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Fiqh For Children

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How to use the Toilet
Etiquettes of the Toilet

Cleansing of Najasat

Faraaidh of wudhu
Sunnah method of making wudhu
When does one have to make wudhu
Acts that break wudhu

Faraaidh of ghusal
Sunnah Method of ghusal
Occasions when ghusal becomes compulsory
Aadaab (Etiquettes) of ghusal

Method od making Tayammum
Things that break tayammum


The Muazzin
Few etiquettes of calling out the Azaan
Etiquettes of replying to the Azaan
Words of Iqaamah

The seven conditions before salaah
Faraaidh of Salaah
How to perform Salaah
Mehod of making Masah



Masbooq (Lae comer)



Etiquettes on the day of Jumuah
Read Surah Kahf
The Khutbah

Rules concerning the Eid Salaah
Method of performing the Eid Salaah


Sahri and Iftar
People who are excused from fasting
Kaffarah and Qadhaa fasts

Warning for not carrying out qurbaani
Animals which can be slaughtered for qurbani
Rules pertaining to zabah (slaughtering)

1. As Muslims, we should always be clean.

We must keep our body, clothing,
homes and classrooms clean at all times.

2. Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,

“Allah is pure and He loves purity.”

3. He also said, “Cleanliness is half of Imaan.” (Sahih Muslim)

It is permissible for us to use the following water to clean ourselves:

1. Rain water

2. Tap water

3. Well water

4. River water

5. Sea water

6. Water from a big tank or pool

1. Our religion of Islam is perfect.
2. It teaches us how to live our day to day life.
3. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
even taught us how to use the toilet.
4. We should be very careful that no splashes of urine
comes in contact with our body or clothing.
A person will be punished in his grave if he was not careful
of the splashes of urine.


1. Wear shoes/sandals when going to the toilet.
3. Remove anything that has the Name of Allah Ta’ala
on it before entering the toilet.
4. Before entering, recite Bismillah and then the following
Dua: Allahumma inni audhu bika mina’l-khubthi wa’l-khabaith
(In the Name of Allah, Oh Allah, I seek refuge with you from
all offensive and wicked things (male and femeale devils)
5. Enter with the left foot.
6. Do not stand and urinate.
7. Sit down when relieving yourself.
8. Do not face your back or your front towards the Qiblah.
9. After urinating, wait until all the drops of urine have come out
before washing.
10. Clean and wash the private parts properly after relieving oneself.
This is called Istinjaa.
11. Use the left hand for making Istinjaa.
12. Use clean water for Istinjaa.
13. Do not eat, drink or talk in the toilet.
14. Do not read books, comics or newspapers in the toilet.
15. Do not read any Dua, Kalimah or Aayat of the Qur’aan in the toilet.
16. Step out of the toilet with the right foot and recite the
following Dua: Ghufraanaka (I seek your forgiveness)
17. Wash your hands after coming out of the toilet.
18. Relieve yourself in such a place where you cannot be
seen, especially when on a journey.
19. Do not urinate or relieve yourself under trees, in swimming pools,
on the roadside, pathways or public places.
20. Leave the toilet in a better state than you found it in.

1. Cleanliness is __________________________________ of Imaan.

2. With which leg must one enter the toilet?

3. Should one stand or sit when urinating?

4. What is istinjaa?

5. With which hand should one make istinjaa?

6. Can one read the kalimah or duas in the toilet?


7. List 5 types of water which are permissible to use?







Najaasat means filth/impurity. A person cannot perform Salaah if he has

Najaasat on his body or clothes. We must make sure that our body and
clothes are pure and clean at all times.

Types of Najaasat (impurity):

1. Urine of people and animals
2. Stool (feaces) of people and animals
3. Blood
4. Madhiy (discharge from the private parts)
5. Alcohol

Cleansing of Najaasat
1. If any of the above Najaasat (impurity) falls on your clothes,
it must be washed three times with clean water,
and squeezed after each wash.

2. If any of the above Najaasat (impurity) falls on your body,

it must be washed off three times with clean water.

3. One cannot perform Salaah if there is Najaasat (impurity)

on his body or clothes.

4. Wash off the Najaasat three times in order to make your

clothes, bedding, carpets, etc., clean.


Fardh: A compulsory act.

Waajib: An act which is also compulsory.
Sunnah: An act which The Prophet Muhammad
(Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam) said, did or liked.
Muakkadah: Refers to any voluntary act of worship which the
Prophet (pbuh) continuously performed and
almost never abandoned.
Muakkadah: That act which Rasulullah (SAW) occasionally
missed out.
Mustahab : Preferred act.
Nafal: Optional act.
Makrooh: A disliked act.
Halaal: A permissible act.
Haraam: A forbidden act.


1. If blood falls on our clothes, how should we clean it?



2. What is the meaning of Najaasat?


3. We can offer Solat with Najasat on our body/ Clothes. True/False

4. What is the meaning of Haraam?_____________________________

5. Mention one Fard action you know. __________________________

6. What is the meaning of Makrooh?


7. What is a Sunnat? __________________________________________


8. Mention three types of Najasat? _____________________________



9. If Najaasat falls on our body or clothes, how many times

should it be washed? ____________________________________


1. Wudhu (Ablution) is the Ritual washing of certain body

parts performed by Muslims before prayer.

2. Wudhu cleans our body and washes away our sins.

The Prophet (pbuh) said “He who perform ablution well, his
sins would come out from his body, even coming out from under
his nail. (Sahih Muslim)

3. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,

“The key to Jannah is Salaah, and the key to Salaah is purity.”

