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Hans Bengaluru 30-01-2024

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|TUESDAY 30 JANUARY 2024 | BENGALURU www.thehansindia.com | VOL.4 | NO.

160| PAGES 12


Insights from 'Ambajipeta Marriage Band' Heroine Shivani Nagaram Is two-state solution now dead? 'I can't do JEE, I am a loser': Kota girl commits suicide Double blow for India ahead of 2nd Test

India all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja and batter KL Rahul were

Shivani Nagaram is set to make her debut in A simple fact is the number of Israeli settlers in the occupied An 18-year-old student preparing for JEE allegedly hanged herself at her
Telugu cinema as the leading lady in “Ambajipeta home in this coaching hub on Monday, leaving behind a suicide note on Monday ruled out of the second Test against England,

West Bank (including East Jerusalem) – now about 7,00,000,

Marriage Band,” alongside Suhas. who live alongside three million Palestinians – means there is saying sorry to her parents and calling herself a “loser”. “Mummy, papa dealing a body blow to the hosts after a shock loss in the
I can't do JEE series opener here.
P5 not much space left for a Palestinian state. P6 P11 P12
Simultaneously published from Hyderabad | Warangal | Tirupati | Vijayawada | Visakhapatnam | Khammam | Kurnool | Delhi
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WINDOWS ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’

Compete with yourself, not with others: PM to students

I fall asleep within 30 seconds of going to bed: PM cautions students against excessive screen time
Purna Singh
as a part of life. external stress while evolv- Modi said he falls asleep
New Delhi
Modi urged the students ing the process rather than within 30 seconds of going
to prepare themselves men- implementing a systematic to bed and cautioned stu-
PRIME Minister Narendra tally by giving the example theory. He also suggested dents against screen time
Modi on Monday interacted of travelling from one ex- that families of students causing disturbance in sleep.
with students, teachers and treme climate condition to should discuss different Interacting with students,
parents at the seventh edi- the other where the mind ways that work for each of parents and teachers , the
Implemented tion of ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’. already prepares to face ex- them. prime minister said screen
all 5 schemes, Modi highlighted the role
of teachers in mitigating the
treme weather conditions.
He also suggested assess-
Modi stated that while
competition is imperative, it
time eats into sleep time.
“To maintain a balanced
beneficiaries must impact of added pressure ing stress levels and mov- should be healthy. He point- lifestyle, excess of every-
from external factors on ing forward by gradually ed out that often the seeds thing should be avoided. A
respond to BJP's students and also pointed incrementing it so that the of unhealthy competition healthy body is crucial for a
lies: CM out that parents have ex- student’s ability is not ham- are planted in families lead- healthy mind and it requires
Bengaluru perienced this during their pered by it. ing to perverse competition some routines, spending
time. He suggested making He urged the students, among siblings. Modi asked time in sunlight and get-
oneself capable of handling families and teachers to col- parents to avoid comparison ting regular and complete
KARNATAKA Chief Minis- pressure and preparing for it lectively address the issue of among their children. sleep..,” PM Modi said.
ter Siddaramaiah on Monday
said that the Congress gov-

CAA within a week: Candidates for Bangalore Teachers'

ernment has implemented Teen made to lick
all the five guarantee schemes
friends' shoes,
Constituency MLC polls file nominations
promised during the elections
and called upon the benefi-
ciaries to respond to the lies
perform sex
Hans News Service
being spread by the BJP.
“Today’s programme is an an-
swer to those who claim that
the guarantee schemes have
not been implemented as the
Union Minister New Delhi

A 14-year-old boy was made

to lick shoes and perform


Congress and the NDA filed
filed their nominations today.
The elections are being held
as Puttanna, who held the
seat, resigned from the BJP as
who accompanied
tanna to file his nomina-
tion. Ranganath was flanked
by former chief minister

government has no money.

We have implemented all the BJP again crying 'CAA CAA' for votes: Mamata "unnatural sex" on three of
his friends, who also record-
nominations on Monday for
the legislative council election
well as the Legislative Council
on March 16, 2023. Puttanna
H D Kumaraswamy and
former ministers C N Ash-
five guarantee schemes prom- ed the act and put its video from the Bangalore Teachers' joined the Congress after quit- wath Narayan and G T Deve
ised during the elections. New Delhi on social media, in south Constituency. Tuesday is the ting BJP and unsuccessfully Gowda when he submit-
Beneficiaries of these schemes Delhi's Hauz Khas area, po- last day to register as a can- contested the Karnataka As- ted his application. A Su-
must give a fitting reply to the UNION Minister Shantanu lice said on Monday. didate for the election which sembly election last year from preme Court and High Court
lies spread by BJP,” the Chief Thakur on Monday said the The incident came to the will take place on February 16. Rajajinagar constituency. lawyer H Sunil Kumar has also
Minister said after distribut- Citizenship (Amendment) fore Sunday night, when Former MLC Puttanna of the Ministers B Z Zameer jumped into the fray, filing his
ing the facilities and equip- Act (CAA) would be imple- one of the three juvenile as- Congress and A P Ranganath Ahmed Khan and M C Sud- nomination as an independ-
ment of various departments mented in the country within sailants sent the video to the representing the BJP-JD(S) hakar were among those ent candidate.
to 30,125 beneficiaries of a week. mother of the boy and she
Tumkuru district and launch- During an interview with a approached the local po-
ing development projects news channel, Thakur, a BJP lice, they said. The video, PACHYDERM PROGRESS
worth Rs 697.27 crore. MP from Bongaon, an area also posted on Instagram,
He said that as the state is wit- with the majority of peo- showed the boy being made
nessing a severe drought, the ple belonging to the Matua to crouch at knife point,
Central Government has not community in West Bengal's while his "friends" first made
provided a single rupee for North 24 Parganas district, the Matua community. that the party has again start- him lick their shoes and then
drought relief from the state's said that swift implementa- Thakur, the union minis- ed crying "CAA CAA" for the forced him to perform an
share. tion of the contentious legis- ter of state for ports, shipping sake of votes as Lok Sabha "unnatural act," police said.
The Chief Minister said that lation would be made within and waterways, has made a elections are approaching. Responding to a PCR call
along with the all documents, seven days. similar comment on Sunday. "We have fought against Sunday night, the "local po-
that the state government The CAA, enacted by He has been claiming that the the NRC. Rajbanshis are lice rushed to the spot where
has deposited the first instal- the BJP-led government at CAA would be implemented citizens of India. They have the caller said some boys had
ment of drought relief in the the Centre in 2019, aims at in the country ahead of the again started shouting CAA, committed an unnatural act
account of at least 29,28,910 granting Indian citizenship Lok Sabha polls this year. CAA for the sake of votes," with her 14 year-old son and
farmers. to persecuted non-Muslim Matuas, who constitute Mamata Banerjee said at a sent the video clip to her on
“None of the development migrants, including Hin- a large chunk of the state's public distribution program her mobile phone," an officer
programmes have been dus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Scheduled Caste population, in West Bengal's Cooch Be- said. A herd of wild elephants enters a farm land at Adhishakthi Nagar in Chikkamagaluru on Monday
stopped in the state. We have Parsis and Christians, from had been migrating to West har on Monday.
also taken up new develop- Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Bengal since the 1950s, pri- The West Bengal Chief
ment works. As the purchas-
ing power of the people of the
country has increased due
to the guarantee schemes,
Afghanistan who entered
India before December 31,
2014. "The CAA will be im-
plemented very soon. It will
marily due to religious per-
secution in erstwhile East
Pakistan which later became
Minister said that her gov-
ernment has acknowledged
all colonies as "permanent
addresses," and all residents
SC extends stay on
we have reduced the distress
hike created by the Central
government's price hike.
However, BJP is involved in
manufacturing lies,” the Chief
be implemented within seven
days. This is my guarantee,"
said Thakur, also a leader of
West Bengal Chief Minis-
ter Mamata Banerjee hit out
at the BJP on Monday saying
who get the benefit of various
state government benefits are
citizens of the country. Mathura mosque survey
Minister said.
He said that 142 crore women
of the State have travelled in
New Delhi
issue will be taken up for
hearing together in April.
The top court had on Janu-
buses for free while 1. 50 crore
women are being reached by
Annabhagya, Grihalakshmi
Monday ordered con-
tinuance of the interim
ary 16 stayed the operation
of the December 14, 2023
order of the Allahabad
schemes. “At least 1.18 crore Bhubaneswar after this year's general elec- tices to each and every one. stay on the operation of High Court which allowed
people are availing the ben- tions. They are intimidating peo- the Allahabad High Court a court-monitored survey
efits of Griha Jyoti. Millions CONGRESS president Mal- "If Modi comes to power ple... Because of fear, some are order for a court-monitored of the Shahi Idgah Mosque
of young men and women are likarjun Kharge on Monday after the Lok Sabha polls, leaving friendships, some are survey of the Shahi Idgah complex. It had also stayed
registering for the Yuvanidhi,” predicted that the 2024 Lok there will be dictatorship; no leaving the party, and some Mosque complex adjoining the order of the high court
the Chief Minister said. Sabha polls will turn out to democracy and no elections," are leaving the alliance... This the Krishna Janmabhoomi by which it agreed to the
be the last election ever in Kharge was quoted as saying is your last chance to vote. Af- temple in Mathura. A bench appointment of a court
India if Narendra Modi re- by news agency PTI. ter this, there will be no vot- of Justices Sanjiv Khanna commissioner to oversee
tains power. Addressing a Kharge claimed the 2024 ing," he said, per ANI. and Dipankar Datta posted first half of April. "Interim in its order and directed the survey of the mosque
gathering of Congress work- General Elections will be the Kharge warned the party the plea filed by the Com- orders wherever granted the parties to complete premises, which the Hindu
ers in Odisha's Bhubaneswar, last chance for the people of workers against the BJP and mittee of Management shall continue. the pleadings by then. The side claims hold signs sug-
Kharge claimed PM Modi the country to vote. its ideological mentor RSS, Trust Shahi Masjid Idgah Re-list in the first half of top court said all petitions gesting that it was once a
will declare a dictatorship "They are giving (ED) no- calling them "poison". for further hearing in the April, 2024," the bench said pending before it on the temple.

VHP to launch campaign following Hanuman flag row

Hans News Service has removed the flag. It needs to Muthalik said that the Congress He said that in Keragodu the daramaiah said that BJP is creat-
Bengaluru be hoisted again just like it was does not like the saffron colour Hanuman flag was hoisted on a ing trouble unnecessarily. “There
KARNATAKA Vishva Hindu Par- brought down,” Sharan Pumpwell, and they even do not like Hindus 108-feet-tall flag pole. Local peo- is no opposition to hoist the Ha-
ishad (VHP) unit on Monday said Prantha Saha Karyadarshi of VHP and Hindutva. “The whole na- ple had installed it on January numan flag. The people had got
that it will launch the Hanuman told media persons. tion is swept by the tsunami of Sri 22. On January 26, the Tricolour the permission to hoist the Tricol-
Dhwaj campaign in the state and He said that the Hanuman Dh- Ram. Congress is unable to digest was hoisted. The Hanuman's flag our,” the Chief Minister said.
Hanuman flags will be hoisted on waj campaign will be carried out the celebration which is being wit- should be hoisted again,” Mutha- “I am also a Hindu. I love peo-
every road and house of the state. in Karnataka and the flags of Ha- nessed in every home and every lik said. ple of all religions. We have faith
The party’s announcement numan will be hoisted on every village of the country,” he said. Karnataka BJP unit has in the secularism enshrined in
came in the backdrop after the road and on every home. “We will He said that saffron does not launched a protest in all district the Constitution which means
authorities replaced the Hanuman show our devotion towards Lord But there are a set of guidelines to belong to a person or a party but headquarters on Monday con- tolerance and coexistence. LoP
flag with the Tricolour for the Jan- Hanuman in this manner to the hoist the national flag. They have is thousands of years of heritage. demning the incident of authori- R. Ashoka and JD (S) leader H.D.
uary 26 Republic Day function. government,” Sharan said. insulted the national flag as well. “If Muslims have objection to it, ties taking down the saffron flag Kumaraswamy is provoking Hin-
“In Keragodu of Mandya, all He said that Hindus, devotees The people who insulted the na- they must explain that it is neither hoisted at Keragodu village in dus by making visits to Mandya.
It feels comforting Ram bhakts had hoisted the Ha- of Ram and Hanuman are pained tional flag should be charged with Pakistan nor Afghanistan. In Hin- Mandya district. They are only provoking Hindus
and nice after
breaking I.N.D.I.A numan flag. But, for Muslim by the development. “We are not sedition,” he said. dustan, the saffron flag will always Reacting on the developments, as elections are nearing,” the Chief
votes, the Karnataka government against hoisting of the Tricolour. Sri Rama Sena founder Pramod flutter,” Muthalik said. the Karnataka Chief Minister Sid- Minister said.

Railway activists of the coast Coastal temples to


Mandya waits for

super specialty
seek more budgetary outlay exercise restraint
Hans News Service gers, with activists criticising
Udupi Local population relies heavily on bus
hospital despite the norm of rejecting surveys
based on forest department
M Raghuram
growing urgency THE upcoming interim
routes for travel to the state capital hurdles, questioning why
MANDYA: The long- budget, scheduled for Febru- such obstacles are unique to THE temple festival season
standing demand for a ary 1, is being looked up by the coastal region of Karna- on the coast will soon be
super specialty hospital in the railway users with eyes taka. here; starting in February,
Mandya remains unful- of anticipation for better ser- Ganesh Puthran, presi- it will stretch up to July 14,
filled, creating disappoint- vices and new lines. One of dent of the Kundapur railway the beginning of the Dak-
ment among residents who the regions that is expecting a passengers’ welfare asso- shinayana (Southern Sol-
eagerly anticipate positive big boost is the coast of Kar- ciation, emphasised that the stice), and strangely, the
budget announcements nataka and hinterland. realisation of the Byndoor- temples and Shrines here
each year. The absence of a Historical neglect of the Hebri-Karkala-Moodbidri- consider bursting crackers a
proposal for such a facility coastal district Udupi’s de- Belthangady-Dharmastha- part of the tradition. When
in the current budget adds mands by successive govern- la-Subrahmanya Road line and how this destructive
to the frustration, leaving ments, citing reasons such would create a religious tour- and woeful practice crept in Following the Belt- Mangaluru are big time us-
locals to contend with in- as forest land challenges, fi- ism circuit. nobody can remember; per- hangady blast the district ers of fireworks during the
adequate medical resources nancial infeasibility, and the This circuit would facili- haps it has something to do authorities are bracing up annual fairs and festivities.
and facilities. absence of alternative railway or Byndoor-Hebri-Karkala- Recently, residents and rail- tate easy access to religious with the entertainment part for unearthing unchartered Many of them buy firecrack-
Established in 2005, lines, has compelled the lo- Moodbidri-Belthangady- way activists from Byndoor, destinations such as Kol- of it, which aberration, has and unlicenced firecracker ers from their traditional
Mandya Institute of Medi- cal population to heavily rely Dharmasthala-Subrahmanya Hebri, and Moodbidri re- lur Mookambika Temple, crept in sometime during units in Dakshina Kannada suppliers and some have
cal Sciences (MIMS) has on bus routes for travel to the Road. The proposal for the newed their demand for this Jain Basadis in Karkala and the consumer movement district and intel info has it custom made which are
been serving as the MIMS state capital. line connecting to Bengaluru alternative railway line ahead Moodbidri, Sri Manjunatha began in India. been shared with Udupi and lit during the Ratha Utsavs
Teaching Hospital under Railway activists, highlight- dates back to 2010. of the budget. Swamy Temple, and Dhar- The managements of the Uttara Kannada district too. (Car festivals).
the Department of Medical ed the influence of private bus Initiated by the then Un- In response to queries masthala for devotees. temples and Daiva Stha- District officials who The custom made fire-
Education. Despite the operators’ lobbying and the ion Minister of Law and Jus- about the feasibility check, the Dinesh, a railway activ- nas make it a point to burst spoke to Hans India on crackers are more danger-
hospital’s daily treatment of lack of determination among tice, M Veerappa Moily, the South Western Railway, in its ist, urged for at least a survey crackers that make big noise conditions of anonymity ous say the people who
1800 to 2000 outpatients, it people’s representatives, con- Railway Minister, Mamata RTI reply, stated that the sur- of the Nandikur-Karkala- in the middle of the nights told that following the fire burn them. In 2006 four
faces challenges due to high tributing to the denial of al- Banerjee, included it in her vey has not been conducted Subrahmanya Road railway and throughout the night, in Kollam temple in Kerala persons had died in Puttur
patient loads, insufficient ternative railway lines like 2010 budget for the survey. due to a lack of permission line, asserting that it could keeping society around the some time in 2016 when 111 taluk during manufacturing
medical equipment, and the Nandikoor-Karkala-Mood- However, due to environmen- from the forest department. save more than two hours temple and Daiva Sthanas people were killed and over them.
need to refer critical cases bidri-Belthangady-Dhar- tal concerns, the survey was This response has dampened in reaching Bengaluru awake all night, unmind- 300 injured when the fire- The district police and
to hospitals in Bangalore masthala-Subrahmanya Road not conducted at that time. the spirits of railway passen- from Udupi. ful of the hardships to old cracker display went awry explosives department have
and Mysore, often resulting and feeble, sick people and and followed by 2017 when core competence to carry
in fatalities during transit. students who are preparing two people dead in a fire out the checking the quality
Supporters argue that
a super specialty hospital
in Mandya would provide
HDK expresses strong disapproval Issues caution to government for exams and those people
who have to go to work next
cracker unit in Vitla the po-
lice are sparing no effort to
make the fire crackers show
and safety aspects.
In Dakshina Kannada
district there are 7 licenced
superior and timely treat-
ment, utilizing the expertise
of existing specialists in
over Hanuman flag removal In the wake of the hor-
rendous blast in a fire-
cracker unit in Belthangady
in the temple festival safe for
public attending the temple
manufacturers and 50 sellers
of firecrackers. Four manu-
facturers have been asked
MIMS. Surgical gastro- Hans News Service expressed concern over the deemed responsible. Kumar- on Sunday (January 28) a Many temples on the to shutdown shops after the
enterologists, urologists, Mandya incident and challenged the aswamy emphasized, “Mere whole new ecosystem has coast including Kollur Vitla incident in 2017. But
plastic surgeons, neurosur- authorities, questioning their association with the name demands are met, he added, been exposed, which is giv- Mookambika, Udupi Sri the police and the depart-
geons, and cardiothoracic THE removal of the Hanu- responsibility in such situa- Rama is insufficient; one must “If public sentiment intensi- ing impetus to the growth Krishna, Kukke Subraman- ment aver that some of the
surgeons could contribute man Flag in Keragodu village tions. He remarked, “Should embody the virtues of Rama.” fies, law enforcement may of highly toxic, exploitative, ya, Kateel Durgaparamesh- old units might be function-
to the proposed super spe- has drawn strong disapproval someone lose an eye due to Labelling the baton charge as find it challenging to contain. and life threatening explo- wari, Polali Rajarajeshwari, ing and they will soon begin
cialty hospital. from former Chief Minister your actions, would the Dis- evidence of the government’s Dissolve Section 144 before sives industry, which is also Mahabaleshwara Temple at the search operations for the
If sanctioned, the super HD Kumaraswamy, who alleg- trict Superintendent of Police authoritarian inclinations, the situation escalates.” The unlicensed and spurious. Gokarna Mangaladevi in unlicenced units.
specialty hospital would es it to be an act of arrogance give him eyes ? Be cautious, Kumaraswamy issued a stern Hanuman Flag dispute in has
require the recruitment of by the Congress government. police. The duration of your warning to the Siddaramaiah escalated, with many BJP JDS
new specialists, including
neurologists, cardiologists,
Speaking during an ongoing
protest in Keragodu in Man-
strategies will be observed. We
are resolute against complying
government. “Rectify your
errors. Physical assault under
leaders entering into protests
conducted in various district
Fiery devotion
medical gastroenterologists,
nephrologists, pediatric
dya district and adorned in a
saffron shawl, Kumaraswamy
with unjust directives.” Attrib-
uting the government for the
the influence of power will
not conclude this struggle,” as-
headquarters of state. In Man-
dya police resorted to mild
ALARMED by the irra-
tional and irresponsible
•Udupi has a unique
lineage of locally made
of fireworks, for they
believe bursting crack-
surgeons, and staff for criticized the government’s ac- turmoil in Keragodu, Kumar- serted Kumaraswamy, urging lathicharge to quell the mob ways of use of explosives fireworks. During the ers are also a kind of
the medicine and surgery tions. He said tensions height- aswamy called for the suspen- officials to seek redemption which attempted to tear Con- during the temple festi- Utsavas the fireworks violence. Jain Mutts,
departments. ened as law enforcement sion of the Mandya DC, hold- for their actions. gress MLA Ravi Ganiga s flex vals and the spirit worship are lit in front of Mitra in Shravawnabelagola
With MIMS Teaching resorted to lathi-charging ing him accountable. Drawing Highlighting that the pro- expressing outrage accusing shrines during the Bhoota Samaja and again near (Hassan) Humcha (Shi-
Hospital already hosting activists and demonstrators, parallels to the divine wrath of test was not motivated by he of instructing officers to re- Kolas the Deputy Commis- the Admaar mutt. vamogga) Moodbidri
over 850 beds, the new
facility would need at
resulting in injuries, includ-
ing one individual sustaining
Hanuman leading to the burn-
ing of Lanka, he warned of a
political interests, Kumaras-
wamy criticized the authori-
move the Hanuman flag.
The BJP JDS workers staged
sioners in the past have sent
guidelines for the use of fire
• All the three types of
traditional crackers are
and Venur (Dakshina
Kannada) and Karkala
least 300 beds, catering to an eye injury. Kumaraswamy comparable destiny for those ties for allegedly fabricating protest in Mandya’s Ma- crackers. lit during the Bhoota (Udupi) have banished
both surgical and medical information regarding the haveera Circle, against baton • All temples burn the Kolas, (spirit wor- fireworks during their
People emphasize that
establishing a new unit with
BJP trying to find political flag pole incident. He called
for an immediate peace meet-
ing in Keragodu, advocating
charge. Two workers sustained
head injuries. Enraged further
by this incident, activists have
iconic ‘Bedi’ which is a
large firecrackers that is
usually sounded to an-
ship) during Febru-
ary to April. It goes on
throughout the night

