FCVM 09 860322
FCVM 09 860322
FCVM 09 860322
Department of Cardiology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China
hypertension (5). And there is a close relationship between blood A 12-month follow-up was conducted to identify the
pressure level and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular occurrence of the following events: a) all-cause mortality; b)
diseases such as stroke, atrial fibrillation, and especially heart myocardial infarction; c) stroke; d) hospitalized for heart failure
failure. Hypertension leads to heart failure with preserved (The study workflow is shown in Figure 1).
ejection fraction or heart failure with reduced ejection fraction The sample size for this study was estimated based on a
in patients with coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction. previous study which found that the positive rate of CPT in
Previous data of Chinese showed that cardiovascular and normotensive was32.8% (18). PASS 15.0 was used to calculate
cerebrovascular diseases account for more than 40% of all the sample size. A sample size of 1403 produces a two-sided 95%
deaths (6). However, the management of hypertension remains confidence interval with a width equal to 0.050 when the sample
suboptimal in China, with a low treatment rate and control rate. proportion is 33%.
Studies from 1997 to 2017 shows that the ranges of hypertension
prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control rate among Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
hypertensive patients were 18.0–44.7, 23.6–56.2, 14.2–48.5, and The CPT was performed in patients with primary hypertension
4.2–30.1% respectively (7). Thus, it is important to improve the in 48 hospitals from November 2018 to November 2019.
control rate of hypertension and prevent complications. Patients were included based on the following inclusion
The cold pressor test (CPT), which was developed by a criteria: age above 18 years and a diagnosis of primary
physician in the division of medicine at the Mayo Clinic hypertension (systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥
Rochester, Edgar A. Hines, Jr. (1906–1978) (8), has been used 90 mmHg on at least three occasions on different days).
as a nonspecific and strong stimulus to sympathetic neural Patients were excluded on the basis of the following criteria:
outflow in humans. It evokes remarkable increases in blood primary aldosteronism or other diseases or causes of secondary
pressure and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) with hypertension; systolic BP (SBP) ≥ 180 mmHg and/or diastolic
no significant changes in heart rates (9, 10), and was used BP (DBP) ≥ 110 mmHg; severe heart or lung diseases, acute stage
to assess the vasoconstrictor reserve (11). The reflex pathway stroke (<3 months) or end-tage cancer; inability to undergo the
to activate MSNA may originate from cold nociceptors in the cold pressor test; or pregnancy.
skin that conduct afferent signals by unmyelinated C-fibers,
and the pathway may involve a central vasomotor center that Cold Pressor Test Protocol
serves to regulate MSNA (10, 12). Therefore, CPT was also The participants were seated, and the blood pressure of the right
be used to evaluate the sympathetic reactivity in patients with upper arm was measured three times with a calibrated electronic
orthostatic hypotension (13). For a long time, CPT was also used sphygmomanometer or standard mercury sphygmomanometer
as a tool to study BP variability. Hines and Brown performed after the patients had rested for 20 minutes in a room with
CPT in 40 healthy participants and found that the degree to appropriate temperature. The average blood pressure of the three
which blood pressure responses to cold stimuli can be divided measurements was taken as the basic blood pressure. Then, the
into three categories: a minimal increase of blood pressure in participants immersed their left hands in ice water at 3–5◦ C for 1
healthy participants, a much higher increase of blood pressure minute. The blood pressure of the right upper arm was measured
in hypertension, and a similar reaction to the patients with 0 min, 1 min, 2 min, and 4 min after removal of the left hand from
hypertension in those participants who were recognized at high the ice water. The test was considered positive if the SBP, DBP or
risk for developing hypertension. Thus, CPT was thought to mean arterial pressure (MAP) increased ≥ 15 mmHg after cold
predict a subject’s risk of developing hypertension. Subsequent stimulation. The test was considered negative if the SBP, DBP or
studies have also shown that response to CPT in individuals mean arterial pressure (MAP) increased < 15 mmHg after cold
healthy can predict hypertension (14–17). However, it is not clear stimulation. MAP = (SBP + 2 × DPB)/3 or MAP = DBP +
whether CPT can also predict cardiovascular risk and how is the 1/3 (SBP-DBP).
