic in a query.
Chapter 6
Create, edit, and run a query
If you add or delete another query variable after this step, the query logic
is reset to a default.
11. If your user preferences include Show case count by default on preview page,
you can check Display Case Count in Query Preview. You must specify values
for all variables. Computation of the case count can be time-consuming, so we
recommend that you display counts only when necessary.
12. Click Next to preview the query.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
2. At the top left of the Queries page, click Create Using Query Wizard.
3. On the Select Configuration page, from the Configuration drop-down list, select
a data configuration or click Browse to select from a descriptive list of data.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Define Query page, click Select Variables.
6. From the All Variables in All Tables list, select one or multiple variables on which
to base conditions and use the right-arrow button to move them to the Selected
Variables list.
7. Click OK.
A field for each variable you selected appears on the Define Query page. Oracle
Empirica Signal assigns a number to each variable. When you specify query logic,
you use that number to refer to the condition that is based on that variable.
8. Specify values for each variable.
9. Click Edit.
10. Specify query logic by entering a logical expression, referring to variables by their
numbers. Use logical operators and set operators.
11. Type in logical operators, set operators, and parentheses as needed.
• The conditions in a query must be joined by the AND, OR, INTERSECT, UNION,
or MINUS operator. The NOT operator is available to negate a condition (for
example, 1 AND NOT 2).
• Each condition must be referenced by the query logic at least once. You can
refer to the same condition multiple times in a query. For example, you can
specify: (1 AND NOT 2) OR 2.
12. Click OK.
Chapter 6
Create, edit, and run a query
If query values were not specified for a variable, the value for the
variable appears as ?.
The number of cases to be retrieved by the query (if you checked Display Case
Count in Query Preview on the Define Query page).
7. To preview the query results, click Preview Cases.
This option is available only if you specified values for all variables and site option
Allow Case Count on Query Preview page is enabled.
8. Click Next to save the query.
Chapter 6
Create, edit, and run a query
8. In the Name field, enter a name for the query. The name does not need to be
unique, although we recommend that you use a unique name.
9. (Optional) In the Description field, enter an informative description of the query.
10. Choose one of the following options:
• To assign the query to an existing project, click Add to existing project
and select the project from the drop-down list. Only projects associated with
objects that you created or that are published to you appear in the list.
• To create a new project and assign the query to it, click Add to a new project
named and enter a project name.
11. Click OK.
When you create or edit a query, the Define Query page appears. On the Define
Query page, you specify conditions and link them with operators. For information
about operators, see Specifying query logic.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
2. Click the query's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Run.
When you run an interactive report, you also run a query.
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration from a list of
compatible data configurations. This is the source data against which the query
4. Click Next.
5. On the Run Query page, specify values for query variables. For more information,
see Specify query values.
If the operators in the query are all AND, all OR, all INTERSECT, or all UNION, you
do not need to specify values for every variable. If you do not specify a value for
a variable and you do not check Include Null values for the variable, then the
application ignores that variable. If all of the operators in the query are MINUS or if
you use a mixture of different operators in the query, you must specify values for
every variable.
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
You can set up a query-based interactive report to use query values
as breakdown details. If a column or row variable has no breakdown
values because you do not supply query values when running the report,
the application drops the column or row from the report. If the resulting
report has no rows or no columns, you cannot run the report until you
supply query values.
6. Click Next.
The cases matching the query appear on the Cases page. See View query results.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
2. Click the query's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Run.
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration and click Next.
4. On the Run Query page, specify values for query variables. For more information,
see Specify query values.
5. Click Next to display the cases that match the query.
You can do the following on the Cases page:
• To run a report against cases found by the query, click Report. The Report
Definitions page appears.
• To download case details for all cases in the list to an Excel spreadsheet or a
Word Rich Text Format file, click Download Case Details. You can download
case details only if the appropriate site option has been set. (When viewing a
particular case, you can also download case details for that one case.)
• To save a case series from the query results, click Save As Case Series.
• To save the query results as an attachment to a topic , click Save to Topic
(available if the topics feature has been set up).
• View case details for a single case in the list, if the appropriate site option has
been set. Click the case ID link in the case list. The Case Details page appears.
For information about how visited case ID links change color, see Case ID links.
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
• To refer to a saved list of terms, click Select Saved List. You can specify a saved
list that uses the same data configuration as the query.
• To type the terms, review the rules in Typing values in text boxes.
To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, Oracle recommends that
you select rather than type values.
• To look up a drug name for a drug variable, click Trade/Generic Lookup. You
can find the generic name for a drug (if you only know its trade name) or vice
versa. (This link is available if the data configuration's source data included trade
name-generic name mapping.)
Specifying ranges
For numeric or date variables, specify a range by entering From and To values.
Values equal to or greater than the From value and equal to or less than the To value
are found. If you leave the From field empty, there is no lower bound. If you leave the
To field empty, there is no upper bound.
If a date variable is stored as a date field in the source data, you must enter the date in
the format MM/DD/YYYY or use the calendar icon to select a date.
If you do not specify a time, the application considers the time to be midnight of the
specified date.
If a date variable is stored as a text field in the Oracle database, you can
search for it as you would search for any text string.
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
Set operators
Set operators act on sets of cases that are retrieved by the conditions on each side of
the set operator. You can use the following set operators between conditions:
• INTERSECT—Find cases that are in both sets.
• UNION—Find cases that are in either set.
• MINUS—Find cases that are in the set to the left of the operator, and subtract from
that list the cases that are in the set to the right of the operator.
Sometimes it is possible to specify the same query using either logical operators or set
operators. It is preferable to use logical operators because they are more efficient.
Operator priority
When the application interprets the query expression, it applies operators in the
following order:
• OR
• INTERSECT, UNION, MINUS (same priority)
The only restriction on how logical and set operators can interact is that logical
operators cannot act on the results of set operators. For example, the following query
is invalid: 1 AND (2 INTERSECT 3).
You can use parentheses to change the way in which a query expression is
interpreted. If you do not use parentheses explicitly, the query is interpreted as if there
are parentheses, based on the default order of operators.
For example, suppose the query is:
You specify the following conditions:
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
In the following examples, the query logic does not always refer to all three conditions.
When you create a query within the Oracle Empirica Signal application, the query logic
must reference all conditions in the query.
A condition can refer to multiple values. For example, you can include the
DRUG variable once and select Thiamine and Niacin as one condition. The
example includes the DRUG variable twice to illustrate complex logic.
If the source data includes cases A through G with the following data:
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
1 AND 3
The query retrieves cases with rows in which Thiamine occurred and DOSE >= 20 for
that row:
1 OR 3
The query retrieves cases with rows in which either Thiamine occurred or DOSE >= 20
for any DRUG:
If you use OR between variables from different tables, only cases that are in each of
those tables are retrieved. For example, if a query specifies that Death Date from
the DEMO table is within a specified range OR Outcome from the OUTCOME table is
Died OR PT from the REACTION table is Death, the application retrieves only cases
that meet the criteria and are in all three tables. You can use set operators instead
of logical operators. For example, replace OR with UNION in the query to find DEMO
table cases with Death Date within the range plus OUTCOME table cases where the
Outcome is Died plus REACTION table cases where the PT is Death.
1 AND 2
No cases are retrieved because no one row for a case can have both Thiamine and
Niacin for a DRUG.
You can use the set operator INTERSECT if you want to find cases with both Thiamine
and Niacin. See the 1 INTERSECT 2 example.
1 AND 2 OR 3
The query retrieves cases with rows in which Thiamine occurred and, for that row,
Niacin occurred (not possible, because a row can have only one DRUG), or DOSE >=
20 for any DRUG:
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
1 AND 2 OR 3
The query retrieves cases with rows in which Thiamine occurred and, for the same
row, either Niacin occurred (not possible, since a row can have only one DRUG) or
DOSE >= 20:
The query retrieves cases with rows in which Thiamine occurred and DOSE is not >=
20 for that row:
The query retrieves cases with rows in which Thiamine did not occur and DOSE >=
NOT (1 AND 3)
The query retrieves cases with rows in which Thiamine with DOSE => 20 did not
The query finds the intersection of the two sets:
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
The query finds the intersection of the two sets:
Note that for case B, there is no occurrence of Thiamine where DOSE >= 20, but case
B was in the set created by Condition 3 as well as the set created by condition 1, so
the query retrieves it.
The query finds the union of the two sets:
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
The query finds the cases that remain when cases in set 1 are removed from set 3:
The query finds the following case:
The query finds the following cases:
Null values
If you check Include Null values for a condition, the condition finds cases with rows
for which the condition is true or the variable referenced by the condition is null. If
you precede the condition with NOT, the condition finds cases with rows for which the
condition is not true or the variable referenced by the condition is not null.
For example, suppose that the source data has four null values for DOSE (indicated
by dashes (-) in the following table):
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
If you specify the condition DOSE >= 20 and check Include Null values, the
application finds the following cases:
When you specify that values for a query should include nulls and then you precede
the condition with the NOT operator, the query retrieves cases with rows for which the
condition is not true and the variable used in the condition is not null.
If you specify NOT 3 (meaning not condition 3, which is DOSE >= 20) and you have
checked Include Null values, the following cases are found:
2. Click the query's Row Action menu ( ), and then click View
The query logic for the selected query appears.
3. Click OK.
Rename a query
You can rename only those queries that you created.
Chapter 6
Manage your queries
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
2. Click the query's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Rename.
3. In the Name field, type a query name. The name does not need to be unique,
although we recommend that you use a unique name.
4. In the Description field, optionally modify the description of the query.
5. Choose one of the following options:
• To assign the query to an existing project, click Add to existing project
and select the project from the drop-down list. Only projects associated with
objects that you created or that are published to you appear in the list.
• To create a new project and assign the query to it, click Add to a new project
named and enter a project name.
6. Click Save.
Create and manage case series
• About case series
• Case Series page
• Create and manage case series
• Work with case series
• Case series background processing
Chapter 7
Case Series page
Use a query-based case series to retrieve and view source data as needed in your
review and analysis of data. For example, you can retrieve cases that meet specified
criteria, and then run a report against that case series.
Using the Query Wizard, you select variables from the source data, and then select
values for each variable. You can use logical operators (AND, OR, and NOT) or set
operators (INTERSECT, UNION, and MINUS) between the variables to construct a
logical expression. The query retrieves a list of cases. The case series consists of
case IDs of those cases. If the query retrieves a case multiple times, its case ID
appears once in the case series.
You can add the query portion of a case series to the Query Library (the Queries
page). The query in the Query Library is completely separate from the query that is
part of the case series. For example, if you modify the query in the Query Library, the
modification does not affect the case series. If you modify the query portion of a case
series, the modification does not affect the query in the library.
General activities
The following links and filters appear the top of the page and affect the entire page:
• Create Using Query Wizard
• Create Empty Case Series
• PRR Calculator
• Columns
• Print
• Download
• Select Rows
• Filter by project
• Filter by configuration
The following links appear the top of the page when the page is in the Select Rows
mode. The links affect the multiple cases:
• Print
• Download
• Delete
• Combine Case Series
• Select All
• Clear All
• Back
Chapter 7
Case Series page
Row-specific activities
The following menu options can be available from the Row menu, located in the
left-most column of the table, and affect an individual row in the table:
• Cancel
• View Cases
• View Query
• Edit Query
• Rename a case series
• Report
• Publish
• Add Query to Library
• Copy
• Delete
To add the query portion of the case series to the Query Library, click Add Query to
Library. You must have access to the data configuration on which the case series is
based. If the query is added to the Query Library (the Queries page), that query is
separate from the case series. Subsequent modification or deletion of the query in the
library has no effect on the case series.
To copy a case series, click Copy. You must have access to the configuration on
which the case series is based. You can copy any case series that you created or that
has been published to your login group. If you have the Administer Users permission,
you can copy a case series published to any login group.
To cancel a Running or In Queue case series background processing job, click
Cancel. The Cancel option is available only when a background processing job exists
for the case series.
If you click the Row Action menu ( ) for a case series that you created, you can do
the following:
• To edit the query portion of a case series that was created with the Query Wizard,
click Edit Query. You can click Back to select a different data configuration.
If the Cases Added column shows Yes, then cases have been transferred or
added manually to the case series. If you re-execute the case series, those cases
will no longer be part of the case series.
Your edits to the query portion of the case series have no effect on
the query in the Query Library (the Queries page). Likewise, editing or
deleting the query in the library has no effect on the case series.
• To rename a case series, click Rename. You can also change its description or
assign it to a different project
Chapter 7
Case Series page
Column Description
Name Name of the case series.
Description Description of the case series.
Project Name of the project to which the case series is
Configuration Name of the data configuration associated with
the case series.
# of Cases Number of cases in the case series.
Created By Name of the user who created the case series.
Created Date and time on which the case series was
Modified Date and time when the case series was last
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the case
Status The current status of the background
processing job.
As Of Applies if the configuration supports
timestamped data. The As Of date associated
with the case series. If you created the case
series when drilling down, this is the As Of
date associated with what you were viewing
before you drilled down.
A date and time
appear in this
column even if
the configuration
does not support
data. In this
case, the date
and time is
the same as the
date and time in
the Created
Chapter 7
Create and manage case series
Column Description
Associated Run Name of the data mining run that generated
the results from which the case series was
created. If the run associated with a case
series is deleted, the application retains the
case series but it is no longer associated with
the run.
If the case series was not created from run
results, this column is empty.
Cases Added One of the following values:
• Yes—For a query-based case series,
cases have been manually added to
or transferred to the case series since
the query portion of the case series
was last executed (by clicking the Row
Chapter 7
Create and manage case series
To create or edit a query-based case series, use the Query Wizard, which guides
you through the process of selecting variables, selecting values, and specifying query
If you edit and re-execute the query portion of a query-based case series
to which cases have been transferred or added manually, Oracle Empirica
Signal drops those cases from the case series if they do not meet the query
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
2. Click Create Using Query Wizard.
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration. You can click
Browse to select from a list of data configurations.
4. Click Next to define the query conditions.
5. Click Select Variables.
6. Select variables from the left-hand list and move them to the Selected Variables
list on the right.
7. From the Table drop-down list, select All Tables or a specific table.
8. In the Match field, enter a variable to find.
9. Click OK.
10. Build the query on the Define Query page by selecting the values to include.
12. Review the data source and query logic. To preview the query results, click
Preview Cases. This option is available only if you specified values for all
variables and your user preference Show case count by default on preview
page is enabled.
13. Click Close, then Next.
14. Save the query by specifying a name for the query. The name does not need to be
unique, although we recommend that you use a unique name.
15. In the Description field, leave the description or add a description of the query.
• To assign the case series to an existing project, click Add to existing project
and select the project from the drop-down list. Only projects associated with
objects that you created or that are published to you appear in the list.
• To create a new project and assign the case series to it, click Add to a new
project named and enter a project name.
17. Click OK.
Oracle Empirica Signal submits the case series to the background processing job
queue. For larger datasets, the Background Processing indicator appears next to
your username at the top of the page.
Chapter 7
Create and manage case series
The Background Processing indicator may not appear if you create a
case series from a small data set that processes quickly.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
2. Click Create Empty Case Series.
3. From the Select a configuration drop-down list, select a configuration. You can
click Browse to select from a list of data configurations.
4. Click Next.
If you selected a data configuration that supports timestamped data, the Select As
Of page appears so that you can specify an As Of data.
5. In the Name field, enter a name for the case series. The name does not need to
be unique, although we recommend that you use a unique name.
6. In the Description field, enter an informative description of the case series.
7. To assign the case series to an existing project, choose one of the following:
• Click Add to existing project and select the project from the drop-down list.
Only projects associated with objects that you created or that are published to
you appear in the list.
• To create a new project and assign the case series to it, click Add to a new
project named and enter a project name.
8. Click Save.
9. View the empty case series and manually add cases to the case series or transfer
cases to the empty case series.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
Chapter 7
Create and manage case series
2. From the Run name drop-down list, select the run you want to view.
3. Specify selection criteria, and then click View Results Table.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a product, and then click Transfer to Case
Series. Alternatively, click a count (N) of cases in a table or click the element of a
graph, and then click Transfer to Case Series from the Row Action menu.
5. Click the row for the case series that you want to select, and then click OK.
Oracle Empirica Signal adds the case IDs to the case series if they were not
already in it. A message states how many cases were added to the case series.
It is possible, but not recommended, to transfer cases that do not meet
query criteria to a query-based case series. If the query is executed
again, the transferred cases are dropped if they do not meet the query
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
2. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the case series to which you want to add
cases, and then click View Cases.
3. Click Manually Enter IDs.
4. Type or paste in a list of case IDs. Each case must be on a separate line or
separated from the next case ID by a comma.
5. Click Append.
Oracle Empirica Signal searches the source data for the specified case IDs and
refreshes the case series list with the number of case IDs that you manually
entered, the number of case IDs added to the case series, and the total number of
case now included in the case series. If a manually added case ID does not exist
in the source data, the application does not add that case ID to the case series.
6. Click Close.
Chapter 7
Create and manage case series
It is possible, but not recommended, to add cases that do not meet query
criteria to a query-based case series. If you execute the query again, Oracle
Empirica Signal does not include the added cases because they do not meet
the query criteria.
Users without the Administer Users permission can publish only objects
they have created. Users with the Administer Users permission can publish
objects that they or any users in their login group created.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
Chapter 7
Work with case series
• If you publish to —All– and later add a new login group, the object is published
automatically to the new login group.
4. Click Back.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
2. (Optional) Filter the list as necessary.
• From the Project drop-down list, select the project for which you want to view
case series or -- to include all projects.
• From the Configuration drop-down list, select the data configuration for which
you want to view case series or -- to include all configurations.
The selected case series appear. See About case series for information about the
case series.
Chapter 7
Work with case series
Before deleting a query-based case series, you can save the query portion of
the case series with the Add Query to Library option.
3. Click the case series' Row Action menu ( ), and then click View Cases.
Because Oracle Empirica Signal retrieves the data from the source
data, it does not include custom terms or values created by data
The case list appears as a table. The variable representing the case ID is the
first column of the table. The data configurations associated with the case series
determines the additional columns that appear. If site option All Case Comment/
Review/Exclusion is enabled, additional columns indicate whether the case has
Chapter 7
Work with case series
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
2. (Optional) Filter the list as necessary.
3. Click the case series' Row Action menu ( ), and then click Rename.
4. In the Name field, type a new name for the case series. The name does not need
to be unique, although we recommend that you use a unique name.
5. In the Description field, leave the description or modify the description of the case
6. Choose one of the following:
• To assign the case series to an existing project click Add to existing project
and select the project from the drop-down list. Only projects associated with
objects that you created or that are published to you appear in the list.
• To create a new project and assign the case series to it, click Add to a new
project named and enter a project name.
7. Click OK.
When you rename a case series, the case series name attached to any
existing report outputs is not changed.
Chapter 7
Work with case series
The copy of a case series includes any cases that were transferred or added
manually to the case series. If you re-execute the query portion of the copy
of a query-based case series, however, Oracle Empirica Signal drops those
cases from the case series if they do not meet the query criteria.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
2. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a case series, and then click Copy.
3. From the Select a configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration. By
default, the application uses the data configuration associated with the original
case series (and you must have permissions to use that configuration). If you are
copying a query-based case series, this page does not appear.
If you select a different data configuration, case IDs that match in both
data configurations are copied, but may represent different cases if the
source data for the two data configurations differs.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Name field, enter a name for the new case series. The name does not need
to be unique, although Oracle recommends that you use a unique name.
6. In the Description field, optionally leave or edit the description of the case series.
7. Perform one of the following:
• To assign the case series to an existing project, click Add to existing project
and select the project from the drop-down list. Only projects associated with
objects that you created or that are published to you appear in the list.
• To create a new project and assign the case series to it, click Add to a new
project named and enter a project name.
8. Click Save.
Chapter 7
Work with case series
A message tells you that the case series has been copied and shows the names
of the original case series (Source), the copy of the case series (Destination), and
the number of cases in the two lists:
9. Click Continue.
The application does not copy the original publication level to the new
case series. You must publish the new case series if you want others to
see it.
To combine case series, the status of the case series that you select must
be Completed, and the cases must have the same data configuration. For
timestamped data, the application prompts you to select an As Of date.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
2. Click Select Rows to enter row selection mode.
3. Select the checkboxes next to the case series that you want to combine. You must
select at least two case series.
4. Click Combine Case Series.
5. If the case series contains timestamped data, specify an As Of date.
6. In the Name field, enter a name for the new case series. The name does not need
to be unique, although we recommend that you use a unique name.
7. In the Description field, enter an informative description of the combined case
8. Perform one of the following:
• To assign the case series to an existing project, click Add to existing project
and select the project from the drop-down list. Only projects associated with
objects that you created or that are published to you appear in the list.
• To create a new project and assign the case series to it, click Add to a new
project named and enter a project name.
9. Click Create.
Chapter 7
Case series background processing
How does the background processing job queue for case series work?
A background processing job queue is a temporary container that the application
creates on demand when one or more sequential jobs are awaiting background
processing. Jobs in the queue run one at a time in the order in which the application
added them to the queue. The job queue is specific to your user account, and contains
only jobs that you created. You cannot view another user's job queue, even if you are a
Your queue can hold an unlimited number of jobs. The application adds jobs to
your queue when you perform specific case series tasks, as described in What is
background processing?. The application can add jobs while a job is running without
interrupting that job.
When a background processing job is running, you can view the job queue and the
current status of the jobs in your queue by hovering the Background Processing
indicator ( ). The Background Processing indicator appears next to your username at
the top of the page, and remains visible until there are no unprocessed jobs remaining.
You can also view the current job status for background processing jobs for individual
case series on the Case Series page. If Completed appears in the Status column,
background processing is complete.
You can cancel Running or In Queue jobs in your background processing queue from
individual case series on the Case Series page. If you are a superuser, you can also
cancel other users' jobs from these pages.
Chapter 7
Case series background processing
• You can cancel In Queue or Running jobs, if necessary, from the Case
Series page.
• You cannot restart Error Occurred jobs. To complete the job processing,
edit and then save the case series.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Case
2. Locate the case series for which you submitted a background processing job. The
status in the Status column must be In Queue or Running. If you are a superuser,
you can locate the case series that another user submitted.
If necessary, hover your mouse over the Background Processing indicator, located
next to your username at the top of the page, to obtain the case series name from
your job queue. You can sort case series by status to locate In Queue or Running
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) next to the case series, and click Cancel.
Manage report definitions and output
• About reports
• Report structure
• View existing report definitions
• Built-in reports
• Create report definitions
• Create and run interactive reports
• Work with report outputs
• Work with report graphs
About reports
Oracle Empirica Signal supports line listings and summary reports that reflect the data
found in a set of safety reports. The set of safety reports can be from:
• Case series
• Hyperlinked N in bold (such as the count of a particular product-event combination
found in run results)
• Element of a graph, such as a bar in a bar graph
• Query results
• Interactive report
Using Oracle Empirica Signal's reporting feature you can:
• Run built-in reports that are delivered with the product. You can use these reports
as is, or copy and modify them.
• Retrieve source data and present it in a tabular format.
• View graphs of report data.
• Determine which variables to use to define rows and columns of the report.
• Define break-down variables, such as counts of PTs for males and counts of PTs
for females within each age group, at multiple levels.
• Indicate how to aggregate multiple values for variables in the report.
• Create various types of reports, from line listings to summary reports that show
statistics for cross-tabulations of variables.
• Use the drill-down feature to view case details for a report that includes case IDs
or counts.
• Create a report definition. A report definition is the specification of the format of
a report and restrictions on the data that the report displays. You must have the
Chapter 8
Report structure
appropriate permissions to create a report definition and publish it for other users
to view.
Because reports run on source data (not data mining results), they do not
include custom terms or values created by data transformations.
Report structure
A report is a tabular display of source data, according to the specifications of a report
definition. Because data that appears in a report is source data, the report does not
contain custom terms or values created by data transformations.
A report includes one row for each variable (or combination of variables) that you
specify as a row variable in the report definition. For each row, the report includes
columns that you identify as column variables in the report definition. Each column is
called an analysis variable.
The report definition may include multiple levels of column variables, as in the
following example. A variable that groups values for another variable is called a
breakdown variable. Any row variable can be a breakdown variable, and the column
variable at the top of the report can also be a breakdown variable.
Chapter 8
Built-in reports
• Which variables from the source data appear as columns in the report, and how
they are broken down based on other variables.
• Which variable or combination of variables provide unique keys for the report.
There is one row in the report for each unique key value (or key value
• How to aggregate multiple values in individual cells.
• The subset of rows that appear in the report, based on conditions specified by a
SQL WHERE clause.
For the selected project and data configuration, the Report Definitions page lists report
definitions that you created or that are published to you. If you have the Administer
Users permission, the page also lists unpublished report definitions that were created
by any user in your login group.
The Report Definitions page lists reports based on data configurations that are
compatible with the data configuration used by the selected case series.
Display the Report Definitions page
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. At the top of the Report Definitions page, to the right of Case Series, click
3. On the Select Case Series page, filter the case series.
4. Select the case series to report on and click OK, or double-click on the case
Display the Report Definitions page from the Case Series or Queries page
Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a case series or query, and click Report. On the
Cases page, click the Report link.
The names of valid report definitions appear in bold on the Report Definitions page.
A report definition is a valid (and, therefore, can be run) if it includes at least one row
variable and one column variable, and no error messages appear for the variables.
Filter the report definitions as necessary
1. From the Project drop-down list, select the project for which you want to view
report definitions or -- to include all projects.
2. From the Configuration drop-down list, select the data configuration for which you
want to view report definitions or -- to include all configurations.
The selected report definitions appears. See the Report Definitions page for
information about the information shown.
Built-in reports
The Oracle Empirica Signal application includes a set of built-in report definitions that
you can run from the Report Definitions page. You can also copy them and modify the
copies as needed. Only a superuser can edit the original built-in reports.
Chapter 8
Built-in reports
The built-in reports are available only if a data stub has been set up as
described in AERS (1q03: S) Configuration Installation Instructions (located
in the Data_Stub folder on the installation CD).
Examples of the built-in reports follow. Each heading shows the report name and
Chapter 8
Built-in reports
Drugs and Events – Detail: ISR, Gender, Age (years), Generic Drugs, Events
Chapter 8
Built-in reports
Chapter 8
Built-in reports
Chapter 8
Built-in reports
Chapter 8
Built-in reports
Chapter 8
Built-in reports
Sources and Outcomes – Detail: ISR, Gender, Age (years), Source(s), Serious?
and Outcome(s)
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
You must select a case series before you can run, edit, copy, or delete
a report definition (this requirement does not apply to interactive report
definitions). If you run the report, it will be only for cases in the selected
case series.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. At the top of the Report Definitions page, to the right of Case Series, click
3. On the Select Case Series page, filter the case series.
4. Choose one of the following:
• Select the case series to report on and click OK, or double-click on the case
• On the Case Series page or Queries page, click the Row Action menu ( )
for a case series or query, and click Report. On the Cases page, click the
Report link.
The names of valid report definitions appear in bold font on the Report
Definitions page. A report definition is valid (and, therefore, can be run) if
it includes at least one row variable and one column variable, and no error
messages appear for the variables.
5. To create a report definition, click Create Definition.
6. In the Name for Report field, type a report name. The name does not need to be
unique, although Oracle recommends that you provide a unique and meaningful
7. In the Description of Report field, type a report description that differentiates the
report definition from others on the Report Definitions page.
8. Choose one of the following to assign the report definition to a project:
• To assign the report definition to an existing project, click Add to existing
project and select from a list of projects associated with objects that you
created or that are published to you.
• To create a new project and assign the report definition to it, click Add to a
new project named and enter a project name.
9. Click Save.
Field descriptions—Report Definitions page
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
The Report Definitions page provides the following information about each report
Field Description
Definition Name of the report definition. If bold, the report definition
is valid to run.
Description Description of the report definition.
Project Name of the project with which the report definition is
Configuration Name of the data configuration used by the case series
on which the report definition is based.
Created By Name of the user who created the report definition.
Created Date and time when the report definition was created.
The Created By and Created fields are filled in when the
Create Definition page is completed.
Modified Date and time when the report definition was last
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the report definition.
The Modified and Modified By fields are filled in each
time the report definition is saved.
ID Identifier that was assigned automatically to the
report definition when the report definition was saved.
Each report definition ID is unique (across all report
definitions, regardless of whether or not they are
interactive) and is not re-used if the report definition is
Category Category of the report (intended only for informational
Error messages
An error message appears if any of the following are true:
• You have not specified breakdown details for a column breakdown variable that
has more than 10 values. (If there are 10 or fewer values, the application
automatically uses the values as distinct values for the breakdown variable.)
• You have specified breakdown details for an analysis variable.
• In a SQL WHERE clause for the report definition, one of the variables referenced
by the WHERE clause has been removed from the report definition.
• You specified breakdown details as grouped values, but there is at least one group
that includes no values.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
Your case series selection does not affect the Report Outputs page or the
Interactive Reports page.
Once you select a case series, only report definitions based on data configurations
that are compatible with that of the cases series appear.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
Report Definitions.
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Case Series page.
3. (Optional) filter the case series by Project or by Configuration.
• From the Project drop-down list, select the project you want to view the report
definitions of – or set it to view all projects.
• From the Configurations drop-down list, selct the data configuration you want
to view the report definitions of – or set it to view all configurations.
4. Select the case series to report on and click OK, or double-click on the case
The Report Definitions page appears and shows the name of the selected case
series and the number of cases in it. Cases marked as excluded as part of review
input are included in the number, but a report that you run does not include those
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
3. To create a report definition, click Create Definition.
4. In the Name for Report field, type a report name. The name does not need to be
unique, although Oracle recommends that you provide a unique and meaningful
5. In the Description of Report field, type a report description that differentiates the
report definition from others on the Report Definitions page.
6. Choose one of the following to assign the report definition to a project.
• To assign the report definition to an existing project, click Add to existing
project and select from a list of projects associated with objects that you
created or that are published to you.
• To create a new project and assign the report definition to it, click Add to a
new project named and enter a project name.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
7. Click Save.
The following instructions do not include changing the labels of row and column
variables or changing the aggregation method. These instructions use default labels,
which are the variable names, and the default aggregation method (Value).
Access Report Definitions
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
1. To define the first column variable, click {New Column Variable} to highlight it in
2. To specify the corresponding source data variable, next to Data Source, click
3. On the Edit Data Source page, specify a data source.
4. Click OK.
Add a row variable
1. To add a row variable, click the name of an existing row to highlight it in yellow.
2. Click Insert Left or Insert Right.
3. On the Edit Data Source page, specify a data source.
4. Click OK.
Add a column variable
1. To add a column variable, click the name of an existing column variable to
highlight it in yellow.