The fringe groups that
take up the work of
modern facilities, including
operating rooms, surgical foothold in Mandya: DKS for the reinstatement of the
flag. Warning that the resist-
initiated a sit-in protest on the
old Bangalore-Mysore high-
nounce beginning of a
temple festival. Kumble
and disturbs the sleep
of people and the chil-
burning crackers do not
give a damn about the
ICU units, stainless steel Hans News Service dya people are very toler- ance would persist until their way. (30 kms from Mangalu- dren who study for the rules, instead they use
surgical units, and ad- Bengaluru ant, secular. They are not ru) is known for its Bedi. exams during that time. the influence of their
vanced technology medical
equipment, would enable “BJP, which has no political
swayed by such ideas. We
have our own constitution. BJP launches protests over Puttur is also known for
its own version of Bedi.
• Only the Jain temples
do not use any type
leaders to gag the police
and fire officials.
major and minor surger-
ies to be conducted locally.
base in Mandya, is trying
to mobilize people to find
There is a history of how
our Maharajas ruled this taking down of saffron flag
This move would ease the existence,” DCM DK Shi- part. All these confusions Bengaluru Village to the District Com-
financial burden on patients vakumar criticized. are BJP’s creation. Estab- missioner’s office condemn-
and reduce the need for
emergency treatment in
larger cities.
DCM Shivakumar an-
swered a question asked
by the media on Monday
lishing peace in the state is
our priority.”
When asked about the
THE Karnataka BJP on
Monday launched a protest
in all district headquarters
ing the incident.
The agitators were plan-
ning to lay siege to the DC’s
Speeding car kills tiger
Dr. Kumar, DC of about the controversy over BJP leader’s criticism of condemning the incident office after staging a pro- Mysuru the Mysuru-Nanjangud
Mandya, stresses the urgent the Hanumadhwaja issue the anti-Hindu Congress of authorities taking down test in Mandya city. Police road on Sunday at
need for a super specialty in Mandya. “BJP leaders government, he said, “Who a saffron flag hoisted at security has been beefed A male tiger was killed around 11pm.
hospital and a trauma are trying to create unrest is anti-Hindu? We are all Keragodu Village in Man- up in the city following the after being hit by a The one-and-half-year-
care centre, as the current in the society. We must re- Indians first. Dalit Sang- dya district. The Leader of foot march. Meanwhile, the speeding car while cross- old tiger died on the
district hospital offers only spect the law of the land. harsh Samiti, Kempegowda the Opposition, R Ashoka, situation in Keragodu Vil- ing a road in a forest area spot, she said.
primary treatment. Local BJP candidates have joined Samiti and many others are and others were taken into lage, where the saffron flag here, a forest official said Forest department reg-
authorities and representa- hands with JDS after los- asking that we will put up police custody following was taken down, remained on Monday. istered a case and seized
tives are urged to take ing their deposits in many the flag there. Aren’t we all the protest at the Mysuru volatile. Heavy police secu- According to the the car as part of the
immediate action for the places. They have taken Hindus? Aren’t the people Bank Circle in Bengaluru rity was deputed and police Conservator of For- investigation, Priya said.
establishment of a super such an effort to gain a po- in our village Hindus? “BJP on Monday. In Mandya, BJP have erected barricades to est, Malathi Priya, the The 2023 census pegged
specialty hospital in Man- litical foothold in Mandya. is trying to create unrest in and JD-S leaders took out a prevent the people from accident occurred near the number of tigers in
dya. AC Ramesh, President This is of no use. Man- the society,” he said. foot march from Keragodu reaching the flag post area. Mandakalli Airport on Karnataka at 563.
of Negilayogi Samajseva
Trust in Mandya, echoes
these sentiments, emphasiz-

Info Commission for new RTI benches in Mysuru, Davanagere

ing the necessity of such a
facility for the community’s

Hans News Service cial constraints. To address

Two senior citizens
die, trying to douse
Mysuru this issue, the Commission,
led by Chairman NC Srini-
RTI activists smell a rat in Food Fiesta affairs
Hans News Service
forest fire
IN an effort to enhance ac- vasa and Commissioners KP procedure is something dif- and bandobust. Expenses
cessibility to the Right to Manjunath, HC Sathyan, Dr. Mangaluru ferent from the above, the incurred by the Mangalore
BUNTWAL: Two senior Information (RTI) process SB Bommanahalli, and Sec- official proceedings of the City corporation for clean-
citizens were burnt alive for citizens, the Karnataka retary AB Basavaraja, held a THE RTI cell of Mangaluru Mangalore city corpora- up of the premises, roads
when they ventured into State Information Com- plenary session and recom- City has been flooded with tion pertaining to the same. and collection of garbage.
dousing a forest fire near mission has recommended mended the establishment queries asking for details Copy of the letter sanction- Since currency officially
their house in Amtadi Vil- the establishment of new of new benches in Mysore about the Mangaluru Street ing permission for conduct printed and circulated by
lage in Buntwal taluk on RTI benches in Mysore and and Davanagere for the con- Food Fiesta. Prof.Narendra of the said event. Details the RBI was not allowed at
Sunday. The deceased have Davanagere. Currently, the venience of the public. Nayak, a rationalist and of the payment received the stalls open to public and
been identified as Gilbert main RTI bench is situated Currently, the main bench RTI activist, has sent an as rental for the use of the at public places and instead
Carlo (78) and Christina in Bengaluru , with addi- in Bangalore faces space con- elaborate query to the RTI premises of the Mangalore coupons printed by private
Carlo (70) The plot next tional benches in Kalaburagi straints, leading to the rent- Cell of the City Corpora- city corporation. If the ar- persons organisations were
to theirs caught forest fire, and Belgavi. ing of a portion of the Myth- phasized the importance Section 15(7) of the Right tion. rangement is something accepted as legal tender let-
and fearing that the fire The commission acknowl- ic Society for the creation of setting up new benches to Information Act, 2005, In his petition to the different from the above, ter of permission obtained
would engulf their property edged the inconvenience of two additional benches. in Mysore and Davanagere permits the establishment of Commissioner, Prof. Nayak details of the same. Details from RBI for the same.
as well, they ventured into faced by citizens from dis- The proposed Mysore bench to save time and money for RTI benches outside Banga- has asked about the details of FSAAI licences obtained However, this is not with
the fire area and tried to tant villages who find it chal- will cover eight districts, in- citizens seeking RTI reso- lore. of the name and address of for preparing and serving respect to payment made
douse it with sticks and lenging to travel to the exist- cluding Mysore, Chamara- lutions. The Commission With benches already organiser/s of the food fes- the food items by the food through digital means. The
some water, but exhausted ing benches in Bangalore, janagar, Mandya, Hassan, recommended the establish- functioning in Bangalore, tival held on roads of Man- selling stalls. names of the officers in
with smoke, they could not Kalaburagi, and Belgavi, Udupi, Dakshina Kannada, ment of a Davanagere bench, Belgaum, and Kalaburagi, galore city from January 24 Details of mike licence charge for overall super-
escape the fire by engulfing especially when senior gov- Chikkamagaluru, and Koda- catering to the districts of the proposed benches in to 28.The details of the pro- obtained from police for vision and control of the
them. They were living in ernment officials are often gu. The Mysore bench aims Davanagere, Chitradurga, Mysore and Davanagere aim cess of calling tenders to se- using public address sys- event held at public prem-
their house all by them- respondents in RTI appeals. to address the pending 3543 Shimoga, Haveri, and Bel- to provide greater accessi- lect the highest lowest bid- tems in open air. Details of ises belonging to the Man-
selves. The Buntwal rural The need for citizens to trav- cases from these districts. lary in Central Karnataka, bility and convenience for der awarded the contract payment made to police for galore City Corporation.
police have registered a case el to Bengaluru for hearings Chief Information Com- where 2110 appeal cases are citizens seeking information to conduct the event. If the maintaining law and order
and are investigating. poses both time and finan- missioner NC Srinivas em- currently pending. through the RTI process.

Confusion in Armed Reserve Constable Exam;

CM slammed on
reference to
Prez in singular
Minister for Coal, Mines
OMR sheet numbers exchanged?
and Parliamentary Affairs Hans News Service confusion in the exam and Bengaluru. and OMR sheet number confusion among the can-
Pralhad Joshi on Monday Bengaluru the candidates are worried. Candidates who ap- have been changed for it. At didates. Speaking on this
slammed Karnataka Chief The examination was con- peared for the State Armed 12.30 pm the exam was over occasion, Kamal Pant said
Minister Siddaramaiah STATE Armed Reserve Po- ducted in many parts of the Reserve Constable exam at and the candidates were there is no problem in the
for addressing President lice Force (CAR/DAR) con- state. But the candidates are 11 am at the National Col- supposed to come out. But exam. It is true that there is
Droupadi Murmu in the ducted written examination worried because they have lege Examination Centre in they stayed in the room till confusion among the candi-
singular during his speech in on Sunday for 3064 vacan- heard that the OMR sheet Jayanagar are now worried. 1.20 pm. dates. OMR roll number is
Kannada. cies (Male & Third Gender number of the candidates There has been an allega- Recruitment Department not related to hall ticket roll
Siddaramaiah, who was Male). The exam was held has been changed in the tion that the OMR sheet of DIG Martin, DJ Kamal Pant number. He assured that
speaking at ‘Shoshitara Jag- on Sunday from 11:00 am examination centre of Na- the candidates has been re- arrived at the examination only the numbers marked
ruti Samavesha’ (Convention to 12:30 pm. But there was tional College, Jayanagar, placed. Hall ticket number centre and tried to clear the in the OMR will be read.
of the Oppressed) organised
by Karnataka Exploited Op-

GAFX tech should be effectively BBMP struggling to

pressed Caste-Communities
Federation and the Karna-
taka State Backward Castes
Federation at Chitradurga
on Sunday, said, “The BJP reach property tax
used in education sector: Dy CM
which makes tall claims, did
not invite poor Droupadi
Murmu, one who belongs to
the oppressed class, for the
target of `4,000 crore
Parliament inauguration. Hans News Service coffers of the government
She (mentioned as ‘avalu’ Bengaluru through the collection of
in singular) was not invited Hans News Service ing technology on a large corporation tax.
despite being the custodian Bengaluru scale. Separate policies have THE tax collection tension As per the instructions of
of the Constitution. The day been adopted in this regard. has started for the civic of- the government, the Corpo-
before, she was not even DCM DK Shivakumar said, So we also have to formulate ficials of BBMP, the power ration is struggling to reach
invited to inaugurate the “Due to GAFX technologies, a new policy in this matter. centre of the state capital. the target.
Ram temple. Then, they keep the cinema sector is getting The new policy is industry As per the orders of DCM The Corporation officials
saying Siddaramaiah is anti- more benefits and this tech- friendly and will help attract DK Shivakumar, the Cor- took up the challenge and
Hindu. I am not against any- nology should be adopted in investment’. poration is collecting the has issued a notice to 15-
body. I am pro-humanity.” education, health and other ‘This industry sees a property tax arrears at a fast 20,000 defaulters who have
Slamming Siddaramaiah for social sectors.” change every couple of pace. already arrears of property
addressing the President in Speaking at the opening years. Therefore, the gov- Currently, the Corporation tax and warned them to pay
the singular, Joshi said, “Mr ceremony of the 5th GAFX ernment should give full has collected Rs 3,273 crore tax.
Siddaramaiah, you came to conference, DK Shivakumar cooperation to this industry tax, now it is preparing to The DCM, who had
power chanting the phrases said, “In Bengaluru, there to face the challenges and reach the target of Rs 4,000 promised to give tax con-
of Ahinda, nari shakthi. Is is a techie in every three or strengthen them in the com- crores. cessions to the poor and
this the respect you give to a four families. There are more ing days. Karnataka is com- While the debate is going middle class people, was
woman President who hails than 400 institutions in the mitted to the development on whether the government complaining that the public
from the tribal community?” city and we have come to a of this industry’. is facing financial difficul- was facing problems due to
Taking to social media, situation where education is He said, ‘Our new policy ties after implementing a the collection of taxes, but
Joshi stated, “Dear Sid- impossible without technol- aims to create more than 30 series of guarantees, now he is not talking about it.
daramaiah, I seriously don’t ogy. There is no field without the lives of our children. The setting up many industrial ogy sector. We are bringing thousand jobs in this indus- the government is calculat- There have also been ru-
understand what’s gotten technology. You can’t escape government is committed to estates. Bengaluru embrac- a new policy in this regard. try in the state by 2029 by ing from which source the mours that the government
into you and your party! You from technology anywhere provide full cooperation for es industries very warmly. 20 years ago we created a allowing innovation, global revenue will be collected. has used a tax weapon to se-
have time and again proven in cinemas.” the further growth of this Our government will give huge amount of opportuni- level competition. It is not The government, like the cure money for its guaran-
that you have utmost dis- ‘Nowadays, the develop- industry. Bangalore attracts full cooperation to the de- ties in Bengaluru because of just a statistic, it is the gov- Bengaluru revenue treasury tees on the corporation that
regard for the Constitution ment and adoption of tech- new technologies fast like a velopment of industries. As the IT policy we brought. As ernment’s commitment to or BBMP, is all set to fill the has arrears of tax.
and those who represent it, nologies in the film industry magnet’, said DCM. a result of our government a result, Bengaluru is recog- the growth of this industry.
holding supreme positions. is quite surprising. Bengalu- Bengaluru responded well giving priority to the IT sec- nised globally in the IT sec- The aim is to make Karna-
Addressing the President ru is making strides in tech- to industrial revolution tor, the IT sector grew in tor. Karnataka State is in the taka a global skill hub. Our
and that, too, a woman in nology (GAFX) for gaming, He said, In the 1950s, 60s Bangalore. The innovation forefront of development in government has given high
singular is extremely dis- animation, cinema and oth- and 70s, there was a revolu- revolution has also started all fields and our politicians priority to skill development
graceful. This coming from a er entertainment sectors. We tion of public enterprises with Bangalore becom- and officials are working and job creation in the new
law student like you is even have to compete globally. In in the country. During this ing the innovation capital hard for this. policy’.
more shocking and disap- the near future, we hope to time, our leaders like Jawa- of the country. Bengaluru Our minister Priyank He added, ‘Today I see
pointing. Either education produce more excellent im- har Lal Nehru, Indira Gan- has become the first choice Kharge is working hard for young new entrepreneurs in
has escaped you or you are ages using GAFX technol- dhi and Rajiv Gandhi estab- for industries because of its the fast growth of IT BT sec- this programme. This event
becoming senile. I wonder ogy. lished many big enterprises complementary innovation, tor’, he said. is not just a professional
which it is! Neither age nor Now with the advent of in Bangalore. They started technology and culture’, said Adopting a new policy for event, it is a celebration of
experience are reflected in artificial intelligence, there many enterprises including DCM Shivakumar. the technology industry activism. As you grow
your words and actions!” is hope that these fields will BEL, BEML, ISRO, BHEL. ‘Our government is com- He said, ‘The use of tech- stronger, the entire indus-
work even more efficiently. During the industrial mitted to provide all kinds nologies in the field of en- try grows. Our government
These technologies have revolution that followed, the of cooperation for the de- tertainment is increasing. will provide all necessary
Go to Pak if you don’t brought a huge change in city responded positively by velopment of the technol- Hollywood and TV are us- incentives for it’.
believe in Constitution:
Cong to BJP
BENGALURU: Karnataka
Minister for RDPR, IT and
Parents beware, Mpox disease Grand entrance gate, statue of Field
spreading among children… Marshal Sam Manekshaw unveiled
BT Priyank Kharge on Mon-
day attacked the BJP, saying
that if they do not like the
national flag, Indian Con-
stitution and integrity of the Hans News Service disease. Some people experi- Hans News Service spearheaded by Major Gen- and Kerala Sub Area.
nation, their leaders “can go Bengaluru ence pain in the bones. Chil- Bengaluru eral Ravi Murugan, General With meticulous crafts-
to their preferred destination dren have to stay out of school Officer Commanding (GOC) manship, the statue captures
Pakistan”. “We will not bog PARENTS beware! Mumps due to this pain. GRAND entrance gate and Karnataka and Kerala Sub the essence of his resolute
down with the conspiracies virus has started in children, This disease is caused by a statue dedicated to Field Area, was completed in just leadership, serving as a
and strategies of the BJP. whereas it has been detected virus called monkey pox or Marshal S.H.F.J. Manekshaw over eight weeks. poignant reminder of his in-
We will effectively deal with in children of Bengaluru. Due mumps. The parotid glands was unveiled at the parade The release noted that the valuable contributions to the
it,” he underlined. The minis- to the divine negligence of become enlarged causing se- ground here, which is named grand gate boasts a meticu- nation, it said, adding, an In-
ter was speaking over the is- the government, the epidemic children. MMR vaccine is not vere pain. Located below the after him, by Lieutenant lously planned layout, a har- dian Army crest at the apex
sue of hoisting and bringing of mumps virus has started given. Thus the mumps virus front of the ear, these glands General K S Brar, General monious blend of military of the gate marks the values,
down of saffron flag bearing among children. Due to this, has started for the children. produce saliva. It is an infec- Officer Commanding (GOC) precision and artistic finesse. ethos and spirit of the Indian
the picture of Lord Hanuman some children are experienc- Day by day this virus is becom- tious disease that spreads from Dakshin Bharat Area, on rade ground extended from With dimensions measuring Army. The logo typically fea-
on a 108-feet-tall flagpost ing pain in their bones. Chil- ing more common in children. an infected child to another Monday. Cubbon Park to its present 66 ft width and 20 ft height, tures the national emblem
on government land in the dren have to stay out of school The upper part of the neck through person-to-person The GOC stressed the area and was called “Sports the gate embodies the disci- and crossed swords.
Keragodu village in Mandya due to pain. The government and the upper part of the fore- contact (physical contact, sa- significance of preserving Ground and Garrison Pa- pline of effort that defines the Plans are underway to en-
district of Karnataka. The should have vaccinated the head has an abscess. Due to liva, breathing). Children aged history, acknowledging the rade Ground”. Later owing Indian Army. It is also archi- gage the community through
issue has turned out to be children to prevent such dis- this, fever is appearing in the 2 to 12 years are most suscep- achievements of Field Mar- to the needs of urbanisa- tecturally appealing, seam- military displays, educational
a latest flash point between eases. It has neglected to pro- children and the children are tible to this infection. Apart shal Manekshaw and high- tion, the area shrank to the lessly blending tradition with programmes, guided tours
the ruling Congress and vide vaccinations to boost im- becoming irritable. from the parotid glands in the lighting the centrality of the present range.This parade modern design. and interactive displays, the
opposition BJP in Karnataka. munity and control disease. Mumps infestation has elderly, other organs such as parade ground in the con- ground is the ground where Central to the grand gate release further said.” The aim
Kharge further stated, “Like Mumps virus is now ap- increased since the last two the testes, pancreas and nerv- duct of events of national im- annual Parade for Republic stands an inspiring 7ft Iron is to foster a deeper under-
RSS, which hated tiranga pearing more often in chil- weeks. Mumps can spread very ous system can also become portance, the Defence PRO Day and Independence Day frame statue of Field Marshal standing of the Indian Army
(national flag), BJP trained dren from this background. quickly from child to child. Fe- infected.Symptoms usually office said in a release. are held under supervision of Sam Manekshaw flanked and the historical context
by the RSS is also hating the At present the government is ver and swelling of the neck on appear within 12 to 14 days of He highlighted that dur- Governor and Chief Minis- by the insignia of Southern surrounding the parade
national flag. Instead of re- giving only the MR vaccine to both sides in children with this viral infection. ing the British period the pa- ter of Karnataka.The project command and Karnataka ground”, it added.
specting it, the BJP is hating
the Tricolour. Mr. Vijayendra
(State BJP President B.Y.
Vijayendra), the government
has fulfilled the purpose of
the flagpole by hoisting the
Tell the story of our heroes of Ramayana, Mahabharata: Invest India chief
national flag.” Bengaluru To be a supportive govern-
“Even then why are you Offer made to partner with the State government to ment, the way I look at the
so angry? By showing hatred THE MD and CEO of Invest see that Bengaluru and India become ‘the front end government’s role is like I
towards the national flag, India Nivruti Rai on Mon- and not the back end of gaming developer industry’ am a mother at home. I re-
the BJP has certified itself day exhorted the gaming move obstacles in front of
as anti-nationals,” Kharge and animation developers tioned in the epic ‘Mahab- back end of gaming devel- my children’s path, so they
stated. to build and tell stories of harata’. Stating that ‘Chhota oper industry’. can climb the highest, they
He further said that the Indian heroes from mythol- Bheem’ is loved by people “Can I tell you that our can shine the brightest,” she
BJP and Sangh Parivar which ogies like Ramayana and all across the globe, Rai said history documented is 3,000 said.
had made the coastal region Mahabharata. Invest India even Japan has its own ver- years old and many of our She offered to extend her
its Hindutva laboratory have is the National Investment sion of ‘Chhota Bheem’, histories are 5,000 to 7,000 support to Karnataka to be-
now got activated in Mandya Promotion and Facilitation which the children there years old that we may not come a leader in the gam-
district and started their Agency that helps investors love very much. have documented but have ing industry. Invest India
Hindutva experimentation looking for investment op- Speaking at the inaugu- good proof?” she said. is committed to partnering
here. “It seems BJP won’t be portunities and options in ral session of the Bengaluru “So 7,000 years of his- with Karnataka and helping
at peace if the society is the country. GAFX-2024 here, an annual torical heroes, 7,000 years of the State become the front
peaceful. The BJP leaders To drive home her mes- event for Games, Animation fantastic architecture! I re- end of the industry, Rai said.
have stooped down to the sage, she told the success & Visual Effects Industry ally feel we have content, we The Invest India chief
low level of igniting fire in story of ‘Chhota Bheem’, hosted by Government of have stories to tell. And I’m appealed to the youth to tap
Mandya district for political a popular animation se- Karnataka, Rai even offered really happy that some soft- the potential in the gaming
gains. The position of LoP is ries based on an imaginary to partner with the State ware developers are building that the world is accepting,” back end and not front end front end of the gaming de- and animation industry by
a dignified post, his actions childhood of ‘Bhima’, the government to see that Ben- stories from Mahabharata the former India head of In- when “our heroes are global veloper industry. To be the making optimum use of the
won’t bring respect to his second of Pandavas with galuru and India become and Ramayana and build- tel said. Rai wondered why heroes”. “I want Karnataka, front end we have to have cheapest data tariff available
position,” he said. towering strength as men- ‘the front end and not the ing stories of those heroes Bengaluru wanted to be the I want India to be at the a supportive government. in India.

GOVT CRACKDOWN ON RICE Digital health card soon to come

knocking on doors across State

CHIEF Minister A Revanth

Reddy has taken some cru-
and explain necessity of pro-
viding full medical services
The CM asked officials to
develop alternative facilities

Receives record quantity of CMR in single day cial decisions to improve

medical care facilities, in-
cluding digital health profile
so that people across State
should not rely only on Hy-
derabad for medical treat-
card for all, speed up pay- ment. Area-wise better medi-
Md Nizamuddin also informed that till two ment of Arogyasri bills, fo- cal treatment facilities should
Hyderabad months back the department cus on providing all services be developed and provide
witnessed on an average in AIIMS at Bibinagar and best medical care to peo-
FOLLOWING Civil Sup- 5,000 to 6,000 metric tonnes speedy completion of TIMS ple. He suggested to officials
plies Commission tightening per day. However during the hospitals in Hyderabad and to continue the Arogyasri
noose around the millers and past 50 days delivery per day Warangal. services in the concerned
setting the deadline for this has gone up by 30,000 met- He instructed officials to would be linked medical colleges. The offi-
month for delivering default- ric tonnes on an average. On prepare a digital health pro- to hospitals so that there cials informed the CM about
ed CMR (Custom Milling January 27, Civil Supplies file for everyone in State and is no shortage of doctors. In problems being faced in ex-
Rice), the department has recorded history as it re- link the profile card with a the high level review Reddy pansion of Osmania Hospi-
received an overwhelming ceived 58,843 metric tonnes unique number which will inquired about details of tal. Reddy said the issue of
response. of CMR. enable it to provide required medical, nursing and para- Osmania Heritage building is
The millers have sped up The districts identified by treatment in emergency situ- medical colleges which are pending before the court; the
the delivery as the depart- the department which default- ations. The card will also be yet to be started government will take a deci-
ment officials registered an ed maximum are Wanapar- linked with Arogyasri card and suggested to officials sion as to how to proceed as
almost six-fold increase in thy (82,000), Nagarkurnool . Removal of mandated re- to look into setting up a med- per court directive.
the past 50 days. The deliv- (42,000), Medak (40,000), quirement of white ration ical college and a nursing col- The CM asked officials
ery from millers has gone Kamareddy (37,000), Nirmal card to avail the Arogyasri lege at Kodangal. to clear Arogyasri bills of
up from about 5,000 - 6,000 (35,000) amongst others. The benefit is also under active The CM said complete government hospitals every
metric tonnes daily aver- Commissioner has warned consideration. Due to this medical services at Bibina- month. The officials were di-
age to 30,000 per day aver- the millers will be forced to provision, the number of gar AIIMS which will ben- rected to enter into an agree-
age during the past 50 days. shell out money in case of de- people demanding new white efit people of Khammam, ment with private hospitals
It recorded delivery of more faulting the delivery of CMR. ration cards increased abnor- Warangal and Nalgonda for release of Arogyasri bills
than 56,000 metric tonneson the tune of 43.73 lakh metric change in the government. ings with Minister N Uttam The Commissioner while mally in State. districts and reduce burden every three months. The
a single day. tonnes. However by Novem- During the past three years, Kumar Reddy and appoint- expressing satisfaction, felt The construction of TIMS on Osmania Hospital and pending Rs 270 crore Aro-
The department officials ber 2023, only 24.50 lakh the delay has pushed the ment of D S Chouhan the that the Government strategy Super Specialty Hospitals NIMS. He ordered officials gyasri bills for government
informed that the CMR per- metric tonnes was received. Corporation into debts, even department has decided to worked, and the department in Warangal, LB Nagar, to visit AIIMS and prepare hospitals and teaching hospi-
tains to 2022-23 (Yasangi But during the past 50-days as the millers crossed the set tighten the noose around was making history with the Sanathnagar and Alwal will complete report. He said tals affiliated to government
season) and millers were 14.50 lakh metric tonnes deadline for supply. Follow- the millers towards resolv- coordinated efforts of all the be done on a war footing. The he will also meet the Union medical colleges would be
supposed to deliver rice to were received, as there was ing a series of review meet- ing the matter. The officials officials. CM said medical colleges Health minister, if necessary, released immediately.

TSSPDCL completes
maintenance in Greater Death toll in Miryalaguda Aussie High Commissioner
Hyderabad Limits
road accident rises to six
HYDERABAD: As part of the
maintenance works being
undertaken by the Telan-
Hans News Service
Jyoti (30), their daughter
Rishita (6), Mahesh’s
lauds Cong’s six guarantees
gana State Southern Power
Distribution Company Limited brother, Bhuma Mahender has partnered with V-Hub.
(TSSPDCL) from January 17 in THE death toll in the (32) of Golnepally, Vali- The agreement was signed at
the Greater Hyderabad Limits, Miryalaguda road accident gonda Mandal, Yadadri a meeting between IT Min-
2,470 11 KV feeders and 182 has risen to six. The police Bhuvangiri District, and ister Duddilla Sridhar Babu
MLA criticises BRS govt’s
33/11 KV substations main- have also identified the his son Liansi (2). Poga and Australian High Com-
tenance works have been
lorry responsible for the and Bhuma Madhavi also missioner Philip Green on
completed so far. There were
accident, and DSP Giri re- succumbed to their injuries Monday. As part of the part-
about 3,288 11 KV feeders
and 346 33/11 substations
in the Greater Hyderabad
ported that the lorry driver
has been detained.
while undergoing treat-
ment in the hospital.
nership programme, V-Hub
will conduct a 13-week long
treatment of Sarpanchs
Municipal Corporation (GHMC) The tragic incident oc- Cherupalli Mahesh, pre-incubation programme Hans news service and dire situations they face.
limits, and of them, 2,470 curred at Nandipahad in employed as a photogra- called Start-X in entrepre- Rangareddy He called for unity and pa-
feeders and 182 substation Miryalaguda mandal on pher in Vanasthalipuram, neurship for women, mar- tience in village politics,
maintenance works have Sunday night when a lorry Hyderabad, had undertak- ginalised sections and the SHADNAGAR MLA Veer- stating that power dynamics
been completed, and the collided with a car, causing en a journey to Vijayawada LGBTE group. lapalli Shankar voiced in villages require a differ-
remaining 818 feeders and
it to hit the divider and fall and other parts of Andhra Speaking on the occasion, strong concerns about the ent approach compared to
164 substation works will be
completed by the end of the on the opposite side of the Pradesh with his family Sridhar Babu said, “Telan- plight of Sarpanchs under national and state politics.
week, said SPDCL officials. road. for a divine darshan. The gana’s growth will be based the Bharat Rashtra Samithi During the general assem-
The SPDCL authorities have In this devastating ac- accident occurred on the Australian High Commissioner Philip on the foundations of wom- (BRS) government during bly, public representatives
prepared a detailed schedule cident, five out of the six return journey to Nandipa- Green and IT minister D Sridhar Babu en’s empowerment and we the Farooqnagar Mandal brought forward various
for maintenance and repair individuals travelling in the had Colony in Miryalagu- believe in it.” He said that as Parishad Plenary Meeting issues, including concerns
work on power lines and car lost their lives on the da, on the Addaki–Narkat- Hans news service said that special centres were part of the women empow- held on Monday. The meet- about the shortage of ferti-
substations in the Greater spot, while the remaining pally main road. Had they Hyderabad being set up to impart train- erment, they had taken up ing, presided over by MPP lisers, problems in the edu-
Hyderabad Limits. The field- victim passed away during taken a turn there, they ing in the respective courses free bus facility, Rs 500 per Khaza Ahmad Idris, wit- cation system, and the need
level staff has been directed
treatment at the hospital. could have reached home AUSTRALIAN High Com- to develop skills among the LPG cylinder programme nessed discussions on vari- for solving challenges in
to complete the maintenance
work within 15 minutes to 2 The deceased have been in three or four minutes, missioner Philip Green said youth. Green said that Hy- while noting that if the is- ous issues impacting the lo- government hospital works
hours so that the consum- identified as Cherupalli but unfortunately, the that the six guarantees an- derabad was a favourable sues related to women are cal community. and RTC services.
ers do not face difficulties, Mahesh (32) of Nandi- accident transpired in the nounced by the Congress place for investments not addressed, they will face The MLAaccused the BRS The MLA urged officials
officials said. pahad Colony, his wife interim. government were very good. Sridhar Babu held discus- obstacles in competing with government of mishandling to work collaboratively, set-
He lauded the free bus facili- sions with the Australian the world. the administration of Sar- ting aside political rivalries,
tyfor women provided under team on new methods in the He also announced that panchs, alleging that they especially in matters related
The Australian High Com-
agriculture sector. He said
that policies would be de-
women will be made entre-
preneurs. He said he was
were given mere symbolic
items like a bowl, leaving
to education. The meeting
also addressed issues raised

Challa Vamsi takes a

missioner Philip Green and signed to benefit the farmers happy with the Austral- them in a challenging situ- by Sarpanchs, who expressed
Bengaluru Consulate Gen- and added that steps were be- ian government’s partnership ation. He emphasised the their grievances as their ten-
eral Hilary McGeechywere ing taken to directly benefit with V-Hub. He thanked the importance of coordination ure was coming to an end.
meeting with IT Minister D the farmers without a mid- Australian government for between people, representa- Sarpanchs from Madurapur
Sridhar Babu at V-Hub in Ju- dleman system. its support. State IT and In- tives, and officials for effec- lamented their inability to

leaf from RG’s book bilee Hills on Monday.

On this occasion, the Min-
ister briefed them about the
conducive environment for
Australian govt partners
with V-hub
In a significant development,
dustries Department Princi-
pal Secretary Jayesh Ranjan,
V-Hub CEO Deepti Raola
and others were present on
tive governance.
Expressing concern over
the current state of Sar-
panchs, Veerlapallihigh-
resolve problems and urged
the MLA to ensure prompt
payment of salaries and con-
tract bills for the staff under

CM to join Cong leader for yatra investment in the state. He the Australian government the occasion. lighted the lack of freedom the new government.

Weaving Gandhi through Naresh Bollu’s art

Hans News service

IN a bid to spearhead the

rejuvenation of Palamuru Akhil Kumar was not just about the cloth
district, Challa Vamsi Chand Hyderabad but a symbol of self-reliance
Reddy, a special invitee of and resistance against op-
CWC and Congress leader FROM the earliest days of pression. Inspired by this, he
who is among probable MP his youth, Naresh Bollu ex- embarked on a project that
ticket seekers from Congress hibited a profound interest in was more than just an artis-
party from Mahbubnagar the intricate and captivating tic endeavour; it was hom-
Lok Sabha Constituency is world of traditional painting. age to a heritage, a fusion of
set to launch the Palamuru With an innate talent and an tradition and innovation. By
Nyaya Yatra on January 31, unquenchable thirst for artis- weaving the canvas and then
commencing from the his- tic expression, he embarked painting on it, he aimed to
toric KsheeraLingeswara activists, and citizens will Nyaya Yatra, Challa Vamsi on a unique journey of crea- capture not only the essence
Swamy Mutt in Krishna vil- join Challa Vamsi Chand Chand Reddy plans to in- tivity. Naresh found his muse of Gandhi’s legacy but also
lage of Maktal constituency. Reddy in Maktal constitu- teract with farmers, women, in the venerable figure of the soul of his familial herit-
Inspired by Congress ency from January 31, kick youth, laborers, employees, Mahatma Gandhi, a symbol age.
leader Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat starting a series of engage- and various sections of the of peace and resilience. He His project was more than
Jodo Yatra, Challa Vamsi ments across various con- community, understanding began to explore this fascina- a piece of art; it was a tapes-
in collaboration with Chief stituencies. their concerns and challeng- tion through his art, master- try of history, culture, and
Minister Revanth Reddy, The schedule includes es. Post-lunch, he will engage fully weaving the essence of personal identity, woven in-
aims to propel Palamuru Narayanpet constituency in meetings with caste or- Gandhi into an array of di- unique mark on the timeless to pursue post-graduation ents and relatives, all skilled tricately through the threads
district towards progress, from February 4 to 6, De- ganizations, students, youth, verse and myriad forms. tradition of painting. in fine arts at the prestigious weavers, had unknowingly of imagination and painted
addressing long-standing is- varakadra constituency from labor, farmers, and people’s Each stroke of his brush “Since my childhood days, Jawaharlal Nehru Architec- sown the seeds of inspiration with the colours of reverence
sues in irrigation, education, February 8 to 10, Shadnagar associations, seeking con- brought to life the different a deep-rooted passion for ture and Fine Arts University in me. This close association and innovation.
health, and employment. constituency from February structive suggestions for the facets of Gandhi’s character traditional painting has been (JNAFAU) in Hyderabad. with the weaving community Naresh Bollu’s paintings
The 25-day padayatra will 11 to 13, Jadcherla constitu- progress of Palamuru. and philosophy, translating a defining part of my identity. “My educational path took ignited a creative spark—the have been showcased in art
traverse seven Assembly ency from February 15 to In a unique gesture, Challa them into stunning visual My journey in the world of an intriguing turn during my idea to intertwine weaving galleries across India, reach-
constituencies within the 17, and Mahabubnagar con- Vamsi Chand Reddy has de- narratives. Naresh’s work, art commenced at Sri Ven- master’s programme when with painting, to blend these ing beyond his base in Hy-
Mahbubnagar parliamentary stituency from February 19 cided to stay at the house of rich in detail and depth, not kateswara University in Tiru- we were assigned to create two beautiful art forms into derabad. His work has been
constituency, with each con- to 21. The dates for Kodangal a common Congress worker only celebrated the legacy pati, Andhra Pradesh. It was a project centred around a one,” says Naresh Bollu. exhibited in various States,
stituency being covered over constituency will be finalised in the village where the pa- of one of the great leaders there that I first dipped my unique theme. Coming from This concept found a including Uttar Pradesh,
three days. The journey will in consultation with Chief dayatra concludes every day. in the world but also show- brushes into the vast ocean Warangal in Telangana, a perfect muse in Mahatma Gujarat, and Punjab, among
commence at 10 am daily Minister Revanth Reddy, The leader encourages Con- cased his own evolving skills of artistic expression, learn- place where the rhythmic Gandhi, a figure synony- others. Each exhibition has
and conclude at 10 pm, cov- who is expected to be the gress leaders, activists, and as a painter. Through his art, ing the foundational skills sound of looms is a part mous with weaving and the helped spread his unique
ering 20 km per day. chief guest for the conclud- people from all walks of life he established a connection that would shape my future. of daily life, I grew up in a Swadeshi movement’s em- blend of traditional painting
MLA Vakiti Srihari, Con- ing session. to actively participate in the with the past while simulta- As my hunger for artistic family deeply entrenched in blem, Khadi. Gandhi’s ad- and weaving to a wider audi-
gress leaders, thousands of During the Palamuru Palamuru Nyaya Yatra. neously imprinting his own knowledge grew, I advanced the art of weaving. My par- vocacy for hand-spun fabric ence, showcasing his talent.

