7. Multiple Choice, Single Line Text, and Select Box are Variable Types
what type of elements in ServiceNow?
A. Order Guides
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B. Request Types
C. Variable Types
D. Related Lists
10. How do you make a list filter available to everyone? Assign a name,
A. Make active, assign a name, and save set visibility, and
B. Assign a group, set visibility, and save save
C. Assign a name, set visibility, and save
D. Make active, set visibility, and save
11. What would NOT appear in the Application Navigator Incident > As-
if Ò€
serviceÒ€is typed into the filter field? signed to me
A. Configuration > Business Services
B. Self-Service > Knowledge
C. Service Portal > Widgets
D. Incident > Assigned to me
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18. What is (are) best practice(s) regarding You should add
users/groups/roles? (Choose two.) users to groups.
A. You should never assign roles to groups. You should assign
B. You should assign roles to users. roles to groups.
C. You should add users to groups.
D. You should assign roles to groups.
19. What are two ways to generate an Event? (Choose Business Rule
two.) Workflow
A. Business Rule
B. Workflow
C. Log entry
D. Knowledge article publication
20. Which core table in the ServiceNow platform provides Task [task]
a series of standard fields used on each of the tables
that extend it, such as the Incident [incident] and-
Problem [problem] tables?
A. Task [task]
B. Assignment [assignment]
C. Service [service]
D. Workflow [workflow]
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23. When creating a global custom table named Ò€ abcÒ€, u_abc
what is the table name that is automatically assigned
by the platform?
A. snc_abc
B. abc
C. u_abc
D. sys_abc
24. How are local flow variables accessed in the Flow As data pills
Designer Data panel?
A. As newly generated icons
B. As scratchpad variables
C. As new tabs
D. As data pills
25. Which table stores the Task SLA records for the SLA's Task_sla
attached to particular tasks?
None of the Above
26. Where can we create SLAs, OLAs and Underpinning Service Level
Contracts? Management
Configuration Management
Service Level Management
Service Catalog
28. What are the types of Client script used in Servi- onCellEdit & on-
ceNow? Load
onCellEdit & onLoad
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onSubmit & onChange onSubmit & on-
A and B Change
None of the above
31. Which element controls what data users can access? ACL
UI Action
32. Where would you go to view an existing workflow? Workflow > work-
They wouldn't see it because it's nested under appli- flow editor
Workflow > workflow editor
System Properties
System Definition
34. What does the search term !* search do? Means does not
Homepage contain
Means does not contain
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Forms and lists
None of the above
36. Where can an admin go to see what release is running System diagnos-
on an instance? tics > stats > stats
System diagnostics > stats > stats
System diagnostics > upgrade history
System diagnostics > transaction log
Home page and gauges
38. In regard to service catalog, what are variables? They define the
Email, sms, meeting invitation questions to ask
They define the questions to ask the end user order- the end user or-
ing the catalog dering the catalog
Unencrypted http browser, digest token authentica-
tion, saml 1.1 browser post file, saml 2.0 web
None of the above
41. Notifications are sent out when an event has been True
47. How do you enhance homepage performance in case All the Above.
of gauges? To diagnose problems and improve home-
page performance, administration can:
Turn on homepage debugging
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Troubleshoot slow reports
Parallel homepage rendering
Homepage caching
All the Above.
48. On an Application Menu, if the role field is left blank, All users can
then? see the applica-
All users can see the application menu tion menu
Only ITIL and Admins can see the application menu
Only admins can see the Application menu
49. How do you edit the existing themes of the Servi- Using Themes
ceNow Instance? Menu under Sys-
Using Themes Menu under System UI tem UI
Using Navigation Menu under Application
Under Content Management, Instance color marking
None of the above
50. Searches are available in? (Select all that Apply) Knowledge base
Knowledge base List
List Navigation Filter
Navigation Filter
51. How to make a fields mandatory at data base level, Data Policy
before updating or inserting?
UI Policy
Client Scripts
Data Policy
52. What are two of the settings that can be made in the Ability to set the
contextual security manager? maximum attach-
Ability to disable applications and to set the maxi- ment size and
mum notification size. specify the attach-
Ability to set the maximum attachment size and spec- ment file types.
ify the attachment file types.
