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Honor Society Essay

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Honor Society Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of an "Honor Society" can be quite challenging due to the
multifaceted nature of the topic. It requires a delicate balance between showcasing your
achievements and qualifications while maintaining a humble tone. Striking this balance can be a fine
line to tread, as you aim to highlight your accomplishments without coming across as boastful.

Moreover, the essay demands a deep introspection into your personal and academic journey. It
requires you to delve into the specifics of your experiences, emphasizing how your character and
values align with the principles of an honor society. This introspection can be a daunting task, as it
necessitates a genuine and thoughtful exploration of your achievements and their impact on your life.

Another challenge lies in articulating your goals and aspirations effectively. The essay should not
only focus on past accomplishments but also provide a compelling narrative about how being a part
of the honor society will contribute to your future growth. Communicating this effectively requires
careful consideration of your words and the ability to express your thoughts in a clear and coherent

In addition to the content, adhering to the guidelines and word limits set by the application process
adds another layer of complexity. Precision becomes crucial as you strive to convey your message
within the given constraints.

Despite these challenges, writing an impactful essay on the topic can be immensely rewarding. It
allows you to reflect on your journey, aspirations, and the qualities that make you deserving of an
honor society membership. With diligence, self-reflection, and a keen eye for detail, you can
overcome these difficulties and present a compelling case for your inclusion in the honor society.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, various resources are
available, such as online writing services. Platforms like HelpWriting.net offer support in crafting
well-structured and eloquent essays, providing a valuable aid for individuals navigating the
complexities of self-expression in a written format.
Honor Society Essay Honor Society Essay
History Of Credit Card Terminal Technology
This report present the History of the credit Card terminal technology, and how this
technology developed. This report analyzed the Square reader model number A PKG
0206 01. The Square reader market analysis, theory of operation, and the device
performance are presented in this report. The square reader cost zero dollar and showed
high efficacy in performance. This device is recommended.

Since 1958, when the credit card was invented [1], the credit card terminal has developed
and became easier to use over time. Engineers have made many developments to credit
card terminals and enhanced this technology. The development has a large impact on the
performance and the way these devices work. Credit card terminal ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Almost everyone has a smartphone, so engineers invented a way to let merchant charge
customers through a device that can be attached to any mobile phone. This device, or
credit card terminal, is the future of credit card terminal technology, where merchants can
charge customers anywhere and anytime [3]. This report will present the market
analysis, theory of operation, and the device performance of Square.INC credit card
reader [3].
III.Market Analysis

Square.INC is a company was founded in February, 2009, by jack Dorsey the CEO of
Twitter and Jim Mckelvey [4 new]. This company focus on software and hardware
payments. Square has a several products, such as square reader, and square stand. The
square reader consider as the first product released by Square [4 new]. Square.INC is a
public company has been traded in the New York stock exchange since Nov, 2015 [5
new]. There are many competitors for Square in the market. The most competitors are
Flint, PayPal, and Softcard. The cost of the Square reader is free [6 new]. Square charge
zero dollar to purchase the Square reader, but in return it charges 2.75% fee per swipe [7
new]. The fee is consider a low fee comparing to the competitors fees. Flint charge 2.95%
and PayPal charge 2.90% plus $0.30 per swipe [8 new]. This low rate is consider as an
advantage for Square.INC, and make it hard to compete by other companies. There are
thousands of Square reader users
Example Of An Object Speech On African Elephants
Mary George
February 16, 2018
Object Speech
African Elephants What s animal is really big, gray, and is pregnant for 22 months? That
s right elephants, but how much do you really know about these animals. By the end of
the of my speech I hope that you will know more about the African elephant s physical
appearance, diet, and the main reasons they are now a threatened species. These
extremely intelligent animals are every interesting mammals. The average weights of a
full grown African elephant is about 15,000lbs (male), and 7,700lbs (female). Their
heights range from about 10 5 for males to 8 5 for females. They are considered the
largest land animals, which is no surprise when you see pictures of these animals.
Elephants have very unique physical features ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These trunks have about 100,000 muscles in them, which is what allows them to
complete extraordinary tasks, such as lifting tree trunks. This unique feature is also
used for breathing, trumping, and grabbing the next meal. Now that I have talked about
the physical features of elephants, I am going to talk about their diets. Elephants are
herbivores. This mean that they are not meat eaters. Their diet typically consist of
plants, roots, fruits, and tree bark. According to the National Geographic, an adult
elephant can consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single day. This is about 55 times
the amount the average human can eat in a day. In addition to the 300 pounds of food
they eat, an elephant can drink about 50 gallons of water in a single day. Because
elephants eat and drink so much throughout the day, they tend to not sleep as much as
other animals. Since I have now explained some of the unique physical features of
African elephants and their diets, I am going to talk about the main reason African
elephants are becoming a threatened species. A threatened species is one that could
become extinct in the near future. The main reason for
Why Is It Important To Be Part Of The Counseling Profession
Describe one division of the ACA that interests you. Include the cost of joining,
membership benefits, activities, services to members, and current issues.