OWTHAM Tin- with “Magic”, featuring a technicians involved Ravichander lends his Soujanya, brings this cap-
nanuri, along with cast of fresh faces in lead in the project, led by a musical genius to the tivating tale to audiences
rockstar Anirudh
and Sithara Entertain-
ments’ S Naga Vamsi,
join forces to create a
The film revolves
around four teenagers
collaborating to com-
National award-winning
Girish Gangadharan
captures the essence of
project, promising a
soundtrack filled with en-
chanting tunes destined
to top the charts.
under the banners of Si-
thara Entertainments and
Fortune Four Cinemas,
with Srikara Studios
‘True Lover’ teaser launched
musical teenage drama
titled “Magic” following
the success of their cult
pose an original song for
their upcoming college
fest, weaving together
the story through his
cinematography, while
Avinash Kolla handles
Despite challenges such
as inclement weather, the
team skillfully cap-
presenting the film.
With filming complet-
ed, the eagerly anticipated
by star director maruthi
and producer SKN
sports drama “Jersey”. nostalgic moments that production design, Navin tures the breathtaking teenage musical is set
In a departure from resonate with audiences Nooli takes charge of landscapes of the Nilgiri for release in summer
sports drama, direc- of all ages. editing, and Neeraja Kona hills, enhancing the visual 2024 in Telugu and Tamil
tor GowtamTinnanuri This nostalgic theme oversees costume design. experience for viewers. languages, promising an

ventures into the realm of has proven to be a driving Adding to the allure, Producer Suryadevara unforgettable cinematic HE sleeper hit creators Expressing gratitude dur- Maruthi invited me to join
a heartfelt teenage drama force for the talented the acclaimed Anirudh Naga Vamsi, alongside Sai experience. of ‘Good Night’ are ing the event, lead actor him in presenting it.”
bringing a heartfelt Manikandan remarked, “As Director Maruthi shared
tale of love for this Valen- newcomers, we extend our his thoughts, stating, “My
tine’s Day. The Telugu ver- heartfelt thanks to Maruthi friend Uday, who is over-
sion of the film, titled ‘True and SKN garu for believing seeing post-production for
Lover’, is set to captivate in our vision and bringing ‘True Lover,’ urged me to
audiences with star direc- ‘True Lover’ to the Telugu watch the trailer. Impressed
tor Maruthi and successful audience. Though our film by what I saw, I decided to
producer SKN presenting may be modest in scale, our view the entire film. It struck
it under the Maruthi Team aspirations are grand.” me how authentically the
Productions and Mass Movie Producer SKN expressed narrative unfolded on screen.
Makers banner. Featuring his appreciation, saying, “I The protagonist’s quest for
Manikandan, Gouri Priya, am deeply thankful to all my love amidst adversity reso-
and Kanna Ravi in pivotal friends, the media, and well- nated deeply. Director Prab-
roles, the film is produced wishers who have supported huram Vyas spent six years
by NazerathPasilian, Magesh me during challenging times. crafting this script, infusing
Raj Pasilian, and Yuvaraj As the essence of our movie it with authenticity that blurs
Ganesan under the banners is captured through the lens the lines between reality
of Million Dollar Studios and of the camera, we chose to and fiction. Witnessing the
MRP Entertainment. Direct- release the teaser of ‘True protagonist’s journey, it felt
ed by Prabhuram Vyas, ‘True Lover’ through our esteemed as though we were encoun-
Lover’ promises a poignant media colleagues. Maruthi tering a real person. Our
and distinctive love story. As and I embarked on our jour- journey in the film industry
Valentine’s week approaches, ney together with dubbed began with dubbed mov-
the film is scheduled for a films. Today, Maruthi has ies, and over time, we have
theatrical release on Febru- evolved into a pan-India di- released numerous dubbed
ary 9. The teaser for the mov- rector, and he still appreci- films. Recognizing the merit
ie was unveiled today, mark- ates movies across various of ‘True Lover,’ we eagerly
ing a significant moment in languages. After viewing embraced the opportunity to
its journey. the first cut of ‘True Lover,’ present it to audiences.”

Gopichand’s ‘Bhimaa’ set for theatrical

Producer promises smiles after release on Maha Shivaratri
HE promotional activities March 8th, coinciding with
‘Happy Ending’ theater experience for the unique action
entertainer “Bhimaa,”
starring the macho star Gop-
Maha Shivaratri, making it an
ideal release date for a mass
movie poised to capitalize on

HIS buoyant coming-of-age narrative, mount for a film's success," Pallala empha- ichand, recently commenced the festival holiday.
helmed by Kowshik Bheemidi, has gar- sized. "In 'Happy Ending,' we firmly believe with the unveiling of the First Priya Bhavani Shankar and
nered considerable attention with its
captivating promotional material. Apoorva
we possess a story brimming with potential.
We've taken calculated production risks, en-
Naa Saami Ranga Success: Look. The video captivated
audiences with its spectacular
Malvika Sharma play the lead-
ing female roles in the movie.
Rao takes on the role of the female lead, with
backing from Yogesh Kumar, Sanjay Reddy,
suring our promotional material remains au-
thentic and does not misrepresent the film's
Nagarjuna thanks fans for support visuals, introducing Gopichand
as a formidable cop. The First
Swamy J Gowda handles
cinematography duties, with

AGARJUNA Akkineni Menon, and Ruksar Dhillon. Look received an overwhelm- music composed by Ravi
and Anil Pallala, who are producing the film essence. Much like films such as 'Vicky Do-
showcased his multifac- Released on January 14 as a ing response, setting the stage Basrur, renowned for his work
under Hamstech Films and Silly Monks Stu- nor' and 'Oh My God 2,' which tackle weighty eted talent in the film delightful Sankranti offering, for anticipation. Directed by on “Salaar.” The production
dios. subjects amidst entertaining elements, 'Happy ‘Naa Saami Ranga,’ a cinematic the film has emerged victorious popular Kannada filmmaker A design is overseen by Ramana
In a recent interview, Producer Anil Pallala Ending' also delves into layers of complexity. endeavor produced by Srinivasa as the quintessential Sankranti Harsha, “Bhimaa” marks his Vanka, with Thammiraju serv-
shared insights into the film's journey. "Sil- Contemporary audiences embrace Chitturi with a significant budget, entertainer, earning accolades Telugu debut and is produced ing as the editor. Kiran works
lymonks is primarily focused on content diverse content, and 'Happy helmed by director Vijay Binny from audiences, admirers, and lavishly by KK Radhamohan as the online editor, while
creation. Our foray into production be- Ending' promises both under the banner of Srinivasa critics alike. Acknowledging its under the banner of Sri Sathya Ajju Mahakali contributes
gan with the movie '24 Kisses,' which, amusement and in- Silver Screen. Presented by triumphant journey, the film’s Sai Arts. In a recent develop- dialogues to the screen-
while catering to a youthful audience, trospective themes." Pawan Kumar, this cinematic ensemble organised a grand ment, the film’s release date play. The film boasts action
gem stars Ashika Ranganath celebration, wherein King Na- was announced alongside sequences choreographed by
conveyed a meaningful message.
alongside Nagarjuna, with garjuna felicitated the team with a brand new poster featur- Ram-Lakshman, Venkat, and
Similarly, 'Happy Ending' is crafted commendable performances by success shields, expressing grat- ing Gopichand in a ferocious Dr. Ravi Varma, promising a
to resonate with the youth while Allari Naresh, Raj Tarun, Mirna itude to the audience and fans police avatar. “Bhimaa” is thrilling cinematic experience
also carrying a significant message," for their unwavering scheduled to hit theaters on for audiences.
Pallala explained. support and love.
"The film industry, often overlooked
by external investors as a conventional
Every Character Shines: Insights from 'Ambajipeta
sector, churns out approximately 600 HIVANI Nagaram is set to
films annually, yet only about 150 achieve make her debut in Telugu Marriage Band' Heroine Shivani Nagaram
widespread recognition. The fate of the cinema as the leading lady
remaining 450 films, often spear- in “Ambajipeta Marriage Band,” for the opportunity to debut with on set. Working alongside Suhas,
headed by newcomers in the alongside Suhas. The film, a stellar team and under a prestig- who garnered acclaim with a Na-
industry, remains a major jointly produced by GA2 Pic- ious banner. She eagerly awaits the tional Award for “Color Photo,”
concern." tures and director Venkatesh audience’s response, acknowledg- was a joyful and comfortable ex-
"We actively participate Maha under Mahayana Mo- ing the weight of responsibility that perience for Shivani. She acknowl-
in national and interna- tion Pictures and Dheeraj accompanies being part of such a edged the influence of her co-stars’
tional film festivals, delv- Mogileni Entertainment significant project. Hailing from performances on her own, noting
ing into various facets of banners, is directed by Du- Hyderabad, Shivani recounted that working with Suhas elevated
filmmaking, distribu- shyant Katikineni and is her first-time experience shooting her own acting. As a newcomer,
tion, and business," slated to hit theaters in a different town, Amalapuram, she appreciated the support she
Pallala added. "We've on February 2nd. In Ambajipeta area, where the entire received from him. Director Du-
had successful experi- a recent interview, cast and crew spent a delightful shyanth’s vision for “Ambajipeta
ences distributing and Shivani opened 75 days. Immersed in the local Marriage Band” prioritizes every
promoting films like up about her charm, she spoke fondly of the character, giving them depth and
'Maa Vintha Gaadha journey and the beautiful weather and the warmth significance within the narrative.
Vinuma' and 'George film’s essence. of the people, expressing her joy at Shivani highlighted the richness of
Reddy.' 'Happy Ending' Expressing a the experience. each character’s arc, emphasizing
was meticulously exe- blend of hap- Shivani secured her role in the that every role, from Lakshmi’s to
cuted within its allocated piness and film through a rigorous audition Saranya’s and even the villain’s, is
budget. We understand nervous- process, initially aiming for a sup- intricately crafted. The screenplay’s
that there might not be sub- ness, Shivani porting role but ultimately land- strength lies in its treatment of
stantial pre-release business for shared her ing the lead. She dedicated her- each character, ensuring that every
this film. With a fresh lead ac- gratitude self to preparation, meticulously portrayal adds to the film’s beauty.
tor, we've opted to rely on post- honing her emotional scenes and While Shivani didn’t share
release feedback." mastering every dialogue. Despite scenes with Sharanya, she re-
"While '24 Kisses' didn't meet theatri- her background as a Kuchipudi mained tight-lipped about the plot,
cal expectations, it garnered millions dancer, she didn’t get a chance to urging audiences to experience the
of views on YouTube and received a showcase her dance skills in this story firsthand in the movie itself.
positive response when dubbed in particular film. Portraying the As anticipation builds for the re-
other languages," Pallala reflected. character of Lakshmi in “Ambaji- lease of “Ambajipeta Marriage
"Each film operates on a distinct rev- pet Marriage Band,” Shivani faced Band,” Shivani Nagaram’sinsights
enue model, necessitating careful plan- challenges with emotional scenes offer a glimpse into the film’s nu-
ning from producers to ensure stabil- but overcame them with thorough anced storytelling and celebration
ity." preparation, ensuring perfection of every character’s beauty.
"A compelling narrative is para-


Vote-on-account: Expect policy tweaks, hints on full budget LETTERS

I N the most significant year of
elections, the annual Union
tions, in a bid to ensure the hat-
trick of Prime Minister Narendra
consumers to spend money will
set off an adverse chain reaction.
factors which require novel think-
ing on the part of the government.
government is yet to admit it and
focus its energies on the issue. Address antibiotic overuse, adverse effects
Budget for 2024-25 to be pre-
sented by Finance Minister Nir-
mala Sitharaman on February 1
Modi. Taxpayers, both individu-
als and businesses, peg hopes on
liberal taxation policies. Given
As such, any tax sops at this junc-
ture may soothe the frayed nerves
of the populace and induce them
Tax reforms, new regulations,
ease of compliance saw India
jump from 142nd rank in World
Yet, one has to bear in mind
that the vote-on-account author-
ises withdrawal of funds from
E XCESSIVE use of antibiotics, particularly for prophy-
laxis, is fueling antimicrobial resistance (AMR). A re-
cent survey in India reveals that over 70% of patients in
has taken centre-stage – It is her the budgetary constraints, the to spend on their needs and aspi- Bank’s Ease of Doing Business in the treasury for only essential ex- tertiary-care hospitals were prescribed antibiotics, with
consequent sixth budget and PM government may throw indica- rations. 2014 to 63rd currently. The Modi penses such as salaries, debt ser- 50% carrying the risk of AMR. Urgent measures, such as
Narendra Modi’s final budget of tions of what is to expect in the In line with PM Modi’s mus- government raised the bar for it- vicing, and ongoing programmes. rational prescription and reducing unnecessary usage, are
his second term. It is uppermost full budget. It is being hoped it cular push to green/renewable self in this regard in 2018, setting As such, the February 1 budget imperative. Another survey indicates that 38% of patients
on the discerning minds as well as may raise overall tax exemption, energy – most recently spelt in its sights on inclusion in top-50. may at best yield a minimal pol- received multiple antibiotics, with resistance exceeding
ordinary folks, in the face of many providing for all rebates, for indi- his Suryodaya Yojana to provide Going forward, the government icy tweak with adequate hints of 75% in some cases. The Union Health Ministry emphasis-
challenges threatening to halt the vidual taxpayers from Rs 7 lakh to rooftop solar power systems to may announce or hint at greater what is to come in July. Educa- es the need for justified prescriptions based on evidence-
steady course of the economy. But Rs 8 lakh under Section 87A. In- one crore households across coun- push/sops in the interim budget. tion, skills development, research based medicine. Ongoing audits, regulatory measures, and
it is a bit of a letdown for the both dia’s retail inflation, measured by try – there may be tax impetus or There is a serious unemployment thrust, jobs generation and digital investment in research are vital in the broader fight against
as it will be an interim i.e., a vote- the consumer price index (CPI), infra push to green mobility in the crisis in the country, aggravated divide may figure in FM’s speech. AMR. While genomic surveillance holds promise, chal-
on-account rather than the full soared to 5.69% in December on country. Micro, small and medi- by increasing incidence of layoffs. Her role has been key to India’s lenges in accessibility and technology adoption persist.
budget, which can be expected in the back of spurt in food prices of um enterprises that contribute 30 Economists say over 40 per cent buoyance in becoming the fastest Dr Krishna Kumar Vepakomma, Hyderabad
July. over 10.4%. With deceleration in per cent to India’s GDP, employing of graduations below 25 are un- growing economy, with sights on
Nevertheless, the BJP-led NDA
government would not let go of
consumption and demand, which
depressed the overall market, any
more than 110 million, could do
with any amount of help. Finan-
employed. India fares poorer than
most emerging economies, leave
the third largest economy slot by
2030. Expect same exuberance in
Accelerate TSPSC recruitment drive
any leeway to meet pubic expecta- more reluctance on the part of cial inclusion and jobs are other alone developed ones. The NDA her Budget speech, too.
C ONGRATULATIONS to the newly appointed head
of TSPSC along with 5 members having good track
records. The present government is keen to clean up the

ISRAEL-PALESTINIAN CONFLICT failed and corrupt systems. It is a popular reality that due
to papers leakage none could provide justice quickly nor
till now. 15 question papers under 6 categories of com-

Is two-state solution now dead?

petitive examinations of TSPSC were leaked. The assistant
engineers examination question papers were sold to many
people. The accused also planned to steal the papers re-
lated to Grade-I main examinations. All this upset every-
one and caused mental agony to the candidates who ap-
peared for the examinations and their parents. Time rolls
Ian Parmeter Specifically, the court said that existed before Israel to 32% last year. The decline but their prospects are still blocked. The newly appointed
Israel must take all possible seized the West Bank in the was even sharper among 6 members of TSPSC are requested to accelerate the pro-

HE growing rift be- steps to minimise civilian 1967 Six-Day War. Arab Israelis, who had been cess of identifying all vacancies. Conducting examinations
tween the Biden ad- harm and increase the flow Despite the fact the settle- more optimistic in 2013, with without upsetting anyone and declaring results in time will
ministration and the of humanitarian assistance ments are illegal under inter- 74% thinking peaceful coex- cheer up all.
Netanyahu government over to Gaza. national law – they violate istence was possible. By 2023, G Murali Mohan Rao, Secaunderabad
Israel’s war in Gaza is now in With criticism of Israel the Fourth Geneva Conven- the proportion was just 41%.
the open, with public disa-
greement between them on
mounting on the global
stage, the Biden administra-
tion – no Israeli government
is likely to try to remove
The extent to which Ne-
tanyahu, in office through-
INDIA looks like a rudderless
the viability of a two-state
solution to the conflict.
US President Joe Biden
tion has inserted the United
States’ long-standing sup-
port for a two-state solution
them for fear of violent do-
mestic consequences. Some
in Netanyahu’s government
out this period, might have
influenced these declines is
difficult to measure. But con-
T HE Opposition INDIA alliance is crumbling like a
pack of cards with the unfolding political develop-
ments among its constituents even before its take-off to
literally embraced Prime to the Israeli-Palestinian are already talking about Is- sidering the current level of defeat the ruling BJP. It has been functioning like a rudder-
Minister Benjamin Netan- conflict. rael annexing the West Bank, hatred and distrust between less entity. There is an increasing evidence that it may not
yahu within days of Hamas’ In response, Netanyahu in the way it annexed East Je- Israelis and Palestinians, it’s even be able to contest as a single bloc in any of the states.
horrific attack in southern has thrown down the gaunt- rusalem in 1980. difficult to envisage any po- West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has given
Israel on October 7, and the let – flatly rejecting the crea- Talk of land swaps usually tential replacement for Ne- the bugle call that her Trinamool Congress would contest
US has steadfastly protected tion of a separate Palestinian Talk of a two-state solution by West is simply ends with potential offers of tanyahu taking a different all the seats in West Bengal. Similar thoughts have been
Israel’s interests in the UN state. He posted on X: “I will kicking the can down the road A simple fact is land for Palestinians in the line on a Palestinian state. guiding Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann. In doing
Security Council. not compromise on full Is- barely habitable Negev de- That reality is reinforced by so, he has thwarted the attempts to forge an electoral ar-
But tensions have mount- raeli security control over the number of Israeli settlers in the occupied sert. The major Jewish set- the Orthodox Jewish demo- rangement with the Congress in Delhi. In large states like
ed as the civilian death toll the entire area in the west of West Bank (including East Jerusalem) – now tlement blocks in the West graphics noted above. Or- UP, the Congress is not even in a position to bargain with
from Israel’s massive retalia- Jordan – and this is contrary Bank, by contrast, are in thodox Jews tend to vote for Samajwadi Party because it does not count there.
tion in Gaza has climbed to to a Palestinian state”. about 7,00,000, who live alongside three million prime real estate. conservative religious par- N Sadhasiva Reddy, Bengaluru
more than 25,000 – 70% of This is not the first time Palestinians – means there is not much space Then there is the question ties, which means growing
whom are women and chil-
he has butted heads with a
US president. In particular, left for a Palestinian state. That gap is narrowing,
of Gaza, which is barely large
enough to accommodate its
numbers of
That means talk of a two-
Team India lacks killer instinct
To put that in context,
more non-combatants have
been killed in less than four
he had a poisonous relation-
ship with Barack Obama,
notably visiting Washington
with population growth higher among
settlers than Palestinians
current population of 2.3
million. With unemploy-
ment there at nearly 50%, it
state solution by Western
governments is simply kick-
ing the can down the road. It’s
T EAM India lost a key opener at the hands of profes-
sional English side. The writing was on the wall as
England conceded a lead of 190. But the tables were turned
months in Gaza than in to address a joint sitting of is a breeding ground for rad- not going to happen. Israelis as we took it for granted that victory is already achieved.
nearly two years of war in Congress in 2015 without Palestinian refugees outside live alongside three million icalism, as the Hamas attack respect the US and value the Overconfidence and complacency put paid to hopes of a
Ukraine, where the civilian bothering to call on the Israel; the demilitarisation Palestinians – means there is in October demonstrated. materiel and diplomatic sup- home win. The team selection was unpredicted players
death toll only recently ex- president – an extraordinary of a future Palestinian state; not much space left for a Pal- port provided by US presi- with two left arm spinners in the side and both together
ceeded 10,000. breach of protocol. and, Jerusalem remaining estinian state. Most Israelis side dential administrations, but could not achieve what Hartley achieved single handedly.
Our mission is to share Despite the fact the Oslo the united capital of Israel. That gap is narrowing, with Netanyahu they won’t be ordered about Expensive bowling by our lefties saw gifting runs in plen-
knowledge and inform deci- Accords of 1993 and 1995, None of these was likely with population growth The other factor is that by them. ty. England’s Bazball strategy saw them through and the
sions. signed by former Israeli to be acceptable to Palestin- higher among settlers than Netanyahu’s rejection of And there could be a Indian team lacked the killer instinct to lose the first test
Biden warned in Decem- Prime Minister Yitzhak Ra- ians. Palestinians. Ultra-Orthodox a Palestinian state reflects change in leadership in the match by 28 runs.
ber that Israel was losing in- bin and Palestinian leader Jews, who comprise one- the current views of most US this year, too. The leading C K Ramani, Mumbai
ternational support over its Yasser Arafat, laid down a Biden or Bibi, third of the settlers, have a Israelis. Polling by the Pew Republican candidate, Don-
“indiscriminate bombing” pathway to the creation of a who is right? fertility rate in Israel of 6.5 Research Center in March ald Trump, had a reputation Most talented actors remain unglorified
of Gaza. The administration Palestinian state, Netanyahu This leads to the current – live births per woman. The and April 2023 – well before as the most pro-Israel US
has also made clear through
background media briefings
its concern that Netanyahu
has never hidden his oppo-
sition to the concept. In a
recently published profile of
and more important – ques-
tion: who is right about the
future viability of a two-state
current fertility rate among
Palestinians is around 3.8
births per woman. If this
the Hamas attack – showed
only 35% of Israelis (includ-
ing both Jewish and Arab
leader since Harry Truman
when he was in office. So, if
Trump wins the election and
S outh Indian Actors mostly remain unglorified. While
greeting Chiranjeevi on his being conferred another
Padma honour (Padmavibhushan), I should mention many
has no postwar plan for Netanyahu in the New York- solution, Biden or Netanya- trend continues, by mid- respondents) thought “a way Netanyahu is still in office stalwarts/ historians of Telugu film field vanished unrecog-
Gaza’s governance. er, David Remnick describes hu? Putting aside questions century, the Israeli-Palestin- could be found for Israel and next year, there will be little nised and nameless despite their matchless contribution to
And following the prelim- how the Israeli leader made of equity and morality, analy- ian population in the West an independent Palestinian head-butting at all. the films with their talent and beauty/glamour. Those who re-
inary order issued by the In- a speech in 2009 in which he sis of the evidence suggests Bank could be equal. state to coexist peacefully”. mained unglorified truly deserve posthumous honour at least
ternational Court of Justice “conveyed a wary and highly the answer is Netanyahu. The only way space could That was down nine percent- (Writer is a Research now. For example, Savitri, NTR, Anjali, Kantha Rao, Ramana
in the genocide case against conditional openness to a The simple fact is the be made for another state age points from 2017 and 15 Scholar, Centre for Arab and Reddy, S V Rangarao, Rajababu, Jamuna, Krishna Kumari
Israel this past weekend, Palestinian state”. The con- number of Israeli settlers would be if the government points from 2013. Among Islamic Studies, Austral- etc., are among the most talented South Indian actors. One
White House commentary ditions included: Palestin- in the occupied West Bank were to dismantle the settle- Jewish Israelis, those who ian National University, shouldn’t forget Suryakantham who stands first among many
made clear the court’s or- ian recognition of Israel as (including East Jerusalem) ments and direct the settlers agreed with the statement Canberra; Courtesy: https:// Indian actresses if performance alone is the criteria.
ders aligned with US policy. a Jewish state; no return of – now about 7,00,000, who to live within the borders dropped from 46% in 2013 theconversation.com) K Sai Prasanna, Hyderabad

