03 Literature Review
03 Literature Review
03 Literature Review
Joseph E. Agolla & Henry Ongori (2009) in the research paper “An assessment of
academic stress among undergraduate students: The case of University of Botswana”
investigated the stressors, symptoms & effects that are likely to be experienced by the under
graduate students in higher institutions. The findings reveal that continuous poor
performance, uncertainty of getting job after graduations are some of the stressors among
students. The study has suggested some of the measures which will be useful to students,
lecturers & even career counseling centres.
Dhrub Kumar & J M Deo (2011) research was “To study on the stress and work life of
college teachers.” The purpose was to measure different aspects of work life of college
teachers in general and to find out differences in perception of male and female as well as
junior and senior teachers with regard to their responses in particular. Researchers remarked
that the literature relating to stress research in India is quite scanty with regard to teaching in
higher educational institutions in particular. Whereas the growing demand for innovation,
autonomy as well as accountability in the wake of globalization, privatization and
accreditation etc. has altogether changed the very character of higher educational system in
India. They studied the relationship between job stress, work family conflict and
organizational citizenship behavior and reports that when employees participates in extra-
role behavior above and beyond what is expected of them, will lead to more stress. Finally
findings revealed that junior college teachers experienced significantly more stress on most
of the dimensions of stress in comparison to senior teachers. However female teachers
experienced more role overload and inter- role distance stress as compared to their male
Surinder Kaur (2011) in his study “Comparative Study of Occupational Stress among
Teachers of Private and Govt. Schools in Relation to their Age, Gender and Teaching
Experience” defines stress and rightly classified it into good stress and bad stress. The
methods of identifying different types of stress i.e. self analysis, mutual analysis etc was
detailed about. The relationship was established between stress and teachers, wherein
teacher’s responsibility was explained as well as literature survey was carried out to support
the relationship between two. The reason provided for occupational stress was the dramatic
changes that had taken place in the society over the last decade and life stress have become
more immediate focal point of interest. Due to all the factors that he had mentioned about the
stress, stress itself is an ever-increasing research orientation into occupational as well as life
stress. With the most important investigations being undertaken are sources of stress,
manifestation of stress and the factors affecting stress. Various solutions to tackle different
types of stress in our day to day life were also provided.
To sum up the entire study author concluded, rather than finding a reason, we need to focus
on priorities or issues or problem areas due to which stress occurs.
The purpose of the study conducted by Muhammad Rashid Badar (2011) “Factor causing
stress & impact on job performance, A case study of Banks of Bahawalpur, Pakistan”
was to identify the potential factors that cause stress, & how they affect the job performance
of employees in Banking sector of Pakistan. The study elaborates work related stress as one
of the most increasing & problematic issue for the working organizations. According to the
earlier study stress is viewed as the root cause of low performance & reduced productivity.
The findings of the study show that the primary responsibility for controlling the growth of
stress in work environment lies upon the shoulders of managers & employees.
Ram Kumar P.B. (2011) in his article “Training & Development Program & its benefits
to employees & organization: A Conceptual Study” has studied about the structure &
elements of employee training & development program. He has mentioned in his paper that
employees are the esteemed resource of an organization & every organizational success
depends on the performance of the employees. In this study, there is a substantial support for
individual employees & organization to get the several benefits from training program. These
benefits may directly or indirectly enhance employee performance & in turn the productivity
of the organization. This study has also emphasized on the positive outcomes of training for
the organizations.
Ritu & Ajmer Singh (2012) in their article “A study of predicting teacher effectiveness
among secondary school teachers on the basis of their occupational stress” studies
relationship between teacher’s effectiveness & occupational stress among secondary school
teachers. The findings were, teachers were experiencing low stress level. Teachers were not
much affected by the problems which they came across in relation to their job. They had a
high level of stress tolerance. The study suggests a “Stress Awareness” drive need to be
incorporated with the social orientation subject & regular assessment of stress level should be
done in order to prevent stress.
Anwar (2012) et al. researched on “Teachers stress, performance and resources: The
moderating effects of resources on stress and performance.” They said institutions
success depends upon the teachers performance as they are the one who educate the most
valued assets of country i.e. students. According to them the performance of teachers were
negatively influenced by different types of stress contributing factors which may exist within
or outside the educational institution. The study found a direct relationship established
between teachers stress and their performance. Stress affects the performance by lowering
their productivity as well as productivity of educational institutions. The job satisfaction and
motivation level decreases even when teachers suffer from health and psychological related
problems. Even they have mentioned about the personality traits models like five big
personality models, Success Resources Model and the conservation of resources and the JD-
R Model. They suggested that in order to curb the rising stress level of teachers, moderators
should be used.