2. Click Insert Left, Insert Right, Insert Above, or Insert Below.
3. On the Edit Data Source page, specify a data source.
4. Click OK.
For a column breakdown variable, you are required to specify breakdown
values. If there are 10 or fewer distinct values for the variable in the source
data, the application automatically uses those values as breakdown values.
You can modify them as needed. If there are more than 10 distinct values,
a message informs you that breakdown details are missing and you must
specify them.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
If a row variable's underlying column has the same name as any column
in an analysis variable's table, then a SQL inner join of the same-named
columns occurs in addition to the usual join on report ID.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
If you want to look at all cases, use the report ID (that is, the variable
of the Report ID type in the configuration) in the demographics table. It
is possible that a report has no record in the other tables. If you are not
interested in getting all report IDs, but only those that have records in the
table from which you are getting other data, use the report ID from that
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
6. Select a variable.
7. When you highlight a variable in the list, the Label field shows the variable name
by default. You can type in a different label, which appears in the report as the
column heading for the variable.
For example, suppose that you use default labels for the ISR_drug and
Generic_Name variables. The column headings in the report look like this:
8. To change the label, select the default label and change it.
9. Click OK.
10. If you chose a numeric value, you can click View Column Statistics to display a
histogram showing the distribution of values for the variable in the source data.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
Value stands for First value, which is the default aggregation method. (It is used when
no other aggregation method is selected.) When you change the aggregation method,
an abbreviation of that aggregation method appears in the table cell. For example, if
you select Count as the aggregation method, N appears in the table cell:
If the source table for a column or row can include multiple records per case,
the count and unique count for the column or row can differ.
Percentages in the columns or rows can add up to greater than 100 percent.
For example, the breakdown variable is PT severity. Adverse events data
can include multiple records per case. Suppose that each of 10 cases has
an event with the severity Mild, an event with the severity Moderate, and an
event with the severity Severe. The count of cases with each severity is 10.
The count of cases with any severity will also be 10. So the percentage
of cases with each severity will be 10/10, which is 100%. The total of
percentages for each severity would be 300%.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
If a case is counted in multiple columns or rows, a count in the All column
or row is not necessarily the same as the total of counts in other columns or
rows of the report. Also, percentages in the columns or rows can add up to
greater than 100 percent.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
If you replace the counts in the report with row, column, and overall percentages, the
report display changes to this:
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
You can preview only a valid report definition. A report definition is valid if it
includes at least one row variable and one column variable, and there are no
error messages displayed on the Edit Report Columns page.
• On the Queries page, click a query's Row Action menu ( ), and then click
• Drill down to the Cases page, and click Report.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
• You can drill down on a count or graph element elsewhere in the application to run
a report definition against cases that make up the count or are represented by the
graph element.
Oracle Empirica Signal runs the report and displays the report output.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
In displayed reports, sorting is case-insensitive.
Bold counts (N) are links. Click the number to display a menu from which you can
drill-down. If specific case IDs appear in the report as a link, click a case ID to view
case details.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the report definition, and then click Create
3. From the configuration drop-down list, select a configuration.
The report runs against source data for the selected data configuration. When you
save the report output, the application verifies that the selected data configuration
has a Drug type variable with a subtype of Generic, Trade, or Ingredient.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Run Query page, fill in the fields and click Next.
6. Fill in the fields on the Create Output page:
7. In the Name for Output field, type a name for the saved output. The name does
not need to be unique, although Oracle recommends that you provide a unique
and meaningful name.
8. In the Output Description field, enter a description of the saved output that
differentiates the report output from entries on the Report Outputs page.
9. From the Output Category drop-down list, select Ad Hoc or Standard. The
application uses the category for organizing reports and the category is not related
to report availability. You can include a column showing report categories on the
Report Definitions and Report Outputs pages.
10. Assign the report output to a project by choosing one of the following:
Oracle Empirica Signal saves the report output. Modification or deletion of the report
definition does not affect the saved report output.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
The current sort order of a report is not saved as part of the report output.
If you want to look at all cases, use the report ID (that is, the variable
of the Report ID type in the configuration) in the demographics table. It
is possible that a report has no record in the other tables. If you are not
interested in getting all report IDs, but only those that have records in the
table from which you are getting other data, use the report ID from that
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
When an entry is highlighted in the list, you can go to the next
occurrence of an entry starting with a character that you type. For
example, you can highlight the first entry in the list and type “H” to go
to the first entry starting with “H”.
Button Use To
If Clear is available, you can click it to clear out the list of selected entries.
10. If up and down arrows are available for the list of selected entries, you can
use them to order the selected entries. For example, when specifying breakdown
details in a report definition, you can order the selected entries as you want them
to appear in the report.
11. When you are satisfied with the selected entries, click OK. (In some contexts, the
button may instead be Save or Copy.)
Special characters
To search for the following special characters, you must precede each special
character with a backslash (\):
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
Example Description
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
4. Select the case series to report on and click OK, or double-click on the case
You can also select a case series or query to report on from the Case Series page,
Queries page, or Cases page.
• On the Case Series page or Queries page, click the Row Action menu ( )
for a case series or query, and click Report.
• On the Cases page, click the Report link.
The names of valid report definitions appear in bold font on the Report Definitions
page. A report definition is valid (and, therefore, can be run) if it includes at least
one row variable and one column variable, and no error messages appear for the
5. To edit a report definition, click the report definition's Row Action menu ( , and
click Edit.
You cannot edit a report definition you didn't create.
6. On the Edit Report Columns page, you can edit the report columns, the report
attributes, and the report descriptors. Click the corresponding radial button.
7. Perform your edits, then click Save. If you are working on a complex report
definition, click Save periodically.
Each time you save the report definition, Oracle Empirica Signal fills in the Modified
and Modified By columns on the Report Definitions page.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
Report Definitions.
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), click Report
Definitions or Interactive Reports.
2. Select the Row Action menu ( ) for the report definition, and then click
3. In the Name for Report field, type a name. The name does not need to be unique,
although Oracle recommends that you use a unique name.
4. In the Description of Report field, enter an informative description of the report
5. Assign the report definition to a project by choosing one of the following:
• To assign the report definition to an existing project, click Add to existing
project and select from a list of projects associated with objects that you
created or that are published to you.
• To create a new project and assign the report definition to it, click Add to a
new project named and enter a project name.
6. Click Save.
Users without the Administer Users permission can publish only objects
they have created. Users with the Administer Users permission can publish
objects that they or any users in their login group created.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
Definitions or Interactive Reports.
2. Click a report definition's Row Action menu ( ) and click Publish. To publish
multiple report definitions, click the Select Rows link, select the radio buttons of
the definitions, then click the Publish link.
3. To publish to all the users in your login group, click Publish.
• If you are a superuser, you can publish to multiple login groups, including
—All–. In the Publish to Login Groups drop-down list, click or Ctrl+click to
select login groups.
• If you publish to —All– and later add a new login group, the object is published
automatically to the new login group.
4. Click Back.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
Copied XML for a non-interactive report can only be used to create a
non-interactive report. Copied XML for an interactive report can only be
used to create an interactive report.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
When generated, drilldown information increases the amount of memory
used for report output. For large reports, this option should be set to No.
To know the list of supported SQL functions, see SQL functions.
9. Click Apply.
Select another radio button to edit report columns or edit report descriptors. You can
also save or run the report definition. For an interactive report definition, you can also
define or edit a query.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
For an all cases summary report, this option on the Edit Report Attributes
page is not available. However, on the Drug Profiles page, users are able to
drill down on charts based on the output of this type of report.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
Even if you click No, users can drill down to case details from a case ID that
appears as a row variable in a report.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
Columns of the type CLOB are truncated in reports. Therefore, if a column
referenced in the restriction has the type CLOB (as is typical with narrative
text), the application applies the restriction to the truncated values for that
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
To know the list of supported SQL functions, see SQL functions.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
Column Description
Name of Report Name of the report definition.
Description of Report Description of the report definition.
Category Category of the report definition, either
Ad Hoc or Standard. The category is for
informational purposes. You can display it
as a column on the Report Definitions page,
the Interactive Reports page, or the Report
Outputs page.
Built-in This field is available for superusers only.
It is for use by Oracle when creating built-
in report definitions, which are predefined
reports supplied with the Oracle Empirica
Signal application and available if the
appropriate data configuration has been set
up during installation. For more information,
see Built-in reports.
Type Applies to interactive reports only. One of
the following values:
• Query-based —Indicates a report
definition that includes a query. Users
can provide values to the query when
the report is run.
• Summary of all cases —Indicates
a report definition that includes all
cases and can be used by a drug
profile configuration. Reports that can
be added as charts on the Drug Profiles
page are based on this type of report.
If you are a superuser, this field can also
show a customer-specific report that has
been provided by Oracle.
Project You can assign the report to an existing
project by clicking Add to existing project
and selecting the project from the drop-
down list containing projects associated
with objects that you created or that are
published to you.
To create a new project and assign the
report to it, click Add to a new project
named and enter a project name.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
Column Description
Status Ready or Under Development.
If the report definition can be run,
the application applies the Ready status
denoting that the report definition is valid. A
report definition is valid if it has at least one
row variable, at least one column variable,
and no error messages appear for report
variables. For a query-based report, a query
must be part of the report definition. For
an all cases summary report, the definition
must conform to certain criteria.
If the report definition is not ready to be run,
the application assigns it the status Under
Configuration Description of the source data of the report
XML This field is available for superusers only.
You can copy and paste this XML to create a
report using XML.
6. Click Save.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
If there are 10 or fewer values for a column breakdown value, the application
uses them by default as distinct values for the breakdown variable. For a row
variable, the application uses all values by default as distinct values for the
breakdown variable. You can modify these default breakdowns as needed.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
In the following example, the same case may have PTs in both the Card SOC and
Other SOCs:
PT: Sex SOC: Card - Cases SOC: Other - Cases SOC: Null- Cases SOC: All - Cases
N(U) N(U) N(U) N(U)
F 5000 11000 0 12000
M 6000 13000 0 16500
The N (U) value for the All column and F row is not 5000 + 11000. The value in the All
column is:
• 4000 who have a PT in the Card SOC and a PT in other SOCs.
• + 1000 who have a PT in the Card SOC only.
• + 7000 (computed as 11000 - 4000) who have a PT in any SOCs except Card.
• = 12000.
For example, you want a summary of the number of cases for each report type (direct,
expedited, and periodic). For your report definition, you set up the FDA Year as the
row variable and you specify Report Type as the column variable. You then need to
specify the value you want to show for each report type; that is, the analysis variable.
You specify CASE_ID as the analysis variable, label it as Cases, and select the Count
aggregation method.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
If a case is counted in multiple columns or rows, a count in the All
column or row is not necessarily the same as the total of counts in other
columns or rows of the report. Also, percentages in the columns or rows
may add up to greater than 100 percent.
7. To include a column or row to represent null (missing) values for the variable,
check Include a category for Null values.
8. Click OK.
In the following example, the All row shows the number of cases with any of the
Gender values for each Age Group. The All column shows the number of cases with
any Age Group for each Gender. Also, the NULL column shows the number of cases
(in this example, none) that have no Age Group for each Gender.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
See Specifying Content Details for information about the behavior of the All
row when unique counts are shown for column variables.
If there are more than 20,000 available values for the breakdown variable,
you cannot use a breakdown by individual values.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
If a case is counted in multiple columns or rows, a count in the All
column or row is not necessarily the same as the total of counts in other
columns or rows of the report. Also, percentages in the columns or rows
may add up to greater than 100 percent.
8. To include a column or row for values that are not represented by any other
columns, check Include a category for all unselected values.
9. From the All Values list, select values for the variable.
• To find a value, you can type a string into the Find field, then click Find.
All values containing that string appear. The matching does not distinguish
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
between cases (upper, lower, mixed). To list all values again, you can click
Show All.
• To search for the following special characters, you must precede each special
character with a backslash (\): + * ? . \ ( ) [ ]
When a value is highlighted in the list, you can go to the next occurrence
of a value starting with a character that you type. For example, you can
highlight the first value in the list and type H to go to the first value
starting with H.
10. Highlight one or more values in the list of all values. You can also do the following:
• To highlight multiple non-contiguous values, hold down the Ctrl key while
clicking each value.
• To highlight multiple contiguous values, click a value, hold down the Shift
key, and click another value. Values between and including those values are
• To remove highlighting from a value, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the
selected value.
• To move values back and forth between the list of all values and the list of
selected values, you can double-click a highlighted value or use the arrow
keys as follows:
Button Use To
– If Clear is available, you can click it to clear out the list of selected values.
– If up and down arrows are available for the list of selected values, you can
use them to order the selected values as you want them to appear in the
11. From the Breakdown values order field, select the breakdown values order.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
The Edit Report Columns page shows the selected values. Click Save to save
your report definition so far.
13. To edit value labels for breakdown values, in the Breakdown Details section, click
Edit Labels.
14. Click OK.
The following example shows a report in which three different SOCs were selected:
In the following example, the All row shows the number of cases with any of the
Gender values for each SOC. The All column shows the number of cases with any
of the SOCs for each Gender. The Null column shows the number of cases (in this
example, none) with no SOC for each Gender. All SOCs that are not any of the three
selected SOCs are represented by the Other column:
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
See Specifying content details for information about the behavior of the All
row when unique counts are shown for column variables.
When you add reports as charts on the Drug Profiles page, the configuration
variable name is always used in the reports, instead of any specified labels
from the report definition (the all cases summary interactive report).
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
5. In the Label field for any of the values, type in a different label.
6. Click OK.
The modified labels are shown on the Edit Report Columns page.
If there are more than 20,000 available values for the breakdown variable,
you cannot use a breakdown by grouped values.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
3. Click a Report Definition's Row Action menu, then click Edit.
4. On the Edit Report Columns page, next to Breakdown Details, click Select.
5. In the Breakdown Details window, click Grouped Values.
6. Next to the Groups field, click New.
A message asks for the new group's name.
7. Enter a name for the new group, and click OK.
8. To include a column or row to represent null (missing) values for the variable,
check Include a category for Null values.
9. From the All Values list, select values to include in the group.
10. Create other groups and select values to be included in them. Make sure that each
group includes at least one value.
11. From the Breakdown values order field, select the breakdown values order:
12. To include a column or row for values that are not represented by any other
columns, check Include a category for all unselected values.
13. When you are satisfied with the groups and other options, click OK.
14. The Edit Definition page shows the selected values. Click Save to save your report
definition so far.
You cannot save the report definition if all groups are empty (that is, have no
values in them). If some groups are empty, the report definition is saved and
the empty groups are ignored.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
If you are defining breakdown details for a numeric variable, you must define cutpoints.
Cutpoints are consecutive, user-defined value ranges that categorize data for both
numeric and date variables. You use cutpoints to subset data, which allows you to
group specific portions of data that are of interest to your organization. You define
cutpoints for both numeric and date variables when you define breakdown details in a
report definition.
For example, suppose that you want to create a report definition that includes the
number of deaths that occurred:
• Before 2009
• During 2009
• After 2009
You could then define the following cutpoints for the Death Date variable in the
Breakdown Details dialog box:
You can define cutpoints for both row variables and column variables in report
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
You can also define cutpoints when you specify a data transformation for
a data configuration variable. For more information, see Defining variable
With the numeric variable highlighted on the Edit Report Columns page, you can click
View Column Statistics to view a histogram of variable values.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
Report Definitions.
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
The Edit Report Columns page shows the selected values. Click Save to save your
report definition so far.
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
You cannot define breakdown by query values for numeric or date variables.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to
the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case
If a case is counted in multiple columns, a count in the All column is
not necessarily the same as the total of counts in other columns of the
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
8. To include a column or row for values that are not represented by any other
columns, check Include a category for all unselected values.
9. Click OK.
Make sure that the query for the report definition includes the breakdown variable.
Background processing does not occur for query-based interactive report
Chapter 8
Create report definitions
You can cancel In Queue or Running jobs, if necessary, from the Report
Outputs page.
You cannot restart Error Occurred jobs. To complete the job processing,
create a new report output from the report definition.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. Click Report Outputs.
3. Locate the report output for which you submitted a background processing job.
The status in the Status column is Running. If you are a superuser, you can locate
the report output that another user submitted.
4. If necessary, mouse over to the Background Processing indicator located next to
your username at the top of the page to obtain the report output name from your
job queue.
5. Click the report output's Row Action menu ( ), and click Cancel.
Oracle Empirica Signal cancels the job and sets the report output status to Cancelled.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
General activities
The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:
• Create Definition
• Create Definition from XML
• Columns
• Print
• Download
The Create Definition from XML link is only available for users with the
superuser permission.
The following filters appear at the top of the page and affect the report definition list:
• Project
• Configuration
Row-specific activities
The following menu options are available from the Row Action menu, located in the
first column of the table, and affect an individual row in the table:
• Run
• Create Output (See Creating an all cases summary report output or Creating a
query-based report output.)
• Create Definition File
• Edit
• Rename
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
• Copy
• Publish
• Delete
The Create Output Row Action menu option appears only for valid report definitions of
type Query-based or Summary of all cases.
The Copy Row Action menu option appears only if you have the Create Report
permission. This option is available for report definitions created by other users. You
cannot edit such report definitions, but you can copy and modify them.
Field Description
Definition Name of the interactive report definition.
Description Description of the interactive report definition.
Project Name of the project that the interactive report
definition is associated.
Configuration Name of the data configuration that the
interactive report definition is based on.
Created By Name of the user who created the interactive
report definition.
Created Date and time when the interactive report
definition was created.
The Created By and Created fields are filled in
when the Create Definition page is completed.
Modified Date and time the interactive report definition
was last modified.
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the
interactive report definition.
The Modified and Modified By fields are filled
in each time the report definition is saved.
ID Identifier that was assigned automatically to
the interactive report definition when it was
saved. Each report definition ID is unique
across all report definitions and is not reused if
the report definition is deleted.
Category Category of the report. The category is
intended only for informational purposes.
Type Type of report. For example, Query-based or
Summary of all Cases.
2. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the report definition, and then click Create
3. From the configuration drop-down list, select a configuration.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
The report runs against source data for the selected data configuration. When you
save the report output, the application verifies that the selected data configuration
has a Drug type variable with a subtype of Generic, Trade, or Ingredient.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Run Query page, fill in the fields and click Next.
6. Fill in the fields on the Create Output page:
• Name for Output—Name for the saved output. The name does not need
to be unique, although Oracle recommends that you provide a unique and
meaningful name.
• Output Description—Description of the saved output that differentiates the
report output from entries on the Report Outputs page.
• Output Category—Type of report output: Ad Hoc or Standard. The
application uses the category for organizing reports and the category is
not related to report availability. You can include a column showing report
categories on the Report Outputs pages.
7. Select an option for assigning the report output to a project:
• Add to existing project—Assign the report output to an existing project by
selecting from a list of projects associated with objects that you created or that
are published to you.
• Add to a new project named—Create a new project and assign the report
output to it.
8. Click Save.
• For a query-based interactive report, the Edit Report Query page appears. You
must define a query. (If you are editing the report definition, click the Query
• For a Summary of all Cases interactive report, the Edit Report Columns page
appears. If you are defining an all cases summary report, the report definition
is not valid until certain requirements have been met. See About All Cases
Summary reports.
The Edit Report Columns page appears. From this page, you can edit the report
columns, the report attributes, and the report descriptors.
The application also saves the interactive report definition and lists it on the
Interactive Report Definitions page filling in the Created By and Created columns,
although you cannot yet run it.
When defining breakdown details for a report variable that you included in the
query for the report, you can specify that the breakdown details will be the values
provided for the query variable when the report is run. See Defining breakdown by
query values.
9. Optionally, edit the report attributes.
10. Optionally, edit the report descriptors.
11. If you have made changes to an interactive report definition since the last time
it was saved, save the interactive report definition without running it by clicking
Save. If you are working on a complex report definition, click Save periodically.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
If you edit a report definition that you did not create, the Save button
does not appear.
• To save the interactive report definition with a different name, without running
it, click Save As. Provide a name for the new report definition.
• Save the interactive report definition and run it. For a valid report definition,
click Save & Run. A report is considered valid if it includes at least one row
variable and one column variable, and there are no error messages for the
report definition. For a query-based interactive report, a query must be part of
the report definition. For an all cases summary interactive report, the definition
must conform to certain criteria.
12. To run the report definition, for a valid report definition, click Run. A report is
considered valid if it includes at least one row variable and one column variable,
and there are no error messages for the report definition. For a query-based
interactive report, a query must be part of the report definition. For an all cases
summary interactive report, the definition must conform to certain criteria.
• If you run the report, you must select a data configuration to indicate the
source data against which the report will be run.
• To run a query-based report, you must also run the query. The report will be
run against cases that meet the query criteria.
• To run an all cases summary report, you must specify report parameters.
• Each time you save the report definition, the application fills in the Modified
and Modified By columns on the Interactive Reports page.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
Interactive Reports.
2. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the report definition, and then click Run.
3. From the configuration drop-down list, select a configuration.
The report runs against source data for the selected data configuration. When you
save the report output, the application verifies that the selected data configuration
has a Drug type variable with a subtype of Generic, Trade, or Ingredient.
4. Click Next.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
5. On the Run Query page, fill in the fields and click Next.
Oracle Empirica Signal runs the report and displays the report output.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
Interactive Reports.
2. Select the Row Action menu ( ), and click Create Definition File.
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration to indicate the
source data on which to base the report. You can click Browse to select from a
descriptive list of data configurations.
4. In the Name for Output field, type a report name.
5. In the Output Description field, type a description.
6. Assign the report definition to a project.
Only the Add to existing project: option should be used. If the selected project,
based on its ID, exists on the instance in which the report is run, the report output
is placed in that project. If the project doesn’t exist on the instance in which the
report is run, the output can go into the Unassigned project. The Add to new
project named: has no affect.
7. Click Save.
The Input File page appears. The page displays the content that you can use in a
report definition file.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
For consistency
in report outputs
that rely on a
report definition
coming from
another instance,
should match the
value of
Name\="All Drug
Report" in XML.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
Interactive Reports.
2. Click Create Definition.
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration to indicate the
source data on which to base the report. You can click Browse to select from a
descriptive list of data configurations.
4. In the Name field, type a report name. The name does not need to be unique,
although Oracle recommends that you provide a unique and meaningful name.
5. In the Description field, type a description that differentiates the report definition
from others on the Interactive Report Definitions page.
6. Assign the report definition to a project.
• To assign the report definition to an existing project, click Add to existing
project and select from a list of projects associated with objects that you
created or that are published to you.
• To create a new project and assign the report definition to it, click Add to a
new project named and enter a project name.
7. Click Save.
The Edit Report Query page appears. You can also display the page by clicking
Query on other pages of the interactive report definition.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
If you saved the query to the library and then you edit from this page,
your changes are not saved to the library. If the query includes a variable
that you want to use as a breakdown variable in the report, remember to
set up the breakdown details to use query values.
Breakdown details
If you want user-specified values from a query to be used as breakdown details for a
report column or row, you must do both of the following:
• Include the breakdown variable in the query.
• Specify Query Values for the variable's breakdown details.
If you set up a breakdown variable to use query values but you do not include
the variable in the query that is part of the report definition, the application cannot
determine the breakdown values. If a column or row variable has no breakdown
values, the application drops it when running the report. If this results in a report
without rows or columns, the report cannot be run.
If you include a breakdown variable in the query but do not set up the breakdown
variable to use query values, the application uses any values that a user specifies for
the query to select cases to include in the report, but does not use those values as
breakdown details. For example, the query is for generic name and generic name is a
breakdown variable with Every Distinct Value specified for breakdown details. If the
user specifies DrugA as the query value, the report includes only cases with DrugA,
and it includes a column for each value of generic name for those cases.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
Interactive Reports.
2. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the report definition, and then click Create
3. From the configuration drop-down list, select a configuration.
The report runs against source data for the selected data configuration. When you
save the report output, the application verifies that the selected data configuration
has a Drug type variable with a subtype of Generic, Trade, or Ingredient.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
4. Click Next.
5. On the Run Query page, fill in the fields, and click Next.
6. Fill in the fields on the Create Output page:
• Name for Output—Name for the saved output. The name does not need
to be unique, although Oracle recommends that you provide a unique and
meaningful name.
• Output Description—Description of the saved output that differentiates the
report output from entries on the Report Outputs page.
• Output Category—Type of report output: Ad Hoc or Standard. The
application uses the category for organizing reports and the category is
not related to report availability. You can include a column showing report
categories on the Report Outputs pages.
7. Select an option for assigning the report output to a project:
• Add to existing project—Assign the report output to an existing project by
selecting from a list of projects associated with objects that you created or that
are published to you.
• Add to a new project named—Create a new project and assign the report
output to it.
8. Click Save.
Oracle Empirica Signal submits the report output to your background processing job
queue, and the Background Processing indicator appears next to the Preferences link.
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
The following example shows a report definition for an All Cases Summary report:
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
Interactive Reports.
2. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the report definition, and then click Create
3. From the configuration drop-down list, select a configuration.
The report runs against source data for the selected data configuration. When you
save the report output, the application verifies that the selected data configuration
has a Drug type variable with a subtype of Generic, Trade, or Ingredient.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Run Query page, fill in the fields and click Next.
6. Fill in the fields on the Create Output page:
• Name for Output—Name for the saved output. The name does not need
to be unique, although Oracle recommends that you provide a unique and
meaningful name.
• Output Description—Description of the saved output that differentiates the
report output from entries on the Report Outputs page.
• Output Category—Type of report output: Ad Hoc or Standard. The
application uses the category for organizing reports and the category is
Chapter 8
Create and run interactive reports
not related to report availability. You can include a column showing report
categories on the Report Outputs pages.
7. Select an option for assigning the report output to a project:
• Add to existing project—Assign the report output to an existing project by
selecting from a list of projects associated with objects that you created or that
are published to you.
• Add to a new project named—Create a new project and assign the report
output to it.
8. Click Save.
You do not need to select a case series to work with these reports. If a
case series is selected, it is not used for the interactive report.
2. Select the report definition's Row Action menu ( ), and click Run.
For a query-based report or an all cases summary report, you must
select a data configuration from a list of compatible data configurations.
2. Select the report definition's Row Action menu ( ), and select Delete.
3. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.
The Interactive Reports page refreshes with the updated list. Any report that
was created using the deleted report definition remains accessible on the Report
Outputs page.
Chapter 8
Work with report outputs
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. From the Project drop-down list, select the project for which you want to view
report outputs or -- to include all projects.
3. From the Configuration drop-down list, select the data configuration from which
you want to view report outputs or -- to include all configurations.
Oracle Empirica Signal provides the following information about each report output:
Column Description
Output Name of the saved output.
Description Description of the saved output, if provided.
Project Name of the project associated with the report
Configuration Name of the data configuration used by
the case series or query to run the report
Case Series Applies to non-interactive reports. Name of the
case series for which the report was run.
Created By Name of the user who saved the report output.
Created Date and time when the report output was
Status The current status of the background
processing job.
Chapter 8
Work with report outputs
Column Description
As Of As Of date of the case series or query
for which the report definition was run.
Appears only if the data configuration supports
timestamp data.
For output from an interactive report: As Of
date selected when the report was run.
Category Category of the report. The category is for
informational purposes.
Definition Name of the report definition.
ID Identifier that was assigned automatically to
the report output when the report output was
saved. Each report output ID is unique and is
not re-used if the report output is deleted.
General activities
• For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way
data displays in the table, see About tables.
• To print, download, delete, or publish multiple report outputs, click Select Rows
and check the report outputs on which you want to act.
• To check all rows, click Select All (or Clear All to uncheck all rows), then click the
action that you want to perform on the selected rows.
Row Action menu options
If you click the Row Action menu ( ) for a report output, you can do the following:
• To view the report output, click View.
• To rename the report output that you created, click Rename.
When you rename a report output that is the target of an alias, the
application updates the name of the alias target
Chapter 8
Work with report outputs
When you delete a report output that is associated with an alias, the
target status of the alias becomes Broken.
2. On the Report Outputs page, click the Row Action menu ( ) of a report output,
and then click Rename.
3. Modify the report name, description, category, or project. For more information,
see Save a report output.
4. Click Save.
The following information also appears but you cannot modify it:
Column Description
Configuration Name of the data configuration for which the
report definition was run.
Case Series Name of the case series for which the (non-
interactive) report was run.
Report Definition Name of the report definition that was run to
create the output.
4. To display the report output, select the Row Action menu ( ) of a report output,
and click View.
If the report includes an underlined count (N) of cases, the count is a link that you
can click to display a menu from which you can drill down. If specific case IDs
appear underlined in the report, you can click a case ID to view case details.
5. To publish the report output to other users, click a report output's Row Action
menu ( ) and then click Publish. To publish multiple report outputs, click the
Select Rows link, select the radio buttons of the definitions, then click the Publish
Chapter 8
Work with report outputs
In displayed reports, sorting is case-insensitive.
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
2. Select the Row Action menu ( ) for a report output, and click View.
3. On the Display Output page, click Choose Graph.
Only those graph types that are appropriate for the report data appear.
4. Click the graph type.
• For information about aggregate bar graphs, see About aggregate bar graphs.
• For information about detail bar graphs, see About detail bar graphs.
• For information about box plots, see About box plots.
• For information about scatter plots, see About scatter plots.
5. Specify the options for the selected graph type.
• For information about aggregate bar graphs, see Viewing an aggregate bar
• For information about detail bar graphs, see Viewing a detail bar graph.
• For information about box plots, see Viewing a box plot.
• For information about scatter plots, see Viewing a scatter plot.
6. Click Display.
The selected graph appears.
Print a graph
1. Click Print.
2. Select print options.
3. Click Print.
Save the graph as an attachment to a topic
1. Click Save to Topic. The graph is attached as a PDF file.
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
This option is available only if the Topics feature has been set up.
A numeric variable is one for which source data is numeric or a numeric
value such as count or percentage is specified as content detail.
The graph key and color palette that you set for graphs based on data mining results
does not affect the report graphs. The report graphs appear in color unless you choose
the display option, Use gray-scale instead of colors.
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
Option Check to
Use gray-scale instead of colors Use shades of gray instead of colors in the
Popup Display each graph in an individual window. If
you have popup blocking software installed on
your browser, it may prevent these windows
from opening. You may want to disable your
popup blocking software.
Key Display a color key below the graph to show
which value each graph element (such as a
bar or region of the graph) represents.
Notes Display notes about the graph. The notes are
the same as for the displayed report.