Millets beyond reach of ordinary folks

WILL DUAL FORCE REIGN AGAIN IN BIHAR? O ur Prime Minister appealed to people to turn to con-
suming of millets as it is rich in nutrition and high in
fibre content. It also can solve food crisis and help change
PATNA: With senior Janata the first time in 2000 when tions, BJP won 74 seats with climate resilience .The UN (United Nations) also declared
Dal-United (JD-U) leader they formed a “non-RJD a vote percentage of 19.46 the past year 2023 as the IYM (International Millets Year).
Nitish Kumar walking out of government” in the state. while the JD-U won 43 seats But all enthusiasm is extinguished in no time upon learn-
the ‘Mahagathbandhan’ and Nitish Kumar became the and the vote percentage was ing that the selling price of a kilogramme of any type of
joining hands once again Chief Minister of Bihar 15.39. The RJD had bagged millets in market is as high as Rs 110, which is almost the
with the Bharatiya Janata for the first time with 154 75 seats and its vote per- double that of our staple food rice. For a common man, it
Party (BJP) ahead of the MLAs. However, after the centage was 23.11. becomes a luxury to spend such Rs 110 for a kg. It is there-
upcoming general election, RJD-led alliance soon as- While analysing the fore earnestly appealed that the price of millets may be re-
political observers in Bihar sembled with 159 MLAs, the trend, it has been observed vised downwards to encourage more and more consumers
underlined the good track Nitish Kumar-led govern- that the percentage of votes to turn towards consumption of millets
record of the dual force – ment collapsed. However, of two major parties have Seshagiri Row Karry, Hyderabad
two parties going to polls to- that experiment was worth always been higher than the
gether – in Assembly as well it for BJP and Samata Party “third party”. Political ana- thehansreader@gmail.com
as Lok Sabha elections. with the JD-U coming to lysts that keeping all these
Speaking in the context power in 2005. Nitish Ku- factors in mind, the BJP and
of the fresh developments mar again became the CM. the JD-U must have joined
in Bihar, a political analyst
said that Bihar has always
witnessed the dominance
In the 2014 Lok Sabha
polls, Nitish Kumar left the
National Democratic Alli-
It has been observed that the percentage with a vote percentage of
16.8. The BJP won 53 seats
hands ahead of the 2024
Lok Sabha election to gain
an edge over RJD and other
of three parties – the Rash- ance (NDA) after the BJP of votes of two major parties have always and the vote percentage was alliance partners of ‘Maha- BBMP struggling to reach property tax
triya Janata Dal (RJD), JD-U named then Gujarat CM 24.4 per cent. In 2019 Lok gathbandhan’.
and the BJP. “It has been Narendra Modi as the PM
been higher than the “third party”. Sabha election, the JD-U This could be the rea- target of Rs 4,000 crore
observed that whenever two candidate. The JD-U then Political analysts that keeping all these and BJP in Bihar contested son why the BJP opened its BENGALURU: The tax collection tension has started for the
political forces join hands contested the polls alone in together, and the dual force doors to Nitish Kumar. This civic officials of BBMP, the power centre of the state capital.
in Bihar, they easily win the Bihar. The RJD also contest-
factors in mind, the BJP and the JD-U must theory got further solidified. time, the BJP has been eye- As per the orders of DCM DK Shivakumar, the Corporation
election... be it Lok Sabha ed that election alone, and have joined hands ahead of the 2024 Lok The BJP won 17 seats with ing at least 16 to 17 seats. is collecting the property tax arrears at a fast pace. Currently,
or Vidhan Sabha polls. In both these two parties per- vote percentage of 23.58 Besides, analysts believe the the Corporation has collected Rs 3,273 crore tax, now it is
the early 1990s when RJD’s formed miserably. The RJD
Sabha election to gain an edge over RJD per cent, the JD-U bagged party has a trusted partner preparing to reach the target of Rs 4,000 crores. While the
Lalu Prasad was a dominant won only 4 seats and JD-U 16 seats with 21.81 per cent like Chirag Paswan who has debate is going on whether the government is facing finan-
political figure in Bihar with got two seats. In that elec- per cent, respectively, and sion of votes. votes and LJP won 6 seats considerable influence on cial difficulties after implementing a series of guarantees, now
Muslim, Yadav and back- tion, BJP won 22 seats. Even the BJP had 29.40 per cent. Later, Lalu Prasad and with vote percentage of 7.86. Dusadh community. Nota- the government is calculating from which source the revenue
ward caste equations bal- the alliance partners of BJP This had actually given hope Nitish Kumar joined hands The RJD did not win a single bly, the BJP has aimed for will be collected. The government, like the Bengaluru revenue
anced in his favour, the BJP like RLSP led by Upendra to RJD and JD-U leaders in the 2015 assembly elec- seat in that election. all 40 Lok Sabha seats in treasury or BBMP, is all set to fill the coffers of the govern-
and George Fernandes-led Kushwaha won 3 seats and that if they joined hands to- tion and managed to stop The dual forces’ domi- Bihar and its chances look ment through the collection of corporation tax.
Samata Party joined hands Ram Vilas Paswan-led LJP 7 gether, they could defeat the BJP’s winning spree. In 2015 nance continued in the 2020 quite bright now with Nitish
together to challenge Lalu seats in Bihar. However, the BJP. The think-tank of both polls, RJD won 80 seats with assembly election too when Kumar stitching an alliance Read more at
Prasad,” an analyst said.
They were successful for
vote percentage of RJD and
JD-U were 20.10 and 15.80
parties believed that the BJP
won the contest due to divi-
a vote percentage of 18.4
while the JD-U won 71 seats
the BJP and JD-U pact con-
tinued. In 2020 Bihar elec-
with the saffron camp, ana-
lysts say.
AP 7

Madigas are worst-hit by

BJP means Babu, Jagan, Jagan rule: Madiga Dandora
Pawan, says Sharmila
Criticises that no DSC notification, around
Madiga Dan-
dora president
Ananta Ratnam
Madiga extends
support to TDP Rayalaseema Madiga Dandora founder-president Ananta
19 lakh unemployed youth
both Jagan Mohan are waiting for jobs. 30,000
Ratnam Madiga addressing ‘Tirugubatu Mahasabha’ at
Ambedkar Bhavan in Kurnool on Monday
Reddy and Chan- teacher posts are lying vacant V Narendra Kumar
drababu Naidu are unfilled and 6 lakh students Kurnool several welfare schemes Schedule Castes Finance and
bonded with BJP are waiting for DSC.’ meant for SCs. Best available Development Corporation
Stating that Polavaram is THE founder-president of schools are like a boon to (NSFDC) scheme. Almost all
V Narendra Kumar a national project and the Rayalaseema Madiga Dando- the students of downtrodden schemes, which have benefit-
Kurnool Central government has to ra, Ananta Ratnam Madiga, communities and Jagan had ted the SCs, were stopped by
allot 90 per cent of funds, reiterated that people of Ma- stopped such a scheme, he al- Jagan Mohan Reddy, he criti-
PCC chief Sharmila alleged diga community will extend leged. He further stated that cised.
APCC chief YS Sharmila that the Central government full support to Telugu Desam SCs are the worst victims in Ratnamsaid the people of
came down heavily on the didn’t allocated, instead try- Party (TDP) chief Nara Chan- Jagan government. For a long SC community have deter-
leaders of both ruling and ing to privatise Vizag steel drababu Naidu to become time, the SCs were demand- mined to teach a befitting
Opposition parties, alleging plant. She said that construc- the CM of Andhra Pradesh. ing ABCD categorisation, but lesson to Jagan Mohan Reddy
that both YS Jagan Mohan tion of Kadapa steel plant is While addressing ‘Tirugu- Jagan, during his five-year in the coming general elec-
Reddy and TDP national also on the cards. She said batu Mahasabha’ conducted tenure, never spoke a word tion. The community people
president N Chandrababu both Naidu and Jagan have at Dr BR Ambedkar Bhavan about this. have come on to one platform
Naidu are bonded with BJP, made Rs 8 lakh crore debts. in Kurnool town on Monday, Speaking about Chan- and took an oath to support
which is a religious party. Stating that only 70 days he said the people of Madiga drababu Naidu, Ratnam said Chandrababu Naidu, Ratnam
Pointing Manipur and were left for the general elec- community are facing hard Naidu has supported the cat- asserted. Prior to address-
PCC chief YS Sharmila addressing the party cadre at a meeting in Kurnool on Monday
Godhra incidents, she wor- tion, Sharmila advised party time in YSRC government. egorisation and rendered jus- ing ‘Tirugubatu Mahasabha’,
ried that Christians and and Jagan Mohan Reddy his tenure, which would cater 50 per cent works were com- leaders, youths and well- ‘Atrocities on people of this tice to all sections of people in a massive rally was taken
Muslims are not safe in BJP failed to get Special Category irrigation needs of 65 lakh pleted during YSR govern- wishers of YS Rajasekhara community are registering on education, employment and out from Krishnadeva Raya
government. Status to the State, she criti- hectares and drinking water ment and the balance works Reddy to visit every house a larger scale. CM YS Jagan welfare schemes. Lauding that Circle to Ambedkar Bhavan.
Addressing party cadres cised. needs of 33 lakh households. are not completed till date, and educate people to teach Mohan Reddy, despite well Chandrababu has relentlessly Kommupalem Srinivasulu
meeting here on Monday, Reminding that former Both Jagan and Naidu failed she alleged. a befitting lesson to Jagan aware of the atrocities, is least strived for the betterment of Madiga, N Soma Sundaram
Sharmila pointed out that CM YS Rajasekhara Reddy to complete the remaining 10 Sharmila criticised that Mohan Reddy, Chandrababu concerned to render justice to SC community people, he Madiga, B James Madiga,
BJP is ruling the State, de- had completed 90 per cent per cent works. The same is Jagan Mohan Reddy failed to Naidu and Pavan Kalyan, de- the community people,’ he al- said that several families have Darur James Madiga, Eddu-
spite having even one MP works of Hundri Neeva at a the case of Galeri Nagari Su- fulfil his election promises. scribing the trio as BJP, Babu, leged. Ananta Ratnam further earned bread and butter af- laThyagaraj Madiga and oth-
or MLA. Both Chandrababu cost of Rs 4,500 crore during jala Sravanthi (GNSS), where ‘No job calendar is released, Jagan and Pawan. alleged that Jagan has stopped ter benefitting from National ers participated.

Swadhyaya-2024 Police told to focus on

inaugurated in Anantapur public grievances
Ravi P Benjamin women and couples. He al-
Hans News Service Puttaparthi lotted the petitions to the
Anantapur officials concerned, advising
SUPERINTENDENT of them to attend to the peti-
THE three-day district-level Police SV Madhava Reddy tions on an urgent basis. He
science exhibition, titled asked the subordinate police assured the petitioners of
‘Swadhyaya-2024’ got off on officers to focus on people’s prompt action and if the vic-
a grand start on Monday at problems, particularly griev- tims felt that justice was not
PVKK Diploma College at ances of women and respond rendered to them, he would
Rudrampet locality in the positively to give them re- have a relook at them.
city. Joint Collector and Ad- lief from all problems and Additional SP N Vish-
ditional District Magistrate pressures. nu, CI Harsha and legal
of Anantapur Ketan Garg The SP personally received cell SI Sainath Reddy also
and Sri Krishna Devaraya Joint Collector Ketan Garg and Sri Krishna Devaraya University 41 petitions, mostly from participated.
Prof A Venkataramana inaugurating the science exhibition in
University Prof A Venkata- Anantapur on Monday
ramana inaugurated the pro-
gramme. meet the needs of the people students from different col-
Speaking on the occasion, in the future. He said there is leges and schools will come Additional SP R Vijay Bhaskar Reddy inspecting a check post at Bestarapalle on Monday
the duo said that such sci- a bright future with diploma to see them.
ence exhibitions will help a education. Key models like biogas
lot in developing the scientif-
ic ambition and exploration
Diploma College Principal
Dr GYS Yash Vaibhav said
plant and sewage treatment
plant with automatic drip Police vigilance at border check posts
perspective among students. that every year Swadhyaya irrigation, mechanical wash-
Dr Palle Venkata Krishna programme is being con- ing machine, all-in-one floor Ravi P Benjamin posts and villages to check vehicles entering into the
Kishore, the chairman of ducted with great ambition cleaner, ultra sign breaking Anantapur illegal smuggling of liquor. district from Karnataka
Sri Balaji Educational Insti- and the designs presented by system, hydraulic car park- He inspected Bestarapalle border areas. He warned
tutions, said that students students are winning prizes ing, mini air cooler, distance FOLLOWING the and Kambadur check posts against flow of liquor or illegal
should develop scientific at State-level competitions. meter, wifi controlled by instructions of SP KKN to prevent illegal activities, and unaccounted cash flow.
outlook from childhood and He said that this year also 151 neo light, fire control robot, Amburajan, Additional keeping in view the Kalyandurg DSP B Srinivasulu
SP Madhav Reddy listening to a petitioner during grievance
wish to break new ground models have come to the ex- smart don etc. have astound- SP R Vijaybhaskar Reddy impending elections. and rural CI Nagaraju programme at Puttaparthi SP office on Monday
in science and technology to hibition and more than 3,000 ed the visitors. inspected border check Police have checked participated in the checking.

Awareness session held for One killed, two seriously injured in mishap
M Srinivasa Rao

Anganwadi workers
shaw going towards Deverapalem village from
Nellore Nellore city collided into a car coming from op-
posite direction. The injured persons K Mastha-
ONE person died and two others were seri- naish (50) and R. Krishnaiah (42) were shifted
Abbas Nadendla ously injured in a road accident that occurred to Bollinene super speciality hospital in Nellore
Kadapa at Dodla Dairy located in Nellore rural mandal city. Doctors informed the condition of the duo
Nellore Parliament TDP president Abdul Aziz inaugurating division- on Monday. The deceased was identified as M was stable. TDP Nellore parliament president
al party office at Venkateswarapuram in Nellore city on Monday AIMING to educate partici- Seenaiah (42) of Patha Vellanti village of Nellore Shaik Abdul Aziz visited the hospital and con-
pants about various aspects rural mandal. According to sources, autorick- doled the family members of the deceased.
Nellore will develop if of child welfare and rights,
District Women and Child
Welfare and Empowerment
Narayana wins: TDP leader has organised an awareness
Anganwadi workers at an awareness programme at Model Angan-
programme for Anganwadi wadi Centre in Kondayapalli on Monday
TDP leader Kotamreddy
Sridhar Reddy’s wife
Hans News Service K Sujathamma and
without restrictions will be workers at Model Angan- daughters Hyndavi and
Nellore provided to them. Abdul wadi Centre in Kondayapalli was discussed to raise aware- the law and urged those in- Vaishnavi requesting
Aziz said that if party leader on Monday. Addressing the ness about child safety. Y terested in adoption should people to support TDP
NELLORE Parliament con- Narayana wins, Nellore city participants, Protection Of- Kumari, Manager of Special contact the Special Adop- in the next elections and
stituency TDP president will develop and the fate of ficer of District Child Protec- Adoption Institution (Shisu tion Agency or the District vote for N Chandrababu
Abdul Aziz inaugurated di- the people of the city will tion Department G Sunitha Gruha) of District Women Women and Child Welfare Naidu and Kotamreddy
visional party office at Ven- change. He gave a call to the highlighted the importance and Child Development In- and Empowerment Officer. Sridhar Reddy. They
kateswarapuram in 54th people and party activists to of child rights and the ser- stitution, shed light on adop- V Krishna Pratiroop, Pro- conducted house-to-
house campaign in
division in Nellore city on strive to make Narayana wins vices provided by Mission tion programme, observing tection Officer at NIC, pro- Ambapuram, Akkacheru-
Monday. He said If TDP with a huge majority. Vatsalya. She also addressed that adoption is a blessing vided insights into the Juve- vupadu, Ogurupadu and
comes to power, welfare and State secretary Raja Naidu, the serious issues of child for childless couples and nile Justice Act and discussed Sri Lanka Colony in 31st
development will be imple- Zaheer, Shafi, Sudhakar marriage and emphasised is facilitated by the district the responsible use of social division in Nellore rural
mented equally, asking the Reddy, Ratchagiri Chandra the significance of girl child Collector and president. She media, highlighting the ef- constituency on Monday.
party activists to explain and others participated in education. Also, the concept stressed that any illegal adop- fects of excessive mobile
to the people that welfare the programme. of ‘good touch and bad touch’ tion would be a crime under phone usage.