prevalence of positive CPT in patients with hypertension. Our This study was approved by the ethical committee of
study performed CPT in a large number of patients with primary Chongqing Medical University, and written informed consent
hypertension for the first time, aim to determine the prevalence was obtained from all patients participating in the study.
of the positive CPT in patients with primary hypertension, and
to investigate the characteristics and the risk of cardiovascular Standard for Blood Pressure Under Control
events of those patients. The standard was based on the Guidelines for the prevention
and treatment of hypertension in China (revised in 2018) (6).
MATERIALS AND METHODS The target BP is < 140/90 mmHg for the general population,
< 150/90 mmHg for those older than65 years,< 140/90 mmHg
Study Design and Sample Size Estimation for those with coronary heart disease or kidney disease (without
This was an observational, cross-sectional study. Data from proteinuria), and < 130/80 mmHg for those with diabetes
the enrolled patients were collected during the first interview mellitus, heart failure or kidney disease (with proteinuria).
and then entered into a database, including their medical
and pharmacological histories. The CPT and a physical Statistical Analysis
examination, including measurement of height, weight, and BP All data were input by two independent researchers using
were conducted during the first interview. EpiData V.3.1 (EpiData Association, Odense, Denmark), and
the database was established after checking for differences in (2865 patients); in the rest of the patients, it could not be
the two records. SPSS Statistics version 21.0 (IBM, Armonk, performed due to cold intolerance (8.5%).
New York) was used for statistical analysis. Categorical variables A total of 880 patients (30.7%) screened positive with the CPT
were analyzed with χ2 tests. The factors influencing CPT and were placed in the positive group, and the other 1985 were
were screened and determined by multivariable binary logistic placed in the negative group.
regression analysis. Statistical significance was defined as a p-
value < 0.05.
Characteristics of Participants
The baseline data and complications for the included patients
RESULTS are shown in Table 1. The proportion of patients with a high
salt diet, diabetes, hyperuricemia, left ventricular wall thickening,
Cold Pressor Test Results carotid plaques, coronary heart disease and heart failure were
From November 2018 to November 2019, 3132 patients with much greater in the positive group than the negative group (P
primary hypertension in 48 hospitals were invited to participate < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in the
in our study. The CPT was performed in 91.5% of the population proportion of sex, age, BMI, family history of hypertension,
Sex (male, %) 1303/2865 401 (45.6) 902 (45.4) 0.004 0.950
Age ≥ 65 years 1260/2865 397 (45.1) 863 (43.5) 0.664 0.415
Body mass index (BMI) ≥ 24 kg/m2 1607/2830 508 (58.7) 1099 (56.0) 1.790 0.181
Family history of hypertension 1179/2825 372 (43.2) 807 (41.1) 1.030 0.310
Current smoker 641/2865 203 (23.1) 438 (22.1) 0.353 0.552
Current drinker 579/2865 177 (20.1) 402 (20.3) 0.007 0.932
High salt diet 1496/2865 500 (56.8) 996 (50.2) 10.780 0.001
Hyperlipidemia 1015/2782 328 (38.5) 687 (35.6) 2.148 0.143
Diabetes 512/2818 179 (20.6) 333 (17.1) 4.812 0.028
Hyperuricemia 317/2700 116 (13.9) 201 (10.8) 5.625 0.018
Left ventricular wall thickening 326/2649 129 (15.8) 197 (10.8) 13.033 0.000
Carotid plaques 404/2574 162 (20.5) 242 (13.6) 19.938 0.000
Higher values of serum creatinine or proteinuria 155/2620 52 (6.4) 103 (5.7) 0.567 0.452
Coronary heart disease 465/2740 168 (19.9) 297 (15.7) 7.454 0.006
Heart failure 92/2722 38 (4.5) 54 (2.9) 4.906 0.027
Body mass index (BMI) referred to weight in kilograms (kg) divided by height in meters squared (m2). Current smoker referred to smoking at least 1 cigarette every day. Current drinker
referred to drinking alcohol at least 1 time/month in the previous 1 year. A high salt diet referred to the intake of at least 6g of salt every day. Hyperlipidemia referred to either TG ≥ 2.26
mmol/L, TC ≥ 5.2 mmol/L, LDL-C ≥ 3.4 mmol/L or self-reported use of lipid-lowering drugs. Diabetes referred to the use of hypoglycemic medication or a measured fasting blood
glucose level ≥ 7.0 mmol/L or non-fasting blood glucose level ≥ 11.1 mmol/L. Hyperuricemia referred to blood uric acid > 420umol/L or 7mg/dL in two tests on different days.