4. We should try our best to remain in the state of wudhu at all times.

5. Do not waste water when making wudhu!!!

Faraaidh of wudhu
There are four Faraaidh (Compulsory acts) in wudhu:
1. Wash the entire face once from the hair line to below the
chin and from one earlobe to the other.

2. Wash both the arms once up to and including the elbows.

(First the right then the left)

3. Make masah of quarter the head.

4. Wash both feet once up to and including the ankles.

(First the right then the left)

Sunnah method of making wudhu

1. Face the Qiblah whilst making wudhu.

2. Make intention for wudhu.

4. Say Bismillah

5. Wash both hands up to the wrist thrice.

7. Gargle the mouth thrice.

Use the right hand to put water into the mouth.

8. Put water into the nostrils with the right hand thrice.

9. Wash the entire face thrice. (The entire face from the hairline
to below the chin and from one earlobe to the other).

10. Make khilaal of the beard.

(Run the fingers of the right hand through the beard).

11. Wash the right hand including the arm and elbow thrice.
Thereafter, wash the left hand including the arm and elbow thrice.

12. Make khilaal of the fingers. (khilaal of the fingers must be

done by crossing the fingers of the left hand into the right
hand and then the right into the left).

13. Rub water on the entire head once.

Rub water on both ear

14. Thereafter wash the right foot, including the ankle thrice,
and then wash the left foot in the same manner.

15. Make khilaal of the toes.

16. When washing during Wudhu, make sure that every portion
gets wet.

17. Recite the dua after wudhu:

"Ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illALLAHu wahdahuu laa
shariikalahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan
'abduhuu wa rasuuluhu.”

In English, this is translated as

"I bear witness that there is no god other than Allah alone;
He is One; He has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad
( sallallahu alaihu Wasallam) is His servant and Messenger."

1. To perform Salaah.
2. To read the Qur’aan.
3. To make Tawaaf of the Ka’bah.
4. To make Sajdah-e-Tilaawat.

Acts that Break wudhu

There are nine acts that break wudhu:
1. To relieve one self. (urine or stool)
2. To break wind (fart).
3. The flowing of matter or blood from any part of the body.
4. To vomit a mouthful.
5. To fall asleep whilst leaning against something.
6. To fall unconscious. (fainting)
7. To become insane. (mad).
8. To become drunk.
9. To laugh loudly in Salaah.

Abu Hurairah (RA) reported: The messenger of Allah (peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him) said:: “When a Muslim makes wudhu and washes his
face, all those sins which he committed with his eyes are washed off with
the water or the last drop of water. When he washes his hands, all those sins
which he had committed with his hands are washed off with the water or
the last drop of water. When he washes his feet, all those which he
committed with his feet are washed off, until he is completely purified from
all sins.” (Muslim)


1. What is wudhu? ___________________________________________


2. How many Faraaidh are there in wudhu? ____ Mention them


3. Mention 7 Sunnats of wudhu? ______________________________


4. Mention three instances a person have to make wudhu


5. Mention 5 acts that break wudhu? ___________________________

____________________________ ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
7. Mention one virtue of wudhu that is mentioned in the Hadith?


Ghusl means to wash the whole body in clean water the way shown to us
by our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam) and is required
in specific cases for both the living and the dead.

Faraaidh of ghusal
There are three Faraaidh (compulsory acts) in ghusal:
1. To rinse the mouth with water.
2. To sniff water into the nose and blow it out.
3. Washing the entire body without leaving any part dry.

Sunnah Method of ghusal

1. To say Bismillah and make niyyah (intention).
2. Wash both hands up to the wrist thrice.
3. Wash off any najaasat (impurity) that may be on one’s body.
4. Make istinjaa. (i.e. to wash the private parts).
5. Perform wudhu according to the sunnah manner.
6. Pour water over the entire head thrice.
Thereafter pour water over the right shoulder and
then over the left shoulder thrice.

Occasions when ghusal becomes compulsory

1. When one is in the state of Janaabat (impurity due to
sexual intercourse or seminal discharge).
2. When a woman completes the period of Haidh (menses).
3. When a woman completes the period of Nifaas
4. When a Muslim dies. The body of a deceased Muslim (male or
female) must be given a ritual bath unless he or she died of wounds
suffered in Jihad (Struggle or war in Allah’s cause).
5. When on enters Islam as a new Muslim.

Aadaab (Etiquettes) of ghusl

1. Bath in a clean place.

2. Bath in privacy i.e. in such a place where no one can see you.
3. Ensure that the satr (parts of the body that need to be
covered at all times) is completely covered when taking ghusl
in a public place.
4. Relieve oneself before taking ghusl. One should not urinate in
the place where one is taking ghusl.
5. Use soap or anything else that will clean the body thoroughly.
6. A clean body is loved by Allah Ta’ala and it is protected from
germs and sicknesses.
7. Do not waste water when having ghusl!!!
Ghusl will only be complete if every part of our body gets wet.

1. What is the meaning of ghusl? ______________________________



2. How many faraaidh are there in ghusl? _____________________

3. Explain the sunnat method of making ghusl in your own words






4. When does ghusl become fardh on a person? ________________



5. We should ensure that our _________ is completely covered

when taking ghusal in a public place.

6. Ghusal will only be complete if every ___________ of our body

gets ____________.


To purify oneself from impurity using clean earth or sand is called


There are three compulsory acts in tayammum:

1. Niyyah (intention).
2. Striking both the hands on the earth and rubbing them on the face.
3. Striking both the hands on the earth and rubbing both the
forearms including the elbows.