Dharna held demanding houses for disabled TTD to sell gold mangalasutras
Abbas Nadendla allocate three acres of agri-
Badvel (Kadapa district) cultural land in rural areas. Dusi Venkateswara Rao galsutra s will be placed at the foot of employees; approval to increase wages
Otherwise, he warned the of- Tirumala Moola Virat (presiding deity) in Tiru- of 70 contract laddu tray lifting semi-
DEMANDING provision of ficials that they will organise mala temple before made available to skilled and unskilled workers in TTD
houses for the disabled, CPI large-scale agitation. AS part of its noble mission of tak- devotees on no loss and no profit basis. Potu department from Rs 12,523 to
district executive member V CPI district leaders Padige ing forward Sanatana Hindu Dharma He observed that these mangalasutrams Rs 15,000; nod to increase the wages
Veera Sekhar along with the Venkataramana, Peddallapa- Prachara, TTD Trust Board under the that have the blessings of Lord Ven- of those working under contract and
disabled staged a dharna at lli Balu and Ravikumar, Disa- chairmanship of Bhumana Karuna- kateswara Swamy will help the couple outsourcing system in various depart-
RDO office here on Monday. bled Association leaders Rafi, kara Reddy, has decided to make man- to lead a blissful life. It was also decided ments of TTD; increase salaries of 51
Veera Sekhar said that Qadir, Srinu, Subbarayudu galsutras, weighing 5 gm and 10 gm to make Lakshmi kasulu, he added. Vedic teachers working in these six
there are about 200 disabled and others participated in the and sell them to devotees for the actual Along with this, some other impor- schools from Rs 35,000 to Rs 54,000;
persons, who have no home, dharna. Badvel RDO Akula cost. tant resolutions like approval of tenders and others.
are the real deserving ones. Venkataramana responded Speaking to the media along with for the construction of gravel road in TTD Trust Board has thanked CM
He demanded the authorities to their dharna and assured TTD EO Dharma Reddy after the TTD additional 132.05 acres of land allo- YS Jagan Mohan Reddy for sanctioning
CPI leaders and disabled persons staging a dharna at RDO office
to respond to the problems in Badvel on Monday
them that houses would be Trust Board meeting in Tirumala on cated at Padiredu Aranyam of Vada- house sites to TTD employees fulfilling
faced by the disabled and allotted to the eligible. Monday, its chairman said the man- malapet mandal for housing of TTD their several decades old wish.
When the sky says sunny in
the picture but it feels like
something else entirely.

Mental Wellness
Dr Sushma Gopalan we give more emphasis to
the negatives which ulti- When women are constantly
OMEONE rightly mately shape our subcon-
said, “A smile is the
most beautiful curve
scious thoughts.
When women are con-
pitched against societal
on a woman’s body”. So,
when we talk about men-
stantly pitched against
societal expectations and expectations and pressure,
tal wellness, the ultimate pressure, either by them-
question is, are we at selves or others, there either by themselves or oth-
peace? A woman’s mood is a huge amount of as-
and mental health play a sociated stress and anxi- ers, there is a huge amount
pivotal role in all aspects ety which later leads to
of her life.
Be it her inter and in-
other comorbidities like
depression, eating disor-
of associated stress and
tra personal relationship,
confidence, self-esteem,
ders, insomnia to name
a few. For example, the
anxiety which later leads to
professional growth or
even her physical health.
guilt a working mother
has when she drops her other comorbidities like de-
Given the varied roles child at school or when
she juggles, the responsi- she is logged onto an of- pression, eating disorders,
bilities and expectations fice call while the child is
many a time take a toll on playing next to her. insomnia to name a few
her. Though these appear
Many life experiences like small incidents, they doing the best you can • Gear yourself with
have an impact on her. play a monumental role at the moment. coping skills to combat
These can be positive or in affecting her emotions. • It is not being selfish to stress
negative. Childhood ex- Its always the small things take sometime to care • Engaging and under-
periences, family rela- that bother her! for yourself. You can standing communica-
tionships and dynamics, So how can we make help others only if you tion is key to sort out
caring for or support- things better for our- are fit. various challenges Rajeev Kamra tion that friendship apps
ing others selflessly as selves? By following a few • Do some physical ex- • Quality time with Discover how friendship help introverts only facilitate virtual con-
build friendships and combat depression
is sometimes expected,
managing relationships,
negative life experiences
simple actions, we can
try to stay healthy and at

Eat balanced nutri-
tious meal

friends and family
Screen-free time
Have someone, friend/
I N a world that often
seems dominated by ex-
troverted personalities and tailored approach to build- cess of building friendships
nections, many users even-
tually transition to real-life
meetups. These meetups
like poverty, infertility, • Love oneself and un- • Try getting adequate spouse/ parent/ sibling social butterflies, introverts ing friendships. The casual more enjoyable for intro- are often organised around
discrimination (mostly derstand that you are sleep with whom you can may find it challenging to and laid-back nature of verts. shared interests, providing
based on gender and share your thoughts forge meaningful connec- these platforms such as a comfortable setting for in-
identity and sexuality), and feelings tions. Alyke allows introverts to Supportive Communities troverts to socialise without
violence, abuse, But the most impor- The rise of friendship navigate social interactions Many friendship apps cre- the pressure of large gath-
isolation, finan- tant thing a woman apps, however, has opened at their own pace, reducing ate supportive communi- erings. Friendship apps,
cial instability, has to remember is, up new avenues for intro- the pressure associated with ties where users can share therefore, serve as a bridge
menopause to her wellness lies in her verts to build friendships traditional social settings. their experiences, struggles, between the virtual and
name a few. hand. Like someone and alleviate feelings of and triumphs. This sense of physical worlds, enabling
S o m e - rightly said, “Behind isolation and depression. Finding Like-Minded belonging can be especially introverts to forge connec-
times even a every strong woman is These apps provide a com- Individuals beneficial for introverts tions that extend beyond
momentous a story that gave her fortable space for introverts One of the key advantages who may feel isolated in the digital realm.
experience no other choice!” to connect with like-mind- of friendship apps is the their day-to-day lives. Being Friendship apps like
like child- So here is a shout ed individuals at their own ability to connect with like- part of a community that Alyke have emerged as a
birth, when out to all the strong pace, fostering relationships minded individuals. Intro- understands and appreci- valuable tool for introverts
coupled with women out there that can positively impact verts often appreciate deep, ates their introverted nature seeking to build meaningful
postpartum who are doing mental well-being. meaningful conversations can significantly impact an connections and combat the
depression can the best they can The Introvert’s Dilemma rather than small talk, and individual’s mental well- feelings of loneliness and
become a nega- every single sec- Introverts often face a friendship apps cater to this being, reducing the risk of depression that can accom-
tive incident. ond! unique set of challenges preference. depression. pany introversion.
This doesn’t when it comes to socialis- Users can filter potential These platforms offer a
mean to say there (The author ing. Unlike extroverts who friends based on common Reducing the Stigma of comfortable space for in-
are no positive ex- is a Child Life thrive in social settings, in- interests, ensuring that Online Friendships troverts to connect with
periences, but as is Specialist – troverts tend to feel drained every connection has the Friendship apps are also like-minded individuals,
the human mind Psychologist in large groups and may potential for a genuine and contributing to breaking fostering relationships that
which focuses Aster CMI) find it difficult to initiate fulfilling relationship. down the stigma associ- are built on shared interests
on the negative conversations. This can lead ated with online friend- and values. By providing a
based on evo- to feelings of loneliness and Building Connections ships. While some may still gradual and supportive en-
lutionary sur- isolation, which, if left un- Gradually view online connections as vironment, friendship apps
vival instinct, addressed, may contribute Friendship apps recognise less meaningful than those empower introverts to navi-
to the development or exac- that introverts may need formed in person, the real- gate social interactions at
erbation of depression. time to open up and feel ity is that technology has their own pace, ultimately
comfortable with new peo- transformed the way we contributing to improved
Why choose ple. Unlike the fast-paced build relationships. Friend- mental well-being.
Friendship Apps? nature of some social in- ship apps create an envi- As society continues to
Friendship apps have teractions, these apps allow ronment where individuals recognise the importance
emerged as a beacon of users to build connections can connect authentically, of diverse personalities,
hope for introverts seek- gradually. Through messag- proving that the depth of friendship apps stand as a
ing to break free from the ing and shared activities, a friendship is not deter- testament to the idea that
confines of their comfort introverts can establish rap- mined by the physical prox- meaningful connections
zones. These apps provide port and trust before taking imity of the friends. can be forged by introverts
a platform where individu- the plunge into face-to-face and extroverts alike, break-
als can connect based on interactions. This gradual Encouraging Real-Life ing down barriers and nur-
shared interests, hobbies, approach helps alleviate Meetups turing a more inclusive and
and values, offering a more anxiety and makes the pro- Contrary to the misconcep- understanding world.


Vienna is its capital (7)
School Day of
Cropped up (5)
Attacks and robs (4)
Crazes (4)
Non-violence and Peace
French preposition (4)
Swiss cheese (7)
M OST people dream of the world
being a much safer place to live.
Many wish and hope that future genera-
in an instant, people can still start now to
instill this value in the future citizens of
the world.
7 Drift of events (5) tions will inherit a healthy planet that is School Day of Non-violence and Peace
11 Set fire to (6) filled with peace and harmony. And, al- offers opportunities for children to be
though this change is unlikely to happen taught about pacifism and non-violence.
13 Lion constellation (3)
14 Talisman (6)
18 Types of cakes (7)
19 Monetary unit of Bulgaria (3)
20 Get rid of (7)
22 __ in the woods : innocent, but
usually troubled persons ? (5)
ACROSS 24 Not asleep (5)
25 First-class (1-3)
1 Fright (5) 19 A heavy metal (4)
26 Genesis setting (4)
4 Filled (7) 21 Attire (6) 27 Garment for a Roman (4)
8 Whacked or hit hard (7) 22 Ship post (4)
9 Piano piece (5) 23 Wooden barrels (4)
10 Intentionally so
25 Broke bread (3)
written (3)
28 Applause (5)
12 Lively old dance (4)
29 Realistic scene (7)
15 Sell (4)
16 Weasel fur (6) 30 Square of four (7)
17 Jason’s craft (4) 31 Correct (5) Solution to January 29 Solution to January 29

MACHILIPATNAM LS CONSTITUENCY It's a question of majority

TDP-JANA SENA COMBINE only in Kuppam, feels TDP
Dravidian University main entrance in Kuppam

n Sitting MP Vallabhaneni Balashouri

submitted his resignation to the primary
membership of the YSRCP after the party
refused to give him ticket for the ensuing polls
n The LS constituency comprises of seven

Assembly constituencies Machilipatnam,

Avanigadda, Gudivada, Pamarru,
Penamaluru, Gannavaram and Pedana V Pradeep Kumar
n Avanigadda MLA and YSRCP leader

Simhadri Ramesh indicated that he is IN the upcoming crucial elec-

tions, TDP chief N Chandrab-
ready to contest either in the Assembly polls abu Naidu will be testing his
or for the Lok Sabha polls Machilipatnam Medical College
luck for the eighth consecu-
tive time in his Kuppam fort
MD Ameen amid questions on his possible
Vijayawada patnam constituency. Back- majority this time. Naidu has
ward classes and Kapu voters been winning the seat since
THE election campaign is are in sizeable numbers and 1989 after he became a first
gradually gaining momen- they play vital role in the time MLA from Chandragiri N Chandrababu Naidu KRJ Bharath
tum in the State. elections. Kapu voters are in in 1978 on Congress ticket. (TDP) (YSRCP)
However, the ruling YS- large number in Machilipat- After losing the same seat
RCP and the TDP and Jana nam, Avanigadda, Pedana, in 1983, he turned his focus n TDP supremo is all set to contest for the
Sena combine are yet to an- Pamarru and Penamaluru successfully on Kuppam and 8th time in a row from the same constituency
nounce the names of the constituencies. made a strong impact there.
n YSRCP is hell bent on defeating him
candidates to contest from Backward class voters are But, unlike before, the rul-
Machilipatnam Lok Sabha in large number in Machili- ing YSRCP has been playing this time, after successfully wining
constituency. patnam, Pedana, Pamarru mind games to weaken the
This Lok Sabha constitu-
Konakalla Narayana Simhadri Ramesh Babu Vallabhaneni Balashouri
and other constituencies. morale of the TDP cadres
Kuppam municipality
ency has Assembly constitu- Functionaries of the political hoping that Naidu would lose n Though it is not an easy task, TDP cadres and

encies of Machilipatnam, quit the party and joined the from Machilipatnam in 2009 ther Assembly or Lok Sabha parties are eagerly waiting for this time. The childhood arch leaders suspect that the ruling party will bring
Avanigadda, Gudivada, Jana Sena Party. It is expect- and 2014. He was defeated in elections if Chief Minister Y the announcement of names rival and senior minister in
Pamarru, Penamaluru, Gan- ed that Balashouri may con- 2019 elections. Now, Naraya- S Jagan Mohan Reddy gives and launching of campaign the present government Ped- T outsiders in large numbers to cast bogus
navaram and Pedana. test from Machilipatnam as na is not showing any interest his nod. Simhadri Ramesh as the State top leaders Chan- direddi Ramachandra Reddy votes as it alleged to have done in
In 2019 general elec- TDP-JSP alliance candidate. to contest the elections. belongs to Kapu community. drababu Naidu, Y S Jagan has been putting in all efforts
tions, YSRCP candidate He has announced his will- On Monday, Avanigadda Balashouri also belongs to the Mohan Reddy and the leaders in that direction.
Tirupati LS byelection
V Balashouri was elected ingness to contest for the Lok MLA and YSRCP leader Sim- same Kapu community. others of BJP and Jana Sena The YSRCP succeeded in
from Machilipatnam Lok Sabha elections. Konakalla hadri Ramesh has announced Caste equations play an have launched their campaign winning the municipal elec- far to elect MLAs, TDP has is a dominant community to
Sabha constituency. Now, he Narayana was elected twice that he would contest for ei- important role in Machili- and touring the State tions in Kuppam but under been winning the seat con- which the YSRCP constitu-
the fast-changing political secutively since the inception ency in-charge and MLC K
equations, the question is of the party in 1983. Its can- R J Bharath belongs to. While

Sharmila decries personal

can YSRCP defeat Naidu. Not didate N Rangaswami Naidu his father and a former civil
such an easy task, people feel. won the election in 1983 and servant K Chandramouli was
YSRCP rebel TDP leaders and cadre feel 1985 after which Naidu en- defeated by Naidu in 2014 and
MLAs attend that YSRCP will once again
try to bring in outsiders in
tered the constituency and
never looked back. Thus, he
2019, after his death, Bharath
became active and became in-
Speaker’s inquiry
attacks by YSRCP on her
large numbers to cast bogus laid a lasting impression on charge of the party.
votes. But this time all such the constituency with vari- Significantly, Naidu se-
P V Krishna Rao tricks will not work. ous development initiatives cured 47,121 votes majority
Vijayawada They have been maintain- and made it his strong fort. in 2014 which was reduced
ing that the people also real- Needless to say that before to 30,722 in 2019. Citing this
YSRCP rebel MLAs on Mon- n Expresses anguish ised the value of Naidu and 1983, Congress and Inde- and the local bodies’ elec-
day attended the hearing the crooked politics of YSRCP pendents won the elections tions, the ruling party has
conducted on disqualification
that utter lies are and it would be a cake walk there twice each while CPI been claiming that they are
petition. The MLAs including being propagated for Naidu, they say. emerged victorious once in going to win the seat. How-
Anam Ramnarayana Reddy, against her in Kuppam is located at the 1962. ever, TDP leaders are saying
Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy, tri-lingual junction con- After the special summary that Naidu’s victory will be
Mekapati Chandrasekhara Jagan’s media necting AP, Tamil Nadu and revision of electoral rolls, the beyond any doubt and they
Reddy and Undavalli Sridevi n Points out that she Karnataka while the constitu- constituency has 2,23,311 vot- are looking for the majority
attended the inquiry before ency was established in 1955. ers out of which 1,11,855 are only excepting that this time
Speaker Tammineni Sitaram.
has as much stake as Out of 14 elections held so women. ‘Vannekula Kstatriya’ it will cross 50,000 mark.
Later, speaking to media, Jagan in the media
the rebel MLAs said that they n Vows to uphold
sought time from Speaker for
giving explanation after con-
sulting legal experts on dis-
legacy of her father
and serve people
JSP demands CAG probe into
Party activists and leaders welcome PCC president Y S Sharmila as he arrives to address party
qualification notice, for which
the Speaker refused. Udayagiri
MLA Mekapati Chadrasekhar
n Blames successive

govts for lack of

activists' meeting in Kadapa on Monday
‘reverse borrowing’ by YSRCP govt
Reddy said that though he in- progress in Kadapa clear that she never aspired for Reddy only. If YsRCP lead- ing out discrepancies between
formed the Speaker about his posts and would fight for the ers have courage, they should the current government's ac-
n Says govt borrowed
ill-health and presented medi- steel plant in rights of the people of the state ask Pranab Mukherjee's son to tions and her father's inclusive Rs Rs 91, 253
cal reports, Speaker rejected the district no matter how many obstacles check it out. Jagan Mohan Red- policies. She urged for a change through this method
his plea. were created. dy is carrying out vicious prop- in approach and emphasised
Venkatagiri MLA Anam "YSR left his mark of poli- aganda against me through his the importance of fulfilling
but no one knows
Abbas Nadendla
Ramnarayana Reddy said Kadapa tics and welfare governance as media. I have as much share in promises made to the people, what happened to it
that Speaker insisted on reply chief minister. Where is during that media as Jagan has. Forget- particularly regarding projects n States that officials

from them within two weeks, APCC president Y S Sharmila Jagan Mohan Reddy’s rule? I ting it, the newspaper is writing like Polavaram and the pursuit are in a quandary
though they appealed for promised to serve the people embarked on a 3,200 km pa- news as per its wishes. No mat- of Special Categry Status for
more time as per natural jus- continuing his father YS Ra- dayatra to bring YSRCP in to ter what YSRCP leaders write or Andhra Pradesh. to explain what Jana Sena Party PAC Chairman Nadendla Manohar addressing a press
conference in Vijayawada on Monday. Photo: Ch Venkata Mastan
tice. MLA Undavalli Sridevi jasekhara Reddy’s legacy of power. Now they are attacking do, there is nothing to fear. Do Sharmila reiterated her happened to the
also stated that though she in- welfare and development. Ad- me personally. They are insult- what you have to do," she said. commitment to her father's funds and how to
formed the Speaker about her dressing the party cadres and ing me every day. They are al- She blamed both TDP and vision and the welfare of the during the forthcoming budg- 2022-23 the reverse borrow-
ill-health and sought more leaders here on Monday, she leging that my husband Anil YSRCP for lack of progress people of the state, positioning explain the accounts et session of the Assembly ing was Rs 9,253.90 crore.
time for her explanation, continued her tirade against resorted to politics by joining on Kadapa steel plant in the herself as a leader dedicated in budget session of from February 4. Referring to the Chief
Speaker rejected her request. YSRCP and the government of hands with Pranab Mukherjee. district. The Congress leader to upholding his legacy and the Assembly The government named the Minister’s slogan ‘Siddham”,
It may be recalled that her brother Y S Jagan Mohan They are spreading malicious underscored the need for com- addressing the state's pressing n Strongly condemns
unaccounted fund as ‘reverse Manohar asked the Chief
YSRCP lodged complaint Reddy. propaganda that Anil wants me prehensive development initia- issues. borrowing’. Manohar said that Minister whether he was
with Assembly Speaker Si- She said Jagan had complete- to become the Chief Minister tives, including infrastructural Dr Narreddy Tulasi Reddy, attaching punching the debt raised through reverse ready to discuss reverse bor-
taram and Legislative Council ly changed after becoming the by sending Jagan behind bars. projects like the railway line N Raghuveera Reddy, Gidugu bags to Oppn leader borrowing was not diverted to rowing and the failure in the
Chairman Moshen Raju ask- Chief Minister. “I worked self- They are all lies,” Sharmila said. from Kadapa to Bangalore. Rudra Raju, Pallam Raju, Kop- pictures at Vizag the government schemes, con- administration. He invited the
ing them to disqualify party lessly for the YSRCP and now I She pointed out her husband She also voiced her con- pula Raju, Kamalamma, JD struction of projects or other Chief Minister to Kshetrayya
legislators who had joined am being subjected to personal used to go to meet Congress cerns about the treatment of Seelam, Sailaja Nath and other schemes. But the state govern- Kalakshetram for discussion
other parties. attacks,” she said and made it Sonia Gandhi along with Bharti minorities in the state, point- leaders attended the meet. MV Syam Sundar ment claimed that it had raised on various issues in the pres-
Vijayawada debts only Rs 1.72 lakh crore ence of the media.
during the last 4.5 years. He quipped that the people

Sharmila calls on Sunitha Reddy

THE YSRCP government The whole issue came to were already ‘Ready’ to send
The meeting comes amid headed by Chief Minister Y S light while preparing the the chief minister home.
speculation that Viveka’s Jagan Mohan Reddy raised Rs budget. Manohar said that Manohar strongly con-
daughter may join 91, 253.39 crore in the name only the heads of the govern- demned the placement of
Hans News Service APCC, Sharmila met Suni- was murdered a few weeks Sunitha is reported to be of ‘reverse borrowing’ and no- ment and the principal secre- punching bags before the
Vijayawada Congress to politically
tha Reddy. During the meet- before the 2019 elections. She planning to politically take take on suspects in her body knows what happened tary of the finance department pictures of opposition lead-
ing that lasted for two hours, has been fighting a legal bat- on the relatives named in to that money, said chairman knew the truth of where the ers at Visakhapatnam which is
ANDHRA Pradesh Congress they discussed various issues. tle to get justice in the case in her father’s murder case. father’s brutal murder of the Political Affairs Com- money had gone. nothing but instigating people
chief Y S Sharmila on Mon- After the meeting, they which some family members Kadapa MP Y S Avinash mittee of Jana Sena Party Na- According to Manohar, to resort to violence.
day called on her cousin Y S together went to the tomb of have also been named as ac- Reddy of YSRCP and his fa- It may be recalled that dendla Manohar. during 2019-20, the govern- Manohar clarified that
Sunitha Reddy amid specula- Sharmila’s father and former cused by the Central Bureau ther Y S Bhaskar Reddy were Sharmila had last year stated Addressing the media ment raised through reverse plans are afoot to start tours
tion that she will be joining chief minister Y S Rajasekha- of Investigation (CBI). named as accused in the case. that Vivekananda Reddy was here on Monday, Manohar borrowing Rs 17,391.43 crore, of the party supremo Pawan
the Congress Party. ra Reddy. The meeting assumed sig- Bhaskar Reddy was recently not murdered for his prop- said that the officials were in during 2020-21, the reverse Kalyan across the state in-
On her first visit to home Sunitha Reddy is the nificance amid reports that released on bail but Sunitha erty as he had already writ- a quandary to explain what borrowing was Rs 30,764.27 cluding public meetings, and
district YSR after taking daughter of former minister Sunitha Reddy is keen to join has challenged the bail in the ten the entire property in the happened to the funds and crore, during 2021-22 it was meetings with leaders and
charge as the president of Y S Vivekananda Reddy, who the Congress Party. Supreme Court. name of his daughter. how to reveal the accounts Rs 33,843.69 crore and in party activists.