Syed Saad Hussain Shah (2012) et al. researched on “Impact of stress on employee’s
performance: A study of teachers of private colleges of Rawalpindi.”The purpose of this
research was to investigate the stress issues associated with the college teachers and the
effect of stress on their performance. Findings of the study were there was a positive
relationship between monetary reward and employee efficiency whereas a negative
relationship between organizational structure and employee efficiency. No relationship was
observed between administrative support and employee efficiency. For further studies
researchers have also recommended to use the other 3 variables i.e. organizational
environment, personal/ family problems and individual personality as a mediating or
moderating variable. They pointed out that the culture of the society and organization can
also be used as a variable for further studies. They correlated the MNCs and even the small
and domestic firms with the culture and establish a relation that culture is the main reason for
success and failure, failure in either internal culture of the organization or employee culture
will bring the result.
“Causes of stress in public schools and its impact on work performance on educators”
was researched by Kiveshnie Naidoo (2013) et al. This article reported on educator stress
in public schools. The article sets the objectives of identifying the causes of stress in public
schools of educators in KwaZulu-Natal. The theory on the causes of stress were empirically
postulated and analyzed by means of data employed exploratory factor analysis. The causes
of stress were organized into two categories professional stressors and personal stressors.
Organizational, environmental and individual factors were further classified. The study
identified total seven key causes (factors) of educators stress such as Organizational support,
Overload, Remuneration, Control, Job insecurity, Relationship opportunities and Growth
Roli Pradhan & Praveen Tomar (2013) in their article “Evaluating Stress in the Indian
Banking scenario” attempts to investigate about the existing knowledge of stress
management strategies among the employees in Indian commercial banks. This study has
explored the factors causing stress and an attempt was made to conduct an in-depth study of
3 different bank employees. The findings of the study were, if the employees are accustomed
with the meaning of stress, its consequences and how to control it, employees will be able to
manage stress efficiently. Management of private sector banks were more effective in
handling their stressful situation and employees of public sector banks need effective support
from management and accordingly focused on revising the existing stress management
system. Suitable measures were also suggested to individual and management to overcome
Showkat Khalil Wani (2013) in his paper “Job Stress & its impact on employee
motivation: A Study of a select Commercial Bank” mentions that the productivity of
employees & overall productivity of the organization is affected by levels of stress &
motivation. The researcher states that due to the rising competition &sizeable increase in the
volume of banking business there is an increase in job stress and so a need was felt to study
this topic. The paper concludes that increased level of stress leads to decrease in motivational
level of employees. The study also suggested charting out proper human resource
development programs which would aim at overall development of employees working in the
G. Lokanadha Reddy (2013) et al. have researched on the topic “Occupational Stress of
Higher Secondary Teachers Working in Vellore District”.One of the major objectives of
this study was to find out the level of occupational stress of teachers working at higher
secondary level. The other objectives of the study is to know how far and to what extent the
selected independent variables (gender, age, ----) are influencing the dependent variable-
occupational stress of higher secondary teachers. To overcome occupational stress, the
researchers have suggested some measures which could prove beneficial to teachers in
coping with stress. The study has also suggested some measures for Stresses of job life. It can
be conveniently managed, to a large extent, at different stages through various institutional
“Occupational stress and health among teacher educators” was researched by Vipinder
Nagra (2013) et al. The study aims at finding out the level of occupational stress and its
relationship to health among the teacher educators in relation to their gender and marital
status. Researchers have suggested that in order to prevent the teacher of adverse
consequences the policy makers, stake holders, educationists, administrators, and
managements must find ways to lessen their stress levels. They must also be familiarized with
the various coping strategies to be followed whenever they experience stress like, exercise,
meditation, walking, listening to music, yoga, social networking, etc. Researchers have
recommended that the study can be replicated on a larger sample and on teachers of other
institutions as well as other districts and states.
Narasappa Kumaraswamy & Sabah (2013) in their research paper “Academic Stress,
Anxiety & Depression among college students – A Brief Review” states that the above topic
is a matter of concern for the nation. The study has emphasized on stress among college
students, their emotional & psychological problem & also study suggests some preventive
measures which can be taken to reduce the negative effect of stress, anxiety & depression on
D. Rajasekar (2013) in his paper “Impact of Academic Stress among the Management
students of AMET University – An Analysis” examined the impact of academic stress among
the management students. The objective of the study was to find out the present level of stress,
sources of stress & stress management techniques that would be useful for management
Sanjeev Kumar & J. P. Bhukar (2013) in their research paper “Stress level & coping
strategies of college students” states that the purpose of the study was to investigate the stress
levels & coping strategies of professional students belonging to Physical Education &
Engineering professions. The study concluded stating its findings that coping strategy was higher
in boys than girls of engineering profession but the girls of physical education had higher coping
strategy than boys belonging to same profession. Finally it was concluded that physical
education students had better coping strategy than engineering students.
