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6-4A: The Louisiana Purchase Name: ___________________

I. (253) Looking Westward - In 1800, the territory of the US extended as far west as the ______________ River.
The area west of the river, known as the _____________ Territory, belonged to __________. Stretched south to
the city of _____ _________ and west of the Rocky Mountains. Its northern boundaries remained ___________
a. ___________, many of them farmers, _____________ over the mountains into KY & TN.
b. Loaded their household goods into sturdy ________ topped with white canvas. Needed ______ for
protection and to hunt animals for food – used ______ to cut paths for their wagons through dense forests
c. Spanish controlled region, but allowed USA to sail on the Lower ______________ & trade in New Orleans
d. In 1802, Spanish changed their policy – TJ learned that Spain & France had secretly agreed to transfer
Louisiana to _________ - had also gained ___________ in its secret agreement with Spain
e. France’s leader, ____________ Bonaparte, had plans to create empires in EU and Americas. Congress
authorized Robert Livingstone to offer as much as ___ million for _____ _________ & West ___________
f. Events in _______-___________ ended Napoleon’s dreams. For slaves there, the work & their treatement
by plantation owners was _______
g. Inspired by the ideas of the French _______________, both free Blacks and enslaved Africans rose up
against the island’s plantation owners – led by ___________ _____________, among others, the rebels won
and declared the colony an independent _____________
h. By _______, the French were driven out of Saint-Domingue – country took its original name, ________ -
marked the ______ successful rebellion by an enslaved population in the Western Hemisphere
i. In order to solve his ________ problem, Napoleon decided to ______ sell Louisiana. Offer took Livingstone &
JM by surprise – did not have the ___________ to accept such an offer
j. The deal, however, was too ______ to pass. After a few days of negotiation, agreed on a price of ___ million
k. TJ worried such as large purchase might not be ______ - decided gov’ts treaty-making powers approved it.
The purchase of the Louisiana Territory ________ the size of the USA

II. (255) Exploring the New Lands

a. TJ persuaded Congress to sponsor an ______________ to gather info about the new land
b. Another gaol: finding and mapping the fabled NW __________ - a _______ route across North America\
c. TJ chose Meriwether _______, his 28-year old private ______________, to head the expedition. William
________ was coleader of the expedition
d. Together, they assembled a ______ of expert sailors, gunsmiths, carpenters, scouts, and a cook
e. After her French husband was hired as an interpreter, a Shoshone woman named ___________ joined
f. After ____ months and nearly _______ miles, L&C reached the ______ Ocean. Then they headed back east,
collected valuable _____________ about people, plants, animals, & the geography of the West
g. Lieutenant Zebulon ______ led two expeditions west – into presdent-day ____________
h. Also mapped part of the Rio ________ & traveled across northern Mexico and what is now Southern ______
i. A group of F’s in MA plotted to __________, or withdraw from the Union – if successful, NE would have
become the “Northern _____________”
j. Needed a powerful friend in NY who would support their plan – turned to VP Aaron ______
k. Alexander ____________ was concerned about rumors – had never trusted Aaron ______ - accused him of
plotting _______. Meanwhile, he was suffering setbacks in his personal career – challenged him to a _____
l. AH hated ________, which was illegal but remained popular. Ah pledged not to ______ at his rival but Burr
took no such pledge – Hamilton shot wide, _______ from his opponent. Hamilton _______ the next day.

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