Method of making tayammum

1. First recite Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
2. Thereafter make intention.
3. Then strike both the hands on clean ground or dust.
After dusting off the excess sand, rub both the palms
on the entire face in such a way that no space,
even to the size of a strand of hair is left out.
4. Thereafter strike both the hands again on the ground.
After dusting off the excess sand, rub the left palm over
the entire right hand including the elbow. And then rub
the right palm over the entire left hand including the elbow.
5. Then make khilaal of the fingers.

A person will be allowed to make tayammum

in the following cases
1. When water is not available within a radius of 1.6 kilometers.
2. When the water is so little that if the water is used for
wudhu or ghusl then there is fear of thirst.
3. When the use of water is harmful to the health.
4. When there is fear of an enemy or dangerous animal near the water.
5. When one does not have sufficient money to pay for water
which is being sold or water is being sold at a very high price.

Items with which a person can make tayammum
1. Pure earth.
2. Stone.
3. Sand.
4. Clay.
5. Walls made of brick, mud or stone.
6. All items which have thick dust on it.
7. Limestone.

NOTE: A person cannot make tayammum on metal, glass, wood, items that
melt or burn to ash and food items.

Things that break tayammum

1. Those things that break wudhu also break tayammum.
2. If water becomes available after making tayammum,
then the tayammum will break.
3. If a person made tayammum due to sickness and then he got
cured, his tayammum will break.


1. What is the meaning of tayammum? __________________________


2. How many compulsory acts are there in tayammum? Mention them.


3. Mention 5 things with which you can make tayammum?


4. Mention 3 things that you cannot use for tayammum?


5. If water is not found within a radius of ___________

kilometres tayammum will be permissible.

6. Mention 2 occasions when tayammum is permissible?



The Call To Salaah

Azaan means to call to Salaah.

Azaan is sunnat for the five Fardh Salaah and the Jumuah Salaah

Azaan should be called out on its prescribed time. If it was called out before
the time, it will have to be repeated in the correct time.

Wording of the Azaan

Allaahu Akbar
"Allah is the greatest. “

Allaahu Akbar
"Allah is the greatest. “

Allaahu Akbar
"Allah is the greatest. “

Allaahu Akbar
"Allah is the greatest. “

Ashhadu Alaa ilaaha illa-Lah

" I bear witness that there none worthy of worship except Allah. “

Ashhadu Alaa ilaaha illa-Lah

" I bear witness that there none worthy of worship except Allah. “

Ash Hadu anna Muhamadar rasuulullah
" I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. “

Ash Hadu anna adar raMuhamsuulullah

" I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. “

Hayya' alas Salaah

" Come to prayer. “

Hayya' alas Salaah

" Come to prayer. “

Hayya' alal Falaah

" Come to success. “

Hayya' alal Falaah

" Come to success. “

Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar.

" Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. “

Laa ilaaha illa-Lah

" There is no god but Allah. "

The Muazzin
(the one calling out the azaan) should have the following qualities in him:

1. He must be a male.
2. He is understanding ie. he is not mad.
3. He has knowledge of the sunnats of azaan.
4. He has knowledge of the salaah times.
5. Muttaqi – He is a pious and an upright Muslim.

Few etiquettes of calling out the Azaan:

1. Be in the state of wudhu.
2. Face the qiblah.
3. Stand and call out the azaan.
4. Place the index finger into the earlobes when calling out the azaan.
5. Turn the face to the right when saying hayya a`las-salaah and to
the left when saying hayya a`lal-falaah.
6. Call out the azaan from a high place.
7. Give azaan in a loud voice.

Etiquettes of replying to the Azaan

1. Remain silent whilst the azaan is being called out.

2. Repeat the words of the Muazzin.

3. Reply to the words: Hayya' alas Salaah and Hayya' alal Falaah
by saying: La hawla wa la kuwata ilaa bi llah

4. After the words: Asolat khairun minal naum in the Fajr Azaan,
say: Sodaqta wa bararta

5. The following dua should be recited after the azaan:

Allahumma Rabba Hadhihi Al-Da'awati Al-Taamma, Wal Salati-l-

qaa’ima, Aati Muhammadan Al-Wasilata Wal-Fadilata,
Wa b‘ath-hu Maqaman Mahmudan lladhi Wa‘adtahu,
Innaka La Tukhlifu Al-Mee'ad
(O Allah, Lord of the most perfect call, and of the prayer that is about
to be established, grant to Muhammad the favour of nearess (to You)
and excellence and a place of distinction, and exalt him to a position
of glory that You have promised him).


1. Iqaamah is given in the masjid to inform the people that

salaah is about to begin.

2. It is preferable that the one who gave the azaan should

give the iqaamah.

3. The one who gives iqaamah is called the mukabbir.

Words of Iqaamah

The words of the iqaamah are the same as the words of the azaan.
However, after: Hayya a`lal Falaah

One will add: Qad Qaamatis-Salaah, Qad Qaamatis-Salaah

Recite in this order.


Salaah is the second pillar of the five pillars in Islam. Praying five
times a day is compulsory for every (adult) muslim who is physically
and mentally capable to do so.


1. The messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “That which differentiates us

from the disbelievers and hypocrites is our performance of salah.
He who abandons it becomes a disbeliever.” {At-Tirmidhi}

2. The messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Perform Salah more often.

For every prostration you perform before Allah, He will raise your
position by one degree and will remit one of your sins. (Muslim)

3. The messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “On the judgement day, the
first thing for which a person will be judged will be his Salah. If he
performed it properly, he will be successful; but if he did not do so,
he will be destroyed.

