32 GB eMMC A microSD
32 GB eMMC A microSD
32 GB eMMC A microSD
Hello friends. In this article, we offer you a while ago, I finished the handmade for 32 gb mmc
card project page. First of all, I want to talk about the structure of memory... Electronics
Projects, 32 GB EMMC Memory Micro SD card Connection "interesting projects
electronics, "
Hello friends. In this article, we offer you a while ago, I finished the handmade for 32 gb mmc
card project page.
First of all, I want to talk about the structure of memory cards. As you know, the market is
very different in structure and size, expandable memory unit’s profile is written in Dutch. One
of the most known and used, SD (Secure Digital), MMC (MultiMedia Card), micro SD, mini SD,
xD (Extreme Digital), CF (Compact Flash), MS (Memory Stick), and M2 cards.
Micro SD cards are small, simple structure, thanks to the structure and ease of use have
become quite popular. Recently, resulting in almost every cell phone and mobile device
supports this standard. The following links below to obtain more information about the
memory cards.
Except for the removable disks are still a part of the recently produced devices have
embedded nand flash chips. IPhone, Nokia N95 8 GB, Nokia N97, a good example of this.
Nokia N97 32 GB of internal memory as different from the others.
For more detailed information about the chip with a little research. A foreign site I found on
the documents I quite easier.
n the image above links to the leg of the chip. Required under the wire solder, transmission
lines to places microscope.
If you pay attention to the diagram given with the same name in more than one leg, but a lot
of the same name in the link in the image above. Let me explain now why, I visited the same
name is their legs on the chip in the United. So the voltage applied to a single point thanks to
the ways others chip Vccq. Again, if you pay attention to the diagram, there are two feed
named tip and Vcc Vccq. in fact, in the previous illustration is very clear. On-chip is separate
from the mmc interface and core nand flash feeds
My card reader and standard mmc card is a single feed point out the problem can be solved
by combining the two line, however, the problem in practice. That’s the way I figured it out
but I’d like to specify that a healthy solution. Sudden voltage fluctuations, the static flow outs
you may lose all of your data in case of a malfunction, or any other. To this day I have never
had a problem like this, but it doesn’t mean I. ..
Alternative File Download LINK list (in TXT format): LINKS-22751.zip
Electronics Circuits
With 4 Digit 7 Segment Time DS18B20 Thermometers pic16f628
Pic16f628 microcontroller-DS18B20 sensor clock thermometer based on the
project has been very useful and detailed narration.
On the streets, the streets often started to see their side – instantly claiming
your dependability or your willingness to serve the public, Turkish people
maybe advertisers pay attention çekmekdeki with the application of the new
method of gauge, thermometer and clock.
Elektronisch Projekte
32 GB EMMC Speicher, Micro-SD-Karte-Verbindung
Hallo Freunde. In diesem Artikel bieten wir Ihnen vor einer Weile, ich beendete
die Handarbeit für die 32-gb-mmc-Karte-Projekt-Seite.
Zuerst von allen will ich sprechen über den Aufbau von memory-Karten. Wie
Sie wissen, der Markt ist sehr unterschiedlich in Struktur und Größe,
erweiterbar memory unit ‘ s Profil geschrieben auf Niederländisch. Eine der
bekanntesten und verwendet, SD (Secure Digital), MMC (MultiMedia-Karte),
micro-SD, mini-SD, xD (Extreme Digital), CF (Compact Flash), MS (Memory
Stick) und M2 Karten.