Links Show the following:
• Information about what a graph
component (such as a bar, cell, or
region) represents, or statistics for the
component, that appear when you point to
that component.
• A menu that allows you to drill down when
you click a graph component.
• Print and Copy to Clipboard links.
• A Save to Topic link (if Topics has been
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
Depending on the display options that you specify, the graph might look like this:
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. Select the Row Action menu ( ) for a report output, and click View.
3. On the Display Output page, click Choose Graph.
Only those graph types that are appropriate for the report data appear.
4. Select Bar graph (where rows are aggregate values).
5. Specify the following display options:
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
6. Click Display.
Oracle Empirica Signal creates the graph using the specified display options.
These options apply only to this graph.
7. To see the exact values represented by a bar in the graph, point to the bar.
If you click a bar, you can drill down to cases for the bar. If you are displaying multiple
graphs on the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.
For information about copying, printing, or saving a graph as an attachment to a topic,
see Work with report graphs.
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
Depending on the display options that you specify, the graph might look like this,
where Gender is the subset variable, Quarter from FDA date is the primary variable,
and Age Group is the secondary variable:
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. Select the Row Action menu ( ) for a report output, and click View.
3. On the Display Output page, click Choose Graph.
Only those graph types that are appropriate for the report data appear.
4. Select Bar graph (where rows are detail records).
5. From the Subset Variable (for multiple graphs) drop-down list, select a subset
variable. There creates one graph for each value of the selected variable.
6. From the Primary Variable (bar groups) drop-down list, select a primary variable
to appear on the x-axis.
7. From the Secondary Variable (bars within groups) drop-down list, select a
secondary variable (optional). Each bar in the graph represents a value of the
secondary variable, as identified by the color key below the graph.
8. Specify the following display options:
9. Click Display.
Oracle Empirica Signal creates the graph using the specified display options.
These options apply only to this graph.
10. To see the exact values represented by a bar in the graph, point to the bar.
If you click a bar, you can drill down to cases for the bar. If you are displaying multiple
graphs on the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.
For information about copying, printing, or saving a graph as an attachment to a topic,
see Work with report graphs.
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
Points in a box plot are jittered (displayed at small random offsets from the
center line). This ensures that if two records have the same value, a point is
likely to be displayed for each of them.
Several box plots might be shown in a single graph if you select a secondary variable.
If so, a key appears below the box plot to relate the individual box plots to the values
of the secondary variable.
For example, a report shows age and gender for each case ID:
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
Depending on the display options that you specify, the graph might look like this:
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. Select the Row Action menu ( ) for a report output, and click View.
3. On the Display Output page, click Choose Graph.
Only those graph types that are appropriate for the report data appear.
4. Select Box plot (where rows are detail records).
5. From the Subset Variable (for multiple graphs) drop-down list, select a subset
variable. Oracle Empirica Signal creates one graph for each value of the selected
6. From the Primary Variable (defines individual boxplots) drop-down list, select a
primary variable from a list of numeric variables in the report definition. Each point
in the box plot represents a value of the primary variable.
7. From the Secondary Variable (defined boxplot groups) drop-down list, select
a secondary variable (optional). Each box represents a value of the secondary
variable, as identified by the color key below the graph.
8. Specify the following display options:
9. Click Display.
Oracle Empirica Signal creates the graph using the specified display options.
These options apply only to this graph.
For information about copying, printing, or saving a graph as an attachment to a
topic, see Work with report graphs.
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
10. If you point to a region of the graph, the following information appears:
• The region of the box (Upper Outlier, Upper Whisker, Upper Box, Lower Box,
Lower Whisker, or Lower Outlier).
• The value of the secondary variable, if any.
• The count of data points for the primary variable (and secondary variable, if
any) for that region of the box.
The count may be more than the number of cases because there may be more
than one data point for the same case. For example, a case might have multiple
adverse events, where each adverse event is a separate data point.
11. If you click a region (Upper Outlier, Upper Whisker, Upper Box, Lower Box, Lower
Whisker, or Lower Outlier) of the graph, you can drill down to cases for that region.
If you are displaying multiple graphs on the same page, do not click any graph
until all the graphs are displayed.
If a case has a value on the boundary between any regions (not including the
Upper Outlier or Lower Outlier regions), the case ID is included when you drill
down on either of the regions. Cases with values on the boundary of the Upper
Whisker or Lower Whisker are not included when you drill down on the Upper
Outlier or Lower Outlier regions.
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
The color key below the scatter plot shows which value of the inner breakdown
variable each dot represents.
For example, a report shows age, count of PTs, and count of drugs for each case ID:
Depending on the display options that you specify, the graph might look like this:
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Report
2. Select the Row Action menu ( ) for a report output, and click View.
3. On the Display Output page, click Choose Graph.
Only those graph types that are appropriate for the report data appear.
4. Select Scatterplot.
5. From the Subset Variable drop-down list, select a subset variable.
Oracle Empirica Signal creates one scatter plot for each value of the subset
Chapter 8
Work with report graphs
6. Select an X variable; that is, a numeric variable to be plotted against the x-axis.
7. Select a Y variable; that is, a numeric variable to be plotted against the y-axis.
8. You can select another Y variable. Each of the two Y variables are plotted against
the y-axis. Each Y variable corresponds to a different-shaped point, as shown in
the key below the scatter plot.
9. You can also select a text variable as an inner breakdown variable. The color
key associates each point on the scatter plot with a particular value of the inner
breakdown variable.
10. Specify the following display options:
Option Description
Labels X and Y Label the x-axis and y-axis to clarify what is
are represented by the axes.
Include linear regression lines Include a linear regression line to identify
trends in the data.
Include 45-degree line and matched axes Include a 45-degree line in the scatter plot.
This is useful if you are plotting two similar
variables and you are interested in the
Use gray-scale instead of colors Use shades of gray instead of colors in the
Popup Display each graph in an individual window.
If you have popup blocking software installed
on your browser, it may prevent these
windows from opening. You may want to
disable your popup blocking software. For
details, see Graph display options.
Oracle Empirica Signal creates the graph using the specified display options.
These options apply only to this graph.
12. To drill down to case information, point to the graph, click, and hold down the
mouse button while you draw a red rectangle around the data points for which you
want to drill down. When you release the mouse button, a menu appears and you
can drill down. Note that a single point in the graph may represent several data
If you are displaying multiple graphs on the same page, do not try to drill
down until all the graphs are displayed.
Set up and use drug profiles
• About drug profiles and layouts
• Drug Profile page
• Select drugs for a drug profile
• Select a drug profile layout
• Add a chart to a drug profile layout
• Print or copy charts (Drug Profile page)
• Link to an outside URL
• Define the Links menu
• Manage drug profile layouts
• Chart types and options
Chapter 9
Select drugs for a drug profile
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Drug
2. In the drug profile menu bar, from the Drug menu, click Select.
There is a Primary Drug field and, if the layout includes chart windows for
different drugs, there are Comparator Drug fields.
3. Optionally, click Recent in the Drug menu and select from primary drugs for which
you viewed charts recently.
The Drug menu is available only if you are viewing a layout that has
been saved at least once.
4. From the Primary Drug or Comparator Drug drop-down lists, select the type of
drug (Generic, Trade, or Ingredient) that you want to specify. Any or all of the drug
types might be available depending on the drug profile configuration you are using.
Chapter 9
Select a drug profile layout
If you remove the comparator drug, charts for the drug are not displayed
although they are still part of the layout, unless you save the layout
without them.
5. In the Primary Drug field, type a drug name or click Select to select a drug from a
The list of available drugs that you can select on the Drug menu is
determined by an algorithm described in Add a drug profile configuration.
6. If you want to select the drugs with which the layout was last saved by you or
another user, click Reset.
7. When you are satisfied with the drug selections, click OK.
Review page by selecting Drug Profile from the Row Action menu ( ) for a
In these cases, the layout is determined by your Drug Profile Layout user
3. To select a layout, from the Layout menu, click Select.
The Select Drug Profile Layout dialog box provides the following information about
each layout:
Column Description
Name Name of the layout. Available layouts are
those that you created or that are published
to you. If you have the Administer Users
permission, available layouts are published
or unpublished layouts created by any users
in your login group.
Description Description of the layout.
Created By Name of the user who created the layout.
Chapter 9
Add a chart to a drug profile layout
Column Description
Created Date and time when the layout was created.
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the
Modified Date and time when the layout was last
Unless you have the Create Drug Profiles Layouts permission, you will
not be able to save the layout with the new chart.
3. From the Drug Type drop-down list, select Generic, Ingredient, or Trade. Any or
all of these values might be available, depending on the drug profile configuration
that you are using.
4. Perform one of the following:
• In the Drug Name field, type a drug name.
• Click Select to select a drug from a list, then click OK.
The list of available drugs depends on the chart that is currently highlighted in the
list of available charts. For a report chart, available drugs are determined by the
data configuration associated with the report output on which the chart is based.
For a data mining results graph, available drugs are from the corresponding data
mining results.
Chapter 9
Print or copy charts (Drug Profile page)
The set of drugs included in logistic regression results is typically smaller
than the set of drugs in MGPS results. Graphs for logistic regression
results will be available only if the selected drug was included in the
model or added explicitly during creation of the run.
5. Select a chart. The chart types that are available depend on the data mining runs
and report outputs referenced by the drug profile configuration that you are using.
Possible chart types are as follows:
6. Click OK.
The chart appears. If the selected drug is not in the run results or report output that
is the source for the selected chart, the chart cannot be displayed.
In some cases, a chart window appears but displays a message that the chart
cannot be displayed with your current display options. If you click Options below
the chart and modify the display options, you might be able to display the chart.
7. To select multiple charts, repeats steps 5 and 6.
8. When you have finished adding charts, from the Layout menu, click Save.
If you have modified a layout, the Save Layout As dialog box appears. Enter the
information and click OK. For more information, see Saving a drug profile layout.
Chapter 9
Link to an outside URL
2. In the drug profile menu bar, from the Layout menu, click Select.
3. Perform one of the following:
• To print the selected chart, under the chart, click Print.
• To print all charts in the layout, from the Layout menu, click Print.
A preview of the printed chart appears in the Drug Progile dialog box and the Print
window appears.
4. Click Print.
Copy a chart
1. Display the chart.
2. Under the chart, click Copy.
3. Open the document to which you want to add the chart.
4. Paste in the chart using the Paste command for that application.
Copying is available in Internet Explorer only.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Drug
2. In the drug profile menu bar, from the Links menu, click a URL name to open that
configured page.
A separate browser window opens and the page for the selected URL appears.
Chapter 9
Manage drug profile layouts
URLLINK.2.LINK_NAME=NIH Label Information
3. Modify or add links.
• For each link on the Links menu, there must be a pair of lines, one defining the
name of the menu option and one specifying the URL.
• In the URL, use the following string if you need to substitute in the drug name
associated with the current chart window: \$DRUG\$
• The number after URLLINK determines the order of options in the Links menu.
For example, to add a link to the two default links, you add two lines starting
with URLLINK.3. You can renumber links, but the numbers must start with 1,
and you cannot skip numbers.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Drug
2. In the drug profile menu bar, from the Layout menu, click Manage Layouts.
The Drug Profile Layouts page appears and provides the following information
about each drug profile layout:
Column Description
Name Name of the layout.
Description Description of the layout.
Created By Name of the user who created the layout.
Created Date and time when the layout was created.
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the
Chapter 9
Manage drug profile layouts
Column Description
Modified Date and time when the layout was last
See About tables for information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or
changing the way data displays in the table.
3. If you click the Row Action menu ( ) for a drug profile layout, you can do the
• To view or select the layout, click View. The layout appears on the Drug Profile
• To rename a layout that you created, click Rename.
• To publish a layout, click Publish.
• To delete a layout that you created, click Delete.
The Create menu is enabled if you have the Create Drug Profile Layouts
Chapter 9
Manage drug profile layouts
The set of drugs included in logistic regression results is typically smaller
than the set of drugs in MGPS results. Graphs for logistic regression
results will be available only if the selected drug was included in the
model or added explicitly during creation of the run.
6. Select a chart. The chart types that are available depend on the data mining runs
and report outputs referenced by the drug profile configuration that you are using.
Possible chart types are as follows:
7. Click OK.
The chart appears. If the selected drug is not in the run results or report output that
is the source for the selected chart, the chart cannot be displayed.
In some cases, a chart window appears but displays a message that the chart
cannot be displayed with your current display options. If you click Options below
the chart and modify the display options, you might be able to display the chart.
8. To select multiple charts, repeats steps 5 and 6.
9. To order the selected charts, from the Layout menu, click View.
10. Select a view option:
• Stack—Staggers the charts. Part of each chart window is visible so you can
click to bring that chart window forward.
• Tile—Show all chart windows without any overlap.
• Order—Order charts in the layout. The order affects only printing and the slide
show mode.
• Slide Show—View each chart on its own page.
11. In Slide Show mode, use the following keys:
Chapter 9
Manage drug profile layouts
Key Description
Esc Exit slide show mode and return to the Drug
Profile page.
Home Go to the first chart in the layout.
Up arrow, Page Up, or left arrow Go to the previous chart in the layout.
Down arrow, Page Down, or right arrow Go to the next chart in the layout.
End Go to the last chart in the layout
Ctrl (or Shift) + Home Go to the top of the current chart.
Ctrl (or Shift) + Up arrow, Page Up, or left Scroll up in the current chart.
Ctrl (or Shift) + Down arrow, Page Down, or Scroll down in the current chart.
right arrow
Ctrl (or Shift) + End Go to the bottom of the current chart.
For additional chart ordering options, see Order charts in a drug profile layout.
12. Perform one of the following:
• To save the updated layout, from the Layout menu, click Save.
• To add the currently displayed charts as a single PDF attachment to a topic,
from the Layout menu, click Save to Topic. The notes of each chart are
included, even if they are not currently displayed.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Drug
2. In the drug profile menu bar, from the Layout menu, click Save. (This option is
available if you have the Create Drug Profile Layouts permission.)
If you have modified a layout and you try to navigate away without saving it, the
application prompts you to save the layout. Click OK.
3. If you have modified a layout that you created (or if you have the Administer Users
permission and you have modified a layout that someone in your login group
created), you can check Replace existing. If you check this option, you cannot
modify the layout name or description. If you want to rename a layout, use the
Rename option on the Drug Profile Layouts page.
4. In the Layout name field, type a name for the layout. Keep in mind that the layout
is not associated with a particular drug profile configuration. You might want to
avoid identifying a data source in the layout name or description.
5. Optionally, enter a description of the layout to differentiate this layout from other
6. Click OK.
When Oracle Empirica Signal saves a layout, currently displayed chart windows are
saved as part of the layout. Even if a chart window shows a message that the chart
cannot be displayed with the current options, the chart window is saved. Additionally,
Chapter 9
Manage drug profile layouts
the drugs associated with the saved charts are saved as the primary drug and
comparator drugs (if any).
Only displayed chart windows are saved as part of a layout. For example,
an existing layout includes a sector map for DrugA. You change the drug
profile configuration to point to different run results that do not include DrugA.
When you view the layout, a message tells you that the drug is not in the run
results. No chart window appears. If you save the layout again, the DrugA
sector map will not be part of the layout.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Drug
2. In the drug profile menu bar, from the Layout menu, click View, and then click
3. Use the arrow buttons to specify the order in which charts are displayed in slide
show mode or printed:
Arrow Description
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the layout, and then click Rename.
4. In the Name field, type a name for the layout. Keep in mind that the layout is
not associated with a particular drug profile configuration. You may want to avoid
identifying a data source in the layout name or description.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the layout, and then click Publish.
4. To publish to all the users in your login group, click Publish.
• If you are a superuser, you can publish to multiple login groups, including
—All—. In the Publish to Login Groups drop-down list, click or Ctrl+click to
select login groups.
• If you publish to —All— and later add a new login group, the object is
published automatically to the new login group.
5. Click Back.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
If you want to print all charts in the layout, from the Layout, click Print.
• To copy a chart, click Copy. Open the document to which you want to add the
chart and use that application's Paste function.
This is available only in Internet Explorer.
• To determine the default color used for graphs. set the user preferences, Graph
Color Palette. You can modify the graph key for your current session on the
Choose Graph page for data mining run results.
• To resize the chart, click the diagonal lines in the lower right corner and drag the
right and bottom borders to the desired size.
The primary path of a PT determines where it appears in the sector map. If a
PT is not in the event hierarchy associated with the data mining run results, it
appears in a SOC tile named Unknown.
The list of ranked PTs below the sector map includes the following information:
Column Description
Rank Ranking of the term (combined with the drug) according
to values of the statistic you have configured the sector
map to use (via the Color controlled by option).
SOC SOC containing the term.
Term (PT) Specific PT.
EBGM. EB05, ERAM, ER05, Chi-statistic, or PRR Value of the statistic you have configured the sector map
to use (via the Color controlled by option).
1. To set options for the graph, click Options. Specify the following options and click
OK. The options apply to the specific chart, and are saved as part of the layout.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
Option Description
Color controlled by Name of the statistic whose values will be ranked and
used for coloring the sector map tiles. Available values
are those computed by the data mining run and may
include EBGM, EB05, Chi-statistic (signed), and PRR.
Term box size controlled by One of the following options indicating what controls the
size of PT tiles:
• Relative importance of term—Bases the size of
PT tiles on an algorithm that determines the relative
public heath impact of PTs. Using a recent version
of AERS data, the public health impact for a PT is
computed as: (number of times the PT occurs in
serious cases) * (proportion of cases with that PT
that are serious or fatal). A higher Public Health
Impact score corresponds to a larger tile in the
sector map. Because size is based on the number
of cases of the PT alone (not the number of cases
that have the PT and a particular drug), the tile size
is stable over sector maps for different drugs.
• All terms have equal size—All PT tiles have the
same size.
For PTs that are new in the MedDRA
version associated with the AERS data used
to assess public health impact, the tile
size cannot be determined. Such PTs are
represented as small tiles.
Display maximum intensity at signal score of All tiles for which scores are above this value are
displayed at the maximum-intensity color as shown in
the color key below the graph.
Use gray-scale instead of colors Use shades of gray instead of colors in the graph.
Show low scores in green for color graph Check to show low scores in varying shades of green.
Clear to show low signal scores in black.
This setting has no effect if you display the
sector map in gray-scale.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
Option Description
Omit rare terms used fewer than __ times in AERS Number indicating how many times a PT must be in
the AERS database (the same one used for Relative
importance of term) for that PT to be shown in the sector
The notes for a sector map indicate any
rare terms that are omitted because of this
Group by HLT Within a SOC tile, group in the same rectangular area
the tiles for PTs that are in the same HLT. If you also
group by HLGT, the tiles for PTs are grouped by HLT
within each HLGT.
Group by HLGT Within a SOC tile, group in the same rectangular area
the tiles for PTs that are in the same HLGT.
List __ top scores Number indicating how many (up to 1000) terms with the
top scores are ranked and listed below the sector map.
The score is the statistic selected for Color controlled by.
If multiple terms have the same score, each term is
counted separately. For example, suppose that you enter
20 as the limit. If the 20th row has a score that other
terms after that also have, those additional terms are
shown as well.
The list below the sector map appears when you display
the key.
Show top score indexes If checked, tiles in the sector map are numbered to show
their rank, up to the number of scores specified in List __
top scores. For this option to take effect, there must be a
value specified for List __ top scores".
2. If you point to a PT tile, the MedDRA PT, HLT, HLGT, and SOC appears. The
following information for the combination of the drug and the term that the tile
represents also appears:
• N—Observed number of cases with drug-event combination.
• EBGM—Empirical Bayesian Geometric Mean. A more stable estimate than
RR; the so-called shrinkage estimate.
• EB05—A value such that there is approximately a 5% probability that the true
Relative Ratio lies below it.
• ERAM—Empirical-Bayes Regression-adjusted Arithmetic Mean. This estimate
is computed as the shrunken observed-to-expected reporting ratio adjusted for
covariates and concomitant drugs.
• ER05—A value that there is approximately a 5% probability that the ERAM lies
below it.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
The ERAM and ER05 are available only if the data mining run was
set up to compute RGPS.
The PRR and Chi-statistic are available only if the data mining run
was set up to compute PRR.
Option Description
N at least Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
At most ____ associations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display up to 200
combinations. If combinations are excluded
because of this limit, a message appears
below the graph.
<score> at least Display only combinations with a score
(EBGM, LROR, PRR, or ROR) of at least
the specified number.
<score> at least Display only combinations with a lower
confidence limit (EB05, LR05, ROR05) of at
least the specified number.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
Option Description
Bar length controlled by Indicate whether you want bars to show in
descending order by:
• N (observed count).
• The score (EBGM, LROR, PRR, or
• The lower confidence interval score
(EB05, LR05, ROR05).
Bar color controlled by Indicate whether bar color should be
controlled by:
• EBGM, LROR, PRR, or ROR, as
defined by the graph key.
• EB05, LR05, ROR05, as defined by the
graph key.
• A single color for all graph bars.
Order by bar length Show the bars of the graph in descending
order based on bar length.
Order by item Show the bars of the graph in alphabetical
2. You can point to a bar of the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the bar.
3. If you click on a bar, you can then drill down to a list of cases for the bar, create
a case series, transfer to case series, download cases, download case details, or
run reports for those cases.
Option Description
N at least Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
At most ____ associations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display up to 200
combinations. If combinations are excluded
because of this limit, a message appears
below the graph.
<score> at least Display only combinations with a score
(EBGM, LROR, or ROR) of at least the
specified number.
<score> at least Display only combinations with a lower
confidence limit (EB05, LR05, ROR05) of at
least the specified number.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
Option Description
Bar color controlled by Indicate whether bar color should be
controlled by:
• EBGM, LROR, or ROR, as defined by
the graph key.
• EB05, LR05, ROR05, as defined by the
graph key.
• A different color for each bar in the
• A single color for all graph bars.
Order by bar length Show the bars of the graph in descending
order based on bar length.
Order by item Show the bars of the graph in ascending
alphabetical order.
Show N at end of confidence interval Display the value of N at the end of each
confidence interval bar.
2. You can point to a bar of the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the bar.
3. If you click on a bar, you can then drill down to a list of cases for the bar, create
a case series, transfer to case series, download cases, download case details, or
run reports for those cases.
Option Description
N at least Display only those drug-drug-event
combinations with an observed count (N) of
at least the specified number.
At most _____ combinations Display no more than the specified number
of drug-drug-event combinatoins. You can
display graphs for up to 200 combinations.
If combinations are excluded because of this
limit, a message appears below the graph.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
Option Description
Order by The value of the score that you select
here for the drug-drug-event combinations
is used to sort the graphs. For example,
if your select INTSS, the graph with the
highest INTSS value for the drug-drug-event
combination appears first.
Axis Type Select either Linear or Log (logarithmic).
When you use a logarithmic axis, the
confidence intervals for the two-way
combinations may appear more clearly.
Highlight confidence intervals where INTSS Enter the INTSS value above which
> confidence interval bars will be highlighted.
Show N at end of confidence interval Display the value of N at the end of each bar
Use gray-scale instead of colors Use shades of gray instead of colors in the
2. You can point to a line in the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the line. Long drug or event terms may end in an ellipsis in the
label on the graph itself; in this case, you can point to the line to see the full terms.
3. If you click on a bar, you can then drill down to a list of cases for the bar, create
a case series, transfer to case series, download cases, download case details, or
run reports for those cases.
Option Description
N at least Display only combinations with an observed
count (N) of at least the specified number.
EBGM at least Display only combinations with an EBGM
score of at least the specified number.
EB05 at least Display only combinations with an EB05
value of at least the specified number.
At most ____ associations Display no more than the specified number
of combinations. You can display up to 200
combinations. If combinations are excluded
because of this limit, a message appears
below the graph.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
Option Description
Show value of In each cell of the grid, display the numeric
value of N (observed), EBGM, or EB05. You
can also select Leave blank to display a grid
without labels. Cells with no occurrences are
Color by Indicate whether the cell color should be
controlled by:
• EBGM, according to the graph cutpoints
and palette.
• EB05, according to the graph cutpoints
and palette.
• No color.
Order by first occurrence of Indicates how to order drug-event
combinations in the graph, based on
descending order of N, EBGM, or
EB05 values. This ordering is applied
to combinations for the first subset. If
the maximum number of combinations
is not reached, the ordering is applied
to combinations for the second subset,
and so on until the maximum number of
combinations is reached. (The maximum
number of combinations is determined by
the At most __ associations option.)
For example, suppose that the graph
shows values of EBGM and has at most
six combinations. You order by the first
occurrence of EBGM > 2. Combinations are
ordered in descending order of EBGM as
3. You can point to a cell of the graph to display statistics for the combination
represented by the cell. Long drug or event terms may end in an ellipsis in the
label on the graph itself. In these cases, you can point to the cell to see the full
4. If you click on a cell, you can then drill down to a list of cases for the cell, create
a case series, transfer to case series, download cases, download case details, or
run reports for those cases.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
In the following report chart, each case can be counted for multiple rows. The total of
N (4776) for all rows is more than the unique number of cases (4532). Thus, the % is
not based on a count of unique cases.
Chapter 9
Chart types and options
Settings and administration
• Specify settings
• Manage users, login groups, and work teams
• System configurations
• Administer the system
• Monitor the system
• Set up saved lists
Specify settings
When you click Settings in the left navigation pane, the Settings page appears. Your
user permissions determine the options you see on the Settings page. For most users,
this page includes only the following options:
• Change Password (available when not using single sign-on or LDAP)
• Remove Visited Status for Case ID Links
• Manage Saved Lists
• About
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
By default, new users belong to the Users login group and are
provisioned with the user profile called user. The user profile called user
does not include any permissions or roles, unless you edit it.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
For Oracle-hosted installations, you provide Oracle Empirica Signal
credentials only for superusers. Superusers log into the application directly.
Users with the Administer Users permission can use both published and
unpublished objects created by users in their login group.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
A user can act on an object (for example, a data mining run) if:
• The user created the object.
• The object was published to the user's login group.
• The object was created by a different user in the user's login group, and the user
has the Administer User permission.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Manage users
• View existing users
• Add or edit a user in a self-hosted environment
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Column Description
User Name Unique name of the user account.
Name Full name (first name and last name) associated with the
user account.
Email Email address associated with the user name. This
address (or addresses, separated by commas) is the
default notification address for runs if the run creator
chooses email notification. This address is also used
when a user with the Administer Users permission with
appropriate permissions sends a message to all users,
and it is used when a message is generated by a topic
email notification rule.
Authentication One of the following values:
• Local—Standard Oracle Empirica Signal
• SSO—Single sign-on authentication using Oracle
Access Manager or another application.
• LDAP— LDAP authentication.
For more information, see Configure Oracle Empirica
Signal for use with LDAP.
Login Group Appears only if you are a superuser. Login group
associated with the user.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Column Description
Status Enabled if the user can log in to the application.
Disabled if the user cannot log in.
This value is determined
by the Account disabled
check box on the Edit User
This procedure does not apply for Oracle-hosted installations, unless you
are a superuser. For more information, see Add and edit a user in an Oracle-
hosted environment.
b. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the user, and then click Edit.
You can edit only users in your login group.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
If you selected a user profile, the user is already provisioned with roles
and permissions.
8. (Optional) If you plan to use the Topics feature of Oracle Empirica Signal, do the
following for newly created users:
a. Add the user to one or more work teams.
b. Assign work team permissions to the user.
Field descriptions
Field Description
Authentication Authentication method.
Username (Add User page only) Unique name of the user account (up to
100 characters). You can reuse deleted user
Does not apply if LDAP authentication is used.
For more information, see About user names.
First Name First name of the user (up to 64 characters).
Last Name Last name of the user (up to 64 characters).
Email Email address of the user. This address (or
addresses, separated by a comma) is used:
• As the default email address if the user
chooses to be notified of data mining run
completion notification.
• When a message is generated by a topic
email notification rule.
• When you use the Send Message to All
Users link on the Settings page.
It is recommended that all users have an
associated email address.
User Profile The user profile, or set of attributes (login
group and quota), user roles, permissions, and
default user preferences that can be applied to
The default is determined by the site option
Default user profile.
Quota Maximum amount of server space in
megabytes (M) that the user is permitted to
use for creating runs. If this limit is exceeded,
the user cannot submit new runs (or re-runs).
To indicate an unlimited amount of storage
space, leave this field blank. If you enter 0, the
user cannot create any runs even if the user
has appropriate permissions.
Login Group Name of the login group to which the user
belongs. Appears only if you are a superuser.
If this field does not appear, the login group for
the new user is the same as your login group.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Field Description
Password (Local authentication only) Password for the user account (up to 64
characters). The password does not need
to be unique. Note that users can also
modify their own passwords. Follow any
recommendations by your organization related
to creating secure (hard-to-guess) passwords.
You must create passwords according to
the password restrictions set by your site
Does not apply if LDAP or SSO authentication
is used.
Confirm Password (Local authentication only) Re-enter the password for the user account to
confirm it.
Does not apply if LDAP or SSO authentication
is used.
Superuser If selected, the user can perform any activity.
This check box is available only if you are
logged in as a superuser.
If you are not a superuser, the label Superuser
appears (without a check box) for any
previously created superuser.
Password never expires (Local authentication If selected, the user password never expires.
If a user
password has
expired, a
message at the
top of the Edit
User page tells
you this when
you edit the user.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Field Description
Account disabled If selected, the user account is disabled.
Disabled users cannot log in, receive
notifications, or have objects such as topics
assigned to them.
When a local
user password
has expired, the
user account
disabled. To
allow the user to
log in again, you
must both assign
a new password
to the user and
re-enable the
user account.
This procedure does not apply for self-hosted installations. For more
information, see Add and edit a user in a self-hosted environment.
Add the user in Oracle Health Sciences Identity and Access Management
1. Log in to the Oracle Health Sciences Identity and Access Management Service
2. Create the user.
For more information see the IAMS Delegated Administrator Quick Reference
Guide on the My Oracle website.
3. Assign the Signal role to the user.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
After a few minutes, the user is created in Oracle Empirica Signal, and an entry
appears in the Oracle Empirica Signal userprovision.log file on the application
The user is provisioned with the default user profile specified as a site option.
4. Optionally, change the roles and permissions assigned to the user.
5. If you plan to use the Topics feature of Oracle Empirica Signal, optionally do the
following for newly created users:
a. Add the user to one or more work teams.
b. Assign work team permissions to the user.
5. Click the user's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit.
You can edit only users in your login group.
Field descriptions
Field Description
Authentication (read only) Indicates that the user is
authenticated with single sign-on.