4. The messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “The key to Paradise is Salah”



1. Which is the most important act of worship in Islam?


2. Mention the names of the Obligatory Salaah we offer daily?



3. How many times do we perform Salaah in a day?


4. Mention two benefits of Salaah?




5. If a person performs his Salaah after the time has passed,

will Allah Ta’ala be happy with him?


6. When is Maghrib Salaah performed?


7. What time do we offer Fajr salaah?


The Seven Conditions before Salaah

Salaah is very important to a Muslim, therefore we should ensure that

before Salaah seven things are in its place. Allah Ta’ala will only accept our
Salaah if these seven conditions are found.

Before performing Salaah, we must ensure that:

1. Our clothes are clean.
2. Our body is clean.
3. The place where we will perform Salaah is clean.
4. We must face the Qiblah.
5. Our Satr (private areas) are covered.
6. We have the correct intention.
7. We are in the state of Wudhu.

NOTE: The (Satr) private area of a male is from the navel to the knee and the
(satr) private area of a female is her entire body besides her face and palms.

Actions that break Salaah

The following actions will break our Salaah:
1. When one’s Wudhu breaks.
2. To speak in Salaah.
3. To turn away from the direction of the Qiblah.
4. To eat or drink in Salaah.

Faraaidh of Salaah
There are six Faraaidh (Compulsory acts) in Salaah:

1. Takbeer-e-Taeeram (First takbeer).

2. Qiyaam (Standing posture).
3. Qiraat (Qur’aan recitation).
4. Ruku (Bowing).
5. Both the Sajdahs (Prostration).
6. Qa’dah Akheerah (Last sitting).

How to perform Salaah

One must first make niyyah (intention). Thereafter raise both hands up to
the ears and with the palms facing the Qiblah say: Allahu Akbar, while
folding both hands on your chest or below the navel.

.Thereafter recite the Thanaa:
SubhanakAlla-hum-ma /wa bihamdika / wa tabaarakasmuka / wa ta’ala
jadduka / wa laa-i-laa-ha ghairuk.
(Glorious You are O Allah, and with your praise, and blessed is your Name, and
exalted is your majesty, and none has the right to be worshipped but You”

Read Ta’awwudh:
A’udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem.
I seek shelter from Allah from the rejected Satan.

Then recite Tasmiya:

Bis-mil-laahir rah-maanir ra-heem
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Now recite Surah Faatiha . After completing Surah Faatiha, say Aameen
softly. Thereafter recite any Surah you know and then while saying Allahu
Akbar go into Ruku.
In Ruku hold the knees with your hands and spread the fingers around the

Recite the Tasbeeh of Ruku three times:

Subhaana rabbiyal ‘A-zeem
“How perfect is my Lord, the Magnificent”
Keep your head in line with your back and look downward to the place of

Stand up ffrom the bowing position saying:

Sa-mi‘Al laahu liman ha-mi-dah
Allah hears those who praise Him

While standing in Qaumah (straight) say:

‘Rabbanaa lakal hamd
Our Lord, praise br to You

While Saying Takbeer, go into Sajdah by first placing your knees, then both
the hands, the nose and lastly the forehead between both hands on the

In Sajdah recite the Tasbeeh thrice:

Sub-haa-na rabbiyal ‘A’laa.
“How perfect is my Lord, the Most High”

Thereafter, while saying the Takbeer, sit upright in Jalsa. One must sit on
the left foot with the right foot straight up with the toes facing Qiblah.

Sit Upright with your knees bent and palms placed on them and say:
“Rabbighfir li”
O my Lord! Forgive me

Now repeat the Takbeer and go back into Sajdah in the same manner as in
the first Sajdah. On finishing the second Sajdah, one Rakaat has been
completed. After completing the second Sajdah stand up while saying
Allahu Akbar . Now the second Rakaat will begin as in the first.

Recite the Tasmiya, Surah Faatiha and a Surah, perform the Ruku, Qauma
and both Sajdahs. After the second Sajdah do not stand up but remain in a
sitting position and recite Tashahhud.

“Atahiyyatu lillahi was-Salawatu wat-Tayyibatu As-salamu 'alaika
ayyuh-an-Nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. As-salamu 'alaina
wa 'alaa 'Ibaadil-Lahis-Salihin. Ash-hadu al-La-Ilaha illa-lAllahu wa
ash-hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuluh.

“Greetings, prayers and goodness belongs to Allah. Allah's peace be upon you, O
Prophet, and His mercy and blessings. Peace be on us and on all righteous servants
of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that
Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger.


(Allahuma sali ala Muhammad, wa ala Aali Muhammad, kama salait ala
Ibrahim wa ala Aali Ibrahim innak hameed majeed, wa barik ala
Muhammad wa ala Aali Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibrahim wa ala
Aali Ibrahim innak hameedun majeed).

O Allah, send prayers upon Muhammad and upon the family of

Muhammad, just as you sent prayers upon Ibraheem and the family of
Ibrahim. Verily, you are full of Praise and Majesty . O Allah, bless the family
of Muhammad as you blessed Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem.
Verily, you are full of Praise and Majesty.

then recite "Allahumma inni zalamtu nafsi zulman kasira wala yagfiru
junuba inna anta fagfirulu magfiratam min indika war hamni inna kala
gafirur rahima"

"Rabbi ja'alni muqeemus salaati wa min zurriyati rabbana wataqabbal
Rabbanaghfirli waliwalidaiyya walil mu'mineena yauma yaqoom-ul-

Lastly make the salaam:

As-salaamu 'a-lay-kum wa rah-ma-tul laah

First turn the head towards the right and make salaam and then towards
the left and make salaam.

After the salaam, make Dua asking Allah Ta’ala to fulfil all your needs.