Extra-curricular activities that boost academic performance

Extracurricular activities are not
offer students a unique plat-
form to develop and refine
In conclusion, extracur-
critical leadership abilities. ricular activities are not
mere add-ons to a student’s Whether leading a volun- mere add-ons to a student’s
academic journey but integral teer initiative, taking on a academic journey but inte-
components that enable them leadership role in a group,
or captaining a sports
gral components that en-
able them to reach their
to reach their full potential. team, these experiences al- full potential.
Encouraging active engagement low students to hone skills Encouraging active engage-
that extend far beyond ment in these activities
in these activities fosters the the classroom. Leadership fosters the development of
development of essential life roles in extracurricular ac- essential life qualities, such
qualities, such as self-discipline, tivities, such as mentoring
peers or organizing events,
as self-discipline, resilience,
and a growth mindset.
resilience, and a growth mindset equip students with deci- Moreover, it equips stu-
sion-making abilities, resil- dents with the skills needed
Col. Sanjay Dutta ience, and accountability. for success in diverse indus-
discipline, and focus skills. Team captaincy in sports, tries, emphasizing effective
These skills not only lead in particular, provides a communication, critical
E X T R AC U R R I C U L A R to improved grades but also hands-on experience in thinking, and leadership. As
activities play a pivotal role instill an ability to effectively inspiring and motivating- educators and parents, our
in shaping the holistic de- balance academic obliga- peers, handling diverse investment in promoting
velopment of students, of- tions with extracurricular personalities, and devel- extracurricular engagement
fering them opportunities commitments. Moreover, oping winning strategies. reflects our commitment to
to explore their interests, the heightened focus ac- These leadership experi- nurturing competent, well-
learn new skills, and thrive quired through extracurric- perseverance, and adapt- thinking and creative expres- ricular activities offers stu- for meaningful relation- ences, coupled with par- rounded individuals ready
outside the traditional aca- ular activities contributes to ability. This resilience, cou- sion. The ability to navigate dents a dynamic environ- ships, providing students ticipation in community to face the challenges of the
demic setting. In this article, more effective learning, en- pled with a growth-oriented complex situations, think ment beyond the classroom, with a sense of belonging service projects, prepare future.
we delve into the profound hancing students’ problem- mindset, becomes a cor- analytically, and solve prob- providing opportunities and unity. students for the challenges
impact of extracurricular solving and critical thinking nerstone for students to ap- lems is honed through tasks to interact with mentors, of future careers, emphasiz- (The author is Director
engagement, exploring five abilities. proach difficulties with op- like mastering challenging peers, and diverse groups. 5. Preparing for ing problem-solving, coor- Pastoral Care and Sports
key ways in which these timism and view setbacks as musical pieces or planning Mentors in various fields, leadership roles dination, and communica- Infrastructure,Vijaybhoomi
activities contribute to aca- 2. Cultivating resilience opportunities for intellec- community projects. be it music, sports, or com- Extracurricular activities tion skills. University)
demic prowess and foster through challenges tual and personal growth. Additionally, self-expression munity service, play a cru-
leadership qualities. Extracurricular activities in creative activities fosters cial role in guiding students It equips students with the skills
serve as a crucible for de- 3. Fostering unique thinking that can be toward their goals, offering needed for success in diverse
1. Building a foundation veloping resilience, a quality comprehensive skill applied to diverse aspects of insights into real-world ex- industries, emphasizing effective
for academic excellence indispensable for navigating development life. Effective communication periences and career paths. communication, critical thinking,
Participation in extracur- life’s challenges. Whether Engaging in extracurricular and teamwork skills devel- Collaborative activities, and leadership. As educators
ricular activities extends facing complex assignments, activities contributes signifi- oped through extracurricular such as sports or group
projects, nurture social
and parents, our investment
beyond mere hobbies or intense competition, or oc- cantly to a student’s overall engagement become invalu-
sports, consistently prov- casional setbacks, students skill set, extending well be- able assets in academic, pro- and emotional intelligence, in promoting extracurricular
ing to be associated with glean invaluable lessons in yond conventional classroom fessional, and personal con- emphasizing teamwork, engagement reflects our
enhanced academic perfor- resilience from these expe- learning. Activities such as texts. cooperation, and shared commitment to nurturing
mance. Studies reveal that riences. Overcoming ob- playing a musical instrument, responsibility. These expe- competent, well-rounded
students involved in such stacles, such as a failed ex- participating in debates, or 4. Enhancing social and riences not only contribute individuals ready to face the
activities develop crucial periment or a sports defeat, volunteering provide unique emotional competence to academic proficiency but challenges of the future
time management, self- fosters problem-solving, opportunities for critical Participating in extracur- also lay the groundwork


GET A GOOD JOB Meta’s new setting only allows
Hans News Service
tor, CGC, Hyderabad, Dr.
Suresh, Deputy Director,
to attend all the classes, as-
suring them of 100% place-
followers to DM teens on Insta, FB
Skill Enhancement and ments. Dr. Nathi highlighted Hans News Service
GITAM Career Guidance Training, and Placement Of- the focus of the CGC on ca- New Delhi An additional step to help protect teens from
Centre (GCGC) organized ficials. reer development and career unwanted contact by turning off their ability
an Orientation on ‘Skill During the orientation, fulfillment, including higher TO help protect teens from to receive DMs from anyone they don’t
Building & Career Fulfill- Prof. Seetaramaiah empha- studies, placements, entre- department. He also shared ing sessions, including the unwanted contact, and to follow or aren’t connected to on
ment’ at its campus for the sized the importance of ac- preneurship, and other career that while 66 companies 30 hours of training during make it simpler for parents Instagram - including other teens - by default
2025 passing out batch on quiring the required skills options. He advised students have visited GITAM, only each semester and the design to shape their teens’ on-
Monday. The event was at- for securing good jobs with to choose their preferred ca- 50% of students have been of a program for the 6th and line experiences, Meta an-
tended by Prof. N Seetara- attractive packages. He an- reer path, whether it be high- selected, emphasizing the 7th semesters. He outlined nounced ‘stricter private This default setting will teens’ (under 16) requests to
maiah, Associate Director, nounced that the training er studies or placements, and need for enhanced skills to the modules and the criteria messaging settings for teens’ apply to all teens under the change their default safety
School of Technology, Dr. session would commence in explained the structure and meet industry requirements. for shortlisting students for on Instagram and Facebook. age of 16 (or under 18 in and privacy settings to a less
Nathi Venu Kumar, Direc- February and urged students responsibilities of the CGC Dr. Suresh detailed the train- company-specific training. Under this new setting, certain countries). strict state -- rather than just
the tech giant has now re- These new changes to being notified of the change.
stricted adults over the age teens’ default settings ap- “Empowering parents to
of 19 from messaging teens ply on Messenger as well, approve or deny requests to

Pre-Budget: 5 key investments

who don’t follow them and where under 16s (or under change their teen’s default
limited the type and number 18 in certain countries) safety and privacy settings
of direct messages (DMs) will only receive messages gives parents the tools they
people can send to someone from Facebook friends, or need to help protect their
who doesn’t follow them to people they’re connected to teens, while at the same

needed in education sector

one text-only message. through phone contacts. time respecting their teens’
“Today we’re announcing In addition, the tech gi- privacy and ability to com-
an additional step to help ant is planning to launch a municate with their friends
protect teens from unwant- new feature designed to help and family,” Larry Magid,
ed contact by turning off protect teens from seeing CEO of ConnectSafely, said
Manish Rastogi their ability to receive DMs unwanted and potentially in a statement.
from anyone they don’t fol- inappropriate images in For example, if a teen
IF India is to position itself low or aren’t connected to their messages from people using supervision tries to
as a developed economy in on Instagram - including they’re already connected change their account from
the next decade, we must other teens - by default,” to, and to discourage them private to public, change
prioritize the education of Meta said. from sending these types of their Sensitive Content
our children, the true archi- Under this new default images themselves. Control from “Less” to
tects of our nation’s destiny. setting, teens can only be “We’ll have more to share “Standard”, or – now – tries
The following key areas de- messaged or added to group on this feature, which will to change their DM settings
mand immediate attention chats by people they already also work in encrypted to hear from people they’re
and increased investment in follow or are connected to. chats, later this year,” Meta not already following or
the upcoming budget and Teens in supervised ac- said. connected to, their parent
beyond. counts will need to get To help parents shape will receive a notification
their parent’s permission to their teens’ online experi- prompting them to approve
Aligning budget change this setting, the com- ence, Meta now let par- or deny the request, the
allocations with global pany said. ents approve or deny their company explained.
The stark contrast in educa-
tion budget allocations be-
tween India and countries critical areas such as Early spread adoption of educa- fortifying the foundations of educators for their commit-
considered benchmarks for Childhood Care and Educa- tion technology. our educational institutions. ment to professional growth.
quality education. tion (ECCE), teacher train- This includes both hard-
While Nordic countries ing, and the development ware and software ap- Elevating teacher training Simplifying education
and the United States invest of skill-based courses for plications, ensuring that and compensation loans
5-6% of their GDP in edu- K-12. These targeted invest- schools are equipped with The creation of a compre- For streamlining processes
cation, India lags behind at ments are essential for fos- the tools necessary for hensive ladder of training, and providing subsidies to
3%. I would like to urge a tering a robust educational modern, effective education. development programs, and Indian citizens seeking K-12
significant upward revision ecosystem. qualifications for teachers. education loans from banks.
to align with international Corporate investments in I would recommend link- This initiative aims to facili-
standards. Promoting education k-12 education ing teachers’ salaries to their tate easier access to financial
technology Introduction of incentives, qualifications, fostering a support for families aspiring
Targeted funding for key To enhance physical school subsidies, and tax benefits to continuous improvement to provide quality education
areas operations and teaching companies directly investing mindset throughout their for their children.
The launch of specific methodologies, I would like in K-12 education. This stra- careers. This approach not
schemes and increased to suggest providing subsi- tegic approach aims to lev- only enhances the quality of (The author is CEO, Zee
budgetary allocations in dies to encourage the wide- erage corporate support in education but also rewards Learn Ltd)


The RSS and BJP instigate people to fight among themselves in the
name of religion, caste and language. “Brothers are fighting among
themselves. This is the atmosphere they have created. We work to unite
the people and want to open a ‘Mohabbat Ki Dukan’ in ‘Nafrat Ka Bazaar’
- Congress leader Rahul Gandhi

‘I can’t do JEE, I am a loser’: Kota girl commits suicide

Kota I am worst daughter. Sorry unable to tackle the exam, score, the relative told re- edly committed suicide in
mummy papa. Yahi last suicide note says the officer said. The student porters outside the mortu- Kota, where children come
AN 18-year-old student
preparing for JEE allegedly
option he,” the note found
in Niharika Singh's room
she was under the was the eldest of three sis-
ters. Her father is a secu-
ary. However, according to
him, she was good at studies
from across the country to
prepare for competitive tests
hanged herself at her home added. This was the second stress of studies rity guard at a private bank and devoted seven or eight like the National Entrance
in this coaching hub on suspected suicide in Kota in and found herself in Kota, he said. The fam- hours every day to them. Exam (JEE) for admission
Monday, leaving behind a
suicide note saying sorry to
less than a week.
The suicide was reported unable to tackle ily hails from Akawdakhurd
village in Jhalawar district
Niharika's grandmother
knocked at the door of her
to top engineering colleges.
On January 23, 19-year-old
her parents and calling her- on a day Prime Minister the exam and has been staying in the room around 10 am. When Mohammed Zaid was found
self a “loser”. “Mummy, papa Narendra Modi held his an- city for the last three years. there was no response, she hanging in his hostel room
I can't do JEE. So I suicide,” nual interaction with stu- cle officer DSP Dharmveer Her cousin said Niharika raised an alarm. in Kota. He had come to the
the note scrawled in English dents preparing for their Singh said. was under severe stress over The family found her city from Uttar Pradesh's
said, according to police. school board exams, ask- to them. Niharika lived at Borekheda police station The suicide note suggest- the upcoming JEE test. She hanging from the ventila- Moradabad district a year
She was to give the JEE test ing them and their parents her family home in Shiv area and was to take her JEE ed she was under the stress had to repeat her 12th class tion window above the door. back to prepare for the med-
in a day or two. “I am loser. not to let competition get Vihar Colony in the city's test on January 30 or 31, cir- of studies and found herself exam because she got a low Last year, 26 students alleg- ical entrance exam NEET.

Waited for 8 months,

Cong did nothing: TMC
‘Ideologies of RSS, BJP ‘Daughter didn’t mean
‘Sanghi’ as a bad word’

SENIOR Trinamool Con-

spreading violence, hatred’

on Monday said his daugh-
Asked about allegations
that Aishwarya spoke on the
matter to promote the movie
Lal Salaam, he rejected the

‘Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra’ enters Bihar

gress (TMC) leader Ab- ter Aishwarya did not term accusation saying “nothing
hishek Banerjee on Monday ‘Sanghi’ a ‘bad word’ and like that.” The film Lal Sa-
attributed the differences in CONGRESS leader Rahul only expressed her point of laam is an Aishwarya direc-
opposition’s Indian National Gandhi on Monday alleged offering puja at a local tem- view that he was a spiritual torial and set for release on
Developmental Inclusive Al- that the ideologies of the ple, Rahul ji will spend the person. She had said “Dad is February 9. The cast of the
liance (INDIA) in West Ben- RSS and the BJP are spread- night in Araria. a spiritual person who loves movie includes Rajinikanth.
gal to Congress party’s failure ing violence and hatred in He will resume his yatra all religions and when that is ‘Sanghi’ is a colloquial
to finalise seat-sharing ar- the country. Addressing a on Tuesday morning and the case why father should be term used to describe a
rangements. public rally in Kishanganj will enter Purnea district. described so (as a Sanghi),” supporter or activist of the
Banerjee highlighted that as part of his ‘Bharat Jodo Rahul ji will address a mam- the top star said. Right wing.
despite repeated reminders Nyay Yatra’, he claimed that moth rally at Rangbhumi
over the last eight months, people belonging to different Ground in Purnea around
the Congress remained inac- religions and castes are fight- 2 pm,” Congress state presi-
tive in sealing the seat-shar- But the Congress was sitting ing among themselves under dent Akhilesh Prasad Singh
ing agreement. idle and nothing moved for- the BJP-led NDA rule at the told reporters in Kishanganj.
The TMC national general ward,” he told reporters in Centre. Gandhi’s tour to the According to party insid-
secretary slammed West Ben- Diamond Harbour. state came a day after the ers, Gandhi’s yatra will enter
gal Congress president Adhir TMC supremo Mamata Congress was left high and Katihar district on Tuesday
Ranjan Chowdhury for play- Banerjee had last week an- dry with former ally Nitish evening. Earlier in the day,
ing into the hands of the saf- nounced that the party Kumar, the Bihar chief min- Singh and other senior party
fron camp and repeatedly would go alone in the Lok ister, making a return to the leaders welcomed him in
attacking the TMC govern- Sabha polls in West Bengal. BJP-led NDA. language. “Brothers are fight- gress MP said. Kishanganj, a district in the
ment in West Bengal, despite The Diamond Harbour MP, “The ideologies of the ing among themselves. This The Congress’ ‘Bharat Jodo Seemanchal region where
being an ally at the national who is also the nephew of RSS and the BJP are spread- is the atmosphere they (RSS Nyay Yatra’ led by Gandhi Muslims are in majority.
level.“According to alliance Mamata Banerjee, slammed ing violence and hatred in and BJP) have created in the entered Bihar through Kis- During the padayatra, Con-
norms, the first thing you do Chowdhury for ‘demanding the country. They (RSS and country. We work to unite hanganj, the party’s strong- gress supporters were seen
is seal the seat-sharing. We President’s Rule in the state’, BJP) instigate people to fight the people and want to open hold, this morning. Later, in hailing Gandhi and holding
had waited for eight months echoing the demands of the among themselves in the a ‘Mohabbat Ki Dukan’ in the evening Gandhi’s yatra the national flags and those
to seal the seat-sharing issue. Bharatiya Janata Party. name of religion, caste and ‘Nafrat Ka Bazaar’,” the Con- entered Araria district. “After of the party.