Username (read only) Unique name of the user account (up
to 100 characters). You can reuse
deleted user names.
Does not apply if LDAP authentication
is used.
For more information, see About user
First Name (read only) First name of the user (up to 64
Last Name (read only) Last name of the user (up to 64
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Field Description
Email (read only) Email address of the user. This
address (or addresses, separated by
a comma) is used:
• As the default email address if
the user chooses to be notified
of data mining run completion
• When a message is generated by
a topic email notification rule.
• When you use the Send
Message to All Users link on the
Settings page.
It is recommended that all users have
an associated email address.
User Profile The user profile, or set of attributes
(login group and quota), user
roles, permissions, and default user
preferences that can be applied to
By default, new users are provisioned
with the user profile. The user profile
does not include any permissions or
Quota Maximum amount of server space
in megabytes (M) that the user is
permitted to use for creating runs.
If this limit is exceeded, the user
cannot submit new runs (or re-runs).
To indicate an unlimited amount of
storage space, leave this field blank.
If you enter 0, the user cannot
create any runs even if the user has
appropriate permissions.
Login Group Name of the login group to which the
user belongs. Appears only if you are
a superuser.
By default, new users belong to the
Users login group
Password (disabled) Does not apply for SSO.
Confirm Password (disabled) Does not apply for SSO.
Superuser If selected, the user can perform any
activity. This check box is available
only if you are logged in as a
If you are not a superuser, the
label Superuser appears (without a
check box) for any previously created
Password never expires Does not apply for SSO.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Field Description
User must change password at next Does not apply for SSO.
Account locked Does not apply for SSO.
Account disabled If selected, the user account is
disabled and the user cannot log in.
3. Click the User's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit. You can edit only
users in the same login group as you.
4. Click Assign Roles.
5. Select or deselect checkboxes to assign roles to, or remove roles from, the user.
6. Click Save.
If you modify the user's roles and the user is currently running Oracle
Empirica Signal, the changes take effect the next time the user logs in to
Oracle Empirica Signal.
3. Click the user's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit. You can edit only
users in the same login group as you.
4. Click Assign Permissions.
Permissions that have been granted to the user are indicated by selected
See User permissions for information about which Oracle Empirica Signal
activities are made available by each permission.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
If you modify the user's permissions and the user is currently running
Oracle Empirica Signal, the changes take effect the next time the user
logs in to Oracle Empirica Signal.
This procedure does not apply for single sign-on environments. You must
use the single sign-on application to change or reset user passwords.
If you have the Administer Users permission, you can change the passwords of other
users in your login group.
3. Click the user's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit. You can edit only
users in the same login group as you.
4. Click Change Password.
5. In the New Password field, type a new password.
The site administrator sets the required password length and the types of
characters allowed (alphabetic, numeric, non-alphanumeric, lowercase, and
uppercase). There may be restrictions on the re-use of old passwords.
6. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the same password.
7. Click Change Password.
The password expiration period, if one has been set as a site option, begins for
the new password. The next time the user logs in, the user must use the new
Rename a user
Before you begin, if you work in a self-hosted environment with single sign-
on, rename the user in Oracle Access Manager (OAM) or your single sign-on
application. The user name in the single sign-on application must always
match the user name in Oracle Empirica Signal.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
This procedure does not apply for Oracle-hosted installations unless you are
a superuser renaming a local user. You rename single sign-on users in the
Oracle Health Sciences Identity and Access Management Service console.
3. Click the user's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit. You can edit only
users in the same login group as you.
4. Click Rename User.
5. In the Username field, type the new user name for the user.
The name must be unique within the application, and can be up to 100 characters
long. If you are implementing single sign-on, type the single sign-on user name.
6. Click Save.
The new user name is displayed at the top of the Edit User page.
If the affected user is logged into the application, the user can continue working.
However, the user must use the new user name for future logins.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Purge users
For Oracle-hosted installations with single sign-on, you delete a user by removing
the Signal role from the user in the Oracle Health Sciences Identity and Access
Management Service console. If objects are assigned to the deleted user, you must
also purge the user in Oracle Empirica Signal.
This procedure applies only to Oracle-hosted installations. For information
about deleting users in a self-hosted environment, see Delete a user.
5. Click the user's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Purge.
If the user has one or more private topics, Oracle Empirica Signal prevents
you from purging the user and displays the name or ID of the private topic.
Contact a superuser to reassign or delete the private topic.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
For Oracle-hosted installations, you change a user's authentication method
to SSO by creating the user in the Oracle Health Sciences Identity
and Access Management Service (IAMS) console. Do not perform this
You can change the authentication method for a user to Local, SSO (single sign-on),
or LDAP.
Before you begin:
• If you plan to change a user's authentication method to SSO and you work in a
self-hosted environment, create the user in your single sign-on application.
• If you plan to change a user's authentication method to LDAP, import the user.
3. Click the user's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit.
4. From the Authentication drop-down list, select one of the following:
• Local
5. Click Save.
Delete a user
This procedure does not apply for Oracle-hosted installations unless you are
a superuser deleting a local user. You delete single sign-on users in the
Oracle Health Sciences Identity and Access Management Serviceconsole.
For more information, see Purge users.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
4. Click the user's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Delete.
5. If the deleted user is logged in to Oracle Empirica Signal, the user can continue
working. However, after the user logs out, the user cannot log in again.
If the user has one or more private topics, Oracle Empirica Signal
prevents you from deleting the user and displays the name or ID of the
private topic. Contact a superuser to reassign or delete the private topic.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
If you set user preferences by applying a user profile to users, those user
preferences are defaults that the individual users can override.
Column Description
User Profile Name Name of the user profile.
Login Group Name of the login group associated with
the user profile. Appears only if you are a
Quota Maximum amount of server space in
megabytes (M) that users with the user
profile are permitted to use for creating
runs. If this limit is exceeded, users cannot
submit new runs (or re-runs). To indicate an
unlimited amount of storage space, leave
this field blank. If the quota is 0, users
cannot create any runs even if the user has
appropriate permissions.
3. Click a user profile's Row Action menu ( ) to edit or delete the profile.
Modifications to a user profile are not automatically applied to users who with
that profile. To apply those changes to existing users, you need to re-apply
the user profile to those users.
• To edit a user profile, click the User profile's Row Action menu ( ), and then
click Edit.
4. Enter or change the following information:
User Profile Fields
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Field Description
Edit User Profile: Name of the user profile. Can't be edited.
Quota Maximum amount of server space in
megabytes (M) that users with this user
profile are permitted to use for creating
runs. If this limit is exceeded, users cannot
submit new runs (or re-runs). To indicate
an unlimited amount of storage space,
leave this field blank. If you enter 0, users
cannot create any runs even if the user has
appropriate permissions.
Login Group Name of the login group associated with
the user profile. Appears only if you are a
superuser. If this field does not appear, the
login group for the user profile is the same
as your login group.
5. Click Save.
6. Assign roles or assign permissions to the user profile or set user preferences for
the user profile.
3. Click the user profile's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit.
4. Click Assign Roles.
5. To assign roles to or remove roles from the user profile, select or de-select the
user role checkboxes
6. Click Save.
3. To edit a user profile, click the Row Action menu ( ) for a user profile, and then
click Edit.
4. Click Assign Permissions.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
5. To assign permissions to the user profile or remove permissions from the user
profile, select or de-select the permission checkboxes. See User permissions for
information about which activities are made available by each permission.
6. Click Save.
Preferences that you can assign to a user profile are dependent on your
permissions and the user preferences available to you.
3. To edit a user profile, click the Row Action menu ( ) for a user profile, and then
click Edit.
4. Click the Preferences link.
5. To assign user preferences to the user profile or remove user preferences from the
user profile, select or de-select the preference checkboxes and make selections
from the drop-down lists. See User permissions for information about which
activities are made available by each permission.
For details about each user preference, see Set your user preferences.
6. Click Save.
Once you have applied a user profile to a user, there is no further association
between the user profile and the user. For example, if the user profile is
subsequently modified or deleted, users to whom the profile was applied are
not affected.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
3. Click the user's Row Action menu ( ), and then click Edit. You can edit only
users in the same login group as you.
4. Click Apply User Profile (which is available only if there are existing user
5. From the User Profiles list, click a user profile, associated with your login group,
to be associated with the user.
6. Click Save.
If you apply a user profile to a user who is currently logged in, any changes
that you make to the profile affect that user the next time the user logs in.
The following table includes only permissions that are assigned to at least
one predefined user role. For a description of every permission, see User
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
If you modify permissions for an existing user role, then users currently logged
in and associated with the user role are not affected by the changes during
their current session. The changes take effect the next time they log into the
For Oracle-hosted installations, a Users login group is included in Oracle
Empirica Signal by default. New users you create in the Oracle Health
Sciences Identity and Access Management Service (IAMS) console are
assigned to this login group by default.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
The same signal configuration can be assigned to multiple login groups.
9. From the Topic workflow Configuration drop-down list, select a topic workflow
configuration from those published to the login group that you are editing. This
will be the topic workflow configuration used on the Topic Management page (if
Signal Management is integrated with Topics, the workflow configuration used on
the Signal Review page is defined in the Signal Management Configuration). A
user can make a topic visible to work teams that are based on login groups to
which the topic workflow configuration is assigned.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
The Topic Management page is not available to users unless they are in a
login group with an assigned topic workflow configuration and they have the View
Topics permission (the exception is that users with the Manage Topic Workflow
Configurations permission can set a user preference as another way to make the
Topic Management page accessible).
The same topic workflow configuration can be assigned to multiple login
The same signal configuration can be assigned to multiple login groups.
7. From the Topic workflow Configuration drop-down list, select a topic workflow
configuration from those published to the login group that you are editing. A user
can make a topic visible to work teams that are based on login groups to which the
topic workflow configuration is assigned.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
The same topic workflow configuration can be assigned to multiple login
8. Click Save.
If you modified settings for an existing login group, then users currently logged in
who are associated with the login group are not affected by the changes during
their current session. The changes take effect the next time they log in.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
When assigning work team permissions, note that only users with the
View Topics user permission can access the Topics page and work with
associated topics on the Signal Review page. Work team permissions grant
different levels of access to the topics on those pages, but not to the topics
feature itself.
You can define multiple work teams within the same login group. For example,
different work teams can represent various therapeutic areas. A user can be a member
of one, several, or none of the login group's work teams.
Users with the Administer Users user permission can add and delete work teams, and
edit work teams to specify members and assign work team permissions to them. (One
of the work team permissions, Administer Work Team, can be used to give designated
members editing access only to a work team.)
Work team deletion is prevented if the work team has ever been used by
Oracle Empirica Topics for visibility or by a topic or action for assignment. If
a work team is referenced in a template, you cannot delete the work team
unless the template is deleted.
To use the topics feature and access the Topics page or work with
associated topics on the Signal Review page, users must be given the View
Topics user permission. Work team permissions give users different levels of
access to the topics that appear on those tabs.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Permission Activity
View Topics/Actions/Attachments View topics, actions, and attachments to both topics and
actions, and create .pdf or compressed .zip files of topic
All work team members
should be given this
permission to allow topic
Edit Topics/Actions Add and edit topics and actions, including adding
comments (if enabled by the topic workflow
This permission does not
grant view access to
topics or actions. Typically,
members also are given
the View Topics/Actions/
Attachments work team
Add/Edit/Delete Attachments in Open Topics/Actions Add, edit, and delete attachments to topics and actions,
including adding comments (if enabled by the topic
workflow configuration).
Grants access to attachments to topics and actions that
are in a non-final state, such as Assigned.
Edit Attachments in Closed Topics/Actions Edit topic or action attachments when the topic is in a
final state, such as Closed, and edit action attachments
when the action is in a final state.
This permission does not
allow members to add
comments to attachments.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Permission Activity
Reopen Topics/Actions Reopen topics or actions by changing the state from
a final state, such as Closed, to a non-final state,
such as Assigned. No other edits are permitted by this
For the Reopen option to
be available for a topic
or action, in the topic
workflow configuration at
least one state also must
be defined as a Next
possible state for the final
This permission does not
grant delete access to
Administer Work Team See the Administer Work Team permission section
Work team permissions apply only in the context of working with topics
and, as a result, are effective only for members who also have the View
Topics user permission. Only members with the View Topics user permission
can access the Topics page, where they can add topics and make them
visible to a work team (or teams) to initiate collaborative participation. Users
who are members of the visible to work team(s) can then view and act on
topics as granted by their assigned work team permissions. View topics user
permission is also required to work with associated topics on the Signal
Review page.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Permission Default
View Topics/Actions/Attachments Yes
Add/Edit/Delete Attachments in Open Topics/ No
Edit Attachments in Closed Topics/Actions No
Reopen Topics/Actions No
Delete Topics/Actions No
Administer Work Team No
You can change this set of default permissions so that members are given additional
permissions by default. When you add a member to a work team, the permissions
in the default set are assigned to that new member automatically. You can edit each
member's assigned permissions as needed.
If you make changes to the default set after it has been assigned to members, the
permissions granted to those members by default are updated automatically to match
the new default set.
Field Description
Name Name of the work team.
Description Description of the work team.
Login Group Name of the work team's login group.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Field Description
All Users Yes, if the work team is set up to include
all users in the login group automatically.
When a new user is added to the login
group, he or she is also added to the work
team and given the default set of work team
No, if users in the login group are selected
individually for inclusion in the work team,
and are listed in the Users column. New
users must be added to the work team
Users Blank, if all users in the login group are in
the work team. Otherwise, lists the name of
each work team member.
Topic Visibility Whether or not the topic is visible to the
work team.
Topic/Action Assignment Whether or not topics and actions can be
assigned to the work team.
Created By Name of the user who created the work
Created Date and time when the work team was
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the work
Modified Date and time when the work team was last
ID Identifier that was assigned automatically
when the work team was created. Each
work team ID is unique and is not re-used
if the work team is deleted.
The table might also include columns for custom fields added by your
3. Perform the following optional activity: add a new work team. Click Add Work
Team. Only users with the Administer Users user permission can add work teams.
For more information, see Add or edit a work team.
4. If you click the Row Action menu ( ) for a work team, you can do the following:
• To edit a work team, including adding new members, click Edit.
• To assign work team permissions to members, click Assign Work Team
• To delete a work team, click Delete. Only users with the Administer Users user
permission can delete a work team, and a work team cannot be deleted if any
topics have been made visible to it.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Work team deletion is prevented if the work team has ever been
used by Oracle Empirica Topics for visibility or by a topic or action for
assignment. If a work team is referenced in a template, you cannot
delete the work team unless the template is deleted.
For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way
data displays in the table, see About tables.
To edit a work team, click the Row Action menu ( ) for the work team, and then
click Edit.
4. In the Name and Description fields, enter or change the name and description of
the work team.
5. If you are a superuser, from the Login group drop-down list, select the login group
from which you want to add users to the work team. If you are not a superuser, this
field does not appear and you add users from your own login group to the work
6. Select the Allow topic visibility check box to make the work team available in
the Visible to work team field and Browse work team pages when creating and
editing topics/topic templates.
7. Select the Allow assignment of topics and actions check box to make the work
team available for selection in the Assign to topic and action fields.
8. Do one of the following:
• To add all users in the login group to the work team, click the Add all users
radio button. As new users are added to the login group, they are added to the
work team and given the default set of work team permissions automatically.
• To add users in the login group to the work team individually, click the Select
users radio button. Click Select Users to individually select users. As new
users are added to the login group, you must add them to this work team
9. Optionally, supply values in any custom fields present for work teams. Custom
fields for work teams are defined in a topic workflow configuration, and a
superuser must enable these fields for use by setting site option , Topic workflow
configuration for work team custom fields.
10. When you click OK, your changes are saved and you can assign work team
permissions to the members of the work team.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the work team, and then click Assign Work
Team Permissions.
By default, each new work team member is assigned the default set of
permissions and the check box in the Use Default column is checked.
4. To assign permissions individually, clear the Use Default check box, and then
check or clear the check boxes in the row with the user's name.
You must assign at least one work team permission to each member or
the default set of permissions will be assigned.
For more information on the access level granted by each permission, see Work
team permissions.
5. Click Save.
If you modified permissions for a user who is currently logged into the application,
the user is not affected by the changes during the current session. The changes
take effect the next time the user logs in.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
• Install and configure the WebGate agent on the Oracle Empirica Signal application
Contact Oracle for assistance.
For more information, see Configure single sign-on in a self-hosted environment.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
This procedure does not apply for Oracle-hosted installations.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
The Oracle Empirica Signal application does not update information in the
LDAP directory.
You can configure Oracle Empirica Signal to use LDAP by editing a properties file
template for Active Directory, Sun One Directory, or Oracle Internet Directory. For more
information, see your LDAP documentation.
1. Log in to Oracle Empirica Signal as a superuser.
The Oracle Empirica Signal application does not update information in
the LDAP directory.
6. Copy the properties file that corresponds to your directory type to the same
location, and then rename the file
•—Active Directory using
kerberos for authentication.
•—Active Directory using ldap
for authentication.
•—Sun One Directory.
•—Oracle Internet Directory.
After the file is created, redeploy the application server
using WebLogic Server Administration Console.
13. Click Import LDAP Users and search for users to verify the LDAP configuration.
For more information, see Import LDAP Users.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
LDAP properties
For reference, you can use the following properties to configure the Oracle Empirica
Signal application for use with LDAP. Some properties apply only to certain directory
types. You configure these properties in the appropriate ldap properties file. For more
information, see Configure Oracle Empirica Signal for use with LDAP.
Property Description
auth.mode Authentication method. Specify kerberos or
ldap. Implementation class for JNDI LDAP provider
used during LDAP user authentication. Specify
com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory. Hostname for the Kerberos Key Distribution
Center (KDC) used during Kerberos-based
user authentication.
auth.kerberos.port Port for the Kerberos Key Distribution Center
(KDC) used during Kerberos-based user
auth.kerberos.domain Domain used during Kerberos-based user
authentication. Security protocol used during LDAP-based
user authentication.
Specify one of the following:
• none - LDAP
• ssl - LDAPS Hostname and port used during LDAP-based
user authentication. Authentication mode used during LDAP-based
user authentication. Specify simple. Implementation class for JNDI LDAP provider
used during user search and import. Specify
com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory. Security protocol used during LDAP user
search and import. Specify one of the
• none - LDAP
• ssl - LDAPS Hostname and the port used during LDAP
user search and import. When importing users
or changing a user to LDAP authentication, all
searches begin in the specified root. Authentication mode used during LDAP user
search and import. Specify one of the
• none - Anonymous connections.
• simple - Search as a specific user. Stores LDAP user name that resides in the
LdapCredentials key. For more information,
see Oracle Health Sciences Empirica Signal
Installation Guide.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Property Description Stores LDAP password that resides in the
LdapCredentials key. For more information,
see Oracle Health Sciences Empirica Signal
Installation Guide. Indicates whether the LDAP provider follows
referrals during a user search and import.
Specify follow.
search.controls.timelimit Maximum number of seconds that a query of
the LDAP server can take before the LDAP
connection times out.
search.controls.countlimit Maximum number of users that can be
received from the LDAP server before the
LDAP connection times out.
search.root LDAP search root used during LDAP user
search and import.
search.syncroot LDAP search root used during LDAP refresh/
sync of users. Generally should be the same
as search.root.
search.nameAttribute LDAP attribute which is searched upon in the
Import LDAP User page.
search.emailAttribute LDAP attribute used to populate a Signal
user's email address during an import/sync
search.usernameAttribute LDAP attribute used to populate a Signal
user's user name during an import/sync
Oracle Empirica Signal ensures that the user
name in Oracle Empirica Signal matches the
user name in the directory during an import or
refresh operation.
search.firstNameAttribute LDAP attribute used to populate an Oracle
Empirica Signal user's first name during an
import/sync operation.
search.lastNameAttribute LDAP attribute used to populate an Oracle
Empirica Signal user's last name during an
import/sync operation.
search.kerberosIdAttribute LDAP attribute used to identify an Oracle
Empirica Signal user during Kerberos
search.syncIdAttribute LDAP attribute used to identify an Oracle
Empirica Signal user during a refresh/sync
Typically, this is an attribute that is not subject
to change, such as an employee ID.
search.searchQuery LDAP search query used when the user
specifies a search string on the Import LDAP
User page.
search.searchQueryNF LDAP search query used when the user
leaves the search string blank on the Import
LDAP User page.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
Property Description
search.syncQuery LDAP sync query used when refreshing users.
This procedure does not apply for Oracle-hosted installations.
1. Log in to Oracle Empirica Signal as a user with the permissions Administer Users
and Administer LDAP.
Make sure that at least one user profile exists.
11. If you plan to use the Topics feature of Oracle Empirica Signal, do the following for
imported users:
a. Add the user to one or more work teams.
b. Assign work team permissions to the user.
Chapter 10
Manage users, login groups, and work teams
This procedure does not apply for Oracle-hosted installations.
1. Log in to Oracle Empirica Signal as a user with the permissions Administer Users
and Administer LDAP.
Make sure that at least one user profile exists.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the user you want to edit, and then click Edit.
You can edit only users in your login group.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• For users who are LDAP users, do not make changes to user information in
Oracle Empirica Signal. If you do so, the changes will be lost when you next
refresh LDAP users.
This procedure does not apply for Oracle-hosted installations.
1. Log in to Oracle Empirica Signal as a user with the permissions Administer Users
and Administer LDAP.
System configurations
• Select a data configuration
• Manage configurations
• Manage subscription data releases
• Manage aliases
• Manage drug profile configurations
• Manage signal configurations
• Manage reviewer-user mapping
• Manage topic workflow configurations
• Transform data
Chapter 10
System configurations
Column Description
ID Internal identifier of the data configuration.
Name Name of the data configuration.
Description Description of the data configuration.
Account Name of the Oracle account in which the
data configuration resides.
See About tables for information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or
changing the way data displays in the table.
2. Click the row for the data configuration that you want to select.
3. Click OK.
Some data configurations are set up to support timestamped data. If you
select this type of data configuration during certain activities, you must
specify an As of date. See Specify an As Of date.
Suppose that the source data contains all the items shown in the following example.
The data configuration specifies GENERIC_NM and PREFERRED_TERM as the
items to be available in a data mining run. If the data configuration renames
GENERIC_NM and PREFERRED_TERM to Drug and PT, when you create a run,
you select Drug and PT as the items to study. The run results show you scores for
combinations of Drug and PT values.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Manage configurations
• About data configurations
• View existing data configurations
• Data configuration example
• Add a data configuration
• Modify a data configuration
Chapter 10
System configurations
You can create data configurations to exert varying degrees of control over user
choices. A configuration can tightly control the variables that are available during
activities such as creating data mining runs. A configuration can also make more
variables available or leave the choice of variables up to the run creator.
For example, suppose that source data includes both the trade name and generic
name for drugs. You can create one data configuration that makes only trade names
available, and another data configuration that makes only generic names available.
You can also create a single configuration that makes both trade names and generic
names available, and then let the run creator determine which one to use.
You work with configurations on the Manage Configurations page. A configuration
becomes available for use during activities, such as data mining, only when you have
validated it and granted permissions to it.
You can create a configuration by:
• Importing it.
• Setting it up from scratch.
• Copying and modifying an existing data configuration.
Regardless of how you create the data configuration, you generally perform the
following tasks in sequence:
Chapter 10
System configurations
The Manage Configurations page provides the following information about each data
Column Description
Name Name of the configuration.
Desc Description of the configuration.
Database Group Name of the database group to which the configuration
is assigned. Results reviewers can use the database
group when finding and selecting a data mining run.
The application also uses the database group when
determining color changes for case ID links that are
visited by users.
Owner Name of the user who created the configuration.
Account Name of the Oracle account in which the configuration
Table Name of the Oracle table representing the configuration.
Drilldown Map Name of the drilldown map table, which specifies the
source of case details that display when a user drills
Source Desc Name of the source description table, which provides
information about the source data.
Is Valid Yes, if the configuration has been validated.
No, if the configuration requires validation.
Type The type of configurations created locally is Local. The
type of configurations imported from Subscription Data
Releases is Managed.
If you click the Row Action menu ( ) for a data configuration, you can click Edit to
view or edit the data configuration.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Chapter 10
System configurations
If a data configuration was deleted by reference only, it is still in the
database and you cannot create anew configuration with the same
6. Next to the Drilldown Map field, click Select/Edit Table to specify a drill-down
map table. Select the table from the Select Drilldown Table drop-down list and
click OK. If you do not specify a drilldown map table, the configuration will not pass
Chapter 10
System configurations
If the source data is timestamped, then for each table referenced by the
drilldown map table, there must be at least one variable with the same
7. Next to the Source Description Table field, click Select Table to select a table
that has been set up as a source description table in the Oracle account to which
you are connected. For timestamped data, you should always specify a source
description table. If the data is not timestamped, the source description table is
optional. In the Select Table dialog box, click a table and click Save.
8. To make the configuration unavailable for data mining runs, check Hide from Data
Mining. The configuration can then be used for other activities, such as querying
and reporting, but not for data mining. For example, you should not use for data
mining a configuration pointing to source data from which duplicates have not
been removed.
9. To identify the configuration as including cases with suspect and concomitant
drugs, check Database includes Concomitant Drugs. If the configuration
includes suspect drugs only, clear this check box.
10. If the source data includes timestamped data, allowing for the recreation of data as
of a particular point in time, check Database is Timestamped.
11. Choose one of the following:
14. Prior to validating the configuration in the Modify Configuration page, you must
add variables. To add configuration variables to the configuration, click Add New
Chapter 10
System configurations
Drilling down to view case details is possible only if the appropriate site
option has been set and the user has the appropriate permission.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Edit.
4. In the right-most column of the configuration, click Edit.
5. Next to the Drilldown Map field, click Select/Edit Table.
6. From the Select Drilldown table drop-down list, select a drilldown map table and
click OK. Available drilldown map tables are those in the Oracle account to which
you are connected.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Chapter 10
System configurations
Timestamped data
To support timestamped data, the application must know the range of dates that are
valid for users to enter when prompted for an As Of date. The following two columns of
the source description table define the range:
• ASOFDATE—Latest date for which there is consistent source data.
• EARLIEST_ASOFDATE—Earliest date for which there is consistent source data.
The values of these columns are determined during the data preparation process.
On Oracle Empirica Signal pages where users specify an As Of date, the default date
that appears is the ASOFDATE from the source description table. Users can change
the displayed date to another date that is earlier than or equal to the ASOFDATE and
later than or equal to the EARLIEST_ASOFDATE.
Narrative text
If the source data contains narrative text, you can include the narrative on the Case
Details page. There are several ways that narrative text may be set up in the source
Assume that there are three categories of narrative text (CAT_A, CAT_B, and CAT_C)
and two report IDs (10, 11). The simplest way that narrative text may be stored is for
each category of narrative text to have its own column in the source database table,
with one row per report ID. This approach is used in the following example:
For the NARRATIVE type in the drilldown map table, you would specify CAT_A,
CAT_B, and CAT_C as display columns.
Chapter 10
System configurations
For the NARRATIVE type in the drilldown map table, you would specify CAT_A,
CAT_B, and CAT_C as display columns. Oracle Empirica Signal would concatenate
the values in the CAT_A01, CAT_A02, and CAT_A03 columns because their root
name is the same (CAT_A). Values are concatenated in the order of the columns'
two-digit sequence numbers.
For narrative data stored this way, the Oracle data type of the column storing the
narrative text is typically CLOB (character large object), so there is no restriction on
narrative length. For the NARRATIVE type in the drilldown map table, you would
specify NARRATIVE_CATEGORY and NARRATIVE_TEXT as display columns and
you would check NARRATIVE spans multiple rows.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If text values for a variable are mapped, the unique values table contains source data
values, not the mapped values.
In a timestamped database there are no start dates and end dates
associated with the unique values table, so all unique values that ever
existed are in the unique values tables.
A superuser can view the unique values tables on the Data Sources page.
Additionally suppose that different versions of MedDRA were used to code the source
• MedDRA Version 6.1 was used until June 1, 2004.
• MedDRA Version 7.0 was used between June 1, 2004 and January 1, 2005.
• MedDRA Version 7.1 was used on January 1, 2005.
In Oracle Empirica Signal, you must specify the version of MedDRA used to code the
source data for each time period as described below.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the configuration, and select Edit.
4. In the top table, click Edit in the far right column for the data configuration.
5. On the Edit Configuration Details page, in the Event Hierarchy Version Table
field, click Select/Edit Table.
6. To specify only one hierarchy version for all of the source data, type the Oracle
database account name for the hierarchy version in the first row of the Hierarchy
Account column, for example:
Chapter 10
System configurations
Each date includes a time stamp of 12:00:00 a.m. For example,
if you specify that MedDRA Version 6.1 was used until (<=)
06/01/2004 and MedDRA 7.0 was used thereafter, then MedDRA 7.0
is applied to source data coded at 12:00:01 a.m. on June 1, 2004.
b. In the first row of the Hierarchy Account column, type the Oracle database
account name for the hierarchy version.
c. Fill in one row for each time period in the source data, for example:
If you need additional rows, you can select Add additional empty rows upon
saving and click Save.
For the last time period, type only the Oracle database account name for the
hierarchy version.
8. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Hierarchy terms are stored in an Oracle database account called the hierarchy
account. You associate each variable in a data configuration with a hierarchy level
in the hierarchy account. For example, if the source data contains MedDRA terms, you
associate each variable in the data configuration with a MedDRA hierarchy level such
as PT, HLT, HLGT, or SOC in the hierarchy account.
If a data configuration supports timestamped data, you must specify a hierarchy
version for each time period in the source data. A time period is a range of dates
during which only one hierarchy version was used.
When you set up hierarchy information, users can:
• Select the Enable Drug Hierarchy Browser user preference.
• Select the Include drug/event hierarchies' primary paths in run results option
in the Data Mining Parameters page.
• Display a sector map for data mining results.
You can also set up hierarchy information using hierarchy tables. Hierarchy
tables are supported for backward compatibility.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• Edit the data configurations that you imported, as necessary. In some cases,
changes to the Oracle tables that are referenced by the configuration (such as
the drilldown map table) might be required. Existing data configurations that
are re-imported retain their permissions, so you do not need to re-assign the
permissions unless you want to change them.
• Validate the data configurations that you imported. When a configuration is
imported or re-imported, it must be revalidated before it can be used to create
new runs, queries, case series, or saved lists. Existing runs, queries, case
series, and saved lists based on a re-imported configuration might not work
correctly until the configuration is revalidated.
• If you have modified a data configuration, test it by selecting it for tasks in the
application. You have not yet assigned permissions to the data configuration,
but you can use it because you are the data configuration owner.
