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Hometown Essay

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Hometown Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of your hometown may initially seem like a straightforward task, as
the subject matter is familiar and personal. However, delving into the intricacies of one's hometown
can pose unexpected challenges. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but in the
delicate balance between objectivity and sentimentality.

Firstly, maintaining a critical perspective while writing about a place that holds sentimental value can
be challenging. The emotional attachment to one's hometown often clouds objectivity, making it
difficult to present a balanced portrayal. Striking the right tone becomes crucial – how to express
affection without descending into overly sentimental prose requires a delicate touch.

Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding clichés and stereotypical descriptions that might make the
essay generic. Navigating through the trap of common expressions, and attempting to capture the
unique essence of your hometown demands a creative effort.

Additionally, organizing the content coherently can be challenging. The plethora of memories and
experiences associated with one's hometown can result in a scattered narrative. Structuring the essay
in a way that engages the reader while maintaining a logical flow poses a significant challenge.

Researching historical or cultural aspects of the hometown to provide a more comprehensive

perspective adds another layer of complexity. Striking a balance between personal anecdotes and
broader historical or cultural contexts requires meticulous research and thoughtful integration.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of your hometown seems like a simple endeavor,
the intricacies of balancing objectivity, avoiding clichés, organizing content coherently, and
incorporating relevant historical or cultural elements make it a more challenging task than it may
appear at first glance.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essay topics or any writing assignments, you may
consider seeking assistance. There are resources available, such asHelpWriting.net , where you can
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Hometown Essay Hometown Essay
APRN Case Study
APRN in South Carolina
The South Carolina State Board of Nursing is responsible for licensure of APRNs
(American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2014). South Carolina (SC) is a
restricted practice state, requiring Nurse Practitioners (NP) to be 1) supervised by, 2)
perform delegated tasks from or 3) work as part of a team managed by, a medical
doctor or dentist (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2014). To obtain an
APRN license in SC requires a RN license, in good standing, a graduate degree and
certification from an approved national credentialing source (American Association of
Nurse Practitioners, 2014).
Definition and Scope of Practice for APRNs in South Carolina
SC defines APRNs, as nurses who are prepared for advanced ... Show more content on
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In 2013, the prescriptive scope of practice was expanded for Physicians Assistants to
include Schedule II drugs in limited circumstances (South Carolina Academy of
Physician Assistants, 2013). These include a one time dosing in a hospital setting and
renewals of medications prescribed by an MD (South Carolina Academy of Physician
Assistants, 2013). Hopefully, the South Carolina Board of Nursing will, aggressively,
pursue both full practice and increased prescriptive authority of Schedule II drugs, for
APNPs, in the near future.
National Certifying Board Options for South Carolina
There are two main certifying options, the AACN and the ANCC, for the state of SC
(South Carolina Board of Nursing, 2016). The ANCC is professionally oriented,
extensively covering research, policy and ethics (American Nurses Credentialing
Center, 2017). The ANCC has 200 questions but only 175 are scored while AACC has
175 with only 150 scored (American Nurses Credentialing Center, 2017) (American
Association of Critical Care Nurses, 2016). Recertification for ANCC is every 5 years
and requires 75 continuing education hours with 25 in pharmacotherapeutics and 1 or
more of ANCC renewal categories, in certification specialty (American Nurses
Credentialing Center, 2017). The categories include; 75 continuing education hours,
academic credits, 5 hours of presentations, evidence based research, 140 preceptor hours,
1000 practice hours in
Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress...
Prolonged Exposure Therapy
According to Tuerk, Yoder, Ruggiero, Gros Acierno (2010), prolonged exposure therapy
is a form of therapy treatment applied in posttraumatic stress disorders. Prolonged
exposure treatment based on behavioral and cognitive levels of therapy, is a method used
in treatment of trauma where the victim remembers the triggers of trauma rather than
letting go, as it has been the case. Trained Social workers, psychologists and psychiatrist
offer treatment to these conditions. What causes post traumatic stress disorders is not
clearly known, but a mix of one s personality, inherited mental functionality risks, the way
the brain releases chemicals in dealing with stress, and one s life experiences can be
used to draw some insights (Powers, Halpern, Ferenschak, Gillihan Foa, 2010).
This method is useful in trauma cases, which result to depression, anger and anxiety. It
includes strategies and methods used to help individuals deal with past traumatic events
in order to minimize anger and depression. Making an individual remember their past
traumatic events enables them deal with their fears (Rizvi, Vogt, Resick, 2009). The
treatment period is dependent on the needs of a client and the healing progress. Edna. B.
Foa is the scholar who developed the therapy program she based her study on the
treatment of anxiety. Practitioners all over the United States have practiced her strategy
on treating trauma caused due to rape, child abuse, motor
China s Growth As A Foreign Power
China s growth as a foreign power is shifting the dynamics of global relations. It can be
theorized that China as a growing influence poses a danger to middle powers
economically, diplomatically and militarily. The reasoning behind this research branches
from the growing prominence of middle powers as players in global politics. Particularly,
focusing on the motivations of middle powerstates and their reactions, changes in
foreign or domestic policy, to China growing as an economically, politically, and
militarily strong nation. This report will discuss the ways in which the collection of
nations called the middle powers are reacting to China s rising economic, diplomatic, and
military power. It will also examine the shifting position... Show more content on
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These two theories will be applied in an attempt to assess whether Australia and Canada
in particular alter their policies as a defensive response to China s growing influence or
if it is rather a result of a mix of history, ideas, norms, and beliefs that affect a their roles
in international relations. It will be argued that with the growth of China as a foreign
power, middle powers begin to feel threatened and thus alter their policies to reflect a
more secure approach to international relations and thus reflects a defensive realist

