The Five Factor Personality Model, also known as CANOE or OCEAN, is applied to
understand the personality of any individual basis the 5 factors, Openness to explore,
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. Personalities are
dynamic, but for the Management trainees to fit in the organization’s culture, it is
essential to understand their personalities and break them down into these 5 factors.
These factors will help us understand the management trainee’s mindset and behavior.
While each personality trait has its importance, and I would expect the management
trainees to showcase them all to some extent, according to me, Openness to explore
Conscientiousness, and Extraversion is the most critical and important.
Openness to explore is nothing but the person’s willingness to be open to new
experiences. People with this trait tend to be curious, intellectual, creative, and social. A
person who seeks a management position needs to be open to ideas, listen to his/her team,
be curious and creative to come up with solutions, and should value the knowledge
available. (Big, 2023)
A Conscientious person has the quality of completing his/her work thoroughly. He/ She is
focused, methodical, well organized, disciplined, does complete due diligence, efficient,
responsible, and dependable. All these qualities are essential for someone who wants to
get into management.
Lastly, an Extraversion personality would be a people person. Someone social, talkative,
friendly, and enjoys working in and as a team instead of working in silos. Being in a
management position requires you to have excellent interpersonal skills to network with a
lot of people and build equations or relations. (Big, 2023)
Big Five Personality Traits: Finding the Right Jobs for You. (2023, March 10). Big Five
Personality Traits: Finding the Right Jobs for You.
Answer 2
The Dark Triad focuses on three socially undesirable personality traits which are
Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy. Machiavellians are those who mislead
people to get what they want and would go to any extent for their gain. Narcissist
believes themselves to be superior to others and crave the spotlight or attention.
Psychopaths seek thrills and are impulsive, manipulative, and lack empathy. (Diller,
While these are undesirable aspects of the dark triad, it is likely that higher management
or senior executives might possess these traits as such traits can be helpful for the
organization as well. For example, a person with a psychopathy trait will take decisions
without being emotional which can work in the favor of the organization. Similarly, A
leader with a narcissistic trait will have a lot of confidence and power while taking risks
which will give that competitive edge to the organization. (Kat, 2018). Lastly, a person
with Machiavellianism trait will think strategically and will make tough decisions which
are expected out of a good leader. (Diller 2021).
However, the negative aspects of these personalities especially in the higher management
can be more harmful than helpful and thus the organizations must be very careful while
choosing their senior executives. There can be a positive outcome only if the organization
is successful in diminishing the harmful effects on the personality traits of any leader of
the organization.
Diller, S. J., Czibor, A., Szabó, Z. P., Restás, P., Jonas, E., & Frey, D. (2021). The positive
connection between dark triad traits and leadership levels in self- and other ratings.
Leadership, Education, Personality: An Interdisciplinary Journal,117-131. Retrieved from
the positive connection between dark triad traits and leadership levels in self- and other
ratings. Leadersh Educ Personal Interdiscip J3, 117-131 (2021):
Heinitz, K. (2018, December 7) Can Dark Triad Leaders Be a Good Choice for a
Leadership Position?
Answer 3
Cognitive intelligence generally refers to the ability to think, focus, understand, and
process. When we mention a person’s IQ, we are referring to his cognitive intelligence.
On the other hand Emotional intelligence which is also known as Emotional Quotient or
EQ is about emotions and how you use them to communicate socially, sympathize with
others and resolve conflicts. While both, cognitive intelligence & emotional intelligence
are equally important, people with high EQ tend to become more successful. For a person
to have high EQ he/she needs to first self-evaluate and understand how his/her emotions
influence their behavior. Then he/she needs to manage his emotions and gain a balance.
Further, he/ she will have to understand social surroundings and relation management.
Having stability and self-awareness helps individuals to have good mental health and
maintain good relationships with others. People who can not understand their emotions
may face difficulties in gaining success as they lack focus and lack productive thoughts
according to Daniel Goleman. Considering all this Emotionally intelligent is more
important for any individual’s growth.