A Narrative Essay
A Narrative Essay
A Narrative Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "A Narrative Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies in the nuanced nature of crafting a compelling narrative that engages the reader while
effectively conveying a personal experience or a series of events. Unlike more straightforward essay
types, a narrative essay requires the writer to artfully weave a story, combining elements of creativity,
introspection, and descriptive language.
One of the challenges is striking the right balance between providing enough detail to paint a vivid
picture for the reader and maintaining a cohesive structure. It's crucial to choose the right events or
experiences that align with the central theme and contribute to the overall narrative flow. The
narrative should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, guiding the reader through a meaningful
Another difficulty arises in incorporating the elements of storytelling without losing sight of the
underlying message or purpose of the essay. Writers often grapple with the challenge of ensuring that
the narrative not only entertains but also imparts a valuable insight or lesson. This requires a keen
understanding of the chosen topic and a thoughtful reflection on its significance.
Furthermore, achieving a genuine and authentic voice in a narrative essay can be demanding. The
writer needs to convey their emotions, thoughts, and experiences with sincerity, avoiding clichés or
artificial expressions. Striking the right tone to connect with the audience on a personal level is an
ongoing struggle, as the balance between introspection and relatability is delicate.
In conclusion, crafting a narrative essay demands a blend of storytelling prowess, reflective insight,
and an ability to captivate the reader's attention. Despite the challenges, the process can be
immensely rewarding, allowing the writer to share a unique perspective and leave a lasting
impression. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, a
reliable resource is HelpWriting.net , where a variety of writing services are available to meet your
specific needs.
A Narrative Essay A Narrative Essay
Theatre and Its Double
Le Théâtre et son Double (The Theatre and Its Double) Antonin Artaud The Theatre
and Its Double was first published in French in 1938. It is a collection of essays,
manifestos, and letters all written by the French artist and theatritician Antonin Artaud
(1896 1948). Artaud spent much of his life in and out of asylums and addicted to
laudanum and other opiates prescribed to help his so called madness . During his free
times, he wrote, acted, and traveled. Artaud was profoundly moved by a Balinese dance
he saw in 1931. He traveled to Mexico in 1936, lived with a group of Tarahumaran
Indians, and experimented with peyote. He was institutionalized in 1937, following an
incident in Ireland. His friends were able to get him... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
He frequently uses the term hieroglyph as a way to represent something visually and
without words, as the Egyptians did with hieroglyphs. Artaud seems to prefer the strict
rules of Balinese theatre to the relative freedom of European/Occidental theatre. Of
this idea of pure theatre, which is merely theoretical in the Occident and to which no
one has ever attempted to give the least reality, the Balinese off us a stupefying
realization, suppressing all possibility of recourse to words for the elucidation of the
most abstract themes inventing a language of gesture to be developed in space, a
language without meaning except in the circumstances of the stage (61). Oriental and
Occidental Theatre Here Artaud criticizes Occidental theatre for its dependence on the
word and praises Oriental theatre for its independence from it. Again, Oriental theatre is
superior because of its use of imagery and its metaphysical nature, whereas Occidental
theatre is inferior because it is absorbed in psychology and internal struggles. It is not a
matter of suppressing speech in the theatre but of changing its role, and especially of
reducing its position, of considering it as something else than a means of conducting
human characters to their external ends, since the theatre is concerned only with the way
feelings and passions conflict with one another, and man with man, in life (72). No More
Masterpieces In this essay,
Why Do You Should Be Used In The Event Of An Accident Or...
The quantity and type of hazardous materials handled at the facility and the nature of
our operations present a relatively low risk of a dangerous incident involving exposure
to hazardous materials. Further, we rely upon community provided emergency services
for primary emergency response should such an incident occur. Nevertheless, there are
certain emergency response activities that facility personnel may undertake. This is
especially true in the event of a spill or other unplanned release of a hazardous material.