• Validate the data configuration again if you made changes to it. Even if
the only change was to assign permissions, you must validate the data
configuration again.
a. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Edit.
b. Click Validate Now.
4. To validate multiple data configurations at the same time, on the Manage
Configurations page, click Validate Configurations. For example, if you import
multiple data configurations, you can validate them all at once. When you validate
multiple data configurations, the validation process is a background job that
continues to run even if you exit the application.
a. Check the data configurations that you want to validate. (You can also check
Check All or Check None.)
b. Click Validate.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Chapter 10
System configurations
• Database is timestamped is checked for the data configuration, but there is not
at least one variable for each source database table referenced by the drilldown
map table.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the configuration, and then click Edit.
The Modify Configuration page appears, displaying information about the data
configuration as a whole and information about configuration variables.
• To edit a data configuration variable, click for the variable, and then click Edit.
For more information, see Add or edit a data configuration variable.
• To delete a data configuration variable, click for the variable, and then click
Delete. Click OK for the message confirming the deletion.
You cannot delete a data configuration variable if it is referenced by existing
data mining runs.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the configuration, and then click Edit.
4. To modify the data configuration as a whole, next to the data configuration name in
the top portion of the page, click Edit.
5. Modify fields as necessary. For descriptions of fields, except those related to
third-party links, database group, and permissions, see Add a data configuration.
The type of all configurations will be Local after configuration details have been
edited and saved.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If you modify the name of an existing data configuration, all references
to that name by existing runs, case series, and saved lists are updated
6. Optionally, select the drug hierarchy value from the Drug Hierarchy Account
See drug and event hierarchies for more information.
7. Optionally, select the event hierarchy value from the Event Hierarchy Account
8. You can specify a link to appear on the Case Details page. For example, you can
provide a link to a third-party application page providing further information about
the case.
a. In the Third Party Link Text field, enter the name of the link to appear on the
Case Details page. If you do not specify a name, the link name is External
b. In the Third Party Link URL field, enter the URL for the third-party application
page. You can use the following substitution variables:
• $REPORT_ID$—Will be replaced by the value of the variable specified as
the Report ID Col for the LIST section of the drilldown map table for the
• $EXTERNAL_REPORT_ID$—Will be replaced by the value of the
external report ID for the case. If you use this substitution variable, the
configuration must include a variable of the type, External Report ID.
For example: https://Signal/caseinfo.asp?caseid=$REPORT_ID$
9. To assign the configuration to a Database Group, you can select an existing
group from the drop-down list, or select Add to new group and enter a name
for the new group. Results reviewers can use this information when finding and
selecting a data mining run. The application also uses the database group when
determining color changes for case ID links that are visited by users.
10. Assign group permissions.
Chapter 10
System configurations
12. Optionally, add or edit data configuration variables. For more information, see Add
or edit a data configuration variable.
Editing configuration variables will change the configuration type.
13. Validate the data configuration. Even if the only change was to assign
permissions, you must validate the data configuration again.
Certain attributes of a data configuration or its variables require you to log out of
the application and log back in before they take effect. For this reason, Oracle
suggests that you always log out and back in if you want to see the effect of your
On the Select Configuration dialog box, click the Row Action menu ( for a data
configuration, and then click Show Variables.
The Configuration Variables page provides the following information about each
variable in the data configuration:
Column Description
Variable Name of the variable.
Description Description of the variable.
Variable Type Displays the variable type of the variable. For
descriptions of the variable types, see Add or
edit a data configuration variable.
Data Transform Type of data transformation, if any,
associated with the variable. See About data
transformations .
clicking the Row Action menu ( ) for the variable on the Modify Configuration page
and then clicking Delete.
If you edit or delete data configuration variables after the data configuration has been
used to create a data mining run or a query-based case series, you might not be able
to view results for that run or that case series properly. For example, if you use a
variable as an item variable in a data mining run, then change its variable type so that
it is no longer an item variable, Oracle Empirica Signal will not be able to display the
run results properly.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the data configuration, then click Edit.
4. Click the Add New Variable link, or click the Row Action menu ( ) for a
configuration variable, and then click Edit.
5. In the Name field, enter the name of the variable.
Variable names display throughout the application, including when users select
criteria for viewing data mining results, defining queries, or creating report
definitions. For example, a column might be named SYMPTOM in the Oracle
table, but renamed to appear as Event in the application.
Commas and vertical bars are not permitted in the Name field.
Multiple variables with the same prefix cannot be used as item
variables in the same data mining run.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Chapter 10
System configurations
In the Query Wizard, this type of
variable allows entry of a string of
report IDs separated by commas.
Valid Start Date, Valid End Date Applies only if the data configuration
supports timestamped data (that is,
Database is Timestamped is checked for
the data configuration). Identifies the column
in the source data that contains a start date
or end date for each record.
You must include a Valid Start Date variable
and a Valid End Date variable for each
source database table referenced by a
configuration variable. As a result, a data
configuration might have several start and
end date variables.
The selection type for this type of variable
must be Continuous.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If the variable type is Drug, you must also specify a variable subtype
of Generic, Ingredient, or Trade. Each subtype can be used for only
one data configuration variable. The subtype makes the variable's values
available for selection on the Drug Profile page as a generic name, an
ingredient, or a trade name.
9. If you want the variable to be available for subsetting data mining runs, check Use
as subset variable. Typically, the Variable Type of a subset variable is Other. You
can define multiple variables in a data configuration as subset variables, though
only one subset variable can be selected for a given data mining run.
10. If you want the variable to be available for stratification of a data mining run,
check Use as stratification variable. Typically, the variable type of a stratification
variable is Other. Although you can define a variable with a variable type of Drug,
Event, or Generalized Item as a stratification variable, you cannot use the same
variable as both an item variable and a stratification variable in the same run.
Stratification variables that are not associated with data transformations
are available as additional covariates in logistic regression runs.
11. From the Selection Type drop-down list, choose a selection type, which
determines how users specify values for the variable when performing activities
such as creating a query.
Selection Types
Chapter 10
System configurations
If there is a hierarchy table
specified for the individual
variable, select the variable type
Distinct Value List for the variable.
If the selection type of the variable is Select from Drug Hierarchy or Select from
Event Hierarchy, and a drug or event hierarchy account is specified at the level
of the data configuration, you must select a hierarchy level to tell the application
which level of the hierarchy is represented by the variable.
This field has no effect if there is a hierarchy table specified for the
individual variable.
13. If you do not want the variable to be available during creation of a query, from the
Hide from Query Wizard drop-down list, select Yes.
Regardless of this setting, a variable that uses a data transformation that
maps values, defines cutpoints, or converts dates is not selectable in the
Query Wizard.
14. In the Value Case field for variables whose Oracle data type is CHAR or
VARCHAR2, indicate the capitalization style that is used in the source data. The
application automatically converts terms that users enter in the Drug and Event
Term selection fields on the Select Criteria page to the capitalization style before a
match is attempted, as follows:
Chapter 10
System configurations
• Exact Match—Entered values are not converted, and must match the case of
the source data exactly.
• All Upper—Values are in all upper case in the source data. Entered values
are converted to all upper case.
• All Lower—Values are in all lower case in the source data. Entered values are
converted to all lower case.
• Upper First Letter Each Word—The first letter of each word is capitalized in
the source data. Entered values are converted so that the first letter of each
word is in upper case and the rest are in lower case. For example, the entered
value, Renal failure, becomes Renal Failure.
• Upper First Letter Each Term—Values are in mixed case in the source data.
Entered values are converted so that the first letter of each term is in upper
case and the rest of the term is lower case. For example, the entered value,
Drug Hypersensitivity, becomes Drug hypersensitivity.
15. In the Unique Values Table field, identify an Oracle table or view that contains
the list of all possible values for the variable. You can specify an existing unique
values table (from the Oracle account in which the configuration resides) by typing
in its name.
a. To select from a list of tables, click Select Table.
b. From the Select Table dialog box, select the table and click Save.
If you leave this field blank, the application creates a unique values table
during configuration validation.
In a timestamped database, no start and end dates are associated
with the unique values table, so all unique values that ever existed
are in the tables.
16. To specify a hierarchy table for the variable, in the Hierarchy Table field, type the
table name, or click Select Table to choose from all tables in the Oracle account
to which you are connected. To supply a table name, click Create New Table.
The recommended way to set up event or drug hierarchies is to associate
an Oracle account of hierarchy information with the configuration (on the Edit
Configuration Details page). The ability to associate an individual variable
with a hierarchy table still exists to provide backward compatibility with data
configurations created in previous releases. For more information, see Event and
drug hierarchies.
17. In the Data Transformation field, specify a data transformation to transform
source data into other values available for selection when data mining runs are
• If you do not want to transform source data for the variable, click None (the
• To map text values, click Text mapping. This option applies only to variables
that are based on a CHAR or VARCHAR value in the source database.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If a warning message appears, as when there are leading or trailing white spaces
in the source data for the variable, you can fix the problem or click Ignore
Warnings, and then Continue.
19. Next, validate the data configuration. For more information, see Validate data
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the data configuration, and then click Edit.
4. On the Modify Configuration page, click the Add New Variable link.
5. In the Name field, enter the name of the variable.
Variable names display throughout the application, including when users select
criteria for viewing data mining results, defining queries, or creating report
definitions. For example, a column might be named SYMPTOM in the Oracle
table, but renamed to appear as Event in the application.
6. In the Description field, type a description of the variable.
7. Next to the Table field, click Select Table/Column.
8. As the Column of source data, select the drug or event variable containing values
that you want to map. The source column must be a text value.
9. In the Prefix field, enter a prefix.
10. From the Variable Type drop-down list, select Event or Drug.
11. Do not check Use as subset variable or Use as stratification variable.
13. Set Hide From Query Wizard to Yes. (Even if this setting is set to No, the
mapped variable is not available in the Query Wizard.)
14. In the Data Transformation section, click Text mapping, and then click Upload
15. From the Upload Text Map CSV File dialog box, next to the File to Upload field,
click Browse.
16. Select the mapping file and click Open. The mapping file must be in the format
described in Map text values.
Chapter 10
System configurations
18. To make sure the mappings are correct, click View Current Mapping.
If you map a variable in a configuration for which there are existing runs
that use the variable, users cannot drill down correctly in the run results
until the runs are re-executed.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the configuration, and then click Edit.
4. Click Copy this Configuration.
5. In the Name field of the Add Configuration page, supply a unique name for the
new data configuration. (The default name is Copy of, followed by the name of the
original data configuration).
6. In the Description field, modify the supplied description as needed to describe the
new data configuration.
7. In the Configuration Table Name field, enter the unique name of the table to hold
the new data configuration in the Oracle account to which you are connected.
8. Click Save.
The type of all copied configurations will be Local.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the configuration, and then click Edit.
4. Click Delete this Configuration.
5. If you are a superuser, you have two options:
• To remove the data configuration from the application, but leave it in the
database so that it can later be re-imported, click Remove Reference Only.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If you are not a superuser, you cannot delete the data configuration if
any objects are associated with it.
6. If any objects reference this configuration, you can transfer queries, report
definitions, and saved lists to a compatible data configuration. From the What
would you like to do with objects that reference this configuration? drop-
down list, select a configuration.
• Any queries, report definitions, and saved lists that are not compatible with the
data configuration that you select are deleted.
• To delete all queries, report definitions, and saved lists instead of transferring
them, at the bottom of the list, select Delete All Referenced Objects.
• All case series, data mining runs, and report outputs based on this
configuration are permanently deleted.
7. Before continuing, you might wish to:
• Add the query portion of query-based case series to the Query Library (from
the Case Series page).
• Make sure that the configuration is not referenced by any drug profile
configurations or signal configurations, because such references are removed.
• Attach run results, case lists or case details, and report outputs to a topic.
8. Click Delete.
When you delete a data configuration that is associated with an alias ,
the target status of the alias becomes Broken.
Field Description
ID Unique identifier that is assigned automatically
to the configuration.
Name Name of the configuration.
Description Description supplied for the configuration.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Database Group Name of the database group to which the
configuration is assigned. Results reviewers
can use the database group when finding
and selecting a data mining run. The
application also uses the database group
when determining color changes for case ID
links that are visited by users.
Owner Full name associated with the username that
created the configuration.
Table Name of the Oracle table containing the
specification of the configuration.
Drill Down Map Table Name of the drilldown map table, which
specifies the source of case details that
appear when a user drills down to view case
Source Description Table Name of the source description table,
which provides information about the source
Timestamped YES, if the configuration supports
timestamped data.
NO, if the configuration does not support
timestamped data.
Drug Hierarchy Account (or Drug Hierarchy Name of the Oracle account that drug
Version Table) variables with a selection type of Select from
Drug Browser in the configuration use for
hierarchical values.
For timestamped configurations, name of the
table that stores one or more valid hierarchy
accounts by date.
Event Hierarchy Account (or Event Hierarchy Name of the Oracle account that event
Version Table) variables with a selection type of Select from
Event Browser in the configuration use for
hierarchical values.
For timestamped data, name of the table that
stores one or more valid hierarchy accounts by
Includes Concomitant Drugs YES, if the configuration includes suspect and
concomitant drugs.
NO, if the configuration includes suspect
drugs only. Results reviewers can use this
information to find a data mining run.
Hide From Data Mining YES, if the configuration can be used for case
series and reporting only.
NO, if the configuration can be used for data
mining, case series and reporting.
Valid YES, if the configuration has been validated
NO, if the configuration has never been
validated or failed validation.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Variable Unique name of the variable as it appears to
Oracle Empirica Signal users on the Select
Configuration page. For example, a column
might be named SYMPTOM in the analysis
table, and Event in the Oracle Empirica Signal
Desc Description of the variable.
Table Name of the source database table containing
the column that corresponds to the variable.
Column Name of the database table column that
corresponds to the variable.
Variable Type For possible variable types, see Add or edit a
configuration variable. If a subtype (Generic,
Trade, or Ingredient) is specified for a variable
with a variable type of Drug, it appears after
Drug in parentheses.
Selection Type For possible selection types, see Add or edit a
configuration variable.
Hierarchy Level Displays the hierarchy level, if any, specified
for event or drug variables with a selection
type of Select from Drug (or Event) Hierarchy.
Visibility DM & Q, if the variable is available for data
mining runs and query-based case series.
DM, if the variable is available for data mining
runs but not for query-based case series.
Value Case For possible value cases, see Add or edit a
configuration variable.
Hierarchy Table Name of the hierarchy table, if any, associated
with the variable.
Unique Values Table Name of the unique values table, if any,
associated with the variable.
Data Transform Name of the data transformation, if any,
associated with the variable.
Chapter 10
System configurations
available data releases, review their release notes, and import the releases of their
choice into Oracle Empirica Signal.
1. Log into the Oracle Empirica Signal application as a user with the Manage
Configurations user permission.
Column Description
Data Offering One of the following values: AERS, VAERS, VIGIBASE,
Release Name The name of the release.
Description Basic information about the data release.
Status One of the following values: Available, Loaded, Running,
In Queue, Error Occurred, Cancelled.
Product Dictionaries If the data configuration specifies product hierarchy, the
name(s) and version(s) of the product hierarchy used by
this release.
Event Dictionaries If the data configuration specifies event hierarchy, the
name(s) and version(s) of the event hierarchy used by
this release.
Requested Date and time when the data release was requested.
Requested by Name of the user who requested the data release.
Imported Date and time when the data release was imported.
Imported Configurations Data configuration names for the imported data release.
If you click a data release's Row Action menu ( ), you can do the following:
• To view a PDF version of the Release Notes about a data offering release, click
View Release Notes.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• To retrieve a log of the details of the latest import, click View Log. You can print
the log.
• To import an available data release, click Import.
• To cancel an import while its status is In Queue or Running, click Cancel. The
status changes to Cancelled.
• If the import fails, the status changes to Error Occurred. You can perform the
import again by clicking Retry Import.
• To republish a loaded data offering and give all current login groups Read access
to the configurations associated with the data release, click Republish.
The report outputs that can be created along with the data release import
are summary reports for use by Drug Profiles.
5. Choose whether to notify All users or Selected users when the release is
If you chose Selected users, choose them from a list of available users. Then
click OK.
6. Click Submit.
• Oracle Empirica Signal runs the import job in the background.
• You can track the progress of the import by hovering on the background
processing indicator ( ).
• The Status column on the Manage Subscription Data Releases table updates
to Running or In Queue.
• If an issue is encountered during the import, the Status column displays Error
7. When the import completes, view the objects associated with the imported data
• The Status of the data release is updated to Loaded.
• The Imported column updates with the date and time of the import.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• Configurations for the imported data release are available on the Manage
Configurations page. All the imported configurations will be of Type Managed.
• Standard runs, if requested, will be available on the Data Mining Runs page.
The runs will be published to all login groups.
• If report outputs were requested, then the jobs for the summary reports are
submitted. Once finished, the report outputs will be published to all currently
available login groups.
• If the data release specifies aliases and aliases did not already exist, then
aliases are created. Existing aliases are updated only if the data offering is for
a later date then the current alias.
• Email notifications are sent to users as requested in the import request.
Manage aliases
• Manage aliases
• Add or edit an alias
Manage aliases
If you have permission to view the target of an alias, the alias is listed on the Manage
Aliases page.
1. Log into the Oracle Empirica Signal application as a user with the Manage Aliases
Column Description
Name Name of the alias. The name must be unique among
other aliases for the same target type.
Target Type One of the following values:
• Configuration—The target is a data configuration.
• Data Mining Run—The target is a completed data
mining run (MGPS or logistic regression).
• Report Output—The target is a report output.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Column Description
Target Name and/or identifier of the specific data configuration,
data mining run, or report output with which the alias is
If you change the name
of a data mining run,
report output, or data
configuration that is the
target of an existing
alias, this field is updated
automatically for that alias.
• To edit an alias that you created, click the Row Action menu ( ) for an alias,
and then click Edit.
If you click the Row Action menu ( ) for an alias, you can do the following:
• To view an alias, click View.
• To edit an alias that you created, click Edit.
• To delete an alias that you created, click Delete. If you delete an alias that is
referenced by a drug profile configuration, that reference is removed from the
drug profile configuration.
If you have the Administer Users permission, you can edit or delete aliases
created by other users in your login group.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• To edit an alias, click the Row Action menu ( ) for the alias, and then click
Edit. You can edit only aliases that you have created, except that if you have
the Administer Users permission, you can edit aliases created by any user in
your login group.
5. In the Alias Name field, enter an alias name.
6. From the Target Type drop-down list, select the target type. For more information,
see Manage aliases.
7. From the Target drop-down list, select the target. For more information, see
Manage aliases.
8. Click OK.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Drug profile configurations are separate from drug profile layouts. Drug
profile layouts, which are saved collections of charts as well as their
placement and display options, can be used with various drug profile
configurations. For example, if you are using the layout, Generic + trade
comparators, and you change your user preference to a different drug profile
configuration, the Generic + trade comparators layout is still available.
Only report outputs from an all cases summary report can be used in a drug profile
configuration. This is a special type of interactive report that must meet certain criteria.
In the drug profile configuration, you can specify data mining runs and report outputs
for generic names, trade names, and ingredients. To specify a run or report output, you
can select either the run name or an alias that has been set up for the run or report
You might want to create multiple drug profile configurations for different purposes. For
example, you can set up one drug profile configuration for AERS data and another
drug profile configuration for proprietary data. For information on setting up the drug
profiles feature, see Set up a drug profile.
Chapter 10
System configurations
1. In the left navigation pane, hover over the Data Analysis icon ( ), and then click
Interactive Reports.
2. Click Create Definition.
3. Create an all cases summary report. See Create or edit an interactive report
a. From the Configuration drop-down list, select the configuration.
b. In the Name and Description fields, type a name for the report and a
c. Perform one of the following:
i. To add the report definition to an existing project, select it from the Add to
existing project drop-down list.
ii. To add it to a new project, specify the project name in the Add to a new
project named field.
d. From the Type drop-down list, select Summary of all Cases
This report type contains a single row variable for a drug subtype (such as
Generic) and includes columns that show the distribution of cases by such
variables as Gender, Age Group, and Report Received Year. You then run the
report on the current AERS+SRS (S) configuration. (The report collects data
across the entire configuration and can take some time to run.)
4. When the report output for the All Cases Summary report is complete, add an
alias for the report output. (This step also is optional, but recommended.)
Create an alias
To streamline the process of keeping drug profile layouts that include data mining run
results current over time, add an alias for each of those data mining runs.
Chapter 10
System configurations
The report output for the All Cases Summary report you created is
available for selection in the Generic section, but not in the Trade or
Ingredient sections of the page. Later, you can create and run an all
cases summary report for each drug subtype, set up aliases, and edit
the drug profile configuration to reference them.
1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click Drug
2. From the Layout menu, select Create.
3. Select at least one chart to include in the layout; for example, a graph of data
from one of the data mining runs you defined for the drug profile configuration, or
a graph or table of source data from the report output. For more information, see
Adding a chart to a drug profile layout.
4. Add more charts and arrange them as desired.
Chapter 10
System configurations
5. Publish the drug profile layout. See Publish a drug profile layout.
6. Set your user preference, Drug Profile Layout, to the drug profile layout you
Of the users who will use drug profiles, any who were logged in
when you granted the drug profiles permission(s) must log out of the
application and log back in.
3. The users who will use drug profiles can now set their user preferences, Drug
Profile Configuration and Drug Profile Layout, to the objects you created (alias
and drug profile layout). After the users log out and log back in, the Drug Profile
page is visible and the drug profile layout provided by default.
Run definition files and Report definition files can update existing aliases
Chapter 10
System configurations
Column Description
ID Automatically assigned unique identifier of
the configuration.
Name Name of the configuration.
Description Description of the configuration.
Created By Name of the user who created the
Created Date and time when the configuration was
Modified Date and time when the configuration was
last modified.
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the
If you click the Row Action menu ( ) for a drug profile configuration that you
created, you can also do the following:
• To view a drug profile configuration, click View.
• To edit a drug profile configuration, click Edit.
• To rename a drug profile configuration, click Rename. If any users have the
configuration set as a user preference, that setting is changed automatically to the
new name.
• To publish a drug profile configuration, click Publish, select the login group(s),
then click Back. (If you have the Administer Users permission, you can publish
configurations created by any user in your login group.)
If you are a superuser, you can publish to multiple login groups, including —All–.
In the Publish to Login Groups drop-down list, click or Ctrl+click to select login
groups. If you publish to —All– and later add a new login group, the object is
published automatically to the new login group.
• To delete a drug profile configuration, click Delete.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• To edit a configuration, click the Row Action menu ( ) for the configuration,
and then click Edit.
4. If your organization uses signal management, from the Signal Management
Configuration drop-down list, select a signal configuration.
When the drug profile configuration and the specified signal configuration are both
in use by a user and that user has a drug layout set as a user preference, then the
Products table on the Signal Review page will have the Drug Profile menu option,
which points to the Drug Profile page.
Regardless of the drug type on the Signal Review page, the drug is
considered by the Drug Profile page to be a generic name. Thus, only
the generic name settings in the drug profile configuration are used.
5. For each section on the page, you can specify report outputs and runs that you
created or that are published to you. (If you have the Administer Users permission,
you can also specify unpublished report outputs and runs created by any users in
your login group.) For any report outputs and runs that you can specify, you can
also specify any existing aliases for them.
6. Click Next.
7. To save the configuration, enter or edit the name and description of the drug profile
configuration, and then save the drug profile configuration.
If you created a drug profile configuration, it appears as the bottom row of the
Manage Drug Profile Configurations page.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Users of the Drug Profile Page can view charts for all report outputs
and data mining runs that are referenced by their current drug profile
configuration, regardless of whether or not they can view the report outputs
or runs elsewhere in the application.
When defining a drug profile configuration, consider which data configurations the
data mining runs and report outputs that you reference are based on.
Chapter 10
System configurations
7. To save the configuration, in the Name field, enter a name for the drug profile
If you are editing an existing drug profile configuration and you change
its name, the existing configuration is renamed.
Oracle recommends that you test the drug profile configuration before
publishing it. To do so, you can set your user preference, Drug Profile
Configuration, to the new drug profile configuration and go to the Drug Profile
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click View.
The Drug Profile Configuration Description dialog box provides the following
information. Many of these fields are specific separately based on Drug
Subtype (Generic Name, Ingredient Name, Trade Name) as defined in the data
configuration variable:
Field Description
Drug Profile Configuration Name Name of the drug profile configuration.
ID Automatically assigned identifier of the drug
profile configuration.
Description Description of the drug profile configuration.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Signal Configuration Name and ID of the signal configuration
(if any) associated with the drug profile
configuration. When the drug profile
configuration and the specified signal
configuration are both in use by a user and
that user has a drug layout set as a user
preference, then the Products table on the
Signal Review page will have the Drug Profiles
menu option, which points to the Drug Profile
Regardless of
the drug type on
the Signal
Review page, the
drug is
considered by
the Drug Profile
page to be a
generic name.
Thus, only the
generic name
settings in the
drug profile
configuration are
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
LR 2D ID Name and ID of (or alias for) a completed
logistic regression data mining run for which
charts can be added on the Drugs page.
The set of drugs included in logistic regression
results is typically smaller than the set of drugs
in MGPS results. On the Drugs page, graphs
for logistic regression results are available only
if the selected drug was included in the model
or added explicitly during creation of the run.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a drug profile configuration, and then click
4. In the Name field, enter a new name for the drug profile configuration.
5. Optionally, in the Description field, modify the description of the drug profile
If any users have the drug profile configuration set as a user preference, that
setting is changed automatically to the new name.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click Edit.
If the signal configuration Type is Interactive, an Interactive Signal Configuration
Properties section appears in the Edit Signal Configuration page.
4. Edit the fields according to the table below.
5. Click Save.
Oracle Empirica Signal validates the signal configuration, and any errors are
displayed at the top of the page.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Name Signal configuration name. This name appears
on the Signal Review page, above the product-
event combination table.
Description Description of the signal configuration.
Topic workflow configuration Name of the topic workflow configuration that
is integrated with the signal management
configuration. When this integration exists,
users can associate topics with product-event
combinations using the Submit Review dialog
box, and topics are stored in this topic
workflow configuration.
If product-event
have associated
topics, you
cannot change
the associated
topic workflow
until you remove
the associated
topics. The
Signal History
maintains a log
of all changes.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Data configuration for 2D runs * Name of the data configuration or an alias
used to execute two-dimensional data mining
runs. Typically, this data configuration excludes
reports from studies and literature.
Use the drop-down list to select a configuration
or alias. Use Browse to select a configuration.
Data configuration for 3D runs * Name of the data configuration or an alias
used to execute three-dimensional data mining
runs. Typically, this data configuration includes
concomitant products.
Use the drop-down list to select a configuration
or alias. Use Browse to select a configuration.
Drug variable * Drug Variable used in data mining runs, for
example, Product Generic Name or Preferred
Product Name.
Event variable for 2D runs * Event Variable used in two-dimensional data
mining runs, for example, PT (Preferred Term)
or SMQs (Standardised MedDRA Queries).
Event variable for 3D runs * Event variable used in three-dimensional data
mining runs, for example, PT (Preferred Term).
Typically, this variable does not include SMQs
due to the size of the data mining results table.
For three-dimensional data mining runs, the
Drug variable is also used.
Stratification variables * Stratification variables used in data mining
Subset variable for signal history * For data mining runs, subset variable that
provides results in the View Signal History
Subset variable for Nsince counts * For data mining runs, subset variable that
provides results in the Nsince column on the
Product-Event Combinations page.
Project for data mining runs * Name of the project used to store data mining
runs that are part of a refresh.
Publish data mining runs * Select to publish the data mining runs created
when a user refreshes the signal management
By default, the runs are published to the same
login group that the signal configuration is
published to. A user can manually publish the
data mining runs to additional login groups.
Allow reviewers to manage their product's Select to enable all reviewers of a product to
reference data * configure Targeted Medical Events and Listed
Events for the product in the Products table on
the Signal Review page.
If deselected, only superusers and reviewers
with the Manage Signaling Terms user
permission can configure Targeted Medical
Events and Listed Events.
Chapter 10
System configurations
General activities
The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:
• Manage Refreshes
• Columns
• Print
• Download
• Back
Row-specific activities
The following options appear in the Row Action menu ( ) for each signal
• Edit
• Publish
• Edit Comment Types
• Edit Product fields
• Edit Alert Types
• Edit Product Columns
• Edit Product-Event Combinations Columns
For interactive signal configurations only:
• View Refresh Details
• Refresh
• Validate
Field Description
Name Signal configuration name. When more than
one signal configuration is published to a user,
this name appears on the Signal Review page
next to the title.
Description Description of the signal configuration.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Topic Workflow Configuration Name of the topic workflow configuration that
is integrated with the signal management
configuration. When this integration exists,
users can associate topics with product-event
combinations using the Submit Review dialog
box, and topics are stored in this topic
workflow configuration.
If product-event
have associated
topics, you
cannot change
the associated
topic workflow
until you remove
the associated
topics. The
Signal History
maintains a log
of all changes.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Configure alerts
• Create an alert type
• Alert type conditions
• Edit alert types
• Modify the order in which alert types are displayed
• Activate and deactivate alerts
You must have the Manage Signal Configurations permission or be a
superuser to access this page. A newly installed Signal Configuration needs
to be refreshed once before trying to create views/add alert types.
b. From the Available Columns list, select ID and click the right-arrow ( ) to
move it to the Selected Columns list.
c. In the Selected Columns list, click ID and use the up-arrow ( ) to move it
under Name.
d. Click OK.
4. Find the configuration to which you want to define an alert type, click the Row
Action menu ( ), then select Edit Alert Types.
This is also the page you will use to edit an existing alert type.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If you don't select Tracked alert, this will be an informational alert
type. Informational alerts are not counted in the aggregate tracked alert
totals displayed in Product By cards, the Alert Reviewed column of the
Products table, the Product Summary panel, and on SOC cards.
9. Specify whether to base alert type rules on review periods or the complexity level/
a. If you select Review period, for each period:
If the signal configuration has Review Periods disabled, then
during refresh, when alerts are calculated, only the first Review
period rule will be considered.
Oracle Empirica Signal uses the product’s complexity level to
determine which alert type rule to use. The product’s birthdate
and the alert type rule’s periodicity determine if the alert rule
should be considered during refresh. For example, if the product
birthdate is February and the periodicity is three months, the
alert will be triggered in May, August, November, and February.