Ability to change release dates and manage group
Ability to change release dates and restrict automatic
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54. Which of the following are correct steps to retrieve an Mark update set
update set ? as Complete ->
Retrieve -> Com-
Options are : mit
Mark update set as Complete -> Retrieve -> Apply
Mark update set as Complete -> Retrieve -> Commit
59. Which kind of tests can user run to ensure that CMDB Quick start tests
still works after upgrades of new applications or inte-
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Quick start tests
Simulation tests
Database duplication tests
60. Button, Related Links and Context Menu are part of ? UI Action
Client script
UI Action
UI Page
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It is one record in sys_group
It is one record in sys_users_groups
65. If a user has one role and that role inherit other role user will get the
which of the following is true? assigned role as
user will get the assigned role as well as the inherit well as the inherit
role. role.
user will get the single role which is assigned.
user will get the highest precedent role only.
user will get the lowest precedent role.
69. Which of the following are Data management plug- Many to Many task
ins? Select 3 Answers from the below options. relations
Many to Many task relations Data Archiving
Schema map Database Rota-
Data Archiving tions
Table cleaner
Database Rotations
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70. (Paris) What actions can you do with Flow Designer? Look up and
Select 3 Answers from the below options. delete multiple ex-
Look up and delete multiple existing records as a isting records as a
single action single action
Define when the flow is performed Duplicate an ac-
Duplicate an action or subflow within a flow tion or subflow
Test a flow, subflow, or action in the background within a flow
Test a flow, sub-
flow, or action in
the background
71. Which search feature can be used to help narrow Wildcard Charac-
down search results in ServiceNow? ters
Context Finder
Wildcard Characters
Platform Locators
72. Where can you navigate to see the notifications that System Notifica-
are currently defined on the Now Platform? tion > Email > No-
System Definitions > Notifications tifications
System Notification > Email > Notifications
Notifications > Email > System Notifications
System Notifications > Definitions
73. Which of the following are true statement about user The imperson-
impersonation? Select 2 Answers from the below op- ation option is not
tions. visible in the mo-
The impersonation option is not visible in the mobile bile view of the
view of the platform platform
When impersonating another user, the administrator Users with imper-
does not have the same access to what the user can sonator role can-
access in the system not impersonate
Administrators can impersonate other authenticated admin users
users but cannot view impersonation logs
Users with impersonator role cannot impersonate ad-
min users
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What ServiceNow feature can be used to begin the Guided Applica-
creation of an application? tion Creator
System Dictionary
Guided Application Creator
Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
76. (Paris) What variable type should be used to allow up- Attachment
loading an attachment from a question in a catalogue
78. What are the 3 types of Flow Designer triggers? Se- Applica-
lect 3 Answers from the below options. tion-based
Application-based Schedule-based
Schedule-based Record-based
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(Paris) To provide added security, no user can have snc_internal
both of the explicit roles. What are the two roles? snc_external
Select 2 Answers from the below options.
80. What do you configure to instruct fields how to be- UI Policy Action
have on a form when a UI policy is triggered?
UI Policy Action
Client Script
Data Policy
UI Actions
81. Which of the following are the different ways to create Drag an individual
a favourite? Select 3 Answers from the below options. record to the Fa-
Select the personalisation gear icon vorites tab
Drag an individual record to the Favorites tab Select the star
Select the star of its corresponding section of its correspond-
Select the star of its corresponding application or ing application or
module module
Drag the breadcrumbs of a filtered list to the Favorites Drag the bread-
tab crumbs of a fil-
tered list to the Fa-
vorites tab
82. What are the different Schema relationship types that Referencing
are supported for tables? Select 4 Answers from the Referenced by
below options. Extending
Referencing Extended by
Referenced by
Extended by
Depended by
85. Each ServiceNow solution provides its own guided Guided Setup >
setup. When implementing IT Service Management ITSM Guided Set-
(ITSM), where would you navigate to update Now Plat- up
form user interface branding, including the company System Proper-
logo and colours? Select 2 Answers from the below ties > Basic Con-
options. figuration UI16
System Properties > My Company
Guided Setup > ITSM Guided Setup
Team Development > Properties
System Properties > Basic Configuration UI16
88. What are the different types of Client Scripts that are OnLoad()
supported in ServiceNow? Select 4 Answers from the OnSubmit()
below options.