Middle power nations essentially possess capabilities slightly inferior to that of great
powers, such as the United States, nonetheless they continue to hold influence within
global politics. As these middle power states do not posses the strength or influence of
great powers, but do possess more influence than that of developing nations, they rest in
a fascinating position in the field of international relations. The typical behaviour that
has come to be expected of middle powers is that their role in the political sphere
involves the mediation of conflicts, most often between great powers and the initial
building of connections between the developed and developing worlds . Their situation
politically and economically can very much depend on their alliances and most of the
middle power
Thematic Appreciation Test And Rorschach Inkbolt Test
Psychology while being a young science has taken over the various aspects of our lives.
Psychology is used very liberally ranging from advertisement to job selection. Psychology
has various tests that are used independently in order to diagnose and measure the
behaviour of an individual. The psychological tests all have various usage and can
measure different behaviours or diagnose mental health issues. There are numerous
psychological tests and the focus of the paper is on the thematic appreciation test and
Rorschach Inkbolt test. The tests are used on myriads of institutions and the popularity of
these keep rising. The tests are used for identifying personality traits, canadites for
particular roles, checking IQ levels and many more. Thematic appreciation test and the
Rorschach Inkbolt test are both part of psychological tests. Both Thematic appreciation
test and the Rorschach Inkbolt test are categorized under the projective psychological
test. The popularity of thematic appreciation test and Rorschach Inkbolt test are very
high. The paper will focus on the comparing and contrasting the Rorschach Inkbolt test
and thematic appreciation test along with their usage. The projective tests are from a part
of the psychological tests. Rorschach Inkbolt test and thematic appreciation test are
popular forms of testing. Rorschach Inkbolt test and thematic appreciation test are mainly
used to test for personality tests, when presented with the vague images, words and
unclear scenes.
Project Report On Inventory Control And Management Essay

Name: Shubham Chugh Roll No.: 1321001517



Table of Contents: Chapter 1: About the organisation 1.1 Introduction10

1.2 Vision mission10
1.3 Core values 10
1.4 Amtek group milestones 10
1.5 Global Structure 11
1.6 Products11
1.7 Major highlights of Amtek group12
1.8 Customers13

CHAPTER 2 : Introduction to problem

2.1 Introduction to problem16
2.2 Objective of project16

CHAPTER 3: Introduction to inventory management 3.1 Introduction to inventory

management 18
3.2 Nature of inventory18
3.3 Purpose of holding inventory 19
3.4 Objective of inventory management19
3.5 Valuation of inventory20
3.6 Benefits of holding inventory21
3.7 Inventory control system22
3.7.1 Inventory control22
3.7.2 Re order point24s
3.7.3 Safety stock24
3.8 Selective inventory control24
3.8.1 ABC analysis24

CHAPTER 4: Methodology 4.1 Methodology 27

4.2 Nature of research27
4.3 Sampling plan 27
4.4 Data collection data source27
4.5 Analysis pattern28
4.6 Flow chart 30

CHAPTER 5: Define Phase 5.1 Define 32

5.1.1 Preparation of project charter32
5.1.2 Team formation 33
5.1.3 Kick off project 33

CHAPTER 6: Measure Analyze

Joe Watson Research Paper
Why to Maintain your Hobbies After Joe Watson had been told he was deathly allergic
to the sun and his frail lungs would not allow him breathe the outside air, also not to
mention his high level of paranoia for potential of getting robbed outside at night, he
decided that he would never leave his home for the rest of his life. He had done
everything right he went to a liberal arts college, got a salary job at a local car
manufacturer, married a beautiful woman he loved, started a family, and continued to
work hard. But after his health issues arose during his retirement and his wife had
passed, the time to stay inside was now. First, he remodeled the small laundry room to
not only take care of his dirty clothes, but it would also contain... Show more content on
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His survival mind told him no, but his practical mind told him yes. He had made his
decision. Joe was would leave from his isolation at sunset that day to receive the
smallest amount of UV rays, but to also keep himself safe from what he called,
hooligans of the night. After being anxious all day, it was time for Joe to execute his
plan. He snuck out the back door of his home after unlocking all 6 locks on it and he
walked around the corner to first check his air conditioner. It was in perfect condition
as expected. Then came the trash compactors, this check took a little longer because of
the compactor s complexity, but it was in working order, with full loads of trash and
recycling in the proper bins. Then came his garden and it was far from how Joe had left
Memoir Saying Farewell To A Faithful Pal Analysis
Animals in our Human World

Internal and external forces can make a big difference in our lives. If having a friend
or someone who you can rely on is nearby, then it ll be fun. Every new experience can
make a person change; sometimes the change is positive, and other times it is negative.
Either way, there is no avoiding change. Animals are helpful, hardworking, and unique.
In Memoir, Saying Farewell to a Faithful Pal by John Grogan describes the time their pet
dog was helpful. The quote in the story that their dog is helpful to them is When i
bought my wife home from the doctor after a miscarriage, that wild beast gently rested
his blocky head in her lap and just whimpered (Grogan, pg 155, pp 11). The quotes
from the story prove that their dog is trying to comfort the owner because dogs
sometimes can smell someone s emotion or they know if their owner is sad. This animal
impact change the person in the story because comforting someone is helpful to them
and can make them feel happy. Although dogs helping someone is very hardworking. It
s like trying their best to make their owner happy so that s why they are working hard. ...
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The quote in the story that shows that animals are hardworking is Having a job to do is a
part of their nature; it s who they are (Grandin, pg 155, pp 3). The author explains how
job is part of their nature and how mix breeds were built for work. The author also
explains how the owner s life changes because of her dog, A dog named Max helped her
owner to cure her diabetes, but sadly the owner died. Losing someone is sad, especially
for Max because he is part of the owner s family and because they are

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