To be considered for complexity-based alert calculations, a
product needs both complexity and birthdate values.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Oracle Empirica Signal imports the view and populates the Condition, Selected
Columns, and Sorted by columns. The alert type appears as the last row of the Edit
Alert Types page. The newly added alert type is deactivated by default. This means
that Active in next refresh is set to No for the alert type. The alert type must be
Activated to take effect.
If the alert type is tracked but you did not specify an abbreviation or color,
Oracle Empirica Signal uses default values.
4. Find the alert type to edit, click its Row Action menu ( ), and then select Edit.
5. In the Label field, type a unique and descriptive label for the alert type.
The Column Name field cannot be edited. It is the database column name for the
alert type and derived from the original alert type label and will not change when
you modify the alert type label.
6. In the Description field, describe how the alert gets populated. This will become
the hover help text for the tab.
7. To make this a tracked alert, select the Tracked alert checkbox, provide a one-
letter abbreviation, and then select a color to associate with the alert type. The
abbreviation and color appear on the Product-Event Combinations table as the
tracked alert's icon.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If the alert type has alerts that have not been reviewed and you
try to deselect Tracked, you receive a warning message and are
prevented from changing the alert type to untracked. You can switch an
Informational alert type to a Tracked alert type.
8. Specify whether to base alert type rules on review periods or the complexity level/
periodicity. The rules table contains a Modified column. The Modified column has
a value for rows with defined rules. The Modified column is empty for rows without
defined rules.
a. If you select Review period, for each period:
Oracle Empirica Signal imports the view and populates the Condition,
Selected Columns, and Sorted by columns from the imported view.
If the signal configuration has Review Periods disabled, then during
refresh, when alerts are calculated, only the first Review period rule
will be considered.
Oracle Empirica Signal imports the view and populates the Condition,
Selected Columns, and Sorted by columns.
Oracle Empirica Signal uses the product’s complexity level to
determine which alert type rule to use. The product’s birthdate
and the alert type rule’s periodicity determine if the alert rule
should be considered during refresh. For example, if the product
birthdate is February and the periodicity is three months, the alert
will be triggered in May, August, November, and February. To be
considered for complexity-based alert calculations, a product needs
both complexity and birthdate values.
Chapter 10
System configurations
9. Click Save.
Oracle Empirica Signal verifies that the alert type has a unique label and at least
one defined alert rule.
If the alert type is tracked but you did not specify an abbreviation or color, Oracle
Empirica Signal uses default values.
3. Find the configuration, click the Row Action menu ( ), then select Edit Alert
4. In the top left corner, click Modify Display Order.
5. To change the order in which alert types display, click an alert type and:
3. Find the configuration, click the Row Action menu ( ), then select Edit Alert
4. Find the alert type to activate or deactivate by looking in the Active in next
refresh column. Active alert types have the value, Yes. Inactive alert types have
the value No.
5. Click the alert type's Row Action menu ( ) and select Activate or Deactivate.
• You can only deactivate active alert types that do not have alerts needing
• Changes will not appear in Signal Review until the signal configuration is
Chapter 10
System configurations
Product property values must be set up before you add a product. The user
who set up the alert types has defined the product property values you can
choose from when adding a product.
2. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( ), in the upper right corner, select
Add Product.
3. In the Add/Edit Product window, fill in the fields according to the table below.
• Code list values are defined on the Edit Product Fields page under
Manage Signal Configurations. The code list values determine the Category,
Complexity level, and Organization values available for selection.
• To be considered for complexity-based alert type rules, products must have
values for both Complexity level and Birthdate.
• Review period values are used for alert type rules based on review period.
4. Click Save.
Statistical information and alerts will appear after the next refresh.
Customers should contact Oracle for adding products to scripted signal
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Product Unique name of the product.
For interactive signal configurations, you can
select terms from a list using the following
• Select < hierarchy > Terms —Appears if
the product is associated with a hierarchy
such as the Anatomical Therapeutic
Chemical (ATC) Classification System.
For more information, see Selecting
hierarchy terms.
• Select Available Value—Displays valid
product names. For more information, see
Selecting values from a list.
Display name Name displayed in the Products and Product-
Event Combinations tables.
Category One of the categories defined for your signal
Complexity level From None to High, or a custom level if
defined. This impacts alert calculation.
Birthdate Date the worldwide license went into effect,
in >MM/DD/YYYY format. This impacts alert
Organization Organization associated with this product, as
defined for your signal configuration.
Review period Frequency that evaluations take place for
this product; for example, every 3 months, 6
months, or 1 year.
This field is required if an administrator set
up the Review Period feature for the signal
Default view Name of the signal view associated with the
Product group Group associated with the product.
• To select an existing group, click Select
from existing groups and select from a
list of groups.
• To add a new group, click Add new group
and type in a group name.
Products, not
belong to groups.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Reviewers (optional) Names of individual reviewers assigned to
the product. Click Add Reviewers From
List to select reviewers from a list. If the
product is marked as participating in automatic
assignment of reviewers, you can specify only
one reviewer.
If there is already a reviewer assigned to the
product, you can select no reviewer (--) to
remove the assignment.
Reviewers available for assignment are
users in login groups to which the signal
configuration is assigned.
Participates in automatic assignment Whether the product is eligible for automatic
assignment of reviewers.
This option is only available if the Allow
Automatic Assignment of Reviewers to
product site option is enabled.
Delete a product
You cannot delete a product in the following situations:
• There are notes for the product.
• There are comments for any product-event combinations that include the product.
You must have the Manage Signaling Terms user permission to delete a product.
3. Select the signal configuration and, from its Row Action menu ( ), select Edit
Product Fields.
4. In the top left corner, click Modify Display Order.
5. To change the order in which fields display in the Edit Product Fields table and in
the Add/Edit Product window, click a field and:
Chapter 10
System configurations
Configure column labels and column descriptions for the product-event combinations
Signal summary columns appear on the product-event combinations table. When
Signal management is set up for your organization, you can edit the column headers
and tooltips for the product-event combinations tables.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click Edit
Product-Event Columns.
4. Click Edit for a column.
5. Edit the fields according to the table below.
For more information, see the field descriptions below.
6. Click Save, and then click Close.
Field descriptions—Edit Product-Event Columns dialog box
Field Description
Column name Name of the column on the Product-Event
Combinations page. The name can appear
in the tooltip when you hover on the column
header if [%COLCODE] is included in the
column description.
Column description Description of a column on the Product-Event
Combinations page. The description appears
as a tooltip when you hover on the column
Column label Text to appear as the column header on the
Product-Event Combinations page.
3. Select the signal configuration and, from its Row Action menu ( ), select Edit
Product Fields.
4. On the Edit Product Fields page, you can perform the following actions:
• To modify the display order of the fields, click the Modify Display Order link.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• To add a field value, from the Row Action menu ( ) of a selected product
field, click Define Values.
5. Click Back.
3. Select the signal configuration and, from its Row Action menu ( ), select Edit
Product Fields.
4. To add a field value, from the Row Action menu ( ) of a selected product field,
click Define Values.
5. Click the Add Value link, enter the value on the Add Value page, then click Save.
6. On the Define Product Fields page, you can also perform the following actions:
• To modify the display order of the fields, click the Modify Display Order link.
• To change the columns included, click the Columns link.
• To print the product field values, click the Print link.
• To download the data, click the Download link.
• To change the number of rows shown, change the number in the Rows Per
page text box.
7. Click Back.
3. Select the signal configuration and, from its Row Action menu ( ), select Edit
Product Fields.
4. From the Row Action menu ( ) of the selected product field, click Define
5. From the Row Action menu ( ) of the selected product field value, click Delete.
6. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.
Chapter 10
System configurations
You cannot delete a value which is currently in use by a product.
3. Select the signal configuration and, from its Row Action menu ( ), select Edit
Product Fields.
4. From the Row Action menu ( ) of the selected product field, click Define
5. From the Row Action menu ( ) of the selected product field value, click
6. In the Value field, type the new name and click Save.
3. Select the signal configuration and, from its Row Action menu ( ), select Edit
Product Fields.
4. From the Row Action menu of the selected product field, click Define values.
5. In the top left, click Modify Display Order.
6. To change the order in which field’s defined values display in the Define Product
Field Values table and in the Add/Edit Product window, click a field and:
Chapter 10
System configurations
Chapter 10
System configurations
4. Click the refresh's Row Action menu ( ), and then click View Refresh Details.
For scheduled refreshes, a message stating details are not available appears
You can also view details for existing refreshes if you click the Row
Action menu ( ) for the refresh, then click View Jobs for Refresh,
and then View Refresh Details on the following page.
c. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click
View Refresh Details.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click View Refresh
4. To view changes implemented to a signal configuration during the last refresh:
a. On the Manage Signal Configurations page, click Manage Refreshes.
b. Click the refresh's Row Action menu ( ), and then click View Refresh
Field descriptions
Field Description
ID Identifier assigned automatically to the refresh
when the refresh was created. IDs are unique
and are not reused.
Monitored products New and deleted monitored products in
alphabetical order.
Renamed products Renamed monitored products in alphabetical
order by current name.
Designated medical events New and deleted designated medical events in
alphabetical order.
Targeted medical events New and deleted targeted medical events for
monitored products in alphabetical order by
monitored product.
Listed events New and deleted listed events for monitored
products in alphabetical order by monitored
Product custom terms New, edited, and deleted product custom
terms in alphabetical order. The query used to
define the custom term is shown.
Event custom terms New, edited, and deleted event custom terms
in alphabetical order. The query used to define
the custom term is shown.
Signal configuration properties Details of the signal configuration.
Active Alert Types: Review Period Based Details of the active alert types with review
period based alert type rules, including Label,
Tracked, Review Period, Condition.
Active Alert Types: Complexity Level Based Details of the active alert types with complexity
level based alert type rules, including Label,
Tracked, Complexity, Periodicity, Condition.
Data as of As of date for the refreshed data, if the data is
Date of refresh Date and time that the refresh was executed.
Created by Name of the user who created the refresh.
Created on Date and time that the refresh was created.
Date Date and time that you accessed the Refresh
Details page.
Chapter 10
System configurations
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the refresh to reschedule, and then click
Create Definition File.
5. Copy the contents of the Input File page into a text editor.
6. Set the runafter property.
The format for the date and time is mm/dd/yyyy hh\:mm\:ss.
7. Save the file as
8. Log in to the Oracle Empirica Signal application server.
9. Save the file in the Signal\Input directory.
Refresh an interactive signal configuration from the Refresh Signal Management page
To refresh a signal configuration for the first time, you must use the Refresh Signal
Management page. However, for future refreshes, you can use a definition file.
You must have the Manage Signal Configurations and Create Data Mining Runs user
permissions to initiate a refresh.
After you refresh a signal configuration, you should not edit the signal configuration.
You cannot schedule a refresh if a refresh is in progress.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click
4. Specify when to perform the refresh:
• Run as soon as possible—The refresh is executed immediately.
• Do not run until—The refresh is executed on the date and time that you
5. To receive an email notification when the refresh is complete:
a. Select the Email me when complete check box.
b. Type one or more email addresses using a comma to separate each address.
The email addresses associated with your Oracle Empirica Signal user name
appear by default. To change these email addresses, contact your site
6. Click Submit.
7. Click Continue.
5. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the refresh, and then click Cancel or Delete.
If the refresh is canceled, the Signals Review page will remain as it had
appeared prior to initiating the refresh. Canceling a refresh also cancels runs
that are incomplete or not started.
Chapter 10
System configurations
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the refresh, and then click View Jobs for
5. Click View Refresh Details.
Column Description
ID Automatically assigned unique ID of the
refresh. IDs of deleted refreshes are not re-
Name The name of each job that makes up the
refresh, for example:
• Sigmgt_Data_Preparation_ ID
• Sigmgt_Data_Deployment_ ID
Description The text, Part of Run , followed by the run ID.
Server The value, Any , appears if the next available
listener can perform the job. If multiple
listeners are in use, and the refresh is
submitted using a definition file, a listener can
be specified to perform each job, and the
unique ID of the listener appears.
Created Server date and time when the preparation job
was created.
Start Date Server date and time when the job was
End Date Server date and time when the job ended.
Runnable The value is NO for a job until the preceding
job is complete. After the preceding job is
complete, the value is YES.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Column Description
Status The column remains empty until the job has
completed or failed. If the job completes
successfully, the status is Completed. If the
run is canceled when the job is being
performed, the status is Canceled. An error
message appears on a red background if the
job failed.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click
4. Review the list of findings.
5. To return to the Manage Signal Configurations page, click Continue.
Chapter 10
System configurations
The application includes some signal comment types by default. If you have the
Manage Signal Configurations permission, you can add signal comment types.
Additionally, you can edit and delete comment types, and change the sort order of
comment types.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click Edit
Comment Types.
4. Click Add Comment Type.
5. Fill in the fields according to the following table.
6. Click Save, and then click Close.
Field Descriptions—Add/Edit Comment Type dialog box
Field Description
Comment text Comment. When users perform Submit
Review, this value appears in the Comment
drop-down list.
Abbreviated comment text Shortened version of the comment. When
users select this comment in Submit Review,
this value appears in the Comment column on
the Product-Event Combinations page.
Is suppress reason? If you select Yes, the comment is available in
the Submit Review dialog box as a reason for
suppressing a product-event combination.
If this field is not set to Yes for any comments,
then Suppress product-event combination
does not appear on the Submit Review dialog
Is review reason? If you select Yes, the comment is available
to select in the Comment field in the Submit
Review dialog box.
If private comments are enabled, the comment
is available to be added as a private comment.
Requires detailed comment? If you select Yes, users must enter an
additional free-text comment in the Submit
Review dialog box when selecting this
Requires associated topic? If you select Yes, users must associate a
topic with the product-event combination in the
Submit Review dialog box when selecting this
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Review after delta threshold Enter the number of new cases after which
a signal that has been suppressed (on
the Submit Review dialog box) becomes
This feature is
only supported in
custom signal
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click Edit
Comment Types.
4. In the table, locate the comment to edit.
5. Click Edit for the comment.
6. Modify the fields as needed.
For a description of the fields, see Add a signal comment type.
7. Click Save, and then click Close.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click Edit
Comment Types.
4. In the table, locate the comment to delete.
5. Click Delete for the comment, and then click Close.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click Edit
Comment Types.
4. Click Change Sort Order.
5. Click a comment, and use the up and down arrows to change the position of the
Assign reviewers
• Assign a reviewer to a product-event combination
• Automatic assignment of reviewers to products
• Automatically assign reviewers to products
• Modify automatic reviewer assignments
3. Click the product's Row Action menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. Click the product-event combination's Row Action menu ( ) and click Assign
5. From the Reviewer drop-down list, select the reviewer.
You can also select no reviewer (--) to remove an assignment. Available reviewers
for assignment are those in login groups to which the signal configuration is
published. This assignment does not overlap with the reviewer assignments to
products. For example, if User1 is assigned to the product Niacin, you can assign
User2 to the combination of the product Niacin and event Flushing.
6. Click OK.
You can add the Reviewer column to the Product-Event Combinations table to see
reviewer assignments.
Chapter 10
System configurations
assign reviewers to products when adding or editing a product, or use a process that
automatically assigns selected reviewers to products for which there are new cases
since an indicated time period.
The automatic assignment process affects only products that have been set up to
participate in automatic assignment. (You must have checked Participates in auto-
assignment when adding or editing the product.) The process looks at products
for new cases since the time period you select, and allows you to distribute the
products evenly over selected reviewers. Because these products might already have
assignments (due to previous cases), the automatic assignment process can result in
re-assignments. Products for which there are no new cases (since the last period),
but that have been set up to participate in automatic assignment, have their reviewer
assignments cleared.
The following table shows how assignments of reviewers to products that have been
set up to participate in automatic assignment are affected by the automatic assignment
Chapter 10
System configurations
You must refresh signal management before you can use the automatic
assignment feature because it uses counts of new cases to evenly distribute
product reviews among reviewers.
2. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( ), on the top right, click Auto-
Assign to Reviewers.
3. Select a Signal set from the drop-down list.
4. From the Consider drugs with new cases since drop-down list, select a time
Choose a signal set that represents new cases; for example, named "...Nsince" or
"...Nnew", and not one that represents a total count (named "...N").
5. Click Next.
6. From the Available reviewers list, select the reviewers, move them to the
Selected reviewers list, and click Next.
• Available reviewers for assignment are those in login groups to which the
signal configuration is published.
• An error message appears if there are no drugs that conform to the selected
time period.
7. From the Available drugs list, select the drugs, move them to the Selected drugs
list, and click Next.
Available drugs are those that are marked as allowing participation in automatic
assignment and for which there are new cases since the selected time period.
8. Click Next.
The Automatic Assignments dialog box appears, showing the reviewer
assignments that can be made. The number of new cases for each drug is also
9. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
2. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( ), on the top right, click Modify
Automatic Assignments.
The Modify Automatic Assignments page appears and provides the following
information about each drug that currently has a reviewer (who has been assigned
Column Description
Drug Name of the drug.
Reviewer Name of the reviewer who has been
assigned automatically to the drug.
If rows have been filtered using a SQL WHERE clause in the Column and Rows
dialog box, the text, Rows are filtered, appears above the table. Rest the cursor
on that text to see the SQL WHERE clause that is in effect. For more information,
see Filter products and product-event combinations using a SQL WHERE clause.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the drug, and then click Change.
4. Select another reviewer from the Reviewer drop-down list and click OK.
You can also select no reviewer (--) to remove an assignment. Available reviewers
for assignment are those in login groups to which the signal configuration is
1. From a Signal Review page, from the Header Action menu ( ) for a table, click
Columns. On other pages, click the Columns link.
2. Select columns to include in the table from the Available Columns list and move
them to the Selected Columns list using the arrow buttons.
If a table includes a lot of columns or the columns contain long values, the entire
table may not fit across your browser window. Scroll to the right to see the rest of
the table.
3. To change the order in which columns display in a table, in the Selected Columns
list, click the column name and:
Chapter 10
System configurations
table to the default settings, from the Header Action menu ( ), click Reset View
to Default.
5. Specify the sort order.
If you sorted the table by clicking column headers, that sort order appears in the
Column Name and Sort Order fields. To specify a sort order:
a. From the Column Name drop-down lists, select a column name for up to three
b. From the Sort Order drop-down list, select Asc (ascending order: A-Z, 1-9) or
Desc (descending order: Z-A, 9-1).
If you are managing columns and you have checked the Allow SQL Where
Clause on the Signal Review page check box on the Set User Preferences
page, you can specify a SQL WHERE clause to filter rows on the Products
table. For the Product-Event combinations table, this is only available for
scripted signal configurations and added tabs.
6. For all tables, except the Product-Event Combinations table, if you have the
Administer Users permission, you have the option to make the current layout the
default for all of the users in your login group. This replaces the default table layout
supplied by the application with your current layout for any user who has not yet
arranged that table.
7. Click OK.
Oracle Empirica Signal saves your arrangement of columns and rows and uses
it as a default for the Products or Product-Event Combinations tables for the
selected signal configuration until you change the arrangement.
When you initially display the Products table or Product-Event
Combinations table, the columns shown and the sort order within the
table reflect the current selections. Any changes you make are retained
for that configuration.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• The sort arrow is displayed for primary, secondary, and tertiary sorted
2. Hover over a sorted column header and it continues to show the current sort
• The primary arrow is black. Secondary and tertiary arrows are gray.
• The tooltip for a sort arrow indicates the new sort direction such as "Sort
Interaction Descending" or "Sort Interaction Ascending."
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the signal configuration, and then click Edit
Product Columns.
4. To the right of a column row, click Edit.
5. Fill in the fields.
6. Click Save.
Field descriptions—Edit Product columns dialog box
Field Description
Column name Name of the column on the Products page.
Column label Text to appear as the column heading.
Column tooltip Description of a column. The description
appears as a tooltip when you hover over the
column label on the Products page.
Download data
When you view a table or case details, you can download the information to various
types of files.
Set a default download file type by modifying your user preferences. When
downloading, however, you can override the default by selecting another file type.
For floating-point numbers that are downloaded, the precision of the
numbers is accurate to the level of precision in the numbers, as displayed in
Oracle Empirica Signal.
1. Make sure you have arranged table columns as you want them.
Chapter 10
System configurations
2. From the Signal Review page Header Action menu ( ), click Download. On
other pages, click the Download link.
3. In the Base filename field, enter a filename. Do not include an extension. We
recommend that you use a filename that identifies the content of the download.
4. Select one of the following file types. For some types of information, only certain
file types are available.
Leading zeroes in values are not
retained when you download to
a .csv file.
Tab delimited file (.txt) Plain text file. Typically, the file extension .txt
is associated with a text editor, such as
Microsoft Notepad.
Excel spreadsheet (.xls) Spreadsheet file that can be opened by
Microsoft Excel. You must have Microsoft
Excel installed on your computer. If you
try to download a table of more than
65,535 rows, a message warns you that this
exceeds the capacity of Excel.
If dates are not displayed
appropriately in Excel, you might
need to change the display format
in Excel.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If dates are not displayed
appropriately in Excel, you might
need to change the display format
in Excel.
When you are downloading case details, only the Excel spreadsheet
(.xlsx) or Word Rich Text Format (.rtf) formats are available.
5. In the Limit to field, enter the number of rows that you want to download (instead
of downloading the entire table). For example, if you specify 1000, only the first
1,000 rows of the table download. Keep in mind that the way in which the table is
sorted determines which rows are downloaded. If you do not fill in the Limit to field,
all rows of the table download.
The number of rows per page of the displayed table has no effect on downloading.
For example, the table includes 100 rows and 25 rows appear per page. If you
download the table, all 100 rows download.
When you download case details, we recommend that you do not limit
the number of rows. The limit applies to each type of data. For example,
if you limit the download to two rows, only the first two drugs and the first
two adverse events for the case are downloaded.
Chapter 10
System configurations
6. If you select Create a Zip archive file for download, the Oracle Empirica Signal
creates a file with the extension .zip to hold the file that contains the downloaded
table. You must have a ZIP file compression and extraction utility, such as WinZip,
installed on your computer.
The zip file also includes an id.txt file that provides the name of the user who
downloaded the table and the date and time of the download.
When you download data from a report, you can also include a
report definition file and analysis files. The report definition is an XML
representation of the report. The analysis files include an analysis
description file and an analysis script file (if defined for the report).
7. Click OK.
8. Open or Save the file.
For large case series, a message appears stating the file is being prepared. You
can leave this page and click anywhere in Oracle Empirica Signal while the file is
When you download data mining results or reports, Oracle Empirica
Signal includes notes in the download (to all file types except .xpt
and .sas) if they appeared at the time of the download.
3. Click the product's Row Action Menu ( ) and select View Product-Event
Combinations, or click the product name or total count.
4. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( ) on the top right, click Manage
Chapter 10
System configurations
5. On the top left, click Columns. (This option is available only if you have the
Manage Signal Views permission.)
6. From the Available Columns list, select one or more columns and move them to
the Selected Columns list.
7. If you use a SQL WHERE clause, you must refer to the names of columns in the
underlying database table, which might not be the same as the column names that
appear on the page.
8. For the columns shown, specify the column names and sort order.
• From the Column Name drop-down list, select the name.
• From the Sort Order drop-down list, select Asc, to sort in ascending order, or
Desc, to sort in descending order.
9. To use the layout as the default for your login group, select the Use current
layout as login group default check box.
10. In the Where Clause text box, type or paste the SQL WHERE clause.
11. To include a column in the WHERE clause, click Show Columns and click the
column name from the Select Table Columns dialog box.
12. Click OK.
The text, Rows are (filtered), appears above the table of products or * (modified)
appears above the table of product-event combinations.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• You cannot add or delete a targeted medical event while a signal configuration
refresh is in progress.
• You must refresh the signal configuration for your changes to take effect.
3. Click the product's Row Action menu ( ) and select Manage Targeted Medical
4. Add a TME for the product using one of the following methods:
• Select < hierarchy > terms.
• Select available values.
• Select a saved list of values.
• Type the values.
To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, we recommend that you
select rather than type values.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• You must refresh the signal configuration for your changes to take effect.
3. Click the product's Row Action menu ( ) and select Manage Listed Events.
4. To add listed events, specify the listed events for the product using one of the
following methods:
• Select <hierarchy> terms.
• Select available values.
• Select a saved list of terms.
• Type the terms.
To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, we recommend that you
select rather than type values.
Chapter 10
System configurations
2. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( ), on the top right, click Manage
Designated Medical Events.
3. Specify the DMEs to add using one of the following methods:
• Select <hierarchy> terms.
• Select available values.
• Select a saved list of terms.
• Type the terms.
To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, we recommend that you
select rather than type values
Chapter 10
System configurations
2. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( ), on the top right, click Manage
Custom Terms.
3. On the top left, click Create Custom Term.
4. In the Name field, type a name for the custom term.
If the name includes an invalid character, Oracle Empirica Signal replaces the
character with a pound sign (#) and displays an informational message. The
following characters are invalid:
• \, /, <, :, >, |, ?, *, ”, &, and null
• Control characters
• Non-ASCII characters
5. From the Item variable drop-down list, select the variable type for the term; for
example, Drug or Event.
6. Specify a query to identify the cases for which to include the custom term.
• Create Using Query Wizard: Create a query from scratch following the steps
of the wizard.
• Create From Existing Query: Choose an existing query. You must have
created or published the query. Subsequent changes you make to the query
in the library do not affect the custom term.
7. In the Hierarchy Path field, click Select <hierarchy> term.
8. Browse the hierarchy to find the hierarchy item with which to associate the custom
9. Click OK.
2. Select the custom term's Row Action menu ( ) icon, then click Edit.
Chapter 10
System configurations
We recommend that you do not change the name of the custom
term. Changing the name does not actually change the name of the
custom term. Rather, it creates a new custom term and removes the
old one in the next refresh. Prior comments, topic associations, and
unreviewed alerts associated with the prior custom term's product-event
combinations will be orphaned.
4. Click OK.
2. Select the custom term's Row Action menu ( ) icon, then click Delete.
3. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.
( ), on the top right. You update TMEs and Listed events from the Products table.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• The SQL WHERE clause that selects product-event combinations (shown on the
Rename Signal View page).
Typically, an organization has predefined standard views. Additional views can be
added by the user by the Save a product-event combinations as a new view option.
Users with Manage Signal Views permission are able to open Manage Signal Views
page. They can organize, publish, rename, and delete views created by the user,
views created by other users in their login group, as well as views published to their
login group.
Users without Manage Signal Views permission are able to open Manage Signal
Views page. They can rename and delete views that they created.
2. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( ), on the top right, click Manage
The Manage Signal Views page appears and provides the following information
about each signal view that you created. If you have the Manage Signal Views
permission, the page also lists views created by other users in your login group, as
well as views published to you.
Column Description
Name Name of the signal view.
If the signal configuration has the
review period feature set up, each
view name should include the
length of the review period, such
as New Cases (3 months) and
New Cases (6 months).
Chapter 10
System configurations
Column Description
Review Period The period of time for data in the view, such
as the last 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year.
Appears if the signal configuration has the
review period feature set up.
3. To organize signal views; that is, to specify how they will appear in the Add tab
menu on the Product-Event Combinations page:
a. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( , on the top right, click
Manage Views.
b. Click Organize Views. (This option is available only if you have the Manage
Signal Views permission.)
If you click the Row Action menu ( ) for a signal view, you can do the following:
• To rename a view, click Rename.
• To publish a view, click Publish, select the login group(s), then click Back.
This option is available only if you have the Manage Signal Views
Prior to publication, signal views are visible only to their creators and to
superusers. If you are a superuser, you can publish to multiple login groups,
including —All–. In the Publish to Login Groups drop-down list, click or
Ctrl+click to select login groups. If you publish to —All– and later add a new
login group, the object is published automatically to the new login group.
• To delete a view, click Delete and then click OK.
For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way
data displays in the table, see About tables.
2. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( ), on the top right, click Manage
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a signal view, and then click Rename.
In addition to the information you can change in the steps below, the Rename
Signal View page shows the following information about the view:
• The ordered list of columns included on the Product-Event Combinations
Chapter 10
System configurations
If you change the review period, the review period alerts will not display
as expected until the next refresh.
8. Click Save.
The category, Unassigned, always appears last in the list of categories.
2. From the Manage Reference Data menu ( ), on the top right, click Manage
3. On the top left, click Organize Views. (This option is available only if you have the
Manage Signal Views permission.)
4. To specify the order in which categories appear, from the Category list, click a
category name, then click the up and down arrow keys to move the category to the
desired position.
5. To specify the order of the views assigned to a category, click a category, then, in
the Views list, click a view name and move it to the desired position with the up
and down arrow keys.
6. To reorder the views, click a view in the Views list, then click the up and down
arrow keys to move it to the desired position.
7. Click OK.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Unmapped users will not be included in the Products By cards on the Signal
Review page.
If some, but not all, reviewers have been mapped to usernames, lists of
reviewers on the Signal Review page differentiate the reviewers with the
suffix (user) or (reviewer) after the name. Once all reviewers have been
mapped to usernames, the suffix no longer appears.
This feature is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The
mapping must be completed.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the reviewer who you want to map to a
username, and then click Edit Reviewer User Mapping.
5. From the User list, select a username. The username becomes the display name
of the user.
6. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Changes to a topic workflow configuration that is already in use are not
In addition, you can prepare topic features by defining the access permissions to the
Oracle Empirica Signal users. For more information, see Set up the topics feature.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Option Definition
Name Sample Topic Workflow Configuration
Description Sample Topic Workflow Configuration
Allow topic to be visible to ( ) One and only one work team
(o) Zero, one or more work teams
Allow topic to be linked to (o) Topics in any state
( ) Topics in final state
Allow addition of comments to |x| Topics
|x| Attachments
|x| Actions
Allow sources of attachments |x| Application Data
|x| External URL
|x| External Document
|x| Note
Allow topic state closure only when all actions are | | (cleared)
Allow action state closure only when attachments or | | (cleared)
comments are provided for action
Chapter 10
System configurations
(This table presents a subset of the different attributes that can be set when you add or
edit a field.)
Topic states
The sample topic workflow configuration defines the following workflow states for
Chapter 10
System configurations
Action states
The sample topic workflow configuration defines the following workflow states for
Chapter 10
System configurations
The Sample Topic Workflow Configuration should not be edited.
Chapter 10
System configurations
General activities
The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:
• Add Workflow Configuration
• Import Workflow Configuration Account
• Import Workflow Configuration File
• Back
• Columns
• Print
• Download
Row-specific activities
The following menu options are available from the Row Action menu ( ), located in
the first column of the table, and affect an individual row in the table:
• Edit
• Copy
• Delete
• Publish
• Export
• Create PDF
• Manage Fields
• Manage Topic States
• Manage Action States
• Manage Topic Templates
• Manage Email Notification Rules
Field Description
ID Identifier assigned to the configuration. Each
topic workflow configuration ID is unique and is
not re-used if the configuration is deleted.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Name Name of the topic workflow configuration.