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OnDelete() OnCellEdit()
OnLoad() OnChange()
89. Which of the following are true statement about the Non-admin users
admin role? Select 3 Answers from the below options. cannot add a user
Non-admin users cannot add a user to a group that to a group that
contains the admin role contains the ad-
A user with only the user_admin role can grant the min role
admin role to other users A user with
A user with only the security_admin role can add a only the admin
user to a group that contains the security_admin role role cannot grant
A user with only the admin role cannot grant the the security_ad-
security_admin role to other users min role to other
To grant the admin role to a user, the granting user users
must also have the admin role. To grant the admin
role to a user, the
granting user must
also have the ad-
min role.
90. What functionality can you use to track the amount of Service Level
time that a task has been open, to ensure that tasks Agreements
are completed within an allotted time?
Inactivity monitors
Service Level Agreements
Assignment rules
91. Which menu does provide options related to view- Form Context
ing, configuring, creating favourites and saving form Menu
Form Column Menu
Form Context Menu
Form Personalisation Menu
Form Layout Menu
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92. Who can add or remove widgets in a dashboard? Users with dash-
Select 3 Answers from the below options. board_admin role
Users with view access to the dashboard Dashboard owner
Users with report_admin role Users with edit ac-
Users with dashboard_admin role cess to the dash-
Dashboard owner board
Users with edit access to the dashboard
93. Lists provide context menus at three different levels. List fields context
What are the names of those context menus? Select menu
3 Answers from the below options. List column con-
List fields context menu text menu
List title menu (Correct)
List filter context menu
List column context menu
List description menu
96. What is created when an order is placed for a cata- A Request (REQ)
logue item? Select 3 Answers from the below options. record
A Request (REQ) record One or more
One or more Service Catalog Task (SCTASK) records Service Catalog
A Requested Item (RITM) record Task (SCTASK)
A Variable records
A Variable Set
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A Requested Item
(RITM) record
97. What are the two options to define the fulfilment Flow
process for a service catalogue item? Select 2 An- Workflow
swers from the below options.
98. What do access control list rules specify? Select 2 The permissions
Answers from the below options. required to access
The relationship between the object and the opera- the object
tion The object and op-
The operation required to access the object eration being se-
The permissions required to access the object cured
The object and operation being secured
100. Where do you navigate in the Now Platform to see a Service Catalog
list of catalogue items? > Catalog Defin-
Service Catalog > Open Records > Items itions > Maintain
Item Designer > Administration > All Items Items
Service Catalog > Catalog Definitions > Maintain
Self-Service > Service Catalog
102. Which of the following are database view limitations? In a clone request,
Select 3 Answers from the below options. database view ta-
In a clone request, database view tables cannot be bles cannot be
added as a data preserver added as a data
Database views cannot be created on tables that par- preserver
ticipate in table rotation Database views
The 'where' clauses defined in the database view can- cannot be created
not be based on indexed fields on tables that par-
It is not possible to edit data within a database view ticipate in table ro-
It is not possible to
edit data within a
database view
105. Which of the following are possible methods of pop- Integrating with a
ulating a knowledge base with knowledge articles? WebDAV compli-
Select 3 Answers from the below options. ant source
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Integrating with a WebDAV compliant source Creating articles
Creating articles directly in the ServiceNow platform directly in the Ser-
Importing Microsoft Word files viceNow platform
Via e-mail to a defined knowledge e-mail address Importing Mi-
crosoft Word files
106. What are the reasons organisations fail to complete Unknown Configu-
implementation or realise business value from the ration Items
CMDB? Select 3 Answers from the below options. Inconsistent data
Unknown Configuration Items quality
Inconsistent data quality Ill-defined
Ill-defined relationships among Configuration Items relationships
Too many non-IT Configuration Items among
107. In which section of the email notification configura- Who will receive
tion can you make the notification subscribable by
Options are :
What it will contain
Who will receive
What Digest will contain
When to send
108. Which of the following are the UI actions in a form? Form buttons
Select 3 Answers from the below options. Form context
Form buttons menu items
Form relationships (right-click the
Form access header)
Form context menu items (right-click the header) Form links (Relat-
Form links (Related Links in a form) ed Links in a form)
109. Where can you enable or disable form tabs in the System Settings
Form Designer
Form Layout
Application Navigator
System Settings
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110. Which of the following are valid report sharing op- Add to dashboard
tions? Select 4 Answers from the below options. Publish
Add to dashboard Export to PDF
Add to homepage
Schedule (Correct)
Export to PDF
111. What are the three main screen elements of the Now Application Navi-
Platform User Interface? Select 3 Answers from the gator
below options. Content frame
Application Navigator Banner frame
Application frame
Content frame
Banner frame
Banner content
113. What service catalogue component does allow for Order Guide
multiple catalogue items to be logically grouped as
one request?