Should, for example, a bulk oil storage tank fail, a significant release could occur and a
prompt facility response may be required to prevent an environmentally damaging
incident. The facility can also respond in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bomb Threat Checklist
When will it go off?
Where is it located?
Background noise?
Natural Disasters:
If the fire is contained in a small area or waste basket, etc., it is your personal decision to
promptly put out the fire with a wall mounted fire extinguisher. Notify the appropriate
person(s) at the number(s) listed in the directory below.
If the fire is not contained in a small area:
Leave the building immediately, closing doors behind you, and pulling the manual alarm
near the exit or stairwell.
If in a multi story building, travel to at least three floors below the fire. DO NOT USE
Dial 9 911, describe where the fire is located, where you are and give details of the
Notify Security, describe where the fire is located, where you are and give details of the
Follow evacuation procedures announced over the public address system or leave the
Severe Weather:
Tornado Warning: a funnel cloud has been sighted or has touched down in the near
Security will announce dangerous conditions over the public address system, along with
instructions to move immediately to the designated safety area.
If conditions associated with tornadoes are observed prior to any announcements, the
following procedures will apply:
Few Animal Studies Have Proved That Gabapentin Has A...
Few animal studies have proved that gabapentin has a potential to activate a serotonin
receptor (5HT3) at the spinal level and also attenuate the function of microglial
cells[6]. In some parts of the brain such as periaqueductal grey (PAG) and anterior
cingulated cortex, gabapentin has been shown to elevate the level of GABA, a major
inhibitory neurotransmitter, which might serve as an explanation of its efficacy in
partial management of seizure[14]. Although gabapentin is approved to be used as an
add on treatment of focal epilepsies in 6 years and older patients and as monotherapy in
patients older than 12 years of age, it seems to show no efficacy when used in a
management of generalized tonic clonic seizures, generalized absence... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Due to an effect of gabapentin at the level of hypothalamus to regulate the temperature,
it can also be used as an effective non hormonal therapy for hot flashes, a bothersome
problem of menopause. It is shown to be more efficacy if used in patients with hot
flashes that associated with sleep interference [17]. Study shows that a bioavailability
of gabapentin is low and it is dose dependent. The bioavailability of 300 mg is around
60% and decreasing to less than 30% if the dosage is 1600 mg 3 times a day [4; 11]. It
has low protein binding property and it is eliminated unchanged in the urine, which
means it will not change into toxic metabolite or intermediate that can be harmful to
the body. Gabapentin has a short half life of 5 to 9 hours, but with renal impairment, it
will increase[4]. A dose adjustment is required in patient who has creatinine clearance
of 60 ml/min and in the elderly because of reduced renal function that has been thought
to be decreased around 1% per year after the age of 40[4; 16]. A number needed to treat
(NNT) of gabapentin is 6.3 and its number needed to harm (NNH) is 25.6, therefore it
is considered a safe drug [6]. The ceiling effect has been reported to be 100 mg/kg in
one study and 30 300 mg/kg in another study following oral administration [13]. The
pharmacokinetic of absorption of gabapentin is not linear unlike other newer anti seizure
medications. The explanation for this event is because gabapentin absorption depends on
Mylar Flips
According to Harper, Mylar flips are safer options for storage. Flips come in varied
sizes but they can be brittle and prone to splitting, so they are not good choices for long
term coinage storage. Hard plastic holders are the best solution for long term storage.
Holders come in either two or three parts and are screwed together. The more expensive
varieties are airtight and watertight. Clear plasticflips are preferable as they have 2
pockets, one for the coin and the other pocket used to provide curatorial information. The
flips have advantages as the coins can be viewed or examined without removing them
from their holders. For best archive quality storage, polyester or polyethylene
terephthalate is most stable. Museum staff should note that hard plastic holders used for
proof sets by the US Mint... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One huge challenge with newly accessioned coins arrive is how to handle them once
they enter the museum. Bucki states that coins must be handled by the edges, and the
face of the coin should never be touched. If coins are in a mint set, the packaging,
plastic capsules or holders should never be removed. It is particularly challenging to
handle loose coins, and the recommendation is to lay them on a soft, thick cloth on a
table or work with them over a felt lined coin tray. The area must be free of dust and
lint and hands must be cleaned, preferably with unscented hand sanitizer, as this
removes potentially damaging oils from fingers, and prevents fingerprints on coins.