Interest stemming from which major counseling organizations have contributed to the
community of counseling students and professional counselors raises questions about the
future of education. The counseling profession is currently providing educational
opportunities for students to become CACREP certified counselors completely online.
This is important for active professionals who hold full time jobs, or other limitations
prevent them from studying in a classroom environment. This is not the case for all
professions for example, schools that provide an online education for attorneys in most
states are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You must have completed at least one full semester of study and have a GPA of 3.5 or
better are deemed as promising for endorsement. The chapter President writes a personal
letter of invitation to eligible students. An initiation ceremony that all new members must
be formally initiated and take the oath of membership to be considered an official CSI
Discuss why it is important for you to be part of the counseling profession s association
as well as your honor society.

In the same way becoming an attorney/or lawyer brings certain expectations of the
practice. Counseling should have its own identity, lobbying for jobs and setting an
industry standard for education. Counseling has a proud history so becoming a part of an
honor society can identify linage, provide motivation and help counselors focus of
accomplishment in the future. An honor is bestowed to members and the recognition of
these achievements helps to preserve the ethical values that make counseling a proud
Pushing The Herd Off The Cliff Edge

The idea of institutional herding has a striking implication for security price volatility.
Estimations from the essay Sending the Herd Off the Cliff Edge suggests that the
predominance of herding behavior may explain why the financial system in 1990s had
been in crisis for 40 out of the 120 months or 33% of the time (Persaud, 2000). These
concerns, along with the increasing stock market ownership of institution investor in
comparison to individual investors, is often used as a basis for advocating for an increase
in monitoring institutional trading in equity markets in hopes that it that would lead to a
reduction in the dominance of institutional investors in the financial market. However
such claims are not fully supported by empirical research in the literature. Two schools of
thoughts emerge the first being that herding enhances pricing efficiency, and second
ascertains that herding initiates short term trend reversals.

The emergence of two seemingly polar opposite beliefs is not as a result of lack of
scholarly competence but rather due to the nature of complexity within the subject
leading to conflicts in assumptions and methodology. Conflicts in assumptions and
methodology often arise due to rational definitional irregularities on institutional herding.
An example of such a definitional irregularity occurs when as Avery defined herd
behavior as a trade by an informed agent which follows the trend in past trades even
though that trend is counter to his
Medicare and Medicaide Essay
Medicare and Medicaid together are the single biggest contributor to [the United States]
long term [budget] deficit. This idea was expressed by President Obama during his 2011
state of the Union Speech. After saying this, the president said that health care costs need
to be reduced, including these two services. Medicareand Medicaidare beneficial to those
who receive their services, and the criteria for eligibility currently allow many to qualify
for either program. This is most likely the cause of the major deficit that the president
spoke of. However, downsizing or eliminating these programs to lessen the deficit will
affect many people and their ability to receive healthcare.
In 1965 President Johnson signed both Medicare and ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Yes Medicare is supposed to be an insurance program that helps the needy aging
population. I personally don t want to strip seniors of their essential benefits, but it is
affecting me and my future; with the inevitable raise of taxes, shrinking defense, and
squeezing of other domestic spending everything from the FBI to college aid
(Samuelson, 2011, para.1). Many seniors count on these services but we as a nation
need to make changes to help the future retirees. According to Samuelson, Obama said
we must win the future, but our massive federal debt will keep growing because,
without restraining spending on retirees, there s no path to a balanced budget
(Samuelson, 2011,para.2). This shows true in Medicaid too, The social safety net
[Medicaid] for the growing ranks of poor Americans would be further strained
(Samuelson,2011, para.2). It would also be helpful to screen people better so they
don t abuse this system. If Medicaid would verify assets they can weed out the people
who don t deserve these services. This will cut costs by verifying better eligibility,
which in turn will be less wasteful. This is all very scary for the future, interest of our
country. From 2012 to 2021... Social Security would rise 27 percent and Medicare, 32
percent (Samuelson, 2011,sec.3) In my opinion with the higher life expectancy of our
nation we need to move the age for Medicare benefits up higher to reflect the increase in
Dow Jones Industrial Average And Nasdaq
The Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ are both significant economic
indicators. The Dow Jones was created by Charles Dow in 1896. The Dow is a price
weighted average of 30 significant stocks, most of which are traded on the New York
Stock exchange. The NASDAQ is the National Association of Securities Dealers
Automatic Quotation System. It is the first and largest electronic stock exchange in the
world, consisting of more than 4000 stocks. Both the Dow Jones Industrial Averageand
NASDAQare significant gauges of the current state of the economy. However, the
NASDAQ is much larger and includes more than 4000 companies, while the Dow Jones
only includes 30 companies. All of the NASDAQ stocks are also traded on the
NASDAQ exchange,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The index also includes a broad range of companies, which allows people to receive a
good idea on the general condition and direction of the stock market. This economic
indicator is also a good tool for comparing the current market to markets in the past
because it has been around for many years. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is also
a good predictor of the stock market. The Dow also has an added significance because
of the importance to investors; Many investors use the Dow as a model for investment
products. The physiological importance that the Dow holds also increases its
significance greatly. The Dow is one of the highlights in financial news and even
people not involved in the stock market have heard of it. The importance of the Dow
in financial news has a great influence over many people. The NASDAQ also holds a
lot of significance as an economic indicator. The main significance of the NASDAQ
composite index is that it is a representation of the stocks that are traded on the
NASDAQ stock exchange. There is no other exchange that has its own popular index.
This index is also very important because of it represents a large portion of tech and
innovative companies. The NASDAQ is a good indicator of how the tech segments of
the market are doing. The NASDAQ composite index is also the NASDAQ s main and
longest running index. The physiological importance held by this indicator is also very
significant because of how people base the state of the

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