Order Guide
Catalogue Item
Record producer
Variable Set
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When using Form Designer, icons presented on each Remove icon
field include which of the following? Select 3 Answers Handle icon
from the below options. Edit icon
Remove icon
Field icon
Reference icon
Handle icon
Edit icon
116. (Paris) What are the benefits of using Multisource Revert CMDB
CMDB? Select 3 Answers from the below options. data integration
Revert CMDB data integration from a specific discov- from a specific dis-
ery source covery source
Visualise the source of attribute values, for each dis- Visualise the
covery source and at the attribute level source of attribute
Control CI updates at the discovery source and CI values, for each
attribute level discovery source
Complicate data management and data quality by and at the attribute
querying on Multisource CMDB data level
Control CI up-
dates at the dis-
covery source and
CI attribute level
118. What source type should be used when creating a Data source
report from a dataset with pre-defined conditions?
External import
Data source
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Which of the following branding features can be con- Navigator back-
figured? Select 4 Answers from the below options. ground and text
Navigator background and text colours colours
Banner image, text and colours Banner image,
Navigator position text and colours
Navigator responses Browser tab title
Browser tab title System date/time
System date/time formatting formatting
120. Which module does display a list of tasks assigned to My Groups Work
a user's group, but not yet assigned to an individual
My Teams Work
My Groups Tasks
My Teams Tasks
My Groups Work
122. From the end user's perspective, how are the prod- Categories and
ucts and services in the service catalogue organ- Subcategories
Tickets and Requests
Incidents and Problems
Tasks and Subtasks
Categories and Subcategories
124. Which of the following scripts run on the client-side? Client Script
Select 2 Answers from the below options. UI Policy
Script Include
Business Rule
Client Script
UI Policy
127. Which one of the following is true for a table with Out of scope appli-
the "Allow configuration" Application Access option cations can create
selected? Business Rules
A. Only the in-scope application's scripts can create for the table
Business Rules for the table
B. Any user with the application's user role can mod-
ify the application's scripts
C. Out of scope applications can create Business
Rules for the table
D. Out of scope applications can add new tables to
the scoped application
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129. Which one of the following is NOT required to link a Application name
ServiceNow application to a Git repository?
C. User name
D. Application name
130. When working in the Form Designer, configuring the child table
label of a field in a child table changes the label on
which table(s)?
A. base table
B. child table
C. parent table
D. all tables
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C. Action Way
D. Flow
133. Which one of the following is true for GlideUser A. Can be used in
(g_user) methods? Client Scripts and
A. Can be used in Client Scripts and UI Policies only UI Policies only
B. Can be used in Business Rules only
C. Can be used in Client Scripts, UI Policies, and UI
D. Can be used in Business Rules, and Scripts In-
135. Modules must have a Link type. Which one of the B. Assessment,
following is a list of Link types? List of Records,
A.List of Records, Separator, Catalog Type, Roles Separator, Time-
B. Assessment, List of Records, Separator, Timeline line Page
C. List of Records, Content Page, Order, URL (from
D. Assessment, List of Records, Content Page, Roles
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Which of the following statements does NOT apply You must script
when extending an existing table? and configure all
Options are : required behav-
A. The parent table's Access Controls are evaluated iors
when determining access to the new table's records
and fields
B. The new table inherits the functionality built into
the parent table
C. The new table inherits all of the fields from the
parent table
D. You must script and configure all required behav-
141. Which objects can you use in a Scheduled Script GlideSystem and
Execution (Scheduled Job) script? GlideRecord
A.GlideRecord and current
B. GlideUser and GlideRecord
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C. GlideSystem and GlideRecord
D. GlideSystem and current
143. To see what scripts, reports, and other application Examine the Ap-
artifacts will be in a published application: plication Files Re-
A.Enter the name of the Application in the Global lated List in the
search field application to be
B. Open the list of Update Sets for the instance published
C. Examine the Application Files Related List in the
application to be published
D. Open the artifact records individually to verify the
value in the Application field
144. Which one of the following is not part of the Glide record
client-side scripting API?
B. GlideUser object (g_user)
C. current and previous objects
D. Glide record
145. Which one of the following is true for a Script Include The Protection
with a Protection Policy value of Protected? Policy is applied
A. Any user with the protected_edit role can see and only if the applica-
edit the Script Include tion is downloaded
B. The Protection policy option can only be enabled from the Servi-
by a user with the admin role ceNow App Store
C. The Protection Policy has applied only if the
glide.app.apply_protection system property value is
D. The Protection Policy is applied only if the applica-
tion is downloaded from the ServiceNow App Store
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Which one of the following is true? A UI Policy's
A. A UI Policy's Actions execute before the UI Policy's Scripts execute
Scripts before the UI Poli-
B. The execution order for a UI Policy's Scripts and cy's Actions
Actions is determined at runtime
C. A UI Policy's Scripts execute before the UI Policy's
D. A UI Policy's Actions and Scripts execute at the
same time
147. Which one of the following is NOT a purpose of appli- Provide a way of
cation scoping? tracking the user
A. Provide a relationship between application arti- who developed an
facts application
B. Provide a way of tracking the user who developed
an application
C. Provide a namespace (prefix and scope name) to
prevent cross-application name collisions
D. Provide controls for how scripts from another
scope can alter tables in a scoped application
149. ATF step for creating a user for testing roles and impersonate
a.create a user
d.create a group
c.create a role
151. Which method call returns true only if the currently g_user.hasRole-
logged in user has the catalog_admin role and in no Exactly('cata-
other case(eg.admin role)? log_admin')
A. g_user.hasRole('catalog_admin')
B. g_user.hasRoleExactly('catalog_admin')
C. g_user.hasRoleOnly('catalog_admin')
D. g_user.hasRoleFromList('catalog_admin')
154. Which one of the following is true regarding the Ap- Applications
plication Scope? downloaded from
A. All applications are automatically part of the Global 3rd party
scope ServiceNow
B. Applications downloaded from 3rd party Servi- application
ceNow application developers cannot have naming developers
conflicts cannot have
C. Any developer can edit any application naming conflicts
D. Developers can choose the prefix for a scope's
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Tables - contains
a record for each
table in the data-
base. Custom ta-
bles can be creat-
ed when the New
button is created.
Example: Users
A record corre-
sponds to a record
in a table.
Identified by
A field corre-
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sponds to a col-
umn in a table.
Three attribut-
es: Label, Value,
Example: user-
name and email
Examples in-
cludes overriding
the default values,
field dependen-
cies, or read-only
status of a field.
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table name dis-
plays its contents.
Adding a refer-
ence field to a
form makes the
other fields in the
referenced table
available to the
Reference fields
are identified with
the Reference
Lookup icon
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a user to select
multiple records
on a table defined
by the glide list.
Example: The
Watchlist field on
the Incident table
allows the user to
select any record
or records on the
User table.
Document ID
Fields - Allows
a user to select
a record on any
table in the in-
Example: Docu-
ment field on
the Translated Text
Request - Re-
quested Item 1
and Requested
Item 2
A common ex-
ample of a
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many-to-many re-
lationship is one
between vendors
and products.
Software vendors
can sell multi-
ple products and
products can be
sold by multiple
vendors. If you
are working with
many-to-many re-
lationships in Ser-
viceNow, you
may find sys_col-
lections.list and
sys_m2m.list use-
Database Views
are read-only.
Uptime Metrics
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ed table includes
unique fields plus
all of the fields
and their proper-
ties from the par-
ent table.
