Midterms Reviewer - Understanding The Self
Midterms Reviewer - Understanding The Self
Midterms Reviewer - Understanding The Self
3. Possessions help adolescents and adults manage their 4. Budget, Budget, Budget - When you have a budget,
identities. you have a realistic idea of what you can spend on
whatever you want, and a peace of mind that you have
4. Possessions help the old persons have a sense of at least taken care of your important responsibilities.
continuity and preparation for death.
5. Save in order to be safe - Having savings in the bank
Jarrett (2013) emphasized that our relationship with the provides you a security in case of emergencies. You must
material world starts with the idea that whoever gets not use your savings until an emergency comes or until
something first is its owner. you can finally use it to purchase long-term goals.
“Transitional objects” are the objects a child would find 6. Keep your spending habits in check - Stick first to the
first and claim that the object is his or hers. These objects essentials and find ways to increase your income as it is
aim to develop the skills of a child toward more so easy to lose track of the budget and spend your
independence. An example would be when a child finds savings.
a toy and does not want to let go of it, or another baby
takes the toy and the first one throws a tantrum because 7. Increase income flow - Sometimes the budget can be
it was taken from him or her. too tight or the money in the bank is not growing enough.
Therefore, you must find other legal ways to increase
3 reasons why young people value possessions: your income.
1. Emotional attachment 8. Good debt vs. bad debt - Bad debts are those we
2. Social Meaning acquired but we don’t necessarily need or don’t increase
our financial capabilities. Good debts are those we
3. Personal Association acquire and will increase our financial capabilities.
Emotional Attachment is when people value their 9. Make your money grow - Through passive income
possessions based on the happiness that they get from it. sources or investments. These are means of increasing
your income wherein, after putting in the necessary
Social Meaning becomes a basis of people to value their
initial work, the money will grow on its own and yield
possessions because of the ability of the object to attract
profit higher than just being in the bank.
other people or make them feel that they belong.
10. Protect the future - You need to have insurance for
Personal Association is how an object is related to our
your health in case of any emergency. But always
concept of self. An example would be buying an eight-
remember, research is necessary to avoid falling for fake
note necklace because you think you are a musician.
Managing Resources
11. Your general investment is still yourself - You must
However, as time goes by and as people age, the never stop learning and improving yourself, your skills,
relationship between the owner and the object changes and your passions among others. Health is the greatest
and deepens. The object becomes a vessel of memory. wealth one can have and the more you know, the more
opportunities you will see as well as the things you need
While it is hard for us to manage our resources properly to avoid.
and lessen out ‘gastos’, here are 12 tips on how to
manage your resources that can significantly affect our 12. Enjoy life no matter what - Reflect on at least the top
possessions. 5 things that you’ll place above money, those that will
bring you fulfillment, joy, and purpose. Enjoy your profits,
1. Keep your perspective in check - Money is important keep a good relationship with your family, have a healthy
but it should be perceived as a means to a better end. and romantic relationship, serve the community, and
You should not sacrifice short-term satisfaction over engage in anything that will make you happy.
long-term fulfilment and joy.
2. Have money, do not just pretend - “The goal is to be
rich, not to look rich.” Social comparison can have a huge
impact on one’s self-esteem, but having to pretend
something you are not only causes problems in the long
run, especially in finances.
- Philosophy originating from China
- Religion and philosophy originating from India