Anil Chandhok, Mansi Monga (2013) in their research paper “Impact of Job Stress on
Employee’s Performance of Sales Department: A Comparative Study of LIC and Bajaj
Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd in the selected cities of Haryana” states that a fair
degree of stress is felt at all level & in all occupations. The paper attempts to find out the degree
of stress between the employee’s of LIC & the employee’s of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
Company. The findings of the paper were employees of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company
face more stress as compared to LIC, the reason being more targets to be achieved, less job
security & more working hours.
Anil Chandhok & Bhavet (2014) attempts to find the degree of stress between the employees
of LIC & RLIC & what impact they have on the performance of employees in their article “ A
Study on the impact of Job Stress on employees performance: A Comparative Study of the
employees of sales department of LIC & Reliance Life Insurance Company ltd.” The study
revealed that the employees of the RLIC are more susceptible to stress than the LIC as more
targets have to be achieved by RLIC employees. Job security was more in LIC as compared to
RLIC. But RLIC provides better working environment & benefits to employees to reduce this
individual stress level.
Anju Sigroha & Yogita Girdhar (2014) has researched on the topic “Comparative Analysis
of level of Work life Balance of women employees in Indian Corporate with special
reference to three sectors.” Researchers described Work life Balance as the equilibrium point
on see-saw, one side of which is occupied by personal goals & family responsibilities & the
other side by work place necessities. According to researchers work life balance is seen more as
women issue. This article examines level of work life balance of women employees in Indian
Corporate sector. The findings were in all the 3 sectors, women employees have low to moderate
level of work life balance but it is highest in case of service sector & lowest in case of
manufacturing sector. Finally researchers have concluded that happy employee can contribute
maximum to the organisation & a happy employee is the one who maintains a balance between
both work & life.
Aditya Sharma & Chhaya Parihar (2014) has researched on “A Comparative study of Role
Stress among Public Sector & Private Sector Bank employees.” Researchers described role
stress as the stress experienced by the persons due to their role in the organization. The objective
of this study was to find which employee would face more stress & the findings were, both the
public and private sector employees face moderate levels of stress, of which they are subject to
role erosion the most & resource inadequacy the least.
Lalit (2014) has researched on the topic, “Does Education expenditure impact India’s
Economic Growth: A Time Series Analysis.” The purpose of this research was to empirically
estimate the relationship between education expenditure of government & economic growth of
our Indian economy. The findings of the study were there is a positive relationship between EDU
(Investment in Education) & GDP & vice versa & also there is a positive relationship between
GDP & GDCF (Gross Domestic Capital Formation) & vice versa. Researcher has also suggested
that effort need to be made by policy makers to increase the level of human capital in India
through which productivity can be enhanced in order to increase our GDP. In addition to this,
quality assurance in education should also be given utmost priority in order to make it growth
enhancing. This paper supports the economic theory, which states, there exists a positive casual
relationship between education expenditure & economic growth.
Shameer. & E. Joseph Alexander (2014) in the research paper, “Adjustment Problems of
IT Professional in relation to their occupational stress” attempts to find out adjustment
problems of IT Professional w.r.t their occupational stress. The findings were the level of stress
was correlated on the basis of gender, work tenure & their adjustment habits.
Beulah Viji Christiana (2014) et.al in their paper “Impact of Stress and Job Satisfaction
towards Work Life Balance of IT Professionals & private sector Executives: An Empirical
Study” correlates organizational productivity with the employees performance & employees
performance with the stress & job satisfaction level. The study indicates that stress is a matter of
concern for both the employer & employees. The outcome of stress for employees is their ill-
health & for employers is reduced productivity. The findings reveal that if the organization &
individual make efforts, stress can be reduced & the productivity can be enhanced. Thus the
study concludes that work life balance of employees is expected to contribute towards greater job
satisfaction which in turn will result into enhanced organizational productivity.
M.Kotteeswari (2014) et al. in the research paper titled “Job Stress & its impact on
performance employees working in BPOs: A study” attempts to find out the job stress factors
affecting the performance of the employees. The study reveals that job stress is negatively
related to performance. Stress at work is not a new phenomenon of modern life styles. The nature
of work is changing at rapid speed & will continue to change. Stress has touched almost all
professions & with change comes stress. The study suggests that employer can control certain
stress factors which affect the employees in performing their job & thereby can extend their
support to the employees to get rid of the job stress.