1. Mention the Fard (Compulsory acts) in Salah


2. Mention three actions that breaks salah


3. Mention a virtue of Salaah that has been mentioned in the Hadith?


4. The Satr (private area) of a male is from ____________ to ___________

and the satr of a female is _____________________________________

5. All together how many Rak’ats are there in the five daily prayers

6. What Dua should we read in Sajdah? __________________________


7. Should a woman recite the Qur’aan loudly or softly in Salaah?


Masah on the Khuffain

1. Khuf means a leather sock.

2. Masah means to pass over wet hands.
3. As Muslims, we are allowed to make
masah on the khuffain (leather socks)
instead of washing the feet when making wudhu.
4. We will only be allowed to make masah on condition that
the khuffain are such that:
Water does not seep through it.
A person can walk with it for 3 miles without it getting torn.
It covers the whole foot till above the ankle.

Duration of masah
When a person has made a complete wudhu (including washing his feet)
and thereafter puts on the khuffain, then The Prophet (saw) allowed such a
person to make masah on his khuffain for three days and three nights (72
hours) while on journey (musaafir) and for one day and one night (24
hours) for a person who is not a musaafir.

Note: A person will not start calculating this period from the time of
actually wearing the khuffain but rather from the time his wudhu breaks
after wearing the khuffain. For e.g. if he made wudhu and put his khuffain
on at 7:00am but broke his wuzu at 10:00am, he will start his calculations
from 10:00am.

Method of making Masah

1. Wet the fingers of both the hands and place them on top of
the khuffain (right hand on right khuf and left hand on left khuf).
Starting from the toes, pull the fingers towards the ankles, ensuring
that your fingers go past the ankles.

2. Masah is only done of the top of the khuf and not on the bottom.

3. Masah should be done once on each foot.

Important: At least the top surface equal to three fingers space should
be covered when making masah.

Actions that break the masah

1. Whatever breaks wudhu will break the masah. In addition to this,

if one removes the khuf, his masah will break.
2. If the khuf is removed, slips off, or it tears, you will have to wash
your feet again.
3. When the time of masah expires, the masah breaks.
Remove the khuffain and wash the feet again.
4. When having ghusl, first remove the khuf and then take a bath.
A person in need of ghusl cannot make masah on the khuffain.

1. What is a khuf?
2. What should a person do if his khuf slips off?
3. When will the masah on the khuffain break?
4. Must masah be made on the top or the bottom section of the khuf?
5. Will masah on the khuffain be permissible if there is a hole in it?
Explain in detail.
6. Explain in your own words the method of making masah?


Definition: When a person makes a mistake in salaah (eg. he left out,

delayed or repeated a waajib act or delayed or repeated a fardh act), then he
will have to make two extra sajdahs at the end of the salaah to compensate
for the mistake. If he does not make these two sajdahs, then he will have to
repeat his salaah.

Method of making Sajdatus Sahwu: In Qa’dah Akheerah (the last sitting),

after reciting tashahhud, make one salaam to the right and thereafter, go
into sajdah (make two sajdahs). Thereafter, sit up and complete the salaah
as normal . Thereafter make salaam and complete the salaah.

Note: If the muqtadee (one praying behind the imam) makes a mistake
which makes Sajdatus Sahwu necessary, he will not have to make Sajdatus


1. When will a person have to make Sajdatus Sahwu?


2. If the muqtadee makes a mistake, what should he do?


3. Explain in your own words how to make Sajdatus Sahwu?


Salaah with Jamaat
Salaah with jamaat means to offer salaah in a group with one person
leading the others.

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “The salaah performed with jamaat is
twenty seven times superior to the salaah which is performed alone.” {Al-Bukhari
and Muslim}

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said“One who performs the ‘Isha’ prayer in
congregation, is as if he has performed Salah for half of the night. And one
who performs the Fajr prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed
salah the whole night.” (Muslim}

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (RA) said, “By Allah, if each of you prays the
obligatory Salah in his house, you will have abandoned the SUNNAH of
your prophet {pbuh}. { Sunan Ibn Majah 777}

1. The person who is leading the salaah is called the Imaam

and the people following him are called the Muqtadees.
2. It is necessary for men to offer their salaah with jamaat.
To neglect salaah with jamaat without a valid excuse is sinful.
3. Jamaat is not necessary on woman, children, those who are very sick,
the blind and those men who have a valid excuse.

Masbooq (late comer)

1. A Masbooq is a person who joins the salaah after the imaam
completes the ruku of the first rakaat.

2. When the masbooq joins the imaam, he will continue his salaah as
normal with the imaam.

3. As soon as the imaam completes his salaah with the second salaam,
the masbooq will stand up and complete the missed rakah/rakaats.

4. If a person joins the imaam whilst he is still in ruku, it will be as

though he has not missed that rakaat. Therefore, he will not have to
repeat that particular rakaat.

5. Once the imaam makes the final salaam to the right,

the latecomer cannot join in the jamaat salaah.


1. Explain the following terms:




2. Mention a reward for offering salaah with jamaat?


3. Once the imaam makes the first salaam, can a latecomer

join in the jamaat?