FIGURE 2 | Comparison of blood pressure control rates among different medication. RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; CCB, calcium channel blockers.
(19, 21) and myosympathetic nerve activity (9, 20, 22). TABLE 3 | Incidence of adverse events.
The stimulus itself is also complex and dynamic, and may
Adverse events Positive Negative P-value
cause pain and distress, which, in turn, can contribute to group group
sympathetic activation. (N = 544) (N = 1318)
Keller-Ross et al. conducted a study showing an age-and (n, %) (n, %)
sex-dependent increase in muscle sympathetic nerve activity
incidence and frequency with the CPT (23), which contributed to All-cause mortality 2 (0.37) 2 (0.15) 0.36
greater support of BP during the CPT in the older women. While, Myocardial infarction 0 (0.00) 2 (0.15) 0.363
our study shows that in hypertensive patients, the BP responses Stroke 4 (0.74) 8 (0.61) 0.753
to the CPT were independent of gender and age, and the patients Hospitalized for heart failure 40 (7.35) 66 (5.01) 0.047
with diabetes, carotid artery plaque, and coronary heart disease
in the positive CPT group were significantly higher than those in
the negative group. This may be related to vascular endothelial
dysfunction in these patients. Studies have shown that healthy were more easily observed in the CPT positive group in
endothelial cells maintain low levels of oxidative stress and relax our study.
vascular tension by releasing vascular active mediators such as Previous studies showed that BP responses to CPT vary from
nitric oxide, prostacyclin I2 (PGI2), bradykinin, endothelin-1 individual to individual in healthy people, and our study showed
(ET-1), and angiotensin II (Ang-II) (24–29). Imbalance of these that in the population with primary hypertension, different
factors can lead to endothelial dysfunction, which ultimately individuals still had different responses to CPT, and the high
leads to cardiovascular complications such as arterial plaque and response rate of CPT was 30.7%. We found that patients with
coronary heart disease (30, 31). Nabel et al. (32) showed that CPT responsiveness were characterized by a high-salt diet. Jing
normal arteries dilated and diseased arteries contracted after Chen et al. (33) showed that BP response to the CPT was
CPT. In normal blood vessels, CPT may induce coronary dilation associated with salt sensitivity and potassiumsensitivity. And a
by acting on β 2-adrenergic receptors on coronary vascular low-sodium or high-potassium diet might be more effective to
smooth muscle cells via catecholamines and by stimulating α 2- lower BP among individuals with high responses to the CPT,
adrenergic receptors on coronary endothelial cells to stimulate while a high sodium diet could increase systolic blood pressure
nitric oxide synthesis. Vasoconstriction was observed in patients in patients with positive results of CPT. These results indicate
with cardiovascular disease, such as coronary heart disease. This that high responses to the CPT may be related to salt sensitivity
may also be the reason why coronary heart disease complications of BP.
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