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The table it ex-
tends is the parent
Example: Task
and CMDB
What makes a
base table differ-
ent from a core
table is that the
base table is not
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an extension of
another table (it
has no parent).
Examples: cmdb,
task, task_activity,
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trols and pass all
role checks so
grant this privilege
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D. Groups
E. Conditions
admin or im-
port_admin role to
manage all as-
pects of import
Its purpose is
to standardize
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data across Ser-
viceNow applica-
185. What is created by default when you create a new A. Module with the
table? Select 2 Answers plural of the table
A. Module with the plural of the table Label (e.g. infini- Label (e.g. infini-
ties) ties)
B. Application Menu with the same name as the table B. Application
Label (e.g. Infinity) Menu with the
C. A table specific admin role same name as the
D. Dashboard to manage the table's activity table Label (e.g.
193. What module do you go to view or change the Inci- 5. Priority Lookup
dent Priority? Rules
1. Priority Matrix
2. Priority Matrix Rules
3. ITSM Matrix Rules
4. Incident Priority Rules
5. Priority Lookup Rules
195. How many ways are there to create and Incident (and 4
name them)?
1. 4 Portal (Record
2. 5 Producer)
3. 6 Incident App /
4. 10 Workspace
5. 2 Chat
Inbound Email
Universal Request
196. What is the system name of the choice (that holds the 2. sys_choice
choices for incident categories) table?
1. U_choice
2. Sys_choice
3. System_choice
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4. Task_choice
5. Incident
Contextual App
Global Search
User Menu
Help Icon
List of Records
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Homepages and
207. What is the name of the interface used to create a new List collector
Move-up / down
buttons - re order
209. Creates a new record and keeps the form open Copy Incident
Insert and Stay
211. Updates an existing record and keeps the form open Save
242. Which script runs when a record is displayed, insert- Business Rule
ed, updated, deleted, or when a table is queried?
243. Which tool is a conversational bot platform that pro- Virtual Agent
vides assistance to help users obtain information,
make decisions, and perform common work tasks
244. The System Dictionary includes which of the given The definition for
information? each table and
245. In which order the list filter condition expression dis- Field, Operator,
played? Value
Criteria Exam-
ples: Individuals,
Groups, Roles,
Departments, Lo-
cations, Compa-
CANNOT criteria
overrides the CAN
- Ask a Question
- Report an Out-
- Propse a New
Standard Change
Combine multiple
catalog items into
a single request
Example: On-
board new em-
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- View Company
applied to a cata-
log item or a vari-
able set
On change of vari-
able A, populate
values of variables
B and C
validate content,
populate fields dy-
namically, or clear
variable values
based on changes
to other variables
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supported by sub-
Defined based on
- Admin; Itil+Ad-
Accept, promote
major incident
- Admin; major_in-
Create incident
- incident_mnager
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279. Contextual Search Incident deflection
Help users
resolve issues
before they
submit an incident
(KB articles,
catalog items,
lems (resolved)
Trigger @ 50% of
the SLA duration
Trigger @ 75% of
the SLA duration
At 100% SLA
duration, Has
Breached = true
287. How many SLAs are listed in the Task SLAs? There should be 2
SLAs in the Task
SLA related list.
Response SLA
Resolution SLA
Problem extends
the Task [task]
Two Types of
Tasks: Root
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Cause Analysis
(RCA) or General
Default -
workaround gets
copied to the Work
Notes of any ac-
tive incidented re-
lated to the PRB
299. Creating PRB record from INC record Changes the State
of the INC record
to On Hold - Wait-
ing PRB
Single change or
group of changes
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tends from the
Task [task] table
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313. Blackout Schedule Blackout windows
specify times dur-
ing which nor-
mal change activ-
ity should not be
Detect Conflict UI
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318. Risk Assessment Survey questions
- responses are
scored to calcu-
late risk
Standard CHGs
must be manually
added to the agen-
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Leverages Ser-
vice Portal func-
Examples: Ser-
vice Catalog, con-
tainer for change
requests, CMDB
& Service Portfolio
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port sets, web ser-
vices, etc.)
Example: As-
signment Group
Lookup; Priority
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