4. Is salaah with jamaat necessary on men or on women?


5. Mention one warning from the Hadith for neglecting salaah with

Qadha Salaah

1. Qadhaa means to perform a fardh or waajib salaah after its

prescribed time has expired.
2. To delay any salaah and cause it to become qadhaa without a
valid excuse, is a major sin.
3. The Prophet (saw) said in a Hadith, “Whoever mises the Asr Prayer
(intentionally) until its time elapses, it is as if he has lost all his family
and wealth.” {Al-Bukhari No 552}
4. Qadhaa is only compulsory for fardh and waajib salaah.
5. There is no qadhaa for sunnah and nafl salaah.
6. When a person is completing his missed salaah, he should make this
intention, e.g. ‘I am performing Fajr or Zuhr, etc. of such and
such day.’
7. If a person has so many qadhaa salaah that he doesn’t know the
exact amount, then he should make a fair estimate of all the salaah
that he has missed (e.g. 1 month, 6 months, 2 years etc.).
He should then draw up a chart and strike off one salaah at a time as
he completes his qadhaa.
8. The person mentioned in no.7 above must make his intention like
e.g. ‘I am reading qadhaa for the first Fajr or first Zuhr etc. that I
missed.’ He should continue in this manner until his heart is at ease
that all his qadhaa salaah is now completed.
9. Women in the state of haiz and nifaas will not have to make qadhaa
for the salaah missed while they were in the state of haidh or nifaas.


1. What does qadhaa mean?


2. Mention the Hadith regarding a person who makes his

salaah qadhaa?

3. Is there qadhaa for the sunnah and nafl salaah? ______________

4. If a person is making qadhaa for an unknown estimated period

of time, what intention should he make?

5. Does a woman in the state of haid and nifaas have to make qadhaa?


1. A person who travels 77km or more out of the boundary of his town
is called a musaafir.

2. If a musaafir intends staying at a place for less than 15 days,

he will perform his salaah by making Qasr (shortening the salaah).
i.e., for Zuhr, Asr and Isha Salaah, he will offer only two rakaats
fardh and not four. However, he will offer the fardh of the Fajr
and Maghrib Salaah as normal.

3. If the musaafir is in a hurry, he can leave out the sunnah and

nafl salaah. However, if he has time, it is better that he offers
the sunnah and nafl salaah as well.

4. If a musaafir offers salaah behind a muqeem (resident) imaam,

he will offer the full salaah.

5. If the musaafir is the imaam and the muqtadees (followers) are

all residents, the imam will only offer two rakaats. After the
imaam makes salaam, the followers will stand up and complete
the remaining two rakaats.


1. When will a person be regarded as a musaafir?


2. How many rakaats will a musaafir offer for Maghrib Salaah?


3. Does the musaafir have to offer all the sunnah and nafl salaah?
Explain in detail.

4. If a musaafir offer salaah behind the local imam, will he make qasr
or not?


Allah Ta’ala mentions in the Qur’aan, “O you who believe! When the
call is made for Salaah on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of Allah
and stop doing business. That is better for you if you knew. Thus, when t h e
salaah is completed, then spread out in the earth and seek the grace of
Allah and remember Allah often that you may be successful.” (Quran 62 VS

The Prophet (saw) mentioned in a hadith, “The best of days that the
sun has risen on is the Day of Jumuah (Friday). It was o n t h i s d a y t h a t
Aadam (Alayhis Salaam) was created, on this day he entered Jannah and on
this day he was removed from there. Qiyaamah will also take place on the
day of Jumuah.” {Sahih Muslim)

Etiquettes on the Day of Jumuah

Clip the finger and toe nails.

Remove unwanted hair.

Have a ghusl (bath).

Wear clean clothes.

Apply it (perfume).[men only]

Use the miswaak.

Read Surah Kahf.

Go early to the masjid for Jumuah.

Make lots of dua especially between Asr and Maghrib.

Recite abundant salutations on The Prophet Muhammad (saw).


1. The Friday prayer in congregation is an obligatory duty upon every

Muslim except four; a slave, a woman, a child and a sick person.”
{Abu Dawud}
On Friday, the men perform the Jumuah Salaah. Women who did not
perform Jumuah Salaah perform the Zuhr Salaah as normal.

2. Jumuah Salaah is fardh on all adult Muslim men who are sane,
healthy and muqeem (person not on a journey).
It is not fardh on women.

3. There is no compulsory Jumuah on minors, insane people,

the sick, travellers and women. They will offer zuhr salaah.

The Khutbah
1. Before the Jumuah Salaah, the imaam will sit on the mimbar.
The muazzin will then give the azaan. After the azaan, the imam will
stand and deliver a khutbah (sermon).

2. After the first khutbah, he will sit down for a while and then stand
up again and deliver the second khutbah. After the second khutbah
is complete, the imam will step down from the mimbar and lead the
people in the two rakaats Fardh Salaah of Jumuah.

3. The Khutbah should be delivered in the language the congregation

would easily understand.

Things not allowed during the khutbah

Talking. (Everyone should sit with respect and listen to the khutbah

Eating and drinking.

Reciting Qur’aan or any other form of zikr.

Offering sunnah and nafl salaah.


1. Mention 5 etiquettes for the day of Jumuah?


2. On whom is Jumuah fardh?


3. In which language must the khutbah be delivered?


4. How many rakaats are fardh in Jumuah Salaah?


5. Mention three things that you cannot do while the khutbah is

being delivered?


(Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adhaa)

1. The two eids (Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adhaa) are days of celebration
for a Muslim.
2. Eidul Fitr is on the 1st of Shawwaal and Eidul Adhaa is on the 10th
of Zul Hijjah.
3. In order to show gratitude to Allah Ta’ala, we offer an extra salaah
of two rakaats with jamaat on these two occasions.

Etiquettes to observe on the day of Eid

Wake up early.
Take a ghusl.
Wear one’s best clothes.
Use the miswaak.
Apply it (perfume).[men only]
Go walking for the Eid salaah.
Go to the Eid taking one route and returning via another route.
Eat something sweet (dates)before going for the Eidul Fitr salaah.
To say the takbeer loudly when going for the salaah of Eidul Adhaa.
To discharge ones sadaqatul fitr before going for the eidul fitr salaah.

