TLP Grade 10-Week 4
TLP Grade 10-Week 4
TLP Grade 10-Week 4
S.Y. 2021-2022
Week No. 4
Inclusive Dates: September 13-16, 2021 Subject: Rel-Ed/ Values-Ed
Teacher: Mr. Richard Salvador Grade Level: Grade 10
Each Paulinian will be able to: Each Paulinian explains the following as Sacred Scriptures:
TASK1: The Paulinians are asked to factors that affect his/her moral Galatians 5:1-23
complete the statement: decisions and actions:
explain the authentic Christian Authentic freedom is…
meaning of human freedom and Church Teachings:
I should free myself from… 1.3. Authentic CFC 693-700; 720-722
how it works and affects his/her I can be free as a child of God by… Meaning of
moral decisions and actions; Human Freedom RE Curriculum Guide
(EPO2; X.I-3.1) RUBRICS: -as a shared capacity with others in the New American Bible
5- Complete and appropriate response with community for choosing ---not anything Catechism for Filipino Catholics
distinguish “freedom from” and relevant examples and elaboration at all --- but what is good, to become our SPCEM Paulinian Formation & OBE Framework
“freedom from”. (EPO2; X.I-3.3) (support/proof, analysis, and evaluation) true selves. P21 Framework
4 Appropriate response with relevant Maturing in Jesus Christ: Walking with Jesus in
examples/ explanation, lacking thoughtful 1.3.1. How is human freedom Freedom
suggest ways on how he/she can elaboration.
be free as true followers of Christ by experienced?
3- Appropriate response that demonstrates (CFC 721)
choosing and doing the good and basic understanding, lacking thoughtful
by becoming true children of God; elaboration. 1.3.2. Aspects of
(EPO4; X.I-3.4) 2- Incomplete, to no appropriate content in Human Freedom
S.Y. 2021-2022
invoke the guidance of the Holy 1-No attempt of response, lack of thought Freedom from
Spirit in exercising his/her freedom and meaning. Freedom for as Children of
in prayer (EPO3) God
#I am Free
(Share their story of an experience where
they felt most free- meaning they felt that
they did something good despite of the
hindrances and struggles.)
I am authentically free when…
Using the CLASSPOINT App, the students are asked to share their thoughts by completing the statement:
The most common perception of freedom most probably would be “doing what I want”. But what would be the implication if
this would be the perception of freedom? How one should look at freedom based on its true nature and essence. Let us
find out in this lesson.
Beside our individual free acts there is the FREEDOM OF CHOICE our capacity to choose or not to choose.
S.Y. 2021-2022
However, our choices are guided by our FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOM” OR OPTION, it is not primarily a
psychological term, but rather refers to our “moral being” as a human person.
Thus, for every free act, we accept RESPONSIBILITY for these acts.
Freedom, Fulton Sheen once said, is NOT the right to do what you want to do; nor is it right to do what you must
Authentic freedom, therefore, involves these Two (2) aspects: What does FREEDOM FROM
• FREEDOM FROM -refers to the obstacles that hinder your freedom or prevent you from doing what is good.
These are conditions or situations that lessen your capacity to do good.
What are the obstacles that
insert CLASS POINT App hinder your freedom?
(using CLASS POINT App, the
Such, for example, are interior obstacles like ignorance, or our disordered passions, fears, personality defects, students will share their responses)
bad habits, prejudices or psychological disturbances, and exterior forces, such as violent force or even the threat of
violence. These impediments to authentic freedom are commonly traced to three sources: biological, which include
inherited handicaps and defects as well as external substances like drugs; psychological, or interior compulsions, including
those originating in the unconscious; and social pressures such as the many economic, political, and cultural obstacles
which impede the right to freedom (cf. ccc 1740) All these factors diminish our freedom and thus moral imputability and our
responsibility (cf. CCC 1735). But the greatest single obstacle to authentic freedom is SIN.
• FREEDOM FOR growing as full persons before God and our fellow human persons, in authentic love.
This freedom from is obviously directed towards the second aspect of freedom, the more important “freedom for.” Beyond What does FREEDOM FOR
being liberated from all the obstacles to authentic freedom is the freedom for growing as full persons and children of God, mean?
sharing in the life of Christ our Liberator through his Spirit. It is the freedom found in authentic love.
It means the freedom we share by the power of Christ’s Spirit within us, that liberates us from the enslavement of sin, the
law, and death, for a life of loving service of our fellowmen.
SACRED SCRIPTURES: (Galatians 5:1-23)
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of
“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh, rather, serve one
another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
• Authentic human freedom is a shared capacity with others in the community for choosing ---not anything at all
--- but what is good, in order to become our true selves. It involves both:
Freedom from whatever opposes our true self-becoming with others in the community, and
Freedom for growing as full persons before God and our fellow human persons, in authentic love.
S.Y. 2021-2022
• We experience freedom most naturally in our free choices to act or not to act, to do or not to do something. We
accept responsibility for these acts.