Meenu Saini & Nirmala Chaudhary (2014) in their research paper “Organizational
Commitment & Occupational stress of employees in public sector banks: A comparative
study of SBI & PNB Banks” defines organizational commitment as a psychological state that
characterizes an employees relationship with an organization & has implications for the decision
to continue membership of the organization. The study reveals that there is a gap between the
work place demand & an individual’s ability to carry out & complete these demands. Employees
with high level of organizational commitment have significant contributions to the achievement
of the organization under competitive situation. The employees suffering from high stress have
less productivity whereas individuals who are highly committed to their job are more productive.
Hartesh Pannu, Prerna Tikku (2014) in their research paper “Outcomes of stress: A Study
of cause & Remedial Actions for reducing stress”defines stress as a natural human response to
its environment & is of the view that moderate level of stress are essential motivators. This
paper has identified different types of stress in the workplace & how it affects employee’s
productivity. The study concludes by understanding various coping mechanisms so that the
individual can attain proper work life balance.
Jyoti Bajpai, Trupti Dave et. al. (2014) had researched on “A Study of Impact of Work
Stress on Managerial Creativity with reference to Indian Executives.” Researchers had
mentioned that the base of all worries is desire & the associated ego involvements called
Kleshas. When one is caught under Klesha, Dukh arises, i.e. Dukh is the result of Klesha. The
purpose of this research was to find the impact of work stress on managerial creativity & for this
different variables were studied. Findings were hierarchy & qualification together have positive
impact on managerial creativity whereas, age, gender has no significant effect on managerial
creativity. Finally it was concluded that higher the work stress lower is the managerial creativity.
Fathima (2014) has researched on “Work life Balance of women in the unorganized
sector.” She describes unorganized sector workers are those who don’t have any job security,
income security or social security. The purpose of her research was to focus on the problems
faced by women workers which deserve special emphasis in view of their marginalized position
within the class of workers. Women working in unorganized sector are mainly from the poorest
sections. Poverty traps them to work in least protected and lowest paid jobs. This study has
focused on does the works of women affect their personal life and how they manage and balance
their work with personal needs and obligations of the family. The finding of the study were the
female workers try maximum to do their work smoothly without affecting their child care ,
family obligations, personal and financial needs , but inspite of this the circumstances
sometimes compel them to get imbalances. The study suggested that unorganized sector should
frame strong policies for having social security, common wage system, leave provision and
uniformity system, leave provision and uniformity in the working hours.
Monica Agarwal, Santhi Narayanan (2014) et al in the research paper titled “Task Demand
as a factor causing Job Stress: A Study of working women of IT sector in National Capital
Region of Delhi” states that working women in IT sector India are more exposed to job stress
because of the imbalance between the demands of the organizational environment & individual
resources affecting her psychological well-being. The research findings concluded that task
demand was the major factor leading to job stress in working women.
Jyoti Vij, Kavita Vij (2014) et al in research paper “Meditation: A key to overcome Stress”
explains meditation as a type of mind – body complementary medicine. The purpose of research
was to evaluate the effectiveness of a meditation – based stress reduction. Meditation is
beneficial for stress management & overall health. The research concludes that meditation gives
a sense of calm, peace & balance that benefits both emotional well- being & overall health of
Rahul Seth (2014) in his study “What influences harmonious employee relations?” explains
that harmony in employee relations is influenced by the presence or absence of human values in
the employment relationship which can be explained by the social exchange theory in an
institutional context whereas employee relations is the study of relationship between an
organization and its employees. The study suggests that there should be a balance between the
benefits & costs of the two parties that enter into an employment contract. The findings were as
there is no one stop solution for maintaining employee relations harmony, it needs to be managed
in the context of its environment. The study suggests organizations to take a system approach &
manage the influence of a variety of factors on employee relations & only then a balance
between the influencers can be achieved & a harmonious industrial environment can be
Jacob Das, Nirmal K Singh (2014) in their research paper titled “Impact of Privatisation
on Education in India: An Analysis” states that the purpose of this research was to answer the
upcoming thought that, though we are living in a global world which is supported by two strong
pillars i.e. privatization & liberalization but, are we able to enhance the quality of both the
product & the service of education? The paper concludes by highlighting the ongoing crisis &
issues specially with regards to privatization of education in India.
Payalchatly (2014) in the research paper “Workplace Stress: How to Overcome it?”
describes stress is what people feel when they have to respond to a demand. Even the study has
mentioned about positive & negative stress. The study says negative stress may cause harmful
impact on employee’s mental & physical health whereas, positive stress may act as a motivator
& it may serve to increase productivity in employees. Finally study concluded as stress is not
something to be dismissed as being just part of the job. Some measures should be adopted by top
managers as they have a legal & moral responsibility to protect the physical & mental wellbeing
of their employees.