Description Description of the topic workflow configuration.
Account Name Name of the Oracle database account that
contains topic workflow configuration data.
Owner Name of the user who created the topic
workflow configuration.
Only users with the Manage Topic Workflow Configurations
permission can set this preference.
Chapter 10
System configurations
c. Click the Topics page to add and edit topics that use the new configuration.
d. When you are finished, assign the topic workflow configuration to the login
This option is used when installing or upgrading the Oracle Empirica Signal
application. Typically, you do not need to perform this process during regular
system use.
When you import topic workflow configurations from an Oracle account, the application
does the following:
• Adds any new topic workflow configurations found in the Oracle account.
• Re-imports any topic workflow configurations found in the Oracle account that
have been deleted from the application by having references removed. Any topics
(and comments associated with them) that existed at the time of the deletion are
also restored.
If a topic workflow configuration has been deleted permanently, it cannot be
A confirmation dialog box displays after topic workflow configurations are imported
successfully. The import does not affect your current or existing topic workflow
Only users with the Manage Topic Workflow Configurations
permission can set this preference.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Chapter 10
System configurations
Fields with a work team context are not included in the export and import
of topic workflow configurations. Therefore, Topic Field Modified and Action
Field Modified email notification rules that reference fields with a work team
context are not included. Topic templates that contain populated topic or
action fields with a work team context are also not included. If these exist in
the original topic workflow configuration, they must be added to the imported
topic workflow configuration.
Editing a topic workflow configuration that is already in use is not
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Edit.
4. Update the values in the Name and Description fields as needed.
5. To customize the topic workflow configuration, edit the fields according to the table
6. Click Save.
7. Log out and log in again to see the changes in the application.
Field descriptions—Edit Workflow Configuration page
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Allow topic to be visible to Defines the level of cross-team interaction
enabled for topics. You can choose one of the
• One and only one work team—Topics
can be reviewed by, and assigned to, the
members of the work team selected in the
Visible to work team field of a specific
topic. For configurations that select this
option, it may be useful to give one or
more administrative users the View Topics
across Work Teams user permission.
• Zero, one or more work teams—Topics
can be reviewed by, and assigned to,
the members of all work teams selected
in the Visible to work team field of a
specific topic. Topics visible to zero work
teams are accessible only to the user who
created them.
For a user to
view or act on
topics that have
been made
visible to a work
appropriate work
must be
assigned to that
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Allow topic to be linked to Defines how the topic linking feature functions.
You can choose one of the following:
• Topics in any state—Users can add a
reference link from one topic to another
topic regardless of workflow state.
• Topics in final state—Users can add a
reference link from one topic to another
topic that is in a final state.
For a user to link
two topics, both
topics must be
visible to the
user's work team
with the Edit
Topics or Edit
Topic Actions
work team
To add
comments, users
need the Edit
work team
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Allow sources of attachments Select one or more of these check boxes to
enable the attachment feature, which allows
users to add supporting information to a topic
or action. You can clear a check box to prevent
attachments in that format from being added.
• Application Data—A Save to Topic link
is added to pages throughout Oracle
Empirica Signal to allow the currently
displayed object to be saved as an
attachment to a topic or action. A site
option can be set to limit the number of
rows in table displays that can be saved
with topics.
• External URL—Attachments in the form of
a URL can be added.
• External document—Files, including
documents, spreadsheets, and images,
can be added to the topic. A site option
can be set to limit the size of files saved
with topics.
• Note—Users can enter text to provide
an overall description of several other
attachments that are added
Attachments of the selected types can be
added to a topic or to individual actions, and
can be edited or deleted. Attachments to a
topic appear in the Topic Attachments section
of the Topic page and attachments to an action
appear in the Action Attachments section of
the Topic Action page.
To add
users must have
the Add/Edit/
Attachments in
Open Topics/
Actions or the
Edit Attachments
in Closed Topics/
Actions work
team permission.
Allow topic state closure only when all actions If checked, users can assign a final workflow
are completed state to a topic only when all of that topic's
actions are in a final state.
If cleared, users can assign a final state to a
topic regardless of the workflow state of that
topic's actions.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Warn on action state closure if no attachments If checked, users who assign a final workflow
or comments are provided for action state to an action that does not have any
associated comments or attachments receive
a warning message.
If cleared, users can assign a final state to an
action at any time without a warning.
When you copy a topic workflow configuration, the latest versions of
templates are also copied. However, any existing topics that are based on
the configuration are not copied.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Copy.
4. Type a unique name for the topic workflow configuration.
5. Optionally, modify the description of the topic workflow configuration.
6. Click Save.
7. (Recommended) Test the topic workflow configuration before you assign it to a
login group. To test, do the following:
a. At the top of the main page, click your user name and select Preferences,
then select the topic workflow configuration.
Only users with the Manage Topic Workflow Configurations
permission can set this preference.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Delete.
4. On the Delete Workflow configuration page, choose:
• Remove Reference only—Deletes the configuration by reference.
The configuration and any existing topics, including all comments and the
associated attachments, are no longer accessible from the application.
However, all of the data remains in the database and can be re-imported if
• Delete permanently—Deletes the configuration from the database, along with
all topics, including all comments and attachments associated with them. You
must be a superuser to delete a topic workflow configuration permanently.
A message informs you that for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, you must print
each topic for the topic workflow configuration and export tables from the
Oracle account. Before you print the topics, verify that the topic workflow
configuration options that allow addition of comments to topics, actions, and
attachments are all checked. This assures all comments are included, even if
these settings were changed in the topic workflow configuration over time.
Tables that store topic data and workflow configurations
The tables shown below store data for topics and topic workflow configurations. The
_x suffix represents the unique identifier in the TM_CONFIG_LOCAL table for a topic
workflow configuration.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Users without Administer Users permission can publish only objects they
have created. Users with the Administer Users permission can publish
objects that they or any users in their login group created.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Publish.
The Publish Workflow Configuration page appears and includes publication status
information such as who owns it and the publication level.
If no publication status appears, the object has been published to a
different login group than yours by a superuser.
4. If you are a superuser, you can publish an object to multiple login groups. In the
Publish to Login Groups drop-down list, click or Ctrl+click to select login groups.
If you publish to –All– and later add a new login group, the object is published
automatically to the new login group.
5. Click Publish.
The object is published to all of the users who are in your login group.
6. Click Back to return to the Manage Topic Workflow Configurations page.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Export.
4. Follow the directions for your browser.
5. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Select the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then select Create
4. Follow the directions for your browser.
5. Click Save.
Manage fields
• About fields
• Manage Fields page
• View a field
• Add a field
• Edit a field
• Delete a field
• Identify a field as a filter field
• Add a drop-down list field
• Add linked fields
• Add a multi-selection list field
• Constrain field values by work team
• Display order for fields and field values
• Modify the display order for a field
• Manage field values
• Manage field access
About fields
In a topic workflow configuration, you can define fields to store information for
topics, actions, and attachments. Every topic workflow configuration includes a set
of standard fields, and custom fields to store information related to topics that your
organization finds useful.
To define whether or not a field appears for topics or actions in a given workflow state
or for attachments of a certain type, you also specify the topic field accessibility by
state, action field accessibility by state, and attachment field accessibility by type.
Chapter 10
System configurations
General activities
The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:
• Add Field
• Modify Display Order
• Manage Accessibility
– Topic Fields by State
– Action Fields by State
– Attachment Fields by Type
• Back
• Columns
• Print
• Download
Row-specific activities
The following menu options are available from the Row Action menu ( ), located in
the left most column of the table, and affect an individual row in the table:
• Edit
• Define Values
• Delete
Field Description
Name Oracle database column name for the field.
Format One of the following values:
• String—Alphanumeric text value for the
• Integer—Positive integer value for the
• Date—Date in mm/dd/yyyy format in the
Filter • Yes if the field acts as a display filter,
appearing above tables of topic-related
data as a drop-down list populated by all
stored values. See Identifying a field as a
filter field.
• Select No for fields that are not used to
filter displayed data.
Custom/Standard One of the following values:
• Standard—A field included in all topic
workflow configurations.
• Custom—A field added to the
topic workflow configuration by your
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Display Name Name of the field as it appears in the user
Order Position of the field within the workflow. The
number indicates the place in the workflow of
the field.
The context determines where the Oracle
Empirica Signal application uses the order:
• For a topic—In the Add Topic or Topic
General Information section of the Topic.
• For an action—In the Add Action or
Action General Information section of the
Topic Action page.
• For an attachment—On the Add
Attachment page.
You can modify the order of both standard and
custom fields.
The order
applies to all
fields with a
given context.
You can assign a
single order
value for the
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Field Values Defined values for the field:
• A field with defined values appears with a
list selection control in the user interface.
See Adding a drop-down list field or
Adding a multi-selection list field.
• A field without defined values appears as
a value-entry field.
View a field
1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon ( ).
2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Add a field
You can add a custom field to a topic workflow configuration. Adding a field adds a
column to an Oracle database table, so you must specify the data type (for example,
string, integer, or date). For string fields, specify the maximum length. You can also
make selections that affect how users interact with the field in the user interface,
including the field label displayed, how users select values for the field and whether
the field applies to topics, actions, or attachments, or any combination of these
3. Click the Row Action menu for a configuration ( ), and then click Manage
4. To add a field, click Add Field.
5. In the Column name field, type the field name to appear in the Oracle database.
The name must begin with a letter. It must be up to 30 characters in length, and
consist of uppercase letters, numbers, and the special characters $, _, and # only.
6. In the Display name field, type the field name to appear in the user interface.
The display name appears as the label for the field and as a column header.
7. From the Format drop-down list, select the format for field values.
8. In the Length field, specify the length of the field as an integer.
9. Optionally, specify a type for the field. Types affect the way the field appears in the
user interface.
10. Select a context for the field. The field can appear as and store values for topics,
actions, attachments, or work teams, or any combination of these contexts.
Chapter 10
System configurations
11. To limit the values that can be selected for a field based on the work team
membership of the current user, select Work teams in addition to one of the other
contexts. See Constrain field values by work team.
A superuser must set the Topic workflow configuration for work team
custom fields site option to this configuration and the configuration must
be published. If your organization uses more than one topic workflow
configuration, you must define custom fields with the work team context
identically in each topic workflow configuration.
12. Select Display as filter field to display the field and its values above tables in the
user interface. See Identify a field as a filter field.
13. Click Save.
Fields appear in the user interface as value-entry fields unless you explicitly define
a valid set of values for them. For example, description fields are typically value-
entry fields that allow users the flexibility to enter any value.
You can define valid values for custom fields that have a format of string or
integer, and for certain standard fields. Fields with defined values appear in the
user interface as drop-down lists or, if you define a field as Append-only, as a
multi-selection list. See Add a drop-down list field and Add a multi-selection list
Edit a field
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a field, and then click Edit.
5. Optionally, modify the following fields:
Field Description
Display name The label that appears when adding or
editing a topic or action.
Format Not editable. Type of data to be collected:
Date, String, or Integer.
Length For a string format field, the Length field is
editable. If you provide a new length that is
less than or equal to an existing value, the
page displays an error message.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Type The determines how users can specify
• Single Value—A single value field type.
This is the default field type.
• Append-only—A multiple values field
type in which a previously selected
value cannot be removed.
• Multiple Values—A multiple values field
type that supports adding and removing
• Append-only and constrained—An
append-only field restricted to the work
team context.
• Linked—The subsidiary field in a linked
Filter Make this a filterable field that appears in
the Select Filter drop-down list on the Topics
and Actions tabs.
6. Click Save.
Delete a field
This option is available for custom fields only.
• If you are not a superuser, you can delete a field only if no values are present for
that field in any existing topics or work teams. To prevent a field from appearing for
the topics feature, you can assign an access level of -- (Hidden) to the field for all
topic states, all action states, or all attachment types.
• If you are a superuser, you can delete a field for which a value is present
in an existing topic. A warning message informs you that for 21 CFR Part 11
compliance, you must print each topic for the topic workflow configuration, and
export tables from the Oracle account for the topic workflow configuration. For a
complete list of topic and topic workflow configuration tables, see Delete a Topic
Workflow Configuration.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a field, and then click Delete.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If the field is referenced in any Topic Field Modified or Action Field Modified
email notification rules, you must edit the notification rule before the field is
deleted. A dialog box appears with a list of the relevant notification rules.
Or, if you attempt to delete the field which is referenced in existing topic
templates, the application prompts you to first remove the field value from the
topic templates, and then delete the field.
• Only fields that store a limited number of values (no more than 50 but,
typically, less) should be identified as filter fields, as longer lists can
become difficult for users to navigate effectively.
• The first 30 characters of each field value are shown in the drop-down
list. Longer values are shortened to 30 characters.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Add or edit the field, as necessary.
5. Check Display as filter field.
6. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Users can select a single value from a drop-down list, and can change the selected
value for the field at any time (if permitted for a given workflow state by the topic or
action field access level). Drop-down lists structure data entry by limiting the number of
possible entries. They also assure that the values stored for a field are consistent.
An alternative is to add a field that appears with a multi-selection list control
in the user interface. There are two field types that support this: Append-only
and Multiple Values. If the field is Append Only, users can select one or more
values, but cannot remove any previously selected and saved values. If the
field if Multiple Values, users can select one or more values, and can remove
previously saved values. See Add a multi-selection list field.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click Add Field.
5. In the Column name field, enter a column name.
6. In the Display name field, enter a name to appear in the user interface.
7. From the Format drop-down list, select the format of the field: String, Integer, or
8. If you specified a String format, in the Length field, enter the maximum field
9. In the Type section, select Single Value.
10. In the Context section, select the field context. The field can be used to collect
information for a topic, action, attachment, or work team.
11. Optionally, specify the field to be used for filtering by checking Display as filter
field. See Identify a field as a filter field.
12. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
You can design a pair of drop-down list fields that are linked. Selections
available for the second field in the pair are dependent on the selection
for the first in the pair. See Adding linked fields.
13. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the field you added, and then click Define
14. Click Add Value.
17. Repeat steps 14 - 17 to add all possible values for the field. Alternatively, you can
store all field values in a .csv (comma-separated value) file, and then upload it.
See Upload a table of valid values.
18. Modify the display order of the valid values as needed. Click Modify Display
a. From the Values for Dropdown list, select a value.
b. To change the order of the value in the list, use the up-arrow and down-arrow
By default, the new field appears as a drop-down list for a topic or action that
is in any workflow state, for any type of document-style attachment, or for a
work team. The field is editable; that is, users can select a value from the list
or select " " (blank).
You can make this field required (the blank value is not offered, and users
must select one of the defined values before saving).
Users must select a value for the parent field, MedDRA SOC, first. The list of values
for the subsidiary field, MedDRA HLGT, is then populated with values that are valid
given that initial selection.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• You must define valid values for both of the fields in a linked pair. Both fields
appear as drop-down lists in the user interface.
• Both of the fields in a linked pair must be custom fields that you add to the topic
workflow configuration.
• You must define two different fields as the linked pair. A field cannot be selected as
its own Link to parent field.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click Add Field.
5. In the Column Name field, enter a column name.
6. In the Display name field, type a name to display in the user interface.
7. From the Format drop-down list, select either string or integer as the format.
8. For a string field, in the Length field, specify a maximum field length.
9. In the Type section, do not check any options.
10. In the Context section, select the field context. The field can be used to collect
information for a topic, action, attachment, or work team.
11. To use the field as a filter, check Display as filter field. See Identify a field as a
filter field.
12. Click Save, and then click Back.
13. On the Manage Fields page, click the Row Action menu ( ) for the parent field,
and then click Define Values.
14. Click Add Value.
15. In the Value field, enter a value for users to select, and then click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
16. Repeat steps 14 - 15 to add all possible values for the field. Alternatively, you can
store all field values in a .csv (comma-separated value) file, and then upload it.
See Upload a table of valid values.
17. Modify the display order of the valid values as needed. For more information, see
Modify the display order for the values.
1. On the Manage Fields page, click the Row Action menu ( ) for the subsidiary
field, and then click Define Values.
2. Click Add Value.
3. On the Add Value page, supply the values for users to select. For each value that
you add, from the Link to parent value drop-down list, identify the value for the
parent field that must be selected for this value to be available.
4. Click Save.
5. Repeat step 4 to add all possible values for the field. Alternatively, you can store
all field values in a .csv (comma-separated value) file, and then upload it. See
Upload a table of valid values.
6. Modify the display order of the valid values, as needed. For more information, see
Modify the display order for the values.
By default, both new fields will be editable for a topic or action in any workflow
state, or for any type of document-style attachment. Users can select a value or
select " " (blank).
7. Alternatively, you can make one or both of these fields required (the blank value
is not offered, and users must select one of the defined values before saving).
Generally, you should apply the same access level to both of the fields in the
linked pair. See Manage topic field accessibility by state, Manage action field
accessibility by state, or Manage attachment field accessibility by type.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Values. Both of these multi-selection list fields provide a limited set of possible values
and both appear in the user interface with a link to a multi-selection list.
Like a drop-down list field, a multi-selection list field limits the number of possible
entries that users can make and enforces consistency. Append-only fields also ensure
that any value selected at one point in time cannot be deleted or replaced. Users
cannot later edit this type of field to remove or replace a value. Multiple Values fields
do allow users to edit the field and remove or replace values.
You can further reduce the possibility of user error when entering field values
by setting up a multi-selection field, and then specifying the work team or
teams that can select each of its valid values. See Constrain field values by
work team.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click Add Field.
5. In the Column Name field, enter a column name.
6. In the Display name field, type a name to display in the user interface.
7. From the Format drop-down list, select either string or integer as the format.
8. For a string field, in the Length field, specify a maximum field length.
9. In the Type section, check Append-only or Multiple Values.
Chapter 10
System configurations
10. In the Context section, select the field context. The field can be used to collect
information for a topic, action, attachment, or work team.
11. To use the field as a filter, check Display as filter field. See Identify a field as a
filter field.
12. Click Save.
13. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the field you added, and then click Define
The Define Valid Field Values page appears.
14. Click Add Value.
15. On the Add Value page, supply a value for users to select.
17. Repeat this step to add all possible values for the field. Alternatively, you can
store all field values in a .csv (comma-separated value) file and then upload it. See
Upload a table of valid values.
18. Click Back.
The Manage Fields page appears.
By default, the new field appears with a Select Available Values link next to it
for a topic or action that is in any workflow state, for any type of document-style
attachment, or for a work team. The field is editable: that is, users can select
values for it or leave it blank.
You can make this field required (users must select at least one value before
saving). See Manage topic field accessibility by state, Manage action field
accessibility by state, or Manage attachment field accessibility by type.
If your organization uses more than one topic workflow configuration, any
custom fields for the work team context must be defined identically in each
topic workflow configuration.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click Add Field.
5. In the Column Name field, enter a column name.
6. In the Display name field, type a name to display in the user interface.
7. From the Format drop-down list, select either string or integer as the format.
8. For a string field, in the Length field, specify a maximum field length.
9. In the Type section, check Append-only or Multiple Values.
10. In the Type section, check Constrained values based on work team.
11. In the Context section, select the field context. You must check at least one of
these options. The field can be used to collect information for a topic, action,
attachment, or work team.
12. In the Context section, check Work Team.
13. To use the field as a filter, check Display as filter field. See Identify a field as a
filter field.
14. Click Save.
1. On the Manage Fields page, click the Row Action menu ( ) for the field, and
then click Define Values.
2. Click Add Value.
3. On the Add Value page, supply a value for users to select.
4. Click Save.
5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to add all possible values for the field. Alternatively, you can
store all field values in a .csv (comma-separated value) file, and then upload it.
See Upload a table of valid values.
6. Click Back.
By default, the new field will be editable for a topic or action that is in any workflow
state or for every type of document-style attachment. You can make this field required
(users must select at least one value before saving), hidden, or visible in certain
states or for certain attachment types. See Manage topic field accessibility by state,
Manage action field accessibility by state, or Manage attachment field accessibility by
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. From the Topic workflow configuration for work team custom fields drop-
down list, select the topic workflow configuration that has the constrained value
Custom work team fields appear when you add and edit work teams only after
your topic workflow configuration has been published and this site option has
been set.
4. Click Save.
7. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a work team, and then click Edit.
The Edit Work Team page appears. Your new field appears as a multi-selection
list field.
8. To specify values for members of this work team to select for this field in the user
interface, next to the multi-selection list field, click Select Available Values.
9. To define the values to present to each set of users, repeat this step for each work
10. Log out, then log back in.
11. To test your new field, in the left navigation pane, click the Topic Management
icon ( ), and then add or edit a topic, action, or attachment. The values available
for selection in this field reflect your membership in one or more work teams.
Chapter 10
System configurations
A field can only have one display order, even if it appears in more than one
context. You can prevent a field from appearing when the topic or action is in
a given state by assigning a field access level of hidden to the field for that
state. This also applies to attachments of different types.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. To order a field, click Modify Display Order.
5. The dialog box lists every field in the currently assigned display order. For each
field, the identifying information appears as Display name [COLUMN_NAME]
6. Click a field to select it.
7. Use the and keys to move the field up or down in the list.
You must define values for both the controlling parent field and its
subsidiary field. Typically, all values for the parent field are defined
before the values for the subsidiary field are defined.
Chapter 10
System configurations
• Append-only
• Constrained and Append-only
• Multiple Values
• Constrained and Multiple Values
You can also specify the order in which the values appear in the list. If the field is not
required, users can select " " (blank) to leave the field empty.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a field, and then click Define Values.
The Define Valid Field Values page provides the following information:
Column Description
Value Value that is available for selection in the
topic field.
Link to Parent Value that must be selected for the parent
field for this value to be available. Applies to
the subsidiary field in a linked pair only.
Order Number indicating the display order for the
If you click the Row Action menu ( ) for a value, you can do the following:
• To edit a value, click Edit.
• To delete a value, click Delete.
If you delete or change a value that is already in use in a topic, the original value
remains in any topics that have used that value; however, the value is no longer
available for selection in that, or any other, topic.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a field, and then click Define Values.
5. Choose one of the following:
• To add a value, click Add Value.
• To edit a value, click the Row Action menu ( ) for the value, and then click
6. In the Value field, enter a value.
If the field you are adding is the subsidiary field in a linked pair, select the value
that this value is subsidiary to in the Link to the parent value field.
For example, if a MedDRA SOC field and a MedDRA HLGT field are linked, you
select an SOC value, and then a list of relevant HLGT values is made available for
7. Click Save.
8. Repeat this process as needed to define all valid values for the field. Alternatively,
you can save all values in a .csv file and upload the table of values.
For a field that is the subsidiary field in a linked pair, the table that you
upload should contain two columns. The first column should contain the
values for that field, and the second column should contain the values
that are valid for the controlling, parent field.
For example:
Typical format:
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Save the file with the .csv (comma-separated value) file extension.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a field, and then click Define Values.
5. Click Upload Table.
Chapter 10
System configurations
6. In the File to upload field, enter the full path and file name of the .csv file, or click
Browse to locate the file on your computer.
7. Click Upload.
8. If necessary, you can edit the values or change the display order for the values.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a field, and then click Define Values.
5. Click Modify Display Order.
6. Use the and keys to move values up and down in the list.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click Manage Accessibility.
5. From the menu, select Topic Fields by State.
The Manage Topic Field Accessibility by State page presents a table with a
column for each topic state and a row for each topic field.
For reference, you can review the field access levels for topic workflow states
defined in the Sample Topic Workflow Configuration.
6. From the drop-down lists in the access level cells, select an access level for each
field when a topic is in that state. The access levels are:
This access level should only
be assigned to fields that
store informational, rather than
process-related, data for the
topic. For example, this access
level is not recommended for the
CURRENT_STATE_ID field in any
state, since a topic's current state
should always be editable (or
7. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click Manage Accessibility.
5. From the menu, select Action Fields by State.
The Manage Action Field Accessibility by State page presents a table with a
column for each action state and a row for each action field.
For reference, you can review the field access levels for action workflow states
defined in the Sample Topic Workflow Configuration.
6. From the drop-down lists in the action state cells, select an access level for each
field when an action is in that state. The access levels are:
Chapter 10
System configurations
This access level should only
be assigned to fields that
store informational, rather than
process-related, data for the
action. For example, this access
level is not recommended for the
ACTION_STATE_ID field in any
state, since an action's current
state should always be editable
(or required).
7. Click Save.
Specifications made for Oracle Empirica Signal objects apply only when the
attachment is edited. When an Oracle Empirica Signal object is saved as
an attachment to a topic, the Name field is required, the Description field is
optional, and all other fields are hidden.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
4. Click Manage Accessibility.
5. From the menu, select Attachment Fields by Type.
The Manage Attachment Field Accessibility by Type page presents a table with a
column for attachment type and a row for each attachment field.
For reference, you can review the field access levels for attachment fields defined
in the Sample Topic Workflow Configuration.
6. From the drop-down lists in the attachment type cells, select an access level for
each field when an attachment is of that type. The access levels are:
7. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Each topic workflow configuration also defines a separate set of workflow
states that can be assigned to the actions for a topic. See Action states for
more information. The illustration shows the workflow supported by these
General activities
The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:
• Add State
• Back
• Columns
• Print
• Download
Row-specific activities
The following options are available from the Row Action menu ( ), and affect an
individual row in the table:
Chapter 10
System configurations
• Edit
• Delete
Field Description
Name Name of the topic workflow state.
Description Description of the topic workflow state.
Initial State Select Yes for a workflow state assigned
automatically to a new topic when it is added.
Select No for a state to indicate the topic is in
progress or closed.
When you add a
topic workflow
state, the Init
topic workflow
state is supplied
with the value set
to Yes. You
cannot add or
change this
setting for any
other topic
workflow state
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Final State Select Yes for a workflow state to indicate no
further information is expected to be gathered
for a topic.
Select No for a state to indicate the topic is
new (initial state) or in progress.
Topics in a final state can be reopened if the
next defined possible state is not in the Final
State, and if the topic is visible to work teams
and the user has the Reopen Topics/Actions
work team permission.
You can set a
topic workflow
option to require
that all actions
be in a final state
before the topic
itself can be
moved to a final
state. See Edit
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
The defined topic states appear in a table and includes the name, description,
initial and final states and possible next states that users can assign.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
Chapter 10
System configurations
The topic workflow configuration may also require that all of a topic's
actions be in a final state before the topic itself can be assigned a final
state. See Edit Workflow Configuration Options.
After you define the workflow states for topics and define the fields that store
topic information, you should review the level of access assigned to each field and
state. When you add a new state, by default every topic field is editable when the
topic is in that state. You can modify the level of access for each field to hidden,
visible, editable, or required for the new state.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a state, and then click Edit.
5. Modify the Name of the topic workflow state.
If you modify a state name, any topics currently in that state are updated
You can rename the state named Init. However, it is always considered
to be the initial state for a topic and is assigned automatically to every
new topic created.
Chapter 10
System configurations
7. In the Possible next states field, specify the states that users can assign to a
topic in this state.
If state transitions are changed and these transitions are referenced in
Topic State Changed email notification rules, you need to first edit the
notification rule. A list of the affected email notification rules is displayed.
The topic workflow configuration may also require that all of a topic's
actions be in a final state before the topic itself can be assigned a final
state. See Edit Workflow Configuration Options.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a state, and then click Delete.
You cannot delete the Init (Initial) state, and you cannot delete a state that is
currently assigned to any topic. To determine which topics are in a given state, in
the left navigation pane, click the Topic Management icon ( ), and then sort the
table using the Current state column.
When you delete a topic state, it is removed automatically as one of
the next possible states for any other state. You may need to adjust the
e-mail notification rules and the assignment of next possible states for
the remaining states.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Each topic workflow configuration also defines a separate set of workflow
states that can be assigned to a topic as a whole. See Topic states for more
General activities
The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:
• Add Action State
• Back
• Columns
• Print
• Download
Row-specific activities
The following options are available from the Row Action menu ( ), and affect an
individual row in the table:
• Edit
• Delete
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Name Name of the action state.
Description Description of the action state.
Initial State Select Yes for the workflow state assigned
automatically to a new action when it is added.
Select No for a state to indicate the action is in
progress or closed.
Final State Select Yes for a workflow state to indicate no
further information is expected to be gathered
for an action.
Select No for a state to indicate an action is
new (initial state) or in progress.
You can set a
topic workflow
option to require
an action to have
an associated
comment or
before a final
state can be
assigned to it.
See Edit
Options for more
Next Possible Action States States that a user can assign to an action that
is in this state. Determines the transitions that
are possible from one state to another.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Action States.
The defined action states appear in a table and includes the name, description,
initial and final states and possible next states that users can assign.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Action States.
4. To add an action state, click Add Action State.
5. Enter the Name of the state.
6. Enter the Description of the state.
7. In the Possible next states field, specify the states that users are able to assign
to an action in this state.
8. To select a state, click Select Action States.
9. To indicate this state closes an action when assigned, select the This is a final
State check box.
The topic workflow configuration may also require all of a topic's actions
be in a final state before the topic itself can be assigned a final state.
See Edit Workflow Configuration Options.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Action States.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for an action state, and then click Edit.
5. Modify the Name of the action state.
If you modify a state name, any actions currently in that state are updated
You can rename the state named Init. However, it is always considered
to be the initial state for an action and is automatically assigned to every
new action created.
Chapter 10
System configurations
If state transitions are changed and these transitions are referenced in
Action State Changed email notification rules, you need to first edit the
notification rule. A list of the affected email notification rules is displayed.
The topic workflow configuration may also require all of a topic's actions be
in a final state before the topic itself can be assigned a final state. See Edit
Workflow Configuration Options.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Action States.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for an action state, and then click Delete.
You cannot delete the Init (Initial) state, and you cannot delete a state that is
currently assigned to any action.
When you delete a state, it is removed automatically as one of the
possible next states for any other action states. You may need to adjust
the email notification rules and the assignment of next possible states for
the remaining action states.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
Oracle Empirica Signal lists the existing topic templates.
General activities
The following links and filters appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page.
• Add Topic Template
• Back
• Columns
• Print
• Download
Row-specific activities
The following menu options are available from the Row Action menu ( ), and affect
an individual row in the table:
• View
• Edit
• Copy
• Delete
Field Description
ID Identifier that was assigned automatically
when the topic template was created. Each
topic template ID is unique and is not re-used
if the template is deleted.