Rules concerning the Eid Salaah

1. Eid Salaah is waajib on those whom Jumuah Salaah is fardh.

2. The Eid Salaah consists of two rakaats with extra takbeers.
3. Eid Salaah is generally performed on the outskirts of the town.
4. There is no azaan or iqamah for Eid Salaah
4. The Salaah comes before the Khutbah

Method of performing the Eid Salaah

Firstly make intention of performing two rakaats of Eid Salaah

In the first Rakaah, the Imam would say the Takbeerat al-ihraam (say
“Allah akbar” to start the Prayer), after which he would say six or seven
more Takbeers, because of the hadeeth of Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased
with her), “The takbeer of al-Fitr and al-Adha is seven takbeers in the first Rakah
and five takbeers in the second, apart from the takbeer of rukoo” Narrated by Abu
Dawood and classed as Saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa’val Ghaleel, 639.

Then he would recite al Faatihah, and recite Suratu Qaf in the first Rakah. In
the second Rakah, the Imaam would stand up saying takbeer and when he
has stood up completely, he would say takbeer five times Surat al-
Faatiahah then Surat al-Qamr. The Prophet (pbuh) used to receite these
two surahs during the two Eids or if He wishes he can recite Surat al-A’la in
the first Rakah and Surat al-Ghaashiyah in the second because the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him) use to recite al-A’la and al-
Ghaashiyah in the Eid Prayer

After the salaah, the imam will deliver the khutbah. Everyone should sit
silently and listen to the khutbah.


1. On what dates do Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adhaa fall?


2. Mention 6 etiquettes to be observed on the Day of Eid?


3. Where is the Eid Salaah generally performed?


4. Eid Salaah consists of ______ rakaats.

5. Will azaan and iqaamah be given for the Eid Salaah?


6. Explain in your own words how to perform the Eid Salaah?



1. Taraaweeh Salaah is the salaah which is performed in

Ramadhaan after the fardh and sunnat of Isha Salaah.
The witr salaah is offered after the Taraaweeh Salaah.

2. Taraaweeh Salaah is Sunnat-e-Muakkadah on males and females.

3. The Taraaweeh Salaah consists of twenty rakaats in sets of two.

(i.e. 10 x 2 rakaats).

4. It is rewarding if possible to complete the whole Qur’aan once in

the Taraaweeh Salaah during the month of Ramadhaan.

5. If a person has the strength to stand, it will be makrooh for him to

sit and read the Taraaweeh Salaah.


1. What is Taraaweeh Salaah?




2. How many rakaats are there in the Taraaweeh Salaah?


3. Taraaweeh Salaah is _____________________ on males and females.

4. When is the Witr Salaah performed in the month of Ramadhaan?



5. If a person has the strength to stand, it will be ________________

for him to sit and read the Taraaweeh Salaah.

Fasting in the month of Ramadhaan is a pillar of Islam.
Fasting in Islam means to stay away from eating, drinking and having
relations with one’s wife, from subh (early dawn) until sunset.

The fast of Ramadhaan is Fardh upon every Muslim, male and female who
is baaligh (mature) and sane.

What intention should one make for fasting?

1. Making intention for fasting is necessary. If someone stays away

from eating, drinking, etc. without any intention, the fast will not be
2. A person should make this intention, ‘I intend fasting
3. A person doesn’t have to make the intention verbally. Intention
from the heart is sufficient.

4. The dua for fasting is:

Allahumo asuumu gadan laka faghfirli maa qodamtu wa maa akartu
O Allah! I shall fast tomorrow for Your sake, so forgive my future
and past sins

Alternatively recite this dua:

Bi saumi gadinn nawaetu min shahri ramadhan
I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadhan.

5. The dua for breaking fasts is:

Dhahaba Zama-u wabtallatil ‘urooqu, wa sa-batal ajru in shaa Allah

The thirst is gone and the veins are moistened and the reward is
guaranteed, if Allah wills. {Abu Dawood}

Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika amantu, {wa alayka tawakaltu}

wa ala riz-qi-ka aftartu.
O Allah, I have fasted for You and I believe in You {and I put my trust
in You} and I break my fast with Your sustenance.

Sahr and Iftaar
1. Sahr is the early morning meal which is eaten before fajr.
2. Iftaar is the meal which is eaten at the time of sunset when one
breaks opens his fast.
3. It is preferable to delay the sahr until just before the time expires
and to make iftaar immediately after sunset.
4. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said that there is lots of barakah
(blessings) in eating sahri. Therefore, we should try our best to
wake up for sahr.
5. At the time of sahri and iftaar, duas are accepted, therefore,
we should engage in dua at these two times.
6. It is preferable to break one’s fast with dates or water.


1. What is the meaning of fasting?


2. On whom is fasting fardh?


3. What intention should a person make for fasting?


4. If a person did not make his intention verbally but rather made
an intention in his heart, will his fast be valid?

5. What does sahur and iftaar mean?


6. It is preferable to break one’s fast with


People who are excused from fasting
1. A traveller. (A person who is regarded as a musaafir in Islam)
2. A very sick person when he fears for his life.
3. A person who fears death due to extreme hunger and thirst.
4. A woman in the state of haidh (Monthly menstruation) and
nifaas (after birth).

Things that don’t break the fast

Water going into the ears.

Applying oil on the body or hair.
Having a wet dream.
Taking an injection besides a vitamin injection.
A fly or mosquito going down ones throat unintentionally.
Using a miswaak.
Swallowing your own saliva.