Big bets on quality

Citroen unveils C3
ReNew Energy’s
Aircross Automatic Rolls-Royce inks pact with
CSR initiative
R eNew Energy Global Plc,
a leading decarboniza-
HYDERABAD: French au-
tomaker Citroen unveiled Hyd-based Azad Engg
the C3 Aircross Automatic
To make defence aero-engine parts

stocks spur bull-run

tion solutions company, has
announced the launch of the (AT) midsize SUV at an
ninth edition of ‘Gift Warmth,’ introductory price of Rs Hans Business
an initiative to support the 12,84,800 (ex-showroom). Hyderabad
marginalized sections of the Collaborating closely with
society during the harsh win- local consumers and regional POWER and propulsion
ter season.This year, ReNew
teams, the C3 Aircross SUV solutions provider Rolls-
joined hands with the local
administration to distribute Investors richer by `6 lakh cr as mcap on Dalal St surges to `377.21 lakh cr ($4.53trn); Automatic is developed Royce on Monday said it
over 200,000blankets across
states including Delhi NCR,
Equity benchmarks surge nearly 2% boosted by rally in RIL, firm Asian markets; Investors and manufactured in In-
dia. “Boasting a high-per-
has signed an agreement
with Azad Engineering for
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, prefer to cash in on quality stocks after recent sell-off and positive global cues formance torque converter making complex defence ing," Rolls-Royce Executive
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, 6-speed AT with a manual aero-engine components in Vice President Business
Odisha and Uttarakhand. Mumbai Financial Services. jumped 5.29 per cent, oil & gas gear selector mode, the C3 India. Development and Future
The blanket distribution drive “Firm global cues lifted zoomed 4.94 per cent, power Aircross SUV AT emerges as Under the long-term Programmes and Head
will continue up till January BENCHMARK equity indices the domestic market senti- (3.03 per cent), services (2.82 India’s most accessible and agreement, Hyderabad- of Global Networks, Alex
to ensure that the impact is
Sensex and Nifty rebounded ment, as the broad-based per cent), capital goods (2.13 affordable automatic SUV based Azad Engineering Zino, said.
maximized during the peak
winter season. sharply on Monday, surging rally pushed the benchmark per cent), industrials (2.17 per over 4 meters. Enhancing its will manufacture and sup- The sourcing of complex
nearly two per cent, buoyed Sensex above the psychologi- cent) and consumer durables performance, the automatic ply complex components components from India for
by robust buying in Reliance cal 72,000-mark towards the (1.93 per cent). FMCG, IT variant offers an impressive for defence aircraft engines aero-engine programmes
Botanical Industries (RIL) and a rally in closing stage led by RIL which and teck were the laggards. A 205 NM of torque, surpass- and thus join the global further advances the goal
mystery launched Asian markets. The 30-share scaled a fresh record high. Af- total of 2,266 stocks advanced ing the manual variant by an supply chain for complex of capability creation in the
BSE Sensex jumped 1,240.90 valuations, confidence is up- ter last week's major sell-off while 1,654 declined and 141 additional 15NM”, the au- category components for country, he added.
U ma Chigurupati, Execu-
tive Director of Granules
India Ltd, launched Green
points or 1.76 per cent to set-
tle at 71,941.57 points. Dur-
held among investors due to
the optimistic environment
triggered by FII selling, fur-
ther short-covering coupled
remained unchanged.
Among the Sensex firms,
tomaker said.
The SUV boasts an ARAI-
Rolls-Royce's technologi-
cally advanced aero-en-
Azad Engineering
Founder and CEO, Rakesh
Allegiants and the Secret ing the day, Sensex soared surrounding the interim with recovery in global indi- Reliance Industries jumped certified fuel efficiency of gines, the company said in a Chopdar said, "Bringing
of the Poison Garden, a 1,309.55 points or 1.85 per budget and recent set of re- ces aided renewed optimism nearly 7 per cent, contributing 17.6 kmpl. The automatic statement. these critical components
botanical mystery for young cent to 72,010.22 points. NSE sults aligning with forecasts. in the markets today,” said the most to the rally in mar- version comes equipped with "Strong collaboration has to India not only showcases
adults,at the ‘Meet My Book’ Nifty climbed 385 points or Globally, the upcoming Fed Prashanth Tapse, senior V-P kets. Tata Motors, Power Grid, convenient features such as been at the heart of Rolls- the capabilities of Azad En-
sessionat Hyderabad Literary 1.80 per cent to 21,737.60. policy stands out as a crucial (research) at Mehta Equities Larsen and Toubro, Kotak remote engine start and re- Royce's journey of success gineering, but also repre-
Festival 2024 (HLF-2024). It
is a debut novel by Ananda
“The domestic market factor. While a rate cut by Ltd. Mahindra Bank, NTPC, Titan mote AC preconditioning. in India. As we work to- sents a pivotal moment for
Thumrugoti.More than 120 underwent an upturn as the the FOMC is unlikely, inves- In the broader market, the and UltraTech Cement were Aditya Jairaj, MD & CEO, wards strengthening the India's aerospace and de-
book enthusiasts attended recent sell-off and positive tors will eagerly monitor their BSE midcap gauge climbed the other major gainers. ITC, Stellantis India, emphasized, defence ecosystem, we are fence industry, demonstrat-
the session. Author Ananda Asian peers provided an op- commentary to get cues on 1.68 per cent and smallcap Infosys, JSW Steel, Tech Ma- “Citroën is committed to happy to expand our supply ing the country's growing
Thumrugotisaid: “Realizing portunity to accumulate qual- future rate paths,” said Vinod index rallied 1.03 per cent. hindra and Tata Consultancy meeting the evolving de- chain in India in partner- prowess in advanced manu-
this novel has been a dream ity stocks. Despite premium Nair, Head (Research), Geojit Among the indices, energy Services were the laggards. mands of Indian consumers.” ship with Azad Engineer- facturing."
fulfilled. The plant kingdom
harbors countless enchant-

GRT Jewellers donates Govt eyes `70k cr

‘India can aspire to be
ing narratives waiting to be
explored and shared. This
Vivo Ignite 2023 draws
book is a testament to that over 19,000 entries dividend from RBI
very exploration.”
HYDERABAD: Vivo, a lead- `1.03 cr to 3 organisations NEW DELHI: Having

$7-trn economy in 7 yrs’

ing smartphone brand has reaped rich dividends from
US State Dept announced that ‘Vivo Ignite:
Hans Business
Hyderabad the Reserve Bank in the
at Wings India Technology and Innovation current financial year, the
Awards 2023’, had witnessed GRT Jewellers, one of the government will be look-
T he Washington State
Department of Com-
merce, in partnership with
a participation of more than
19,000 registrations and over
South India’s premier jewel-
lery brands, has been on a mis-
India will be 3rd largest economy in 3 yrs as GDP will hit $5-trn mark; FinMin ing forward to receiving
about Rs70,000 crore from
Crescendo Worldwide, initi- 4,000 innovative projects sion to add value and contrib- New Delhi country's economic pro- the central bank and the
ated engaging discussions from students of grades 8-12. ute to the society at the highest Charitable Trust, Puzhal, gress,” it said. These reforms, financial institutions (FIs)
with local businesses during Students from across the and lowest levels possible. It Chennai, which provides ho- INDIA is expected to be- it added, have also delivered in the next financial year.
Wings India-2024, fostering country submitted individu- has made a donation worth listic support to those in need, come the third-largest econ- an economic resilience that In the interim Budget to be
conversations on global avia-
al/ group entries under ‘Tech Rs 1.03 crore to three notable focusing on education, health- omy in the world with a GDP the country will need to deal unveiled in the Lok Sabha
tion insights and transforma-
tive collaborations through for Good’ theme, demonstrat- organisations that are work- care, and livelihood develop- of $5 trillion in the next three with unanticipated global on February 1 by Finance
roadshows in Hyderabad and ing their problem-solving ap- ing towards serving the soci- ment, was handed over the years and touch $7 trillion shocks in the future. The Minister Nirmala Sithara-
Bengaluru on January 20-22. proach to make a positive ety. One of the institutions to donation of Rs 28 lakh for the by 2030 on the back of con- spite the pandemic and de- ministry said that in the next man, sources said, the gov-
These roadshows aimed to social impact. This was the receive an aid of Rs 50 lakh is purchase of permanent home tinued reforms, the Union spite inheriting an economy three years, India is expected ernment would peg receipts
provide actionable strate- second phase of the competi- The Cancer Institute, Chennai. to accommodate Orphan Spe- Finance Ministry said on with macro imbalances and a to become the third-largest from dividends from finan-
gies for Indian businesses tion which unfolds into two Also known as the Adyar Can- cial Girl Children. Also, a do- Monday. broken financial sector, said economy in the world, with cial institutions at much
in aerospace and defense. phases and a grand finale. In cer Institute, it is a non-profit nation of Rs 25 lakh was given Ten years ago, India was the Ministry’s January 2024 a GDP of $5 trillion. “The higher level than Rs48,000
RadiSimeonova, MD, Busi- this phase, top 200 zonal win- cancer treatment and research to Public Health Centre –West the 10thlargest economy in review of the economy. government has, however, crore estimated for the
ness Development, Wash-
ners were shortlisted from the Centre established in 1952. Mambalam, Chennai, to sup- the world, with a GDP of “This ten-year journey is set a higher goal of becom- current fiscal. The current
ington State Department of
Commerce, highlighted the lot and will be required sub- This donation will be used as port economically backward $1.9 trillion at current mar- marked by several reforms, ing a ‘developed country’ by financial year estimate has
significance of India-Wash- mit a video of their prototype/ support for 20 General ward children for free vaccination ket prices. Today, it is the both substantive and in- 2047. With the journey of re- already exceeded the Budg-
ington relations and Wings working model along with a cancer patients for Robotic for one year and purchase of 5thlargest with a GDP of $3.7 cremental, which have sig- forms continuing, this goal is et target as RBI paid a divi-
India 2024. project display board. Surgery. Concurrently, Aram medical equipment. trillion (estimate FY24), de- nificantly contributed to the achievable,” it said. dend of Rs87,416 crore.


Shubman Gill has been given the kind of "cushion"

that veteran Cheteshwar Pujara never got and the
young batter needs to make it count in the second Test
—Former India captain Anil Kumble

'Head of State' security for Davis Cup team in Pak

Amanpreet Singh tennis team has travelled to Tennis Federation (ITF). day night. "Escort vans are are approaching, security
Islamabad Pakistan for the first time "Since an Indian team has Since an Indian with the team during travel is already tight. Then there
in 60 years, and naturally, come to Pakistan after 60 team has come to time, and they enter the hotel is air surveillance, there are
A bomb disposal squad will the Pakistan Tennis Federa- years, we are taking extra from the VVIP entry, which around 10,000 cameras de-
sanitise the Islamabad Sports tion (PTF) does not want to precaution. There are four to Pakistan after 60 is reserved for the Head of ployed in the city. There will
Complex every morning, compromise on the security five layers of security around years, we are taking State. be no compromise on safety
and two escort vehicles will aspect. Mostly, the Indian the Indian team. I, as event extra precaution. Bomb disposal squads and security of the Indian
shadow the Indian Davis players will be restricted to security manager, is with sanitised the venue in the players," he said. The teams
Cup team during its travel as the venue and the hotel and them during travel," Col Gul There are four morning, and no one will be of Pakistan Sports Board
part of multi-layer security it could well prove to be a Rehman, who is the secre- to five layers of allowed to enter the venue. (PSB), Islamabad Police, traf-
arrangement, which is usu- bit stifling, though safe. The tary general of PTF, told PTI. security around the It will be a drill that will be fic police, and others are on
ally accorded to the Head of PTF is following the security The Indian contingent, that followed throughout the tie," the job. "It's an honour not
State, to ensure the visiting plan that has been has five players, two physios
Indian team: Col he said. "Islamabad is one just for the PTF but also for diplomacy," Rehman said. said that his friends in the ri-
tennis players' safety and se- approved by the and two AITA officials, ar- Gul Rehman of the safest cities in Asia. Pakistan to host the Indian Aqeel Khan, one of the finest val camp should explore the
curity. The national Indian International rived in Islamabad on Sun- And since general elections team. We believe in sports tennis players from Pakistan, city, if they are comfortable.

DOUBLE BLOW FOR INDIA Gukesh ends joint 2nd

in Masters, Mendonca
AHEAD OF 2 TEST Rahul, Jadeja out due to injuries; long wait ends for Sarfaraz Khan India slip to 5th spot in WTC rankings
wins Challenger
Wijk Aan Zee

endured a heartbreak in the fi-
Hyderabad added Mumbai batter Sarfaraz Khan, left-arm spin- DUBAI: India have dropped to fifth behind nal tie-breaker against Wei Yi
ner Sourabh Kumar and all-rounder Washington Bangladesh in the World Test Championship of China and had to be con-
India all-round- Sundar to the squad for the second Test. standings after their shock 28-run defeat to Eng- tent with a joint second place
er Ravindra Jadeja It is a maiden national call up for Sarfaraz after land in the first Test in Hyderabad. India were finish at the Tata Steel Masters
and batter KL Ra- scoring truck load of runs in domestic cricket and briefly on top after drawing the two-Test series chess tournament here. In-
hul were on Monday more recently in the India A series against England South Africa before being overtaken by Australia dian Grandmaster Leon Luke throughout the event in the
ruled out of the second Lions. With Virat Kohli already unavailable for the following their victory over Pakistan. Rohit Shar- Mendonca, however, won the company of big stalwarts.
Test against England, first two Tests due to personal reasons, the injuries ma's men have suffered in terms of accumulated challengers section, defeating Mendonca defeated Divya
dealing a body blow to to Jadeja and Rahul have made matters worse for percentage points, going down from 54.16 after compatriot Divya Deshmukh in another complicated game
the hosts after a shock loss India, who find themselves under pressure after the South Africa series to 43.33 currently. in the 13th and final round. It that could have swung either
in the series opener here. losing only their fourth Test at home since 2013. Chasing 231 for a win in the fourth innings, was a full day of hard work for ways but the latter was the first
Jadeja sustained a hamstring Both Rahul and Jadeja had made significant con- India were all out for 202 in the first Test in Gukesh as he had to win the to err as she went for a wrong
injury while going for a quick tributions in the first Test before England staged Hyderabad on Sunday. England's Tom Hartley 13th round game with black capture in the middle game.
single on Sunday while a remarkable comeback to win the game by 28 (7/62) spun a web around the home team batters against Parham Maghsoodloo "I am very happy and relieved
Rahul complained runs and go 1-0 up in the five-match series. Jadeja to cause a collapse. The rare defeat at home took of Iran and then prove supe- because it was not clear at all
of pain in his right snapped up five wickets and made 87 in the first in- Rohit Sharma's side down to fifth spot in the lat- rior in three tie-break games throughout the tournament
quadriceps. Worryingly, Rahul had nings while Rahul scored 86. est WTC rankings headed by Australia with 55 against last year's winner An- whether I was close to win-
also injured his right thigh while fielding in the IPL Jadeja's all-round abilities are invaluable to the percentage points. India currently have 43.33 ish Giri to qualify for the final. ning or not. It was only before
in May last year and that required a surgery, keep- team. Off-spinner Sundar, who has shown a lot of percentage points in their kitty. Once there, the Indian this round that I had a real
ing him out of the game for four months. promise in his four-Test old career, could replace Australia's sensational eight-run defeat to the raised visions of winning chance. I also needed a lot of
"Mr Ravindra Jadeja and Mr KL Rahul have Jadeja in the playing eleven. Ever since making his West Indies in Brisbane on Sunday did not have the tournament but Wei Yi luck as well but mostly I am
been ruled out of the second IDFC First Bank comeback from injury in the Asia Cup in Septem- much impact on them as they continued to lead was simply better in the re- just relieved," said Mendon-
Test against England in Vizag, starting February ber, Rahul has displayed stellar form in the ODI the WTC rankings. South Africa, New Zealand turn game after drawing the ca after his win. Mendonca
02, 2024," the BCCI said in a media release. "The and Test format. Keeping wickets in the ODI World and Bangladesh -- all with 50 percentage points first. If Gukesh was a heart- scored 3/6 in the first half of
Mumbai batter BCCI Medical Team is monitoring the progress Cup and more recently in the Test series in South -- are at second, third and fourth spots. break, Mendonca remained the event and then went on to
Sarfaraz Khan of the duo," it added. The selection committee has Africa added to his workload. pretty much in the shadows score 6.5/7 in the second half.

Team Alpha top overall standings in third round Shamar may be

Hans News Service ‘saviour in purest form
of cricket': Steve
THE third round of the BRISBANE: Legendary
World HPGL moved to Boul- Steve Waugh heaped rich
der Hills Golf and Country praise on young sensation
Club bringing in a new for- Shamar Joseph who bowled
mat in this league as the com- the West Indies to their first
petition heats up and margins Test win in Australia in 27
become razor thin. vourites drop in rankings and wide open and can see break years, calling him a ‘saviour
The doubles alternate shots give the other teams a chance away performances in the in the purest form of the
proved to be a tough chal- to catch up with them in next couple of rounds,” said game'. The 24-year-old Jo-
lenge for all the teams and the more crucial match play Ajay Kumar D of HPGL. seph, who made his debut
most of them struggled to rounds that are to come up. “We are thrilled to have in the first Test of the two-
navigate the course. “Each match play round the best in round 3 and hope match series, ran through
However, there were a few has 240 points at stake for this turns the tables around Australia with a spell of
diamonds in the rough who each team and can swing the for our team,” said BVK Raju 11.5-0-68-7 to power Win-
shone bright and brought results in any way. Its still owner of the Rough Riders. dies to a thrilling eight-run
home 32 points for their win at the Gabba, Brisbane,
teams. Only 6 teams out of 64 Top Scorers of the day a traditional fortress of the
were able to achieve this feat. hosts.
Rough Riders rode their Vibhav Gadwal/Anirudh Penumatsa - Meenakshi Mavericks 32 The effort was even more
luck to rise to second spot Akhil Thanam/Caleb Rayapati - Rough Riders 32 special because Joseph, who
over the Lahari Lions in Ramana Reddy/Srinivas Suryadevara - Team Alpha 32 not long ago worked as a
group B as Team Alpha Deepak Singh/ Mohan Singh - Sama Angels Finvista EHAM 32 security guard, braved a
emerged overall standings Anvesh Manne/Vivek Chandrasekhar - Agiles Dirty Dozen 32 toe injury to deliver a win
leader pipping Mavericks by Aditya Jamwal/ Naveen Gullapalli - MYSA 32 for the ages for his team.
2 points. Day 3 scores Team wise. “There is nothing like Test
Akhil Thanam and Caleb Group A: Sama 82, Stonex83, Kshema 72, Mysa 83 cricket and this man may
Rayapati of the Rough Rid- Group B: Alpha 82, Lahari 77, Rough Riders 92, Finvista be the saviour in the pur-
ers top scored with 32 points EHAM 86 est form of the game, (sic)”
for their team and gave them Group C: DSR 74, Agile 81, Sharkies 74, Tutoroot 80 Waugh wrote on Instagram
a much-needed boost. The Group D: Meenakshi 74, Villagio 63, Myk 73, Synthokem 84 while sharing a picture of
format saw some of the fa- Joseph.

Gill needs to come good in Vizag, says Kumble

Shubman Gill has
been given the kind of
FORMER India captain Anil "cushion" that veteran
Kumble feels that the embattled
Cheteshwar Pujara never
Shubman Gill has been given
the kind of "cushion" that vet- got and the young batter
eran Cheteshwar Pujara never needs to make it count in
got and the young batter needs the second Test against
to make it count in the second England
Test against England or risk
being under tremendous pres- "I keep coming back to him
sure. The 24-year-old Gill has (Pujara) mainly because that
not scored a half century in his was his place (No 3) not too the England series, stated that Test), otherwise the pressure
last 11 Test innings. He scored long ago. Pujara played in that younger players were being will be on him," he observed.
a 128 in India's first innings World Test Championship final preferred in a bid to look ahead "He needs to be a lot freer, score
against the visiting Australian and post that, it's been Shub- in Indian cricket. Kumble said runs. He needs to come up with
in Ahmedabad in March last man Gill, who's been moving the youngster needs to work his own plan to tackle spin, be-
year, but after that his highest from the opener's slot, and he on his mindset and also adjust cause he has hard hands. "It's
score has been 36. He made 23 himself wanted to bat at No. 3." his technique slightly for the good for good surfaces where
and 0 in the two innings of the The 36-year-old Pujara last second Test starting February the ball is coming on nicely and
first Test against England here, played a Test in June 2023 -- 2. "So, when you want to bat the faster bowlers are bowl-
which India lost by 28 runs on the World Test Championship at No. 3 especially in India be- ing at you. But when the ball
Sunday. "He (Gill) has been final against Australia -- and cause you have that talent, you is turning, when it's slow, you
given the cushion perhaps even he was ignored after that. He certainly need to work on your need to use your hands and
a Cheteshwar Pujara didn't get, scored a double hundred (243 game. control and check your shots.
although he (Pujara) has played not out) in a Ranji match ear- He has the skills, he is young That's something he needs to
over a 100 Tests," Kumble said lier this month. Skipper Rohit and he's learning, but he needs work on. It can't be one flow all
on 'JioCinema'. Sharma, before the start of to do it in Vizag (in the second the time."

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