8 Genetic Interaction
8 Genetic Interaction
8 Genetic Interaction
have been unclear and we are open to
ask questions as well
we are going to discuss genes that have nothing to do with their location on the chromosome
• going to talk about how genes can a ect how other genes are expressed
Fig 5.13
Forward genetic screens to identify genes involved in
a biochemical pathway
• people who have done this
experienment have randomly
mutationed and used a
neurospora (which is a haploid
• you then isolate each spore and
grow each of them seperatly
• then transfer to minimal medium
(minimum metabolize for this
organison to grow )
• won't be able to metabolize in
minial media
• slowly add back things SEPARATELY • we can see that it can grow in minimal
that may be lacking (ex: vits,, a.a, etc) medium but with amino acids
• now instead of adding a pool of
Table 5.1
naii's ac
For recessive mutations, we can use the complementation test. • used to determine if it is
acting on the same gene or
• can only be used for recessive mutations
two di erent onces
If two different genes Appear wild type
you start o with purebread
homozygous mutations X
• then you cross in order to
create heterozygous genes
with the mutations
a1/a1 X a2/a2
Appear mutant
You can see that each locus has one wild-type allele to provide wild-type function, resulting in wild-
type progeny. However, if the progeny are not wild type, then the recessive mutations must be alleles
of the same gene. Because both alleles of the gene are mutants, there is no wild-type allele to
provide wild-type function. These alleles could have di erent mutant sites within the same gene, but
they would both be nonfunctional.
ØHarebell plant between genes in pathways
(harebell plants)
• harebell are naturally blue but Several varieties of true-breeding white flowered
we can nd in the wild some
with white colouring
mutants can be found....are these mutations
of the same or different alleles?
Complementation testing for harebell plants
Fig 15-15
w1+/w1£ ; w2+/w2¥ F1
• one wild-type of
9: r+/- ; a+/-
3: r /r; a+/-
3: r+/- ; a/a 7
1: r /r ; a/a
Orange Albino
Camouflage O/– ; B/– 9
Black o/o ; B/– 3
Orange O/– ; b/b 3
Albino o/o ; b/b 1
HAS 9 3 3 Ratio
bes genes interact
O and B involved in the same biological process but not in the same pathway!
Recessive epistasis
Blue-eyed Marry a
• plant where there are
pigments controlling the
I in
Epistasis is a situation where
colour (same as previous
exemple) phenotypic manifestation of
• the di erence is there is an
intermediate here that an allele is dependent on the
actually has a color • how has a 9:3:4 ration
genotype of a different gene.
• double mutant = gives white owers In this context dihybrid cross result
in 9:3:4 ratio where 4 represent
white flower.
Wild-type alleles of two genes (wt and mt) encode enzymes
catalyzing successive steps in the synthesis of a blue petal
Fig 5.19
pigment. Homozygous m/m plants produce magenta owers, and
homozygous w/w plants produce white owers. The double
mutant w/w; m/m also produces white owers, indicating that
white is epistatic to magenta.
Gene interactions: SUPPRESSORS
Suppressor is a mutant allele of a gene that REVERSES the effects of an
ex; there is a protein complex that functions by performing
original mutation. heterodimer phenoty
• if there is a mutation on this gene let's say "m" that
destroys or alters the interaction of the two proteins (can
longer make the heterodimer by changing the a.a
sequences and not allowing them to interect/bind with
one other) the complex will become inactive
• what can happen is there is a second mutation in such a
way that now the new alleles of the S protein can interact
with the modi ed mutant
◦making it functional now
Fig 5.22
Gene interactions: modifier
changes the degree of the phenotype
Ø Modifier: a second mutation that changes the degree of expression of a mutated
gene (phenotype).
changeslevels of
Ø eg. mutations in the regulatory sequences. transcription
gene a
Fig 5.23
Modified ratios between genetically
interacting genes Summarizes how genetic interactions between two genes can
a ect the "famous 9;3;3;1 mendelian" ratio
he emphasized these
and expects us to
know their ratios