Other suggestions when closely viewing coins, is to lean inwards to view the coin,
over the the soft cloth or tray, and keep the coin well away from breath stream. Droplets
of water from saliva, has the potential to create spotting on silver and copper coins.
There are varied opinions whether staff should wear gloves, as gloves may prevent
tactile sensitivity which could lead to dropping the
Bariatric Procedure Yields
6/12/2016 www.generalsurgerynews.com/Article/PrintArticle?articleID=34020 http:/
/www.generalsurgerynews.com/Article/PrintArticle?articleID=34020 1/6 In the News
OCTOBER 22, 2015
New Bariatric Procedure Yields Exciting Results
Preliminary Data Strong For Modi䐣ጀed Duodenal Switch
By Christina Frangou
A pair of U.S. surgeons has developed a new bariatric procedure, a modi䐣ጀed version
of a duodenal switch, which may be technically easier to perform and results in weight
loss on par with the most effective bariatric operations.
The weight loss is impressive and, based on historical comparison, greater than vertical
sleeve gastrectomy, reported study author Mitchell Roslin, MD, chief of bariatric surgery
at Lenox Hill Hospital, in New York City.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I don t think anybody has enough experience with this yet to say anything for sure
regarding the long term need for revision, or the best way to revise it if there is a problem.
He added that surgeons who start performing new procedures must study them carefully,
follow their patients, and publish and report their data so that surgeons can make
informed decisions about whether to continue with the procedure.
The biggest challenge is selecting the right patient for the operation, and maintaining
good, really close follow up on the patients because that s critical if this procedure is to
become mainstream.
Richard M. Peterson, MD, MPH, director of UT Medicine Center for Bariatric and
Metabolic Surgery at UT San Antonio, said
SIPS could be ideally suited for super obese patients who need something more than a
sleeve or a gastric bypass. But I need to know long term that the results carry more
weight loss than a bypass and are as durable, or close to it, and I need to know6/12/2016
Diversity Training Manual (Part 2)
IV. Religion Discrimination
Religion is a subject of discussion in recent years because different religions are being
introduced to the world. Many people are raised in a particular faith from when they
were little but more than a quarter of them have since left their faith. About 44% of
those people have switched faiths. People who are unaffiliated with any faith make up
about 16% of people today. One in four Americans, ages 18 29, say they are not
affiliated with any particular religion. 51% of Americans say they are members of the
Protestant denominations. One in three Americans were raised Catholic and only one in
four describe themselves at Catholics today. In today s America, there are 1.7% of
Mormons, .7% of Jehovah s Witnesses, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2. 3 Religious Groups
Orthodox Jewish
Two easily accommodations are dietary laws by allowing some more time for lunch
on order for these employees to go get lunch, and traditional prayers by allowing an
office specifically for prayers for all employees with different religions. Two difficult
accommodations are gender segregation because the workplace will include both
genders and daily worship if this worship would take the employee away from work
from a certain time to a certain time because it could cause their work to be transferred to
another employee to get done (Orthodox Judaism, 2012).
Two easily accommodations are allowing small religious images inside the cubical at
work and allowing the Hindu women to wear their attire at work. Two difficult
accommodations are allowing for the employee to come in after dawn and leave before
dusk in order to perform their rituals because working hours may not fall in such a
manner, and finding an office big, private, and appropriate enough to erect a small shrine
that will also allow incense and candles to be burned (Hinduism, 2012).
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Two easily accommodations are allowing the employee to wear their sacred garment to
work and allowing employees to carry the Christian Bible and other holy texts to work.
Two difficult accommodations are allowing an elder to leave work if called to bless or