Pb2 AI SetB
Pb2 AI SetB
Pb2 AI SetB
PREBOARD II (2023-24)
ii. ____________is the process of finding out the class/category of the input image. 1
(a) Classification (b) Localisation (c) Object detection (d) None of these
iii. The ________ allows us to understand the prediction results. 1
a) Overfitting b) Confusion Matrix c) Problem Scoping d) None of these
iv. Two conditions when prediction matches with the reality are true positive and ____________. 1
v. ________ is the term used for any word or number or special character occurring in a 1
sentence. (Token/Punctuator)
vi. _________ is the process of understanding the reliability of any AI model, based on outputs by 1
feeding test dataset into the model and comparing with actual answers.
a) Evaluation b) Problem Scoping c) Data acquisition d) Data Exploration
iii. A category of intelligence relating to the ability to process information on the environment 1
around us is _______________.
a) Musical Intelligence b) Natural Intelligence
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Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks)
Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.
Q.6 Give one point of difference between file and folder in computer. 2
Q.7 Explain Goals and Goal setting. 2
Q.8 Enlist any four monthly maintenance activities of computer. 2
Q.9 Write down the misconceptions about entrepreneurship? 2
Q.10 Enlist any 2 SDGs which are formulated to address the problems related to water? 2
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q.17 Ashwat is amazed to learn about his sister Ananya who is multi-talented and has 4
excelled in academics, music, dancing, sports and painting. He was quite curious
when Ananya told him that he too possessed all these intelligences like every human
being does, but only at different levels. He wondered which intelligence she was
talking about. Can you help Ashwat in learning about different types of intelligences
by naming and explaining any four types of intelligences?
Q.18 What is an Artificial Neural Network? Explain the layers in an artificial neural network. 4
Q.19 Differentiate between rule-based and learning-based AI modelling approaches with suitable 4
Q.20 Amogh, a student of class X was exploring the Natural Language Processing domain. 4
He got stuck while performing the text normalisation. Help him to normalise the text on the
segmented sentences given below:
Document 1: Sahil likes to play cricket.
Document 2: Simran likes cricket too.
Document 3: Simran also likes to play basketball.
Q.21 Calculate Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F1 Score for the following Confusion Matrix on 4
The Confusion Matrix Reality: 1 Reality: 0
(Water Shortage in
Prediction: 1 10 55
Prediction: 0 10 25
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