Name Name of the topic template.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Work Teams Work teams whose members can use the topic
Description Description of the topic template.
Created By Name of the user who created the topic
Created Date and time when the topic template was
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the topic
Modified Date and time when the topic template was
last modified.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
Oracle Empirica Signal lists the existing topic templates.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a topic template, and then click View.
To expand the sections on this page, click Show All, or click for a single section. To
hide section details, click for the section or click Hide All.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Visible to work team The work team or teams whose members can
view or act on the topic template. You can
click Browse to view a descriptive list of work
Name Name of the topic template.
Description Description of the topic template.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click Add Topic Template.
The Add Topic Template page displays all fields in the Topic Template General
Information section that are available in the Initial state, except for the following:
• Topic state
• Assigned to user
• Keywords
• Reason for Change
• Project
5. When creating a template, this field controls who will have access to the template.
To allow users to access the topic template, from the Visible to work team list,
select the work teams to which the users belong. By default, all work teams
appear in the list even if the topic workflow configuration is configured for only one
work team. When creating a new topic, only members of the selected work teams
will have access to this topic template.
The Comments, Attachments, and Links are not available in topic templates.
Actions are available after you save a topic template.
To select multiple work teams, hold down the Ctrl key and click each
work team. Deslect a work team by holding down the Ctrl key and
clicking the work team. You can click Browse to view a descriptive list of
work teams.
6. In the Name and Description fields, type a template name and a description for
the topic template.
7. For the other fields on the page, specify values for any other Topic fields to include
in the template. You can also add actions to the template.
Date fields are specified as offsets. Date offsets specified in the topic template are
inherited by topics as actual dates, offset from the time of topic creation.
8. Click Save or, if you want to add actions to the newly created topic template from
the Add Topic Template page, click Save & Edit.
You can then perform further editing.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ), for a topic template, and then click Edit.
The specific fields that appear on the Edit Topic Template page depend on your
topic workflow configuration.
5. When creating a template, this field controls who will have access to the template.
From the Visible to work team field, select the work teams to which the users
belong. By default, all work teams appear in this list even if the topic workflow
configuration is configured for only one work team.
To select multiple work teams, hold down the Ctrl key and click each
work team. Deselect a work team by holding down the Ctrl key and
clicking the work team.
You can click Browse to the right of the Visible to work team field to view a
descriptive list of work teams.
Column Description
ID Unique identifier of the topic template.
Name Name of the work team.
Description Description text about the work team.
Login Group Name of the login group. Each work team is a
subset of a login group.
All Users Yes, if all users in the login group are members
of the work team.
No, if users have been individually added to
the work team.
Users The full name and Oracle Empirica Signal
username of each member of the work team.
Blank, if all users in the login group are
members of the work team.
Topic Visibility Whether or not the topic is visible to the work
Topic/Action Assignment Whether or not topics and actions can be
assigned to the work team.
Created By Name of the user who created the work team.
Created Date and time when the work team was
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the work
Modified Date and time when the work team was last
Chapter 10
System configurations
For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way
data displays in the table, see About tables.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a topic template, and then click Edit.
5. In the Topic General Information section, specify values.
6. Click Save.
7. In the Template Actions section, do any of the following:
• Click Add Template Action to add an action.
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for an action, and then click View.
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for an action, and then click Edit.
• Click the Row Action menu ( ) for an action, and then click Delete.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a topic template, and then click Copy.
5. In the Name field, leave the default name or type a different template name.
6. In the Description field, type a description of the topic template.
7. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a topic template, and then click Delete.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a topic template, and then click View.
5. In the Template Actions section, click the Row Action menu ( ) for an action,
and then click View.
To expand the sections on this page, click Show All, or click for a single section. To
hide section details, click for the section or click Hide All.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Action name Name of the action.
Action description Description of the action.
Planned completion date Planned date for the completion of the action.
Actual completion date Date the action was completed.
If another user edits the same topic template action at the same time, the first one to
save the action will have their changes saved. The second user gets an error message
indicating the action has been changed since the edit session began. The General
Information section of the page becomes visible, allowing the user to print or take a
screen shot, so that the information can be reentered.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a topic template, and then click Edit.
5. In the Template Actions section, click Add Template Action.
6. Type the action name and description for the topic template action.
7. Enter values for any other fields to be included in the template action.
8. Click Save.
Chapter 10
System configurations
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage Topic
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a topic template, and then click Edit.
5. In the Topic Template Action section, do any of the following:
• Click Add Template Action to add an action.
• To view a template action, click the Row Action menu ( ) for an action, and
then click View.
• To edit a template action, click the Row Action menu ( ) for an action, and
then click Edit.
• To delete a template action, click the Row Action menu ( ) for an action,
and then click Delete.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Email Notification Rules.
General activities
The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:
• Add Email Notification Rule
• Back
• Columns
• Print
Chapter 10
System configurations
• Download
The Notification Reason filter appears at the top of the page and affects the email
notification rules table.
Row-specific activities
The following menu options are available from the Row Action menu ( ), and affect
an individual row in the table:
• Edit
• Delete
Field Description
ID Email notification rule identifier.
Rule Name Email notification rule name.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Notification Reason The following activities initiate an automated
• Topic Added—A new topic is created.
• Topic Deleted—A topic is deleted.
• Topic Modified—A topic is modified.
• Topic Field Modified—A topic field is
• Topic State Changed—The workflow state
of a topic changes.
• Topic Assignment Changed—A topic
assignment changes.
• Topic Assignment Changed (to User)—
New rule, only triggered when the new
assignee is a user.
• Topic Assignment Changed (to Work
Team)— New rule, only triggered when
the new assignee is a work team.
• Action Added—An action is added to a
• Action Deleted—An action is deleted.
• Action Modified—An action is modified.
• Action Field Modified—An action field is
• Action State Changed—The workflow
state of an action changes.
• Action Assignment Changed—An action
assignment changes.
• Action Assignment Changed (to User)—
New rule, only triggered when the new
assignee is a user.
• Action Assignment Changed (to Work
Team)—New rule, only triggered when the
new assignee is a work team.
• Email Reminder—Daily, at a time
specified in Site Options.
Multiple rules can be defined for each email
notification reason.
Message Subject Email subject line.
Message Text Email text.
Chapter 10
System configurations
Field Description
Send To Message recipients:
• Visible to Work Team Members—All
members of the work team, or teams that
can view the topic.
• New Assignee—User or work team
currently assigned to the topic or action.
If the New Assignee is a work team,
notifications will be sent only to work team
members who can view the topic.
• Previous Assignee —User or work
team previously assigned to the topic. If
the Previous Assignee is a work team,
notifications will be sent only to work
team members who can currently view the
• Individual users—Enabled users in login
group, regardless of topic visibility.
Users must have
an email address
associated with
their username
to receive
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Email Notification Rules.
4. To create a rule, click Add Email Notification Rule.
5. Type the rule name in the Notification rule name text field.
6. From the Notification reason drop-down list, select the type of activity that
triggers the notification. For more information, see Field descriptions—Manage
Email Notification Rules page.
7. From the Send to list, select the recipient names. For more information, see Field
descriptions—Manage Email Notification Rules page.
8. Type a subject for email messages generated for the selected reason.
You can include field variable in this subject. When the message is generated, the
current values replace the field variables of the reference fields.
Chapter 10
System configurations
You must provide a message subject to save the email notification rule.
Before including fields in the message subject or message text, ensure that the
resulting emails will not contain sensitive or confidential information.
When you select a field variable, it is inserted at the position of the cursor.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Email Notification Rules.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a notification rule, and then click Edit.
For more information, see Field descriptions—Manage Email Notification Rules
The Notification reason field is disabled during the edit mode and
cannot be modified.
Before including fields in the message subject or message text, ensure that
the resulting emails will not contain sensitive or confidential information.
To provide contextual information in an email message, you can include field variables
that will be replaced by current values when the message is generated. For example,
an email notification rule that includes field variables in the message text appears as
Chapter 10
System configurations
Action emails trigger when you click Save on the Topic Action page. Any
topic field included in an Action email message reflects the last saved
General Information value.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Email Notification Rules.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a notification rule, and then click Edit.
5. On the Edit Email Notification Rule page, click Show Fields.
For a topic-related email notification reason, a page lists all topic fields. For an
action-related reason, the page lists all topic fields and all action fields.
6. Highlight a field to insert a variable for it into the message text.
The field variable is inserted at the location of the cursor.
7. Click OK.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration, and then click Manage
Email Notification Rules.
4. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a notification rule, and then click Delete.
5. Reply to the confirmation message by clicking OK.
Transform data
• About data transformations
• Map text values
• Custom terms and mapped text values
Chapter 10
System configurations
Transformation options
To transform data in a data configuration, you can do the following:
• Map text values.
• Define variable cutpoints.
• Convert date values.
When you define data transformations, it is preferable to include a new data
configuration variable for the transformed data. For example, if the RCVD_DATE
variable exists, and you want to transform its data, keep the RCVD_DATE variable
as is in the data configuration and add a new variable, such as RCVD_HALFYR, to
store the transformed data.
An additional transformation option allows you to upload a list of synthetic values that
are in the source data. For example, you could upload the names of Standardized
MedDRA Queries (SMQs) to be ignored by MGPS when estimating the shrinkage
parameters for EBGM scores. Note that custom terms are ignored automatically for
the estimation of shrinkage parameters.
The raw RR scores for combinations involving custom terms and the
excluded synthetic values are shrunk by the Bayesian formula, but they do
not participate in the determination of the formula itself.
For any one data configuration variable, you can only specify one data transformation
type. However, you can add variables that reference the same column in the source
database. You can also specify a different transformation for each of those variables.
For example, suppose that the source database has a RCVD_DATE column. You
Chapter 10
System configurations
Transformation results
When you define data transformations that map text values, define variable cutpoints,
or convert date values, note that:
• Variables that transform data are not available for creating queries or defining
• Variables that map text values are available for creating saved lists. The mapped
values, however, do not match the source data. As a result, the saved list does not
pass validation. You can save and use the saved list, even though it does not pass
• Transformed variables are not available as the drug variable, event variable, or as
additional covariates in a logistic regression run.
• If included in the drilldown map table, a variable that transforms data shows the
source data, rather than the transformed data, when users drill down to a list of
cases or to view case details.
• If you define a data transformation for a variable in a data configuration, for which
there are existing runs that use the variable, users cannot drill down correctly in
the run results until the runs are re-executed.
These restrictions do not apply to a synthetic values transformation.
See Defining custom terms for another way of mapping values to a term that
you specify for a data mining run. See Comparing custom terms and mapped
text values for information on the differences between these features.
To map text values, you use a text editor to create a file that contains the mappings
and then you upload the file to a mapped variable in the configuration. To view the
Chapter 10
System configurations
current mappings for a variable, edit the configuration, and for the mapped variable
click View Current Mapping.
If you modify a mapping file, your changes are not applied automatically
to the mapped variable. You must edit the configuration and upload the
modified mapping file for the mapped variable.
3. On the second line, type in the first old value (as it appears in the data, including
capitalization), a comma, and then the new value. The new value does not need to
exist in the source data. You must specify both an old value and new value. If you
do not specify both values, values might be omitted from run results.
4. Type in the value that uses the hierarchy that you want to use for the new value.
The hierarchy value is used only if the mapped variable is set up with a hierarchy.
An exact match (including capitalization) of the hierarchy value must exist in the
hierarchy, although it does not need to exist in the source data. If the mapped
variable is set up to use a hierarchy, you must specify a hierarchy value.
5. You must separate each term with a comma. Do not include extra spaces or any
extra carriage returns.
If a term includes a comma, enclose the term in double quotation marks
(for example, "Gastric ulcer, perforated"). If a term includes a double
quotation mark, enter a backslash before the double quotation mark
(for example, "Gastric ulcer, \"perforated\""). When you view the current
mapping on the Edit Variable page, the double quotation marks and/or
backslashes do not appear.
Chapter 10
System configurations
6. Repeat this process for each value that you want to map. This example maps
several PTs to the same new value and hierarchy value. This is not a requirement
for the mapping file. In the same mapping file, you can map different PTs to
different new values and hierarchy values.
You can perform only one level of mapping. In the above example, if
you also map Cognitive impairment to Cognitive decline, none of the old
values are mapped to Cognitive decline.
In the last line of the above example, the old value is mapped to a new value but
continues to use the hierarchy of the old value. If the new value already exists in
the source data, the hierarchy value applies to the existing value, as well. In this
example, if Cognitive impairment is in the source data, the hierarchy for Mental
impairment is used for it.
7. Make sure that there are no extra carriage returns or spaces in the file. The
mapping does not work properly if there are extra carriage returns or spaces.
8. Save the file with the extension .csv.
Changing only the hierarchy
If you want to change only the hierarchy used for the old value, enter the same old and
new value, and then the hierarchy value:
Chapter 10
System configurations
There might be more results for Insulin and the pre-mapped terms than
for Insulin and the new mapping term because cases that include multiple
pre-mapped terms are counted only once for the new mapping term.
When a custom term is added to a data mining run, that custom term cannot include a
variable with mapped text values. Oracle recommends that when mapping text values,
instead of applying this data transformation directly to a configuration variable, set
up a new configuration variable based on the same table and column specifically to
incorporate the mapping. When two different variables are offered in this way, the
values of the original variable remain available for inclusion in a custom term. See
About data transformations.
Chapter 10
System configurations
define a variable based on Age, and then categorize those age values into groups by
specifying cutpoint values that indicate the range of each category.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the data configuration, and then click Edit.
4. To add a variable to represent the cutpoints, click the Add New Variable link. For
more information, see Add or edit a data configuration variable.
5. In the Name field, enter the name of the variable.
Variable names display throughout the application, including when users select
criteria for viewing data mining results, defining queries, or creating report
definitions. For example, a column might be named SYMPTOM in the Oracle
table, but renamed to appear as Event in the application.
6. In the Description field, type a description of the variable.
7. Next to the Table field, click Select Table/Column.
8. As the Column of source data, select the variable containing values that you want
to map. The source column must contain numeric or date values.
9. Set Hide From Query Wizard to Yes. (Even if this setting is set to No, the
mapped variable is not available in the Query Wizard.)
10. In the Data Transformation section, click User-defined cutpoints, and then click
11. To assist you in determining which categories to define, you can view column
statistics about the distribution of values for the field in the entire source database.
12. In the first row, which starts with VALUE <=, in the Value column, enter the last
value in the first category.
13. In the Label column, enter a label for the first category. For a date value, use the
format, mm/dd/yyyy. For example, 12/14/2019.
14. In the next row, enter the last, or highest, value and a label for the second
category. (You must enter the cutpoint values in ascending order.)
15. Continue defining categories until you are ready to define the last category.
16. For the last category, enter only a label. There is no need to enter a value. For
Chapter 10
System configurations
17. If you need to add more categories than you can currently fit on this page, check
Add additional cutpoints upon saving. When you click Save, you can add more
Chapter 10
System configurations
18. Optionally, enter values into the Minimum Value field and the Maximum Value
The minimum and maximum apply to the source values, not the transformed
values. This option is useful if you want to exclude extreme values from inclusion
in a data mining run. The excluded values are considered missing. They are
assigned the value that the user sets for the user preference, Replace Missing
Values with.
When specifying a minimum and maximum value for a date value, use the format
mm/dd/yyyy, for example, 12/14/2019.
19. Click Save.
If you checked Add additional cutpoints upon saving, another row is added.
20. When you are finished specifying categories, clear Add additional cutpoints
upon saving, and click Save.
The cutpoints for the variable are created. If you define cutpoints for a variable in
a configuration for which there are existing runs that use the variable, users cannot
drill down correctly in the run results until the runs are re-executed.
Convert dates
A date conversion is a data transformation. For a variable that is based on a date
value in the source data, you can convert the date value to a year, a half year, or a
quarter year.
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the data configuration, and then click Edit.
4. To add a variable to represent the converted data values, click the Add New
Variable link. For more information, see Add or edit a data configuration variable.
5. In the Name field, enter the name of the variable.
Variable names display throughout the application, including when users select
criteria for viewing data mining results, defining queries, or creating report
definitions. For example, a column might be named SYMPTOM in the Oracle
table, but renamed to appear as Event in the application.
6. In the Description field, type a description of the variable.
7. Next to the Table field, click Select Table/Column.
8. As the Column of source data, select the variable containing values that you want
to convert. The source column must contain date values.
9. Set Hide From Query Wizard to Yes. (Even if this setting is set to No, the
mapped variable is not available in the Query Wizard.)
10. In the Data Transformation section, click Date function, and then click Select
11. Select one of the following functions:
Chapter 10
System configurations
If you convert a date variable in a configuration for which there are existing
runs that use the variable, users cannot drill down correctly in the run results
until the runs are re-executed.
AERS data releases provided to you by Oracle are already configured to
exclude SMQs as synthetic values.
1. In Microsoft Notepad, or another text editor, create a file containing the synthetic
• The file must have only one column of up to 200 characters.
• The first row in the file must be the header, Value.
2. Make sure that there are no extra carriage returns or spaces in the file.
3. Save the file with the extension, .csv.
6. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the data configuration, then click Edit.
7. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for a configuration variable, and then click Edit.
Chapter 10
Administer the system
12. To make sure the values are correct, in the Data Transformation section, select
Synthetic values and click View Current Values.
13. Click Close, and then click Save.
When you have excluded synthetic values, users creating a data mining run
do not need to take any additional steps to exclude them.
The site options in the Password Restrictions section are not applicable to
single sign-on or LDAP passwords. You can set password restrictions for
single sign-on users in Oracle Access Manager.
Chapter 10
Administer the system
Password-related options do not apply to SSO or LDAP authentication.
Field Description
Expiration Enter the number of days until user passwords expire.
This optional setting affects passwords for all users. The
expiration period is counted from when the user was
created or when the password was last changed. The
default value is 90 days.
Individual users can
be configured so their
password never expires.
Also, when a user
password has expired, the
user can create a new
When a user account
is locked, the Account
locked check box is
checked automatically for
the user. To unlock the
user account, edit the user
and clear the check box.
Chapter 10
Administer the system
Field Description
Number of Passwords Retained Indicate the number of unique passwords that are
retained in the history of the user. Passwords retained
in a user's history cannot be re-used.
For example, suppose that you set this field to 100. Each
time the user changes the password, the old password
is retained (up to 100) and when a new password is
selected, it cannot match any of those in the history. If
you want to allow password re-use, set this value to 0. If
you want to prevent password re-use, set this value to a
high number such as 1000. The default value is 8.
Alphabetic Enter a number in each field to define how many of each
Numeric character must be present when new passwords are set.
The default value for each character is one.
Lower case
Upper case
SMTP Server Enter the name of the SMTP server to use for email
notification of run completion, feedback email, and error
email. This field must be filled in correctly for these email
functions to work.
From Email Address Enter the email address from which topic
email notifications and run completion notifications
will be sent. The default value is
Feedback Email Enter the email addresses for feedback that is sent
by Oracle Empirica Signal application users. You can
enter one address or multiple addresses separated by
Error Email Enter the email address for notification of system errors.
You can enter one address or multiple addresses
separated by commas.
System errors are also
recorded in the User
Activity Audit Trail.
Date Format, Select the date format and time format to use for server
Time Format date/times that are displayed in Oracle Empirica Signal
UTC is Coordinated
Universal Time
(abbreviated as UTC).
Chapter 10
Administer the system
Field Description
Auto-Start Local Listener If Yes, the listener process starts automatically when a
batch run is submitted. This option needs to be set to
Yes unless the listener process does not run on the Web
Log Level Select the type of information to be included in the
weberror.log file on the Oracle Empirica Signal server.
Max Memory Per Report Enter the maximum amount (MB) of memory that a
single report is allowed to use when executing. It is
recommended you consult with Oracle support before
changing this value. The max value is usually 768 MB.
To decrease the amount of
memory used by reports,
set the Generate drill-
down Information option
to No while editing report
Max number of rows per table allowed in topic Maximum number (n) of rows of tabular data that can be
attachments saved as an attachment to a topic.
Only the first rows of the displayed tabular data are
saved as the attachment. A message informs you that
not all rows are being saved
Max number of bytes per file allowed in topic Maximum size (MB) of files that can be added as an
attachments attachment to a topic. If you try to add a larger file as an
attachment, an error message appears.
Time to send topic email reminder notifications Hour of the day when Email Reminders for Email
Notification Rules are sent.
Max cache size for LR index tables and data files Maximum size (MB) of Oracle index tables or files saved
during execution of a logistic regression run.
Show menu items: Signal Review Select to show the Signal Review menu item to users
with appropriate permissions.
Data Mining Runs Select to show the Data Mining Runs menu item in the
Data Analysis ( ) section of the left navigation pane to
users with appropriate permissions.
Data Mining Results Select to show the Data Mining Results menu item in the
Data Analysis ( ) section of the left navigation pane to
users with appropriate permissions.
Queries Select to show the Queries menu item in the Data
Analysis ( ) section of the left navigation pane.
Case Series Select to show the Case Series menu item in the Data
Analysis ( ) section of the left navigation pane.
Reports Select to show the Reports menu item in the Data
Analysis ( ) section of the left navigation pane.
Chapter 10
Administer the system
Field Description
Drug Profiles Select to show the Drug Profiles menu item in the Data
Analysis ( ) section of the left navigation pane to users
with appropriate permissions.
Allow Case Comment/Review/Exclusion Select to include the Reviewer Input section on the
Case Details page, or clear to prevent the Reviewer
Input section from appearing. This only affects the Case
Details page that you access on the Case Series page.
Allow Free Text Signal Comments Select to allow users to enter free text comments when,
on the Signal Review page, they filter a product-event
combination or add a comment when reviewing a signal
summary. Regardless of the setting of this option, users
can select from a list of predefined comments.
Allow Automatic Assignment of Reviewers to Products Select to allow users with appropriate permissions to
assign reviewers to products automatically.
Enable Interactive Rep Select to show the Interactive Reports link on the
orts Reports page.
Enable Query Wizard Select to enable use of the Query Wizard to define
Allow Case Count on Query Preview Page Select to show the Show case count by default on
preview page check box on the Set User Preferences
Enable Second Level drill-down on Cases Page Select to allow users to drill down to view case details
for a particular case when they are viewing a list of
cases. This option does not apply to the Case Series
page or to a case ID hyperlink in a report; you can
always drill down to case details from these locations.
Enable Download Case Details Select to allow users to download case details.
Enable LDAP Select to enable the creating, updating, and
authentication of users via an LDAP directory.
Enable OBI EE Reporting Select to allow users to view or generate OBIEE reports.
Enable RGPS Option in MGPS Data Mining Runs Select to allow users to include RGPS computations in
data mining runs.
This option is enabled
only if R and RGPS are
Limit User Provisioning (Oracle-hosted installations only) Select to disallow the following activities by users with
the Administer Users user permission:
• Adding a new user on the Users page.
• Deleting users on the Users page.
• Editing the Authentication, Username, First Name,
Last Name, and Email fields on the Edit User page.
This option does not affect superusers.
Chapter 10
Administer the system
Field Description
Add message to Notes for Results (Table and Graphs) Enter text to display below tables or graphs of data
mining results. For example, the message might read
"These data do not, by themselves, demonstrate causal
associations; they may serve as an impetus for further
Notes for Signal Management Interactions Graph Enter text to display at the bottom of the Interactions
page for a product-event combination on the Signal
Review page.
Product-event combination comment length Maximum length of detailed comments for product-event
combinations on the Signals Review page.
Default User Profile User profile used when provisioning IAMS users.
Topic workflow configuration for work team custom fields For organizations using the topics feature, indicates the
topic workflow configuration that implements custom
fields for work teams. The selected configuration also
must be published to the login group for the fields to
be visible when a work team is added or edited for that
login group. See Add or edit a work team and Constrain
field values by work team.
Chapter 10
Administer the system
6. Click Continue.
You can restart the listener process only if the listener is running as part of
the Oracle Empirica Signal website. If the listener is running outside of the
Oracle Empirica Signal website, clicking Restart Listener has no effect.
Chapter 10
Administer the system
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click Export Run Data.
4. Follow instructions on the Export Run Data page, as shown in the following
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click Import Run Data.
4. Follow instructions on the Import Run Data page, as shown in the following
Chapter 10
Administer the system
3. To set the Archive flag to Yes, click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and
then click Set Archived Flag. You can now import this run data.
4. To clear the Archive flag, click the Row Action menu ( ) for a run with the
Archived value of Yes, and then click Clear Archived Flag. You can now export
this run data.
If the Archived flag for a run is set to Yes, the run description on the Data
Mining Runs page starts with Archived. If the Archived flag is Yes for a
run, you cannot view run results (except that you can view the complete
results table on the Data sources page).
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click Create Move Script.
The Move Run Script page now displays an SQL script.
4. Copy the SQL script and paste it into an ASCII text editor, such as Notepad.
5. Edit the script to define the destination tablespace for the run.
Chapter 10
Monitor the system
6. Save the script in a text file and execute it using Oracle tools.
• In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon ( ), then click
Data Mining Runs.
• In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon ( ), select Manage signal
Configurations, then click Manage Refreshes.
2. Click the Row Action menu ( ) for the run, and then click Create Definition
The definition input file appears.
This option affects only current settings of user preferences.
Chapter 10
Monitor the system
Column Description
User Name Full name followed by the username in brackets.
Login Date Date and time when the user logged in. The date and
time format is set by the site administrator.
Session ID Automatically assigned identifier for the user's Oracle
Empirica Signal session.
IP IP address of the computer from which the user
connected to the application.
Chapter 10
Monitor the system
To include Publish, Rename, and Copy activities, select the appropriate
Edit activity.
Column Description
ID Unique activity identifier.
Username Username of the user who performed the
The report denotes deleted users
by appending (deleted) to the
For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way
data displays in the User Activity Audit Trail, see About tables.
About auditing
The Oracle Empirica Signal Auditing feature tracks user activity that occurs in the
application. Auditing captures detailed information about user actions, such as data
run creation, that provides you with an easily accessible, historical account of user
activity occurring in the following signal categories:
• Authentication
Chapter 10
Monitor the system
• Errors
• Administration
• Login Groups
• Users
• Aliases
• Case Series, Queries
• Configurations
• Data Mining Runs
• Reports
• Saved Lists
• Subscription Data Releases (only used by Oracle Empirica Signal Cloud Service)
• View Results
• Drug Profiles
• Signals
• Signal Administration
• Signal Reviewer
• Topics
• Topic Administration
Auditing occurs automatically. You do not need to install or enable the
auditing feature.
An administrator can access audited user activity by viewing the User Activity Audit
Trail and use the information to:
• Trace actions by one or more users over time.
• Monitor configuration modifications.
• Monitor permission or authentication issues.
• Monitor administration changes.
• Troubleshoot errors.
• Identify suspicious activity or security incidents.
• Identify any violations in policies and procedures.
Using the User Activity Audit Trail, you can better enforce your company's security
policy and assist users with errors or issues.
Oracle Empirica Signal maintains audited user activity indefinitely. You cannot modify
or delete user activity through Oracle Empirica Signal.
Chapter 10
Monitor the system
Chapter 10
Set up saved lists
General activities
The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:
• Create Saved List
• Add Lists In Bulk
• Back
Chapter 10
Set up saved lists
• Columns
• Print
• Download
The following filters appear at the top of the page and affect the rows displayed in the
• Project
• Configuration
Row-specific activities
The following menu options are available from the Row Action menu ( ), and affect
an individual row in the table:
• View
• Edit
• Set Permissions
• Delete
Field Description
Name Name of the saved list.
Description Description of the saved list.
Project Name of the project to which the saved list is
Configuration Name of the data configuration on which the
saved list is based. If the saved list is based on
a run, the name of the data configuration used
by the run appears.
Created By Name of the user who created the saved list.
Created On Date and time the saved list was created.
# of Terms Number of terms included in the saved list.
ID Identifier the application automatically assigns
when the saved list is created. Each saved list
ID is unique and is not re-used if you delete
the saved list.
List Type Type of variable to which the saved list is
attached. Possible values are Drug, Event, and
Modified Date and time when the saved list was last
Modified By Name of the user who last modified the saved
Variable Name of the variable for which the saved list
contains terms.
Chapter 10
Set up saved lists
• To edit a saved list, click the Row Action menu ( ) for a saved list, and then
click Edit.
4. In the Name field, enter the name for the list.
5. In the Description field, enter a description of the list.
6. Assign the saved list to a project.
• To assign the saved list to an existing project, click Add to existing project
and select a project from the drop-down list of projects associated with objects
that you created or that are published to you.
• To create a new project and assign the saved list to it, click Add to a new
project named and enter a project name.
7. From the Configuration drop-down list, select a configuration, or click Browse to
browse for a configuration.
8. From the Associated Variable drop-down list, select a variable to associate with
the saved list. The list includes variables that have a Variable Type of Drug, Event,
or Generalized Item in the data configuration.
9. Enter values for the saved list.
• Click Select Available Values. For more information, see Select values from
the list.
• Click Select ATC Terms or Select MedDRA Terms (if the selected variable
has an associated hierarchy). See Select hierarchy terms.
• Type the values (or copy them from elsewhere and paste them in). For
example, you can include custom terms that were used in a data mining run.
To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, Oracle recommends that
you select rather than type values.
10. To verify that the specified values match values in the source data, check Validate
list when saving. If any of the terms do not have a matching value in the source
data, an error message appears and the unmatched values appear at the end of
Chapter 10
Set up saved lists
the list. If you clear Validate list when saving, you can use the saved list even if it
did not pass validation.
If you create a saved list by saving values during viewing of data mining
results, the list might include custom terms. For the custom terms, no
matches are found in the source data. However, matches are found
when the saved list is used to select drugs or events to view data mining
results that include those custom terms.
The saved list is available when you select results criteria for a run that is based on the
same data configuration or create a query using the variable with which the saved list
is associated. To make your list available to other users, set permissions for it.
The content you entered is not validated.
Chapter 10
Set up saved lists
3. Click the Row Action menu ( ) of the saved list, and then click Set
The Saved Lists Permissions dialog box has two sections. The Group Permissions
applies to your login group. The Individual Permissions section includes individual
users in your login group. Superusers see all login groups.
The permissions you can select are No Access, Read, or Edit.
4. To grant permissions to a login group, click No Access, Read, or Edit. The
selected permission applies to all members of the login group.
5. To grant permissions to individual users in your login group, in the Individual
Permissions section, click No Access, Read, or Edit next to each username.
User permissions for a saved list are determined by settings for both the individual
user and the user's login group. For example, if the individual user has Read
access but that user's login group has Edit access, the user has Edit access.
6. Click Save.