1. Mention four people who are excused from fasting?


2. If a person applies oil to his body , will his fast break?


3. A person yawned and a fly went down his throat.

Will his fast break? _________________

4. Will a person’s fast break if he uses a miswaak? _________

5. A person who is sick went to the doctor and took an injection,

will his fast break? ____________________________

6. A person went swimming in Ramadhaan and some water went

into his ears, will his fast break? ___________________

Kaffarah and Qadhaa fasts
Qadhaa: To keep one fast in place of a fast that was missed or broken.
Kaffarah: To keep 60 fasts continuously without a break in between.

1. If a person eats, drinks or has relations with his wife intentionally

whilst fasting in the month of Ramadhaan, he will have to keep one
qadhaa fast followed by the 60 kaffarah fast.

2. If he eats, drinks unintentionally, his fast will

not break, and he will not have to keep a qadhaa fast.

3. If a person vomits a mouthful intentionally, his fast breaks and

he will have to make qadhaa.

4. Drinking any kind of medicine intentionally will make qadhaa

and kaffarah necessary.

5. A person who ate or drank unintentionally and thereafter

thought that his fast broke and he ate again, then he will have to
keep qadhaa.


1. What is the meaning of qadhaa fast?


2. Kaffarah means to keep ______fasts ___________ without a break

in between.

3. Will a persons fast break if he eats or drinks unintentionally?


Qurbaani means to sacrifice animals on the 10th of Zul Hijjah after
the Eid Salaah in remembrance of the sacrifice of Prophet Ibraheem
(alayhis salaam) and his son Prophet Isma-eel (alayhis salaam).

Qurbaani ends on the 12th of Zul Hijjah at sunset.

Importance of Qurbaani

The Prophet (saw) mentioned in a Hadith: “There is nothing dearer to Allah

Ta’ala during the days of qurbaani than the sacrificing of animals. The
sacrificed animal will come on the day of Qiyaamah with its horns, hair and
hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah Ta’ala before the
blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open heart.”

Once, a Sahaaba (RA) asked The Prophet (saw), “O prophet of Allah SWT),
what is qurbaani?” He replied, ‘It is the sunnah of your father Ibraheem
(AS).’ They then asked, “What benefit will we get from it?” He replied, “A
reward for every hair of the sacrificed animal.” They then asked, “And
what about an animal with wool?” The prophet (saw) replied, “A reward
for every fibre of wool.” {Tirmidhi}

Warning for not carrying out Qurbaani

The Prophet (saw) said, “The person who has the means of making
qurbaani but does not do so, should not even come near our eidgaah (place
where eid salaah is performed).” {Musnad Ahmad}

On whom is Qurbaani waajib?

1. Qurbaani is waajib on all Muslims, males and females

who are sane, mature and possess the minimum nisaab.

2. Qurbaani is necessary on a person for himself only.

However, he should make sure that his family members also fulfill
their qurbaani if it is waajib on them.

3. Qurbaani is not waajib on the poor, travellers and minors.


1. What is the meaning of qurbaani?


2. When does the time of qurbaani start?


3. Mention one reward for making qurbaani?


4. What warning did The Propjhet (saw) give to those who neglect to
make qurbaani despite having the wealth?

5. On whom is qurbaani waajib?


Animals which can be
slaughtered for Qurbaani
1. The following animals, whether male or female, can be used
for qurbaani: goats, sheep, cattle and camels.
2. Goats and sheep have to be at least one year old.
3. Cattle must be at least two years old.
4. Camels must be at least five years old.
5. Sheep or goats count as only one share.
6. Cattle and camels are divided into seven shares.
That is seven people can share in one cow or one camel.
7. If more than seven people share in a cow or camel, the qurbaani of
all of them will be incorrect.

Rules pertaining to the Qurbaani animal

The animal chosen for qurbaani should be healthy and free from defects. If
the animal has the following defects, it will not be permissible to slaughter
it for qurbaani:

1. The horn is broken off from the root. However, if the horns are cut
off, it will be permissible to slaughter it.
2. Those animals that are totally blind or have lost one third or more
their eyesight.
3 An animal that has no teeth at all.
4 Animals born without ears. If it has very small ears, it can
be slaughtered.
5 Very thin and weak animals.

Rules pertaining to zabah (slaughtering)

1. It is preferable to slaughter your own animal provided you
can slaughter it correctly.
3. Ensure that the knife is very sharp before slaughtering.
4. When slaughtering the animal, make sure that four veins are
properly cut: The throat, two jugular veins and the wind pipe.
5. One animal should not be slaughtered in front of another.
6. When laying the animal down, face the throat towards the qiblah.
Say “Bismillahi Allahu Akbar” and swiftly pass the knife over
its neck cutting all four pipes.
7. Make sure that the animal is not put through any
difficulty unnecessarily.

8. After slaughtering the animal, allow it to cool down first
before skinning it.
9. It is sunnah to recite the following dua when slaughtering the animal:
“Bismillahi Allahu Akbar” .


1. List the animals which can be slaughtered for qurbaani?


2. How old should a cow be if you want to slaughter it for qurbaani?


3. What kind of animal should be chosen for qurbaani?


5. Which four veins should be cut properly when making zabah?


7. If an animal was born without ears, can it be slaughtered

for qurbaani?

8. How many shares are cattle and camels divided into?


9. If more than seven people share in a cow, will the qurbaani

be accepted? ___________________________




Basic Fiqh:
Islamic Children Book on the Basic knowledge of the Deen (KZN)




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