TTL 2 Lesson Plan
TTL 2 Lesson Plan
TTL 2 Lesson Plan
Pre-service Teacher/s:
Bebelyn E. Macalam
Jeamie C. Marquilla
Section and Schedule: TTL 2 - ITU1 (TUE & FRI - 7:30 - 9:00 AM)
A. Cognitive
Define digital citizenship and its importance.
B. Affective
Reflect on personal online behavior and its impact on others.
C. Psychomotor
Create a concept map about digital citizenship.
A. References
Preliminaries: Prayer, Attendance Checking, Review
ACTIVITY Activity: "4 Pics 1 Word"
3. Digital law - The electronic responsibility for actions and deeds and has to
do with the creation of rules and policy that address issues related to the online
world. Just as in the real world, the online world has had to create structure to
protect those using these digital devices from harm. Support for issues such as
cyberbullying and sexting are available from School Resource Officers and
other school counsel. Administrators need to come up with positive approaches
to these issues in their schools and districts.
1. Digital communication - the electronic exchange of information. All users
need to define how they will share their thoughts so that others understand the
message. For students struggling to understand their place in the world,
technology can help them find their own voices and express themselves.
2. Digital literacy - The process of teaching and learning about technology and
the use of technology. The better educated or "digitally fluent," students are,
the more likely they are to make good decisions online, like supporting others
instead of making negative comments.
The Philippine copyright law or officially known as the Republic Act No. 8293
is based on the copyright law of the United States (Attorney of the Philippines,
2016). According to IPOPHL, copyright is the legal protection extended to the
owner of the rights in an original work. "Original work" refers to every
production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain.
"The copyright issue has gained lots of importance in the information society.
Using digital technology to record, make available, store, archive and transfer
works triggered the change in methods and scope of their exploitation. The
ease of availability of scholarly. material in digital environment can be
considered as one of the main reasons of rise in plagiarism issues" (Sengupta,
Copyright owners also have moral rights. These rights include the right of the
Like in the US Copyright Law, the Philippine judicial system also considers the
four factors of fair use and these are:
In your previous group, gather your ideas and construct a concept map
within a 5-minute timeframe based on your understanding of promoting
digital citizenship. Choose a representative to present your output.
Test I. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding answer. Write "TRUE" if the statement is
true, and if the statement is false, write the correct answer.
_______________ 1. According to Mike Ribble, digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of
behavior with regard to technology us.
_______________ 2. The Philippine copyright law or officially known as the Republic Act No.
8292 is based on the copyright law of the United States (Attorney of the Philippines, 2016).
_______________ 3. Direct Plagiarism is the act of acknowledging the original writer's work and
clearly citing the external source from which the material was obtained.
_______________ 4. Plagiarism is an ethical violation.
_______________ 5. Copyright is a form of legal protection prohibiting others from copying one's
creative work without permission.
1. A group of students is collaborating on a project online. One member suggests using a complex
technical tool for communication, while another prefers a simple email thread. What do you do?
a) Advocate for the simpler email thread to ensure everyone can easily participate.
b) Suggest trying out the complex tool to explore its potential benefits, but be open to feedback
from the group.
c) Propose experimenting with both methods and decide based on which one fosters better
communication and collaboration.
a) Foster a supportive online community by setting clear guidelines for respectful communication
and intervening promptly in cases of bullying or harassment.
b) Encourage the student to report any instances of cyberbullying to the appropriate authorities
and provide resources for coping with online negativity.
c) Facilitate activities that promote empathy and understanding among students, emphasizing the
impact of words and actions on others in the digital realm.
3. You're a teacher preparing a lesson that heavily relies on online resources. However, you know
some students in your class might not have digital access at home. What do you do?
a) Proceed with the lesson as planned, assuming students can access resources somehow.
b) Provide alternative resources for students without digital access.
c) Encourage students without digital access to find solutions on their own.
4.During an online class session, one student repeatedly interrupts others and makes
disrespectful comments in the chat. How would you address this behavior?
Answer Key
Test I
1. True
2. False- Republic Act No. 8293
3. False - not acknowledging
4. True
5. True
Test II
6. a
7. a
8. b
9. c
10. b
Prepared by:
Bebelyn E. Macalam
Jeamie C. Marquilla
Noted by: